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GYORFI, Janos,, a biologiai tudomanyok. 3oktora
Injurious insects of the fore3t. Elovilag 4 no.2t26-33
AP-Je 159.
"The effect on insects of spraying forest fringes with HCH.0 p. 190.
AZ ERDO. (Orszapos Erdeszeti Egyasulet). Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 8,
No. 5. may 1959.
Mnthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), TZ, Vol* 8, Noe 8p
August 1959.
De.-rce Of nfecction Jor !,Lnteri;d
'~Iuj~ Ml-f.
no. ert-. 19-
.~on"'alv List of E.,istu :,,-,tropean Accesftiat-.3 (.1-,Al)l 1,:;) ",A.
-[Gyorf i, J. I
Species of the genus Praon (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) in Hungary. rht-
oboz. 39 no.3:708-712 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Institut lesovedeniy-a, Shopron, Vengriya.
(Hungary-Flant lice)
GYORFI, Janos, dr., a biologiai tudomanyok doktora
Damage by the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.). Elovilag 6
no.5:33-38 S-0 161.
w'7-. -
J. ..
GYORFI, Janos dr
"The Tortrix viridana L. problem* by Fritz Schwerdtfeger.
Reviewed by Janou Gyorfi. Erdo 11 no.7:335-336 J1 162.
Parasites o:C Lymantria dispar L. Allattani ko2l 50 no.V4-51-
51, 163.
1. Frdeszeti Tudomanyoj3 Intezet, Sopron.
FRIEDMAHN, Bedrich. Dr. HERMANSKY, Franstieek, Dr; GTORGT. Albin. Dr
Hemolytic anemia with cold agglutinins. Ces. jok. ceek. 93 no.50:
1371-1374 10 Dee 54.
1. Z I. kliniky chorob Ynitrnich, prednosta prof. Dr M.Notousek,
a z Krajske transfusni stanice v Ostrava.
cold agglutinins)
cold agglutinins in hemoly-tic anemia)
SUCHAN, M.; Tachnicka spolupraca: DOBIASOVA, A.; MIT3ROVA, K.;
Investigations on effects of alcohol on receptivity of erythrocyte
grnup aalutinogens In vitro. Cas. lak. cask. 95 no.7:187-193
17 Feb 56.
1. Ustredni hematologicke laboratore fakultrii namocnice v Praze.
off. of alcohol on receptivity of erythrocyte A
(ALCOHOL, ZTHTL, effects.
on Rh erythrocyte agglutinogens(Cz))
Rh erythrocyte agglutinogens, off. of alcohol.(Cz))
SUCHAN, M.; GYGRGY, A..; VODRAZKA, Zd.; Spolupracovaly: A. Dobiasova,
K. Miterova, Z. Polakova
Study of the relation betwoon the red corpuscle agglutinogeno
and serum antibodies in vitro. Cas. lek. cesk. 95 no.27:-721-
730 6 July 56.
1. Ustradni hematol. laboratore fakultni namoc. v Praze.
antibody-agglutinogen inter-action in vitro (Cz))
EXCERPTA MEDICA 5ec.4 Vol,,11/5 Microblology,etcjlsy 195,9
1369. IRREGULAR ANTIBODIES ANTI LEWIS - Nepravidolne- protil'Atky anti-
~Cwis -, Gy6rgy A. . Suchan M. , Mitpr'o%,,,l K, andPolikovi Z.
Ust. fiernatol. Lab. Fak. Nemocn., Praha - VNITR. LEK.1957,3/5(-117- 422)
In 12 cases an occurrence of irrelruhir antibody anti Le, and in 4 cases anti Leh in
blood serum was observed. In particular there was a remarkable occurrence of
anti Leh antibody in a female of 40 who had 8 spontaneous abortions out of 8 preg-
nancies within 14 yr. , and in one patient with a mild reaction after a transfusion of
incompatible blood in this system. A mode of identification of both types of anti-
bodies is demonstrated in 2 typical cases. A disproportion of the frequency of the
occurrence of anti Lewis antibodies (antidotes) with the occurrence of haemolytic
disease of the newborn on this basis is possible to ascribe also to non-concluded
evolution of agglutinogens of this system in birth. Pathogenetic Importance of these
antibodies in posttransfusion reactions has not been sufficiently evaluated, never-
theless It seems to be greater than it appears to be, especially in some cases of
mild unfavourable reactions, often difficult to explain.
EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec.4 Vol,1115 Mlcrobiology,vtc-MaY 1958
POLYAGGLUTINABILITY - Plechodn~ aglutinogen tervenfth krvinek pW -
I A. , Suchan M. , Pola-
miriujlcf jejich polyaglutinab! - G 0rA*
kovd Z. and Miterovd K. IJAE- ~Mniat6Aab_ Fak. Nemoen., Praha
VNITR. L9K. 1957, 3/5 (423-426) Tables 2
Atransitory polyagglutinability of the erythrocytes Is recorded, lasting approxi-
mately four months in one female patient witha chronic septic condition and renal
uraernia. Polyagglutinable erythrocytes reacted through agglutination reaction and
frequently in an indirect antiglobulln test with 70% of serums compatible in basic
group properties. The possibilities of the mechanism of the origin of this anomal
Ind the reaction of polyagglutinable erythrocytes with the seruins of various peopL
~i are discussed.
~ -
Investigations of equilibrium 9-.ntes in the interaction of cellular
,intigens & nntibodies. Sborn. lek. 59 no.10-.295-301 Oct 57.
1. Ustredni hematologicke laboratore fakultni nemocnice v Praze K. S.,
U nemocnice 1. Praha 2.
eqnilibrium in interaction of cellular antigens &blood anti-
bodies (Cz))
Research on the function of antagonistic relations of specific proteins
from nntibodies in immunological reactions. 1. Inhibition of functional
nctivitien of antibodies. Sborn. lek. 59 no.10'.302-309 Oct 57.
1. Ustredni hemtolopicke laboratore falrultni nemocnice v Praze.
Adres. autora M. S., U nemocnice, 1, Praha 2.
functually inhibited agglutinating antibodies in incomplete
antisera (Cz))
Research on the function of antagonistic relations of specific pro-
teins from antibodies in immunological reactions. H. Inhibition of
adsorntion of antibodies. Sborn. lek. 59 no.10:310-315 Oct 57.
