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GUTKIN, B. ... I.- I-.---,-. -EcoInomic efficiency is tile. main criterion. Avt.transp. 4.3 no.U:8-10 N 165. (~,aRA 18:12) 1. Direktor 5-y avtobazy Mostorgtransa. 'f " -I1:- :. Ii i,. 14 1!, ;- I !,. LOMACHENKOV, S.Ye., inzh.;__gTKINp B.Q?,,, kwXj. tekbn. nm*,- S2UGUR114, K.A.v otv. red.; ACHMADZEp Sh.D., inzh.p red,; XWIAVSI=, G.M., tekhn, red. [Portable electric spark systems; work of the Research Branob of the State Planning Institute of the Ministry of Transportation Machinery Manufacture] Perei3omWe elaktroiskrovye ustanovki; opy-t raboty NIF GPI MTrM. 52, 3-1 p. (Informatsionno- tekhnicheskii listok, no.23(364) (MIRA 14:7) 1. Lenin adskiy dom nauabno-tekbnicheskoy propagandy. 2. GlavrWy inzhener Leningradskoko doma nauchno-tekbniebeskcfy propagandy (for Shagurin) (Metals-Hardening) (Electric apparatus and appliances) GUTKIN, B.G.; VISHNITSKIY, A.L.; GUSXV, Y.N., laureat Stalinakoy premli, redaktor. [Control systems for electric spark ancl electrolvtic-mechanical tools] Regu- liatory razhima raboty elektroiokrovykh i anodno-mekhanicheakikh stankov. Pod. red. laureata Stalinskikh premii V.N.Guseva. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1952. 41 p. (MLHA 6:8) (Filectric controllers) GUTKIN, -3( (~, PUS I WK MWISTION SOV/1404 i0evISKS, Ye. X., B. Go autkin, A. P. ftStWwnk0,, WA YO Polucheniye polostey I otmrstli v metall elektrolskro"K sposoboa (1166troqWk Method of Cutting Gavitles and Bolea in?iNnUas) Hosoms ft"as 1952. 95 p. (Beriess Bibliateelft slaktrotakhwlopp No. 4) 6,,000 copies prin+Ad. Id (TI-ble pop ) t ausey Vs. No JAumat* of-the #Win PrIse # lagivisarl In,., (ftita 1io*):'-Pq*12mv 'L'- -Ib-li zoo' Joiletaft" X I valab"Zilat Is Intembd for teWwo3oM#U vorking In the flold of jImatrI, ommoss &A for skilled vo*mrs. 00.42MM 2he booklet promento Mate p#m1plas of the alsetroMpark amobbir4 of holmle and cavities In wouls, Uftmt1m an elsetwoegaft ogdjoat Is giyon &A iom o3mWlsa of the &WIsatimm of *3a*tmqpwk usdftftg mtWA an Pramentedo I Im fellowU4 Proonautlem wife marded ludin PA"I tot their contributions to the M"Immat of 01603 WAMUM vothodap lo.l. TaAamenlop No z9 ?A4mwwP &A To No OVASTS F" the rwyeas of in am P410 Wt1A$ SIAGUM"hining IMMUSAMp the 1401AP" bMah Of iftmagise(OWA SGURUM out 3,/) 3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 938 Gutkin,-B.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences Avtomatizatsiya elektrolskrovykh~ I anodno-mekbanicheskikh stankov (Automation of Electrospark Electrolytic Machine Tools) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1952. 226 p. 8,000 copies printed. Reviewers: Gu5ev, V.N., Engineer,jaureate of the Stalin Prize.,and Levinson, Ye.M., Engineer.; Ed.: Lomachenkov, S.Ye., Engineer; Tech. Ed.: Pollskaya. R.G.; Managing Ed. for literature on the technology of machine buildinZ (Leningrad Division, Mashgl~: Nikitin, P.S., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for engineers and technicians working in the field of electromachining of metals, and for students of vuzes and tekhnikums. COVERAGE: The book deals with various problems of automatic control of electrospark and electrolytic machine tools. Devices used for automatic control of various processes, safety devices, and design features of automatic electrospark and electrolytic machine tool& Card 1/5 Automation of Electrospark Electrolytic Machine Tools 938 are described. No personalities are mentioned. There are 13 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Methods of Electromachining of Metals 1. Physical basis of electromachining 5 2. Brief description of the electroppark method 8 3. Brief description of the electrolytic method 19 4. Control-eignal pickup and conversion circuits for electro- spark and electrolytic machine tools 23 Ch. 2. Automatic Control of Electrospark and Electrolytic Machine Tools 5. General information on automatic control systems 27 6. Principles of automatic control of electrospark machine toolfl- 33 7. Proportional control 52 Card 2/5 GUTKIN B. G. Regelainrichtungen Fur Elektrofunkenund Anodenmechanischo Warkzeugmaschinen. Von B.G. Gutkin Und GUTKPI, B. G. Be lin, Technik, 1954. 