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13IvJGH) T.V. prof.;-. IVAIUIKO, L.M.,, ordinator. Oxygen therapy combined with other methods of treating amaurosis caused by mothyl alcohol and atrophy of tho optic nerw. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.1:74-77 J163. 0,au 16:8) 1. Karedra glaznych bolezuey (zav. - prof. T.V.Birich) I-Iin,- skogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MHANOL-TOXICOLOGY) (OXYGEN THEMPY) (AMAUROSIS) ACCESSION NR: AT4019731 S/0000/63/000/000/6003/0005 AUTHOR: Ivanenko, L. M. (Ivanenko, L. N.) TITLE: Some f e application of new methoda of conformal mappings.of one-sheetecl domains SOURCE: AN Insty*tut kibernety*ky*. Obchy*a1yUVal'na matematy*ka i tekbnik& (Computer mathematUo and engineering). Kiev) Vy*d-vo All UkrRSH,, 3-5 TOPIC TAGS: conformal mapping, one-sheeted domain, ellipse, half-plane ABSTRACT: The author discussed the results of thp, application of two new methods of conformal mappings to certain one-tAiceted domains.., The mapping problem is the following-, A domain Z is considered, which lies in the half-plane arA has end points, at (-l' 4 1) fk-ee figure 17. Z has an arbitrary crescent-sLaped form. A function ip (z) of the form O(z) - ap + V ak Card 1/2 ACCESSION M AT4019731 is~desired, which maps the domain _7 onto the balf-plane. The author describes two computer programs for finding the function 6Z and-compares results itaing each method for the case where k' Is an ellipse. Orig. art. has: 3 equations. ASSOCIAtION: none SUBMITTED: .19Sep63 'DATE ACQ: O6Jan64 ENCL:1, GO. 'SUB COM, MM NO REF SOV: 003-~ OTM.; 001 Card 2/2 vj /V~ AOK-6 Al o, STRELITSOV; O.A.; M.HCHEM, Ye.L.; IVAHENKO, L.K. Solving R.I. Temkin and V.M. Pyzhev's kinetic equation for the synthesis of ammonia using an electronic computer 'MNSM). Ukr.khim,zhur. 23 no.4:423-430 '57. (MIRA 10CIO) 1.1natitut fizicheekoy khimii im. L.V. Plearzhovakogo AN USSR i Institut matemakiki AN USSR. (Chemical reaction, Rate of) /.4 B158YB102 AUTHOR: -Ivanenko, L. TITLE: Sample of formal language for writing algorithms PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematikaj no. 10, 1962, 65, abstract 1OV345 (Zb. prats' z obehial. matem. i takhn. v. I.- Kiyev, AN USSR, 1961; io6-iio [Ukr.'I summary in Ru-ss.]) TEXT: A description is given of what is called a formal index language for writing alg9rithma, particularly appli~oable to algorithms for the transformation ot vector quantities. Its use is exemplified in an algorithm for planning the longitudinal profil's Of a road, carried out on an Ma0i (MESM) machine in July 1957. (~bstTacterle note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 35207 5/696/61/002/000/005/009 D299/D302 AUTHORS; lvgnenk2,_j"& and Yuahchenko2 K.L. TITLED Basic pritv-iples of the programniag --nstruction for the. computer "Kyyiv" SOIJRCE-~' Akademiya nauk Ukrayins1koyi RSR. Obchyslyuval nyy tgetxtr~ Zbirnvk pratat z obchyslyuvallnoyi matematyky i tekhniky, v. 21 1961, 26-28 TEM in developing the basic principles of the progt-amming Instructionq -;":' -iji' -2 (PP ... 2) "Kyyiv", the authors assumed that the following 2 irforma- ti~n problems have to be solved: 1) to-reduce to a minimum 'the number of classes of information required, and 2) to encode the abstract trards ir. euch a way that the computer should b6,Erble to analyze. the in-put infcrm~i- "iQu in the shortest possible way. In meet-iug these requirements, it wa~. possibip to develop the PP-2 progritm, cot~tainlng only a few hundred in- sitructions. This compares -very favorably with the first progr~ammlng structflons for, the computers SHED1 and "Strilall whieb have certa:in Car:d 1/3 S/696/61/002/000/005/009 Basic principles of the- D299/D-,502 shortcom~-~ngs. In develop-ing general-piLrposik programming instruct:lons, tht authors (of the present article) were mainly concerned with cooi~*enierif pr,agramming of computational probleats involving the wide U-:e of group operat i ons. This does not ex-.Iude the programming of complex logrica' problema. In the PP-2 program, Lukasieiviez's calculus is used (f0T th-- first t-*me in the USSR) for writing tile formullas of algebraical trans- formati-on*; thereby the parentheses are excluded which great-Ay simplifi~- the programming algorithm., In addition, the authors standardized thei principal methods of programming (construction of ~zy;:lical processes and szhemes for the anal3&6 ~,f inforMation). With regard to encoding, th-5 authors ad-Dpt.*d the principla, of tntegration and standardizatton (as ir. indust--ial a-diomatior pro-~eaBes). By emp--,r-1L-;a1 methods, the information. wa& encodc-d in such a way that the wiqlytical units of the PP-2 program have almost tile same number of --'nst-ructions as the synthet-i:,a! units. Only 2 operaltorki (of analysiq and of Aynthesis.) were used. The formal language in which the input informAtion is written, conGtitUtE19 a lin1!ilT- r~~co,rd of sentences. Tht input information 4.6 enr.,odpd and inserttd into Card 2/3 S/696/61/002/000/005//009 flasic principle,3 of tile D299/D3,02 , partially wri t ten Lt) the computer in the form of instruction-sentences, contrentional addresses, This Y..iethod leads to greater fiimplification. Provi--4ions are madc for writIlls, tile i'll-2 fl,()jrV;"jj Ln the form of a set of subr,:-,.?t.w:s which are programmed one after another at tll(lir W'tt.1,A1 I)IMCS and automatically recorded on drums. Tile operation of 6s automati- cally doubled. If all the results repeat themselves, they are printed. There aro~ I ~',,,)v v e t --b I o.- 1-v I et Card 3!~ S/696/61/003/000/002/011 D251/D304 AUTHOR: Ivanenkoi-L.Y. TITLE: -On one of the algorithms for evaluating the constant of the Christoffel-Schwartz Integral SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. Obchys-1yuvalInyy tsentr,, Zbirnyk prats' z obchyslytivallnoli matematyky I tekhniky, v. 39 1961, 13 - 16 TEXT: The author describes an algorithm for evaluating the cons.- tant of the Christoffel-Schwartz integral for a closed polygon, Mo Mim 29 . P . 9 Mn-1 9 with M. at the origin and Mn-1 lying an the x--axi.,~.. the polygon being inscribed in the angle M 1MoMn-V A -three-fold transformation is carried out as follows; Stage 1: each of -the si- des M 1M2Y 0..' Mn-A-l is dilated m (pi-and n are programm- ing parameters). Stage 2: The following transformation is applied: W = Z-1/a o, where aV is the angle at the vertex Mo. This transfo V Card 1/2 S/(ig 6,1/003/000/002/011 On one of the algorithms for D251YD304 mation is also given in terms of U and V (W = U + M. One of the transformations of P.F. Fillchakov is ap lied (Ref. 21'~Z: Ukr. matem, zhurne vc 7v noo 49 1955) especially E(S~ V(W _ m)2 + S2 or E(R) M) 4 R w - m Stage 3s The constant is then evaluated by means of an iteration process. [Abstractor's noteg Full programming details not given!,, As an example a table of results obtatned by this method on a 11%6)tri- la" computer is given, these results according ivell with those ob- tained by the )P)IA(EHDA) method of electromodelling on paper, ThE absol1 Ge error is briefly discussed. There eze 1 t-able, 4 figLwes, and 3'Soviet.