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HAZAY, Istwan, dr.t Kossuth-dijasp a muszaki tudomanyok doktoras egyetemi -*- -tlbmal- Dimension of the wmdliary quantitiea of compensation, Geod kart 14 noo6:397-399 1629 1, Spitoipari as Koslakedemi Mussaki RpetAim; "Geobzia es Kmrtografia~' szerkemsto bizottsagi tagjao , HAZAY,-Istyj;2 Kossuth-dijasj, a Muszaki tudomanyok doktora2 egyetewl --- tanar Pofessional practice combined with correspondence courses for students of geodesy. Good kart, 24 no.6:454455 162. 1, Epitoipari es Kazlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem; 'Geodesia es Kartograria" szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. HAZAY, Istvan,_a_muszaki tudomanyok doltora Remark about the paper of Zoltan Heinemann entitled "Remarks about the principle of static equalization." Muezaki kozl MTA 31 s6.1/4t275-2-179 "62, 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Maszaki Fgyetem II. Geodeziai Tanszeke. Njs HAZ wan drey GgYetemi tanar, okleleveles mernok, a muszald UCCUManyok doktora- Goveral review of t1w-retWift curriculum propoewl- of the Faculty of Engineering.. Technical University of-the ConBtruction Industry and Transportation. Melyepitestud sze4e 13 no.2/3: 49-64 F-4tr 1-63. l& Spitoipari es Nozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem Mernoki Kara dekanja,. Budapest. RAW, Istvan, dr. Direct determination of function values from the normal ecj=tions of coordinate compensation. Geod kart 15 no.l: 14-15 163. 1. *Geodezia es Kartografia" szerkeazto bizottoagi tagja. HA7.AY, Istvan, dr. Calculation of mean erTors, in connection with fictive measurements, Geol kart 15 no,209-99 163. 1. %Geode2ia es lartogra:ria" szerkeszto bizottisagi tagja. HMY, Istvan, dr. Loxodromes and orthodromes. Geod kart 16 no.,2tllO-119 $64 1. uGeodezia es Kartografiall szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. HAZAYI 1., prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences Dimension of the subsidiary quanti ties of adjustment. Acts, techn Hung 47 no. 1/2:123-129 164. 1. Technical University of Building and Commun-Ication, Budapest. HAZAY, Istvan, dr. The image of the degree network in the ~*rcator projection with oblique axis, Geod kart 17 no.1:1-4 165. 1. Editorial Board MAmbor, "Geodezia es Kartog,.-afia.11 ACC NRt AT SOURCE CoriEt HU AUTHOR. ~I*-Kh~Azaif--It. (Doctor of technical sciences; Professor) IQ 4- ation and ORG,*, Do artment of Advanced Geodesy, Technical University for, Constru TITIZ: Significance of the Tissot indicatrix SOURCE: Acaderias scientiarum hungaricae. Acta technica, v. 52.p nos 1-2, 1965, 171-201 TOPIC TAGS.- cartography, projective goometry ABSTRACT- Studies were conducted to establish the suitability of the Tissot indica- trix as a property of the projection of a point with the aim of doterrining the uss- fulness of it in selecting the optinum typo of projection for carii Arposas* The indicatrix formation for various projection typers, distortfo-~s caused in the procoss, and moans of indicatrix determination, were described aril discussed. 0--; - art. hast 11 figures, 83 formulas, and 1 table, Lorig. art. in Garnan-7 LJ-F.I-,c,'7 SUB CODS: 08, 12 SUBM DATE: 22jun64 om RFF: 001 D-lil REF.- 003 MhZAY, S. f "Adjustment of national and continental triangulations." Acta Technica, Budapest, Vol. 6, No; 3A, 1953, p. 399- SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1954, L.C. ffAZDROVA, MLIGIIA, promovana geolozka Calculation of the thermal water reserves Ir the basal Cretaceous sandstones in the Usti nad Labem area. Geol pruzkum 5 no.6-. 338-180 je 163. 1. Ustredni ustav geologicky, Praha. KYSELA, J.; HAZE, K. Some remarks on determination of the lowering of the freezing point according to Czechoslovakian pharmaeopeid 1, supplement 1. Cesk. farm. 4 no-5:247 June 55. 1. Z krajoke kontrolni laboratore Prazake Me,11ky n.p. (PHAWCOPRIA Czech. 1. supplement 1, determ. of lowering of freezing point.) (DRUGS freezing point, determ. of lowering in Czech. pharmacopeia) GRUND, Mir.; DAZE, '. inz.; ZUZANEK, Jar., inz. Nev design of a svitch for a small point recorder. Automatizace 6 no.L17-18 Ja 163. 1. Zavody pruqrslove automatizace, n.p., zavod Nova Paka. A CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Inorganic Chemistry. Complex Compounds C Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Rhimiya, No 31 1958p No 7363 Author F. Petru... B. Hazek., J. Zavorka Inst Not Given -------- Title On the Chemistry of the Fare Elements. II. On Scandium Pyrophosphate. Orig Pub Chem. listY, 1957, 51, No 1, 21-26, Sb. chekhool. khim. rabor, 1957, 22, No 5, 1541-1546 Abstract Thedeposit of acandium pyrophosphatey as a result of inter- -action of solutions Of ScC13 and Na4P2O7 or N62H2P207 at PH 3.6 and 0.5 was studied. On the basis of potentiometric and conductometric studies of the course of -the formation of the deposit and of the results of the analysis of obtained substances: the authors conclude that a formition of SC4(P207)-4 takes place in all cases. Part I see RZhKhim., 19571 50969. Card 1/1 WROMKI, Rieczyslaw; HAZEK, Lucyna L--- Kinetics of the hydrolysis of Phanyl isothiocywiate in solutions of sodium hydroxide. Nauki matem prz:rrod LocIz no.12:155-162. 162. 1. Katedra Technologii Chemicznej, Uniweraytet, Lodz. i f , "T I - T .... ... L , o oval! Vale Vouk; obitu-=Y. Letopis SAN 13: 51-53 1612 (publ. 163) STRAUB, Gyula; HAZI, Fbdre Structural analysi~'of-,substances by means of' radioactive gama rays with the aid of the Geiger44ullex~ counters. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 3 no.1/4:263-266 159. 