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sLAVNIN, Mikhail Ippolitovich; IOKHVIDOVO E.S.j retaonzent; LkRIONOV) G.Ye.0 tekM# r9a. [Electrical equipment of electric power p1mits axid.trans- former substations] Elektrooboradovanie eleldric'heakikh stantaii i transformatornykh podstantsil. Moskv4. Gos- energoizdat, 1963. 551 P. (MIRA 17%2) __66 E~~'!Tll) L 36479 ACC NRs SOU111C_'7 (,'OD'E: LRj()0qj/&'V000/O AUTHOR: Iokhvidov, E. S. ORG: none TITM: New stage in the developwnt of Soviet olactric -power ong1hooring SOURCE: Energetik, no. 5, 19M, 1-2 TOPIC TAGS: electric power engineering, industrial devolopront, olectric power p3ant steam turbine, electric power tranardssion ABSTRACT: A review of the state of soviet electrical power anginearingi It is noted that the second half of the past seven year plan saw the construction of many powerful steam-turbine power plant 's of-150p 200 an& '300 thousand kw; by the beginning of 19660 116 such installations were in operation, plus 12 steam turbine. installations of IpO009000 tar and over'. including the Staro-Beshevokaya regional power station of 1#900p ,000 kw, the Pribaltiyakaya and Verkhne-Tagillskaya regional:stations ~of 1,600,000 kwe In the coming five year plan, the maiv thrust oX power construction will be the construction of powerful steam turbine. installations, with planned power outputs of 294OOpOOO kw amd over including mainly individual power units of 300,000 kw, operating ;1th supercritical steaja parameters. Twelve Puch power unite are already.ip_ 2i-w7lr 71 L 36479-66 ACC NR: AP6027063 0 1Peration, Xn 196~6-70,68-70 more will be built* Units Of SOO-OW thou- to b, bull't in .sand kw power will also be installed by.1970* Three are .all; alsol the tvio first he'at producing units of 250,,CW 'k4"clipacity ;are to be built in the current five year plans The plan's fox the next five yeax plan also include the construction of longku$tan"~ electric power transmission lines, bringing power from northern Kazakhatan to tha. central,EuropeaA portion of the USSR* The lines will-opozate at 750-.-- kv AC ind.1,500 kv We - fJ-MS.- 36,529 SUB CODE: 10. 05 SUB14 DATE-s none - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - --- IOKHVEDOV F.M.- KUNTYSH, V.B. Studying the flow around staggered bundles of pipes with smooth and rough surface in a transverse flow. Trudy LTITSBP no.143151- 157 164. (MIRA ~815) j Wilmligr. IMEMSAIP-913 at 11 H LIMP IM MIR L~ 2- I I I - I -.' - ' ' ' "' ~-"" M-01,11f ii. , clot-4rij . I r . - _ -,--] , (,) I , II 11 r USSRIMathematics Nonlinear Operators Card 1/1 Author Vaynberg, M. M. Title Hyperboloids and the conditional extremum of certain functionals in Hilbert space Periodical Usp. mat. nauk, 9, No 2(6o), 105-112, 1954 Abstract In the investigation of certain problems of.the theory. of nonlinear operator equations it is necessary to find the stifficiAnt conditions for the existence of the conditional extremum of,the functional ~(x) = f(Ax), where f(x) is a differentiable functional and A is, linear operator in a real Hilbert space H. Here:the author gives the sufficient conditions for the existence of the conditional extremum of functional O(x) relative unbounded manifolds,,byper,boloids generated by A. These concepts, to which certain problems1of nonlinear analysis reduce, are also connected with the investigations of S. Pontryagin, M. G. Kreyn, M. A. Rutman, and,I. S. lokhviodov.. Submitted April 1, 1953 wad Aix 511mard thoat4y d wit In !'fam'! It U.144allp 111eftric. ey -w R in rolt.4inito in-er Imodoct a Ii Vr a.141iol'-1 '~* i;t! 11:11ml-kilshbilily ,~ rl, .1. lro 1! 