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---HORUSITZKY, Ferenc, dr... geologus, a foldtani et3 ammyttuA tudomanyok doktora;,WEIN, Gyorgy, dr. geologus Ore rrospecting possibilities in the Buda Mountains. Bany lap 95 no.11:749-753 N 162. 1. Magyar Allami Foldtani Intezet, Budapest. z HORUSITZKY F The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundar and the problem of the "Gallic no . - 164. stage." Acta geol Hung 8 174.311~-335 H0RVkI, A. Spherical h2rd coal mined in Vasasj P. 52. (Banyaszati, L2POIK, Vol. 12, NO. 1, J2n 1957, Budappst, Hung2PY SO: Monthly List of East European Accsssions (FEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, A'119 1357. Uncl. RORVAI, Adam, o1clovelas geologusmiorncok,, ok-bwelej banyalpari mernok Velocity inorea8e In the langwall system through woz-k organization in stoep-pitched coal seams. Bany lap 97 no.8:545-549 Ag '64. It Mecsek Coal Mining Trust, Pecs, KOHEGYIJ, Imre; BEDI, Gyula; qORVA,~', Adgm.;, JAPAI, Istvaim-e; ON, Lajos Accidents in coal mining. Pecsi munz szoml 8 no. 1:5-11 Ja-Mr 163. 1. Public Health Institute., Pecv Medical University, and Factory Health Service, Pecs Coal Mining Trust. HORVAI, E. Some practical problems of the development of the Hungarian instrument and automatic machinery during the period of the next Three-Year Plan. P. 125. (IIERES ES AUT014ATIKA) (Budapest, Hungary) Vol. 5, no. 4, 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 HORVAI, Erv:Ln,, dr. .1 --- Technology in medical ocienags. Miwz elet 19 no. 6:1,12 12 Mr 164. HORVAI Brizin Dr --- The sccialist instrument industry is 10 years old, Meres automat 6 no*4:97-99 160o 1. Orzaagoo Tervh1vatals HORVAI, Ferenc; MOLNAR, Janos Belt conveyors with middle frames. Ujit lap 14 no.21:28 10 11 162. 1. Epitogepgyarto es Javito Vallalat, Budapest,, XVIII, Halmi dulo, HORVAIJ.; HOSKOVEC,J. Experimental study on some processes of visual perception in- fluenced by hypnotical suggestion. Activ. nervo ,-,up* 6 noolt 72-73 t64. CERNY,M.; HORVAIJ. -1-11 - Electrophysiological study of verbal hallucinations. Activ. nerv. sup. 6. no.lt94-95 t64. 4V liORVAI, Ivan, Dr. 1. M. Sechenov. Cas. lek. cesk. 95 no-3:57-59 20 -Tan 56. (BIOGRAPHIM, Sechenov, Ivan M.) HORVAI, Ivan Current problems of mental bygiene. A brief note on some principal problems. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 no.2:W-163 161. 1. Psychiatricka klinika FVL UK v Fraze (prednosta prof. dr. V. Vondracek) (MENTAL HYGIENE) C ZEC'H03L I *A),,.',.1 !411. J . 11OSKCVEC- a ridIP0.11"Al" rryctk~atry C111111c Ot F-!(:U'rCY 0" Cone-ral )I edicin-L.- of Cb a It i71riTTrVr& lt-4 at. rick a M in 1 k a J'; I ku Ity V.';eot' a C- rKarlovi ) Prof Dr. V, '~Xp-searcl-, ou Spr--erh in ifypnoLic Age Prngur--, -,~ci 5, No 1, -.1-vi 11-21, ALstrAct [Engliab atuyAary m;idifJo,,d,'t Psi-.inclof (on ol 16 was compared in chillena ajmd 0,5, 1 and 'I yi:4rs- in a,-Qtu I-ailrvoted tc; pro-lounce zheve "iondfl as childrert of throne aF~'-.Vj an'l in 6 adults duri-a-1 hypri(Atte ~;aid Authnra that th':1:g! it no tri;e Itypnorized i.,dults scon to abi ~f ty the chil it-cwn tt -,~nunf~iats the wvrds ~O L,;efirexn, 7 3ovri,~t and 6 rtfernncvs. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 11ORVA1, 1. [Affiliation not given.] "The Symposium About Problems of Hypnosis." Prague, Activitas Nervosa Superior, Vol 5, No 3, July 63; pp 321-322. Abstract: Report of a 2-day meeting in Leipzig in November 1962 with 200 participants from both Germanies, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary and France. A dozen of the papers presented are reviewed briefly on hypnosis and suggestion, animal hypnosis, hypnotherapy and hypnonnesthesia and related subjects. 1/1 HORVAI, 1. ( Praha 2,, Ke Karlovu 11) Methods of hypnotic euggestion in the investigation of higher nervous activity in man. Activ. nerv. sup. (Praha) 7 no.2z 185-186 165 1. Psychiatric Clinic, Charles Universit), Prague. ACC NR: Ano_%565 --- SOURCE CODS: CZ/baM/63T66 /003/61-72/0175 AUTHOR: Horvais I.--Gorvai, I. (Prague) . 7 i'2 .1 - OFIG: Psychiatric Clinicp Faculty of Generall4edicinej Charles University, F!ragu41 (P5ychiatricka klinika fakulty vsecbecneho lekarstvi KU) TITLE: Some controversial problems of the role of psychiatry in'the fight against criminality SOURCE: Ce3koslovenska psychiatriet no. 3# 1965, 172-175 TOPIC TAGS: social problem, psychiatry ABSTRAM 11 The; roleofa psyetilatrist in-the fight against crime is discussed. The ~,function of a psychiatrist acting as an expert during.10gal proceedings is to'determine the motivation factors and the importance of mental disturbances and abnormalitiab such as sexual deviations, oligophroniass and psycho athies. P ssibil-! p ities of combining rehabilitation with punishmentof oriminala: are discussed. The necessity to investigate theprim'ry caUS83. of criminal actions that frequently have their roots in child- hood stresses is emp~asized'.