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L 366-54-~
ACCESSXON NR: AT5000925 S/0000/64!006/004/028710297
EPA (blx) -2/W (1)1ZWA(h)1VdA Paa-4/Pf-4/Ps4/Peb ~DI%Fd~ 2qVUS
AUTHORI i(i2sak, Ya. M.; Tsigel nik,.G
d Qrs: of q-qp!
TITLE: Investi ation of thermal'fatigue-of the bla eYnd rot 4
:..,;SOURCF.: flauchnoye soveshchaniye po teplovym napryazheniyam it el6aentakh Icons I:ruk--
r ses in
tsiy, 4th. Teplovyye-napryazheniya v elementakh konst uktaiy (Thermal stres!
construction elements); doklady soveshchaniyaj no., 4. Kiev, 14 uk la dum a, t9e)
k ~4,
'TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine, centripetal gas turbine, turbine iotor,:t rbi e bla~-de,
thermal fatigue, rotor design
ABSTRACT: Even though attention is now being' . the t6rmati fatigue ot- ~allq'ys
and metals, the designers of turbines are hampered in their ef forks' to ensure sug-
ibus~tion chambers a3id
1ficient heat resistance of the blades, rotors, fire tubes, col
iother important parts of gas turbines by the lack ofjtanLg~ Nests , preventing 4
'comparison of the work of different scientists. It is thereforeinecessary 16 de!:.
:velcptaethods for estimatin a e!l of 4~ts by mode-Is and
g the "structural he t resistand P
iengine tests. Since models, as yet, cannot be compared witliactu;al conditions,
the stand tests reported here were performed with'actual parts. :Principally',, the
I.Card. 113
L 36654..65
ast rotors
1problem was to determine the general picture oUthermal fatig6e of:!. in
Ieasor, as~
centripetal gas turbines, incl in& 40 rotors of.the TKR-14 cu~~oco lp
;well as the location of crackAhe effect ofshape and cont.01ji of'61ades and'iotors
Ion the rate of formation and,.development of cracks, and other1actars. The test
conditions were similar to-working conditions. The tests indicated that centri-
fuga,l loads on the rotor rim are relatively low, Cracks in Aie rotor appeared', as:
a rule, at the.rim, being caused by peripheral:tensile streasps. Cnfler high tem-
perature gradientg the rotors with a higher plasticity showed.high~crack resis6anc4.
n1 e rotors warped, at first, at the rim between the blades,,Until figure eishis"
were formed, with cracks arising at the sites with.the higMat deformation. Ra di-~
a-1- cracks appeared in the rotor very rapidly when there were thin!' -eims with I Iarge
!aifferencee in rim edge thickness. As a rule,,the cracks apP'e'are0;:,nt the back of'
!the blMes, and always in the thin part of the rim. Recesse~:,Madei on the,rot:or
1'rim between the blades improved the heat. resistance of the rotor. Holes in 1.11 e
;;rotor itere found to concentrate stresses, causing pracks. Sharp c~banges in ri~tor,
the drip. . Stress relaxa'
,rim thickness are very dangerous, as well as holes, n tion
-a a s Ila
,'in the rotor (luring the high-temperature part of he cycle ai o c iu :es loweri:
!of the heat resistance in the rotor. For each ~eoarate rotor', th4rd is a certain!
;optimal temperature of the rim. Metallographic nalysis indicateA that coarse-
grain metals have lower heat resl-stance, with cracks formiPS at the.grain boUnd-
',arieu. The disadvantages of centripetal gas turbines in.rlelation:to heat
* 2/3
---- ---
. -:. ~ ". 'Tr.M
; t 1. -
, I ~ ; : ; --~ I , . ; , %
. , I . . . ; -
L 21650-66 EWT(d)/ZdT(m)/EW(W)/E7dP(f)/EPF(n)-2/94P(v)4~-2/grIP(k)VE;TC(m)-6 -,rYmm
AGG NR: AP6006138 SOURCE CODEt URJO114/65/60 C
Sbxqkql__I, T. (Academician AN UkrSSR)j J~ybanj Ye. P (Candidate of
technical sciences); Stradomskiy, M. V. (Candidate of teohnioal sciences);
a (EngineerT1 -ZAtkol 3-y. -_N.; k4meqq NasyWllinA
it A4 Ya.. M.
A. -,-C-he2iskinap S. M.
ORG: none
TITLEz Development and investigation of the air cooling system for the high-
p:ressure turbine rotor of OT-6-750 VZ
SOURCE: Energomashinostroyeniye, no. 10, 1965# 22-25
TOPIC TAGSt turbine, turbine cooling, gas turbine, blade cooling/ GT-6-750 gas
ABSTRACT: In conjunction with the development of
_ggs turbine GT-6-70 (initial
gas temperature 7,LM~ pressu e 5.8 kg/cm2), several air cooling systems for the
bigh-pressure turbine rotoSnere designed and tested at the Ural Turbine Faotory
and Institute of W UkrSSR (Ural'skiy
the 0
Institute tekhdiheskoy tqp-lofizW-AR-U1d~SR). The development of the final,
Curdi/4 uDcs 623..438s62-7l.ool.5
L :21650-66
ACCA NR: AP6006138
cooling system shown in Fig. 1 is discussed and the temperature distributions at
the blade roots and in the turbine wheel are graphically presented for cooling
air flows of 0.9 and 0.73 kg/sec respectively (0.73 kg/sec represents 1.7% of the
total gas flow)., The values of local cooling air pressure, temperature, flow rate)
ani heat transfer coefficient at the 16 locations in Fig, 1 are tabulated, It
was found that the cooling system maintained all metal temperatures below 410C
(at 0-73 kg/sec) and calculations show that the cooling flow can be further raluced
to o.4--o-45 kg/sec without dangerous temperatures, With such a cooling system,
parlitic stools can be used with gas temperatures of up to 9000a The experiments
confirmed the accuracy of previously proposed methods for calcuUting the cooling
I system parmeters (Te, Pe Dybanp Inaledoyaniye sisten vozduohnogo akhlnzhdeniya
rotorov gazovykh turbine Avtoreferat diesertataiia LPI in. M. 1. Kalinina, 1964)o
i Card- -2/4
L 2165o-66
AM, NR: A]
p i 7-
t 'M .1 -1 WIN 11 M"
L.21650-66-1 ........ .. ......
AW NRI Ap6oo6i,38
Fig. 1. cooling systen for
GT-6-750 gas turbirA rotore
Orig. art, hass 1 table and 4- figuess.
SU,B CODE j 21, 131 SUBM DATZs none/ ORIG RM 003
LC~,rd A
ii .101 11 Ii
I I v P IV, 4
L 20928-66_. EYtr(d)/E;'rf(l)/Ei-ir(m)/Et-jp(f)/T-2/ETC(m)-6 '01
02560 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/023/0057/0057
AUTHORt Gusak. Ya, M.
ORG t none.
TITLE: Method for determining the forces acti the gr-'
anz id of a turbacomessor
for diesol supercharge. Class 42, No. 17671 ounced by Turbomotor Factory I
0 ?
of Sverdlovsk Sovnwkhoz (Turbomotornyy zavod Sverdlovskogo sovnaril-o z--a)-/
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 23, 1965, 57
TOPIC TAGS: turbine compressor, supercharger, pressure measurement
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for determining the forces
acting on the grid of a turboc m essor for diesel supercharge. The method in-
volves measurL4 the ressur5Wieprld in the flow behind the intake equipment of
the t ne, and the au sequent harmonic analysis of this field. To facilitate
the experimental m.-ocedure, the pressure field in the flow is measured with the.
constant pressure in front of the turbine, equal to the average pressure in the
actual flow. This is added to the pressure field in the diesel exhaust collector 1-
according to'the sum-tion rule of two oscillations of the same frequency.
,E 2vl,, 131 SUBM DATE: 02Jan64
ACCESSION NR: AP4042861 5/0114/64/000/007/0011/0015
AUTHOR: Mokrushin, S. A. (Engineer); Guq,.ak,, Ya. M. (Engineer)
TITLE: Calculation of temperature fields and stresses in a cooled
rotor of a gas turbine during starting
SOURCE: Energomashinostroyeniye, no. 7, 1964, 11-15
TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine, gas turbine rotor, rotor air cooling$
gas turbine cooling
ABSTRACT: An approximate method for calculating unsteady temperature
fields and stresses in a cooled or uncooled turbine rotor is proposed.