1 ",1- A I A ill b" ::Larns I I I Fw-dupt! 1183,Mt- 1 ho r I tit I,-, 1 11t:in! PTIfI t, I t I,-, I (hwl I j- I 1h, ",.I It i 13kI*-Ij1Iv11 at n.c. I I a :H1--IJ, ;in nAl,-.- ins i 4 ;j xf f f A,! IF 4!t' I bW It qj~tj - ~,,w -a ~ n IOKffVIDOV I S . KUYN, K.G. "Spectral theory of operators in spaces with an indefinite vigluation. Part l." (Trudy Hook.mat,ob-va voi-5, 1956) Trudy Mosk.mat.ob-va 6:486 '57. 1 (kin 10: 11) (Operators (gathematice)) al Em!mg me. FJ (N I -~i v, vwq I umat. 11V~ E ID V! ki 1111 MIMI I H", t-b o A fill IOKHVIDOV, I.S.; KWN, H.G. (Odessa) Spectrum thsor7 of operators in spaces with an Indefinite metric.'Part 2. Trudy Mosk.mat.ob-va Bs413-496 139. (MM 13:2) (Operators (Matheamtice)) (Topology): 16(1) AUTHORSs lo T/42-14-3- 0/~ .j4gX&.J.,A3,..0..ftutmanv M.A., so TITM University Conference on Functional Amlysid and its Applications PERIODICLL: Uspekhi matematioheakikh nauk,1959, Vol 14,Nr 3 Pp;'221 226 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The paper contains a report on the conference on funoiibnei analysis and its applications which too~k pla;ce! on Octdl)er ~O- 25, 1958 in Odessa at the Hydrometeorological Institute. There.were 140 partioipators from 8 republics of the USB.R-~ M.G. Kreyn opened the conference. General lectures were given by G.Ye. Shilov and I.M. Gellfand (read.out~by 11.1. Gr~yei). lectures givenW : R.A. Aleksandryan,i' Berezanskly, ~.I-' Vilenkin,.M..I. Vishik and L.A. Lyusteriiik, i.hfl. Gellfaz!d and M.I. Gray-ev, M.I. Grayev, V.A. Illin, L.V. :kantorovich:an& G.Sh. Rubinshteyn, X.G. Kreyn, M.A. Krusnosellskiy and's.6. Xreyn, V.D. Lidskiy, M.A. Naymark, A.Y4. Po-vzner and ItV. - Sukharevskiy, D.A. Raykov, A.N. Tikhon6v and A.A. Samarskiyq S.V. Pomin, D.E. Allakhverdiyevt B-V. Bazanov, N.Ta. Vilenk-ln? Yu.P. Ginzburg, Yu.L. Daletskiy, rI. 01olldengershell, D.P. Card 1/ 3 Zhelobenko, G.I. Kate, I.S,- Kate, A.A. Kirillovp I.Ye,, Lut senkop University Conference on Functional Analysis and its OOV/4Z-14-3-207/22 Applications Card 2/3 V.E. Lyantse) G.V. Uaykoy and S.N. Sokolov, R.G. Xaksudov! VOP. Maslov, R.A. ginlos, BqS, XityAgin' '17.1 Sabol~ij 141. Pyatetakiy - Shapiro, L,,A. Bakhnovich', L.Dil ;adayevi Fomint G.Ye, Shilov, Yu,L. ShmulIyan,,A.V,'Shtr&usj g-al.~:Kliot- Dashinakiy, N.Y. Azbelev and Z*B. Tsalyuk, 'K.G. Akhmadovo I Ya. Bakellman, M.Sh. Birmang Ya.V. Bykov, Yu.N4 Valitskiy and ITOK. Fags and Y.G. Khriptunt B.As Vertgeii~~ V.P6 Glushko a~nd S.G. Kreyn, A.I..Guseynov and A.A. Babayev,: M.G " Dzbavadov, I.:,A. Kupriyanov, Yu.F. Korobeynik, A.I. Ko6helelr, 04. Ladyzhdnakayap A.D. Lyashko, L.G. Nizhnik, M#V. 11aalrinnikov, AOM. Molob"ov, M.A. Rutmang Z#I. Rekhlitskiyg 3.11. Sjugizo II*V. Fedoxyuk, S.D. Eydellman, V.A. Yakubovioh, G.N.,Agaye'v, G.P. A)dlov- and A.M. Vwrabilrp I.A. Bakhtin, M.L. Brodbikiyi,11.11. Vaynb~erg, I.V. Gellmant I.Ts. Gokhberg and A.SsIarkne, I.S. Dynint 11J., Xadets, A.G. Kostyuchenkoj B.M. Makarov, M.A. Krasnos~ellskiy and.Ya..B. Rutitakiy, Ya.D. Yamedov and R.R. Sultanov, A.S. YjLrkusg Ye.Ya. Melamed, A.I. Perov, S,.'.';,. Rlrahkov, D.Y. Salekhov, P.G. Skvortsov, Sys, Do-shin, and K.Y. Fishman, University Conference on Functional Analysis and its 110'7/42-14:3-2()/22 Applications In the final session the following rtisolutians were:passod 1.) The next functional analytic meetimg wiill take place;in September 1959 at Baku. 2.) Delive ueriai co; ry of the mat n- cerning the past meeting to the editors of the Iffspelchi mate- maticheskikh ritilk for publication. 