-LTkiS7 ,SUB CODE., 059 06 SUBM DATE: none Card 1/1 L 12939-66 ACC NRt AP AUTHOR: Ho i. I. ORG: Psychiatric Clinic, Charles University,, Prague TITLE: Methods of hypnotic suggestion in the investigation of,higher nervous activi in man [This paper was presented at the Third Interdisciplinary Conference an Experimental and Clinical Study of Higher Nervous Functions held in Marianske Lazne from 19 to 23 October 1964-] SOURCE: Activitas nervosa superior, v. 7, no. 2, 1965p 185-186 TOPIC TAGS: man, psychiatry ABSTRACT: Age-regression evoked by hypnotic suggestion:is not, .of an 'ad-tual regressive character; the patient acts by utilizing hypermnestic elements on the basis of preconception.. The technique of hypnotic suggestion may be employed in various ways. Hoprodue- tion of a tra-matizing exporiencep formation situations sufficient to provoke a trauma, provoking a behavior which is close to impossible, or by an overload of usually manageable stimuli. The subconscious factor of the patient.can be controlled by the experimenter. Experiments-connected with the feeling ot pain-are.important. Influence may be exert.ed.ui)on Amotions, and upon somatic organs and organ systems. Zi-PRS-7 SUB CODE: 06 05 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 004 Card 1/1 OBETKO,D,;,HORVAT)lG Protective properties of turbineeils in the presence of some additives. Ropa a uhlie 5 no.8t248-250 Ag'63 1. Katedra chemie a technologie ropy, Slovenoka vysoka skola technicka. HORVAI. J. 73. Acccs%ories for flukkit., half-ccine vhowitraviis . 1 161"'llplas leh"Idel; sqMj.,.kv--.-s I Jill vtj. (P.%per allil I'lintilij: - Papir- O~ -- Vul. L-)52, No. It, I)J). 27--~-`), fig-0 For making !satisfactory half-tunus, Oil! ratio of t1m. diameter of t1w diaplitagm (Dg) to the extunii'm (r) should equal thu imiu of the diameter of the screen apcauro (D~) to the distance of the 4xiven (s). I. e. D~ : e - D. : '. Two device; I lay Im tv;cd ft~f 1111xi The S. !ivo I)i5tallue Table 6-illed by the Offsvt hinting Oifiw It L i ;i didL gmige- IOle design and hicludei the vctxi~,ary dm.~ for three different slopi to cach of four wreen deinnivi. It U111 IX WOOMI Siolply .111d lstj)Mly. WfVfli's IiC dt!ViLe for sciten d0ance aad tkiphr.%gia di tcmilll.i- Iiua peunit4 reathup of dat.l. for evvty pinsible llcn~ily ind di~Lphlagm combiLliltiOll, UVell (it vallic, Letween markingi oil the diapliraem ;c:ale of tbi 13,ah devices ~%ork well and proved to lit: idi,,M~ ii, lifILCtiLU. 1. HORVAI, 1. Some data cn parapsychology. Cask. p.9ych. 60 noo6t4O5-410 N 1 64. 1. Psychiatricka klAnika fakulty vseobecneho lokarstvi Karlovy University v Praze. HORVAII I.; HOSKOVEC, T. Contribution to the prdblem of so-called bypnotic age regression. Activ. nerv. sup. 4 no.2o.161-162 162. 1. Psychiatricka klinika fakulty vasobacneho lekaratyi Karlovy uni- versity v Praze. (REPNOSIS) A- HUNG'i~RVrjptics - Luminescence K-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mika, No 6) 1958, No 14233 Author : Doribi J.)-Iiqrvai K. Inst : The Universityj_9-zeged,, Hungary Title : On the Concentration Dependence of the Effect of Secondary Fluorescence on the Spectra Orig Pub : Acta phys. et chen. Szeged, 1956, 21 No 1-41 ~_17 Abstract : Using a photoelectric spectrophotoceter, the authors have in- vestigated the changes in the radiation spectra of fluores- cein in water(pH ==12,5). When the concentration of the fluoresoence changes, a shift in the radiation spectrum is cb- served, in spite of introducing corrections for the reabso:-p- tion. The authors ascribe this shift to the influence of tte secondary fluorescence. The fluorescence spectrum) corrected also for secondary fluorescence by the method of Buda and Ket- skenety (Referat Zhur Fizikaj 19571 No 61 15645), is indepen- dent of the concentration over a wide range (2 x 10-5 to 10-2 M/1). Card 1/1 '71 Karolyne Thoughts on a bridge under construction. Kozleked kozl 19 no.15: 235-239 14 AP 163. ,&!~0q0Q0Q0*00***0*q:;: 472110 10 10 1 1! i It 1' 0.0000 1, ITT :4: 00 00 00 0 V. tioRVAI, 00:04000000#00**;o so 040904040*064 III, Ulf M* 410'r41 Aad A" *'0 U. t * C". i jIbYj. 7. C _A Ali 0.21 P.L. t4 NX Ul"Wilifefolicaettate Wei"$ 10 tm A; . 0_1_ .r ..14 hd IKVII 041drd shows dui)4vKvlk-U Uluiel the uIllavi.4vt dl, Will). '11W light Muc dourcycellv d6414walls w1wil Ifir alkali hydivahm lancutralliArd, 'nirstkmoimi,wFaiacw4 Salle VILIMS diftVdIld Willi ChUM UhtdifW41 Willi 111101-11- n imik-alor. A 0.2% sq, m4n. ad a-johrsq4-jw- wrote to be a mitaLk indicatut I'm daylight &CIAitucick' 111t4tiocus. Its raw -it tv&-r ahAstic arrim lo I* the 401ne its thill ul owthVI ulatise. S. S. de 11. ir 3 t3, tiltN41u., CLAWOOCATION u is AV 10 Of is it It IF Of 'S At 0000 000 O's 0 N-4 0 0 Ill: 00004 0 0 0 0 0 6 * 0 0 0 0 0 41 0000 0 000 000 0 0-1-9,00 0 # 00060 so 0 0 0 * 0 100 190 100 goo goo goo Seel 149 goo ISO v 14 HORVAI R, KaWASSr'B. KMTAT M. Adatok a coer3av Mromorbalcsstox=bol vaU foUnivodsemnak 1mrder-show,- ffqi on taruAa reaa*tian frm the gastra- intectinal t-Acy Kiserlotes orvostud. 