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VAYNBE2iG, G.D., inzh.; KRICHKVSKAYA, Ye.l., kand. tekhn. nauk; 14AZALOV, A.N., inzh.; ROZENFELID, A.G., inzh.; FOLOMIN, A.1., doktor tekhn. nauk; TESLER, P.A.p kand. tekhn. nauk; SHOLOKHOV, V.G.0 arkhit.; RUBANENKO, B.R., glav. red.; ROZANOV, N.P., zam. glav. red.; ONUFRIYEV, I.A., red.; YUDIN, Ye.Ya.., red.; NASONOV, V.N., red.; j_�IROARV,,.-Y red.; MAKARICHEV, V.V.i:red.; POLUBWEVA, V.1., inzh.,, red. [Improving the durability of industrial built-up roofs]- Voprosy povysheniia dolgovechnosti industrialInykh some- shchennykh krysh. Moskvap Gosstroiizdat., 1962. 43 p. (MIRA 17:4)' 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Nauchno- issledovatellskly institut organizatsii, mekhanizataii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi stroitel'stvu. 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-eksperimental'W institut industriallnykh, zhilykh i massovykh kullturno- bytovykh zdaniy Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Vaynberg, Krichevskaya, Mazalov, Rozenfelld, Fol6min). 3. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut stroitelliloy fi'ziki Alcademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR (for:Sholokh.ov). 4. Nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut betona i zhelezobe- tona Akademii stroitellstya i arkhitektury SSSR, Perovo. (for Tesler). HDROZOVP N.V., kand. tekhn. nauko MIUMAN, A.K., kand. tekhn. naukj ANTIPOV, T.P., aekh.; KOCHESHKOV, V.G., insh.; LISAGOR, I.A., Insh.; TSAPLEV, N.N., insh.; IVASHKOVA, V.K., kana,tekhn. nauk,- SHIKUNOV, LYA., insh.; FILIN, Yu.D., inzh.; MOSTAKOV, V.I.; BUBLACHENNOP P.1e.2 kand. khim. nauk(doceased]; PAMUTOV,, insh.;, RUBANENKO, B.R.' glav. red.; ROZANOVI N.P.9 zam, glav. red.; ONLTFRIM, I.A., red.; TMIN, Ye.,Ya.,.red,j NASONOV1, VAI red.1 ISIWJW -u-.'E--red.; 14AKAR.ICHEV) V.V., red.; POLUBNETK-,-V.I.s, red. [Ways of improving design details forthe seems of; exterior wall slabs] Puti uluahsheniia konstruktivnykh re- shenii stykov panelei Moskva, TSentr. biuro tekhn. informataii i nauchno-isal. in-ta organizateli, mekhanizataii i takhn. pomoshchi stroit.,, 1962. 78 p. (WRA 16:8) 1. TSentrallnyy nauohno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno- akeperimentallnyy institut Induotria,11afth shilykh i mas- sovykh kullturno-bytovykh adaniy (for-TSapl. V). 2.Auchno- e isoledovatellokiy institut~betona i ahelesobetona ikadexii stroitallstva i arkhitektury SSSR'iP*Pbvo (for Mostakov) Vaesoy v nauchno-inaledovatellakiy inatitut novykh atroitellfafth materialov Akademii stroitellatva i arkhitak- tury SSSR (for Pankratov)'. (W" NIKOLISKIY, V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; SPIVAKj N.Ya.p kand. tekbn. nauk; BAULIN, D.K.., inzh.; BUADZE, V.Sh.., inzh.; KREYTANI, V.G., kand. tekbn. nauk;TERHYAKOV, S.1., kand. tekhn. nauk; USOV, A.L.J. inzh.,- KOSHKIN, V.G.' k.and. tekbn. nauk; MARAVIN, B.L.9 inzh.; ERENBURG, A.I.; #zh.; KOCHESHKOV, V.G., inzh.; RUBANENKO, B.R., glav.~red.,- ROZANOV, N.P., zam. glav. red.; ONUFRIYEV, I.A., redi; YUDIN,, Ye.Ya., red.; NASONOV, V.N.,:red.,--IaPORRYjj,,,, red.; MAKARICHEV, V.V.9 red.; FINKINSH=, B.A.., inih, red.; (prefabricated fl'oor and ceiling.straetures] Poly i pere- krytiia industriallnoi konstruktsii. Moskva$, Gosstroiizdatp 1963. 71 p. WRA 16:12). 1. Akademlya stroitel'stva I-arkhitektury,SSSR.,TSentralirWy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i eksperimentallno-proyektnyy in- stitut industriallrifth zhilykh i massovykh kullturno-bogatykh zdaniy. 2. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut stroitillonoy fiziki i ograzhdayushchikh konstruktsii (for Nikol'skiy., USOV). 3. TSentralIrwy nauchn-o-issledovatel'shy., eksperimen- tallno-proyektiWy institut industriallrykb zhi:Lykh i'masso- vykh kullturno-bogatykh zdaniy (for Buad2bb Baulin, Spivak, Kreytan, Kocheshkov). 4.,Vsesoyuzrjyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut novykh stroitel'zWkh materiaim Akademii stroitell- stva i arkhitekbu7 SSSR (for Erenb~rg). (Floors) (Ceilings) POPGV~~N.A,,,, dokt4yi~ toklm. nauk zaaluzhennyy deyatell 1SIDP _AQV M~~Wd i takhn"iki; ELINZON, M.P,, kand. tekhn. nauk Problems of producihg-artificial aggre0tes for concrete. Stzoi* mat,-9 no,6z2-3 is 163's (mrRA 17,8) 1. - Zamestitell direktora po, nauckn* rabote 'Volegoyunogo nauchno-isaiedol~atellek institata nawykh stroitelInykh materialov (for Isidor . 2& Daystwitollnyy chlen Amadsaii OVT stroltel'stva, i arkhitektury SSSR (for Popov). 3. R~*avoditell laboratorii legkikh zaOo4miteley Vaesoyuznogo natichno-issled&- vatel'skogo instituta dovykh stroitellmykh materialav (for Hiinzon). isiDoRov, v.v.; PAPARIGOPuTA, s.V. Producing now vAterials and working out progresuive technolo- gical solutions. 6 nool:27-28 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Zamestitell direktorelvesoyusnogo muchno-iseledovatell- skogo instltdta navykh.stroltolluM , mterialowunAsmil stroitalletva I arkhItektu'ry SSSR (for IsIdorov).-2., Uchenyy sakretart Vs"soyusInogo muchno-Issledovatellukago instituta navykh stroitellmykh vaterialov Akadomil utroitellutya I arkhttektury SSSR (for ft*rlgovvulo). (Building mterials) ISIDOROV, V.V.; HLINZON, M.P. Processed lightweight morous aggregates. Isy ASIA no.1:85-89 160. txDU 13:9) (Aggregates (Building materials)) MONFRED, Yu.B., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.;-RUBANENKO, B.R., glav. red.; ROZANOV, N.P., zam. glav. red.; ONUFRMV, I.A., red.; YUDIN, Ye.Ya., red.; NASONOV, V.N., red.; JqTMRnV- V V red.; MAKARICHEV, V.V., red,; POLUBNEVA, V.I.#- -NEW ft=w (Zpproving the technology of building large-panel apartment houses) Sovershenstvovanie tekhnologil krupnopanelinogo dom4 stroeniia. Moskva, TSentr. biuro tekhn. informatsii in-ta organizataii, iekhanizatsii i tekhn. pomoshchi stroit.,1962. 