30 OTganization of it now periodical "Functional Analysis and Applications". A committee consisting of A.Ho Tikhonov, Correspandirillember, AS IJSb,R M.G. Kreyn, Corresponding Member, AS Ukr.SSR ; ProfessorlB Yu.M. Berezanskiy$ M.A. Krasnoseltbk~y and, G.Ye. Shilov io commissioned to arrange the correspoiiding's-teps. Card 3/3 GHINZBURG., I. P.;IOHVIDOV, L S. [Iokhvidov) 1.S.) Studies on Infinite dimensional space geometry with WlInear metric. Analele mat 17 no. 3:3-56 Jl-B -163. m - ww~lwmm~ - - - ---- - - - - -- - -- -- -- - - ~! - -- - - - ~ - - - - , - ---- - - - - . - --- -- - IOKHVIDOVI I'S. G-isometric and J-aemiunitary operators in Hilbert space. Usp. mat. nauk 20 no.3,175-181 MY-Je 165. (f4MA 18::6) AUMIM# A*Poj ANUCHIN, V609'; VZOMMOVO K.V*j WUNINA~ H.M.1 GILZROVICH,, M.M.; DUMOVSKJMp Ye.P.j YEVOTIG=EVp A.A*; IOW3v 140M0' X.G. H.R.- KAIWKOVp P,Mj XM(MLIp LTS.; MWLI, S.Lj HXZHERITSM# G#S*j NOMOVs H.I.; NAZAROX.EV,, OV,; PCHSLKIU# I.,A*j RAZUMN-p V.,So; ROZW~TUM# IqM,; SMOVi Bo~i-; SIMPNIK9 T,1*1 SALIV39 Te,Se; SHDTRZAS Voral TWSPWAg N~Sq; FILICHAK07,, N.I.,- KHRAMOVA, Ye.L.; UNMiMCM,, G.S.; DRIMM, P.P.; SHILM A.A.; SIUKOVO A.P.; KIRIILOVq L.M.9 re&; MARKOCHj, H.G.0 tekhn.~Z [Regulations on the construction of minic.ipal teletp~me network Uneal .Pravila po stroitel'stvu lineirqkh sooruzhen-11 gorodskikb telifomWkh setei. 2,izd. lbskva, Sviazlizdati, 1962o 511 pa (KMi 1515) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo myasi. Glavnaye upravleniye kapitallnogo stroitellstvao (Telephone lines) oil P84111131M =: ------- -- ---- - -- - --- --- - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - - - - -- - -- - --- - -- ---- IOKIIIA, T.A.., BELOJ, K.i;., 6OLSHOIA, K.A. IOXTON, A.I., (at. Petropavlovsk) First results of the introduction of diesel trwtioa of the Petropavlovsk section. Zhol.dor.transp. 3? no.7t.23! 7 Jl 136.1 (Km 9;8): 1. Zamestitell nachallniks Petropavlovskogo otdoleniya Omskoy dorogi. (Diesel 100000tivol) IOKTON A.I. (Chelyabinsk) Technological routing of ore and metalitirgical plant freight. Zhel. dor. tranep. 47 no.6z27-30 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6 1. Nachallnik sluzhby dvizheniya 7uzhno-Urallskoy 4orogi. OKTT,._A,.T,., (Chelyubinskl; SUBBOTIN, S.A. (Chelyabinsk) AlecelaratIng the turnover of local carn. Male doi,,. transp 47 no. 11 s27-30 N 165 (HIRA 1) 1. Nachallnik aluzbby dvizheniya Yuhno-Ural'skoy'dorogI (for Ioktm7o 2. Umeatitelf nachalfnika aluzhb7 4vizhemi7m Yuzbno-Urallsko7 dorogi (for Subbotln)* IOUON, B.I.; DVORZHZTS, S.A. We repair wheel pairs of diesel locomotives intheshqp. Ilsk.i, topl.tiaga n0.10:34-35 0 15?. (XDA 10:11) 1. Starshiy mAster kolesnogo tsekha Ounkogo lokonotivio0o depo (for Iokton). 2. Nachallnik t9khnicheskogo otdola Omokogo otdeleniya dorogi (for Dworshets). (Loconotives-XaIntenance.and repair) FAE'DOROV.SRAM M.F.; RYB,,,K, V.M.,, BATA101JI-, F~ A. GFUNNOV, POTEMKINA, O.N.; SHUVALOVA, I'M. Results of the treatment of chrcnic coliti..) cT Inflecticus etIo1agy: by meana of siphon lavage of the inteatine with hyp otonic solution: of Tambukan mud. Sbor. niuch. rab. vrach san.-kur. uohr. prof wiway no.a:136-139 164. (AIRA 1. Yessontak-skly sanatcriy "Kewtunl0wr," ~OAvnn vr6ch 15-57-10-14529 Trunslation front Referstivoyy zhwml,, Cktologlys, 1195T, Nr 10j, P.-191 (USSR) AUTHOR: Iolin,, A.M. TITLE: Gra ( ph Methods for Volwwtric Caq)utatibno 1n;Canal ou 1: Work id for Canal Construction and Students ofloeolog*) [Rexchet ob"Yemov karavmkh robot graficheaki-orm-liticheskim metodom. (Notod posoblye d1ya liollektoroy J,atud-geol.)] PERIODICALt Uoh. zap. Kishinevok. un-ta,,1957,, Nr 25., pp 3.61-168 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entrY Card 1/1 IOLIN. Mikhail Vladimirovich; SIMGNM, A.F. , red.;, KALIXOVA, N.Y., (Using industriel methods in constructing bridgesIon columnar foundations] Industriallaos stroitalletvo *'sta n'a stolbohet*h fundamentakh. Moskva, Vauchno-takhn.lid-yo~X-va gytonabillnogo transporta i shossainykh dorog RSM, 1959. 