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GURILIOVA, N.A. Winter hardiness of cultivated plants. Vimnyk AJM URSR 26 no.10: 24730 0 '55- (Plants--Front resistance) (KIM 9:1) USSR/Cultivated Plaits - Generai Problems. jibs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., 110 18, 1958, 82243 Author : Fedorova, N.A., Gurileva, m.jj., Kostlan, N.V. Inst : T 1- -~'- - e: 'Mathods of the Viability of Wi-1-iter CROPS Orig Pub : Byul. pofiziol. rasteriy, 1957, No Ii 29-33 Abstract : Direct gecwth is considered the primary method. How- ever, the water method (m. Buc;ayevskiy), the s-.aar growth n, ethod (Kuperma aiid Ki~cherynvaya) and others belo,-iG to those techniqotes which speed p the process and are less laboriol~.s and still have not been widely ,:-.tilized. At the Chair of Darwinism in movcow Univer- sity one has worked out a determination met-hod op the basis of the condition of the apical cones (thier t,.-x- 6escence, degree of broirding and turbidity). Upon clieckilig 316 specimm-is of those plants which proved to lack viability in the instance of direct growth, no Card 1/2 USSR/C"J-tivated Plants - General problems Abs Jb~.x Ref Zhur Biol., No 13, 1958, 82243 M M loss Of t'*rgor or occ rreace of brown vegetative coiies were observed. The Jastit~ -te of Plai-it physiology s,.g_ gested that Oae VsC stai;J11.1 for the coi-ies alid 911loot base sections, wit,1 a 0. 1% Sol- Of acidic f c'Llsiae. 110II-viable cells are disti1lipjished by their ability to be staLied; cases where only the shoot 1,,se cells stained, the Plants beloliged to the weake2ied grop. Work has been started Oil QPPlYi!l9 the liminescent al..'Ily- 8is method (by meails Of all LI-1 apparat.-s) and radio iso- topes On the basi 8 of the speed and rat*e of P32 by the plants). uptake 'o The Bibliography lists 8 titles. -- B.Te. Kravtsovn Card 2/2 3 AUMORS: TITLE: Fedorova., N, A,;_Gwile,,a,, M. A, On the Determination of the Viabi~ity of Winter Crops by the Condition of the Growth Cone (0b opredelenii ihiznespouobnosti ozimrqkh kultur p0 sostoyaniyu konusa narastaniya) PERIMICAL: Msteorologiya i Gidrologip 195'17, No, 2$ PP. 34-35 (U.S.S.R.) ABSM&CT: This method of determination was developed at the Moscow State University and according to this method, the non-viability of a plant is distinguished from viability by the full loss of turgor and by the appearance of a brown coloration of the cells of the stalky growth cone. The advantage of the method lies in the simplicity of selecting samples, the speed of their analysis, and the chance of checking the condition of vinter crops according to samples sent in. A determination of the viability of winter crops was made from samples sent in by agrostations and kolkhozes of various regioms in the Mcraine, wherein 318 samples vere analyzed for a part of which direct growth date were derived. A comparison of the results of evaluation of the viability of plants by direct growth and by the state of the stalk cone of growth showed considerable divergences, Card 113 FA q4; On the DetermirAtion of the viability of Winter Crops by the Condition of the Growth Cone The following conclusions were drawn: 1. Data derived by the method of fixing the viability of plants according to the state of growth cone with a consideration of the indexes recommended in the Chirkov article do not coincide with results of direct growth. 2. Considering the feasibility of developing a method of evaluating the viability of winter crops which (method) furnishes the chance of more widely taking advantage of the observations of productive plantings of kolkhozes and sovkhozes, more reliable indexes must be found which permit the objective recognition of the non-viability of plants. 3. In the group of indexes of the evaluation of the viability of plants, there should be included the coloration of the tissues of bases of shoots and of stallqr cone growths., an examination of the plants under an apparatus for luminescent analysis, and a de- termination of the activity of absorption of marked phosphorus. There are no graphics in the text; there is one reference,, which is Slavic. Yu. I. Chirkov (1) is cited with respect to his article which recommends the replacement of the method of direct growth (monolithic) by the method of determining viability of winter crops by the state of the cone growth. Card 2/3 On the Determination of tho Viability of WLnter Crops by the Condition of the Growth Cone ASSOCIATIONS: The studies were conducted at the suggestion of the Ministry of Agriculture of the U#S,S,R.,, & the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR by the Ukrainian Scientific-Investigatory Institute of Agriculture and the Ukrainian Scientific-Investigatory Institute of the Physiology of Plants in 1956. PRESEMED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAIIABIZ: Card 313 3(7) PH= I BOOK EXPL40rrATION SOV/2384 ZonrorentsLya po agroactoorologil I agrokILmatologil Ukr&inSkOy SSR Materialy konforentsil (Material of the Conference on Agricultural Meteorology and Climatolo y or the U12rainlan SSR) Leningrad, Gidroostooi=dat, 1958. 