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sov/log-4-8-6/35 Ignition of Discharges in the Non-uniform Fields at Low Gas Pressures and the curves were taken for various depth$ h of the lower channel. The curves illustrating the breakdown voltages of configurations IV and V are given in Figures 5. From the investigation, it is concluded that, in non-uniform fields, when the two electrodes have a different shape, the breakdown voltage is strongly dependent on the polarity. Secondly, the breakdown voltage is determined not by the longest distance between the electrodes bit by the length of that path which meets the condition of the self-maintenance of the discharge* The electrical strength of the discharge gap, as the pressure is reduced, is limited by the field-emission phenomena which appear at the cathode when the field reachesE-.200-500 kV/cm. There are 5 figures and 5 Soviet references; one of the references is translated ftom English. WO, Card 3/4 SOV/109-4-8-6/3 Ignition of Discharges in the Non-un1form Fields at Low Zs Pressures ASSOCATION: Vsesoyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut im. V.I. Lenina (All-Union Electrotechnical Institute - imeni V.I. Lenin) L/ SUBMITTED: March 5, 1959 Card 4/4 G.V. ad AUTHORS: Y.L.. Luk~ymnov, . u-, I,. 3Lrot.nko Z.G. TITLIt _jj~~~O.d All-U.J.. a Gas Blectroul.s I 4L*kt1-ajk., 1959, 1.1 4, Wr , i tokhn k PSUODICALt RAdi USSR) 5B ( pp 133 - 13 ; Ac-So.US3R, the AwraAcT I Th. confer .... 0 --- organised by th: . t Ministry of Higher Education and Ho a. 3 tat. University. It was opened by ir"&n o f tile rgmal.lnij; connitt *; : h . Ni.n. D~rizlg the plenary .... L 4-A L* 9~ 1c:dc _Rj toar.r... a, a number of survey papers were delivered. .r_j.. A -high road a paper an "Production of Ultra plam..". ~ A survey of the optical method of measurements was given A r, by in th pap , y - Me AmhAtt I ti u . rT:,hmo!* ; .; : 3*Dr v..' . j ,.,* """ of the high-frequency method. f th . .-tion of stationary and non-stationary pi..- (a.. p 12441 I. this Issue 0 f the journal). N.Y. Fedoranko read a paper entitled wIani-ation and Crdl/.15 ~ao&* ~ ~tt4rLnX Ch~ng.Atomxic Colli.Ic..". deal with 'Clecientary Processes the t~ or 4ons in use-. A paper by To. Otdareu (Rumania) dealt with "The Role of the line tin' of !"a'. StAk2j_'_n_i.kOv considered the &I &gas of the 5- h*..i and the _4t P-.nt of park. (coroua-l*^d*r, -In , fin, ch-2 ). : i 11, t gnit n process.. ! rs.Isilly rarift.d Same.. .1 dis . .kd." Of . high-..Ou- gap vs. br f th "mobsolt we Th :r 11 dated pb Y.L. Or ... -kLy. i . : :. " ; , ation Of th . ' ,k, (U A) "pounded a th af L To 5 y . a 31 f thi jo-asi). 6 c , tLc tr s rants In a =arn .i_t p N An 4*xdot.~ R. JLo=p ( Zest rn Germany) described . n"b.r : : & experimento an non-stationary plasma conducted by of la 1"'i", b M. 3taftbock (Eastern G rama r...-Itsed theory or ' I d ill A--- Th. confer .0: w I t %4 d .. .:~ Th: first section was r ~.r I, y cm-.d with the elementary processes In gas discharge*. ; DIIOw`IAX Papers we- read in this emotions Transf mation of positive I... at. o : n Razi ied G...... f Ta. ' ogel. .1th V. -AQkM"jq"_.^. D.V. Pitipociw C t a ;C. And Los. Al.ctro.. D-Ld Ch. P t Atoma of Carbon and Hydrogen with the Molecules or - --~o at .2. ,- :o or 1 , I! of Hydrogen D%Wjag Cc IOm . _111, 'd Tit-5- alar_~X~- "C:Piure Cross-..cti... .1" j or Blectroom in Multlc~srz one In Inert Q...... At 1. - r~p I of the R:chrglog in Certain Games -d metal Y.Pur. O.S. Fir.or - .Qualitative or Inelastic ZilCif-u-1i - Ato. , - ~Y9xkaTA_x "Rff:c;ive Excitation Cr ...... cti." of the _ - .l Line. of POA ... I--- ."d - A~ ': R-11- of In. S- E C.rd3/1 A.Pj .. tInyy ad _S.H. JSLft~- 5 = Investigation of the optical F ctions Or the 9x.Lt.tion Deads of & Negative sy.t.... A.A. V CQWYr ad A.G. , Scattering . . X r th Z-, ;,- I -nt On 'hAmb r. Th - :"c"d motion a. pr..Ld.d -- by O.N. KiY-1f.I'd And am devoted to the praillms or tile electrical break down In rarigi.d gas.. ad in IlLsh v-um. Tile f.Il.wj.' ra re read In this -.ctL.nt p p : .:m Gr ._rfLIisan9v And 'gLactr-tatic C;ntrol of the Ignition or GIO-JLsQhArX* Tub,sw(mm. p 22716.rthe J. --I). PtItay" At a" war& cOuc1ru1J litts the Ut,akdowle tiLfh-1-It-go mercury ro4tifl,r p 1278 of the jo.raal . 1-ftr Ignition of th,e Dt,cjj,rS, in Mon-unif_ M- : I . n. Gas ( .. p !L60 of the jouroal). A.5. .-d 3.N. 11 rf. d- Tile Discharge , Between a Point And A PI-n- At G- Pr....,.. or 10"3 ame HE.. -- -------- AP4010309 *100"164VMA0lA14lA146 AUTHOR: Guseva, L.O. TITLI: Influence of Individual ols"stary proosesep an the chwmateristica of high voltage discharges ffisport, 5 an nd All-Union Conference an the Physics of Zlectro- nic and Atomic Collisions hold In Ushgorod, 2-9 Ootj'"27 SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Seri3~*'hxicheskaya,, no.1, 1964, 141-146 _TOPId'TAGS: high voltage discharge' discharge mechanism, electric b.reakdown, resti- tution coefficient, electron prb0u~tlon, ionization, electron reflection, multiple ionization,'- electron multiplication ABSTRACT:- Many aspects of the mechanism of high vottage dischax*ei is still ob- scure~. It is often assumed that' only two processes:lare significint where ignition of &-discharge under the conditionalcorresponding t6-theFleft-hand,branch of the Paschen' curve are concerned, namely, ionization of the gas in the gap by primary electrox a and gamma processes on'the cathode, Howe*er. analyses'-cirried out by the author'indicate that these two processes alone do not satisfactorily explain the behavior of high voltage discharges.i There must alto be considered the contributim Card 1/3 min AP40 10309 from Ionization by positive-ions, charge exchange, additional Ionization produced .by electrons reflected from the anode and by electron ejected froet the atone of the gas in the process of primary ionization. The probable roles of these different processes in high voltage discharges are estimated by evaluating the electron restL- tutIon (multiplication) coefficients associated with these processes. Specifically, calculations are carried out for the coefficients connected with the Ionization of the gas by the primary electrons, the ionization produced by electrons released tm atom Ionized by primary electrons and ionization produced by electrons reflected from the anode. The values of the calculated electron restitution coefficients are tabulated for the cases of high voltage discharges In nitrogen and mercury vapor. It is concluded that the production of now electrons in the discharge gap due to reflection of electrons from the anode is often comparable to and sometimes greater than,the.effect of primary elec~-.rons. The fact that the effect of reflection of electrons from.the anode may be significant in the Ignition of high voltage dis--t- charges to also indicated by studies of the influence of the material of the anode on the breakdown voltage. 'the author is grateful to Prof.B.H.Klyarfei'd for valu- abLe advice and suggestions in the course of carrying out the invowtigation.0, 7 formulas, 3 tables and 2 figures. 2/3 card AP4010309 ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyum)0y elektrotekhnichoskiy lastitut ImN.I.Lanins. (All-Union Electric Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 1OFeb64 ZMCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH NR REP SOV: 005 007 Card 3/3 EOF IN' n)-2/2"IR/En-A (w)_21Z,3C &_;p (b) IJO(o)_ _JD ACCESSION IfR- AP5005233 AUTHOR- Klyarfol'd, V.N.: Gusova. L.G. 1 4 r ?5 TITLE. On the. nature. of -the -pos itive qurrent-wvolta~d chara6t6rist a:!ot. v lov S sure. eleotric, discharge ;2 3o6 . SOURCE- Zhurnal telchnichoskoy-fiziki, ~v.~5,: 0* TOPIC TAGS: gas discharge, glow d Ischarge, pl"ma low prasp~re did-hargg halium argon -111gh-voltage discharges in a betifei6n. pit, xrb_oni7~,d AD.