1. Ustredni hematologicke laboratore fakultni nemocnice v Praze.
Adres autora: M. S. U nemoonice 19 Praha 2.
inhib. of adsorntion of antibodies of same specificity by
incomlete antibodies (Cz))
-r~ ijsolRA, vol- 55, 195P, llov- no
cture. p. L31
-~JjshJng tile
A. urjivers2l grape f
no . 4
st '.,,uropean Accessiorls LC
Unc, -
Monthly List of Ta
Some considerationa on dimensioning conveyor belts from rubber sheets. P. 53.
REVIS'FA MINEWR. (Ministerul Minelor, Minivterul Industriej Petrolului si
Chimiei, Directia Exploatarilor Miniere si Asociatia Stiintifica a
Inginerilor si Tehnicienilcr din Romina) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol, .10,
no. 2, Feb. 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (ERAI) IC, Vol. 69 no* 7, July 1959
Correlation between the water course and pollu'L-,ion of the Tisza
River. Gidcor 16 no.10:287-289 0 163.
1. Szolnuki Cukorgyar.
~;-, ~ ~ ~ *~- :!:V! I i - -~,, I.
- . .. ! . F-I
4 r4 :rif 4ir i v " ~; !9 V*!! - -, ~ . ", ". - . ~, -,.. . .. .., ..
VOROS, Sandor; ENGY1, Pal; GYORFY, Wet; MMSSOY, Ivan
Hemorrhagic Pleuritie caused by Salmonel la cholerae suis var.
kunzendorf. Orv. hetil. 100 no.11,413-415 15 Mar 59.
1. A Pecsi OrvostudomaVi .3gyetem Mikrobiologiai Inteietenek (iga2-
gato 111auss laroly dr. egyet. tanar) an I. sz. Belgyogyaszati Klinika-
janak (igazgato: Angyan JAnos dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenye.
(PIMMISY, etiol. & pathogen.
hemorrh., caused by Salmonella choleraesuis var.
kunzendorf, case report (Ihm))
(SAIROMIA INIMT10145, case reports
Salmonella cholernesuis var. kuzLzendarf causing
hemorrh. pleurisy (Hun))
GYORFY, Sandor
Planning machine with irrigation device. Mezog,!Lzd techn 3
no.6;21 163.
e I C. ~i t r i T~
GYORGY, Bela, okl, banyamernok, csoporttitkar
Miners-metallurgists' itinerary conference in Veszpr6m. Bany lap 94
no.12a863-864 D 161.
RADO, Antal, dr,; HEINRICH, JozBef; GYORGY, Bela, okleveles banyamernok;
FZGEDU.9. Ferenc ' m- .
Society news. Bany lap 93 no.1:68-71 Ja 160.
1. "Banyaazati Lapok" ozerkento bizottsagi tagja (for Rado
ana Hegedus). 2. "Banyaazati. Lapok" foszerkesztoje (for Heinrich).
Experiences and therapeutic results purulent meningitis associated
with otisis In infants. Acts, mad. hun. 15 no.1:321-327 160.
1. 1. Kindarklinik der MediziniBchen Universitat.Budapeat.
(KENINGITIS in inf. & child)
(OTITIS MIKDIL in inf. & child)
Clinical and bacteriological observations on the antibiotic therapy
of infantile otitia media. Gyermekgyogyaszat 8 no.5-6:140-150 May-
June 57.
1. A Budapesti OrvostudomarWi Fgyetem I. sz. Gyermekklinikajanak
(11gazgato: Dr. Gegesi Kiss Pal earetemi tanar. akademikus) kozlemenye.
(OTITIS MIDIA, in inf. & child
ther., antibiotics in inf., clin. & microbiol. observa-
tions (Hun))
(ANTIBIOTIC'S, ther. use
otitis media in inf., clin. & mLcrobiol. observations (Hun))
KOCIf, Sandor, and qYONY !,meiie; Department of Virolocry at the National
_)_ E
Inatil,utc of Public flealtIF-zo-r-7L~,frial.-litnk-unt!ti veraion not; given7 in
Budapest (Director; BAKACS, T.).
"Studies on the Initial Phaseq Of POliOVirU5 RLPrOdLlCtion Cycle"
7tudapest, Acta microbiologica Academiae ScientiartLn, Vol 13,
No 1. 2 Jun 1966, pp 85-94.
Abstract: [English article] It was shown that permnnent monkey kidney cells
suspended in Parker's No 199 medium and Hanks' balanced salt solution were
able to support the replication of type I polioviruls (strain Mahoney). The
time of onset, rate, and yield of virus replication was the same in both
media; however, if bovine albumin was omitted from the medium, the yield and
time of onset varied considerably. This suggests that two factors are jointly
operative; one is represented by the bovine albumin, the other by the
additional medium components. The bovine-albumin effect was functional for
approximately 30 minutes only. 9 references, including 2 Hungarian and 7
Western. (Manuscript received 10 Dec 1965).
Ito -
=1C__0__Q1ff_1L Sca"Wor
and GUIRGY Eme e Department or virology at
natitu or Publie,1116ilth the Xtion I&I
I original-language vers,on not g
Budapest k 5~
Dir t
ec or: MML3U). Ivan in
"Studies on the Initial Phases of poliovjrua~ Reproduction CYcle"
No 1) 2 Jun pp 85_94'. ti Vol 13j,
"r e,
A stra : (English article] It was allownthat permanent monkey kidney cells
su "pen ed in Parker's NO 199 medium and Hanks' balanced salt solution were
able to suPport-the replication of type 1 poli
time of onset rates and ield of Vi 'virus (strain Mahoney). The
Media; h
owever Y rue replication was the game In both
i if bovine albumin was Omitted from the mediu
time of onset varied considerably. M) the Yield and
Operative; one is* represented by th This suggests that two factors are jointly
additio.nal e bovine albumin, the Other by the
Ponents. The bovine-albumin effect
approx'matelY 3 -minutes oai- C~;ig---*- - sA - - was function&I for i
TOPIC TAGS: virus disease, biologi has: 7 figures. CJPRS:' j6,8341''
06 / SUBM.DATS: l0Dec65 / ORIG W: 002 / OTH FW.- 007
Yiezogazdasagi szamvitel. Budapest, Mezogazdasgi Kido. (Agricultural
bibl. , tables) Vol. 1i 195h, 23 1 P.
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFAL), LC, Vol. 5, f10- 2, Feb. 1956
GYORGY, Lrno (Nagyvarad)
Insulating mosedo windows. Epitoanyag 15 no.10:390 0 16,19
~i ~il ti.,b HIM
0 6 00 0 0a0 00 00 0 0 a * a Im 0 0 o6 0 0 0 0 0 00 4) 0
0 0 11 000 00 0a a 0 0 0 0 a0 01i.0
00 9 4 0 * 0 06a too
I v 1) III)m 4.. 111# "X121Da24n
t?, ?a a ?a I/ at m c .1 t; I " dire
A~ It A_.
