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STERZL, J.; HOLUB M - MILER I. '! - --J.. I Effect of endotoxin on antibody response and resistance to infeetian in newborn animals. Folla microbiol 6 no.51289-298 161. 1, Department of Miorobiology, Institute of Biology-, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 6. (TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) - HOLUBJP M. - 'the enhancing effect of homologous lymphoid calls on maturation of active antibody formation in newborn rabbits. Folia ndorobiol 6 no.5:299-305 161. 1. Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 6. (RABBITS) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) CEMTY, Ervin; HOLUB. Miro!l-_Iav,* FRANKOVA, Vera The role or adenoviruses in severe infectious diveasen of the respiratory tract$ Cesk. otolar 10 n0-5:276-284 0 161. 1. ORL oddeleni Ustredni vojenske nemocnico, Praha, pik. doe. MIJDr. Ervin Cerny Tojensky ustav hygieny, epidem'lologie a mik:robiologie, Praha., pplk. MUDr. Zdanek Vkasak. RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS virol) ENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) M SYKORA, Mdeceased]; NOVOTNY, L.; HOLUB, M.; HEROUT, V.; $OHM., IF. The proof of structure of carotol and daucol. Ooll Co C,'nem 26-no.31 78&802 Mr 161. (MAI :LO: 9) 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biache-siatry, Czeeboslovak AcadeW of Science, Prague. I (Carrots) (Carotol) A u 13" CERNY, Ervin; HOLUB, M.; TUREK, L. Ultrasonic therapy of Meniere's disease. Cask. otolaryn. 11 no.4: 185-192 Ag 162. 1. Otolaryngologicke oddeleni Ustredwt vojenske nemocnice v Fraze, prednosta doe. dr. E. Cerny. (ULTRASONIC THERAPY) (MENIERE'S DISEASE) ACC NRI AP6023149 SOURCE CODE1 CZ/00601631000/001~/01441014,51~'~-- ALMHOR: Holub, Hiroslav--Golub, Miroslav (Lieutenant colonel; Doctor of nadicino) CRG: CaL Department /fieaded by Colonel, Docent, Doctor of medicine Central # Prague (ORL oddeleni Ustredrd vojenske nomoovice)' TITIZ.- Notes on the evaluation of he Ang with regard to efficisroy SOURCEz Vojenske zdravotnicke liety. no. 4, 1965. 144-145 TOPIC TAGS-. audition, diagnostic redicine, otolaryngology, accastio biologic effect ABSTR&CT: The tests for impaired hearing can be node by the whispering test, test of loud speech, and tonal and verbal audiomatry. The whispering test as a wthod of evaluation of hearing ability was investigated@ The mthod has serious ahort- comings. Verbal audiometry gives the best evaluation of the hearing organs, Its disadvantage is th*t it is rather slow and hence unadtable for jdlitaryevaluation of the hearing ability. The most suitable method is the tonal methodl its disadvan- Uge is that instead of posiological. stin"14 it us to a.. Origs art. has: 1 figure andl 2 tables* LBased on author's Enge a=Y',FjmF SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DILTEs none UtIG RM OM I OM RM 002 'Card 1/1 P MC t 616.28.(W&147217-079 77 1',- L 30948-66 ACC NR: AP6023151 CODE, t AUTHOR: Holub, Ungslav--Golub, H. (Lieutenant oolonal; Doator of medicine) ~'*- I wftft*- B. ' ORG: ORL Dopartmont /headed by Colonel, Docent, Doctor of =Aiclm Fa_9111M"ontral Mi.litary Hospital, Prague (ORL oddoleni Ustredni vojens)os nomocnice) TITLE: Sequel of damage and contusion of the _qh2x4a tymPML at tyManotonr SOMICE: VojonskD zdravotnicke Usty, no. 4, 1965, 150-152 TOPIC TAGSt audition, nourologicourgory, gustation ABSTRLACT: Seventy-seven pationtq who undeAvent tympanotovV were investigateds In 31, the chorda tympani was interrupted during the operation, and in 46 it was undamagf d. After the operation, nearly all the patients conplained that they could not taste food; however, the patients with intact chorda t7xpani regained their ability to taste mach faster. Within 3 months the patients with Antact chords. lost all thoir difficulties. The mechanism of this phonope ,non not yet clears Orige art. has: 4 figureno fBased on auvior's Eng. abet--.7 9my SUB CODE: 06 / SUEH DAM none / ORIG REF: OM / OTH REFt 005 Card 1/1 ('-.C/ UDCt 6IL6.284#1-W9 HOLUB, 0 Fortresses on rails. p. 26. CESKOSLOVENSKY VOJAK. (1-finisterstvo narodid obrany. Illawl politicka aprava) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 8, no. 13, June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessiom (EEAI) IZ, Vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl. C (YJ -1; ~_ T I Z' zI.Czechoslovakia B_Z~ CATZGOPY :Physical Chemistry--Thermodynamics,Thorzo- chemistry. Equilibrium. PhyeicocItemical analysis ABS. JCUR. RZIChira. , NO. 16 1959, No. 56329 .4 U TIN 0 R:30ha, Z. and ~~ol~b, R. I.MST. .Not given T I T U] :The Contribution of Harmonic Vibrations to the Thermodynamic Functions for One Degree of Freedom ORIG, Me :Chem Listy, 52, No 8, 1653-1667 (1958) ABSTRACT :The contribution of harmonic vibr4ttione to the beat capacity and the functions (HI - 1Q)/T and (0*-H:)/T have been tabulated for one d*gree of freedom for wave nuxbera of 100-3,600 cm I at 15 temperatures (273.160K, 298.16*Kq and at 1000K intervals in the temperature range 300-1,500'K). The valuda of the heat capacity in the range 100-1,000 ex I are given at intervals of 10 cm-'; a 20-cm 1 interval in used for 1, OW-1,800 cm.71, and the heat capacities for the range WD: 1/'2 Phase transformations COUNTRY Czeichoslovakis B-8 AB3. JOUR. ALIChim.) !,.0. 