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S44-:0 0 9 0 0 6 0 011W 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 Q,jw*u V 4 IONJIN SAO m M a W M, it a Pst 04 1 1 L I I I a - aA 00 "a 0 0 0 Asm 49 arwww" 40 olas* us is 00 orwift Mac .1. , X c J -Alwoms ly.:Fs o f udo SW It 1, 074acum. 6 N g a *0 I n 4W m amt Arm 4d ed ousbo " a s + ft tke$ 0, l'k4~0X. ;g'_l2 0#4 loo "a h0"" 0100 1111d Of M#Qawb*rm " tht t th tb * klPw+ p. gt- * WAI P O b OM ~ IF takes Phe" at tk ego"m tk cc SCL * _ to 00 00 00 OWIN Whb -1.2 -ArmolawA mdtdtv*&w Wilt Uw alsts dho WM 114% swWAM61 Thp 1=41 of Ibm * tt of 00 ,me to --a . nm d k* 0 e4; coo '06 see ON* 11o01 ALlti'_ 1..649 .0 islloj .10 Ob. d44 lht a 4 ft Dow lAr"ITI 9 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '1" S" o" 0, 0" 0, 0" 0, o 0 o 0 0 0 0 ;o 0 0 900000946041# 41 0 a is 0;41 's o o:1* 0 off'* 0 0 0 40 ~06 ' L50 ba*&* g '~ 0- 99090 00* ** , ; ., 0 Goat** 0 *& R I AI L A J - u U 1# q Id kt I I 4 It j Y A I a ~a , LAAL A . - - Go ,. - - - -- -- - oe of f 00 S" 1 A JW Lffhmmk , so ~ ! ~ 'W a-- - 160, Ap - 008 u= ww to SWQ fit 04 : kips W dinow"it4L I of M#Chk -0. dB I 01 %o%t k Sod lm 1w ft I ia the mum W url 04 00 8 mi * w o " PL b" awthads bond amaymbL vdQA-J%d M" m W It *#I M#A1% ta ,3 provkhm w"Uwr ago beam d# --41 -76. 00.3 008 - ~ I ~ - 4 . 0 0 0 t 6, 4 c a a a * * 4- + a e a St V x 0 14 M It &0 4 13 (1 IS 11 0a Sp A .40 or .00 no '00 18,06 "d '00 00 bbi .4 goo t goo goo so ago goo u a W-mi-41 0 0 4 14 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 to; I* so 0 , 00 4 is 0 0 o 0 is 0 4 lei0 0 0 0 0 Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 else o so * o KO: "? 1 4- a &4 -a C. m a r TC1611 loll is* 4 -0 a 1_11 00 40: ........ 60 0e4 "-Of I/ mpowedo'b"m w I V. P, learma. N, P, LAIpli AU L, ii. kc.Tr- p _ - . 00 410a Ali Dar. plp~ KUM S. me-WOMPI-Tioemottow is "am, di malfau 410simbov% i , =Crvpv4h pw L) m aw Q t tv"*;~hthwto~ffflbedkO- Nab% isavom fa a v I, III inwrop fol4a Ow *0 f --d WIM *now" c 4L. 61W plommy. k1w barwilwow d aw &*Wrls~ 004 drokm m , gin 10mal Cr mad be any*11011 ma, ikkil, The i_ Not 06 ;=Wwab. of both =00 too Ifew NOML WhIll @OAK I of Nv*w km 11w datt mv fallml 44 *0 0 0 t" W, - Il of Uw Opmdoo CaNdkkme fw 110 pulkuwr typw 14,t)4 OF .W=I4 see do 4h td for tow v WC tim mw owfur. V. tow see got 000 so* Not .. ..... .... ices --- em a AT a ww 91 -at 119 a 10TY IFA 0 o o o a 6 6 0 A 00 M 41 * 4 f84 0 4 A YAT, a il-A it v t~ i0 Is. 0, is 4 00 A 06 06 'A 14mm. ZAW. owxkhk %Wl.I*lt0jj --A smilm. fit X#1WON'tI,wis gltiiiiaoi 0 A md at ?A* brtwn* Ow Fe Wbuk and k1 tausilt. Tlw AWMIC w 11. 111 attv" CIO& flist exapst 'Its is 1.10" 1-040 d6plinatt, At thor alk%*. Waftin U* cuspy hKallar of 0w ovft. MOM 4d It. A-11*41os" iso it I"Ittvil W U14 jOrwe 4m a Invilimit it with 110 "d falliam 04 W,A1111", It Upf dill"- IsOlivosoll o: km thm 4 am, Um tlistnivetWe 6d "MM &I OW S"k III im jular. VI 401 1, it 2 11 It J v wilb &W3349v.wkbawt.&phnwx& ;i~L;wpit how K.V#(C1oIhj ",eq%.4m, 00 FrICN). omm, tallit to M 21 X e(CM)4kirlpstil .60 W . 11W MAW I win Old 1111111 G.WN11. ..I IIW 1000411411 lifloosil #4 111141 af KI 0 ciffif4amoo a At see 00 '31", qOmmuly tol CK ampoilt.. bw it twom W uldis;Q two a(I; NA,0kVN 1. it Am sibliql'o A, .00 00 4) an xivw wisixts. W K.Vw(k:N)os amodl KOK). at' ~411', W itoil M to It, wisilmo- WI X4. 400 FeWN)a aW K.Pr(CS)a In waftf. I X sod 2N XmIll at'2111". 441' diwl (op"i 00 gels 8*0 too Ike* bed w0 u a Am so a TI 0-7*9 0 000-0 0000 t'o 0006 0 It es 0 0 0 oi ~*~OT449 - 0 5 -060000 9 * ft * * 0 0 4 4 M * C t M M 0_#.* * tr # 41,4 4 49, o s f ' a t- F--j- f s -t t -a 4) m It _Fk It of AT If It 0 10 4 a A_,O J! w I) 1w - 1 L fa t 1 -A _L a a 4 6 4 0 -1-L-1 : a 4 a fi -4v l A 11, IL'IsIsall Asit, 0 VA, I All 4mi-w- d4aso P.0144-wi Ahim ~3 ii, lil t'i' is dwamw m*b mow" a e, ;401 Ow., -11 ilf At i1w wfll,kk V K. Ow -00 to -00 of J so too 00 a 00 .00 !too a4 0 ' ID 4 a a do 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 If 0 0 i. -~ ;-.*-. * 6 to a * t 4 c 6 q t r * -.a.- *0 * 0 0 rill tw"",T. " -, 4 - q 16 of to Is Id a k 0 if a a 0 a of a PfA is a 11 m a it it 4 at a tt a v di'c* a I a a I IL 'A, a a F a 9 1 I-A .0 1- At AM A 00 A polid"s, AND 00 0 04 Ma Is twhts air: IXACI + most), 04). P. Is. J. (kok. C#Aoo. (t -00 00 mv^4 + Mac$* wm in -W -1b, "A -0 00 so LOW V-4., W, TbvJW3 of cry%bL of NeC1.12HA) No Ww"s O'"A --&I w4 It 01ROWWO 44 14". MiAm ill"ff tbt AVMCI VAIMPOOd Of NOW). kbigh WIttfrIt '00 4 st-W. L%Mov ad**. 