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.GUTTEDIAN, K.D., inzh.; SILMANSKIY, M.Ya., kand.teklm.naule;
G.S., inzh.
Weding vacuum arc furnaces from semiconductor rectifiers.
Vest.elektroprom. 33 no.1:52-56 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12)
(Electric furnaces)
(~UTT)~A?14101~ P1j-j1~D6117_('H
Smelyanskiy, Matvey Yakovlevich, Vladimir Arkad'yevich Boyarshinov,
Kirill Leonid Grigorlyevich Tkachev, and
Vsevolod Petrovich Tsishevskiy
Dugo,;ryye vakuumnyye pechi i elektronnyye plaviltnyye ustanovki
(Vacuum Are Furnaces and Electron-Beam Melting Units) Moscow,
Metallurgizdat, 1962. 210 p. Errata slip inserted. 2400
copies printed.
Ed. of Publishing House: M. L. Yezdokova; Tech. Ed.: P. G. Ialentl-
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering personnel of electro-
metallurgical plants in ferrous and nonferrous branches of the
metallurgical industry and machine building. It may also-be use-
ful to students at metallurgical and power-engineering schodls of
higher education and to members of scientific research organiza-
Card 1/5
Vacuum Are Furnaces (Cont.)
COVERAGE: The book describes the new vacuum melting equipment and
electron-beam melting units which have been introduced in large
industrial countries during the lbst few years and which yield
metals of specific quality and enhanced properties. Special
metallurgical features of the units, their operation, and the
thermal and electrical processes taking place in them are discuss-
ed. Electrical equipment and problems of its layout and automa-
tic control are also outlined. The Introduction was written by
V. A. Boyarshinov and M. Ya. Smelyanskiy; Ch. 1, by M. Ya.
Smelyanskiy and K. D. Outterman; Ch. III, by M. Ya.,Smelyanbkiy;
Ch. II, by V. A. Boyarshinov; and Chs. IV and Vby V. P. Tsishev-
skly. All materials on electron-beam melting.and related equip-
ment were written by L. G. Tkachev and M. Ya. Smelyanskiy, and
materials on semiconductor power sources, as well as automatic
control of vacuum furnaces, by K. D. Gutterman. General editing
was by M. Ya. Smelyanskiy and V. P. Tsishevskly. The authors
thank the members of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute
of Electrothermal Equipment for their assistance. There are 73
references, mostly Soviet.
Card 2/5
GUREVICH, Viktor Zalmanovich;__~QUTTBRKAN, K.D..-, red.; BUL'DYAYEV,
N.A., tekhn. red.
(Electrical infrared radiators] Elektricheakis infrakrasnye
izluchateli. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 53 p. (Biblio-
teka elektrotermistal no.15) (MIRA 16:10)
(Infrared apparatus and appliances)
MARKOV, Nikolay Andreyevich., GUTTERMAN, K.D., red.; BORUNOV, N.I.,
takhn. red.
[Electrical networks of electric-arc furnace systems]
Elektricheakis tsepi dugovykh elektropechnykh ustanovok.
Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 231 P. (MIRA 16:7)
(Electric furnaces)
L 56087-65 EPA(s)-2/9,IT(~n)/UF(n)-2/E4P(t)/99P(b) A-7/1"a-4 LJP(,,)
ACMSIM MI: 'AR5015149
Ref. rh. Matanurglya,, -Abs. 5V2951
AIMM: Smelyanakly, It. Ya.; Wlmhev, S. A.; Tkache, L.~dq 6&.tezump ki D
TrAP.: raveatigation of the rxocesa or Glarbeating almOW dur0a electrou"t ibeem. 1
CUM SOURCS.. MeUrotermiya. 1fauchw-tekhno ab*,, vyp. 3W 1964P 18-20
TOPIC TAGS: overheating., melting, metalp electron beam melting$ 1 electron 'bei .
heating,, metal vaporization., melting pointp temperature derendet4e, iron$
Zirconium., Wlybdemm
TWSMMON: 3n the laboratory of a HZI electrothenwl InatenSIA00, 64A
4 investigstion was made of the prace-rsi-off -rewlting Armco irdal, 04M~O-Zd~=- I
0 mat
N~molybdqnm In an electron beam ftrnace using a U2 = diammter Impt mold sort
150 kilowatts of povers At the time of meltIng the temperature of the mtel was
meezured vith en optical pyrowter vith aa aceurac:7 of 60-700. lba. Meas=srents
shoved that In melting the above meationed metals, thay can be b3ated considerably
above the melting temrerature. WM an 1wrease In pover ovqTUp the degree of
M a-MMS,
D'u'l lvvj~, '., _~If ;~-
'i UTT i ~:,`l y K , D ~Pr~d .
(Low-temperature eierrients; a mamiall litzkoter.1pera-
turnye nagrevatallnye elexont,~y; uchobnoe posoble. Moskva,
1964, 21 p. . 14
Mossk. energ. in-t, I U-11RA 18. 1)
ACCESSION NR: AR5017411 tilt/ 0137/ 01000foo/Vo4i iv', 0"All
SOURCE: Ref. xh. MetaUurgiya, Abs. 6V263
AUTHOR: Gutterman, K. D., Smelyansk1jili'mi Ya. TkAqheir~
TITLE: Experimebtal investigation of the energy balance- of 1xivrer ba an oltl6atron
beam melting apparatua
CITED SOURCE; Elektrotermlyal, Nauchno-tekhn. sb. vyp. 40: 1-9134,
TOPIC TAGS: electron beam mialtm electr
on energy 16vel, e'loctron boaih, I
~qject 1;~srSa M-5245 electron m6ltiz~,, Oparatuii~j
_.Kqp p molybdenurn/
TRANSLATION: The experiments were car-Fle'-d o-u*t-*Ei"~"tTp4",-,'L'"E:;~g~7.~4 "We'MI-m-
dustrial electron melting appraftis. The diameter of the eleciran beam ivp's equal
to or less than 5- 10 mm, w- hich corresponds to a specifito surface powe r iif 500-
150 kilowatts/CM2. The temperature of the bath surface was ateasured -with an ojl~-
tical pyrometer. Spectrographic investigations shoxged that, in. speetraL:_rfeglons
with an effective wave length of approximately 6500 A, there ttra~.s practicaAlyno
absorption of radiation in the plasma above the bath. Spectrometric invell ~gatlans
Card 1/2
A 1 ek, s!j rld 1, iD "; !. , I - ,..1 : ~ , ". , ., ; 1-. , , - I- .1
lichl"INISKly ~
IOFTE, rad.
[Automatic control, ot
regulirovanie elektri ~Ito~~j:i....*~ P..o;,kva. Fner.-,~ja,
1965. 478 p.
