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GVISHIANI, Grigoriy Sardionovich (Psychopharmacological .substances and the prospects of their clinical use] (Psikhofarmakologicheskie veshche- stva i perspektivy ikh klinicheskogo ispoltzovaniia. Tbilisi, Sabchota Sakartvelo] 1965. 69 p. (In Georgian] (MIRA 18:7) IV r.,ci: iN ~~-Nlza S'!3R 4! GVIZD1, D.I. Theoretical possibility of the magnotatelluric profiling in some regions of massive permafrost layers. Inform. biul. NITGA no.19: 24-28 ,6o. (MIRA 13:12) (Magnetism, Terrestrial) (Frozen ground) ;J111Z1j', D.J. I Geoelectric cross section of the left.-bank part of the Yenisey trough. Inform. sbor. NlIGA no.30,.67..71 162. (MIRA 17g1/' GVIZDI, D.I.; PLATONENKOV, k.N. Using magftetotelluric profiling insbudying the Ust' Yenisey depression Trudy NIIGA 132%140-142 162. (KIRA 16W iYenioey Valley-Electromagnetic proapeoting) GVTZDI, Do!, r. A ~Sltudy of tl%, voli-w.,tura cl hn Tiatl Yerl'Amy Jr);,.-cS!!4o:l ljFl"g L~a mathods of rroli'llng and mairrellctellur.".:1 3oulidings .4 I)-jho ~,aps hll('Iio 11093.1-190--.200; '64o (MA 18110) USSR / Zooparasitology. Parasitic Wormo. Holminths in Animals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 5, 1959, No. 19686 Author : Gvosdev Ye. V. --i Inst ; ilo~5-.S'itcai-~ins'tituto AS KazSSR Title : Wild Birds as a Source of Helminthiasis in Domestic Fowl Orig Pub :Tr. In-ta zool. AN KazSSR, 1958, 9, 19-24 Abstract :An interchange of parasites which takee place more readily between closely related species (hen, pheasantsp partridges) is widespread among wild and domestic birds. A mutual infection also may be accomplished between more distinctly related species (Sulls - hen). This occurs more often when Card 1/2 46-12-14/15 AUTHORS: Berlovich, E. Ye. Gvotovskiy, K. Lt. , Bonita, 1J. P. , Breslav, V. I. , Preobrazhenskiy, B. K. TITLE: Investi-ation of the Lives of Low Nuclear Levels Excited in Electron 0 -Captures (13sledovaniye vremen zhizni nizhnikh urovney yader, voz- buzhdayemykh pri olektronnom zakhvate) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR7Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Irr 12, pp. 10643 - 1652 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The lives of the levels of some nuclei which are produced by means of capture of orbital electrons are investii~;ated here. All initial nuclei belong to nuclei with a deficiency of neutrons. The nuclei are produced in "deep" separations under the action of neutrons with hi,h energies. The paternal nuclei Tu167, E047 and Gd145 were obtained in the tantalum-tarGet by radiation by protons with 660 1MeV in the synchrocyclotron. The thulium-, europium- and gadolinium- -srjurces were produced accoAing to the chromatographic method. 'The paternal nuclei of Ir19O were obtained by ineans of radiation of a bismuth target from which they were separated with the aid of an iridium-carrier. The measurement of the life was performed accord- ing to the method of retarded coincidences in an apparatus already Card 1/3 earlier described by one of the a-utthors (references 2 - 4).The co- il8-12-14/15 Investigation of the Lives of Low 1,7uclear Levels Excited in Electron-Captures incidences of the characteristic X-rays with the r- rays (Xp- and - coincidence) or with the electrons of internal conversign (Xe- a!Xd 11 Xooincidence were measured here. The transitions Tul 1 7 1 _o. u'r I Gd14 EU145 I Eu147__., SM147 , Ir'90--.o- 0000 were in- vestigated. It is shown that in the Er167-nucletis the electric quadrupole-transition is highly accelerated, whereas the magnetic diiV-transition is highly retarded. The former is natural for an Er -nucleus with 17 neutrons over the filled shell and which be- longs to the Greatly deformed nuclei. The sound transition belongs to the jrrOUD of retarded magnetic dipole-transtions (reference 19). The cause of the retardation is apparently connected with the collective nature of the magnetic tran 'tion.,Wge interpretation of the