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P"MMYN, UtTalazamam
ISATMO P. kand.sellskokhozysystvqnnykh nauk; BOGACHIK, I.-A.
Nothods for estimating the,economic aspects of principal
cultivition practices. -Zemledelis 6 no.~0:40-46 0 158.
(Agr1oult,~rm--1coiom1C 'aspects), (MIRA 11:11)
PAK. Alskney Andrayevich; ISAYRNKO, N.P.; UGAY, M.A.
[Diversified state farm@ on virgIn lands; based on the example of
the VustanaiWdill State Form, lustanay Province] Knogootraislevoi
sovkhom na toolinnykh somllakh; na primere novkhoss Vustanaiskli,*
Kustanaiskoi oblasti. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo selikhoselit-ryo 1959.
115 P. (MIRA 12:12)
(lustanny Provinoe-State farms)
ISAYENKO, Nikolay Petrovich; MOISEYEV, M.I., red.
(Economic management plan for collective and state farms]
Organizatsionno-khoziaistvennyi plan kolkhoza i sovkhoza.
Pod red. M.I.Moiseava. Moskva, Sovet6kaia Roseiia, ~961.
31 P. (MiRA 16:4)
(Collective farms) (State farms)
HATLUM, F.P.; VDOVIOMKO, V.T. [Ydorychenko. V.T.];-
[Isaianko., O.F.]
Calculating -the multiplicity factor of tho rocirctulation of ths
products of reaoticn in the detp thermal ablorination of metbaze.
)Chime prom* [7Jkr.] no.lt54-.60 Ja-ffr'63 (FJFA 17 t-,
kk4%,-P L; KIPRIYANOVp I.A.;
tekhn. nauk; MUSTAFIN, Kh.Sh., kand. tekhn. nauk; NAZIMOV, A.D.1
N.A.; CHUBDV, V.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk; ENGEL', F.F.j YUROVSKIY,
Ya.G.; YAKUBOVSKIY, B.Ya., prof.; YASTREBOV, M.P.; KAMZIN, I.V.,,-0rof.v
glav. red.; MALYSI[EV,, N.A., zam. glav. red.; MELINIKOV, A.Mp Zane
glav. red.; RAZIN, N.V., sam. glav. red. i red. toma; VARFAKHOVICH,
A.F., red.; PETROV, G.D., red.; SARKISOV, M.A., prof.i red.;
red.; GOTMAN, T.P.., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red.
(Continued on next card)
ALEKSEYEV, G.P.-(continued). Card 2.
[Volga Hydroelectric Pover Station; a technical report on the
design and coiistruction of the Volga Hydroelectric Pover Sta-
tion (Lenin), 1950-1958] Volzhakaia gidroolektrostantaiia;
tekhnichaskii otchet o proektirovanii i stroitellstva Volshskoi
GES imeni V.I.Lenina, 1950-1958 gg. V dvukh tomakh. Moskva,
Gosenergoizdat. Vol.2.(Organization and execution of constrution
and assembly vork] Organizatsiia i proizvodetvo stroitellno-
montazhnykh rabot. Red. toma: N.V.Razin, A.V.Arn 011d, N.L.
Triger. 1962. 591 p. TMIRA 16:2)
1, Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury
SSSR (for Razin).
(Volga Hydroelectric Pover Station (Lenin)--Design and
Work experience of the "Stroitell" trust. Gor.khoz.Kosk- 31
no.8:3-6 Ag '57. 10.9)
1. Upravlyayushchly trestom "Stroitell."
SIDOROV, Ye. N.,red.; MORSKOY, izd-va,: LAHITINA, I.K.,
[On Moscow construction sites; practices of the Moscow State
Trust "StroiteT".] Na stroikakh Koskvy; iz onyta raboty Hoskovskogo
Gosudar'stvannogo oidene Trudovogo Irasnogo Z-na'meni treat& NStrAtell!
Noikva,'Gos. tad-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit, i stroit. materialam,
1958. 89 P. (MIRA 11:12)
(Koscow--Coastruction industry)
Combating root knot namtodes in Twkmnl&. Thd~r prowl. I tax.
soveshch. n0.3:74-78 154. (MBA 8:5)
1. Otdal bo.rlby s wreditelymi. i bolasaymi sell skokhoxyWt"n-
nM rastenly pri Kinisterst" sellskogo khozyaystva Twknenskoy
(Turkmanistaur-Root knot) (Root knot-Turkmanistan)
----!.IKO,Vj,-, vatyrach (Kraymakara oblast I )
Disinfection apparatus mounted on a tractor. Veterinarlia 35
no.6:90-81 Ag '58. (WRA 11:9)
(Spraying and dusting equipment)
AUTHOR: Isayenko, V.I., Sen Engr Lt, and'Isayev, N.D., Sen
TITLE: Shifting the Potentiometer of the-Range Unit (Perenos
potentsiometra bloka dallnosti.)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958.. Nr io, p 86 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors state that in their unit they decided to
change the position of the "Traniconductance" poten-
tiometer on the front panel-of the range unit sothit
the aircraft radio range finder can be calibrated
with greater convenience during the routine maint*--
nano* wopk and without removing the range unit from
the aircrart. One photo.
Card 1/1
USMAtyoics Light Measurwent Doe 52
%ptical Method of Neasining Intensity of Light, Brightness arA Fluz.0 A. A. volkwMateynt
D. 1. And"yev and V. I. Ilwyanko
fZhw Tekh Fisiki" Vol 22p No 12s yp 2020-2037
optical measwing method van test ad theoretically and esperimentally. Results showed
adequate accuracy of measuroments. The equipwt my be used In plants and on
wtpeditions. Roosivvd 22 Sep 52.
PA 24M05
UISSR/Physics Electricity, Discharge pheromena FD-3203
Card 1/1 Pub 153-12/28
Author Vanyukov, M. P., Isayenko-Y. I., and Khazov, L. D.
Title Investigation of light phenomena associated with the growth of:the
channel of a spark discharge
Periodical Zhur. Tekh. Fiz. 25, No 7) 1248-1256, 1.955
Abstract Experimental investigation using an electroh-optical-,cbnverter~~ ~of
the space-time.expansion of the visible and infrare&1uminescence
of a spark discharge channel, and of the propagation~,of the shock
wave generated by the discharge revealed; (a)~~the shock wave sepa-
rated from the plasma.of the discharge; (b) a~layer 8f:heated, =n_'
ionized gas emitting infrared radiation in the.torm of are lines
was formed between the shock wave and the plasm; (c) the tempi~ra-
ture of the discharge in inert gases increases vith.thle atomic
weight of the gas; (d) the average channel temppratureiwas deter-
mined from.measurements of the spectral densityor energy bright-
ness to be'57,OOOOK. Authors thanked Acad. A-1A. Lebedev: for
assistance. Diagram, graphs, photos. Ten ref6rences: seven.U,SSR.