.1 1
(d)/rv-;T (m)/EWP(v)/rWP(t)/FTI/T-,WP(k)/EVIP(h)/F,,,IP(l) JD
AOC N*',Z: AP6012121
SOURCE CODE: tR/01,13/66/000/0(tl/0038/r,038
AUT"'FORS: Izakson-Domidov, Yu. A.; Guttorman, K. D.; Smolyanskiy, M. Ya. 7
OAG: none
TI'ILP; A method for the automatic rofrulation,of a vacuum electric arc furq4.(Le.
Clarna 21, No. 160272
SOU-RCE: izobrotoniya, promyshlonnyyo obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki., no. 7, 1966, 38
TOPIC TAGS: vacuum arc furnace, automatic control system
105STRACT: This Author Cortificat, prosanto a mothod for the automatic rogulation
of a vacuina oloctric arc furnacAy displacing -the conswablo -electrode as a . -
function of the malting conditions. The design incroasor, tho rogulation proci-
sion and -.mintains a spocific arc length. The regulation of the vacuum arc
furnaco as a function of the chango of the furnace resistance concurrently usea
%'ho autoizatic balancing of the measurement bridge and the regulation of tho arc
gap for a function of the repetition frequency (or interval) of the arc voltage
pulses. To maintain a specific are length at a changing of the arc current, an
auto-,.ztic balancing of the measurement circuit is produced while compensating
.Card 1/2 UDC: 6121.365.2..0'78
L o8998-6?
ACC IN-il: APO'01212-1
the nonlinear part of the volt-ampere characteristic of the arc by a nonlinear.
element (or by a devica with an analogous characteristic). To provide full
autom-azion of the entire malting cycle, a road-out of the length of tho remaining'
part of the electrodo is produced. This read-out is produced with the automatic
shifting of the furnace to a eyole for finding out the shrinkage cavity after
molting of a given length of the electrode.
SUB CODE. 131 SUBM DATEs 29Nov62
A letter to the editors and the readers. Auto motor 11, no, 9.--8 I+y '(a.
1. Gepkocsivezeto, Debreceni 52. sz. Autokozlekedesi Valla'at.
war- -
sAthis~s of new analogues of oxytocin and vasopressin Goll Cz Ghem
27 no.9:2255 S 162,
1. Sandoz Ltd., Basel,.Switzerland (for Rutachmann).
GUTTMANN, W.y Dr. med. (Potodam-Relibrucke, Arthur.-Scheunart-Allee 114-
1-16_, Deutsche Deviokrati3che Republik)
Higher sensitivity on iron detection in the investigations of
argon with the aid of the doubly rotating spark gap. Acta
Chimica hfung 37 no.1:27-35 203.
1. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Institut fur
Ernahrung., Potsdam-Rahbruckep Deutsche Demokratische Republik.
Clinical studies on correlation the signaling systems. Cask. psychiat.
55 no.2:74-77 Apr 59.
1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarake falailty v Hradci Kralove.
(GIMBAL CORTIX, pbysiol.
signaling,systen relationship disord. causing aphasia(Cz))
(APJUSIA, etiol. & pathogen.
signaling system relationship disord. (Gz))
GLITTMM, Wladyslaw.
Ophthalmological.application of a prototype of Polish surgical
diathermy. Klin.ocsna 25 no.4:249-253 1955.
1. Z Oddzialu Okulintyesnego Ssp. Kiejskiego nr 4 w Warazavie.
Ordynator: dr. med. Wladyslew Guttner.
(MR. surgery,
electrocoagulation, ap~ar.)
electrocoagulation in ophthalmol., appar.)
GUTTOWA, Alicja (Warszawa)
Attempted experimental establishment of the first principal
intermediate host of Diphyllobothrium latum (1) in Poland.
Wiadomosci parazyt.. Warsz. 2 no-5~Suppl:-21?-218 19560'.
1. Zaklad Parazytologil PAN.
latum, cot1pods as principla intermediate host (Pol))
7TT ~ '-L-ZICA Sec.17 Vol.4/3 Public Health,etc. Mar58
I.ATUM (L) IN T14E AREA OF POLAND - Pr6ba eksperymentalnego
ustalenia giftnego pierwozego tywiciela podredniego bruzdogiowca szero-
kiego Dtphyllobuthrium latum (L) dIa tereru Polski - G u t t o w a A. Zaki.
Parazytol. PAN. Warszawa - ACTA PARAJIT. POL.
802) Tables 2
Under various geographical (and perhaps oecological) conditions various Copepoda
may play the role of the first main intermediate hosts, of Diphyllobothrium laturn
(parasitological vicariate).
EXCERPTA MICA See 1.7 Vol 5/7 Publio Hoalth JulY 59
baaan , waice z ciiryiobotrioz;, w Zwi;izku Hadzirckiin - (; u I t o w a A. ZA-kj.
Ilarasytol. , Polskiej Akad. Nauk, Warszawa - WIAD. PMWtTT7.-"_5K, 4/3
In this article the author gives numerous data on the intensity of infection in tile
population at various points on tile coast of tile Finnish gulf. Lake Ladoga and
Karelia. Further, the problem of diphyllobothria4iti foci, its laws and ways of
spreading are discusHed. The invest Igntion.-i on thiti problem so far conducted in
the Sovii~l Union and the problems at livesent bitudicti,which ark, of ~% rathor pereep-
live anti are deNcribed. The lavasureh taken to coal-
bat fliphyllobothria8is in the regions mentioned itl)OVC are 80 forth, regarding not
only prophylactic measures but also first aid. Both these forms of combating The
disease are founded in sanitary education, san ita ry- hygienic instruction, and all
obligatory campaign of eradication of these helminths conducted by sanitary-ept-
denliologica' stations in the foci of diphyllobothriasis.
An experimental study of host - parasite relations in "procercoido
Dipbyllobothrium latum (L.) -Copepoda" systems. Wiadormosci parazyt.
7 no.2:217-221 161.
1. Zaklad Parasytologii P.A.N., Warszawa.
Ebcperimental investigations on the systems "procercoids of DiphYllo-
bothrium latum (L.) -Copepoda". Acts. parasit Pol 9 no.22/30:371-408
1. Laboratory of General Parasitology, Department of Parasitology,
Polish Academy of Sciences. Head of Department: prof,., dr. Witold
Stefanski. Head of Laboratory: prof., dr. Wlndzimiarz Michajlow.