The method leads to the evaluation of the influence of the air-cooling
system (lateral heat transfer, cooling air blowing under the shroud
of -the blades and through the mounting gaps of blade roots, etc.) ,
and also of the materials used (austenite or perlite steels) on the
radial distribution of temperature and stresses in cross sections
lying below the rotor's colla7r. The calculation results make possible
the adequate selection of: 1) the cooling system; 2) suitable materi-
'als for rotor construction; and 3) the optimum starting time. in the
bard 1 1/2
~case when it is limited by the starting stresses in the rotor. The
proposed method was used in designing the gas turbine CT-6-750 unit
of Ural Turbomotor Plant TM3. The rotors of this installation allow
a comparatively quick start at normal operation of the cooling system.
,The author concludes that: 1) the rotor air-cooling system of the
GT-6-750 turbine improves the starting characteristics of the turbine
under various starting conditions and increases safety under steady
and unsteady operating regimes; 2) perlite rotors are substantially
superior to austenite rotors in respect to manufacturability, cost,
and operating characteristics when the rotors are air cooled, ensuring
allowable temperature levels of the metal; 3) with the application
of the "Ural-l" computer it is possible to determine unstable tempera-
.tures and stresses in turbine disks without'consuming too much time
and labour. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 2 formulas.
Carcl 2/2
ATD PRESS: 3071 ENCL: 00
NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 001
L 523illt-65 EPA/EM? (n) -21EPRIEWA (it) /EWP(k) /a4PW/3W1(m)/Ji,'0A (bb') 4/T;2/EWT. (b)/!~
ACCESSiOll HR: AP51,)11771 UR/60~6/65/0W/005/0=; 116
AUTHORS., Gusakv Ta. M, (Engineer) I Zatkovatskiy,, G. 11.
TITLE.- Seleation of materials for rotor ?a air-cooled eas tul.bizes
SOURCE: Teploenergetika,, no. 5j 1965j, 32-36
TOPIC TAGS: &as turb-Inep -air cooled turbine, turbine rotor t (IT 6 150 9MId
turbine, TVD r__ot_oi~__V-fZ-rotor, KhTZ rotor, T10'rotor, IML ~rotaj-,. EI a5 tteel
R 21-1 pearlite steol,, .'31 612 stelelq El 802 steel., ETsVM Ural LL~Qinputer
ABSTRACT: The prc.ble design and selection of suitstble maldrials foi! i e
construction of rotoralclof !h aM -750
`~tha ~Wrbine
air cooled gas turbines s
intended for use In superchargers for gas auppliaZv rd ,liscwj~w'fd. The tfjr0(%..
stage rotor TVD for this turbine was made of'h-4151 steel. The choice of thill
material is intinately connected with the chi;fcaor the '~oollAg ~system, -governed
by tho pick-up. conditions of the motort unfaty, and econimV. t;A nwber af:'mato-
rials, including pearl'Ate and austenite steels ror:rotorm' of thl~ type u4z~ W.M.,
TIM, and NZL, ge lins
found that for ut.-Passes corresponding to -114~hose in steel I - 6U.1 t.1he optiruil
at'arting time vat; 30 minutes, In EI415 the stress was 35 3-ovor than thilt i-ft
, ~ , : i. " I ~ : i I , ~ . . : ~ .
. ~j j
11 j: , :: ~, :2~,
~ I ., I " - 1. :! " ; i I ~ ": i - i ~ ',:, 1 1 1
LAPPA, M.I.,.kand.t-ekhn.nauk.. doteent; GUSAK,.Ya.M., inzh.; SHOYKIIET, A.I.,
Vibration of high-speed gas turbine units. Energomashinostroenie
11 no.11:28-32 N 165,
(,N9RA 18111)
L 115340-66 UP(c) WW/EM
c-c -N R
__X -~=660M6 M
R: Gusak, Ya. M. (Engineer); Taigel'nik, G. I. (Engineer)
FatigJ~ilure of centripetal gas turbine wheels
SOURCE: Energomashinostroyeniye, no. 2, 1966, 18-21
TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine, fatigue test, mechanical fatigue, diesel engine, super-
charger, blade vibration, turbine compressor
ABSTRACT: The authors analyze reasons for blade failure in impulse turbines used in
turbine compressors for supercharging diesels. These failures occur on test stands 'n
factories as well as under operating conditions. The fatigue failure of the blades4f
T'KR-23 and TKR-18 rotors is analyzed. The res~ios of the analysis show that fatigue
is caused by the resonance vibration of bladesvar, the fundamental frequency where
vibrations are set up by A~qnhomogeneous flow in the gas stream along the periphery and
behind the turbine nozzlevring.,),~'Fatigue failure of blades on all turbine wheels
studied begins at tET-d-ischarge edge of the blade. The thickness of the discharge
edge must be greater than 1.2 mm to increase the vibration strength of the blades.
The blades of impulse turbine wheels used in turbine compressors must be made to with-
stand high frequencies. Resonance on frequencies which are 6 and 10 times the number
Card 1/2 uDc: 621.438.001.5
0 j
of rpm's presents the greatest danger as to fatigue for turbines with 4 inlets, while
resonance on 5, 7, 9 and 11 times the number of rpm's is most harmful for turbines
with 2 inlets. Besonance on harmonics above the 12th does not produce high dynamic
stresses in blades as a rule. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 1 table.
GUSAKOV, A.A., inzh.
Methods of erecting the main building of a thermal ol9ctric plant and
their efficiency in the context of assembly-line construction. Eiierg.
stroi, no.26:3-8 161. (MIRA 15:7)
1. KharIkovskiy inzhonerno-stroiteltnyy institut.
(Electric power plants) (Precast concrete construction)
GUSAKOV, A.A., kand. tokhn. :. ;j".
Means of raising thc effectiveneBs of capital. investments ty
the continuous construction of the main buiMing of large heat
and electrip"'power plants. Prom. stroi. 41 no.10.-17-23 0 163.
(AURA 16.,Ia)
I-c ~ ZJ -
L"'4 'H
::;~ -1-
GU ~'AKCV, A. 1).
Mcnetar-y cir-ulation in RU3Si2 on the eve and during the nericA of October
Sccialist Revolution Moskv;t, Gosfin-"zdat, 1946. 123 P. (52-2?669)
GUSAEOV, A.D., kand. ekon. nauk; *'TKHAYLOV, A.IL, tekhn. red.
(Accelerating the turnover of working cipitall Uskorenie obo-
rachivaemosti oborotrjykh sredstv. 14oskva, Gosplanizdat,, 1949.
U2 p. OURA 15 - 4)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki.
19722 GUS~KOV, A. 1". UskoT)Pniye oborar!hiv,,,,,!om,) ti oborotn.vkh
tpmy)ovc;ot-,i,ili-,~ichp~--kovo - o!:nT)orizvodr,-.1-,0
L70br,,-bot. i don. F;tr-no,-rnwia dokiac.,- NA Nauch. ")espli Otoniye- ekortomiki i pnva Akad. NAM-'
SS'-R q 1.4-Anta 1949 qj IzvestIva Akad. X" SSSR, Otc.niye ekonnm1ki i )r., vo, 1)"-9 ~70- 3.
S. 169-87
SO: LFTOPISI ST!71'.Y, Vol. ~,?, "OSICV! 19L9
-- , , i,. . :- . ", , -, - ~, , ,,, ; I -
Denezhnoe Obrashchenie i Kxedit SSSR (Monetary Circulation and Credit in the TYSSP))
306 D., Goafinizdat and Moscow, 1951,
C-XS;,*I'Cv) 1". D. )
ed. Vopr~osy ekonomiki sotsialisticheskogo promyshlennogo predpri-iatiia; s1bornik
statei Z Problems on the economics of a Socialist industrial enterprise;
collection of article2s. Vyp. 1. Moskva, Frofizdat, 1952. 519 1).
SO: Monthly List of.Pussian Accessions, Vol. 7 No. 1 April 1954.
GUSAKOV, A. D. (Frof.)
IlMoney and its Functions in a Socialist Ecunoi%r," Finanqy i Kredit 35,311% N10. 4,
SO: Translation-M-703, 23 Aug 1955.
