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HaKORODI, JAJos., dr. Accuracy of topographic maps. Good Imrt 15 no.5070-373 163~ 1. *Geodezia as Kartograflaw vzorkeento bizottvagi, tagjae HOMOROD laj p I, , j -'.~ .~_Ai:p Conference on mine surveying at Pecs. Geod kart 15 no.5.- 377-378 163- 1. "Geodezia es Kartografia" szorkessto bizottsidgi -Utgja. HOMORODII lajos,, dr. Problems of industrial geodesy and the International Federa- tion of Geodesy. Good kart 15 no.5-.389 163- 1. nGeodezia es Kartografia" szerlwazto bizottsagi tagja. HOMORODI, Lajos, dr. "Present-day movements of the earth's crust." Reviewed by Lajos Homorodi. Good kart 16 no.3:223 164. "Geodesy" by G.Bomford. Reviewed by Lajos Homorodi. lbid.:223-22,14 "A publication issued on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Swiss Geodetic Commission, 1861-1961." Reviewed by Lajos Homorodi. Ibid..-224 "Comite National Francais do Geodesia at Geophysique.Comptes rendus annee 1961." Reviewed by Lajos Homorodi. lbid.:224-225 "Annuaire pour Van 1964.11 Reviewed by Lajos Ilomorodli. Ibid.t225 "Rikets Allmanna Kartwerk.11 Reviowed by Lajos Homorodi. Ibid.:239 "Veroffentlichungen des Finnischen Geodetischen Institutes." Reviewed by Lajos Homorodi. Ibid.:240 I .. Editorial board member, "Goodezia as Kartografia." no. _Ln P,:!! ,HOMORODI, Lajos, dr., tanszekvezeto egyetemi tanar "Geodetic calculations and projections in the mational sw-vey" by W.Grossmann. Reviewed by LaJos Homorodi. Good kart 16 no.4: 300-301 164. "Handbook of aerial mapping and photogrammtry" by L.S.Trorey. Reviewed by Lajos flomorodi. Ibid.001 1. Editorial board member, "Geodezia es Kartag .,rafi a. HOA)RCID! , 1,~-i -u- " '-- j exnnples for the precisf) theory of the in-tiII.- Z~,Jifipel' by K.Arriold. Reviewed by Lajos Homorodi. Gfioi kart 1-, nc.1:73-74 '65. "A graph'~c aid to graviiwtric improvement of astrononical le-fcllng" by K.Arnold. Reviewed by La,jos flomarcdi, I- 74 'IDntormInqti-nn of the ciu-vatuLre of a Plumb Rne" by Roviowed by LaJor, Homorodi. ibid.:74-75 "Tables of correlates for calculpfinn nP 1.ric systems" by 11-Jnne. Rov,'I,;w~Ll -y Lajor iomon:d-i . L 1. Editorial. Board Member, Wl~ -)Fj I .1.1 .-("RL ~' 9 ; ajos , d r,. itinerant meeting at Debrecen. Geod kar-T, 16 no.5;389-.390 164. I., EdItorJul board member, "Gec-dezia as Kartogrtfia.ll FCX,;,RjDl, llajos, dr. 11 1 1.. -.1765. Geo,~ karl '17 1 t: ; clai-aut, 111.1, 11 . I.." Hifix, a naw frr '~'- ~, : 1. 141-142 1. Fdlt~-r,Laj Poij-d I~nmtu).~ 0:1 4 , li NOMORODIP 'ajon' rfr. "Annuaire 1965." R4'viewed by tajos Homorodi. Grod i~xt 17 no.2:156 165. 1. Editorial Board Member, vGerdezia an Kartografia.," 110140s, T 'Apr- Analytic computation ()f the duration of manufattur-Ing cycle ir mechinery irdustry. 'Metalurgia constr ras 13 -no.12:1058-1066 -N 161. oductivenec-.~s ol th,~ 'esenica lronworks, p. 271. lol. ,,, No. S~.ql I'jill"I a, S~J; !.'.ontlilr Li-A of Accas!-ion~;, ATII' BIBLE, S. HOWMA, H.: SZAFRAWN-k, H. Clinical dextran; pharmacologic nethods of investigation. Acta PolonbLe pharm. 12 no.3:147-152 '53. I.Insty-tut larmacentycsrq w Warssavie. (DMRAN, pharmacol.) BIWA, S.; HOMROWSKA. H.; SZA-VMICWA, ff. Results of pharmacological investigations on product of bVdrolyels of 2-pharql-benzylaminomettql-imidazoline hy(Irochlorlde; allergan. A basic. Acta Poloniae pharm. 