51 P. (MIRA 16:8) (Apartment houses) I ISIKOV V.N., assistent; KRUZIN, G.D.,inzh. Studying the strength of weld joints of steel pipes. Nauch.dokl., vys.shkoly; strol. no.U:133-139 '58. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy stroltellnoy mokhaniki Kharlkovskogo lusti- tuta inzhanerov zhelemiodoroshnogo transporta imeni S.M. Kirov&. (Pipe, Steel) (Steel--Welding) ISIMAII V.N.; KRUZ1N, G.D. Studying the fatigue strength of welded seams in a Diesel engine block. Zav. lab. 30 no.9alI32 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Khartkovskly institut inzhenerOV 2heleznodorozhnogo transporta Jmeni Kirova. RYLEYEV, G.S.; KRYUGER, P.K.; KAZAKOV, V.N.; VILIKEVICH, B.I. Pri- nimal uchastiye BELENIKIY, M.N.; FEDOTOV, I.I., kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzent; LUGININ, N G.., kand. tekhn..nauk,, retsenzent. CIMKIN, V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent [deceased]; ONISHCIWKO, I.T., kand. tekhn..nauk,, retsenzent. TELICHKO) V.G., inzh.,, retsenzent; ISIKOV nzh-- Ye N inzh.,, retsenzent; ROZHDESTVENSKIY, A.S.--I- retsenzent; MEDVEDEVA, M.A., tekhn. red. [Mana,gement and operation of diesel loconotives] Teplovoz- noe khoziaistvo. lzd.2.j, perero kdop. (BylIG.S.4yleev i dr. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat 1963. 290 p. (MIRA 17:3) TSTPIMENOV, Zh.M.- Fauna and seasonal variation of the abundance of bloodsucking mosquitoes in the M River basin. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 34 no. 5:521-525 S-0 165 (MIRA' 19 :1) 1. Institut zoologii AN KazSSR. Submitted October 31, 1963. ADO, A. D~. j 0 .ISIMO.VAL.M.j POLNER, A A. Allergic alteratlon of mooth muscle organs. Cas. lek.~ cook. 101 n0.21,/25:740-747 22 -To 162. 1. Ustav pro patologickou fyziologii II modicinakeho ustavu v moslwe': prednosta akademik A. D. Ado. (ALLERGY experimental) (MUSCLES pbysiol) (POTASSIUM Motab) 010 M-4 Ab 40vol M, "Rffti flu A myl- ,so is 00 CONO Of so wa NOX Mt. so iloWnim, (in RaWan.) A. D. Idwid) physles). V. theskoi F1.41 (Journal of Teelmilead 1048, P~ The abovv was Investhrated for stv*I vs, PRT%Mn .04 or Wood's alloY. It was found.that, in the co- of intileffldtlOwpointsofthetwo: 4 st&.rialp involved, the coe&ient of. friction dv~ All reses considerably with inc-sed UMPtfuta". 910 4u 11 kf, maa v It, 0 Ot a', w S x: A #a AA. 4S V, IM, 0, 0IV S atinte 'he=: lull 14 ISIRJAYMi., A. A... w."wr '-~ Sul-("Lis) "T,,e Leat of adsorption and capiijar-jr condensation of bydrocarbons on si.Lica." Moscoiv,, L%j5't,, -t4 PP.(Uviicuw state IA .1j. U.-A.versity im. L,~wnosovf), ,vu copies. (IL., IL 41, J-,)5,1, P..Lub) Z - ."AUTHORS: Avgulf, N. N., 62-11-4/29 Kiselev, A. V., Lygina, 1. A., Poshkus, D. P. TITLE: Adsorption Equlibria and the Energy of Adsorption Powers (Adsorbtaionnyye ravnovesiya i energiya adsorbtsionnykh oil). PERIODICAL; Izvestiya AN SSSR, Otdel. Khim. Nauk, 1957, Nr 11, pp. 1314-1327 (133SR) ABSTRACT- Here the theoretical and experimental investigation of the, adsorption powers in physical adsorption, mainly of complicated non-polar molecules with adsorbents of an atomic and ionic lattice, is brought. The results of the theoretical computation are compared with the measurings of the dif- ferential heats of the adsorption. Here a method for the computation of the adsorption energy of,non-polar molecules with regard to three terms in the potential of the dispersion powers with oonstants, which are computed by means of polarizibility and magnetization-ooefficientst was worked out. With it the induotion potential by the average polarizibility of the adsorbed substance and the average electrostatic field of the adsorbent was taken into Card 1/3 consideration. Furthermore the push-off potential with a ISIRIMN,,,A,*I,; KISELEV, A.V. Heat of adsorption of n -hexane and ?I-heptane vapor* on silica. gels (with summary in English]. Zhvr.fiz.khim. 31 no.9:2127-2137~ S '57. (MIRA 11:1) 1.Moskovskiy Gosudarstvenny7 universitet in. M.V. Lozonosova, (Heat of adsorption) (Hexane) (Heptane) 20-2-41/62 AUTHOR TITLE PERIODICAL ABSTRACT CARD 1/4 ISIRIKYAN,A.A. and KISELEV k.V. -76-at or Benze and Hexand jYapor Adsorption on Calcined and Hydrated Silica. (Teplota adoorbtaii paroy benzola i geksana na prokalext- nom i gidratirovannom kreanezemakh.- Russian) Doklady Akadexii Nauk SSSR 1957, Vol 115, Nr 2, pp 343-346 (U.S.S.R.) It was proved by a number of papers that changes of tho chemical composition of the silicagelsiurface due to~ surface reactionsp such as dehydration, etherifioation and'haloidation, sharply alter its propertie's ot adeor-p-, tion toward the adsorbed substances. This concerns sub-- stances-which are not only absorbed due to general inter.- actions of dispersion, but also due to additional closer interactions, 9.g. of an aoid-basic type..-~7ft!~ thermal dehydration of silicagel leads to a r -64% icti6n~ of the ~6dsorptlon of methanol and benzen pors~ lk-the initial part of the isotherm. The vapor adsorption"Of a' saturated bydro*arbon (n-heptane) ist however, not chati- ged by the dehydration of silicigel at 200-400OC- In the present paper the influence of the degree of dehy- dration of the silicagel surface on ttie traltzeo ,)f 1 1 2o-2-41/62 Heat of Benzene and Hexane Vapor Adsorption on Calcined and Hydrated Silica. values of differential adsorption heats of the present hydrocarbons and their relation to siirface hydration show that the fundamental inferactions with the sill- cagel surface represent the non-plar ones:of Van &er Vaal. Their energy, however, is smaller than in the case of adsorption on graphite due to a scarcer arrangement of centers of forces in the quartz lattice. The absence of a sharp influence of the increase in hydroxyl conjen- tration on the silica surfaoe.upon the adsorption heat of hexane indicates a low enegary condent in the usual inte*aations of induction. In the case of benzene ad- sorption the formation of x-oomplexeo with siiioio acid on the hydrated surface only inoreases the total heat of adsorption of benzene Q by 10 %, but the pure adsor-ition heat.Q - L is strongly31ncrease& by itJolose to a - 095 it is about doubled). Thereby the form of the isotherix~ of benzene vapor adsorption is high2y changed. CARD 3/4 ASSOCIATION: PUSENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVkILABLru* CAU 4/4 Heat of Benzene and Hexane Vapor Adsorption on Calcined and Hydrated Silica. Ill- 4 distinotly shows this. Here the adsoxptior. heat, as well as the absolute value of adsorption itsn1f are expressed for Is exana and benzene as a funotion of the relative vapor pressure P/P.. (4 Illustrations, 19 Slavic refoxanaes.) Moscow State Universii7 Im. K. V. Loameam (Moskovskiy goaudarstyeagyj universitet Ira. M.V. Lomonosoya.