Authoress? address: Zaklad Parazytologii P.A.N., Warszawa, Pasteura 3.
e!oj ?-IlClUQL'-1W- Of
-Olish Acaictn'. ci S c e1r; ~--- C; 's
a 1, k7,'
oE!~; Dai:a cn. tile CilDn-tod oe r
psctt din rl..,yllidel ~ )'-
de I'Acacimmic roloraiqc dcs Sctercet;) Fievic ices
-;iL -c-s Riologicp:.-s. V-,I 10, !:r, 1962;
1 slh tu: , i c I e-7 i I ed -miens nna I fh ta -, o v I en ta 1 on
CC t, z L cftpld of r~omcldima at times attor liatcl-driq-,
r-,ff' 1-hospholirlds (encr;-, source for cillar- ov
L y ra
j, 6;1 c -In a d e raphs, 13 i-cfk-rences.
"Preliminary method for estimating stability in plankton" by
B.C.Patten. Reviewed by Alicja Guttowa. Koamob biol 11 no.3:
328-330 162.
GRABIEC, S; GUTTOUAl , A; MICH-~jYjll, 'i.'.
Structure of the ciliated envelope of the Coraciditwa of
Diphyllobothrium latum. (L) (Cestoda., Pseudophyllidae).
Bul Ac Pol biol 11 no.6:293-294 163.
1. Institute of Parasitology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Warsaw. Presented by 'it. 1-fichajlow.
GRABIEC,'Stanislaw; GUTTOWA, Ali-cja; IZUTCH-AiL.9d, WlodzirIie--,-Z.
Effect of light stimulus on hatching of coracidia of
DiphyUobothrium latum (1). Acta parasit Pol 11
no.14/18 229-238 163.
1. Zaklad Paraz-ytologii, Polska Akademia Fauk, Warszawa.
GUTTUWA, Alir;ja
Natural focus of infection of plankton crustaceans wilfh pro-
cercoids of Diphyllobothrium latum1:1, in Finland. Acta para-
sit. Pol. 11 no.5/13!145-152 r63
1. Department of Parasitology, Polish Acadeny of Sciences,
GUTTOWA, Aiiol-)'a
farasitological problems of finland. '4',.cj&aos `4oi 12 no.1.95-97 '63.
GUTILMA ) Alicja; ~MICHAJWW, Wlodzimierz
Experimental infection of Gopopoda f'rom Tbilisi -he
larvae of Triaenophonz.9 nodulosus (Pall.) from himn-Inn lakt~--i
(Poland). Acta para.91t Pol. 12 no.19.19r,-1~),) '64.
1. Institute of Parasitology of tthe Polish Ar,-;deiT-.y of Scicnc,.ez5,
will'saw .
GRABH%0', Staniolaw; BOGDAIRSKI, KRztmif.-rv;
.j ni3lnw L.; MITTC14A, Allcjtt; LF*.'!F 1:1.11 U,'X XrXia- ~'OJ*f!l`)IAK,
"ta I t . , 4
Roman J.; PINOW3KI, Jan
Review of books and publications. Kosmos biol 13 n(-,. 4:
339-353 164.
S, C;!
Frellminray trwiformations of lilgh enerp-
_1 c om
pounds in !he Tri.aenophorus nod-ilop-a,-A (I'&11.)
(Gestoda) and In the fir.-t hos"o wiaae
Paraz vt. 10 n o.-" 2"17-.179
1. Za"lad Parazytologlli Fol-3kieli Akadsmii Pfaidrl-, 'ilarszs"-;R.
GUTTOWA, Alicja; WCHAJLOW, Wlodzimiprz
Experimental infection of Copepoda from water bodies in Hanoi
(Ifietnam) with the larvae of Triaenophorus nodulosus (Cestoda)
from the Masurian Lakes (Poland). Acta parnsit Pol 12 no.30/39,,
3657-~Z362 161,.
1. Institute of Parasitology of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
iwiaii~ VOP.; UWENSKIY, K.F.
Perfume lichens; on creative collaboration between the section of
sporogenout plants of the Botanical Institute of the Academy of
Sciences of the U.S.S.R. and the "Severnae aiianle" Perfume Factory.
Trudy Bot.inst.Ser.2 no.10:385-392 156. Mu 10: 2)
(Lichens) (Perfumery) (Resinoids)
"Resonator SE the Subcritical Wave-Guide Type," by,I._..V.,__
0.ev andIA. ELektronIka
_Yk _, Radiotekhnika i
No 10, Oct 56, PP 1303-1308
The input impedance of a homogeneous wave-guide at a frequency below
the critical was considered. The possibility was shown of synthesizing a
resonator out of a suberitical wave-guide and a reactive diaphragmsimilar
in properties to a parallel resonance contour.
The resonator of the subcritical wave-guide type is characterized by
an extremely low load factor.
Breakage instead of smooth bending in a metal-dielectric wave guide.
Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; radiotekh. i elektron. no.202-66 159.
(NIRA 14:5)
1. Kafedra elektronnykh priborov Moskovskogo energeticheskogo
(Wave guides)
AMTSIMUR, Yu.(,.; -GI177SAIT,B.H., red.
(Design of low-power backward-wave tubes; a te7tbKjok fo.- a
course in the design of microwave devices) Haschet malo-
moshchmykh lamp obratnoi volny; posobie k kursovomu pro-
ektirovaniiu po priboram sverkhvysokikh chastot. Moskva,
Mosk. energeticheskii in-t, 1962. 81 p. (MIRA 17:4)
91, / 3 eO D266/D303
AUTHOR: Guttakyt,, 4.Z..