11 Suppl.:33-34 3.955. 1. Instytyt Farmaceutyczny w Warssawie. kANTIHISTAKINICS, antazoline hydrolysis prod., pharmacol.) T J 70ITO'dSXI, -blzniew; e A,ffectivaness of '.N?-imT)regnAtsi t-~rtil-r onntral of Przegl. enidem. , Wnr:tz. 11 no.2:16-j-Y' i 1. Z Wojskowego Gentalnego laboratorl,-ni w Warszwdin Ylerownilk: Prof. dr M. i)rav. & coutro.,. DWL-impregn,-Ated clotliir- ( --1-Q O)Tr irrt)rP?,rvxtV)n of clothin; In f--,;)"-,-jl of -edia-ulonis (ilowjj) (01'(1,111mil DW-imnrP1-vM1tnd clothing in, After a brief contact with the impregnated gauze, the lice sbowed a gradual health improve- mentP which manifested itself in the restoration of their normal phyaiological functions - bloodsucking and defecation. At systematic contacts with sublethal doses of DDT, the lice develop resistance to this preperation. The larvae of the lice' third generation, which had been subjected to such a contact, easily withstood the DDT dose, which caused a 1-00% destruction of the larvae's Ist generaticn. EXCERPTA MICA See 17 Vol 513 Public Health Mar 59 8919. PLASTIC MATEMALS AND THE PROBLEM OF THEIR TOXICITY - Tworzywa aztuczne i problem ich toksycznogci - It 0 m ro W a k i S. Wnjs- kowego Cent rain, Lab, Sanit. -Ifig., Warazawa (Warsz.) 1958. 0/2 (95-114) Illuo. 12 Thermoplastic, thermosetting materials and silicona are discumsed with regard to their toxicological properties. Plastic materials of impi)rtance and utility in medicine and as wrappers for foodstuffa should comply with simcial conditions. and before they are used for commercial purposes they should be accurately in- vestigated for the presence of monomers (in the cast of possible incomplete poly- merization) or other technical impurities. Their physiologic inortness in refer- ence to the organism should be studied on experimental oftimals. Welt organited and systematic investigations on toxicity of plastic materials of Polish make should form a basis for elaboration of qualitative norms for malarial* permissible for use in Poland. HOMIO~SKI S .International symposium on alien 5ubstances in food. Przem spoz 16 no.4:54 AP 162 HOWWWSKI, Stanislaw; KTBICA, Jozef Preliminary evaluation of the suitability of sainc- pla-stics as -wrapping material for injection and infusion liquids. Acta pol. pharm. 19 no.6; 537-544 162. 1. Z Wojskowego Instytutu Higieny i prof. dr M. Nikonorow. (PIASTIGS) (POLIETHYLEITES) (INFUSIONS, FAMITUAL) Epidemiololgii. w Warszawie Dyrektor: (FOLYVIDIYLS) (INJECTIORS) HCTIUTESCU, V., AND OTHNIS Additions to the Studj of `&1-2 soil. cov,,~red witli vrass or E. L rotations in tll,! for!!st-stel,pe zone of N'oldavia. P. 157. LUF,C.R,'LqI STUNTIFICE. (Iristitutul Agronomic "Profesor Ion Ionescu de la Brad," Iasi) Bucuresti, Rumania. Monthly list of East European Accessicns (EZ~AI)' LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Au7 1959 Uncl. HON, A.; '11M, M. "Investigation of the electric field in the vicinity of a hilgh-voltage insulator." Blektrotechnicky Obzor. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 47, na. 10, Oct. 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI)o LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclst3 HON, A., inz. 11 Electrical and heat calculation of cableElt L-y CJ.. Bragin. Reviewed by A. Eon. El tech obzor 51 no.2:94. F 162. 1. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke, Praha. U014 2 A. . inz . conecting bare with fast insulation for higb-voltsga. El tech obzor 51 no.10:532-533 0 162. 1. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke. EON,, Alois inz. "Lid.fn,ing rode" bY Ladislav Rihaneka Reviewod by Aloin Hon. El teoli obzovo 51 no.111613 S 162. VETEM, Antoninp prof.j, dr,-inz,,, ScDr,; HON, Alois, inz. Inception intensity of the electric field of electrcdeless surface discharges. Acta techn Cz 8 no.3t;!01-206 163, 1. Czech Technical Uniwrolty, Praha 1 - atue Mosto, flusova 5, Dt5c-- HON, lln~r, !.nz., !,he w,ndinir t~x,-., uw 3 rAal'ne machories of nle 2 L-L , i z ac. h ra-,amaTor .)b no. 6%2-P-1--303 in, ^6i, VEVERKA, Antonin.. prof. dr. in%. DrSc., HONv Alois, inz. CSs. Problem of the number of dischargas In the cavity of a dielectTj-, Act& techn Cz 9 noJQ08-216 164. 1 .L. Czech Higher School of Technology,, Prague 1 - Stare Mesto, Husova 5. t a wt t mo-Se I i ve o e ,i n -i nt: h ot well-known capad ACCESSEON NF: AP4044116 q9 VLVFr,XA, Antonin, prof. inz. dr. DrSc.; YON Aloin inz. CSc, J.,--1--.I-.,.. . ~ Enlarged equivalent circuit for internal discharge in a Oielectric. El tech obzor 53 no. 1: )J,-18 J& 164. 1- 1. Ceske vynoka uceni technicka, Praha. L 3DY51-06 ACC NRs AP6029709 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0017/65/054/007/0304/0309 AUTHOR: a~&Lonin (Professor; Engineer; Doctor; Doctor of sciences); Hon.,Aloi er; Candidate of sciences) ORG: none TITIE: Disk-coil winding on extra-high voltage transformers SOURCE: Blektrotechnicky obzor, v. 54, no. 7, 1965, 304-309 TOPIC TAGS: electric transformer, electrostatics, electric capacitance ABSTRACT: In this paper the series capacitance of a double coil with a disk-coil winding with interlaid turns, designed according to a British patent, is calculated from the electrostatic energy. For the given case the ratio of the capacitance of the double coil with interlaid windings and the capacitance of a normal double coil is ascertained by experiment. The experimental. result is in agreement with the calculated value. The authors thank Engineer Kyasnick and Tomaik. CVUT. -for assistance with the measurements. Orig. art. has: 11 figures, 13 formulas and 3 tables. (Based on authors' Eng. abst.] (JPRS: 32,4821 SUB CODE% 09 / SUBM DATE: OlApr65 / OTH REF: 003 Card 1/1 ULX;: OZ104At41#12 a V~ H ON , A I o ~'L 5, 1 n z , C S --, . _:r 'In-Ida. "Pe'ec`,s ~f in3ulat'on ani tnem" 1,:~ ~~yoi-g R-vvieued by Al-cis Ron. El tecl% obL,-!, 54 no..'l - 5'.'- .Ja 16.5. . L A) -=LL ------- - ------ Ac"P-jff'~031550 SOUICE CODE: CZ/0017/65/054/0)9/0422/01,24- AUTHOR: Veverka. Antonin (Professor; Engineer; Doctor; Doctor of sciences); -Hon., Alois (Iqpgineer; CTndidate of sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Bridge connection for location of Internal discharges in transformers SOURCE: Elektrotechnicky obzor, v- 54, no. 9, 1965j 422-424 TOPIC TAGS: electric transformert electric Insulation ABSTRACT: The r.-.