- Russian) M.M. Dubinin, M4mber of the Academyq Dec. 252 1956 Library of Congress. RI A mum Jim J4 Ali 30H xI j.. i'sI nt AUTHORS: TITLEs PERIODICALs ABSTRICTs Card 1/3 Isirikyang A. A., KiSeleVq A* Va 76-12-3-28/43 The Heat of Adsorption of Benzene Vapors on Silioa Gels (Teplota adearbtaii parov benzola n& siliksoelyakh) Zhurnal Fizioheskoy j(himii, 1958, Vol- 32, Nr 3, pp,. 679-688 (USSR The present work investigates the dependence of the heat: of adsorption on the filling up of the surface and volume of pores of silica gels of different stru-iture: with hydrated In the final domain ofoapillary condeneationl,sharp maxima of the heat of adsorption of the benzene-vapors were observed and tboroug4ly examinedo Simllw u&xLm were foumd in the adsorption of n-alkanes. From the data of the experimental partlit, follows that a coarse-pored silica gel KCK-~2 (specific surface a - 320 m%~ and a fine-pored ne.8 (Speolfie, surface s - 520 M2/g) were.uaed. As is to be seen from the given diagramag the isothermal line ofiadsorption for coarse-pored silica gel is S-shaped.and shows a capillary-condensation hysteresiag whereas in.fine-pored The Heat of AdsorptIon cf Benzene Vapors on Silica Gels Card 2/3 76-32-3-28/43 silias ge! the hysteresis-Is lasqbut.sharper; In investigations of-the heat of.adsorption it was noticed that at the beginning of filling up.the surfaoe)an ab r-4pV hent drop Ukee plaeo vhiah I~Ltor al8ntinAlLm tej fall 11nebarkir This ia in. alkane adsorption explained by the .znzvennees of the surface. A comparison of the; heats of adeo-.ption of the two silioa,gel r~ amples shows that -111-hat .f fine-Dored silica gel is,-ionsiderably higher. The incraased hest of adsorption of benzene on a sill;,a*gel with hydrated surface is -traced back to a formation of'r, -comp'Lexes with the hydioxfL of silloic , acid. Thus A. N. Terenin in benzene ad'sorpti..,~n on porous; glass showed that a decrease in the hydroxy-I groups takes place. Adsorption experimenta in comparison with graphite were performed and the obtained differe-neas were explained. The heats OfLWetting were caloulated by the intsgration of the curves of the pure heats t:.f' adsorption. The-maximum which the ourve of the beat of adsorpti'on and deaorption shows in the ~apiilary The Heat of Adsorpticn of Benzene Vapors on 76-32-3~28/43 Silica Gels condansation is,explained by a oompre.asion.and expansion: respectively of the liquid:which fIllis up ~he.pores:of the silica gel9 in which conneotion-s~mpleis:with peres of equal size were investigated. There are,8 figures, I table, and 23 references,22 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy goeudarstvennyy universitet im.;M. V. Lomoncsova (Moscow State University imeni N. V.,Lomondsov) SUBMITTEDt December 29, 1956 Card 3/3 ;AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 Isirikyanq A. A., Kiselev, A. V. 2o-119-4-28/6o The Adsorption Heat of the Vapors of Benzene and Hexane on Quartz (Teplota adsortsii parov benzola i geksana na kvartse) Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vols 119, Nr 4t PP# T31 - T34 (USSR) In the course of this work an adsorption-colorimetric device is used for measuring the isothermal lines~of adsorption and the differential adsorption heats of the vapors of benzene and. H-hexane on a quartz powder up to saturation* The quartz powder had a specific surface of 6.0 m2/g. A diagram shows the here obtained isothermal lines of the absolute values a(per surface unit) for the vapors of hexane and benzene '. ror benzene the iso- thermal line was plotted to full saturation. Theiisothermal -es of p/P 019 lines are reversible up to relative pressux tov and have the S-shape which is typical of the adsorpt on on non- -porous adsorbents. In the case of higher values of p/p. a distinctly reproducible hysteresis was found which is connected with the capillary condensation in the interspaces between the i particles of the quartz powder. Between the quartz particles in The. Adsorption Beat of the Vapors of Benzene and 2o-119-4-28/6p Hexane on,Quartz a condensed powder there were interapaces.with mostly looo.;tf).; 7000 I.-With an increase of p/p from1he Deginning,of hystexenis to saturation about 7o% of~the surface disappear.:A further llia'- gram, by way.of comparison'-illuettatea the isothermal lin~e~a of the adsorption.-of the same vapors on a homogeneous silicag"'el WK-2. The desorpti Ion-branch-begin .a to decline steeply neai Wp 14 O.T-_ In this domain the adsorption on quartz is~noVl4t rendered:com-' T plicated by any capillary.condeneation in t.he interspaosp.between the particles. In'-the initial 6main of monomolecular filling 9-UP adsorption on quartz is greater than-o sil,ica gel EX- - 2, which n is connected with*the lower skeleton..d,ensity of this silica gel. Further details are given. A further diagram shows.