-bloc references., Card 2/2 -P~~KO.,-L.N. Some results of the application of the trigonometric interpolation method to a conformal mapping problem. Trudy Sem. po prikl. mat. 1 no.l: 53-65 163. (~M:LA 18:2) 1. Inatitut kibernotiki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. 1 k1i 6i, for n T 1-n Y ib :-7 ~T. two --IcAR of IVANMO. M,F,,_inzh. ~ PSP-7m levelle-r of irrigated lands. Mashinostroenie no.1:83 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Levellers) ,UDYUK, K.; FIMOV, V.; IVAANNIKO, U.; KAWIR, G.; RUBLIVA, K. Consider the characteristics Qf *gt*Vdtuxal labor. Sots.trud 4 no.12:35-36 D '59. (MIRA 13-6) 1, Ispolnvayushchiy obyasannosti direktora i glainyy agronom sovkh02a im. Lunacharokogo Stalinskoy oblasti (for Nadyuk). 2. Glavny7 in,,.honer Beshevskogo sovkhoza Stalinakoy oblasti (for Petrov). 3. Glavnyy zootekhuik Beshevokogo sovkhoza Stalinakoy oblaoti (for Ivanenko). 4. Rabotniki Ninisteretva nallakago khozyaystva SSSR (for Xalpin, Rubleva). (Agriculture--I-abor productivity) (Hours of labor) NAK"SON, V.M.; OSIDZE, D.F.; SEROV, M.F.; ALEKSANDROVA, V.T.; SOLOVI EV, S.; MALYSREV, N.; IVANENKO, N.M.; POTATURIXIN, V.; CHIZHOV, A.L; MIKHAYLOV, N.N.-* In the Soviet Union. Vaterinarlia 39 no.1:88-96 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Veterinary medicine) HAMM, N.P. (stantsiya Pishpek) Improved condensation lubricator for tandem pumps. Zhol.dor.transp. 37 no-2:76 F '56. (KLPA 9:5) 1. Machallnik tekhnichaskogo byaro, otdoleniya dorogi. (Locomotives--Lubrication) lqp~ PIVOVAROV, L.N., inzhener; I ,. iaz ener. VAIMNKO jjYa u!..h ,I-- KochaRized construction of a drydock In the Bulgarian Peel)W's Republic. Makh.trud.rab. 70 no'3:39-42 Kr '56. (KM& 9:7) (Balgarla,'Dry ~scks) IVANEVII'Mi. N.Ya., inzh.; NEKLER, M.B. What the construction tower crane must be like. Strol. i dor. masn. 6 no.6-.11-:L2 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) IVAITRIKO., N.Ya,; MEKLER, M.B.; fioG.ActiFvsyuy, B.Y,. Flame boring of reinforced concrete. Biul. tekh.--ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. inst. nauch. i takh. inform. 17 no.2:30-31 164. (MIRA 17-6) IVAN-,WIIKO, P. Work of the training and consultation center in the city of Tula. Zhil.-komm.khoz. 9 no.8:29-30 '59. (MMA 12:11) 1. Zaveduvushchiy Talleklm uchabno-konsul'tataionny-m punktom Mookov- skogo zaochnogo zhilishchno-kommanalitogo tekhuikum. (Tula-Manicipal services-Study and teaching) IVAINENKO, P.D.; ROTENB:-Mi, V.V. Culturability of B.Alkalascans, in 1957 and 1958 in the Ordzhonikidze District of Kharkov'& Lab. delo 7 no.6:26-28 Ja 161. . (MIRA 14:7) 1. Sanitarno-epidemiologicheakaya stantsiya Ordzhonididoevskogo rayona (glavnyy vrach B.I.Lantsborg), Kharlkov. (MRKOV-ZHIGElaA ALKALESCENS) IVANENKO, " I I P.F.q VOIGA A.S. Chromatographic deltemination of n- ,mct p-Allsoprop7lbenzens 'qdroperoxides, Zav. lab. 30 no.7097-7199 164. (MTR& 1813) 1. G,-rinenskiy filial institut polimerizatsionnykh pl--stmass. 1. IVAN-9*;'TXO, S. , Eng. 2. TJSSR (600) 4. Ships - Launching 7. Device for recording accelerations of vessels during launching, Mor. flot, 12, No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Librury of Congress, February 1953, Unclassified. IVANENKO, S., inzhener. Clinomater. Mor.i rech.flot 13 no.5:28 S 153. (MLRA 6:10) (Clinometer) IVARIAM, S* s inzhener, Device for taking patterns for pipelines on ships. Xor.'A rech.flot 14 no.1:31 Ja 154. (KLHA 7:1) (Xarine pipe fitting) IVAIMKO, S inzhener. Improved hoist cleat for mounting heavy-weight asosublies. Her. i rech. flot 14 no.6:31 Je 154. (HLIU 7:7) (Hoisting machinery) IVA14ENKO., S. Daily tra:Ln loads of soda. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.3:54 Nr 163. (MIM 16:11) ;!t ~ .:, i Ii ~- T 1:11:111: Nq '' W;- IVANENKO$ S.A. Decrease in steam and condensate losses in electric poster plants. Energ. i elgktrotekh. prom. no,,1:55-58 162. (KUU 15:6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy kouitet Soveta Ministrov USSR po koordinataii nauchno-iseledovatelli3kikh rabot. (Steam power plants) muYEW40, S.N. Mine hopper traln. Ugoll Ukr- 3 no-12:38 D '59, (MIPA 13.. 10 (Mine railroads) 1. IVAIMTKOI So So., Ms 2. USSR (600) 4. valves 7 1. Perfecting the design of a pressure valve. Vast. mash. 32 No. 9, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. DEGTMV, I.A.; LEVY, I.Ya.; inzh. (Kolpashevo, Tomskoy oblasti); GOLOVKO, I.; IVAIIEN-KO; S.S., inzh. (Nikola7ev, USSR). Our readers continue the discussion. Izobr. v SSSR 2 no.9:31-32 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1.1fachallnik Byuro sodevetvi7a ratsionalizataii i izobretatelletvu Alta7skogo traktornogo zavoda im. M.I. Kalinina (for Degterev). 2.1lachallnik Byura sodeystviya ratsionalizataii i izobrotatolletvu Kharlkovskogo elektromashinoetroitellnogo zavoda (for Golovko). (Inventions) (Suggestion s7stems) IVAMKO., T. L., Cenaidate, Mad Sai (diss) -- "Some indexes of mineral exchange under the action of ionizing radiation". Moscow, 1959. 8 pp (Acad Mad Sci USSR), 250 coPies (IM, No 23, 1959, 171) V A- Aj o i Y! I ai~ 1gl Aq 5- lal tq '46 2 ul 131 - "The Mine ral- Cort icold ninction of the qiiprarenal Cortex Afte~. the Effect of Ionizing Radiation." Theses of the Proceedings of the Annua.1 Scientific Se8sions 2.1-26 March 1959 (All-Union Institute of Experimental Endocrinology) From the Phdiation Laboratory (Head-Docent D. E. Qrodzewqk_-:,y) of the All-Union Institute of Experimental Endocrinology (Director--Professor Ye. A. Vasyukova) GRODZENSKIYJ, D.E ENY IVA11 0, T.I. Changes in the metabolism of electrolytes in rate folloving the action of ionizing radiation. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 51 no.6:62-65 Je 161. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz radiatsionnoy-laboratorii (zav. - dotsent, D.E. Grod2enskiy) Vsesoyuznogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir. - prof. Ye.A. Vasyukova), Moskva. Predstavlena daystvitellnym chlenom MIN SSSR F.G Kr tkovym, (SODIUM i~TABOLISM) (POTASSIUM METABOLISM) (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS) SUSSION d--4-5 Fffcts of the Suprilirriml Cottex Btoi:btmical A%;,mt, of the urrectq or lontill,g Radiation m the PINItstry Adre"I Slit"" E. R Blirra 4n ad T. 9. P.