GUSAKOV.A.; DYMSHIT"",I.; SITNIN,V., redaktor; FILIPPOVA,R., redaktor;
-F '
DENISOVA,O., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Currency circulation and credit in the U.S.S.R.] Denezhnoe
obrashchenie i kredit SSSR. Moskva, GoefinizdAt, 1955. 355 P.
(Banks and banking) (Credit) (Money) (M1RA 9:2)
U, U04" KOVI - . f, p. - -. " ~ ~) -.
~- -A - - , - -,:, ?,.- -.-, -
V.--. i*-nir nnd th-~ construction oi-
Den. i i:r-r,d. 15 no.7-9-19 JI ' ", 7.
( :--entn, Vladimir Il'ich,
thn 6ovi,~t zonetary sys%ev.
O'I'Vt 10:P.'f I
G-USMOV. Aleksandr Dmitriyevich: LABAZOV, Vasiliy Ivanovich; MSHNIKOV,
Mefodiy Nsumovich. Prinimal uchastiye DIRSHITS, I.A. Cdeceaaedl.
BATYREV, V.,; NADEZOINA, A., red.izd-va; NUGINA. T.,
TC)irrency circulation and credit in the U.S.S.R.] Denezhnoe
obrashchenis i kredit SSSR. MoBkva, Gosfinindat, 1960. 304
(MIRA 14:350
IKONNINOV,VV., prof, PrinimaU uchastiye: GUSAKOV,_A,~P., prof.; SHENGER,
Yu.Te., prof.; BATYREV, V.M., doktor skon. nauk; KAZANTSEV, A.I.,
dotB.; BUZYREV, V.M., prof.; BYSTROV, F.P., prof.; NADEZHDTNA, A.,
red.; POGODIN, Yu., red.; TELEGINA, T., tekhn. red.
(monetary circulation and credit in the TJ.S.S.R.]Denazhnos ob-
rashchenie i kredit SSSR. Kol-lektiv avtorov pod rukovodstvom
V.Ikonnikova. Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1962. 470 p. (MIRA 16:1)
(money) (Credit)
Demonstration of the achievement@ of the Soviet instrument
Industry at the All-Union industrial exhibition. Priborostroenie
no.9:1-6 S 156. (MLRA 9:10)
(Measuring instruments-fthibitions)
"Conference on Experimental Techniques and Methods in Higll-Tem-
perature Research," by A. F. Gusakov, Priborostroyenlye, Ito 10,
Oct 56, pp 26-27
A conference on experimental methods and techniques in higi--temper-
attire research was held 26-30 June 1956 at the Institute of Metallurgy
iinvni Baykov, Academy of Sciences USSR.
Sum 1239
The LPr-54 explesioaproof logometer. Priborestrataio no.2.-23-24 7 t57.
Ociectric instruments) (KUU 10:4)
Gusakov, A.F.
Materials for Planning a Pyrometer Test Laboratory (Materialy
kprayektirovaniyu poverochnoy pirometricheskoy laboratorii)
"Izmeritellnaya Tekhnika", 1957, No 5, Sep-Oct, PP 39-42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article gives recommendations for planning test labor-
atories for pyrometers, which will be organized within the
special "workshops of testing and measuring instruments and
automatic equipment"(tsekh KIP i avtomatiki). These special
workshops are presently being orpnized at industrial plants
having large quantities of instruments and measuring devices.
The author has utilized materials of a project bureau of the
former MPSA. He thinks that his recommendations can be of
use for certain organizations and industrial plants. The
article contains two charts.from which the necessary equip-
ment for a laboratory may be chosen, and the number of differ-
ent kinds of instruments may be determined. The charts list
the equipment items complete with their technical character-
istics and the names of producer plants. It further states
the mean annual work in man-hours required for checking of
single instruments. Recommendations are also given concern-
Card 1/2 ing the general conditions in laboratory premises (no sun-
Materials for Planning a Pyrometer Test Laboratory 115-5-19/44
light, no machines causing vibrations, eQ. There are 3
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
)MRSHAIKJJI, Georgly Aleksandrovich; iazh., retoenzent;
VECEIARSKIY, P.A., dots, retsentent; KRUGIA)VA, G.I., red.;
[Nngineering equipment for confectioner7 production] Takhaologi-
chaskoe oboradovania konditerskogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Pishche-
promisdat. 195?. 571 P- (MIRA 11:2)
(Confectionery-Squipment and supplies)
Socialist ,~ompstition in enterprises of the confectionery Industry
of the Russian Soviet Yederative Socialist Republic. Xhleb. i kond,
pTom. l.nQ.5z-!-3,NY 157. (NLU lot 6)
1. Glaynoye upravlsnlye'ionditsrsklo~ prouqahlennosti RSYSR.
LUN3 v Oleg Grigorlyevicht k&a.tokhn.naukj SMOLYANITSM v Hoisay
Isfimavicht inshol CIUSAMp Aslot insh,,p retsenzant;
IRUGLOVAt G,Lq red,j KISINAp Tool.#
[Gontinuous production lineo for oonfectioneries] Fotocbmyo
linii proizvodetva konditerskikh isdo3li, Noskvaq Pishchoprom-
isdat, 1961. 160 p. (MIRA 14aQ
AYDETEVA, A.Y., doktor tekhn.nauk; AIJOBIN, S.F., inzh.; ALTUNDMI, K.S.,
inzh.; BROIISffETN, I.I., kqnd.khim.nnuY; BRUS11TH'T11, M.S,;
kand.tekhn.nouk; KOZLOV, S.A., Inzh.; KCLESNIKOTA, Y.K., inzh.;
KOCBMOT, I.A., inzh.; LUNIN, O.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; MANNINA, T.-A.,
inzh.; SJORMTAKOV, M.N., inzh.; SHOLTANITSKIT, Me., inzh.; TTURIN,
A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; TSTBULtSKIT, A.A., inzh.; GHBIUIOIYANIIIK, A.Ta.,
inzhi; SHKLOVSKATA, A.Te., inzh.; BZHI, G.M., inzh., retsenzent;
HARSHALKIN, G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsen7.ent- GTISAKOT, A-J., red.-,
HARTTNOY, M.I., kanditekhn.nauk, rod.; UWGLOTA, G.I.. reno; AISINA,
Te.1se tekhnorede
[Confectioneris manual] Spravochnik konditera. Pod obahchei red. X.1.
Martynova. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat. Ft.2.[Technalogical equipment of
the confectionery industry] Tekhnologicheskoe oborudovanie konditersko-
go proizvodatva. 1960. 630 P. (mm 14:3)
(Confectionery-3quipment and supplies)
1~1 1 1-1-1--.- "
ZHUHAVLETA, Yekaterina Ivanovna, kand. tekhn.nauk; F011-thKOV, Sargey
Ivanovich; TOKAREV, Lev Illich.; RAKINANOVA, Lsoniya
Georgiyevna; GUSAKGV-y--AI-..,,- inzb.v retsonzent; ORLOVA, O.S.J.
retsenzent-,~-W~GLOVA, G.I.j, red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., tekhil- red.
[Technology of confectionery]Tekhnologiin konditerslcogo pro-
izvodstva. Pod obshchei red. E.I.Zhuravlevoi. Moskma, Pi-
shcliepromizdat, 1962. 41j2- p. WIRA 15 - 12)
L 2 '?'317-6~~ L";;' "11)(M I fr'lp I,-, i_~3r~ I- __
ACC NR! klllk~o6757 SOURCE CODE: UR/3158/65/wo/o27/'000i/ool7~-:~
j'~UUIOR: 1~,~pko.LV. Ya.; Petr(rajkiy, V. G.; DmitriyT_~?