-Submitted November 24, 1954
AUTHORS:Vanyukov, M. P. anL~~~~I-
TITLE: A Pulsing Tube Circuit for Obtaining a High Discha~rge'
Repetition Rate (Skhema vklyucheniya,
sh1jul I snykh ilwap: s
bol'shoy chastotoy povtoreniya vspy k
PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimental 1958, Nr 6, PP 85-88
ABSTRACT: Stroboscopic-tubes are normally connected in a circuit
consisting of two inductances, two capacitors and *an a-ax-
iliary inductance for triggering the tub6; the circuit is Fig.l. One of the difficulties in employing ti~ie
circuit is that comparatively low repetition frequenozes
are possible. A more elaborate circuit, based on the same
principle? was therefore developed. This consists ol a
supply unit (see Fig.2) and a triggering-unit (see
The circuit is suitable for operating a stroboscopic triode
(marked S in.Fig.2). The storage capacitors 0, and
in the circuit are charged from a constant voltage source
through a choke L , by means of two groups of high-voltage
diodes, B, and B2 . The triggering unit consists of a
frequency generator (a multivibrator) and a delay circuit;
Card 1/2
L Pulsing Tube Circuit for Obtaining a High Discharge Repetit~.on
by means of tw *Q blocking oscillators it produces twolsulses
of -.3 ILs duration, which are Apa.'ced-at 15 " apart. The:first
pulse of the triggering unit.,is'embloyed to, close th6
oscillatory circuit consisting of 0 1 and LO
in the supply
unit, while the second pulse triggers a thyratron which-.supp-
lies a pulse to the triggering electrode of the stroboscopic-
tube. The diodes B and B in the supply circuit of Fig.2
provide clamps for tke storagg capacitors, so that these, can-
hdt be charged negatively. By.employing the eircuit:it is
possible to drive the tube at repetition rates up to 4000 ppsV,
but.the discharge energy is reduced with increasing repetiticia
rates. Thus, for example at 500 Pps the energy per discharge
is 3.5 joules while at 4060 pps it is only 0.23 joules.~ The
paper contains 3 figures, 1 table and 12 references, of which
4 are English, 5 are German and 3 are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut(State Option. Insti-
SUBMITTED: December 9, 1957.
Card 2/2
Powerful pulse light source. Uep.nmuchefot. 6-53-57 '59.
CHIRL 13:6
(Blectric dlschar&* lighting)
(Photography. Flashlight)
VANMOV, M.P., L-aud.fiz.-mtem.nauk; ISLYINKO, V.I., iuzh.
Load limits of spark discharge UkbGs. Svototekbufta 6 no*3:
7-U W '60, (MIRA.13:6)
1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskly inatitut.
(Blectria dischargo lighting)
9, Z) E032/E514
AUTHORS: Isayenko, V.I. and Travleyev, G.N.
TITLE: A study of the electrical characteristics of disctlarge
tubes under recurrent discharge conditions
PERIODICALa Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.6, 1961,103-107~
TEXT: A block diagram of the apparatus Is shown in Fig'J.
It consists of two channels, one of which (1-5) controls them
operation of the discharge tube (L4JI),, whilst the other (6-11),
is used to determine the operational conditions and to restore
the breakdown voltage. The spark-gap is switched at a high
of the
repetition rate by circuits which ensure that the charging
capacitor occurs during a small fraction of the repetitioh
period. The capacitor is charged by a triode pulser.(PWA- 301).,
The latter is normally biased off and is gated by 5-20 -gsec
controlling pulses, The latter are formed by the control-pulse
generator 2 from a sinusoidal voltage produced,by the master.
oscillator I and are fed,through the amplifier 3 to the
charging tubes in block 5. Two microseconds after the charging
tubes have been cut off, a high-voltage pulse is generated by the
Card 1/1 -7
A study of the electrical S/l20/6i/ooo/oo6/o2l/o4i
oscillator 4 and is applied across the discharge tube and
initiates the discharge. In the measuring channel the control
pulses enter a frequency divider 6 which can selec.t every 2n.d,
4-th~ 8th, 16th or 32nd pulse. A built-in d e la Y circuit tan
shift these pulses to any required position within the repetitiow
period, They are then fed into 7 which produces additional
control pulses which are fed through the amplifior 3 'to the
charging tubes and produce testing-voltage pulses across the
spark-gap.Piese test ptilses have practically no effect on the
power conditions in the discharge tube, When the test pulse is
applied, the oscillator 4 is off and, therefore~ the discharge
tube will fire only when the magnitude of the test pulse exceeds
the breakdovn voltage at the corresponding instant of rimo, I it
order to determine the probability distribution of breakdown
voltages, the potentinl differtince across the spark-Sap Ls fed,
to the time selector 8 through the capacitive divider Cl, C 2
The spread in the breakdown voltages is recorded,by the
amplitude discriminator 9 and the s,calar 10, Circuits are
reproduced of the control pulse shaper, the amplifier, the
Card 2/1
A study of the electrical ... S/120/ft/boo/oo6/02i/o4i
frequency divider.and the tittle selector. The device can be
used to'measure the working, and the electrical
.,strength recovery of discharge tubes switched at a repetition
rate of up to 20 kc/sec at an average power of. I W. There are
9 figures and 7 references.: 5 Soviet-bloc and .2 non-Soviet-bloc.
The~.Rnglish-language reference roads as follotis: Ref.l:G.D.MeCaiin,
J'.j.cla'rk# Trans.AIEE, 1943, 62, 45.
-ASSOCTATIONI Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut
Astate Optical Institute)
.'SUBMITTED s: April 24. ig6i
Card--- 341
AUTHORS: Vanyukov, M. P., and Isayenko, V. I~
TITLE; Study of light emission from ~.he electric explosion of thin
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 2, 1962, 197 201
TEXTs The development of thecloud of explosion products and of light,
emission in electric explosions of different wires was studied by using
electron-optical devices. Current pulses were discharging a
20,pf capacitor bank which had been charged up to 10 kv. 'The inductance of
the discharge circuit was 0.9-~h, and the steepness of current rise was
10 Ir -
2,10 a/sec. It has been shown that the propagation rate of the front of
explosion products increases with increasing diameter of the exploded
wire an'd with a decrease of its length. Light emission originates in the
narrow channel between the shook wave and the dense cloud of explosion
products. The channel propagates to cover the whole surface of the ex-
oducts. Gas and vapor temperatures behind the shock wave front
Study of light emission B120102
3 o
reach 4-10 K and more, which leads to considerable';ionization of the
metal vapor giving rise to discharge. The time between the moment when
the current passes through and that when the cloud begins to expand is
proportional to the diameter of the wire and independent of.its length.
The time lag between the moment when the cloud begins to form and that
when light emission starts increases with the wire length. :Its dependence
on the diameter is complex. At an explosion-velooity of 2.5 to 3 km/se.-.",
light amission sets in almost-simultaneously with the explosion. Explosion
of a vr1re takes place at a current density of about 5-10 7. a/cm2 irre6peo...
tive of its diameter., This value is in,good agreementwith,previous,re-
sul.ts.. Wires 0.1 to,0.2 mm in diameter*exhibit a marked chginge~in pr~opa
gation'velocity of the cylindrical shook wave at the moment when the glow
covers the whole surface of the cloud of explosion products. As to the
differences between the shapes of glow channels in spark discharge in air
and in an explosion of a wire caused by current fluctuations in the
charge circuit, it has been concluded that, with the rapid:inerease.of ,
current from the second halfperiod onward, a shock wave is generated,~which
propagates either through the heated gas, or through the heated metal va-
Card 2/3
6/057/62/03-2/00" /011/019
2,6, Y~ B1 11/3102
AUTHORS: Ycoorova, V. F., Isnvenlco, V. 1. 11,11ak, A. A., and Sadykova,
TITLE: Distribution of tomoorature and electron coil con -,Crati8n in the
channel of a spark aischarge
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal te'r-11inicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 3, 1962, 338 3-45
T2XT: Temoerature distribution, plasma density, and widening rate.o.f P.
spark channel were, determined by measuring the intensity of its line (or'-or 50'~)- ":Iith kno%-.xi temperature and inte-isity distribution
of V~e rndiation the electron concentration can 1)e accurately dotermined
by the given method. The measuring arrangement consisted of a Pion o chro!ra-tw,
photomultiplier, and amplifier Plus oscilloscope and of an electron-optical
apiparatus connected synchronously. The temperature in the spark channel'
was determined in he, air, -ni N 2 by three different iriathodB: a) by -morl 3-
uring the absolute intensity of a spectral line, b) by neasuring the int-cnzi-
ty ratio of two spectral lines, c) by comparing the radial intensity:dis.-
Card 1/2
Diztribution of temperature ... Bill/B102
tribution i(r) in the channel and the tem-oerature dependence I(T). if the
ionization equilibrium in the plasma is kno-,%-n, the temperature can -be
calculated by successive ap-u-0XVIlation (ninximum error of the three ni! -, t h 0 61 s
�1 0 - + W, The electron concentration was calculatei by t1he K-ramer.3-
Uns6ld Torrula (Re 'L. 6: H. M.,necker, T. Peters, Z3. Phys., 1~9. 443, 195-1;
F. Fin:celnI,-nrq, T. Peters, Hand. d. Phys., 28, Berlin, 1957 kmeasuremr-nt
error + Rc--ul ts: 1 ) The dis tribtuion of temperature. ani electron
concentration in the spark channel is uniform. 2) The temperatures dc-
~n-rined by 'he -hree methods agree well. Differences are belovi meanurcncnt
U U This justifies assi-ming a Bolt7mann distribution of the ex cit-~d
atorr,c an~!. usine the Saha formula for ionization. 3) Thi-, mcan
n channel a~recs violl .,,,ilvh 'he v7-.Iue on its L
i- axis. 4) The difference
in the vnlues of electron concentration obtained by mea3uring the back-
,7-,o"nd on the one hand and, the shift of the spectral lines on the other io
not due to inhomogeneities but to shortcomings in the plasma radiation
theory. The authors thank Y. P. Vanyukov for discussinp the results.