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari Eastem Analitikai Keiaia Tanazek. -,=12 Endre Application, of-cal$get Potwtial measurement in studying the initi*-I,,~~is.of oxidation on metal aurfues. Yeszpres vegyip pgy -XOSI 5 iiP,2sI67-175 161, 1. Wsg)remiVAgyip*ri B"etom Analitikai Kemia Tanozek. BORLAI, Oszkar; IIAZI, Endre; W.DACSONYI, Tivadar Dwelling period measurement of grains in fluidized layers by means of isotopes. Veszprem vegyip egy kt)zl 7 no.1- 55-60 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Muszaki Kemia, Kutato Intezete, Budapest-Veszprem; Veszpremi Vegyfpmri Egyetem Radiokemiai Tanszek. I'S A P I-J, ZI~jlpn; lj,,~.T, Entire; Nil Examination of mixini? anrt dwe'illnr '11flio d.1-It!'ibU!;`-ns in Poa.m columns bj means of radiometric method. Veszprem vegyip egy kozI 7 no. 2037-144 16_11. 1. Chair or Radioohemistry, Chemical I-i-if7try University, Veszprem, and 'Research Institute of rFchnical Chemietry, Hungarian Ac-a-Inmy of, Sciences, budapest-Veszprem. -an(i n,, tA ons, ~-,n ,:rj material in-,,~ra3tto. ,I, riticleill. 1.71ttintions -is r .. i Von-iprom ot,-y ro, 1. Chair of RaJio,:riomtstr), 'InLv HAZI, Endre; CSAPO, 17oltan; JELIKKO, Lorbala Continuous densimietry of streaming solutions and slurries. Musz elet 19 no. 1+: 10 13 F 164. ACC N~': S o U 1 1, C I,-, CO D i0 w-J, (,;:j f, f):" AU'.'L'1101'X,: llazkoLo Gizella (Chemical engincer); Syalontai, Irnre (C"Icirnical engincer); Szondy, Istvan- (Building engineer) ORG: '111-a-Zliotol Industrial Research institute for Plastics (MuaryagJ'*,_.)arJ1 Kutato Intczet'); BM [Ministryfor Inter 4or] National Headquarters for Fire Protection (13:0 Tuzrendeszet Orszagos I'arancsnoksaga); [Szondyj Scientific Institute for Plannincr and Desiffn (Epitcstudomanyi Intezet) TITLE: Behavior of plastics in fire SOURCE: Aluanyag es crumi, v. 3, no. 12, 1966, 359-365 TOPIC TAGS: polyethylene plastic, polypropylene plastic, polyester plzls.~c, polyvinyl chloride plastic, fire resistant material, flammability, foam Plastic, glass fiber reinforced plastic, plastic tubing ABSTRACT: The authors describe two series of tests performed in 1965. 1. Several horizontal plastic and resin zubes (polyvinyl chloride, polvetilylene, ior their behavior in ftre, and the polypropylene) for carrying liquids, were tested I L fire-resisfance of glass -fib er- reinforced polyester and PVC polyester suctior. .-Card 1 / 2 ACC NIR: A 'CIP70013591 ducts was studied. PVC pipes were found to be least resistant to fire, while '.'&-Ie glass -fib er-r einforc ed polyester showed good fire-resistant properties. 2. The flammability of sandwich structures made of several types of foam was investigat- ed, but the rosults were considered inconclusive. The United Pharmaceutical and Food Plant participated in the tests. Orl.1g. art. has: 15 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: ll/SUBM DATE: none/ORIG REF: 001/OTH REF: 002/ Card 2/2 ILUIER) T. "Loc6LJ Materials as a'Basis for Rural Building." r. 11. (BU.'C!JT7C-,F,i"- U'IE7SKIZ' Vol. 5, no. 1, Feb./Jan. 1951, %rszave, Foland) SO: 14otthly Lists of East European Accession, LC, V61. 3, no. 5, May 191VUncl. HAZLLR, T. Local materials in the buildinr- tnvestm nts of col ective farms. P. 9 (Rudownictwo Wiejskie, Vol. 8, no. 3, Mar. 1956, Wars~awa, Poland) Monthb- Index of East European Accessions (FEAI) LC- Vol. 7, no. 2, Fetruary 1958 L_ E POLA17D /Chendcal Techn,)lcZ3y Chemical Products and Their H-13 Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders., Concretc. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya) No 8, 1958, 25974 Author Hazler Ta 111st Title Slags and Their Use in Building. Orig Pub Budown. viejskie, 1957, 8, No 8, 7-10 Abstract Description of different kinds of blast-furnace and fual slag, and means of utilizing them in bui-ldinE. Card 1/1 HA~,LER, T. Slags and their use in the building industry. II p. 10 (Budowinictwo Wiejskei) Vol. 9, No. 9, Sept. 1957, Warszawa, Poland SO: MONTHLY niDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCE-, IONS (EE_AI) LC, VOL., 7, 110. 1, JAN. 1958 P,A-,;LLF,, TADTIIUSZ Budynki z zuzlobetonu. (VIyd. 1) Warszawa, Poland. 'Arkady. 94 P. Monthly List of East European Accessions (E~AI) LC, Vol. 13, no. 8 August 19559. Uncl. IMMLIBSZKY2 Tama& Stalactites. Elet tud 19 no.6048-250 7,YU. HA 2 ", ; Al I , 1 0 __ -- ___7 Transistor preamplifier for electron-tube equipment. p-1133. RADIOTTECRIM. Budapest, Hun.gary. Vol. 9, no. 6, June 19~9. Mlonthly List of East Euroi:)ean Accessions (E&AI), LC. Vol. 11, 110- ~, September 1959 Uncl. HIDAS, Gyorgy; KEMENY, Adam; HAZMAN, Istvan; KISS, Erno; SOMOGY1, Janos The use of transistors in radio receiving sets; also, remarks by E.Kiss and I.Somogyi. Muszaki koz1 MTA 26 no.114:101-104 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Hiradastechnikai Kutato Intezet (for Hidas, Kemany and Hazman) (Radio) (Transistors) O/C.74/63/000/OOZ/012/019' A05.5/A126 AUTHOR: Hfizman, IstvAn 'Tr=: Unified studio amplifier PERIODICAL:, ReferativnYY zhurnal,-Radiotekhnika i Elektrosvaz'J'4; no. 2, 196 3j t; abstract 2B424 (Hiradfistechn. ipari k6zl., 1961, 57 V. 1, no. 1, 42 49, 601 Hungarian; summaries In Gennan, English and Russian) TEXT: The author describes the circuit, the parameters and 'the calcula- tion of the elements of a unified studio amplifier with six:semic6nductor-tri- odes made in Hungary and in Western Europe. The pass-band 6f the amplifier is 30 - 15,000 cps with a t 0.5 db irregularity; at a gain or 40 db and at a noise,level of -54 db (noise of the amplifier itself),:the sensitivity of the amplifier is 100 jLv across 30 ohm;' the largest output sigial is 6.2 v. The amplifier is intended for operation with a microphone, and also as a linear line-repeater in.lin~s with 50 and 200 ohm impedances.' The amplifier has a~ transformer-coupled input and output. It consists of five resistance-coupled Card 1/2 ---------- .. .... ------ HAWAN, Istvan - - - ---- Transistor pro-amplifiers used in the motion pictures industrY. Kep hang 7 no.3:88-93 Je 161. HAZW, Istvan Transistorized sound system in railway cars. Kep hang 0, no*301-94 Je 163. HAZXAN., J-styan On dynamics expansion. Radiotechnika 13 no.4:1.54-155 Ap 163. 