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GUTOWSKI, Boleslaw Application of canmla into the rumen in cattle. Acta pbysiol. polon. 8 no.1:153-155 1957. 1. 2 Zakladu Pizjologil Zwierzat 5. G. G. V. w Warazawle Kierownik: prof. dr B. Gutowski. (STOMACH, surgery. applioation of cannula into rumen in cattle (Pol)) GUTOWSKI, B. Tonic and rhytmic wing reflexes in chicks. Acta Dbysiol.polon.11 no-5/6:73.1-712 160. 1. Z Katedry Fisjologil Zw1arzat S.G.G.W. w Warstavie.Kierovnik: prof.dr. B. Gutowski. (REFLEX) - GUTOWSKI L -B.-: KOZNIEWSKI , S. Effect of C02 on the respiratory reflex in birds. Acta physiol. polon.11 no-5/6:712 160. 1. Z Katedry Irizjologii Zwierzat S.G.G.W. v Warszawie. Kierownik: prof.dr B.Gutowski. (CARBON DIOXIIS pharmacol) (RESPIRATION) GUTOWSKI, B.; TEMLER, A.; BAREJ, W.; KULASEK, G. Studies on the blood serum in heifers fed fodder with the addition of urea. Acta -ohyniol.polon. 11 no.5/6:713 16o. 1. Z Katedry Fizjologii Zwierzat S.G.G.W. w Warszavie, lierownik: prof.dr 13.Gutowski. (UREA) (BLOOD ahem) GUT(NISKI, B.; KOZNIEWSKI, S.; TEMLEER, A.; BAREJ, W.; KULASEK, G. Studies on the cacal contents in horses. Acts, physiol.polon. 11 no-5/6:714 160. 1. Z Katedry Fizjologii Zvierzat S.G.G.W. v Warazawie, Kierownik: prof.dr B.Gutowski. (CEGUM) GUTOWSKI, Boleslaw Studies on the content in the rumen in cattle. I. Volatile fatty acids in the contents of the rumen in calves and free amino acids in the contents and in the blood. Acta physiol.polon. 12 no.1:105-118 Ja-F 160. 1. Z Katedry Fizjologii Zwierzat S.G.G.W. w Warazawie. Kierownik: prof. dr B. Gutowaki. STOMACH phy iol.) TTY ACIMB) W (AMINO ACIDS) GUTOWSKI, Boleslaw; BAREJ, Wieslaw; TE1,1IM, Anna; NOWOSIELSKA, Irwina Studies on the content of the rumen in cattle. II. Volatile fatty acids and nitrogen compounds in liquid contents of the rumen and free amino acids in the blood of calves fed green lucerne. Acta physiol.polon. 12 no.1:119-128 Ja-F 160. 1. Z Katedry F'Lzjologii Zwierzat S.G.G.W. w Warszawie. Kierownik: prof.dr B. Gutowski. (STOMACH physiol.) (FATTY ACIDS) (NITROGE11) (AMINO ACIDS blood) GuToWSKI, B. Conversion of conditioned reflexes in cattle. Acta physiol.polon. 11 no-5/6:711 16o. 1. Z Katedry Fizjologii Zwierzat S.G.G.W. w Warszowie Kierownik: prof.dr. B.Gutowski. (REFUX CONDITIONED) TC~,J~C3 V -IT 'InT. 12, Anr. 1955- ~.'onthly List ff J Uncl. GUTGZKI, Janusz ~Foanan) .M..WWWWWWOM~1- New type of combustion locomotive. [ i.e. 151 no..4:9849 kp 163. Przegl kolej mechan 16 GUTOWSKI, Herwyk GUIONSLI, Henryk. ;~~ Y, Germm workers are for the elimination of the threat of war. dvish. no.9:8-9 Ky 054. , (aRA 7:6) (Aaropean Defense Covertmity) (Germany, Western- Trade unions) (Trade unions-Germany. Western) CE'LLARY, Jorzy; -GUTOWSKI, Jerzy .1111irmw Liver function tests in infectious javirldice based on the rhythm of excretion of steroids. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.47:1897-1904 5 Nov 56. 