43 P. Diagrs., Tables Translation From The Russian, Regulyatory Reshima Raboty Elektrolskovykh .1 Anodnomakhard Meskikh Stankov, Leningrad (N. D.) SO: N 5 M-5 .G9 INIMIMMOOMM k~7 N j[ ~ " kancl LIVSHITS, A.L.kandidat tekhnicheskikh n&ukL&V-9W,oJ.G. idat tekhnichoskikh usuk, retsenzent; UTAROVA, A.?.. ekhnicheakiy rodaktor. Lrkloctric erosion treatment of metals] Sloictrearozionnaia ebr&botka metallov. Kogkwa, Goq.nauchzo-tekh&Azd-ve.,-z&- shinostroit. lit-ry, 1957. 117 Pe (MLRk 10,6) (Metal cutting) (01stals-Hardening) BOGORADY Lev Yakovlevich; XX2LUL._ Benlyamin Girshevich: SHOBIK, L.Ye., inzh., ved. red.; SIMYDER, A. ., and. tekhn.nauk, red.; PAUTIN, N.V., inzh., red.; SOROKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. [Wear resistant chromizing with periocLic, current reversal)Iz- nosostoikoe khromirovanie pri periodicheskon. izmenenil naprav- leniia toka. Moskva, Filial Vaea. in-ta nauchn, i tekhn. it- formatsii., 1958. 23 P. (Peredovoi nnuchno-tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 13. No.M-58-245/25) (MIRA 16:3) (Chromium plating) GRISHIN, Valerian ffaksimovich, inzh.; GUTKIN,-Benjy~~min Girshevic , I h kand. tekhn. nauk; LIVSHITS, Abram Lazarevich, kand. teiji~. -nauk; YAKHB40VICH., Dmitriy Fedorovich., inzh., BRYAPTSEVA, V.P., inzh., red.; SOROKINA, T.1-1., tekhn. red. [Dimensional electric spark machining of metals]Razmernaia elektroerozionnaia obrabotka metallo7. 14oskva, F ilial Vses. in-ta nauchn. i takhn.informatsii, 1958. 8'9 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-teklunicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 8. No.M-58-6/1) (MIRA 16:2) (Electric metal cutting) POPILOV, Lev Takov1svich, LIVINSOIT, Tevgeniy Haksimovich,;_GUTKIN, B.G., kand. takha. nauk, retsenzent,; KWKACBU. I.O..inzh.. red.; BOROWLINA, I.A., red. ird-va.: IMIIIA, T.L., red. izd-va. [Electric metal-machining procesces; a survey of foreign technology] Sloktricheskis metody obrabotki metallov; obzor zarubazhnoi tekhniki. Koakya, Goa. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo moblaostroit. lit-ry, 1958. 145 P. (MIRA 11:11) (Electric cutting machinery) GUTKIN, B.G.; PODLAZOV, S.S.; YEVSBYZV, V.V. *Spark-erosion machining of metals' by A.L. Livehits. Reviewed by B.G.Gutkin, S.S. Podlazov, V.V. Xvseev. Stan. i Instr. 29 no.10: 44-45 o 158. 1 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Nachallnik sektora elektroobrabotki metallov Leningradskogo filiala, Vaesoyusnogo teplotekhnicheakogo instituta im. 1F. Dzershinskogo (for Gatkin). 2. Nachallnik osobogo konstruktorskogo byaro Eksperi- mentallnogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo, instituta, metallorezhushchikh stankov (for Podlazov). 3. Starahiy inzhener laboratorii razaniya Leningradekago Kirovskogo zavoda (for Yovseyev). (Ilectria metal cutting) (Livehits, A.L.) -GUTKINj Benly,pmin Girshevich; GRIGORCHUK, Igort Petrovich; POPIWV, L.Ya., red.; VARKOVETSKAYA, A,I,,y red.izd-val- SPERANSKAYAq 0,V,,, [Electric spark machining of metals) Elektrokontaktnaia obrabotka metallov. Pod obshchei red. L,IA.Popilova. Moskvaj Gos.naucbno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ryg 1960, 46 p. (Bibliotechka. elektrotekhnologa i ulltrazvukovika no.5). (MIRA 14:6) ('01ectric metal cuttingi PHASE I WOK EXPLOZTOIO~i SOV/,'90-' NoToye Y alaktricheakoy I u1-tr&-v4k*voy obr&%tke materialov (Ne. Develop.ants In Electrical and Ultrasonic ?'Ach--ning of Yutertals) IlAningrad), lAnlzdat, 1959. 261. P. 5,000 ccplei printed. ILd. (title page)s L.Ya. Popilov; Ed. (inside bo~ok): 3.1. Bor~hcncv- skayL; Tech. Ed.: P.S. Smirzov. PVRJ~05Z; This book Is intended for tect~nlcal permoanel and prodao- tion workers. C(3-..?A2Z: This in a collection of 20 articles presented at the A.11-7mlon Conference of the Scientific and Tecr=lcal SocletT of the Xachina Zndustry on nectrical a:nI Ultrasonic YAcrU%1*-,,- o: Retalls, hold in lAnlngr&4. The articles dq&.1 eltn the I&te3t &~hlsvo.entb Ln the fiold of elec*rtcal and m1tras=nic zich-1-nime of metals. New methods or =&ih.--ang pre3tntly beirtz devd-,o;ei are described. Fterdrenca3 folloo several of the A.