4d Naa. 121#0 or sea with ft ih*d4wfi * tw Awki Ot trm*T IP With Om". baw4m --a- ww -14 ad % 00 hm of MISIV4.71110 "I**. Oa appikkna tbe"t it 44 $we. nk ken sm-wew b*aww. it is comdu*d smia Om 117,14,10 -00 06 a sat-wwbrisWd~dm ph too MI- Of W WO WAINO Oft% 600801MOM OfOO ftk Ot few". "Wo" OhN .00 vina~rOwtMW Of 400 Obb I"Oft I" go im w a, mail, 41 thip. - p" N#C br*sw Ot, 00 a t - A L .1 #A""" - I,* too 00 ago fee loop'. IA 6, a 10 A, 1, 0 0 0, *j 0 0 oil' ITO - Ito t3 iv 00 0000*000900*0 6 0 a go 1111 Mrrtl a to tt f) w to M" 11 14 x s Ou v t- 0 P 1 4 VIUAA. A it pactstsol, a.0 049.141-tt -Ob44 Slit, 1 T. V. rOINNINCOmm. wb"m k". teas into the t fit 00 8 u FMP 10 th Ila as &Wm. HO iiomew Oak go a % Ova 00 a too so Ville 00 w 0110111 POO C 0 of to 0 to Lift4owe CL JeAr" 0 WO SIM 11*11"Git" saftell leap I fil ------ 16 Jill- q7 it . I _::~ -6 -Ali A. M 0 #4 'WO 010 10111 0 iq: 0 0 0 WWI 411010! j o 0 0 at*;; 4, 41 0 4 41 6 Al a 0 r 1 '4' Lul- tit wl A We MOW . M" I - V :0 f Anthfaw, .414= SAM ck*wss&'~mo W41I.HoWs. Um -L 4 as tbr maile AvvW Md #XWA 4 rr s4. do. Nw# ish the catifod" amp. ov 64 4a Tw cmbs* W" WA& am"46 4mw ow 4040 J k04.' kb -00 Itoslo -am - WN obmt US "a Ow pm6eww 6400 A 4 v-y wdvo dmakriew for advask adis. A xwn*w of apo. Iwo 10 0 rke"Yse "d Zo ekcuwjm ukkk wm of 11404 ad WA 4spa v - 't kkb nimir it adimat& to Mut Ow prumm an a w=i-mawtocturim andt, " "NUA fit Of 31 dCtAJ. kA. Ilipsem0aws I-o# 410 4110 w moo 00 its* 44!'L%b#4K'L mtesn" CLA"01CAVIN tit, 0"410 -AT 1414 .&P Ott 344 i, bit u 0 49 00 as i iTn' m a I 1 6 q 0 Tt w a 17 a a 0 a 11 lea ; a to *1 1 4 41 0 0 0 0 0 40 000 0 4 0 * 0 0 0 o 0 go * * 0 0 0 * 0 0 goo ejo 0 *-9-0 0 MIAVO too 41 Is .00 lose will +4c 1 a ij fit* lei" _J~' or C+A*. bAlkor i ~illA WAGS- )421 -1~ , NANA far 0 clet. t tot Sol %%~- M( 1b 1161K 0 0 milk., 13 b0 Op~ -41j-1 ........... __17L *, 00 0 0 0 0.6 It go 0 0* 0 0 u 00 a it v 1) 4 ft m 11, 0 It 0 is it A it X )W 7 W JT W 9 id ;V X 0 & -J - I AL a r a It At ;J 1 0 A; 4e "M" "V"4 *a *WWAS . "W.WW.44d 1 jih, N SM, d 2 U~.W QZA16111,70roW wg @Is w1crm _419 W with CM. AIA 4Z M* C*lh- 00 0 =drf ZEN Ch". 1"Aft -00 Ogg fe 13 900 Of 00 w gar so* 1.00 20 too $A L~AL L" *1 WN, CLAt WICAMN S. i.'4.! j lot low- ove ult- 014 1, 'o 11:0 Post iii flit its of go 0 0 04 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 T',49 10 0 0 0 4 0)0 0 0 0 a 0 0,0 - 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 wo 0 0 0 0:04 0 010 0 *0 00 00 0 0 v livilil [I Jil l IJ1,44S [ ,lip& W.1 1 1111101F I 1 1 1 i 41 Jl I I oi . , L At *" ON to -'Led 40 go GN PW. .* C. A. .00 t m .00 w u see 00 f 0. 1 do The W fill & C* d o is 00 .3041 see 0 m SK see 0 b" 4 a 06 74 Isis, 4-r- Is at 0 sib- U At A', I It d a 0 : : : 0 0 lol/ o #1 00 0 9000 000 9 9-0 10AF + ii 4- i: tr 6 -A I A lee li4l- j- of w I t WVW Onif low %Ask t1wiihil tit li-P 104101k* M40. -00 beg" tot" P90WO 4.3s"l. ~ -Illm olio flowl4wa 14, to 11-t1warvil 10 too. Iko, Wow, owl-I &r#11,11t1q ?I #Auk od I.I.Mikorl. Two uwtlknfq d"th"ll in The 11. a 144 H =Prof& s"Imot Ill 111vull-410 ,it" 4 "44 vilnl~l, stv eamilowd. 11,60SM1*0 wee": "I, III PROW i"14the i Aft Msw 'phillow 0.1 011.1 1141,01AN. 'the reftJoklik hwk$Wn..3w. +3NO.Cth 4-OHOONANAIW+ 244"k tskv4f4&cv in 0 0111W ill 411f# s. 3C0, + alfjO. Thr twtilftle to Illittil -n-d. from Ow N411t0v + J11110, t2lt 1110-Va , Nanto'l, .4 .1116 ala adn. ley hartlemal 917vIn. TlW 040. afl*r rrTdn, tv" -,Nalw i :111,16 - lg!11. Vito -111-1 iltl"wt t1two-, 11,10611l4f *rA wintir tit Ow brownsip ""mining in *%14. It, Itltfttd%4 ittil' 'I'bfl Icft 4111tj (PW4 lif,t r-jfjjt~ IT *"0 Attol M 44 W* Mim" I N4144 V. to I'MAJIM-1ml 411 lilt.. It 1 01.4 4,144, vrlrokls, 90,11 01~61' N Imlirth .~: 0 00 + Ste f. 311110 - 111OW(Oll). + Naar. Tim will, k Ill" W11% tOW4 Oftfl 104 "Ith 4 0114111 A Ill, Oj(M4 IM hy" FeWN)v awl the lultato Mrd. Near rws.. 04 1.0 I)Ihtr ill, -v m.- IM41, Pf I" wigirl t.004 -0 le wulgvpd sell driod. The u"d. to is lidli -4 TALIVOWIL it too It ;;I I I 1- 'b A ------ ------- :lp 0 fit 0 0 to -4 do W a lill 4 , I jr- Rioll Ron I-Altiton 1:00 w 0 0 9 0 0 0000 00 000 00 09 0 0 0 0 0,10 0 0 tv Oli a ll1v.1m1i*w1,h1!q1F Up" 11111"I ~ IjI 411 U Alm Now wedw-b F JIM it 6WI. TA~ ~-jo W-U.-Vjbm 0 cow) Met No, wax AWA Uatod ;k larowd wba 70% 4OW4 off. end to".4, is ism-* jjjpwVAw am two 1 140 b, 40 jolead~ NSUC06- Tw "0*. mot' so 4 OVIN "-w- 8~jvs No i~~ 0.6 br, w1tw zoo C votom ON" - I I : i .1:1010 uMM to Namoo warm do T 00 the 6006%, CX h lam aid 4bg IU tl~h "I . So .3 so not samews W%es tbr~,g 1,9A wo Orow. N Odom. low It" zoo mms. of ETA' I _ ~ ;;A Ow see go I If** bwm how lot vwmjjru!,j;,70j-r 1*0 wo '.. 43A1. S L 0 J-V~V'jilL --j gs is 0 " n 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0:0000 0:0:00 oo* a 00 0 . I T, - ti. *00000*00000:::* 1 of 1,11,17, "-fffiI 00000C4140040 0 c*q* 1 4 #f u I *II-.*w now 0 j aOto 00 0, it all 4[ 44 " 0 Al i-00 00 00 :0 A 00 00 06 OWA*m d lbs. W log wm V..r. a Bad a. Kh. IM, r- v. S. J. JL 0, is( 04 .00 0 1 ~Wiowot`?. 