59 V. (MIU 1j: 2) (Bridges, Concrete) ZAPRUDNV, A#$.. insh. Dismountable stand for making reinforced co~crettspan structureff, Transpestroi, 10 no.6:13-15 A 160. (MIRA 13t7) (Reinforcel concrete construction): (Bridges, Concrete) IOLIN, M.V.; ALEKSEYEV, V.V.; VAKSMAN, Sh.A.- YEGOROV, B.F.; '----SMASHKIN, N.I. [Building an automobile brid e nsing, precast,reinfora.ed concrete structural elementsi Stroitellstvo avt,6dorozbnogo mosta iz sborrykh zhelezobetonrqkh konstruktsii. Moskva, O:gtransstroip 1963. 24 p. (MIRA 17:7) s/o56/62/042/003/028/P491. B102/B138 AUTHORS: Damburgp R* Yao, Ioliny Ye* Me TITLE-. Calculation of the.diamagnetiosuocepti~ilitj' of helium! PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheakoy flzikit V. ~~2t 19~ no. 3, 3 P 2 TEXT-: Bethe and Salpeter have pointed out that the.valuq of r for Ono Is electron in the He ground state, calculated by the Hartr'e~.functionj is.- smaller than thd value obtained from recent experiments. It is now~shown that this,discrepancy cannot be atti!ibuted to an inaccurate representation of the wave function. Numerical calculations were carried out wiWa. L-'(!~-2 (BES14-2) computer for the more exact wave furiction: given by Kinoshita. The result was the'same as obtained with the:Hartree function and it is concluded that the experimental value shou'ld be verified., There are 4 non-Soviet references. Thetwo references to,'Engl4sh-lo ~qge publications read as follows: T. Kinoshita. Phys. Rev. j~01, 1490, 1957;' 366, 1959.' J. H. Bartlett. Phys. Rev. ~6, 1067, 19,55- Card 1/2 a/ 16 i/6VOC115/004/05TA147, a 6 I UTHOa I 101in, Te. M. T N' 1& of enbampniam on 4ha tempera-W14, shIAN' in the U bauer effeat PERIODICLLt Fisika tyerdago tela# v# 5v Ila,# 4r 1561, 11914 11~6 2/2m2c2 0'r TEXT i The tamperatuxe shift D P the Y-1-i-ae Prequency Lit reboilr- free resonance scattering of ~r-quanta may be derived! with, respeat 110 1- Y-iriAl thearem in harmaimic aipprz~_ximatiartl. temparatuxe accordinx to tho dD/dT - Cr/'2no 2 in the case of art ideal crystal. ThAA lax ia vio4ted in the case of anharzonto vibrations. in the preLoCat paper tfie effects of anharmonian of third. and fourth orders oa this law is anailyze(l. p d.enotes ttz somentum of the AlOaabauer nuolousf m its mass, 0 7' thu Lattico oipeoifto he-at . Est:L=teu of the effect are giveri fair the lialiting: nattarq. of high texp,xatunts for a thread imens io nal --ryE;ta,l, and of low teaperaturea for (a) a linear chain with Interaction between the nearest neigtibnra and (b% three-dimenaLonal crystal. In both cases the offeirte of the limitl.gig Card S/10 1/0/001/604/037/647 Effect of aaharmonism on the.. B 102/B 106 transitions T-*O on the spectra are studied. IESOCIATIONt Institut fiziki All IAtv- SSR Riga (Institate of Physiem AS LatSSH, Riga) Card 2/2 IL I pd: i Lcj of t,-'.IL13 AiLL -46 Z, c W/T L00764 ACCESSION NR: APWI25 3 AUTHOR: Iolin, Ye.-M.- + of a and TITLE: Effect of two-level impurity system'lomthe phonbi Oect, single-quantum inelastic scattering of neutioins~: SOURCE: Flzi)a tverdogo tela,, .no*, 5 V, 7* TOPIC TAGS: crystal InpuritYp impurity levC-1# phonott ap~lwtiumol P~10~oil Sc4titerling neutron scattering, line broadening atui, T~ =I 0 ABSTRACT: The Feyrunan-diagram method is used to det ralo Ott t,'#00 I the influence of two-level impurities~such as V 0! ~*h 0-pho trum of a crystal, and the nuclear ~ single-p4caoft coh(~tent ~Iatt "r ng of t~e~ heO~rons. The simplest interaction,, which is. linear itt the p onon oprerato -a iaftd b WpOtr In 1 the fermion operators, is used in a model Hamiltonian,, jr, j~tle:b!otii!f the t!ejTM Jhatl' cause resonant scattering of the phonomarct retained. , Iti IS oltn 11tat, t, )016rel ly cbulge t e all' le'lil I defects of low concentration can noticeab h 410 le nuclear single-phonon coherent neutron ooatteri*. The nottrond may becoatil.