~TRACT:: holiuk ~d.argon.~ AD V. iron el2ctrodes were investigated experimentally and. th6 r4a~j'IU ~T- i ~jr~ haliun at.0.08 mm lfg with 8 m electrode saparation are A 3 the ,presented; graphically. t: low eurre~~ potential-rom.^tined*constant-at 4.6 Wj~ but w1hen: tlte~ cuktont:. roacheti A cartain! I threshold the potential increased, and plasma could, be observv in! the vicinii~,:of 1 the anode. Wi "I h further increase of current the plasma layar~~becaivt thlckar,4d ;I_jhe potantial continued to rise, This increasa* In, potent iMl to tha;.09-~ fpctive debrease in the length of tho discharge gap as mora 9-1 the' Interclectrode apace becomes oocupied by essentially equipotential plasma. The thlc-Luiass of the Qrdl/2 ~_-L 41e!42_65 ACCESS 1011~ NR: AP5005233 j 'plasma at the anode and the potential dro p weri:~ measured as _.*ictipn~s ot lie pros t wuro for fixed current and electrode ;Spacing.. Fiorl the :resulli ing the 1-14-t0! of -the ion ow-rent, -to the - elee'ron curront was estimated an&140und to be smaLl -coneltded -that -the hic 4-ria anod(i From this-it is pii~_ - at- thc.' arid the anomalous- glow discharge area "qualitatively Idqntiaa3..:, d~'~fUoriftg oul in., the ratio of -he ion to the olectron-curIvont. As this:ratia, -the _pot_(Ik_iiI drop approaches- a 11miting value. This is ascribed either,ioii ~Caki.1:11 - -an i;I the! =ti j negative glow plasma or to a shif t oi the position ot maxim'Wt potwitLal in thd nn~- ode plasina toward the region of the cathode drop. "V.V.VjasoV, A.Y,,~.J~tljj.kov ItIld 14 Z..Shapiro- articipated in the experimental portion of the 4 figures. -ASSOCIATION. Vsesoyuznyy Elektrotakliniche Uy"nstitut ImVV.:)'4Laniin;L 011-Uni~,n i Electrotechnical InstAute) .30jl:pr64,---.-- --EIM-L:__OO NR REP SOV: 003 MMER:' 004 Card f ~4 ACC NR3 AP6013126 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/004/0704/071:1 AUTHOR: Klyarfel Id,,B.N.; Guseva, L.G.; Pokrovskaya-Soboleva,A.'s, ORG: All-Union Blectrotechnical Institute im. Vtl,Leninjlos~aw (Vaesoyuznyy elek- trotekhnichoskiy institut) TITLE: Glovi disAarge at low pressures and current densities up to 0.1 A/cm2 SOURCE! Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 4, 1966, 704-73.3 ,TOPIC TAGS:, glow discharge, hydrogen, nitrogen, neon# laon, gam discharge,plasmal A13STRACT: Current-voltage characteristics of glow discharges between plane parallel electrodes in H21 W21 NO, and Ar have been measured at voltages Xrom 0.2 to 30 XV, currents from 10-9 to 10 A. and values of the pd product (pressure times electrode distance) corresponding to the left-hand branch*, the miniumm, and n portion.of the right-hand branch, of the Paschen curve. The diameter of the electrodes was.always greater than the distance between them, and care was taken to assure purity of the gases and to avoid distortion of the curves due to thermal effects. The high curren*i .7 discharges were pulsed, tho data being recorded on the fall of the pulse. measure- ments at intermediate currents by both the pulse and continuous techniques gave con- cordant results. Many of the recorded current-voltuge characteristics are present Praphically, and they are discussed at some length. Glow discharges are classigied I nto three groups, for which there are proposed the following designations: Simple UDCt 537.525 Card 1/2 L 28485-66 ACC NR, AP6013126 (or Simplest) Glow Discharge; Dense Glow Discharge; and Normal Glow Discharge. 7be simple glow discharges comprise the Townsend dischargei which Is thus regarded as a kind of glow discharge, and the high voltage discharge; they are characterized by absence of space charge between the electrodes and a potential that is independent of the current over a very wide range. The dense glow discharges are characterized by increase of the voltage with increasing current, decrease of the voltage (at constant current) with increasing value of the pd product, and the presence beyond the cathode fall region of plasma, the potential of which is close to that of the anode and which exhibits a typical negative glow. In the normal glow discharge the potential is almost independent of the value of -the pd product) the curront density at tho.cathodo is nearly indopandont of tho current (and not proportional to it as in the simple and dense glow discharges), and a negative glow plasma fills only part of the inter- electrode region. As the current is increased at low pressures a simple glow dis- charge passes directly into a dense glow discharge; at higher pressures there is an intermediate range in which the glow discharge is normal. It is suggested that it may prove necessary to introduce further new terms to describe the still insuffici- ently investigated glow discharges for values of the pd product exceeding 100 mm lig x cm. V,V. Vlasov, A.Ye.Kulikov, and A.T.Pavlova participatvd in the experimental 'work. Orig, art, hab: 7 figures.' SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 16Jul65 ORIG, REF, 005 (YW REF: 008 Card 2/2 1 2, ~-3 r ACC NR: AP60187,46 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/006/1140/1143 ~AUINOR: Udris, Ya. Ya.; Gusova L Q.i __Phornov, V,A. 57 f........ . ORG: All-Union Blectrotechnical Institute im. V,I.Lenint'..Moscow (Vsesoyuznyy elektro- tekhnichoskiy Institut) i TITLE:(ka some propeiLl--)s of a high voltage hollow anode glow discharge SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fisikip v. 36, no. 6, 1960, 1140-1143 TOPIC TAGS: glow Oisc]Large, electric discharge, electrode, hollow anode, air, inert gas ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated high voltage (3 to 25 kV) glow ddcharges In air and different inert gases at pressures from 0.001 to 0.1 am Hg ind -currents from 0.0001 to I A between 6 'to 35 cm diameter plane cathodes and plane or hollow anodes of the same diameter (the hollow anodes were from 15 to 100 cm deep). 7be current distribution on the plane end of a hollow anode waa the same as on a plane anode,thus confirming the conclusion of G.W,.McClure (Phys.Rev., 124, 696, 1961) that the glass tube confining the discharge in the case of plane electrodeslbecomes charged to ap- proximately the anode potential and so gives rise to conditions approximating those within a hollow anode. The discharge curront was found to be focused onto'.tho central portion of the plane end of the hollow anode. The current to the cathode surface, on the other hand, was not concentrated in the central region of the electrode, the Cqrd 1/2 UDC! 537.525 L 41005-66 ACC NR; AP6018746 current density was actually somewhat lower in the center of the cathode than at sow distance from the center. 7be focusing of the current on the anode and its defocusing! on the cathode were enhanced by a longitudinal magnetic field. The enhancement of the current focusing duo to the field of a short solenoid depended strongly on the axial position of the solenoid. Particles were withdrawn from the discharge region through holes in the electrodes. Difficulty was experienced with discharges through the openings in the electrodes when the pressure In the regions beyond the electrodes was the same as in the interelectrode region, but such discharges could be avoided by maintaining a low pressure in the regions beyond the electrodes. From measurements of the particles withdrawn from the discharge region through holes in the electrodes it was concluded, in agreement with the findings of McClure (loc.cit.) and D.Kamko and F.W.Richter (Ann, d. Physo~ 10l 3609 1963)v that 75-90%7.of the energy of the hollow anode discharge is carried by the electron current to the anode. The authors thankl.V,L,Gra (deceased) and B.N,Klyarfelld for val"ble advice and dis- cussions. Or has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20,0S/ SM DATE: 22Oct65/ OR1G.R1Wz 003/ OTH RV: 002 I. GUSFVA, L. 1. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Moths 7. Some data on the b1olo&r of the moth. a raw fur nest. Trudy VNIO. no- 10, 1951. 9. Monthl jistaf Russian Accessions, Library of Congreez, Febru 1953. Unclassified. WOMYANOV, A.H.;GUSEVA, L.I.;TMONOVA, L.I.;ZABCRSKIY, A.K. _a Chemical state of atoms resulting from nuclear transformation@. Dokl.AN SSSR 103 no.6:1041-lo43 Ag 155. (KLRA 9:1) 1.Hoalwynkiy gosudarstyenW univernitat beeni M.Lomonoxava. Predstavleno akad*mikcm A I.YrwWVu. (;Zto&hOMI�try) , Category : USdR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei c-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3216 Author : Guseva, L.I., Filippava) K.V., Gerlit, YU.B., Druin, V.A., MyasFy-e-dov, B.F., Tarantin, N.I. Title Experiments on Obtaining En and Fm with a Cyclotron. Orig lk-kb Atom. energiya, 1956, No 2, 50-54 Abstract Report of production of transplutonian elements by bombarding U with nuclei of N and 0. Quintupli-charged ions of N and sextuple-charged ions of 0 were accelerated with a cyclotron having a magnet with pole diameters of 150 cm. The transplutonian elements were deparated by the fluoride method using Ia as a carrier. The half lives and the energies of the q particles were measured with the aid of photographic plates and an ionization chamber with a spherical electrode. The quin- tuple-charged ions of N were obtained in a specially developed slit-type source. The energy of the N ions at the maximum radius was 105 Mev, and the ion current was 5 X 10-7 amp. Irradiation of U by N ions produced the isotope En.2117, identified by the value of T and by the energy of the ,.-z, particles. Sextuple-charged 0 ions were obtained by "stripping" double-charged 0 ions on molecules of the residual gas in the cyclotron Card 1/2 Category USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Ruclei c-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3216 chamber. The maximum energy of the accelerated 8extuple-charged ions of 0 at the maximum radius was 120 Mev. The current of ions with energies exceeding 100 Mev was 3 X 10-9 amp. The isotope Fm was ob- tained by exposing U to ions of 0 and was identified by the value of T and by the energy of the-4 particles. Several hundriAs of atoms each of isotopes of Cf, Bk, and Cm were separated by the chromatographic method. Card 2/2 i~- 41~ r r1 U. G T, Yu. B., 'V, -n. F. GUETh L I KLIII~ UVA, K. V. , FL -"V and Ta.%`:T1 I. (Acad. O'ci. TUSISR~ "Mass Distribution of Fission Fragments Formvited by Nitrogen Ions on Gold and Uranium Nuclei," paFfir submitted at the A-U Conf. on " clear Retictions in -'edium and T OW er 4~u gy Plkvsics, MOSCOW, 19-27 Nov 57. 56-2-4/47 ~WTHOR GERLIT, Yu.D., GUS"-JA L.T.. MWOYJMDV,B.F., TARANTIN, N.I., FILIPFOVA, K.i., , ~RW TITLE Yield of Californium isotopvb. ivi,outiced in t.),e inLeraction between Carbon Isotopes and Urani-Lun Nuclei (Vykhody isotopov kaliforniya. v reaktsiyakh waimodeystviya IDnov ugleroda s yadrami urana. Russian) PMIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i leoret. -Viziki 1957, liol 33, ';r 2 (8), 1,1, 33? - 342 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT In a 67 cm cyclotron rour-fold charged carbon ions are acaierated tip to go ~LeV. Vlith this energy they inpinge upon a thick uraiiilm target and cause the reaction U(C, n)Cf. The absolute yields per impinging carbon ion and the following reactions are: U239 (G-'", 4n) Cf 246 1,5 - 10-9 U239 W", 5n) Cf 245 3,0 . 10-9 U239(c 6n) Cf 244 9 . lo-11 The fissioning of uranium bombarded with carbon was found to be 3~8 . 103 times more probable than the 2pvaporation process of neu.- trons from the intermediary nucleus Cf ~O . AUTHORS: Tarantin, 1'. 1., Oerlit, Yu. 11.,_1VuzeYaj L. 1., 56-2-7/51 Myasoyedov,' B. F. , Fili'ppova, K. V. TITLE: The Mass Distribution of Fission Products 2roduced by the Irradiation of Gold and Uranium by Nitrojen Ions (Raspredelaniye po massam produktov deleniya, obrazuyushchikhsya pri obluchenii zolota i uraaa ionami azota) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheakoy Fizil:i, 1958, Vol 34, Nr 2, PP 316-321 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present rork investiCates the mass spectrum of the fission fragments of radon and einsteiniu2 uhich are formed in the irradiation of jold and uranium with nitrogen ions. First the ex-.ierimental method is disclissed. Gall- and uranium plates of a thickness of 30 p were irradiated with five-times char-ed nitro-en ions from a slit source at the inner ray of an 150 cm cyclotron. The ezierU of the nitrogen ions was 11.5 ?A---V. After the dissolution of the irradiated tar-et the different radioactive elements on the Card corresponding carriers were dissolved. The radioactive 1/3 The Mass Distribution of Fission ProductsProduced by the 6) - 2 - 7 /5 1 Irradiatiun of Gold and Uranium by Nitro"en Ions 0 isotopes were identified accordinC; to their half life. The relative yields of the nuclei identified this Nvay are listed in a table. A aiau-ra~-, shows the vields of t.-.e nuclei k;iven in this table an a function of t,,.(., ~,:ass number A. The inain part of the yield of fission products is concentrated within a comparatively narrow interval of mass numbers. The yield of fission fragments increases rather C;reatly with an increase of the class number froi 7o to loo, and with still greater mass numbers it decreases to the same extent. From the experimental values of the yields of single nuclei the total yields of tile correspondint,: mass series (massovaya tsepochka) were computed. The additional taking into account of the yields of nuclei not identified in these experiments changes only little the character of the distribution of experimental points. The curve of the distribution of fission fragments in relation to -the mass with the values & - 85 to 115 has tile shape of a narroyr peak with a half width of about 2o mass units. The yields of Ga72,73, Se123, Sb122 and the yields of thu aeries of decays corresponding to these nuclei do not coincide with the monotonous course Card 2/3 of tile curve and are a little greater as normal. About 2o The Mass Diatribution of Fission Products PrDduced by thle 56-2-7/51 Irradiation of Gold and Uranium by Hitroggen Ions different isotopes were identified anions; the fission products forming in the irradiation of uranium with nitro,-,en ions. The yields of the accumulateO nuclei are collected in a table. The fission of nuclei under the action of heavy particles can be represented by the followine scheme: Formation of a compound muclaus, emission of neutrons and fission. The half width of the curve of the distribution of fission fragments on the mass is considerably smaller in the fission of radon than in the fission of einsteinium. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and lo references, 4 of which are sl~:-vic. SUBMITTED: August 2o, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of ConGress 1. Gold-Irradiation 2. 3. Nitrogen ions- Applications 4. Isotopes-Detemirw-tion Card 3/3 GUSEVA, L.I. (Moskva); OVECHKIN, B,,I. (Moskva) --------- _-, Atomic X-ray scattering on solid solutions of copper and nickel. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk Met. i topl. no.2-.82-85 Kr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:6) U rays--Scattering) (Copper-nickel allo7s--Ketallographr) 5(2) SOVI/'18-4-9-38/44 kUTHORB: Grigorlyev, A. T.y Guseva, L. I., Sokolovskaya, Ye. 26., Maksimova, M.V. TITLE: On Polymorphous Transformations of Chromium in Alloys With Tantalum PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, fir 9, pp 2166-2169 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The cooling curve for liquid chromium determined by N.A. Nedumov (Ref 4) exhibits, in the vicinity of the very distinct maximum corresponding to the crystallization temperature, a second maximum which relates to the transition of chromium into another modification at 18150. By means of microscopic, thermalp and X-ray analyses the chromium-tantalum alloy was investigated in the range rich in chromium after hardening; The location of the solidus and the lizits of solubility of Ta in Cr were checked. 