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HETSNYI, Laszlo; SIFOS, D. Model-controlling receiver with one channel. fladio-Luecludka 10 no.7:199-201 J1 160. 1. "Hadioteelmika" rovatmetoje. MTENII, Laszlo Upper limit of the sensitivity of TV receivers and the applicability of antenna boosters. (To be contd.) I W.. Radiotecbn"e- 10 no,8;238-239 Ag 4 1. "RadiotachnUm* rovatmetojee HETENYI, Laszlo Upper limit of the sensitivity of televioion receivers and the applicability of antenna boosters. Radiotechnika 10 no.9t274- 275 S"60. 1. "Radiotechnika" rovatvezetoje. HETEIM, Laszlo Impulse technique in television picture transmission, Radiotechnika 10 no.11029-331 N 160. 1, "Radiotechnikall rovatvezetoje. HETENYI, ;,~Iszlo Impulse tecbnique in television picture transmission. Radiotechnika 11 no. 1:21-22 Ja 161. 1. "Radiotechnikal rovatvezetoje. HErENYI,Laszlo Tunnel diodb. Radiotechnika 11 no.2:58-60 F 'U"I 1. "Radiotechnikall rovatvezetoje. , HFrh-4YI,I~-.5z14- 0 Quartz calibrator. Radiotechnika ll no.3:68-69 Mr I'l 1. "Radiotechnikall rovatvezetoje. Impulse technique in television picture transmi3nion. Radiotechnika 11 no.3:79-80 Mr 161 HETRIYI, Laszlo Transistor mmateur signal genorator. Hadiotechnika 11 no.4: 98-99 Ap 161 1. "Radiotechnikaff rovatvezetoje. HETENYI, Laszlo Impulse technique in television picture transmission. Radiotechnika 11 no.5:150-151 ~iy '61 1. "Radiotechnikall rgvatvezetoJe. I I IIE Estimating nonlinear distortion of loud-opeakers by oscilloscope. Radiotechnika n no.6:187-186 Je 161. 1. "Hadiotechnika" rovatvezetoje. HETERYI) IASZIO floveltiw: H24-0-kw; hydrogen-ozyc;en ceiii the actroe of current of the future, Radiotechnika 11 no.9:282-284 3 161. .- HETENYI, Laszlo Microwave network and transmitters; from Liberty Square to the Szechenyi Hill. VII. Radiotechnika 11 no..11:338-339 N 61. 1. "Radiotechnika" rovatvezatoje. HETENYI, Laszlo 1 Raclio-fi-equency amateur valve voltmeter; measuring technique. Radiotechrika 12 no-5:144-145 MY 162. 1. Rovatvezetog "Radiotechnika." ITMINYI, Laszlo ~Ihat is -the performance of ultrashortwavo and TV antenrAo if there is no obstacle between the transmitting and reocivirv, antennas? Radiotechnika 12 no.6:182-IU Je 162. 1. wRadiotechnika" rovatvozetoje. HETENYIP Laszlo Graphic dimensioning of divided parametric oscillating circuits for amateur ultrashortwave sets. Radiotechnika 12 no.7:204- 206 J1 162. 1. "Radiotechnika" rovat"wtoje, HEMITYIP Laszlo Television receivers with co=on antenna. Radiotechnika 12 no.8:2~2 - 253 162, HETENYI, -- IABZIO The Autumn Leipzig Fair. Radiotechnika 12 no.1-1:354-355 N 162, 1. *Radiotechnika" rovatwozetoje. HETWYI, Laszlo TV tuning genamtor. Radiotechnika 12 nool2:412-414 D 1621. I.mRadiotechnika" rovat"setoje. RETENYI., Laszlo TV tuning generator.II. Radiotechnika 13 no,1:20-22 Ja 163. 1. "Radiotechnika" rovatvezetoje. HETENYIj, IAtSZ10 The error signal generator. Radiotecbnilca 13 no.2:63-64 F '63. 1. "Radiotachnikal rovatyezetoje. HETENYI, laszlo . 1 11 . . ......- Automatic battery charger for charging tranSistor rulio button accumulatorg. RadiOtOchnika 13 no.2t68-0 F 163. lo "Radioteel6ni Irma ssgrkgosto bjzottMgj +Agja. .-I I H&TENYI, Laszlo I --- , - , 1::- - - I Fte4ency motor. Radiotec+ka 13 no,6:210-211 Je t63, 1. Sadiotechnika* rovatvezetoJe. I HETENYI, ;~aszlo Ultraahort wave-FM receiver for OIRT and CGIR Ixanda. Itadiotachnika 13 no.8:300--302 Ag 763. 1. gRadiotechnika* rovatvezatoje. HETENYI,-Laszlo Ultrashort wave FM receiver for OIRT and CGIR bwAs. Radiotachniim 13 no.9 o.342-31+3 S 163. 1. gRadiotechnikaw rovatvezetoje. RFTENYI, Laszlo RC generator. Radiotechnika 14 no. 3:88-90 Mr 164. IIETENYI, Laszlo Radio compass. Radiotechnika 14 no.8:292-294 Ag 164. l."Hadlo"I'-echnika." HETENYI, Laszlo Straight receivers. Radlotechnika 5 no.5-.189--191. My 165. INT.!"llill , Laszlono The "Growncorder CTR-5300:1 portable magnetophone. Radictechnika 15 no.2;42-43 F 165. ETYNY1 . Laszlo Air ionizer. Radiotechnika 15 no.214,t~-49 F 06' :i I. - k-T the '1;',RTl 1051 lp a -!7T T.1 tr n) f, c, CTPT,. Radictechnika 15 no.7:,-'5~.~-,)51, ii HEMNII, LaszIone The *Wsalth FT-650" pocket radio. Radiotechnika 13 no.n:403- /,04 N 163, T" v '-71- A comparison of various solutions for bewas on clastic In Enf:ldsh. p. 21. AC'~A (Iiaryar Tudoflianyos Akar~c,J.a) Budapest, Vol. 26 no. l/,, 19~'9. Lint or Eart Europ~-a,~ Ac,~eDsioim (E'LUI) LC, Vol . nu. FULOP, Jozsef; HAMOR, Geza; HETENYI, Rudolf; VIGH, Gusstav Jurassic formations of the Vertes Mountains. Foldt koz1 90 no.l: 15-26 Ja/Mr 6o. (Ew 9:8) (Hungary--Pale ontology) HEMPOMW 4 ; FROHLICH, M. ...... - I Iffects of hyperglycemia. on adrenal function. Acta physiol. hung. ll(suppl):59-60 1957. 