804 sw tAm Pbw Wbou "do 0 I X: '..( 00,j Whm in mu. buawo zoo 00, lot:= IW f4wo a" thwi UWAA sawk ow %w., IV 00, 40 *00 300 .,60 log, 091 Olov 100 14*0 0 0 0 i0e 0 k-,V- 0-0 0_0 0 0 F* 0 op 0 0 : * 'E" 't -- - - -_ - - Ar - - - - - ~, n IT-if-is pil,_ - a t I JL-,. Aill T11t,411 . 00 itim" or calrbselitit VS. Kfiklldl~ Itths. aMmined in tlw towft itanol 4vwd, move of this pip"of 6 0911will v 00 "arp" 01 umums the heal so llw I so a,- The Mkiewile. I%r Iroillit. of Ns~, ftnvw* to 1w f"fismi lip Nats.'spill 1 *0 evit"Ifil"t 00 1,1111111110t CL&it*WAIIGN at a ties 1,411 011 FQ4 m -11Am A 11 4 91 I I 0 0 .40 ........ ... 4-00 n iarippi 4~, flu-it wA .4&j j(11. lit 1110 .00 wortil it fw 11## moul ll~ dilivittliIN Ao Is 1111014 11116 lljg =00 '0*1 0 94" 200 I ak- s, a 0 At 11111 111 N I 0 0 ON *,of 10 00 0 000 0 V 0 0 0 00 a 660 0 0 0 0 0 of 000 00 0 llp~ TWO-, Iti'll, It F; e, tr alla4. a '1 1, of;* IL a f 4-1 fit.. 4 '00 of ~-qw$ Af - ~Ilrm&Ajd 4, A%. at. 11 001w!Ifflamm r4 00 .1 see 0 go of oleo see ww 400 goo goo 600 Ogl"I'v"acali, u"'kat CLAU"Al"m too lentil .40 sow dog IV F 11~1 W 0 1 0 4 A A 1 11 I11% VA 6 V 10 "is a list I 0 0 000 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 :10 0 0 01 4 0 00 000 it 40 __ 0-0-0 12t.1. AA po cdol#i WA44 $4, 16~ leave byllow"s, A. V, OiOkov c I 00 NUMNAMOi4twoledwilb its. .00 00 too zoo too 00 00 00 -00 ~jf IT.i 64R280 04 t*"&* .10 1 L 49 0 ... . ...... 0 0 0 o 610 o 00000000000 414 Ile 00 0 0 10 No 0 10 0 4 0 4 V It 1 LLY f 11 - 00 PI frv als"t"Mom *af 00 t Irv - Ritsi,. IA.Mj 11mal 00 111 Al %dill mov fnuiol wiih Ill 00 14 411 alk. 00 torth mriall I* NAM, 00 WIN 4 0 0 00 8 00 0 a IT .4411 :o 4 00 IPIN 0 00. AO .00 0 00 -00 00 00 VAN 0 at-, A It I ALLUStolt AL Ul I Oil L41 t%fi%WIC*lvOM 44J.- t"816W. 400 1 V 00 0 ON IN a 0 10 0 I N IN .1 Is a is , IN 0 00 4 0 4 ilk 0 00 IN IN, a 0 4 IN N, 0 IN a IN o IN, o 0 IN 0 0 of 6 0 : IN, 0i0 0 0: 0,0 0 0 0 0 mix 13 fit 6-0 64k/ Digs A. w; and R, V. TPM4#fAkuw, 4049111. May .11, lum. chkotwis of am. , evsh owl.11. lift 361rd to Itiard sabyll, U&). MM Irwil ,:Ik. T&ttk w1loso is 41%1., r. Itoy hilratirm). IVY pwIhy -alftmolka fit NINCL. 41 00 11 0o to Ic to "Pigs M LLU*4'4t UWATWAl COO doe b0 to 2, j..1 too ow log v Is of an In 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 00 0 #~, 10 00, , , " 4 a 0 4j 4 0 (1 0 1)4 0 0 6 f 110 41 41 0 04! 10 0 0 iWIPU Mf V -M P-M *-g v 11:--4 a H7 4. v 04 0U 4' a are -fA.14 -!Zw i.c. b~ 0; A A **A 00 ,Do 0041'. 00 )41 06 01, )Pat. A hi subt. io bested in wvd. and driod. ~ sell welt see See 400 A 141Ait LING At LI"44100 CLAAWICA two woo WOO salami .&P Qv am ).All 0 4v Ali U 0 AV so it up it I a 11 *0 0 0 * 06 *ago**@ 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 *o 44 0 # 0 0 0 0;0 0 06 0 * so 0! 00 :0 p oo 0 4 0 0 tooii* 0 Opt a 0 0 0 0 o 11 14 It kU 'o < -A -41 1 A mi 00 -Al 0 dl r -00 Sell. swommow a". V. P. 09 00 8! U Lob 0 i - No. 1. 0.4 1 to tbo the boy ii qvAntk of v 90 el A!"; lif 11 " 11" -00 the l" Ito 6~0 fAral ormA 1 - 44 Tio hlw" "R a I fw AfIll lotil '0 1 thop 401 000, of t he amm"1441 low Iy fit ilkivs"d "C" Mtw land," 0 bminp made i e m proviml a' "Ik*Wk6- AUWeMw t*bl" x9o 490 tb~ ftWW WSIWS A" Of Clit Ollood at V;Wjou~ 041 4 , t it tht mr arp YOE* 000 x9o t4l : 00 goo", 1` $140. 041 0 a b 00 00 0*0 0 0 1 so 0 A W d.. 1 410 If 0 is0 0 a 0 .0 o 6 0o it to s I*e 6 6 o 1 A *00 se a 0 0 0 e.0 0 0 0 00 41000000#0000 0 00400$00 #46 00 Mil 0it (k IF r lot "so ! Z Elf OdO 41 =C= lot ma. " 0 xtxr. Aar' 1 0 w0 ia'm Sal VA. 014wood in Got. 0"0 4*20%4# Awwo. of of tbt bOm by mi lit twim fmvi% 19 ~Iu 80. ,-,- "Climilhic of A beds - swwt ; O;;T= low A w4b, 4m1 0 o 000 IR l t W111111" t 0o V" Oftil"14 "Pa. ON it" IIm ini A. thkit. Tha The lwbv l1wir I wet t et SO 4 to a 1"m Oak 1w "Mmw Ov". And 1,11kalMe em be dtkrW4d by War "s" kg im 00 eo* , by N%8 :tjby &k-, by by - .t- MP- I ' ilms Oblakirke N 4V 490 d 00,41 1 d A mw inar of am -,,I- for tradwitit Nuls. on dwtr*mnad ammUll"C- oe 6 Solo 1=14 N have bwo do bm nos+ x v w + 144 M . 00 Mee " o , + 10, a" Basch - fts tat" it 0401- ted. A ombww~ Ned X&MI x C'W.4ft'*WwqwbftM 01 to " d h im vmm O ip! coo its Ike to d Lab k i . . 11( m yw to HAM H OW NW * to 400 8 Win brossit 11 lab. MY a t. 400 Igoe "s low 4,1 too HIM -a- III 01 7 wo we 0 IS see#* 0.0 00 0 9 0sio 0 ]I S Oil* OL~G 0 9-9 * : : : : 00 -14~10111 011 m=-4 4 0 0 gis t I t ft it 4; or *1 - ., ~ - 1 41 4 at of Q 4! a 41, S ;4 Iii fl a W H7 T 4 it I P* -."!kPjj 6411 4i -n S" grailmor " so kpilim"I mmiligarcip 41 liclowne, V. IP: 91111-kil. Tritivo. I'mile Xf I. lialm4of Aillpkik -7dirtm, \0, 11 lit) i3w0tsl4hit"Id Itaill-lim rL spalt MAW. W Slow ciftis.. itts Ittilih 'm w% Timor. VIM-41. cWtummostris am With wt. thou Its 14 mt:601. by Chmigill"U. lityrommWou air iWreggif, Tbwbnvqt i tillotom 4" wit The pCogifing l1r.440416011 4441glit 11 1 mutim mi itialil, ml I" lit t1 11 *0 1 isimporism of Owbommig". imillipmells pitnt", Alt C11 oil! rrl#.k",d umkw maicipstdisle 1#): 2 Oll + cit..