1. (Z Klinik Cborob Wewnetrznyeb A.M. w Poznaniu; Kierownik: prof. dr. S. Kwasniewski 1 2 Zakladu Chemit. Fizjologicznej w Poznaniu; Kierownik: piof. dr. Z. Stolzmann) adres: Poznan, u1. Djuga 1/2. (STIROIDS, In urine, 17-keto in infect. hepatitis as index of liver funct. (Poi)) (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS, urine in, 17-ketosteroids as index of liver funct. (Pol)) U T 2- WENM, Mieczyslaw; BACZYK, Kazimierz; GUT99SKI, Jerzy Renal function & excretion of 17-k-etosteroids in hiepatolenticular degeneration. Ifeur. &c. polska 7 no.5;725-738 Sent-Oct 57. 1. Z Kliniki Neurologicznej A, M. w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. A, Dowzenko,z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnstrzrqch A. M. w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. J. Rogmski i z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej A. M. w Pozmaniu. Kierownik: prof. Z. Stolzmann. (HEPATOLMICULILR DBGRNMTION, physiol. renal fauct. & 17-ketosteroid excretion (Pol)) (KIDNIT, in voioud dis. hepatolentioular degen. (Poi)) (17-KITOSTAROIDS, in urine in hepatolentioular de4en. (Pol)) -4 Cj -lucts rud 1?ClL*'*ljD/Chui ical Tech; Cl U-if-~J. Ll !.,~.,a3tvj - ,,)~:licrd I F-,; ,,','os Jcur: Inst 017'i rU:C 7,jjj_jr-jGjj-,-'l., jTo 2, 1959, 6267- a, its Ec,)n(-dcs ,,ncl TrL.:'.Cls of Foul industry ir. YuJol---vi, DuVC'lop-c-.ul,.t. I'I"_7C*'.,. S11 1.27 ITO 6, 212-21~ - Jus U- ~:~~c 123 ADAMSKI, Alojzy; GUTOWSKI, Jerzy; WITOSZYNSKI, Slawomir Activity of glutamic-pyrav a transaminase (GPT) in the blood serum in rheumatic diseases. Poloki tygod. lek. 16 no.32:1224-1228 7 Ag '61. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. w Poznaniu; kierovnik: prof. dr Stefan Kwasniewski i z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologiesnej A.M. w -Poznaniu; kierownik: Prof. dr Zdzislaw Stolzmann. ( M UMATISM blood) (TRANSAMINASES blood) NOWAK,Stefan; ADAMSKI, Alojzy; WITOSZYNSKI, Slawomir; GUTOWSKI, Jerzy Effect of acute ethyl alcohol intoxication on the activity of glutamic- Py'ruvic transamirmue (SGPT) in the blood serum. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 no.1:69-73 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr med. S. Kwasniewski i z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologic%nej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr med. Z. Stolzmann. (TRANSP14INASES blood) (ALCOHOLIC INTOXICATION blood) 0" n . .......... Gutow5ki,~ RQM-an" Vibrall of -a System 0 one 0m -linear elaiitic chanicterislic, r~ree of freed i;7iih non 'Aing, into ~consideration linear vis - Arch. Mech.- Stos- 9 (1957). ~-647-668. (13011~i~!. ,~ll 'file purpose of the ~,rescllt paper is i find ~Vifficivllt x"A' 2hx + condition,-, for the solution of the equation (1) -a, x'(O'i - -.- b, *a- 4 t,'! to N. 0, O-S -t< 7i -y: th'it i,;, that oscillatol tho ,ohmon t(l) li;ivo ait infinit,~ number of zeros in jO, +cx)). rhe main themom is th.- a I C.- following: If V!(x) is itrictly monotone mcrv,-,ing,. ai al ti and entire ill cci, . _-L--, Own the solution of (1) is uicillatorl; lim,+ 0~ L . for arbitrarily large deflections x provided that tho line. L: a);3 (1;1, - 1, is such that fp(r) Is above L for x>O Z)2.t (h Y , , and below L for x