3,6 1959Y 56329 AUTHOR 11113T. T'ITLT O.RIG. KBI33TRACT 1,800-3,600 cm-1 are listed at 50 cx-' intervals. Values for (R:)/T and GO-8:)/Tare given at 50 CM71 intervals in the range 100-500 cm 1; an imterval of 100 cm-' is used in the range 500-1,800 cm7, while values of the above functions in the range 1,800-3,600 cm-i are g-ivon at 200 cm-' intervals. 0. Knevol CARD: 2/2 Distr: Wd vThennodynamic functions of "link cimpounds. L Equation for the temperatue depen 4 ace d host c;gxcltles .11 of Ideal cases. f f Zdca4k �eha and Robert HoN6 (Vj%kum~ 1jitthes. V I -CLiki,17- Chem. Usly 52. 2214-210M.-Aa 1,04.00( th4l form: C3. A - JBI(F + Q Is mo=mejxkd that ykids mom results in the temp. mage.from no up to MIX, oes the commonly used quadrs ic equation. Mit ar d equation is especially convenient (or the beatcawitle, of it t' hcraoloffous series of CXF, mpds. bri a. ,hervi ;-helidstri- ul - 94- - I 23 59 H 0 ft - Seha z. Holub R. ; ~.j , Nuj- I L 13 n a o -jc t ,- liarmoni f -llat~)r to T . a ions o ril)u coil the 'Phormodynamic Funct-ion,-, for OR6 P of Frecdcm. c" 1.91 Commum-, I t cheT ! I I h C ;)L~7 #3 UB. - . - o ' ze 9 9 -1 1 a 0 A 3 T R A C;. See Rzyj"I'M67 1959t #16) C A ~',F) Transitions. p,,y3jeo-chemical An;-).lTSi.-- MAREK, J.; HOLIJB~ R------- The calculation of complex chemical equilibria with a digital computer. Coll Cz Chem 29 no.5-.1085-1093 My 164. 1. Chemoprojekt, Prague and Research Institute o1' Crganic Syntheses, Pardubice. S/169/0-2/000/'00"7/013/103 6160 D228/D302 AUTHOR: Holub, Stanislaw TITLE: Trial relative measurements of the force of gravity by means of pendulums PERIODICAL: lieferativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 4, 1962, 19, ab- 1 stract 4A142 (Geod. a kartogr. bb., 7, 1961, 5-30) TEXT: Methods of the pendulum observations and the reduction calculations are described. It is pointed out that the difference in the'gravity values, obtained by means of pendulums and gravi- 12 meters, amounts to 0.2 milligals. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 1/1 HOLUB, V. "Coatings for machinery and structures in the food industr-.f.11 5-upplemeng p. 15 (Prumysl Potravin, Vol. 9, No. 6., 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (MI) W, Vol. 7, No. 9, September 1958. CZ30" IOSLO VU'I A HOLUB V.0 Central Institute of Geolo!.-y (U~utrednj. uotav Prague, Prague r0 miilc~uloirii C. re OLI 110 3, 1-63, Casopis p p 2b4 "Plintztone in the Zaclor Beds in the 1: o~- .1 -,ion o" Tmtnov." ROLUBqV'.; TMIOVAIL, Hormone therapy of hypsarrhythmia. In childhoode Cesk.neuroL 127 no.2:87-91 Kr'64. 1. Reurologicke oddeleni detske ftkultni nevicnice v Brne; vedouci: MUDr. V.Holub. TOSOVSKY, V.; HOLUB, V. Idjunctive therapy with emetino of suppurative perLtonitis in children. Pediat. listy, Praha 6 no.4:217-218 July-Aug 1951. (CLUL 21:1) 1. Of the First Clinic of Children's Orthopedics azd Surgery of Charles University, Prague (Head - Prof. Jan Zachradnicek, M.D.) and of the Department of Pediatric and Orthopedic Surgery of the State Faculty Hospital In Prague (Aoting Head V. Tossovsky, M.D.). HOLUB, I r. Nc-4 research o.' Po'Jsh geolng'sz;s in the Upper Peru-is in Lover Silesia. Vest Ust. gear' 39 no.3tl6l.-168 My 164. a- t pr ovany, g HOLUB, 111a, timil, 0m eolog Use of V~N-kortan in preparing wash vater for core d-,rwihg. Gaol pruzkum 6 no.8&246 Ag '&t+ 1, Central Geologia Institute, Prague. JANEK, J.;HOLUB, V. Therapy of cerebral forms of poliomyelitis with special reference to Stoffel's operation. Lek. listy, Brno 7 no.-21:520-523 I Noy 1952, (OXHL 23'.4) 1. Of Brno District Pediatric Hoapital and of the Neurological Olinic (Head--Prof. Karel Popek, 14.D.) of Masaryk University, Brno* HOLUB, V. (1427) A description of 1.1 patients is given. In cases of spastic; inrantile parlysis treat- ment must be carried out by an orthopaedic, surgeon, a neurologist and a physical- training expert. Before operation co-operation with the rfi.tient must be assured. In psychically altered children, therefore, it must not be carried out. More success is to be expected in hemiplegias than in diplegias. Accomianying extrapyramidal symptoms, if slight, are not a contradiction. So: EXCEMA MEDICA voLumE 6, Nunber 4, SECTION VIII, April 1953 The tr*&tmnt of the awebra fam at, infanUle qu%2yels - vith MweW regar4 to Staffel's Werattwe Uk. Liety 2952.. 