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V.A. (Pockva) ---------Rrinciple8 for the designing of contELctlOSO Nltvta-ilontrol a78 te cm equipped with exponential convertors twitb aunmrr in Snglishl. Avtom. I tales. 20 no.4!Vj8-472 Ap '59. NIRA 12:5) (Remote control) all a I all v .,I :Pit p I IIN tpp 5f J4 14 0-1 i 1 3 t jig u lit, I WIN, V.A.---- [Concerning the methodology for tranmitting, Iriforiiation am tba structure of remote control Pystema of 4ispirued objibcts) 0 metodakh peredachi informatsii i struktxwe diisteir. telemokhandki dlia raearedotochennykh ob"ektor. Moskyap 1960. 3.0 Po (International Federation of Automatic Conirol, Ist International Congroest Mocow, 1960. Dokladyp no.46) (Remote control) QIIRA 3-4: 8) PWZ X BOOK M(FL4DXTATXON WOOD Illin, Viktor Aleksandrovich SistecWtelemekhanlki dlys, raseredotochennykh Wyektov- (Renote-Control Systma for Dispersed Objects) Moscow, Goesnergoizdat, 1960. 110 p. 13~000 copies ~rinteC , (Series; Biblioteim po 0tonatike, "p. 15) Editorial Board: I.V. Antik, S.Io Veshenevsklyt VoS, Kulabakln, A.D. Smirnov, B-So Sotskovo Y~oP. Stefeni, and NoN, Shmllmkly; Edo: 10A. Kuzaetsov; Tech. Ed*.- G.Ye. lAxionow. XWOU: This book is intended for students in advanced c*urses and teabn1cal poreannel concerned with the automation and remote control of manufacturIng processes* COVEMOR., The book exemines the structure and the principles of Usign of re- note-control systems In vhIch the objects of remote control am lispersed over a given area or along lines and participate In a single mmiafe-turing process (oL1 and pa Industries, pipelines, quarries %n4 mines, railrind wA 28 (1) 9/o3o 6o/ooD/oi/o60/067 AUTHORS: Illin, V. A.9 Doctor of Technical B01 5X01 1 sclencedi NzZTkonovL-A. 0.1 Candidate of Technical Scien,-~as TITLE: Position and Prospects in the Development of Ulomechanicio PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR# 1960v Nr 12 pp 110 - 113 (USS11) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the course of the saliantllli~-technicALI conference on telemechaniom hold in to 21, 1959. The Conference had been convened by the Akademiy~& nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences of the USSR) and. the 03sudarst- vennyy nauohno-tekhnioheskiy komitet Sovela Min;hotrov SS31 (State scientific-technioal Committee of 1,he Catimail. of Ministers of the USSR), and was attended by deleirates of the industry, scientific research institutes,, deslAn offices,, and universities. The numerous and miscelltneous lectures shoired the important progress made by scientifto rosearah in the fie:W of telemeahanice and its praotical application iii the laut years. Unlike former timesp when power economy wits regarded aii the chief field of application, the facilities offered by tele- mechanics today are introduced to an ever greater extent In the Card 1/2 petroleum and gas industry, the railroad transportation, large ILOIN, II.A. (Xoskys) Reliability of switching circuits In dispermod ryotems. Aytom.i toles, 21 no#4:330-532 Ap 160o (XIRA 13 t 6) (Switching theory) N? ,69 S/ 10 3/60/02 1 /00 13/00 91014. Bm./Bo63 AUTHOR: Win, V. 1.,(Moscow) TITLE: Remote Control of Spread Objects PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemakhanikag 1960, Vol,, 21t No# 8, Pp- 1173-1160 TEXT: The present paper describes now, very reliable circuits for the remote control of spread objects, using a code of two frequencisos Theo* circuits were developed at the Institut aytomatiki i Islemolkhaniki Alt SSSA (Institute of Automation and Telemechanics of the AS USSR). A, disturbance of any element of these circuits cannot lead to an erroneoum selection or command, but only to protective non-operation. Such a ci-rouit diagram is shjwn in Fig. 1. It needs no local feeding sourcem. Two cubsequent of two frequencies, f I and f , are sent from the dispatcher point* A dividing transformer lowers the influence of the line on the re- sonant cir.,uita LIC Iand L 2C2* The circuit diagram is briefly described. The same r9sonant circuits may also be used to select anothler object. In Card 1/3 112 1,6y Remote Control of Spread Objects S/lo 60/021/008/009/014 BO 12Y13064 this caset the oscillations are tranazitted In the iniftrao order of frequencits (first f 21 and then fi). Such a circuit wam uetd for a slaton developed by IAT AS USSR. The capacitor C in the oirouit d1agran shown in Fig. 1 is charged at the expense of the energ;r of ths ftrat airoult. In order to eliminate this drawback, an amplifier is 1,ionneotfed to tho output of the first cirouit. Such a circuit diagram 141 reproduced in Pig. 2. It is shown that it is neoessary for many telemechanii:i freqn,onoy sylittas to reach a reasonable compromise between a singlo oirouit and compliolLted filters with many inductances and capacitances. Two-cIrcuil irilt*rs used in radiotechnical circuits are offered as a suitable oolutiom for tela- mechanic systems with spread objects. LC resonant tw~y be replao*4 by two-cirouit filters without any appreciable chango of the mode of Opera- tion of the circuit. Adjuatment and calculation are uivoomplioatod (R*t, 7)- Fig. 3 shows the circuit diagram of a two-circuit MLer, by which rsaonan.t (/i circuits way be replaced. The selective properties of resoAojit circuits are compared with those of two-cirou-L't filtoraq and the advantages of the lat- ter are diagrammatically illustrated in Fig. 6. It in finally noted ihat the effici-ency of utilizing the channel of communication own be improved Card 2/3 1'12 769 Remote Control of Spread Objects 3/103/60/021/008/09/01-t B012/BO65 by the use of two-cirouit filtere. There are 6 figure* and 7 Soviet I references. I / - I SUBMITTED: March 11, 1960 Card 3/3 WIN. Y.A.; SHISMA.MV6 I.A. Uniform evaluations in a closed domain for s4wifunctions of an olliptic operator and their derivatives. Izw , MI SSSR, Bar. mat. 24 no. 6:883-896 JI-D 060. (.K]:RA 1411) 1. Predstavleno akademikom S.L. Sobolevym. (ligenfunotions) ,/60/132/02/2-t/o67 S/020 BOD I 4/B 007 AUTHOR: 111in, V.I. I TITLE: The Generating of Pulse Oscillations of Stabko Proquency PZRIODII%IOAL: Moklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 21 PP- 323-325 TEXT: For the purpose of warranting a higher frequenoy stoLbility of generators for sinusoidal vc1tages and pulse voltages, the use of suggested. L diode is connected into the diagonal of the Vvidge, This kin(I of generator is a further development of the exponential converter (Refs. 1'.0 suggested by the author in earlier papers. The circuit diagram. of this glallerator with an eleotromagnetio relay is shown in Fig. 1, On the 'Im-sin of the volta4;0- and current diagrams given, the mode of operation of the jj;tnerutOr is disiiuSsed. Derivation of the formula for the calculation of the oscitlat'Aon period frou the circuit elements is carried out without taking account of the internal resistance of the current source and the Inductivity of t.he rol.a:f. Fig.. 2 shows the circuit diagram of such a generator which is comj-)solil of contactloss elements (tubes, transistors etc.)