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',IIal.V`ticIl M16111istry. of Organic E-3
x,b3 Sour: Ref '17 ILIT-Rhiraiya, No 3, 1959, a0430
j. 11stract: precipitation of 1 (1-% solution acidified with
1-1c1) by reagcnto Tor alkaloids: Rcinocka salt,
phosphoi.olybk'Jo, tungqLic, silicotungstic and
picric acids, w6ich forra churactoristic precip-
itateG. No precipitate is foriaed with 2,41-din-
itro-l-naphthcl-7-sulfonoc acid, picrolic acid
and nitro -ind rin.-I lono. I-S of picraLe LJO.80.
quantitative dutur,~ .4ination of I imas carried out:
to a solution containing 50-1.56 Lig I imere addod
5 rill glacial CH COOK, 10 ial 3% solution of nor-
cury (2~) aclitaL in ;-.,Jraeill CIT COOH, and titra-
tion was carried out with 0.5 h solutijn of
HC104; the indicator Was Crystal ViolA. ~vcr-
rage error not ovor 0.50/L. Those procoduros arc
applicablo in tho prosanco of acotylatoable
Card 2/4
TiUI\TC,;,Ry / ~,nalytical Chaimistry. i'01&4sis Of Or6anic E_ 3
Abs Sour: Rof :/,hur-igAiaiya, No 3, 1959, 6043-
;,.bstract: aiminos: the substance being analyzod is first
treated with 10 Mi (CH3 C0)_0. ~L quantitative
micro-~,,ethod for dotormination of I is described:
to a solution of 5-10 ng I in 10 6)1 wator Was
added to 1 drop of 5 N solution of NaOR, oxtrac-
tion was carried out With CHC13 containing 1%
potrojoixi othor, oxtract driod with %,'30,1,
brought up to 50 r1_1 and 5-10 fiil of tho solution
wore titratod with 0.005 N sDlution of 0-toluono
sulfonic acid in GHC13, in tho prosonco of Diia.-
ethyl Yellow. Photouetric mathod of doterEiination
of T is bRsod on for,.iation of a colorod cor-apound
with m-dinitrobonzono. To I ml of sol.ution of I
in 66d,, Dyridina, containing 50-500 nAcrograra/ml,
was cj(?,doo, 1 ril of 7A-dinitrobonzono solution (0-2 9
C-.ird 3/4
-~Illic E-3
I-listry. unalys,.s Of 01"
,UNG.,Ry / ,nalytical cj,,,~; U_
Sour: Rof Zhur-j~hijuiya, No 3, 1959, 8043.
.4%.bstract: in 30 -al 4.11%c pyridino) ; heated "or 00' .1utc t
?0C, coolod, a~lvled 1 n! 1 VI SClutiOn Of ,I!a0H
U (S
photoPl.ctry Was carriod out after 5-6 iainu~es
- 57 light filter). .9 13, color roaction is proposod
for qL~alitativa and quantitativo ',' atorz.,ination of
piporidino, ad.~il:..ctur() (about 0..--,/0) ill j. To 2 ml
of' jolution of i (125 M8 I / 25 ,~jj Tj.,)0) ,,jo-ro ndd-
i0j, jf I., 15.-ncphthequin-
r,d 0.5 iul aqueous 80111t
1 0.5 f.1 C, SiDlUtiOn Of
one-1-sulfonato O.L Na I
K2CO3 r' NaTiC 0 3 ( 1/1 0/loo _.-_a H.,O) ; acilfLified after
2 i-Anutes with CF-3000H, and co:~-plnrea with sOlutiOn
of pure I or plaotoiaotcrod. _~ozonfolld
Card 4/4
his I/. AnILlysis of Inorganic E
NG,m/,u,aiyticaI Chemistry
Abs jour: Ref Zhur-nira*) No 24, 1958, 81372.
f~utbor Gyenes 1--, Stafko 13*
Inst of Certain Intermdiat` Products
Title investigation ration of Diethylstilbendyol.
obtanod in the PrOll-I
0riG Pub: maaar kem. folYirat, 1958, 64) No 1, 1.6-17-
j,bstr_nct: With the aid Of Koflerts micro-instrumnt the
determined for n-oxypropyopherione
miting poillts were riva-
(I), -for a crYstalline complex of pinacone de
tive (3,4- dioxy - 3A di - n - oxyphenyl-n-hexane)
with acetone (,I) and of a pinacoune deriv--tive
(4,4-bis-n-oxnhenyl-3-hexane) (III). I was obtained
by 0,dding to a solution Of 100 gr of technical pim-
Card 1/2
HUNGAff/Analytical Cheiaistry. '-mlysis of Inorganic E
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 24, 1958, 81372.
cone in 600 cc of boiling acetone, 250 cc of
boiling C04. After cooling I vne separated as
a material of 222-60 nelting point - Quantitative
determinations for the above three substances
were conducted by titration in the absence of
water by employin6 O-ln solution of CH,
,?0l( which
reacted with phenolic hydroxyl and 0.1~i solution
of azo - violet in C6H
.SC1 as an indicator. As
a solvent for I, acetone - pyridine (4 : 1) was
used. Acetone - pyridine - riethanol (70 : 30 : 2)
sras eErployed as a solvent for II and 111. 1.0 cc
of O.ln CH OK solution corresponds to 15-017 n9 I,
19-02 mg 74, and 14-215 rig III. Error of these
analyses was K 0.5'1'). -- S. Rosenfeld.