4LZMAN . Xgtvan On dynamics expansion. Radioteabntka 13 no.5:194,-195 My 163. HAMAN, fstxan Cutoff I'z---f!:Jency measurements of junction transistors. Hir techn 1.5 nO.3;7(5-7C' Mr '64, 1. Research Institute of the Telecommunication Industry, budaFest. F~. Z1. 7 e "! -.,.A, ?-. "Prefabrication of products in the sidellne bidding in,~,'.Ftxies ally, in .~inishi-ng work." POZIENIII STAV9Y, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, No. 1.0, Octobfx 1955- Monthly List of F-ist European Accessions (FEAI), ITIC, Vol. :~, No. '), Leptemher 1959. Unclassified. HL711GARY FERENCZY, T-xjos, Laszlo. Kalman; Jozucf Attiia*Uni-versity, InutitO'V Plant Physiology (directors 3ZALAI, 1.) (Jozsof ALtila Egyctnm, 14ovenyelettani Intezet), 3-Laged, and Medical University of Szcged, Institute of Pharmacognosy (directors NOVAK, 1.) (Szegedi Crvostudomany! Zegyctcm, 0yogyazerhatastani Intezet). It The Antifungal Constituents of Cynanchum Vincetoxicum (L.) Pers 1. The quantitative Antifungal 5pectrum of Substance C-1. I' Budapest, AcLa lKicrobiolovica Acadrmiap Scicntiarum 11unraricae, Vol XII, No 4, 196579=,Pages )Yi-Y;4. Abstract; [,-ngllzh arUc1c, authors' Znglish summary modifiod] The anti- P Lungal activity of a compound isolated from Cynanchum vincetoxicurt kL.) rers and dcsienated as Subotance C-1 has been studied against 40 yeasts, 40 moulds and 20 dermatophytes. With the exception of a few moulds, most of the examined species and strains, including an of the human pathogenic fungi tested, were found to vie hkghly sensitive to the compound. The minimal inhibitory concentration on glucose-broth-peptone culture. medium at pH 7 was found to be botween 0.01c and 1.0 pg/ml. 2 Eastern European,- 6 Western referencoa. [Kinuscript r-eived 31 Jul. 65.) 1/1 f Pots6noush6neyfrOM'-diAdly*jitiUdi,- #e: r(Chem. Inst. Haupstadt, Hu a. dapest). . Z. Jus 93- G( 19,5G), Bee Worki 37, 1644 1 056).-The poisonoun (!ITcct j of thndly nightshade honey, due to the presence of befla- donna. aiLalaidi, Li described- The method by. which the: %lightly 1110-%o1. OL110ids get into the nectar' has not yet; been rMablished. r m RIEIW~ -NS P IM P, 1. 1 MR., ;,. IRM~ I HMLIIJSZKY, Tema "The vorld of caves" by Jakucs-Kessler. Reviewed by Tamas Haselinesky. Met tud 18 no.7:212 17 F 163. HAZSLINSZKY, Tamas "Adventtwes in the depth of the sea* by Odon Rm.dai. Reviewed by Tamas Hazolinszkyo Elet tud 18 no.19-.582 12 My 163. HAZUKA. Miroslav. MUDr Rffect of trauma on etiology and course of tuberculosis. Prakt. lek., Praha 34 no.22:509-511 20 Nov 54. 1. Z chirurg. klin. zakladny pro dookolent. lekaru pri obv. nem. v Praze 8-Bulovka; predn. prof. MUDr Jan Knobloch (TUMMOULOSIS, etiol. and pathogen. trauma) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES trauma in etiol. of tuberc.) HAZtTKA, X., I)r.; HMZ, J., Dr.1 MACH, F., Dr. Fracture of band bones. Acta chir. ortbop. traum. ceeb. 23 no.2:72-75 Feb 56. 1. Z Chirurgicke Klinicke Zakladny TJDL v Praze 8, Bulovka, prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Knobloeb. (HM. fract. management. (Cz)) (FRACTURES, hand, management. (Cz)) HAZUKA, m.; MACH, F. Surgical technics in gimiltaneous injuries of tho brain and other parts of the body. Rmhl. chir. 41 no.4:289-291 Ap 162. 1. Ghirurgicka klinicka zakladna UDL v nemocnic,. na Bulovee v Praze 8., prednosta prof. 14UDr. J. Knobloch, Drge. (BRAIN Wds & inj) (SHOCK ther) ORSZAGH, J.; KAS, S.; HAZUKA, V. The autonomic ner7ous system in infectious hepatitiB. Cesk. gastroent. vyz, 17 no.3.-18o-184 Ap 163. 1. Neurologicke oddeleni nemocnice v Praze-Motole, vedouci doe. dr. K. Mathon Oddeleni infekanich z1outenek nemocnice v Praze- Motole, vedouci MUDr. 0. Sousek. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM) (PULSE) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) STICHj, Z. 9M=0 A.j, PF.TVEKT$ Ja, HMOVAq J.0 WALIMMv V.P ZOMj Jap 8rL'J?1v17j=,q Jov )=p L - w Sodz.Uzation of madicina In Owahoslarakia. Zdmvct. rev. 2516, Juna 50., p. 165-6 CUM 19s 59 NOT-a 1950 HEBDA, Michal, mjr. mgr. inz. (Warszawa) The present state and development of research methods on the properties of the subtersurface layer. Pt. 1. Przegl mech 21 no.13:398-400 10 J1 '62. BROS, Jan, dr inz.j HEBDA, Michal, dr inz. Problems of research centers of friction and vea:v of the Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, during the years 1957-1964. Przagl memh 23 no.23: 688-689 10 D 164. 1. Technical University, Krakow (for Bros). 2. Military Engineering School, Warsaw (for Habda). HRBDA, Miohal, mjr.y mgr inz. (Warszawa) State and development of the research methods on the properties of the subsurface layer. Pt.2. Przegl mech 21. no.14-.41,3,4" 25 .11 162. HEBANOWSKI, Marek - - --------- -- Contribution to acute renel failure due to castor bean poison- ing* Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.31t]-204-1205 3 Ag'64 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrmyoh Akademi-I medy=imjj w Gdanska; kierownik : prof. dr. Jakub Pensan. C. L, ij I Ly Acr,~:~sslons List ol. HEBDZY14SKA, Z.; Chojecki, .4. Some observations on the preparations for the sumer scason in summer resorts. P. 8. (PP2EML GASTRONOMIG&TY. Vol. 11, no. 6, June 1956, lifarszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East Eu--opean Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. I'V. -111-11--- IIEBEIANU~~ -ph I. Concrete, dynamic, and combative visual agitation. Munca sindic 7 no.12:45-47 D 163. 1. Presedintele comitetului sindicatului de la uzinele "Industria Sirmel" Cimpia Turz'Li. roertam for in roentgenagrnnhy. I'ax 57. in roentgenograDhy (Ser)) CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instruments. C_ Methods of Measurement and Research. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika.. No 3, 1960, 514g Author Hebek Paitonin Inst Title Effect of Liquid Vapor on Pointed Geiger-Muller Ccw-fters Orig Pub Chekhosl. fiz. zh., 1959, 9, No 1, 127-128 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 S/194/62/000/002/006/096 D230/D301 A M-00s: Przybylski, Tadeusz, Zak, MieszysZavr and_Ua!QJ_,._ Zygmunt T I T.LE Constant-current analyzer P--.'RIODICAL: Reflerativnyy :;hurnal, AVtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-1-33zh (2eSz. --laUk. Politechn. ,gdAnsk., 1960, no. 21, 63-70) D TEXT: The Det_tartoentu of 2,'Iectrical Engineering of jhie Gda'-isk ~,oly- new constant-cur- Uechnic Institute has developed, for own use, a rent analyzer. Five types of the variable potentiometer were used 0.2; 2.5; 5; 50 and 100 kohms; the as standard resistance boxes: resistance values for a given pos_~tion were determined using an oh,-ameter. The potentiometers are divided into two groups of 60, in each of the vertical analyzer fields; they are cor"nect-ed by means of two single-cord jack and sockets in thellsimulation field" cir- cuit containing 48 switching stations with sockets. 200 and 500 ohm-potentiometers are used as auxiliary junction points for the Card 1/3 S/194/0'2/000/002/000'/096 Constant-current analy""er D230/D301 simulation field; these points are connected with the cor.respond- incr socket junction points of the measured field which are used 0 for measuring resistances, currents and volta6es. 'The measuring instruments are mounted on the board of the analyzer. In the upper 4'i part of the analyzer ther-a is -the power supply switching L eld, i distributing the voltage 'to 5 junction points and to socket's (each junction point consists of 5 sockets). The measuring ammeter is supplied with a range switch, current polarity switch and an auxi- liary resistance used for calculating errors introduced by the in- Uernal resistance of the ammeter. In the analyzer circuit there are two class 0.5 ammeters for currents 1.5; 3 and 7.5 and 15, 30 and 75 ma. Voltage and resistance measurements are made with a valve voltmeter having ranges 3, 10, 30 and 100 V. The accuracy of voltage and-resistance measurements is 3 and 5 percent, respective- ly (for the measuring range 0.1 to 100 kohms). A. c. or d.c. mains at 220 V provides the power supply; the circuit has five stabil~ized rails, 0 to 80 V (Max. load of each rail 30 -ma). The analyzer is inexpensive and small in size; it is thus sul-table for use at the Card 2/3 S/194/62/000/002/006/090' Constant-currerit. -analyzer D230/D301 Polytechnic-laboratories, Itechnical colleges and also for design (and similar) organizations. 4 figures. Z-Abstracter's note: Com- ,plete translation..7 Card 3/3 J'-SZEI, Z; MWMA& M; SWATMOVA9 E* Institutn of Ppifiwziolo,-Jr and Vliorablolo!w (Ustaw M.Pl- demlolow or all) Ae a m1kroblolagie), rmpas (f llra~w Pozhled-T T JLbj!Lmloeq, ffo 6-7, 19639 pp 454- *Tbm Siguiticanue of ',JyujbsLaUAuu buyle in the Spread of INWrailoals lafection In Us rural lVaUtlea.0 SERY, V.; JEZEK, Z.; SVANDOVA, R.; FUCHSOVA, M.; HKBL?LK.A,-' M. Use of tuberculin tests in the study of Yqcobacterium bovis. IL Analysis of allergy to tuberculin in children and adolescents in relation to Mtcobacterium bovis infection. Cesic. epidem. 12 no.5:262-267 S 163. 1. Ustav epidemiologia a mikrobiologie v Praze - Tuberkulozni oddeleni OUNZ v Litomericicb. (TUBERCULIN REACTION) (TUBERCULOSIS, BOVINE) (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (MYCOBACTERIUM BOVIS) JEZEK, Z.; SERY,V.; _qk~E kt..j_ SVANDOVA, E. The v,-Iue of simultaneous application of human mid bovine tuberculin. Cask. epidem. 14 no.3tl43-148 My-165 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologle, Praha, Katedra nanocl tropu a subtropu, UDL, Praha. CZECHOSLOVAKIA POPLUHAR, L.; ROSIVAL, F.; JEZEK, Z2; HEBELKA, M.; Veterinary Faculty, Chair of Infectious Diseases, Go =.eF,;-d?-Agriculture (VSP, Veter. Fakultas Katedra Infekenych Chorob), Kosice; Okresny Epizootologist (Epizootolog), Kosice; Instituto of Epidemiology and Microbiology (Ustav EpidemioloRie a Milcrobiologio), Prague. "On the Problems of Tuberculosis in Pigs." Prague, Veterinarni Medicina, Vol 11, No 8, Aug 66, pp 485-496 Abstract fluthors, English summary modified 7: Mammalian PPD tubercixlin was used for allergic diagnosi-S of tuberculosis in pigs, using a dose of 5000 Tu, and a dose of 2500 Tu of avian tuberculin. The swellings were excessive; when only 500 Tu of either tuberculin were used reliable results were obtained. Swel- lings which had a diameter of 8 mm and over were considered to be positive reactions. 4 Figures, 4 Tables, 5 Westerns 5 Czech, 3 Russian, 1 Hungarian reference. (Manuscript received 10 May 65)- 84 - 1845-66 T JK R. AP6021322 (A) sounE coMI p0/0061/65/019/003/0)" 031) AUTj1OHj jollaszowicz-, I.; Hawirqr. it Qzack5. j.i Cycankiewic-Slannicka, 4.; GullnskiL_~.; Hebenstreit~_q.l K~ imek, H.; Klapowska. I.; Krol, Gorska A. "'t ; % Nn~qrj.,., -C.-. 14LE-.