# and Fig. 3 shown two :I'ully transistorLzed Card 1/2 T1.e Generating of Pulse Oscillations of Stable Frequency 81020160,1132102121106',r 1101 Vboo~ cirouits of this generator. In circuit A (Fig. 3) a frequomoy dhange of 0.0021~ occurs with a change of voltage of 1%, The author points out the general usability of these generators. There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet referencesi, PRESENTED: January 18, 1960, by L.I. Berg, Acaaemialan SUBMITTED: Jenuary 16, 1960 Ozl Card 2/2 WIN, V.A.; SIUSIOMBY. I.A. Some problems for the Lu"div Cp(x)grad u1--q(x)u. operator with discontinuous coefficients. Dokl- As 83SR 1,135 n0-41773-778 '60- (KIRA 13~-11) 1. Moskovskiy gosudaretyaniWy univeraltat im. X.Mononosom Predstayleno aka4ecdkom I.CV.Petrovskin. (operators (Mathematics)) ~L.IINp.V.A.,, red.; KOLBANOVSKIY, V-14.1 rod.1 KOLIMAN, S., rj4,;vjxTonGyA,V., red,; CIUMMM, 1, p mladshly roda; MOBKVIIIAp 8. p tok:hn. red. [Philosophical problems an cybernetics] Filosof'sIde roprosy kibeme- tiki. Moskvap zd-vo sotsiallno-ekon. lit-ryt 1961. ')91 P. 64IRA 1.4 16) (Cybermetica) /C44/62/0(:,0/G04/'N;7/099 C1 1 1/C222 .,.uTdoli: Jilin. V. Som4~: q:aest4ons on the scicnee: of contro. v.,stam:~ FZ= '!CfCf~LtiVn~',; J~',atQ Zia tjjr 1 2, 6, ("Filoa. voprooy 1~61, 213,-261) "'ZXT; The aaerk;e-vic s true' of control :,;ystem~~ -Ij a, o' viier -Y izj in ~L curtrol L3~ ,; to~-, by f aodin - oz;all Systems fccd-b4ck re.,,;uiators - .-re -Iescribed. Discuose-C, f-rc Self-adaptina z,aci-inas, z.~, vioil a-- the reL~li,--;~.tion of -)rocessoa t-4A 1--1'3 an4Llcj;ouz to Z, cOIIIk..--.Qn4l re"ley. Th, Cu~Iktiti-tivu~ CharactoriLticil L~-~ Who br4-in 4-nd of 'U*,!~ 171OLiUrl'I ..-."ch-4nu:j ~-ro com ~zrcd, such aLi the ul)L-od of 9~-jrna'- t~rana- t"e TOL~(;tioll ti:.-,L; O~, C-:111. and the nu,-,,*.~or of cella. Of t he ~, a only the numbor of cells of the brain is L~,rC;ev -,"-,~n that of .-ZLLc,-,J-nLs. analooy is drawn bctwean t'ne div-fa--'Oli of CGY,tr~).- fu--.Ctions of the lauau' 'z;nd soinal cor(.' and th-~ of f~-.:.Ctions 0, -2,G "he industrial revolution, -xh4 A-.. 1. lc 'I rU*-)IL,ccd lubor with i~; com,.Lired to t~o tend,:~ncy to Cz.rd 1/2 S~Qal,~ cues tions or. -le sc.L~;ncc 0. tho tiresome job of controllin- tho 4 toelf. Tho desiGrLtion lltliinkinj machinull conv,~niunt one. (Absti-axter's note: Complete tranolation.] S/04,;/ 6 210,, ".')/'CC, 4/05 7/,D99 Cl 1 1/C222 ricchaniEjm "Vo tho r-ch`ile, is defendell (w 1611iv .-,Oot Card 2/2 S/044/62/000/007/064/100 C111/C333 AUTHOR: Illinp-,V.- A.--- TITLE; 'Teleautomaties and cybernetic PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no- 7, 1962, 42, abstract 7V180- ("Kibornatiku-na sluzhbu 1kommunizzu. T.1". M.-L., Gosenergoizdat, 1961, 262-272) TEXT: For the modern automatic control a qualitivo leap is characteristict this is the transition to complex Hill, Toma $10 control and telemechunisation, to the union of the work-benches &nd -L)14j aggreples in only one industrial procev-. in connection with this thore arises tha necessitj of solving now proble.- which are connec-;cd with the opt~-mal improvem,ant of the industrial processes with respe6t to numerous pal-a . meters; there arise specific problems of the tranamiasion of informuti- one by means of teleautomatics. According to the author taleautoma ties investigates systnms possessing as well charaoteriatics of the telemechanical systems as characteristics of the controll-oyste-As. The author considers the characteristic properties of tolemechanics and Jeleautomatics as Well &S specific characteristics ot the trans- Card 1/2 Teleautomitics and oybern6tic C11I/C333 mission of informations in these systems. At the end the author discuss- es the next tasks of teleautomatics and the chances Tor t.he applica- tion of cybernetic to the solution of those quostion4i whi,::h are connected with the degree of effect of the atuoring of talcautomatical V systems. FAbstracter's note; Complete translation.] Card 2/2 3 S/103/62/023/006/007/012 D286/1)3DB AUTHOR: -111int V.A. Moscow) N TITL-:: Determining the efficiency of transufl.eision of tele- mechanical information -tvtomatika i telemelchanika, v. 23, no. 6, 1962, 778-735 T E" ~ T The author suggests a comparison of all signalling, 0 remote control and telemetering systems based on the., criterion oi transmission speed in bandwidth F: RF = R/F - ('1092TIOF where T time interval required -11or a single message and log.n. - number of mossages (n . number of possible different combinaflions) all counted ill li)iaary uni-ts. 5 methods are considered: ,Augle-channel time meth- od; sinrrle frequency method; two-frequency method vrith simultaneous transmission; two-frequency method with consecutive transmission; binary time code. Formulas are given for RI? ia tellim of releNiant parameters. The results are compared in a taVL(! and plotted. They indicate the superiority of the binary code syt3tems for largo- values C a r d (1'/ 2) S/103/62/023,/006/007/012 Determining the efficiency ... D288/D308 of n, and of the simplest single -frequency system for n . 2-13. Ilractical limitation of transmission ST)eeds is due Nattily to filter t-.iethods are bar-dwidths. For telemetery applications the followfilg co-nsidered: E-1, pulse wl.dth modulation, pulse position modula- tion and pulse code modulation; expressions for RI? iti terms of pulse and modulation characteristics are compared. For cases of short relative pulse duration P.41.1 and PIPM appear to be most efficient; in cases demanding the error factor 6 . 1/2n to be undar 5%, PGM is ,.u-.)erior. 'Yor short distance hauls simple A,j nymtems provide a sat- isfactory operation. i~ graphical representation of 11-F Vs & in is given. There are 3 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTM: December 14, 1961 Card 2/2 BERG A.I., gl,,,v. red.; V.A., glnv. 1"Ic Is., ~'J~.y mml Clav. rcd.; A.Yr-., doktor tc-'Jn. zar. F-Iiv. red.; AVIII, 0.1., red.; AGEY11311, D.I., rod., kanI. tekhn. nauk# dots.p red.; AYZERI-M, M.A.# red.1 VEIIII(OV, V.A., doktor teklu.. imule, pror., md.; VOR01:011, A.A.t (Iolt-tor tokhr. nauk, p~-of.y red.; GATUMV, M.A.2 eolctAn tal-hri, nnuir, prof., red.; 7TTOV, D.V., red:;. ILIIII, II.A., dok-tor tekhn. naW,~, prof., red.; HIM, A.1 rc,d.- b.Y-~" cloktor tokhn. imukj red.; KOSTOUSOV, A.I.P K;~'111171:411T. N.A., kand. fiz.-mt. nauk red.; LOZIFSKIY, X.G.2 doktor telchn. naWcy rc-(I..- red.; VAKISAREV, Yu.Yo., rod.; WtSIAN A.A. dotdi . rod. I PU6 A.A., rod. HAKOVOMY, N.Ye.t rod.j -OZ11111111,G, L.D., doittor tolifit.m", prof., red.; SOT.:~E(,V, 1); TIMOOMVI P.V., USIUKOV, V.b., doktor tol-hn. nauk, red.j F1,111AU1.1, A.A.p doktor teklui. riauk$ prof., rod.; IT.'OLOV, V.S., redo; rURKEVICII, A.A., red.; MU11,10Y, A.V.,, lvirA. Uikhn. muk$ rod..1 TSYMM, Ya.Z.., Ooktor takhn. naul., prof., rcxl.; CIIEUIUSTKII., A.B., kand* tekhn. nnuk-p red.; SHRETDER, Yu.A.j k'I.