-Oot Dufirf~ the firit hPqr% after V ra,Jfiltion with minil"ill abloluffly lethal X-ray Jews the admrocerikvirnobic Ncti%ily ill the Nyslemic mead Orrall LICCITlied ordmir,--amd aintoot completely. Ithrm hrlum irttt Irradiation the AMi o,.,,.t rc,oracts orihe ad-ohyropsy,iswas let% thin in the centrols,,lhcttj~ thecotatiolOcrulte Control of Adlenit %c",,"% blood dtcma~i. X-nys do, not induct In hyrophy%momircd ivi any aemnal alcoibtc ecill dc;,%lJem I ircrinwrlts Nivc N~n Mfomwd to Clucid310 Ole rnmhariimu, or the reduction of M-Tit 20mly ill systemic bb,~f of irradimed tali. The axorbic ficid cooct ltration in the left adrmll cland of irradiated 3nd non-imJinicil I"pophys"tornited rats was WMFMMd with that orthe right gland. elcftcd I hr filter intra,~rvm injection ofAC7 If. It ,,as round that in imdjalrd hircrNys"tornized rats, 2 or3 7 A(,Tfl Oidt the mmeadrenAl 4~ltrd onet, It rollows thm no inactivation u!'clmccriom ACT"I tak" pill" doring:cir-ulle vl~ ....... to X-fa)c, -r doe,% the x(fienal reaction to ACT11 umlertio, any chan;v. The l1rop ofitimnal tocott,k acid irvi it% reco,ct) aftcr intrattrivus injection of ACTII wit fallaucd in Irladlatcd and non-Irradivcd hyll"hy%octornixelf ral;. The deeme or depiction or adlenal awofbic acid and the rate of its %citoration was 11111031 in both firoup,. The cari~ic rl of ad-al homr,"limes was asillited in In vitro c%peritivent%. *hich tho -d that. rollo-mr i,radiv on. bi-yrahesis or aidestetone slightly increased, white biesysithitsis of coilko%tetone II&HY decim-iied. Prv=11.70rc added to The filittral homogrnates of Irradialett and non-Irradialed rats Steilly imcor-M the frimn. tion or The rate or a1doilerome b1otylithciis remusined uncharted. Tbui, It apritais that no chante occulri in the en2yme %iritern of the adrenal which Is milonsibli: for the ACTH effect upon thit gland and for cortkotcrone biosynthesIs. report presLNI,tod 5t tbjD ZA Intl. C100513110,111 of ReAUtim Riismeetrah, R-rO=t'1/rOr)Wh1rV, Gt- :Br1t. .5-11 Aug 1962 IVANE2TKO, T.I.; SAKHATSKAYA, T.S. (~bskva) blathod for determining the aldosterone in human urine. Probl. endok.i gorm. no,1:50-57 162. (MIJU J5:8) 1. Iz radiataionnoy laboratorii (zav. - D.E. Grodzenskiy) i biokhimichcskogo otdela (2av. -, Ye.A. Kol-li) Vsesoyuznogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrino- logii (dir. - prof. YeqA& Vasyukova)o (ALDOSTERONE) (URINF,--ANALYSIS AND PATHOLUGY) 1 -1 Ji, li I 1111A IFIF141 till] i1fl-N MWI 11 f; 6 12. G 14. "t 141 A,=Y-uthfoZi_ _6f, S UM RC E Radi onio loziv a, v. 5. no. 3, 11965, '33E1-341 avic-sle-T-CLf cnaocr"010- 7 liiziidiatiorr:'6~~. Sr th"Wr' tw.--1409. rMC-T -Z~4 4. i "i"; lw, kW bf& n 5 ~,,Vf 6ste e b 1y -bidt- IV h ad-no~offect- oW te, b- ,s~js:j. -f bioavnthesis rettimed to viorvat! 7, 4 1~6ijve afterL expr,~~Um, w iLf. the: irlitid tvl, ck was 1"e s,une eis In th..~ c on t ro I animals. rncubatlcin -:f the ~,Jro. .I, -- if, i-osterortc- was the same ass In the: cointrol an-Imals. Incubaticim of the ndronal-- im the Dr-e-sence of an-4 AM!-3ovwc-c-rt,-cGstemva, Cie pm."Ur'sorli; of zort~ccs- temlu biosvn'thesis, failf-d to 7rodlice -any significant changeLt in tlho! activit-tr of blasynthesis suggesrs thar. the tri ,m',trlr, binw -tho CarQ 112 IMF, 11111 1 t I I ill 1.11111 lilt VINVITIF11 RIIIIIINVII; Ul 1OV4 1:11i 1A ~Ht I' .ACCESSION HF: '31.9 canacity of: the adrenal cc--ex m--ains uni-maimd in the o-irlv P-os rradl 41-ti 01i 1; 0 'HE 3, Of R Car,! 212-14!~ilfl BAGRAMYAN., E.R.; IVANKNKO, T.I. Biosynthesis of aldosterone in the adrenal glands of hy~oOKtW#t&Vhbd rats. Probl. endok. i gorm. 10 no.6:77-81 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Radiatsionnaya laboratoriya (zav. - dotsent D.E.Grodzenskiy) Vsesoyuz- nogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir. prof. Ye.A.Vanyukova), Moskva. lll~.-C) T. i:;ffec'. of irradiutirjn or! t-l-c)rt.~L-.-,,-,;::t,f.-r,)~~,~~o -':n t.he -,r x of the adrenal glands. I'liadiobiologila w-:. 3 'J3, .- ~`i 165- rtL 3 Z. I T V-eSO3,Llznyy muclinc-il ,-;Ie~lovatt, I I ski inLt.4lxt, erdArInoinciL., Xoskva. G FLO D ZE I 7,SKIY; D.F.; IVAN-EAKO, T.T,; RAG!-"AMYAN'j BiosynthesiB of corticoateroids in adrenal Mzqsues in irradiated ypophysectomized rats and electrolyte metaboli-nin. Probl. and-k. hy i gorm. 11 no.5:77-81 S-0 16". (IIIII'l 19-1) 1. Vsesoyuznw)r institlit skspertmentallnoy endrkrinologli, Mf'osk-fa. Submitted October 20, 1964-. IVNNENKO T P. Preliminary data on the P.-iology, opidemirlogy and clAni,tal aspects of salmonellases in Vladivostok. Report I No. 1. Trudy VladTTMG no.22163-167 162. (MrRA 18~'2) 1. 1z V'Ladivostokskogo nauchno-issledovatel'okogo instItuta eplldem!ologii, mlkrobiologl-l J giglyeny. Iii I iii ;J, HI HT"111 I FIJI1 111 IV~~NKO,-T-.-P. Use of material dried on filtering paper for bac-teriological.,diagnosis in experJmental salmonelloses. Trudy VladIDIG no.2.167-2.72 162, (MIRA 18-3) 1. Tz Vladivostokskogo nauchno-issledovatell--kogo instituta epidemiologii, mikroblo'.ogii i-g"giyeny. T.P (VANENKOY Results of the use of tissue cultures for the da-termination of the pathogenicity degree of Salmonella. Trudy ViadTEH3 no.2N 232-235 162, MIRA 18-3) 1. Iz VladivosIvokskogo insl--ituta ep',demiologli, mikrobiolcglJ i glgiyeny. ~VANFNKO,. T.P.; FRAPIRG, M-I~; ZNMENSKIY.. V.A. Use of the fluoresc~,ent antflbod~es method for the'la of the Salmonella genus. Trudy Viad!FFJ~ no.4- ~1.4-- 2 4 7 162. 1. 1z Vlad-~vostokskcgo nauchno-.'ss-Ledova-rc-Ilakckic epfdem"ologi~, mlkrobiologiJ i gigJyeny. IVAIMIKO, V.; RMTIN, A., inzh. Combined duties on cargo steamboats of the Gorkiy Steamboat lines. Rech.transp. 19 no.9:41-42 S 160. (HIFU 13:9) 1. Nachallnik sluzhby ekspluatateii Gorlkovskogo lineynogo paro-- khodatva (for Ivananko). (Gork-iy--Steamboat lines) (Merchant seaman) Uc- covpl-':.'~: och. trunrp. 2r" ro. 1:26 Ja Lc 1 u-, IVALIZE1,10, V. Most important potentiality for increaBing labor productivity. Rech. transp. 22 no.6:9-10 Je 163. (MIU 16:9) 1. Nachallnik Kazapskoge porta. (Cargo handling-Labor productivity) 3IT 1 111~"[ FI 111 1*41" TF, PIANENKOp V. AuxiliarY mOd6s Of OPerntion for the electric propilsion systeM on ships of the-"Dnapmges*-type. Mor. flot 23 no,9:27-28 8 '63, (MM 16:3.1) .1. StarshiY alaktromekbani-k dizell-elektrokhoda "ToUrkmes" Mmmanskogo parokhodstra. .'NIHI fl flElit 1141: PlIll Mill 11:1111 lit, if 37918 S/108/62/017/006/005/007 D407/D301 AUTHOR: Ivanenko V.D., Member of the Society (see Asso- o ati~on l TITLE: Parasitic modulation in radiometers incorporating regenerative amplifiers FERIODICALt Radiotekhnika, v. 17, no. 6, 1962, 29 31 TEXT; The use of a regenerative amplifier at the input of receiving device permits increasing the sensitivity of modulation ra- diometers, but it produces a new parasitic effect -- the gain factor changes with the modulation frequency, (owing to the change in the coupled resistance). The author determines this effect, related to periodic variations of the reflections (on switching the receiver in- put from the antenna to the equivalent). The regenerative amplifier is connected to the input of the high-frequency part of the modulation radiometer. Prom the formulas for the gain factor K and the resistance ZB of the line at the point of.connection with the amplifier, one ob- tains the small relative gain-variation Card 1/3 !3/108/62/017/62/005/007 Parasitic modulation ... D407/D301 K Sza (3) W L K where W is the wave resistance, Lthe dqcoupling and C~z the input resistance variation.