TITLE., Modes in a metal-dielectric H-guide
PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 7, no. 2, 19621~
310 - 320
TEXT: The purpose of the paper'is to determine the Possible modes
of propagation in an H-guide (Fig. 1). The components of the elec--
tric and magnetic intensities can be obtained from the st2alar wave
equation whose solution is attempted in the following form
sin(9m [c +-1y ly ]
f (xp y) = F "V e + C e- (2)
e,h e,h Cos a 1 2
where the indices e and h refer to E and H modes respectively. Con-
sidering the boundary conditions it is concluded that for the sepa-
rate existence of H or E modes (other than the Hon modes) the con-
dition E 11,1 = E- 2P2 must be satisfied. In the general case certain
combinations of H and B modes are required in order to satisfy the
Card 1/1
Modes in a metal-dielectric H-guide D266/D303
boundary conditions. These combinations have the interesting proper-
ty that one of the transverse field components are missing. The mo-
des are called accordingly L%, and LMmn modes (the author reserves
the term 11h brid wave" to modes where all the six field components
are presents, in the former case thej~ component whilst in the lai-
ter case the Hy component is zero. I s shown furthermore that the
Hon modes (having field intensities EX, Hy and Hz) represent speci-,
al cases of the LEmn modes. A few examples of the LEmn and W. mo-
des are illustrated. The author concludes that for praCt1'0,-A1.,5L1TP0--
ses the LM11 mode should be used for the following reasons. , Low
attenuation which is decreasing with increasing frequency~ 2) Nr,
axial current in the walls which facilitates the joining of two P~e-
ces of guide; 3) High break-down voltage; 4) Relatively eimple excl-
tation. Finally a comparison is made between the modes of the H--
guide and those of a parallel plate waveguide filled with homogene-
ous dielectric. It is shown that in the limit (when b -,-s0 or b ,
co) the LE mode becomes a TEM mode whilst the modes LE,, and
LM11 are transformed into B10 and H 10 modes resnectivelyc There :--re
Card 2/4
S/ 1 ri 2/ 0,0 -1/0u ~IGG 6/0 2 9
T TT L`: Rotating joint for the metal-dielectric 11-s'~aped
PERIODIC."I'L: Radiotekhnika Ii ele',ctronika, v. 7, no. 3, 1962,
404 - 413
T ---'-X TC',,.e nurDose of the paper is to aescribe the operation Of a
-otatinLr joint suitable zo coii,.-,ect tvio 7oieces of ki-ruldes. The pre-
sent paper is based on i;i,.,o previous papers by the author. _','_Jrsc
the reflectin- ?iroperties of a rectangular corner are studied. As-
C) -
suming an, incident L,,,- 11 i.400e [Abstractor's note. i~,,otation LI~7 re-
iers to a longitudinal maLnetic wave where one of the ITansverse
com-oonenus is missing] botla the far field and -Ghe -,ear field olf the
reflector are aetermined. It- can De seen unat the s.--ne moz~e appears
at-, the output. Near to the reilector where bot,,! the inci,,4ent- and
I-ellect-ed waves are present, Lhe electric int-ensity can reach -che
\/~~ E where'E re-I'ers to the ma-ximum eleczric intensity
value max max
Card 1/3
S110r- '621`071603100 '/C.29
Rotatinr- joint for the r..,.e'.-al- D266XD' '
U 302
in a homo~-eneous H-uide carryin- tui-le mode. 1lieasurements of
U t:, U
breakdovrn i)o,;,,er confirm this conclusion. The current in t1ae reflec-
Uor is very similarly distributed to that in the broad wall of an
ordinary rectan-ular viaveguide carrying the H mode. T.hus it is
U - 10
r)ossible to transfer the inicroviave energy into the 1-111 0 r 7., 0l mode
of a circular ww,,eguide. The excitation o_-P th,ese modes deDends on
the relative Dosition of the short-circuitin- plane. :',-_-pioying -he
I - U U
3 mode a rouating joint can, be built. Since the transmission Dro-
ol 0
parties depend on the angle the author J-r-Uroduces the paranieter mo-
aulation coefficient by the formula
M + Pmin
where P is the transmitted power. By modifying. the shape of the di-
electric and using a tuning screw this modulation coe4ficient is
reduced to 1.5 ~'). The conversion efficiency is calculated by a sin-
ple geolmetric optical approach which shows Good agreement with the
Card 2/ 3
Rotatir.:~ 3oint for the metal- 1)266/D302
measured results. In the ontimum case the conversion ioss is less
timn 1 db. There are 14 figures wond 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc
and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the En=lish-lanaua-e -Jubli-
C~ tz' t,- -
cation reads -as -follows: G. Goubau, Proc. I.R.E., 1951, 36, 6, 619.
ASSOCIATION: 1.10skovs."Ciy energeticheskiy institut, icafedra elektron-
nykh priborov (Ijoscow Institute of Power, Department
of Electronic Devices)
SU324=TED: April 24p 1961
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Guttsayt, E.M.
TITLE: Some comments on the calculation of losses in an
H-shaped metal dielectric waveguide
PE!,'IODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronikap v. 7, no. 10, 1062,
1831 - 1834
TBXT: The purpose of the paper is to compare the author's formulas
with those of Cohn and Tischer (M. Cohn: IRE Trans. 1959, MTT-7, 2,
202 and Tischer: IRE Trans. 1959, MTT-7t 49 478). The author sup-
ports Tischer's argument that his formula'for the loss of a metal-
dielectric waveguide is correct also in the limit when the thickness
of the dielectric tends to infinity. A*further point mentioned 'in
'the paper is that P.D. Coleman and R.C. Becker had misapplied
Tisc~erls formula given in his paper (Arch. elektr. Ubertrag., 1953
7, 12, 592). That formula is valid only for thin dielectrics and
the validity breaks down at the thicknesses used by Coleman and
Becker. Thus their conclusion that the H waveguide can be used with
advantage at millimeter wavelengths has to be regarded with some
Card 1/2
Some comments on the calculation D266/D308
caution. The feasibility of the metal-dielectric H waveguide - in
the author's opinion - will be finally determined by the availabi-
lity of a dielectric material with a very low loss. With the mate-
rials available at present, the f! waveguide's performance is hardly
better than that of a standard rectangular waveguide. There P-re 4
figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: V"oskovskiy energeticheakiy institut (Moscow Institute
of Power Engineering)
SUBMITTED: November 14, 1961
Card 2/2
TITLE: Characteristic impedance of an H-shaped* metal dieleatrk
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchebnylth zavedeniyj Radioteld-iniRai
v. 6, no. 1, 1963$ 91 - 93
T Elcr The system *is illustrated in Fig. 1. This consists
of three uhi;Corm sections; I - dielectric occupying the region
--b/2 < y < + b/2; 2 - air in the region y > + b/2 and
'i - air in the region y < -b/2 Each of theso re ions has its~
characteristic wave impedance. The system propagatois a trave of
I'M .1-type, for which the characteristic impedanoes of the sections
are in the form (present author - Radlot,ekhnika i elektronilra,
Its 7, no. 29 1962, 310):
z x z
01 BO 0
H 411%/
C ard 1/4
qm, firxffmamffmffimffl.~~A
JIN 5; P 1,11k~"I"I
J, UU4- 7 77
Charactoriniie impedance E 192/ r,.382
Z Z. !_P_X 1 + 0 Z
c2 C3 H 130 0
141 or eZ 377 S1 . The transverse components of the electric
and magnotic fields are considered analogous to currents and
voltages. The overall voltage czui be represented as the sum of
f the trans-
three components corresponding to the three.regions o~
verse cross-section of the waveguide. It is therefore possible to
introduce an equivalent circuit of the system which consists of
three series-connected characteristic impedances of each section
(Fig. lb"). - This approach does not pretend to be exact but tho
experimental measurements confirm its validity. Fig. 2 shows.the
experimental and calculated value", of the standing-w,ave ratio, as
a function of b for 2 H-waveguide sections vith a quartz di-
electric. The "solid-line" curve represents the calculated results
by using th'e characteristic-impedance approach, while the circles
represent experimental points* The equivalent impedance approach
Card 2/4 ...... ... . . ....