Card 2/2
erminatlon at the hydracb1orides of terti4g arnines In.
eous medium In the presence of Tylochlorides of
acetylizable a I tVA I 'C!nes_(KAbAnyai GY6gYs7xr_
mines. C, e
DudaM-t, lung.)
Ardgy&r Gy6gysze.t~iajor I .
Magyar Sim. Faly6iral 65, 264-76(1959).-The tertiary
aralnes were detd. in an AcOll-AcO medium In the presence
aof (AcOhHg with perchloric acid. The liberation of tite
nollnen nod their acetylation trwok place simultaneously
under viese conditions, %Yhllc the nectyll4able onjincii vvtrc
transformed into acid anildes which did not coosurne per-
chterIcacid. Intlieexpts.diethylantinoethylcidori(ie-IICI
.(In the presence of ethylardine-HO and diethylarnine-HC1,
r"p.), dibenzylarninoethyl chloride-11CI (ethylamine-110
atid ben lamine-ITC1, rtsp.), tribeux lamine-f[Cl (benzyl-
amine-H21), and pipefldinomathyleycialiennone and meth.
ylph!pYlpipeddinecarboxylic acid c0tyl ester, resp~_(Pjl)_eit
dine-11CI) were dctd. Ttietletn.wzt,.4c4iii(itictedasf(jll,jws:
Dlssolve 0.3-0.8 Ineq. tertiary ionine hydrochloride in
AcOll contg. 40-W% AcO aw 3W mg.jAcOhft und,
kable amine3 Into ricid ainitivs. Titrate with 0.05N per.
chlorle aeld (In glacial AcO; 1) with crystill violet or cresol
red Indicutor
GYRIES, Istvan
Analytic investigation of piperldine-methyltolyl-propanone.
Magy kem folyoir 66 no. 2.55-61 F `60.
1. Kobanyai Gyogyszerarugyar Gyogyszertechnologiai Kutatolaboratoritma,
_GYEWIP_,_Tslvan, LASZLO, Andrasne
Determination of p-toluenesulgonates and ethanesulfonates of
bases in non-aqueous media. Magy kem folvoir 67 no-4:166-168
Ap 161.
1. Kobanyai Gyop,,Vszerarugyar Uogyszertechnologiai laboratoriuma,
TOLDY, Erliko; CS11-LAG, Ferenane; BOBAK, Tamasne; (11YEVES, TStvan
Determinatior of peperazine derivatives; determination of
piperazirep oxyethylpiperazine and dioxyethylpiperazine in
presende of each other in non-aquesous medium. Magy kem folvoir
67 no.4:180-182 Ap l61.
1. r4rogyszeripari Kutato Inteset Aralitikai Laboratoriuma, Budapest,
(TIENES, Istvan; UnLD, Andrasne
Melting point change of sterane compounds in the function
of the velocity of heating. Magy kem folyoir 67 no.8:369-
364 Ag 161.
1. Kobanyai Gvogyszerarugyar Oyogyszertechnologiai Laborat-
riuma, Budapest,
GYMM, Istvan
Determination of the contents of V-o-9rominebensil-ll-ethyl-
N,N-dimettkylammonium-p-tol.uene-sulfonat. Magy kem fol7air 67 no.4:
162-165 Ap 61.
1. Kobanirai rj,,ogvszeraruUar Mropvszertechnologiai laboratoriuma,
GYEM, Istvan; VARSANYI, Gyorgv, a kemiai tudomanyok dokt,ora; KILY, S'andor ,
Analyals of DL--O(-phenyI-o(-pipsridine-(2) -acetic acid-methyl-
ester-hydroehloride. Magy kem fojyo~r 67 no.9-372-373 S 161.
1. Kobanyai Gyogyszeramgyar ~)rogyszertochnojogiai Laboratoriu-
Tea, 3udapest (for Qyen6s) 2.Mag7ar Tudomanyps Akadem-ia Kozponti
Kemisi Kutato Intezete Spektroszkopiai Oaztalya (for Varsanyi and
GYENES,. -Istvan, - dr.