6_ v
_1ACO(IT-ts -r.
Rati of oildited and rodoced slutitthittav couttints of
blood :tkd Its ailulficance. F;1
ratto a
reduced to oxidizttl glulathimic its the bli~l warms be-
-t*"n 0.0 and 0-0. No definite couclusiums can 1,c drawIL
Ti4e in the fxwtuailiou A ~Mwu~ tuAtt" %--d -tu-
Ing efftvt of the livvr. 0
goo a**
a Z
[z- too
ra U t, o 1%.
I_AML Sawa
M K It ac aKrt it
0 0000 00 00 00006
0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 4p 0 0 0 0 0
OZOOO 0 0900.6 0000 0 o 0 *a *00000100fie 0, 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 o o * 0 00
GYORGT, Erzaabot. dr., Irta:
Data on the correlation between clinical and pathological
findings in syphilis. Orv. hatil. 97 no.10:2?0-272 4 March 56.
1. A Lt. keruleti Bar-Nemibeteggoadozo Intexet (foorvos:
Gyorg3r,'Brzsebet dr.) kozlemenyo.
comparative evaluation of clin. & pathol. data
in. (Hun))
GYORGY, Gabor, dr.
Digitalis therapy of cardiac decompensaUon. Crv. he-.Jl. 103 no.40:
1873-1882 7 0 162.
1. BudaT)esti Orvostudomanyi I;gyetem, II. BeliklLnikaa.
LA"-'ZLO, Janos, Dr, "tYORY, '~yorry, Dr, tecl-inical assistant: Janos
Insllitutf~ (X Post,-radiiate N'PjGl T--';Jucation (Jirector in
:)r), !. Dppartmr~nt of Ob5tetrics-'!~ne:co~o-y tcair-man:
- I - - ~ D
(Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet, I. 3zuleszet No,,-yo-ya5zati Tanszek), Budapest.
I IGonadal Hypoplasia with Chromosomal Aberration."
Budappst, Orvo-9i iletilap, Vol 107, ,.io 45, 6 ijov 66, pa,.res 21~0-21~q.
Abstract: [Authors' Hun,-.arian sumnaryl In a ca5e of ~:ona(lal hypoplasia accon-
panied by ',enpral infantilism, va-Anal aplas'La, Osteoporosi3, amenorrho3, 1-5
chromosomes were noted in five and a ring chromosome in one of a total oi` 5P,
chromosomal divifions cxamine(i. In the presenu., of chromaLin positivity, thic,
chromosomal picture is that of 46/Y7 + 45/XL' mosaicism, The clc~urroncp '01
rin,~, chromonomes ill Lonadal dys,-encsis is v(-.ry rarply reporteLi; similar
data in tho ear~t, of -onadal hypuplasia coulcl no, bt, found by th,~ authorn.
Attention is callp~[ to the fact that a differential dia;-nosi5 betwc.-en ;:onaial
6ys-enesis and onadal hlmoplasia can only be made by laparotorry and histolo-
;.-ical examination of the tissut~. obta4ne,L bv biopsy. in the authorz:;' opinion,
the uncertainties apjxarent in t1hp T,)atholo,:-ical an-d' clinical descriptions of
..onadal jys-enesis is the result of inaccurate diac-nosis becausE o' -,hF lac'-
of liistolo-ical examinations. All 141 rnfv~i-nces are A'rritcrn.
Gy0nGy, 1.
"Prev corXerence of '-.e1vej2itoqtMjgmanyi ~Svpmle." -~Ujapeat,
Vol. 4, :,o- 5, I-Iay 1954, p. 236.
SO: Eastern i-European Accessions List, Vol. .3, No. 2, 0v. .,Q54., L.C.
GIPMr,", 1 1.
T!se of new Tfurg-irian raw materials in t he " ine-cerr=ic indus t r , . T). 28"7.
Vol 7, no. 8, Aug. 1955. FTIT'IAYYA". 9udapest, Hun;-,rary.
So: Eastern European Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956
,I- - -,.. , .- ..,-
GYORGY, I, arb,.
New solutions )f c..:,,verings with k1draphobic., pqwdsr. CDxistr
Bac 16 no.77133 17 0 '64. 1
1. Planning Spsill!jItst., Inatitute of Q,.mstvuctk~)n UnIform Design.
CSAJAGHY, Gabor; BOZSONY, Denes; PICHLER, Janos; KASSAI, Ferenc;
GYOR-GY,.-Istvan; SZABO, Pal Zoltan; DEIMN, istvaa (Szeged);
KIRALY, Lajos (Miskolc); ZIEGLER, Karoly; PAPP, ilard;
SCHMIDT, Eligius Robert; GALLI, Laszlo; VAJDA, Jozsef;
RONAI, Andras; ILLES, Gyorgu; OLLOS, Geza; FINALY, Lajos;
MOSONYI, Emil; PAPP, Ferenc
Minutes of the December 19, 1958 general meeting arranged by
the Hungarian Hydrological Society, Hidrologiai kozlony--~9
no.5t394\401-404 0 '59.
l."Hidrologiai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for
CE,ajaghy, G3Lorgy, Szilard Papp'Ferenc Papp, Schmidt and
Galli). 2. Orazagos Viz~dl Foigazgatosag (for Ziegler).
VAJDA, Jozsef, okleveles mernok; GABOS, Gyorgy, okleveles mernok; GYORGT.$
~q~x=,,-Pkleveles mernok; STELCZER, Karoly, o:,-Ieveles zme-rir6lij-
SZERENYI, Laszlo,, okleveles mernok
Significance of water quality in water economy. Hidrologiai
kozlony 41 no.3:177-187 Je 161.
1 Oreza 0 vizugyi foigazgatohelyettes (for Vajda).
2: Fold4ro es Talajvizsgalo Vallalat Igazgatoja (for Gabos).
3. Viz 'i Tervezo Iroda igazgatoja; "Hidrologiai Koz1ony"
szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Gyorgy). 4. Vizgazdalkodasi
Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet igazgatoja (for Stelezer).
5. I*lyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szerenyi).
GYDRGY, Istvan,, okleveles mernok
"Protecting and dawattering earthworks* by Dr, Arpad Kesdi and Ivan
Marko, Reviewed by Istvan Gyorgy. Melyspitestud szemle 12 no.9.6407
S 162.