measurement-results for the Gd"tablEu -transition is not only not possible because the multipolarity of the Y--transi- tions of Eu145 is known, but also because there exists uncertainty in the identification of the Y-rays (115 keV) investiGated. The obtained valug for the upper limit of the life of the first excited state of Sm14-1, on the as3umption that the transition (E2 41d 1) is a mixed type, for the time of radiation with the takin.t~ into ac- count of conversionl~ields a 3omewhat higher value for theupper li- Card 2/3 mit U < 5-10- sec. It is shown that the result obtained 2; - l Invest i gat ion of the Lives of Low Nuclear Levels Excited in Electron-Capture3 here contradi�ts the assumption that E2 +M I is a mixed type. - 1,2.10 sec is obtained from the observed value for the 1-r 190 average life of the first excited state of Os with the tak- ing into account of the conversion on all shz~ls and on the assump- tion that OL - 0,71. B. S. Dzhelepov and collaborators, A. A. Ba3hilov and collaborators, as well as A. N. Murin and collaborators before publication placed data on their experimenb3with the isotopes investigated here at the authors' disposal. V. P. Dzhelepov and the personnel of the synchrocyclotron participated in the work. There are 8 fiEures, and 23 references, 12 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Physico-Technical Institute All USSR,Lenin-rad a (Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademi-i nauk SSSR) AVAILABLE: Libr~.try of Congreau Card 3/3 4F iv: KIT, GV-OZD, K., inzh.; LEVCIIENKO, M., inzh. Using a helicopter to replace the antenna of a telecommunication tower. Prom.stroi. i inzh.soor. 3 no.2:52-53 Mr-Ap '61. (MIRA 15:3) (Helicopters) IL JJ 1,eAn Ion source for a mass avecfromoI1jr-Wjtl1QuI rM auxMiry magnetic OcId. VA-4uVn,-iTj4.T',V-o-j Bull. killIV-1-, Sri field to focus the electrons bt the Prinelple CAUSr of mi.11 discri-ninatlc-n in an lon source. A W filament Lq ernployl!d to emit electrons in the ionization charnber to vyNich thc sample %as is admitted. Ity a zu!L~bk -.%r=ngtvntnt of slits and a sTill maintained at the proper potential an Ion c1tro rent is obtained tivice that of an cxistivig Mer-ts-pe vatime. In an anal sis for lit) in Nf, fewer 11s tons wcrt! thm with the Wser-tyN source. it. Ii. INN MITIRThs! ME =1 4-UMIM, OW, tit, All lind- r- Uzi to Ond !1u 1j, :,L~ till, )f .jLw- -Pd 10 14 V3 YUGOST-AVIA/Nuclear Physics - lnz~' ~ a liat ion a ni I nst- =-ents C Mc~lhods of Meiourement z,nd Re-search Abs Jou- Ref Z~hur Fizika, Lo 4, !-9-' , -,1821 W Aut I i or Gvo~-.danoxic, Dregutin, D. Inst institute of Nuclear Science "Poris Kildricn", Belgrade Yugoslavia Title : A Nethod for the Phss Spectrometric Isotopic Analysis of Magnesium. Zinc, and Cadrai= Using Reduction of Oxides by Charcoal in the Ion Scurce Furnace Orig Pub : Bull. Inst. Nucl. Sci-, 1958, 8, ~io 144, 151-155 Abstract : A new method of mass spectrometric isotopic analysis is described, which is suitable for elements which become volatile at a temperature below 16000 C. The author used a 900 mass spectrometer. The evaporator of the ion source was heated by bombardment with 670-ev Carl 1/2 6 - '-'~ - 1=1J. L. 'L*- ~v was obtained f- =',~-y heurs. L Card 2/2 GVOZDANOVIC, Sena, uniy. docent (Zagreb, Rockefellerova 40) The building of the Workers Universi"~A Zagreb, a poem of sun and space. Teala 9 no 2 VT -4: 1-22 1 2. SMOKVM, M.; GVOZDANOVIC. V. Method of intravenous pyelography with ureteral compression. Acta chir. lugool. 1 no.1-2:27-39 1954. 1. Zavod za rentgenologiju i radius terapiju Nedicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Predmtojnik: prof. dr. N.Smokwina) (PTILOORLPHY *Intravenous, with ureteral compression) 'rVOZDAITOVIC, T. ; HAMERSAK, B. ; KOZIC, M. , Experience with ancepbalograpby with small amount of. air. Neuropsihijatrija 3 no.2:77-91 1955. 