3v3 1951 p. 21,34. 2, Institute of Pathological Anat-mW and Pathological His- to:LoMr., Szeged Medical Universitiy, CLM6 201 10p Oo-t. 51 CA I(IMst I.-Tinnic tuid v4ns., 2.IS'7v' or strongrr, Viven by inouth to dogs or rabbhj, cause the unnic achl ronm. 4 I,Lt,ma to riw rapidly to a m-wig~ In 3 fits. 3nd back to 2ffqi in :.Ilhrq, Tca- ff) X./-"M mi. HSO) cauwd the pLoina own to trach :7 ?Cr clamt cauwd only a very 4liAtt rise. Nf - L C - it HORVALI, R. 19.q) (U. of Szeged Korbonctani es Korszovettani intezete) "Absorption of Tannic Acid From the Alimentary Tract." Kiserl.Orvostud. 1951 313 (213-221) Abst: E-,kc. fled. 11, Vol. 5, No. 42 497 Npectru Pf fl,mterictim whm. (I'll fron, U1 " bc 10 -1 lmn dett. tit %WqAvt ft(V4 do to as app. dauAlwd. Oul.- se-rift tzpts. v-As to.-tied Wast If " I 24tit of In% f cumn. d 3ohm- , wa- Otll~l ~Cufw, it c-agult. mjp",~ 9"irer--uu" Vectm ,i 'rrb-t4Cj Jor rm bmWjfjkVA, thM W19 a APWMr1L1 Wj ~Yt ~ arybf *t!h --qu-n- Which wilm ~c explibiwd by gCondary flocrvs Tlit, tetk- sj;KX4ra fmrf"~W kit setwWar), flu-r- .1clict Ail '.0, Es fLichcaption) 11,rj* 111deve2tilem tit coup I ~ -V alles Art Wd $Pee" Influence, 7_90- d0, AU4 R. T umv. 7Xin Ge-v 5 '... t t dilTereaces, which arlse solely due Se I, i f d uorts- I l" i the case o mary I pr h- f t h - re- . caft o t e quan Ce spectra, are no""istent In t rch Including the effoct of the secandary fluotvKmet ctm (at least for duoresecto voins.). Wasumments wvre de for (1) tongitudinctl measurement on the middle of the mt plane. (2) tat same om the back Plant. and (3) trans- - emeh at 436 and 490 r4p. 'The =ax.: se Measuremenfi, Cronce of the dh,%t meatured quantum spectra for f h or t at mdy cm- -m MIS was in the mige I I-=%: ned with the fambsorption cor. spectra the max. diver. f d r d f l (h 1 0 25 h t :.:j - so, cor. ee was . or t a or e secon a a %; act y 1tscenceonly I.e., the laxt dimpnce tics - var B hi bl (_13%) f f th ahod th b e m . a e uror i n e pro y y the concn. and the layet thickness, the agreement was g od, but In all cases it was better than when Ju3t the ( 1 ue ce of the reabsorptinik was considered. The mathe-i n I l d d s Inc u for caleg. the different cases e ~ t 3 ~ I Simple experimental nTtliod to detertutne the IntensitY Of secondary fluorescence jtcyt-4, aild It. from Un Nip.' 'ScScdPMfj1V"*"~-"* iY , 216 "a man).-Thl LO-5(lit~5URin 5 intensity ratio m of sevondary to primary fluorescence call he approx. enled. by theequation B - F4,F(I - 6-')(1 -- x*)-l. where B is the observed intensity, & is the incident- ligh.l: intensity. 17 6 the quantum efficiency, a is the procluct.. of the absorption cotff. and the cell length, mul, a* - x(3 - g!3oTtf,)-r'! in Willett P, andl. ure the degrees of p4triza. .c a p umary and accon ary fluorescence. reop. The values of it C111M. in this Way gave g;mwi agreement. with the elpti. values for fluorescein, rh.xt.,jjjjjjje B. trypallavine, and -P I At marin over a 10~t-folcl njuge III concu., begifujilig at 5.11' joho A. Bormunjut-:7: KETSKEMTY9 I,,; DOMBIj Je; Mia&w The connection of the absorption fluorescence spectra of solutions. Preliminary report. Acta pbys Hung 12 no.3:263-267 160. (EUI 10:5) 1. Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Szeged, Szeged. (Fluorescence) (Spectrum analysis) KETSUNETY,, L.; DOMBI, J..;.IIORVAI_L_ 11- Fluorescence,, absorption and temperature radiation of solutions. Actii phys flung.14 no.2 3:165-166 162. 1. Institute of Experimental 'Physics, The University, Szeged, Presented by G. Szigeti [Gyorgy Szigetil KOZMA, L.; HEVF3I, J.; I Contribution to the question of the yAld at' lumine9cent solutions. Acta phys chen. Szeged 10 ne.3/1,:79-84 '64. 1. Institut fur Experimentalnkysik der Attila Jozsef Universitat, Szeged. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Cultivated Plants. Fruit Trees. M-7 S,.iall Fruit Trees. Abs Jour: Ref :6hur-13iul.) 10,58~ No 16, 73130. Author Horvaka, Borivoi. Inst given. Title Differentiation of Flower Buds in Appie Trees. Orig Pub: Caskosl. biol., 1957, 6, No 6, 172-4t')5. Abstract; Periods of differentiation of flower buds of 25 varieties of apple trees were determined by the Biolot,ical Institute of the Czechoslovakian Acad- U - emy of Sciences in 1955 and 1950'. Card 1/1 - I I f 11 q / /_'I 1~oR~~ I - HROVA~, 9. Some interesting observations o-, the building tite of the Ljubljana-Zagreb highway. Geologija Slov 6:323-327 160 (publ. 161). \~ ~~ j IN , BUZINA, R., Dr.QORVAT, A.. Mr, ph.; HIKIC, F., Dr.; HDRGAS, D. Iodine and goiter; preliminary report. Hig1jena, Beogr. 7 no.1-4: 129-334 1955. 