-nd. fiz.- mat. nauk, doto., red.; 130CIIAROVA, 14.D.0 kand. t,ekIm.rmwq:v r,tar.g!iiy nauchnyy rc-d.; DELORE, N.11,j, in-zh.~ wwchtn, red.; BARMOV, V.I.p naucluiri red.; PAVLOVA ,7.1.P Lellm. red. (Continucd on next oa-i'd) BUIG) A.I.- (continued). Card 2. (Industrial electronics wyl automation of pr&luction procer- seslAvtomatizataiia proizvodstva 1. prorWnbleywittia (A.Oftronika. Glav. red. A.I.Berg i V.A.Trapeznikov. Yoskvao Goaowiuchn. izd-vo "Sovetakda gntsiklopedlia." Vol.l. A . 1. 1~ 62- 521, (WOU 1 5110) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii naWc MR (for rotl!l-,vv, Kharkevich, Zernorv, Timofeyev,, Popkov). (Automatic control) (Electronic conturol) 'Trw w~: CIO -Y in[ ar,f 0 ~A 09 fir t 'I TIT Ts- NOR ikUl WM Rik-- 1, ran UP. I . .. i , . A , '. 11 , 0 11. - ld , I * , r-'r. t, .. A 11 . :1 '' :;,. " . I ... - I-, . . i ; , ; t ... . " . ! A- I I . : I ; ! -n,f; -_3 'Z_ L 1992-6-63 ACCESSION 1171: ,%?30048Z6 S/0103163/0Z41008/11,47/11154 AUTHOR: Win, V. A.. ElIdarov, E. A. (M'oscow) TITLE: Signal transmission over power -distribution Aetwo~-" (4 review)' SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemakhanika, v. 24, no..P_, 1jt:j:" io pow TOPIC TAGS: remote control, telematering, signal transnat A or-, distribution network ABSTRACT: Use of power distribution networks as connectIng litsks for remote*- control, telernetering, and supervidory-control equipment la varlotis countries to briefly reviewed. Two transmission classes are distinguished: (1~ circular remote control (house meter switching) at 175-3,000 cps; and (2) two-way signal transmissionti at 10-100 kc. H-v transmission lines are.uOed for ijignal tratts" mission at 50-300 kc and sometimes up to 1,000 kc; they %re equipped with.wavi-'- traps and coupling capacitors. Attenuation per kM-ii-tabulated I oe-ri -ciontact C~4 -, I /Z L 1992.6-63 ACCESSION MR: AP3004826 lines, mine networks, and cables, for 10-150 kc. Data meaonre4 on 380-v Ou~A 6-kv oilfield n,!tworks Ir reported, including the effects of agenerator, ~ trans- former, or a spur line connected to the signal-tranamiselon link. ?rench. German, and Swiss systems of frequency-divisiton and pulse-time citntralized romote control are described in some detail. Soviet superv9sor-f-control systems (descriptions published elsewhere) for mining power netwoxks' electrified rr-s and industrial 0,4-6-kv networks are briefly described. A1190, some USA supervisory sys-:ems are mentioned. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and I t'able. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED- z5oct6z DATE ACQ: Z6Aug63 SUB CODt: 'CO C.c.rd Z/Z NO REF SOY: 109 EXCL-. 00, OTHIML: 006 ILIIN, IT.A. (Moskva) Frequency stable pulse generators. Avtome i tdo3em. 21, no.6- 808414 Je 163* (MIRA 16:7) (ClecMators, Transistor) (Pulse tecImiques (Electronics)) WIN, V:.~ktorl Aleksandrovich; YURASOV, A.11.0 red.; MJ1,'1,'YAYEV,, JT.A.p "khn. red. [Telemetering and remote control *80 die tz-lWta4 objecto'l ,relekontroll i teleupravlenie raseradotochonnyud. ob"ok4smi. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 311 P. (,MIRA .17: 3) ILOIN, V.A... dektor tekhn.nauk Modern trend of telsmechani?,,s; All-Union Conferfmce I..-i Moscow. VeBt. AN SSSR 34 no. 1:105-101 Ja 164. 0411A 17; 5) .1 4 ..'0" - -I -- ~i of - ~;,v -, I .- I I-..--"-..- , ol' r--m-3te ! - : : , . , ~ I ;. !.~ IG/.. 1. 1 !",., . ,.7-. "-, I.. AVEN, O.A.; DVORETSKIY, V.M.; DOMANITAIY, S.M.; ZALMANZON, L.A.; KRASSOV, I.M.; KRUG, Ye.K.; TALI, A.A.; KHOX111X)V, V.A.; BULGAKOV, A.A.; DEMIDENKO, Ye.D.; BPRNS11TEY11, S.I.; YTWLIYANOV, S.V.1 LERNFR, A.Ya.; MEYEROV, H.V.; PERELIMAN, LI., FITSDER, L.N.; CHELY71STKIN, A.B.; ZIOZIIIKASHVILI, V.A.; ILIP V A AGEYKIN, D.I.; GUSHCHIN, Yu.V.; KATYS, G.P.; MR PARKHOMENKO, P.P.; MHAYLOV, H.N.; FITSNER, L,11,; PARKHOWNW, P.P.; ROZENBLAT, M.A.; SOTSKOV, B.S.; VASIL'YEVA, N.P.; PRANGISFIV1LI, I.V.; POLONNIKOV, D.Ye.; VOROBIYEVA, T.M.; DRYABRUP1, I.Ye. Work on the development of syatems and principloq of automatic control at the Institute of Automatic and Remote Control during 1939-1964. Avtom. i telem. 25 no. 6007-851 JI) 164. (MITUL 17M KHRAMDY, A.V. I'FYEII()V, II.Y.; AY"T'MAN, II.A.; (J."LUkVir, G.M.j TSYPKIN, Ya.Z.; F-ELIF-BATIM, A.A.; IZIRIIER, A.fa..; NJOACIFI, V.3.; ILIIN, V.A.; GAVRILOV, M.A. Work of the Institute of Automatic aril Romoto tontlrol on the development of tho theory of autortiatic contra-I during 1939-1964. Avtom. I telem. 25 no. 600-~X)'? 3a 164., (MInA 170) ILIIIN, V.A. (Moskva) Stabilization of time parameters. Avtom. i telem. 25 no.6: 991-996 je 164. (KIRA 17 s 7) WIN , 'I.A... doktor teklu-i.rjauk Improving the stAbility of pulse systemr. *Ievi, JUI -w.4 no.9168- 70 S 164. (MIRA :1'~O.O~ 1. Inatitut avtorint1k] I tolomokhanihi (teUmichaskay kl1wrmet.11d] Gosudarstvaniwgo kr~jilte&A po priboroBtrayarilyu.0 aredii'van avtclr4Ltl- !!atsJ.i i sistf-~mm Lj)ravlariya p-l rk):)plano SU. t A)w,-:imJJ nauk ISSRo _JLIIN,.~iktor Aleksandrovich; KUTIFERSINIT, Ya.A., rail. (Pulne devices vith brIdge circuit components] IMPIO.'snyo ustroistva s mostovymi olementami. Moskva, Evergifta, 1965. 70 P. (Biblioteka po avtomatikop no.1.30) (1-1 III.A 18: ~5) lat., Rl A 1.e i: it d If-all- I I A k s It .I r ;iI r 1 1! rI d i r t k i.. H #A cz uuj !L- L; 11-: WOW"- J C F~Yre r--~ ti-l-iriga o-ifosems I T A KIPJ IN IV CS ~1111' Ell-4 ""I! t= DrolAotioll or-the ripitTmajo: 01 PMOMd. -yuviArd.-I ;11 t, 1. It. ;III-I! !-TUl.A ~j q I ir I m pi A F 1 4!1 i t a ginamn iaB t hy Aj3u~-ttibLii6 vi-mjj~ I: p po3 t-?q Lt. c ll,.k . Jr (Lr rill.11 LU19 r,:L WIMU UZ 'D ('41k 1 Cult. I: :,o -J.roy onli 1p1, mrade tMl 147'1 -;;I:ln lill 11 1146 1; :14wi-E. t A.)U.!oIiq6 *- I MPA, S~&W 8 LL tlF ',;'7qMr, 1. 40 0 it v Il,r ll;r!l 1. IL VIM.: R V Ir ""ril I ftoo-im !"I'll Ii - 1, 1,%(:, i; Ili:! I A ) , t . I, '. p ,, -.. ( ~,~ (A is ~ 1:11,114.11, ~:x K! . . . I . M I I. ili 11111131,11111, 1 I w I 101T ,%CC NRi AT6022311 SOURCE CODE: UR/I:)000/66j'000/000/1)065/0071 ~AUTHOR: Win, V. A. (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor) I ;ORG: none I ;TITLE: Selecting the structure of complex remote control spitems !SOURCE: Vscsoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, poavyashchennays Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. !Sektsiya telemekhaniki. Doklady. Hoscow, 1966, 65-71 i 0 'TOPIC TAGS: remote control system, automatic control theory, teletiketry system, ,optimal.automatic control ;ABSTRACT: Wit.1 an increase in the size of automatic control systelms and the number of, I !scattered obje:ts it is practical, under certain conditions, to adopt control hierarchy :which is one of the basic principles of cybernetics. In this cast bi)th the reliability land the high cost of transmission channels require a large amtonomy of controlled ob- ijects at their locations. As a result of this the application of the control hierarchy ;becomes necessary for relatively simple telemetriC 6YSt0MS. A hierarchic structure ioi defined quantizatively at each control step by hierarchy coeff 'icie-ato Ki and the numbel!