-%'.icle gives the theoretical basis of a new method of location of discharges in cavities in transformer insulations. The application is demonstrated on a transformer with coil winding. Orig. art. hast 5 figuresj 15 formulae and. 1 tables (Orig, arte in Engel [JFRSl SUB CODES 09 / SUBM DATEI l8MaY65, Card 1/1 UDC: 621.314.21.001 0, 197 Y AUTHORs Vowerka, Anton (Profasaorl Enginearl Doctorl Do*t*r of soiances) I Son,A (Docanti Engimerl Candidate of voienoes) CRO: Czech jgghUgjQ University, -Fromp TITLEt Inproved E21se generator' offiolency b) 15 SMCEZ: Elektrotechnic]7 obzor, v. 55, no. 2. 1966, 65-68 TOPIC TAGSi pulse generator, resistor, spark gap, circuit design ABSTTUCT: For inproved pulse generator efficiency in which tha pulse-4raves two gone- rated to imitate the switching overvoltages, a special arrangement of the pulse cir- cuit has been selected** In that circuit the tail resistor is connected only at the suitable moment with a trigatron-controlled spark gap. The proposed circuit diagram has been verified experimantall, Origo art. has: 6 figures, 7 formulas, and 1 V. table* LO-rige art* in Eng..j LARS: 35,32Z7 SUB CODE: 09 / SUMI DATE: 22Nov65 / OTH ' REFs ODI card i/i &L6- Production of tinsel -r.Irn Cood:s jehlrahn prunyslu) Prah-, Vol. 9, no. 8, Aug. 1954. SO'.:'HCE: ot, 'Ei~opean Acce:37sians U5t, Vol. 5, no. 9, Soptma*--ar 1956 HONC3 J. Apparatus for dosing alchol and condensinf, its vapor during, the production of carawls. p. 171. (PRZEMYSL SPOZYWCZY. Vol. 11j. No. 4i Apr. 1957, 'isarszawa:, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (FFAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957, Uncl. IIONC, Oldrich Principles of regulations on planning t~e organt2ation and methods of management in Poland. Podn org 18 no.9:421-422 S 164. HONC, 01drich; VEJVODA, Jiri-. s. .. -- I :- % Organization of the work of foremen in production man4gement. Frace mzda 12 no.1:18-25 A 164, 1. Ministerstvo vaeobeeneho strojirenstvi (for Ilona). 2. Centralni stredisko studia prace pro strojirenske odvetvi (for Vejvoda). H , T DA CM H I TIN , H. Honcariv, R. Fluorescence microscopy and its application in bot-iny. 1)."~-q Vol. 10, no. 1, 1955 3DjL(Y.;IA Bratislava, CzechoslovaKia SO: Monthly List of East Luropean accessions, (E-,;AL), LC, Vol. -,, t,`o. 2 February, 1956 HONCARIV, Robert: LAFFERS, Anton Apparatus for studies of the effect of chronic gama irradiation on greehouse plants. Biologia 15 no.4:289-293 160. (EEAI 9:9) 1. Biologicky ustay Lekarskej fakulty University Komenskehop Kosice (for Honcariv). 2. Botanicka zahrada Slovenskej akademie vied, Kosice (for Laffers) (RADIATION) (GAMMA RAYS) (GREENHOUSE PIANTS) SMALIK, Michal; DROZD, Jozef; KUBIKOVAq Anna; HONCARIV, Robert Sensitivity of some kinds of potatoes to X-rays, Siologia 15 no.1li850-854 160. (Em loo) 1. Slachtitelska stanical Valka. Lotmica, (for Smaliko Droad, Kubikova) 2. Biologicky ustav Lekarskaj faktilty University P.J, Safariki, Kosice (for Honcariv) (POTATOES) (Z RAYS) .1 SHALIK, M.;- 10MARIV. R.; DROZD, T.; KUBIKOVA,, A. Changes in the color of potato tubero after irradiation of ittolated oprouts. Biologia plantarum 4 no.3:2V,7-210 162. I* Selection Station Velka T-amica (for Smallk, Drozd and Kubikova). 2. Biological Institute., J*dical Faculty, K-Dsioe, Srobarova 57 (for Honcariv)o - -AT AdALL/0 ACC NRs AP6028707 SOURCE CODE: URA610 08/0825 AUTHOR: Synellnykov, K. D. - Sinellnikov, K. D.; Honchareako, V.. P, Gonchareako, V. P.; Honchar6nko, D. K - Gonobarenko, D. K. '~ 7 ORG: Phvs Ico-Technical Institute, AN UkrSSR, Khar'KMffizyko4ekhnichnyy Ins"tut AN URSR) TIT LE: Motion of a plasma jet across a nonuniform transverse magnetic field SOURCE: Ukrayinstkyy fLzychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 8. 