7/21 (520-60) HOLUB. Vaclav, KUDr, odborny asistent (Brno, Xotlarv)m 39) uharacteriatici of neurological findIW In infants. Lek listy 9 no.10: 223-226 W 154. (-"" 3: a) 1. Z neurologicke kliniku KU v Brno. Prednosta prof. KUDr larel. Popok. (Mmms SYSTIM, *newol. findings in inf.) HOLUB, Taclav, KUDr, klinicky aststant (Brno, Irotlarsku 39) Affect of glutamic acid on mental deficiency in childrsn. Lek. listy, Brno 9 no*17:398-401 1 Sept 54. 1. Z neurologiche kliniky Komax7kovy university v Brno, prednost& prof. KUDr Karel Popek. (MINTAL MIPICMCT, there", glutamic acid) (GLUTAKATIS. therapeutic use. mento defloo) De. EXCERPTA YEDI'.A See. 7 Vol. 9/7 Ju,'.-,v 55 If Ci 13 V, V 1451. HOLUB V. Neurol. Klin. M11, Brno. *Platybasia-nov~ pilznak gargoylizM., -PTa-[-y-U-agia - A new symptom of gargoylisin L9K.LISTY 1054, 9/18 (418-420) Illus. 5 Platybasia was found to be tne cnuse ot me short neck in 3 cases of gargoylisrn (2 girls and I boy) . It satisfactorily explains the characteristic appearance f in these cases. where the head practically seems to rest on the shoulde rs. well as a number of neurologic al'manife stat ions which are generally a' sociated with platybasia. The suggestion is made, that the reason for its development may C 0 lie in an abnormal structure of the bones involved. Halzel - Manchester HOLUB, Taclav, MUDr (Brno Kotlarska 39) ftltiple sclerosis In children. Lek. listy, Brno 9 no.21:48gaigo 1 Nov 54. 1. Z nourologicke kliniky H.U. v Brno@. Prodnosta prof. Mr Karel Popok. (MULTIM SCMOSIS, in Infant and chill, case reports) YFDICA Sec. 7 Vol. 9/8 Aur, 55 1617. HOLUB V. Neurol. Klin. M. U., Brno, * InfeMn! hepatitida matky -Men-s-N-Ma-embryopatie. Infectioun hepatitis of the mother ring pregnancy and embryopathy UK.LISTY 1954, 9123(511. 535) Ten chUdren whose mothers suffered from infectious hepatitis in the first 2-3.4., months of pregnancy. were examined and all were found normal. Only one ch44 ." showed abnormalities neurologically and psychiatricallv, but this child %'Qs h3rz" prematurely with a weight of 1600 g. Infectious hepatitis seems to be of Wile im. zrca*; portance in the genesis of congenital defects- I Prachdzka Prague JX)~J,q side;' HOLUB, Taclaw, Mr, Brno, Votlarska 39 - - Raeurrent psonioz7opatic polyradiculonsuritis in a nine years old boy'.,Leko listy, Brno 9 no*241560-562 15 Doe 54. 1. Z Neurologicke kliniky Ramrylcovy university v Brno, PrOdnOStIL prof* MUDr Karel Popek. (GUILLAU-SARM STITROM, in infant and child in nine years old boy) EXCERPTA 14MICA Sec.4 Vol.10/2 Microblolog7 Feb 37 ,11 491. HOLUB V. Neurol. Klin. MU. Brno. OParotitick! cerebellitida sine paro,- -titide, se gerologftk~m pr6kazem. Parotitic cerebVIlitis without I parotitis confirmed scrologically vm,rR.LEK. 1955, 112(121- 130) Following a short review of the most recent observations on nervous com lica. (ions of parotitis the author quotes his own obs;ervation of ik girl aged 3.9 yr. who fell acutely ill with cerebellar symptoms without fever. headache and other general signs of infection. The sister of this patient had epidemic parotitis 2 weeks previously. The CSF findings were found to be negative I week after the otmet, of the illness. A parotitic infection wao codirmed serologically. The i: severe cerebellar syndrome receded within 4 weeks. A parotilic cerebellitus without a simultaneous involvement of the parotic glands was diagnosed. K"xk. V.; H2ubzv KA. B.; VAHROAX. J. Benign tumors of the kidneys In childhood. Razhlochi-r- 34 no.1-2i 38-46 Fab 155. 1. Z detake fakultni nemocnice v Prazo; oddleloni pro dstskou a orthopedickoa chirurgii (prim. V,Tosovsk7) 1e (lotskIL' klinika (prof. J.Svejcar) IL pathologicko-an&tomicky ustaw KU (praf, V.Jedlicka) (XIDNAYS, neoplasms boning. dtag. & ourg. in child.) HOLUB J,., MUDr. ; TTNDTA, L, , 141)]Dr. Hypoplasta musculorum universalis congenits, of Krabbe. Cask. pediat. 11 no.8:621-625 Aug 56. 1. Neurologicko-psychiatricke oddelent Krajoke d.stske nemocnice v Brno, predn. primar MUDr. Vaclavffolub. (MUSCLSS, dis. hyWplasta, congen.. clin. manifest. It child (Cz)) BECHIMS, S., Dr.; HDLUB, T.. Dr. Landry's ascending paralyuU associated with a t=or En a 10 year old boy. Cook. pediat. 11 noilOr772-775 Oct.56. 1. Z pathologiekoanatomicksho ustavu Lekarske fakulty v Brne, predn. prof. MUDr, Vaclav Neumann. Z neurologickopsychiatrickabo oddelent krajoke detake nemocnice v Brno. preda. primar MDr. Baclav Holub. (PAR<SIS, etiology and pathogenesis spongioblastoma of spinal cord In child, causing acute ascending paralysis (Cx)) (GLIOBLASTORA MOLTIJORIG. in infant and child spinal cord. causing acute ascending paralysis 02)) (SPINAL O)RD. neoplasms spongioblastoma in child, causing acute ascending paralysis (Cz)) HOLUB, Vaclav Neurosy v detskem veku s hlediska vyslktu, etiologie a prevance. (Neuroses in Childhood from the Point of View of Their Occurance, Etiology, and Prevention. lst ed. bibl., illuB.) Authors: Vaclav Holub,, Josef Svancara. Prague, SZdN, 1957. 