1. Iz Zavoda sa rentgonologiju i radium torapiju (Pred: Prof. dr. M. Smokvina) i Kirurake klinike (Prad: Prof. &r. D. Juzbasic) Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (BRAIN, radiography, encephalography with small amount of air.) NOVAK, Z.; GVOZDANOVIC, V.: KOZIC, M. Case of tuberculoma of the frontal lobe. Neuropsihijatrija 3 no.3-4:270-272 1955. 1. 12 Neurolneko-psihijatrijske klinike, Zavoda za rentgenologiju i radium terapiju i Neurokirurskog odjela Kirurake klinike Medicinskop, fak-tiltata u Zagrebu. (FWNTAL LOBE, diseases. tuberculoma, diag. & surg. (Ser)) (TUBIRCUL04A, frontal lobe, diag. & surg. (Ser)) SOKOLIC, Petnr; GVOZMNOVIC, Vladimir Considarations on clinical picture of traumatic hemianopsia. Radovi Med. fak. Zagrebu. 1:26-31 1957. 1. From the Ophthalmologic Clinic of Medical Facnlty in %greb and the Radiological Institute of Medical Yaculty in SWeb, (HIMUNOPIA, case reports, traus. (Ser)) \'-7 MAWEVAC, I., Dr.; H~MWIN, Z., dr.; GVOZDANOVIC V dr. vow Cruveilbier-Baupgartan diseases and syndrome; with a case report. Lijec. vjes. 79 1-2-09-49 Jan-Feb 57. 1. Is Interne klinike t Zavoda %a rentgonalogiju Medicinskog fakul~eta u Zagrebu. CRLTVEILHIIS-DAUMARTIRN SYNDROMM. case report (Ser)) OBERHOFER-SIK, T.; PITAMIG, T.; GVOZDANCVIC, V. Significance of contrast demonstration of the narrovin in the diagnosis of aortic coarctation. Acta chJ-r.iugosl. 7(8~ no-3 236-246 s6o. 1. Klinika za djecje bolesti (Predstojnik prof. dr. N.Skrivaneli) i Zavod za radiologiju (Predstojnik prof. dr. M.Smokvina) Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (AORTIC COARCTATION radiogr) (ANGIOGRAPHY) itj~! 09=ANOVIC, V. Prof. Dr. Milan Smokvina. On 60th anniversax7 of his birth. Rad. mad. fak. Zagreb 8 no. 21n5-117 160. (BIOGRAPHIES) ','av ocia a rn: I c 1 ug i -edi Ot 0 i GVOZDANOVIC, Vladimir; DOGAN, Sergije Role of the angle of the clivus-odontoid process in clinical manifeBta- tions of basilar impression. Rad. med. fak. Zagreb 8 no.2:157-172 160. (OCCIPITAL BONE abnorm) GVOZDPITOVIC.,V.; LICV-GULLT,M. Roentgenological changes in the skull bones in hydrocephalus. Neuropsihijatrija 11 no.lt56-66 163 - 1. Iz Zavoda za radiologiju. Medicinskog fakultete. u Zagrebu; predstojnik: prof.dr.M.Smokvlna. GVOZDARRY.I. Vibration milling--& now achievement of Soviet technology. Stroi. mat. isdel. i kouBtr. 1 no.5;6-11 My'55. (KLRA 8:11) 1. Zamestitell ministra promyshlennosti stroitellufth materWov sssR (Milling machinery) GVOZDAREV, I., inzh.; DIKERMAN., N.p inzh. Brick factories are ebanging to a production of efficient materials& Na stroiJWs. no.3:4-6 Mr 161. (MIM 14:6) (Moscow Province.-Brick industry) Authori GvozdArov.---I, P. Titlei The RAWtogtUg of allicat#gUit brigirs City; Moscov Publisher.- State Printing House of Domestic Industry of RS?$R usto 1 105 Available-. Ubrary of Congress Sourcel Monthly List of ftesian Accessions, Vol. 4. Wa. 1, p. X~ 0" GVOJEDAM. I.P. Increase the output and improve the quality of slag concrete bricks. Gor. khoz.Mosk. 25 no.7:1-5 JT1 '51. (ULRA. 6:11) 1. Zamestitell ministra promVehlennosti stroymterialov SSSR. (Bricks) (Slag cement) GVOZDIHEV. 1.P., sameatitel' ministra proVshlennotiti stroital'n~ykh materialar SSSR. [P~roduction of basic building materials in the fifth fivO-7ear plan] Froiz- vodstvo o9novykh stroitellnvkh materialov v piatoi piatiletke. Moskva, Izd- Vo "Znanie," 1951. 31 P. (MLU 6:10) (Building materials) UOrt", I ;* . . . V Pt i. 1UM11 'NIVIR I a 7E- , r 12 ll:z Z,*-. I I fa f~ In if I e 11 U FIF's I I If H "M 1101 i 11 GVOZDAREV, I.P. In the ceramic and asbestos cement plants of ItalY. Stroi. met., izdel. i konstr. 2 no.2:33-37 F 1516. (MT-RA 9:6) 1.Zamestitall Ministr& prom7shleanosti stroitellnykh materialov SSSR. (Italy-Ceramic industries) GVOZDAREV I P ; YEPREMOV, G.L. I ~~~ The production of glazed tiles by casting. Stek.1 ker. 13 no.4: 29-32 Ap '56. (MLRA 9:7) (Aurope, Ifestern-Tiles) -! I _~ I - GVOZDMV, Ivan Petrovich; ISLANKINA, T.F., red.; SAVCHEITKO, Te.V., (Prefabricated products in housing construction in 1959~ 19651 Industriallnve materialy v zhiliohchnom stroital'stve v 1959-1965 godakh; atenogramma publichnoi lektsii, pro- chitannoi v TSentrallnom lokiorii Obahchestva v Moskvs. Moskva. Izd-vo 'Znanie.