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HOHL, Hans, Dr. Ing.; RICHTER, Jorg, Dipl. Ing. Opionions on the space arrangemenst of women's worksites. Podn org 18 no.7:321-327 J1 164. 1. Institute of Applied Sciences and Standardization, High-3r School of Technology, Dresden, German Democratic Reputilic. ITURCSIKY Istvan (Pace); UPOR, Endre (Pecs); IIOHWN, -Toino(Pacm); JURASZ, Sandor (Pace) Fixing radioactive elements on mineral coals and the nature of the uranium-humic acid bond. Kam tud kosl MTA 16 no.1:117 161. (Radioactive substances) (Coal) (uranium) OmIc acid) -NT (m) ACC NR, AF6026638 SOURCE CODE: ~E/0061/66/017/01-/0001/0006 (1e") -" Z.1 AUTHOR: Cretzu. T.; Hohmuth K.; Winter. G. Schintlmeid~er, J. ORG: [Cretzu] Physics Faculty, University of Bucharest Rumaania- (Hohmuthl Winter, Schintlmeister] Nuclear Physics Section, Central In-s-t-i-t-tit-e-fo-r uclear Research, Ag=e-n-doi~f (Zentralinstitut fur TITIE: New 'levels in Tc-97 ~7 1 SOURCE: Annalen der Physik, v- 17, no. 1-2, 1966, 1-6 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation spectroscope, radioactive decay ABSTRACT: The transition energy of RU-97 -0 Tc-97 was found to be above 1050 k8Vj and two new levels for thef-line, at 786 and 995 keV, respectively, were verified. The decomposition of Ru-97 was investigated with the aic of scintillation spectroscop) utilizing a proportional counting tube and a two-dimensional coincidence device. The spin values of 3/2-f- or 5/2+ were tentatively assigned to the 995 keV level; the spin t Ross value of 3/2+, to the 786 keV level. The authors thank tor Ross for carrying out 1 fori C ~an figures. the separation of the chemicals. Orig. art. has: ;MM-ao d I (JPRS: 35,3861 SUB CODE: 18 / SUBM DATE: 05Jul65 / ORIG REF: 002 / SOV REF: 003 OTH REF: 009 RAVLIK, Oldrich, inz.;,-M.101 J.OSef inz. Use of heating oils for additional heating of 1$.aetteaters. Hut listy 16 no-5:312-334 My 161, 1. Vitkovicke zelezarny Klementa Gottwaldas Ostrava-Vitkovice. --,~OHI!,, Joseef Historic trip of the poverty-strioken people ol Oroshaza to BudiPeSt on May 1.,,1890. Blot ~ud 18 no.17:515-518 28 Ap 1163. .. L 34924*-g6 WET I 1JEW ID -ACC4 V 266j~ - - - - - - - - - - - -dijb 6 5VX61-6~~1664:16 2j-Vdi- 44 SOURCE CODE: 37 AUTHORt Kabolac, Oldrich (Engineer); Puncochar, Zdenok (Ey%imoor); 11ohn, Joaof (EnginooiT ORG: Klomnt Gottwald Vitkovice Iron Works, Ostrava (Vitkovicke toletarny K# Gottwald&) TITM: Complete automation of the charging of blast furna9pl. no, 6 at the Vitkovice Iron Works 16 SOURCE: Hutnicke Usty, no. 4, 1966, 233-237 TOPIC TAGS: industrial automation, blast furnace, conveying equipment, wtallurgio industry ADS7MCT: Practical experience itrith the now way of burden transport was very satis- factory. The total length of the belt conveyors is 1-5 Idlonoterso. Skip cars were also replaced by belt conveyors; before the raterial enters the skips small particles of coke and of sinter are eliminated. The belts are controlled fron a remote center* Tho system is completely reliable. The elimination of fines reduces fuel consumption The presence of operators in areas of excessive dust was elimJnatod.* Origo arte has; 6 figures and 4 tables* ff-ased on authors' Eng6 abatffLj-M4 St 36,6467 SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATEt none Card 1/1 (1 L-' HOHU, J., inzo Mbrperience in additional oil heatizig of baAmt heaters* by W.Keller, W Risse. Reviewed by J. Holm. Hat listy 19 noe7t 519-520 JIt64 T'EOH'-OSLOVA:,.~~ I A i IMPUTEE Institute for Structure Research of the Ge:fuan AQ-aderiy of Sciences, Derlin-Aa-lershof, EaSI- 'ej- u -1 [jLjI-jjr Pra,, -ue Collection of Czec.ios-lovalk Ch-0-micaL commlu-nication..-,., No 11, 1~6 1) 3126-3129' 11 3, i, "Crystal Structure of 2.1romovaleranone llnhydridle." HOHNJEC,o M. Results of improvement of flotation processes in the Bor mine. p, 1405 TEHUM,, Beograd.9 Vol 10., No# 10.9 1955 SO:. EM., Vol 5., No. 7, July 1956 %jUUULOI'y Yugoslavia a Catogory= Abs, Jour, 39690i "~UtI-L:)r flohnjec-14ilialjinac, S. and Zlof, B. Inatit~it. -'__Wo_F_given TitIc : The Preparation of Glycerine-Based Suppositories Orig, Pub. : Farmac Glasnik, 13, No 7-8, 327-333 (1957) .hbstract : 3 gms of Ila stearate are dissolved in 97 F-,ms g'Lycer- ine at 115-120*,and the solution in pourod inti) metal molds (80-90*1 1 hr); the contents of th.! molds are cooled gradually and high-grade trans- parent suppositories are obtained. The authors have investigated the solubility of the supposi- tories, the alkalinity of the solutions, their glyc- erine content, and the atearic acid. and Na-ion con- tent. 1. Mat-voyeva Card: 1/1 HoHN3E-C -MiHAUINAC, YUGOSLAVIA/Chemical Technology. Pharmteuticals, Vitamins. Antibiotics - Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-AKUn.) No 24, 1958, 82681. Author Benzinger), F-) Hauptfold, R., 11ohnJeS,_~. Inst Title The Essential Oil of Wilfoil as an Azulone-Containing Preparation. Orig Pub: Farnak glaanik, 1957, 13, No 1i-12, 467-472. Abstract: The cuitiflogistic action of the essential oil of milfoil with 15% azulene and pure synthetic guaiazulene was studied. Doth corrpounds were used as a solution in neutral olive oil or as a 2% aqueous solution con- tainine 15% Tween 20. The experimntop conducted or. humn subjects and on aninals the skin of which was Card 1/2 YUGO-3USIA/Cheraical Tachn(,106,y. Pharmceuticals. Vitar-drIG- Antibiotics. t,bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Nhin., No 24, 1958, 82677- Author Hohnj e c Inst Used in pbarmaceutical Preparations- Title Some Antib-iotics orig Pub' Farme. glasnik, 1957, 13~ No 11-12, W13-479- Abstract: The properties are described and the fon.