16300 was found to be the temperature of transition between the modifications E and d . In contrast with the data obtained by N. Grant (Refs 1, 2) it was found that immediately after freezing chromium does not possesd a face-centered but a cubic body-cenUred Card 1/2 On Polymorphous Transformations of Chromium in SOV/78-4-9-38/44 Alloys-With Tantalum crystal lattice, which is in agreement with the fact that a continuous series of solid solutions of chromitun and e-iron form. There are 1 figure and 4 references, 1 oY which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova Kafedra obahchey khimii (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov, Chair of General Chemistry) SUBMITTED: January 12, 1959 Card 2/2 210) SOV/56-2/6-j2-17/71 M AUTHORS: Volkovp V. V., Gunevii, L. I., Pasyul A. 3 i12 Filippova, K. V. TITLE: The Production Cross Sections for Californiurr. Isotoi)es by the Irradiation of U238 With Accelerated Carton Ions (Secheniya obrazovaniya izotopov kaliforniya rri obluchenii U238 uskorennymi ionami ugleroda) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 3, pp 762-765 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of the irradiation of heavy elements with multi- charged ions compound nuclei are formed, Yhicn decay aEain as the result of fission or neutron evaporation. Important conclusions may be drawn with respect to new transuranium synthesis from the ratio of the two decay processes in ciepen- dence on the excitation energy.and the parameters of the com- pound nucleus. In the present paper results obtained concern- ing the energy-dapendence of the cross sectiorio of the reactions ard 1/3 U238(C12 , 4n -5n) Cf246-245 238 13 246-245 (cf. alBo references 1-3) U (C , 5n - 6n)Cf are discussed. The +4612 and _'_4C 13-ions were accelerated on SOV/'J:',- -31 - 5-17/71 The Production Cross Sections for Californium Isotopes b7 the Irradiation of U238 With Accelerated Carbon Iona the 150 cm. cyclotron of the AS USSR up to 76 and 84 1.1ev re- spectively (with an accuracy of 31,16). Energy measurement was carried out by absorption in aluminum, measu-_-ement of the ion flux on the target was carried out by means of an inte.-rator (0.2 - 0.3 pa). The results obtained byhese measurements are given in figures 1 and 2 in form of diagrams. Figure 3 allows the cross section of the reaci-lons (C12, 4n - 5n) and (C13 . 5n - 6n) referred to -the total production cross section far the comnound nucleus in dependonce on excitation energy. Each of the curves shovis a characteriTtic maximum. The shift- ing of the maximum of the reaction (C 2 , 5n) towardo that of the reaction (C13' 5n) iO assumed to be due to an inaccuracy of ion energy measurement. For the connection between the decay probabilities and the cross sections it holds that 0n = at(i ntWn + Tjf))n 0 = total cross section of the nauhron emisuion reaction in n the case of a fj,,i-ven energ,'r.6f = cross section for the formation Card 2/3 of a compound nucleus at 'the 3LMe onergy. n = averag ,e number 11/56--'6-3-17/71 The Production Cross Sections for Californium Ijotope~ by the Irradiation of U238 With Accelerated Carbon Ions of emitted neutrons. Wn = probability of neutron Wf = fission Drobability; (W denoteo t.-ie mean value) .:inl-wf for californium is - 1/4 and varies only little in the interval of the excitatian oneru Of 35 - 55 ~10v. Cf2,16 ' r f '3. Wn/'Wf for (4n -- '5~1) is '-_' 1/2 and fo C ""'On - 6n) The authors finally thank Professor G. N. Flerov for super- vising work, and they- also thank the cyclotron to,--im i,,nilor Yu. 71J. Pustovoyt and L. K. Tarasov for their collaboration in the chemical part of this work. There are 3 figures and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: September 16, 1958 Card 3/3 GUSEVA, L.I.; MYASOYNDOV, B.F.; TARANTIN, N.I.; FILIPPOVA, K.Y. Cross sections of the formation of CM 240 by the radiation of Th 232 with C12 alA c13 ions. Zhur.okup.1 teor.fiz- 37 no.4: 973-977 0 '59. 04IRA 13:5) (Curium-Isotopes) (Thorium-Inotopes) (Carbon-Isotopes) GUSEVA, L.I. Obtaining female lines of cucumbers. Sbor. trud. zinp. i Mol. nauch. sotr. VIR no.5tlll-ll3 164. (MIRA 18:3) e; ii z,j ~-%,oprecipitation of "WCke an cmmt-j, tnalsturni Ana ztac IN t iththen t I MIMV 0Wk en admao up, ZT_-i_ Aliniarin, it( nev, and AfCchenykh Olnev v lial. Xh*MW-tr,1d-_=0 S.S.S.R., Iasi. Cicakkint, i Anal. Mat. IQSS, 1,~-23; cf. C-4. 4T. 469&-t.-Copptn. of these metals with members of tile 1\1 and V groups was studied with the aid of Ntn", M,", Zn and TI-44. Pptn. with 11-S vms carried obit in 0.3N acid solns. , Tn the sohis. contg. Ni there was 101. -f Ni and tile Ni:M ratio ums 1:58, The Afn solns. contained III y Ain -anti the'.1,1n;*M ratio wits 1:49. NI and Mn coppid. only slightly with tile sulfides, except fit tile vasca of Bils, anti SnS, where coppm. of Ni was 1.24 and 2.80%, resp., and HgS and Sit% where coppta. of Ma was 1.0 and 1,5 resp., in the TI-contg. sohis. There was 2.00 -( and the'Tl:1,,1 ratio was 1:6.95 X 101. Copptn. in these sollis. was very high, co ptn. was smallest with Ag,S (2S.0) and highest p (96.0%) with H&S in. soins. where the mol. ratio of Tltht was 1*1 copptn. was appreciably smaller; - in these sollis. coprtn. was smallest (1.9 and 2.0% with HgS and A&S, resp.) and h1glic-st (48.2%) with As,%,~ The Zrx whis. con- tained 660 -1 of Za and the Zn:M ratio was 1- 12. WItenthe HtS was passed at the mine rate as fit jlt~ other eipts. (50-430 bubbles/min.) cfjpptn. of Zn was small and re;1ched "i Ile with US and 100 wtthS,,S,- ing was raised to 500 cc./min. the coppta, of Zn went tip from 7.0 to W d0,' with CdS from 10.0 to 47.7170 with SnElt, from 0.8 to 4i.i.t with HgS'. and froin 0.4 to 11 with Bit%. Copptn. with CuSt PbS, Agtq, AsA, arlif Sb,'q, remained unaffected. Delay between pptu. anti filterijt97 caused more Zn to be pl)td. with US. In changing tiltz acidity between 0.05 and 0.41V the anit. of Zo copptd. with _.S~S and SnSj dropped with inercusing acidity. M-J1oVJ6#,.v&' ~01' dcqdoa of souse surface-"ic dyes by. iqmtaw caurse of their a"; N. A. Ruilnev and L, 1. Gusevis ~J 2V. 1. Vernadskil Inst, Gcochetn. and Anal. Cf-rnr,-XfWV' 1. U.S.S.R., Moscow). Zhap. A#W. Khi*. 11, 44-64 (1956),-The adairption ota dye (neutrid red) by frahly ptd. and ikgcd amtst xulfidcs was studied with the vkw of elucidating the structure of suMde ppts. and the ehanges t~tat they may undergo with thne. Into a IW-wJ. dask were addR a solo.-Of the-M-etal "LIU Sucli-114IMantitY(hat the sulfide ppt. would be 0.1 X., IICI (1, 1) tv tuake it O.3N, 10 mt. of 0.5% sots. of neutral red, and lfjO to a total vol. of IW tW. The dask was pUced in a thermostat at 28- and afur 10 win. HaS -vas passed for 5 suln, at Approx. .ce.lmhs. To the &e wis then addtd 10 mt. 11*0 sat& with HDS mud shaken I w 20 adn. After definite tiam Inter- vals 3-5 mt. of solo. was centrifuged and the amt. of dye senizining was cktd. calorimetrically. In 4nother series of cxpts. the dye was added after ppta., In which am It was Udded after psasial; HaS and to place of tile 10 ml. 1410 patd. with H.S. Mter 36 rain. the Woos, vAsarplion w" by Ass%, 97,217g; lean by HgS. PUB. SuSj, and 111*%, 40.0, 44.0, 48.8, and W.0%, -p.; mud In between were COS, A&S; and Sbv%. 