-A. gon, I.; C.; PoRorzelska, A.; Rodzinski, L.; Siennicki, W.; Sikora, G.; Ss-vwncz:Fk,. Terech, _Ij; Liencelj Z.; Znis _A OsZ: Institute of Bad6r-tiology, PZHk iarnaw Zaklad Bakteriologii) ; Regional Rzezov - -,'arsaw. Nroclaw (Wojowodzka I klejska Stacj Sanitarno-Epidemiologiczna) Bacterioloaic, Laboratory, No. 3. F5K. Wroclaw (Laboratorium Bakteriologiczny) TIM Antibiot~c-resiatnnt strains of Streptococcus virldens, Streptococcus Fecalls, ESQ'richia coli,ID Pseudomonas aerugincaa, Proteus species and Klaboiells species, isolated in Poland in 1960-1963 SOURCE. Przeglad epideiniologiczrky, Y. 19, no. 3, 1965, 309-313 TOPIC TAM: bacteriology, penicillin, strentomycin, tetracycline, erythrcoWcin, neomycin AWWAM Sonsitivit tonto of the above strains wers carried out in respect to peni- - - , tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, erythromycin and neomycin. It cillin, ntr,,pt-jcrjn% was found that resistance to antibiotics In Streptococcl. differed from that in Gram- negative bacilli. Streptococcus fecalla was found highly resistant to pernicillin and erythromycin. Appreciable resistance to all antibiotics was noted in strains identiff ,as Streptococcus viridans. Resistance varied'according to samples and territorial dia tribution. Experiments were conducted in 11 centers throughout the country simultana- ously; results were coqxred with those obtained in an Ident,1cal experlimental @*rise I a single hospital environment. Orig. art. beat 2 tables. &PS-0 SUBM DATEs none/ OaIG Ws OOl/ M RM 001 SUB DAs. 06 HUNGARY/Theoretical Physics - Quantum Field Theory B-6 Aba Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1958, No 2733 Author : Heberp G. Inst Title : Iatest Results of the Meson Theor7 of Nucleons Orig Pub : Magyar fiz. folyoirat, 1957,, 5., No 1., 73-78 Abstract : No abstract Card 1/1 1JU14GI.RY/thoorcticcl Abs Jour Author Inst Title Orig Pub Fhysics - Rcf Zhur - Fizike, H G Not Given Ronerks cn the MoeBuremont Fiz. szOL-1100 1957, Qutntu,-. Thuory of Fiol,ls 110 9, 1958, Pie io.69o c-.f the Spaco-Tino Continunn. 7, No 5, 166-167 Abstract In connection with the difficulties of Liolorn locel quentun theory with nonlinear cojp1ing, the author indicates thet a study of the problon of the noasuromont of sprco-tlno con- tintLi gives infcr-ricticti cn the poesibility cf constructing P single ganorelizod field theory, which resolves the existing difficulties. The euthor ropchos the onticlusion that the co- ordinates of the world point cannot bo considered to be c- nmbers, since the cor=.utators formed out of the field op- erators do not alwrys vanish. This rosultis discussed fran the point of view cf thofield theory, mid the results ob- tained cro compared with those of Bchr and Rosenfeld on the measurement of quvntuci magnitudes. Card t 1/1 Card : 1/1 I- - 7 1 - I.. - , -r; - , , - HF-7M, G. The present state of the research work on the theory of space. p. W. FIZIKAI SZIYJE. (Eotvos Lorand Fizikai Tarsulat) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 9, no. 8, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAI) LC, ViA. 9, No. 1, Jan. 190'0 Uncl. HEBER, Gerhard (Jena) . Pr.esent state of research in the field of space theory. Fiz szemle 9 no.8:248-249 Ag 159. MBFIR, G. (jena)3, SZABO, Janos (translator] Remarks about the mensuration of the space-time continuum* Fizz: azemle 7 no.5:166-167 0 157. i . -v. t CZECHOSLOVAM/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instruments C- Methods of Research and Meaaurement. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 196o, 52o6 Author Heber L)Ulos In'st Title Radiocherxical Laboratories for Work with HiO ,a Activities Orie Pub Jader-na energie, 1959, 5, No 6, 184-189 Abstract A survey is given of mterials on the equipment of radio- chemical laboratories, as presented at the Second Interna- tional Conference on Peaceful Use of Atomic EnerU. Card 1/1 "'-1orkj1--o- fl-icks; Glaos -.'u'Uiri~." 635 liov. 19511; Btidapost, fltu-ir;m-y.) ,So: "TontiLly L- s b'o I East Europoan Accessions, ( 721U), LC, Vol. 1-jo. Apri-l- 1955, Uncl. .L HEBEIRGERY K. Methods for deterqlimtion of the size of series in foundries. p.409 EPITU~FIAG. (-Epitoanyogipiri Tudomanyos En-,yesulet) 0 - Budapest, Hungiry Vol. 11, no.10, Oct. 1959 Monthly List o" East European Accessions (EEAI) 1,G., Vol. P, no.12, Dec. 1959 Uncl. HEBERGER, K. The tasks of assistant-professors at the Polytechnical University. Periodica polytechn eng 4 no.3:277-299 160. (ELU 10: 6) 1. Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Polytechnical University, Budapest. (Hungar7--Technical education) HEBERGERI K. nTen years of the Chair of Technology of Machine Building." Reviewed by K.Heberger. Feriodica polytechn eng 6 no.2-.173-174/ t62. HEBENGER, 4roly, adjunktus Typification. Gep 14 no-9:331-336 S 162. 1. Budapesti Muszaki Egyetem Gepgyartastechnologiai Tanszek. UMMUR, Karoly, dr. Results and problems in the training of engincerao Huss eaet 18 no-14:4 4 J1 163. 1 1. Muvelodesugyi Miniszteriwa. 1: i ii , 1; Froblem which must be solved speeclily. p. 256- ( - E~C, ~ ; F '~ T I Tr I , cd ' ), ? - - 1, , --?5" ` -1 C: I-Ionthly LiFts of ~;ast ~:-urci.O:jr (FFAI, LC, Vo-I 4, No. 6, June 1955. Urcl. h-EBIT-, i.. AIr brake.-; ,nti c.afety of nrilr-ao tr-3ffic, p. 25,?. (L~T-T,;FAD, Vol D, "o -,;, 'u.11, e .1 . I SO: 1%crithly Lists of East Europepn Aecess-i-ns. (FFAL, IC, VC]. L., ~,~o. 6, -lime 1'1;5, H E E. h-Y ' , ,'. ; i ET i Z AN a , J . Hydraulic transmission for motorcycles. p. 200 (Automobil) Vol. 1, no. 6, June 1957 Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: 7iroDITHIMY I.,,-.,D&X OF SAST EIR'PEAN; ACCE33ICNS (EEAI) LC, VrL- 7, NO. 1, Jin. 195F HF3KY) A. New methods for regulatin-g- pressure wnter turbinez. p. 13.(Strojnoelektrotechnicky Casopis. Bratislava. Vol,3, no. 3, 19521' SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1955, Unel. IU,,BKY, !". Hydrodynamics of turbine transmission with circuaation of noviscous liquid, P. 413s STROJIREITSTVI (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha., Vol. 5, No. 5. June 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congresso Vol. 4-,, No. 12,, December 1955 HF-iX~ A. Hebky.,-A. Hydrodynamic similarity and the equations of Navier-Stokes. P. 483. STROJIMSTVI (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Ministeretvo vscobecnebo strojirenstvi) Praha,, Czechoslovakia Vol. 9, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly List of East %ropean Acceasions (ZEAI), Vol. 9, no. 2, LC. Feb. 1960 Uncl. Hh;BKY) Aiols, Prof. Inz. ar. ;.:Hydr(dynamic couciings and corr;-erters` t)., .~'. V-ckbusuh. Feviewed by AlAs Hebkf. SLroj vyr 12 nc.')