%IatiOns of the following most frequently prescribed anti- biotics are cited: strePtOriyein, chlorarThenicol and also the groups of tetracycline and tyrothrycin. card POLAND/Chenical Technology. Pharmaceuticals. Vitcuainl3. Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khira., No 24, 1958, 82672. sulution. The color of the aqueous solution of reineckate I does not change for 2 hours after its preparation. The extinction curves for 2-20 mg.% of I are given. I is Precipitated from loo r,11 of solution in the form, of reineckate and 1s dissolved in 25 Ml of aqueous acetone (50 cos. acetone diluted with water to 100 r.11). The results coincide with the results obtained by the method of Yaretskiy and Akser, but the described method requires leas til,,o for the det-irmination H H Card 2/2 6 r Yugoslavia v o. No. 195( Bohn je c -MihallinaC I S. T utiong, Used jlz-atjon of kdrenalin Sol St bil 5 r l z~ TOP or the Preparation of LYe- Mlostly f asnik, 1959, -159 fjo 1_2~ 9-16 ac 93 PUP a . 1 . Farm JF s and f histol,tcal revi(-w of propert f __ ,7RACT Bri-. of adre~,Ilj n and al'So O l d- -i Uses ,enulin ,sible c , o a tberape stabiliZatiOn Of - . nd jjjethods of osulfite* al - .yr change ,nilizing agents are propoV,d; I. ric acidg te ta . l I Al s j on s PIIIOSPhOrie~ lactic) and tar Of benzAC scribed (l ; bisUlfite I , ~ e , Conditions are compounde. jjtairjing~ s CO lei com dro and some ~ . p p rilizing and stabilizing of eye 1 Lized medicina st0 -J oringj s - . with tile most frequentlY u I jr. adm ixture. From author's summary- a,gpnts. C A--,D: 21.3 HOHM04CUUMMO, a. 1114roduation a medicinal plants of American c4gin In the ancient Ragusall by (Institut za poviJest 1virodrAlas natamatiak1h i modioinokih nauka TAZU, Zagreb] " Glesimpr, Reviewed by S* Hohnjec4Uhallinao, Bul so Youg 7 no.6tISS D 162* --- HoHmc4amwinc s. "History of the hospitals of Rijeka" by [Xxiatitlut za -povijeat prirodnih, medioinskih i matematickih nauka JAZU..Z-agreb] To Kirincic. Reviewed by So Hohhjec-Mibaljinac, Bul * Youg 7 no,6zlM D 162, le, adsateur d'extraitsp KhL12stin acientifique," 110ITiEC-NIHALTIFAC., S. "Food and arterisclerosial iftavod zaL kamiju prehrans Far- maceutskog fakulteta.. &web] FoHibelic. Review*A by S. Hohnjec-MiWjimac. W.1., ac Youg 8 no.3A:34 -TO-Ag'63. 1. Rodacteur dlextruits#*Dj2letin scientifique". HOHNJEG-MIHALJINACJ Sofija Lotions, current Odparations in dermopharinacy. Flumicaut gl Zagreb 20 no.7/8.-283-290 JI-Ag 164. 1. Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Fhaxmaceutical Facultyj Zagreb, NAGY, Gyorgy, dr. On the eosinophil infiltrates and granulomata of the gastrointestinal tract. Orv. hetil. 104 no.11;496-500 17 Mr 163. 1. Fovarosi Istvan Korhaz, K-orbonotani Oszraly os a gy(ingyosi Bugat Pal Korhaz, Korbonctani Oaztaly. (EOSINQPHILIC GRANULOMA) (COLLAGEN DISEASES) (GASTROENTEROLOGY) (ALLERGY) (LYMPHAMENITIS) I- HORSTZTER, Bela Amenorhea of partisan women. Ljetople JAZU 63:409-414 '56 (Fubl.159). 4~- HOHUL, Melania; ZASADZIEN, &.z:Lslaw Shelter box for sedimentation jars for measurements of dust Contamination of the air. Roczn panstV zakl hig 14 no.1:27-30 163. 1. Voivodeship Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Opole. MLANIE."C11, Toma, ing. ; 110HUUFA, Ion, ing. ; NILT111, Vas!lp, ing. Selection of optimum voltage for electri: equ'-pmert .ised in the petroleum industry. Ipari energi!t 5 no.3-67 14 164. h . -ic- I ilufia; 1101C.,11, Z"Ygnunt; Gab~ Observations on the relationiihip betwean imnunrilogical. responses of the animal organism to antigens contained in diph the ria-te tanus- whooping cough vaccines. Med. dosw. m1krobiol. 16 no.Z:101-1:LO 164. 1. Z Zakladu Kontroli Technicznej Wytworni Surowic I '.3zczepionok w Krakowle (D,,-rektor- dr. Z. lvloszezenski). ANWHI, C., ing.; PODANI, Elena, ing.; HOIDAN, Maria, ing. Technical conditions required by polyvinyl ciaoride mixtures used for insulations, conductor shells, and olectrio cables. Rev chimie Min petr 12 no.10086-592 0 161. HTEC ~ T eJ za. inz.; SLkVIK, !van, inz. Measurement of rook temperature in mines. Uhli 6 no.10; 335-337 0 164. HODIAN, V. "Si-anificance and use of different kinds of synthetic leather in the shoe industry." LEKA PROMISHLETICST, Sofila, Bulgaria, Vol. 8, no. 3, 1959 Monthly List of East EuroFean Accessions Irdex (FEAT), Pie Lita-ary of Congress, Volume 8, No. 8, August 1959. Unclassified BRUDA, P., conf.; BERARIU, T., dr,; GRUM.-Ig. dr.; GOSEA~ C., dr.; Chimisti: HOINARESCU E.; CHIORFIN, V.; GAVRUS., A. - Contribution to the study of disorders of netabolion in urlTmz7 lithiasio. Il. Med. intern., Rucur 13 no.1:71-85 A 161. 1. Incrare, efeetuata in Clinica de urologie din Cluj in colabc-rare cu Catedv-vle de biochimie, anatomis patologioa, Bacterldlogie si fiziea medicala. (URINARY CAMULI metabolism) (CLIMUM metabolism) PHOSPHORUS WtAbollem) (MAGNESIUM metabolism) (PROTEM metabolism) - -.