1. Vizugyi Tervezo Iroda igazgatojaOes "I-lelyepitestudoman7i Ssemle"
felelos szerkesztoje.
GYORGY, Istvan; SZEPESI, Karoly; MAYER, Janos; KOKAY, Lajos
Use of permanent quality activated beentonite in fine ceramics. Epi-
toanyag 13 no.11:425-432 N '61.
GYORGY, Istvan
"Kervit" tile manufacture from Hungarian raw materials. Epitoanyag
12 no.5tl89-197 My 160.
GYORGY,, Istvan
our new Kossuth-prize winner: Dr.Laszlo Palotas. Yelyepitestud
szemle 12 no.43:45-146 Ap 162.
1. "Melyepitestudomanyi Szemle" felelos szorkesztoje.
i 70 ": ~ 1, 1 ~' ~
Ort'-odontic Lreatment cwisinE i-a7roFen lesions. szemle
58 no-11:346-347 N `65'
Yozlerieny a Budape3ti Orvostudomaznyl Fg-yetem Gyermokfoi-asl~atl
ga , T 8 t.,:Cxll ,,
veterai tollar).
Preventivo and therapeutic to6th extraction ir. orth(-,dcnti-c3.
Fogorv. szemle 59 no.2!52-55 F 1 66.
1. Kozlemeny a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi &gyetem Gyamek-
fogaszati es Fogszabalyozasi KlLnikajarcl (igazgatc: Varga,
Istvan, dr. egyetemi tanar).
"Salgotarjan Glass Factory Repairs Mistak~!s." p. 10
"Innovations of the Thermos Bottle and Glass Factory at the lanovators' Exposition." .
p. 10 (Ujitok Lapja. Vol. 5, no. 5 Mar. 1953 Budapest.)
Vol. 3, no. 6
SO: MAwthly-List of East.European Accessions. /Library of Congress, __dune 1954, Uncl.
For political and economic strengthening of state farms and collective
farms. Munks. 11 n0-4:29-30 Ap 161.
1. MEDOSZ kozgazdaaagi outalyanak muxMtarsa.
(Htmgary-State farms) (Hungaj7-~-Gollective fa~ma)
GEGESI KISS, Pal, akaderiikus; IIOtWJYI, belu, dr., egyet-:~ml
J,ulia; dr.; HORVATH, 14szlo Gabor, dr.; 8ARAIJYAI, Erz--Ax,-T, dr.-
Hungarian achievements in the field of psychology in 1960. Magy
pszichol szemle 18 no.4:418-436"61.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Pszichologiai Bizottsaganak e1noke;
"Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle" foozorkesztojo (for Gugo4i Kiss).
2. nMagyar Pszichologiai Szemle" szerkeszto bizottsagl tagja (for
Horanyi). 3. Tudqr~anyos kutato (for Gyorgy). 4. Kozlekedes- es
Postaugyi Miniszterium alkalxhassagvizsgajo intawaenyainek vezetoje
(for Horvath). 5. Gyermeklelektani Intezet tudonany6s famunkataxEa
(for Baranyai).
Ki s
natrallion, hardnirss of C loss sur
(in tiw-v~m rimrm Ali ornanka 4
Sipt. 1956
A diamond cone of the R
ck ~
Vvl 1 -type, in an at,
propda;vschii e
seems to be suitable for testing the micrulwilness of -glast;
surfaccs.' When using this yr-lbod the suidaca-hardocfs; ccaffifitiolls
of the Several glass sotts,are Lhavic-eriz,:d by the geovu(ttk doW
:of they Penetration traces-orizin3red by chat:,-C.-~ of 8-81,10 vr, -L-,
The investigakion ~ho~wed Additionally th&t, i%hlen
surface penetrates the glass Surfilce, plaptic How ensue.
preasur Finally~ the telits iialligh Lit'k C111 till'
c of 2000 kglcm
t p
h3ldness conditions of the glass 4urfaeL layets 6erwfien O.Latid:'
2.2 microns.
From !~~thqr s
r K.
Spread of the most important flax diseases in Hungary in 1954. p. 139
KOMMEMI, Budapest. Vol 8, no. 1/2, 1955.
SCMCE: EEAL Vol 5, No. 7, July 1956.
G--0RGY, E.
Occurrence of caperc;:illip in Hungary. p. 70. (Az Erdr), Voi. 6, 'No. 2,
Feb 1957, Budaoest, Hung2ry)
SO: Mcnthly List of East Euronean Accessions (YEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. ~, Aug 1957. Uncl.
The application of phenvimercuric compounds in pharmacological
practice. Gyogyasereas 6 no. 12:268-270 Doe 1951. (GIAL 23:5)
1. Prof. Doctor. 2. Pharmaceatice Institate (Director - Prof.
Dr. Sandor Kossonyi), Budapest Medical University.
- -
Negative bistological findings in carcinoma of the buccal
c1tvit-. Magy. radiol. 4 no. 2:89-91 1952. (CUM 22:4)
1. Doctor, 2. Oncological Institute (Head -- Prof. Dr. Pal
Kisfaludy) of Uzooki-iitcai Metropolitan Hospital (Director Head-
Physician -- Dr. Istvan Halanz).
Studies on neutral I,F--ke-two-steroids. IL Study on neutral 17-ketosteroi&
fractions in human urine. 11serletes oryostud. 9 no.3:225-234 July 57.
1, Itelka technika; sagedletevel. Sxegedl Orvostudomanyt laotem 1.
(17-KETOSMOIIB, in urine
neutral, determ, by modofted Robinson-Gulden
chronstographic method (Run))
SZABO, Pal Zoltan): TCUAS, Klara, dr.; VARADII Gyorgy; BIRO, Intalp*
UPOR, Endre; RADO, Aladar; CZIR.TAK, bnn; KOVACS, Jeno;
VALKO, 3hdre, dr.; ADONYI, Ivan; FODOR, Gyorgy; OSZETZKY,,
Egon; KALMAR, Pal; DAVYX, Dezae; GYMGY, Karoly; OVARII, Antal;
9 'SZIT sp
PHILIP, Miklos; EIAKA1,, Xas2lo; JOO Oaskarne; AS, LaJoso
BE=YII, Miksa; KOLTA., Janose
Fomation of an uniform country organivation for the Federa-
tion of Tec1mical and Sadentifie Associations. Pecsi mass
szeml 8 no.4tl9-23 O-D'63.