'!. M. ; Yuryev, Yu. S. ......... - - -
ORG; Physics and Power Institute, State Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy SSSH
(Fiz iko-energet kiy instilut; Gosuda vemn-y-ko-RItei po Npollzov u atcanoy
energii SSSR)
TITLE; Certain problems in the development of a tbermionic emission reactortonvertex
SOURCE: Obninsk. Fiziko-energeticheakiy institut. Doklacbr, no. V.. 1965. Nekoto-
ryye problemy razrabotki termoemissionnogo reaktora-pre6brazovatelyn., 1-17
TOPIC 1AGS: thermoelectric convertor) neutron physics) nucleux reactor, volt wapere
ABSTRACT: This is a review article dealing with several )neutron-plrjaics and engineer
ing prcblems connected with the development of a thermiohic converter in which heat
energy is converted into electricity by using an electron emitter in contact with the
fissiorting material of a nuclear reactor. The first section of the paper deals with
possible neutron-physics characteristics of such reactors, such as-the use of,fast or
slow neutrons in the reactor, the dependence of the U-235 chaxge and the volume of
the active zone of thermionic reactors on the concentration of the uranium in the
active zones for different thicknesses of the beryllium reflector and for different
cathode materials, the distribution of the energy release over the active zone., the
Cord 1/12
L 24317-66
ACC NR: AT6oo67.57
degree of burnup) the dimensions of the active zoney the critical reactor load) and
the type and amount of moderator. The second section deals with thermodynamic and
electrical engineering problems involved in such a corrverter, such as losses, thermal
efficiency, conversion efficiency) volt-ampere characteristicsp and methods of minim-
izing the losses. The third section presents the results of reactor tests of three-
element assemblies of thermionic converters, made in the loop ebannal of the reactor
of the first atomic electric stations of the GSSR. Tests were made on different fuel
rods both under diffusion and are-discharge conditions. For the particular reactor ---
tested, the losses amounted to 12% of the theoretical output power for ohmic electrode
resistance and commutation; 10% for heat leakage from the cathode, and 5% due to the
axial inhomogeneity of the heat.release in the assembly. This reduces the theoretical
power rating of 2.7-3 w/cm2 to a value of 2 w/cm2. Orig. art. Mai figures.
SUB CODE:/J20/ ORIG REP: 002/, OTH REF: 004
Sam OnTe".
PSTLYAFOV, inzb.; SHAPOVALOV, A..','., inzh.; GUSAFOV, A.R., Inzh.;
UL)OVIGHiMiKO, N,V., invh.; BESPALOV, V.11,)---in~h.; D.K., irz?;,
Obtaining a flat sheet of transformer steel. Stu!' 25 no.12:
1132-1134 D 165. (?dfl?A 18:12)
1. Novollpetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod i TSentral.Inyy nauchno-
isSledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii. iineni I.P. Bardiria.
Economical advantages of centralizing equipment. He stroi. Ros- no.l.
12-14 Ja 163. (~aU 1W~
1. Glavnyy inzh. tresta. Po mekhanizateii stroitelinAh rabot
Glavatroy mokharxizatsii Ministerstva stroitelletva SSSR (Novosibirsk).
(Novosibirsk Province-Construction equipment)
:iODIONOV, L,V..; F.S.; PRYtZHJVSVfY, T.Y.; ~jjll!.~,P&Qy ~. 1.
, L 1.
Machine for the working of fr..:,zbn Fround. Gor,zhur. nc),?,?'14
ja 165. (%,'iIRA 18:3)
GUSAKOV, B.V., inzh.
Automatic tightening of dowel pins. Mekh. i avtom.proizv. 19
no.2:10-12 F 165. (MIRA 18:3)
AUTNORS,, Khomyakov, V.Q,,, Gusakovq D..Ya.. and Podberezina, A.S.
TJTIX, Electrochemical synthesis of hexamethylt-ne diamint
SOUTZCE'-~ Moscow. 1(himiko-telihnologichaskiy inetitut, Trudy, no. 3?,
1961,. 1t;sledovaniya v oblasti Plelitrokhminii.,, 1-11-1-16
TEXT-. The subject of this experim 'ental work was tD find out.
data for electrolysis conditions which influence thp-- yield of hexame-thy-
lene diamine (HMD) from adipodinitrile as the starting material. The
authors used adipodinitrile solutions in HCl as the electrolyte amd
spongy nickel deposit as the cathode. The reduction of adipodinitrile to
IM proceeds according to the scheme.-. CN - (CH ) t. - V
2 4 - CN i 8 If + BF
NH (CH,'; NH')Q Small amounts of E-aminocaprowitriLe and hexamethylene
2 ~ -
im~ne were found in the reaction productb which proved that the reductior,
of adipedinitrile proceeds in stages. The auth,;rs investigated th-P
effegts 1) of adipodinitrile con.cen.tration; 2) of IfC! concenlration;
Card 1/3
S/539/61 1/000/032/007/0 17
Electrochemical synthesis D202./D301
3) cf temperature-, 4) of the amount of electricity us~-!. 1) '4i-th ris.,.Pg
adipodini"rile content from 50 to 100 g/,~ the rate of its roduction was
markedly increased, the formation of side-preducts increasing to a much
lesser extew';, 2) With the rise of IJCI concentration the y,.'!ld of IDID
decreased; fliereforaq in further experiments ]10-11.4"1" IICI Solutions wer6
used~ 3 The rise in temperature from 20 I'D 35 C. C has an ortfavorable
effect. 4) The effect of electricity consumption ivas studied on 2 solli-
tions of 97 g/f of adipodinitrile in 101A HCI with r.,d. 10 a/dM , at
200C, %vith electri-city consumption from 50 to 1501ia' of th-t thssoreti-~-ally
noeded (81P/mol]). The authors found that the slectri~-i!y consumps."on or. the/
summEu'y reductO.)n process decreased steadily with decreas-ng reagent ron-
!:;eniration, when the energy consumption wau equall. to tile ;heqr(-A-i::.a!.') tile
y1eld of HMD was about, 60% both in respect. to tile ~urrapl and to the
agent, beIng equal to 43yo and 67% resper-tively when U50% of tbeorelical
energy amoun!~ was used. The authors state that E-am?.nW,,lpronj:I--'Ie frafl-
tion may be re-used Ar, further pro-:,esses; ~,n th-is was tile total IDID yi~~-Id
may be increased by about 101/6; that the studied method of IND .3ynthL44is ~~%i
much simpler than the chemical one; that by niethod ch'.orine is pTo-
duced as a by-product vo the amount of v- 6 tons pey Ion of MID, Full
Card 2/3
Electrochemical synthesis D202/0301
experimental details are given as well as details of the results obtained.
There are 6 figures, I table and 9 references: I Soviet-blot and 8 non-
Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-language pub".
lications read as followst P.B. Janardhanan, J.Sci.Ind. Research (India)
12B, 183 (1953); K. Oqura, Memoirs Coll. Science (Kyoto Imp. Univ.)
Ser. Aj 12, 339 (1929); Fumikazu Kawamura, Shigetaka Suzuki, J, Chem. 6oc,
Japan, Ind.. Chem. Sect. 55, 476, (1952); Masaku Ohta, J. Chem. Soc, Japan,
637 1762, (1942).
Card 3/3
x:OTLYAROT, Stepan Ivanovich; SHELUDCHIMO, Veeiliy Yevotaf lyevich; G~UOVN
x-!yawoyj.0.j GRISHkTXM, K. I., otvetatvennv7 red.;
IMV5UY-A, A.A., takhn. red.; FROSOROVSKAYA, Y.L., tekhn. red.
[Practical work In ventilation, lighting, and mine rescue oper-
ations] Frakticheakle raboty po*ventillatail, osveahcheniiu I
gornoupasatellnomu delu. Moskva, UgletekhIsdat. 1958. 248 p.
Nine ventilation) (Mine rescue work) (Mine lighting) (HIU 11:9)
_4A Ptirrtri I /Ptgrtm) /FF:tqVP(-
NN AP5626t66 jp/wj SOURCE CODE: 11R/0286/65/ooo/oj7/oo48/0o48.*;
INVENTOR: Roshchin, V. V.; Grinenko, V. I.; Gusakov, G. I.; Frolov, Yu. M.; Novikov,
V. I.; Turkov, 1. 1. 77,
ORG: none
TITLE: Method of automatic TIG welding of fixed tube joints. Class 21, No. 174299
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 1'(, 1965, 118
TOPIC TAGS: welding, metal welding, TIG welding, automatic WIlding.
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of automatic TiG welding of
fixed joints of pipes of any thickness. The welding is done with the electrode vi-
brating across the groove according to a program determined by the torch motion. Fil-
ler wire is fed at the moment when the electrode crosses it. A modified method, in
which the direction of welding is reversed after each pass ir, accordance vith the pro-
gram and the filler wire is fed correspondingly from two sides, is mentioned. INS]
Gu~"'.KCNI G. V.