- -- -- - .- . I . I .- - - ~, -l- ! UMILILM4. Uill ",!hJU1&Mllltb M41011 olk"tW4 A Lbr. Lail; _,js A tAto War%axt Vd-odilLu 1, U x --- " i . , .- ~ - . ", ;:! ! . , . T 1. Li I f-~ .4, - -1 - - - --- - -77-7 -- --7.- - ---. -.-. --- -------- :,7 . . , , ~: ~ . :- - ---- ;L--.'--,-~-",~t-'--I---!'--':-!-:-.-~-'------'------~iF~,'-;;';~l-ii---ji-i,,:-~-,:--~il-lt,-jl-:---,:-i:--,::~ - --.. I I - - - - - - I -: - .. . I ~ - - -I- L-L, , . ~. L. 1 - - - - II i ~ I I . . I I I I . RULIMIA TEODOROVIGI, Gr., Conf. Dr.;_1101SIE B.~ Lieu tenant-Colonel, Medical Corpa; 2__ MV~, A., Phy.,ician; OAE'A, C., Physician, CHIRIAC, N., Major, 14adical Co~p!;; M~~a~, Georgaa, Physician; and ILMIDRACHE, Luchiila, Biolooist. "CourGe of Int'luenza in the Ilintei: and Spring of 1965 in Some Units in the Territory of 'Noldavia" Bucharest, 11evista Sanitara Hilitara, Vol. 62, No. 3, Ray-june 1966; pp 545-550 Abstract: Discription of epidemic of flu in the world since 1960 and in 11-foldavia in rarticular, in I-linter and Spring of 1965 in several military units there; 3encrally morbidity was about 15% and the disease was running a relatively mild course, presumably due to ininunc condition from the pre- vious epidemic which was also caused by the influenza strain ".2- 1 West- era, 5 Rumanian reierences. Manuscript received 27 November 1965. 3.1 - SPINU, I.1- PENCKA, I.; HOISI-K, Silvia; VASILESCO, ni,r OANAI C,,-, M=UGANI,-p SASUP D,. Research on the spidemigen'Lo potential of old tularemia foci. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 23 no.3:63-14,36 320 1. Travail de la Direction dlHygiena et de Protactlort du Travail du Ministere de la SantA 6t des PreT-yancee Socip-leo et de 1'Tnsti- tut *Dr. I. Cantacruzinoux Bacarest. PMCKA, I.; ~~ ~Silvi~a- LASCOON. I PIRWINSCHI. T. Research on the antigenic properties ol! tularin. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol. 23 no,3t644)454 S163 1. Travail de IlInstitut MYr,I*Cantacu!mdno*; Filiale do Jassy. Floizbecher, K. Heating large spaces by gas infrared lamps. p. 253. PAUVA.. )Ministerstvo paliv a energetiky) Praha. V01. 35, v0. 8, Aug. 1955. SCURCE. EEAL - LC Vol. 5 No. 10 Oct. 1956 HOJA, S. Mu scle regeneration in bigber vertebrate. Bratiel. lak. listy 35 no.10:6.54-663 11 May 55. 1. Z Ustavu. pro vasobeenu biologiu LMK v Bratialave, prednosta doe. dr. V. Vreansky. (MUSCLES, physiology ragen. In bigher vertebrates) (REGENERATION muscles in higher vertebrates) 3A Dynamirs of :-hanaus in f-bur. :;--t lek. listy 4,4 no.8:473-477 161,. .1. Katedra hygieny Lak. fak. llyi-iv~- V. Mu::h&, vedtic-i prof. 11.9"Or. V. OZECHOSLOVAKIA / General Problems of Pathology. Trans- U plantbtion of Tissues and Tissitc Therapy# Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 11, 1958, 51572. Author Hoja, S. Inst Title Multinuclear Formations and Giant Cells in Tran3- planted Striated Muscles. Orig Pub: Biologia, 1957, 12, No 7, 533-542. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 11101J~A, S. -Ui i I L., XCE HOJA, S. 5ome cytolo;,~ical problems in striZLted -au-ncle:i illur,.'Ln,~ their 11 ran 7-plantat i o n. I.Divigion of nucliA. T:.. 75-9. BIC,I-&.',IA. Vol. 12, no. 10, 1957. Monthly Index of Za3t European Acce~7sions LC.' "'ol. 'F, N"O. 12, Dec. 158 HCUA, :3. SCIENCE HOJA Q. Some cytolo7ical -roblimq in striater.1 rusclor r~,urln!r, tl,elr trwnsmlanta- %) ~ I - tion. II. Chnn,aes in the varions tyros 01-:7 'Uvi(~111-! -Iuscle nuclei. P. 843. Vol. 12, no. 11, 1957. Monthly Index of Ea3t European Accr-sicns rzp Vol. ?, No. 12, Dec. 15P YNTI., 5 "Contri button lo the nutrition of' 'muscle trawqrlwit~:i (A-utotrinmplantation homotransvlant&tlon, and ho~terotransplanta tion) -11 BIOLOGIA, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 13, no. 7, .1-958 Monthly list or Ea-9t Europe Accessions (BEAI), LC, Vo~. 8, No. C, Sf-,Pt 59 Unclas HOJA, S. Contribution to the so-called classic form of the direct diftsion of muscle nuclei, P* 706o Bratislava# CsechoslovaKae Vol. 13, no. 99 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (ESAI), W.. Vol. 9,, no. 2. Febe 1960o Unoic. HOJA S.; PEJZA, V. Mitotic activity in striated muscles uTider various conditions of their regen- eration. p. 273 BIOLOGIA. (Slovenska akademia vied) Bratislaval Czechoslovakiap Volt 14., no, 4j 1959 Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EFAI), LC . Vol. 8v no. 32, Nov. 1959 Uncl. HOJA, Stefan Some peculiarities in the operation and occurrence of noise.,3 in regenerating muscles. Biologia 14 no.12:938-940 159. (EKAI 9:7) 1. Katedra, vseobeene-4 biologie Lekarskej fakulty University Komenskeho, Bratislava. (KARYOKINESIS) (MUSCLES) HOJAv Stefan -, . - I I z- I . - ,.- I I ~ - ~ -Repeated transplantation in experimental conditions. (Experiments on the muscles of rabbits). Biologia 17 no.1:35-39 162. 1. Katedra biologie Lekarskej fakulty University Kownskeho v Bratialave, (MUSCLES tranepl) (TRANSPLANTATION exper) HOJTA, Stefan-, PUZAI Vladimir; SPRINGL, ladielav Activitiee of Bone cell elements in regenerating skeletal mu"clea. Biologia 17 no.2;143-347 962, 1. Katedra biologie Iekarakej fakulty Univerzity Nomonakeho 7 Bratislava a Katedra biologie lekarekej fakulty Karlovej Univerisity v Kradai Kralove (MUSCLES anat & histol) (REMMATION) I- HP~A_, -Stefan A microphotographic adapter. Biologla 17 no.2:.152-154 '62. 