1. uPecsi Mussaki SzemleO fos2erkenstoje,.(for Fodor).
2. "Pecsi Mussaki Szemle" sz-erkeaztoje (for Hellenyi, Kolta
and Oszetzky).
The fate of heifer calves in the area of Budapest. p. lb. (1-1agyar Mezogatdasag, Vol. 11,
no. 5, Mar. 1956 Budapest)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, Jully 1957. Uncl.
Dain- farming on the Petofi Collecttve Farm which ir, competirir, for the title Of the
bf,r,t.dairy farm -1-1r, the countm,. p. Ih. Clfaf~yar Mezora-,riasag., Vol. 11, no. 7, A-pr.
195fo Budapent)
SO: Monthly List of Eart Emrooean Accession LC, Vol. 6, no. 7. Jul-7 1957. Uncl.
C~y -j P (-,Y , K .
A co,,iiunicition of the "linistry of Arriculture ind the ~~!inistry of )tate Farms on the
rc~qults from four -norfths of the second national milk Production contest. P. 15.
yar Mezogazdasar, Vol. 11, no. 7, Apr. 1056 Budapest)
. (14af-,
SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (E:-!kL) LC, Vol. 6. no. 7, JulY 1957. Uncl.
GYORGY, K. Let us produce milking fat. p. 26.
Vol. U, no. 18, Sept. 1956
Budapest, Hungary
So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5, may 1957
,-,I ~'f, - ~ ~ '. -,. ~ 7 - "; , , _
Conference cn electrification in agriculture. Musz e2et 19
no.1:2 2 Ja 164.
/2934* Gydtgy. L., wirl Hador, B., Dotorrmftati.n .1 Yvunu'-4
madulu.~fo-r-qMiT-(in Hunoutian), M.W-s ~s Awwfatik~7 3, 11, 3119--
353, Nov. 1955.
Article gives a horc swmwry in the rlastiLgj 0 -111.
t-g' S.;-.. --i
P.11'116.;urC'mvjIt ~ ..-IJ niethods (hus plicd in (fit! deurili,
riition of hs Ym.1;9':; mMIulus. The A,nbors' own invemigatiom;
are then exptaint-d, anl t,,o mohii-R, tht ntmical anJilit licoijAric,
for the 'Ictetmin-Irion of modultzia 'Ite IlemetIil~eI. fly pcv-
fecting the Inctho,l'i tho-, f'It q'pllrd Abroml, ole ttv~ I'lovedurcl;
h,%ve 6nen ma,fe fm determiaing the rceci.ion ti mraswt-
rrerit, gliar lro. thc error of InC4Rwoment. Usinj (lie Stalical ax!ch~J'
younil'o motluius Was Jorerminod from the defliction ol dic glaus;
bar lo,%dcd at the middic with a prec4;ic-a of t 15CI tio thit
the clative error of r-,asiiwmzrr:; ;,i lirrt;kimi
in tile nbout NO
the ercor is chus ~~- TIN, co;-46;niag tli~ tAa rtthc,,k, Ot". roltivo
caof d mc.-asurenient c.111, in certain cmscv,be teduc7ed co ibout
Fro"I auehC'u-i, st:mnl~ry by t. Kor."Ill i,
HUEMILRY / cher:lical Teel-inology. Chemical Froducts and H-13
Their Application-Ceraraics. Gla,-s.
Binding Naterials. Concrete
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Yhimiya, i,70 37 10'59, 9050
Author : Gyorgy, L.
Inst : Not given
Title : Radioscopy of Bath Cross Bars Using C060 Preparation
Orig Pub: Epitoanyag, 1958, 107 No 3, 90-9L,
Abstract: Exposure using C060 clearly shows cavities (empty
spots), the diamoter of which comprises 8 porcent-
of the cross bar (B) thic'mess. It is suggested
that raCioscopy of B be checked from two sides,
since the photograph of B surface from the film
Card 1/2
- 1~, I I -I -
(~ ~ z- I, C -, L"-/Z- .
WIX,. G..; BOYIPA, I.; GYO-'1GY, L.
Blood serum influence on the effects of insulin. Kiserlates 3 no. 5:334-338 1951. (CUM 21:3)
1. Doctors except G. Lajos. 2. Institute of Pharnacautics,
Budapest Medical University.
Hormonal influences on glucose resorption frox the intestines. V..
Contributions to the mechanism of insulin effect. Acta physiol. hung.
3 no.1:59-68 1952. (CLML 24:3)
1. Of the Insti~ute of Pharmacology of Budapest University.
Studies an the pharmacological effect of quaternary tropeinee and
tetraetliylamonium-like ganglion-blocking agents.. Acta physiol. hung.
4 no.1-2:141-158 1953. (CIML 25:1)
1. Of the Institute of Pharmacology of BudBpeat University,
Mled of immodilatpr substs"s on expitirimenW raoM hypir-
g. 1.n'drszA%;i. and J.1114inta
tvwon,jn riLim. )..~Uybrjz
(Act4lbysial Acad. Sti. hun_ 355
Ilerparin, Theophyllinc, )Nityl, N'tibirobine, N 2,19 (p-biotno-
be ntyl-niandelyl-tropi nit to lit) diminish the bIO(XI JITC4111TC Of
renal hylicrtemsive rah !it stuall dosrs. although they have no effect
on.the normal blootl pre~%,iuro Of rats. Verntrine in small d(ftes
0-2 rng.ikg. has no effect on Ilia blooil preisure, in larger ones
0.5 mg.jkg. it causes a great fall in blovil pressure both in normal
as well -it% in Ityperiensiva rats. Veratrinc-metlayl-i-lide and
ver;ttrine-I)t!nz)-Il)rt)iiii(ti- havc nit effuct on blood luesiurr. Volilin-
blue and N 2:19 have nit increasing (It-presAve AcIbin with Ilia in-
crease in blooil pressure. CO, intialatiun th-premes (artcr an Initial
vievation) the blood prmure of hypertensive rati. Sevenal lim
Ito depressant artion. A. It. L. I4_zvAK.