-icleo. LIT*h--t3, A.L.. B.S. &-il A.Z. Aronov. So=o Protle~z In the Technolorl and Design of- gldhines-f-d-rFlic trot ma Ion Ptichir-tn& of Metals 67 Fogmchcv, I.S. t2ectric-Pulse Gansrator3 or Vr.1polar 1~.xlses for Kichining or Aetals 109 Else trical- Palo a YAch-ning of Forging-Dia, dro,o ve s 115 A.G. Zntensity of "tal ?Amova.1 anl Surface Quality In Y~chlrjjiz of Cartld~s 134 W-kushiz, O.A. Selection of Pro-ce3a R,&Izes in ra.ctrolytic Con- -to.Lr-X&ch.Enfng 145 z2actric-Razi3tance rAchlrurg Of V~"ls 151 Y"noZorodakly, 1.Z. New Uses of Seatlnj in ElcctmlJrtez 167 Rik-4%aylov, V.A. Cle=lngt&.nd Degrnas--ng of ",rts and IntenaLfic.- 174 't!Cri of Victroplatinz W., h the All of Ultr"onics Gor7aztmy, M.S. Tec"que of Mtrasoae PAChIr"Ing Of cazrtide 183 Vott-rov, V.V. Prodaction of MaEmetos-rictive 'mrslJcers for Vlt.%~scrdc PAcrLln,*3 for Mehim%ng Cj--~IZ-es 19D of- P=-. Xale of Cer=lc =maonic ;~03 Wnix-~, D.B tYltr"onic Units Developed tri 0X3 ETO 212 X~=~O dt.!- Spot 'd,lding With t- of 235 Bat-_jCoy~ O.J., ~nd B.yj. P0.1k.-Jaley. Yntno,!* of Utr&3anIC Ar~'Y3%3 'Jns--~ctlon W.-A-AB-ZE; Librmry of Congress (7,7 1191 .? 63) Camt 4/,4 GUTKIN, B.G. The EAK automatic electric spark machine for stamping parts. Biu.1. tek~.-ekon.inform. no.7:48-49 161. (KRA 14:8) (Marking devices) tokhn. naux, 17YATIMTEIKOV, A.I., red.; M-EGM, D.P., red. izd-va: GVIRT3, V.L., tekhn. red. (The &W, semiautomatic electric-spark cutting machine for machining the cone of atomizers]Elektroiskrovoi poluavtomat EPN d1ja obrabotki konusa raspylitelei. Leningrad, 1962. 13 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnichesko-L propa'g'andy. Obmen pe- redovym opytom, Seriia: Elektricheskie metody obrabotki mnte.- rialov, no.4) (Electric cutting machinery) OMIA 15:8) 38?10 11 1 S / 93/62/000/006/002/CO2 AOOh/A_L'O1_ 1.1110 ATi-Mr-q~ Gutkin, B. G.. Candidate of Technical Sciemes TTITLE- _]~PM (ERM) electrospark semi-automatic for macnining -~he working cone of sprayers PERIODICAL.~ Byulleten' techniko-ekoncnicheskoy informatati, no. 6, 1562, I'll - 35P TEXT., The author reports on the M1 electrospark sena-automatio which has been developed at a plant (Abstaacter's noteg no name given) and is intended for th_= electrospark grinding and lapping of working cones of sprayers and nozzle holders of diesel engines. He presents a functional diagran of the machine and gives a description of its operation. The worlq)i,,-ce is rotated by a belt-drive, A characteristic feature of the electric diagram of the semi-automatic is the uti- ,L-4zaticn of a special programming device characterized cy sinplicity and dependa- bill-ty. The author describes in detail the electric system of the machine and its units and presents the follouring technical data-, in,)ut ;)Ower, w - 3001 (max-_imun*,1 electrode voltaCe, v -110; (maximum) curren'. bevi-een Plectrodes, anp - 0.9; (maxirmim) capacitance between- electrodes, f - 2, (maximum) deposition depth cf Card 1/2 ,C I S 931/62/000/0061' 021002 "~PM (MI) electrospark.... P.X%-/AlOi the sprayer working cone, mm - 60~ angle of taper of the work-ing cone - up to 5Co~t .L 1 .0 electrode tool diameter, wm - 1-2; elect.ric motorag electrode tool feed mzto:z~ - ,44H -250 (NN-250)3 main drive motc,7 11/2 (AcL-11/2)- ma,-hfninr,,_ cycle cx. each condition., sec. - from 2 to 120; total machining time,, min- fr"Im I to 6; class of surface finish after machining (according to GOGT 2789-51) - a- machirdng acturacy (maximum permissible play of the sprayer working cone relative to the fit- tamg office for the needle) 4,t,-5~ overall dimensions, mir, - 5ho x ~20 x 19!190~ weight, kg - 200. The working fluid in -which the elactrospark machining ~ake~ place consists of transformer oil (50%) and lighting kerosene (50%). Dzir nC ~,wc- - shift work a section of 10 ERM machines will set free 48 worke-rs and save. 2?,600 rubles annually. There are 2 figur-A,-~. C,?