* 1959. 31 p. (Vsesoiuznoe obahcheetvo po ras- prostrananiiu politicheskikh i nauchuykh znanii. Ser.4. Nauka i tekhnika, no.18) (MIRZ 12:8) (Precast concrete construction) (Building materials) GVOZDAREV, I.P. Uso building materials in an economical and efficient manner. Stroi. mat. 5 no.1:22-25 Ja 159. O"A 12:1) 1.Ghlen Gosetroya SSSR, nachal'nik otdola stroital'afth mteri&10T i lesnoy promyshlennosti. (Building materials) GTIOZDAREV,L.F,- Rural construction needs the plants near Moscow. Stxoi. mat. 7 no.7:3-6 Jl 161. (MIRA 34-7) 1. Nachaltnik Glavmosoblstroymterialov. (Moscow Province-Building materials industry) GVOZDAREV , I. P. $i nzh.; DIKE IOU 0 11. 1. 1 inzh. Redes-Igning brick plants for the production of effective build1mg materials. Stroi. i for. mash. 7 no.7:30-31 J3. 162. (MIR4 -15:7) . (Moscow-Building materials industry) GV0ZDF14KO, D.V,- Effect of small amounts of organic and mineral fertilizers on winter wheat yields. Agrobiologiia no.2:292-?94 Mr-Ap '59. (14M 12.' 6) 1. Karabakhakaya nauchno-eksperimental1naya baza Akadenii nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Nbeat-yartilizers and manures) 111.1- '1., 1. -. GUNKNO, D.V.- - Effect of fertilizers applied at the time of seeding on yields of irrigated winter wheat under conditions prevailing in Mardakert District. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.3:65..68 160. (MIRA 13:7) (tWMAKE-RT DISTRICT-WHEAT-FERTILIZERS AND WWRES) GVOZDENKO., D.V. Effect o ypplement-ary fertilizers on the wheat 7-Jeld under conditions of dry farming in the piedmont zone of Karabakh. Trudy Inst.gen,I sel.kN Azerb.SSR 2s17-21 162. (KRA 1632) (Karabakh Steppe--Wheat-FortilizerB and manures) GVOZDENKO., D.V. Effect of mineral fertilizers on the winter wheat yield in the irrigated Karabakh Steppe. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 21 no.7:60-63 165,, (MIRA 18sl2) 1. Institut pochvovedeniya i agrokhimii AN AzSSR. Submitted February 11, 1964. .1. GVOZDENKO, 1.1" - Mechanized units for controlling the Acroptilon picris. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no. 4:43 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. L"'achallnik Khersonskoy stantsii zashchity rustarly. IIAGIIAOV$ A.S,,; GVOMENIKOLT,~ Effect.of cultivation conditions on variations in the varietal characteristics of peppers. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.11:47-56 261. (MIRA 15:3) (WPERS) MUSAYEV, M.A.; ABDULIAYEVA, T.Yu.; GVDZDENKO, T.M. Effect of cultivation conditions on the growth, development and productivity of different tomato varieties. Trudy Inst.gen.i sel.AN Azerb.SSR 2:122-129 162. (MIRA 16t2) (Karabakh Steppe--Tomatoes~--Varieties) (Apsheron Peninsula-Tomatoes-Variaties) Hi gh-y--* 9*.dt omiato var'et Lowland. 17v. UN' Azarb. S*SR. GVOZDLII(JVIC, Dragutin, inz. The Coordinating Committee for the Roalization of Investments in Ferrous Metal Industry. Masinof,.-adnja 5 Jl 162. GVOZDI,;NOVIC, Dragutin. inz. Welding in the electric and metal 2-4, 162. industries. I 1 1 I I . !i. Uvarivac 7 no.2: GVOzrSjTOVIG, ftlau No, doo. dr., Sarajevo , t. -- .- '' - ~' - I ~ Malaria; its present therapy and propbylaxie. Wed. glamn. 8 no.9: 293-296 Sept 54. (MALARIA, ther.) SIMITCH, Tch.; GV02MOVITCH, M.; V. Considerations on endemicity and on transmission of kala-azar by dogs in Tugoslavia. BullAcItd.serbe Be..Classe med. 11 no.2:42-43 1954. (LUISHXUIIASBS, visceral, endemicitv & transm. by dogs in Tugool.) (DOGr 3, diseases, leishmaniads. viscooral. trannm. In Tugoel.) GVOZDENDVIC, '1111an, Doc., dr. Diagnosis and treatment of visceral loishmaniasis (kala-azar). Med. glasn. 10 no.8:303-310 Aug 56. 1. Mikrobioloski inatitut Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajovu (upravnik prof. dr. R. Frid). (LHISHMANIASIS VISCERAL diag. & ther. (Ser)) GVOZDEITOVIC, Milan, Doe., dr. Parasitic diseases in children. Ned. glamn. 