Thiare are 6 firiires, 1 talble, and 11 references: 7 Soviet And A, non-Soviet'.
SUB"'ITTED loril 5, 1961 (Initiallly) May 25, 19061 (alf-ter revision)
Car"' 2/2
AUTHORSs Vanyukov, M. P., Isaxenko, V. I., and Travleyev, G. N.
TITLEs Discontinuities in the spark channel which develope at.high
repetition frequency of discharges
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, Y. 32, no.~3, 1962, 37~7374
TEXT: Irregularities occurring in high-frequency spark discharges in
the'spark channel were studied. The sparks were photographically examined
in an i;~U-500 (ISSh-500) lamp filled with xenon of 4 atm.''The discharges
were filmed (running speed of film, 40 M/sec). The image scale was ftl.~
The frequencies used were the limits at which the studied phenomena
appeared. At f a 400 CPS, the position of the spark channel between the
electrodes is stable. The appearance of the channel is determined by
shape and arrangement of the electrodes. At f - 2000 cps, the channel
bends considerably and takes a different position with every dischar ge.
With both frequencies, the mean power was approximately the same (130
watts at 400 cps, 160 watts at 2000 cps). Points of discontinuity appeared
in the channel at 3 :-'4-,kcps. The channel seemed to be interrupted,
Card 1/2
Discontinuities in the spark channel ... B142/B102
individual points of intensive-glow became visible. Several discharges
may occur in one channel The point of discharge may shift along them
channel with every discharge'(velocity of shift - 1-2 M/sec). Sometimes,
the discharge zone broadens near the electrodes., An intense afterglow
occurs in the discharge zone for 50-200,.tsec.~ This afterglow is assumed
to be caused by metal vapor (evaporation of electrodes) which has a much
lower ionization potential than the other gas. The winding' pa-th of the
spark is explained by clouds of heated gas which form in the cha.nnel and
along the boundaries of which the spark runs. These local heatings
cannot be eliminated between the individual dischargqs.since high pre Is-
sure gradients are missing, and convection is only sufficient to shift
them. The discontinuities in the spark channel are explained by the fact
that in gases o'. poor deionization capacity the current does not flow
through the narrow channel but-throuCh a wider gas zone. Thus, the
current density is lower in these sections.and, with it, also the
luminous intensity. In air,~these phenomena were not observed, even with.
.frequencies of up to 20 kc/sec,. There are 3 figurea.and 1 Soviet
SUMMED- June 14, 1961-
AUTHORS: Vanyukov, W. P., Isayenko, 7,1., and Travleyev, G. N.
TITLE; Recovery of the electrical strength of a spark gap in repeated
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v- 32,-no. 6, 1962, 746 752
TEXT: The range in which the voltage of a spark discharge can be controlled
and the limiting load of a spark gap were determined. The recovery of a
gap as depending on the frequency at which the discharges follow was
examined. It was found that in the first 10 - 15,,asec after the discharge
has stopped the disruptive strength of the gap remains virtually unchanged
(200 - 400 v). The disruptive voltage is only slightly dependenton the
gap length. The subsequent stage of the process is the collapse of the
channel sheath and becomes obvious in a rapid rise of the disruptive
strength owing to the cooling of the gas. Strength in this stage increases
at a rate of 50 - 120 V//-.tsec. The stage v'a'th low disruptive voltage is
longer in xenon than in air. This is due to the greater mass of the xenod
atoms-uhich sustain the channel after the end of the discharge for a'
Recovery of the electrical strength B108/B102.
longer time'than in air. Extreme recovery rates (up to 125 V/Psec) at
very high frequencies are due to a decrease in energy of each individual.
discharge and to inhomogeneitios in the gap. At too high frequen.cies.4 the
strength is either lost completely (continuous discharge) or causes an
unstable oDeration. If the gas is blown through the gap the power-p er
unit length of the channel can be increased considerably (UP to'400'WatO4
At high frequencies, however, blowing has no essential effect on recovery.!
This is obviously due to the tact that the gas at the.moment of discharge
is in a state of intense movement. There are 6'figures.
SUBMITTEDt July 24, 1961
Card 2/2
VA~YUKOV, M.P., kand. fiz.-matem.nauk; ISAYENKO V.I., inzh.; TRAVLEYEV,
G.U., inzh.
Regulation range and load limits of high-pressure stroboscopic
pulse lamps. SvetAekhnika 9 no.WO-23 Ag ~163. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy inatitut.
(Electric lamns)
F "C' -21'--W"- r'~ -4" A (hVENA (k)/W(k) INVI'(n) 'Y-nnf
AP.~ W-x)e,/ Ir-
S CA-, ~C F ii t'. z h. Fi z i ka, Abs. 67,h'~.Z
AUTH%')3S: *i~~ 14. P. Isayeriko, Y. 1. kov V A, Stopanov, B. 1'.
7 71. In a neo(~fl-,iijn glass/laser
CITK) S(YURCF. Zh. prikL spektroskopli, 1?-' 1, no. 2, 1964, l41.-.L4--,1
TOPIC TAGS laser, ne(~dym1umjgr1jass laser,, noise density, lasvr po-4er, 1&ser orier-
Ihe autl-%~rs -~:-.vest~t.,rited "he devendence of the, laspr g,merat-jan -,ciael
ar."I --n the plmp pover, AA anpily. s c
sults has made it possible to estimate the influence of the nolse cin the genel-6-tloet
power. It shown that the noise density un is conneated vi4h the! 7ump radWi:)n1
density 1.n '.he fo1lowing fashion
u = a + bB(u u
n plump thr
where a &nd b are constants that depend an the dimensions of the rodi and of tha
side -urfaces; uthr is the threshold pump density. A cylindrical rod of neodyml,in,
glass w1th length 14 cm and diameter d 1.5 cm was iinresti,3ated. One of th-~
59 ~1,6
ACCESSION MI.- .05017554
mirrors was dense, with a transmission coefficient T 5%. The output mirror
Interchangecble and could have trams-zaission coefficients 9, 19, 4op h8, 6o, avid
7 A
,qt The Aiithors Investigaied the dependence of different laaar parameters o9i "ie
)f L'Osses C1:111--cCted wi'h the dif ferent tranSnL8S'-on CDeff1C.J1V1jt
e m' rr-r. were: the lasing time,. 'he Iime inter-ra,
ag )n "he E"Wrl &-id the start of lAs"na-, tbe ~aj;!w, 'Jux
P. ; s tbat the magn'twJe cl' n.,(Se ~:i
ql~lte large, &nd, i.; %c,:w-a,e ,e-sc:-1LT
-~r cx-! se 3 ~:!u, b t~ -3 a: ne d w ibou L ac c ourA o I' t a e no S e.