_ !of control steps m. The quantity Ki is the number of men, %mits, or objects sub- ~ordinate directly at each given control step. The choice of the structure of a !hierarchy system is in effect reduced to the choice of coefficiento.Ki at each control :Card i I-) * , I 1,~, , ,i. ~ . Cri -I ru--- , ' niz t r a I -c utf; Cf th.43 f ':If' ~-,l !0 W *,Wfn3r. ok, i; ' v nFi r ',.rn ll.,ur i_ rb~ I I I.-, ,, 4, ", 1- -,,,ioj' , ./1? f*t,?,~ld. y Z h.6 Olmfn D.. . ~, ! k,, !- - I z , , . 1, . .- . .C- Suauimb'Jity oil Foarier 5erlej in elyr.~,nfuni::U(ms of a bar,iA7e OPi",ator by Caparo, RISO, hrld Iii,eragm). [I.uh AN SSSF A60 F 165. (VIR.' 18:2) t, - sudarstvennyy "tvitted O'lly 9, L. Mcs.ovekiy go, 19b4. r o- t r- T --I F- .-,/- I !~ !-. I l I /In, ';. A. -- ~'Dif f ractlon of 'e:loc' r 11 - SvJ'-:-n' --', tt'rO- . - - th Scl, Moscow Str-tc lip Mam-~-"Jll 195:1 i-enri ti es. "CrLnd ?4, -14, (Rt-.ferE.tivnr.f Zhurnal-Fizika, Jjlr-'!R~7 5L) so: sm 16.";, 22 Jul-.,r 1954 114IN; V. A SUBMT USSR/MATHEUTICS/Pouriar series CARD -1/2 PO - 354 WTHOR IWIN V.A. TITLE The decomposition of the fanctions with orie singularity inte a series in terms of eigenfunotione. The kornelo of brokon, arder, ?ERIODICAL Doklady JLkad. Hauk jS.5.&. 18-21 (11955) reviewed 10/1956 Let. a function possess the singularity r~' ( C-40 or Xn the two-dimenoio- nal case for a apecial function of this kind the authoir givos a direct com- putation of th6 Pouri6r ooeffialents for the decomposition with respect to the system of vJgenfunctionq of the equationAu * 'A u os 0 in aa a,rbitrary region 0. A formula J4 derived which determines the Fourier coqiff'Aoit!~nts of thla fWketion A -up to the terms of order -n/21+5/4 (n - arbitrary integer),, A function In K constructel which possesses the mentioned singulatity and which at tho same time eyerynbere else is sufficiently smooth. The res-dIts irbich have sketched proofs for the two-dimensional casev are extended to mrbitrary dimensions (withont proof) and are formialated in the following thooreas Every ALnotion of 11 varlable6 which in one point possesses a singul.axity irl' (f_-)--O) and which everywheru else satisfies the condition of diooc(m~posa:bJ.l1tj, con. be de- composed Into an absolutely convergent series in terms of eigonfunctiona inside of an arbitrary N-dimensional region. Here the convej.,gence or every inner sub:.-egion GI of G is uniform. f4,i SUBJECT USSR/ltATHEI,'ATIC,':3Thc-r3r-- nf tllnuth)77il: 111A AUTHOR ILJIN V.A. TITLE Sufficient conditions fOr LL decomposition into ar. abj-Aut;c 1~ and uniformly convergent series In terms of PERIODICAL Doklady Akad. Nauk j.25S. 210-213 (1955) reviewed 7/1956 The author given an essentially wetikening of the knoion imiffLatent corditioas for the devolopment of a function in an absolutely and w',iforady collyargent. soriea in Le,rms of eigenfunctions of the equation AU +'Au - 0 in an arbitrary region G with a homogeneous boundary cunditiin of arbitrary kind. The strong continuity of the derivatives is suporfluouis. The first derivatives can have jumps of first kind on arbitrary objecti:.q not higher than of firtit dimension. Generally: The k-th derivatiwes can have Jumpa of first kind on arbitrary objects not higher than of (2k-1)-th dimensiou. INSTITUTIONt Lomonossov University Moscow. WIN, V. A., Doc Phys-gail Sol -- (dim.@) "Comosernivig; tho Cont- i," E4-, kn' vergena* of Expanalon5___ i-ttt-46" 410 Felp4nal Poncticons of a Laplace Opprator." Moe, 1957. 23 PP* (MoO StAts Thiv Im LOIuO- nosov), 120 copies. BiblioPTS pp 22-23 (30 tittlemil- M, 7-58. 108) - I - ILI IN, 7.A. - The foundation of rourier's method for the wave equation. Usp. imat.nauk 12 no.4:289-296 JI-Ig '57. (MrRA 10.10) (calculus) I , 1 7 T , -, -- / -- IL I IN, V.A. (Moskya) The kernel of fra,:tlonal order. lfht.sbor. 41(83) no.41459-460 Ap 157. OKMA 10: 7) (Fourier's series) (Xigenfutwtioms) (IntsKral equations) PT HOR Il I in, V. A. 2o-n4_4_6/G3 TITLEj 'x An j on the Uniform Convergence of E ions in Characteristic :dimosti r&zlozheniy po Incresoing Numbers (0 raynomerno.;h ' sobstvannym funkt i am pri summirovanii Y poryadk~vozrastamiya sobst,rennykh ohis: ,~ PRRIODICA13 Daklady Akadsaii Nauk SSSHI 1957, Vol. 114g 113.* C pp. 698- -701 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The present paper studies the problem of tho wdform oonvex- genoe of developments aacording to the eigeatunotions of the equations A u +I u a 0 in any domain g wi th &tq number N of dimensions. A homogeneous boundary condition of the first, so- cond or third kind is assumed hem The oonaitions for further development can be made easier if the demand fnr absolute coa- Yergence is dropped and only the uniforn convergence of Fou- rierlo series is studied wh*n su=&rAzing in '.he order of the increasing eigennumbers. This expectation in also confirmed. The author found an adequate result for any domain with any anount of dimensions and, be- Card 113 sides, was able to prove the follovingi Let lie g assumed to be .On the Uniform Convergence of the Expansion Acoordimg 20-4-4/6o , to the Eigenfunctions of Domains with an Odd Number of Dim4insiove ASSOCIATIONs Moscow State University (Moskovskiy goeudarstvennyy univorsitot) PRESENTED: March 7, 1957, by S.L. Sobolev,. Acado.Aicia-n SUBMITTED: February 19, 1957 AVAILABL3s Library of Congress Card 3/3 AVTHGR~ 111in- V.A. (Moscow) flOV/39-46-1-4/6 TITLEs Sufficiewt Conditions for ~he Expansibi,1Jty-of a Function Into an Abeol-atel-y and Uniformly Convergent Rerieii in Tems of 3igen- futetiane (Dostatochnyye unloiriya rnzIomMmotiti funktail v ab- solyutn(% i ravnomerne akhodyashchAynya w1rad pa sobstven:nym funktsiyam) PER10DICA.Ls Matematicheakiy- abornik,1958;Vol 46,11r '1,,pp :$.,26 (USSR) LBSTRAM The paper consists of two chapterse In 'the r1rat chapter the following theorem is proved. Thvoremt The function f(Q) of N variables in assumed to be de- fined in an N-dimensional domain g with. Lyapariov boundary aM to posaess in the interior point P of 6- a al:ngularity of the type re (E > 0) or r2m In r PQ PQ PQ (M-0129s*s) p ioee it ia assumed to be representable in the form 6 rPq + v M cor 2m Card !A f(Q) rp, . In rp, 4, V M Oufftcient Conditions for the Expansibility of a SOV139-46-1-116 Function Into an Absolutely and Uniformly Convergent Serieft in Terms of Eigenfun,,tions wheres 1) v r__ w (g) 2.) v is iso that the 2 &kf '[!1/4] for the first, functions f, 6f; (k and k 14 21 for the second and third boundary value problem) satisfy the cor:responling homolSvnwove boundary con- dition in the genexalized. sense (see (:Ref 2 1 , Ch 2) a Then f(Q) can be expanded in g into an abmolutely and uniformly convergent series in terms of the sigonfunatlions of AXt+.