2t7 P. Erratp allp Lnserto4. 700 copies printed. 3ponsoring Agencies: USSR. Ola~oya upravlonly gidrome tooro logic h askoy sluzhby, Ukrainian SSR. Kinlacerstvo sal' skoso khozyay3tv;' WaralAskiy nauchno-issiodovatellokly,gidroactoorologlchookiy In- ~%Itut# and Ukralnskaya &kadvenly eel skokhozyaystvcnnykh nauk. R46P. 19d.t G.F. Prikhotlko; Zd.-- V.D. Plaaarevskays; Tech. Rd.: R.I. Braynina. PVRPM- Thin book Is intended for agriculturists, agromotoorolo- g1stse and Instructors in related vuzes. COVERAGE: This collection of articles deals with problems in agri. cultural meteorology In the Ukraine. Among the topics discussed 4"; wintering, pleating tione for winter crops, corn cultivation, Potato do&*nerarl**n; moisture supply, and adverse weather factors. References accompany Individual articles. TAREN OF CONTEns: Bascv, 1-1- (Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ukr &,M) Introductory Word 3 Dogatyr', T.K. [Chief of the Rydrcmatoorologlc&l 3ervIce, Mcr 33R) Practical Hydromet*orological Service for Agricultural Production In the Ukraine 5 56k4kho A.M. (Ukr&Lnl= Scientific Research Hydroner. Institute] notional Agroclimatological (Reference Books) of the Ukraine and Their Application in Production 10 Prikhat'ko, O.F. (UlacralnlAn scientific Research Hydroset. Instltutoi The nats or AgrooseteOrOlOgical 3tudles 1, the Ukraine 15 Kopachavokeya, N.M. lUkrAinlan Scientific Research Hydromet. rnsti. tutel Organization and Utilization of Meteorological Ob"r-vations at Departmental 3tatlona in 3cl*ntlflc Work and Agricultural Prao- tied 23 vlafivuk. P-1- and &A, jVQ1,vj Jukrainian Scientific Research Institute for I - Over of Vint orpCroops rnys Lol D&Y J 3r6clal Features of the Wintering In 1955-56 in Various Raglan. of the U33ft 31 Z=MXL-LA~ lukralnian Scientific Research Hydromet. Institute AgrosettOrOlOgical conditions or the Wintering or Wlnzer Crops In the Ukraine 40 Lichik-kt. Y.M. Aj,,ljma, Crops In the ukrsm .1, B,,j. for the ?-'&nttn4 Time or Winter 60 tUlsn0v&. To- A, (Central Insticuts, or Prognoses) Relatlon.hlp Be- Noon the Phases In the U'vOlOPMOnt of Winter Crops In Autumn and the AgrOm"sOrOlOgicla Condltlonz. Probabil-y In Phase Develop- sent or WInter Crops As Related to the Difforsn- PImtLngTj= in the Ukraine 69 3(T) PHASX I BOOK ZXPWXTATION SOVA364 Konferentmiya po agrometoorologil I alp kllAatologil UkrUlngkoY &SR Raterialy konrarentall. (Material or the Conference on Agricultural Meteorology and Clizxatolo y of the Ukrainian SSR) Lenlngrad. aldrowteoizdat, 1958. NT P . zrrab-olip Inserted. 700 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Olavnoye upravloniY g1drometecrologich- asko7 aluzhby, Ukrainian SSR. Miniliter5tvo seV Bkogo khozyayotva, UkralAskly nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy gidrometeorologicheakly In- saltuto and Ukrainakaya akadamly mail skakhozyaystvannykh nauk. Ron Ed.: G.F. PrIkhot'loo; Ed.: V.D. Pimoa"vskaY&; Tech. Ed.: 1:1. bralaina. FURPOW; This book :j Intended for agriculturist*, aVroaOtoorolo- gists, and Instructors in related vuzes. COVERAGE. This collection of articles deals with problems in agri- cultural meteorology in the Ukraine. Among the topics discussed are,iLtowinterIng, Planting tine for winter crops, corn cultivation, pot degeneration; moisture supply, and adverse weather ractora. IsrOrOncem accompany individual articles. TAWX OF COWPENTSt .- ~. . I _ftdOrOv&. N.A. [Ukrainian Scientific Reaseach Institute for Agri curEu-R-T-31--niffic &nee or Planting Time for the Winterlil, or WInt;r Crops Under Poleslye (Woodlands) and Northern Lesoatep (POM.ted Steppe Regions) Conditions in the UkrSSR 76 ZueheryaYga, N.J. [Ukrainian Scientific Resear--h Institute or crop 3cLOnc4J 319niricance or Critical Temperatures In For*cL3t.4ng the Wintering Conditions 84 Ourllava, e.A, (Ukrainian Scientific Rel.~h Institute for Plant 15F. =OOgyj Forecasting the Ream-.Ion of the Various Oradea of winter Wheat Upon the rnteruitttent T.xp~raturea of the Winter and Early Spring Period@ 91 GurlIOVa. N.A. and_H~&-Etd2rua, Results of Checking the Method for Determining the Viability of Wl~ter Crops by the Conditions or the Vegetative Cons 96 jOvenko, N.0 [Ukrainian Scientific Research HYdromet.Inatitual Moisture Reserves or various climemIz &oil Zones or the mwatn. 100 T.3asta' O.S. (All-Unlon Scl*ntiric Ren-arch Institute for Study or Card 4/7 VLASYUK, P.A., akademik; GURILIOVA, lamd.biol. nauk - Wintnr harAinens of plants. Nauka i zhyttis, 6 nn-3:23-25 Mr 158. (baPA 12:9) 1. AN USSR i Vsesoyuznqa akademiya eel 'skokhozyavstvennvkh nauk in. Lenina (for Vlanyuk). (Plante-Frost resistance) GUFiILKVA,, 1-1. A jjiuryllo-vap M.#.) A.A.Sapegin's significance 162. works on the morphogenesis of plants a9d its for plant growing. 