1. Katedra biologie Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Nomenskeho v Bratislave. (PHOTOGRAFU equip & supp3,T) HOJA,NLanj RECUMOMR, Ltudovit A simple laboratory exposimeter for microphotograpbT and microcinam- tograpby. Biologis, 17 no-3t223-227 102. 1. Katedra biologie a Katedra fyziologie lokarskej fakulty Univermity Komenskeho v Bratislava. MICROFIIMG equip & supplies) NEnUCROGRAPHr equip & supplies) i M HOJA, Stefan Distribution of glycogen in regenurating skeletal muscie. Biologia 17 no-4:303-306 162. 1. Katedra biologie Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity Komenakeho v Bratislava. (GLYCOGLN metab) (MOLES metab) (REGENL11VION physiol) HOXAP S.; VITTEK, J. Effect of royal jellr on-regeneration. Folia b1ol. 9 11043: 230-232 163, 1. Department of General Biblo&, Faculty of Medicinep Cownium University$ Bratislava. (BFM) (WOUND HEALING) (MUSCLBS) HOJA, S.; technicka spoluprace J'll"DOVA, K. Study of- chrcmophilJc and chromophobic Purkinjo cells in mouse mutants with bereditary anemia* Bratisl. Ick. IlBty 44 no.9t532-540 164 1. Katedra Lekarskej biologle Lek. fiLkulty Univerzity Kom(mskeho v Bratislave (vechiol prof. IM11r. V.Vrsarsky) a Blologlay Ustav Lek. fakulty UnIverzIty Martina I;uthcra v Hulle (""aale) (ireduci prof. Dr. H.A. Freye). -HOJApS. Experimental contribution to the utudy of otriated musele re- actions to different types of injury. Bratisl. le1c. li.3ty 45 no*5t273-282 15 Mr 165 1. Katedra lekarBkej biclogie lakarske fakulty Univerwity Komenakeho v Bratislava (veducit prof, Mr. Mrsansk-,y). ACC NRt AP6023503 SOURCE CODE: GZjOO49/65/O0O/Oll/U6:5/W3U AUTHOR: HoJa. Stefan--Goya. Sh. (Docent; Doctor; Candidate of sciences; Bratislava) ORG: Department of Biology# Medical Faculty, Comenius University,, Bratislava (Katedra biologie Lekarskej fakulty Univerzity komenskeRoT TITIE: Importance of replantation in healing of wounds Q3. .26's.- SOURCE: Biologiaj9'noj. 3-1, 1965s 825-830 TOPIC TAGS: rabbit, wound; myology, tissue transplant, histology ABSTRACT: Experiment8 were conducted with rabbits; inta sinall muBole wounds various sections of muscles were replanted. The !shapes were square, ciroularo or diso shaped. Individual replant- lates were supplied. food from the surrounding area even in the ifirst'few days; early revasoularization and quicker changes in .structure were assured. New formation of muscle tissues was '- ,observed after replantation. The method appears to be vary suit- able for the stfiklition of healing of muscle wounds. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. [JPRS3 SUB CODE: 06 SU13H DATEI 1OApr65 / ORIG REFt 005 Card 1/1 JIOJA I S. Healing of muscle wounds under the influence of hyaluronidase. Rozhl. chir. 44 no.11:773-777 N 165. 1. Katedra lekarskej biologie Lekarskej fak-ulty University Komenskeho v Bratislave. ~ HOJA, S. A significant anniversary in genetics. To th* 100th anniversary of the publication of the scientific discoveries of G.J. Vendal (1865-1965)- Biologia (Bratisl.) 20 no.8:561-568 165 POLAND / Farm Animals. Poultry. Q-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biola, No 14, 19580 No 64555 Author : Gorski, L.; Nieviarowicz., A.; Rnjan, U.; Niezgoda, A. Inst : Not given Title : Experiments in the Utilization of Vitamin B12 (APF) and Peni- cillin for the Industrial Fattening of Chickens. Orig Pub : Przagl. jajcz.-drob., 1957, 51 No- 3, W-18; No. 5, 20-21. Abstract : Chicks receiving vitamin B12 in their rations, when aged 1 to 2 months) showed a higher Increase or live weight than the control ones, but at the age of 3-4 months, yielded to the latter as regards weight gain. The combination of B12 with penicillin increaeed the gains of chicks even at the ago of 5-6 months. A higher food conversion was obverved both when B12 was fed alone or in combination with penicillin) espe- cially when the rations were laching In rud=1 protein. Card 1/1 "Developers for domestic photw-raphic paper." Fotokemijskn. I I Kemija U Industriji, Zagreb, Vol 3, No 1, Jan 1954, z. F4 SO: Easter.-i European 'Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 19540 Lib. of Congress -i ;W DOIid-', iT, Lay techn.,Lc~,.! draullif's co~,- o tile ""Ork"ing -olacc. p. Vol. 2C~,, I . Sept. 'W"11-37awa 10 '-:on'u*.,]-Zr List of East European Accessions, L"', Vol. 3, -'lo. 1-2, Dec. Uncle FQ~AF ?,-- Receiving steel constructions is not a formalityo p. 3?j (PIRZErx.An staw%ANY, Warszawa, Vol. 27, no. 2, Feb. 1955-) SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. *.0 %'hm. 1955, Uncl. "). Stresses as a ~ma-rantee of safety in building. ,. 