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HERCZEG, I. Designing shapes in the machinery industry. p.279- G zEP. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 11, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC. V01. 8, lo. 9, September 1959 Uncl. Appmal" #W 10mesImm" 001111106041- 0.7%may Lusumh Wisialmi" twell). m Kim Ld S. 3111(IVW).-A still 1u; tialtsomm Z%icmm ~ =% d S.W..d 1,. .'2%) Cm. 1m6 inxim tube of IN) mm. diam. Into which a X? it. long 0.3 kWh Op" is intioducc . The (stmalins cals,,liv d The still is 40 Its. 41itiff. watrf (W 240 is. 1wilpfue lWr !;r ; this still is mishler okill v 4-bralwe than .111 141rim".41 still r-4-le (I'MIS east ft'.V FlItCy HERCZECP Judit B. The pension committee. Hung TU no.7/8: ~~31 JI-Ag 163. CSTE, Janos (Nagyszeras); HARI, Janos (BodakaJtor); TOROK, Imre (Szew-ad); TURI, Laszlo (Csorna); BUJDOSO, Janos (Dormand, Szabad.gag u.18) ., HFRCUeG, I~joa (Kondorfa) it ""n - - , " -, - - - Where is the defect? Mezogazd techn 3 no. 8:15,23 163. 0048KOT0, Bela, dr.; ffFRCZEG, Laszlo, dr. Internal abdominal hernias. Maa. nebft~2et 9 n0-5:303-308 Oct 56. 1. Debrecent Orwostudosianyl J~gyetew I. oz. Sebeezett Klinikajanak koslamenye. Igazgato: Losawl, Janos. dr. (HICRNIA. INMNAL, surg. (Hun)) EICERPTA YEDICA See 9 Vol 13/11 Surgery Nov 59 6742. THE TECHNIQUE OF THE RESTORATION OF THE INTESTINAL CON- TINUITY AFTER EXTENSIVE LEFT-SIDED COLON RESECTION - Zur Technik der Wiederherstellung der Darmkontinuitat nach ausgedehnten linkaseitigen Kolonresektionen - 11 e r c z e g L. 1. Chir. Univ.-Klln, Debrecen - CHIR. PRAX. 1958 .SITM-MY-MM. 2 When In the course of a colon resection the spleftic flexure is also removed and a tensionless suture between transverse colon and recturn cannot be obtained in spite of mobilization of the hepatic flexure, a special technique may result in a safe suture. The proximal Intestinal end must be pulled through a slit in a poorly van- cularized spot of the mesevdery of the small bowel; It can then be sutured without tension to the distal part of the bowel. Accurate closure of the mesenteric opening a absolute necessary. Rappert - Vienna HKRCZJCG, Laszlo, dr. Lezius' modification of corioplasty. Nagy mebeazet 13 no.6: 371-374 D '59. 1. A Debrecent OrvoetiAomarqj Bffetex Sebeuxetl 111nike- janak koslemenye. Igazgato*. SselOC2)W Gyn1& dr. egveteni tanar. (311IN TWISPIANUTION) HOCZF6G. Laszlo, d-,..; GAAL, Janos, dr. Primary malignant tumors of the small intestine. Orv.hotil. 101 no.28:978-982 10 JI 160. 1. Debrecent Orvostudomacyl Affatem, 1. at. Sebesseti XlInUm. (IIMSTINI SMALL neopl) (SARCOMA came reports) (CARCINOU c"s reports) IMCZZG. Laszlo. dr.; GAAL, Jance,dr. Benign tumors of the small Intestine. Orv.hetil. 101 no.31:1103-1105 31 ji 160. I.Debrecent OrvostudowWl laeten, I, at. Sebeszeti Ilinika. (INT]ISTM SPAIL neopl) KIRALY, Laszlo, dr.; HORVATH, Gyorgy, dr.; HERCZEG, Miklos, dr. Eosinophi.lic granuloma. Gyermekgyogy&9zat 13 no.8t243-2LI Ag 162. 1. A Favarosi Heim Pal Gyarmokkarhaz (Igazgato: Sarkany Jeno dr.) kozlemenys. (BOSINOPRILIC GRANULOMA in W & child) BERCI, Gyorgy, dr.; FOLDES, Gaza, dr.; HERCZEG. Tibor. dr. LIHOCUT, Desso. dr. &rly diagnosis of portal hypertension. Orv. betil. 98 no.18:46)- 468 4 May 57. 1. As Orvostovabbkopso Intstet (igasgato: Doleschall. Frigyes. dr.) Sobeezeti Osstalyanok (foorvoo: Molnar, Bela. dr.) I. on. Bel- gyogyassatj Oestalyanak (fooryos: Diedermann. Jaws, dr.)-se a IT. on. Bolgyoffassatt Osstalyanak (foorvow: Assodi. Zoltan, dr.) kozlememys. (HYPIMMION, PORTAL, diag, early, comparative evaluation of various methods. (Hum)) HERCZZG, T.; BERENTEY, E. Experiences with acute abdominal diseases in 10 years of obaSir"tion an patients. Acta Ohir. Aced. SOL Hung. 3 no.1--17-38 '62- 1. Chirurgisebe Abteibmg (Direktor: Dr. B. Molnar) do" Arzt1ichen Fortbildungsinstitutes Budapest. (ACUTE ABDO= statist) HERCZFoG,.T.; BERENM, E. On re-laparotomy perfomed for early postopbrative complications. Acta chir. acad. sci, Hung. /+ no.2:153-170 163- 1. Chipurgipche Abtei~ung (Mriektarl-Prof. Dr. D. Molmr) des Instituts fur Arztliche Fortbildung, Ruddpe5t. (POSTOPERATIVE CMPLICATIONS) (LAPAROTOMr) (GASTREGTCMY) (APPENDEGT%IY) (COLOSTOMY) (HERNIA) (IMOSTCHY) (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION) (CHOLECYSTEGTOMY) (UROLOGY) (GYNECOLOGY) (SURGEU, OPERATIVE) (STATISTICS) HERCZEG, Tibor., dr.; BERPNTEY, Erno, dr. Current problems of acute bile duct diseases. .w.netil. 105 noe5s193-199 2F 164, 1. Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet Sabeszeti Tanagak. HERCZEG, Tibor, dr. - : * ~ - - .'. - Early diagnosis of cancer of the colon and rectum. Orv. hetil. 105 no.12: 529-534 22 VIrt64 1. Ot-rostovabbkepzo Intezets, Sebeszeti Tans"k. J*- HUNGARY HERCZ1Z. Tibor. Dr. BRANDSTM, , Laszlo. Dr, MATYUS, Lajos. Dr; Institute . --~! - - A of-rojTgFiduate Medical Education, Department of Surgery (chairman: LITTY NN, Imre, Dr, professor) (Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet, Sebeszeti Tanszek), Budapest. "Experiences in the Course of Treatment of 252 Cases rf Abdominal Injury." Budapest, Magyar Traumatolog_ia, Orthopaedia es-Helyreallito Sebeszet, Vol IX. No 4, 1966-,pages 271-279. Abstract: [Authors' English summary modified] Based or. the analysis of 252 cases involving abdominal injuries. seen over a 10 yez-r period, the actual problems of preoperative and intraoperative diagnosis and treatment are discussed. The problems of prevention of complicalions are similarly dealt with. It is stressed that, in addition to the extent of injury and the organs involved, the outcome of treatment depends greatly on the prompt hospitalization of the injured. In addition to a careful clinical observa- tion and rapid Intervention, the importance of painstaking intraoperative diagnosis is pointed out. This is based on the elucidation of the causal relations between the pathologic changes and the clinical symptoms, Ad- ditional improvement in the results achieved in abdominal traumatology can only be expected when the above mentioned prerequisites are strictly observed. 