1. Klinik fur Innere medisin do Medisinischen Universitat, Szeged. (HYPERGLYCINIA, exper. eff. on blood adrenal cortex hormone level In dogs (Gar)) (ADRML CORTZE HORMOMIS, in blood eff. of exper. hyperglycemia In dogn (Ger)) HETESIY Ferenc Plastics in agriculture. UJit IaP 13 no.2:11 Ja 161. (Plastics) (Agriculture) HETESI, Fereno The chemical induBtsy gives more artificial fertilizers and insecti- aides to the agriculture in 1961. Ujit lap 13 no.3:12 P 161. (BwWary--Agriculturs) (Hmoary-4besioal industries) HETESI, Ferenc Mechanization problems of the open-air busbandr7 stable oyBtem. UJit lap 13 no.4:30 F 161. (Hungary-Animal industry) HETESI, Ferenc For a better mechanization of agriculture. Ujit lap 13 no.6:8 Mr 161. (Hungary-Agriculture) HEMI, Ferenc Now possibilities and problems of irrigation faming. Ujit lap 13 no.8-.7 Ap 161. (HwWary-Irrigation farming) HETESI. Ferene PUBtic machine parts are useful in the text12e industx7. Ujit lap 13 no.9:4 My 161, (Ehmgary-Textile machinery) (Plastics) RRT 1, Feranc Pride of oux induetr7t the now D 4K tractor. UJit I&P 13 no.10:12 My 161. (ampry-Tractore) -HEMI, re For the tecbnical development of forestries. Ujit lap 13 no.12:12 Ja 161. (Ehmpry-Forests and forestry) HE17ESIL. Ferenc With restive passion. Ujit lap 13 no.131~ 161. (Hungary.-Tractors) 1IMS1 , Ferene -Pal Overcoming cattlo tb. Blet tud 16 no.12:379-38O 19 Mr 161 HETESI, Imre Tat us creaU an*organized innovation movement for collective farmal Wit 1&P 15 no.13:10 10 J1 163& 1. Termeloszovetkezti Tanacs, ostalyvezetoje, [F.TFSI, Tiborne "Stntistical methods In the thoory (X uperatLorigil dependability" b~r B.V.Gnedenko. Reviewt-A by Mrs.,Tibor HoLesi. S'zFlbvany ko,-,l 17 no.1;48 Ja 165. MISSY, Gyorgyne; SZLAGYI, Bdit, dr.; VILLAYNYL, Pirooka, dr. Factors influencing capillary resistance. Yogorv. esemlo 47 n0.8: 256-26o Aug. 54. 1. loslameny a pacni orvostudomayl saetem stowatologlat klinikajarol. (A Magyar Tudookayos Akademi& as as B" Tawgataeayal veggett visWlatok) (CAPIT-TAIRIZS, resist., In dent* focal Infect., factors responsible for variatiom) (Tim, diseases, focal Infect,, diag,, deters, of capIllary remist,, factors responsible for variations) (FOCAL INMT10M. dent.. diag., deters. of capillary resist.. factor* responsible for variations) Hl-:"!'E,'SSYNE DLMEC'~'E'Nll, Uiura, dr. Prospects of histochemical studies on the LeriGdontium. Fogor-;. szemle 58 no.12:367-370 D 165. 1. A Pecsi Orvostudoma yi Egyetem Stomatologiai FIlnikajarol (igazgato: Schranz,Denes, dr. egyet. tanar). HEMSYNE DEBRECZENI, Laura, dr.; BARTON, Jozaef, dr. Papillomatcyus degazieratlon of the oral micose. Fogorv. szmle 58 no.7t2O2-205 J1165- 1. A Pecsi Orvostudommyi Itgyetem Stomatologial Klinikajarol (igazgatot Schranz, Denes, dr., egyetemi tanar). CZEMIOSIAIVAKIA HMTLEJS, J.; MW, F.; CIIVAL4VSU, V. Institute for Chemical Process Fundamentals, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague (for all) Prague, CO1l*CJkiOn Of C2echoslovak Chemical Communications, No 2, Fab 1966, pp 586-601 "Organo-silicon compounds. Part 43a The effect of oxygenous substi- tutes on alkaline solvolysis of organo-silicon bydrides." ho;: I IVA I:v*r?U, -J'. - :t "Zimners from the alloy Znal 41.11 p. 86. (ODZT.EZ, Vol. );, no. 3, Mar. 19`~31, jDJz, Poland) SO! Monthly List :)f East EuroPeari Accessions,, Lo Go,, Vol. 3, No. ', May 195L, Uncl. 0 5/276/63/000/002/033/052 A052/A126 AUTHORt _~e tman TITLE: A method of manufacturing hydroplast for olamping Shucks PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Tekhnologiya mashinostroyemiya, no. 2, 19639 152g abstract 2B818 P. (Pol- Pat-i no- 451349 October 16, 1961) TEXT: It is proposed to fill hydraulic chucks for metal-cutting machines with hydroplast containing polyvin-,lohloride, soften'er, mineral oil and stabilizer at the ratio polyvinylchloride : oil,w 20 : I and about 50% softener content. Upon filling, tho chuck cylinder is heated to 150 1600C to bring the hydroplast to a gel-like state.' The,foll6wing example of hydroplast composition (in parts by weight) is givent 39 ltolyvinylclilo- ride, 58 tricresylphosphate as softener, 2 mineral oil, 1 calcium stearate, Wi as stabilizer. Hydroplast of this composition has the rolloi ng properties: viscosity when filling chucks 850-1,500 opoise (conventional droplaoto have 3,000-4,000 cpoise), the filling temperature about 200C 'Motead of 150-1600C), specific gravity of the compound 1,38 g/cm3 (1.