% acei tered with excitation of bound spin-phonon 5tates, leadIng to t,4o:paaks in. J,he t scattered-neutron line. The ieteraction (exchw~ge or dlpole-dl~o~e) be miritieR can broaden the ;ion fp~ resonant level, thus reducing the cross,aiect t 1-C rd /2 F T; Al? J R 4V 001644-66 ION AR: AP5012563 MCM j A i66, ---- -- res6fiant--scattering-.of the phononde Nri*Ahd ~'itlAe~; of c Isic ft be h between two-level impurities can Cause an- ekchaiige, of enOV ''be wiled t e -t iLU ax. j ~for defect and the remaining defects. "The author thanki M.' Kri P PL cusslon of the work." Orig. art, has: 2 figures and 9 IV Inatitut fizi)d AH latvURO, 111ga (Inatitut~! i6l, qi.AN 10, R I ASSOCIATION: ym r,.. 60 SUB jQODE.- $80 GJ amrrm: o4may& OMM.. Ol* 1w: GOV r C Cdrd _WW"NIM L 0~9ul-67_ A-','~ NR- AP6033667 SOURCE CODE: UR/0371/66/000/004/0022/0024 AUTHOR. lolin, Ye M --jolins, E. 36 ORLG: Institute of Physics, AN LatSSR (Institut fiziki AN Latv. SSR) TITLE: Long-lived interaction between ParamagnetLc Lo~~induc'(xl by phonons SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i teklinicheskikh nauk, no.: 4, 19G6, 22-24 TOPIC TAGS: ion interaction, paramagnetic ion, phonon spectrum, phono exchange, resonance line, correlation function, anisotropy, paramagnetic resonance ABSTRACT: Using the Lee model at absolute zero temperature, An exact solution of the problem has been found for the case of two-spin correlation function by phonon exchange. The exchange has been found to widen and shift the paramagnetic resonance line. The role of anisotropy in the phonon spectrum has been discussed. Orig. art. has: 4 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22J~nW ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REP: 002/ Card 1/11740- i: - , -i , -, .,jt ;-. -. , --- IL" -~~ I -. . . .1-1 m IL~ :3. - AUTHOR: Zolko , 11. V. SOV/136-591.3-5/21 TITIR: Influence of Some Factors on the OperAting Indices.of Converters for Bessemerizing Copper and Cbpper-nickel Mattes (Vliyaniye nekotorykh faktoroY na pokazateli raboty konverterov dlya bessemerovaniya mr-%dnykh i medno- nikelevykh shteynov) PERIDDICAL; Tsvetnyye Metally, 1959, Nr 3, PP 19 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The athor considers the main factors influencing the productivity and economics of the converter process in the light of some recommendations made in recent axticles. He discusses first the article by L.U. Shalygin in tsvetnyye Metally, 1955, Nr 5. He discounts the proposals of that author that blast pressure a Ind slag temperature should be increased, considering 0.7-0.8 atm. and 1 150 OC sufficient. The author recalls his own :recommendations in favour of a converter with a 1.8 x 1.8 m top and on the general dimensions of the converter,(published in the Byulleten Soyuznikellolovoproyektall,'1936, Nr 6). He considers that the maximal quantity of working tuyeres should Cardl/2 SOV/136-59-3-5/21 ILfluence of Some Factors on the Operating Indides of Converters f,or Bessemerizing Copper and Copper-nickel Mattes be provided and the throat made as larp asi possible. On the basis of the work at the Gintovditmet:in 1932-1934 and the ex eriments of P.S. Kusakin and N.P~ Diyev (1950-19515 the author recommends the use of oxygen- enriched air. An oxygen plant has:beea eo#leted at the Balkhashskiy medelplavillnyy zavod (Balkhash Copper- smelting'Works) and tests of this tachnique'will shortly be carried out. Card 2/2 ICUOJI M.V. Concerning L.M*Shalygin and V.Bolbiarovichls artic3s, awa" of accelerating the operation of nonforrous metal cowrorters." TSvet.met. 35 no.SzM-90 Ag 162. (MM 15:8): (Nonferrous mtaU~--Mmta3-InTgy) (Converters) (Shalygin,p L.M.) Obierovichp V..B.) IMIM - D,S0;- cmpxox -HO-M, - ---- ---- ---- - ~ -- -, -~ - - ~.. 