-.612 1! -lirr - t nq~' bv FLi~hslocher .9 Schulz. Reiviewqd by llebky. Ibid.: 613 IIEBKY, Alois, dr., inz. "Design of hydraulic control systems" by Ernest E. Lewis and Hansjoerg Stem. Reviewed by Alois Hebkye Stroj vyr 10 no.12:637 162, HEBKY, A., prof., inz. dr. 'Hydromechanies" by A.T.Troskolanski. Reviewed by A.Hebkl. Strojirenstyi 13 no.6:4.7~-477 Je '63. E RN ; I-', ; Ir 5 i . ; i B K. Y I j-.__ .- 'hj-q~, ..-lead'soxy in 3euondary anct nig~er schools. Dl.~. ; c i 19 ~, '. ,, n o ri -jac I I ; I- - Ciiem 1J.stY 58 S 164. -Z W N, o4. M 4;4 4% fu-" *:A fl $I M 14. t1i ft fq. Is 04.. 0410 A so Ok Ot 14 14 is it. 17 is if to 14 S a I t) It 11 " 14 3 14 It It e, G V Y t Pt! M 9 L A , . . - EpAraGon of rt1b5tMnCCV 07 eo - .- - WO and their derivative" gublititutoA In tile dRuilo 0 group, I.-Y'LZAIL. and Ccal(Ce Is CC&Aadep. i e e of corloods.-of th a-arnitioazototuene,ty-pe AM, modified 7% IL te, 3-hyilcorxy-2-ii by the adda., of -Wicyla aphtlimte, or; sulfanilamide grcup~ and tested: for withelitation and , bactericidatactivities. 2' 3-&ncthyl4'-Affazrtyf4-; y147aminoaxoberizene (1) ic and Itll'~J I, A I . , , -; aminn b d M -F -. - azo rizene ( . av axob~cnzeife (111) are used as itittimedixtes. t is prepd. C414COCI to OU tc e) 11) 'r r by diamizing a-toltddine. 3,4-]Ac(AcNH~Cj1tW1Nll1 prepd. according to Child and Stuiles (C. . 21, '234) is . 60", the F t' ilil)41" I i h HO L 't 2 0) It ydrolyzed with 1. 1 HCl by heatin; to 80* until dW-flIved. the' soln dcrolori ith C b d d the orn id td w t ' , illitit cr zji6v, . . w . ze , art c . pp l y (7.5 3 g. I lirs., and i '3 U g.) in -" dry addn- of base. After crystri, from HA 4-amina-m- trocuH.Comin 60 at 0 toluenfsulfanamWe poilml 1-0t, W11.1 Fitirri (IV). ni. 100', is obtained i; 28%yield. To IV (37.2 g.) I - N Off & i d a pc-itvi . t 6,t t in 400 cc. HiOandm cc. cmicd. HCI is Wed with stit- trUde !!Cj'j nidI l-110M ' ft r ring at 7 15.1 g. 42% NaNollt in W cc. H&O, lhtn, afkr .7.6 g. 1 15 min,, 22AS. o-toluidine in 60ce. HOand'42 cc. coned. " ' benuff in R . . , Ila, the temp. raised to 22% M g. Ntla%c added, and at1hyd. pyTidiiji! basest after 5 fits. We pp'. filtered, washed, and crystd. from over 20 irdn. ' i 2 d r ~ the tuhtt. l:lpile t n and 2&1 cc. ceined. 11C1 is -ad ed at S w reduebi prMM stirring 74.5 g. 92% NaNNO. in 40D cc. 11,0, then. after cc. Molf -td - rch testing with sta -1 paper, 112 g. o-toluldine in 300 tc. ' ' with Coned. N' UtO and 110 cc. coned. 110, the aik-i to 22 temp, r, , 280 C. NaOAc a&kd, arid, after 4 hrs. stirring, thd ppt. filtered, washtitd, and crystd. from a1c. to 6ve.,071o U1, rn. 203' AcjO (102 g.) and 2 drops oartiedf 11,SO4 are li(~ded to 22.5. g, o-anifiloazotolueue, the mixt. rig xed .4 s. and gmnd lit a mortar until solid dmolorlzed with ' &ASSIFICATIUN GICAL WERATURE A it s CA JilETALOIR ' 1 l 1 I ;;A A H 1 ' A i RM , -it 1 111N INTO 1 11 1 ruixt. heiltti'A 2 b 6U W%L 41"SQ rh ak.,,jWnj,, A' 4enz-1-w lit. Z: 0 1-19 VdIM 0) g :0'.the mint. refl a 10% NaOll" ft ttij,4 tNe qotiibi, 9, mftrr cjyj*xi. !TiWd 1 (114-1 ~0-40'11 at:g-,---& Ij 0 :rri~ 6 5 ~11'1- lit 54- L ari4iffid -22 g,""'y'- 3'~-- To I flUSh 3,2- =0 1 Im, ~rjed' 10% M filtxMg-~l (min a1c.. 75 Ce. addeAl iff UnEer ivnfl. 4-13 gro=d IJ)M g!C., 1011 iblit., jjvjTig, elit: ~~ryj;jn. 0 0 40 0 0 0 a 0 Q1P (Ouvi) wo. ~Xc-O (10 j..) and 15.21 g. 11 are he.4jed -1 lirs. an a iratcr luth, &round with JltO, fil~ercd, wid cr)-itd. from ale.. h-kring 0 ' 244* V-sulfo id 11 0 W.'! nam r, in. . (13 g.) in UW cc. .Nfc-ico~ 7". and 13 9. v-110C.H.COCI are vilowl-Cd to staxtd,0-5 hir." , 0 V. t then rau),td I l1r., fillinud, alit] the, resiLrVit: diss ulvcd~ in - l IV; NaOkl ,filtered, and made acid tsith,11(>.Ac, rivinrl 40 altr-r JilLruLiou and cr),sin. froin Ule. 11 g; f& C, (VI), in, 253'. 11 i.'IJI g.) in 75 cc. dry lmv~CO and. r-, 2 .7 C. 3.2-11OCt~lj~COCI in 15 cc.;Njc,CO are rt -flum-Al 4 hr,4. avid LL~! ppt, filtexed, &round with NaOll 60 wasbml, and crysid. irom ale. to yield 3.5 g. (63%) .111'.,T~ 3:idfvnarniJr,. m. 29V (dt,-cormpn.). To 4 g. U in 1.5 cc. tiry pyriditic bases (b. 121(~-10') at 40' is added,, with 6 -1 stirriag, 4 g. fre-sh p-NIeCON11C X.SO-Nlf-, the 63W heuted at IOU-10* 4 brs_tbe t~;z;;.-. b pvv~~uw, The residue ri:f1wxvd with 12 ~C. mcoll - arid 6.6 ce. coacd. JICI 1.6 lirs., t1m mixt. ptiumlliao; 150 cc. 11%0.' filtered, and, t1ic solid trmiteA wi -warrit th, dil. -Na-CO,'. washed with F-1r,O,arid cry~;td. frous 501"", ale '7-, in- 2117'- ' tie in. 27S* Orom SO% 1101te yield quant.); J-meth-0-4- (din cetyla minv) -4'-s u1jfa myl- , uz,,fienzene, n), 23s, yionj t;avl, m>Ac, 44t,;, yi0d), 3- me:;,Yl -4 Mina - .1-' -SU!&I rliylazp~cwzeft M. i f 9 G wide, M- -25K~- (57(` ;iod) a fiim- acritQie.-~ 6f, 11 111, V. "d VI rire"aboutvijisal, but T )IV b~rlrrirual orth"i.1y is low Clarence T, Masou Demethylation of carcinogenic amimomo dyes. bynll:~.,;- toxi dizing linaleit - arid. l?i. R::?ch wid J. A.- aTij ler it, It i of V%*kc611nI, Aladison). Pror, &c- Z*Pff. a 94S); 0, C-~d - 42, C $31 NCI-11 %,I- anii rm-lh&~iwiidf --- --- thr, jrl'iore' effect i 1:3- 44 ve t n IT- aQ the W. and p-'.Nfe derivs. of I Ult(- J1,NIL mot D'~rui~~ t1it. --i-ormide*1 of gas (Pro&ably CO ~ S j d h f h -- vi ) ervr W ra en any o t were mirt-d With tile M261cicac:id; -Sasttyr,nation !i --din obscrvcd.with au!nxidizzing li-,tol6e 116d alOfle At the c-nd -After 30 Jim of rd- a-.,; -2. as wert: rmtecvtd. 'CM vi C < SyMbegils of cqmpoutj~la "t the o-Aminig"Otoluene ty and their Andno-subsillillej derivglivve. 11. %, 1, Poll Ile kkul firl,ky it', 1 ... ..... I M, I W,NL,, Plax;w), t Wk, if.," t e, I IS. It:, 1~11911'10; 0. C.A. 41. N%itird ill, a'J."L. f" 4 I'M,, t J.A'-Na.,4 I.Cll*Nil(,\IrIC.J(,- U.-Illmug I "till suc .mw o"hwfull, it "I., I ("It "till a twic ill It?, .11" so, for ._-k" I 1h, Ift,gill Iji(Ill tiXi lirwil-ml .... ,ill-WI'ma ;).