Chiaractoristic impedanco El. 9 2/ r"3 6 2
for the U1 WaVe Was also tried and the calculated results are,
represented qy 'the dash-dot curve of Fig. 2. In thin case tile
experiment does not agree with the calculations, whiah suggosta
that this approach is not valid. On the other hnnd, the character-
intia-itapedance method is reasonably simple and is therefore axtit-
ablo for determining the reflections whw-i combining Vaveguide
sectiona of different cross-section and differant dielectrics.
Thoro are- 4 fiZures.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra olelctronnyldi priborov Moskovalcogo
onergatichoskogo indtituta (Department of
Electronic Devices of Moscow Power-e.'agineering
SUBMITrED: June 18, 1962
Catird 3/4
.1, loL96-63
WCESSIOIT FIR S/014/6 6/02/0182/011*
AP3000334 3100
AMCH: Guttsayt, E, M.; Debelov, D. T.
M LE: Measuring conductances of four-te=inall electron netvarlm in the 4;hf
SOURCE: Izvo VUZ: Radlotekhnika, v, 6, no. 2, 1963, 18P-190
I MPIC TAGS: resonator conductance, meezuremeut.. electron. beam,~ reflex kl;ystr(M.
aegative conductance, positive conductance, resonator con(tuctance
ABSTRAM: The problem of measuring the conductance of a resonator connected an f
a lour-texminal network ana carrying an electron be= is d4scusaed. A 10-cm-
vavelezgth klVtron amplifier and discharge tubes with external ciavity resonatorb.1
cyperating under shf signal power absorption, conditicaw, wre unad in the
Investigations. The values of conductance were determinad. by obtaining resozn=ce
-'Ur%reS (standing wave ratio versus frequency) and pbaso cliaractPris tics (otandiag
mve minIm= pwition versus freqgency). Stopping the oscillations vas
~acccmplished by means of an increase in the Input and cut;ut coupling of the
resonator and a decrease of accelerating voltage. Uader these aoaditionS4
Card 1/2
I!," I Z4 V1 1, 1: 11:1 1 MV 0 PPIPF WREIPUP I Kit MiMYRAIMSIV-41F. U~ IV . ......
1, 10496-63
depending on the current value., the klystron could either m-pli-Aly or atternLate
'the shf signals fed to the resonator frcm another klystron. The optimum
'transmission coefficient was also measured at the reson=ce frequency of the
four-terminal network-, and curves of the negative electron 'conductance as a,
function of the klystron current were plotted. Current and voltage variations
within the plasma gap of the resonator, resonance characteristicoO and thei pover
transmission coefficient tbrouGh the resonator and the tube were Titeasured. It
was concluded that the rise of positive electron. conductance (increase of lossec
in a hot resonator) is connected w1th the electron concentration in the plas=
gap betmeen the grid an~ the plate and, the=fore, the method of measuring
electron conductance can be used for meazuring the concentration of ionrizeO gaz
particlea. Orig*, art. has: 8 figures, 5 fo=,u3as, and I tablee.
ASSOCIATICRT: Kafedra elektronny*kh priborov Moskovskogo energeticheskogo
instituta (Department of Electronic Inst-r=enta, Moscow Pairtr Engineering InGtitiod)
SUBUMM 1ar6 DATE ACQ: 13,Tua63 ENCL., 00
60 COM NO FXF SW; 003 OW
Cord 2/2
G U T T; A Y 1' , 11-M.
Paramettir dagrairs c:f Iz-7, -.7,3, -ir!neb, za-7.;
radiotall-h. 7 no.2.205-2111 M:-!Q ( Kl FLA, 17-~ 8)
Addition to the article "Parameter diagrams of tuned amplifiers."
Izvovysoucheb.zav.; radiotekh. 7 no.5:645-646 S-0 164. (MIRfi 18:4)
1. Kafedra elektronnykh priborov Moskovskogo anergeticheskogo
institutal Moskva,
.1, 11773-66
ACC NR: AP6001932 SOURCE CODE:' uR/o142/t35/(iOS/,)!,6f'0647/0651
AUTHOR: Alyb1n, V. G.; Guttsayt, E. M.; Sokolova, 1. 1.
ORG: none
TITLE: Characteristics of regenerative magnetron aa2lifiers
SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v..8, no. 6, 1965, 647-651
TOPIC TAGS: amplifier design, amplifier stage, magnetron
ABSTRACT: Results are given of experiments in using magnetrons as regenerative
amplifiers in the 3-cm and 10-cm bands. Several variants of two-pole and four-
pole configurations were tried with varied degrees of magnetron loading. Using
as graphical coordinates the anode voltage and magnetic field, the authors plot the
conditions for pure amplification, as distinguished from the other two po,;,gible
magnetron modes, i.e., self -oscillation. and synchronized oscillation, where ampli-
fication is achieved by the map gn qu
,netron locking on to in applied si al fre ency
Optimum gain characteristics were determined while keeping a fixed Input fre-
quency and amplitude. As a second step, the amplitude-frequency characteristic was
found, in which case magnetron field and anode voltage were held constant. A
typical result is shown in the figure for four levels of input power; the gain
curve is seen to be the locus of the regonant peaks of the individual frequency
characteristics. The curves show that gains of 15-20 db are possible at low
input levels. A third step in the program was to measure the phase characteristic
Card 1/2 Met 621,385-64
ACC NRs AP6001932
I~,D.*' ~DVD F,
I IDx D,
45 an to ml
Fig. 1. Gain as a function of input power
A Gain, db; B - output power, rel.units;
C output power; D - levels of input power;
E input power, rel. xmits.
of the magnetron amplifier as a function of anode voltage and input -signd~ level.
Results show a phase shift of 1-2* for a 1% shift in anode voltage, 0.5-'*16, shift
for a 1% shift in field intensity, and a 5-10* shift for a 2:1 change in input
signal level. It follows that the phase stability of the magnetron amplifier ia
considerably better than that of a klystron or a TWT. Cascading of magnetron
stages was also successfully done, but is only briefly referred to. Orig. art.
has: 3 figures. [SH]
SUB CODE: 09 SUF'4 I)ATE- l8May65/ ORIG REF: 005/ LTD PRESS,. '41fo
L 13649-66 EWT(1)/EWA(h)
ACC NRt Ap6oO1933 MWICE CODE- UR/0142/65/0081()06/o6,ti2/o659
IAUTHOR: Guttsayt, E.M.
ORG: none
TITV.,'.- Qualitative analysis of oscillatory and regenerative amplifying mod" In
microwave devices
SOURCE: IVM. Radiotekhnika, v. 8, no. 6, 1965, 652-659
TOPIC TAMS: magnetrou, platinotron, electronic amplMer
ABSTRACT, A qualitative analysis Is given of the factors 01ch govern the Wee of
Diagnetrons as microwave amplifiers. The discussion includes methods of suppressing
sel, f-osc illation, of securing synchronized oscillation, and of using shock excitation.