1966, 825 -828 TOPIC TAGS: plasma jet, plasma flow, tmoverse mapetic field, m4potic fiald plasma effect ABSTRACT: It Is shown b:~using the equations of E. N. Parker (Phys. Rev., 107, 9240 1957. that the motion of a plasmeJet across a nonuniform magnetic field Is decelerated If VB Is positive and is accelerated In decreasing fields. The equation for the equare of the drift velocity, which is proportional to linear field changes, Is given. This jet motion Is one oi the simplest effects in plasma physics. The theory holds that, depending on conditions, a plasma jet must move as a whole across the magnetic field with a malpetic field of nearly zero In the Jet if temperature of two components of the jet Is small compar(A to the jet's kinetic energy of L 04915-67 EWT(1) IJP(c) L 04915"(17 rAICC__f__NC_MP65O2 87 Of motion, giving an electric field of E = vxB/c and a polarizatIon-generated space charge of a certain thickness. Plasma jet behavior under real conditions to proved by numerous experit.. ments to dIffer from theoretical in direction and speed. The present article shows that expert- mentally observed behavior of a plasma jet in a transverse gradient field Is in absolute agree- ment with elementarf plasma drift theory. The subject studied Is a delimited plasma mass first moving at conatant velocity In a uniform field and then encountering a gradient fteld with consequent drift. Basic assumptions of the calculations are that (1) plasma mass has maggetfo moment and (2) speeds and field gradients AM the adiabatic law for tons aw depend on the method of plasma generation. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas and I figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: O6Sep65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REFt 002 /?6~ Cwd L 04915-67 E747 (1) Ijp(c) AT 71 - - -b7/6-1f, oo8 o825 oszs ACC NR- AP6028707 SOURCE CODE: URR 1 ~/6 AUTHOR: S-vnellpykor, K, D. - Sinellnikov, K. D.; Honcharenko, V. P, Goncharenko, V. P.; Honchar6nko, D. K -- Goncharenko, D. K. -57 ) ORG: Phys Ico-Technical Institute, AN UkrsSR, Kharl toy (Flzyko -tekhnichnyy instytut AN URSR) TITLE: Motion of a plasma jet across a nonuniform transverse magnetic fteld SOURCE: UkrayIns'kyy fLzychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 625-828 TOPIC TAGS: plasma jet, plasma flow, transverse magnetic field, magnetic flOld plasma effect ABSTRACT: R Is shown by ,,,,using the equations of E. N. Parker (Phys. Rev., 107, 924, 1957. that the motion of a plasm~/Jet across a nonuniform magnetic field is decelerated if VB is positive and Is accelerated In decreasing fields. The equation for the square of the drift velocity, which is proportional to linear field changes, Is given, This jet motion Is one of the simplest effects In plasma physics. The theory holds that, depending on conditions, a plasma Jet must move as a whole across the magnetic field with a magneUc field of nearly zero in the Jet if temperature of two components of the jet is small compared to the jet's kinetic enerU of L 04915-67 ACC NRs AP6028707 motion, giving an electric field of E = vxD/c and a polarization -generated space charge