79-0, 58,2, and 60.4%. resp. Withrespect to t1rue the suirides were divided itito 3 voops:, the adauep., tion of dye by HgS, Discl, sbkl%. and SA fi!crcm" with ti=; adsorption Y CuS tutcl AW dccm2scd with titce; and "Asmption by CdS. PbS. and A%Sp rcrmained practically the same. Ad*wptica by Hc, Cu. and As sulfides was not a(. feettil by the time when the dye was added. Thu4 the aging of these sulfides Is " affected by the dye. An lit- crease or decrease lit the amt. of dye ad*mbcd an 60 1 attributed to cibnottation or aggregation of tht x2de with thuc. An elmtrott-micrukow study of All.% Sn!6 CuS, As.%, and Sb&% gets shuwed Own t~ have a-purm.. cellular structure. The structure of Ag~S was (lemqtr OUL11 thatol the othersulfi&3; PI)SuiitlCdSliaditclyst.sourtmfu. Id. 11(M-11 AVRAKENKO, L.F.; VILENSKIY, Tu.B.; GUSEVA, L.K.; IVANOV, B.M.;POCHINOK, V.Ta.; ST39MUMIKOVA, Stabilizing effect of thiazolotetrazoles and tatrazolobeazo- thiazoles on silver chloride photographic emulsions. Zhur.nauch. i prikl.fot.i kin. 5 no.4:2~4-295 Jl-'Ag 160. (KIRL 13:8) 1. Gosudarstvenuyy universitet Kiyev, Filial Hauchno-isaledovatell- skogo kino-fotoiastituta, Shostka i inatitut kino-inshenerov, Leningrad. (Photographic emulsions) (Tetrazole) BLOOVA. V.A.; PLOTNIKOVA, N.V.; VOLKOV, N.M.; SYSOYNA. A.V.; AVDINW, P.P.; aTSEYMAN, Kh.A.; RODINA, P.M.; GUSEVA, L.L.-, KAKMISKIT, V.I., red..; BYKOV, A.H., (Economy of Tambov Province; a s%atiqt1Cal manual] Narodnoe khoziai- stvo Tambovskoi oblasti; statisticheskii abornik. (Tambov] lid-vo "Tambovskais pravda," 1957. 187 P. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Tabmovekaya oblast'. Statisticheskoye upravlenlye. 2. Statieti- cheakoye upravleniye Tambovskoy oblasti (for all except Kamenekiy. Bykov). 3. Nachallnik Statiaticheekogo upravioniya (for Namenakiy) (Tambov Province--Statistics) GUSEVA, L.L., (Moskva) Clinical picture of dystrophic myotonia. :16 no.9193-97 S 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Iz nerrologicheakov kliniki (zav. - prof. Iq,A. Ponova) Koskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo imitituta imeni Vladimirskop.n. (my6TCNIA, ASTROPHICA, clin manifest, (Rug)) , GUSEVA, L.L. ------&h--~~acteristics of massage in hemiplegia of vascular origin. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 26 no-4:312-315 JI-A 161 (MYR~ 1;:l) 1. Iz otdeleniya fizioterapii i lechebnoy fizichaskoy Rulltury (zav. dotsent N.P.Krylov) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo klinicheskogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo. (PARALMIS) (MASSAGE) GUSVVA, L.L., nauchnyy sotrudrlik Massage in spastic paralysi3. Mod. sestra 21 n-j-5:53-56 My 162- (MIRA 15:5) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezney Moskovskogo oblastnago nauchno- issledovatellskogo klinichaskago instituta imeni m.F.nadimirskogo, 14oskva. (MASSAGE) (PARALYSIS, SPASTIC) SDMOV, V.A.; GUSEVA, L.L.; SMIPMOVA, G.G. (Moakva) Clinical picture and morphology of defects of de"lopnen' of the blood vessels of the spinal cords"VbP. neirokhir,26 no.58 22-25 S-0062 I(MIR9 17t4) 1. KII-nika nervnykh bole2ney i patomorfolog-Icheakogo otdela Oblastnogo nauchno-isaledovateliskogo instituta imeni M.T. Vladimirskago, Hoskva. * SEMIOV.0 V.A.; IOFFH, Yu.A.; GUSEVA, L.L. Clinteal aspects of Dera=ls syndrme. 26 no.12:102- 106 D 162, (MMA l6s2) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolemey (zav. IoM. GDrtachaft) Mookovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-isoledovatellskogo klinicheakogo Instituta imet4 M.V. Yladimirskogo (dir. - zasluzhwm7y vrach FWM PeNo Imonimko). ~ (CORFUMCS) SEM, NOV, V.A.; GUSEVA, L.L.; IOFFL, Yu.A. Clinical aspects of Ifelkernson-Hosentiml uyndrome. Zhxtr. nevr. i peM. 62 ,c.2:2734176 162. (141RA 15:6) 1. Klinika iiervnykh bolozney (zav. U-11. Gorbacheva) Noskovskogo oblastnogo nauclino-is.-,IcdrvL,-tt-l:.5kc.-Eo Idinicheskoso instituta imeni M.F. VladLrdrskogo, (PARALYSIS, FACIAL) %EDEMA) 1 (TONGUZ---DISEA.'~E'L; )' - G.US EVA IL. L. Exercise therapy in postlnsult, motor disordera. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt 29 no.1:8-11-1 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney (zav.- pro.f. N.A. Popova) I otdeleniye fiziloterapil i lechebnoy fizicheskoy kulltury (ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti zaveduyushchogo Ye.O. Chernomordik) Moskovskogo oblastnogo klinicheskogo instituta imeni M.F. Vladimirskogo (dir. P.M. Loonenku), i'l, Ij kho 65 13 Vedr-, Kv kc-linyk-In i v(,, . I 7; of. -3 .1 !3a b'~ Ir'. n, "-.%i mc STOYANOV, B.G.; SEMENOV, V.A.; GUSEVA, L.L.; IOFII,, Yu.L. Melkers son- Rosenthal syndrome. Sov. med. 28 no.K;61-67 0 '65. (MIRA 18: 11) 1. Kafedra. koztinykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav.- prof. B.M. Pashkov) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo stomatologicheskego instituta i klinika nervnykh bolezney (zav.- prof. F.A. Poyemnyy) Moskovskogo oblastnogo klinJcheskogo institu"a imeni Vladimirokogo (dir.- P.M. Leononko). 19.36- Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, N r 2, p 6 (USSR) AUTHORS: Pevzner, M.L., Guseva, L.M. TITLE: The Formation of Magnetic Amalgams in the Amalgamation Process (Obrazovaniye magnitnykh amal'gam v protsesse aniallgai-natsii) PERIODICAL: Kollyma, 1957, Nr 7, pp 38-39 ABSTRACT: A study was made of the principles of formation of a magnetic amalgam. It was established that the cause of the formation of a magnetic amalgam is the medium. During inO~rnal amalgamation of the concentrates in vats without any CaO or Na0l-I (i.e., in an acid medium) and when Cu ions were present in the liquid portion of the Pulp, a so-called "iron amalgam" formed which, in addition to an Au amalgarn, contained a considerable quanLitv (up to 50%) of amalgamated particles of copper-clad Fe, as a result of which the iron amalgam acquired magnetic properties. To avoid losses of the extracted metal the magnetic fraction had to be treated with HN03 ; the Fe scrap, which was obtained during the finishing treatment by the amalgams, had to be collected and treated separately. The CaO concentration in the liquid portion of the pulp was as high as Card 1/ 1 0.15%. A. Sh. 1. Amaigams-Xagnetic-Formation 2. Amalva-mation processes-A pr,21- cations ..GUS11VL-1-M1; SOKOLOV, B.K.; KRASIN, A.G.; LTSMKO, A.K.; MMO`ZOV, G.A., red. Clor high corn yields] Za vyaokle urozhai kukuruzy. Knizhnaia red.gazaty "Noygorodskata pravda,w 1960. (corn (maize)) Novgorod, 59 P. (MIRA 14:12) VORONOV, B.G.; GUSEVA, L.M. Spectrum analycis of deposited high "ed steel- Avtom. svar. 16 no.U-.84-85 D 163. (MIRA 1'7-. 1) VORONOV, B.G.; GUSEVA, L.M.; KURDYUMOVA, A.M.; KRASNOPROS11D., V.A. Spectrum analysis of girth joints in high-alloy steel. Avtom. svar. 17 n0-4:94-95 AP t64 (MIRA 18:1) GUSEVA, L.N. Phase transitions in alloys of chromium with tantalum and nioblum. Izv.AN SSSR.Noorg.niat. 1 no.10:1743-1'746 0 165. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut metallurgii A.A.Baykova, Moskva. Submitted July 5, 1965. GUSEVA, L. N. "Esophagogastro- and Esophago-Intestinal Anustomosis." Cand Med Scl, S6cond Moscow State Medical Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, Moscow, 1954. (E, No 3, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at WZR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 QUSSVA, L.N., kandidat uieditsinBkIkh nauk- (Moskva, Goo()Itxjllxiyy val. 17, k-v. 86) Morphologic examination of esophagogastric and esophagointestirial anastomosis following radical surgery for exophageal and cardial cancer [with au-mmary in Pinglish P-1571. Vest.khir. 78 ao.6:23-34 JS '57- (KLRb 10:8) 1. Iz fak-ulltetakoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B.V. Petrovskiy) 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute (ISOPHAGUS, neoplasms surg.. morphol. of esophago-gastric & eaophago-intestinal anastomosis) S,2 OKACH NEOPLASMS, surg. morphol. of esophago-gastric intestinal anastomosis in cancer of cardia) (IMSTINSS. surg. morphol. of esophago-intestinal anasbomosiB in cancer of cardia) 30NDALEVICH, V.Ya.; OSEVA, L.N.,--,. - Work of +16- '4hite Russian Republic Surgical Society. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.9.'77'S !59. (WHITE RUSSIA--SURGICAL SOCIMMES) (MIRA 12:12) --- GUSEVA, L.N. Sarcoma of retroperitoneal space in complete reverse location of the internal organs. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no.9:69 S 160.' (MIRA 13:9) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy khirurgii (zaveduyushc'hiy - professor , P.N. Maslov) Minskogo, meditsinskogo institata. (VIGERA,ABNORMITIES AND DEFOWITIES) (ABDOMEN--TUMORS) GUSEVA, L.N. In the Society of Surgeons and Therapeutists. Zdrav* Belor. 6 no. 10:68-69 0 160. (~MIA 13:10) (WHITE RUSSIA--SURGICAL SOCIETIES) (WHITE RUSSIA-THERAPEUTIC SOCIETIES) GUSEVA, L. Meeting of the Surgical Society. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no. 5:71-72 My 161. OGRA 14:6) (WITH RUSSU-SURGICAL SOCIETIES) , - 1 1-1- . ..... GUSEVAJ, L.N. Nitritometric titration of some secondary amrq:3 !~~Hh iriLl,nla'l indicators. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANII 6:103-1001 U~ (141PA 19:1) 1. Laboratoriya farmatsevtichesko.go analiza (nikovotlite-il - kand, farm. nauk M.I. KuleshOva) TSentrallnogo apt%echnogo nauellno- issledovatellskogo instituta. KORNILOV, I.I. (Moskva.); MINTS, R.S. (Moakva); GUSFVi~, L.N. (.Moak,,ra); MALKOV, Yu.S. (Moskva) Interaction of' the NiAl compound with niobiiim. Izv. AN' SSSR. Met. no.6:132-136 N-D 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Submitted Ally 30, 1964. :T1 410' TITLE: X-ray di ffract ion anal of the, Cr-T& s'ystem A. j SOURCE: AN SSM- Izvestiya. Veorganicheskiye m tatia 1,?,-:v4 no.. 64~ 1965, 880-634 TOPIC-LTAGS - alloy-s 'heat -resis* tant~alloy 'chromiud.Ajloy.~ A -tantalum -system system phase, d 16 Pase cop chromium h structure "A W. talum al ont t%' re 4evi-.4! in' ABSTRACT: Cbromlwm-tan it h6. tant~aum C elit -AOYB W 17 tation - melted from >99-97% purflCr -and > Xd -sit,11di'J'a%. 99.9%-mp~ire/Ta~ in'*purified htliud. by x-ray diffraction and zri;`r-os~ruc:tura1 a4talysi '. ne phase ~Ia,:;i7l:'~;7o~ tCr,-Tii 31-- system (see Fig. 1 of the. sure) vag. plotted~oa the basii;, of obteined dp-tq..;, ~ 1t;!--, -was found that the maximn solubility of Ta in Cr ~em'pq_',It'atuvei'-~ s 5-Z at% 4t and drops to less -then 1 at% ih st 14ooc. About 13 at% Cr dissol,,;~es bi Te:. 80W~ili~j decreezes witb decreesing -temperatures. The existence of two modifications oj':TaCq. compound was confirmed, the high-temperature modification with a, hexagonal 1--truct, Card 04; L'. I I I . - - ~ ~ I:- " iiii" 1:1 j ill: -65 L' 63497t ACCESSION NR: AP5018921 Mc 0I 1 7 1-i. 1: 1 0 41fe To, :at~! i9. the,: Phase :diagtad of d . ;A: em- Cr-Ta sys V !It Cav-d 3/3 AUTHORS: Shifrin, K. S. and Guseva, L. N. 49-6-18/21 TITLE: Forecasting of the natura 1 illumination intensity. (Prognoz yeq~testvennoy oaVeshcheiuioxti)-.? PERIODICAL- "Izvestiva kicademii NaWc, Seriya Geofizichesk a" (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc . Geo hysics Series), 1 0,6, pp. 82~-830 ~U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: It is now known that the regime of the natural illumination. intensity is independent of the geographical latitude of the observation point. AccordinG -to data published by Sharonov, V.V. (1) and particularly data published by Barteneva, O.D. and Guseva, L.N. (2), the natural intensity of illumination in a given point is an unequivocal function of the height of the Sun and the degree of cloudi- ness, i.e. it depends only on the character and intensity of the flux irradiating the lower layers of the atmosphere. The chan6es in natural illumination intensity caused by fluctuations by the transparency of the atmosphere are smaller than the accuracy of observations of the illumination intensity. Therefore, it is possible to forecast the illumination intensity by utilising the existing scheme of forecasting cloudiness. The aim of this paper is to cardl/3 develop a method of forecasting of the local illumination 49-,6-18/21 Forecasting of the natural iliumination intensity. (Cont.) intensity on the basis of cloudiness forecasts. It is thereby assumed that the success of the forecasting will depend on the success of forecasting the cloudiness and also on the probability of existence of -the above mentioned unequivocal relation between illumination intensity and cloudiness. The data given in Table 1 show that the illumination intensity changes relatively I-Ittle with changes in the shape of the cloudiness for various cumulus clouds. On the basis of the data Civen in Table 1, Table 2 gives data on the total illumination intensity in terms of variations of 'the natural illumination intensity between given limitua of maxima and minima. Table 3 contains data on the scattered light (illumination in the shade) corresponding to seven forecasting classifications of cloudiness. On the basis of analysis of the data of Table 2 and 3, it is stated -that in the case of a clear sky the fluctuations will be small and the total illumina- tion intensify will increase from 5000 Lux for a height of the Sun of 5 above the 0horizon and to 90 000 Lux for a height of the Sun of 55 above the horizon. The respective Card 2/3 values of the scattered illumination will be 3000 and 40 000 Lux. The author also mentions the work of 49-6-18/21 Forecasting of the natural illumination intensity. (Cont.) IMUrner, H. (4) and states that WOrner tries to circumvent the necessity of forecasting cloudiness and considers that that is not justified and that to be effective the method of W?Jrner requires accumulation of illl'~mination intensity data over many years for all the points of interest. There are 3 tables and 4 references, 3 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: November 19, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Chief Geophysics Observatory imeni A.I. Voyeykov. (Glavnaya Geofizicheskaya Observatoriya im. A.I.Voyeykova). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 f 36-68-7/18 AUTHOR: Barteneva, O.D. and Guseva, L,N. TITLE: The Effect of Meteorological Conditions on Natural Illumination. (Rezhim yestestvennoy osveshchennosti v zavisimosti ot meteorologicheskikh usloviy) PERIODICA,L: Trudy Glavnoy geofizicheskoy observatorii 1957, Nr 68, pp. 120-131 (USSR) ABSTRACT:- The article summarizes the pesults of observations on -the interrelationship between natural illumination, degree of cloudiness and the elevation of the sun. It was found that the correlation between variations in total and scattered illumination i~emains constant for any latitude in Russia provided that the sun's elevation and the type of clouds are the same. Hence, the information obtained by V.V. Sharonov for the area of Slutsk is of a general nature and has been confirmed by observations made at Irkutsk, Tashkent, Yalta, Nikollsk and Lisino. The article mentions Ya.A, Lopukhin and N.N. Kalitin. There are 8 diagrams, 3 tables, and 32 references, of which 27 are USSR. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ASHIROV, K.B.; GUBANOV, A.I.; SURGUCHEV, M.L.; GUSEVA, L.N.; GPURlN, N.V.; YUGB, L.G. Geology and development of the Tarkhany oil field of the Oil Field Administration of the Bugunuslan Petroleum Trust. Trudy Ciprovo- stoknefti no.3:165-182 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Bugurusian region--Oil reservoir engineering) ASHIROVY K.B.; GUBANOVA, A.I.; SURGUCHEV, H.L.; GUSEVA~ L.N.; OPURIN, N.V.; YUGIN, L.G. Geology and development of the Tar)d*my-field of the Oil Field Administration of the Buguruslan Petroleum Trust* Trudy Giprovostoknefti no.3.,165-182 161. (MIRA 1.6.'7) (Buguruslan region--Oil reservoir engineering) ASHIROV9 K.B.; GURANOV, A.I.'; GUSEVA, L.N.; OPMUN, N.V.; YUGLI, L.G. Geology and flow diagrams of the development of the Alakayevka field. Trudy Giprovostoknefti no.5:197-208 162. (MBA 16.