-With the most unfavorable refle0a.tion- phases, one obtains Y. K (4) 2~Ej ( II a+Te K L where Pa and Pe are the reflection coefficients of the antenna and of the equivalent. The sensitivity of radiometers is not reduced as are- sult of regular gain fluctuations during unfavorable reflection-phases if the condition 0 r (7) -Ir a + F. Card S/108/62/017/bo6/'005/007 Parasitic modulation ... D407/11301 is satisfied. A comparison of formulas shows that the parasitic signal, due to gain modulation, is larger than that produced by noise reflec- tion and: interference, (since stable operation of the amplifier is pos- sible only if L > K). In the case of a one-circuit diode parametric am- plifier, the condition that the parasitic signal, due to variations in modulation, be weak, iss L ~>O"V r 00) m a I +rel where LM is the attenuation of the modulation on passing through the waveguide channel. There is.1 figure. ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Sientific and Techni- cal Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Com- munications imeni A.S. Popov). SUBMITTEDs April 3, 1961 (initially) September 28, 1961 (after revision) Card 3/3 1:i T r C: d L q h t 1! 1 Er ..L 11326-65 AP404112oi - S U B-1 C; D 7 NO ILEP 0 111 000 OTHH:ll 000 n 1A- r n, 1 A e r t 1 &11 y d e d I i I i r ri : or- J I !t(- ;,Jill Hill 1..'- Q r 1,~ 12. A T~ qp Fi. c;~q -,y (.1 ;M I :;I AMCLAWOM Tc-chnical -Socisl:- of Radio 112ngineeri'ng and kl,46-tt IvAllf:11;W, ,rransformation of a random and determinate process in a qlngle-stage parametric ampli.fier. Radloteklinika 20 no.2: i4-18 F 165. (MIRA 18,4) 1. Deystviteltnyy chlen Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo ob,0,ebPntv& rAdir%tekhriiki i el,~ktrosvyazl Imeni Popova, , r7 rT- 1 4. U'r y I.I 'If TJ . (-~ - ()( ", N _ ; ', I I - T-F n- 4 L P\C/ tj D1 -1 ACC NRa "6021005 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Ivanenko, V. D.; Kasatkin, B. S..; Dn~ ~ov. O~. N. - -11= ~--- ORG: Institute of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton, -AN UkrSSR (Institut elektrosvarld im. Ye. 0. Patona AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Welding of the swivel-butt joints of thick-walled steam lines without using backing rings POURCE: Avtomatichoskaya svarka, no. 6. 1966, 45-47 TOPIC TAGS: pearlitic steel, M- t! i steam auxiliary equipment, welding technology ~12MMF pearlitic steel ,.ABSTRACT: At boiler-building plants thick-walled steam lines of carbon and low-alloy steels -,.&V chiefly welded with the aid of backing rings; this occasionally involves the formation of I tears and cracks at the site of fusion between the base metal and the backing ring in the -donMrse of operation of the steam line. In this connection, the authors investigated the possi- ~--Mty of the C02-shielded horizontal girth welding of vertical swrivel-butt Joints of carbon and alloy steels (such as 121QMF type pearlitic heat resistant steel) without backing rings. 1/2 UDC: 621.791.8:621.643.23 L 40800-66 ACC NR: AP6021005 The best results were obtained when the electrode was positioned at the angle of 10-150 to the horizontal plane (Fig. 1), with the tube rotating at a low speed (3-6 mAr), In the presence of a welding current of 100-120 a and voltage of 20-21 v. The weld-Ing is accomplished with the aid of sweeping transverse back-and-forth movements of the electrode wire in conLact with the hot built-up metal of the weld; this assures a slow and uniform cooling of the fine Fig. 1. Build-up of root weld columna crystals and hence also a high resistance to cracking. Orig. art. has: 6 fipres. SUB CODE: 11., 13/ SUBM DATE: 12Feb66/ ORIG REF: 006/ ivAlii~i:Kol V. -7. Insecticides Mechanizing the treatment of seedling roots with a hexachloran dust. Les. khoz. 5, no. 7, 1952. 1952 9. MO thly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September DGGO~ Unclassified. 111, Ut 11 1 L 2 'r 7zi 2 -,, -I _ AMM7, -AP(*)'018?06 souin com. uA/o386/66/oo3/oLVo4%Vo4p,* ^7 AUTHM., ~XMLhen%o V. R~L n B. S. j Physics Institute im. P. He Lebede iches~iy y. institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE,. Shell effects in the croon oection of the reaction SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperinentallnoy i teoraticheakoy fiaikio:. Fisq; 9 na. v redaktaiyu.' Prilozheniyel V. 3., no. ill 1966l 452-455 s TOPIC TAGS: zinc., gamma interactionl scattering cross sectionl pliorbon scatteTing, nuclear shell modell photoeffect ABSTRACT: To obtain more accurate data on the connection betweewthe photqpr~oton cross section and the shell structure of the nucleusp the w4thorm' hwe iavestig#ed 0 a ~ f the 7 o filled the nucleus ZnO , which has two protons in the state 2p3/2 n eX018i If-rI2 shell, for which it can be assumed that the yield of the reaction ZnP7 Tp) is due essential3,y to-the direct photoeffect. This yield vas measured as a - fum tj'Lon of the maximum r-quantum. energy of the Physics Institute 30-biev wjmcbratronl by re- cording the P activity of the final Cus- nucleus. Data on t, .he cohtr'ibution,of the two p-phell :protons to the cross section of the ZIP(n) reaction, vOre obtained from an analysis of the obtained cross section curve and from pAlishea data on the Ni62(Tp) rew-.tion. It is found that the contribution from the Protons in excess of the she" baa a maximum at Er 1T.0 Mevs The distance betide en the p and f levela lo:r Card 3/2 T '~-, ' ';.'- ,I.. - . ,-177 -T. -1. Cpredcloniyo st~ryltli r)l-i . -1 zvorovo ',,;tvc) 101,10 T-o. 4, 3. 20-2,'-~. 1 -1 , I .. SO: Lctoias, -~O. 1910 - luc tj,.ri ty r), Kqrp~u! 5~~Pep und,-.r the Cc~nrlitions :if thr Ukrainian "The b:-O- *:,tc-- -!nA '! L 1,,-luc-ktlon USSR. of lni~rei~-On~ It." nh!ir"k-ov -00technical inst. Khar"k-ov, 10.55 (Dissf~rtntion for the degree of '_:~miidate in hZri-c-altur-al Sciences) SO: Fml~hn;3.y~~ letoris' 1"o. 27, 2 JuTY 1955 USSR / Farm Animals. Small Horned Stock. Abs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40456. Author :_Ivanenko V, I. Inst Not~_given. Title The Effectiveness of the Mating of Sheep Iffith Uniform Gray Coloration in the Breeding of the Sokolki Sheep. Orig Pub: Karakulevodstvo i zverovodstvo, 1956, No 5, 14-17. Abstract: In the raising of the Sokolki sheep, the mating of the individuals with uniform gray coloration is applied, which wakes it possible to obtain up to 62.95 of gray lambskins. A table of the shading of gray lambs is provided, in which the increase of the production of the most val- uable medium-gray and less desirable light gray Card 1/2 USs'R / Farm Animals. "~-Iall liornaa _-~tczk. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40456. Abstract: lambs, and the decrease of the production of the undesirable dark gray and partially gray lambs, aro shown. In order to bring down the frequency of the appearance of light grey lambs, it is re- coim-ended to pay attention to the adequate se- lection and mating of the sheep. in the mating of individuals with uniform gray coloration, chronic tympanitis, a hereditary disease, is observed in lambs. By applying the method of the early diagnosis of this disease, it was pos- sible to bring down the mortality rate of lambs, in different years, to 2.9%, 1.33(A, and 3.9%. Card 2/2 33 USSR/ Farm Animals. Small Horned Stock. Abs Jour: Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40473. Author :.Ivananko, V. 1. Inst :-RZOT-E-�~ Titl,~ Grass Mixtures witTI-Gorn in Green Conveyor for Sheep. Orig Pub: Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, No 6, 39-41. Abstract: The observations carried out at the farm "Ukrayinka" on the feeding of corn fodder with legumes (Sudan grass, soybean, sweet clover) to sheep, showed that a mixture of corn Nvith Sudan grass yields high crops of the green mass, permits repeated grazing on the lot (after the second growth of crop), and is well consumed by the sheep. Card 1/1 USSR/Farm Animls - Small Horned Cattle. Q-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, 83402 Author : Doroshonko, N&Ya Ivanenko, V.I. List Title Some Problems of Feedingr a d Keep hg of Sheep in Kolkhozaa of Ukrainian Forost-stappos and Woodlands Orig Pub ()v-tGcvOdstvO) 1958, No 2, 14-19 Abstract The article discusses advanced nethods of feedinG ane keep- in(; of s1ieep (such as successfully achieving that birth be t.iven to lnubs durinC the withs of January-Docenber, orr-a- nization of artificial pastures and green fodder conveyor belts, installation of semi-stall and stall sheep kecpin,~, orC!,anization of wintc,, C;razinGs) in kol)diozes of Ukrainian Foreststappes and Woodlands. Card 1/1 IIVAIn, IKO, V.I.; KOROLYUK, V.S. Method for the synthesis of optimum automatic control systems. Kibernetika no.2;98-101 14r-Ap 165. (MIRA 18--5) - IVAINEMO, V. I - "Study of Automatic Speed Control Systems for the Mine Elevator," Report submitted at the Second All-Union Conference on Automatic Control Theory, Moscow, 1953- sum 1467 15-57-10-1493:2 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnalp Goologiya, 1957, Nr 10, pp 266-267 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanenko, V. I. TITLE: The Selection of a Proper System of Automatic Control of the Shaft Hoisting Machinery During Deceleration (Vybor ratsionallnoy skhemy avtomaticheskogo reguliro- vani a shakhtnoy pod"yemnoy mashiny v rezhime zamedle- niyaT PERIODICAL: V s b.: Avtomatizatsiya v ugolln. prom-stif Moscow, Ugletekhizdat, 1956, pp 164-187 ABSTRACT: The author examines the problems of selecting a proper system of automatic control of a mine-hoisting non- balanc.ed arrangement with variable loads in the hoist buckets, for the deceleration period when only dynamic braking is used. This mathematical design and the choice for a properly constructed regulator are explained. A velocity-regulating system is described Card 1/3 which does not complicate the design. The author notes Sam 15-57-10-14932 The Selection of a Proper System of Automatic Control (Cont.) the harmful influence of increasing the inertia of the boosters in the process of braking. He presents oscillograms of the process of regulating automatic hoists in the "Grigorlyevka" mine No. 12-13 of the Krasnogvar~dey3kiy Coal Trus~. He analyzes the combined braking controls for the hoists and the boosters. In mining op6ratiomwith the automa..tic hoist, it was found that the latter suffer only minor secondary disturbances. This proves that, in the system of combined regulation, when a coupling which eliminates the error produced by ,this disturbande is present, it is possible to select a design calling for.-a small power coefficient. The working of the system, with a inaninertial relay regulator, is analyzed. It was determined that the use of the relay regulator leads to vibrations. A regulator wi-th a two-pole relay proves to be unstable. A regulator with a three-pole relay:may be stable under definite conditions. The author proposes a design for a regulator which eliminates the cause of vibration by using a relay element effective in counteracting actual disturbances by increasing the braking power. -An approximate correc.tion is applied to the design, for various loads by using a simple power relay of the type E-516 manufactured by the Precision 9ard 2/3 15-57-10-14932 The Selection of a Proper System of-Automatic Control (Cont.) Electrical Instruments Plant (inKiyev ). Card 3/3 V. K. Yasnyy -IVAXMM, V, I, Comparing throo control methods used in automatic control systomes. Avtomatyka n0-1-:34-39 156. (KLRA 9:10) I.Inatitut elaktrotekhaiki Akademii nauk URSR. (Automatic control) IVAMIKO, V.I. Static strength in control systems with "dropping" characteristics. AvtomRtykn no.2:15-20 156. (KLRA 9:16) l.Institut yelektrotakhniki Akndemii nauk URSR. (Automatic control) I ml m m 1 1 t 111 Mal W, -2111 t 1 11 ".1a ALEKSE1W, I.N.; IVAITENKO, V.I.; PUSHCRALOVSKIY, A.A. PotentiEM--regulator for drainage protection of gas pipes. Gazoprome Ino.111:34-39 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Electrolytic corrosion) (Voltage regulators) AUTHORS-. DT v iovj ` k -,;Y., A. D, V. Yu. T I TILE: A Comm,,zta-I.-:~r fc Controlling aThree-pha:sa Pulsed (Step- by-step ) Motor (Komutator dl a tryfazrjym impul'snym (krokovym) Jvy 5 PERIODICAL: Avtoma',--,-ka 195813 Nr 1, pp 10'-f' -109 ( Ukrainian SSR) ABSTRACT: When a triple-wound motor (three--phase or three-stator) is tn- be -.ontrolled in this way (reversal to be incLuded) a uniform sequen.--.a of current pulses must be Eup-plied to the motor ccils (phases)., Contactor switching is -used in certain step-W-step -rw;ti:~r .cnfrol elror-Its to division pulse trains (Fig-are 1a) Vhen stepping motors are used in plai3e-_,~)ntrclled. --,i--cuits containing di ~ .