11 no.2:56-60 Fab 57. 1. Hikrobioloski institut Nedicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu, (Upravnik: prof. dr. R. Fried). (PARASITIC DISEASIS, in inf. & child (Ser)) GVOZDBNOVIC,Milan,d-r; MILADINOVIC,Zlvwad lpidemiological studies on two autochthonous cases of kala-azar in-bosnia. Med. arh..Sarajevo 12 no-3:95-101 My-Je '59. 1. Institut za mikrobiologiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarnjevu, sef: prof. d-r Robert Fried. (LEISHK&NIASlS VISCXRAL apidemiol.) GVOZD.ENOVIG, M Ilan, doc. d-r ; MIIADUiOVIG,ZIvur&iI Therapy of experimental Ocrichirionli in rato with p1pemaina adiptite and atabrine. Mad, arh.,6arajovo 1) no.4:41-45 JI-Ag '59. 1. Institut za mikrobiolo,gL, faknIteta u Sarajevu, sef: prof. d-r Robert Fried. (qUINACRINE) (PIPBUZDM pharmacol. (TRIGHINOSIS exper.) - GVOZDENOVIC,Milan.P.,O-r - Intestinal parasites in 3 different human groups,- in the comunity of Breza. Med. arh.,Sarajevo 13 no.5:53-61 5-0 '59. 1. Gentralni higijenaki zavod u Sarajevu, Tehnicka saradnja: ann. tahn. Pero Vukasovic, Direktor: d-r Ante Jamnicki. (HEIMINTHIC INFECTIONS epidemiol.) GVOZDENOVIG,Kilan P.,d-r Pathogenic intestinal parasites in miners In certain mints-In Br*za. Med arh.0 Sarajevo 14 no.1:131-134 Ja-F 160. 1. Contralni higijonski savod u Sarajovu. Direktor: d-r Auto Jamnicki, Tahnicks, saradnja: son. tehn. P. Yukasovic . (HEIMINTHIASIS opidemiol.) (MINNG) GVOZDENOVIC, M., doe. d-r; POCRIMIC, Zvonko Effect of piperazine adipate on the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis Donne, 1836, on T.vaginalls isolated from male urethras and on T. intestinalis (hominis) Leuckart, 1879. Med.arh., Sarajevo 14 no-3:n.p. My-Je '160. 1. Boiloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Bef v.d.: doe. d-r M.Gvozdenovic) (TRICHOMONAS pharmacol) (PIPERAZINES pharmacol) 'ol. 1L, L~~, jnr -,L~ x: 1 r Z:-- 2 C, I :c; pp j.711c; P, :;L,,* 8. F~.,V;er :r,,,: 7wc to tlx ~cnrjof 1,;.l. pr~f :z 9. -ZtriCe cf Facd 0111 of FCC,.' 101-onln~l rx 10. LT!:7,; pp Ze-ZO, Gy nENQUC Mi an, prof. d-r; MILADINOVIC, Zivorad Serological study on toxoplasmosis in blind, deaf and retarded children (Sabin-Feldman test). Med.arh., Sarajevo 14 no-5:53-61 S-0 160. 1. Institut za mikrobiologiju Medicinskog fakulteta. u Sarajev-u (Seft prof. d-r Robert Frid) Tehnicka saradnja: Hubera Omerspahic (TOXOPLASMOSIS in inf & child) (DEAFNESS in inf & child) (MENTAL DEFICIENCY) GVIOZDI-Z~1110VICY I.I.; INIKULIN, E.; ZO, 11j; KOSO;dC;, D.; HILIDINOVIG, Z. Kala azar (leishmaniasis visceralia) with rauco-cutancous losiona. Acta med. iugosl. 15 no'.3:863-871 161. 1. Institute of Microbiology., Institute of Pathology and Pediatric Clinic., Medical Faculty, University of Sarajevo. (LEISHMANIASIS MUCOCUTANEOUS in inf & child) (LEISHMANIASIS VISCERAL in inf & child) GVOZDENOVIC, Milan, prof. , dr Tropical diseases in our oountry. Med. glas. 16 no.1:1-7 Ja 162. 1. Mikrobioloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (Upravnik: prof. dr R. Fried) (AMEBIASIS epidemiol) (ULARIA epidemiol) (LEISRIANIASIS epidemiol) (HOOKWORM INFECTIONS epidemiol) PVgjDWQ-VIC-,-M..,-dr.; TEFTEDARIJA, M., dr.; JEVTIC, Z., dr.; MILADDIOVIC, Z., dr.; SWAK-BUSIC, Vera let 2 cases of anc3dostamiasis in Bosnia. 149d. arh. 16 no.1:27-35. Ja-F 162. 1. Infektivna klinikEL i Mikrobioloaki inBtitut Medicinskog fakulteta u SaraJevu. (HOOKWORM INFECTION case reports) GVCMN2VICI_,Mo Ancylostomiasis in Bosnia& Bal so Youg 7 no.6:170-171 D $62. le YAdioinski fakultet., Sarajevo. MYTENOV7c, M,.-. W!UD.INovr(;, L". farinae f" Geerr 1778) as ,.hc CaUSE. (:.t, atent"'d an:i T'. I., a a q O-oln Lestin a l divordera It i man. H I gij` '16 no. _i 1 ~,I, G7(J,ZDN,W.T,:, ~,:; ii:-: ~ 111"'C. !i-,. '. :J I ,~!! I ~,(r) !::, ~',i i; LE~,-i . l','.h;:,tjj:,rll,I 1. f r-, '1 -7 ar of -;rtE,.- ti r., a! p--asj , , c - , ,; ~ -. fn children -j -~ ~~ - . 'i ~ --a_ . 3 Of 01033fd G.O.