()18 g/cm3) Card 1/2 3/276/63/006/002/033/052 A method of manufacturing hydroplast... A052/AI26 shrinkaga coefficient after gel formation 1 (10%) Ya. Satunovskiy. (Abstracter's note: Complete trans'lation.) wmw::~ ----- --------- 1wivi"I Cbww 48*.2~~ $ad Of r4*4 kiC Mb 414-411. a ttg3t, I tat), ne econimnle fimporfmace of P.V.C. in eaetr~uontc'L h" and tr#teniao P, ta Keutd& of -PCo6wf*O--p.v4~; 4 The adoptlo~ of' P.V.C. 'giv" vfttai~tl inkad, atum(dum at,4 tift - Me(R'IA Wttteft Aci (d xhart Cunly.. tAl xud alumtnlum can elther~ be replaced by V.VCj ishejptlij~ at. thin %t lei it., MW 51maths may, When 1L"utat;tot% duadlat The subsUluttgm of PYr- far motsf skathh1c makes Is pavjlljJ6~ to mnufaiture a considoTably 11&4tgr type oO cabt*~:P.V.C eon not ranutre vWcPn(9frW- The oK14KA at'd4a 6ra" to. "*n! uWjd; severikil Utnes hfatKr thain to " tose'ut vubbpr. 'MO hfAh! OlUnce of P.V.C. to puncture nmike*v (a cw%II6(O to produce cablet, f; fnwh smaller diametai than (z * the cau* wjjt-~, rub6c~;Inwltoiad -ti*41 P-Zc- (asulAtIon to, (a all Intents t*A twirpmi CeRlstant (a nefi4l idedaratten. In many coM thq, U" of P.V.C, tj eximnilail 4. tel St (ix rerutance to tubrknafs old c6m6aduL yk-'~-- T' v~ IA Nj.;1-Y.) , -T' Roland/Chemical TechnolqW. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Synthetic polymers. Plastics, I- Abst Journal: Referat Zhur -Khimiya, No 2) 1957, 6o6g Author: Hetmen, M. J. Institution: None Title; Stressed Polyvinyl Chloride Facings Original Publication; Przem. chem., 1954, lo, fio 12., 6o7 Abstract: The Polish Institute of Plastics has developed a method of coating metal pipes (MP) with polyvinyl chloride facings (FF) that are in a stressed condition. To ensure a tight fit of the PF over the MP the former, contaibing (in %) -13 of plasticizer, 2 of wax, 1 of Ca stearate, 1,75 TiO2 and 0.025 of dye,, are extruded in a press, ex- panded with compressed air (1-4 atmospheres) to a diameter which ex- ceeds that of the MP by 2-15% and, without releasing the air pressure, are cooled with cold water below the temperature of vitrification. On heating of the PF fitted over the MP there takes place a spontaneous Card 1/2 Poland/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Synthetic polymers. Plastics, I- Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - KhAmlys., No 2, 1957, 6069 Abstract: shrinking of the PF and a tight fitting to the metal. The stressed PF can be stored for a long time (after 17 mcmthB at -200 properties and dimensions of the pipes were not changed). HP covered with PF are used in buses, streetcars, railroad care, for beds and hospital equipment -- wherever protection against corrosion, imparting deco- rative and hygienic qualities, are needed. Card 2/2 .1 BETIOMK, A. The machine constructing industry is looking for more workers. Przegl techn no.41:1 12 0 160. DOBIK, Stanislaw; HXTNAL K.-, HYlY, Wl.; XLDEJ, J.; XARCZY#SKI, K.; PISARCZYK, Belampsia at the Krakow Clinic for the lost 50 years. Gin. polska 28 n0.2:171-175 Mar-Apr 1956. 1. WI KlInIki Polosnietva I Chor6b Koblecych A.M. v Krakovis. Kierownik: prof. dr. St. Schwars. Stantelm Dobsk--Krikow, ul. Kopernika 23. (sclampsta. statistics clin. statist.. In Poland (Pol)) OISZEWSKI, Zdzislaw;KASPHZYK, Mieczyalaw;I(ETIIAL, Mieczyelav. -*AOWr4- --- - Case of infanticide in a patient simulating threa;ened abortion. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.33:1283-1285 12 Ang 57. 1. Z I Kliniki Polosnictwa i Chorob Kobiecych A. N. w Krakowle: kierownik: prof. dr S. Schwarz i z Zaklaft MedYCYnY Sadovej A. W. W Krakowte; dyrektor; prof. dr J. Olbrycht. Adres:IKrakow u1, sasstowa. 2)/2. (INVANTICIM, WMNUA1 case (Poi)) WINCHEC, Lilla; HETUARMA, Krystyma Chromatographic anslysim of technical #('-naphtbylacetic acid. Chem anal 4 no.4:747-752 '59. (nAI 9:6) 1. Zuklad Instytutu Prseuyslu Organlesnego. Warssava. Kierowntic Zakledu: Ste Piotrowski. (Chromatography) (IsObthaleneacetic acid) SIKORSKA, DeLnuta; HEIVARSKA, Kz7Btyna Simultaneous determination of formaldebyde and acetaldebyde in pentaerytbritol production processes. Chem anal 5 no.6alO63-1068 160, (RFAI 10, 9) 1. Analytical Departwntt Institute of Organic Industry, Warsav. (Formaldshyde) (Pentaorythritol) HETNARSKA, Krystyna; PIOTROWSKI, Stanislaw Determination of assay of technical bis (,A-chloroethyl) formaldehyde acetal. Chen anal 4 no.5/6.