\n v 0. By an Giample then It is whown that for ftnotions with thio min- gularitioa lin r or r E (P, -e-0) at most conditionally con- PQ Pq verg,ent Fouriet expanslong are to be impecte,1(in blef 31 Wbero this ccnjecture is alread7 proved). Dvside4i It is directed to an error of Courant and Hilbext (Methods of' Vath.Physics Vol .)f The series Card 2/1 Suffici-ent Cordl~tione for the RzPansibility of a :';07/39, 46-1-1,//6 Function Into at Absolutely and Uniformly Conlrergeml; Sol-ins in Terms Of Eigenfu:.actions 00 00 Sint mx. 9inZny,sjn3rmO".sinTn.% ab _~: 2 2 M-1 'n., n 2 1 a b denoted there as absolutely and unifo:rmly -convergent in the rectangle in reality above absolute &1vergorice in the whole rectangle. The seccmd cha-pter gives a generalization of the classical theorem of Hilbert-,Schmidt for kernols of fractional ordor which are connected with tho *igenftrations of the Laplace operators Among others it is proved t If t(Q) is continuous in a clc3ed two dim9nsional domain g,, if it posseasos pioee- via* continuous firvt derivativss ana squaro-integrable second derivatives in g; and if it satiefien the ci)rrespo-nding Card 3,14 boundary oondition, then it can be mupandod in g in toms of Suff!~J*nt Conditions for the Expansibility of a SOV139-46,-~--IJ6 1~unsticn Into an Absolutely and Uniformly Converge:nt Se.ries in Torma of Eigenfunctions the eigenfunctions of this domain into an Misolutely an4 uni.- for-mly convergent series. Here the piecewi-adi continalty to understood in a somewhat restricted sense. There are ? references, 6 of whiob mra Svriot; and I German. SUBMITTEDs December 22.1, '956 Card 4/4 On the Expansion of Functions With Singularities into 38-22-1-3/6 Conditionally Convergent Series in Terms of Eigenfunctions fies the usual conditions for the series d,x,pansion, the Fc~urier series of this function uniformly converges in the interior of g (after separation of tbe singular point), if it is summed in the order of increasing eigen values. For the proof the author applies a well-known antymptotic forimla (see [Ref 213t4]) which he newly provais and as it appears with an important method. There are 12 rofnrences, 9 of which are Soviet, I Jugoslav, I German, ana 1 Poliah. PRESENTEDs by 3.L. Sobolev, Academician AVAILABIMI Library of Co W ess 1. lunctions-Analysts Card 2/2 AliTHORt Illin, V-A-.(Y-gs or) 39-45-M/7 TITLE; '-Z~A~orm convergence of the Expansiouss in Terms of Thgen- functions in the Whoto Closed Domain (0 skhodismosti razlozheniy po sobstyennym funktaiyall, y,~ 1,1)e), o4z:Pputoy ablosil) PERIODICALz Matematicheskiy sbornik, 1958, Vol 45, Nr 2, PP '195-232 (VSSR) ABSTRACT: Let g be an X-dimensional domain, r- bowxdary of g, V- normal of r. In g the withor considers expansionts in terms of eiif;en- functions of the equation 4 u +'Pu a 0 for bo?a4dary coAditions Ir - -~-u I r - 0 or i2' + 11 (1$) ul I r'w (i.e. for u 0 or ~v H $1 01 where h(S),?* 0). He investigates the convergenoo of Lhasa expmnoions in the closed domaii: g. In the chapter I the convergence of the series 2 00 U. M -A Oc i is considered. In order to guarantee the uniform convorgenoe in the closed domain, on r certain additional oijaumptiono havorto be satisfied. The author proves the inl.areal.,iiag results if ris, a Card 1/3 surface of the type of Lyapunov and if ~i,(P) are the tigenfunctions or Qn the Uniform Convergence of the Expansiorw in Terma of ZLJ,-On- 39-45-2-5/7 functions in the Whole Closed Domain series and for giving a uniform estimation of the remain4or series. For arbitrary smooth functions f the author givom thm order for the vanishing of the Fourier remainder. Numerous conclusions of these principal resuLts a:ro giYen. There are 15 references, 13 of which are Soviet and 2 German. SUBMITTEls December 22, 1956 1. Topology 2. Functions--Applications 3. Fourler series-4hoory Card 3/3 16(1) AUTHORSt L! CY/20-126-6-6/0 TITLEs On the Connection Between the Claenical and The Generalizod Solution of the Dirichlet Problem and of the'Problem of Eigen Values PERIODICALs Doklady AkademAnauk 335R,1959OVol 61 pp 1176 - 117c~j (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is proved that the classical and the generalized solutions of the Diriohlet problem Lu a - f in G u Ir 0 where r is the boundary of G, are almost everywhere identical in 0 , if certain conditions are satitifted gparanteeing the existence of the classical solution. A similar result for the eigen value problem Lv + Av - 0 in G v1r 0-1 is obtained. Five theorems and lemmata are given. Card 1/2 On the Connection Between the Classical anl the ;--;(17/20-126-6- 6/67 Generalized Solution of the Dirichlet Prob1om and of tho Problem ol Eigen-Values There are 8 roferoncess 4 Of Which are Sovilett, 2 German, 1 American, and I French. ASSOCIATION: Moakovekiy gosudaratvennyy univeraitet Imemi. 114.7~Lomonosoya (Moscow state University imani M,V. Lomonomov) PRESENTEDs March 17, 1959, by S.L. Sobolev, Acadartici(in SUBMITTEDt February 24, 1959 Card 2/2 16(1) AUTKOR: Illin, 7.A. SCIV/2~- 127-1- 5/65 TITLEt Solvability of the Mixed T'roblem for m Ryperbalic and a Para- bolic Equation in an Arbitrary Normal C~linder PERIODICLL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 12T, Ur 1,,pp 23-26 (US.13R) AB3TRACT: The author considers the mixed boundary value problemt for the Ityperbolic equation Lu - utt f(x,t) in the cylinder OX 10< t 411.1 u(x'O) q(x) ut(X,O) -TOC) IXI[- - 0 2. for the parabolic equation Lu - ut f(x,t) in the cylinder jQ U(X,O) 1-f(X) , III,- - 0 - g is an arbitrary H-dimenZ4nnal domain bound.ed by x - (X1 '...'X if ) is a point from g; if (,r) and, Y (x) are functions defined in g; L is a selfadjoint dAfferential operator Card 1/3 .Solvability of the Mixed Problem for a Hyperbolic 30V/20-127-1-5/65 and a Parabolic Equation in an Arbitrary Normal Cylinder H LU -Z u! c(x)u ;x aij(x) ~xa i9j-1 i I JJ of elliptic type defined in CZDa&Ji h 2 comat>O ; C(x) -~,O in C i9j=1 ij 'J iml The author shows that the problems (1) and (2) are solvable in the classical sense, if 57Z Iis narauil, I.e. if the Dirich- let problem for the Laplace equation im solvablo in g for every continuous boundary function. Altog,ether there are Oiven 4 lonr~ar theorems. The author mentions O.A. Ladyzhenskayap O.A., Oleynik, A.Y. Tikhonov, I.A. Shishmarov and S.L6 Sobolav,, Card 2/3 Solvability of the Mixed Problem for a Hyperbolic ;1~0/20-127-1-5/65 and a Farabolic Al"quation in an Arbitrary Normal Cylinder There are 17 references, 15 of which are Soviet, 1 German, and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONt Yoskovakiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet imeiii 11.7.Lomonoaava (1,108cow State University ineni M.7. Limonoijov) PRESENTED: March 17,1959,by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: Pebruary 24, 1959 Card 3/3 3452 .35-o o S/044/6 0/000/0 10/0 16/051 C 1 111 /C222 AUTHORt TITLEt On the question of the foundation of the Fcmrier method for hyperbolic equations PERIODICALs Referativnyy shurnal. Matematika, no. 1D, 1961, 42, abstract 10 B 183. ("Tr. Vass. soveshchaniya, po differentsialln. uravneniyam, 1958"- Yorevan, AN Arm SSR. 1960, 88-9'r) TEM In the N-dimensional region g which is bounded by the surface r the author considers the mixed problem for the linear hyperbolic equation Lv - v tt f(x,t), R, - g X *~ v vit-o - If(X) , ~-t Lo 0 Y(x) , v IF 0 where L is the selfadjoint, differential operator Card l/If A52 S/04#0/000/010/016/051 On the question of the foundation C111/C222 Ly 2 a (x) v C(X)V 7- -:7 -X, I Ij -T-Xj iti i of elliptic type, c(x).