-8) (Kuv.bshev Province-Petroleum geology) ASHIROVP K.B.; GUBANOV, A.I.; GUSEVA, L.N.; OPURIN, N.V.; SHALIANOV, V.A. Geology and oil potential of Devonian layers in the 14ikhaylovskoye- Kokhany field and basic prerequisites for its development. Trudy Giprovostoknefti no.5:209-221 162. (MRA 16:8) (Kinell-Gherkasay District--Oil reservoir engineering) ASHIROV, K.B.; GUB UO V9 A.I.; Q L.N.; OPURINV N.V. _q]~7A 2, .1 - Practice in the development of the pool in the layer B of the Radayevskoye field. Trudy Giprovostoknefti no.5t24O.,X 162. (HIM 16:8) (Kuybyshev Province-Oil reservoir engineering) GUSEVA, L. N. Physico-Chemical Investigation of Ferro-Silicon. N. V. Ageev, N. N. Kurnak~~v, L. N. Guseva and 0. K. Konenko-Gracheva. (Mletallurg, 1940, No. J, 1~!,- 5-12). (In Russian). The authors describe an investigation of the physical properties of Cerro-5ilicon. Alloy-fi with silicon contents of 43-5-66-ut were prepared by melting, castinS into heated moulds and coaling slowly to avoid cracking. In alloys with 43-53k Cf silicon, the structure consisted of FeSi dendrites against a backgronnd ol' large Oon8ated orystals of thel:-phase. The structure suggests that the,&-Fhase is formed by a periteetLe reaction between the molten alloy and the f_-phase. Alloys annealed for seven days at 950C C. showed decompo- sition of the r, -phase into a eutectoid type of phase. Commercial Verrc,-silicon had a peritectic struc- ture made up of crystals of the 6 -phase surrowided by the Ys -phase. Measurements of the electrical resistance and the temperature coefficient of electrical resistance of cast ferro-silicon showed no anomalies. The; -phase hr~s a higher electrical resistance than the t-Fhase. Microscopic and X-ray examination show that the; -phase has a homogeneity range of 53-54,5% silicon. The crystal strvicture iDf this phase was determined The X-ray examination showed that on annealing the amount of the;-phase Is reduced due to decomposition into silicon, f-phase and an unidentified phase. 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 0 e 0 o 0 4 0 0 1 4 03 1 1 4 1 6 1 A 9 IQ 11 it 11 W is bs, 1) to " It A I f. 12 It. L_ _L a ft r 9 A I - I __ 9 g 4 Co"M -A! 11-My lovemisMiom of OA AhupJalum-fth Al Me Cu Alloys. V. G. Killiti-toov. &lilt I.- S. -1 Ux Sri. 0 . ~*), IN2k,.v, i;.A. RI[IR 1111mim), I The IN-I've X rav I " ffs"S.). low 1(lim 00 s Ik.'Atit'r U411114061. Its- filicniat"pit. e%attlill4tion. "to., Im'I ifi-termine the ph"m in aluminium-munesium-t 0 &M 51) %t,% magneeiltus. The X-rav J."A'Irr 0 hV'rrt. ., m. the Chang" in IsItal. 1161101110-ter 'AMA U*ll 0 devel, Ite, 00 to tirtermilte, the "ubility imicithrmis of magnmiunt ant mlilwr Ill Allifflill- illill at 445'. *41'. 31101", atui 2(111' C. ; file 5191- C. imothmn amA ,I,tnir.,f hv The sense nk-tkmxi was tja%i to determine the Immiularies ;( so the phameo amijuilling thr temary *AW ollutital at the x1m),re Ipluls-raturrit, fit.. investightiona In-inu earrivil out with alkiya having "millitmitRim ititiviteil of a; I u1mg Iteven Hines rimlisting fmm the aluininium mnier. 11wirrart-mvenphaar 60 a! fit-his neightmiuring on to the tOnUWV SOIW K4UtkM rt'gk)fi. ISAIUCIV : 2 Go x L. x + L, 2 f- + T, 2 + T. 2 1- 7' i. M,Ag, AIR] Mir, where L Is the mmlit,tAnil AJ.VuMu.ssmI 7'i.M.CuMg, When Ai.. 04 the teluilwiratuirr is Iowemi tc)2NItp'C. thu tuo-lilum- n-gions Airiuk. hit.- ti- lhlrve-pham- rrgimts. mitivially t6- m + T i. M.Mg, n-gion. r%imud. [it ;%1hWmofIIw lIumbilmin i.vix-falliall ifull contrilt),it is like CUAI, 41.1M.Cu'Itlit, TO g mlijklAICRIS thfil An' MIKIIIAlble for T).. a xillilint rfrev( PIRPLIM be ObtAint'd in Sitil Ull ill O'S,~,R fultiowsium and 3 41.4,2" ,~ . ....... 4) 1 Co 0 I's 0 4 a 6 0 * 111 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 U n It b )6 17 2 It N 11 1? U 34 U ~11 V N V 40 it 4; 1-1 1 _M~ a % ;~,(L It_ lt~ -c-A 2 I 43 M Of:* s o t_oo 1.00 -00 -00 .0 .6 goo =06 00 a izo a goo 00 Argo .00 lilt quetwhing firum It. 14,00 oto 06 00 At& ILA 00 60 8 WOO it, 10 .0 Is a Iflittl It mmwn I'l 00 0 111, goo goo 00,111, 0006 6 00 0 ,0 0 0 0000 00 fees 0 09 0 00 go 00 so 000 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0:0 4-0 a _0 0- 0_0 0 -0 0 0 0 4 0 0 A,A 16 11 to it Of so 0 0 a 00 00 I,I- 1--k.- " 1, Z ,, "'m -_t__k_AA,,0 M.M.Mt-C-11 I I I L Dieftibution of the electma density I. metillic aluml- nun N V Axovv 4m1 I.- N Gu-%o ..... . L.. so Imis lo--tx~ Vlwoi., A,-,,.I 1~ 1 14 , 1401 U.N.A.V.. iL.", .., IV41 . ..... 0 ot. 4111 I'mol slata 0 )aole,. lit 111JIVY, aild - 1. t .1 stilt! thodc of Prindley slid Ri,llcy I& C.A. 3j, towhij...o the at."'It"inglactof Fcurvr, And Willi tile 4.141 A., the electron d. .1mrilmom it, lite .%I is lattice hiLi been ralcd. by 3~liloelwmlml 14.4irt~r Calm. lit thediimi-ml 11001 at !Nl* yj"hi, 11,K the it. o%ing totupturvol th, wise., of F for higher lemp.. the elvtross'll. %%m hoth'-r lost"I. front 0.2 1-, 0.2 A.. Im I I(m) 1. Willi the "Svc kilgill %t,, Ko. Ill 7M' sold 10,111', and %%ilh Ille wivu It.,11CIll. 09 llltA)* the orit. Valor, 111.1111%V1 and tile 11,10,111 w1i k~,Kor. oullmot: dawtumi..". .I tile noticeable at 71110% Vani'll lit I(MA1,; that telop rupture of the Wiled ha, o., C114NI. At *till blilie; Imp., 1&0. trrwo~ W11--l-mlioll t.~ retlection% have valov, *hieh fallAithiii the lonits us error; h4he't Scroravy i. 11111, ol.14411"I at tile valen, temp. of Ka wave lenvit, -4 Fe, Co_oul TV writs. It is con-equently "labli,li"t that its vi... .4 it 1,.w LaIcn. temp. it is priefemble to tia tile As-i-t -- length.. With h1o Ka, mic-n. tetop. UNW. it,.. di,mbo- tion curvest It"I: contputest told tol.,lint lot the 1111'r.lark, - Imms 11001, 11111. anil I I fill. Flom th'.- iaidsu of else loss. in the AT IAIW~ 0.95 1. Its the &;mkv lwsw~n tou%. Ilso h,tnbots-at s. even. Curnpairiwn between the exptl. einve, mul ih, PIFTALLIFOCK&A. LIT Ihewl kid curves almwn for AV and LIT Al I,a,l, to the conclusion that lit the sitelal cfy%tal Litti-, At I. Fr Io", It -~w d. N 1_-....- U TL '. No, 1% -sr V dMO, 0 see** 0 60 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 see" Is a 06999 0 as 9900 ,_~S* 0 :: : : *0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 * 000, 0 111111_d~" 6,tilais,ittim, go 0 0 * 00 0 0 .?O?O-,6rOOOO *Osseo 00 1, i 0: If 1 goo q 0 Is 0 t u S) is 0 - a 0 111 V 13 us )IIII) i % lilt 46 . . so .1. , 1. . I A I-V -Fi !A! , !Lt !% . 8 -A .1 - - AND r&Cff.ll(4 -.1. I rich alloys Of maposium with kduvtsinuaw- - t I u r -fi - A M 440' 5% Ii fir tr ut 1 u ol .Rquillbirlictu oll"frosat of the system Mg I I :F,:; 1 t, ril . r er l Mp. t The - MO.Al. I~ AS US N1170. witin, NltoA% MSAg Ma.M.. V. G. liniontiativ ofnit L, N, (N. 11I ';d ad S G l Cl A I 1.111(trv ... flon I'lle Is- III M Vs'. 4o". I iot_ ` :f; so .- . . nti, n ient., r . kninaktiv uinfl. 4 glMill"I ..I V,Ifl it. At III u loil "Iss. If).. trol,l) I 4111" fee. C14SI& Ifl. thim. 1943, h f i h M f I.P, 1 425* and t tell tlisr;l tit &II " al ~ MA'All so i 11k "Int 3117 rhe aris-'r plortsil. roill t S " This% at 42NN". file ctir%vot lot IN-Kinjil"t Cls"fli. z1f 'vs Mill &,I.[ So, pillar As still At igith 0A.M,. Thr, "*iln,l ikrrv,l at 1:17, If V so A I~e astj lpii;~' . Phaw diallfaini, Weir sr'lablib.41 fly %I I " It( h t l i fit 'Intillialirial. twilts. "r t,afl plia- to I , at lots is, 44% 'so 00 . st-lav oo. saw Imm" .( th's mal soina ., Illwit-ilap y ' -1 I'l 11111tid it, %lilt tilt Are dMI 1 I Imin ' s- -so 8 latlo! ll 10 1. FNIC 111 nisitiffissis wiled in the hinaty PIlls As &oil %IS -At systlomm: In A thitsi ri-t at ul,l I-m - l 4 i 00 Al i NI tit tant tsill ilm, . fflu 0 t flit -y phow I)( MI-Al lwovwil on the c*mlxl. . S. 