A. 13 ~~j u
- Tl
L 17 1
,K15-C-E-3SI0"N--"NR-- AP5000558 Pi-4/'PI-4 1J-P(c)/ B/0051/$41"01'V/CI06/0954/1)i~56
R j~-;-H ( a );YC-/aB
AUTHOR-, Vanyukov, b1, P..; Isayanko V L; 994~ Y'. A.
TITLE: Experimental verification of the Stepanov formula for the yield of 9LIMAM-4'i-
emission from a resonator
SOURCE! Optika t 6pektraskoptya, v. 17, no. G, 1964, 954-956
TOPIC TAGS: laser emission, light yield, laser resonator, laser atitput analysis
ABSTIULCT: A formula derived, b B~J. Stqp=Qv:(DAN SSSR V. 148 1963) i!br thdi
yield of stimulated emission from a resonator,. in 0aae of- awnlaes apiarattng in did,
stationary generation mode, was checked experimentally. The objects of the lnve4~ifigul-Jon
'indrical sam es of glass actIvated with neodymium., operattrig at room temueg-
were cy) PI
atitre. The sample was placed in a resoDator w.,ith external dfelectrW-~oating m1ri-ors.
One min-or was permanent and had a transmission coeffilclent 0 - 5%, while the OuLptit.
mirror vras interchangeable and had a transmission coefficient 10 to WIT7. The expEwt-
ments were made with samples 140 and 310 mm long. To eliminate (lifferences in the
L 17143--65
gig PI'd liftd#
-XOP e
m4 s- ~dth-thff atter NVeMcOMP 0A The: Ight energy Olt each flash Wft
tered with a calorimeter accurate, to 10%. Eaoh flash Inted 0. 4 -- IA msec and acat-J
Sisted of a large numberof LndfIvtdW,;. The results show that in or-jer to com.paj-*
the exTer imental data with the Stepanov formula it is necessary W tako. tnW accowit the.
average duration of the radiation pulse ani to suitably modify the theotetical curves to
vield the time dependence of the averaged values, of the light flux.. Further tests in
checking the parameters of the Stepanov formula are being pl=ned. Orig. art. hoov.
2 figures and 6 formulas.
ASSOCIA 1-71ON: None
EUCL.- 00
'ACCESSION NO. AP4031135 S/0056/64/046/004/1182/lI871:
AUTHOR: Vanyukov, M. P.; Isayenko, V. I.; Serebryakov, V. A.
TITLE: Time variation of-the intensity ofstimulated radiation in
various lateral modes
'SOURCE: Zh. eksper. L teo'r. fiz., v. 46, no. 4 1964, 1182-1187
-TOPIC TAGS,: stimula-tediradiatiod.' radiation intensity, radiation
'!intensity variation laterAl radiation mode, radiat!on intensity
:time variation, a oration.:
axi:l radiation mode, lateral mode S ni
a ad radiation, neodymium
xial mode generation, stimulat
!activated glass, activated glass, resonator, polariz &radiation~
!ABSTRACT: Spatial.and time relationships between the: axial and a O'M*
:lateral modes of stimulated radiation were investigated by usin
San. !
atus in which the amistion from a neodymium~' lass 1 06 0)
directed.'toward a lens in the focal plane-of wgich is
The optical system with its auxil ary!*.-
cathode of an'.image converter. i,
photographic system is shown'in Fig..l of thoi~nc~losurs. for a case.
Card. 1h 'j~
".1wherein the emission leaving.the glass'spocimen is separated into
wo beams. Fig. 2 shows the distribution of various oscill,atL6U,
modes. A comparison of the data obtained with determination$ mAde
L YWA 'KF D -i-1 A ZC ( k2 C2t /H3, ', b2Feik ~W A,h
j C
ACCESSIM NR: AP5001819 S/0056/64/047/006/2019/1021
AUTHOR: Vanyukov, M. P. I i i a y a n 112r.~ ~cV S a _re b _iv. . a k o
yvt a k o_VA
TITLE: Stimulated ra.diation connected vith complex oncilLation sedes
SOURCE: Zhurnal sksperimental 0noy L teoretichaskay ftzlki, v. 47,
no. 6, L964p 2019-2021
TOPIC TAGS: las-er, Laser crystal, liser ogeillation ~idaa lameir cim-
pLex mode
ABSTRAC17: Proceeding from earlier works by R. A. Lafi,., W. P. 'Doinkit,
and others (IBM 5. Res, and Peveloput. 7, 1963, 63) an~ of. K# J.. Coilins
Amatu wim 3 4- M ter
Duna wt ~ i
gations of the problem of lateral oscilEatica modes la~set.cIr"Potiltle's,
The article deals with an expertneata 1 study of complox oscillatium
mode3 having an angular diatributton of radiation not studied pre-vi-
ously. The radiation of a ModymEara-activaced glass sa.mple vas phot,o-
graphed through an electron-opttcal transducer. Photographs of thj!
ead faces of samples with square and rectangular crows sections vere
Card L/2
L 20291-45
made, ry f- '-t idat:-I Light-, in I
vath. -Withi ~'iiactlr6 isl or
~aimp ex m' dos' is
-:ana formation of closed r&diation paths 04thin the
specimens,each of which has its own plane and pattern of multiple
reflections frotm the several pairs of parallel watts. The planes oe
the paths are perpendicular to the and faces. The poioitn of amergance
of the rays from the end facts form symmetrical patterns rotative to
the coater liae of the apectmen, Thanathairs propose that the relative
aunparattatism (I to 3') of the side waLls of the sipectooin is ros;poft-
sible for tha limited number of p4ths. Orig. arc. hasi 3 figureg.
ASSOCIATIONt Opticheakiy LastLtut in. S. 1. Vavilov-a (Opttcal Imatti-
tute) ........... .
SUBMITTEM 163an64 ENCL! 00 SUB CODE.: z0
ACCESSION 11R: APS004365 510056165[048/00110003/00116,
K. sjXra.Lc 11.1,
Vanyukov, P. Luizova, L. A.,;
Shorokhov 0. A.
P_ 6
TITLE: Ex,:Jtation of additional nonaxial modes of sittnag#ed emtp0tod.
SOIURCE Zhurnal eksperimentat'noy I. teareticheskoy ftzikt, v. 48,
1965, 3-6
TOPIC TAGS: nonaxial mode, mode excitation, ruby lifer
ABSTRACT: Data are presented on the exci-tation, of nonaxial radiation
due to inclination of the lasing materiaL with respect to,* th resowa-:
tor axis. The specimens consisted of neo ed glissxods'.
8 or 10 mm In diameter and 67 or 120-ffm~long,,-r th polt4fted ends.
These were placed in a resonator (at vario rl-es to i-as ar-is) I-rith
plaae, dIeLectric-coated external mirrors. The coefficients of re-
flection of the latter were 80% and 98.5.% and their surftces, set I or
1.5 m apart, were polished with an accuracy up to 0.1. X. The deviv-
tion of emitted. radiation f rom the axial path, duG to the, optical !n-
homogeneities of the specimens, did not exceed 0.1-0.5 The
Caed 1/2
-ACCESSION NRV ~,&-P,5004365
ape ct umped at 1.5 times the ro, aoW
mans ve re p t
results indicate that for a well-altgned' spedEmen the emig s C Vou Is'v1J.
the axial Airection with a divergence of I - I . 5 At angles. fr= 40"
to 2, in iddLtLan to the central Spot, two additional spoits. appear
on each sL,le in the LnclLned plane of the specimen, The, single betucte-1,
the additional spots is independent of the specinen sizei; pUmpLng'j!v-
ergy, and the angle of misalignment. The appea-ranae of tddLtLonall
spots is d,je to the same mechanism which is responsible for the fornai.
tion of Fai)ry-Perot rings in a well-aligned resonato.r. The comple!c
type of mode in a non-ideal resonator can be considered, in both cases-1
as a combiiiatioa of the axial and non-axial modes in an Ideal resona-
tor. Orig. art. has; 3 figures.