105. Vol 27, no. 4, Apr. 1955. PRZErLAD BUDOI-ILAT-1. Warsaw, Poland. So: Fastern I~iropcan Ptccessio:i.. Vol. 5, no. 4, April 1956 HOJARCZYK S. Industrial safety and hygiene, an element of the teohnical progress. p. 265 Vol. 27, no. 8,, August 1955 PRFZFGLAD BUDOWLANY. Warszawa SOURCEx Monthly list of East European Accessions (FFAL) LC Vol. 5,,no. 2 February 1956 HOJARCMO S. HOJARCZYKs, S. In answer to the critic. p9 123 Voices in the discussion concerning the dawige to the steel construntion in Raciborz published in PrzejzW BMdo . p. 125 Vol, 28, no. 3. Mar. 1956 FRZEGLAD BUDOWLANY TMHNOU)GY Warazawa,q Polud So: East European Accession,, Vol. 6. nos2p Feb# 1957 HOJARC'ZYKY S. Warsaw bridges. p. 5. FRZEGLAD TECHINICZNY. (Naczelna Orgenizaoja Tecbniczna) Warszawa, Poland Vol. 80, no. 180 May 1959 Monthly List of East European Acessions Index, (EEAI)p LC, Vol. 8, no, qk- June 1959 Uncl. HOJARCZYK, Stefan (Warszawa) -, Reply to the article on most recent apartD3nt, building in Warsaw. Przegl budowl i bad mieszk 23 no 8z,1165 Aq 161 HWARCZYK, S-:-efan (Varszava) - For a good oxWle. Prz.egl. badowl. i bad mieiizlc. 33 no.52262 My 163.. Irl HOJARCZYK, Stefan (Warszawa) Determination of permissible otresseo in steel 2onstraotions of cold pressed thin walled profiloso Archiii in;i lad B rio-3021- 326 162. HOJARCZYK, Stefan (Warszawa) Economic planning as seen from the good side. Przegl budowl i bad mieszk 34 no.4/5tl98 Ap-My 162. HOJARCZYK, Stefan (Warszawa) . . ---- - . -- ... -- Order as a first rate problem. PrsegI budowl i bud miessk 34 no.7070 J1 162. HOJARCZYK,.,Atefan(Varazava) Economics of metal constructions and economizingr probligms; collective paper deliverect at the ?d Internationpl Conference ori Metal Constructions, Warsow, May 1962. Frzegl budowl i bud mies&, 34 no.3-1:61+5-61#7 N 162. ROJARCZYK., Stefan (Warszawa) Remarks on investipent operations. Przegl budowl i lxd mieszk 35 nool:2-4 J& 063* -H"ARMUO,_&~f szawa) ~(War Briefly on currently important problems, Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 35 no*5-.193-194 W 163o HojARCZYK, Stefan (Warozawa) After the accident. Przegl budowl i bud mieszIr 35 no.109 514-519 0163. HOJARGZTK, Stefan ddc iileo' Seventy years of Polish construction workers arsociations. Przegl budowl, i bud mieszk 35 no.110-573-574 r'63. Still more on typicality. 576 Typification and industrial safety in building. 623 BIELICKI, Wojslaw, mgr inz. (Warszawa);_40JARCZYK, Stefan, prof. inz. (Wm-szawa); SAND, Wieslaw, mgr (Warszawa) - '' ''' Book reviews. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 36 no.3.-173-175 PIr 164. I r? BIELICKI, Vojsla,.r, mgr inz.? HOJARCZYK, Ste-fanp prof. inz+ Xxi attempt to evaluate; a nev Linds? Przogl teclat 85 ric*91:4, 5 1 Mr 164. FUEAR, J. HOIJI-AR) J. Prospects of the use of conveyer lelts in opmi-plIJ, coal, udn'Ll.'E'. r'. 262. Vol. 1, N'O. 3 AuE. 195'- 1 1 .1 UHL! TECH"CLOGY Ptah, Cz~,choslova~ia So: East Europeon Accessions, Vol. 1w, No. 5, 1956 HOJDAR, Tooef, ins. "Calculation basis for lignite surface mi rd iu 0 by II.Hartig wid R.Ciesielski. Reviewd by Josef Hojdar. Uhli 4 no.8:288 Ag 162. HOJDAR, Josef, inz. Increasing the lignite mining. Ubli 4 no.12:40&.407 D '62. 1. Namestek reditele Sdruzeni severoceskych hnedoidielnych dolu. CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products. H Food industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 20, 69o48. Author :o Inst Not given. Title Automation and Mechanization In the Milk Industry. Orig Pub: Automatisace, 1958, No 4, 122-124. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 97 C, , J,41IR "I a NZOR7 : Cliemical Tachnolon.-. Cbemici)l ProiNcts nnd Tbeir Ariplict,tions. Frind I-nOustry ALS. JOUR. : RMIM. NO. '?:3 1959, rO . 83 91M AUTHOR : Cerovsky, J.- Itenik, J.; Tjojaar, Ene-~, V. Lis"I . t T 1. T 1, T Mech~~ni7e(l Plow Litit, for tkigp Proiluction of Acid Cy?:7ein L.-STFUCT For covinIpfe rnecl)vni7~ntinrt (if a. continuous flow in I.I.-o nnnilfriefiire of nrsei.n it is Y,ro- por*-d to bicliielt, n, counterflow. direct ---or:tion r-na trans-fiarter -I)rpss. T11--o wrtsbor co"ri-,em, sl,%nted, sta.iont-ry cylinder., "Iiinned with sin internpl, "erforatod. rots- tin," drim, i,,Avinp, s-, mixer. Ppddloq of the mixer tre irranped in P, scr4?w tyne fruzhion Tilonry tile wholp lenpth of tbe sh:~ft. TI)aY nre ,Ao oriented as to i1irect. the f1ow of qrains iinward, taiintercitrrently to tbo T"Low of vater. URD: 112 u U 4 11 4 ly If It 0 $**cadet, I st"W-W- 0;14 1 : I d t 17 - "m -- T"art *Z~e- ,X A x V L: '_1 m 0 b- 11 0 1" 4, . - . ~ -~' a 004 7'0 0 '_i~ I A f1 1. 1. "00 of ;.44 Go* slecuk cmductivay antr(A ad ilam v"O 44twafion Lijir . so 004 'b Wty~ Into 4-40M)-- 04.2 ;,a* 0 A 11. if"Pivimm twults aw W-0- w1fis Ill hamtpm tbsough a 8k" tilt* ttw $&in.c it*&,, wvft pksccd. Coutinsoull Loull wbkb &be tire ed tht oplustut to UMMA t detm. during a wasoll cuAW 0 J low 01 S-4s into the tAtn. chmulmr. CalibrOtilm cur%v' ~huw a humv "Utkm betwcvn the mad. mud thir AILY- of o" -jui.,,- ill tim satu.chmmlltf-~ j mod. dild *W Lw jxmilk tos-'OntrOl thr dOw O(S" byritc~ 0 1004 Frank 11.rrh I'lAke tilt, 'awflatioel Autolluitir. KOO 00 ~0* ::'roe ~"j Ifoo !.t:oo 'Joe Al 6 .1 L A M41ALLUROCAL LITENOURE CLASSIPKAMN a !tloo j 410W . JWV Ito* b U 16 AT sa-!-Ilb- r -q --I if n it K 14 0 " 000 111-0 0- 00 *0 00 10, IV 0 040 4 *so 0 0 0 is 0 a 000 00 0000 0 0 0! 