-t-- lr1gr M, IS7'. the Nil "It is're-tji y ill clvm.jj~ IlLmll 1; 'I he-t it rig, I qIj 1414 IV ill I l,ft,im I. ill P_, I 1),, -110). ill, 155 t; I I0ItI%lA ftw :1 hri.. with hithl cu", 0 N1141. ,1. X.1 we -Y, , of till- th"-ld" m ...4d P .tOll in till' IIIAl,i -I. it, I W Ilith .1111till, -110-1, -0 A 11.- .4 11:1AI, I~g 4 bit dl~lil oil %1l4. NICACO, C%Ill- -till "'Alcill, ".11" mid l.f.t6mit ~,V, ill, 'tR630 tvd. m ~N%l W.U.'n, it, ~to 1, h%J-k .%. till .61611 ticatalwol %till "itilitt I- m 11-, It Nk'.U.N.Pfl v H ...... 1r -,:,I It. -till U-imc K.". ........ lov.. Ill. 210'. -A t1-I(,.%C.Ij,_ C.I1,NIICIft4p.N- pil:10, limit IICID)-NAI.~Al, -4 Ilic ~ 1111,ulblr Ill -mn ml. -Ill I Iw -11mrs -11 ill 11w, d I I"th. mv It .4 dI,N)C.Il.NJ1h Ill gill mol 1~ IIAI - I"It art, wd W, I'm iIA- 11, Im, .,A 01,111WIL. ,mlloo and lwI.-IFl,0tI 'I 1~~ -tc,f -J .1, t,~ ,,f o-l"I'Mine Ol". oviOrf " 1"Ov. 1 1: I.M.-I Pyridone derivatives of kojic acid I F110 and J. I ICI;k f .4.641" 1"'" t 4.41, 4 -Al'. C- 5 .11.1 V0.11. IS Sit 1-1-1 .1111 .. -1.. 0 111 ..... .%'I a IIIINII.p ,ml it,, -ios,d nml -1.1 Mut 2 fit, . .1th 11-4), .10 dri-I Ill mr. giving 147, St. 0)2.S%):-hVjrexY- mdkvi-&bydroiry-6-phtn.vklzo-4-P.Woxt.113() (1). 1 ("S B-) in "oll cc. alm F(Olf. txyil"t 2 min., trmted with Cff,N`I. Alow"I to mariff -,fnight, unit netstralizi-d with 5% Nar h fl.. 3 7.', g ( 10 -.Iloc ill1%. ol'st'A' I'A 'le"lle'. its t7lS* ml .11 13.1% , t-'We, "Ine-Ird vjy~fjl.. Ill. 12s'; lit rshr'. f"I"gillice lit 124,1. _'1.J1fIhOxYW,th.Y1- ..-MrIboxy-i-py"'PW ( I S; I and 5 g. Nil, heat"I 3 firs. at 1l(I* lit in atito~lAvr gave til,ou trimatment with picriC SICid Z- Ile.t"I it hf, m NA, .111, Ill IV C.11. and A ri-~ M.Nif ill A -AM Wive K'- - ..I the I.I.X11 "-I An'.o.f.. x-j.h- p-01. M..- -1 ASO 1. Z JWAY,1---tAY1 I 1pil(IIII-pyrowd, jW, Ill, -11'. IV flutoclarni If hr,,&. t ;IX)* Sailb 1) cr. III if %it& ail. Nil, still lititifiril chrrinu 14()- iltaphicully (Ale0o _-d-dh %1113 IN os-iethyl-~; - Nrtkal A Ilh-prkh,me. t~AttA mi file jtjb,.FUjr. ill. 1W; I I" le 4,11,1puralf '11411.1 11111 IN- I)III.IIII.-A I'mr 1 V 4 1 t. 1 111 .,thy/ .. .$.md " I--- I,A 111 0 1141-. 1 h. -1.. .,1 1. 1 .-4 111. 1 .1 purute. fit. 177'. (3.2 g.) heated 8 Jim at N)* ill ;j'st;aIvtI tutv with :.I) cc. SLe.N jp~e the 1,.Nveskylammenium tkl~sdt, in. ;!29, (jr,4.1tilin I. fw,c4lo-ole, C.11,.(INCI. lit "'I' .'.- if, 14- kb-d, I Vj; f-, i".."a, C..M.14NO, its ill."' Ill, lit.... Illyl 4 (2g.1 litmol '-'III,. tit j cb-A fttl~ %illt I,, "I'1 .1.1 \11, jf.gveun trratillent vitill pacticat-ld, file I, ulle (VD. tit. 04 . I'Sirin :.1 g. V ami :4 g %IeNI I, 1, 0- tain"I file 1.31t dr,ir of VI. tilttamed I, thr, 4 pLite"ale. in ". 1'. NIX A,ut I.', it I ill IW 1, 1:11 lit It.m.4 -'1l dt, 110 I.N " I- "~. . . ..... .5- W V "Illel flux I I m I %.I Will. Ir "Ith W lit and 1:1.5 X K011 fit Lit) ce, fill W Ita%v I J~hbo livelli'm V.:-d INS ml,P)TIJIxt. lit IN 1141' It k Idl C4 Synthirsis of 2-dietlitylantlaoirthyl .-phertylvaleirste V Etirl And J. IWA(- Oillehom Chrm. Com- M.81. IS, M-, -.Ik 19-iWI.Kin Fnglishi.-Tvo syntht-.-Cs of Z-dirlkylamsm,~Ihyl .-PkrPiy1rvtk,ale (1), which hA5 spasmit, 411, P,01-fte,. me dt-,etilw& In the first. the K ~411 (A i, tmited with PrBr at room 1,1111. 1 )1,- ..h.-ruativ, procedure PhCjI,Cfm:l i~ fir,, (I-,- PiClil'bCorl't Iranw,tt,fifivil wi'lli F1jN- C11A,11,M) fit Th,- ut.f-all V1,14H III Cithirr CJW, Are pt.o-li-flv To from "XI. NJ isml 75et-, A~ 1`11111 k."W'd 17:11( [fruit. PhCI(,- C"; CINfil-I I. Ilir 11m1 allowril fit %wild I W. "ills .1th:11 lItIsr. Ill. ?it, it Ill". I; fir, at 6W, 6 lin. to No' and if lim At IIPI*. lifitirtA. neutralized with r)sjroj,,AcOli. the HtOll dtod . aml it,,- r-idue .1i,t,l , stivilix W.3 K. F1 .-f)axO-- Phrmlyfluir'.11, '1111, 1". )!.1 7'. To 75tv. H.1011, Mg. Sa, II:(P 1, Added 22.5 g. fit, the otn. reflu%eil 13 br% I tie lil I ?I I dwi I., the re%idue t4ken up in 511 cic. 11,0, ChArcliol"), arillifird with HU, exit]. with C41h, the tiolvent removed, arot the re,idur distd., giving 16.5 11, .-fiAtirmyl- subme mid IM, b,, I in. W.P. IV (31.2 C. I rello;rd with K-I g Ali, FlOlf And 17 5 g. 11,50, 2.3 lim give% 32 -1, ir F1 ed- (V ~. 1,,. 107'. V (4 1.2, X.) and 47 If It coutif A fili If Na trr br sle-I it) N under a Widnaer m1mou. a initit -,( Ftoll mid It at 25-:u) tom , then, with lbe -jumn "in-M- 2,f 2 jr 11 i, collected (:! hr, j; fie Islitull'Al ll.,ctioll, & 1. 1,o 1W 4% 110 salt, III. 117 IS"; to. 144i". 'file of uoA a. I'liClIsOhlit %itIl 1,0) K. 11 A1111 11-12"1 it- -NJ i- C-'f' ric,l out idrillivjIly. jil'ing ill,;$ A, J-411JAYAIMIFImAyi Phtsykittlalf kvi), liji I;Ps, 4~"; potrillamale. fit jok I'. A' sustwmitill fit 7 it C. Im'"ll K if' :PA) A:"- b'"1111111 MO) 1, tr.tedin IAJ,r,. 1.1th-17x, Villai'A)CC E110-21. S. NBC added, t1w uti-t- allo-I to fJnd :.N) fit%.. lie) W14.1, the lit:O Layer waAeil. dritil. the i,olvent rrmoved. at"i the L.3 2 x li~ 1-50-611' rmidue (IrArtiolIARY dil(if oj I ", " I ~ I! ~ ~', ~!~ I I ... : id Pail. -Lad py-adii: 1. jwoduqt Ivflie-2 find fic M!at.fon of r Fd~ V.Ettd a the hot mW,,:SMd;th4 INvil I la~ (XVIVIans. LZ16 I- added 'lish).-PlINHi (1) (25 C.) itt go mi.-tlzulal AcOff wall Q. 21.5 g. di-M -dimahY14~-pyraft-3.5 dk4r- o 2,6 t b B,-r. 10. and oxylate (a Conrad szd Cuttheit the inixt. Mxed 15 tnin., dild. with 270 mi. water. and c doled; the crystatz- wese suctiatt fittered Pad recrystd. from 'i .1. R EtOH with chue"d to *1d 20.1 X. di-EA UH). n colorless. m. 137* (dried 6 lirs. im w"a at 80 ). end I di-FA 1,4-dihydra-:,6-dkdhy1-4-= js-pyvidfxdiatr~ oXylale (MA) (from the mother liqu-K ;~toclesl, 0. 