- 909-913 '59. MAI 9;9) 1. Zaklad Analityczny Instytutu Przemyslu Organicznego, Warszawa (Bischloroethoxymethane) WIECHEC, Ulia; HETNARSKA, Krystyna Colorimetric method of determining chlorophenol- in technical 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic (2.4-D) and 2,4,5-trichiorophenoxyacetic (2,4,5-T) acids and chlorocresols in the sodium nalt-of 2-methyl- 4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (Metaxone). Chem anal 8 no.6:971-976 163. 1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Organic Industry, Warsaw. HETNARSKI, Bogumil; HETNARS_K -4r n Method of identifying alkylo(arylo)-mercury groups and quantitative determining mercury in N-organomercury compounds. Rocz chexii 34 no.2:457-463 160. (EEAI 10;1) 1. Zaklad Syntezy Crganicznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa. 2. Instytut Przewjslu Organicznego, Warszawa. (Mbreury) (Organic compounds) (Alkyl groups) (Aryl groups) POLAND/Chemical Technology. Chamical Products and Their Applica- tion - Pesticides. H-18 Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-Mmiya, No 5, 1958, 15568. Author H04"U"W Eckstein Z., Urbanski T. Inst Title Cheadcal Agents for Vus. Control of Fungi. I. Some Deri- vatives of S-AW1-., -Alkoxyalkyl- and -Ary1mrcury-Msti- tuted 2-14ereapto-Benzothiazole. Orig Pub: Przem. chem., 1957, 13;, No 5, 291-293. Abstract: By the action of alkyl-, alko3Walkyl- and aryl-nercury halides on the Na-salt of 2-mercapto-bazzothiazole (1) derivatives of I were perepared which contain the SHgR- group in 2-position, and exhibit gigh fungicidal activity. Listing the R, yield in f, NP in C, concentrations Inhi- biting growth of Fusarium culm Alternaria, tenuis and Card 1/2 .1 tion - Pesticides. H-16 Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-Khiziya, No 5, 1958$ 15568. Ehizoctonla!~~solani: CH , 41-5,, 114-115-5, 0-0000% 0.00001, 0.00001; C211~;71_410 9-5-W-5., 0-00005., 0-00001, 0-00005; n-c x. 48o8, 81-81.5, 0-00005, 0.00005, 0.00005; a-C4199 .81, T, 75 6T.5-68-5, 0-00005, 0-00005., 0-00005' n C Nil, 4M, 58-59, 0-0005i 0.0005, 0.0005; 03OC2%, 6L3- 35-37, 0-0005, 0.0005, 0.0005; ]P-62064, 64-2, 177-176-5, 0-5, 0.5, 0-5; P-03C694, 77-51 156-158, 0-005, 0-000% 0-001- Card 2/2 :3. -1 InosphoroorF,anic Insectido,-s,," by B. Iletnarski, published ; i Chtaliczriy ~o 11 WarbayMar 57, PP 1311-139. Vol. XIIIJ .1 Ip -lou:.*: liul' 1,',,, 2, 15 '59, 5&50 - u-it; --us z T ",-Ic: Cl1Q..dcL0- )f Cr~.Itrcl of 11. Scl'.'.'.t; r4criva-~6i.vcs of N-.X-:,-l- ai.a 6 r )r., L 44-46. S ra c t corrQs-~)r~-; AJ. -~~ (.ori;rv.LL-i-vcS of -.:~~Z- (if VIC L;L:I--.~ral fonnllr' (1) arc prqjarod by MC-11-al C,h~14(~OCOU ir :.:,~ calto ..f J.L (n) 1/4 101 m Jjur: Ro-L Zhur-Mit-., 3.9759, 5360- of :Br), C,-.rcl 2/4 C-.1 1. - !,~-i 2, 2.959, 5,YO- "os .1, 1-1r: i1c. u st.i.m.-d for 3.5 -..J. -.., 25 L1 T vr~tcx (11 c%;:-, Y ts -io oUaLwLt; YlvA.0L 1.0, 10'to 5o 1,rup.-IrL" i'.. C. 3171ilc~r lifty (Ys, i(s, yiui~! a: 7. IJO.9, i,cIttt6 poiiita J--,C :%rQ u, iL tcd -)1. 1.. c 156 - 153; ii, 133.5 - I 56 .4, 96 - 98; 48.8, 92-93-5; C!, c;:3; 10-5, 1~3 - 195; C-1, 0 52.5, 1.061 - l,-3; C-1, "*I- 65.9, 117.5 - 3-19; C1, .,t-C -,T 95 - 97; ciy ' -C~-21jty 34-5, '.).5 - 84-5; Br, 53.2, Ill 112; 1, 44.2j, 108.5 - 110. 1.7 6-eilt-,ro- I I . , bo-iza-mzo-Lc:tc latur 3.4 C, ()f C-!Aeoo-.-r.- 47--iin 20 ::1 Ic ..) r;C absolute -AcIL-ft tc, t'~Z~ c:f 0.2 -L u 25 1.,.1 cf absoluto- alcoliol.. stir-,L.c, 3/4 102 POL;-.' :'--'Dla ic-ld Cal T---C:z:-cloLY- deal ProdLicts 7-0jr j1-3-8 Applicatio,- '.b s J~:'Ur: Rcf 2hur-MOUZI., 1,10 2) .1-9591 58160- 15 111 of w-2-tcr is culc.,-C. R.,cl 1 (11 = 0~-'i Y = Cl) i s obtained, Yield 73.3,,, 1-cit. p. 21-6 80 (fr.Dn the mixWrc alec'lol : water : acc-toi1c. = 43 : 7 25). I (R = C,,u_~-, Y . ci) [-jc~, p T w,,.s obtainc:d siy-dlc,_r way, Yidd 70-71~, Y',Olt- P. 200 - 2020. N:alky~ cloriva- tives ill Vac cmiceptraction Of 0-00005',' supi):.-css t1C Grc,wth of Fusariuz,, cul-iom-i, ,dtcniz~rin to,_-"Lli,s n.