19 no.53107-125 (KIRA 16 s1) (Sapagin, Andrei kfanaelevich, 1883--) (Botany-Morphology) GA~,ANIN, B.A.; PJTS~ELGVA, Z.P.; GURILFh4, N.P.; SOLOLOVA, F.G. Results of using OlIkenitskii's mediiim f*or the study of microbes of the Fnterobacteriaceae family. Lab. delo no.9:498-500 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Bakteriologicheskaya laboratoriya Infeltsionnoy bollnitsy .y vrach RSFSR S.M. Raskina) No.23 (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhenny Avtozavodskogo rayona goroda GorIkogo. TSBIDLO, Aleksandr Allbertovich, prof. doktor; SKIRNOT, V.X., prof., doktor; DICKIDOVSKIY, D.A., prof.-dokkor; DOBROKHOTOT, G.H., kand. tekhn. nauk; BULAKH. S.Ao, kand. takhn, nauk#--GUAMA#,1*T., red.; SKOLDYRWA, L.G., red, izd-va; VAYNMn7ftN# Yo,B,, tekhn, red, Cmstaliurg7 of copper and nickel) Metallurgiia medi i n kelia. Moskm, Goa. nauchno-takh. izd-To lit-ry po chernol i tevetnol matallurgii, 1958. 391 P. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Deystvitel Inyy c)4n Akademit ve Xm4-M (for Smirsor). 2. Leningradskly gorV7 jns:U%Ut-,; Im t - IeMil; ma'urgii yamholykh T-blagorod-n (fo~ ~& dWsiaj,' 3*brokhotov, Bulakh). ykh rotp-Ilov (Gopper-Ketallurgy) (Nickel Metallurgy) 1J1 KAZAKOVSKIY, D.ii., prof., doktor tektn.nauk; KROTOV, G.A., Lot,:., lran6.tekhr. nau1c; GURIN, A.A. kand.tekhn.nauk Use of acoustical equipment for solving of mine surveying problems. Nauch.dokl.vys.sbkoly; gor.delo no.2:85-91 159. (MIRA 12:7) (mine surveying) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) L 15661.46 h Yt(l)/ETC(F)!Rf(n)-,2/EWC;(m)/T.. tJP(-;) AT ~ACC NR: AP6000219 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/049/005/1591/1600 ;AUTHORS: Sitenko, A. G.; Gurin, A. A. !ORG: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR~(Institut, ~fiziki Akademii nauk UkrSSR) ITITLE: Effect of particie collisions on elasma fluctuations ISOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. .19, ino. 5, 1965, 1591-16oo 'TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, particle collision, temperature, *Idependence, plasma temperature, planma density k~VoLVC- evaito" :ABSTRACT: The authors studied the effect of binary collisions on plasma fluctuations, using a kinetic equation witi-) a model collision i integral in which the energy and momentum of the particles are con-~. iserved. The introduction of a model collision integral makes it the ipossible to study plasma fluctuations for arbitrary values of Leffective binary collision frequency, and not meroly limiting low or,! ,high values, as in the past. A single component non-isothermal plas Card ~L,11661_66 ._i..ACd'NR: AP6000219 ma is investigated. The fluctuation-dissipation theorem is used. to. e random find a general expression for the correlation function of th forces. Allowance for the biln,-Ir7 c0 111-s- 1-CiM.-S b,-2tllrj~42rt leadn tto additignal t-,1rqjj,~V Q id I lu vh I k; i:fj flah ii ~o It H 40:1 (At Wii I I iva'! fov- t,ko akj~s 0 t V~3 II;, "A")XI ar the Partielo donulty fluctuationij and for the temperattive f luc Via- U011o and ror, Lha (10poridonoo Of tho fluatutition opool;X111,11 (in Wo' ay, Tho' r4lrttolo don(JIL.V, toltiporaturo, 411el b1nal"Y oollimInji froquon relation between fluctuations Inja collislonless plasma and fluctua- 1tions in hydrodynamics Is also studie4 as is the acattering of ielectromagnetic waves by fluctuations of den3ity ;*uid tpmperat-ulkle! - It Is st)own 014t tho tampall-ature, fluativittono lixert alv Influence on the ncatterlng With rimall chango of V'roquoncy In tho case of long wavelengths. Orig. art. han: 2 figures, wid P-6 1f 0 I'mu la a. SUB CODE: 201t/SUBM DATE: 08Jun65/ ORIG 'RE-P.- 003/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 ACC NRi A117004570 SOURC9 C009j UK/0056/65/049100511591/1600 AUTHORS A. ORGt jrtp_~!tqto of lbysicsL~AN . UlI4SW(Inatltut Miki AN UkrSSR) TITM Effect of jart~i~iicolfislofii-on fluctuations In a plasma SOURCEI Zhurnal eksperlmentalvnoy~l tooreticheskoy fiziki v. 499 no. 59 1965, 1591-1600 1,- TOPIC TAGSz particle collision, plasma physics ABSTRACTs The authors use the kinetic equation.with the Dhatnagar-Gross-Krook collision Integral model as the basis for an Investigation of the effect of pair collisions between particles on fluctuations In a plasma. The Introduction of the model collision Integral makes it possible to Investigate plasma fluctuations for an arbitrary value of the effective pair collision frequency. The article investigates the case of a single-component, nontsothermal plasma. The fluctua- tion-dissipation relation is used to find a general expression for the correlation function of random forces. It Is shown that allowance for pair collisions between particles leads to an additional correlation of random forces In the velocity space. General formulas are obtained for the spectral distribu- tions of particle density fluctuations and temperature fluctuations. These formulas are used to investigate the effect of the magnitude of the effective pair collision frequency on the shapo of the spectrum of particle density and temperature fluctuations, grom the collisionless case to hydrodynamics. Orig. art. hass, 2 figures and 26 formulas. (4kSs 34,65Y SUB q0DE1 Card 1/1 20 SUBM DAM 08Jun65 / ORIG REFt 003 / OTH RCFt 003 7,0 0 AUT1105; TITLE; 3/0 ".516PIOG0100 7/C,6!,/G3_7 A(MIA101 Ourin, A. I,, YkidInno 1. V. Vertical motion of a rocket in a non-uniform gravity field with allowance for medium rosistance PERIODICAL.- Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 7, 1962i 98, abstract 7A744 ("Uch. zap. Mosk. gor. ped. in-ta im. V. P. Potemkina", 1960, v. 86, 77 - 107) T=: The authors derive a differential equation for the motion of the rocket mass center in a non-uniform gravity field with allowance for medium re - sistance during the vertical translational rocket motion, as,~uming the movements of gas particles in the rocket to be steady. They determine the law of rocket ve- locity variation for various sections of the rectilinear trajectory- of the mass center.. coinciding with the Earth radius direction. The trajectory mentioned is divided into 3 sections: The 40 - 50 km section whore air medium resistance can not be neglected. a section where gravity field can not be neglected, and at last an Ideal section of the trajeotgry without gravity and medium resistance. There are 5 references.. Yo. Polyakhoya fAbstracter's note; Complete translation] 6ard 1/1 GURIN, A.1 dotsent; YUDINAj I.V. Vel Cal motion of A .; ocket It a honuniform gravitational fieldl taki*dg the resistsM of the lddi~m into account. Uch. zap. Moak. gor. ped. inst. 8A-107 '66. (MIRA 1633) (Rockets (Aeronautiep)) GURIN,A. I. Amputation of both loge for gangrene caused by acute aortic obstruction. Xhirurglis, 14 no.53111-112 Ky 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. Is Brnilovskoy uchantkovoy bollnitay Z11marinukogo rAyonn Vinnitfskroy oblastio (IM.gnngreno bilateral amputation for gangrene caused by neute aortic obstruct (Rus)) (AMPUTATION. legs. for gangrene caused by acute aortic obstruct (Bas)) (AORTA. diseases acute obstruct. causinp gangrene of legs. bilateral amputation (Rue)) GURIN, A. L Phlegmon of the vermiform appendix in an unusual location. Nov. khir. arkh. no.2:133 Mr-Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1. Brailovskaya uchantkovays, bollnitea Vinnitskoy obl. (APPENDICITIS) GURIN, A,I. Clinical aspects of acute retroperitoneal apraildicitis. iMirurgiia 36 no.4:92-96 AP 160. (MIRA 13".12) (APPENDICITIS) GURIN, A.I. (Moskva) Stability of the motion of a gyroscope in gimbals with spring limiters and a damper. Inzh.zhur. 3 no.4t6lQ-627 163. (MIRA 16 112) GbRINT , A. T. Gurini-L.-T. "An investigation of the stability of motion of it shaft on which a disk has been placed", Trudy Seminara po teorii mashin i mehhanizmov (Akad. nafik SSSR, In-t mashi- novedeniya), Vol. V1, Issue 24, 1949, p. 5-26, - Bibliog: SO: U-4630, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 23, 1949). SOV/12-1-57 7-7518 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 7. p 8(USSR) AUTHOR: GUrin, A. 1. T IT LE: Some Problems of the Gyroscopic Stabilization of Instruments on Mov- ing Supports (Nekotoryye voprosy giroskopicheskoy stabilizatsii pri- borov na podvizhnom osnovanii) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. gor. ped. in-t, 1956, Vol 49, pp 17-60 ABSTRACT: The first two chapters formulate the laws governing the kinetics and dynamics of a rigid body and the equation of motion of universally mounted gyros. Chapter I I I, by means of the employment of the method of small amplitude oscillations, analyzes the stability of the axis of an astatic high-speed gyroscrope universally mounted on a stationary support and subject to elastic.. corrective, and dampina mo- ments. The second part contains a description and operational analy- sis of an indicating gyroscopic stabilizer. The instrument to be sta- bilized has a horizontal axis of rotation passing through its center of gravity and is mounted on a support which oscillates in a vertical plane. This apparatus is affected by frictional forces. The sensing Card 112 elcment of the stabilizer consists of two rigidly interconnected SOV A 24 -- 57 -7-7518 Some Problems of the Gyroscopic Stabilization of Instruments on Moving Supports horizontal gyros - one free, the other damping. A formula for the amplitude of the forced oscillations of the apparatus is derived, which demonstrates that this type of construction considerably lowers the amplitude of oscillations of the in-- strument as compared to the amplitude of oscillations of the support. The forrn ulas contain typographical errors. V. N. Skimel, Card 2/2 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 11, p 14 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gurin, A. I. TITLE: On the Stability of Stationary and Convergent