~gJtai conputing devices concerned with the programiie cort-.,! of rietial-working miachines., cir~:uits in which the control is affected using a single-pl~ase generator to provide the pulse t.rains to the motoln are of ~-onsiderable value (Figure lb). The generator 3an be programmed from a tape having the pulse trains recorded on i T(~ ..ont-rol ~,hree-phase step-by-ster., mcltc;r~_r Lrl. -Lhia way., wa requirl a devi. -3e to dis' 'ribute the control pulses tuo -the motor phases and t-o p_r_-du_-e re7e_-sa_1. If high repetition frequaja.:~ies Cardl/4 (up t-o 1. k--,,/e are used to ensure ~e_'_J.ablfe !_--perazicn, an J 1 '102-58-.1 12/12 A CommutatoT for G.-,rt-rolling a Three--phase Palsed Mator eie,:~tron.i,.~ ;Fw_-'-t-';h is required to distributu- the Pulses (this swit.h wi-11 in f-,~tulre be termed the "romm7atator") (Figure 2). The has to fulfil the folloviiiaci; requirements: Tr; ~ dist-rfr)-L-,-1U--e the pulse trains (GI, Ficure 4) to the motor phas--as ia such a way that when forwazd rotaticn is required, +he phae-a 3equen,-.-e will be I-IL-III.-I a-rid wb_en reversed to re-,-er,:3e, the sequ-_~a".e -,f phase sw-;'_t;3hing, I..e. -z. 2) To Prc.-Ide :neversal -from any phase.. For instan3e. suppose the first: pulse in response to a signal "forwards" to the f:*.rst phase, but before the se,.=d pulse is applied a signal "backwards" Ls supplied, the pulse Mus5 be applied (The cperative principle is simila-r to that of a ring -n~uj t; ~- e main difference is ' L -h tha-~ the sense of z-ota-~ion in the swfit-1ing can be reversed.) to phase three instead of phase tvc;, to prcd~i.,e reverse ratlation. Figure 3 shows the block diagr,am c-f the -Icmmutator; it is comprised of three triggers, 12 pu1~3zv-,--.1tage gating ~;Ir~'Ults (C2 a nd 0 njd 6 high-- ,roltage gating -~irc~uits (0,) The generatcr pul-ses are uppliel -a the generator 'ine ShGI. he 4 c1+- d1_-a-":J. F, veltalge Card 274 . .. 1" on ',s .-;hosen by sapplying a gat-in p ,A Comm7,rt-a-.-c:i- fc--Y' ~i Tbxee-phas~, P-11 =,:_~d n-torr (I-Ligh) t,:, the "forward" cr 11-rever--e" teirm-Ina]. The result-inzr, high -,-:)2.tages at points A-C san be applied tc :,e:ttifiers in-`xi-d -4n the motcr phases (e.g. to the contro jg~rids of thyrata-cn rectifiera). The operation of the ---'L,r,:uit is i 1 !-a st7--a-lUed by the t-Ime-divis.-Lon diagram (Figire 4). let us supp,::Be that the direction chosen is "fcrviard":; i high voltage is then applied to terminal 0, sc, the ro~tifior~~ 14 c and ~3 the Ci oircuits of all three triggers aie --eady *'-,n- operate. I.--t us supp:~se that at this instant phase three is dre-wing c,; then trigge~r Tr3 produ-'es a high --,roltage at 'D,~_int, C I whi~~h consequently p-vepares anothe- C f,,:Lr c u it whi_(% latter prepares the rec-tif--;.er C2 in trigger Trl . Then thhe first pulse from the ShGI line is anp_'.Led tc Trl ,'.a ancther rettifier C` so it flips over ar-d a high 2 V C ani fl,, -ir-uits. -i-c -age appeax-s at the A pc nbs on "the JL. I - " The high vc-.Itage is applied via CI to C~ (iL T-2) and 1 2 renders it :cnd-;.oting. Then the same first palazz? is trans- fei-.-sd,_v_4P_ C! tc- C~- and C" in T-c-I , -oas::,.;_n_- t)ircugh Card3/4 2 3 1 12 / I A Commutatr:- fcr C2nt-_-oll_lng a Three-pliase Pulszed (StE!,z)-by-ste-D) D1.7"t-)r 04 (cond,~.sting) to the input of Tr3 and &i8ing t'his to 9 f13 c-ier to the non-:;onducting state,, which renov-s the hig;tL v.-Atage from the B poInts. This reslaits J_n p~asel_ One being ?:~-jt in and phase three being cut out,,. vlhile To-2- S prepaxt~d. The operation of the 3ircuit in re.-7ponse t7o the command llba-,kviards" does not differ from that abejrz~. An impcir-~-_-a'7 featurre Of the commutator is that it Drcduces magnetl,:ft lt.--,king of the rotcr at any position On aJ17 phase) which ens-ures reliabi,'lity and improves the ._-ortrol respon-_e. A -~~:-mvi:_-.tatcr c'. this type has been built at the Inst" tute cf Engl.neering.; Ac.Sl:~- Ukz-ainian SSR, which useB for -:,introl punposes a-IV* afrequen.-tes, ip tc 1. k:;/s. The theo--et.; --al be built round logi,-,all Cir"MiZ51 -s`ng transistors, magnetic -wi~,hi :.ire-Atus-, etc. (Ccmpl.-~',te tra-n-slation apa~rt from figures and referenzes*) There aze and 1 Soviet refer_-n;_:--. SUBMITTED-. Au g 105 9 Carl 4/4 I AUTHOR7 V.-T V~ Yv, Rerat-91 kYY' SOV'111041-58-2-9/10 TITU, singUe---a-Fo-T-P~ulee. gen,~rator(D&Ubyk odynyhn.Ah impullsiv) PERIODICAL- Avtoim-%-lika~ 1958, No~2) pp. 95-6 ABSTILICT, Pulse souxc-es and repeaters are ver-y important in auto=atic control cirl-uits whi--h iu~-Aude computer elements, Fig,l. shows a-rsingle-shoi- pulse geniTator design,~d round a s~audard unif; from the 'KA!" ...omput~xr. The pulse ahaper F is a blo,.,kiug oscillator biassed to quieqe;er.-~:~ whicit is ,;ontrolled by a telegraphy key and whizh is ,,.oupled r~'La a gating cir-cuit S to the input of the trigger T. In the normal stati t1 je key applies a voltage + 'P to grid I of the frigger; then tho high woltag(~ applied from the -5athode follower KP keeps 'he Frat-;-n(y eircu~~ S opsn, Men the key K is throwu over the voltage 76 is applied to the grid of the blo!-.king osvillator iistead, and this than gives ou-, a pulse train. The first pulse Is fed to S and is appli,;d (via the transformers) to the left-hand grid, which avritchos ihe ir.igger over to -its other stable stats; it also appears at the V ou4prt" aazul-~aaeously, 'The trigger closes the gating cir..-uit, and no further pulass are tianamit-ted . ne cirsuit operates correctly if the transfsr timi, of the trigger cir=it is less than tho time betireen pulses. If this is so the ci.~:ouitl gives just one pulse. Whin K 4s released the blocking o6c2llator -,--.ases to fun,-,tioa and the trityger r-turaq to 4ts formsr state4 and prepaxes thp gating circuit. Card 1.'2 4aih operation of the key gives just one pulsi,. ' Fi-,2. shows k single-8110*1 pulq,~ gei~syator. the blo-1k diagram of a zarcuitl to frive single pulses of 25V amplitude and OA,;L~-se~. dmrat1-oD,., Line voltage fluctuations 20A) do not irtfluen4:q.-the operation. If the blocking nook1lator opprateg t,outinuouslr and ths pulses are supplied via it~ti eanra,,-ts of ths lwl~ K to the grating circuit IS, the time. whf-i the coritacts close arAd v,?n the pulse is emitted carino" be made to coincide, and so errors are itttrodw..A. This sourvi of error is impossible with the circuit of Fig.l. There are 2 figuxos~. 1..?~omplete translation-, Iuclusion in Figure 'Core of Oxifer 1000") S MWENU)" February, 20.. 195-8, 1. Pulse generators-Design 2. Pulse generators-Equipment 3. Mathematical computers-Gontrol systems Card 2/2 AUTHOR 3. V.I. Xranenko & Y, Yu. Rautslktry v 10 5 16, / I (j TITLE3 Some remarks on Ma:~mov's book ~Electronil Regulators' Devaki zaijvazbennya na F.V.. Mayorova `Tlektrouni Rellulyator~-' P M, 10 D I Avtomatyka, 1958, No.2. pp~ 07-8 ABSMACT~- Mayorov's book t5tate Press for Literature a; llos~~ow 1956. 