-A RlisOct-M-Aa solani. The H-phonyl are less active. Suc, MIKUE11 1958, 15568 fcir part. 1. - 2- Grapov. pOE;d,j)/c.,.c,.Licnl Tech:i -1.,-,Y nef zi-mr - K1Aniyi, 1",, 10, 195), 3`16-1 Author Eckstein, Z., Jjct;,.ars'd, B.; Urbnnski, T. Inst Title ci~cnucal Mcarl,3 j I t.ic Strur Cullecrijil-jr- certaia S-Alkyi.. and i-PL1,0111YL-lercury puriva., tives ff 2-nercaptibelizirliclazAc ~'"ICL 2-fjerc,i)tobcnvDxa- zole. Ori~; Pub Przem. chen., 1958) 37) 1-1, 3, 16o-161. -beijzjj.ddaz,,)1e anO -benzo.,azole Abstract 2-(s--,tlkylriereiiriierca"to) if the General f--irmuln (I) - -where R is CHY C2H5' anal Z is 111111, 0 - are :)L'- n-C H 'i C H -&,I-c 1111, C6H 3 4 9) 5 5,~ tai-ieu by the acti:)n -)f RHL;X (where X Cl, Dr, I or cz,3COO) oz, the Uri sait ~-f or s"ut"' '-'f CH3C-11a; 2-mercaj)t3benzjxazo1e (II). T:) a OH ottai!~eO. fr.D,-.i 0-013 -.-A of Va antl 40 I:d of C'13 C~Ircl. 1/3 J,)Ur Rcf 71"Ir 11, P), 1959, 0. C'.* ; , :,,,I,;-.Cl or *I-.Cr~)l,j stir-i- ' ated C f r IC) i.Ux.,tc,-, xic! I j~, oll-.Iaj~ ned ~11 Z - 'T'q)~ Yield, 37-7V,; neltinf.; 134-135-50 from cf[ Olf). 3 Fy t1here are sy.Allcsize,,j (z, R, yielJ iii perccnta~;es, nelt- All,~ !.)-)illt in centiLTacles arc iadicatco.): NH, n-Ch 43.8, 146-148, o CH 54 1, 114-115.5;-, 0 c R * 6~ ' 5 64,65, 0, n I -C E --58; 0, 11-C, )5~ 3_ 1 31'3 ~6 I~ffq: 39 39-5. T,_, a Sol,-llij:, i-)f,*c2l75 OIT'l ffmi 0.2 t-: -)f lia aud 25 T,LL of abs;-Autc 1.5 11 !,.r(,, nCcled. aid ti-ev, Card 2/3 C)-,.dc~A !)r ducts ji-djaic~.tion. pesticioes. J ur xici* Zhur - loArAY-1, li'L 10, 1959, 36163 3.4 if' CH COOH C6H in 45 U -,~,f I is Altai*IXI (11' C5H 7, - o); yiela, 62.6c,,; neltin, 6 10 ,,):)i7lt; 139 .141-' (from queous aceto.-L, 4). All tainecl ccnnowids Inhibit the -owth )f Fus"rim culmorun, Alterperia texAs and Thiz-)ct.)nia in ccncentra- tions of 0.0001-01000054,o'b For Part II, see Rzhlalirl, 1959 5860. ---- A. Gran-;v. Card 3/3 BCKSTEINP Z.,-, DAHLIG, W.-RKMR~1 B ; PASYNKIEWICZ, S. -_ A now method of presenting organic mercury compounds. Bul chin PAN 8 no.4:161-164 160. (KFAI 10:9/10) 1. Instytut Chemil Organiesnej PAN; Katedra Technologii Organicznej IS II Folitsobnika, Warssava. Presented by T. Urbanski. (mercury organic compounds) HETNARSKI, B. 0~ -some alkyl- and arylmercury derivatives of cyanoguanidine. Bul chim PAN *8 no.9481-486 160. jjjp~"'100- 1. Laboratory of Organic Synthesis,, Polish Academy of Sciences, Presented by T. Urbanski. (Aryl group) (Allyl grou ) (Mercury) (CyanoguanidiZ RETNARSKI, Bogumil; HETNARSKA, Krystyna Method of identifying alkylo(arylo)-mercury groups and quantitative determining mercury in N-organomercury compounds. Rocz chemii 34 no.2:457-463 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Zaklad Syntezy Crganicznej Polsklej Akademil Nauk, Warszawa. 2. Instytut Przemyslu Crganicznegoq Warszawa. (M,brcury) (Organic compounds) (Alkyl groups) (Aryl groups) CZERWIRSKA, Elzbieta; ECKSTEIN, Zygmunt; HETKARSKI, Bogumil; KOWALIK, Romuald; URBANSKI,-Tadeusz ---, -- - ------ - On the biological activity of some alkyl- and arylmercury haloides. Przem chem 39 no.4:222-225 Ap 160 . 1. Zaklad 9"tezy Orgmicznej, Polska Akademia Mauk, oraz Instytut Przevyslu Organicznego, Warszawa. PIN T - Distr: 4E,2c(j)/4E3b/4 E4 d aQ 0,cryr I-': theiplit., filteitil added diopwise t, agakireM Marc S drilhitly Prepiraflon of. from dil. EtOll to YicId;td-5 If- Ill- 1U wit a 5 of=C2lUMintLM COMMUIldIll- irmunt F 0 l4ats and 2nd StAndn. EtAICI ; SMIC12 + 2 c ftSj Cl. T , tein, Wtodzimiem Dahliff. f& , I To I it FrM W PA IVW 44 411 1 mvqlsfttell~ 1 411 ow. mill., Ipt firs.mro im tt!IIIP- P., t it wh stirtei i Conijids. of the type RsAl, R, ICI, ardMRAIC 1, NIC Of' , . I - as I & ill(! I later 41 C41 4* 20 CC. C*nCd. JKCI (fill! 119PI) Et) "acted with Ifir salts to give ppou ly org-JI9 eptil. with ' W C To the Maid compds. in a high yield. The Ine was elp. Valu ),a slid the Ill() Lly od the W, in n,& of tile solos. was added 100 iW. 1f3O.,C4lf#'CVIPd'I the PPt when EtAICIt.NaCI (1), a by-produ was C w * A) and &i4d to yidd 28 0. Nf i catalyst for the low-pressure polyethylene, was Used. I dill-~ I tefed Off 11 d it" 14 elf ~l solved in nzost mg. solvents. wa3 easy to handle, and safe! was Ims Met-kict -41 MeAt It.: m at :1p in use. To 112.8 g. 14gClj (H) in Irgo cc. xylene wms added' TO CL CH4 was added qaropwilk- o It 0.kc) I dropwise with stirring 76.8 EtA]Cl,.NaCl in 180 CC.!. with s at ;I V. E At it, I or. Cff4 with ~the tenil). 