74 p. No. 365 of the series Thomayerova, sbirka prednasek a rDzpra-v s oboru lekarskeho, (Thomayer's Collection of Lectures andtiscussion3 on Medicine) A clinical study based on facts (5,6000 investigated children) is analrzing causes and laws of neuroses during neuropsychic disturbancen in childhood. The characteristic s,.vmptomatology of disturbances in children io pointed out as compared with 'that in adults; etiology and frequency of occurence as well as prevention of neuroses are discussed. The study is intended for physicians.$ psychologists, pedagogues, social workers as well as parentij. Bibliograficky katalog, CSR, Ceske knihy, No. 30. 3 Sept 57. p. 65f). GOTFRYD. 0., As., Dr.i,,-HOLUB, V., prim., Dr. '-0104.0 . OW04 Disappearance of a large congenital tiinor of the spinal core. after x-ray treatment. Ceak. neur. 20 no.1:18-20 Fab 57. 1. Neurochirargicke oddeloni I. chirurgicke kliniky v Brno, prednost% prof. Dr. J. Podlaha, nourologicko-psychiatricke oddeleni Krajake detsks nemocnice v Brno. (NAMIUMMA, case reports coWn. of spinal cord., disappearance after radlother. in Info (Cw)) (SPINAL CORD, neoplasms netirilemona congen., disappearance after radiather. in Info (Czi) (RADIOTHMUPT, in various die. nourilemona, congen.. of spinal cord in inf., disappearance (Cs)) _Mp4rj-~*- Calcification of intervertebral disk in cbildhood. Cask. neur# 20 no.1:25-28 Feb 57. 1. Hourologicko-psychiatricke oddeleni krajake detBke nemocnice v Brne, prednosta prim. MUDr. Vaclav Holub. (INTERVKUNBRAL DISK. dis. calcification in child. (Cz)) (CALCIFICATION intervartabral disk calcification in child. (CZ)) HOLUB, V.; GYNOVA, Lo Sudden convulsions in children; review do 32 case reportii. Gefik. pedlat. 14 no-109-47 5 Jan 59. 1, Neurologickopsychiatricke oddelani Krajskm detske x.emoonice v Brue, pretinosta primax- MUDr. Vaclav Holub. T. If., 3ruo, X~mzova 8. (CONVUISIONS, in inf. & child atiol, & ther. (Gz)) HOLUB, Vaclav Considerations on-differential diagnosis of disorders of motor develop- ment. Gesk. pediat. 14 no.4:352-361 5 Apr 59. 1. Neurologicke oddeleni Krajake detake nemocnice v Brno, Cerrqch Polich. Prednosta: MUDr. Vaclav Holub. (NOVMM,r DISORUM, in inf. & child. differ. diAg. (On)) HOWB,,Vac lay; SVAKCARA Jos of The problem of care.-education and selection of occupations for epileptic patients. Cook. nour. 23 no.41258-265 Je '60. 1. Neurologioke oddeleni. Kmjska detake nomocnice v Brus, prodnosta dr. T. Holub. (APLLVST rehabil. ) 1111~7p -- VaIclav -.-, First signs of brain tumor in shildbood and their diagnostic vlgs- nifiame*. Ces~. podiat. 16 no.6:481-4811 Jo ~161. 1. Neurologicke oddelesi krajoke detoke nemoeviles v Brue, predReata MU% . Vaelav Holub. (BRAN NWPLASW in infaxqr & childhood) CZECHOSLOVAIal HOLUB, V., MD; TYNOVA, L., MD. Neurological Ward of the Children's Paculty Hospital (Neurologicke oddeleni detake fakultni nemocnice), Brno Prague, Prakticky-lekar, No 8, 1963, PP 301-305 "Brain Tumors in Children and Their Present Diagnosis.* BURDAP S., :Lnz. (Jihlava),o J-lO-LiB-,-V--,,,,Jnz. (Jiblave.) Injection pump for combuation engines. Automobil Gi-, 7 no.10: 327 0 163. I wumv V"]Avt Mort m"t I&AGIM0 mw. ............... ~I;,- L*pWtMMt of NqMyoloap CbjjdrMS' 5On4U4# ft4tt1ty Or FARditiM UJW (Nowvloo4ke oddoled dietake immomJ40 lehos4*6 r&Wty wwp)am, - (rer boa, jbiub-alet). j No 14v 20 July 1965p pp 542-44S fteam, Prmkticky jahum "Lffect of nivQtn* In clinical rms of sumt imscular and n*jtvmw disordorm." HOLUB. Z. - In2enyrske Stavby - Vol- 3, no. 4, Apr,,1955.. Proceodings and resolution of the Fational Conference of Activiett in Construction Engineering held March 7-8. 1955. P- 133- Timber in building construction. p. 149. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (=), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, 86Pt- 1955, Uncl. - - , - -- . --- -I !~ ~ ~- ~,~ - ! ~ I ",-I ~ !, I , I - -I - . ! ~ I ~-- ~ : . R I ~- ~ - -- ~ ~ ~ I :i i -! !