-:-d 2/2 GUTKIN, B.M. Machine for the production of sanitary tissues. Bum. prom. 38 no.11:29 N 163. Roller felt dryers instead of drying cylinders. Ibid.:29 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isBIedovatellskiy institut tBellyulozno- bumazhnoy promyshlennosti. YUANOV, A.G., inzhener; GUTXIN, B.H., kand~dat tekhnicheskikh aauk; "YNGOL'D, Yu.R. -1*1"`--'- Uee of magnetic amplifiers In electric drives. Elektrichestvo no.2:9-14 F '56. (KLVA 9:5) 1. TsIB "Blaktroprivod" Kinisterstvo alektropromyshlennosti. (Vagnetic amplifiers) (Electric driving) -7 "A Control Apparatus With Thyratron Rectifiers." pp 76-86. Ill Abst: Thq article examines the circuits and control ap?Aratne developed by the TsKB (Central Design Bureau) 'Elaktroprivod, I and testing In oxpPrIM-;,nta1- production Installations of rectified current drive In 19511-1956. SOIJRCE: Raboty 14MR SSSR -no Me Av ~4--A-t X-- (work of the MInIstry of the Bledtrical EngIneering Industry USSR on Mechanization and AutomtIon in the National Economy), Part 3. Mosdow, Ts'BT1. 1956 Slim 1854 F-TTING3R, Te.L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; law, MIAOWI kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; Borodavchenko, P.M., inzheno'-.' Present-day systems of rectifier drives. Blektrichastvo no.9: 32-38 S '56. 1 (KLU 9: 11) l.TSentrallnoys konstruktorskoye byuro "Blaktroprivod" Minister- stva elektroprooVehlennosti. (Mercury-are rectifiers) GUTKI~,..2.M., kandidat telrdmichaskikh nauk; ETTIWKR, Ye.L., kandidat tekhmi- cneskikh nauk. V; if Peak choke for regulating electronic Instruments. Vest.olak-treprom. 27 no.l*.26-32 J& 156. (MIR& 9:6) (Ilectromic apparatus and appliances)(Electric controllers) ITTINGBR, Te.L., Itandidat t*klmichesklkh. nAA,, nicheakikh nauk, BORODAYCHOU9 P-M- Modern arrangements of rectifier electric drives. Blaktrichestvo no.i:6o-66 Ja '57. (MM 10-2) 1. TSentrallnoys knatruktorskoye bywo "Illektropriyod" Ministerstva alektroproWshlennosti. (Illectric driving) SIB i4 4. 16 A S "UP I A - - IL 2 C. FF. i -N On DIM- Irk IRE a. It tw! 9 fee 9r, Is. i a q, i RA 9 ft if 9v f.H F w al 7. - C. ~ ? HE'k GUThif;, L.1"I., kand-tekhn.nauk D.C. drive with ionic excitation, ElektricliesLvo no.11:14-22 M 1 (111. (mi:L-L 12~: 11 ) 1. Vsesoyuzny-j nauchno-issledovateVskiy institut eleltromekhaniki. (Electric driving) GUTKIN, Boris Mironovich; SILAYEV, E.F.., red. [Direct current drives with ignitrons] lonnyi privod postoiannogo toka. Moskva, Energiia, 1965. 455 P. (MIRA 18:7) -!%dy 11- ic I'tJ J ka 7 : -~ : I : 11r, t- , ~ ',~ ! 0:1 1 *, 1 10 ~ M i~ f U&M/ miscellaneous cam 1/1 Pub. 89 - 28/28 ,Author@ I Klyukachev, V.; Golldreer, I.; Roginskiy, V.; PJ.11;alWan, A.; and Gutkin, E. Title I Mchange of experiments Periodical t. Radio 4, pages 48, 53, and 63, Apr 1955 Abstract I The following subjects and items are briefly discussed and described: A two-voltage rectifier used for rectification of the 300-320 and 1~0-15C volt plate circuits in a cathode-ray tube; electronic compensators for stabilizing power feeds; the use of the 6Zh2a' pentode as an the semi-duplex operation during amateur radio communications; and the contest of amateur radio clubs in establishing radio communication with Experimental Arctic Stations No. 3, and No. 4. Circuit diagrams; graphs; t:ibles. institution Submitted AID P - 4330 Subject USSR/Radio Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 4/14 Author : Gutkin, E. (UB5TsE) Title : KV and UKV Transmitter Periodical Radio., 1, 26-29, Ja 1956 Abstract The design and performance of this transmitter as used in telegraph and telephone operations at the radio station UB5TsE are described In detail. The standardized parts of the equipment are referred +-n by types. A table gives data on the wires used. Two figures illustrate the lay- out and mounting of the transi,,.L,,Lt_,L-. Institution : None Subtriitted : No date GUTKIN,_E.I. KLiminating antenna "doubling" in the television transmitter. Tekh. kino i telov. 4 no.4:67-70*Ap 160. (MIRA 13:9) l..IAxganak:iy tolevizionny7'teentr. (Television-Transmitters and transmission) GUTM E.I. inzh.; YESHCHENKO, A.T., inzh.; STRATINEVSKIY,, N.I.,, inzh. Increase in the power of the TBSA-56 relay transmitter. Vest. oviazi 23 no.l-.15-17 Ja 163. (~Uftk 16;3) (Radio relay aystems) GUTKIN, E.I. Improvement of Ul-10 preamplifierr,. Vest, 21 no. ~+ .3-10-11 mr 64. (MllRA 17:4) 1. Starshyy inzhener Luganskogo telovizionnago tsentra. GUITIN, G.M., inzhener. Developing a more efficient 4egign for weak-current sbip cables. Sudontroenie 22 no.8:13-14 Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Electric cables) (Electricity on ships) GUTKIN, I.; KROLI, A. Schools of culture in the mechanization schools. Prof.-t-Ah. obcr'. 