* I Cit) -1 0 I Ip. uggilts 1 igir x9freallwat 1,44wts its SAVISta I ' W.. Llw~;Alimggig NMI. of Ca arml NIC inal I I " F'7-tgrmi fiatitista i - M-1 liviiiii-ZOZ Iturps ul a 21W. (Imitswed low wAter I its 4f-;W4P'v;h1 3), of. c Illy the dmigul Im IlgX'%# 6 rttlikojil 400 10:1. 8v== water by gradiatkiii b lliall"I lop P Nit 1111111411 fit tow cu. M. bft*%W Ili* mitepot of M4" is i0ma"Jil Its the loggint whrt* tam Pirtonim #*Covegg. TIOr ivFS"11. 00 go og 0 imp t"~ MM4 of the NACII WS aliqWN sill.. piript 41W Trysid". a 111A) begritm. A Milli, irtilk-is. 14 trigkillomikim of AW11 to " alit its. ""ft. its di""Vat WOWN" mc Ily t ka 4* cwmt it it [alp" to pmpllpvg~r kV 04, frous Emr, Mttr Ting All tmi*wcr Hircloom. tint" "O's, viliggir 1 6 1 L 4 OttAL&WKCAI tltg**fWf 14AIWICATIC" ...... -log Dall, ;14 mr4c stills Will 4-k Qg 0 * 0 0 0 - 0 0 " ~: 0 114T go . The diby4r�je Ojidi" CM ~vj xrff1!&j 4U J-, 'A wi mr. PriNW. N117-15(110M.-TIm pr-vV,rdtw I ', d1hydot 1 419 formetl In natum ate ("Wov;cl. Rod lak"t 49 11 to NaCt by ineans of the dillydroto L4 rive iled ?[I like lemp. Interval 0,15 to -21.2% dime titoile p K tent MACHGO Is thil d(hYdrAlm. Till A&MOV I I I,,. dibyttrate 6 Md. by the r4allte Ituniq1ty of to slue lititt- Ing Mr. In natumi contlitittmal in I," IM lit ..'111411 conttlit lit SON tolls in the bri (Vnkw rot Tult ill!"s Index for S04 I% the 11040 milt conttillt Mjul litly excretiq CwwqIlMtI~IlwIIII $1 Ww"Ill il'O tenip in winter it I,, po"ibic rot th- ty-&-atil to crylltl litt fratnthebrine. Pum NXI is obta, utik by mititat. of tit t 4- h?.drate by coolinza mtd. w1n. to giTt max. olutti, 0 Clio dihydmic. whkh is 11jen rw1w.l. frows flie inutha Silubc At sclA. dili)%Irate li lit .1 tellip. alwvt 0.16", 1 Z lip I fricination tit anhyd. N:t(.'l and a sAil. wAn. of it. V301.4. .conts. less thats 23.125"Iti NACI 914) li-il NLI), thd dillj'ilif~ 11 On couling. C-Ak-15. q1tow 111,1C I,Y e~,Kslblq to M& mettic ton (if subt. mmil. w4b NXI tit 21 ), willst-J)" 21 g. of the dihydrite, ccitstg. L-(,. NX03. At-(,, the w :ill and yiew, of %:..Cl %oto, i% r4)c,:ivd tin isivitittl: tir ti c i Ill, drate i.,c pruclically v,,tj,c. tiiihiti ille hollu (fIli'l nji!ItI.1,11 l4b", It I- i ii, ; -- i - 7 7 z . . - - z i 4 lb I i i 7 i z. 1147411179i, KUM IdArdi-919-k Id tl"ll V 511 UM~1~1 ..-M Mill'- 1. p i BOV/81-59-115-5%18 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimlya, 1950, Ur 16, p e8l (USSR) AUTHORS: Ilinskiy, V.P., Boyteova, V.P. 71= The Sorption of Bromine From a Bromine-Air Mixtitre by.Sulfur Dioxide and the Reprocessing of the Obtained Mixture of Acids to Or2 or HBr PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Gos. in-ta prikl. khimii, 1958, Nr 41. 1~p 129".152 ABSTRACT: The reaction of interaction of bromine with S02iin the gaseous and liquid phases is studied and the necessary teohnologic4a indIces of the,process are obtained. Methods for processing a alxtu~relof Or, HCl and,'Vo acids to liquid bromine or hydrobromic and sulftrio 46ids have been e- veloped. It has been shown that the reaction of interaction of Br2 from a bromine-air mixture with 802 at room temperaftre (14 - 200) proceeds quickly and completely at the stoichiometric ratio of Br2 and SO21 The sorption of Br2 from a bromine-air mixture by an. aqueour, solution. of the mixture of the acids HBr+H2S04 runs to completion, but the consumption of S02 is 30 - 35% higher than in the reaction In the gaseous pimse. The reaction products are absorbed to 98 - 99% frop, the gaseous phase by sprinkling the absorption column with a mixture of acIda. The concentration Card V2 of the HBr acid in the solution can be increasokt to 20% by means of the re- SOV/81-59-16-57618 The Sorption of Bromine From a Bromine-Air Mixture by Sulftr~;Dloxide and thelepro- cessing of the Obtained Mixture of Acids to Br2 or HBr circulation of the sorbent in the absorption tower. The vapar prousure of Mtr + "4 over a mixture of HBr 4 H2S04 acids for the tomp*rstures O.Z and 'PDC Is raised with an increase in the HBr and H2804 concentrations, The absorpta6n ooefflaient of HBtr and H2304, in the absorption by a -rure of aoids, depends principally on the concentration of the sorbant,,the temperature and the gas speed and does not depend on the concentra- tion of HBr or Br2 in the gaseous phase. The value of the absorption coeffici4mt for the absor7;*.ion of HBr at a temperature of 14 - 2000 varies from 37 to 40 m/hr and for HC1 from 12 to 17 aVlhr. The oxidatic* of the acid mixture (1Wr + Wl 4- H2304) by ahlo- rine to bromine proceeds practically to completion at the introduction of 1.05 - 1.1 chlorine equ. per 1 HBr equ. The distillation of bromine fron'the i3olution by stem proceeds to completion at a steam consumption of ^_45 kg per I kS of bromine; bromine obtained in this way corresponds to the type "oh" (pure). The sepeaation of the acid mixture (HBr + HCl + H23~4) by means of distiUation makes it possibls to obtaln Mk~ of 4o% and H2804 of 70 - 80%. The yield of HBr in the form of a 40. solution is 90 V.