~ ~ f - - F, .. - I - - - - - - - - ;- -- - - "~- N , I . - , , - - - I - ~ - '- i . - Z-: -..' -~ ---. L-L- 7 _L_71 CZECINOSLOVANIA ;U~JD2LL Juraj; HOLUB Zdone~,,- Ino;-itu~r of itural Biology, 7~ovak-77c7admy 6f-Sihiffi",' 'I~fep-i-~ment of thn !r sis (Ustav 3--oloFle ifluenco of industrial Wastes on Biocenorane -; Xrajiny Slovenslccj Akadenie Vied, Oddolonie Vplyvu Exhalatov Bioconesy), Bratislava, pContent of Ilarnosiiioi and of Other ~Icments in Al- ,ropyr= opens Socale Coroalo L., and Triticum Ao&Uvum L., Subjected to L11r; Action of Wactos fro-,q Troatment of hagneeito." Bratislava, Biolo-ia, Vol 21, No 5, 1966, PI) 365 - 375 Abr,'Uract: 'I"he influence of Mg, Ca, 11a, X, and F or. Triticum aestivum, and Socale corcale was invezt-i-roted I... :_:c, ii1loro the soil pH was 6.5-9.4 and the Ca:ll[; ratio 0.12 Wiioat i., zonsitiv~7 to high PIg content; the other two Mg well. lifigh contents of Ng docreaso the content of P iii t;ha nlant. Plants that havo a narrow rnnge of tlao ratio Ca*Ng to-terckt.0 hir"11 amounts of I'*(?, better than plants wliere the *range of 'Chr., ratin i;3 wider. I 'eirture, 2 Tables$ 19 ltoestern, 6 Czech, 9 Russian, 3 :,'Zit Gorman references. (Xanuscript received 18 Oct 65). 182 HOLUB, Zdenek,, inz. Calculation of wooden members exposed to compressive and bending stress, Inz stavby 6 no.1:28-31 Ja 158. 1. Vojenska technibka akademie Antonina Zapotockeho.. Brno. HOLUB, Zdenek, inz, Capital comtructions in railroad transportation. Zel dop tech 13 no.1-1-3 165. V_L= /h T41. qq~?T ~t4 u ACC NRiAP6005494 tA) '____7iF6URC& CODE, C*W"/i 1/00131001) 1IMNITOR: Holubar, Ce-stmir (Prague) ORGi none TITLEi Portable slactria,welder forminJature welds. CZ Pat. No. PV4942-64 SOURCE3 Vynalazy, no. 1, 1966, 13 TOFIG TAGSt welder, welding equipment, are welding, miniature weld ABSrRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a rtable electric welder designed for making miniature welds. The unit has an adjustable capacitor discharge welding circuit and an adjustable arc-wolding circuit. Both circuits are connected to a single 'power supply by a transfer switch. In addition, tho first circuit is provided with a timer switch for regulating discharge,intensity by changing the number-of switched-in capacitors in the sequence. The second circuit has a high- frequency element providing a sparkover ionization path between the electrode and the welded object, a trip relay with variable HC coupling to control the ionization- discharge time, and a low-frequency element with an auxiliary power supply to form welding are in the ionization path. Both elements are interconnected by a spark ap. LKPI SUB CODLt 13, sm D=, 04sep64 Card VOLUBI-R, F. "Samplings and Analyses of Solid Fuels with Special Reference to Soviet Standards and Experiences of Soviet Experts. (Supplement) " p. 1. (EITEMITIU, Vol. 3, No. 2, Fcbruary 1953, Praha, Czechoslovakia.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, 110. 5, b5tY;, 1954, Unclassified EOLUDAR, F. "Regulatory Measures, the Way we Carry Them Cut, and Their Restilts in the Fuel 11conomy Center Trusts THK and RLI during September - November 1952." p. 67. (ENE-RGETIKA, Vol. 3, No. 2, February 1953, Praha, Czechoslovakia). SO:,Vonthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 5, May 1954, Unclassified HOIMM, J; MDHLIK. X. i': --, 1~ Induced rhythmns of the retina and brains Cas, Isk, cook, 89 no.35-36:974--976 1 Sept, 1950. (01ML 20:1) le Of the Lastitute of Physiology of the Medical Pacilty of Charles UniTersity In Prague (Head--Profs Vo TAmufborigerp He Do)* 4 6t- i-A 6 ") t-~- I -j- GUTMANIT, I.; HOLUB -T - - 2LOL-14 "!, Prophylactic surgery of the central nerve stump., BiolslistY 31 no. 3-4:139-143 Jan 51. (01ML 20:5) 1* Of the IEstitute for Brain Research (Head-Prof.L.ffa~kovecq)CD.) and of'the Institute of Pbysiology (Head-ProfS.Laufberger.K.D.) of the Medical Faculty of Charles University, Prague. L- U (3 P HOLUBAR, J.; KOHLIK, I.; SARAVZC, C. ...0"Womp"WrAM Relation of conduction velocity of peripheral nerve fibers to their length. Biol listY 31 n(i43-4:174-180 Jan 51.(OIML 21:5) 1. Of the Institute of Pbrelo"Logy of the Medical hculty of Charles University, Prague (H,9&d-Prof.V.I^ufbarCer,M,D,)- GLITKANY, 1.1 HONJBAR. J. Degeneration of the tOMInAl organs In striated and wooth musoles, Chokh. fisiole 1 no*3t2206-229 Sept 52. 1. TSentralluyy institutblologill fistologichoskoys otdolonlys fisiologichookiy institut liniversitsta imeni Motrl& rV, Praga. (KUSCLIIS, physiolocr, off* of doneryatlon) HOLUBAR, J.; SELIGER, V. Initial acceleration of the heart rate in physical work In man. Cas. lek. ceek. 91 no.24-25:698-,704 20 June 52. 1. li~rsiologicky ustav (predriosta prof. dr. V. Laufber,ger) a fysiologicke odd. Ustavu tel.ovychovnebo lekaretvi (prodnosta prnf. dr. V. Itruta) lekarske, fakulty Karlovy university v Prato, (H=T, ' rate, initial acceleration in work.) (WORK. effects. on heart rate, ititial acceleration) Hkji,U-"i&A, V. "Conditioned Tachyeardia from &xemise in YAn.11 . 31., r, (CESKOSLOT&USKA FTSIOLDIE, Vol. 3, 110. 1, Jan. 1954, Pr;ihit;, Czechosloyaki-1) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (~,EAL), LC) Vol. 4 No. 5, Fay 1955, Uncl. HOLUBAR, J.; SELIGER, T. Conditioned exercise tach7cardia in man. Chakh. fiziol. 