>, 0. As a clasuical solution *f tho mixed probletu (1) the author denotes a function v(x,t) defined in the aylinder I-LI M 9 XLO~St!:Ll] which satisfies the conditiona t 1) v(x,t) is continuous in the closed cylinder fL and has continuous derivatives of first and second order in the interdir of SI 1 - 2) 4 v/*alt is continuous in the closed cylinder rl 1 ; 3) in overy litner point of fL 1 , v(x,t) satisfies the equation L. - v tt , - f(x,t) ; 4) in wrery point x of the closed region g, v(x,t) satiefios the inifl.pil con4itions D v V(X,O) - If(X) (x,O) - T(x) 5) for every 't E j'0'.l] , V(-.,t) satisfies the boundary condition vir 0 ; 6) the firmt derivatives of v(x,t) are integrable in the square in SZ Card 2/4 S/04 61/000/010/016/051 On the question of the foundation ... CIIIYC222 The author proves the theorem t The classical solution of the problem (1) in represented for an arbitrary W-dimensional regiom g bounded by a aur- face F of the Lyapunov type and for an arbitr^~.-y imterval of time OtEtt!~l by the series CID T v(x,t) Un(x) ncos fTn - n n +Z U, A(X) fn sin FX n(t_ dI n=1 A (Un(x) eigenfunctionef fn 1 Yn and rn(t) Youriex coefficients of tf(x) y (x) and f(x,t) with respect to the system u11 (t)) if the followiz;g conditions are satisfied 1 1) %fe W2 ( [ST, 3) (g) and besides 2 1W+4 ~j L , L L 7r~ satisfy the boundary valme conditions of' firist Card 3/4 32~j52 S104 6-1/000/0111/016/051 On the question of the foundation C111YC222 kind in the( Ii d sense _gan ra, [ e+ ze It# 2 2) kk 6 W2 (g) and besides L Y L2 L V the homogeneous boundary condition of first kind in -the gpneralized senve; N+2 ~12! 1+ 2 ..r 1. 2 1. 1 3) f6 W2 (ft 1) and besides f, Lf, L fq..*L f satisfy the homogeneous boundary condition of first kind in the (:InneroAlized senso 4) in the closed region g the coefficients aij (X) halir'e contInuous derivatives up to the order ( [2] + 2 c(i) up to the order 4, 1) 2 [Abstracter's note : Complete translation-I Card 4/4 S/042/60./Ol 5/02/01 /,eee/18 AUTHORt Illin, V.A. - 1. ~., TITLEt On Solvdbility of Mixed Problems for Hyperbolic and Parabolic Eguations \1\0 PERIODICALi Uspekhi matematichookikh nauk, 1960, Vol 15,No. 2, PP. 97.154- TEM The author considers the classical solvability of the mixed problem for the hyperbolic equation u - u L tt f(x,t) in SI, a g X 10 < t 11 U(X,0) -,f(x), ut(X,O) =-~(X), Ul., - 0 ~ and the solvability with the Fourier method of the mizod problem for the parabolic equation Lu - U.; - -f(x,t) in (2) fu(X,0) -,f(x), uIxer 0. Here g is an N-dimensional domain with the boundary f (x) and y(x) are functions given in g, f (x, t) is a function given in i2l Card 1/3 693.01 On Solvability of Mixed Problems for Hyperbolic S/O,f2/60/'Ol 5/02/01/Oge-/.18 and Farabolic Equations L is the selfadjoint operator O(x)u (3) Lu a (X) -7y u i,j=1 i I ij of elliptic type; c(x)30. The principal aim of the present paper is the determimation of the minimsl conditions which have to be satisfied by r in order that (1) has a classical solution or on (2) the Fourier method can be applied. The principal result is the statement that (1) and (2) are aolvable classically or with the Fourier method in an arbitrary normal. cylinder if %f,Wf and the coefficients of L satisfy certain oanditions of stooth- ness (A. is denoted to be normal if in g the Dirichlet problem is solvable for the Lapalace equation for every continuous limit function). These results are already announced by the author in a shortened forin (Rot.289 32). Here they are founded in detail. The author gives a survey or tho papers about the mixed problem. The paper contains 6 chapters with 19 paragraphs. Card 2/3 2 OVA On Solvability of Mixed Problems for Hyperbolic 3/042/60/015/02/01/We/18 and larabolic Equations The author mentions S.L.Sbbolev, O.A.Oleynik# A-N.Tikhonov, U.V.K*ldVeh, S.G.Mikhlin, O.A.Ladyzhenekaya, I.A.Shishmarov, V.I.Stuirnow, I.G.Potrovs- kiy, V.A.Steklov, A.I.Barabanov, N.M-~Gyunter, D.M.Volkov, Xh,L,$no1itakty-j G.1,Petrashent, and B.M.Budak. There are 37 references, 33 Soviet, 1 Garment 2 Amorioan, and I French. SUBMITTED: April 8, 1959 T Card 3/3 1,12225 .0~50 0 S/03SJ60/024/04/01/001 C1 1 I/C222 AUTHORSs Illin, V.A.t and Shiebmarev, I.A. TITLEt On the Connection Between the Generalized and Classical Solutiots of.-the-Dirichlat Problem 1~ PERIODICAM Izvestlys Akademii nauk SSSRp Seriya matermtiob*0taya, 1960, Val 24, No. 4, PP. 521 - 530 TEXTs In the arbitrary N-dirensional domain g with the boundary r the authors consider the Dirichletproblem (1) Lu w - f in g , u Ir M 0 where L in sit elliptic selfadjoined differential operator (2) L U CWU Lu X, [aij(x) Tx-~ ,, 0 . A function u(x) which is continuous in (g + two times where c(x) > Card 1/2 S/038/(,0/024/005/004/004 C1 11/014,!2 2 AUTHORS-. 111tn V.A. and Shishmarev, I.A. TITM On the Equivalence of Systems of Generalized amd. Classical Bigon- functions PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademit nauk S3SRO Sertys. matomattehoskays., 1960, Vol. 241 No- 59 PF- 757 - 774 TEM In the N - 'dimensional domain g with the boundsty r ibe author oorl- sidors the aigenvalue problem Lu + A a m 0 (in g) ulxer- 0 (2) Lu Card 1/ 4 8h 7106 On the Equivalence of Systems of Generalized and Cleasical Bigenfuncitons 3/038/$G/024/005/004/004 Gill/om is-& Itusar-selfadjoint operator of elliptic type and. c-(x) >,,, 0. Under-these-conditions theorem I aswertst.-Lot g be a nox.*alAomain (ie. lot the Diriohlet-problen for the Laplace equatloh for- every,continuous boundary function be solvable in g, cf. (Ref- 4)) and lot it lie together with f- in an open domain G. Let the coefficients of L belong tn the classes (5) 9,j(x) G. a(Z) G C(01/0 (/_ > 0) - Then-there-exiote a complete orthogonally normed systen of the classioal eigenfunction of (1). An a-generalized eigenfunction of (1) the author denotes 4 ftzetion u(X) not equivalent to zero which belongs to the-elass B(,S) (D(.g') to the olosure with respect to the nors of the *(')(a) of the get of functions continnonsl;r differentiable in g whieh vanish in a certain boundary strip of.the-do".