1. Centralni higijenski zavod, Zagreb; Biostatigticki laboratorij Savjeta za nar. zdravlje, Zagreb. (GOITER, epidemiol. endemic, eff. of iodine in water supply on incidence (Ser)) (IODINE, in water supply, relation to incidence of endemic goiter (Sor)) (WATER SUPPLY Iodine content inialation to Incidence of endemic goiter (Ser)) HORVAT, A. j~-, 4 Thromboembolism. Acta chir. iugosl. 3 no.2:134-146 1956. 1. Kururski odjel Opce bolnice. Dr. J. Kajfesa u Zagrebu (prodat. prim. dr. Josip Koporc). (TMMBO]MOLIS!t diag. & surg. (6er)) tion of nutritlon:sl ztatus of womeu workln-- in a fc~tvry, fLrh. hip.. radA 7 no.4:327-337 19.56, 1. Cleatralni higijeilski za-,od, Zagreb. i Higijennki zavod, aijelm. Adres: Central Institute of Hygiene of the 11'. R. Croatin, "d.~07eb. (Ifmamoil, in fermle Imbvit. workers ia Y11goul. (Seri) HAVER, Hubert, Dr..;, HORTAT,,, Agnegs, mr., ph.1 PANIAN, 9drafto, dr. Vitamin A and carotene levels in blood and dAW adaptation. Lijrc. vJes. 78 no.11-12:535-545 Nov-Dec 56. 1. Ix Odjala z& higijena prehrano Contralnog higiJanskog sayoda I Ocnog odjoljenja Vojne bolnice u Zagrebu. (VITAMIN A. in blood off. on dark adaptation (Bar)) (CAROTIS In blood sanei (ADAPTATION, OCULAR. blood 1-Wols of vitamin A & carotene in Oark adaptation (Ser)) j!ORV IKIC, Fedor ~~M; Y Distribution of iodine in potable waters In Croatia. Biol glas 13 no.2/3*.275-280- 160. 1. Odjel za higijenn prehmne I Odejok za bioetatiatiku Centralnog higijenskog zavoda u Zagrebu. TOMASEGOVIC, Z.; JANKOVIC, Z.; PETKOVIC, V.; STANIC, M.; BETIJIEIM, S.; BLAZEVIC, D.; PERSIC, N.; ZORINC, S.; TEODCROVIC, B.; VRITICIC, J.; VCDOPIJA, I.; ANTONIAZZO, 7.: CULIC, R.; GALINOVICTWEIDGLASS, M.; MAMOVIVZ4 'il MRAVITNAG, B.; KOEHLER-KUBELKA, N.; CEZNER, M.; KOHN, V.~ TEKAVGIC, B.; E'kfILI, H.; SMERDEL, S.; SOOS, E.; VUKSANOVIC, V.; JANJATOVIC, M.; DER'v7WVIQ.,,I,j*. GRUENWALD, P.; SKRABALO, Z.; CREPINKO, I.; HAUPTMANN, E.; VIDACEK, S.; HORVAT, A.; WOCKA, 0.; IVANCEVIC, D.; PERGER, A..; KRSNJAVI, B.; PRMC~'M.; SAW B.; SUROTIC, R.; RADOSEVIC, Z.; KELEER- BACOKA, M.; HAHN, A.; MATKOVIC, B.; RADONIC, M. Reveiw of periodicals; medicine. Bul se Youg 9 no.4/5:145-147 Ag-0 164. HORVAT, ENT OLM-1 :. A pecsi Mecsek (Misina) termeszetes novenyszovetkezetei. Pecsett, Pecsi Nyomda es Konyvkiado, l9h6- 52 p. (Dunantuli Tudomanyos Intezet (Kiadvanyai) 8 sz.) (Natural plant associations of the Mecsek Mountains (Misina) at Pecs. bibl., diagrs., tables) SO: Monthly Index of East European Acces:3ion (MAI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, 195P HORVA.I. A, (-30) A.-r'culti~r^-Piant ~lnd Ax.'ri-nl Indi-istry Tht~ d.--s~', -)- pl'!nnta~,'on. n rr-d!~d 'K-a-st with soociFi re.-,Prd t, AieDno Vol. 75, no. 3-1-0, Fast uro-pean Acc--ssions ~ TI)5j7 Vol. 2. no. 3, Mzrc,:. HOINAI, A. ('30) A,~rlcultur~-Plant ;:nd Ind~-str,-- Th- immor-.anc- i- t.-,m cil'--.r- 1~irml. P- 392- SLTjA'I:.SKT LISq. VG1. no. I'll Dec. 1951. Fast Ei,ro-oi-sn Accessidne List,Library o" Con,-rt-us, Val 2, no. 9, Larch 1953. UiCLASSUFIED. 1~~ ~-"" ~ The Institute for F~cperimental Forestry. p. 526. SDMARSKI -,-,IST. (Drustvo sumarskih inzenjera i tehnicara FNR Jugoslavije) Zagreb. Vol. 79, no. 11/12 Nov/Dec. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 HORVAT A. Sam opinions and practical data on the application of the thortw shrub (Paliurds aculeatua in the afforestation of Karst. po 391- Periodical: SUICRSKI LIST. Vol* 82,, no* nA2. ftv*/Dece 1958e AGRICULTURE so: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEA1) LZ Vole 80 No. 4 April 1959# uncle HORVAT., 4dolf Oliver (Face, A= Fa=nius u.2). Original vegetation of grapes and orchards in the vicinity of Pecs. Botan koal 48 zio.V2:95-99 159. HORVAT, Adolf Oliver (Pecs, Janim Fannonlus u.8) Plant collections of the Natural History Division of the Janus Pannonius Museum, Foos. Botan kozI 48 no-3/4005---~06 160. ,HORVAT, Ado-If-Oliver (Pecs,, Janus Fannonius u.8) Cranberriea in the %osek lbu",,t&ing. Botan koz.1 1,8 no.3/4i,257 '60. HMVAT, Boldizoar, dr.; SUR. Imro, dr.; LISZAUER. Dezso, dr. Present problems in the formation of acetabular roof, with special reference to the acetabular conditions before and after surgery In treatment of congenital hip dislocation. MW. sebeszet 7 no.1:12-- 21 Feb 54. 1. A Budapeatt Janos Korhas (igazgate: Bakaos Tibor dr.) Orthopasdiai Oastalyanak Korrath Boldizoar dr.) as a Budapesti Orrostudomanyl Rgyatem L oz. Sebeezatt Klinika ( igasgato: Sabostyen Gyula dr. egrat. tanar) Orthopaed-Traumatologiai Oastalyanak (vezato: Listauer Dazoo dr.) kozlamenyo. (HIP. dislocation CoDgen., surge, plastic reconstruction of acetabular roof) (ACBTABULUM, surge plastic reconstruction in congen. hip disloc.1 OinodATION hip, congene, surge, plastic reconstruction of acetsbular roof) 1INVAT, li. Yu- Eilpv-*a "o 0 Tec~nology Is th,- -,,,act,)r, '3rers-s --id Ro- lou f liwric,,ting Oils In Sv. Klera, x1 rentcbl- r-,Iterpr-so.