~Borisova. Card 2/2 soV,/81-59-16-5763.9 L)OI (USSR) Translation froms Referativnyy zhurrAl. Kh1miya, 1959, Nil, AUMORS: n,linskiy, V.P., Rusinova, K.D., Drozdova, Ye.O. T=i The Extraction of Bromine by the Method of Air Desorption From-~igh-Thermai Waters PERIODICALS 3b. tr. Goa.' In-ta prikl. khimii, 1958, Nr 41, pl) 151 160 andIgase- ABSTRACTS The oxidation of the Br--ion in drilling wator-by ch1orine watewi ous chlorine at an increased temperature (7000 has %*on studieid', The pres- sure of Br2--vapor over Cheleken* drining water at 6.50C, the coefficient of bromine distribution between the gaseous and liquid phases at125,~W and 650C, and the coefficient of bromine desorption haye been detemIned. N. ShiryaYeiva. Card 1/1 am/81-59-3.6-vOo Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Xhimlya, 1959, Nr 16, p ;?81 (ussR) ATMORS: IVInskiv, BoTtsova, V.P., Drozdova, Y*,G., Aizlmina, N.P., 1~1- TITLEi The Preparation of Dry Hydrogen Bromide PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Gos. in-ta prikl. khimii, 1958, Nr 41,vp 16i-170 ABSTRACT: Dry HBr Is synthesized from bromine and H in the prosence of t1is "BiAun coal at 600OC; the yield is 91 - 96%. A ?9ohnalogical method of purify- -Ing and drying HBr has been developed w%suring1he preparation'ci a ! ro- 'P duct containing -0.04% moisture and H2S trace4j. If. Shiryaym. UJV/81!--59-16w57609 Translation from: Referativnyy zhuxmi., MxiuU&,_l959., Xr'16, p;280 (USSR), AUTHOFA t '11,1-inskiy, -V.P.,. Popova, AN. T ITLrs i - The Interaction of Chlorides of Alkali Metals With gid-robromic Aoid PERIODICAL: 3b. tr. Gos. in-ta prikl. khimii, 1958, Nr 41,,pp 183-192 ABSTRACT: A new more economic method for obtaining XBr and NaBr has been doveloped which is based on the interaction of the. ahlorUes of alkyli mettls and -:.he semi-finished product of bromine production, i.e. solutions of the mixture of the aoids HBr +H2804+V, H. Shiryayeve.. Card 1/1 3001-59-16.516,1:-,5 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, p 282 (USSR) AVMORS: Illinskiy, V.P., Seferovich, YA,Ye., Uverskaya',, A.T,., Volnyanskaya, E.M. 17~~va,l . TITLE: The Preparation of Crystalline Ferrous Bmmida by the 43orption of Bromine by a Ferrous Bromide Solution PERIODICAL: 3b. tr. Gos. in-ta. prikl. khimii, 1958, Nr 41, PP 193-209 .) - H 0 and themo- ABSTRACT: Based on the data of the solubility in the syntem FeBr, chemical calculations on the system FOBr2 (gas) ~nd Reir 3 - Pei Br2 ; the possibility of obtaining FeBr2 without smoothing,hiis been proved*and a method of production has been proposed. W. Shiryayevt.. Card 1/1 WIMIT, V.P.; KOKOVKIIiA, I.I. Production of potassium and sodiam iodlAtee trom oblooridse an& bYdriodle acid. Had. prom. 13 no.2920-2.5 1 (KIM 12 t 1. Lenin4radskiy khimiko-f&rvatsevtjohaxk4 Isistitus. (ALTALI HITAL IODIM) (HMIODIC ACID) Disser'- ~tiori: "Vibration Insulation of Industrial tl:,i! .1 Oet :0, 4vilwnic '0 Reaction:3. 11 Cand Tech :ci, V scow innz, of Chemic.-Il lachL -.ej Eu.Llditi r, 21 Vechernya,m Kos-va, Yoscow, 12 MaY 54. 30, 3UN 264, 26 NOV 1954 Protection of laboratory instrusents and equipmelut fras vibration, Zav.lab.21 no.7:867-868 155. NIOA 8:10) 1. lauchno-Issledovatel'shy institut skeporiment,^11noV khtrurcl. cheskoy apparatury i Instrusontow (Measuring Instrumnts) (Vibration) WINSKIT. v0 ~ kapdldat tokhutchookikh imaAlk- '..; Tibration toolaties In eqmipment of the alwatcal I'aftstryo Xhis prem. no.1:35-41 J&-P 15?. 1 (ma 20,14; (TOrMlon) (qboateal smA supplies) IL'INUIY V S. karAtdat tekhnicheskith cauka Vibration absorbers for sUbim lool and opipmetito Ykehinostroltoll to.2131-32 7 '57. (" 19W (1kchinery-libratiou) # ILI Tlii%tiol Uioors usod,for ontal-cuttlag nsdhluo too1g, St&ap I Instr, 28 no,591940 **#If. - (Km (ftobliw tools-Atto4hOlOts) Q 117 584-106 AUTHORt -Illinskiy, V.S.f Candidate of Technical Scivaces TITLEs Devices for Ilechanized Cuttingp Welding, soldering, and Metallization (Prisposobleniya dlya mokhaniskrovannoy rezicit svarki, psyki i metallizataii) PERIODICALs Mashinostroitel's 1958, Dr 6, pp 27-20 (US311) ABSTRACT: A device which permits the cutting, wipldine;,solderingo and metallization of cylindrical surfacee't pipes, etc.