-kn, g) and which satisfies the identity Card 2/ 4 8bT46 On tho Equivalenoe of Systems of Generalized 3/03SJ60/024/005/004/004 and Clativical Eigenfunotions alit/0222 N u + u4,] dx . 0 U (4) F01-i ij rxi x 0 for-each function *(x) C- D (g) thworeys I are saftsf leii-,, ther-Ahe ortha- gan,sL.U7-_mv"ted-- systems of the generalized and the elaselLeal eigenfunotions of Ahe~prablex (1) ao well as the corresponAing systems. of the sigenvalmea are Idantical. if g-ts not,only rmroal but bounded by a surface r" of %be Ljrapunoy typ*v then it is nufficient-whan the a (z) and o(x) satisfy the conlitions in (g + r ) formulated-in theorem I'4nd 2. The proof of the theorems bass* on the inrestigation of the (Droan's function of the problem Lu. - - f , u I xr= r 0 0. The erigitend4i of the Groett a funcrtion--K(-X,Y follows from (Ref. 6). Then- the author proveAt that in go X(x,y) - IE(y,x~ , K(x,y) > 0, K(x,y) is continuous eTarywbirre in g + r with-the-exception of x -- y. Then the existence and continuity of the first and second d-grivatives of K an well as of the regular part of 11 are proved Card 3/4 MT46 Ott the Equivalence of Systems of Generalited rivenftmeAlons doxivatives, a" estimated (10001068 1 2 Are-,pravvd-with the aid of the Green's function The author mentions B.G. Mikhlin. Thore are 9 and -3- Ane'rican. PRESENTEDs by S.L. Soboley, Academician SUBIaTTEDs April 91 1959 S/038/60/024/005/004/004 C I 11 /C:?22 4),. Than,,the ihoo"as, I and and its propOrtles. roferencems 6 Soviet, I Oorman CA.rd 4/4 3/03 601024-1006100-11'004 C1 1 ly-0333 AUTHORS% Illin, V.A., Shishmarev, I.A. TITLEs Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatlyes PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya -zai;wm&tiohe*k&y&,.1q60,, Vol. 24, No. 6, PP. 883 - 896 TEXTs Let the linear self-adjoint differential operator (1) Lu W ? U C(x)u 7 iPj-I YX i ij TZ iI - be given in the open N-dimensional domain C1 assume that it it elliptlc,r"~ i.&. lot N (2) a ijW aji(x) and aij ~i gj >' a , (rX cons t > 0) .1 ~ 2 for-all x (x19 x2f ... PXN)4E C for arbitrary real let Card 1/7 C1 1170-533 Uniform Es-.imaticns in the Closed Domain of the Migetfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives (3) aij(:,,)d C("/J'L-), I(I)CC(O"'A) , /I > 0 , C(X) ;;'P 0 be in C. Assume that g is an arbitrary open normal domain raich lion In C together with its boundary F (g is normal, if in g the Dirichlot problem for the Laplace equation is solvable for every continxious boundary fuMotioft)t""'- The authors consider the eigenvalue problem (4) Lu + AU . 0 (in g) I U I r- . 0 in g. Aa it is well-known (4) possesses complete orthogon&lly normed aystems of classical and generalized eigenfunations, where thmme syeteme are identical according to (Ref. 3). All the eigenfunctions co:rrespond to positive eigenvalues. At first the authors prove the following formula for the eiglonfunctions of problem (4) 1 3/05M ?60/024/006/001/004 Card 2/7 5/03" /60/0~4/006/001/004 ci 117033 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the MigenTunotious of an Ellipti.: Operator and of Their Derivatives D u ~u u2(y) 2 (16) H(X,y) 2 A u 2 a n n X)j dx n n(r) ij X. + au'( n 9 , + u2(x)LH dx n where y in an arbitrary fixed interior point of g 2 (12) H(x,y) AL (y)(z -Y )(X2-Y AM 4.1 r a (N- 2)011 y I r,s re r A(y) - dot Ila re (y) 11 , A r9 (y) the ratio of the algobrmic conplement of the element ars (y) to the determinant A(y) Card 3/ 7 S/038/60/024/00 6/001/004 C1 11.1033 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives Then the authors show i The estimation u 4 (7) n(x)l 2 n holds uniformly in an arbitrary closed domain (g + rY A closed domain in said to belong to the class A(k#/*,) , ilt the as:quation of the boundary surface in local coordinates belongs to the al C (k,/-) (i.e. if its k-th derivatives satisfy the H61der condition with the at- L,,) . k 9 A) onent Theorem 2 1 If the domain (g +f-) belongs to it and if the 5aij(x) 'a Xk O(x) belong to the class C(k-l,/I)(k >/2) in the closed domain (g + r), then the eigenfunctions of (4) belong to C(k,r) An the closed domain (g + F). Theorem 3 1 For all C(k,~') in (g + r) there hold uniformly the u(x)r estimations Card 4/ 7 C111Y0333 Uniform Istimations in the Cloaed Domain of the Zigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives 1 k+ " 1 (37) u T+7~ U V+_r + u 1 0 ( Uk 0 0 ( I�L4, k-1 (1+/",)) 1 4k (38) 'u1, U k+/,,, uk+r+ u R_ k Ot- 0 0 where R is the diameter of g, uI the sum of the maxima. of thei absolute values of a.11 I-th derivatives of u(z) in (g + r), u,,,- the sum of the Hider coefficients of these derivatives for the exponent,?,, where u 0 r-nd u091" ere the maxima of the absolute value and the H61der coefficient of the function u(x) in (g + r). Theorem 2 In deduced from theorem I (theorem of Schauder and Caccioppoli Theorem 3 and a further theorem 4 contain well-known a-riori-estimations P 3/03 60/02,1/006/001/004 Card 5/ 7 S/038/60/024/006/001/004 C111/033 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Sigenfixnctioits of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives of Schauder and Caccioppoli (theorim I and the estimations of theorem 3 and 4 are oontained in (Ref- 4))- From the atitimations of the theorems 1-4 the authors obtain tht follo*itg results t 1. For the derivatives of the eigonfunctions of (4) it holds uniformI3, in (g + S N + k F A /2 (9) U(",) (X) C A 11 4 n 2. for the H61der coefficient uk,/& of the k-th derivative of the eigen- function i,; holds s N + k + jk (10) uk, C5 A /4 /2 /2 C4 P C5 depend on &I t is the Hdlder exponent. Kh.L. Smol:ttskiy, D.M. Eydue and L.N. Slobodetskiy ar* mentioned. Card 6/7 :)"/0313/60/024/006/00-1/004 C1111C333 Uniform Estimations in the Closed Domain of the Eigenfunctions of an Elliptic Operator and of Their Derivatives There are 10 references : 7 Soviet, 2 American and 1 French. [Lbstracter's note i (Ref- 3) is a paper of the authors iii Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRI Seriya matematicheskaya# 1960, 2.11 75T-774 I Ref44) is the book of Miranda s Partial Differential Equations ol'.91liptic Type] PRESENTEDs by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTEDs April 9, 1959 Card 7/7 5/020J60/135/004/003/037 A. AUTHORS: Illin, V.A., and Shishmarev, I.A. TITLEs Some Problems for the Lu - diy[]p(x)grad u]-cL(x)u Operator With Discontinuous Coefficients PERIODICAL: Doklady Akedemli nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol-135, NO-4, PP-775-778 TEXTt Let g be an N-dimensional open region with tht boundlaryr; lot 0 be an (N-I)-dimensional region in g being homeomorphic to the sphere and dividing q Into gI and g2- Let T be an open region containimg (g+r). In (g+r) the author considers the following Diriohlet pro~lemi L1u - div[p,(x)grad u]-qIWu - f 1(1) in g 1 L2u - div [P2 (x)grAd u3-q2(x)u ' f2(x" in 92 4n 'X(x) ujr - 'Xx)1 lu-Ii. - YWI where - I '? u u n is the lul I C u I C-0 , I C+0 I [ pi-A a 0 P I nC-O-P21) n low outer normal of g1 and the symbols C-0 and G+O mean that the boundary values are taken from the inner and outer side, respsetively, of C (With Card 116 S/020/60/135/004/003/037 Ciii/cm Some Prob:.ems for the Lu - div[p(%)grad u]-q(x)u Operator With Discoa- tinuoue Coefficients res;ect to g,). Definition 1; A function u(x) which satisfies the following conditiots LO called a ..