-? p. 1i 0. "APIP - Vol - 3, 110.5, 1-4-': 19 52 . Spst Eurgp,-L4 Accessions List,Library of Can-gress, V31. 2 no. -7, March 1953- UNCLASSIF17D. HORVAI , 3. Yuc)ulav'~- ( 30) Tk-chn-)lo-~y T'm- netril~wa indub Crn&~Ia una~r t) nf,W ~-cnnomic oyster;; ~~n ze ainalc;~.L f ~r the first querter of 1952. p. 206. ITAFTA. Vol. 3, no. 7, July l9i2. -W-1 S t sions List.Llbrary ~f Congreos, -uronpai. Acces _iulut, Vol. 2, no. 3 IP-rch 1953. U-NICLASS 1' IFD. HORVAT, B. Yugoslavia (430) Technology-Periodicals Economical,:ize of gas pipelines. p. 16. NAFTA. (Institut naftu) Zagreb. (Monthly on the production and re of petroleum issued by the Fetrolem Institute). Vol. 4. No. 1, Jan. 1953. 1"I DN22M Accessions LUt, Library of Congress Val. 2, No. 6, June 1953. Unclassified. B. HORVAT "The Lucrativeness of Producing Petrobtun, in Croatia. --1/ 971 (NAFTA) f Vol. 4, No. 3, Mar. 1953, Zagreb, Yuroslavia) 11 SO: "onthly List of East Buropeen Accessions, L.C., Vol. 2, Lo. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. INCITNAT. B. IlRese;,xch mterial on tl-ie hdstcx,~ of the cl~l imiasitry in Yuz)sli~via; -)rcI,.,ctIcn in tile tcrritory of Yu;)-r,.-,1-vIa bei'ore ',Rrld Wn- p. 120. Vol. no. 4, Apr . 1v-" 3) , Z a:,,reb. SO: II-'Onthly List of East European AccesAons, Vol. 71, #8, Ubr---r,. of Con,-;reos Au--,-,-zt, 19'3. Uncl. L Olt pfc4acuou la the 14rdtorr d Y'sacalava before tile ftrgt world war. L S. llar "ft MAA" (v-qvW(,4v4l, lvo~ 4 (0). -it ilia W1,00y',. 1(uvt&V- rt~% 6 Thl. Wginainir to I WIF imit mthiq with ilia twi of ilia Rico wotid war oA4 wM4 the mmOv" of lmrw Q( 40441m. tion. Tlem Was no mom t"11aw fit Isaink. 4wj mly. or I io C'mada (VeAl Mpumcj-, otplacttim &M"I Its urnu*3 too. TI;* ca bogfit vW4W with = dfilung Qr4vatiacm %-sd maile In ~qv4umutfq W-Qats latt tad m4 ~4 sicvet cuiait~ 4y Ili vae'alt-If ~W ~Yadic4te, but *Alt rdry IM10tacowa. w.r. tqr wr rbacjt, 04 warmh for airNom CMV. &W Im Mll Cbe eva pa sold in tile mantrr, INjarka tkw UP04 Was aP5". 7-~ j Abst. RSPA',c't of the dimenslonq of gns conduiti, R 'afta, laveb. 193:1. 4. 16 21 ). - III jjj,)%t j,j,t.jjjj-, . 111, ,~. B ba (lie cmiduits 1-i t,11c j,( tt, j;j,,%j,t ai f.11. wi Aug - 1953 iovrStinvilt 6 cmt-.,-rIwd- A t-,,;t aimly,vi v; Pe trole lim W, RV oll Vugoslada belore the lint worit! war, lbs latritory n)&wrinl 1953, 4,120-B.-The evolution of Yugoijinvian a ild gas industry IF; not well no , but lite Industry han 100 years of history. Th;3 Oil w"agen on Yugoslavian territory werp mentioned In 1788, and front this year dated I'Mr, Wintorl'o dwriptions or oil itentlitt" twar lleldenlet% In BledurnorJe. Tile fatillerit of Pokloolea Pro(IIII'M 1311 by fligglon trMeltro hod tAlfiting the wullnge, which they it"I as modleine and tort grew. In 1111511 tile oil Prolillrops got tho Or"ll claims for oil production at Mikleunks, and Prtrovo Selo In Croatia, bid the witual hiptnry of the Industry began in 1980 with first drilling for oll In-Aledurnoro near old "ngv& In this article the period tip to IMO Is dew-ribod. This perlod of dovelop. ntent has 3 pham-a t' the first, before 1884, reprileents phase of mining for oil; tile itecand, 1885-99, when besides hnnd-0 -g wolla, the first Irv drillings foolt place in various parts of the country in Medumurjo, Croatia, and Bnsnin; and tile third phnse from 1000 to 19M when the first groster riunntitios of oil were produced, This production developed almost enUrcly on LM Solnica Wd in ModutnurJe. Tile prod rttwdon from Medurnurjo "i, which Martod In 1080, still continues (Author's Abstirmt.) HORVAT, B. "Production of our oil fields and tendencies in its change." P. 391. (Nafta, Vol. 4, no. 12, vec. 1953.Zagreb.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions Vol- 3, no. 6, Library of Congress, June 1954. Uncl. B. SiORVAT "Generml Princinlas of Comnuting J?roducti6n Costs in Distillerien. 0. 18811 (WFTA, No. 6, Vol. 4, June 1953, Zagreb, Yugoslavia~ SO: Monthly List of Zetst European Accessions, L.C., Vol.. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, U-cl. the h~istor:,` of nalli,.thli III for -T?l Goinpa,iy. 131',- T-, Vol. 5, no. 5, `ctroleu K Yul-oslavia) SC: i-,ontllly 1*rt Of ZiLst. LUmrlean Lcccessi~::ris, UORVAT, B. "Tank. care for Transportetion of Mineral Oils in Yugoalfivin. " 1). 316, (NAFTA, Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1954. Zsf;reb, Yuroslavia. ) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (ZEAL), LC, Vol. 4, N'o- 5, MaY 1955, Uncl. 3,3. TFVRqmfkT OF KINMUL OILS IN RMIA TAW-US, acl-W-4 P4 f. - I '~I. r, f 96). it w (PC tv ta4 rT rt r I-ho Dwmbe, ospect.- 1 -T ty joal-cal'all3, Is -3w=lt.(a t.. , , 2 H 0 1-, F. 1 ; PHOKOP V. I tVAT ~ i Trvatment of atrophic rhinitis ii-*,t*,,. reserpine ;--,cl ircr,. Ces',. otolaryn.g. 34 no.1:23-26 F,6r,. 