492 pp) on eU:troui~.s applied to automatir. control, axid to 'he uni4.s and omponents employed in such regzlators, is re-v-ewed3 th4- otj6ntion is made that some of the circuits given ~-ould not in fa-~t be used ` or el&e that vital. numerical datla are omitted, :.g. in fhe numprous d-c amplifier circuits the parameters are often omitted, or the type of transistor used is not stated, or e1sr, that accimulators are employed as power sources (which is an undesirable &-gign teaturelL, The section on phase dis,~riminators, phasq iavertsze and repeaters As too sketchy and no detailed sircuits are givex-- fn the loar, Oiapter on sampled-da-ba regulators, too little attention ~,q paid fo vi-tal factors such as pulse shape or amplitude, ox to xit;t- time, duratio,2 et~..~ even when fully detailed cirsuits are givexk~ The diod-F plus transformsr -,Arcuits freqnently used in switching appli,~ations a-7e Dot even mEntioned in the chapter on switzhing. St-abilit.- pro-I-Xime are negis-Ited.. anal og -ae-dig ital -,,onverters are only mf~n4.10nzd or;-.. Thr. thqoretic-al cLi:111anatiou ol subje,~ts sue.11 as static and dyna-a-.- horror, &A the x-Kzarke on the possibility- of us-ing, Card 1,'2 revulators a---e also found to be at fault, It is ton-luded, Some remarks on Ma:.-.rovs boob 'Ele;troai-.- Regulators' SOV1102-58-2-10,10 how*vsr, that in apite of its many faults, the book is the first attempt to an important topic systematically, but that it should be revised.and SUDplemented at an early data. SUWTTEM February, 20, 1958. 1. Literature--USSR 2. Electronic equipment--Applications 3. Electrical equipment--Circuits Card 2/2 SOV/102-58-4-2/11 AUTHOR: Ivanenko, V.I., Krementulo, Yu.V.1 and Pushchalovslkiy,A..D. TITLE: An Automatic Regulator for the Anticorrosion Potentials of Gas Mains PERIODICAL: Avtomatika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 19-26 MrSSR) ABSTRACT: The system uses a two-stage electronic amplifier followed by magnetic amplifiers to keep the potential of the pipe at a preset value. The steady-state and transient response character 4sties are given. Graphs from which the regulator may be adjusted to work with a steady-state error below a set limit are also presented. The system has been tested for four months on the Rusheva-Kiev main gas line. There are 9 figures and 1+ references) 2 of which are Card 1/1 Soviet, 1 Ukrainian and 1 collection of translations from foreign periodicals. ASSOCIATION: InstYtut elektrotekhnikir AN URSR (Electro-technical Institute, Ac.Sc. Ukr.SSR) 05366 SOV/102-59-1-lu/12 AUTHORS: Ivaner-ko, v.1. and Reutslkiy, V.Yu. ------------------------ TITLE: A Sign Detector PERIODICAL:Avtoinatika, 1959, Nr 1, pp 90-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The device is intended to transform pulses of both signs into pulses of one sign only while preserving the information about the signs of the original pulses; Fig 1 illustrates the block diagram and the waveforms. Fig 2 and 3 illustrate different forms that unit 2 of Fig 1 may take,, That of Fig 3 is intended for use in feedback circuits. Fig 4 shows a practical circuit based on cold-cathodevalves and crystal diodes; it has been used in a lathe controlled to a program by a magnetic tape. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION:Vikonano v laboratoriy avtomatizatsiy virobnichikh protsesiv Institutu elektrotekliniki AN URSR (Industrial Automation Laboratory, lnstitute of Electrical Engineering, AS 'LJkrSSR) SUMITTED: October 30, 1958 Card 1/1 -N 60174 '61 6 200 S/102/59/000/02/010/011 AUHIORS:Iyanenko, V T and ReutsJSa,_V.Yu. TITLE: Recording and Reproduction of a Digital Sigral for a Gilllgle- Channel Magnetic Tape 1--LRIODICAL: Avtomatika, 1959, Nr -01 DP 105-108 (U'1aSS_-R) ABSTRACT: The paper relates to means of roodrdinF, a prol-ram in the form of a puloe train on a tape; only ofiq:F-car~el is to be used to indicate the sign of a pulse as well as the existence of a pulse. Fig 1 is simply -the hysteresis loop of the tape; point A denotes a positive pulse, and con- versely. F-~g 2 shows the pulses produced when the records are played back; Fig 3 shows the effe(.,t of excessive ampli- tude (third pulse). (These are results obtairied with pulsec, of 10-?0 ~tser, duration at a tape speed of 192 mm/sec, with pulse repetition rates up to ?b00 pulses Der sec). Pig 4 shows the amplifying and other circuits used tc read., shape and sort the pulses in accordance with pol=ity. There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet re.ferenoes, ASSOCIATION: Laboratoryy avtomaticiuiyy rehulyiz,7anny Instytut elektro- tekhnyk AS TTkrSSR (Laboratory af Automatic Contlrc)l, Electri- cal Engineering Institute AS WkrSSRj SUBMITTED: May 6V 1989. Card-1/1 6 IVAIENKO, I.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik First International Congress of Automatic Control. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 3 no.6:672-674 N-D 16o. (MIRA 14:8) (Automatic control--Congresses) (13 7 29212 C/ , / *) S/10 61/000/005/004/005 D274YI)302 AUTI!~- Ivanenko, V.I. (Kyyiv) TITLE: On simulating self-adaptive control systems PERIODICAL: Avtomatyka, no. 5, 1961, 59 - 61 TEXT: In orlder to facilitate the solution of problemB related to self-adaptive systems, a combined system for analog simulation has been developed by the Computer Center of the AS UkrSSR. This com- bined system incorporates an analog- and a general-purpose (digital) computer. A wide variety of investigations can be carried out on this system, in particular if a good noise generaior isavailable, (i.e. for both static- and analytic noises). The experience already gained (though short) has shown that this combined system is parti- cularly suited for studying the following problems of adaptive sys- tems: 1) To find the transfer functions of multidimen3ional systems by means of typical analytical noises; 2) To find the transfer functions by statistical noises; 3) Simulation of extremal systems with considerable changes in the control law; 4) Multir'l,mensional Card 1/3 2 9212 S/"102/61/-000/005/004/005 On simulating self-adaptive ... D274/D302 control to achieve a velocity-optimal system; 5) Study of complex pulse systems with ulses at unequal time-intervals and variable Pu],.se modulation; 6~ Optimization by statistical criteria; 7) Ex- perimental study of the learning- and self-orgaiiizing processes. The advantages of using analog simulation are: The cybernetic na- ture of the object of investigation is preserved, i.e. the behavior of object and control device can be separately observed. In solv- ing concrete problems, the parameters of the control device cr;.n be adjusted and its design planned; this is important economical.].'fa In the majority of cases, the real time scale can be preserved which is very difficult to achieve in digital computers; this