Motions. (Ob ustoychivosti statsionarnykh i ustanovivshikhsya dvizheniy). PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. gor. ped. in-t, 1956, Vol 49, pp 69-97 ABSTRACT: In addition to a review of known scientific referenccs, two problems in Mechanics are analyzed: 1) The stability of a gyroscopic monorail car. Solution by means of the customary method of the characteristic equations of motion. Z) The stability of the inertial motion of a rigid body having one fixed point about the minor diameter of its ellipse of inertia. The results obtained thereby are equivalent to Poinsot's results. The article does not contain the necessary indispensaWe references. G. K. Pozharitskiy Card 1/1 5(jV/1Z4--58-1-18l Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1, p 19 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gurin A. I. T IT LE: The Dynamic Balancing of Rotating Machine Parts (Dinamicheskaya balansirovka vrashchayushchikhsya chastey mashin) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. gor. ped. in-ta, 1956, Vol 49, pp 99-111 ABSTRACT: The paper constitutes a methodical compendium on the balancing of machine rotors for students of pedagogical institutes engaged in a special physics lab course. The general principles of the balancing of an unbalanced rigid rotor are examined, and the general layout of a balancing machine is shown. F.M. Dimentberg Card 1/1 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5499 Garin, A. 1. Osnovy mekhaniki tel peremennoy massy i raketodinamiki; ch. L Uchebnoye posobiye (Principles of the Mechanics of Bodies With a Variable Masz, and Rocket Dynamics; Pt. L Textbook). Moscow.. 1960. 225 P. Errata slip Inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Moskovskly gorodskoy pedagogicheakiy institut imeni V. P. Potemkina. Scientific Ed.: N. N. Nikitin. PURPOSE : This textbook is intended for students of technical institutions of higher education. It may also be useful for self-instruction In theoretical mechanics. COVERAGE: The book deals with the principles of mechanics of variable-mass bodies. In part it represents lectures given at the Moskovskiy gorodskoy pedagogicheskiy Institut imeni V. P. Potemkina (Moscow City Pedagogical Institute imeni CarA.1~. Principles of the Mechanics (Cont.) SOV/5499 V. P. Potemkin). Some data on the development.of rocket dynamics are given. The author thanks Professors V. V. Dobronravov and I. A. Panichkin and Docent N. N. Nikitin. There are 33 references: 26 Soviet (including 4 translations), 4 English, 2 German,and 1 Rumanian. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Ch, I. Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Variable-Mass Bodies 1. Meshcherskiy's equation 9 2. Laws of the change of mass of a point 13 3. Motion of a rocket in interplanetary space 15 4. Physical meaning of Tsiolkovskiyls hypothesis on the uniformity of relative velocity of irradiated particles 27 Cara--.?-A- USSR/Farm Animals. The Wine q-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,., No 11., 1958.9 No 50071 Author Inst Title Early Maturity of Swine and Their Assimilating of Wneral Substances. Orig Pub Veatn. a.-kh,. nauku, 1957, ito 6, 124-132 Abstract Tests were performed with various Lwoups of pure-bred laree white sows and sows corssbred with boars of various breads, such as Braith's breeds, ManEplica and Ukrainian steppe breeda, laree black breeds) and Urzhum breedso Theac tests were carried out during the ti, when the aninalu were fattened. They were started when the animals were 4 months old and were continued xultil the desired bacon, ham, and semilard stages were reached. Fracture strength of thidi bones was tested with the machine of Shopere. Accordino to the indicators of bone strenath it wns established that Card 56 GURIN, A.I., sootakhnik. Year-round calving of cows. Nauka i per6d.op.y sellkho2. 7 no.7:21-22 JI '57. (Gaives) (FILRA 10:8) GMIN., A. I. ; MR Stoe Agr le So I (d imr) - - to ill. ng oP I i~ylb, i (1 1) 1 1--,s on ?codl scraps under the conditions of subin2ban farms". mo9cm., 1,150. 21 -01) (~Josccw Vat Acad of t-liru ~jlin AO~ic USSR)) 200 copl.cs (IM, No If'), 1-,;-)C" u~)) GURINY A.I. (Moskva) Stability of the motion of an unbalanced gy-rc)sc(jFe placed cn -- rotating platform. Inzh.zhu--. 5 rc.2.-338-341 165. (MIRA 18".4", L 2785-66 EWT(d)/FSS-2/EEC(k)-2/EED-2/E',IA(c) AST/BC ACCESSION HR* AP5021522 UR/0258/65/005/004/0603/0607: 531-36 iAUTHOR: Gurin# A. I. (Moscow) T~- ,TITLE. On the stability of gyroscopic and physical pendulums on a moving base ~SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhurnal, v- 5, no. 4t 1965, 603-607 !TOPIC TAGS: gyroscopic pendulum, physical pendulum, gyroscopic pendulum stability, ipendulum stability ;ABSTRACT: The dynamic equations of motion for a gyroscopic pendulum (including the ;Inertial effects of the Cardan supports), with its center of support moving alorhg a ~sphere concentric with the earth sphere, are derived by t e Lap i 11h gratigo method', and the; lotability criteria are established. Using the normal two moving rectangular .