-lassical solution of the problem 0): 1) U~x~ belongs to the class C(O" in (g 1+C) and ~g,+C+V)j u(x) belongs to 0 In. (g,+C) and (92+0); u(x) belongs to C~27 in I and 92; 2) u(x) smtiefleiv the problem (1) in the classical sense. (,(ni... C( n~n) are an in (Ref.1)). The following five conditions (A) are formulated3 1) C belongs to the Lyapunov class, r is regular. 2) pI(x)C-C(l,/A) in (g I+C ) 1 P2 (x) F- C( I ' '**) in (T-gl)l ql(x)E:C(01/"*') in (g,+C); q2(x)6-C(O"") in (T-gj)j fl(x)e.c(O,A-) in g 1; f2(x)C-.C(O*lx) in g2; beaida,si fj(x)~'.C(O) in (gl+C); f2(x)r--C(O) In (92+C:r) Card 2/6 1h, 9J11-: S/020J60/135/004/003/037 C111/C222 Some Problemn for the Lut- div[p(x)grad u]-q(%)u Operator 'With Discontinuous Coeffioien a 3) pi(%)> 0, qi(x)~~O (1-1,2) everywhere in the regioi;e of definition of them, 4) W(x) is defined and continuous on r. 5) q(x) X are de fined on C; )4 G C (1 PIA) I -K, Theorem 1-., If the first and third condition A is vntWied thon It Uisto only one clasai.;al 3olution of (1). Theorem 2: If all conditions A are satiafied then there e%-.!*ts a unique solution (if (1). where it telont,-9 to the clais GO in oach of tho regions (~'1+C) and (92+C)' If (.- 0 then the clainical solution is simultaneously the generalized solution in the sen3e of (1-Ref-4,5). The Green's function K(x,y) of (1) is symmetrical, continmous in (XPY) everywhero in (g+r) (Inclusively C!) for x and J.n (E;+1') it satisfies the estim&tionq Card 3/6 S/020/60/'135/004/003/037 C1111C222 Some Problems for the Lut; div(pWiurad +q(x)u Operator With Discontinuous Coefficien I Y-(X'Y)1 A~ c1 +c2in for N - 2 (2) jK(x,y)!!~0 r2-N XY for R > 2 3 xy Then the authors consider LIu 4- Au - 0 in g, (3) L2u +-~Lu - 0 in 92 uIr - 0, lull, - 0, UPI-fll. - 0' where L and L are the same as in (Ref.1). 1 2 Definition 2t The classioal eigenfunction of (3) is in funotton u(x)*O which 1) satisfies the condition 1) of the definition 1, *M 2) for a certain k satisfies (3) in the classical sense. Theorem 31 If the first three conditions of A are ssAiefiod then there exists a complete system of classical sigenfunctions of (~) orthogonally Card 416 3/020/60/135/004/003/037 C111/0222 Some Problems for the Lu a div[p(x)grad u]-q(x)u Operator With Discontinuous Coefficients normed in the L2(9)1 where besides each of them* sieentunctione belongs to the clano each of the regions (6,+C), (62+0). Theorem ift The complete system of classical &ISonfunotions of (3) to identical with the complete eystom of generalized oilronfMijetions, of (3). Theorem !51 Under the assumptions of theorem 4 there stisto a constu-t c so that uniformly in (g+P) it holds (5) U 11/4 (here u (x) in an arbitrary oigenfunotion of (3) corresponding to the eigonvalue h.). The authors mention D.X.Eydus and O.A.Oleynikj they thank A.S.Tikhonoy Card 5/6 3/02Y60/135/004/003/037 CM 0 22C 2 Some Problems for the Lut; div[p(x)gred u3-q(x)u operator Ilith Discontinuous Coafficien for advices. There are 8 referencess 6 Soviet, I German and 1 Aaerican. [A,bstraoter-a note: (Ref.1) concerns Miranda, Partial Difforential Equations of Elliptic Type. (R:f,:) concerns Courant Azd Hilberto Methods of Mathematical Physics, 2, Ch P r 7.1 ASSOCI)TION: Moskovskiy gosudaretyennyy universitst imsni I.V.Lomonomova (Moscow State University imeni X.V.Lontomosov) PRESENTEDs June 20, 1960, by I.C.Petrovskiy, Acadoai*i&u SUBMITTEDs June 189 1960 Card 6/6-- 22832 S/199J61/002/001/003/008 BI 1 2/B2 18 AUTHORS: Win, V. A., Shishmarev, 1. A. TITLE: Method of potentials of the Dirichlet-,11eum=n problem in the case of equations with discontinuous ooefficients PERIODICLL: Sibirekiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, v. 2, na~ 1, 1901, 46-58 TEXT: The authors' study is based on an N-dimensional open domain g with a boundary manifold r. The domain g divides an (N-1).dimansional surface C which is homeomorphic to the sphere, into two subdoinains g, and 92 . The authors deal with the following Dirichlet problem: Lku - div [,Pk(x) grad u1 qk(x) u 02u 'pk au q (in [Pk(:c) ax2 axi ax il k(x) u fk(x) F aul uIr lul I C LF-8-ni I C They assume that C belonis to Lyapunov class of eurface1j, that r is rigular, Card 1.,2 .22832 Method of ... 8/199/6 1 /002/1)01 /C)03/0t)B and that -,he functions pi(x) , qi(x) , fi(x) X belong to certain clus- see of functions which are more general than the clumses of functions corresponding to the classical Dirichlet problem. 0. A. Oloynik has proved existence theorems for a similar but more special Divichlet problem, The authors of the present paper prove the existence and uniquertese of & classical solution of the Dirichlet problem formulated abois. Their existence is proved by the method of potentials; explicit ;solutions are not given, Fc.llowing this, they disiuss the Neumann prob1mm: LIU - fl(x) in g,, L2u - f,(X) in g2' au Ir t aull (P2 8n2 + hu) 1) X 9 where h is a function given on. I C - Y, [ Also for this boundary problem, the authors prove the oxistence and uni- queness of a classical solution. Finally, they solve the Dirichlet prob- lem in a general way and study its rel4tion to the clussical solution. An appendix gives the explicit form of some theorems that were implicitly used or derived in the paper. The authors thank A. N.. Tikhonov for dis- cusaions of the results obtained. There are 6 Soviet-bloc references., SUBMITTED: July 2, 1960 Card 2/2 ~'J~A'$-SHISMAARSV., I.A. "bigenhin dam *6blem for the operator IA44iT1:P(X)lP-ad ul-g(x).u iOavi*,dftftnti=uU boafficionts. Sib. ntkt. ukjur. ~! moo41520- .536 n * z 161. (Eiger,&wtiona) (NEIRA U.: 9) 20313 C11-11C222 AUTHORt Illin, V.A. TITLEs The solvability of the problems of Diriehlet and Neumann for a linear elliptic operator with disoontinuoui; coefficients PERIODICALs Akademii nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 137, no,. 1,11)61, 28-30 TEXT: Let the (N-1)-dimensional surface 0 homeomorphic to the sphere lit in the o;en N-dimensional region g with the boundary r , and let it divide g into the,aubregions g 1(in C) and 92 . Let the open region T contain g + F ir. the interior. In g + r- the author !considers tht. Dirichlet problem N 2 N D L U 457 a 0 u + b(1) c (x)u-f(1)(x) in g, 1 ik i ? xi~ xk 11 N (2) 2u (2) u (2) (2) L U a + b c (X)U-f (x) in g. (1) 2 ik W x )x,l W -Z. i i ujr ju] 0 . '\k , I u Card 1/4 11-9 S/OP-OJ61/137/001/003/021