16 Hungarian. 13 Western references. FUN',', A RY Dr, adjunctu5. HERCZ7'1, Tibor, Dr, chlelf P'VsiCian; Veterl- BALTNT:-vY, Istvan? nriar.: KOVACS, Jeno. nary ~,edical University, Oepartme,17E-or Pharmacolo-_-,Y (chal Dr, professor, doctor of vet. scl.) (Allatorvostudomanyi E-tyetem, ~Jyo:,yrzer_ tani Tanszek), and Capital City Public Health and :'pidemjoloZical Station , yi_jarvanyu~yi Alloma5), (director: KAPOS, Vilmos, Dr) (Fovarosi Ejeszsevur Budapest. "Experiences with R Iaticate, a New jat Poison with Selective Ef,-ect." dapest, ~!a)yyar Allitorvosok lapia, Vol 21, :,,o lo, oct 66, Paz-e5 452-45LL. u d Abstract: cAuthor5) /Enslish summary modiL"iedl The effectiven s and applica- bility-of the Shofin-tYPe rat Poison was evaluated at two a,,ricultural plants- at thPborrect time and under conditions suitable for eradication, ,~ben used c the Swiss Raticate can be as much as 100 per ent effective. A considerable reduction in the number of rats Can be achieved even if perfect organization is impossible under the given circumstances. 3 Huni:arian, 2 Western referenceso __1/l-___._ .. I -- HUNCARY 1ANYI, Marton, Dr, HE.RCZFG,__.T1bor, Dr, TAPOLCSANYI, LaJos, Dr; Institute of Postgraduate Yedi-6al Education, Department of Radiology and Surgery (Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet, Rontgenologiai- es Sebeszeti Tan5zek), and National Oncological Institute, Department of Surgery (Orszagos Onkologiai Intezet, Sebeszeti Tanszek). "The Importance of Mammography in the Diagnosis of Yammary Tumors." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 10?, No 37, 11 Sep 66, pares 1739-1744. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The experiences zained with 440 comparative radio-clinical examinations of mammary tumors, involving 388 patients, are reported. Based on the analysis of 140 of these cases which were also subjected to histological control, it was found that the pre- operative diagnosis of breast tumors is improved by about 20 per cent by mammography. In the presence of a coinciding radiological and clinical diagnosis (more than half of all cases), the authors' diagnostic reliability was 96 per cent. In their opinion, mammography Is a relatively easily- learned procedure and - when the correct technical conditions are used it provides considerable aid to the clinical examination. On the basis of 3 cases of non-palpable tumor (histologically; 2 carcinoma, 1 fibro- adenoma) and of literature data, it is concluded that the method appears to be particularly useful for screening examinations. The indications and limitations of the examination are discussed. 5 Eastern European, 28 Western references. 1/1 T 7., 7' , 7 KUN, Miklos, Dr, LANY!, F-=;-.-,c, ~;r, Ll77';,:i:,, :fnrr-. Tir. p:ATYll';. Dr; InsL!tutr-. of Fos tr~--j~lva "P 7-~Ucl'.1"in, 1. an.1 11. i~(--jv,rtryir-ntq or .-.;,jrl,,Pi-y (Orvos- tova'~Ybkepzo lntt~zet, 1. es H. -,cbeszcti Tans7ek), BuJapest. to,, ..odprn ',J'ae'h~ne Sutur,~. in Cperatlons on tho Divestive. Tract." '-'zu,iap,mst, ;zf-tilnp, Vol 1C7, %o 42, il,:" oct 66, pa~,,es 19P,4-1986. act: [Aut-ors' '-*un-arian sum-naryl In tbn authors' Opinion, thp Lr new 7,oviet mac)iint!s reprostrit a great advance In suri;ery involving the digestivc tract. V-.-p niode of application of the machines and the ex- neriences in the course of 206 cases involvinC machine suturing are described anod, on tht~ basis of thestl oxperionces, the widespread use of these machines is recomriendpCl 2 Russian, I Western references. 75 - '17_, Y# 10' Let. I I'Z_)rthly Id t Of L'.Vft _i~ ro. u ro; ca nJcce unc Ti ACCESSION NR'. Apw2m! AWMIR., Maroat Tivadar (Mbroah, To) (Doctor); S'z:iko'rszky TOluir (Sik6lrekit 74~~,V ..,(Khert.isag, B.) (Dactdr) (Doctor)-, Heremb-, TITLE: Case of isolated-coatovertebral.rib luzation S=CV.$ "ar radiologiya no,5, 1964,283-284 TOPIC TAGS., radiology`f- ii2jury# bone. c! A of dislocation of thiv 32th rib c 'ob w4. TITLE#. _vqry- rare case me C1 to hab 1 Junctiont caused by indirect chanica3. forcol'id dea Or i figure. i ASSOCIATION: 'Baja--Varosi- TWa6s'lCorlia-A'Rontgen 14tezat, e Hospital,.1fistitute of Radiologr);: Baja VarosfTd' o,,JWrhai, -~13eb Qvzt,%Li --B(0a'EbapitbLl Surgic 'SUBMITTMt 00 MCL: 00 !1 SO CODEt NO REF wvt OW OT=t W9 Card 1 D F'ood-lliyg-lane S-iecialtst Vit,~-ri,,Ary Surgeou LAp.jip-. Vol tin 12 Der, 62, pp ru t "s ,I - t,: .-,ri-. vs-It ,/I- zwl and r. rity con*r,.)Is ::t.~reij-,ted ;im- L~,,: of tham rood-hy,- ,iene 5-.3ticiallsts "'rg cl-~!fcrllbl~J IILC:I~ lr:cl*).- rig and sups-ml sj I P4,r testini a,~d Conti --'I- c' x~-a-t pr--),Aac-in~. and band1krig, 7he Of -,I,ti super-,,I~icr. of prcNiucing and t:~vocessilIg r,~.--at ain2 -jalry f*-irm nroducts i! dencr~btvl and a pragn53 report made. t L -,, a pr cm, i., - a r e n c. t o nci '..'eferelicpi . HERGZBGH, blarten, , ,:~-.