0 . I I AMIRDZEMOVY G.W.) ekonom. ;--IOLNESIAN, Z-A-, ekono-n. ; SMNOV, N.I.) red*; LUKOHNIK; G.I., tekhn. red. [Reference book and rate list. for basic building, industrial and accessory materials for technical and industrial Purposes; instruments and automotive qmxa parts in 1950 prIaes; for the. purposes of the lowering of prices as of Ju3y, 19501 Spravochnik- tsennik na osnoMe stroitellmyej, tekbnicbeskie i vopomogatell1we materialy proizvodstvenno-takhnichaskogo naznacheniia, instrumenty i avtozapehasti v tsenakh 1950 goda; e uebstom snizheniia teen r 1 iiulia 1950 goda. Baku, Izd. "BakgPrspravIIi." VoL2. Pt.l. 1950. 621 pe OURA 14:9) (Duilding materials-Prices) I (a-[ AUTHOR: Iolokolovp X. V. 223 - I - 123 TINA: raeory of Caterpillar. Drive. Guiding Spro"t. (Teoriya gusenichnogo privoda. NaprarlavyUhabap zvezdochka). PnIODICAL: Sauch. tr. Sovocherkas. polltakkin. in.t, 105o 300 63-82. (UM) ABOMAM The slip of abal n from the guiding sprockst4a sailyzede The relative positions of cMiu lInks and sprocket are ebm in several diagrams. The moments of ally are analyzedIn the Initial and Bna' positions of the roller. Mach relative poeltion is graphically recorded in geometrical values $xk the: form of equations. In the solution of theme equations the correlatioUs of the 141m~ : length.. the peripberal. speed of the sprocket andp,the dapendance of cranks on the parameters of the leading and:guiding sprockets viare obtained. It vas determined that the cycle of sUpping-off the cbain from the guiding sprocket xmit begin 'before the running-on Card 11 cycle in the leading sprocket. The analysis of chan a in sped 123 1 - 123 of &'gulding sprocket Is shOw in graphs and amorous tables. The process of a running-off obain. is theorotically analyzed., and graphically represented; the analytical dependencies and computation tables of dimusions us given. Itequiremento for the design of drives, vit4 one and tw pull oW n 1 a" given It is also indicated that the length of driving chains, should consist of an even number of link vith an even number of teeth in the sprocket. Thrity dravings and 4 bibliographical ref- erencies are given. (The beglanin of the discus4ion - see Trudy Novocherkasskogo politekhaicheskogo Imstituts) 1948,XX). 8h. A. S Ref. Zh., Owhinostroyeniye, Sr.1, 1957, Item 123;, ASWICATION: Pplytechnical Institute in Novocherkas" (Novocherx". politekba in-t) ZILICHENOI, G.G., kandidattekhnichosikikh nauk; Inshener, nauchnyy redaktor; UDOD, T.M , redaktor Isdats'110stva; TOMM, A.M., tekhnicheekly redaktor. [Assembling and operating hoisting and convoying,imachinery in the construction industry] Nontash I ekspluotatefts podleano-transportufth mashin predpriiatii stroitellaoi industrii. Ind..2-os, perer.1 dop. Moskva. Gono 'i iscl-ve lit-ry po stroit.i. arkhit.. 1957. 284 p. (XIIA 10t11) (Hoisting machinery) (Conveying machinery) GINDELI , Fba-mil Hatvayevio-b-, kando takhn-,-nauk- - 19,;Q -D 3 --inzh nauchnyy redaktor.; SKVORTSOVA, I.P.. red. izd Va,; EA.,, takhn. red. [Reconditioning and erecting of structures by~~means of lifting) Toostanovlenie I vosvedenia soorushanit sposobom pod*ema. Moskva,, Goe.,izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkbit. i strolt. materialam, 1958. 