-the dependence of the heat of adsorption of benzene vapors upon the absolute. value a of the adsorption on quartz. After filling-off of the, first two layers adsorption heat exceeds condensation heat only by 3%, and after the adsorption of 4 layers by:1%. Further re- Card 2/3 duction of the heat of adsorption takes place very slowly. The 5W SOV/76-33-2-23/45 ) AUTHORS: Isirikyan, A. A., Kiselev, A. V., Prolov, B.. A. TITLE: The Feat of Adsorption of Normal Alkanes on:Silica Gels (Teplota adsorbtaii normallnykh alkanov na silikagele) IMIODI3AL: Zhurnal fizichezkoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 2, PP 389-- 394(USSR) ABSTRACT: In continuation of the work- of previous pa;pars (Refs~10,11) 16 - 19) the heat of adsorption 014) of n-pentane (1)~andi' ,porous silica gels was measllred:. n-octane,(II) on coarsely - An adsorution calorimetric apparatus was used which in a simplified variant (Ref 20) const2~ktcted in cooperation with G. G. Muttik and vhich Yill be described separately. As in the other papers (Refs io,ii,13,-i6) daillorzogreneously poroussili- ca gel KSK-2 with a specific surface,'Of 32 0P2/c and.a pore : diameter of about 100 lot was- used. A C~O-parison of the ob- tained absolute adsorption isotherms:(Fig 1) for (I).and (N) with those for n-hexano and n-heptc-ne on the same silica gel (Ref 10) ohovio that the (All) rrom Pentane to,octune increases and it it not possible -wo apply1he BET equation. Card 1/.2 Since the constant of the induction interaction with the The Heat of Adscr.iAion of ."---)ri%al !lkanes on Silica Gels SOV/706-33-2-23/45 electrostatic field is proportional to the polarizabilit:r of the n-alkanes the :;-encral adsorption energy on the silica gel also Increases linenrly with the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. The linear -functions ~10 of n ( n= number a of carbon atw-ns)(Fig 3) and the standard dif ferertial (11111) of t-he r-alkanes -aere derived for adsor';3tion on silica P.Iz, carbon black (Refs 4,5), ~IaO (R-)f fl,,and water (Ref 27)- The values for any particular n-alkanc can be calculated from the follo-wina equationo- Adsorption on carbon Vlack Q 6 0.7+1.9 P, kca-',/mol (n= n-ambar of carbons) M90 X, kc-11/11101 silica gel KSK-2 Q` %0+1.3 kcal/mol jjkc!aj Heat es of ccndensation L ./m01 Adsorption on water Q 1.7+0-7 n kcal/mol. There are a-~o 3 fiatires, 1 table, -nd 27 r~:farencvn, 2,1 6 f. which are :Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Monkovakiy gosudarstvannyy universitet ii,.i. 1.1. V. Lornonos()Va (Moscov, State Univer!~itjy imenii M. V. Lwmonosov) SUBMITTED: July 17, I9-j57 Card.2/2 3/076./60/0314/007/041/042/XX Boo,4[M68 AUTHOR: Isirikyan. A. A. TITLE: Self-compression of Carbon Black and Apparent Sorption Hysteresis PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1c,160, Vol. 34P,No. 71 pp. 1652 - 1653 TEXT: Adsorption hysteresis was observed at low vapor pressure and;com- pression of the sample during sorption with a decrease of the sorpt~on~, volume v (volume of thepores) from 0.6 to 0-5 cm3/g when the dif:-' ferential adsorption heat of n-hexane vapor on carbon black previou'sly, 00 heated to 300 C and having a specific surface (determined by nitrlogen. adsorption) equal to 29.1 m 2A was investigated. Since chemical int erac- tion or swelling in the system graphite - hexane is out of.question: I . capillary effects in pure form appear here, and the self-compression of carbon black in clearly due to mechanical stress on the surface of them liquid condensed between the carbon-black particles. The central part of Card 1/3 ./60/034/007/041/042/XX Self-compression of Carbon Black and S/076 Apparent Sorption Hysteresis B0041po68 the accompanying figure shows the complete adsorption isotherm, while the initial and final sections are shown on the left and right sidef respeatively. The first series of experiments yielded a maximum sorp- tion volume of 0.8 cm3 /9, and a broad hysteresis loop p/P. - 0-05. The second series of experiments carried out after the carbon black had been heated to 4000C in a high vacuum, yielded an isotherm of different shape. The sorption volume decreased to 0.5 cm3/g, the hysteresis loop was narrowed down in the range of capillary condensation, and vanished entirely at low vapor pressure. The results of the second series were reproducible. From the values determined for v,9 the coordination num-. ber n was calculated which increased due to me f-compression: An - 5-5 - 4-3 a 1.2. This self-compression effect explains the in 'crease in density of some other disperse powders when granulated in wetstate. There are I figure and 4 references: 3 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet im.~M.V. Lomononova (Moscow StateUniversity imeni N.V. Lomonomov) SUBMITTED: December 30, 1959 Gard 2/3 z~-190. 400 S/OT6j6O/O34/012/020/02T B020/306T AUTHORS: Isi.r.ikkanj As Ao and Kioelov# -A. Vs TITLE: Adsorption Heats of Hydrocarbons on Magnesium Oxide PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fisichookay khimiiq 1960, Vol.134, No- 121 pp. 2817-2824 TEXT: In this paper, the complete volute of the adsorption hosts of h;~hekan* and benzene on magnesius oxide are given# which in an earlier Paper (Ref. 2)-had been used for a comparison with the th 'eoretically. calculated'v&lues. The measurement results of the isothermal lines.'and the differential heats of adsorption of the vapors on benzene:j n-hexan6g, and n-octane on UgO are evaluated. The calorimetric determination of the heats of adsorption was made in an apparatus described in Refs. 13 and 14. The results are shown in Figs. 1-3. The adsorption of n-hexaneand benzenit vapors was studied until the formation of approximately t wo adsorption layers, whereas the adsorption of n-octane vapors was studied almost until saturation. This allowed the determination of the maximum desorption temperature near the saturation and. the calculation:of the distribution, of Card 1/3 Adsorpti6n Heats of Hydrocarbons on 6/076j6o/O34/012/020/027 Magnesium Oxide B020/BO67: the pore volumes from the desorption branch of the isotherm. When