--- Pictures on the agriculture Of Vietnam. EloArilag: 8 no.5:16-21 S-0 163. le Magyar Tudomanyea Akademia Mosegazdasagi kutato im-azetep Martonvasar, HERCZEGH, 14ihaly Intertrade commissions for the start of mass competitions, ftika 14 no&4:32-33 Ap 164. I 1. Sports Division, Central Council of Hungarian Trade Unions, Budapest. ;O111"GARY HEI?,`,ZEGH, I-Iliklos, Dr: Capitil City Council 141f~im Pai Podiatric Hospital, thcjl~-IT(3165 (%chief PTIY'71ciin: HrRCZEGH, Milklos, Dr) (Fovaro5i Tanacs Heim Ortlwpaeilia), Bu(i-jpw3t. .,;;)IyjrjI Tretit.cwtit of' Pvvtbo~il W!;f~afip." 'I-Ia,r,,vat, Trawnatt?joia. Ortholnedia Fs H,-~Iyreallito Sebegzet, Vol X, pages 1--1-22. -Author's ,3uryimiry moilifit-dj Exi-Awiencos with the rea tnent 'ib chil(At-en witb Frn thos' d1sea-.;P ir--:~ roported, Surgery was porfonred in ;'r the casi~s. Th'2 !'011-nerlynceded time I'or nlcover~v was docreased to :1'itout hAlf with n:A.Uing of tho femoral neck, Tho 11,~,t radiological results wer-,! ub~,--dnocl -witi-i conser,,lativo treatment and vith nailing of the femoral rv~ck. ) Iffungariar, 9 Weaterr references. HUNGARY Capital City Council Hein Pal Childrenos Hospital, Orthopaedic Ward (Fovarosi TanacB Hein Pal Oyermekkorhaz, Orthopaodlai Oaztaly), Budapest. "Data on the Pathomechanism of the Development of Cox& Magna." Budapest, Mazyar Traumatologia. Orthopaedia es Helyreallito Sebeszet, Vol IX, No Z, 1966, pages 114-117. Abstract: (Author's English summary modified] The role of mechanical Fa-ctors.which have an influence on the growth of the cartilaginous disk, in the development of coxa magna. Is discussed. I Czechoslovakian, 4 Western references. 46 HERCZEGH, Kiklos, dr. . Treatmsnt.~of congenital hip dislocation by means of a steel cradle combined with a plaster bandage. Orv.hetil. 101 no.45-1611-1632 6 N l6o. 1. Budapesti Bela Pal lorhas Orthdpaed Osstaly. (HIP fract,& disloc) HERCZEGH, Miklos, dr. Screening tests in congenital hip dislocation. Orv. hetil. 103 no.24: 1128-1131 17 Je 162. 1. Heim Pal G7ermakkorhaz es Poliklinika, Orthopaed osztaly. (HIP fract & dialoc) IERCZOG, Gyorgy, dr, Current questions of the plastics industry. Stat ozemle 38 no.4064-34 Ap 160. ZA U1, A Distri Me I" ph* in 18 6 w) $WXKngtisft and R-t-jan summarjes)I;-T was detd. at. -T-labeled, methane (1) in Geiger counters with Internal filling.': I was from tritWed water treated with AI.C,.!. jEloth interv cathode (Sa chloride) and external cathode iAqua&s) emuters, were used. Plateau ItIMEW for the 4v! &I terwasIOD-1000. v., plateatz do;pe It" than 3MM v, ,rC- 1\ IVAJ -1 ~_V Distri 4F,3r./4F,3d Estimation of tritiornetbane In Ge E. Her ka '64M Wljr~w). Molar- V 5OXin Engllsh)--~- methane 4,1 %1 Tritlo, with purified is Prepd f tritlated water bed by While. d al. (C-4. 43, 2=9). In- t6nal an cathode Gelger-MOller tubes have becri used- for counting t6tiometbane. Internal cathodcS were coated with Sa chloride vapor. The greater stability of tht plateau led to the prderence for atmal cathodes. The ex- Awtal cathode was cmted with Aquadag.' Typled exter- Mai counter characteristics are: vol., M ml pressure 210,mm. ffg; baftrotmd with 5 cm. Pb "n. 173 rits/min.; plateau Ingth 400-1000 V.; plateau Glopt !CI.OU than O.OP%/T.; rtproduc'billty of T detn. *3%. C --;v D 0. Anal ULM Me = jMPAWO ADA alkil A -(In Enshp-Pnewpp. for 4 detn. of Ithed.o1mbiteameu and alloys In hij:h* vacuum Is de- scribed; It nay be made of hard Sim In the can of IoRw% f.A metals 4 The d, of puts B1 and Sn. and, of alloys X"WAd inthetempriange300-Whasbeendetd,; t e mesa error Is *0,008 S./cc. The d. Is a linear function of the temp... but the depowdence on conen. shows an un". pected min. at O-OW% V for BI-U alloys., This Is explained on the basis of BI being mom dense in the liquid state. The decrease In d. of the 81-U alloys with increm to conou. of L U may his InteMmed as the effect of the U sitoms wWch preve4t the decrease to the taterat. distances of Bl; how- ever, this Is limited to very low conans, of U. addal. amts ot U'in the *Uy cause an Increase In d. Pure On and &--n sum do not show AM anomalies. M., RA4okkk 8111yiAid Distro Md Enhanced adsorption as a result of IrradjaMan of metAIN HinSVIGki-anst-~ Nuclear Researe 9 Warsaw). Naturvissenschaften 47, 22h(1960)(i, g4sh).~-fflhe-ia-- sorption was studied of ions on metal surfaces from 4q. solva., :The adsorpti6n'of anions, and catiogs on Au. and Pt surfaces was'enhanced by irradiating the samples: uith 71-ra" from a CoOU source at about 800#000 ro/hre A drop method to t4 described'also- *are established the dependence of adsorption on the A of soUsep ~he time of con- tact with the metals,, and the state 9f oxidn. of the zetal surfaces* , Tests are de- scribed to det. the adsorption *f 83504. and Co137 on irradiated Au 4nd Pt foils as a function of time of irradiation& In'all 6aiii a, the amt.-depositedAhcreased for rol- atively short times of irradiation; the max. increase in adsorption occurred betieen 1 and 2 hre, When the irradiation was continued,, the adsorbed quant:Lties decreased again down to the original state* Adsorption was at a max, at the pK ihich gavo a max, also in the unirradiated statep and vanished after a 3-bre Irradiation* Appar. ently the effect is chem., rather than ptqeo,, as the irradiationvas dme without cooling and the samples were allowed to stand several hra, at roam twT. before the adsorption teats were run* The theoretical explanations were based on the possible formation of an oxide layer during the lot hroo of irradiation* Zduar4 A* WuVcov (Retyped cjil- A abstract) GLX //.;/,I Card, V1 - H ROZINSKAS E23~Lir~a _ Mechanism of the deposition of anions and cations from aqueous solutions. Nukloonika 5 no.4:195-204 '60. l.Instytut Badan Jadrowych PAN, Warszawa, Zaklad Radlocheall IERCZYNSKA, Elwira Deposition of 95 Zr(+,95 Nb) and 60 Co on various metallic Bue.Laoes. Nukleonika 6 no.10:659-665 161. 1. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw. (Ion exchange) HERCZYNSKA, Elwira Deposition of 95Zr(--t-95Nb) and 60C0 on various metallic and non-~metal- lio surfaces. Nukleonika 6 no.10:659..665 161. 1. Polish Academy of Sciencesp Institute of Nuclear Research, Warszawa, Department of Radiochemistry. fMMZYNSU,_ EjWjXg Ion deposition on variable capacity cation and anion adBorbents. Nukleonika 6 no.11:735-748 161. 1. Polish Acadeny of Sciences, Institute of fluclear Research, Depart- ment of Radiochemistry, Warsaw. (Ion exchange) BEROZYNSKA. E. Adsorption (3-' icmA from aqunous scluti-xis on Groat ohem n!ta 35 no.4.-A23.-A24 163. 1. Department. or Radiochemistry, Inititute of 'Nswirch, Warsaw, Folemd. GERCIIINSKIY,, R. [iTerczynskis, R.] Fluid-fluid displacement in a poroun inedium. Archiw ;nech 24 no.3A:'701- 716 162. la Otdeleniya mekhanJUd zhidkosti i gazov Instituta oonovnykh problem tekkad3d Pol'skoy akademii naukv Vardwa. 1 24741a-�6- EWT(I)/EWP(m)/EWA(d.)/tPR/FCS(k)/F.ViiA(I-). ~ACCESSION NR.- AP5OOtZ56 Vh03~ /641016/0031061 048 'AUTHOR: Herceynaki R.(WarGaw) TtTLEt The flow of gases through r-ircutar tub~e i~iiji 4(14 r(Inge 'Knudsen numbers !SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej v.. 6g no.'l Ii" 19164 67'1-d TOPIC TAOS: gag dynamtco,~gas flow, circular t'uhc-~ knuopdin ef fe~t~, Knudsen number ABSTRACT: A relatively simple theory,. oP flow 0 fa4los 1: roush Nbles 'which includes laminar flow a. ltp:- f I ow, ;the.: trAhsi ~jj~.nal ~Ietiotn--6i` lecular flow ts r 4 & !a t f,-o r vill: I a an d ree mo, tion- 714--.-giverf ---whi Ch 7" -b a--sed: on- jihysic4l intii iatAtjj~gt 01ii1ex,peri6e-tal, rp data. It' is assumed that the flow in,the entiro r it 1~, a 6 ~xnu daen: 1 v numbers Kn may be-treated as, a suparpoaktion of~ 1 not Age r C re a molecular flows, that diffuse reflection occurs. ari ~,~.tha den'!Sityi t~~,~ ~~t6be4 in laminar floW is constant over the cra'so section !a, 'The total output from the tube to calculated Er" Card 1/3 L 24741w-65 ACCESSION M.1 AP5001256 or 4iffer nce~~ Knudsen numbe~ra are- presented f 2 and C0,. T e , a theoretical v a, -anti e perlm:entat vi Kn 04 be tween -the alue x Mluit'd Olt f less a th n 22 and for Ka < 0.20 the dtscrepancy~l The'ad sump tion:. that the density o U free molecular - f I ~0 to 1: A; tube w uniform over the section of the Cuba is analyzed in at L ~.~ ~The p:o~~ s t t- bility of extendtng the results for circular tubes tti~-Xxon4~'raular ~t4beit, 1 4, '; , : - I - flow past a sphere, or flow through a tube Of finite 4ang~W Ls dt:cossiia 1 0 1 from the standpoint of defining the loa7al Knudsen nu*~ver,~4'hich.,r 4~ire'J ,,knowledge of the value of the physteal distance d. T~e d~ftaltfon~of is based on a potential equation and expressioas ar4;deiiil d~forj~ha distance,of the point frota the plane the-physical diiian~6~~frd'ft tkei point to two parallel planes$ the point on the axis oil thti~~t'ube to ihe .wall, and the distance from etch'pt:Ltit it% an Lafinite ~I*ube. ~to the, W*I, . in case of dLffuse reaction, epartment of Pluids6 tBTV PaUih Ad 12~;~L ASSOCIATIONt D ade oft $~Ieftaes ~.~A SUBMITTEDs 00 ENCLS 01) SUB C008 I 14Z NO REP SOVI 001 OTHERs V 03 '3/3 Card HENMSKI..R. Steady flow through.porous media with bmt and mass exchange. Pts 1-2. AMMU,nesh-15 no.6 9729-74:Lv 891-902 163 1. Department of Ruides, institute of Basic Technical Problems,, Pblish Acadwy of. Sciences, Warsav,. Acc== ta: Ap4ol9643 P/0033/63/013/006/0?29/0741 AUTHOR: lisrazynsid, lVs"vd (Warsaw) ,LI=: Steady f1w tbrough porms media with beat od as" exchan4oo I. SO=: Archivum mecharAld stosawandj. v. 15, no. 6, 2963, ?29-742. TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynamics. steady flow, powus msdism, h*&t exchange, wage 039- change, heat transfer, mass transfer, Adzumi model. mass flow, comwctive diffusion, porosity, Darcy law, Knudsen number. compressible flow. Incompressible flow, fluid flow. tortuosity, Isothermal flow, free-molecular flow, diffusion. bourAary layer, Poissoulle flow, Knudsen fl- , slip flov# slip coefficient ABSTRAM The present work was carried .out because of the absence of thooretical studies of heat and mass exchange in porous media. It is the first of a series in which a statistical model of a porous system Is examined and an attempt is made to obtain the laws of mass flow arA exchange as a result of flow mid exchange in the individual po"s. A one-dimensional genoraliz&Uon of the Adzusd model is used and it is assumed that the porous medium Is a systen of parallel-sided tubes of various radii wid lengths. Certain generalizations of the Darcy law Card 1/2 ACCESSION Ifit: AP4029643 may be obtained from this model. Approximate *"&#Ams for the rate of flow are derived and a simple appropriate solution is given for the ease wbWO tbO 9UW 10 laminar In all ebannels. General mathesatical, disassion of the pvb1fte Will be the subject of subawpent papers. I I had the hawr to discuss the =bJect, of this paper with Sir Geoffrey Taylor and I wish to express to bin sW deep appreciation and sincere thanks for his kind intierest, In my work. I also wish to express my gratitude to Dr. G. K. Batch*lor sid his **-workers for their very friendly attitude." "The work was undertaken during my stay In the Wpart- ment of Applied Mathematics arA Theoretical Physics of the CrAversity of C=6rldgq My thanks are due to the Pollsh Academy of Sciences for the award of a research fellowship.