1118 wHan of vartsmatliablia drats. L. Gy&lg
A, 5, let-
and J. PdruAss Acts Physiol. Ami, Sci, hung., IV -MI-
UNG The effect of 21 compounds. pamympatholytice, "Molytica.
ganglion-blocking aubstancei,,troptne &ad piparidine deriv. wets
studied an cardiac output, arterial blood preaure (spinal milimial
with and without a&enallna infusion) and on the nictitating mem-
brAns. After Yahimbin, atropine had the greatest effect on the
nictitating membrane. The ganglionic blocking and spamolyfla
4 affacteof atropine do not depend an its ~sras patholytic action.. s,
f 'thm
Wo between I vt TH
a sdr lyff a
tio "H~~e 'afeb
un~ on the bi ~ ~pa~urevm~na dt e b~l
maiia ood pressure a
membraias~ an
i ni -
ith ini 4 a ect an &a ol litaif%m
in lea p
ats d 5u r d to Me clinically well own 17~ ~d I)
c effects 0 atropine.
58. Cudlovautilu and respirataty eliects bt capipipin. J.
L or,
PmAsZ' L. G 6r and X- I'drszis2.Gibis-E!r Ada physivi: Arad~
Sci. ~~C'
~ , (31--76,-Capsaicin (caps) injected i.v. in high
doses (2(W lig. kg.) causes, in both dops and cats, a fall in blood
J, pressure. I b1ciold-Jariscili Mlex.) Ca a injedt-A i.v., in sinall
dCSeS iDtO -Mt& 41115 3 Strong V11134-TreMr effeCt Of Jltifil)hCrni
ter, also pteseat in dm'xpit&ted animaht and In the prcien4il of
ganglionic blecking agents. It bas such effect. in tile dog.
-, It
increases respiratory rate in Wth animals. On intrac-~trotidal
injection ca s. exerts A strong vasopressor effect due to a. direct
ion oFthe vasomotor centre. It alsa otiviullhtes 1vilarlown.
Thia 1;~tter cffect is prvi%~txt.after imawhi-tia of the
receptor area. It is a 1"re powerful ritimulant. (if the rtspirration.
than loWine. On intracisternal injection in dos~i of 2.2 Vg.1Jzg.
it is a strong respiral,ry stimulant and vawprtNior subsunce.
Ganglionic blocking agents inhibit the I.Itter effect
I V tfitn; muauml. -1
------------ 11
clerical effacts Of teml ronl8mandolgima.
ents at t,
elPctafTFA, I'drSIL-U, two JP,28igul~-qd ffcm
. A4id. Sci. hat4l."'I .6 11INIVIII0,A)). Ink, Ated;
Univ., Budapc~t.
shows UrhyphyLixis in clikzecac-urt-thare
-%ewwa v0s.
During of thavaj;m, 04jrpiv4-' cJ.Ij:a
cavolti s, and 5timulation of the piegangliunic fibietj tJ tht $w rWict
cervical ganglion have no effoct an btood Pressure atid ~ thc (?fl rch of
TEA if; si) muchmititcd, The ganglion-bloqkinp iiffmt of
a axii, TE.A. caw~cs, a blood pmms4m ml
ch""' I
he allfit--fing membrane. Vchuilbine, Hydeiglij, and
t Pnicol I
praventth~&e 2 effects, as &4~s ad-tonaJoctunly. 8~:iamethjtj
f f
i iulu is
"tivo but N239 m
d MID aret TEA-
latc-i theadrmmi inctMIA to mdrm'sAno (arj
is bloi.-ked lyj qumtermiy tropciae comixiii (k
tids. (
A it r mig-r.,
GYO-,I,;Y,. L.
On the adrenolytic action of chlorpromazine. Acta i)h.,.fiio1. hung. 13
no-1.57-71 1.957.
1. Institute of Pharmacoloej, Medical University, Aidapeat.
adrenolytic actions in cats)
(EPDWHRM, antag.
chlorpromazine, adrenolytic actions in cats)
WNG:OY/Hunan mid fuiirial rtirphology - The Skclo-,ton.
Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur Biol., No 5, 1959, 21541
Author : Lelkes Gy8rgy
Inst =-
Title The Role of Ylovomo!it- in the Devolopnent of Joints, ca
the Basis of Tn Vitro Ex-periments
Orig Pub Kiserl. orvoutud., 1958, 10, No 1, 80--81;
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
GYOR("Y, L. S011"X"'i 11
The problern of ergotoxin-adrerzline E;yner~.irm anr. anta,,,oaism; the effect
of general unesthesia. Actii ikvsiol. hung. 14 no-3-287-300 1958.
1. Institute of Pharmacology, Medical University, Budaj)est.
ergotoxine - epinephrine synergism & antng., exper. in cats
& eff. of anesthetics)
epinephrine - ergotoxine iiynergism & at%tag. , exper. in cats
& eff. of anesthetics)
on exper. on epinephrine - ergotoxine synergism & antag.
in cats)
GY016Y., L.; BORB:-.ILY, L.; !aLTI'MI, B.; SUMbUfl, T.
The adrenergic properties of ergotoxin. Acta physiol. hung. 14 no.4:391-398
1. Pharmakologisches Institut der Medizinischen Universitat, Budapest.
ergotoxin. paradoxical adrenergic actions (Ger))
(STMPATHSTIC N3RV0US STSTERM, eff. of drugs on
GYORGY, L. ; BORBALY, L. ; KKRT&Z, M.; SOHh'UTI, T., ith the technical annistance
of E. Seress
Pharmacology of a new spasmolytic drug. Acts, physiol. hung. 15 no.2:
189-199 1959.
1. Institute of Pharmacology. the Medical University. Budapest.
(PAPAVARIM, related cpda.
___qYqg_QK,-.Lajo--,,--az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa; DODA, Margit; SERESS,
Erzsebet, technikai munkatars
Adrenalin-tachyphylaxis after dibenamine. Biol orv kozl MTA 11 no.l:
117-125 6o. (EEAI 10.1)
1. AMagyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kiserleti Orvostudomanyi Rutato
Intezete es a Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Gyorgyszertani Intezete
Pharmacological studies on new tertiary thropine esters. Acts.
physiol.hung. 17 no.4:4713-478 160.
1. Department of Pharmacological research of the Institute of
liperimental Medicine. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, BiAapest and
Institute o. 41 Pharmacology, Medical University, Budapest.
jg~g,-az orvostudomanyok kandidatusa; DODA, Miargit; NADOP, KaroI7,
a kemiai tudomanyok kandidatusa
Role of various space-filling quaternary groups in the development of
the parasympatholytic and ganglionic-blocking effect of tropeines.
Biol orv kozl MTA 12 no.1/2:167-175 161.
1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kiserleti Orvostudomanyi Kutato Intezet
Gyogyszerkutatasi Osztalya, Budapest.