determining the absolute values of adsorption per-aurface unit, them specific surface a must be known whiohg in turn, is determined from-the surface Wo that is.00oupied by the molecule the monomolsoular layer. By using the equations of Langmuir# BET.or other varieties the isothermal lines of adsorption can be evaluated to determine the capacity of the monolayer a m or-the energetic characteristics of the system investigated. The values thus obtained are, 11 however,often contradictOX7L. The constants of the equations BET and of kuttig for the isothermal lines of ads orytion of the benzene, n-hexaneLand;n-octane vapors on MgO are listed in Table 1. Table 2 gives the values W. for hydrocarbons, which were calculated by various methods. Fig. 4 shows the heats of adsorption of the benzene, n-hexaxxe and n-octane vapors on MgO as depending on, the surface filling. Fig. 5 shows the differential entropies of adsorption for the systems investigated (standard state - normal liquid)9 and rig.:6 gives a comparison of the isothermal lines of the dependence of the adsorption heats and the adsorption on the relative vapor pressure of oc- tane on coarse-pored XgO. There are 6 figures, 2 tables, and 27 references: 20 Soviet, 3 US, 3 British, and 3 German. Card 2/3 Adsorption Heats of Hydrocarbons on S/076/60/034/012/020/027 Magnesium Oxide B020/BO67 ASSOCIATION: Moskovekiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. U. V. Lomonos ova, Khimiche6kiy fakulftet (Moscow State University imenil. U. V. Lomonosov, Division of Chemistry) SUEMITTED: April 24, 1959 (069/61/023/OC)1/0*05/pog, Bt 24, B204 AUTHORSj and Kissleyp'A.Iv TITLEs Effect of compression of carbon black on the isothermal'Uae and heat of adsorption of n-hexans PERIOIDICALs Kolloidnyy zhu'rnalq ve 23p noe 19 iq6l~, 67-75 TEXTa The aim of the present p&p*r is an explanation of t.he nature 'of inhomogeneities arising in'carbon blaok oompressionv,:as well as of.thoIr effect upon the isothermal line and'heat of adoorptiion.of~vaporouc.liyd-ro'- carbons. r-fePOH-6 (aferon-6) canal lampblaok annealed in a helium atmosphere at 28000, as used in the work under Ref--17, was used as an ad- sarbente This sample was compressed in a mechanical press at pressuras, of uP to 4 and up to 10 t/0M2. The-tesulting isothermal lines of adsorp- tion are illustrated in Pigs. I and 2. Table 1 shove the. specifio,iur-~ faces as determined from'the-isothermal'Une of n-horane the BET method; the specific surface determinedby the authors agrees will with published values. The limiting volume V. of sorption (bulk volun*-' of the pores) decreases rapidly already at a relatively soft compression Card 1/10 V B1069 61/,023/001/ooc/009 Effect of compression Bd2 B204'..;, t/OM2), 4 whereas it varies only slightly with further compression up to ( 2 10 t/cM . The coordination number n displays the sa *me character (Table 1). The absolute isothermal lines of adsorption and the carvea:of adsorption. hea-t obtained for the range of monomoleoular filling and transition to pol7molecular filling are shown in Fig. 2. (below) and Fig-,3. Table,2 presents,the standard differential-thermodynamic characteris.tics of n-. hexane adsorption corresponding to a 50% filling of the mon'olayer 0-0-5 upon aferon-6 carbon black, (annealed at 17000C in a hydrogen stream) and upon the carbon black samples of the authors@ At 17000,Ct channel was graphitized only to a slight extent since the adsorption energy of n- . hexane during a heating of the carbon black to ~8000C rose by 0.25 kcavmole, whereas the adsorption entropy in the.same case decreased by 0,068 units of entropy. For comparison, Fig. 3 shows also the curve:of the~differential adsorption heat of n-hexans on P-33 (R-33) carbon black heated to only 100000. The arrows indicate the direction of the curve of differential adsorption heat upon non-porous carbon black with a homogeneous surface in the case of compression. Fig- 4 shows the heat difference in capillary condensation of n-hexane'upon compressed and uncompressed carbon black Card 2/10 S/669/61/023/06110OVOW." 'Effect of compression Z1 24)/3204; sami)les. :The values of the.wetting energy :6A, 'heat::of wetting QV, entropy of wetting 6S,~ and thelmean molar.entrop~-v,ariation 6S during-: adsorDtion of the.monolayer:~ard compiled in Table 3, Table:4.shows' 'hat' the fluctuations of the quantities St, when. the value of a h (adsorption:; value) is'chosen between 0-4,.and 0.6 mmoie/g, are smaller-than' the cor?- Variations of a I For this reason, results from ~heat--Ania*sure" A ment are more reliable. Thd authors proved that the maxima of the heat., illary condensation 'at the end of sorption depend on the eomet 1 1 of cap. 9 UrIca structure of the adsorbent only, and that they occur at the:end of capil" lary condensation when porosity is sufficiently uniform.* There area figures, 4 tables, and 18 references:- 13'Soviet-bloc and15 non-Soviet- bloc. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy universitet ims Lomonosovallhimicheskiy fakullte~ F. Laboratoriya adsorptsii (Moscow Univerbity imeni Lomonosov" Division of Chemistryt Laboratory of Adsorption) SUBMITTED: October 12, 1959 Card 3/10 ISIRIKYAN, A.A.; KISFJSr, A.T. A "Zolu"Te adsorp-,Ion isotberms for nitrogen, benzenep and n-h-exane vapors and the heato of adsorption of benzeme and n-bexane an gral?hiti2ed carbon blacks. Part le Mmrs , f Ize kbim. 36 nos6rl:,L64-~111?2 3062 (KIRA 17--7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstwimyy universitet 1med. Lomoncsova i Institut fizicheskoy kbimll AN SSSR. -,-.-.ISIRIKYAN-, ~A-A.- KISELEV., A.V. Adsorption isotherms of nitrogen, benzene, and n,hexane vapors and the heats of adsorption of benzene and n.hexane on graphitized carbon black. Part 2: Adsorptio~ on graphitized chan I blacks. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no,831723-1730 Ag 162. (MIRA 1538) Is Moskovskly gomidarstvenW universitet imni Lomonosova, 1rhi-ich ally fakulltet I Institut fisicheakoy' khimii AN -(Adsorption) (Carbon' black) L-18313.0 1- .,Epg/kpF(6)/EW(1)/UP(q)/W(m)/BW AFFTC/ASD Ps-4/ Pr. 4- _MVW 0M #CCESSION M, AP3004974 3/6 3 7/60 8/ 17 7 6A7 851 MTHORS i leirikyang A. 40 1' uselevy, V TITM Adsorption isothermar of :'vauor 1 Of hit 0 benzene' :and N-~hexane and heat L% dsorptioA of ~enzenejiand ff-hexane on ap i zed carbon~f,blacks. 3. Th*ermo- .of a !t 'toil dynamic characteristics of adsorption. equllibria~,,: ~SGURPES Zhurnal fizo khimiig v, 379,no. 81 196311 1776-1785: TOPIC TAGSS adsorption isotherm,,.nitrogenq.V6nzene1' N-hexaneg beat of-ad6o rp-,, tion, graphiti2ed'c'arbon blaok~` adsorption equilibri' ABSTRACTr The thermodynamic properties of eaphite-behzen.e and jmphite-N~4exane adsorption systems are compared, Idsorption".isotherais# differential heatei and i I-ent.ropies of adsorption of vapors of H-bexane and benzen64re also,ootparddin'; a constant graphite grain* These properties depend only upon t~,e4ature of~the adsorbate-adsorbent sys-tem and aretheir physical-chemical characteristics. They are practically free from the effect of. adsorbent heterogeneity. The Pharp difference of these cliaracteristic4 for X-hexane and benzene is-discusseds Isotherms of adsorption of nitrogen vapors at 195C, 11-hexane, 2QC I Card roomIso WROWN166 BORODINA., M.L.; YERMOLAYEVA, T.A.; ISIRIKYAN, A.A.; KISELEV, A.V.; USHAKOVA, Ye.V. Adsorption properties of commercial samples of a rutile:;Pi~wzt with a modified surface. Koll.ahur. 26 no.2:156-162 'Mr-Ap r64- (KMA 17:4) 1. Moskovskiy universitet imeni Lomonosova, khimicbeskly .fakulftet. ISKANDARYAN, Ashot Aratyunovich; BELAYA, T.P., red. [Sampling apparatus for gases and liquids] Probootborniki gazov i zhidkostei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Energiia," 19&,.. 36 p. (Biblioteka po avtornatike, no.98) (MIFLA 17: 5) ISIRMAN, A.A.; KISELEV, A.V, -, USHAKOVA, Ye.V, Adsorption of waterp-methanal,, bexanev -and - b&usew- vapors on pigment rutile -modified iby die thyldichlorooLlans..K*lJ.,.zhur. 27 no.5:690- 696 S-0 065. (MIRA M10) 1. Moskovskiy universitst imeni Lomonosova, khimicheskiy fakulltet. ISKAY,07, A. 3N15 876-399 B1 Kazjtgj Kazak Tili (The present Day Kazakh Language) Leksika, Fonetikaft Grammatika. Zhauapty Red M- BnIAkaXmv I A. IsIkakov. Almaty Kazak SSR C;Y,3m Akademiyasynyn Baspasy, 1954. 562 p. At head of title: Akademiya Nauk Kazaldi3koy SSR, Alma-ATA ISKAKCV , K. Iskakov, K. "The struggle for econony and accumylation above and 1~eyond what has been planned." (Industry of the Aktyub. oblast). Bollshevik, Kazakhstana,, k948p No. ll~ P. 48-52 SO: U-3F50j, 16 June 53, (Letopis 11"Inurnal Inykh Statey, No. 5, 10/,9). JSUXOT. Has&; M~, K.S.. red.; KOZLOT, S,T." tokhn. red. ~Cem in the basis for* an Increase 'in milk production] Kukuimm - Conova POV.V h idla molimhnol produktivnosti 1wrov, AbwL-RAta, r&sW&oiwo goo, Isd-vo, 1956, 13 p, (MINA Us?) 1. Upmylymnshchly formoy No,4 movkhoss. luent I*Mn& Talfiy~- lCurghfifty oblasti, (for Idmt.Dv), (Corn (Yalso)) Oraukhstma-Dairying) ISKAKOV# M- M., CAP40 AOR SCII "EFFECT OF GROWING CONDI_. TI NS I~ ~FATION OF PRODUCTIVE QUALITIES 'BROOD NERI)i OF KAZAKH FINE-WOOLED SREEDi_'w0F SHEEP." ALMA-ATAI 1960. (MIN OF HIG"ER AND SECLSPEC ED KAiSSR, ALMA-ATA ZOOVET .E- RINARY INST). My 3;-61,9 225). 324 f 12172-66 A'C NR, A?6-000178 UR/0148/65/000/009/01"/16186 AUTHOR.-. Bidu A~, N.; Iskalc~,, S..S.o, Kimovo 16, SO ORG: Moscow HEvening Metallurg ca ns3 titute (Mosuov~ii~ ve&i hyy Vile! tillut icheikir": inst itut), XltLE: E.f feet of.preseLng parameters-on thecrys tall Iza tion. of; stei4SAS~qn 8 'pressed in molten MIS IOURdg: IVUZ. ChPrUaya metallurgiya,-noo-9 - J965, 184.186 Topic TAGS: metal' pre sing, molten me a -meEal'crystalft' d 'metal ca ng! zati"~ is, 9~i ABSTRACT4. The~development of a method of,producing castings 6y!~pre6dI4gjn.moItsn state (P. -N. Buddlyai Se :S. Iskakov- 6 :Li : ynoie'pi4ivo q vo~ 1956,~ ito, V~ S : Kimov. te ,makes it possible to obtain comoact"casItings with a good surf6cd. and!minimAl m"hin-~f - ing tolerances. In this connectiont the authors investigated the:effect of.sucti.pres-.1 sing parame Iters as unit,pressure, pressing I time,,d I is.temperaturei metlal-pouringt; temperature, pressing rate, etco, on.the crystallization of caTstings;of 454teelo Tho sequence of the technological. cycle 'was as. follows: Molten; 8i tesi! ob6iiqed by rewhl t-w~ ing in an acid induction furnace with the aid of :a chiimotm-giaohit6 ~p~o;iortLordl' ~9 crucible heated to-900-1000*C, visa poured into &:die:mounted 'bolster of iChy-i .the draulic prese,and pressed, The preas cross-arm moves at the.rl''of 10~'Muahlec 864 1/2 Card UDC:. 621 746458 -ACC. NRt AP6000178 picks up maximum~pressure WLthin7 13.sec~ ~After ~oiregoduding~4ixppourel":6n4,ei~ pres'purejF. theckoss-arm with the punch moves upward and'the presiqed'~Castiift-; is4ktiacted_10a.~ the die and Immediately placed in.a heating furnace.1n thLs:cise, ihe~re ed ned by var .yi the .load applied', from;;V to' 20: k, aw- tic , pressure was determL 9 al ng was fouud toAncrease-with increasing wall thickness.,of the billet. Xt~was estab~llshed a a ee,: that the rate of crystallization under pressure 1 -3 5 times 'f.r fr:.~~' crystallization; this is apparently due to the increased draih:!of heat due to the elimination of the gap between the walls of die 'and.,4~istin~,inA:the.~.:~i~erease in:`.~~the! numberof the nuclei of supercoo~iina.