* Orig. art. bass 40 fonwlas and 5 figures. ASSOCIATICK: Department of Fkaldse IBTP, Polish AaadsoW of Sciences SUBMITTED& ~3 DAIS ACQs 27X&r& Ems 00 SUB CWZs Al 90 MW SOV 1 007 OTMI GLO Cord AccEssiox NR: AM19649 P/0033/63/015/006/0891/0902 AUMCR: Herazynaki, Ryszard (Warsaw) TITLE: Steady flow through porous media Vith beat and mass exchange. 11. SOURCE: Arcbiwum mechoulki stosawanej, v. 15, no. 6, 1963, 891-902 TOPIC TAGS: bydrodynamIcs, steady flow, porous medium, heat exchange,, mass ex- change, heat transfer, mass transfer, Adzumi model, was flow, connective dif- fusion, porosity, Darcy law, Knudsen nwmber, compressible flow, incompressible flow, tortuosity, isothermal flow, diffusion, boundary layer, free-molecular flow, Poisseulle flow, Knedsen flow, slip flow, slip coefficient ABSTRACT: The present work Is a continuation of an earlier Investigation by the author in which a model of a porous medium was Introduced and an appropriate equation for the rate of flow was derived and solved for the case in vhIch the flow is laminar In all cbannels. In this second part, a more general case is examined, in vhich, depending on the radius of the channel, laminsr or molecular flow of the gas or slip flow occurs. The physical assumptions on vhich the general equation Is founded are discussed and a mathematical analysis Is given. ca,d .1/2 ACCESSION fiR: APW19649 When the nonlinear Integral equation obtained after transforwatione Is solved by successive approximationsp for sufficiently small maxl~ lengths of the channel, the series converges, wA for such lengths the solution of the general equation Is single-valued. Orig. aft. bas: 91 foroulase ASSOCIATION: Department of Fluids, ZBTP, Polish AesdwW at OcIenceso SUBMI!MD: 07-TU163 D= ACQ: 27Mu4k 331m: 00 SUB CME: Alt PE NO RIF SCIV: 000 ~1 003 Card 2/2 KAJFASZ , Stanislaw; OLF.SlAK ~ Zbi piixd; '-`~ F,Z:KI , lueni-vk-; HER(.;:~'~IIISU ., :~yszal-d Educational conferences of the Pollsh Academy of Scierces in Jablonna. Meehan toor stosow 2 no.2:99-102 164, RUTDA . J , SCM, JOE Periodicals: GEODETIDY A KkT?TCGPAFICICf OBZO'I. Vol. 5, no. 1, Jar 1950. HERDA, J. Errors resulting from the, unvertical and bent pog-itinn of rods of a double-image range finder. (To be contd.) p. 111. I=A, J , SCIENCE Periodicals: GEOD'ETIM A KARTOGRIVICLY OBZOR. Vol- 5,, no. 2., Feb. 1959 IIERDA, J. Errors resulting from the unvertical add bent rofs of a double- image range finder. (Conclusion) P. 37. Monthly List of East Euronean Accession (EMI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 5. May 1959, Unclass. SEJIWC, J. ; IIIAWA, J. ------- Torsion of the greater orientwn. Cook. gastroent. vYz- 15 no.8:593-596 D 162. 1. G"drurgicke oddoleni Krajake nemociddo v Ces. Budejoviciah, prednosta doc. dr. Jiri $ejliar. (OMENTa', diseases) CA S&Pobu"w =&*ad for evolution of cokkS coals, Ant. KoWns- Mi ~- -HOW&, NMI Arnoit Svitnt. Nfira SO, 200-14(10W)~Tlht authors applied this Method for the don. (by use"s of plasticity measure. Inentil) of the quality CA Ovitrava-Karvin coals. The tests are arduous, lot t1wre is some doubt as to whether the tnethed is applic-able for coke-even coutM. to principle, "polnikow meassres the quant. exparnison and subsequent reduction of tested coal upon beating in an elec. furnace. A coal cbwo at 101) C. is placed in a large steel crucible. The top of the coal is held under a p"murg of 0.6 kg. /sq. cm. %ithawrfurstedlid. The perforated bottom of the crucible lined witb asbesta paper and the sides with After paw. ~~hc coal had to pass throulle openingis below 14 mm. Prtarcted tbenswomples we imerted to the bottom and provition 6 ma& to Wert a steel andle during roking rXPOS. Thir beat isaWlrd to the bottom of tbecrocible, Pj that 250' 6 attained im 50 win., and the crucible is bested at the rate of 3'/min. Threapt.isttrutinstedwisenstrrup. of 730* is notbed. Actual measurements we made be- twer" 2,10) mW 650'. The clssiages of the top and bottom layers we gevneded sad Outted = two arp. disgrams. The recording is done by means of th to a drum votated by a clock mcchsaism. The first dia. gram furnishes (be m&%ftnal vertical cxpan".m; th~ second diagram. volume chiange or. time: and from a we" Of these clems. a third diagram Is plotted which serves far ciassification purruAts. 1. Lederer HERDA, M. Spraying synthetic m8stics and coating materials, po 294o ZELEZNICE, Prague, Vol. 4. no. 11, 3.954. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEILL). LC, Vol. 5. No. 6. June 1956, Unclo HPMj--14.. AusgWckung der Brueckenachae (tacbech.) S. 90-92 Czechoslovakia so: yftymmunm Tedn", Nov 19550 Unal. ) Mirosl~v Polygonisace s optickym merenLm lelek. (Polg,onizatio!~ wit'- Optical IAP-asurement of Distances. lst ed. i-Ilus., bibl., notes) Authors: Miroslav Herda., Jiri Heria, Vaclav Stanek. Prague, S~'iTL, 1957. 1% p. A detailed descriDtion of anparatus for the measurement of distances and methods of surveying and calculatior, used in rolygonal operations. 11P five chapters deal with the optical measurement of distances, measuremnnt of horizo7ltal anFles, with polygonal series ani optical telemeters as apnlied in rT;ctice. BibliogTaficky katalog, CS-It, Ceske knihv, No. '~2. 17 Sept 57. p. 676-77. ACC NRI iT6027850 CODE: ~"Z/OOZIP/66/000/002/0029/0035~ AUTHWI; Horda, 11iroslav (Engineor; Candidat%o of scioncos) ORG: institute of Geodesy and C irtogr~~p~,_kr~~gu Vav goodo,,do a kartografie) studios for construction and motuitinC,. of the Vltava 2~ridgo near TITI.Z,;: Goodeti,8:/ Zdalcov SOURCZ: Goodoticl(y a kartograficlU obzor, no. 2, 1966. 