is important for comparing human reactions and computer operation. In addition, the combined system can be used for sclving mathematical problems; thus, a boundary problem is much more quickly soLved than by a computer only, the gain in time being greaier, the higher the order of the equations. There are 1 figure and 4 references; I Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English language publications read as follows: GcP~ West, Computer control experience gained from operation of a large combined analog-digital Card 21L~: 29-21-2 S/iO 61/000/005/004/005 On simulating self-adaptive ... D274YD302 computation system, Proco Computers in control systems conference, 1957, New York, Amer. Inst. Electr. Eng;-, 1958, pp~ 95-97; W-P~ Bauer; Aspects of real-time modulating, Trans~IRE, 1958, v. EC-7, no, 2, P. 134. SUBMITTED: April 4, 1961 /~r Card 3/3 E'W'T(d)/FCC(w)/BD3 ASD/ESD-3/AFGC/1JP(C) Pg-4/Pk-4/Po-4J Pq-4 GG ACCESSION NR: AT3001872 S/Z90616Z/000/000/0021/0029 AUTHOR: Ivanenko. V. TITLE: Simulation of some new mathematical problems SOURCE: Kombinirovannyye vychis lite llnyye mashiny; trudy TT Vsesoyuz Y no .konferentsii-seminara po teorii i metodarn matematicheskoizo mod~lirovaniya Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 21-29 .TOPIC TAGS: computer, combined, digital, analog, analog-digttal, variational, calculus, boundary condition, maximal, minimal, extremal, Pontryagin, simulation, trajectory, optimal, minimum-time, function, adaptive ABSTRACT: This theoretical paper explores the possible use of cornbined analog, and digital computer elements, selected to suit the physical content of certain variational problems, to solve problems which hitherto have not been accessible to any general solution. Many automatic -control problemsX&n be reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations for points in phase space, in control space, and in perturbation space. Usually, the said system of equations, the characteristics of the phase and the control spaces, the boundary conditions, and the character,6f the'perturbations are known. A certain functional F is given, and it is desired io Card 1/3 1111 !1 R; L 18209-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3001872 find those points in control space which bring F to either a minimal or a maxinial extremal value. Fundamentally, the scheme outlined here consists of ~n analog computer (AC), a universal digital computer (DC), and aperturbation generator (PB). The AG is then most suitably employed as a model of the dynamic systern- so that the DC is no longer burdened with the operations involved in integrating le system of differential equations. An additional advantage is that the results of the numerical integration do not depend on the method employed, but are determined by the accuracy of the simulation, that is, the process of solution does not require a preliminary analysis of convergence. E>~arnples analyzed: (1) Synthesis of a time-wise optimal controlfor a certain dynamic system. The initial and final boundary conditions are fixed, and the control procedure resulting in the shortest-* ,time trajectory from the initial to the final condition is solved. Reference is made to recent works by L. S. Pontryagin and his students (which, however, in the general case, lead to an analytically insolvable problem) issuing from the basic consideration that if in any one small step of a trajectory a trhjectory scam ent (TS) can be found which requires less time than another given TS, then the latter is no longer minimal (optimal). Basically this can be accomplished by using switching functions and determining at each step an increment of the functional F that is of interest to us. The difficulty in this method consists in a need for-rumerical inte- gration of the equations for every single step. It is proposed herV that the Card Z/ 3 L i82og-63 ACCESSION NR: AT3001872 fundamental differential equation be simulated on the AC. Only then is discrete- t ness introduced and the remaining work for all given initial conditions transferred to the DC. The saving in equipment and in programming time is illustrated by an example of the method of the numerical solution of boundary problems proposed: by V. Ye. Shamanskiy (Akad. nauk SSSR, Dokl., v. 137, no. 19, 1961), an : iterational. method of sorts. A brief analysis of certain peculiarities of the connection be-, I . *1 tween a direct-current AC and a parallel-acting DC is set forth, and it is shown that a universal system can be devised for the coupling of any parallel-acting universal DC and direct-current AC. Orig. art. has 6 figs. and 20 numbered equations. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: IlApr63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CP, MM NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 001' Card 3/3 AGGES5ION NR: AF,400?.657 S10280/631000/006/0071210077 AUTHOR: Voznyuk, L. L. (Kiev); Ivanenko_,_X. I. (Kiev); Karachenets, D. V. jKiev); Sverdan, M. L. (Kiev) 'L`ITLE: Synthesis of time optimal control for second-order systems SOURCE: AN SSSR- Izv. Otdel. tekh. nauk. Tekh. kibernatika, no. 6, 1963,' 72-77 :'TOPIC TAGS: time'optimal control synthosis, socond -order, control tjystcxn, hase space method, ..optimal switching curve, switching curve determination, i ~ccond-order dif*ferential. equation, Cauchy problem, automatic -control system, :relay-control system, time optimum problem -',ABSTRACT: In earlier works, the hypersurface of sign-changing of the relay rlement was obtained as a nonlinear function of phase coordin'ates of the ontrolled system. 'In this article, a rolay-type control Bytitern4a considered :.Ford 1/2 J ACCESSION NR: AP400?857 linear part is described by a second-order differential equation with an arbitrary-root characteristic equation. Synthesizing a quick -r e spons e -op cimized a speedy simulator for platting control is babed on a phase-space method using theoptimurn switching curve. "Experimental investigations showed a aatisfac- tory operation of the system with the processes in the controlled system very timum. 11 'No description of any experiments is given, Three oscUlo- near to op grams of transienti! in the controlled system show the system output variable, itA derivative, and the control signal at the input. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and IS formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 15De~62 DATE ACQ: 09.Tan64 ENCL: 00 S UB CODE: c r, NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 000 Card 212 11 11~~ T; ;01! 1 11 1 ~Mj j. Al IVANENKOJ V.I.,(Kiyev) Effect of couplings through a common power supply on the behavior of automatic control systems. Izv. AN SSSR. Tekh. kib. no.5r ,171-174 S-0 163. (I(IRA 16:12)