18 no.8:20-21 Ag '61, (MIRA 14:9) (Student activities) Y-AMINJI V. F,', kand. tekha. nauk; 4 ~ . ics =-UK , .01, G ~j -- -- -L- -L kand. teUm. nauk; SHIFRINY Ia. J,-# IV, Pi Effect of unsettled heat exchange on the regulation process of gas turbine system. Teploenergetiket 10 no-3:q8-42 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut i zavod "Ekonomayzerm. (Gas turbines) f _1j_ K-1 1Aj L , _L USSR/Nuclear Physics Structure ana Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No i, 1958, 452 Author : Demirkhanov, R.A., Gutkin, I.I., Dorokhav, V.V. Inst Title Mass of the Isotope He3. Orig Pub Atomn. energiya, 1957, 2, No 5, 469-4,,,o Abstract A mass-spectroscojic .determination was made of the mass of the isotope He , in a mixture of helium isotopes en- riched with HO to 99.5%, using a setup previously des- cribed (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 4, 87o6). The mass was measured in the doublets H3 -- He3 and HD3 He3. The results of the measurements were checked against the RD -- H3 doublet. The mass scale was cali- brated against the spectnun N14 H -_ N14 H 2 -_ N14 H3* The value obtained for the mass of He3 is 3.016970--r 2 atomic units of mass. The data of this Card 1/2 VzjSRjNucIear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 452 work were used to calculate the energy values for the reaction D(d,n) He3, D(p, ) He3, and He (d, p) He4I which equal 3.275 0.004, 5.501 - 0.003, and A-336 - 0.005 Mev respectively. Card 2/2 GUTKIN,,I.A., inzh.; SHIFRIN, Ye.L., inzh.; GOLINAND, L.D., inzh.; KIRAKOSYANTS, G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk. Hydraulic system of control and protection of the OSPT-1150 turbine pump. Energomashinostroenie 9 no.9.-11-14 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) s1096,, '63/000/003/006/010 B194/1;455 .AUTHORS: Markin,,V.F., Candidate'of Technical Sci6nces, Gutkinj.'A~ einter, Kostyuk, A.G., Candidate of Technical; .jEr _TCMG_nciij_,Shifrin, Ye.L., Enginaer TITLE: The influence.of transient heat-eixchinge an the proceso of regulating gas.-turbine sets PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika,' no-3,'196,31, 38-42 TEXT: In governing a gas turbine it is not the amount of gas .flow iihich is rogulated (as is the case in a steant turbine) but, the amounts of heat applied to the flow., 'Under steady.-State .conditions a steady temperature distributicon is Achieved between the various parts o f the gas duct and"11fie gas flowing through it. However, under transient conditions, tile ge,s duct may'either give up heat to the- gas or extract heat'fr6in 'it,' thus temporarily I- modifying the-influence of the regulator. ' This offect can b6 of considerable practica 'I significance'.' rhe'differ6htial equation. for a gas-turbine regenerator is derived in the form dQ + 0 + P (8) TZ, 0 Card 1/3 3/o96/63/000'/0-03/006/010 The influence of transient- H'I"94/E455 where '0 Te/Te 0 LB/130; LG/Go;,' Lelco; Te air.temperature beyond regenerator *K;_ B -.rate of fuel consumption; G -.rate of air,consumption, c.- compression ratio. This equation was used to calculate the effect when a tiirbine picks up load and it is shown that because of transient cooliriS in. the regenerator the temporary loss of output is greater than it otherwise would be. The problem cannot be overcome by increasing. the regulator _,speed but a solution may'be achieved by temporary over-regulation.. The device used by the "Ekonomayzer" Works to achieve such temporary over-regulation of a gas turbine type rTY-6 (GTU-6) is then described. in baznic principle there is only one fuel-contr9l valve, which over-travels in the first stage*Pf the transient process and gradually returns to the correct setting. Two servo-motors are used in the regulator. Comparative test results on a gas turbine, type GTU-6'with the normal regulator and with this special one are quoted for cases of picking'up and throwing off 100% load. There is a substantial improvement in performance with the new regulator. The use of temporary over-regulation a-Voids the need to alter the Card 2/3 s/096/63/boo/003/006/010 The influence of transient E194/E455 .static characteristics of the regulation system;. perfection has not yet been achieved but further improvement is possible. It, phould be noted that a regenerator does not always distort the transient process, but only in such cases when at different loads the temperature gradient between the regenerator wall and gas changes markedly., The greatest change occurs in gas turbines in- which a compressor of flat characteristic runs at approximately constant speed. The main'criterion in assessing the probable influence of the regenerator on the transient process is the gas temperature beyond the turbine. The more this -chAnges on change of load the greater the influence of the regenerator on the transient process. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIA,rioN: Moskovski- t c-heiki institut zavod y energe J. Y 'Ek6nomayzer" (Moscow Power Engineering Institute "Ekonomayzer" Works) Card 313 I -) f u T K-) /V 6SSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties or Nuclei c-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 453 Author : Demirkhanov, R.A., Gutkin, I.N., Dorokhov, V.V. Inst : - 14 15. Title : Masses of the Isotopes C15- N and N J, Orig Pub : Atomn. energilm, 1957, 2, No 6, 544-551 Abstract : Results are reported on new maps-spectrographic measure- ments of the masses of c13, N14, and N15. It is shown that there exists "an internal agreement" for the values of the masses of these isotopes, obtained from various SyStemo, of coublets. The measurements were performed under conditions that exclude the systematic errors. A procedure is given for a precision adjustment of the ion-optical system. For the masses of c13, y14, and N15, the values6obtained were 13.007491 ~ 3 x 10-0, 14-007527 � 4 x lo and 15.004890 � 5 x 10-6 atomic units of mass respectively, which is in good agreement with the values Card 1/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 453 published in recent times by Nier and his associates. These data are high compared with the average values, obtained from nuclear reactions au the result of a sta- tistical analysis. The discrepancy in these values is attributed to the inaccuracy of the measurement of the values of Q, used to calculate the masses of n , D, He4, and C12, as well as of the isotopes c13, N14, and N15. Card 2/2 GUTKIN, I.V. IntrOCILICing the 2V460 jig-boring Biul.tekli.-ekon. itif orin. Cros. natich.-issl. Ins t. nauch.i tekli.inform. 18 no.11:25-26 N 165. (MIRA 18:L') GUTKIN, 1. Ye. Impact extrusion of steering Imuckles for GAZ-63 automobiles. Kuzb-shtam, proizvo no-4:15-18 AP 161* (MIRA 140) - tfttruaibn(Metals)) (Automobiles-Steering.gear) GUTKIN, K.A.,, zaslyzhemnvy vrach respubliki. -alr OV9 V.A., (Petrozavodsk) Giant mixed tumor (fibromyoms in a cystoma) of "he round ligament of the uterus. Akush. i gin. 34 no.4:102-103 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. 1z ginekologiclieskogo I oatologoanstomichesko-W otdeleniy Respublikanskoy boltnitay (glavrqv vrach L.T. Filimonova) Kinisterstva zd.ravookhraaeaiya i sotsiallnogo obenpecheniya Irazakhskoy ASSR. (PELVIC SUPPORTING STRUMTRI,Zi. neoplasms mesothellor3a of round ligament (Rue)) MSOMAHELIOMIA. case reports round ligament (Rua)) KORIN, D. L., kand. med. nauk; SMOLIN, V. V.; GUTKIN, Kb. G. Injury of the ureters and kidneys in retrograde pyelography. Urologiia no.3:11-14 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgichookoy kliniki (zav T prof. G. D. Obrazteov) i fakulltetakoy khirurgicheol:oy kliniki (zav. - prof. 1. D. Korabellnikov) Chelyabinakogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (KIDWS-RADIOGRAPHY) i - (KIDNEYS-WOUNDS M INJURIW) (URETERS-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) GUTKIN) Kh.G.; KUZIIETSOV, V. I., Total substitution of the ureter with a segment of the small intestine. Urologiia no.6;58--59162. (14IFA 16:7) 1. Iz khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya (zav. V.I.FelltBverger) 2-4y dorozh-Tioy bollaitsy Ygzhno-Urall Bkoy zheleznoy dorogi. (U-,iETERS--SU;-LLj"Y) (SURGERY) PLASI-Ic) GUTKIINI. Kh.G. Parental -ypernephroma w I th thromtesis of - hr- 'IT" renal vien. ~ , I Vop. onk. 3 no.11;105-1071 162. (MA 17:6) 1. Iz khirargicheskogo at&.,lsniyn 11-y ficrozhncy bollnitsy Yuzhno-Ural I skcy zhelemoy dorogi (zav. -, V ~ I. Vel I teverger, g)Rvnyy vi-ach - T.Y. Ovchinnikovi.. GUTKIN, L. "New