29-35 TOPIC TAGS; gonoral construction, geodetic survoy, roinforcod concroto, conntzructioy,~ material ABSTRACT: The article describes goodotic work usod as a bavi~- tor tho construction of a stool bridge -survoy-ing of the areal syston and of tho olovation3, tl-o layln~ out and masuremnt of the reinforced concrete part and the nountinf, aul control of t,cr, Doctor the steel construction. This paper was prosontee by Profossor, -,"n", ho- ,Wzi, FS_CVUT Praguo* Origs art* has* med on aij:L. is Vaclay Krv4ph 14 fim,-LT*Grj-- Eng. abstj LJPRS: 35,~K7 SUB CODE: 13, 2.1 / SUM DATE: none af HERDA , 11-11. Delineating the tunnel for the conduct of water from the reservoir in Flaje- P. 86. (Geodeticky A Kartograficky Obzor, Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6. no. 10. October 1957. Uncl. ~LETMA, M. Geodetic measurements for the construction of shafts for the Kruzberk Conduit. P. 194. GEODETICKY A KARTOGRAFICKY CBZOR. (Ustredni sprwra geodesie a kartografie) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol- 5, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EF.AI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 12, December 1959, Uncl. HERDA, Miroslavo inz.; JANUSKA, Frantisek, inz. Technical and economic evaluation of the construction and operation of Czechoslovak coking plants. Hut listy 16 no.10:723-729 0 161. 1. Hutni, projekt, Mistek. HERDA, M., inz. CSc.; CESAK, K., inz.; WEBER, B., inz.; VVINANEK, V.,inz.; KUNICKY, L.,, inz., SIMEK, J.9 inz.; PROSTREDNIK, K., inz. Maps for area planning and records of the built constructions. Geod kart obzor 10 no,9/lOs232-235 0 164 rv al HERDA, Miroalav, inz. CSc.; SIMEK, Jiri, inz. Twenty-ninth Scientific and Technical Gonference on Records and Inventiorization of Underground Equipment in Industrial Enterprises, Katowice, Poland. Geod kart obzor 10 no. 1:19-22 164. 1. Ustal goodezie a kartografie, Praha. 1.1EIRDA, 1-1-iroslav, inz. CSc. Technical map of Pragz;e on the scale 1 1500, Geod kart obzor 10 no. 4:79-85 Ap 164. 1. Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Prague. ~ERP4,-Miroplav, inz., CSc. Comparison of the bast leveling rod. Geod kart obzor 9 no. 6: 156-161 Je 163. 1. Ustav geodezie a kartografie, Praha. BLIDA, M, "Basic plan of an enterprise." HevIL6wed ty k, u: ~ obzor 11 no.2,52-53 F 165. : '' -,!". -. I (~ I ~ 1, n 7n,7? thodis of I .)cat inz i - '- ~ ~-, Cl . I I ~ 1. . - --Y .1 I . F:1,-z-t;!-.-,-, appar~it-,is. Gpod V,irz. ohzor 11 no.2,151. '- I I f I- I :" , : '-~ , HE "AM p qY. On the threshold of the new year. p. 3. (UjItok lepja, Budapest, Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan-1955.) 6 SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL) , LC, Vol. 4, No. ~-, Jan.1955, Uncl. 2E A v USSR Farm ;,,nirmala. Goncral Probloms Abs Jour i Rof Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1968, 26103 Author i Hordoa Vacilo Inst Not givon Titlo i On Parly Ensilago (0 rannom silosovanli) Ori C Pub i Probl.zootohn., 1957, 11o 6, 34-40 Abstract t Tho article reviews data concerning ensilage with tho aid of acids and othor proparations. A mothod of onsilago of alfalfa by moans of formic acid, according to a formlila dovolopod by tho Rumanian Instituto of Zootoohnioal Rosearch, is recommended: tho layors of alfalfa aro sprinklod with 5% solution of formid acid using for each 100 kg. of alfalfa 6 kg. of isolution. Also doscribod aro: onsilap of alfalfa Card 1/2 HERDE-A- Vaaile En1c1r, Scieriiific Secretary (Secretar StJintJfic) - _1. Y - __V1_ih_e Zootechnical Research Institute (Institutul de Cerc;tari Zootchnice), Bucharest. "A I-lumber of Current Problems in Breeding of Animals." Bucharest, Natura. Seria Bioloizie, Vol 15, No 5, Sep-Oct 63, pp 58-63. Abstract: The article was written P. t the request of the teacEers of Agriculture in 7_ucharest Regiune. 1", discusses t-he imDortance of catt-le in t-he economy of the region and the success-_14'ul attemnts to imDrove the strains as well as the yields of the various strains. The imnortance and results obtained In the worIC with Doultry and pigs are also described. 1/1 HERDEA, Vasile, ing. (Bacureati) ------ Some present problems of animal breWing. Natura Biologis 15 no.5t58-63 S-0163. 1. Secretar atiintific al Institutului de Gercetari Zootehnice.. Bacuresti. Distri 4E3A -;;.io-niatm E. 11 A 7 '7 - - R 6 " Or-Nll r,7(1935).-The systetus NI .11'0 and 34 . , 4 CO(NH:)r-Nllr-1130 were blvestiffated, hY prepg. the sains. in various ratios and measuring the vajWr pressure at 10, 20. and 35*. 'File DI)SMAtions, e,g. with the tesixeit to Al/ the locqgont of the wmary point, agreed esmillully with cobson e th wile r fil t d t W J e eru ure a a. ern r a Y l 11 E3MGBN, L., MUDr; GOCIAR, F., KUDr -.-Z----"- . ..... Tubermlosis in adolescents. Cas. leko cook. 93 no*31-32:851- 854 6 Aug 54. 1. Dateks, pllcnl lecobna v Prase-Irrel. (MUCULOSIS, PULNOWT, In adolescents) (ADOLIBSCINCI. diseases, tuberc., pulm.) t-HIRMIR , L., Dr.; TRYNT. Z., Dr.; STICHIMIRTHOVA, B.. Dr. ,-~ - - - Segmental atelectatia InflAmmatina of the lungs in childhood. Cesk. pedlat. 11 no.10:738~-744 oct.56. 1. Ze Iv. detske kliniky KU. predn. prof. dr. T. Blazek. (LUNG DISUS19S. in infant and child Inflam.. segmental atelectatic, clin. aspects (Cs)) XLTL, Zd., Dr.; GOGILR, 7r.; JALUVML, A.; JUADIVOYA, L.; NZUXLNN, R.;' S-MORK-9 ... S" Iffect of isonlasid In lomg/kg doonge in tuberculosis of the IMh nodes. Cook. pediat. 12 no*8:750-753 5 Aug 57. 