1. Usne. nosne u krene oddeltinit7- ntmocnice s in--,h~-Uniknll v Piestanoch (vc;duci: WDr. F. Horvat.). v 1-i t7, DOBOZIq O.K.; I-JUG9 L4 ~KH~Hq G. [Horva : G. Spectroscopic study of the mechanism of dyeing textile materials. Zhuri prikl. khim. 34 no.lt204,..208 Ta 161. WRA 14:1) L TSentrallna5a iseledovatel'oXays laboratoriya koloriatiki i Kafedra fizicheakoy khimii Politekhaicheakogo taiversitetaq Budapeaht. (Dyes and dyeing-Spectra) DOBOZY) 0. K.; LMIGV L.; HORVATH G, Spectroscopic investigation of the dyeing mechanism of textile fabrics. ~!agy textil 13 no.41149-151 Ap 161. S/194/62/000/007/144/160 D413/D308 AUTHOR:' Horvat, Ivan TITLE; Temperature stabilization of the frequency of a trans- mitter drive oscillator usihg a bimetallic device PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.. Avtomatika i radioelektronikap no. 7, 1962, abstract'7-7-198 v (Elektrotehn; vestn. v. 28p no. B-10, 19600 193-196 L31oven.; summaries in Ger., Eng., and Fr.]) TEXT: The paper shows the effectiveness of using a bimetal device for the temnerature compensation of a variable inductor and a vari- able capacitor. Theory and practical meth6ds of compensation by bi-' metal device, are described. The desirability of using a bimetal device is confirmed in all instances where high thermal and mecha_ nical stability is required together with small weight and volume. the author considers the method of replacing one of the rotor pla- tes of a capacitor by a bimetal plate, and a method of direct com- pensation of a variable choke and variable capacitor. The second method uses a shorted rim fitted directly onto the inductor and en- Card 1/2 /xv S/19 62/000/007/144/160 Temperature stabilization of the ... D413YD308 closing a part of the magnetic flux; the rim weakens the flux, sirv~ it acts as the secondary winding.of a RP trzansformer. The induetan- ce varies when this rim is displaced with respect to the edge of the winding. The rim is fitted with a bimetal clamp in such a way that a deformation o 'f the clamp due to temperature change forces VJ5 the hoop either to approach the edge of the winding or to recede from it, producing the required negative coefficient. Continuous control of such compensation is automated, and achieved by using a very stable secondary quartz standard in a special circuit, where the control device is placed in a thermostat. A Franklin oscillator is used in the input to the thermostat to generate the oscillations used in the AC control circuit. 7 references, (Industrija za elek- troveze, Yug.) [Abstracter's note: Complete translation,] Card 2/2 HORVATp Ivo., prof* dr. Thirteenth International Phytogeographical Rmursion through Finland and north Norway. Blol glas 15 no.11 Al - A t62, 1. 61an Urednistva,, *Bioloski glasnikp Periodicum bio- logorum~'. HORVAT, I. Yu,-,oslPv*a (,'30) kgricultur,--Plan'. find Industry Res!!E-rch t-nu s-tt~rl:r un f cerds :)n thA of tl.F- Southern hilii~'d-s of w,!-stnrn CroatlF r--rLd -)f tl,,#m npa R.`.ror basin. n. 221. 3UMA--~'SKI LIS7. Vol. 75, r0. 6, Jur-- 1951. East Dir ~-Pt-Eln Acci-,;slong LIE;t,Librpry of Vol. 2, no. 3, Mp.rcl-1953. LTCLASS 1FI --TJ. FORVAI, I - Yug-)slav-!~~ (130) Agricultur-Plpnt Pnd Aniu!nl IndusDr-i Syst,ms of k"In dr--;!;--~ -1- wood. u. 'W3- vol. no. 9-10, A-. ~.- Oct. 1951- 7 a s t Eu ro p ta-n--Ac -C:'- ~-s - o n -- L -* i~ tLl b ra r- o f C,-) r.,;r e, b b Vol. 2, no - 3 1-1,11-ch 19-5-1- "U.'CLA.) ':Ii)H'I4-.`I-,, I . Reasons for a proposal to mQke Idsnjak a na tional nakrk. -.~. 2Q) (CLi*%S 111.'IK, Scries Ii/i~, v. 1)6, 1950/52, '"argrab, 1~-iFoslwcda) SO: lionthly Iist of Last h;iropean Accensions) LC, Vol. 14, no. I Jan.. 1.A5, Uncl. HCRIVAT, 1. Vegetation of karst holes; a contri--ution to the gpc-!~raph. of' the Karqt. I.. L. (Zagreb, No. a"g/15, 195~153-) SO: Vonthl,,- List of East European Accessions, (EEAI), LC, Vol. 4. No. I HORVAT "A contribution to the Krov.,ledge of Technical Propertlem of the Doaklae~ Fir; p. 105t' (SUI,W-I'SKI LIS7. Vol. 77, No. -7, lc)5~, Zn~,reb, TLIPOSIPIViR) SO: Monthly List of Ea-t European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 2, Na. 11, Nov. 1953. Uncl. -HORVAT, I-. Eight years of research on and charting of vegetation in Gorski Kotar and the Croatian Littoral. p. 412. SUPILARM LIST. (Drustvo sumarskih inzenjera i tehnicara FNR Jugoslavije) 7zgreb. Vol. 79, no. 11/12 Nov./Dec. 1955. So* East Baropean -ocessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 MAVATI I. Works by the Forestry Department of the Faculty of tqriculture and Forestry in Zagreb, 1945-1955. p. 517. SLUARSKI I-IST. (Drustvo sumarskih inzenjera i tehnicara FOL Jugoslavije) Zagreb. Vol. 79, no. 11/12 Nov/Dec. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 YUGOSLAVIA/Electricit-i Dielectrics G-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Flzika, No 5) 19581 No 10888 Author _gqrLa~~ Inst Not Given Title Electric Properties of Lumber Orig Pub Tahn. pregi., 1957: 9., No 3., 94-loo Abstract A study is made of the electric specific conductivity, dia- lectric constant, the loss factor, and resistance at radio frequencies. It is shown that all these properties depend on the type of lumber, an the structure of the fibers, moisture contents, temperature, and frequency of the alter- nating field. Card 1/1 HOBYAT" I. Contribution to the knowledge of pine and spruce forests of Mal& Kepela. p. 225* Periodical: FMJ. GLASNIK. Beograd. Vol. 82., no. 7/8, July/Aug- 1958. AGRICULTURE SO: *ntbly List of East European Accessions (EW) W, vol. 8,, No. 4 April 1.959,, Unclo KQRYAT,- I. Pmfeavor Aleksan&r Ugrenovic (1883-1958)j an obituary ard a list of his works. P. 411. Feritkftoalt SUMARSKI LIST. Vole 82, no* nA2,9 Novo/bee* 1958. AMICULTM SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EUI) LC voi. 8,, iro. 4 April 1959, Uncle HOHVAT, I. On occasion of the publishing of Dr. Jure Krpan's book Susenje i parenje 2aa (D;-ying aLd_.3 eamin& of Wood - L__:_ a book review. P. 30 DRVNA INDUSTRIJA. (Institut za drvno0industrijska istrazivanja) Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Vol. 10, no. 1/2., Jan. Feb. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) Us Vol. 83 no.00~ Sept. 1959 Uncl. HORVAT, IVO Fte-Alpine fields and meadows of the Vlasic Mountain in Bosnia. Biol glas 13 no.2/3:113-157 160. 1. Zavod za botaniku, Veterinarskog fakulteta 9veucilista u Zagrebu. i Poljoprivredni zavod u Banjaluci. ISAKOVIC, K.; JANKOIVIC, B.D. ; 11101ITT-0j.- Hemagglutinins, in chickens. III. The affect of heterologaus ribon- nucleoproteins upon the formation of natur&l haemagglutinins. Acta mod. iugoslavl. 14 no-4:364-371 160. 1. Microbiological Institute, Faculty of Pbermacy, University of Belgrade. (ANTIBODIES) (NUCLEOPROTEINS, pharmacol) JANKOVIC, B.D.; ISAKOVIC$ K.; HORVAT, J. Haemagglutinins in'Chie-ken. IV. First and second antibody responses in chickens previously.treated with heterologous ribonucleoproteirw, erythrocytes and hog o(h) blood group substance. Acta mod. iugoslavl. 14 no./+:372-382 160. 1. Hicrobiological Institute, Faculty of Phamacy, University of Be3,grado. (ANTIBODIES) (NUCIX-OPRMEIIIS pharmacol) (BLOOD'GROUPS) (MYTHROGYTIZ') HORVAT, Josip, Dr. Relation between Adie syndrome and myopathies. Med. arh., SaraJevo 10 no.6:29-37 Nov-Doc 56. 1. Nouropathijatriska klinika, Med. fakultata u Sarajavu. Sef prof. dr. Nedo Zee. (ADII SYNDROKE, case report hared. ee localization of clin. manifest. (Ser)) T, K. H2RVk "International Radio Consultative Committee.1f P. 30 (Telekomunikacijo) Vol. 6, no. 3, July 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO:: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 SEGALL, M. doictor; MIUMAT, L. [Horvat, LJ, doktor, KHOCHOTA, D. [Hoceota, DJ, dolctor -:. 1- ~ 1-q , - Importance of audiometric examination in tumors of the cerebellopontile angle; neurinomia of the acoustic nerve. Vent.otorin. 20 no.2:69-74 14r-A--D '58. (KIRA 12: 11) 1. Is otlaringologicheskogo otdoleniya bollnitsy No.12 I neyro- Ichirurgicheskoy kliniki, Bukharent. (NEMS, ACOUSTIC. neoplasms neurilemoma, diag. value of audiometry (Rns)) (M?ARING TMSTS audiometry, diag. value In acoustic nerve neurilemoma (Rue)) (IMMILEM-4011A. diag. ear, value of audiometry (Rua)) nuiLV,Al , L".. "The pitch of a voice has a nerve source." p. 422. (tlui~oslovensld EL-dio. Voi. 1, no. 20, 10,53. Beograd.) SO: Monthly List of Last European Ac-cession59 Vol. 3, no. 3. Library of Congress. March 1954. Uncl. I - / I P L-1-1 ~ 11 1 1 1 1 . I TISIER,v M.; BROVAT, M.; WCHIEDO, N. Formation of lp2p2-thiadiazole derivatives from isothiocyanates and aliphatic diazo compounds. Croat chem acta 31+ no-3:183-186 162. 1. Department of Chemistry.. Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Ljubljana,, S1 ovenia, Yugoslavia. HORVAT, Martin, Dr.Rovinj. --------- Use of antibiotics in osteoarticular tub"rculosis. Tubarkuloza, Boogr. 6 no.5-6:321-329 Sept-Dec. '55. (ANTIBIOTICS, ther.use osteoarticular tubarc,,with mog.(Ser)) (TUBIMCUIDSIS.. 0SMANICULAR, ther. antibiotics & surg.(Ser)) HORVAT, Martin, Prim., dr., (Rovinj) I I - wA' ' Problems a C&Mment of osteoarticular tuberculosis. Mad. glasn. 10 no.11-12-.483-487 Nov-Dec 56. (TUBBROLWSIS, OSTEDARTICULAR. (Ser)) 11. HORVAT "Location of Gruda Airport. pa` 811 (C;lU-`l'P'II,NAa, Vol. 5, No. 1, Jan. 1953, ,Jagrtb, lu"loslavia) SO: Monthly List of Last Europenn Acces~lonm, L.C., Vol. 2, f,o. 11, liov. 10,53, Un ~1. HORVAT, N. Determining the dimensions of road pavements. P. 261 CESTE I MOSTOVI. (Uprava za caste UR Hrvatska) Zagreb. Vol. 4, no. 7, July 1956 SOURCE: East Europe Accession Lists (EEIL), Library of Congress, Vol. 8 no. 11, Nov. 1956 ior, n -_ tv or k's -0 J . PUT T S f;~% J -(,Nlust,,.,c) -,a mte%re Srbl-'e ) f avill a. Vol. ~Ccr.rLrl, Y, C.Ot. t' -st EE s-, c.C e uro-aan Iccassi, ..cnU HORVAT, Oliver, dr., a biologiai tudomanyok kandidatusa (Pecs) . -1 Botanical excursion in the MecsGk Mountains. Term tud . kozl.7 no.9:402-404 s 163. i I HORVAT, Padoslar, Integral theoreras of electric network characteristics. Publ mat fiz Univ Beograd no,28cl-15; 1159. L 31712-66 EWP(t'1j'F-T1 -rjp(c-44 J0 ACC R, 3,01RCF, CODE: CZTOWA/63[006101!