---- --- -
Gerontological lexture delivered at Gseteny. Elovilag 8 no.43
62-63 Jl-Ag 163.
A micro-method for the determi,atlon of vintanine I)v
chromatograpny. Acta pharm. 'clung. 35 zio.6.~8f-',-2831 i4 165.
1. Submitted July 1, 1965.
OEM$ Tozsefne
.- --- -.1--
Thoughts on subsequent payment concerning television sets.
Radiotechnika 3.2 no.9:301 S 162.
1, Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi MnizzUrim IV.Postafoosztalya
GY-ENES, L, and oth rs
Fluorometric dete-mination of the nanhydrated alk-il-id cmtent, Df
hydrated ergot Cf Lie er- tc:-,ine type. .137
Vol. 61, no. 8, Au,-,. 195~
Source: !",onthly list of Eaat European Acceasions, (KEAL), IC,
Vol. 5, no. 3, I'larcl. 1956
,iuarititative analysis (~f ergotalR-aloid salts in a noriaclueous mediu-n; deterrination of
basiCcontent and acid component of ergotamine tartrate, erfrotamine biphthalate, and
ergometrine maleate. P. 356. Vol '01, no. U, Nov. 1") 5. ACTA ZOOlAkICA, ElIZITL ES
So: Eastern European Accession-. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956
'- GYENESq Lajos, dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok doktora.
Place, role and significance of research work for complex arable
areas in geographical sciences. Foldrajzi ert 9 no.4:423-438 160.
(EHAI 10:6)
AUTHORS: Kdhler, Imre, Dipl.met.eng., Schultheisz, Gyula, Dipl,
met. eng. and Gyenes, Dipl.chemist
TITLE: Roll Lubrication in tlie Hot Rolling of Aluminium and
the Testing of Lubricants
PERIODICAL: Koha*szati-lapok, 196ID'pNo.10, pp.433-439
TEXT: Lubricants used in the hot rolling of aluminium and its
alloys have to satisfy a number of often contradictory requirements.
The present paper describes experiments carried out on a two-high
production rolling mill with the aim of developing a suitable
lubricant. The smear of mineral oils used originally could not
prevent the build-up of a heavy roll coating and the necessity of
intermittent water cooling led to crazing of the roll surface.
These difficulties have been overcome with emulsions. A good
emulsion is stable (particle size 1-5 11), lubricates well without
staining, prevents corrosion, wets tile roll surface, it has a long
life, can be filtered and is suitable for the lubrication of roll
neck bearings, besides being non-toxic and cheap. Spindle-oil and
cutting-fluid type emulsions were considered to satisfy these
requirements best and were the subject of extended tests, A
Card 1/3
Roll Lubrication in the Hot ... H/014/6o/ooo/olo/001/004
concentrate consisting of 85% spindle oil, 10% oleic acid and
5% triethanolamine as emulsifier was used in a 1-3% concentration.
The emulsion was difficult to prepare and it was unstable; its
wetting and lubricating properties were poor for several days but
improved in use. However, its life was short and staining was
heavy. From staining tests carried out in Erichsen domes by
evaporating the emulsion at 350*C it was concluded that oleates
are the most likely cause of staining. Roll coating was rather
heavy and unstable. Attempts at improving wetting by increasing
the triethanolamine concentration resulted in loss of emulsion
stability. Emulsions made of 0.5-1% cutting fluid and 0.1%
sulphonated fatty alcohol as a wetting agent gave satisfactory
results when used at 50-550C and led to increased production. For
a routine check of concentration, 11 ml of emulsion was added in a
butyrometer tube on top of 10 MI H 2s0 followed by 1 ml amvl-
alcohol. After heating at 65% for min, the mixture was
centrifuged at 1000 r,p,m, for 5 min and the amount of separated
oil read. The sulphonated fatty alcohol was actually in tlie form
of the Na salt and its concentration wris dptermined iodw-iietrically
Card 2/3
Roll Lubrication in the Hot ... H/014/60/000/01o/001/004
after breaking the sulphonate with HCJ. There are 6 figures,
2 tables and 4 references: 1 Hungarian and 3 non-Hungarian.
Card 3/3
GYRIES, Lajos, dr., a foldrajzi tudomaayok kandidatuaa
Geo,"aphical results of works on agricultural area research activities
in Hungary; a short history, methods, results, criticism and summary
of works on Hungarian agricultural area research. Foldrajzi ert 10
no.1299-111 161.
GIEWS,-Lajpp,_dr.,, a foldrajzi ttuiomanyok kandidatusa
*Froblems of applied geography.* Reviewed by Lajos Gyanes.
Foldrajai art 12 no,2:294 163.
.. ~t-
6,;, Gleves, leIrm. M., Tarting' ofurnfzium t1li-Ift; by tho
T-he uttrg mediod e4aburut,