ASSOCIATIO14: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskLy inatitut im. S. 1. Vavildva
(State Ovitcal Institute)
SUBMIrTED: 06Feb64
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 004
c I
AT'D pFjjLsS 3189
L 633k2-61' 0311MY
Mv -~AT"m , ZFEWAh SM/UP(c) WOW-H
ACCESSION NR: AP5019765 UWW51/01/019/002/096/026T
aavukoy. M.-P, P'. 11 Iyub i=v V Voy
TIM: Effect of mirror Misalignment of a Fabry-Perot reauxnato~ on the
resonator loss
SCURCE: Optika i apekbraskop4a., v. 1.9, no- 2v .1965$-.2%~#f
TnPIC TAGS: solid state F,abr- ~.Ferqiti re~~i '~to %'refit
-loss', lazer ~Opticz
Date re pieseated on the 1"osa. mrisin~, it la#,~r reabti~tolr i(hen.tite-
t11t angle is relative4
large (I- !lie tests wre Wbt oii a neoi4ijil-m-
glassViaser with bleached ends, usinig rods ot varloua diftmaters and
--7 losa v'-fr-s determined by comparinq the dc-aendence of the thre-ishold, pump energ~r on
the mirror ndsal-Ignment and on the mirror reflection coefficlent. The resv-144 s are
Prosen-ted in the cf Plo"s of Ickg(l - P) va a (P a relative loss, a w tlll~
s~~ that the resultant cw-wes arc straight lines. Am emplrica2 fornu2a
- log(l - 0) _ 10- ~kV 0 * 4~2 (f - length at' rod in taeters) is &erived on the basIll or
1-b?! reaulta. The results show also thst at certain rod orlentrutions the inhc=o-
gencities in the rod cancel ou-b in part the effect of the mitma-ignmerrt. Orig eal;,,:
has: 2 ft,;:ures and I formula.
Card -V2
I I rm~wjm all pwn I" fm I w-m-gou" ill It g m
A J'
i. U-1 _7 f f
A 1182- 6-
4 i:
Ra non
RUMTO J 2 .oaf
Card 212
P1_7 ill j4/pn N)'Poi-41
ACCESSIOU NR: AP5013854 UP/0368/65'002/004/0295/0296
AUTHOR% Vanyukov, K. P.; 13arenko, V. 1,,; LuLzova, b, it.j Shorolchov,
0. A.
TIM: Thermal distortion in gJass specimens pro;ducia~g -~tjr,2ullltfld ~
emission fQ
SOURCE.; Zhurnal prikladno
y apektroskopil, v., 2'. 11no. 11
TOPIC TAM- laser, 5 las6r. neodymium
tortion, - er _Rlasdd laser die-
beam divergence, th. mal distortion, watler cooled laser
ABSTRACT: -Inhomogene i ti e_a~ dd:'dq_riinjgz.the. fl. pti
-are A~t -Pjl~e~
amps in ne0aymiud ldser g add 4e a sitigated'i 'i* rWi&t,'Jdn to" It ' r
re. ire;
leffect upon the output beam diVergence. A Mach-Zender inter f e rometer
~Vaa used as the basic comparator between pumped amd unipumped glass.
.Rods up to I cm in diameter were placed in elliptic re-flectorc Mith
.straight flash lamps. Larger rods were equipped vIth complex units
,incorporating four~,atraightflash lamps and elliptic re:flectors allo"'r-
ing fo-- the large variations in pumping conditioms brought a,bout by
filling the space betveen the rod and the lamps with water. Inter-
L 51309-"
~CCESSIO-ff- -N*R: AP50iJ
ference ow therm%l distortion of thdi :rodb at inteT6-11LIJI
photographs sh
ranging from 4001isec to 5 ninutes after "the start of the P M
tf the nature of tWe thermal distortion Indicates tha
pulse. t the I-odi
heats up more in the center than near its periphery, it is consi6-r4-d
the equi-ralent of a positivia Ions, and vice versa, For air-cooled
rods, a 200-250. jouletem pumping density resulted in a C'enter-.ttdg~! ii
path dif;rerence of one wavelength per 10 cm or rod len4th, The
distortion produced a pouitive leas. For waterccialed tods, a mageAlve:
lens was produced. Generation began 400 vsac after t1i estart ; (if'
the punp'.ng pulse in a rod 8 min in diameter vita aia;~ompijzted Vy it
divergence angle of 1' ; tow-p.rd the end of generation, &LIgle 1-~Fi,hed
2'. A. rr,d 2 cm in dip-meter increased the divergem,ce angle from 41C 'a
80". DiE;tortion due to the action of flashi lamps upon tine Ihir im
this intc-rferometer was found to be much larger thiLl i thirt oivcurrinjr.
direct-ly in the laser rod, The air heating distartLon, ho-WeTer,, uqu%
practically eliminated by ordinary glass shieldIng tubets itinertiIA an
'he ends of.the rod. Grig. arto haa,. figures.
0 r"2
Effect of the misalignment of mirrors in a Fabr7-Perot resonator
on latter's Opt. i spektr. 19 no.2:286-287 Ag 165.
(MIRA 18:8)
PoliLii2ed stimulated radiation from glass activated by noodymi=.~
Zhur. prikl. spekto 3 no.2 Ag 165o (NOM,8312)
10 Submitted Jamuoy 12j, 1965.
Thermal distortions In samples of glass generating stimulated
.radiation. Zhur. prikl. spekt. 2 no.4:295-298 Ap(165.
NBA 1819)
L 1381-66 .EWO(e)/EWT(m~/E~lp(-i)/gwp(t)/Ewp(b) 1, (c) jbl Gll~~I:
ACCESSION NR: AP5021491 UR/606MM6*62/01. Plf~'
Isayenko Ve 16.
AUTHOR: Yanyukov,. M. P.
Lyubimov, V. V.
TITLE-: ~Polarization of the stimul'ited radiation of nabdymi gl"W
SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy:spektroakopii, v. 3, n 90 71~-172
2, 1 5 1
TOPIC STAGS: light polarization, polarized light polatizatfoni stifimlated raitiati i I
resonatoro, laser neodymium.doped glass glassi n~bdymium.
ABSTRACT: The high losses caused bythe pblarizer~ can b6'dvoided~b~r using ink6ad:
A glass.plate'whose'angle to'the axis.of the instrument can'be var edt The g,assl_ -.7:-
plate, which is placed between the neodymi and: d
":glassy rod. the output,win
affects.the efficiency of the resonator by~determining the polariibLtion plan ;e~df
light oscillations. During experiments, the emerging beam Weis split by.e. half-~7
transparent mirror, and the-intensity of thetwo components !~as 66 i~ar& on ai two
channel oscillograph. The measurements showed that if',the glass plate is in6iin"i;:
at a small angle to' the axis of the resonator, an almost coutpiete. ~plarizatidn.~Df:
the stimulated radiation can be obtdined without involving great1duees. f e 471~
Orig. art. has,, 2 figures. 1W
:-.1 tam
11)67-6,i ENT(!) 1-'P(c) VVIII/GG
ACC NRt AT6001395 SOURCE, CODE.-, UR/3180/0~4/009/000/01ZL/0125 -
'AUTHOR: Mgjj*ov, H. P. (Candidate: of physico,.!.m"athematical.':scieni:4iii); -19ay
Travlwv, G. N. W!