~Oli- AUTHOR: Zitnansj'-,~f, lJoh"u-n1l; Hol-vat, Stefan ORG: Research institute of Welding, Bratislava (Vyskumny ustav zvarapq)01~ TINTZ: Forron-anganese and manganese ore in the coatings of welding electrodes SOURCE: Jadorra enorf~,~, no- 11, 1965, 425-428 TOPIC TA~S: forromnaanose, welding electrode, motal coAting, radiation masuroment, weld technology ABSTFACT: The article reports on the use of radioactive manganese in two forms, manganese ore and forromanganoso, in the coating of electrodes in a study of the participation of =iganese in the formation of the weld metals Orig, art4 has: 2 figures and 4 tables. fi-plif MB CODE 13, 11, 18 SUM DAM none oRiG Rus 003 OTH REF: 001 SOV R7-'F: 002 card 1/1 UDC: 621*791.74-546.71.02 HuNGARY / organic Chemistry. Organic Synthesis. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 12?2. kuthor : Horvat, T., Toldy, L., Vargha, L. 4-MVIAgt*ft'~- - Inst Title The Synth;sis of Isonicotinic Acid Hydrazide. Orig Pub: Magyar kem, folyoirat, 1957, 63, No 10, 284-286. Abstract: The synthesis of isonicotinic acid (I) and its hydrazide (II) from 4-ethyl pyridine (III) is de- scribed. Aluminum powder and iron filings in particular were successfully used instead of the conventional zinc dust for the synthesis of III (yield 33-38%). Two hundred grams of pyridine, 800 milliliters of aoetic anhydride, 200 millilit- ers of glacial acetic acid and 100 grams of alum- inum are heated (1300C., 3 hours), then at 1150C., 200 milliliters of acetic acid and 109 grams of Card 1/4 HUNGARY / organic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis. G-8 .M,bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 1272. ,'.bstract: aluminum are added end boiled for an additional four hours. ht 1000C. the contents are diluted with water, made alkaline to the pheno.lDhtheloin with sodium hydroxide and III is steam distilled; yield 42.6fo. Under analgous conditions but using iron instead, the yield was 74.30. The latter varies depending on different grades of iron in a W%-tange (steel is better than cast iron; iron which has been reduced with hydrogen reacts badly). Oxidation of III to I in addition to Y-Mn04 (yield 90%) was accomplished with SeO2 and NaOC1. Five grams of 111, 0.4 grams of SeO., 1.5 milliliters of water, 48 grams of concentrated sulfuric acid ,were heated for two hours at 2800C.; then 200 mil- liliters of water was added and the pH was adjust- ed to 3.6 and while boiling, a saturated solution Card 2A HUNGARY / Organic Chemistry. Organic Synthesis. G-2 .i~Lbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959,1272. .'abstract: of 5.5 grams of (CH 3COO)2 Cu was added. The pre- cipitated copper salt was boiled for 10 minutes with a diluted solution of 1.5 grams of sodium hydroxide. A'.t the pH of 3.6, 1 crystallizes, yield 87.5%2 m. p. 314-3150C. To 100 grams of III in 450 milliliters of water at 80 IQ. is added 20 grams of YMno4, 15 grams of CUS04*5H20, 40 grams of NaOH dropwise (-,-2*5 hours), 2100 grams of NaOC1 solution (19.3% of active Cl), at a pH of 3.6 crude I separates, yield 70%. To a solu- tion of 200 grams of crude I in 500 milliliters of alcohol is added 399 grams of HOSo Cl (,-\~,-OOC., 6-8 hours)~ the contents are heated a? 75-850C. and 95-100 C. for 4-5 hours at each temperature range; then poured on ice and made alkaline to Phenolphthalein; the ethyl ester of I is separated Card 3/4 17 HUNGARY / organic Chemistry. Organic synthesis. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 1272. .Lbstract: from CC14 extract by distillation at 4-5 milli- meters, yield 941a. Upon oxidation with Se0q, the temperature may be raised to 310 0. after the evolution of gases stops, and after,.) 8 hours it can be raised to 3250C., 114 grams of HOS02cl is added to the alcoholic solution of the remaind- er, and by a further procedure, similarly to the one described above, there is obtained (without a reliminary separation of I) the ethyl ester of I eld 84fo based on III). II was obtained from 0 M the latter by a conventional method, m. p. 168-170 C. -- S. Rosenfelld. Card 4/4 HORVAT, V. Unified Electric-power Plants. p. 354. ENERGIJA. (ZaJednica elektroprivrednih poduzeca Hrvatske i Institut za elek- troprivredu u Zagrebu) Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Vol. 7, no. 10, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EE-AI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959. Uncl. HOFCV~T, Virko, diul. ln~,. Us6 of t.1-1-9 Ditnube fc.r p-,w(!r An Au!o.rirt. ;r-, '13 br . 3/4 -. 1 '64. 1 1 , :.. * - i't