'qL 1, 4 0 0 go 0 a 0 ooss 0 0011 " 2 - - 000 0 Czechoslovak-r Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Carbohydrates and Refinement, 1-26 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 63492 Author: Hojdem, Bretislav Institution: None Title: Decantation of Clarified Juice Original Periodical: Dekantace cerene stavy. IdBty cukrovarn., 1953, 69, No 12, 258-2653; Czech Abstract: Described are plant scale experiments of clarification of dif:Vusion juice of purity 87-87.5 from low grade sugar beets, according to 3 variants: (1) 2-step defecation; preliminary (at 60-650) with 4 in- crements of milk of lime (ML) (total CaO 0,35~ of beets by weight) and final (at 90-950) with 2 increments of I-EL (total CaO saturation to alkalinity 0.025-0-090% CaO; (2) single step defecation (at 950) with 2 increments ML (total CaO 1.7-1-4), saturation to alkalinity 0.025-0-09% CaOj (3) 2-step defecationj preliminary (at Card 1/2 Czechoslovakia/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Carbohydrates and Refinement, 1-26 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, Wo 19., 1956, 63492 Abstract: 85-900) with 4 increments ML (total CaO 0.35%) and final with 2 In- crements ML (total CaO 1.25-1.44), saturation to alkalinity 0.025- 0.110%. Evaluatei were decantability (on the basis of time required to reduce volume of precipitate to 25% of volume of sample) and filterability of precipitate (by surface of vacuum filter needed to process 750 t of sugar beets per day). Beat rea-Lilts were obtainod according to the last mentioned variant. Effect ol' clarification procedure on color of the juice was not investigated. Card 2/2 HANUS, Jaroslav, inz. RNDr., CSc.; HUDE14, Breti.9lay, doe., inz. Enzymatic determination of glucose in biological xuaterials. Prum potravin 14 no.10:552-554 0 163. 1. Ustredni vyzkumny ustav potravinarskebo prunWalu, Praha (f or Hanus). 2. Universita 17.11stopadu, Praha, (for Hojdem). HOJDEN. Irena; VICINSCIg Ryssard The utility of the portggram In the oboervation of parturition. Gin.poloka 31 n64-4:419-411 JI-Ag l6o. 1, Z Kliniki Poloanlotwo, I Chorob lobiecych A.M. v Slalymetoku lierownik: prof* dr *ads 395oszkas (LABOR PhPiol.) ,TFRABEK, Jan Mr.; CERNY, Ludomir, Mr.; NO.TTJYSZ, Jan Study of the stability of biologic properties Gf tho hog cholera virus transmitted by rabbits. Ft,l. Voter medicine. 9 no.5:379-386 0 164. 1. Chair of FpIzooLIo1vg%v aml Tnternal Tlisaaves of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicire, Brno, 11-ad or the Chair (don. Mr.) Jaroalav Drazan, anc Chair (,i' 1athological Morpholou and Fhyaio' - n," the Ric 1-', 1. of Vof,-w~nwy Redicine, Brno. Heid of the Chair (doc. Mr.i Miloslav'Zendulka. Submitted Feb- ruary 5, 1964. HOJnp Vladimir, inz. Experience vith operational tests of bydroaltmrnators, El tech obzor 50 rmo.lM599-6W 0 161. 1. Ceskomoravska-Kolben-Danek Praba, ZX,P, (Dynamos) CA x4ath4*06n. G( me now" a Of ImIthooftin, K. "'chrrall't 1. f(oinialt (11W lrmorlj~ie 16ted., Zagreb). Arior Next. 21. 37'.57(in Huglkh, (11119); ef .4,t.o 11rd. Jagolkv. 2, 6%10,04. crnm of stanthOlotorrul (11 under different (vintilkinst w~~ ow,vniored previoutiv &nil the olethod &nil 412t, were rr;xwlrd by W.. ort al. (.Ieta 3led. Jurf/dr. 2, STOW11). The ex. linetwn effect 44 illmd. anklonts deretrolus,11 in The swolorr~ I - - d C"48 - :' 'It '~ Cl - ~' it . . OrInlill" WTTV LIHOPrik-flirt inhibillisirs 4-411V In Alk. ressbul. lot 1. while In neutral all. Wshm. the 'utell"13' "I the hictmwAi with cysinhir MICH. The x"ral rAnge of the Attorroomneor (colislion) (lQN1 4W rose in neutral 49. drerrioril in #;~M 'Arl Ill, (absorption of v4slet). not the inten"itV oil, Nitrilri 'frol rfiroulAIrs its tivultill on. $44110. r1itiolluibed thul's". criter. but outch Jew than expectorof frout licer's Law As the nine . -A nitea" was "WW or ramoseli through a 11-nix l1rul .1liol int-Tralos"I with increwing Pit (asides. of NA,6h). ']'he nut. seat, leos prrdmnmf lit moder4tely alk. Wlnqr* Frill, milli V13(ill lost$ were irstril .44 satilfAlroi . Inm ilie millAte i'sol load tilt effect tin fluotemrrovor a 1. In nVutf',j sollm IN-lit worre inhibilm, but the Cu(JI) intensity (0) Vurve Imrante abliocirw at relatively I'm meocile. (0 high" thAll r2rorclell), while the curve for Fc(Ij) seat noemal. Lowering ill the pit toy sphill. (if 11,-w), nude the el#(Il) , urvi- aptorm outer soninal, while the tevormor was trite int, it)#- FrOl) curve. This shows thm Ve( 11 1 wait it trite inhillil'tor ..11.1 that acidity droraml its r(fo,cl. CU(II) was a *,F-ik infribiloir. atul the effe-t in neutral -Ahis. was cauvril 1~v slight acklity due 1'. lowdrolynis. Iii aciol solits. the 11*j"n - eftell its Winituethinit flintomence wall even stronger, but was dur r.t to intolutiou is* such, bot to (mws(,"ssAt4- Into is tautootcrie torso nith a Neoirr 0 value. A kertler llettionstration was given by the Ix-hAvW of KI. *hir*j in 0 neuttal all. sulas. was in arrordaAcit with The above tlm*s of fillisms. In II,,SO' m1is. the ow"o3murrior foorm of I per- tUmainatesm. as noted ter tire ch.unat of the fiossror-scriu* to a yellow cellar. For this roins d 1 1.1 isw% a weaker isillihiter ( I(Wj% rive Ili the hall41lh it sit ion voi tell.). InX4XYNwsln~_-- however, inhibitiflort toy KI inettilitil to atielost N) little% 0% ralue in HO. (loss. stittiuror" 'IN) thowe'l tiole-rtal ri- (looeliem cury" (4 plillill mitill"t e,41ro I 'The kill inhiNtism conell. r (it, lo.4 1.1 tow the f-Atn"I"ll wls-~ MNIf. 1.10. sirts,itall,-l 1,32, birds ... mon ... w I Aloi~ sood P1101 I 13.14. Alrorbie amd 1, - 1 M lit 11,41W t-ame shithilst rotessor active in Na.04,w4n- t-ot