3 no.l: 38-46 1954. 1. laboratory for Nigher NerTous Activity. Phpialogy Department, Gsechoslovak Academy of Scienceo Zo Institute for tho Xedical Study of Physical Culture. medical Faculty, Cbarles University, Prague. (REFLIX, CONDITIOUD, prod. of tachycar(lia in man) (TACHTCARDIA,j expertnental, conditioned in man) /,/O4 veywj'-_~ SELIGER. V.; HOLUBAR J. Conditioned exercise changes in respiration and cardiac rexplratollY arrhythmia. Chakh. fiziol. 3 no.4:401-05 1954- 1. Institute of Sports Medicine, Medical Faculty, Charles UniTersity, Pb,vaiological Department, Prague, and the Laborato:ry of Higher Nervous Activity, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague. (ARRMHKIA, sinus, conditioned rhythm & reap. changes In exercise) (RESPIRATION, conditioned changes in sinus arrhythmia. during exercise) (IMIRCISVP effects. conditioned reap. & rhytbm changes in sinus. arrhythnia) (REFINX9 CONDITIONED, reap. & rhythm changes in sinus arrhythmia during exercise) IOLUMRI J. HOLUBAR, J.Dr. Laufbergerts "ciocardiogmphy, pftkt. lek., P-raha 34 no,14: 313-314 20 JuIr 54. (ZJMOCARDIOGRAM *Laufberger's) HOLUBAR, J.; SELIGER, V. Conditioned reflex change of heart rate and respiration during physical work. Cook. fysiol. 4. n0-3:272-275 1955. 1. Laborator vyssi nervove cinnosti Co. Akademie ved a Ustav telovychovueho lekarstvi lakarske fakulty K.U.. fysiologicke. odd., Praha. (REFLEX, CONDITIONO, ,off. on heart rate & reap. during work) (HEART. rate, conditioned reflex changes in work) (RESPIRATION. physiology. conditioned reflex c*hanges in work) (WORK, physiology, conditioned reflex changes of heart & reap. rates) HOLUBAR, J.; SELIGER, T. Xffect of work on conditioned modifications of pultis rate and respiration, Pbysiol. bohem. 3 no,1:15-19 1956. 1. Laboratoriya vysshey nervn~~,y deyatellnosti Chekbool. Almd, nauk i Institut fiskul'turnay xeditainy maditsinskogo fakulltata Karlova universiteta. fiviologicbeekoYe at&., 4L Pr4g'1LjRznzx, CONDITIONID, conditioned pulse & reap. rates. eff. of exercise (RUB)) (MMCISN' effects, on pulse & reap. rates conditioned variations (Rue)) (RESPIRATION, physiology, eff. of exercise on conditioned variations (Rue)) (PUT'SE, physiology, same) HDLUBAR, J.; SELIGER, V. Work and conditioned reflex charges in pulmonary ventilation. Cask. fysiol. 5 no-2:154-158 2:) June 56. 1. Laborator vyssi nervove cinnombi OSAV, Praha, Ustav telovychovueho lekarstvi LF KU, I)rsiologicke oddeleni. Praha. (RESPIRATION, ventilation, off. of conditioned reflex &lirork (Cz)) (RZKOMPI. CONDITIOM, conAitioned ventilation charges (CZ)) (WORK, effects, on ventilation Oz)) ..III" . AMIGER, V. HOLUB 06, ~AJ6 Effect of work and conditioned Ht!:mulation an pulmonary ventilation. Physiol. bohem. 5 no.2:170-176 1956. 1. Laboratoriya vysshey nervoy dqmtellnosti Chekoslovatskoy Akademil nauk I Institut Fizkullturnoy meditsiny moditainakogo fakulfteta Karlova. Universiteta, Tiziologicheakoye Cltdalenie, Praga. (RESPIRATION, physiology, ventilation, eff. of work A conditioned reflexes (Rue)) (WORK, effects, on ventilation (Rue)) (RM%EX, COMITIORM, eff. on ventilation (Rua)) 9i~4~ CZECH0SL0vIjaA/Hu= and Anival Physiology (Normal and T-5 Pathological). Respiration. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biole., No 16, 1958., 74838 Author : Holubar, Jo, Seliger, V*, Trefrq, Zo Inst : Uk /,~,6 ra - - Title : Lung Ventilation and Requiremnt of Oxygen During Physical Work in Adults and Adolescents@ Orig Pub : Ceskosl. fysiols) 1957, 61 No 21 176-181 Abstract : In '29 healthy wles adults and 28 boys 14 years old wit th different degrees of trainint, a;ter stress (work on a veloeraometer for 1 minute) pulve rate and respiration de- creased faster than the requirentent of 02; the coefficient of utilization of 02 often fell significantly lower than normal, especially in those not trained; in the non-trained person after the stress of a mirrate volum. of respiration and especially the raqdrement oiC 02 were significantly in- creased in comparison with the traineds Cand 1/2 69 - CZECHOSLCYVAKIA/Humn and Animal PhysioloC7 (Normal and T-5 PatholoGical)o Respiration; Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 16, 1958.- 74838 Oxygen requirement was not essentially different in the different groups of those te3ted. S.Ya. 143rmorshteyn. br,r- i .4~ t- 5 Card 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Hu= =1 Animl Physiolocw (Normal mad T-5 Pathological)* Respiration* Abs Joijr Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1958, 74839 Author Holubar, J,, Seliger, Ve, Trefay, Ze Inst Title Lung Ventilation and OxyCen Requirement During Physical Work in Adults and Adolescents. orig Pub Physiol. bohemosl., 1957, 6, No 2, 212-21'r. Abstract No abstracto Card 1/1 F'i' 4 L'r:! - 70 - HOWAAR j lenqnt studies on the reti-Oar formtion, real,. f,,lniol, 6 no,2: ?6'~-?713 1957. 