ORG: none
TITLE:, Limiting loads of pulse. lam-ps-~operating* wider repeated flash conditila
SOURCE:- M SSSAQ Komisslya po;nakhho fotogrifilA klnemat6 rafiL ljspekbf~ i1i
g ucbnoy
fotpgrafii,--v-.--g,--IT64.--Vy-sokoskorostnaya fotogra ya !.a ed
sh! pe
photography and cinematography),'121-125
TOPIC-TAGS,. light pulse, spark-gap-,-fliish-lamp,..elect'ric 61char*e
ABSTRACT*: The4rticle deals with.the recovery of-, the bieakd8wn rei; fe'tance of 4 spark
Zap operating und,3r conditions of repeated flashes'. with a lim'! it ng load , at a I dLiojanl k
~repetition rate of up to 20,kco In operation with a ~ given tiash rbpetiiion: r~ 4ttz, i -,the
limiting power of a pulse lamp can-be raised by Increasing tl~'e cap~d t~ f
I I I ance 0 L t te
working capacitor. When the I discharge repetition rate is in 6r~?aseo, thi power
-ed in the lamp is determined by two opposite factors: a drop; *n th6:ienergy of tbe'
individual .flush as a result of the decrease inthe breakdoun:.voltage, .and an; iv'zr6ase
in the total number of flashes. ror every regime of the discharge ~arcuit, t6r'e
exists a frequency after the attainment of which the avera" p~ower-'dlssipate4 In the
ge . : .
lamp becomes limited. At high dischargerepetition,rates: in the aIr spark gap:, a ae-
C~rd 1/2
7- R/O 2 /1 /003 0
so C E Vh/
ebryak. tV.
AUTHOR: Vanyukov, M.~ P. Dmitriyevskiy. 0. D.;,49ay !11 er ovot
ORG; none
1ITLE. Fai3t
-operating liquid Q-svitch shutter for, neodinAum~~ 1as6 laser
SOURCE: o.. 3, 1966, 547~1548
M SSSR. Doklady, v. 167, n
:TOPIC TAGSt. -laser Q switch,-solid state laser;, ue6dymium. glass lai3dr-
ABSTRACT: An investigation was,made,cf the use:of 3, 3-4ethyl~.9,11'jI5,17-dineQ-
pentylenethiapentacarbocyanine iodides dye as'shutt6r in a gla'sa''
'The sijon falls on th ~ Dingw;,av'
laser with A trivalent neodymium ion as,activator. emi s el e
edge of the absorption band of the dye, whose maximum is at~�80 mp~' A neodyMium
rod 15 mm-in diameter~-and 240 1mmIIn length'was-used. ~Th~ dy~ Ini a I a
p.,ane-,-jP. r!- ,
allel cu-vette 20,mm long, was placed inside.the resonator,~Which 6d external mirrors
spaced a.t I m. The cuvette was situated between the-generating rod And the exit
mirror.- The~giant gulse energy was 1.5 joule,:and theduration of,the pulse di not
-10- sec. The-laser
exceed.25-30 x spectrum , In ~,transition,~w a iiiiigle mode
narrowed from 50 to 6-8 Bo th the,threshold of,giant pulse generation and. its
energy depindedon the optical density-of the solution. The~61ngl~ pulse generation
-S.Mol/l; At
appeared when the concentration of the solution was larger than 4'x: 10
lower concentrations, free generation was observed. The energy of.the single pulse
Card 1/2 ~UDC, 621.'378.325
L 29565-66 EEC (k P(k)/Ra(l)/E4T(m)/FEt~jEWP(e) JJP(c) IRH/WG
ACC NR, A1.01.8895, SOURCE CODE6, UR/0237/66/000/006/0046/0046
AUTHOR: Vanyukov,
M. P.; Venchikov V. A.; Zhulay, V. Y
rssyen~qi:,V. I.,
Lyubimovo V
.TITLE*. Two--channel aingle-pulse lase
tkan energy of 180'16uleia,
SOURCE:. Optikc~,mekhanicheakaya promyshlennost'. no. 6111966 ~146
TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, laser emission, neodyalvii glass:
ABSTRACT: Is investigation was made of a laser
en!ergy:o;f the",.,
in whiih. high .,.emission
light pulse was obtained by the use of neod ium glase- rods. 'Cylindrical specitmins'.',
_ -
of glass (45 mm in diameter and 250, i
mm long) Activated with niodymium'irere coniiected
in.series-parallel. Each specimen was-opticall y pumped by si*.diriect pulse lam ps
placed in a multielliptical illuminator. The laser consistedlof two identical
channels, each containing three rods Assembled on one axis. -modulation was done
by two prisms fixed on a common shaft rotating at 18,00 .0 ipm. Thelight diamet er
of the prism (30 mm) was coordinated with the light diameter*6f the,operating rod by
means of a.Calileian tube. The experiments showed that for effective pumping of, an
operating body 45 mm in diameter the content of,Nd203 should:not exceed.4%. In this
way it is possible to obtain an amplification coefficient rod equal to 3.and
provide a yield energy of 25-30 joules from one specimen. Connecting the'.rods~
-Card 1/2 UDC: 621.378.324:621,376;:
L 34850-66 FPD/L.NT(1)/D]P(e)/EWT(M)/EL-C(k)-2/T/EWP(k) RP(c) 1q6j!L
I ACC NR, AP6018438 SOURCE CODE:.,UR/0051/6~/020/006/0963/0969
AUTHOR: Vanyukov. M. P.; Isavenko, V. I.. Luizova. L. A.t Shorokhov, 0. A.
ORG- none
TITLE": Losses' in a resonator when the stimulated emission spectrum of Nd3+ in glass
is narrowed
SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 6, 1966, 963-969
TOPIC TAGS: laser emission, emission spectrum, neodymium, interferometer
ABSTRACT: The results of a study of the losses introduced by a Fabry-F rot interfe
meter to the intensity of the stimulated emission of a neodymiumlglassltser_~We pre-
sented. The spectral emission narrowed by intTMIng FselecTive system, in
the form of a interferometer, into the resonator. The experimental equipment is illu-
strated and described in detail. The results indicate that the emission spectrum is
significantly narrowed as the coefficient of reflection of the plate is increased (1
to 2 X at 60 to 80% reflectivity). When the coefficient of reflection is low, the
energy generated is 70% that obtained without selection and remains so until z%aflec-
tion read-ies 60%, whereupon it drops rapidly. Losses due to various instrument com-
ponents are described and their respective magnitudes estimated. Orig. art. has: 3
formulas, 6 figures.
SUB Co SUBM DATE: 20Mar65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 004
ATD PRES 75.9:535(206.1)
Card 1/1 UDC 621.3
L_ 42940..66-
F 0 __' _~/
ACC NR. AP6030175 SOURCE CODE: UR/0237/66/000/0081000.L/0004
I.; Serebryakov, V. A.,
AUTHOR: Azin V. A.; Vanyukov, M. P.;
.-Shorokhov- 0. A,
ORG: none
TITLE: An Nd-glass laser with a smooth displacement of the spectral emission band
SOURCE; Optiko-mekhanichaskaya promyeblennost', no. 8, 1966, 1-4
TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, neodymium laser,,glass laser, laser output,.laser
ef f iciericy
ABSTRACT: Piecewise continuous narrowing of the emission spectrum of a Q-4vitchled
Nd-glass laser at 0.2-0.3 nm was achieved experimentally without appreciable loss or
efficiency by inserting the Fabry-Perot etalon ip e,resonant cavity.- The ex,'_-
,*ide th
perimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The KC S-71;heodvmium-glassV1kod used was 240 MM
long and 15 mm in diameter. A rotating prism (30 x 101 rpm) Q-switch and a I-M
resonator produced a 3-j single pulse with a duration of 1%,40 nanosec. The epee tral
separation was achieved by means of an F-P etalon whose mirrors were 95Z reflective.