-in"ritAcB. Rei. firb. IS T:O.Z,173 78, 1 , 1 4 1 -1 jg-s 6 1. Institut za mikrobiologijLl 1-tedicinskog fak-ulteta u Saraje-vu (Sef: Prof. dr. Robert Fried). YUGOSLAVIA GVOZDENOVIC# M,, Faculty of Medicine C14edicinski Fakultet), Sarajevo "Incidence of Ancylostomiasis in Bosnia" Belgrade, Actia Voterinaria, Vol 16, No, 3, 1966; pp 237-241 Abstract [English summary modified] :Study of 10,126 specimens of feces from 8,154 grammar-school students, 1621 farmers and 351 miners from a dozen villages in central Bosnia (latitude 45*) revealed presence of Ancylostoma duodenale in 2 children and 2 miners, eggs being found in one of each and larvae in the othor. However, other intestinal holminths were found in over 80% of all the examined persons. Table. Manuscript received 15 Jun 66. .1 GVOZD!24OVIC, M.P., dr Entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal psxasites in a mountain viUage Med. arh. 15 no.5:13-20 S-0 161. 41-JEBIASIS epidemiol) (BININTHIMIS epideniol) GVOZDETKI, N.A. [Gvozdetskiy, II.A.] Controversial problems of landscaping. Natura Geografte 14 no.2:88-90 Mr-Ap 162. Ancient laclAtion of tha Tranm-Aln' l4blintitin kot4i-txvd~-'i gosudDz--.;tvsnv-i,.-T- im. 11.V. Lomonosova. (Travis-Alni-Moraines) :j-;ijjW1VP"1111W IMM Ir, 1111;4jV.Lj1w 14 NIL., L d659--66 9*'T(M)/FWP(j)/T/5jA(c) RPL WAD! ACC NR: AP5025965 SOURCE CODE: UP/0190/65/00-1/010/1767/1791 *t1p VO '1~51 . AUTHOR: Kabanov, V, A*; PIRLslov.L I. M,, GvozdetakiZ,,..A4, No, V& Aetjtjj!~ ORG! Mgscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosoy (Mo3ltovskiy - - 14 - _q -t gosudarstvennyy un -af-s-it-ety- TITLE: Role of "mobile prearrangements" in rapid polymerization below the monomer malting points SOURCE: Vysokomolelvilyarnyye soyedineniya, v- 7. no. 100 1965# 1787-1791 TOPIC TAGS: polyacrylonitrile, crystallizstion, polymerization, copolymerization, polymerization kinetioaq polymerization ratej, copolymer ABSTRACT: polymerization of acrylonitrile in the system inert dilvent- acrylonitrile and copolymerizationlIX1,1Be aorylonitrile-propionitrile system were investfgated at t_e_m-p~_e_raMV6s below the monomer -melting point to determine if diffusion migration of the nonomer molecule is sufficient for rapid conversion to the polymer. Reactions were run at -19607using n-hexane or oyclobexane as inert diluenta. The copolymeri- Card 1/2 UDG: 66,095SEb- L 6659-66 ACC NR-. AP5025965 zation product with proplonitrile, regardless of initial monomer con- centration, contained 57 mol% propionitrile, corresponding to its con- tent in the eutectic phase, The most favorable conditions for rapid polymerization of monomers below their melting points occur at the instant when the mobility of the inonomer molecule coinoides witb the ordering of the monomer molecules in the crystal, for instances during phase transition in the solid polymer. This condition exists at the boundary of the crystals and the noncrystallized mass during the motion of the crystallization front, It is suggested that "mobile prearrange- ments" are formed momentarily on the crystal phase boundary; tbese are rapidly converted to polymer chains. Thus the polymerization front moves immediately behind the phase transition front* Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. M CODE: GCs OC, TD/ SUBM DATE: 23Nov64/ OFIG REF: 003/ OSIH MW 004 Card 2/2 GVOZDETSKIY, L.A.; KAZfMIN, G.I.; KASATKIN, V.A.; MOM, B.S. At the petroleum refineries of the U.S.A. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no.6-.68-72 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) (United States-Petroleum refineries) KAZIMIN, Grigoriy Ivanovich;,GVOZDETSKIY Lev Andrffevich- KASATEM, Viktor Aleksandrov16-;-SFISK5;GV, Boris Sergeyev-lch; YEVISIERLOVA, O.M., ved. red.; BASIFAKOV, G.M., tekhn. red. (Patroleura refineries of the U.S.A.]Heftepererabatyvaiushchie zavody SSIA. Moskvaq Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 332 p. (KV,A 15:10) (United States-Petroleum-Refineries) t' TSUY L A A.