1, Detske looebrq tuborkulosy-Dausbork, Ire, Sumpork, Abraham. Dolnk Smokovec. (TUBMUUMIS, LYXPH NOME, ther. Isonlasid, doolmetrIc Indic. (Cs)) (ISONUZID, ther. use tuberc., lymph nodes, dosimetric Indic. (Cz)) FIE TRENY, Z.; STICRMIWIRTHOVA. B. Significance of inflammation of the banal lung segments in the develoDmeit of bronchlectasis in children. Cesk. pedist. 8 no.6: 48R-495 5 Julv 58. 1. laborator pro detakou nneumologii a IT. detaka klinika V v Praze, prednosta nrof. Dr. F. Blazek. (PHIMMONIA, IOBAR, in Inf. & child causing bronohlectanis (0s)) (BRONCHILWASIS. in inf. -% child caused by lobar pneumonia 02)) ZAK, F. -, 1MRDEG1?HLMINT' Z. Oranular endobronchial poeudotumor. so-called Abrikosov myoblastic myom, in a 14 year old boy. Cook. pediat. 14 no.1:22-26 5 Jaa 59. 1. 11. patologicko-anatomic4 ustav, prednosta prof. d--. W. Jedlicka IT. detska interni klinikEx, preduosta prof. dr. 1. Blazek. Klinika detske chirargie ped. fak.. prednosta doe. dr. V. 1611ka. II. 6hirurgloka klin- 1ka, prednosta akad. J. Divis. F. Z., II. pat.-anat. untav. U Nemocnice 4, Praha 2. (BRONCHI, neoplaa= myoblastoma in adolescent boy, case report (Cz)) (MTOBLOTOM. case report@ bronchial in adolescent boy (Oz)) BLAZEK, Frantisek; HERDEGEN, Ludvik Our experiences with the diagnosis, clinical aspects and .) prevention of acqaited bronchlectamis In children. Ceek.pediat. 15 no.6/7:503-511 J1160. 1. IV. detela interni IdIniks a laborator pro detabu pneumologil v Praze, preduosta prof.dr. Y.Blazek. (BRONCHIECTASIS in inf & child) BLAZEK, Frantisek; UERDEGEN. Ludvik; HLOUSKOVA, Zdenka; SUMWMA, Jan Chronic diffuge interstitial pneumonia in childhood. Cesk.pediat. 15 no.6/7:528-538 J1160. 1. IV. detska klinilm v Praze. prednosta prof.dr. F.Blazek. II. detalm klinika v Praze, prednosta prof.dr. J.Houstek. II. detska klinika v Erne, prednosta alademik 0. Tsyschl. (PUIXOnRY FIBROSIS in inf & child) BLAZEK, Frantisek; HERDEGEN, Ludvik; LESAK, Jan Relation of diseases of the paranasal sinuses to the aDnearance and development of bronchial asthma in children. Cesk.pediat.15 no.6/7?624-630 jl#6o. 1. Laborator pro detskou Daeumologii pri IV. detske klinice fakulty voeobeeneho lekarstvi KU, vedouci: prof.dr. Yr.Blatek. Klinika detake otorhinolaryngologie, Drednosta: doc.dr. J.Chvojka. (ASTHMA In inf & child) - (PARANASAL SINUSES die) BIAZEK, F.; HERDEGEN, L.; STICHENWIRTOVA, B. Indirect oximetry in the functional diagnoeiv of respiratory diseases in children, Cook. pediat. 18 no-4:3(Y7-312 Ap 163. 1. Laborator pro detakehopneumologii IV, detske kliniky fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi KU V PraZeP rednosta, prof, dr. F. Blazek. (OXIMMY) (SPIROME;AY5 (ASTFR4A) (FULMOUARY FIMOSIS) (BRONCHOPNEUMONIA) (BRONCHIECTASIS) HFJWEGEN L; BOSWART,J.1 JANOUSKOVAOA. 11 Intrapulmonary mixing of gases in the lungs of children. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.11:964-971 11163. 1. laborator pro detskou pneumologii fakulty vsoobeeneho lekar- stri MJ v Praze; vedouci: prof.tir.F.Blazek. IPMEGEN,L.; JA'OUSKOVA,A.; BOSWART,J.; STEBETAKOVA, 1, Normal pulmonary volumes in children. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.ll: 972-q78 R163. 1. Laborator pro detskou pneumologii fakulty vseobeeneho le- karstvi KU v Praze; vedouci3prof. dr. F.Mazek. 4e JANOUSKOVAPA.; HERDEGEN,L.; STEBETAKOVA,I~ Evaluation of expiratory vital capacity tracings in children. I. Healthy children. Ceek.pediat.18 no.111979-987 V163. 1. Laborator pro detakou pneumologii fakulty vseobecneho le- karstvi KU v Praze; vedouci: prof.dr.F. Mazek. HERDEGUI, L.; JANOUSKOVA, A.; DOSWART, J. Functional examination of the lung after lung resections in brochiectasis in children. Cesk pediat. 19 no.10: 894-902 0 164. 1. Laborator pro detskou pneumologii fakulty a IV. detska interni kli-nika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Praze; prednosta prof. dr. F. Blazek. HERDEGRI, L.; JANOUSKOVA, A.; BOSWARTIJ. Distribution of gas ventilating the alveoli in asthmatic children. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.3t2l3-218 Xr 165 1. Research laboratory for Children's Pheumology, IVth P'ledintric Glinic, Faculty of Generrl Medicine of the Charles University, Prague. S'BIZ1,AVSKY, r"jol, contribution on the ecology of .1-lyc-)pl.asma pmmLmonjae infections. J. hyg. epidem. (rvilria) 9 no.ltS6-~". '65 1. Tnstitute of Epidrmiololrj find Microbiology, 11--ague, -2nd and 4th Pediatric Mlninq of the Medical Familty, (7-1~r cT PrevenLiva Pediatrics or Lhe Medical Facult: AiaLr In, i ~-rh'.-,.cl; aryngologic- .~ Pa L - al nnd Yedical Glinlns of the Medical lbglprie t 1 4.y. Clmrles Univemity, Prague. HERDEN, G. Development and use of welding jigs. p. 10?. ZVAJWIE Vol. 5, no. 4, Apr. 1956 Czechoslovakia Source: EAST MROPEAN LISTS Vol. 5, no. 7 July 1956 3 G" ", 'j 3/13V62/000/004/188/201 A154/101 AUTHOR: Herden, G. TITLE: Technological problems of flux-facing austenitic steel on unalloyed materials PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 85, abstract 4E476 C'Zv~ranie", 1961, 10, no. 10, 299-304, Slovak; Russian, English and German summaries) TEXT: Technological conditions were studied, under which it is possible to produce a corrosion-resistant non-porous coating by fluxed arc facing. The following conclusions are given z 1. Fluxed facing with the use of two wires is more advantageous than with one wire, both metallurgically and economically. 2. When this method is used theamount of unalloyed base material In weld metal is only 1y%; when only one wire is used it is up to 50%. 