The requirements for using a magnetron as a regenerative amplifier are summarized.
Effects of anode voltage, field, and cathode heating are treated. Equivalent circuitsi
for the oscillatory and amplifying modes are given, and perromance is analyzed in i
terms of the complex admittance of the resonant circuit as a function of the excita-
tion signal. For a given circuit configuration, there is a threshold input power
below which anunstable, noisy oscillation can occur together with the amplified signaE
but above which such oscillation is suppressed, alLhoiigh A -the cost of gain., The
combined oscillatory and amplifying mode phenomenon has been observed experimentally
with spectrum analyzers. The analysis may be extended to other resonant cavity ele-
034 112 UDC: 621.375.o29.64
L 3619746 EWT(l)
ACC NR: AP6011452 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/66/011/004/0709/0720
AUTHOR: Betskiy, 0. V.; GuttsaXt, E. M.
ORG: none Z3
ITLE: Balanced regenerative SHF amplifier
SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika. Y. 11, no. 4, 1966, 709-7Z0
TOPIC TAGS: SHF amplifier, regenerative amplifier, magnetron amplifier,
waveguide filter
ABSTRACT: A slot -wave guide -b ridge balanced circuit containing two regenerative
magnetron amplifiers is considered; the bridge separates input and output signals.
Fundamental design formulas for matched- and umnatched-load conditions are
developed. The effect of nonidentical amplifier characteristics is explored, as is
the effect of slot-bridge imperfections (perfect directivity but unequal power
Card 1/2 UDC: 621.385.66+621.385.64
L I j) lot
f-A(;C NR& AP6002478 SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/001/002310025
AUTHOR; Zhdanov, A. A Severnyy, V. V.; Cuttsfft, t-~u.-; Andrianov, i~ A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Polyaddition reaction as a curing method for polyorganosil oxanesN,
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1, 1966, 23-25
TOPIC TAGS; silicone, polysiloxane, eulUg, beat resistant plastic 0
NATRACT: A study has been made of the addition reaction
-U tH=042 -0 C1 to
R, H R
CPS al,
aB a method of curing polyorganosiloxanei3. Cure by this method wis expected to
roduce solid, monolithic materials because no volatiles are evolved. Two series
'Epcard 1/2 vinr L__6jB,8!j_
~ar - - -- - ----------- ft&1-ffiiM 'a re
form in the source. The cured polymers were solid
transparentNaterials infusible at 200C. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 4 tables.
SUB CODE:' 07, ll/ SUBH DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTHAEF: 004/ ATI) PRESS: V/
'ard 2/2
_~/ob 1/W~4
P 00i S CE CODE: tW0286-1- 5/00076;~
INVENTOR: Kiselev,_B._A. V V., Zhdanov, A. Guttuayt
.; SevernU Bodrova, V. V.
E. Yu.; Semichev, V. P.
ORG: none
TITLE: Preparative method for glass-reinforced plastics. Class 39, No. 176421
SOLMCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965; 61-62
TOPIC TAGS: glass Ireinforced plastic, binder, organosilicon compound
103STRACT: An Author Certificate has been issu6d for a preparative method for glass-
reinforced plastics based on organosilicon binders./-'~'To lower the curing temperature,
IL mixture of low-molecular-weight liquid polyorganosiloxanes conWning Si-H groups
and polyorganosiloxanes with vinyl substituents on the Si atom-are. used as the binder.
SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 29Dec64/ ATD PRESS: 21- 16
Card 1/1 UDC: 616.1314
Unemplo7ment in the U.S.A. after the Second World War. Soto.
trud no.12:50-61 D '58. (MaRA 13:4)
(United States--Uneoployed)
TSAGOLOV, N.A., pro!., Eloitter okc-l.noid,: Ell"Y11MIll, I.G., prof.. doktor
okon.nauk (ducoasedj: RUWANTSEV, A.M., prof.; KG~UIITXWKO, A.A.,
dotsent, kand.alcm.naia; SMTMSON, A.I., prof., doktor ekon.nauk;
LIF, Sh.B.. prof., doictor ekon.nnuk-, SHVFDKOVA, G.M.. kand.okon.
nauk; FIWOWSKIT, Tu.K.,-, DVOILKIIT, 1.11. , doktor ekon.nnuk; SIDOROY,
I.F.; KgAFIZOV, R.Kh., knnd.ekor-nauk; NIKOLAIEV, A.B., kand.ekon.
nauk; AVRAMCHUK, F.P.. kand.ekon.ruruk, ALITER, L.B., doktor ekon.
nauk; BOYARSKIT, A. fa., prof., doktor ekon.nalik-, BREGXL' . II.Ta..
prof., doktor ekori.nauk; ARZURAIIYAIT. A.A.; VOLODIN, V.S., dotsent,
kand.ekon.nauk; MIKSIU, I.S., kand.okon.nauk; BUNKINA, K.K.,
dotsent, kand.ekon.nauk; TEVREYSKOV. A.Y., kand.ekon.nauk; FADETETA,
T.A., kand.ekon.nauk: KOLGANOV, prof., doktor ekon.nank;
KHROMUSUIN. G.B., kand.ekon.nauk; HOSHENSKIT, M.G., kand.ekon.nauk;
IVANOV, N.H., kand.ekon.nauk; GUTTSAITT, M.G., dot3ant, kand.ekon.
nauk; ABOLTIN, V.Ta., prof.. do'kt'c-r"-', KOLLONTAT, V.M.'
kand.skon.nauk-, SUKHAREV, L.I., kand.ekon.nawk; POKRoVsKlY, A.I.,
kand.ekon.nauk; DADASU'Y, G.A., dotsent. kand.skon.nauk: JWSUNA,
I.V., kand.okon.nauk: 2HAMIZI, V.A., dotsent, k-and.akon.nauk;
t~,Cantlaaed on. next card)
TSAGOLOV, N.A. cowtinued) C-ard C..
K02LOV. A.P.; TIMOFEYKV, T.T., knrjd.istoL,.na-r,,'r; AT, SEYET, A.M.,
dotsent, kand.ekon.nauk; FJL,.ATOVA, Y5.M.. dotsent, kand.ekon.nauk.
Prinimali uchastlye: VOLKOV, F.M., kand.ekon.nauk; KHROMUSHIN.
G.B.; VOZII-ESXII:XIT, L.A., nauchnyy sctrudn'lk. SPKUNSKATA, L., red.;
(Criticism z)f prasent-day boure-\-cJs, reformist, and revisionist
aconomic theoriea-,' KrItIka sov.-em-snnykh hu~zhuaznykh, reformistakikh
i revisionistakikht ekenomich6akikb. F,~id r8ij. II.A.Magalova.