of a certain thickness. Plasma jet behavior under real conditions Is proved by numerous wqxnl- ments to differ from theoretical In direction and speed. The present article shows that expert- mentally observed behavior of a plasma jet in a transverse gradleat field is La obsolute agree- ment with elementary plasma drift theory. The subject studied Is a delimited plasma mass first moving at constant velocity in a uniform field and then encountering a gradient fleld with consequent drift. Basic assumptions of the calculations are that (1) plasma mass has mapetio moment and (2) speeds and field gradients fu= the adiabatic law for Low and depend on the method of plasma generation. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas and I figure. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 068ep65/ ORIG REF: OOS/ OTH REFs 002 Card 2/2 GONCHAROAFAJ, V.P. [Honcharova, V.P.]; BROUN, R.G. Quantitative determination of nucleic acids in the bmin tissue. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 36 no.l.-126-131 164. (,MIRA 17t12) 1. Laboratory of Protein Chemistry of Leningrad State University, HONCU, A. Electric equipment in large strip rolling mills. P. 269, (Hutnik) Vol. 79 no. 81 Aug. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (EFAI) Vol. 6, No. 11 November 1957 Z/019/61/018/001/002/001~ DOO?/D1O2 AUTHOR: HoncA, E. TITLE: Thermal cycle of a small homogeneous reactor PERIODICAL: P-~~ehled technick6 a elektrotechnika, E61-459 a hospod6ftk6 literatury - Energetika v. 18, no. 1, :1961t 31, item no. /C., TEXT: This is an abstract of an article entitled in Czech "Te-Del4 cyklus mal6ho homogenniho reaktoru" (Thermal cycle of a small iio'mo- geneous reactor) originally published in the journal Techn. Zpr. 6KD Stalingrad 5, no. 8, 1959, 225-229. The article describes a small homogeneous power reactor with a thermal output of 10 Mw with special emphasis on the secondary steam circuit. Th . I I article con-- tains ? figures, 4 tables and 6 referencese %x1g1na ~ stracter's note: Complete translation:j. Card 1/1 L ACC NRi A~6030509 SOURCE CODE: AUMOR: Honcu J. (Engineer); Rutkovsky,, B. (Engineer) ORG: [Honcul LTJZ, 14nichovo Hradiste; [Rutkovskyl Technical Institute of Machingry jand Textiles, Liberec kvysoka skola strojni a texti TITLE: Flexural strength and rigidity of combustion engine blocks SOURCE: Strojirenstvi, v. 16, no. 3, 1966, 209-215 TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine component, vehicle engine ABSTRACT: 'rho article presents the results of theoroti- cal and ex'perimontal research into the flexural strength and rigidity of the engine blocks of six-cylinder comprossion ig-1 nition power units for commercial vehicles. 'rho mothod is suitable for comparing several variants and evaluating their ,relativo, strongth but less suitable for tests which are to give accurate figures. Valuable Information is given on the .effect of cross boltsq oil pang cylinder.heads, etc, on the deformation of the block. This paper was presented by Engineer K. O].ktavec. Orig. art. has: 5 figlures and 8 tables. [Based on atthors' Eng. abst.] [JPRS: 36,6451 SUB CODE: 10 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 003 Card 1/10)4/0 __ UDC: 621.436:629.114.4: 621. -41,049-m-P. 1 kilwr COO ONZ 1~1 v. ILA ifect Vl ,, 0 liw4t I I I I t 1 VICM* JOU synPl. t ETI the) WO ba-- Chan HONCZ FZENKO, Grzagorz Influence of grassland utilizaticn cn the f1cra and. phrsical properties of meadow suils in the W3stern PomeraniAn Province. Prace przyrod roln Szczecin 14 no.1:1-37 163. IIONICZAL~-'~C.p U. . - TEChNOLGUY FI~FdCIUIGAL: UG,5?CDidLKA ;.Cbv,,A. Vol. 18, no. 6, Junc 1956 HONGZARMKO, U. afccL of Ltilizzticn of oil j-1-LiIlU IA,~- physic;d propertits of readou soi-Is in dest,!i-il Pcmcraiiia. 