(Figure 1) is described. The cylindrical surface is beld by a roller chain. The spring and the rubber rin4; of bhe roller ensure an equal and smooth movement of the di)vice an the cylindrical surface. Another device (Figure 2) 111 used for form-outling at the junction of pipes with equal oir diTrerent diameters, and even of pipes with various details., surh as cones, b4l1s, etc. The pipes may be connected at any angle by means of this device. At the same time, a part of the detail may be out off and an opening made in the other. The cutting speed is re- gulated by changing the rpm,of the drive.. The devict. is of simple construction, light and exacto. It was developed b,y the author. There are 2 figures. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Machines-Desiga 2. Cutting tools WelAing 4. Solderi-mg SOV/122-56-8-26/29 AUTHOR: Ilinskiy, V-S., Candidate of Technical Sedences -M-e c- ha, n -is m TITLS: for Impulsive Feeding of Wire in App&ratus for Welding, Cutting, Depositing, Metallising and Sol4ering (Mekhanizm impul'snoy podachi provoloki -Y apparatakh dlya avarki, reaki, naplavki, metallizatiIii i payki) PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyenlya, 1958,:Br 84 PP 84-85 (U6SR ABSTRACT: Continuous feeding of wire is said -to require bulky mechanism. The impulse principle im claimed to accomplish the feeding with less power and so x-eduopgi the size of the mechanism, without impairing the unlform~Lty requitedin practice owing to the high frequenoir of L-be impulpes. A rotating, eccentric reciprocates * hollow round~sllder, surrounding the wire. 3 balls insli4v the slider viedo;e the wire by pressing against a conical p4mt of the slider bore when the slider moves forward and rooleade the wiro wben the slider moves back. During the rearward strokb, the wire remains stationary because it is llghtly clamped inBide the exit nozzle. The wedgi.nlr balls can be released by a push button. The rate of wired feed. is varied b~r changing the speed of the eccent.-ic,or the amount of' Cardl/2 eccentricity. Experimental units were made in the shops BOV'/122--'58-8-26/29 A Mechanism for Impulsive Feeding of Wire in Apparatas for 1folding, Cutting, Depositing, Metallising and Soldering of the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatol'skiy inst1tut aytogennoy obrabotki metallov (All-U311on &.ientiflp, Research Institute of Metal Welding) with.satisfactory results. There is 1 figure. 1. Welding--Equipment 2. Solder Ing--Equipwnt Wire--filiedlitig Card 2/2 4. Feed wchanisms--Performance AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: S 011/13 5 - 5 9-1-7/18 Illinskiy, V.S., Candidate of Technoial Sciences The Optimum Technology of Oxygen Steel Cuttin (Optimallnyye rezhlmy kislorodnoy :r(fzki stalij Svarochnoye proizvodstvoo 195% Nr 1, pp 221~24' (USSR) A series of experiments were parried out tolfind the optimum technology in oxnen 6utting bideter- mining the interdependence of:prevalent par4- ; meters, such as oxygen consumptionj pressure tuid density and metal thickness. Formulae were~deve- loped to compute the cutting rate, and a compari- son of results obtained by oalculottion and ex-~ periments showed a satisfactory agreement. The Card 1/2 '4-MV/135-59-1-7/18 The Optimum Technology of Oxygen Steel Cutting optimum parameters for cuttir4~ low,-eiarbon steel are given. There are 6 graphs, 1 diagram and 2 tables. Card 212 JT i JuJK EXPLOITATION WV/4377 Illinakiy, V. S. Voprosy izolyataii vibrataii I udarov (Problems In the lso- lation of Vibration and Shocks). Moscow, Izd-vo w3ovetskoye radio," 1960. 158 p. No. of copies prin'ted not giveh. Ed.: Yu. I. Sukhanov; Tech. Ed.i A. A. Sveshnikov. PURPOSE: This book in intended for enSUvers detsIgning radio equipment. It may also be used an a mmual Tor designing vibration-insulating systems. COVERAGE: The book discusses theoretical and practical problems in protecting various kinds of44qu~pment aggnst: vibration and shocks. It deals with a numbs~r or currently- used protecting devices and gives such practical details as the data needed to select pr6tective elements for a given equipment. No personalities are mentioned. There are 29 references, 6 Soviet, 21 English and 2 German. Card-*/*-- ZHMMp A.S.; ILI KIY,, VENYUKOVO V.P. Single action acceletmeterse Im.tokh. no,12032-14 D 162. (MAA 15:12) (Aoceleroseters) IL'INSK7.o V. V.