~coordinate systemet the total kinetic enerW (inoluding Cardan oupporta) and Vh-e i ,potential energy function are evaluated, and the equationii of motion are derived from the Lagrange equation in the form '(A -~'Ajl j, (A +A j p1q, slit P + cj~, milk + WQ + ctrl) q, COO + A - B) q1r, + (11, - Co niz&vrs cos Fie slit ot cos 1) - 0, (A +Bj [Ile + (Cl A A0 r1] pi + mzV99.Sl11 1 Card 1/2 L 2785-66 1ACCESSION NRI AP5021522 FIG Cos (a sin + mz~o C09,P* C d (r,, + 4) 0, iwhere 110 - C (r, + consi.' !From the perturbed parameterep the Lyapunov functions axe found in the form of :Jinear combinations of the first integrals of the perturbed equatione of motion, and the general sufficient conditions for stability with respect to all coordinates -are (z - 0) and established. These are simplified for the case of a balanced pendulum ;:for the case in which the Cardan support inertia effects are neglected. &e results ;of the latter simplification agree with the results of D. 3t. Klinov (Ob j lustoychivosti dvizheniya nevozmahchayemogo, fizicheskogo mayaW Ica. PrikI. matem, i mekhan., t. XXVIII, vyp. 2j 1964)o Orig, art. has: 1 figure and 11 formulas@ 'ASSOCTATIONs none SUBIEMEDi 2qDec64 ENCLi 00 SUB CODEs ME% XG NO REF SOVi 007 OTMt 000 Card 2/2 L 2944-66 EWT.(q)/ .7?-/ E F ACCESSION NR: AP5021445 UR/0146/65/00b/604/0691/0096 531.383 ;AUTHOR: Gurin, Av-I% TITLE: Stability of motion of a gyroscope mo ted on a movable base 'SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 8, nol. 4, 1965, 91-96 TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope motion equation, motion stability ABSTRACT: The author considers the motion of an unbalanced symmetric gyroscope in .a Cardan suspension with spring-type limiters for the horizontal iixle of the outside! ~frame. it is assumed that the gyroscope is located on a movable platform which ro- Otes with a constant angular velocity about the stationary vertical axis which passes through the bearing point of the gyroscope. The equation of motion for the gyroscope is given, taking consideration of the kinetic energy of the system and.of the forct functions f6r gravity and for the elastic forces of the limiter springaf The stability of time-independent motion of the gyroscope im considered.- The sta.- bility conditions are derived. The author solves the problem of the stability of LCordj~t2 L 2944-66 ACCESSION NR: APS021445 motion of a gyroscopic pendulum in which the center of the Cardan suspension move. :along the sfirface of the earth at a constant linear velocity, Orig4 art. has: . 1~ figure, 24 formulas'. 1ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ordena Lenina aviatsionnyy institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze.I ~(Mo3cow "Order of Lenin" Aviation Institute) 'SUBMITTED: 13Nov64 ENCL.- b0 SUB CODE., MEsXk", 1NO REF SOV: 005 OTHERI ~000 tA529O!!!66_ -EWL(d) 1213-9/tm (I )/ac(k -1-9 ALE: swaff C D MVMW/~i NKt AP6002624 K _T 'j ~005 tj66 jb~ajj 107, AUTHORI_ Gurin, A. I. _(Mo9cow) ORG: none TITLE: Stability of the motion of a gyroscope in.a Cardan suspension with loaded stops and damper..loeated in a Newtonian central force field SOURCE: Inzhenernyy zhuxnal, v. 5, no. 6, 1965, 1098-1101' TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope, gyroscope motion equationp motion stability, gyroscope suspension ABSTRACT: The stability of the motion of a gyroscope in a Cardan suspension ifith spring-loaded stops and damper located in a Newtonian central force field is con- sidered. The attracting center is assumed to lie on the line passing through the fixed axis of the outer frame at a distance R (much larger than the dimensions of the gyroscope system) from the fixed point of the gyroscope. The position of the gyro- scope is determined by the th-ree Euler angless * - the precession angle, 9 - the nutation angle, and q7 - the inherent rotation angle of the gyroacope, relative to the moving xyz coordinate system. The x and z axes are directed along the axis of the inner frame and along the gyroscope axis of symmetry such that the x axis always lie in the plane perpendicular to the fixed axis of the outer frame. The x, y, and z axes are taken as the principal axes of both the gyroscope and the inner frame, whose COM 1/3 ACC NRi AP6002624 moments of inertia are respectively A, B, C and A,# B1, 01 the x, y, z axes. The moments of inertia of the outer frame are A.1 B2' and C2 relative -to the x axis, to the skis perpendicular to the plane of the outer frame, and to the fixed axis of rotation of the outer frame. After the force functions of the central force field and the elastic forcen of the springs acting on -the gyroscope in the Cardan suspension are determined, the equations of motAon for the oystem are written. The particular solution of these equations