wool usuvh less MAW N wr4k H&h it ]lost 3111"of lot ell"'I (' - .1 :'M Ilart"lutle am anti its dottiva. Tom WIN Alwo.ig lithilmlors, the tj- fort lurrmning with concom. join "it W44 roolli'll-lat'll. Its. Ill P11 :3 not Tise redu= effect Of WVAk I$A*M 1CMIN torhAlft at JO the Inorg, sults of wftk acids 1. And ill infulatorso its "lomilill' dlk "ors, led to the marbsotion the prmrnre of Off ion I acitienItS forinatkM 44 the 4-11,11 (,Will 44 1 (bio'Alset Alli-on s. which wat shown to, rsollifill its m-11 - th-l-Orcticir (91TM) ill 1,11 11.1%. In nrult,sl milni $lie nenit.1 Woo Irwin jnrole,ool- 1141cli. %hit< its A(Ul 1,141111. the RIU1,414ot 11tol A116104 Illtdolld Rates. The low inhibifinritortion (if "Itrilefi. chfor"Atco. anti KI (in alk, ourdiAl, as well as the d"tm9ell ffte" Od "Or 111hitAtoor In the pfroerner 411 C-111 it'" uNlirsolt"I not A trite. out ,, alliterent, losom of effect. beratmor Ill the cliAlist in structure Cyankh' I'm' ill "c"Lly Alk' wlts 'ill 01- cortitkin, ji.., is wen (ratio the yellow rillicor than green fluorits, cence of the 1101n.. which 1121; VOP"itilly st""IT after 11"sel brim. The inhilloom beer wits not the t-ytinitic ion itswif hat it Complex torloed with 1. "is "I'L.not the increased - (greater droll #4 #) ill miloll. WhiCk Neste tMM allowed I" stand Ml htll. I'lle "Nottli'll Joel's 3- $111 It. w fit I rr HGDUj jolanda M. The effect of I*W#.L= -ad aniarumfit an ~ 1 - ~ ~ 1&~. r, ~' & Q _ w . Mo. . S xiaiia_ i i BX11 111 * ff me No. 46 , 121-6(1953); cf. C.A. 46, 100M.- The enect. which NOt- and NHs, might have as depolariz- ers on the electrolytic saint. factor for obtaining DjO was Investigated. The presence of NO,- In the electrolyte did' ,not chance the sepri. factor, whereas It was Increased by the f 1 l b M A hi h IM r H d 0 Chemical Abst. 4- e ectroc em. oi ation o c. . o . N j. g amp./sq. cm. was used. The ano& and the cathode cbnm- V01- 48 Nc- 4 bers In the app. were not selid, The dctn. of the, meim. fac. Feb 25 1954 tors was based on the ch&nge In the d. of water clue to elecr . * trolysis. The samples wac normalized with respect to 00 Electrochemistry by introducing C0j until equil., slid futther treated as utsual. Normal water with 0.010% DoO was used as the staVing soln. Expts. were carritc! out lit tlectrolytic cells vtith working capacities of 100 'and 400 cc. of OAN KOIL 71m accuracy of the sepit. factor was 10%. The sepn. factors obtained by the magntlk float mothod were 7.5 anti 7.1 for 0.04Y and 0. IN Nils. and 5.0 without NH. for a tbtct- Ing,rol. of 100 cc., 8.0 with O.IN NHI, and 6.0 without NH, for a vol. of 400 cc. The pycriometer method gave values of 8.8 with 0. IN N111 and 7.3 without NHs for a vol. a( MO 1 cc. The sepn. factor decitmict! H the passage of H It 1 0 1, 4 the electroly-te was vrolonced. C. J. 0 11 0 1 , A Tr Sposctrophotamettic studr" ~& IS comvre-vff '4 ~,Illud VTull. V_ effects of PIC mul citrk adi canm on (fia llbwtptlvO' $Pel- truin or 6 x 10 W egas Were fimstisiOd. BT wilor Itte uttffiod d onutmuo= virh6~s, tftt VA-ifmiu~r.( q~mics at pH I und 5,9 wag round lobe F11=2 patentlametek titration it Is com-luded tititt &~verut tlpedes ate ,j--asent at eadi PIT. "~ polyruaic A . t 30061cv j~ ~Smr_ mted to expuin the resultil. !j Mati t h92c "Fite urattyl COMplariltrWse-reduttand 1( r all I A. BIJI. * Nmi4ed I 4, 1` Cf. 174.1 -The cittii, Of ur4ityl hin a4a miuctont cmtij~jm ws 1I%vt.1IiiA"xQd, Par III(: Convil. ranfie I's x 10-VIE0 x 10 )Ml., Ef/C ii coust. The theiviodymmic dbsmn. conti. of nidrctonn wtre detd. at 15, 25, and 23' and were (=%d to pKs at 1.5* - 5.21, FKI at 25' - 3.09.aatli pfC,- f 330 The ap arevt d s-,ocn. consiv.L: of the urriny) tedmtoom eom- plex - d. ut ionic st=6311.03 An4 as t am x I" /AnAlliled, agamidice Canie reductous. Whaditun, triose-re. ductme Zand U1131 I-raductic acid co lux 2 RL ?k- ild o 4 E Sw- 44 1a , A. ~Iuk and W H. 'Jifaaf;, VugnThavzAj. h" KH U111 . St "T 43-WI950) hi l h h ric (Belt;Tude) 9. b s d f th b l . sor exe e mo ar a o e n ency g M5 and 680 wX max. at pli 5.6 of the co"Itatly bonded -lanA at com lex of 2 tons V(V)/mol triowreductone H . p , p 3.7 of I ion V(V met. b*wm-mductcne, facilitate the opce. trophotome Z a. of V V at conens, above 0.25 -y/ml. q UOA V(V) are det . as their triose-reductone com- plex y 4' matrix method on the d(Nerence In molar ab cy Indexes of the respective complexes at M6 anji emw V u4cose-reductone compt 9 2 iolarci- hi t h I 1l d th S IS hi A I=I - w s we eve e c wam. one a c n trap :PH range and moving from Eq, - -7.5 to Eq, - -0.9 IV. with Inereasing pH. and the other in the pH runte of .2.".0 moving (max Eq. - -0.18 to Eq, - -4.6 v. The oxidation state of V in the triosse-reductone complex is Indicated from thm data to be 4+. V does not Ora the "rophotocutric deta. of the 1:1,motat UNH)~ rtduc:tlc acid compkx. but Uo(V1) "bibitingstrallar absocb. ancies at all wave lenobs malkes ther deta. of one In the . resenee at the other not possible. Cr(4111) Interferes to a p ' lesser ext t. . Pb(U) Cd(11) and Zn(11) laterffte In tho:-, 9 le d0n. 4 the 76ill) reductloc add I COMP tx.,'.' i Ill-defined polartWIm curves In the prelmct!''; SFA r, t.r(;phr, tome tr ic ~z-,e lror. mande1hydroxamic H"~em -1,-, 28 n,_ 