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; KARPOV, %'-~ -,VOZDF, j inzh.; GORBAMENKO ~--- I ~'. .1 V~ '.' -Lilzil.; KRASNOSELOV, G.K., inzh.; TSIRULINIKOV, L.Y,,, inzh, #,- 11.1 P, Burning of Arlan petroleum with Increased stabilization in boilar furnaces, Elek. sta. 33 no,,10:22-25 0 162. (MIRA 16-1) (Boilers) (Petroleum as fuel) % GORBANWK01 A.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; TSIRULINLKOV,, L.M.0 inzh.; C1921=1 V.V.., in4; GVOZDBTSKIY L.A. inzh.; XWNOSELOV, G-K.# insh,; 14MOTINAp A.Z., inzh. p Burning of liquid fuels in combustion chamber. Teplome-nergetika 10 no.4-.44-49 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy teplotekhnicheskiy institut i Bashkirener 0, Soilers) (Furnaces) GVOZDETSKIY, N. A. "Traces of Ancient Glaciers and Karsts in the Rocky Rarges of the Caucasians," Pr6rodav No.4, 1946 GVOZDETSKIY, N. A. nThe Comission on High Mountain Research.." Vpprosy Geograf., 4th Symosium, 1947 GVOZa-TSKIY, N.A. , ., Excursion to the Zvenigorod region. Geog. v ahkole no-2:57-61 C~ [Mr-Ap] 147. (MLRA 9:6) (Zvenigorod-Suburbe and environe) C1 ~~USSR/Gaographlc Thformation 61ol.o3ol Jul/Aug 1947. Geographic Area Studies 6201.0200 "Chaziges in Geographical Map of the USSR during Thlrtj, 'Years"If. A. Gvozdetskly) 12 pp "Goos v Shkole" No 4 Describes scme of "white patches" vbloh have been f illed. in on map of USM during Past 30 years . Son* Uaooveries are so now as not to be on ma maps yett Peak Pobedy (1945) in Tyan-Shan MtO and 1945-1946 ex- plomtions In northeast Siberlae. M=tlo" SPOcifl-17 oally changes In Arctic: Severnaya Zemlya, Novaya Zoalya, Malyy TVBWr, Pioner, Kmemolets, Shmid, and mom other IsUM ".. with maps showing rara Sea and 13=~GWOMPMO MMfWMt1M' WaW iiR.'"03DI Ja/AM 1947 (Contd) AOrtkarn coast of Slbekia In 1916 and today. Dio- Ounmes V, Yu. VIZOO s e3~pedltUmz to Arctic and dis- O(Warlea In Arctic Ooean. Two maps of mountain ranses In northe"t Aela'show Information before =4 after. - ~a In Obru*her Xkpeditloa In 3.926. Mentims dis-ooveries In oentral and WMtern Siberia with waU maps Of suntw-8 ;,M1&y&t Range, Tyan-Shan region, and Northvest and Central :Psm1r. Mentions briefly some changes In map of Vestern USSR. 1 . 0VOZD---,TSMI', N. 2. IISSR (6GO) 4. Physical Geography 7. Principal types of surface relief represented on mans. Z. A. Makeev. Reviewed by N. Gvozdetskiy. Izv. Vses. geog. ob-va 79 No. 2, 1947. 9. MMGnthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. N. A. PA I'M Pkr 1948 "Underground Topography," N. A. Gvozdetakiy, 12 pp USM/Geography Caverns Topography "Prirode No 3 General account of eaves, their structure, fauna and flora, accompanied by cliagrams of some USSR eaves. Cave study has been put on firm bals is by a resolutim passed at Cave Conference of Jan 1947. imp 77M C1 -n7-_7!Y A. V-41W-i 11 UBM/Geoipraphy Deo 48 Potamology '"The Influence of Fracturing on the Development of Valleys In the Limestone bf the Caucasus and Central Asia," N. A. Gvozdetakiy, 2 pp "Priroda" No 12 Claim Daubree's theories on the formation of valleys by river action are noteworthy, and It is unfortunate they have not been adopted by USSR scientists. Applies them to the forma- tion of river valleys In the Caucasus with -positive conclunions. lift 2!5/49TV.5, UM/Goolpsy Mr/Apr 4.3 Orography Tectonics 'The Division of the Axial Zone of Greater Caucasta," N. A. Gwozdetakly, 15 pp wIz v-e Geog Obahch" Vol L M , No 2 Discusses general orographical stractare of Caacasa% and main features of the Main Ridge and lateral Ridge. Describes previous schemes of classification, and explains ovn system. UM/Geography MAY/Jua 48 Maps, Relief "P. S. Makeyer's physical Geography of the USSR: Vol 1, Relief of the USSR,'" N. GvozdetakiY, 3 PP "1z v-s Geog Obshch" Vol LUX, No 3 Reviews favorably. First part describes basic types of LOSR relief; second part reviews the several goomorphological zones. Sections on Siberia axe particularly welcome In view of inadequacy of eltsting Literature on this part of the USSR. Pub- lished by Geodezizdat, Moscow, 1944, 402 pp, 119 drawings In text, I map, price 25 rubles (bound). P MIA A5A 1W C; 1hQT7.h ,- :- -L~;Kii :~'. '~. 