Stereoisomeric analogues of Gastropine (4-biphenyl-~,:othyl-
3 dLtropeiloxy-tropaniuni bromide). 'Acta phyt;lol. hung. 19
no.1-4:219-221+ 161.
1. Dept. of Drug-Research, Institute of Experimental Medical -Research
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Buda est;
(ATROPINE related compound7
MO u7j*,.R Y (-j Y , I . ; I ~ ~ -': i ' ". , M
Mode of action of c/--me thy, -m-tyramine tni
metaraminoL Acta physiol. acad. sri. Himl-ol. 28 no.2:
185-193 '65.
1. Depertment of Drug Resuarch, ilesearch institute of
Experimental '-',edicJne iltingur,"Lan Academy of Jciences,
Budape3t. Submitted Decembpr 10, 1964.
GYORGY,--L.;- 110121AR, J.; DODA,
(ki the P-d-re-Pri-7i- a?tn -eceplu'u-s, o'L
Acta olivs1ol. acad. scl. I~Unjr,. 1216 no.-3:260,-'76 I t':
1. Department of Drug-Restearnh Institute of
Medical Research, llungariw,, Acqder,-.v of Rwi,~ipest.
Some pharmacological effects of N-alkyl- and N-aralkyl-nor-
tropine esters. Acta physiol. acad. sci. 1-1ung. 26 no.4:
369-376 '65.
1. Department of Drug Research, Inotitute of experimental
Medical Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest.
L 29326_J.~i-_
ACC NRi AT6019814 COM-": JW250511J'5102 8 /002 1
,rfolnar, flar~jt
AUTHOR t Jono; Qyor _J!~Lo~; DoOa
ORG: Department of Drug Research, Research Institute of FxperJjwnttLl 'Medicine, MTA.
Budapest (14TIA, Kiaorloti Orvostudo
TITIE: Mode of action of alpha-methyl-11-tyramino (a:Lph&-HHryr) and motaramino)
SOURCE: Academiae sciontiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologica, v, 28, no. 2, 1965.
TOPIC TAGSt pharmacology, blood pressure, rabbit
vative, have boon studied. 1) The effect of c&-13",ryr on blood pressureMotitating
mombrane, isolated Guinea pig auricle and isolated rabbit _aorti`c___sTr_1_ps is inhibited)*
cocaine. Denervation of the nictitating membrane has an inhibitory effect. 2)
The effect of small doses of metaraminol on blood pressure is increased by
cocaine and reserpine; the effect on the nictitating membrane is increased by
cocaine and denervation, and the.offect on isolated rabbit aorta slices. by
cocaine. The positive inotropic. action of metaraminol on the isolated guinea
pig auricle is blocknd by cocaine- 3) Both compounds antagonize tyramine.
The antagonistic action of a42-ITyr is more pronounced and is, presumably.
due to its cocaine-like activity. 4) cL-FMTyr is a sympathomimetio amine of
ABSTRACT., Certain pharmacological effects of de-10"fryr and metaraminol. ~t3 0-011 deri-
ACC NRI AT6031830 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/026/003/0269/022761
AUTHOR: Gy=X, LaIpp-7,41erd', L.; Molnar, Jeno--Mollnar, Y.; DLq!ja~M ~ ;F 1
ORG: Department of Drug Research, Institute of Experimental Medical Research # "
Budapest (MTA Kiserleti Orvostudomanyi Kutato Intezet, Gyogyszerkutato Oaztaly)
TITLE: Adrenerwic beta-receDtors of the nictitating membrane
I Z~-
SOLRCE! Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta physiologica, v. 26, no. 31, 1965t
TOPIC TAGS: cat, pharmacology, neurophysiology
ABSTRACT: In the course of study of the adrenergic beta-receptors of the nictitating
membrane of cats,, it was shown that I- and d,,l-isoprenaline can cause a relaxation
of the contraction induced by cervical sympathetic stimulation# adrenaline infusions
amphetaminel ergotamine and tolazoline. The above-mentioned effects were antagonized
by dichloroisoproterenol. The authors thank Miss E. Serese and Miss A, Varga r
,valuable technical assistance. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. [Orig. art. in Eng.]
SUB CODE: 06 SUHN DATEt 25Nov63 ORIG REF2 002 OTH R17t 015
I Card 1/1
~41 ~4 r
GOLLESZ, Viktor, dr.; GYORGY, Mihaly, dr.
Data on the-analysis of psychological background of collective
tattooing. Magy pszichol szemle 21 no. 1: 66-73 164.
1. Chair of Anatomy and Physiology, College for Training
Teachers of Therapeutic Pedagogy, Budapest (Head: Dr.
Laszlo Horvath).
'VLLIIASI G. dr.; GYO-RGY, P. , ch-.; BOROS, M.
Y .1 1
Anatomoclinical analysis of cases of peptic ulcor with fatal
outcome. Mod. inter., Bucur 13 no-5:759-769 My 161.
1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica I medicala din Tirgu Hures, director:
prof. P. Doczy. (PEPTIC ULCER complications)
- -
Renal lymphatic vessels in acute and subacute glomerulonephritia.
Orv. hetil. 94 no.17:467-470 26 Apr 1953. (GIML 24:5)
1. Doctors. 2. Urological Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dre Antal Babics)
and First Institute of Pathological Anatoaq and Experimental Cancer
Research (Director -- Prof. Dr. Jozsef Ba1D), Budapest Medical University.
2264. GYORGY R. and ERZSEFET V. KozI. Orsz., ~Lnkcaageszsegugyi Int., Ist"van Korkaz
Borosztalyarol. "Ekzematogen ipari anyagok hatastalnitasarol I. resz. The inacti-
vation of indu3trial eczematoFenic substances BOFCYCrjY. VENET. SZLE 19,54, -2n/i
(16--ZI) Tables 7
Positive patch tests in chromium and turpentine hypersensitivity could be avoided by the
prior addition of vit. C and other reducing substances or of dizethylalinine and other
antioxidants to the substance used in the test. Vit. C ointments a1sc had an bihibitory
effect, and are recommended for chromium allergy.
Nekaz- - Budapest
SOt EXCUIPTA I-EDICA: Section XIII, Vol. 8, No. 10
ambaft SIM
1947, ft Na 4-A W-73L 0. ; . C. .d.
IS*. & SR.-TU phy" whes" mW
olwote phoor" wt d' R. It CAARMW
PAL Imre; NAGY, Janos, GYORGYI, Sandor.
Radioautographic studies on the distribution of S-35-methionine.
Kiserl. orvostud. 16 no.W5-79 J064.