1, Institute of' incirgi-inIc and- Analvt1c llho-.:c stry af A-8 Pharmaceutical Faculty, Pelgrade. Sulrzlltt.,~d r%. vt-Xi- ` 6~ C,-t.' c: POLAND / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Organic E-3 Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57245. Author : Molodecka J., Hojnacka A. Inst : Not given, ftl'ft~ Title : Detection of Small Quantities or Amines, Ori.a Pub: Chem. anal., 1957, 2p 193-194. Abstract: A simple apparatus for the detection of small qu4n- titieu of amines by the Faygel's method is proposed. Its functioning is based on the evolution of NH when amine salts are heated in the presence of 8a0. The generated NH3 Is detected with the aid of a sensitive paper impregnated with a solution of Mn (N03)2 and AgN03, and treated with benzidine solu- tion. The apparatus con5ists of a lonG, thin test tube that has a bulge, which assures contact of the Card 1/11-1 34 POLAND / Analytical Chemiati~y. Analysis of Organic E-3 Substances. Abs Jouri Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57245. Abstract: sensitive paper with the reagent at the mouth of the test tube. With the use of this appaTatus it is possible to detect traces of metbylamine pre- sent in methanol In the concentration range of 0.5-1.0 Vec. Card 2/2 COU NTRY : POLU'D I'CATTMORY : Analyk-lical Chemistry. Analysi3 of OrIgazile oub z3 t;unc e a Xts. Jcm. : Pznim., 11o. 1 !960., No. 900 AUTHOR : Einczews!.,i, J.; 11lojnacka, A. TIME ,.anic '21tration In A.-Lydrous 10dim. IV. Ox-_ ~nkrjdri~:os anew Acids OR N I,. P.M. Chem. analit. (polska), 11159, 1-2.. 801-C6 A BS MA CT To ascortain opt:bjv-0, coneit-ions 'or potentio- rictric titration of oronnic acids and fimh,., (rides in their niXltures, different electrode systems ~Nlc_.e tested. '2he systems (.Ylnos electrode-Pt and Mo-A-Cl prove,; to be the boat. If test sample conaists only of an acid and Its mulrra_ rietc, then the titration is perfornad in the nedium n, ethanol-benzol (1:2) with - 0.1 n. tGIRD: 1/3 E-23 COUNTRY CATEDCRY ABS. JOUR. i RZKhim.p No. 1 15 AUTHOR DIST. TITLE 1CRIG. PUB. 213 AB57RACT ne thanol, solution of CH 011a. 'The content of cont d acid (in is calculatrd accordimS to the formula: x z (14 - B).100/(x, - B), where 1-1 is the quantity of 1 n. CF130"a (J.n nil) nece3sai-j for neutralization of I g of saxple, K Is n calculated quantity of 1 n. M 01ta (in ml) necessary for neutralitation o~ i r, of acid, and B is a calculated quantity of 1 "' 9130"a (in ml) necessary for neutralization of 1 13 1CATMORY ABS. JOM. AUT,qOR IVIST. TITLE IORIG. FUB. RZKhirn.: No. 1 1960, No. 900 E ABSTRbOT of anhydride. If neutr6l.compounds are present cont'd in the sample, then it is dissolved in a fixad~ amount of mothenol; one part of the obtained solution is titrated in a methanol-benzol medium, and the second identical part of a solution is diluted with viater (1:10) and after one hour (following conversion of the anhydride into acid) the titration is repeated.: Report III) see HZhFhira.,, No 17, 1958, No 57251. -- 11. Turkevich CARD: 3/3 E-24 HOJNACKA, A. ; KNCZYMSKI, J. Titration in a non-aqueous medium. IV. Anhirdridei and organic acids. r). B9. CHRIMIA ANALITYUXA. Warszawa, Poland. No. % August 1950.. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EF:AI) W, Vol. 8, No. 11 November 1959 Uncl. JANCIP J.; ENDERST, V.; FELLEGI, J.; HOJNOSI J. Role of sodium sulfate in sodium base sulfite cooking. Sbor cal pap 8:119-136 163- Hojnos, J.~-- Kindling temperature of lignin and powdery lye. p. 233. PAPIR CEUJLCSA. (Ministerstvo lesu a dr,-.varskeho bnuVslu) FTaha. Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1954 c'CLRCE: EEAL - LC Vol. 5 No. 10 Oct. 1956 S Czechoslovakia /Chemical Technology. Chemical ProductB J-3 and Their Application Sulfuric acid, sulfur and Its compounda Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31219 Author : Hojnos Jan Title : Mechanism of the Reaction of Pyrite Roasting with Copperas in Pyrite Furnaces Orig Pub: Papir a celulosa, 1956, 11, No 2, 41-44 Abstract: On incomplete roasting of pyrite it is recommended to add a double amount of copperas (as compared with the stoichiometric, in relation to the amount of sulfur being volatilized), which decreases the possibility of sulfur sublimation. Maximum effect is attained at 650', when 56% of the sublimated sulfur are oxidized (at 750* only 32% S are oxidized). 1/4 Card 2 C;echoslovakia / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products 1-3 and Their Application Sulfuric acid, sulfur and its compounds Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khtmiya, No 9, 1957, 31219 It was ascertained, thermodynamically and exper-- imentally, than on roasting of pyrite in the pre- sence of copperas: a) on dissociation of pyrite there takes place concurrently also a decomposi- tion of the sulfate, a portion of which combines with the S, according to the reaction: FeSOv+ S~ =FeS * 2SC~ (1), b) in the oxidation of S takes - part also the S03 that arises on thermal decompos- ition of sulfate (or the 02 which is formed on dissociation of SOj); and as a result of the latte-r reaction (with participation of SOj) there is oxi- dized 1/8 of the amount of S, in relation to the amount of S oxidized In accordance with reaction (1) C ard 2A