1). 279. Monthly List of last Eurcp;~,-;v., A(,cc--zoicns LC; Ivol. 8, No. 4. April 19-~q, Lnclu~!2 HONCZAREM), Grzagorz, prof, dr Activities of the Department of Yendav and Pastare 1111pige or the School of Agriculture in Staittin during the 10-ye&r period of 1954-1964. Przom ferment i rol 8 no.3;131-132 Xv 165. 1. Head, Department of ~%adow and Pasture Tillage of the Sdhool. of Agriculture in Szowin. HONULRENKO, Janina I I Im Bumblebees (Bombis latr.) polltnating rrid ctover (TrIf - pratense L.) in the S ettin area. Prace przyrod ro Ln 20 no. 1: 1-60 165. HONCZAIMKO, hminag, (Szczeoin) Aww""W""IMA Dangerous c~it-erpillirse Wazechowiat no,4-.99-100 Ap 96g, 110NU,AREINKO, Janina Entomofauna of the soil of various communities of meadow plants. Prace przyrod roln Szczecin 14 no.21l-46 162. ROITDL. S- yugosl,-,,, !p (L-30) Sci-anco! -,t'ons de"'t~ cai c,,jj, 193 - 19 Vo-,. 3, No. 5, T 0" Ep -st 1jjKq:L-- Vol. 1, no. Dec 952- HOVIDLI, S. !a (30) Scipnev- - Serialu Boskovich's EjtF,.)jd ,jzl r)ll.s:cpl ~xo-v:i,,-nts P.*.id rilleasuremenzs* r, 1-67. Ai; --MKOVIC. (Hr tal o prirodoslovi., -)n astrono-my " drstv-)) Z&-reu. (Ar-tup-: isstiw,d b.; 1~, lAr. Soc I r lat ti..r! I Sci m'nc f. u )19 -1. o, Eurow-an 1-.ccc.,,. .L,.; I -. f) ! C no 13, Novemtf~r 19") '. 1-11CLASS lFIED. v za~ r7b, Yu -- or- - Il ivi a SO: ont.'dy M:4t of of No- 10, 0--tobor, ',inclassified REZARE , K.; SOUCEK, J.;__HO LMIJ4, J,-- Avsay of secretin in guinea-pigs. Physiol. bohemoolov. 12 no.2: 156-160 163. 1. Research Institute of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Prague. (SECRETIN) (BIOASSAY) (BILE) (BIOLOGICAL ASSAY) ti., COPELOVICII Y.; GRUIA~ M.; CIOBANESCU, M.; in colaborare cu PETRUSCA, J.; BORS, A.; EFANOV, A.; HONDOR, c. Investigations of the imnunogonic value of a =,ps vaccine prepared uith autochthonous strains. Stud. cercet. ieramicrobiol. 13 no.4: 473-00 162. (MUMPS VIRUS) (VAGGINFZ) (MIUNIZATI01i) HONDRIJ, N. -w~ Works of the Conference for the Use of Nualesa, Energy in Biology and Agriculture. Rev biol 6 no.4-.4,89--490 Ifil. SIENKIEWICZ, I.k-HONDRU, N.; PAPASCRIVESCU, D. Biology of Hateroptera at the experimental station of Valul-lui-Traian in the Dobruja region. Studii care biol anim 12 no.~:345-352 161. 1. Comunicare prezentata do academician W. K. Knechtel. KNSCHTEL, Wilhelm K.$ acad.; PARASCHIVESCU, Dinu; HOMItU.,,AI,,#*..,..CPOfESCUj Th., Ecologic and phonological study on the Thpanopters. in Dobruja., Babadag region. Studii cere biol anim, 15 no.3.-281-3.17 163. HONEKo A. JOACHIM, J.; HAVRAM,, J.; HOM, A. Results of spa therapy of ulcers, Gas. lek, cesk. 93 no.28:764- 766 9 July 54. 