C"c')AY107Y G. 'V.: "To-.0gra--hical. amato-my, of t'he fronLal ,n,' max~llriry mnii~'rs
of Cattle, and in thrm In mritcrrit.y !~ml
A _le!,.;y, !~,jj TT.-,'Ii:l- 1~.'~Jjjentl--n U':T. Clha-r of
Mct~;cow, 1955. 1bsoow VeterinL.1-V Ica, - I ... , 0'0 1 . .4
Crterative Suargery and To!~ofrrar,~~ica2 Lnutomy. (DL-,sertation for the Derree.
of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences)
SO: KaulmayS, klo Na. 4", IP N(-,vcmb-r 195-5. ocow -
GUSAKOV, G.V., assistent.
Rinoing tho nasolacrymal duct in cnttle. Vaterinariia 32 no.8;
66-68 Ag '55. (MIRA 8:10)
1..Kafedra op.~rativnoy khirurgil Voskovskoy veterinarnoy akademii.
USSR/Farm, - Large Horned Cat'.-Ile.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 13, 1958, 83323
Author kov, G#V*
In8t Moscov Academy of Vcterinaz-y 1-1edicine.
Title : Topo,~raphic kintomy of tho Abdominal Wall in Lnr~;c Ilort~cd
Orig Pub : Tr. Mosk. vet. akad., 1956, 10, 120-129.
Abstract : ;~ layer by layer description ks supplied of
aliatony of the abdominal wnll. The first layer
Of and subdermal cellula:: tissue; the second layer
is formed by surface fascia which encloses the larGe srb-
dermal muscle; the third layer consists of the obliqirus
ab~oLiinis externus muscle; tho founth layer consists of
the obliquus internus miscle (as compared to ho:~sco in
whora this rauscle has a supplt~mentary crus which covcz-j the
Cand 1/2
USSR/Farm Imimals - Large Horned Cattle.
Abs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No 18, 1958, 83323
hunger cavity); the f'i -Ith layer is represented by tho
rectus r~bdorjinis muscle; ancl the sixth layer by the crmis-
versus --bdominis musb1c. Between the layers, in the s-.=Qs
of connective tissuc purulent necrotic masses can mvc
-freely. -- A.V. Belousov
Card 2/2
Group wage system for train-making-up brigades without
special work assignment. Zhel.dor.transp. 46 no.12:
70 D 164.
(MIRA lgtl)
1. Nachallnik otdela truda, zarabotnoy platy i tekhniki
bezopasnosti Krasnodarskogo otdeleniya Severo-Kavkazskoy
PiTKO V. Ya. ; MLAUYKI, V. A. : GUS;, IKOV T. 1',j. : V. T'. : *11". 1,% ;
Yu. S. I - - ~ -)~ -- - -- ) I
"Some problems in the development of a thermionic rusearch --onverter. "
report to be presented at Inti Conf on Thc!rmionic Ele(,,tri-fd- Fower Generation,
London, 20-24 Sep 65.
USSR "'tate Comn for AplAications of Atomi~-: Enorgry, rv!o2,!ow.
GOLUMTSEV) A.14. LHolubtmatsev, (rlyvv); OSACI'V, !.Z. (Husakov, I.Z.]
D~niwalc damping of free Tibr,,Ltlons. "rykI. mekh. 10 no.20A-2P8
1. (A NLRA 17t7)
1. Irstttut mekhaniki AN Ukrl~,R.
REBROV, A.S., inzh. [deceased]; USFE"ISKIY, V.P., inzh.; PLESITKOV,
D.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; BELE111KIY, V.I., inzh.;
13ERNADSKIY, G.I., inzh.; VALUTSKIY, I.I., inzh.; BAZANOV,
A.F., kand,, tekhn. nauk; KOGAN, I.Ya., kand. tekhri. nauk;
RATNER, A.I.; VOROBtYE;V, A.A., inzh.; BALR-Z, V.A., kand.
tekhn. nauk; NOSENKO, N.Ye., kand. takhn. nauk; FOK111,
M.V., inzh. [deceased]; VINOGRADOV, G.V.~ iw4h.; G~qg~qY,
inzh.; STJDAhOVICH, D.I., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye:
SIGALI,Ya.Ye., inzh.; TITOV, M.A., inzh.; OGIYF~ICH, V.Ya..'
kand. tekhn. nauk; ZIMIN, P.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
LAPIRI F.A.j inzh., retsenzent; PETROV, NJI-, kand. tekbn.
nauk, retsenzent; RYAKHIN, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsen-
zent; KHOLIN, N.A., inzh., retsenzent
[Construction machinery; a reference manual] Stroiteltriye
mashiny; spravochnik. Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Ma-
shinostroenie.. 1965. 788 p. (,-IIR-k 18:6)
2.1, . Oj()OO
AUT11ORS: Fr()11W";'yev'V. P., Gmalkov, M. Y11.
TITLE: Tfterrmi Conductivity of' Some Organic L"(1-ii,J!;
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal teklinichuskoY Ciziki, 195), Vol I'll' 10, I)P l2Y7-12`3);
ABSTRAM The paper gives results of thermal of,
organic liquids. The following liquid.,; wure benzew.-,
toluene, xylene, chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene, arillin, carbon
tetrachloride, ethyl alcohol, acetone, acetic acid., hexane,
heptane, octane, nonane, dichloroethane, dioxan, (_-yclo1'Lexanonc,,
and benzyl alcohol. All liquids were chf--mically [mr(_-. Mea s -
urements were made by the optical. muthorl duv,:~lop(--d by loffe, A. F.,
and described in Ref 1 (Phys. Zs. d. Sovic-t,-Unior, ~_,2,191, 19--~10
The accuracy of the method is +0.5%. The result.,; of measureirvints
are given in tables where they are compared with obtainQ-,.l by
other investigators. The agreement of thr- tlicn-vial confluctivity
values obtained by the authors with thor;~' 01)t,r.Lirif~l by othccs i,;
Card 1/2 very good, varying from -0.5% to +1J'!j. 1.1 io
Thermal Conductivity o.0 Some Organic IJ(juids
Ca rd 2/ f"I
benzene , toluene, nitrobenzQtie, JLCz~"Urle, 1-0,M0 -
benzene, and carbon tetrachloridc may be u5t.'i' I.,; 0!:an~1a."d 1"I'llids
for calibration of apparatus einplop~d for 0' Lll~-'rmal
conductivity of organic liquids. Grnatlitud'-~ I.,; "o Prof.
Golubkov, P. V. , L'or Ili.,; advic('.. Thei-2 L:; I n, I
2r) referellcQs' 15 Soviet, 1. DuLch, it Gul-m-un, 'I, U.J..
The most recent U.S. and British references are., Brfr
Ind. Fng. Chorn.. , 49 ~ Nr 3, 4 18, 1("157: Chu I r, ji,
PI-111., Froc. Roy. '~nc., ii,
.i:, Davies, S. J. 4'0-1. Cheiii., AT/ 10r); 7a~on"'"R. L_ Ti-ans;..
Amer, S'oc. Vech. /(.)Y ~317' 'Lakja7lj:-i,~ C., and Coatea.,
J.? j. ic%cr. Inst. Chem. Eln.,-., 1, '~17_5, lcjf~~.
1~m. N.G. Chernyshev,;kiy
gosudarstvennyy universitet im-,:n! U. G.
July 7, 1953
Delustring of capron fiber. Khim.volok. no.3:28 162.