14 xylene, the temp. raised to 45-60% the whole stiricilt 30 krx bd Alt -,.12 hri.; IR) oc. HgO viii added# it min., kept 12 hrs. at room temp., treated with stirring wI6 Ce distd., and the t. filtelcii Off to yield 204 S. AcO-I, P0 I ~.! Hgst; the filtrate -as. Va. - to it pd 3W = H%O at 400. the ppt. filtered off. washed with 11&0' and the ext. evapd. t and RtOH; and dried to yield 100.5 g. EtHCCI (M). To' lye adil no new Sri- 4l g 21.4 g. U in 60 cc. QRs was added dropwise during 12 talu.1 thesis'of alkylincreury! ~ tatta7ldw pouiblo OL call- -3 ad the temp, raised (rom 21 W ry salts. ,r; I Yealent pmpzk:. of oa~i4 014109c~cu t!~I inI210 QH#- a -10 m coned. H ;A. L. laW 40 CS. S/08 63/000/001/041/061 BI 44YD1 66 AUTHOR: jelnarskl, Bogumll, TITLE: Alkyl and aryl mercury derivatives of cyano guanidine PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1963, 252, abstract 1Zh225 (Roczn. chem. 9 v- 35, no- 5, 1961 , 1333-1345 -Pol. summaries in Russ. and Eng.7;) TEXT; In an investigation of new fungicides, (R"19)2R (II) was synthesized by reaction of RIM LR is always C2112N 4' the radical of disubstituted cyano guanidine (I), M - Ag, Na] with It' HgX (X - halide or the CH 3COO group). The same reaction products are formed on reaction of I with H'HgOu. The result of the reaction does not depend on the character of X, on the relation of the reagents or on the solvent, but is completely determined by the character of R1. CH3HgX forms with RRM the compound CH 3HgRH (III). The structure of the reaction products was no'. studied. A small RHAg excess is stirred into R111gX dissolved in acetone, alcohol or iso-C 3H7OH, Card 1/3 s/ow/63/000/001/041/061 Alkyl and aryl mercur5r B144/M6 the mixture is boiled for 30 inin, and the following Il were separated from the filtrate (RI, yield in ,b, m.p. in OC are given): C2it 5 919.8, 138-140; n-C3 It 71 .9-8, 95-97; n-C'j1i,), 44-7P 84-86; n-C 5H1.1 (Ila), 60.3, 84-85; C6 H5 (JIb), 47, -184-186. 111 was obtained in the same way, yield 43-3-/'t~yp in.p. 156-1580C. Reactions of 10110 with Infila or 11112 were conducted analogously. 1.6 mole of III Etrid 16 miaole3 of 2-eiercapto benzoxazole in 5 ml acetone were boiled for 5 min, 20 ml absolute ether vias added, the filtrate was evaporated -almost to dryness, 10 inl water was added, arid 0.5 a of 0S-i,,icthyl-iiiLrcury-iiiercapto benzoyazole was separated, rn.p. 111-113 C from the organic layer (see RZIff-him, 1959, no. 10, 36163)- 5 mmoles of 2-mercapto benzothiazole mixed with 10 ml cther and 10 ml acetone are stirred into 2-5 mole:3 of Ila dissulvtid in I %' ' rril ether, the mixture is heated to boiling, 0-1? g of I is filtered ofir, the filtrate is evaporated, diluted with 1 in! water, and 1.511 5 of 5-ri-,,i;ji,vl-itit!rciiry-i~iercalito benzothiazole is separated, m.p. 58-50,-IOC. ..'i,~hatic 11 are sliChtly active aj;ainst FueariuLl cuemorum, ~Jternari.,., Ct~.-rd 2/3 8/08 63/000/001/041/061 Alkyl and aryl mercury ... BI 44YB1 f36 tenuisp and Rhizootonla solani. As far an fungicidal activity is concerned, IIb is comparable to n-CII3C6114so 214(IISC2 115)C6 11 5 Fthe effective base of the preparation Ceresane-M. [AbBtracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 3/3 BIALAS, Julian; ECKSTEIN, Zygmunt; EJMOCKI, Zdzislaw; HETNARSKI, Bogumil; SOBOTKA, Wieslaw; SZYMASZKIEWICZ, Jacek On the properties and the fungicidal activity of aome N-alkylmercury derivatives of sulphonamidea. Przem chem 40 no.10;567-570 0 161. 1. Katedra Technologii Organiczne II, Politachnika, Warnawn i Ieborm- torium Badavcze, Zaklady Chomiczne Azot, Javorzno. Of o' c -)-I s~mt~qcs~c of ,',1e lrbi4cli lca~ of Scfnncos X~ad--mii :Eu!:, in -,c-,, ;:clwhor! o.1i o" Load ji Vol '7, '.~o 2, 12~'- P? :4 i7"tiod for lcaddial-':yl saito. -,n nallcouc Of accuonc sollition of o--- ,.,are ta-'n-I as -1!-yl~ A d-,,tZr,--n dc i*,c:.-,n,: rcd. rlcchan-~;m o' -'.Ii- Cicccribc,~, roactiomi L; onc Poliz'l, md ;Cnt.-~rn. 16 RLITNARSKI, Bogumil; URBANSK19 Tadeuss Iqew method of preParing some lead diolkyl sa3ts. RocB chemii 37 no.9al(Y73-1075 163. 1. Institute of Orgunim Synthesis, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. HETNARSKI R. B. Coupled thermelastic problem for the half space* Bul Ac Pol tech 12 no. 1: 49-57 164 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Fundamental Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by W. Nowacki. HEM tlViKI, R. B. (warsaw) On inverting the Laplace transforms ccnnected with the error function. Zastos mat 7 no.4:399-405 164. 