1. Talhorator graf Ickyah vywitrovac ich nothod. Co. nl~ndomle ved, Praha. (BIAM STV-4. -eticnInr fnrm., ravlaw (Vs)) j HOIJUBAR, J. ~z' ' ' " ~ ........ 116a~ '~electric potentials in the volume conductor. ?by-siol. bobem. 5 Suppl:22-25 1956m. 1. Laboratory for Graphical Diagnostices Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia. (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY electric potentials in volume conductor) HOLUBA-R, J. Blectroencephalographic manifestations of cutaneous galvanic reflex iu Han. Cesk. fYaiol. 7 no.3:179-180 May 58. 1. Iaborator grafickyeh vysetrovacich metod CUT, Pxvdla. (',?=TROENGZMWG3eHT, in psychogalvanic reflex (0s)) (R',PPLZX, PSYCHOGALVAIIIC, ERG (Oz)) HOLUBAR. J. - "ElectroencephalOgraphic manifestations of the galvanic reflexas in the hLv= skin." P. 179. CESKOSLOVENSKA FYSIOLOGIE. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no- 3, May 1958. Monthly List of East Etwopean Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, Augustt 1959. Unclo HOWBAR, J. Mee troencephalographic studies on function of the reticular formtion In man. Cask. fYsiol. 7 no.5:470-471 Sept 58. 1. laborator grafickych vysetravacich matod MAY, PraluL. (BRAIN SUM, physiol. reticular form. EEG (Cz)) (ELWTROENCEPUWGRAPHY. of reticular form. (Cz)) HOMBAR, J. 1, .. 1.11- -' Pne=ographic use of a single-stage resistance regieter. Cask. f7siol. 8 no.2tl19 Mar 59. 1. Iaborator grafickyah vysetrovacioh matod OSAV, Praha. (RMFIRATION, fwwt. tests* single-stage resist. register (Gs)) HOWRATZ, J. Induced BEG rhythms and time sense. Cask. fysiol. 8 no.3:197 Apr 59. 1. Laborator graficlqch vysetrovacich metod CSAV. Praha. ?redneseno na III. fysiologickych dnech v Brno dne 13. 1. 1959. (TDIE SMISI, relation to ING rhythm (Gz)) (RUCTROMTOPHAIDGRAPHYP relation of time sense to 13G rbythm (Gz)) HOWM, J. Yorced M rhythms and the reepiratory rhythm. Ceslc. fyotol. 8 no-5:408-409 S 159 11 1.1aborator grafiekyoh vysetrovacich motod MAY, Prabs. (UMTROINCIPH&WGRORT) (RASPOATION pb7siol.) !C Z r C','O S LC VA:*, :A V. GROS,* 0. 11VI)LIMN. J. N%,% 1;11, t. XLLCINWA, J. 11OLUIAn and ". W'Xa. rAffiliation,; uot statod3 'Irror, in :hyxielo,:ical ricience. The 22nd 'Interns-zlonal Ph-t3lolor;ical Con.prc,ss In Lc)~jon,'* Pra-_ue, !;~sjtp.~lo.ven.n.ka Vvl 12, Yo 1, Jan 1963,- Pr 68-73. Abstract: This Is actually a series cf 7 articles authored by the above 'i-al-j~bors as follows: rencral asr*cts; conditionud reflexns, sFrRading dr,r ression, electrical activity of the cartbral cort=; sl,!zp and awal.cnln.~, bloch,:~nistry and netabolien cf brzin, roticular fo=ation; -encral and r1lazyn-4coloty: cell r,!1Y3'Olog7; t~,* neuron, the synarse, zion,,lionic transmission, mediators, CABA; and adaptation, stzcss and shocIt. Very condci;sed reporta of this meetivia in sertember. 1962 In 111olland, glvinr, mentially little more than tho titles and notbors and nationalities or cAriss of origin. jmt raperx are dtacussed in a fcsf sentence$. HC _11114%Fj'I~T.; kixi-im, J. lllstolo~-,ichl or the cninpottentu of prltrKry, responsF- (PGR) Jr thn s,)matooonsor7 area -in rats. i-hysial. Bohemosl. 13 ni.5:484-487 164. 1. In3titute of' "hysiology, Czechnslo,iak A-Memy of Scienccs, and Secord DepaTtment of Pathological Anat-juT, Charles llnivpr!-,Ity, Pragiie. HO I B Brlo J' tcisinsory areh in rms, Physiol. B-,remo~,Lov. 164. Fri-mairy c)rtl-,,iJ- re3p',)I.Se (PCR'l of ~hp in rats during prolongel hypoxie. Prfl~~U 3 HOLUBAR, J. - ... ~ . 1. 1. . Some characteristico of the direct cortical reeponse OCR) in rate. Pbyaiol, Bohemool. 13 no.51488-495 164. 1. Institute of Physiologyp Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. a 1) A mmary (k,CR) and direct (DGR) cortleml responsom of the prinlaillin fonuo in rate. Physiol. Bohfimnal. 1,1 no,51 496-503 164, 1. Instituto ail 11hysiale)"t (I'tachoaln-vAk ~-mtdwmy or 4")olencHm, Prague. CZEC iA'1'V'A ix, I 1A 11OLUBAR, J.; /I_kfriliation not 1~lvan_7- "R. BERJ111EK: Intracellular Electromyography in Man." Prague, Ceskosloven3ka Fysiolopie, Vol 15, Nc 3, Mlay 66, p 260 AbStract: The articl:~ is a review of a book published by the State Medical Publishing House (Statni Mravotnicke Nalclada 4-alStVi ) at U Prague in 1965; it has 120 pages, 60 fivures, and sells for 11 Kos. Tlie book has 2 sections. In tho ~'irst the problon. of intracellular electromyoSraphy is reviowed. In the second author's oriRinal n. ethod of noasuremonts is described. T3is retl-iod made it possible to measure electric potentials inside of individual muscle fibers of man, something that has never beon achieved before. Detailed in- structions for the construotion of apparatus nooded for the method tire given. The high impedance input circuit of the a-mplifiers and the glass nicroelectrodes used in the method are described No references. 