(MIRA 16:2)
1. Engellsskiy zavod.
AUTEORS: Fron tao I yev, V. P. , Gusakov %'I
T17LE: New data on the thermal conductivity of 22 organic liquids
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 9, 196ip 44,
abstract 9B278 (Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t~,
!,y. 69, 1960,
"~T: A of a number of liquid
,.Z,. The thermal conductivity q, was measured with
an accuracy of 5,;, usinG apparatug previously described (RZhKhim., no. 6,
1957, 16491). The value of t,-lv (in cal/cm-sec-deg) was found to be:
for benzene 347, toluene 325, o-xylene 316, m-xylene ~14-319, chloro-
benzene 305, bromobenzene 272, nitrobenzene 360, aniline 406, carbon
tetrachloride 25,71 dichloraethane 331, cyclohexanone 353, ethyl alcohol 382,
dioxane 36a, acetone 386, acetic acid 379, n-hexane 299, n-heptane 510,
n-octane 319, isooctane 244 and n-nonane 329. [Abstracter's note:
Complete translation.j
Card 1/1
Determining the productivity of low resistancia,aand reaervoir
rocks. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.4243-45 Ap '161. (MIRA 144)
1. Ozek-Suatskaya promyslavo-geofizicheskaya ekspeditsiya.
(Oil aands)
lj,.Cl,-%Y, ~x... N.D.
Uso of inicrologiing (IaLa for expo~-dnf,, fi~:-,,urwi ar-aL in well cross
sections. Fazved. i prom. geofiz. no.50:84-V '(3- WIRA 18:3)
Estimation of the oil-and ps-bearing capacity of clayey Bandstunezi,
Fa7ved, geofiz. no.1%79-911 t64. (KIRA 180)
GUSAKOV, S.F., inzboner; VAYOGANT, A.S., inzhener.
Earthwork under cold weather conditions. Strol. prom. )4 no.9:
7-10 S '56. (IqLRA 9:10)
(F.arthwork--Cold weather conditions) (Frozen ground)
GUS&KOV, S.F., inzh., red.; PSTROVA, V.V.,'red.izd-va; RYAZANOV, P.Ye.,
---te Oi~.-re d.
[Technical requirements for building and accepting pipelines]
Tekhnicheskie usloviia no proizvodetvo i priesku robot po
ustroistvu magistralinykh truboprovodoy 61 83-60. Moskva.
Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1960.
77 P. 04IRA 13:9)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaratvennyy komitet po delam
GUSAKOV, S.F., inzh.., red.
- ---------------,
(Temporary technical instructions for installing gas mains of
asbestos-cement pipes with a pressure up to 5 kg/cm2 outside
of cities, inhabited places, and industrial enterprises]
Vremennye tekhnicheskie ukazaniia na proizvodstvo i priemku
rabot po sooruzheniiu magistralInykh gazoprovddov iz 8-4
bestotsementnykh trub s rabochim davleniem do 5 kg/sm Vne
gorodov, naselennykh punktov i prou7shlezuWkh predpriiatii
S11 184-61. Utverzbdeny Gosudarstvennym komitetom Soveta
Ministrov SSSR po delam stroitel'stva 26 avgusta 1961.
Mosk-va, Gos. izd--vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.
materialam, 1961. 22 p. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvermyy komitet po delam.
stroitellstva. (Pipe, Asbestos--Cement)
inzh., red.; liTMA, G.A., red.izd-va; TRIKINA, Ye.L.,
(Temporary technical instructions SN 185-61 for carrying out and the construction of experimental sections of under-
ground gas pipelines made of asbestos-cement pipe in urban areas.
Settlements, and industrial enterprise.-, with a working pressure
of up to 0.5 kg/cm2l Vremennye tekhnicheskie ukazaniia na proiz-
vodstvo i priemku rabot po sooruzheniiu opytno-ekspluatatsionnykh
uchastkov podzer.rykh gazoprovodov iz asbestotsementnykh trub, na
territorii gorodov, naselennykh punktov i prouOrshlennyl-Ii pred-
priiatii s rabochim davlenien. do 0,5 k91sm'. (SN 185-61). Mo-
skva, Cos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialan,
1961. 31 p. WIRA 15:5)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyv komitet po delam
stroitel'stva. (Gas, Natural-Pipelines)
(Pipe, Asbestos--Cement)
GUSAKOV, inzh... red.; IFTINKA, G.A., red. izd-va; ITYKINA, Ye.L.,
tekh~. red.
(Technical specifications on the production and approval of work
in constructing gas networks in cities, popylated places, and
industrial enterprises] Tekhnicheskie usloviia na proizvodstvo
i priemku rabot po ustroistvu gazovykh setei gorodov, naselen-
nykh punktov i promyshlennykh predpriiatii (SN 117-60), Moskva,
Gosetroiizdat, 1961. 86 p. (MIRA 15:5)
1. Russia (1927- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvenmyy komitet po delam
(Gas distribution) (Gas pipes)
inzh. I
GUSAKOV, S.F.2- ., red..; IFTINKA, G.A., red. izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M.,
---tekE. red,
(Technical specifications SN 161-61 for installing and inspecting
exterior water supply and sewerage pipes] Tekhaicheskie ukazaniia
na proizvodstvo i priemku rabot po ustroistvu naruzlmykh trubopro-
v6dov vodosnabzheniia i kanalizatsil; MI 171-61. Utverzhdeny 13
marts, 1961 g. Moskvap Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.., arkhit.i
stroit. materialam, 1961. 93 p. (MIRA 14: 11)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S,R.) GosudaretvemW konitet po delam
(Water pipes) (sewer pipe)
GUSAKOV, S.F., inzh., red.; FETHOGA, V.V,, red. izd-va; SHERSTNEVA,
N.V., tekhn. red.
[Instructions 91 195-61 for laying delivery conduits of out-
door water-supply systems made of asbestos-cement pipes] In-
struktsiia po prokladke naporrqkh truboprovodov vneshnikh vo-
doprovodrqkh setei iz asbestoteementrqkh trub (SN 195-61). Mo-
skva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 34 p. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) GosudarstvenrVy komitet po delam
(Water pipes) (Pipe, Asbestos-Cement)
inzh., red.; IITT
II.V.2 tekhn. red.
[Technical specifications SN 161-61 for installing and inspect-
ing the installation of outdoor water-supply and sewer pipelines]
Tekhnicheskie ukazaniia na proizvodstvo i priemku rabot po
ustroistvu naruzIurkh truboprovodov vodosnabzheniia i kanali-
zatsii (S4 161-61). 2. izd. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat 1962. 91 p.
41MA 15-7)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvenrryy komitet po delm
(Water pipes) (Sewerage)
SALUKV, ADZE, , Viktor Sam nauclmry red.;
j sonovich; -g
SAFONOV, P.V,, red.izd-va; RUDIYOVA, ll~I.; teklm. red.
(Consti-action of main pipelines]Sooruzhenie magistrallnykh
truboprovodov. 1--loskval Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 246 p.
(MIRA 15:12)
GLJS-AKOY, S.F.,.inzh., red.; SHAPIRO, L.L., kand. teklin. nauk,,
red.; YAKOVIEV, G.A.j inzh.p red.; KOMUROV, V.A., inzh.,
[Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitellnyo
normy i pravila. Moskva., Gosstroiizdat. Pt.3. Sec.G. ch.7.
[Gaz supply: Outdoor systems and installations; regulations
for the organization, performance and acceptance of work-)
Gazosnabzhenie: Nanlzhrqe seti i sooruzhenila; pravila or-
ganizatsii i proizvodstva rabot, priemka v ekspluatatsiiu
(SNiP III-G. 7-62). 1963. 31 P. (MIRA 17; 3)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet p o delam
stroitel'stva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Gusakov). 3. Mezhduve-
domstvennaya korissiya po peresmotru Stroitellnykh norm i
pravil (for gbafftp).- 4. Saratovskiy gosudex-
-i'sledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut po
stvenrjyy nauchno- S
ispoltzovaniyu gaza v narodnom khozyaystve (for Yakovlev,
t L
GUSAKOV S.F., inzh., i-ed.;
[GoniiLrilction rogli-Int:iorin-it
nornV i pravila. Moskva, Stroiizdat... Pt.2. Sec.D. c..6.
(Automobile roads of industrial enterprises; design steandardsi
Avtomobillriye dorogi Promyshlennykh uredpriiatij-, norw rr,--
ektirovaniia (,SMiP 11-D. 6-62). 1964. 36 p. (Vl-~A '17 w 7)
1. Russia (1923- U.&S.R.) Gos1-,dar.9tveruXry k~iiidtet ;:o c2elam
stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Gusakov~. 3. Vs-3soyuznyy
proyekt-nyy i nauchno-issledovatellskiy ins-Utui. p,,-omyshlennog')
transporta Gosstroya sssa (for Baranov).