1- 3 GVOMY1,5KII. N. A. Futc~;Ilpstviia V. L. Kotrarova. Moskva Geogralff"iz, IW~- 111 P. 7-Russkie puteshestvc-nniki) DLC; G2~'6-K55G9 SO: LCY Soviet Geography, Part 1, 1951, Uncl. USSR/Geography My 49 'r I .A.terature Climate "Re v iew of 'Natural Feature s of Tartay, N - A - Girozdetskiy, 11 pp "Pri.roda" No 5 BociklAt dax published by authorities of Tatar AS= ,,:o a::juaint readsra with natural features of this rar,iblic, It. is a well-written work with a of errors. Given a comprehensive coverage of r-.limare, wster, minerals, flora and fauna, etc. Critic ~,onsiders this publication an indication of tht impro-ed qualifications of Kazan' (Tatar 4W 57/49TI45 VSSR/Geography (Contd) may 49 ASSR) naturalists and geographers. Published by TatgosizUt, Kazan', 1947, 343 PP, price 22 rubles. .4 57/49T45 oi, va--onr-. T. LIV, cj'. I,- j(jb-. -)-I jo GVOZDETSKIY, N. A. "Karat.* Moscow, 1950 1. riVOSDErSKDIIT 11. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Geology and Geography ' 7. SelectedWorks on the Geography of Asia., V. A. Obruchev. (noscow, Geography Press, 1951). Revievied by U. A. Gvosdatskinil Sov. Kniga, No. 1, 1952. 9. Ift Report U-3081, 16 Jan 1953, Unclassified. C, V t1 7, 7 1 !,'T:0~ I Y USSR/Geophysics - Bibliography Sep/Oct 5_1 7Reviev an~ Bibliography," K. K. Markov, N. A. Gvozdetskiy "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,.Ser Geog" No 5, pp 88-92 V. I. Rutkovskiyj"Buzulukskjy Bor ffiuzuluk Fores_t7, Vol'LV. Effects of-Dynamics of Climatological and Hydrological Conditions on Forest Culture," All- Union Res Inst of Forestry of the Min'of Forest Agri USSR, 1950, 144 pp; A. P. Fedchenko ' "Pute- fravel t chestviye v Turkestan" f to Turkes an7, with introduction and comments by B. V. Yusov, Moscow, 195o., 468 pp. 205T59 GVOZDZ-TSKIY, N.A. Practical significance of the study of karstic plienomena. Geo.g. abor. 1: 57-63 '52. (XLRA 6:7) (xmrst) GVOZDLTSKIY, N.A. Results of dividing the karst of the Caucasus Mountains into districts. Geog. abor. 1:64-80 152. (91di 6:7) (Gaucasus--Karst) (Karst--Caucasus) GIIOZDETSKIY, N. A. "Karst," reviewed by D. S. Sokolov, Byal, MIOPq Otdel. geol., No.3j, 19.52 1. GVOZDETSKIY, N. A.; KOSOV, B. F. 2. USSR (600) 4. Geography - Study and Teaching 7. "Lomonosov lectures" of 1952 in the Geography Department of Moscow University. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no. 5, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, janll^py -1953. Unclassified. LI. I i . ,I h ~v-I ,-I ,~ II ~ 1 -1 .I I %biscuCsioiis on tj~e report of N'. V. Dwriitrashkq L. G. kai~ianln, and V* A. -Iedit~~akv. 'rhe present sitiiat~-ion Lind pro')lems of JTP. from. ~,.',ie Russian. p. 105~ (ANALELE RCHANO-SOVIETICE. SMIA GEOLOGIE-G.&OGWIE, Vol. 7s seria a II-a, no. 10, July/Aug. 19529 Bucuresti, Rumania.) . SO: Manthlf List of East European Accessions, L. C., Vol. 2, No. 'I, July 190, Uncl. ll)lf jIfI III :!rail 551-5;92' -11/0, lcs~cnav I'll nmlrAlla, Uchawv gaphki. Nm IS2.11r,"-.,"I-gl-~4~rliiim"..N.1's.l-)52,1,..1.5. AI- I BtrK hak tu"ginf. [I S~v ll,iv, ltuvapl~:t.j Vilpnisy Gvylitfi, !.Ia. 24. pii- -'~~tkerhid Geog,afii,.. p. 13-26, 1051. r,,f,, DLC Le"44'am.,ich Defg - 14 Ift kak isaledovteP S'ednel li4i. V ~4 Mi'llic h%iaj 59 r~k DLC OW kv. 24. 050, 74 nl,~, O!m -~I, the pincipal ltth~l . an j'alill dicil i'vvr (Oil) wlrlk~; 111ally of 11t.11 will) 1'141UVIldg;~Al liroblcvns~ gwgri for cxamp?v "I'midinicniali t,f diwalolagI Clillw6c 01 ,Cliltmt~ at'd life" aad several Ixk, un tht L:wgraphy of thv.SAiViL-L I iAln I A-Aig.-f: 1. Obhuaritsg . ~ft~M. It. GVOZDETSKIY, N. A. "Deserts Come to We - The Face of the Desert." review,, Nauka i Zhisnl,, 19, No-3, 1952 1. It. A. , Prof. ? . U1,111 (600) 4. Sinkholen - USTI -OSA 7. Osa sinkhole, Priorada, 41, Mo. 11, 19-52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febru'lry 1953. Unclassified.