correspqnding to the steady motion of tho arroscope is O=) V= (for N ~2 _2 where 19 and are the constant values of the corresponding angles for which the 0 0 elastic forces are absent. It is shown that sufficient conditions for stabilii7 of this motion are 2 2 zI 4.0t P zIz2 /A 2> Ot where . - -3,z--- ~ -_ ILI 390 ILI I 1ZL-zO+pR(C+CI-A-Hkj--F=zO_-F; p=*Mg,~:~ 9-4 P; I P g is the gravitational acceleration at the distance R from the attracting center,,U 0 is the mass of the.gyroseope and inner frameg and A,t )LL 21 3 are constant coeffi- cients satisfying the conditions CC NRt AP6002624 Consideration of a damper creating a braking torque about the axis of rotation of tile outer frame leads to similar results, Orig. art. hast 21 equationa4 SIUB CODEI 179 201 MM DATEs 2Wun65/ our. Ras' 003 Card 3/3 4111MRIMP.M~H Mw _2 A 'C 2 'DWT d 117i" 32,1 E EC Ic 2~'l DIGvZED-2 EU A a '1 -4/ E E ~~t7~7e 77pq- 4/ P g k 4/P1 - 4 3C ACCESSION "Mi A25QU324- 531,353 AUMOR: Gurin, A, 7-1 (Hoscow) an, unbalaw- 6'd g9to iwAaited i,-n a rotating Wse: TTTLE.- The., stability of, motion of, SOURa: Tnzh-enernyy -zhurnaL,..v* 5, -no-,Z,~-1965.,, 336-;ih, TOPIC TAGS: gyro motion stability, unbalanced gyra, rat.-ril~ing;'haa;e, ~af3pi[4-_ gyro, spring arrester, horizontal housing frame, Gardan surzoo-nallon, gyro mpti-In eajation, scability canditicn analysts ABSTRACT.- Expmaiding a previouc- report, the author arzalym.,s t4e svfl>JHtY, of mantion of an uabaLanced symietrical gyro with a Ca-rdaft joint i~=Dpenr;ton, arresters, a damper and a horitontal axis of the housirqj, -~-raalt, prouimed OU 11 platform revolving around a fixed vertical axis. Compiling the T-agranga fur"f-- tion L-T+U system's kinetic energy, U = force function), the author an equation describing the g~mq~s mztion~: &t:-analyais of thti, q;tabilfty a4* v bility aohiij.ttiai-lisf fti~d-b Ind gyro's steady-state zotion indicates thaw,- sta for a gy-ro do not embrace moments of inertia of the rotor or the siyqpensfon fxft,~- For a gyro mounted an a perma-asqtly rotating base, they embr;=ici!1 all. a=!~r FT AC *ION%: APM1324 m r tmqualftiel is evokved ruen 1: sof inert ia of thc rotor and frootes. A eyote , 0 to describe conditions of asym totic sLAI~Mty of a dampiug gyrc., in relation p cc, var"ables. "Tn coocluston, thri author grrratil'i;dt- o ~or revie-Ang the. rmqnuacript and Y,-,,IuiyhIe vefnarks~" art, has: I fLgure and 17 formulas, ASSOCTATION4. None Tl; SUME-MLA ED: ISJun64 ~O REF Sov. 002 OTHER: 000 USM/ Engineering - Boat assemblies Card 1/1 Pub. 128 - 12131 Authors t Gurin, A. P,,, Engineer Title j Block assembly of tug boats Periodical i Vest. mash. 35/5# 33-361 may 1955 Abstract I- A new technological method - block method - introduced in Z952 for the assembly of tug boars is described. The econo6ical gains offered by;this method are listed. Drawing; illustrations; table. Institution Submitted GURIN, A.S.; DROZDOV, L.V.; MOGILEVSKIYj M.M.; SHAROGORODSKIY, S.G., ',-podpolkovnik, red.j ZUDINA, M.P., takhn. red. [Telephony] Telefoniia. Moskva,, Voenizdat, 1963. 397 p. (MIRk 16:10) (Telephone) TOROPOV. Aleksandr Serge7evich, kandidat tekhnichaskikh aauk;.T-OLCHANSKIY, P.A., nauchny7 redaktor; GIRIN. A.T., redaktor; KATYSEVIGH, N.L., takhnicheakiy redaktor. MIVFIM" [Reinforcement waTC Armaturnye raboty. lsd.2-os, perer. i dop. Koakva, Vses.uchebhdl&-pedagog.i2d-vo Trudreservisdat, 1956. 24~ p. (MIRA 10:5) (Rainferced concrete construxtions) IZHIKOT, Aleksandr Andreyevich, inshener; SUOT, Aleksendr Paylovich. Inzhener; GURIN, A.V.. redaktor; KUZIMIN, D.G.. tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Bricklaying and facing work) Khmennys i obliteovochaye raboty. Moskva, Vaes. uchabno-pedegog..isd-vo Trudrazervizdat, 1956. 262 p. (Bricklaying) (KLPA 9:12) /V V VUICBIYEY. Vasiliy AlekBandrovich, prof. doktor tekhn.nauk; KOIOKOLINIKOY. Vadim Sergeyevich, dots., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHCHVETOV, I.K., nauchnyy red.; GURIK. A.V., red.; RAKOV, S.I., (Textbook on materials for builders] Materialovedenie (ilia stroitelei. Moskva, Vaes. ucheb.-pedogag. izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1957. 278 p. (MMA 11:4) (Building materials) VOLCHABSKIY, Rostislay Andreyevich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BESSER, Ta.R., nauchnyy redaktor; GURIR, A.Y., redaktur; KATUSEVICH, H.L., tekhnicheakly redaktor [Manufacturing precast reinforced concrete elements] Izgotoylenle sbornykh zhelezobatonnykh konstruktaii I detalsi. Moskva, Vaes. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Trudretervizdat. 195~. 291 P. (MIRA 10:11) (Preciost concrete) NARTSISSOV, Vlptdiml-r Semenovich; ANOMIN, G.A., mquchnyy red.; GURIN, A.V., red.-, PAKU, S,1., tekhn.rcil'. [Carpentry and joinevIv work in oolloctivo fnrm building] Plot- nichnye i stoltarnye raboty v kolkhoznom stroltel'stva. Hoakva, Vses.uchebno-pPdngog.izd-vc 1.957. 