GUSAKOV) S.F., insh., red.; GELIMIAN, A.S., inzh., red.; KLIMOVA,
red.izd-va; RODIONOVA, V.M., tekhn. red.
[Construction specifications and regulation5l Stroitellrqe
normy i pravila. F;oskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.D.
ch.2.[Railroad gage of 1524 =. for industrial enterprises;
deisgn specifications] Zheleznye dorogi kolei 1524 waa pro-
myshlenrjykh predpriiatii; normy proektirovaniia
(SNiP II-D.2-62). 1963. 42 P. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gasudarstvennyy komitet po delam
stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Gusako-v). 3. Gosudar-
stvenr*,y proyektny-y i muchno-issledovatellskiy inAitut
Promtransniiproyekt Gosstroya S&13R (for Gellman).
GUSAKOV,.S.J., inzh, red.; Ea',IROVS~,IY, B.S., kand. teklm. nauk-,
red.; DUBROVSKIY, A.I., inzh... red.
[Con-truction specifications.and regulations] Stroil-ell-
nye normy i pravila. Moskva, Stroiizdat. Pt.3. Sec.D. ch.2.
[Dridges and pdpes; regulations for the work organization,
execution of work, and accoptance of conploted work) Mosty
i truby; pravila organizatsii i proizvodstva rabot, priemka
v ekspluatatsiiu (SNiP III-D.2-62) 1964. 86 p.
(14IRA 17:7)
1. Russia 11923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po de-
lam stroitellstva. 2. Gostroy SSSR (for Gusakov). 3. MezIl-
duvedomstvennaya komissiya po peresmotra StroitelInykh norm
i pravil (for Nemirovskiy). 4. Vseso-~ruznyy nauchno-issledo-
vatellskiy institut transportnogo stroitel'stva (for Dubrovskiy).
AUTHORS. Gellperin, B.B., Gusakov,, YJAA,1~ Luban, 1(h.L. and
Trofimova, N.N.
TITLE,' Methods of Adjustment of Betatrons to Maximum Intensity
PERIODICAL,, Pribory i tekhnika eksper-imenta, 1960, No,4, PP~13-17
TEXT~. The intensity of y-rays produced by a betatron depends on a
large number of factors, all of which have to be taken into
azcount in order to obtain the maximum possible Intensity. The
present. authors describe measures which were taken by them to
ensure this maximum intensity. The first secl'ion of the paper
describes devices which were used to obtain the optimum orbit radius,,
The radius of the or-bit was controlled by special coils located on
th,~ electromagnet pole-,face. The emf induced in these coils by
the field produced by the electromagnet was balanced by externally
applied emf. When the two emf's are-in fact balan::ed, the radius
of the orbit remains unaltered, If, on the other hand, the
external emf is less than the emf induced in the coil, then the
cuLry-ent produced in the coil gives rise to a magnetic flux which can
be! used to !control the radius of the orbit, By pl3tting the
intensity of the y-rays as a function of the orbit radius, the
Card 1/6
Methods of Adjustment of Betatrons to Maximum lntens-~ty
optimum radius can ba determined. This schamv wa.,j used with a
15 MCV betatron in which the radius could be vetried by 10 rimi, using
a current of 36 A. The second section of the paper is concerned
with compensation of magnetic field nonuniformities in the air gap
of the electromagnet, Since the static nonuniformity remains
practically constant, only the phase nortun1formity of the field is
considered. Of all the harmonics of the phase azimuthal field
nonuniformity, only the first and the second are of importance in
the betatron. Therefore, the compensation of the phase
nortuniformity is reduc~ed to the minimization of the first and
second harmonics. The two harmonics are compensated by two groups
of compensating coils whi:,h are located at 901 intervals, This is
particularly simple in electromagners with four-yoke construction
as shown in Fig.4. It was found in the case of a 25 MeV betatron
that the compensation of the phase nonuniformity increases the
intensity by a factor of 2, The final seztion of this paper is
concerned with devices which are capable of altering the field
index n at the instant of injection, In the case Cf a 15 MaV
Card 2/ iS
S/1-,-),0/60/000/00 It /001 P)
Methods of Adjustment of Betatrons to Maximum Intensity
betatron two turns (in series) were used, having a radius equal lo
the radius of the equilibrium orbit, One of the turns was
located above the chamber and the other below, The turns were
connected through a stepdown. transformer and a series resistor to
the source supplying the electromagnet of the betatron, When on
one turn was included in the circuit (either the upper one or the
lower one), no change in the intensity occurred when the current
was varied-between 0 and 0.7 A~ However, the intensity was ly
increased by 20% when both coils were in--luded, the current through
them being 0,37 A~ In one of the electromagnets it was found that
there was a large phase shift along the radius and the shift
increased with the radius, Although the static field index n
for this magnet was 0,56 to 0,7 (in the region of the equilibrium
orbit), the radial phase shift tended to increase n to about i
at the instant of inje--tion, This was countera,:.ted by using
distributed coils of the form shown in Fig,6, The coils were
arranged so that the phase shift produced by them decreased with
Increasing radii-is, One group of such coils was placed below the
Card 3/6
Methods of Adjustment of Betatrons to Maximum Intensity
chamber and another above It, In thi5 way it was possible to
ensure that the field index n did not exceed a r:ertain limiting
value at the instant of injection, In some betatrons use was made
of orbit tontrat~ting coils. These consisted of two turns located
above and below the chamber (FIg.8),, In a 15 MeV betatron, the
y-ray intensity was increased by the superposition of ar, additional
field at the instant of injection over a 130' sector, This was
achieved with the aid of two four-turn coils, placed above and
below the chamber veapestixrely (Fig.9), There are 9 figures and
I tabled
ASSOCIATION- Moskovskiy transformatornyy zavod
(Moscow Transformer Factory)
SUBMITTED; July 10. 1958 (initially)
June 9, 1959 (after revi6ion)
Card 4/6
Methods of Adjustment of Betatrons to Maximum Intensit'v
Pue. 4. Cxeua cocAHueuufL nouneHeannounmi
06NOTOIC U DnOI(Tpomarmuo tempexopeNmort
Card 5/6
pue, 6. C'uma perymiponaijun
uOD~(j)Slllllejj,ru ciia;tatuia tionn n
biethods of Adjustment of Betatrons to Maximum Intensity
puc. 8. cxmtA Opitellim OP61ITLI
B )IDMeHT nunteltAlill (iton-rpaRgim)
Fig .8 FIS . 9
)"ITIM AAH 11831O)IMIllil
Card 6/6
Reserves in constructing oil and gas wells in the Kuban fields.
Trudy KF VNII no.lld79-191 163, (MIM 170)
GUSkKOV, V. 1.
110n hydraulic mechanisms."
report presented at the Second Conf. on the Problem of Pneumatic Hydraulic
Automation., at Inst. of Automation, AS USSR, 17-19 Mar. 15 8.
S_ A v
-071! 1 - .:-I I
Moscow. Aviatsionnyy in-,tilut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze
0 dinamicheskikh Bvoystvakh sle0ashchikh privodov; abornik statey (on the
Dynamic Properties of Servodrives; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz,
1959- 78 P- (Series: Its; Trudy, vyp. 113) 6,100 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Ministerstvo vysshego obrazovaniya.
.Ed.. (Title page): S.V. Kostina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent;
Ed. (Inside book): S.I. Busshteyn, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House:
S.I. Vinogradskaya; Tech.: V.I. Oreshkina; Managing Ed.- A.S.
Zaymovskaya, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers working in the field of electric
and hydraulic servomechanisms., and for students taking courses at electronic
and aeronautical institutions of higher learning.
COTERAGE: This book contains.four articles on problems of stability and dynamic
accuracy of electric and hydraulic servomechanisms. k study7 is~ made of the eff eat
Card 1/2
On the Dynamic Properties of Servodrives SCYV/3393
of a mechanism's parameters on its dynamic properties and ways of increasing
the precision of servcmechan-isms in electrochemical equipment of systems.
References a,
ppear at the end of each article.