trends in the development of electrification of railroads in the United States; on the pages of the American press." p.Lb (Transportno Delo, Vol. 10, no. 39 1958, Softia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 USSR/Demodulators Sep 1946 Proquepnoy changers "Relationships between Diode Detection and Frequency Conversion and Amplitudes of Incoming Signal and Heterodyne," L. S. Gutkin, Candidate of Mech Sci, 19 pp *Radiotekhnika" Vol I, No 6 A calculation procedure is presented which makes possible an analytical determination of the relation- ships between detection parameters and the amplitude of the incoming signal (for detection) and the arnpli- tude of the heterodyne signal (for frequency conrer- sion). 19T31 PA ic-T31 eamerstive 'Doe- IW Rii~o interference 1~7.! "Thtl6rNwence Effect in Supe=egenerative Recelvire,;,I, (V L. S. aatk:in, Candidate of Mechazical Sciences.. 23-'PT -Ra&iotekbnika" Vol I, No 9 Reftlts'.of a theoretical investigation on the per.- formame of a superregenerator acted upon'by oiscil- Utbry Interference ar-d.'aperiodic. Interbirerice., Im, selectivity of a superregenerative receiver operat- Ing -unded- varying c=dItIons arA different laws cc circuit attenuation is analyzed. The- Ififluence 4~ ~ :, f1iietuational and Impulbe intbrferenoe on, _t.h.e 'A,uper- reRenwit - - ' ' ' ' ' midiwd miA~. 61 * *, bi 9110~ Wit receiver"I've .20%7 tl i , p t S of 11 10 4 it u tt to If 11 P a' b m 17 n A 10 11 w 13 ho Is a 1y v a a 41 a $i a L L. L f 4 j I AA 0 CC 0 ft v.,P_s l Fad of bIwow4m NOW-fropw slim 1) -4.45 2 (No. 4 WAb* it Ii-G of UK 4munoing dg*zjiw%tkxt in , "qwfqpwmth* nwiva wha Im"ama MVkq *nkf CONS-00111. MW ead,q moo v go ,jw j, oqm4V*a wM a cwrrvw *-PON I I * (" "0 * " 60'. Oft m CW.Off at dW W*A;W I the Ihmmi nAw of Off w - mabO& umd so dm" *0 j, "V. Th, Web* nLvm *b %Mkwo&rJ. and m Is Am" 1w 11W wwourmio 6 avloys - set Tim - Idom 10 1 1 in CILINMMw) dkm in a nammi fft so V,,xMd by tkmf Of nar'liet"I quefk+Mf tPA a OPMOM. DO 0 08 . u IS A. a a .1 It tAt to two a LW 4 6 as 0 sloe 0. 00 0 0 0 $00 0 0 0. -00-010 000 090 0 00 0 00 00-0 000 0 0 & 0 0 so** GUTKIN, L. S. Gutkin, L. ?c-*I.p "Theory of superregenerative Receivers" Loscow ~ o-.-;ur EnEij?,;-rinj~, Inctittlt SO: Radiotekhnikap No. 3, 1948;(~-2780lp 14 Sept. 1953) 04t I MIA I El'tstn, I.A. (Scientific Research physics Institute, Moscost State University), The disk arthod for the determination of dietoctric penetrability and the tangent of the angle of loss. 657-64 1, A rigorous theory for the case of a thin disk pieced in the center of 4 tuned Lecher system. The formlas that are obtained art used to calculate the dielectric perarability and loss (for wave leftth of 3M cm) for different dielectric&." Gutkin. L.S.. Basic relaticmn for diode frequency conversions W-38 "Basic relationships in diode frequency conversion are derived an the basis of re- sults of the general theory of frequency transformation. The conditions for obtain- ing maxiesas amplification are analysed on the basis of loading the conwerter with a single and double contour filter. The action of noise is snaiyzed 3nd coulitions of minimal noise production are investigated." T F /'.S. u6m/AaaO. ftoellmo' :apw.-- Jan regenerati've Radio Interference "Effect of Interference on a Superregezxerat~ve Receiverl" L S Gutkin, CandTechScl,) "Radiotekh" -gal _-TF N0,1 - Considers action of impulse Interference, consist- Ing of @Ingle and periodic impulses, on super- , regenerative receiver. Proves that superisisenera- tive receiver has better noise-liziter action during Impulse Interference than ordInaryreceiver. Makes gen-eral. conclusion an noise-limiter action. Guam, L. s. GUTKIN, L. S. -- "Theory and Desgin of Detectors in Radio-Receiving Equipillent.11 Sub 28 Apr 52, ~'Oscaw Order of Lenin Power Engineering inst imeni V' V' ~1010t0v (Disseratioz, for the Degreeof Doctor in Technical SLienceq) SO* Vechermaya Mosky4a January-December 1952 GUMIN, L.S. Preobrazovamie sverkhvysokikh chastot i detektirovanie (Transforriation of superhi[-,-h frequenci~-s and detection) V,oskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1953. 415 P. C S-3: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, Ilo. 5, Au.