Another F-P etalon with 40% reflectivity and inclined at an angle * to the resonator
axis was used as a spectral selector. The output mirror was eitheran F-P etalon with
non-coated quartz plates (13% reflective) or a dielectric mirror. The variation of
the spectral emission band and energy of a single-pulse laser as a function of # werq
Card 1/3 UDC: 621.378.325
L 42940-66
ACC Nih AP6030175
Fig. 1. Experimental setup
Neodymium glass rod; 2 - prism;
3 F-P etalon with reflection coefficient
R 40%; 4 - F-P etalon without reflective
coating (in some experiments a dielectric
ff Imirror (R - 13%) was substituted); 5
spectral separator F-P etalon with.R -95%;
6 - objective; 7 - camera; 8 dull plate
to oscl
.1lograph band neutral filters; 9, 10 - light.separat
plates; 11 - calorimeter; 12 - photocelr..,
shown graphically. Emission spectra of a single laser pulse for various ~.(3,20'#
240', and 300') and the smooth displacement of the in the'nera-
tion.mode are shown. The indicate the following: 1) sp6ctrafl.
narrowing to 0.2-0.3 nm occurred without a loss in the single pulse laser~'efficiency
when anF-P etalon with uncoated plates was used as an output mirror; 2) simultaneous
use of two etalons makes it possible to narrow the emission spectrum of a single r
pulse laser down to 0.01 nm; 3) use ofan F-P etalon with coated plates inside the
resonant cavity ensures smooth displacement of the spectral band within the 5--7 nm
ACC NR, AP6030175
range for both free and Q-switched generation; 4) when the spectral band is dia- I
placed, the energy.of a single pulse laser goes through several maxima which are
spaced by a distance AX equal to the resonator constant. Orig. art. has: 5 figures.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: O8Jan66/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD puSS.-.5069
Card 3/3 MLP
ACC MR: APP'70-02il~- ~OM~CE_CODE~. W021_3 716 61000/012 /00 65100 &5-1
ATUTHOR: Vanyukov, --M. P.- (bb7ctoFt' of sciences); Venchikov. V. A.; Isayenko, V. I
Serebryakov, V. A..~i
10RO: none
iTITLE: A 6-Ow neodymium glass laser
'SOURCE: Optiko-mekhanicheskaya promyshlennost
no. 12,1966, 65
TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, neody t um glass l=x giant -.pulse 1'aserj Q a witc.hing,
passive switching, dye:
!ABSTRACT: A 6-.'w neodymium glass la ser with a simple photottoploc. Qm.s4itch is des-
cribed. The laser consists of three cylindrical rods in series, ea.-.h
r i
250 mm long and 45 mm in diameter. Each~. od is placed in a multiell-ptic:
reflector and is pumped by six direct flashlamps. -The external cavity~
consists of one 99.6%-reflective dielectric iirrorand.a Q-switch pliaced
between the first and second rods. The Q-switch~consists of a cell, viade
of two plane-parallel (error less than l,min of ar~)~glass plates joined
optically through a 1 cm~-thick glass ring. The cell i1 filled with,a
polymethine-dye solution to a concentration-at which*the solution is 999
reflective at 1.06 U. At maximum pumping energies singlt 100-120-J,
20-nanosec pulses were obtained. By increasing the -pumping, energy
I Card 1/2 ~MC: 62li378.324:6216376'i
DOBRYAKOV, B.S., kand.jred.nauk; ISAYENKOt V.I.
Two cases of torsion of dermoid cysts in girls 4 and 5 years of age.
Akush. i gin. no.,2t149 165o (MIRA:18tlo)
1. Dirurgichaskoye otdoleniye (zav, - kandmod.nauk %S.Dobryakcri)
Kuybyahavskoy Mentral Inoy rayonnoy i gorodskoy bollhitsy
Novosibirskoy oblasti (glavnyy vrach N6A.Maiseyenko).
;9A,MKO, V.N."'-whitel,
~~~rg students during experimental work on t b@ school plot.
31ol. v shkole no.6:4_eo-51 x-D 157. (NM lo-.,12)
1. 5uvenskaya ereftynya shkola Anbekshi-laxaAskogo rarona AIM..
AtInskoy oblanti,
(Inbokshl-Uzakhakil District-Biology-Study and teaching)
Z -228467-&' h)-
ACC AP6011589 SOURCE, CODE: UR/025~/,66/00/66:F/0 9fj. -.0 i
M~ Isayenko, V. P.-(Engineer; Captain)',
UT110 1.
ORG: none
'TITLE: Aircraft-alert plotting 4oard.and rewte, displMy
OURCE: Vestnik protivovozd hno ;oborony, no. -91
S US 1, 1966
Taic :rAGS.-' ..air defense system,aircraft.detense, antiaircraft defense, ant."iricka f t
i W
fire control. system
c -ale, al'
ABSTRACr: The author~describes an. air raft rt~plottlnj board~and`.visu ~repe*te,r,.:.,.
(see. Fig. 1) for relaying information. on aircraft type (sizi) be!,sri~g,' an& altiiud6
ion point -to
f roma vinual-observat an antiairpraf t-defende ~ontrA ut,.,:, Ori-the
8 45'
repeater there, are two aircraft silhouettes on each,o aziiiiuthAines. space
apart'i The silhouettes form an inner and outer circle. on~ t~e; repO-ater, while, on,the
are corresp~ondingl -located thro ~ssiitches, Jk&~we.'
plotting board there Ll ss:~a~ bac~t
y i, . T :i _. "
lighting switch (for night operation) and a bell button oth':b' thet,outer
oar $
circle indicates high- and medium-,altitude~ aircraft (abve?l~'00 m) , awhile'. the ivmer
y represented
circle indicates low-altitude aircraft (below 1000 m),,corr"OondinAl
by red and green,lights behind the silhouettes on the repedtq.!r# Operation is ~Wl.
_r an obserVatio'n point, t
follows: -As an aircraft passes ove h6 oWarver ~deter'mines,
target bearing and type and, depending on the, aircraftts al titude_,~, throws the 1PIV,
1 22846-66
TVERDOVSKAYA, N.N.; MELEKHOV, I.S., akademik; ISAYENKO, ~e.M.., red.
[Industrial use of the wood of fast-groving species (larch,
poplar, birch,, aspen, exotics); bibliographical index of
Soviet and foreign literature for 1932-1962] Pron7shlemoe
ispolizovania drevesiny bystrorastushchikh porod (listven-
nitsa, topoll, berezap osina, ekzoty); bibliograficheakii
ukazatell otechestvennoi i inostrannoi literatury za 1932-
1962 gg. Moskva, TSentr. nauchno-issl. in-t infornataii i
tekhniko-ekon. issledovanii po lesnoip tsell-lulomo-
bumazhnoip derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promVshl. i lesnomu
khoz., 1963. 65 P. (MIRA 17:9)
1. Moscow. TSentrallnaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya biblioteka.
lesnoy i bumazhnoy promyshlennosti. 2. Vsesoyuznaya akade-
miya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for
nailchn. red.; ISAYENKO Ye M., red.
[Basic capital assets in lumber floating) OonowWe fondy
lesooplava. Moskva., TSentr. nauchno-issl. In-t informa-
tsii i tekhniko-ekon. issledovanii po lesnoip tselliulpzno-
bumazhnois derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyshl. i lesnomu
khoz., 1964. 16 p. (MI RA 18: 3)
1, TSentrallrory nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut leso-
splava (for Kozhevnikov, Pines).
KORCIIUI!OVJ E.G., prof., red.; LEON'T'Y'l-N, S.I.., red.; ISAMiKC)
,ye.I.I... red.; RAKIROKIN, S.G., red.; KAIISATKINA,
(Ways for the development of land tranBportatiozi of lumber]
Puti razvitiia sukhoputnogo transporta lesa; sbornik statei.
Moskvao TSentr. nauchno-issl. in-t informatsii i tekhaiko-
ekon. issledovanii po, lesnoi, tselliulozno-bumazhnoij dere-
voobrabatyvaiushchei promyshl. i lesnomu khoz,, 1964. a68p.
(MI A 113:1)
1. Leningradskaya lesotekhnicbeskaya akaderiiya im. S.M.
Kirova (for Korchunov).
Causes of porosity in joints welded under assembling conditions.
Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.4:13-14 Ap 164. (IMIRA 17:9)
1. Kustovoy otdel svarki Donetskogo soveta narodnogo Ichozyaystva,
(for Sapiro, Isayeako, Maslov). 2. Donetskiy politekhnicheskiy in-
stitut (for Zolotarevskiy).
62/007/002/01 -3/0-t. 4
/So D266 -D303
AUTHOR: Isae 0.- YU.M.