-- "Investigation of the Effect of Water-Disoolved Air on Cav:ltaWn of Hydroturbines." Cand Tech Scip 1(hartkov Polytechnic Inst inmi~ V. 1. lenin, Min Higher Education USSRp Khartkovo 1955, (XL.. No 15,, Apr 55). SO: Sum. No. 704p 2 Hov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Techi'dool Dissertations Dofended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16). VASILITSV,A.; ZAPASNOY,A.; IL'IESKIT.Te.; PARUSHIN,V.; SM(IIIUX,S. Business accounting for highway-op*ration sectionm, Avt.dor,17 no.1:6 Jl-Ag'54. (Kw 8:10) (Roaft-4stimates ani costs) IL I ITSkI-f p-E-: - -K UmAines Mir 1%8 Mining Machinery Mining Methods wHining with Open Hoppers in the 'emir-Tau Mine and the Bollshom Gort Opon4ut Kne'll G. A. Gavelichq Ye. A. nlimskiy,'Mining Engineers, 21 Pp wGorW Zhur" No 3 Describes in detail the accumulative extraction method of %md! in the Temtr-Ta.ia magnetite mine and the Bollebaya Gom open-out dolomite mines nd explain the ope z- hopper systems vith aid of diagrams. PA 51T68 :V1 UM/kining methods Coal J *HydraaUc Stripping at the Krivoy Rog Ye. M. Illinsidy, 4 pp, %k Trad I Tyush P&botO Xo9 This operation was first tried at Sias ooal fields. Briefly describes ft 641 iof.~ ho operation-and results. Tabl6d show rollatO r4 dwtLod W 7-awath period, in, 19461. t study of "tual performano 00 method will shov even better produot10:0 rO!"~mlts~, 0 1' 41 WINSKIT, To.T., kwAidat vaterlnarnykh nauk. - 0' Tissue therspr In surgery. Toterimmilmi 32 ao*9138-60 a 155. (MMA 8:12) l.Kharikovol4r veterinsrVy Inatitut. (TISSM ZMAC18) ( "m Smony) USSR / General Problems of Pathology, Transplantation U_Z of Tissues and Tissue Therapy,, Ii. 1 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blolo, No i$o 19583, 70737. Author :Jtffnak4L~ ~C- Inst : Novocherkassk Zootechnicalo-VetergAdry Institute. Title : Comparative Evaluation of Certain,,~,*IetSods in Tissue Therapy. Orig Pub.- Tr, Novockerkas3kogo zootekhrwve t, In-i'a, 1957) vyp 10,, 371-374, Abstract: Various methods of, tissue thers wev4j used in. the treatment of the followingi 54 puriftent necrosis In the witherv region; aiill~ials (hor!ses, large horned cattle, dogs and c4k,4) VIth eye di,s- eases; 81 animals with ulcers; 4p coiWvith chronic purulent-catarrhal endoMetrItIs,;,' Th~ treatment in- cluded: 1, Implantation 'of tissues pOeserved adcord- Ing to Filatov or treated with a two perctnt solu- Card .1/2 lkyg!iLle-~ Automatic stand tests of mechanisms with pasuestic Oives. Ayt. prom. no.6:29 Js 160. (*MA 13 SO 1.*Llvovekiy avtobasury sawod. (Mat orbuse e-ftewatt a equipment) ---- -- ----- 3/1 kh/61/000/002/003AT a B1 13/B203 AUTHORSI ill Yu*A*# KarasevP M.D., TITLEs, Study of transition processes in a ~~'WO-OITDuit psr~a6tiio ~ifroquen!cy transformer with sum and difference!~Qutyv;t PERIODICALt Veotnik Mookovskogo univeisitets, Soriya:3p rizika, i astronomiyao no, 2p 1961p 12 - 18 TEXTt First , the authors analyze the transition *rooe";'oqIs4 Accoidinj; to, Ref, I (K"& sevt MeD* UPYj LXIXq vyp. 2j 1959)o A''IVO-OiWouit ParOet~io. transformer -of aquationop can be desoribed by a system Eq , (1 ) Y_ + 2 W 21x +Ok f(ut)(ii +Z' + a' Tho TrequenoVilot ~;the 2) parametrio c hange w by the relationQw4tw +,6 ii~ rel&ted to thei circuit frequencies, The upper sign holds for a rotatinji:(difjI.'er'enoe) ~m~dujator, the lower one for a non-rotating (sum) modulator; A -to a slight mis- tuning. The external force is supposed to be int;roduf6lod in one dir"it only so that the slowly variable# oomploz amplitude E.; of the extern4l Card 1/8 2*08 s/188/61/000/ou/003/010 Study of transition processes 2013/B203 foroo,vanishes and the frequency p moy'dis 'The dimptlig factoridf ovoil- latione after switahing off the external migtal ii obtWired fromlqo (2) up, + r9 2~ X; NO Os + + otv C! [(601+ + 4pili t 'I- rg 2v) CRA.1 ~o ir T 5 VO, 'T 2 + OROW Cos A t- JAI vi! O~j IA) 2.. fat C ar.d 2/8~ ff~~00/002/003 010 VO 1% 203 3 Study of transition processes the *%tern 1 rOrCID ormation .Of 080iltalioris after switching On T ! and the f t) the StOAdY solution haVIing proceeds by the law e form of Eq- ~1)) kCo$ (Pi + h t C(A I(W "P P) za 21m, 0+1- 2101 + 10 21wj +I 2 21w, -Card 3/8 .................... J~ 21608 S11 fJ a 16110001002100~101,0 Study of transition processes BI Jq/B203 The trajectories of the roots characteriatio Of traao~tion processes IP2 and steady behavior-having the form of Eq* (A) -W 1i + 62 Q'i "12 + + it 2jt whope if is deteroined 1 (61 62+J -6 )' It2 2 1 1 A 4 1~ 41 t02 iQkt by the Fourier expansion,of the fAction. f(wt).62 a 1, bare abolfu ill Figs. I and 2 in the complex plane viih a change im the' parameter 16 'i&nd i Ol '2 2 2,, k If The trajeotori4s of A are on Ill* left, t ose~ of 2 4w 1 #42 on the right of 61+42t the trajeoforioa of'i'the iota,`ting M~oaui~tor- 2 OUJ.. on )Ig labdulat-or r and 41p those of a non-rotati 0 Vi t;~ are with in 62. and Piga.L I Anil khe 'folloVing kJaS the basis of Eq. (2) and*Eq. 2t been found& In a rotating modulator, the transition Piraceso is ~~he 1MM of'f or two damped harmonic oscillations (with switched-off eXtornal the sun of two damped and one steady onoillation:(Vith 11wito d~ In exter- ar C d 4/8 21.608 q/18841/000/002/003/00 Study of transition processes eee B113 0203 nal force). ?or.