--,,ust 1954 3'. ',,He t=ccr OF L LE-:C17dm TfummaT TBIV 3.9 DIODE DETECWRII AND V11LQT) I-.NCY Cli &NGERS. qi =RK 3emingi p~tra Ild it, ud in tbo cas dirdes 3-.,7zd %ima-t fnzo f,,r ma ar'; ahaorl (14o L-vto-11,11 circuit', formuLie tire dtirlyed for injItif ccr& for thit f1vq arp ,plicat'an and for c,;itxvtm5Ea. ap(! no-&! NC*or for tho Second rt is than S117011 N'T thase alter a..! f-rc-quendes WILCIZ~electxca transic no lczi~zer ~,e negle,.,Acd. Vic effei-t f.11 of 101-E - d g:~in aild Isj- croaEo (il P.Maa, b~t the 5-amil, lwwi I.P., v RIU, with tq~" 011 = lrlevla). 11 i X- For Vie viddly of --ig"Or rteupunw~~y F't-va" perimid.31 dete-,ittratton d L-poratUh., comittlans la ccrii'J!,~~ed Li~, pr C-1 erabfc to th,% aw'Evrtcal n,.CthI-^,d dvnic rib~)(L Cd 4111,kIN, L' .3. "Determination of Nominal Power Amplification of Linear and :4iasillnear Quadri-joles," Pp 72-78, ill Abst.' The general formula for rated power a=11fication of a network is derived; specific cases -- common-cathode amplifier and common-grid aumlifier -- are examined. SOURCE: Trudy Mos~.-ovskogo Xne~getichaskofo In-ta im. V. K. Molotova (Works of the Moscow Energetics institute Imeni V. 14. Molotov), ho 21 -- Radio Engineering, Moscow-Leaingred, Gosenergol2dat, 1956 Sum 1854 USSR 14a,H%) :io-optio-I of J-~vt-s, 1-7 Abs Jour Zhizr 3, Author f-liz L.S. Ti tle in Uvt DoLee.,~ioii ot' Si[rrmls Orii; Pub Radiotoklinika I clodtronika, 1953G, 1, No 4, 4113-437 A~)s f-rac t'-':.e Vransionts in t.-.e detect-:-n of weak si::r"Is are analyzed. A a la 4 -'o rmu -s derived for the ~Iistortion of the envelope of a pulse r,,:' arbil trar.y z;har.e. Card 1/1 - SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1215 AUTHOR GUTKIN, L.S. TITLE __T1fe I-nte-r-a-cf-ion between Signal and Noise in an Inert Detector. PERIODICAL Radiotechnika, 11, fasc. 2, 43-53 (1956) Publ. 2 / 1956- reviewed 8 / 1956 Here the simultaneous detection of the voltages of the signal and of the noise through a linear inert detector is discussed. General relations: The voltage acting at the input of the detector is the sum of the momentary values of the voltages of the noise and of the signal. Because of the inertia of the detector the resistance of capacity must be low not only for the high-frequency- but also for the low frequency com- ponents of the current spectrum. Therefore, also the voltage at the RC-load of the detector must be constant. For this voltage a formula is derived by means of which the result of detection may be determined both if a signal is given and also if there is no signal. The detection of noise: The last mentioned formula is specialized for the case with lacking noise, i.e. with vanishing voltage usig, it is several times transformed and illustrated by means of a diagram. A further formula shows the increase of the rectified voltage on the occasion of transition from an inertialess to an inert detector. Next, a formula for the simulta- neou5 detection of a harmonic signal and of noise is given. In view of the fact that this equation can be solved analytically only in the case of a very high or very low value of the ratio (signal/noise), these two limit- Radiotechnika, 11, fase. 2, 43-53 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1215 ing cases are the first to be dealt with. In the case of very low values of this ratio the useful effect of detection in the inert and inertialess de- tector is proportional to the square of the ratio (signal/noise) at the in- put of the detector. In the case of any value of this ratio, the basic equation must be solved numerically. On thisbecasion the absolute amount of the rectified voltage in the inert detector'is higher, and the ratio of thin voltage to the noise voltage is lower than the corresponding quantities in the Inertialess detector. There follow deliberations concerning the constancy of the voltage at the RC-load, the input resistance of the detector for the voltages of the noise, and concerning the case with modulated signal. On this occasion the follow- ing conclusions result: a) With a,>>l (a denotes the ration signal/noise) an inert detector furnishes the same result as an inertialess one, because for the s i g n a 1 the detector is practically without inertia. b) With a