3. Use of 2 wires permits increasing the productivity of facing to 20 kg./hr, against 7.5 kg/hr with one wire. Experimental results can be used in developing new production technologies for chemical Installations and nuclear engIneering installations. Abstracter's note: Complete translation] V. Klyuchnikova Card 1/1 S/08 62/000/006/049/111"' B149YB108 AUTHOR: Herdieckerhoff, Werner TITLE: A method for the oxidation of steel, and specifically for bluing PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyat no. 6, 1962, 358, abstract 61258 (Pat. FRG 1084547, 22. 12. 60) TEM A method has been patented for bluing at temperatures ~~-3000C in particular immediately after thermal treatment. The thermal treatment is I done in vacuo; the closed space is then filled with an inert gas and OC. cooled to 600 400 The partial vacuum, produced by the cozitraoti6h-:~of' cooled inert gas is filled with oxygen up to normal pressure; the amount of oxygen introduced should be sufficient for the bluing of the entire surface of the article under treatment. The required amount of oxygen depends on the total surface area of the articles to be bluedl the necessary cooling temperature and the corresponding contraction of gas must therefore be found experimentally. LAbstracter's notet Complete translation.] Card 1/1 Country BUMAM Category ?Arm, Aittmals. Cattles Abs, Jour Illef Zhur-Biolop No 21, 19589 96845 Author :Boasor, Gaza; HerdItAkY AdIt Instituto $- Title :The Effect of Tarim Feeding Tatensity upon the Grcrrth and Development of Rungarlan Spott Breed-Reifers as well as upon the Onset of Tb OrI6 Pub. : Allattenyesste3l 1957p 69 No 29 81-9~ Abstract t It was `established that heifers reach the live weight and body measurement norms which are comzoon for the given breed at the age of 2 years while awtual maturation occurs at the age 013.8-21 montlis which means a considerable Lowering of feed expendituress 200 kg of stard equivalentel including 270 ks of digestible gotelas, are sufficient (L e.9 20 percent I han the feeding rMs Of 1912mia which are adapted in Hurxg6rI* )Eore abmmdant feeding led Card: 3/2 *Sw.ual Maturations m 7 -F ~4 1P. The Influence of the decutattatiqi of fortt(Oloti of peattar an the compol(flaft. of theldL -- A clsell. Lwfl"'My and V. rtire, J)"Ifteml of (be N gpid Vol. R. i93 _tog. 5 fjp.. 7 fatal 3, NO- 4, PP- A study hai be.' m, a n t f n he 0.3tUt"Rim a tar obtalnM by the poidticrr 111%tilk. fMM A tllexlm~ 1~*at. 1.5ing the A~Ayscm. Ptr; the and the solvent (ratinnal) vnrtho4s (nI P11111ow of gathednq Mkolift (tate -(in the !*01n pr"CeS.". af PYWIV-119, It WA3 found that (1) the tat IHCA%Ctd by the tow-temm' ature diftinAtion t~nq hash I k: V,, conUins larg-a quantities of unslal3k cmr4unds of high inaiccular %,eight which decoutrow., pattly to la,~er MOJCC~ljr Weight hydMjflKM4j (fpftn (firthCr diglillailail --temMatu (b) the tat pmddctd by [a%% m 0(stituti"* tains amly stmil quantities of and dimetbyl pyriditte COMFOUnds; (C) dor IR the M~004- ary Pyroly.-OS at tar In the producer pjoci..11 not ally Me asphaltic stAstancts bat at: the wato Ohm the 110mom. R"es of 1111enol and pyridino are ifeeomposoA yk-liling coMid". able qt1antitles at phenol, pyritflat and low motecalu Weight holinntcgues of the latter. -7~ P P I !1H 11 1:i.': Vol. MUM ItUNGP,RY/Physical Chenistry. Crjotals - Abs Jour: Ref Zbur-Kbin., No 13, 1958, 42449. Author :_Heredy ;6,,_Neuberger V., Rona V. Inat lfunpAriftn Academy of Sciences. Title The Structure of Coal. Oric Pub: S'kcta chim. ,cad. sci. huna., 1957, 12, No 1, 35-56. ,-'Lbstract: On the basis of a modified equation of Franklin (Franklin R. E., Fuel, 1948, 27, 46) for tte cor- relation between specific volumes and H content, the following conclusions are arrived at concerning structure and carbonization process of coal. Ccal is considered to be a supercooled liquid. Struc- tural units of coal consist of arorp-tic nuclei with added, aliphatically bonded, CHt-Groups. Card 1/3 D-5 HUIIG,IEVFhysicaI Chemistry. Crystals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khin-, No 13, 1958, 4-,449. Number of C-atons is of about 40 with a Liole- cular weight of the unit of 500. During carboni- zation the molecular weidit of the units changes from 600 with 80rp' C to 500 with 93-945, c. Caxiboni- zation takes place in 2 phases: 1) on increase of C from 80 to 88~ the H, content and specific volume of hydrocarbcn f ramewoN, are approxivately crnstant and change in structure is effected essentially by a change in the amount of 0 from 12 to 41~; 2) on change in C from 88 to 94cp' specific volume decreases, content of H decreases from 5 to 3~, there takes place a breakdown of the aliphatic portion. Degree of con- densation of aromatic nuclei during carbonization increases only slightly. Different petro,=tphic Card 2/3 'hUNGf,RY/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. 1~bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim-, No 13, 1958, 42449. varieties of coal are almost identical in chenical structure cuid differ only in the proportions of aro- natic and aliphatic portions of the struct-urt- Card : 3/3 B-5 11 kt.atrj--499q Q) r Recovery oftpoWand p ridine homologs from sodium phenolate solu ons. t1j. NhIdIvas - Utridy y, B. Rkskal. and I, (For3chungsiu5t. ~khwirfia.-, -Vestpr6m Chiiis.* Aiia. Sci. Hung. 16, 205-13(1988XIn Gertunu) - Pyridine (1) und I homologs steam-dhad. from Na. phcaoLte Ihm Solas. btled during coal pyrolysis are recovered by fmc- tional distij. The disftte contains 20% 1 and, all ASOO treatment, 84-9011/c yield with respect to I In the pbellolate solu. results. The aude produck contalus about 0017, 1 suid 'A pfc9line Isouter.s. M' J. D. tuvr