's - . -A haw of 161 (looll fil fl ht h) lt d f~ I- A. The ~vlllln %foliAX-NIII.M. Ileft'liti flaw - ~`n gee 9 J; iort , t s e sa aug e v , is ( p 1 l As) Is )I (flaughwAV, to,). The triple gs,lit ft ". i's a rt (he line is( the peritiviW ittonlifolinarion If j- milit - - I lot til ~41116 so III! (in'tra.1 Ill sall. Ubs, notation &I is trwtvr.t tit Crystalli .4 rimsi WNO whi il d hl h O l rrilory it At Ill ,Ill' I it, loss, hilvi- 1. ifir Nil;, kg %1,~. lil pt.-~ e. , t i ll. n elc nill *l ~ Alt oor. - - , nlaill hi h k th h h d , 41 flit- n'llipl.. Mg"J" %K "." Al 00 a s re ar er an c I t e &w sl4wars 1, W " p di i l i , L. . 12.3% 161S. I'll, Islas, Sir l r I ,so 1 menskInal me t alfratits, . lighwor throlushout. Two-d ng l$, " al" I r, - i f l z 00- air Own for three radial liertions ctroorrespanding to con't ti ornwirt, I ist platte at :I 7..V7S, Ag. I "I A[, NIM, " 00 raliStS At At - resist. 1: 4. 1: 1. and 4: 1, for (As + At) firistir trillp 125 , S.-lill-11113- ""(I- I,rd. I'S, Itiv.1" -00 tie, IW)7 -irtsphorsilroorsphi " to.Uj~ ( Nf from 110%ta, 0). Mk itstroil r A At has 8 + (A + -,,) + (3 str l" am is "'roly IIw alld 1111"t"graphy, p"I &lilt (111, lit 3.101 % ;~fkl goo S + -1. + -1.); 110 4NIC RI 7 Al s + 0 + -0 + A + - + -Y2); JIM sl` M is+ 11 agrettlit-lit with 1141loilli'lls. lii,- shows thre" si"9111 PhAle vtorra~ ,( the ternary .,list -111, Z;O0 11 244.1 "' As. 25.96 i-va + .11 + 4); Al. -ri + (Ti + 70 + 1 AT11 . , -n and -n, ran tior"hiL, ar,, , + 6- -f- V7. &till Dole thr l not 1 (A + -") + (A + (,to I- -rl f- 1) 1, 5,11,79, 1y. A.517. - A A re-p otoom area a + -,, + ,,. 1(,,Iatiw i's fnl,s dititill . s I ha- Ill"Ifulgiri" off loo h , hif p !x00 n + + -,,); 441% AS. 10;,, At, 4- 4) + ( Surface Consists tol hl Ii t h l h , m" t ' , . fed lit h ot fifrmgs~nt 11mitisix r-jell .4 1),,. 6-1"1 us flis a e ese ( e, t -vs Proust t four firlda "Wr"r ling to wpn. of the temory mislid . "All' C"'I'ligooli"In Sit the dAtA (IN file t4loil Stills, ri,th t: in ?.IgAl, (-vs), in MaOlg (-n) and in ailing In 'Mg (1) d'its obtained lilt he 00 . Ilan. the ternary In ary"Inent wi*b Itinfill Willing diffrorene". 1. the "Illil. tale, rise junis"Istry Iw_ t h 3oo I L A -IIETALL(MCKAIL LIVEO&Tifft CLASSOICATOOOI A S 9 weet' t e wilid vills. J arul thr tn'tv-phow arta, it vit,ilgiv too a - sq.. roe - 31 u 14 LT f, e IS' F An j I a rill 0 a a I ill lt!pa,2 too .14, Pill#, IWAIC on to plan l ifesooosefoooose e 1 Z ess 1 a 0 go 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so : : : : : o 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a a 0 * 0 4-o UF hiftm to hisItet voovus. ill tAg + U) as compArttl with 00 the nonequil. cmulm-ot. At ill, rath, Aj.,Al - 1: 1. the 00 hoinclitenvott, IMd ill the rquil. thagrato Inchm" conipus. 114 which ill the flollutillil. oate the ternary tulerlic Is *0 vixt. lt,mmlsri,~ 1vt%vivit the two-phaw anti thv three. phaw arm err hill-wi- trot,stly shilit-41 Ill the %more three. 00 th'". Tho,, &I AA:Al - 1:4. without rqulL. the tmm- dary 1- 4tuatell at the tvmp. d the tt"ary eutectle at 9*1 sivout 27~`e (Ax t- At I; at etrull.. at as it,* 4% 31a), do - whole wctiml jus-~ mly thimigir live tsme of rise jl~hwm 00 into the two-pha- more A + -wi- Th, Isoutuli" line I*- twrm thc two-phaw atut the Ilmv-phaw arew th"4pistal" 90 &jut the whogelielti i.,veupicil fly& +-ft. Oijillisoretion, 410 in the equil state. ill%! three-phase rwdm appears only at 00 temp. atmitst 2oW &tilt belim; hem tire boundary Une be- flitten 8 +- It anti a + -it + -ft lw&"nf nearly parallel to the 411 cosupti.m%is. A third anvit ill the coolinscurve wa% only Go oftwrved tat rumcquil. symcniv; at equil.. the line c(wrr- $WAfiI19 to PTIM. Ol the tCfn*rY VUtrCtiC it ftl-~Vllt MA 90 the diagmm appea" as that of a bioary systern. Ascons- 00 pamt with flalighli"t's date. the Nnindary lines between the (WO-1111A,e Ault the tht%C-1111ALW dtt-4% 111tel'StICt tilt title 4 ppin, clif she terumv rult-clic. on the sections AS:Ai ~ ' psod bfl%(As +All.&, against 1: 1 anti 4: 1,,st. rr-11. 111.5! llaUghttAl's 17~7,, Alld V.%. A4 A ctlawquruce, the regimi of wtin. of Our, pha-, &I Ilse cut'vsk. temp is oulliclabst Ita"ower. that 01 A 'ji ftliorwhat brostler. N.'rhan 00 *0 o, ,Zz- N 44. USSR/Chemistry - Nickel, Electron i %[ Sep/Oct 48 -~Density Chemistry - Density, Electronic Structure and "Experimental Study of Electron Nnsity in Crystal.3: No 3, Electron Density of Nickel," N. V, Areyev, L. N. Guseva, Inst Gen and Inorg Chem tmeni N. S. Rurnakov, Acad Sci USSR, 9 pp i It I% Ak Nauk SSSRY Otdel Khtm Nauk" No Conducted experimental determination of the atoale factor of diffusion in nickel by method of substi- tuting an aluminum standard in cobalt and copper radiatlons. Calculated electron density for six Am 27/49T39 USSR/Chemistry - Nickel, Electron Sep/Oct 48 Density (Contd) directions of the elementary nickel cell by method of Fourier's triple series for calculated temperature of 810000. Each atom of nickel is j9ined with 12 close neighbors by "bridgbe""of-thle- Increased electron density, which Implies the presence of exchanging forces between atoms. Submitted 22 Sep 47. 27/49T39~ 10 all 1 00 0 0 1 0 0 0 a 0 0 09 I ft Is 14 Is WI? I. P x p x J~ V " 0 a . I it V A A L- a L_j-j r Q. P I - , 11-1 04 M M U it), 41,1-4 oe A ItF4ht) 1,,,, alt'lli P111,01ill so a a i l 00 so .3 00 00 0 Mectma dowillily of akkel. N. V, Apev And L. N Ndish 59, 65 it t*.IIWVA. flobhudy Mad 110,101. Alonif lr%vtal plAtf... it-I. al,A. I.Y Footiri rli- llool ills I %Iol at. Icate"Ing factur curve obtaillell V01111 fillkly vfy,t. N1. by u-ing Co and Cu radiation And mjvwting to Alm, vulfiv. . with Al I-owder imptanihird. KmwhNialonikfink~.Iwiih iti 12 urtit"I neighbl" by briliget of bi4hrr elmirmi,L. I 1 rlrrlrun~ cu. A., a% rualparrd with shout 0. 1 rl-~trtrli~ cu. A. bw thr intrrlotik- -pace. Thr 6-troo d. 11,10111. N. mon tion in the i(M) plAtic 14 shown. 'i 8 1 1 400 .00 Vo go 0 0 coo 49i AN.* 400 t 00 AID.%LA StTAILURCKAL LIT(NAT641 CLASSIFICATION :Z. tie 0 U," 49 03 A-1 I m# (1 4 10 0 It It ;V Ad 9 a A 11 11 n o v! we 00 0 0 Ole 4 000 0 0 0 60 00 0 oktm derwily b crywWo. TV. 11 1 4 111110 6111 N.V.AjmvwvIL.X.Gmrv;&. _T 10"t. Aba 1'"k S S S M i (W Kki - . . . e . ., at. 225-M; Ci- C-A. 48, 1251h; 42. 8737g.-Stfuctum Jac' - tm 1111VIX &W- f0f an salloy of 67 ffl- -,I I,v. cli)w ji ) StAl. bowaig"kiard a &,y% jit laM, 'eru`gUI it, . 31V W-6 0"callmi I bn At Sw ,.1 -.4.1 reaulti kv, pollitime " Wile. 1: i1a 11) X 4-411 hath,c it. am, Thu k%.IIAM% 41~ waft hV see she Itallimlis tlewrillint lievvitioNy. 1.14 the vak it. temp. ..I see *00 , ' , d1hvilimis: IMI 1. it in 11.4 0 A. - I %0 ) ... 1, a 1.44 A.1 (III I I iliki. VO A I I I I I ' l -3 1 W 6 A 23A Z see 00. .w . . a .: , - 4 I Iolis'b A tI 44A IUUIIi 7 3 . . u . /.ttwx. /. .; I i r d l l t i f (011) Th d " Noe ven o imse . ec ion e e , com w mp s g w p Tbt elft(m d, Is dlistirlitimod unctualturittly. WWgc* of Incirriwouril wiretnin d. am won brisilven M mind At Alorm, aml britir"s NI amal NA mumms. In else dlwthm 4 thr &wtv-1 distsowc. 0.0 anot 0.4 tImAnors/cu. A.. re".., Ima [ all-loml. Tbr udis, cbmwom d., 11.2 eksciftsu"Cu. A.. I. fammil bctwmo M mid At mittauss. rhe rcaults trim] in tbr moiclu" kb4t them aft cilebance Itimem belorsitm N! see awl At atilatio, *W bettown N1 anti Ni ittaims, mul Owt - XI-Al S i si i th I Oh b t 1 l l 1 t wee rr e arr" ti 1 m 4wo e m VNI4 m x it . S " AI-Al. tie ---_--------- - A S 0 - S L /A 44TALL11111411CAL LIVIIIIA111111111 CLAVOWAIM its/ 141a,164 .40 MIT 401 - 11cm *11slo (= to- As , a ism 0 is 4 '1 Its 91 st a 0 3 9 9 77777 "an -the lfa(~16 of thil at the 4%eFl vit (IhMd Akad ittid if 2.31 V111i Wl~', %VN:V3Sl; Ill ViiNvIalli Ujiv, fatd 10,1" . ' . O . . y I I w ! c, f"o Im ill I 4ehm 11 t4 N ft