14 76;or'%-rn tb~ Fkad Pokrolcy :riO. L~.-z V HOMM, Josef Report of the Comisaion an Mathemitical Terminologyo Pdkroky mt Vyz astr 7 no.2:322,.162. M7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chei:Ltcal Technol,gy Ilrucessin6 ol: SLUid Li. L C, Fossil Fuels. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 24, 1958) 82912 Author : Holubar V. Krejcik, Z, Inst Title HLcro-Photometric Determinations of the Reflective Proper- ty in Coals. Orig Pub Uhli, 1957) 7) No 11, 381-367- Abstract The reflective property of 38 samples of Czechoslovakian coal from various coal basins of the country was measured on a reconstructed Beichert's microscope which was equip- ped with a special device for microphotography. The date obtained are represented on diagrams, microphotopictures and in tables. Card 1/1 4. KWLER, M.F., inz,, GSa.; HOWBAR,, VI.., We. On Czechoslovak Stand=4- " 1345: Micropetrographic Coal Analysis. Paliva. 43 no.8*261-262 Ag'63 1. Hornicky ustav,, CaBkoolovenska akademis ved. HOLUBAR, V:L.v C*Sc.; KESSIERS Wet Inzop C~Sc* Determining the porosity and denaiiq of coke, But listy 18 no,2 180-84 F 163. 1. Hornicky ustavs Ceskoolvdilska-akademle ved,, Pr&ha. SEICHTER~ A. , dr. Coke optical anisotropy and the possitility of its quantitativo expression. Hut listy IS no.3:166-271 Mr 163. 1. Horzlicky ustav, Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha (for Holubar). 11OLUPCIF, M. "Dendrolohric gardens in Bawkm 5tiavnica and its surmirolinp 11 ~ 0 p. 244o (Chesky Lid., Vol 34, No. 7, 1957, Pragu?., Czechslolrakia) GEOGRAlliff & CFPLCCY Monthly Index of East European Accessions (M-A-T) LCI Vol T, No. 12, Dec 58 HOLUBCTK, M. "Problems concerning the eelection of the thickneen-spen unit uand In al-agnification work from the roint of view of exactness and economical prr,cedunt-11 Lesnicky Casopis. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 4, no. 6, 3.958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAT), LOW, Vol. So No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas HOLUB.C.IK, 11. Planting foreigh trees in the Kysihbel forest arboretm near Banska Stiamica dtiring the years 1919-1957. P- 258o LE&NICKY CASOPIS. (Slovenska akademia vied) Bratislava, Crwchoslovakia, Vol. 5, no. 3/4, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEP.I), LC, Vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. lioLubcl-K, il. Dwiiage to trees in the forest Arboretu,:i of Kysihylml by wind and snow. P - 115 Polana. Povernictvo lesov a drevarskeho prieWslu. Vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Polana, Czechoslovakia Monthly list of East European Accessions (ELAi) LC Vol. 9, no. 2 Feb. 1960. Uncl. HOLUBCIN, Milan, inz. Solution of tasks assigned to the Researcl, Institute for Forestry in Banska Stiavnica. Vestnik CWV 7 no.8:427-432 060. (EUI 10.' 3) 1. Vyskumny ustav lesneho hospodaratva, Banska Stiavnica, (Czechoslovakia--Forests and forestry) HOLUBGIKI M. "Problems of increasing forext!yi~idv VOIJ,.!~ Introduction of fast-groving and economically valuable trees". Reviewed by M. It4ubcik. Lee can 8 no.2:.154-156 162o HOLUBCIK, M. *Dendrologym by B.V.Grozdov. Reviewed by M.Holubeik. Lee can 8 no.6:475-476 '462. Ir HOL"13CIK, M.41-an, inz, CSr, Natural regeneration o.'x the giant fir flblps gvandip L-Irdl.1 and Balkan pine (Pinue peuce G-,Isob,) In 'Kisililibl. '~a3 cas 11 no-42379-392 Ap 165. 1. Research institute of Forestr~r, Eanska St'-wrnica, Submitt,36 July 23, 1964. ;7c" !p" 3 U; Uven Names Cowitry: Acade,ruc Degrees: a;q Affiliation: (Udtro(I~Ii I.,IO1Q;--,J.cIv ~,k:; Source: Us~ic-e~jj~.j'rjo UFtt~%,U ueolo, icie'.10, *,,Iol XX,,,~Jj, !.~o j,,;~.e Data: pp act rco n Structlural, !;-4scordaiace of the Variscla~i and A--:L;yntiLLzi Strv U t:ie Im-'i-asne .--.:ora 1-11ountains (Erzgebirae)." /In :~exv,an/ HOUPEC, Jan *Formation of the Trietal transverse zone; uontributic= to the tectonics of the Vogpand schist mauntainsIt by Diotrich Franke, Reviewod by Jan Holubeoc Caa min geol 8 no,,3:31i n 163. HOLUBEC, Jaroslav, inz. Reducing the workini, time in industries viewed by powar engineers. Energetika Cz 11 no.1:1-3)12 Ja 161. 1 1: :1;1-il."~; .-U. HOLUDECP J4, Inz. Increasing the teohnical standards of our enterprisem, Energetikacz n w,,IsSuppl.i Energetika 11 no-11:5--6 ja 161. HOLUBEC, Jaroslav, inz. Development of power engineering in Ceechoslovakia. Energetike Cz 14 no.9t4l7-420 S 164. 1. Central Administration of Power Lugineering, Pragnie. HOLUBEC, -, Jaroslav,-inz. Increasing the standards of fuel and power managment. Energetike, Cz 11 no.4:161-162 Ap, 61.