Moskva, Izd--vo Sot s-A' all n,~--ellcon. !-'t-ry, 1960. 588 p. (MMA 13:5)
1. Koecow. UnIversitet. 2. Chleu-korreaponden* AF SSSR (for Arzu-
QUTTSAXT M AMV, 0... red.; NAZAROVA, V., mladshiy
red.; CHEPEIEVA, 0.1 teldm. red.
(Chronic unemployment and the failure to use full industrial
capacity in the U.S.Ae] Khronicheakaia bezrabotitsa i nedogruzka
predpriiatii SShA. Moskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 1961.
369 p. (United States-Industrial capacity) (MIRA 15:1)
(United States-Unemployed)
GURXVIGH, Illya Solomonovich; TSAYT, Roman Noiseyevich; AILDREMY, P.S.,
0 khnichaskiy radaktor
[organization of bus fleet operations; experience of the Leningrad
no.1 bus fleet] Organizateiia raboty avtobusnogo parka; iz opyta
raboty 1-go Laningradskogo avtobusnogo park&. Mookya,Wauchno-takhn.
izd-vo avtotransp. lit-ry, 1956. 47 P. (MISA 9:10)
I i'T I
DRUYAN9 Takov Meyerovich:,, ~GUTTS~AITR~M9-i#2Z8-~h; SEDOVA, A.P.,
red.; GAT-A IONOVA, Te.N.,
[organization of motorbug lines; Leningrad practices] Orga-
nizateiia raboty avtobusov na mrshratakh; iz opyta Laningrada.
Mosk-7a, Hauchno-tekhn.izd-vo H-va avtomobil'nogo transp. i
shossainykh dorog RSFSR, 1960. 80 p. (MIRA 14:3)
(Leningrad--Kotorbus lines)
F=KHOV, Vladimir Mikhaylovich;
GRAKHOVSKAYA, T.M.., red.; BODANOVA, A.P., tekhm. red.
[Work of the comittee of voluntary motor-vehicle inspection]
Rabota komissii obshchestvemogo kontrolia za tekhnicheskim
sostoianiem avtomobilei; iz opyta raboty avtokhozygystv Lenin-
gradskogo upravleniia avtomobi-lInogo transporta. Moskva, Avto-
transizdat, 1962. 45 P. OURA 15:12)
1 (Laningrad-Motorveliicles--Inspection)
MQtorbus transportation in Leningrad. Avt.transp. 40
no.11:11-12 N 162. (MIRA 15:12)
1. Leningradskoye upravleniye avtomobillnogo transporta.
(Leningrad--Motorbus lines)
mali-uchastiye: GOLIDSHT-nN, R.I.; PA10RATOTA, O.M.; SAGAKSUY.4,
V.G. KORYAGIN, I.D., kand.ekonom.nauk, red.
EPetroleum industry of the capitalist countries of Western
Surope, the Near, Middle, and Far East, Canada, and Latin
Amarical Neftienais promyshlonnost' kapitalistichaskikh stran
Zapadnoi Evropy, Blizhnego i Srednogo VoBtoka, Dallnego Vootoka.
Kanady i Latinakoi Ameriki; kratkii obzor atatiaticheskikh donrlykIi.
Pod red. I.D.Koringina. Moskva, 1959. 302 P.
(Him 13:11)
1. Moscow. Gosuderstvennyy nauchno-iissledovatel'skly Institut
nauchnoy i tekhnicheBkoy informntaii.
(Petroleum industry)
Classification of crude oils acco*ing to qulaity and the differentiation
of their prices. KhimA tekh.topl. i masel 7 no.11:45-50 N 162.
OIRA 15.12)
1. Vsesoyusnyy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy inBtitUt PO pere-rabotke
nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusetvennogo zhidkogo topliva.
Changes in the methods of calculation of the cost of petro-
leum products. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 n0-5:42-46
My 163. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po pere-
rabotke nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvannogo zhidkogo
Differentiation of industrial wholesale prices of motor
fuels. Khim. i takh. topl. i masel 8 no.9:46-51 S '63.
(MM 16:11)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po pere-
rabot1w nefti i gazov i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo
GUTU, A., ing.; ANDREI, Ov., ing.; COTOVANU, E., ing.
Drawing profiles and sketches on scale in vertical plane and
large scale by stereoautograph plotting. Rev goodezie 9 no. 2:
64-72 164-
1. Institute of Mine Planning, Bucharest.
DUMITRESCU, Tradan; IONESCU, Constantin St.; GUTU,_Axicr-
Mbehanical properties of the isothermal transformation
structures of austenite for some poor alloy stools. Studii
cerc metalurgia 9 no.2tl29-146 164.
I!.: LC
T IV, 1 r- 111-) U13Y
Periodicals: FNI-UIGFrTCA. Vol.. 61 no. 8, Aug. 1956
GUTUS C. On the volthaEe adjustment and speed reFulation of low-rated
synchronous anerators. r). 355
Monthly List of East Euron-an Accession-9 (ESAI' IZ, IT01. 'No. 2,
February Unclas,,zz.
_ Cons tan tin
Determination of power reserve in the ideally interconnected
circuits. Rev electroteabn energet 6 no.2:1+09-421 161.
GUTU, Constantin
Determination of reierve capacity in the ideally interconnected
systems. Studil cei~d energet 11 no.2:227-240 161.
GUTU, Constantin; PETCUM Mihai; SOCI, Antoaneta
Determining damages provoked by interruption of electric power
supply. Studli cere enetget 11 no-4:613-625 161.
-t L~tucuii si lc,
.; 11 '1 C
-.1c c:
Dv -U.I., U, --
04' fo 0 rs
GUTU C ing., PETOU, M., ing.; SOCI, Antoanetat, ing.
Calculation'of the economic
cotton spi" mills and in
13 no.8:3()9-311+ Ag 16201
effects of the electric interruptions,ir.,
cotton fabric finishing. Ind text Faft
, 81,
GUTU, Gonsiantizi; P:tl'(,U, 1,41hai; SOCI, Antoaneta for estimating econorric effecto caused by voltage
variations, Rev electrotechn energet 9 no.3:357-366 164
Study on the gas fuel and air mixing processes in industrial
burners. Rev electrotechn energet 9 no.107-110 t64
CUM., G., ing. - PETCU,M., ing.; SOC19'~ A., ing.
U 5,
-, - 1
Calculation of the economic effects of electrio accidental
interruptions. Energetica Rwn 11 no.10025-531 0 163-
GTJTT-Ij (3r.1 Lni4.
- ::. ,
. I firlO-lon- .