170'. ffed 4CM (IV) of WA, cotorlen. m. 225-4i, (from 660,; Etan N (24.1 g.) in 40 tul. hot 50% AcOH and 16 9. [1-HO NQUr 011 M In 70 rid, 60% ACOH were 1~,Mted 26 inifi. (water 'bath, shaking), and the crystals Wbkh setid. an COQUUC -c . tion filtered, combined with other cryiltals from the Mother liquor, and rccrystd. from 5W tal. EtOll; tvapti. V. the nalither liquor gave 28 g. di-El 1,4-dik ro-14p-hydr keityll-2,6-dimelhyW-oxo-3,6- p colorle~. in. 259-601 (decouilin.r.; fric aciJ (VII), coWkcss. I C=te in. 2461 (from 40% MOIL foming). DI-Et chelid VM) (WillsVitter and Purnmerer, Ber. 37. 3737(1004)1 M.8g.)in 150 nd. warm 50% AcOll and27,8g.Vin250m1. EtOH &live 48-IG& 9%. C Col M iowaiw, =bm Wo. (11 0C e$.. , ard-2 6 .d isi in P..). ILAW1 1W " 4d '"Ira -M cal-te R i I in 1 6 iial, 60~j kC014 and 1124 %a 60 b4ated Z I nin. Ott JL Vqater kath; mi. 50% A were j ilgle suction-filbered (addill. Mis '6 cooling the cvysta at,, to the nlot 11'r were ;LWned by Iddit. of 100 in'. "& gtoll vitti clilr- i rvins 260 "A. 9 114110r). lad MC01, 1.44i~ilUd.*ill .hd,.o-4yphcr.W)- cad to yield 23 r.- 'borylati'.. C4111)1`11:5!~ 2.6. dialf1h), - 4 - Oro A.S. pylidliledic,21 ~jj, in. 249-Ma cto~ld. 241-. jrca acid, )% ~Colj %, a!j Ilea ted 72 .,.) in 21i ud. from vmter)- Val ISvith 8 v-P 0 40 1 it pd - 20 i~ojn. (Water ball 6 L~j hot Und, tile oil, w"hic, Itd- watif,added t,i,*IjL~ PU4 [ad ita addi6l -'Cru cmt4. by scratch, ber d0n, With wi-te, the U u0j,filit: Obtairwil by fort p.atc(l rccryttn5- Mother M Uhn of both ~tcpps, and f'! %nd suctIOU Ua- 3 C, ~i'a from.60(70 MOR VN~! jjjyj)4--.4-0-1 Clinedizatbo'niate (Tll) , 'CO1Otl,!S$, Y1 )I- (diti'mPil'i fate 7 COIWICO, in. It [,Oil (CJ I'] Ii[Ideoll 4 :- J*, 2~ C H e4i o' ~Ajcilleci -.qu Cjl-! in H(P Ut Ing I i a Ot still: I . I Cticaf:tAl %%Uh Isso ved n d voled 111th ie,! water am , * w an tbt! 4c l1i Cc ctioli.filtratiull ullci au ater !R R!W I IZ; UP ZIUMV4 114, 14 MA*'b4!*;IthhI3j'kin1nj, XXI(JO, - fiftr 11:1010 WO, 011 -446~~ Ltated 464nia. (w , Ar Im ml 60,7 C IL If a Etoff gave 01-1 kmCOWHOW4111MA h ' W) re-1-brown cr stals with ~ b1 i i l f lli t , - 0 g. VEU In to MI. the trivxt, ims (1.4uJul, artir 3A doil- id i M s W u s u e me a c y L-r: III. VIA'. NaS~O, (XV) (35 g In IRO (Tit. water W43 I mc A r . at addu Q(2WMJ-wit(~,!utjbed"j.t a gla an (Cq IV) ; filietWdtex a few daysIn a l ed slowly to 26 g, XIV In 2G0 ml. EtOil, the mixt. re- fluxed I hr., decolorized, and filtered, and the RtOll dlqtd,. I'1 Otf,"11, ACOR conig. ch'V64 ave 61. I"t I Ixyl tk~JVJ, celar- off (water batb); dflu. of the residue to 200 ml. with water, leis flat thotlibo(dal Moats-, I 5liction filtration of the sepel. crystaIg, and rmrystn. from 0 free da (XXV), tuctnj.,~~j %W~~jtolt -OL 2W' find caroflni~ed at 50 /0 EtOll contg. some XV yield 10.1 g. 2,6,44MeO)t- ' 4W*. Vjj J4'g.) acid 10 C. CU Powder were 'n"at" fit 10 (J, PJV)Co11sOH (XVI), M. 157*; Picrate (no m.p. ~VCA to M for 15 Ifilit. and t4, XT for it min.; c0f)HIM MM 11 (4 ir.) hi 8 mi. hot 60% AcOH and 3.2 x, XVI in 9 rn .50 a ~ . addificlition of eltn' of the mirt. with; W MI. 311% Nalcot, AcOl I were heated 15 min. (water bath, shaking), cooled, and the product crystd. by scratching with & giasS rod; tLe fitte"d ext. WWI AC1, and wrysull- frorn ab% 11COH . drace of Twitoh f til 4 %fiction filtration and rccrystn- from StOH gave di-Et i.-_ e g. o y 0. vietded r P,;ill 265* 7' nt l AM " - lig at - cotorfess reeilifts, broeXu Mro-3,5-pyridinedicarboxykk (XVII), colorless, m. 265 y ~deccfmpd-)- VLI (f, q.) and S 9, CM powder ivem 0owl ' r P11.): ffee 4Cid (XVIII). m. 258* (glacial AcOlf) = ~ heated to MQ at 10 mm. and hold for It TIAIL, the MIxt- ( 1 com pri.). It (6.4 S.) In 10 mi. hot SOTO' AcOH was eKtd. with SZOH. 'llin act. evapd., end the midve trexed treated with 4 g. p-AcNHCt1ljNII: in 12 ml. lzat 50 M. AcOll and the mixt heated 2.5 w1a an water b th IIS jollows4 t4) With 250/c "11 to give bit bTOW11kh - to 9i7t: line jdi 65 . . a ; hing the cold tnixt. with a glass rod of the, and recrysta ne vi ittl py~ " Stattaing: -o W analYzel for 14- f l . , product from 70 mi. EtOtl contg. ch arcoal yielded 6.6 9. A-El e m j Cryltg1j. jj jainp Y`efft - kYdrdx7Pkx datkned at " XX and MI id m , s . The qc , WiLd at 400 9000, and ca l I m. 9 lit. ' requlmd VilrKV if ",trcspQnOing ltion jbijillgh the 240 (40% IROII, decompit.). p-CII-14(NIII)s (XXI) (3:25 g.) in 30 ml. 5070 AcOR was heated .30 niiii. (water b h i h S N l Th at t I ) w g. Min 30 mi. 50% AcOH, the crystals from. a sa t. e ni.Os. of tliciaclits ate not suffi~lent criterla, the cooled soln., suction-filtered and washed with 60% for Purity and idmLity because of deLampn. xnd depeadence . AcOH and MeICO (addril. crop from the mother liquor), an the ratt and rulmr of Mating. A diseuvii4n of ojitim;d ' gave,15 g..Of the dihydrate of tetra-EJ 1,1~- Aenj1enebiS-,-. - 4r 1 4 j S W !eS l cwditioni; and 6ethcds is, hicliided L. R(Isen - . -oxo- o -pyr x 'car oxy atil _ , was dec-Arboxylated above 3W*, j all T-7 T OwN. 13~7 45, 4dI(I9AI).-IR an at- feento to tvdutv j2.4,CKNN(IliNXNIr0)C411,1, rk-t-fro lylk-ally 11CON11t. dimethoz*04colvi Ali. ,!'Lli 7:i; 1~ IK y llj~ c (I ze c f I IX-7 witn L'i'AC, "L)rK and Ji,~tJL,Lv ~Fttjhti Pharm. ijiociiera. iiest:arcii inst., ilranguc., czecil. "ijerivatlves cf pyrone, p,ridune, ard pyridirie. c-dirieta~ 1-Lil-pyran-4. -ones wic L(lil)-p~rlocnes.ll idst-I 46, 73b-9'1552); (-f. h7, 8070c. -on 1'1.73'~ (Chernicke Lj,5ty, Pralia. 7o1. 46, ;c v7 , r) 10-2 6 -11 Vol. N'o. 12, Dec. 1952) (Chfamlck,~ Usty, PrahA I T STANEK, J., &;BKY, J.; ZVERINA, V. Reactivity of methyl groups on heterocyclic nuclei. Par.t 3. The mathiodids of 2- ( 0 -phanyi- 0 -hydroxrethyl) pyridine and "its reactions; a synthesis of dl-sedamine [with a-um ry in Anglish]. Sbor.Chakh.khim.rab. 18 no.5: 679-683 0 '53. 09RA 7:6) 1. Department of Organic Chemistry, Charles University, and Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Research Institute, Prague. (Heterocyclic compounds) (Pyridine) (Piperidins)