Preface 3
Petrov, B.I. Transien-W Processes in D-C Electric Servcmechanisms 5
Terskov, V.G. Increasing the Dynamic Accuracy of a Servomechanism by
the Introduction of Noise Feedback 27
Borisovs, N.A. Theory and Calculation of the Transient Processes of
a Hydroservomechanism with Throttle Control, Taking into Account
the Nonlinearity of the Throttle Characteristic 55
,.q~us~~.EovV.j. On the Calculation of Dynamic Characteristics of a
Throttled Hydraulic Device 67
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
C ard 2/2 4_
GUSAKCV, II.I., inzh.
Characteristica of oloctrontochLnical convertero with magnetic
oprihtgs. Trudy l,VtI no-134:107-UO 161. (MIRA 14:8)
;; H.. r- a ;:: : -!' -~ 11' 1 -1 : , 1 ~ *
m -. . - :, ; I
ACCESSION NR: AP4042270 3/0145/64/OOOfOO5/0133/0146
AUTHOR: Gusakov, V. 1.
TITLE: Transition and frequency curves of an ideal throttle-type hydraulic drive
SOURCE: ]VUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 5, 1964, 133-146
TOPIC TAGS: hydraulic drive, throttle type hydraulic drive, drive frequency curve, drive
transition curve, frequency curve calculation formula, drive rospollse, phased input
signal, sintisoidal input signal, throttle effect, ideal drive calculation
ABSTRACT: The dynamfe curves of an idealfzed drive, calculated by direct solution of a
system of tilree non-linear equations which allows accurate consideration of the effe6ts of
a drive's bMiC parameters, are analyzed and the author concludes that solution of thds
system of equations is not possible without the use of computers. Formulas and graphs
are presented for use in calculating frequency curves of idealized and real drives. It Is
demonstrab3d that the tr.~nsffion curves of an ideal drive remain non-oscillatory for any
ratio of parameters. Specifically, the response of a drive to a phased input signal involves
a transition constituent whose duration depends in part on the magnitude of the control
signal. Regulation periods of a non-linear drive and, a linear component with the same time
,constant are practically coincident. Frequency curves are governed notonly by inputsignal fre-
quency, the type and magnitude of load, but also by the magnitude of the input signal am-
plitude. Ile 'response of a drive to a 6inusoidal input signal is shown to be of complex,
harmonic character, but analysis proved that it can be approximated by a sinusoid with a
phase differential. relative to input signal. Here the throttle effect manifests itself prinfarily
in the form oT a non-linear lag component. Leakage and compressibility of the fluid can be
;accounted for-, approximately, in the form of an oscillatory term of the second order. Orig.
art. has: 6 graphs and 42 equations.
ASSOCIATION; Moskoveldy aviatsionny*y institut (Moiscow Aviation Institute)
J 1 'T
V K.
att, of ',-,he ~-tcjxa,;i I I i I S;J Ia. 'Va I I! S rf ll:.~~
1 V -1 ,-a hg k i-v v F_ U - r i n arnrr in s t tt i t.
D.V.; I...A.- G.V.;
11'. Y 1111~11 A) il,.Y(,.,. K(M.YAWIVA, T.V.;, veo.
[Chelyabinsk electrometallurgy workers are striving for
technical progress] Cheliabinskie elektrometallurgi v
borlbe za teklinicheskii progress. Chediabinsk, Cheliabin.-
Aoe knizimoe izd-vo, 1963. 014 p. ( 11, 1,T i -~", 1 If - P. )
OUSAKOV,V.N., kandidat takhnicheakikh.nauk
Concerning joints In precast reinforced concrete columns.
Stroi. prom. 33 no-7:20-23 J1 '55. (MM 8:9)
(Columns, Concrete)
CoRtiRuous distillation of wood tars. Gidrells.i losekhim.prom.9 no,,2:
6-9 156. (MLIRA 9:7)
l.lSextrallwy nauchne-issledevatel'skiy leseWmicheakAy institut
(for Gueak*v, Zabolotakiy).2.Uproleakhim (for TerentlyeYA)
(Weed tar) (Distillation apparatus)
,/Fon--%doa of yapoir. in woid cheaxic~d praom3i and its
rp-w=tion. V, IN. Gm~,kuv. Vidrelt'C. i LxsokA-ra. Prom.
V -" Aj. klve.-Ai.
9, No. %, 5--C, r 243 ~,Iadojt Of 111C t4~Vjp. segim
Lj) are
in which vap'oz-s (1) (carryiz:z owr fareign mutcrL-
formcd. The r--tt,;es kading to, dm build-Vp. of I- were
found to be tile dir~czmvce Extwoext Me tclzup. of I ar'd t1lat
-0 f Co[UrflaS -.- coolors~tIte im*. oE rtibi and
of the Ivalls "Ll
qi!s in 1, and the raut b( vapor t could bc liurifhA
by partfift eroline falla."ied by eiltmew" t1trour-'11 Comm of
by elce. p-ptn.
r Y
MSSR/Mexic technology Chhemic~l Prod~icts and Their 1-9
Application. Wood Gbpmisbry Products. Hydrolyiiis Industry
Abs Jour : Ref Zhlz- - nimiya, No 1, 1958, 2659
Author : Tivarov, I.P., Gordon, L.V., Gusakov
Title Wood.-T-ar Pitch as Binder in the Ft-oduction of Wood-.Coal
Orig Pub Gid-roliznava i lesok~,_isa. prom.-st', 1957, No 4, lo-11
Abstract Description of experiments on maki-ng of briquettes from
birch wood coal (rDisture content 1%) and wood-t&r pitch
(softening point, Maken 5-ransliterated block method,
900). Strength to crushing (in kg/cm ) of briquettes
(unbaked) containing 10, 15, 20% pitch and produced with
low pressure, is respectively, 4.4, 7.4, 17-3; that of
baked briquettes is 16-3, 23-3, 26.8. With a press-wor-
king pressure of 65 k9/cM2 tl%e average strength of baked
briquettes was of about 40 kg/c-Ta2; increase in pressure
Card 1/2
USSR/Chemical Tect-nology - Cho_,v_Ic9,l Pe-oducts and Their 1-9
Application. Wood Chemistry Products. Hyclrolysis Tndustry
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - 107ilwlya) No 1, 19%, 2659
to 150 kg/cw? increaaes the strengtt_ to 100 kg/cm2.
Strength of vmbak-~d briquettes could be increased to 50-
80 kg/cni2, by rais-ing the pressure. Streugth of briquet-
tes on attrition is low.
Card 2/:2
AUTHOR: Barshteyn, M.P.,)Candidate of Technical /97-57-11-9/10
Gusakov V.N. Sciences
TIT~LE: Practical Tests on Load-Carrying Constructions for the
Games Arena at the Central Stadium imeni V.I. LenLn.
(Naturnyye ispytaniya nesushchikh konstruktsiy areny
ruchnykh igr Tsentrallnogo stadiona imeni V.I. Lenina).
FERIODICAL:Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1957, Nr 11, pp 465-466.
ABSTRACT: The TsNIPS and the Institute for Building, Technique of
the Academy of Building and Architecture of USSR carried
out statical and dynamic investigations of load-bearing
constructions for,the above stadium. Tests were carried
out by Candidate of Technical..9(-.i-ncesN.P. Korovin,
Engi4eers V.S. Pavlyk, P.K. S'hklyare "kiy (through
the TsNIPS)and,I.P. Rvzhov,, A.V. :Pan1k,ov,Y*.Ya Svetova
and N.M. Belyayeva...of the Institute for Building Technique.
The aim of these investigations was to determine the
actual load-bearing capacities of the precast standapd
reinforced concrete units. Various tests are described
in detail. Investigations showed that during the cal-
culation and design of deformations of typical Joints
Card 1/2
Practical Tests on Load-Cnrrying Constructions for the Games Arena
at the Central Stadium imeni V.I. Lenin.
of these prestressed elements a considerable quantity of
reinforcement and concrete could have been saved. T11is
could have been effected if sufficient protection had
been taken against the corrosion of the reinforcement and
the deformations by testing full-scale units. There is
one illustration.
l.Structures--Analysis 2. Reinforced concrete--Loading
3. Reinforced concrete--Testing equipment 4. Reinforced concrete
--Test results
Card 2/2
Extraction of acetic acid by wood-tar oils from vapor and VLs
products obtained in a vertical gas-eircalating retort. Sbor.
trud. TSNILKHI no.13-46-59 159- OGRA 13:10)
(Acetic acicl) (WOOCI-Chemiatry')