279 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Building) losif Salomonovich lolovicht d. 1964 im obituary. amr. nevro psik-h. 65 no.1:157 165- IRA IW) BAMHCHIKOV, V.M. (Moskva);,IOLOVICH, I.S. Nskva) 7,_ Alcoholism and the organization of treatwent~fbr alcoholic diseases. Pi-obl.sud.paikh. 9061-369 161. l5i*2) (AMOROLISM.-TIMAT149M) 8/170/62/005/002/001/009 B104/BI319 AUTHORSs Tsekhanskayaq Yu. V,, Iomtevq M. B. TITLEs Method of measuring the diffusion coefficients of solid'~sub- stances in compressed gases PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, v. 5, no,. 2,1962, 24 TEXTt In the method described h ere, the rate of diffusion of a solid in a gas is determined from its lose of weight, and no anallyses arelcarried out. The diffusion chamber is made of stainless steel (Fig. 1) and con- sists of a vessel, a screw, and a valve. The oylindridal channel is 10.0+ 0.1 mm in diameter and 71.O_+0-1 mm in length. The channel is-fillea V/1 with7rouna rods (10) made of calibrated iron wire and 0.5 and 0.8 mm Lin diameter. A tablet (9) of solid, pressed analytical 1)urity dipheny Iamine (m. p. 5000) is placed at the bottom of the channel 'A gaseous solution saturated with diphenyl amide is formed on the surKcs of the tablet by introducing carbon dioxide through the valve. The diphenyl amide diffuses into the capillaries between the rods. Prior to the experiment, the tablet was ground to fit the steel socket. The diffusion chamber with Card 1/3 3/170/62/005/002/001/009 Method of measuring the B104/B138 the socket and tablet inside was 'evacuated at room temperature and Pat into a thermostat. After the desired temperature had. been reached, the required pressure was created in the chamber with a hydraulic press.: The' diffusion coefficient of the diphenyl amine was calculated from an equation derived from Pick's second equation by integration. It was assumed to be independent of the composition (Jost W.t Diffusion in Solids, Liquids' and Gases. New York, 1952). The experiments were made at 32.3 C And at, II pressures varying from 130.5 to 77.0 at, and took 5 min to 50 hrs. In the pressure range under consideration, the diffusion coefficient varied almost linearly from 0.6-10-4 am 2. sea-1 to 1.9-10-4 am 2. see- 1. The eIrror was 5 - 10%. 1. R. Kriohevskiy is thanked for advioeland interest. There are 3 figures, I table, and 22 referencess 10 Soviet and 12 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read~as follows: Guildner L., Proo. Nat. Akad. Soi, USA, AA, 1149t 19581 Robb W. L., Driokamer H. G.9 J. Chem. -Phys., 1.2,~1504, 19511 Jeffries Q. R., Drickamer H. G., J. Chem. Phys., 22,486, 1954; Michele A., Botzen A.$ Physica, ?.1, 95, 1957~ Card 2/3 S/17o/62/005/002/001PO' 9 Method of.measuring,the B104/BI,30 ASSOCIATIONs Gosudarstvonnyy inatitut azotnoy promyshlennosti i produk-t;oV. organichGskogo sinteza, g. Moskva (State Itnititute of the; Nitrogen Industry and Products of Orginic Synthesis, Uc~cow) SUBMITTED I may.ig, ig6i thl Fig. 1.. Diffusion chamber. Legends (,l) screwl (2)~~ vessml cooki (4) packingi (5) bottom boxi (6) spi241 7~ screivj.(S) e, ( roe steel socket for tablet; (9) tablett (iO) iron rods. ............... Card 3/3 TSEKHANSKAYA,,Yu.V.; IOWEV, M.B.1 MUSHKINA, Ye.V. (Mosoow) - 1-1-m-ftftaw Solubility of diphenylamine and naphthalene in caVbon dioxide under pressure. Zhur.fis.khim. 36 no.100187-2193 0' 162. i(IMIRA 17W 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut szotnoy prmyahlennosti, Ylaakva. IOMTEV, M.B.; TSEKHANSKAYA, Yu.Y. (Moaccu) Diffusion of naphthalene in compressed ethylean and carbon dioxide. Zhur. fIz. khim. 38 no.4t896-900.Ap 164.1 .