1. Z Ealueologickeho ustava Co. statni lazat a tridol v Karlovrch. Tarech (byv. predn. doe. Dr. J.Joachiu), a vritradho oddel. (prednosta prim. Dr. J.Havranak) a chlrurg. oidel. (byv. predn. prim. Dr. A.Honek) luskove oddalent KWZ v Karlarych Urech. (PEPTIC ULCER, therapy *balneother.) (BALMOOLOGY, in various diseases *balneother. of ulcers) S/263/621000/009/007,1010 1007/1207 AUTHORS: Honfi,Fereno- and, Likatos, Sandor, TITLE: Miniature recording galvanometer PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, otdcl'nyy vypusk. 32. lzmeritcl'naya tekhnika no- 9, 1962, 49, abstract 32.9.332 (Hungarian patent, Class 21c, 1-13, no. 147904, De~ember 30, 1960) TEXT: The self-recording measuring device, for which the present patent has hcen granted, differs from conventional designs, in that it has an attachable additional pointer located on the axis of the main pointer. The light beam of a point source is rocused by means of two mirrors, through a 0.05 mm slit, upon the tip of the additional pointer. The shade of the tip is reflected on a photographi,.- film or paper-strip printing on it a curve the shape of which is determined by the movement of the photographic layer, depending upon the external value to be recorded. It is shown that almost any mcasuring device can be converted into a sclf- recording instrument, A sketch of the device is given. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 HONFI, Ferenc; ~WTOS,'Sandor Theory, practice and possibWties of well logging with a single electrode. Geofii kozI 10 no.1/4:91-96 162. W,,'TFI, GY. 'Tzaa Quarry is ready for the Innovators' Exposition." p. 12 (Ujitok Lapja. Vol. 5, no. 5 Mar. 1953 Budapest.) Vol. 3, no. 6 SO: Yonthjyjk4~. of Ea&t,_ miona./Library of Congress, une __L l( _ )54., Uncl. HONFI, LaE;z1*,.ok1eveIes mernok,, fomernok Prime cost determination in the construction bultiztry. VjzUgA kozI no-4WO~-482 163. I., River Control and Gravel Dredging Enterpriaeo Budapest, HONFI, Laszlo.,okl,mernok . Construction of the lfoo2, inland drainage ~Ov Syptem of Lesvar. Vizugyi Kozl~io.W25-,130 162. 1. k Vizugyi Epito Vallalat fomernoke. HONICH, JOSEF. Stavba rodinneho domiru. Evyd. 1. Q Praha, Czechoslovakia. Stat-d nald. tec.*,:nickc literatury, 1959. 163 p. Monthly List of East European Accessions (BEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Kov- 1959 Uncl. RONICH, Pavel; TRUBAC, Karelp inz., Individual methods of separating mix'ures (if jztatoea) clods, and stones, and comparison with respect to theAr liaparation efficiency. Zemedel tech 11 no.lr43-58 Ja 165. 1. Research Institute of Agricultural Machines, Chodo,~ near Prague. Submitted September 14, 1964. HONIG, Arnost "Collection of papers of the Higher School of Technology in Brno., 1962/1-2.A Reviewed by Arnost Honig. Inz stairby 11 no.9059-360 S 163. Honig, A. X-ray and radiography of concrete structures. p. 254. INZElffRSKE STAVBY. (Ministerstvo stavebnictvi) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 6, June 1956. - Source; EEAL LG Vol. 5l No. 10 Oct. 1956 AUTHOR: TITLEt PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT; ASSOCIATION: Card .1/1 S13712 5 q-5-3/9/56 .j, Ar G Engineer Rad..'Lois.-)topes in Crnst-ructlon Nauka '. zhizn', 1959, No. 6, P 65 (USSR) The author des,~ribes the application of ilsotopes in the build- ing trade by aaalogy with the use- -A' the x--ray in medic-,al ex- aminatl.ona. The gamma rays produced 'by matural. or arfificial radioactive elements (sobalt, iridii.-wi or ,.leovum) panetraie 60-80 cm )f ferrc-i3oncrete bio