& non-rotati ng modulatorp it follows f2po lk* thait the frequency characteristic of the amplifier is repTesentid, by thq~pri- duct of the frqquotay characteristics of Individual,airoUits, Nx~pe:Aminte dealt with a loIw-frequency parametric transformer with oircuit froctUOU414-89 of about 100 and 400 ko/seos In conformity with Nq* (2)4 U* transition processes had two constant timest and pulsations in the lransition:pro- ceases vere observed in the case of mistuning, Pox,therp it was fmind that the duration of the transition prooseep in the oaseof 1*,VgQ 9 1 portional to X (K being the voltage amplitioation factoiin th: wfievostplpir- ouit of a regenerative transformer). The duration~ot the transition p~a- oess wau the time during which the oscillation amplitude attained the 7 (I - 0-1)-fold of its steady values In a non-rotabing toWator, the Ouj ration of the transition process dropped monotonicialy vith inorea*ing k in both circuits, The time of formation in the segiond oirouit vao~,sli4htly longer than in the first one due to a slow inoreas* of ~saillation# in the second circuit at the beginning of the formation pr*o994i* There are 6 figures and I Soviet-bloo reference* Card 5/8 216o8 8/1 Q. SJ6.~ /000/002/'D03/01 0 Study of transition processeve"; B-1 115/B203 ASSOCIATIONt lafe.dra teorii kolsban1v of SUBMITTEDi June 19P 1960 AUTHORSt TITLEt FERIODICALt 086J61/00 0/006/001/007 B1081P138 Illinskiyj Yu. A.t Karasev, M* Do Double-tuned parametric oscillator with:sxteknal feed Moscow Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya Ill. Pisika, aetronomiyap no# 6~ ig6it 3 - 11 TEXT: A double-tuned parametric amplifier operatem-as an~ Osoillato~ iu the feed amplitude is high enough. A self-excited Oscillutor whose! amplitude isolimited by a non-linear resistor in ono of ito eircuita, is~~ considered. Synchronization of the oscillator with an eiternal foroe is also dealt with. In experimental investigations, the authors used a parametric oscillator with frequencies of 100 and 400 kaps in the tito circuits, with semiconducting diodes of the"4-27 (DGTB-27) and A809 (D809) serving as nonlinear capacity. It was found:that the amplitude is limited either by a nonlinear resistance or by a dependence of the parametric connection between the circuits oh amplitude fluctua- tions. Perturbations that are due to the nonlinear reactance lead'to Card 1/2 S/188J61/000/006/001/007 1~ouble-tuned parametric... distortion of the amplitude-frequency characteristics,. An external.f!orce produces the same synchronization and beat phenomena as in a tube gen4ratcr. In the r.f.-range# calculated and experimental resultis ars.entirely con-, sistent. There are 6 figures and 6 Soviet referenceso ASSOCIATIO.St Kafedra teorii kolebaniy (Department of the Theory of Oscillations) SUBMITTED: January 30, 1961 Card 2/2 8/109J61/006/008/915A18 2)207/D304! C.7 illinskiy, Yu. AUTHORS: A., and Karasev, tl~D. TITLE; Transients in a two circuit ya~ame PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektr6nikap v. 6p nois St ~961r 1397 - 1400 TEXT: The authors give a short report onL tho j~theoi~tical d ezpel~ I rimental analysis of transients in a two;pi~quit,pqxam am pii-~ etr! ; fier. The theoretical analyel a is carried oti-~ asevaing a slalli: signal- The equivalent acts' of two circuit parameitrie are shown in Fig. 1. These are systems wit re~do h tivo di grees of I M. and with periodically varying reactive element. Tk,ie equatiohe ~or:,,,,, the above systems may be written as where 1 1, 2 the index related to'either the first. or~thk! second t Card 1/7 S/100/61/006/008/015/0i,,e Transi'ents in a two circuit D2077b304 circuit; e external driving forest e2 M 01 it it small OaraJ ter; ct - attenuation of the i-th circuit; f ia PeAodic fund with period 2 ; w - the frequency of change ot them; par=etcV, r, t follows I it Irom Eq. j1) that tho cat attenuation and iodulation deoth are assumed to be small,'so that the Q'of1the',circUlts is bighandi' parametric coupling weak; oscillations in the systom are-very 1y harmcnic. The constant coupling, may be larp... 24. (1) oaA. be~ solved by on- of the quasi-li near methodet e,kr,. by!averagir (1) is first reduced to standard*form by assumIng -U) W + 'ri2 sid putting JW:Ll; 7, e-j~) xi Zjf ejWit + z e-Jwit jW ('Zl~ where I = 1# 2; Z' Z complex amplitud'e,~s~o so'that atteir alre r--,, aging the shortened form Card 2/7 Id Transients in a two circuit ... D207/1)11104 Jalfo)z j at, f + 2 2 2 (Sl + JAJ + W, I .,(24 f j f Ja2 0 JA )z 2 -2 is obtaDied where f the Fourier opof f i6i*hto of. funo.~, 01-f1, f-l tion f(w-t) k=+ fkejwkt f(Wt) 40 k=- c)