*e:and punch tin- peratures of up to 150% considerably increase the solidificati:'on rate; any fuvther~- hea ting above 200% however, hardly, ~af fects ~. the_ roquire4 pressing ifiie. A, elmde r effect is.produced by:the pouring temperature: the limit:beyoadwhi6h~~the heating ~tempersture.of ~thia~steel,.cea~13'so,to,affect significantly the io4iditicAtion tide! a the th from ~ i6se. -rules: I'tsad~ casting is h,eatingto 80-40066sbove e u4iliAui. ~Deviationi to varicus.k Iinds of-def -ects Further,A we she&'thatAh ~of I stA ,i;i a* asiavii. e pouring a; into a cold die (20 to 100*C) results In a coarse :ic struct4i i.! oi -the a` iti whereas heating of.the die to 200-250*C assures a crack-free: U:'Ulfor~ly. f ineagiiiaed structure. Orig.'art. has: 2 figures* CODE: 110- 13/ MM DATE;,.-20Feb65/ ORIG RV;. 000/~ 07it'MW ~;000 A 2/2 Car j 19836-65 Z-VT I'm) /FWA(d I /EiFll t'~ftltpflc )/H-WP(b) Pf -4 /Fif ACCESSION NR: AP4049076 S/01,14/64/0001011/0180/0194 AUTHOR - Bidulya, P. N. ; _Niniov,. V. S. Iskak~~, , ESS. S, 0,U iWo 'a ~ T'-TILE- The effect of mechanical stress on the primary crys"hzatioii and propevuk;i qif steel ZOURCE.- IVUZ, Chertiay,L MCW11[TgiY1Lj M 11, 1964, 9-194 TOPIC TAGS: steel crystallization, steel mechaniual property, steek,casuin s%~a !tam , ain formation gr ABSTIAC T: The structural flaws formed In castiug of steel ~M'4wevq~ altudbad exilorLin'Im- t-altv by subjectin-., -Aindrical samples, 240 ram Ln diameter and 65 Min thick, xq!at4- _7 M 'I hydr itilic piston i)ress vrith four types of (lies: cylin(Jrical with ;it .14-rilm height, hemispherical, and cylindricat mrith a ilu%4L. mechanical pressure was held constant At 14 lq-/Mm' , aad the sampl-is, werb stW!aJiEd Le- c. !--imai-j crystallization could tnke place. -11io plane-stamped samples still showed -in(, irreg-ular mechanical properties. -the -3,lindricalkv iz;tampixi ,~;amples ih)~Nqld acrostructurally~ and rnici,ost-ructuraLly fine, even. grain and o~ T - - edges of the grain showed no suUides, phosphides, or blisters. Stamped nuts .;howed .-n ore aeGirable properties than nast nuts, witli equaRy good grain aft4n- c rystalJizaL on, --., d V2 L 198 36-6' 5 ? A%CCESSION NR: AP4049076 A rapid heat e%change of coohng metal, nearly ideal contact bethween stamp and samplell .aid kf- , .n solution with the sol-id (which necessitates Inty working pressurc-S of leoing P-es L ainh 1%-'fflm~ '.,ire a-morig Lhe requirements for maint, ng aptlimd ~,r;irl folI)a U -)" I:q-,)() d-.e cylindriej-L prLss(?s requir? A 3 diagrams, 3 tables, I tormuda, and I phoLomicroigaph. MiSCAAATION: Mo-*ovsIdv veche-rni~, meta-11urgicheskiy institul enin& INIeV-,-Dur0c Institute) 5Ui,Iv[lTTED: 2BApr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NN NTO REF SOV: 016 OTHER: 002 L Ill 'A 1, 41012-66 ------ J1.1- ~CC NRi AP602i710 CN) SOURCE CODE: UR/0148/66/000/GO3/0167/01'10 3U AUTHOR: Bidulya, P. N.; Saramutin, V. L; Iskakov, S. S. ORG: Moecow Evening Metagur cal Institute (Moskovskly vechernyy metallurgicheskiy institut) TITLE: Increase in the density and strength of 19w-alloy steel during crystallization und pressure SOURCE': 1VUZ. Chernaya metaUurgiya, no. 3, 1966, 167-170 ?eCLv-k4-,0 TOPIC TAGS: high teniperature -steel, pressure casting, metalcrystallization, specific density 15KhlMlFL rctrijic -G8e&j ABSTRACTS: Re article presents the results of an investigation of the properties of pressure -die cast ingotsXbf high-temperature pearlitic 15Ehn- Iteel (,~-O. 16% C, - 44% Si, - 0. 48% Mn, -1. 4% Cr, - 1. 2% Mo, - 0. 22% V, -,0. 034% S, --on 619% P) crystallizing while in the pressure die, as a function of specific casting pressure p,p per unit cross sectional area of the ingot (4 to 20 kg/MM2). The density of this steel, as determined by the method of:hydro- static weighing and checked by the roentgenoscopic method, was found to increase from 1/3 UDC; 669.14:62L 746.58 ard C L U012-66 NR' AP6021710 3 2 3 2 7.807kg/cm. forpP=4kg/rnni to7.868kg/cm for psp = 20 kg/mm Ibus, at low pressures, e.g. when psp = 4 kg/mm2 the steel's density is lower (7. 807 kg/cm3) than the density of the steel crystallizing while not under pressure (7.824 kg/cm3). 112e reason is that in the case of crystallization without pressure the shAlikage defects aro ebielly repros'ented by a concentrated shrinkage cavity, whereas in the presence of a low pressure exerted by the punch against the metal, there forms a strongly developedBhrinkage porosity. 7be cooling conditions of the ingot also affect the density: if the molten steel is poured into a presstLre-die that has a temVei~ature of 20-C,- the density of the castings is smaller than that of the castings produced with pressure-dies heated to 200-280*C. Clearly, the lower the cooling.rate of the casting in the pressure-die is (L e. the higher the temperature of the pressure-die is), the higher the density of the casting is. For 151QMFL steel the optimal conditions of pressure- -die casting psp = 20 kg/mm2, pressure-die temperature 200-280*C, and pouring tempe- rature "(temperature of pouring into.pressure-die) 1540-1560*C; the ingots thus obtained display mechanical properties superior to those of the same steel when cast by ordinary techniques, because such pressure-die casting eliminates shrinkage porosity and gas porosity and provides the promises for the so-called "weldability" of grains, L e. for a state Mi which the gE~~ ~ % boundaries cease to be the weak link and are not inferior in strength to the grain body itself. 2/3 -J i. 4ix.2,,56 AC.C NR% AP6021710 Thus, when subjected to tensile tests at 6600C under a load of 22 kg/rnm3, specimens of pressure-die-cast 1519iMIFL stool withstood fracture for an average of 286 hr compared with 204 hr for specimens the same steel cast by ordinary techniques. OrIg. arL has: 6 11gares. SUB CODE; U# 20, 13). SUBM DATE: 07Apr65/ ORIG REF-. 008/ 3/3 rcl USSR/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. m Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 17, 1958, 77627- Author Iskakov, T. Inst Title ~- Vroduc~tjon o~f Hybrid Com Seeds in Kirgizia. Orig Pub: S. kh. Kirgizii, 1957, No 4., 28-31. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 ISUKOT ATOV, Yu.A., rodaktor; ZLOBIN, M.Y.. tekbutchookly , Yessh4a; DOIDOPT xvdaktor []~?Tq than 7 kilograms of fine vool from each, sheep] 2A 7 k1logmil- mov toukoi shersti ot knzbdLoi oitsy* Alma-4ta. lazak,bakoe gose Ixd.- vai -1956. -21 pe AMM 9:16) 14 S~Srvhly chabon Sary-Bulakskogo ovtoosovkhoza. Taldy-lurpuski* A444- Voir ISIMkov) (wool) ISKAKOVAi R. "The Biology of Lake and Siberian Frogs in Kazakhstan." Cand 131ol Sci, Inst of Zoology, Acad Sci Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata, 1954 (KL, No 1, Jan 55) Sur7ey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR F-igher Educational Institutions (13) SO: SUM. 59q. 29 Jul 55 ISKAKOVA. Koden-, DOLGUSHIN, LA.,, doktor biolog.nauk,,; d- ;r- CR e- OKINA, Z.P.. r [Amphibin of Kamakhatan] Zemnovo(Inye Kazakhatona. Alma-Ata,, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kesakhokoi SM. 1939. 92 p. (MIRA 13.-1) (Kazakhstan-Amphibin) (LEAD POISONING) (KIDM FUCTION TEST) IMMAROV B Your labor pasoport, Mest,prom. i khW.promV. 2 no.12-.30 D . 161, (141RA 14:12) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika otdela kadirov Glavnogo upravleniya wastnoy pronyuhlennosti Tadzhikskoy M, Dyushanbe. (IAbor passports) BASKAKOV, M.P., doktor geol.-ninor. nauk, red.; SADYYOV, .'.A., red.; red.; KUSMUIMOV, 0., red. REMIKOVA, F.., red.; LYUBETSKAYA, I., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., tekhn. red. (Problems of the geology of Central Asia and Kazakhstan] Voprosy geologii Srednei Azii i Kazakhstana. Tashkent. Izd- vo All UzSSR, 1963. 148 p. (MIRA 16:12) .1. Akademiya-nauk Uzbekokoy SSRy Tasl*ent, Otdeleniye geologo!-~ 'khimicheskikh nauk. (Soviet Central Asia-Geology) (Kazakbstan--Geology) ---- W, J.. .''EWT(l) RO- i~~4-66 ------- ACC ~ NRt Ap6ol77.69 SOURCID CODE -.0~1624;-, 06/0 AUT' HOR.- '1skandarj"-,.,- .-ORG: B;parfffient of ln!iustrial: Hyg a e-nt institutdil; c Lr ienei:T shk of 11 --di ino'(M~fec a! gigiyeny truda Tashkehtskogo msdi~~nskogoi,instituta) k- -TIT18: Some:data on-th' F uylng a6n~: o~: cowt~i e 122g&i 'vof -a mr c ars ni6 ~ildi S JRGE: AN UzSSR. lf6ditsinskiy zhurnA `~4 OT 4 no Is TOPIG.,TAGS: arsenic compound,.ratj Molise, - rabbit - expei-oneb an:~ centrai t vous system organic pbospborus com nd in effects i~6.cic6j.o to bi ~~* highly effective ABSTR4CT: In 1961 technical arsenic. acl Zai found e idrying agent of cotton on experimental plots. The comoou~ ;d was!'Situdied in'-~:, gu.inea pigs, white ratso and whit 'rabbits,, a mice. It proved to:. be toxi c 11 chtully e c I i Cal 'al 1 the afiimals, especiall' wh6n,administered i tratra Th l n Y 1, toms included vomiting, diarr~h esi'S and convulbion i Respiir ion YMP ea~ par 'invari ably ceased befo ~;arseniO~ aci re.cardlac staidstillj: showing tha t: severely Impairs central-nervous..systemlfunetidh. The potson ib :cumulative:-, in i ts'effects and thus more ~dangerouis t aj or,:ot er'organo- h jphosphorus compounds* which break down in the body fairl~q'uickly'. Local:. d* Application of 5 and 10% solutians-to depilated'skin. tin the mu Cosa ofthO i leyes resulted In hyperemia) hemorrhapess, and: other disor,ders. Pire.nteral; q ca !iniection of-a 10% solution impAi red. adreno cor t. ical fundti On&, A p P of- this pois-oTn-10-r 7any length of time to cdtto-n- .besides erin-r- ! . C ~ 1 41 rthose human, beings handling its could result In extensive pollution of twi isoil and bodies of water, lbe-authorq~stronply di'sapprove usirig this :arsenic acid in cotton growinga,;, 6rig.. art. hass) 1714ibii;b, Zn r7 SU.B. CODE.- -~�UtR-D'-A',f1E-.- 0-71 b64 F e ISLANDAROV, Rishad Giniyatullich; TORONIM, N.Y., red. [Assistance to undardeveloped.countries] I voprosu o pomoshchl slaboresvityu stranam. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh i A(X prL TaK n Sm. 1960. 43 P. (NXU 13:12) (Technical assistance) (Underdeveloped areas) V I t I j A IA: I ![Ti U. I . I !,::I- -Lt j! -P r-1 ~ r r o- fcnim. for the method full 1.9 x i. No X ';r - &lid 1 .1 1 Ij DROMOV, N.S.; ISUNrARW, A.K. Intensifying the curLng of pork and Improving quality of the product* Isvevysouchebezavo,-piiibeh.tokh. no-5:74-78 '58. (MIRL 11:12) I* 2-y Moskovskly meditsinekly Institut Iment N.I.Firogova. kafedra organichaskoy I fisicheskoy khimiis (HM1w) DROZDOV. N.S.; ISKANDARYAH. A.K. Nitrate and nitrite transformations and accumulation In most during the process of salting. Izv. AN Am. SSR. Biol. I sallkhoz. asuki 11 no. 5255-59 NY 1580 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Xofodrm organichoskoy i fisichookoy kbimil 2-go maditainakogo Institute, Neakwa. (Kest, Salt) 011trites) 011trites) DROZDOV, H.S.; ISKANDARYAIT, A.K. Transformations of nitrate and nitrite and forwition of hv- droxylanine during tbo salting of meat. Izvevytiouchub."Eav.; pisbo,.takh. no.6:88-90 '59. . . OIRA 13:5) I 1. 2-y 14oakovskiy meditsinskiy institut imeni N.I.Pirogova. Kafedra organicheskoy i fizicheskoy khinii. (14eat. Salt) (Nitrates) (Nitrites) Imuf mw.~- ISKANDARYANI A. K. "Research into the porphyrin ring:state in the-process of.,EXeea pigmentati6n K., kand. khim. nauk Effect of myoglobir iron content of muscular tissues on the concentration of ri,zosomyoglobin in meat curing. Trudy VNIII-T no.11:139-143 162. (MIRA 18-.2) ISKANDARYAN, M.I., inzh. ISKANDFR7~, A.A*.. Universal algebras with relations and-askalgamo. Vest. Mdak,, un.-Ser. As ~ Hat. 9-:nW&. 20-no.J420-29- -JI.Ag- %5. (MMA 1019) 1. Xafedra vyeshey algebry Noskovskogo gamdaretvannoge universiteta imeni N.V. 14mnosovas ISKIMDNRI, B.14. kva) Significance of the Thorn test in internal diseases. Klin. md. 37 no.6:lo4-jw8 Je 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Zz propedevticheakoy terapevticheakoy.klinikI (dir. deystvitellnyy chlen ANN &%% prof J-1h.Vasilenko) I Koskov- alcogo ordens Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Seche- nova* (ADMU" CCU=, funct. tests Thorn test, diag. Value (Rua))