1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Orvosi Fizil%ai Intezete.
HARSANYI, Gyorgyne; GUBA, Ferenc
--- ----
Investigations in connection with muscle extraction. Kiserl. oi-iostud.
14 no.4:425-429 S 162.
1. A MTA Kemiai-Szerkezeti Kutato Laboratoriuma.
Isolation mid -homir;aL awd., vs`- of anevmyofibril-
lar albumin. Kiserl. ovroot,-,id. 16 no.106-34 Ja'64.
1. M'TA Kemi-ai Sserkezeti Kutato laboratori.itm Ridapest.
GUU, Fercnc~ HARSANYI, Gyorgyne; KOVAGS, Peter.
Physico-chemical study of fibrillin in an alkaline urea
solution. Kiserl. orvostud. 16 no.105-39 JaI64.
1. I-ITA Kemiai-Szerkezeti Kutato taboratoriuma Budapeste
GYORGY, Sandor Pal
"Bank Ban" 1he 100-year old masterpiece. Hungarian TU
no. 6:16-17 :e 161.
~ ~ .~,: !%-;T~t 1~ i i . . .
~ - : - i I
1 11 , -
,: i ~.,. .
Hunc,arian methods for the production of s3-nthotic tanning rimlerials and the yi-oblems
of supj:l~ing rwv, materials. Tr. from, the huni:ariari. (to I'L. contd.) 1:.73 (
Kozarstvi, Vol. 7, no. 3, i'lar. 19257) i-raha
SO: ie,onthly List of East Wrorean Accession (i~-;-'AL) LG, Vol. 6, no.7, JulY 1",57. U.-Cl.
,;,, , i ~-" Y,. .
Hungarian methods for producing sinthetic tanning materials and the problems of
sulpl.,ying raw rmterials. Tr. frorrithe flun.-arian. 1,.97 (Komarstvi, Vol.7, no.4, Apr. 19-37)
F rah a
.50: ~ionthly List of Last European Accession (~JIAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. *J, July 1~57- Uncl.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Produate and Thoir H-35
Application. Leather, Fur, Gelatin. Tanning
Materials, Industrial Proteins.
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Kbillilya, No 5, 3.959, No. 17994
Author ; Gyorg,, Vago
inst :-= given
Titla : Damago of Loathor by Syntann aid its Elimination
Orig Pub : Kotarstvi.- 1957., 7# No 5., 132-134
Abstract : Based on the present day concepts pertaining to the
structure of sulfoeyntans to their stabilizing effect,
and to the type of bonlagos formod with collagen chains,
the deteriorating effect on leather of the syntans (1)
is being explained. Experiments involving vexying
concentration of I in solutions as it affects porous
structures (scrapes surface, fish collagen) demonstratod
that I causing the damage of leather is completely
Card 1/3
CzEcii0sl~OVf,l~Tj',/Clier.iic,,tI Technolqy. Choi-xical, Producto Cuid Voir 11-35
,-,pplidation. Leather. Pars. Gelatine. Tmmin[;
Materials. industrial Protains, jour: Rof Viur-IOArl.., No 2, 1059, 6970.
-,utiaor Gyt5rgi, Vara.
Ti~'-Ic Tanna&- with Dicycuidleuddc Syntwic.
OriL; Pub. Kozarstvi, 1957., 7, 110 11, 314-318-
abstract: New tyl)es of syntm*m, products of Licol-J.-:3.0to conden-
sation, which- condcnsc in leather produciur_
uble coupouncls, appeared durin(- the last ymrs. Their
tanninG capac-ity 4-s oNpressed L~hicfly' by lea-
ther with inscla.IQ stfustances. Tho first of
tomni.iG is the ir.TL)rcjiatjon with thc produc"'15 )f irlcoLi-
Car~l 1/3
GYORGY' Wilheim
--------- - T
Decomposition of '~Vt-db
and hydrAtitle Into %,e -=C
jh'W varrv Zu
,~ =V.1. - =.a
Ad GAR. -
Chemical Abet.
6110A (I , 2 W. is obtained in 1.94. (58
Vol- 48 No- 4 '1~
yield by heating 4.6 $- P~AcMHCHA%NHNHCSNHj (
ith 8
Feb* 259 1954 w
tte an
t-84 9. freshly distd. MeCO-
ry pyr
CI in - --W R." I '
Orgartic ChemistrY --- ---- -
, pour
the liquid Into 150 ml. water scidtiled with a few ml. H990.,
and recrystg. the product repeatedly fmm 80% MftCO,
and (Irviag It at 1000. It jetmj that 11-u in py-
ridine a(sproportionatiou Into 1. thus wItbd
gft from
the reaction with McCOMM This eppeare to be m-
firmed by the facts that (a) It yields t In the same expt.
at room temp., (b) I-acttonyl YMNUM chlome is Iso-
lated from the reaction tuixt
12) U
n pyT
solu. (slowly at rwn temp., "adily on heating 24 Jim. to
40*). No N evolution was obwved when the latter expt.'
was couducted in a seated vessel in a stream of CO%. It
was surpraing that ff. a diniv. of NHICSNIMIl.. should
almost spontancously undtrgo in Intramol. oxidadon-
reduction process. It appears that both the NIINII and
the CSI( 9TOUPS COnftf 1113tability upon the NlljCSNH-'
NHt met. anti the decompri. Is probably Yrry coll p(ex.
Oyorgy, Z.; Zombor, G.
-The Mechanical Heaeuring Instrments Factory, on the road of developing and
manufacturing complex automation devices. p.206
MEW ES AUTONATTKA. (Merstechni kal as. Automatizalasia Tudomanyos Egyesulet)
Budapest, Hungary. Vol.7., no.80,,-1959
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCY V01089 Well
November 1959
pneiriatic re-loator oystuem i-..iad- in HuriE,,arv. il. 305
,N'E?-r,S E.S ALITIOMATKIA. (Me re steeh riika i as Automati,,,.alasi Tudom~aiqos E,:Tysulet)
Fudarest, Vol. "j, no. 10, 1950
Mont'ily List of East Eurc,,~,ean Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, jan. 1,;P-60
Un c1 .
GYORGY, Zoltan
Electro-pneumatic limit switchgear. Meres automat 9 no.10:316-
317 161.
1. Mechanikai Meromuszerek G7ara.
--- - Ql_~_
Explosion-proof contact marometer. Meres automat 9 n0-11:350-351 161.
1. Mechanikai. Mercmuszerek Gyara.