(MIRk 1?16) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut azotnoy promyshleanoatt i produktay organicheskogo sintoza. TSEKHANSKAYA, Yu.V.; IOMTEV, M-B~; MUSHKIINA9 Ye.V. Solubility of naphth&lene in ethylene end carton d1oxiae under pressure. Zhur. f12. khim. 38 no.9s2_166-2171 8 16k. (MIU 17t12) 1. Institut azotnoy prowqahlennosti I produktav organichaskago sinteza, Moakva, V. DCoal ni dyshi 6v W. IM.) - WOV, m. (~OllltMjq X.I.Ij , STOWOVAJ; N.,Istoianovap NII A comparative amlyoio of the antipno of the Se tvpbi (TY-2) strainj, and thiroaccines obtained from it by weeipitation in agar& Trudy epidw dol.mikro~iol 8:17-20 '6JL.jjnbl.f;621. 1. Otvatstve=yi redaktor,, *Trudy Nauabno-isalmdovatellskogo. institlata spideviologii i mikrobiotogii# (ford Kalaidzhiev). 2* Chlen Redaktaionnoy k43aegiij, Ohrudy NauchnD-issledovatell-+ okogo iwtituta epidemiclogii i m1krobiologUm (forromtoy). BTJCHVAROV, R.; VENKOV, L.; IOMTOV, M.; NIKOLOV, T. Changes in nucleic acids and ribonuclease activity of guinea pig spleen shortly after A-minization. 1"-v bioViza BAN 2:71-76 64- 1. Chair of Bidbbemistry at the Higher MedicalInstitute., Sofia'~ and TAboratory of Biochemistry at the Scientific F)soarch Insti- tute for Epidemiology and Microbiology,, Sofia, VRANCMU, S.; DEWHF.V, V.L=, M. [Iomtov, M.) Experimental active Im"Uniza ion by the perfringens-dedematiens- tetanus trjAnatoxin, Trudy epidemiol, mikrobiol. 8:91-96 161 [publ.162]. S1166j6210001004100,41010 B i 12/B 1136 AUTHOR: Iomudov, Sh. f TITLEt An integration method for the equation of the'Puselage'in the vortex interpretation of the theory of fundtions~of-a complex variable PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk Uzbeksk-oy SSR. IzvesItiya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, no. 4,1962, 33 -.'37 TEXTs This is a note to I. S. Arzhanykh's theory of functions of a'complex variable) in which each analytical function f ip iq is associated with a three-dimensional vortex flow of an ideal,-incompressible-fluid (DAN SSSR, 1950P v. 73, no. 4). The-eurface of::this.flow is deiermined by the wing a a const.j and by the fuselage'z V(Xty) which satisfies the equation D D (V,,4 0. D(x,y~ LD(x, Y Arzhanykh derived a very complicated fourth-or(fer~ partial.differential equatior; for the function V. In the present paper,:a third-order quasi- Card 1/2 811661621000100410041010*. An integration method for the... B110186 linear equation for an auxiliary functionQ is set,u6. For the fuselage z V (x1y) the formula z x 2buf (13) is finally derived. ASSOCIATIONi Institut matematiki im. V. I. Romanovskogo AN UZSSR (Institute of Mathematics imeni V. I. komanovskiy AS UzSSR) SUBMITTEDt November 13, 1961 Card 2/2 io IOKJDO.V Sh-. Use of conformal mappings for evolving the line's, of stream of~ turbulent flows in the theory of functions of st complex variable, Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-takh., khim.i geol.nauk nol.ltlO-15 i62. (MIRA 16s12) 1. Tashkentskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat in~ni VJ,Lenina. ICRUDSKIY, K. Analysis of hydrogeological conditions in southwestern Turkmenia, and prospects for the improvement,of the water supply. Izv. AN Turk,SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh.t khIM. i geol.nauk no.5:71-80 165o (MIRA 18:1i) 1. Institut geologii Gosudarstvennogo geolojo.choulcogo komiteta SSSR. Submitted June 1,, 1965. IOMUDSKIYp K. Cost of drinking water in Turkmenistan. Izv. Ali Turk. SM Ser. fiz.-tekh. khlm. i geol. nauk no.3tlO6-110 165. (MIRA 18;12) 1. Institut geologii Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo komiteta: SSSR- Submitted YArch ZI, 1965. 717, T: lpl;