1. Subudtted October 10, 1963. 6 -11 co "').92oo AUTHOR: TlTLE: PERIODICAL: .2 J 2 Hetnarski, Ryszard (Warsaw) 2 ,, r' dl 1)/033/61/013/002/004/00,1 0250/0304 Coupled one-dimensional thermal shock problem for small times ArChiWUM mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 2, 1961, 295-306 T"r: The author states that the classical theory of thermo- elasticity neglects the fact that the deformation occurring in an elastic medium is accompanied by temperature variation induced by the deformation process. Conversely, the field of temperature pro- duces a strain of the body. In order to account for this phenome- non, the generalized heat equation coupled with the elastic deforma- tion is to be included in the analysis. It is necessary to consider this equation only for dynamical problems, since in the ~;tatical c-%Gse the coupling effect vanishes. The author then gives a Kencral review of the numerous works in which coupled problems of t Itermoe last ic ity Card 1/ 6 225% P/033/61/013/002/004/004 Coupled one-dimensional thermal... 0250/D304 were discussed. Ile mentions J. Ignaczak (Ref. 8: Note oil tile PrOPaga- tion of Thermal Stresses in a Long Metallic Rod, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. C19 IV, 5, 7 (1959)), who solved a problem of propagation of thermal stresses in a long metullic rod for the case of a non-periodic wave induced by tile initial temperature distribution, and also W. Nowacki (Ref. 10: Some Dynamic Problems of Thermoelasticity, Arch. Mech. Stos. 2, 11, (1959)9 259-283), who discussed propagation of coupled thermo- elastic deformations in a semi-space. Tile author then states that tile present work is concerned with the one-dimensional coupled problem of distribution of thermal stresses and temperature in the elastic semi- -space subjected to sudden heating with constant temperature on the bounding plane. In order to obtain the solution, the Laplace transform technique is applied. The inverse transforms are obtained in an approxi- mate manner proposed by G. Paria (Ref. 13: Coupling of Elastic and Thermal Deformations I, Appl. Sci, Res., Section A, 7, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1959). For the discussion of the fundamental equations the author gives the equations of motion of a Card 2/ 6 2 ? 5(~r, I'/'033/GI/01.3/002/004/004 Coupled one-dimensional thermal... D230/D304 thermoclastic medium fbr the one-dimensional case K, = IV 6, the coupled heat equation and the relation between the displacement u = u(x,t), the stress (x, 0 , and the temperature (x, 0 o.3) bO . The analysi s i s cbLrri ed ou t f or the semi -spac a 01:~`_ xFor the cal- culation the authbr introduces.the thermoelastic potential satisfying the condition 11 = 0"(X' 1). From (1.1), (1.2), and (1.9), lie obtains Card 3/6 22508 P/033/61/013/002/004/004 Coupled one.-dimensional thermal ... D-no/oo'l where and -- t denote the derivatives with respect to x and ti re- spoctively. The value of ~' for some metals is given by G. Eason, I.N. Sneddon Mcf. 11: The Dynamic Stresses Produced in Mastic Bodies by Uneven Heating, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, A, 1959). The stress -- and the temperature are related to the fonction ~ in the fol.lov.-Ing manner b The author then discusses the stress distribution, whereby he finds that the stress , is a continuous function for 0 --x except for the point x = t, where a jump of the magnitu0c x 0b exp 2 occurs. The author mentions that the existence of the discontinuity in stress of the above magnitude has been pointed out b,,;- B. A. Boley7 J.H. ~"Ciner (Ref. 9: Theory of Thermal Stresses, New York-Loadon 1960, 73, footnote). He then gives numerical computations for two parti- CUlar cases for small values of time and compares the results with the C,Ird 4/ 6 Coupled one-dimensional thermal... a; A solution of ttic uncoui)led Problem obtained by V.I. Danilovslk.nya (Ref. 15: Temperaturnyye napryazheniya v uprugam poluprostvanstve voznikayushchiye vslcdstvive vnezapnoffo nagrcva yego granitsy (Thermal Stress in an IE'lastic ~icmi-Space Originating rrom a Suilden Hoating up of its Boundary), Prik. Mat. Mckh., 51 14 (1950)). The results .