TITLE: Mode conversion at the joint of two overmoded vave.-
guides of slightly different cross-section
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no, 2, 1962i
298 - 309
TEXT: The purpose of the paper is to calculate the amplitudes of
the spurious modes excited by a joint in an overmoded waveguide: ,
The author uses a more rigorous approach than in previous atteMptS
when only the incident wave and one spurious mode was taken into
account. The general formula for calculating the amplitudes of spu-
rious modes is obtained by applying a method originally proposed by
Ya.N. Felld (Ref. 8: Osnovy teorii schelevykh antenn~.izd. Sovets-
koye radio, 1948) and furtheL-developed by M.B~ Zakson (Ref, 9: Dokl,
AN SSSR9 19499 669 4, 637). These general formulae are too com-li-
. P
cated even for small deformation of the cross-section; therefore,
the author restricts the investigation to the simultaneous presence
Card 1/3
Mode monversion at the joint D266/D303
of four waves~ the incident and reflected main mode and one of the
spurious modes scattered in both directions* The results are'valid
in the whole frequency spectrum - including the,cut.-off frequencyo'
If'h(1) = h(2)9 ioeo the propagation coefficient of the spuri .o'u.iB.
mode is the same in both'waveguides to be connected. The author. df-
termineb also the maximum-power which-a spurious mode can carry, Ir
this case the power is equally divided between the four waves. All
these phenomena arep however, very much weakened if -the finite oon.-
ductivity of the waveguide walls is taken into account or if the
propagation coefficients of the two waveguides are not identical.
The author finally concludes that if a fairly uniform 'E'requency cha-
rac%leristic is to be attained the propagation cbefficients oAf su~b-'
sequent waveguides should somewhat differs In practice this requ-,Lr *e--
ment seems to be satisfied due to manufacturing tolerances4 Thre,~
concrete examples are worked out and numerical resulis given: il'
Offset rectangular waveguides fed by an H10 model 2) Circular wave-
guides of slightly different diameter fed by an Hol model: 3) Same
with finite conductivity. There are 5 figures, 2 tab.les and 14 re-
ferences: 9 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-blu.-.. The 41 mci8~
Card 2/3
S/1 0 9/,62/ 0 0 1 /0 0 2 / 0 1 3.,'f "0 2 4
Mode conversion at the joint D266/D30"A
references to the English-language publicitions read as followa.-
R.W. Friis, A.S, May, Electr~ Engngz, 1958, 77, 6: S. Iiguchi, Mod&
conversion in the transmission of TE 01 wave through a slight tilt
and slight off-set of waveguide, Congress interna-tionale circu.its WK
et antennes hyperftequencesp Pairsq Octobre, 1957; E,Ti, Jay"ne89
Ghost mode6 in i'mperfect waveguidesq Proco IREO 19581 469 2v 416i.~ E,
A. Marcatili, Bell System Techn. J., 19619 409 1v 149o
SUBMITTED: May 39 1961
Card 3/3
can a. IL r-00"
L OW-0 woo. I own
10 Is
it Una
IL OL do-O raw.
L A. KV..W
wn . .... OL a ",WO,
IL ~ a0.-0
1. 0L
& JL
16 go*- ..... .....
ok OWL
lm~ wm
Ao 12
IL S.-O,
rmo~ of "a wows
POO wommoo
AUTHOR: Isayanko, Yu*M* SOV/109-4-8-31/35
TITLR: A ~Smoo~~cr of the Hol-node in a Circular Waveguide
PERIODICAL: Radiotiskhnika,i elektronika, 1959, Vol Nr 8,
PP 1398 1402 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The device considered is illustrated in Figure I (Ret 6Y0
The transition from a rectangular waveguide (see the
section AA in figure 1) to a circular one is effected
gradually via a number of trapezium-shaped sections (BB)
to.,a.,.tri&UO* - (CC) , and then gradually to sections ,
(DD, XW- and-, finally, to a point (?1P) . The amplitudes
of the paragitic waves at the output of this~type of
exciter can be evaluated by using the transverse cross-
section method (Ref 7). Assuming that the walls of.the
system are ideally conducting, the magnetic waves can be
described by Eq (1), while the electric waves are defined
by Eq (4). The coordinates used in the equations are
defined in Figure 2, The graph illustrating the change
of the normalibed phase constants along the exciter is
Cardl/3 shown in Figure 3.for even q for both types of waves.
A Smooth,Exciter of the Hormode in a Circular Waveguide
From this it can be concluded that the section AA-CC,
does not contribute to the formation of the parasitic
waves* The amplitude of a parasitic wave at the output
of the e*xciter can be evaluated from Zq (5), whose first
term is defined by.Sqs (6) and (7). Eq (5) can be
written in a simplor form as Eq (8). The solution of
this is given by.Bq (9). On the basis of Rq (9) and.
Zqz (6) and.(7),'it is'possible to determine the ampli-
tude of various parasitic waves. The amplitudes for:the
u,aves 311, Hll,, HZ, and H31 are given by gqs~(10),
(131), (12) and (14), respectively. The above formulae
were used to design an exciter having the following
parameters: ka 4.62 and (dyo/dz)a = 0*63 = const.
It was found that the~overall losses for the four waves
amounted to 0.19.db.
The author expresses his gratitude to B.Z. Katseneleabaum
for valuable advice and to V.V. Malin for carrying-out
the calculations.
SOV/10 4-8-3y45 ~ I
A Smooth Exciter of the Hol-mode in a aircular aveguide
There are 4 figures and 9 references, 2 of which are.
anglish,.2 French and 5.5oviet; 1 of the Soviet references
in translated from English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut radiotekhaiki I elektroniki AN SSSR
(Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of the
SUBMITTED: December 25, 1958
Card 3/3
X=HWSVA, N.P., naucbVy notradnik [translator); ISATMOO Tu.M.9
nauchnyy notrudnik (translator]; MKIUAEU. V.V.. nauciii-yVeotrudilik
Etranslatorb SMINSBUYMM, V,B.p )mnd.tekhu,naukp red,; DANILOV,
N.A.. red.; IOVLXYA, N.A.,
ELow-loss vave gaide transmission lines; collection of articles
translated from the Inglish] Toluovodnye linii persdachi a malyni
poteriami; sbornik statei. Moskva. Isd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1960,.
478 p. (KIRA 13:6)
1. Institut rediotekhniki I alektroulki Akadeall nauk SSSR (for
Kershentseva, Isayenko,Marlakri).
.(Wave gaides) (MicrovaTes)
AUTHORS: Isayenko, Yu. M., Malin, V. V., and'Halinza,t So* A.
TITLE: Analysis of a set of waves in circular waveguide,'wlth~.
impedahce boundary-conditions on the wall
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 7, 1962,
The purpose of the paper is to describe~a method for the de-~
termination of the eigenvalues of waves in a. circularwaveguide
having anisotropic surface impedance. The authors investigate.a
helical 'or ring structure (period small,~n comparison with the
wavelen th) where the circumferential impedance is zero and the
axial impedance is Z. Solving Maxwell's equations with the aid,of'~
riz vectors,~the following equation:i~
-the electric and magnetic He
.obtained for.the eigenvalue x:
Card 1/4
Analysis of a set ...
xj (x) J (x)
n n
D n2 2
(x) j i (x)
n-1 n+l(x) 2 n (3)
where D kaZ, k 27/A, a radius of the.waveguide,, J (x) n-th
order Bessel function of the first kind. Here D = f(x) is a single-,
valued function, but x = 9'(D). is multivalued. The physical-inter-
pretation of the maltivalued character is that as D varies, new
veguide modes emerge which may have the same eigenvalues. Ma-
thematically the difficulty is circumvented by using the Riemann
surfaces of the complex plane. The dividing line-between slow wa-
ves and fast waves is determined. The numerical results are. ob-
tained with the aid of an electronic computer B-3CM-Z(BESM-2)0 but
for the limiting cases analytical expressions are derived. If
Card 2/4