I. I- I ~ -~ :,' - i'0 ~' -1 i t; z ;, ~-, - --ne. . .
ol-w3tric Pf-,.,- ~ , ; --
'-5 fir?-911~69-477 :.; I ~"+.
r a t c) ry
CIERCIU, I Dr and 'U7U,
not givenj
"The Value of Culture Media of Vegetable Origin (Phaseolus
vull;~,aris) for Bacteriological Diagnosis under Field and Campaign
Conditions. Note III."
Buchare-.~t, Revist,-. Sanitara Mili-tarq, Vol 59, No 3, 1"'LlY-JU-11 63,
PP 509-520.
Abstr-ct: Describes in detail t1oree teciinlzques for the -prepa-
razion o-f veeetable culture media: 1. Riazkovsk-i seed Orc-~n;
2.. Rausc'ning peptic dfgestion; 3. Twenty-four ho- zrypt-ic
.Lnc-ludes 3 tables, 1 -Lfieure and 1-3 re--ferences, o-f --,hich
2 Z;'n..~lish-language, German and 9 Rumanian.
VJ`-,-, F- -'-- 1~
Fa,c ts f r m sr r c om t c n -7
Town uf z.--e Rmunia"I V,
f -, r Ha la dy
Bacteriological research on some cases of alimentary toxinfectiop. caused
by staphylococci in ice cream. Microbiologia (Ducur) 6 no.1:60-61 Ja-F
rC)-,3tj~ ~ ~,, I - 4 '1 -- . . -
stiii so,-.;ethin'" would be- I/ ,. a:~ -- ~: ~
t> I N
" - ~ ;- ~ .- '. " -f , ,
i "1" 1 ~; , t' .- . , I - ~, -1 . ,
On Wgionic 'Ind qanittar~y theviev. Ct)z),qt.r Buc 17 rio.792,,~ J.- f
Pl:- *OD.
Podkletnov, Ye. N., Stalin Prize Winner, ed.
Emall i protsessy emalirovaniya (Enamels and Enameling Processes) Moscow,
mashgiz, 1961. 113 p. 4,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komitet Soveta
Ministrov UkrSSR. Institut tekhnicheskoy informatsii.
Ed,-. N. P. Onishchenko; Tech. Ed.: M. S. Gornostaypollskaya; Chief Ed.:
Mashgiz (Southern Dept.): V.K. Seriyuk, Engineer.
BJRPWE-. This book is intended for engineering and tx-chnical personnel concerned
with the research.production, and uses of enamel.
COVERAGE: This collection of articles on enamels and enameling processes is
based on material presented at the first Ukraine-vide conference on the pro-
cIuction of enamel and enameled equi-pment, organizedby the State Scientific
Technical Committee of the Ukrainian SSR, the Kiyev Sovnarkhoz, Chemical
C axd 1,/ 4
Enamels and Enameling Processes
Society imeni Mendeleyev, Scientific Technical Society of the Kachine~Building
Industry, and other sovnarkhozes, scientific research institutes, and p.Lanning
organizations. (The name, place, and date of the conference are not given.]
The following are discussed: old and new types of ens Is, their compagition,
properties, uses, and methods of production; the production of enameled equi-p-
ment (chemical apparatus, pipesj cisterns, etc.), and their use in the coal,
chemical, food.. and other industriesi latest advances in the mechanization of
enameling processes and techniques; the effect of underlying surfaces on the
quality of enamel coatings; and methods of modifying the properties or enamel
coatingst e.g.,inereasing their clLemical stability. American and Chinese
practices and production are also briefly discussed. No personalities are
mentioned. There are 32 references: 22 Soviet,, 7 English, and 3 German.
Tsmell, V. M. Development of the Enenel Industry in the Ukrainian SSR 3
Smirnov,, N. S. Prospects for Developing and Methods of Improving
the Enamel Industry in the Urals., Siberia,# and the (Soviet] Par East 11
Card 2/4
S"'TiCIT, L , SO1K1.9jAVS_%-y, 0. ; OANVIT-rM, I.
1qolation of Coxiella burneti from human placentas. J. 1~7g. Fpidem.,
PrOvi 2 no.1:29-35 1958.
1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Prague, and Maternity
DPT)nrtment, Kraslice, District Hospital. 2. Institute of Epidemiology
and !fAcroblolory, Prngue I,"', Srobarova 118 (for Syrucek).
isolation from placentas of women infected many years
(PIAGMITA, microbiology
Coxiella burnetii isolation from placentas of women in-
fected many years previously)
(PR93,11ANCY, complications
Coxiella burnetii isolation from placentao of women in-
fected may yenro previounly)
"'T"'I'l' I
~: I ~. ~ ., ..
"Tnfusion an,,! Tr nsfus., on Technique."
SO: P?d. listy, Pr'gue, Vol. 8 (1)510, No. 3, pn,. 149-Y,2.
GP-TVITCH, Jaroslav, IIUDr.; ROSSLER, Mi-roulav, M.UDr.
Recurrent abdominal pain In childrmn. Cask. pediat. 11 no.7,:
476-484 JUIY 56.
1. Z I. detske kliniky v Praze. Predn. prof. MUDr. Josef Svejcar.
(ABDOMEN. diseases,
pain in child.. recur. (Cz))
GUTVIRTH, Jaroslav
Position therapy of chest deformity in Infants after suppurative
pleurisy. Cesk.pediat. 15 no*8:746-748 Ag 16o.
1. OUNZ Ifelnik - detakle oddelent,
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,'orormi-,y cimilaLion `isorders appear primarily in occ;~,patlons with a pre.n-
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LrIfluences, riisturbing the higher function of the nervous system, are important
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Organization of prevention and treatment of rheumatic diaeases.
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From the beginnings of the telephone, p. 88., SDELOVACI TECHNIKA
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SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress,
Vol. 4, No. 12, December 1956
I AID P - 2027
Subjeq.t USSRAlectki6ity
Oard -1/2 Pub. ~7 - 31/31
.Author V. qutvier~
'Title 1z Detskikh Let Na5hey Elektrotekhniki (The
Childhood Years of our Electrical Engineering). The
Library of the History of Technics. Government
Publishing House of Technical Literature. Prague, 1953
(177 PP.). In Czech language (Book Revieiv~,~,'
Periodical Elektrichestvo, 4, 87-88, Ap 1955
Abstract The book consists of fifteen essays, outlining the
development of some branches of electrical engineering
in Czechoslovakia for the period from the middle of
the 170019 - It also describes the scientific. and
engineering activity of some outstanding Czechoslovak
electrical engineers. The reviewer sje-vi~-rn Y-criticizes
certain 11drastic" omissiOna of Russ'~an pv-"uri:ty In
certain fields of electrical engineering.
Is ~31ectric :-,.rc larrip. p. 23 8.
.1), CT Prahn, 'Vol . 10, rio. 7, JAv 1955.