%re sho%,.,n in Fig. I a In his discus- z5b sion or the of temperature dis- t-025 r-f tribution the author finds that' -al OF 0 f IS 2 25 3 the temperature is a continu- -ai - A., Coupled ard ous function in -02 - urcr-upled preblem the entire domain -03 - 0 lie -04 points out that this is in Card 5/ 6 22508 Coupled one-dimensionat thermal... 01.50/0304 contradiction to the result obtained by G. Paria (Ref. 13: Coupling of Llastic and Thermal Deformations 1, -Appl-Sci. Res. Section A, 7 f ound Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, 1959), who 11 temperature discontinuity at the-point t =, x. There are I fig-ure, 1 table, and 16 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 13 non-Soviet-bloc.' 'I"he four most recent references to the English-language publicati.ons read -is folloi-.,s-. Y. J. Lockett, Longitudinal ~','rtvcq in Cylindtrq and Tubes Includin.- Thermoelastic Lffects, Proc. E(jinburgh Nath.. Soc., 3, 11 (1959); 1. N. Sne~!don, The Propagation of Thermal 6tresses in Thin Metallic Rods, Proc.. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, A, 1959; B*. A. Boley, J. H. *;,*einer, Theory of Thermal Stresses, New 'Fork-London 1960; P. Chadwick, Thcrmoel~asticity. The Dynamical Theory, Chapter VI of the book: Progress in Solid Mechanics? vol 1, UisLerdam, 1960. ASSOCIATION: Department of Nechinics of Continuous Nedia IBTP Polish Academy of Sciences SUJ3,'.il'rTE-,): January 18, 1061 Card 6/6 !"'ACCUSTON NR: AP4038482 P/0033/641016/001/0023/0031; AUTHOR:-.He;;q-&"ki. Ryozard B. (Warsaw) TITLE: The fundamental solution of the coupled thermoelastic problem for small times SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 16, no. 1, 1964, 23-31 TOPIC TAGS: elastic space, point heat source,~continuous heat oVurce, instantaneous heat source, coupled thermoelastic problem, thermoelastic problem ABSTRACT: The state of stress and the temperature distribution in an elastic space caused by a continuous point source of heat is analyzed taking into account the interdependence between the strain and temperature fields. The solution for the case of small periods of time is obtained in nondimensional form by generalization of the solution for the noncoupled problem with consideration of the coupled heat equation and using the Laplace transform. The,,possibility 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4038482 of applying this approximate method to an instantaneous heat source in an elastic space is indicated. A numerical example of temperature distribution for the coupled and noncoupled problems is given, and the small effect of coupling is shown in a diagram. Orig. art. has: 30 formulas, 1 figure, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, IBTP Polish Academy of Sciences SUBMITTED: 19Feb62 DATE ACQ: 12Jun64 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: -rD NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: Ou. :Card 2/2 -L 3272 -Fr--4-/Pr~-4- WOM -9-65 EwT W A 'iACCEMON NR.- AP4049373 P/0014~043/0110/055710559 'AUTHOR: Nolvakowski, L.*,Jaworsld, M.; Hetper, J.;- Idbinska, I., TITLE-. Pyrulysis of gasoline aimed at obtaining maitimum yields of the C sub 4 traction SOURCE- Przemysl chemiczny, v. 0, no. LO, 19644 667-669 A !TOPIC TAGS: 1*ftoleum reft gasoline pyrolysis, colinan chromatogvAphy, C sub 4 fraction, butmie 1AWTRACT- 1h view off the steadily ImpTaving prospects of the usaMfless bf the butyleaff- butadiene fraction, it wu Viought, that the I)yrolysts of gasoline might be a waT of produdq; ma-AiTnum vipldiq of thig frartlon In n-ontpyrolvida waae-q. It thum became necessary to as- TI Ord, 1/3 IL 32729-65 I ACCEMON NR: A~A049373 A, coniposition the pIr'oducts for maidmum contact Umes Is tabulabsd (seo T Obte I of the Enclosure). was found that the influence of temperature on the yield of the componoata of the C4 fraction is very slight, and changes by about 1% from 6801 to 720C, BastesJ13i. AS80CTATla4lf*. ~W#td -0(erAdeJ'8jjMt4BZY dij W~bj atiol Heavy Industrial Synthesis) SUBMTTED.-'00 EXCL: 01 NO RE F SOV: 001 OTHER: 006 8UH COME, rp card- - -413-- ,- - -. -. . . L 32729m65 ACCESSION NRI. AP4049373 -Tablel. Compositf on of the gaseous products for different valuw of, Ow con t"t Ume~ Tempera- Contact Gas composition, 74R. % ture Oc Time - 142 P-114 C246 C294 C3118 CPs ,17c. tLcl--'- 1 14-4, tv 'to 680 1.5 11.8 29.2 7.3 26.4 1.2 15. I-T.72 KT-'- 19- F; lit . 27.1 27.2 1.4 It. L 0.2 0-2 T J." ti W 4~ 680 1.5 211.0 4.6 2.0 680 6.6 1.3 1.5 1.6 720 1.0 1.7 3.1 2.6 720 4.9 1.9 2.3 1.6 Card 3/3