279 P- (MIRA 10:12) (carpentry) , 4 - , T' ) 1.: KUK'~LV. Vamiliy 'filekoeyevich; ORM. neuchuyy redallctor; GURU i.Y radektor; ObTRIROV, U.S., t.#I-hnir!heskJy redAtor - [General technology of woodworking; materisle) Obshchatp tekhnologlis derevoobrabotki; oenovv matertalovedenite. Vne.,-. ucheb.- podaeog.izd-vo Trudrezervizd9t, 1957. 291 p. ou'u; 10.10) (Woodwork) (Wood) KUKSOV. Vauiliy Alekoeyovich; ORTOV, D.M., nauebWy red.; GMIIKO A,Vs, rod.; ~ - -I j VLADIMIROVICH, A,G,, red.; SAMJTWVA, A#G., te)&n.- re C~ [Jolneryl Stoliaxnoe delo. Isd.2.. perei. i ispr. Koskya,, Vees. iwhebuo-podagog. izd-vo Tradrozerrixdat, 1958. 522 pe (joinery) (MM 3.1110) AVETIKOV, Aram Leonovich; SLUTMIY, S.B., nauchnyy red.; TOM, A.M., [Filling materials and fabrics for upholstered furnitureJ Kiagkie elementy mebeli. Koskva. Vses.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1960. 121 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Upholstery) XTJKSOY, Tasiliy Alekseyevich; GURIN, A.T., red.; RAKOT, S.I., tekhred. [Training in carpentry] Prepodavanie stoliarnogo dels. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Yses.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Proftakhizdat. 1960. 319 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Carpentry--Vocational guidance) OSTAPKIIKO, Hikolay Nikolayevich; KIRILLOY, Nikolay Pavlovich; 12AI[ILEVSKIT, Vladimir Viktorovich; BEYZELIKAII, R.D.. nauchm red.;_~RMIN,_A.V., red.; KLIKOVICH, Tu.G., red,; PMSONR X&NO, (Generul technology of metals] Obohchaia tekhnologiia metallov. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Koskva, V9eB.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo Prof- takhizdat, 1960. 367 P. (MIRA 14:2) (Metals) (Metalwork) YELKINI Nikolay Alekseyevichj TOSHCHAKOV, Lev Nikolayevich,- TUDAROVSKIY, V.P.,, otv. red - GURIN, A.V.., red.; ROMANOVA, S.F.P tekhn, [Rectification using transistor devices] Detektirovanie na poluprovodnikovykh priborakh. Moskva, Sviazlizdatt 1962. 55 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Radio detectors) (Transistor circuits) (Diodes) BLOKHIN, A.S.; BORODZYUK, G.G.; LESHCHINSKIY, A.A.; OKSMAXI, A,.K.; KOSMINSKIY., O.F.; MANUSHKIN, A.Ye.; MILEVSKIY, Yu.S.; DRIATSKIY, N.M.; VASILIYEV, V.V.; LIVDVICH, A.A.; ORLEYEVSKIY, M.S.; MOROZ, I.A.; OKSIAN, A.K.; UEL'p G.S.; SOROKIN., M.F.; BUTLITSKIY, I.M.; VASIIjIYEV, L.N.[deceased); GINTS, Yu.R.; VASILIYEV, G.K.; LUGOVSKOY, N.Ye.; KIRILLOV, Ye.V.; STRUYKIKA, N.S.; LEVINOV, K.G.;BLOKHIN, A.S., otv. red.; GURIN, A.V., red.; SLUTSKIN, A.A., tekha. red. (K-1920-frequency telephone system] Sistema vysokochas~ptnogo tolefonirovaniia K-1920; informatsionnyi sbornik~ (By]A.S.Blokhin i dr. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 319 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Telephone) GURIN, A.S.; KUZIMIN, A.A.; DROZDOV. L.V.; MOGILEVSKIY, N.M.; GOWYESH- ' [deceased]; FROLOV, A.A.; GNUTIKOV, P.I., podpolkovnik; SOLOMONIK, R.L., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Telephone] Telefoniia. Moskva, Voennoe izd-vo Kinisterstva obo- rony SSSR, 1954. 583 P. [Microfilm] (KI-RIL 7:11) (Telephone) KATVIYENKO. A.; GURU, 7. Improve the design of drilling machines. Bezo-o.trudn v pram. 2 no-3:38 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Glavnyy inshener trestn Ukrvzryrprom (for Matviyenko). 2.Glavnyy mekhrnik tresta Ukrvsryvprom (for Gurin). (Boring aschinery) GZttIg,,_Fedor__ Vasil 'yevich, kand. teRhn. nauk;.Ab'AN'YE]V, Nikolay Vasillyevich; SR.IOKHOTSKAYA, E.A., ved, red. [Nonserial ground-type conveyors used in the Inatrwiient and machinery industries) NeseriirWe napollrqe konveiery, primeniaeTiVe priborostroitellnoi i mashinostroitellnol proqrshlemostiami. Moskva,, Gos.nauchn.-i5id. -in-t nauchn. i tekhn. inforwitaii, 1964. 39 P. (Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia tekhnologicheskikh protsessov; materialy zavadskogo opyta, no.6) (MIRA 17:12) _gIR 1L, asillyevich, kan,,-;. tekhn. nauk; 0-'-'TRQVSK,',YA, - '- - - - - ved. red. [Feed mechanisms for semiautomatic machines and machine- tool units] Zagruzochnye ustroistva k poluavtoratam i agre- gatrVm stankam. t,'.oskva, [GOSINTI1 1964. /,0 p. (Mehhani- zatslia i avt,)r~atizatsila tekhnulogicheskikh protsa~3sov; materialy zavodskogo opyta, no.2) (%'M~.A 17:11) Gurkill: V'.L3! "'i -111 ve,J . red (Feed mechanisrs for grhidir~,, imachines] Zagruzachriyo ustroistva k -haifovalln~m stankam. 1.',oskva, G41SINTI, 1964. 44 P. (Mekhanizatzsiia i avToratizatsila t-2khriologichOskikh protsessov; materialy zavod;.,koj-,o oplyt.a. no.1) (MIIIIRA C~URIN,!Qdor Vasillyevich) kand. tekhn. nauk; OSTROVSKAYA, N.V.) d_ ved. re . (Feed mechanisms for.universal millingp screw- and gear- cutting machines] Zagruzochnye ustroistva k universallnym frezernym, rezlbo- i zuboobrabatyvaiushchim stankam. Mo- skva, (GOSINTII 1964. 38 p. (Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatiza- tsiia tekhnologicheskikh protsessov; materialy zavodskogo opyta, no.3) (MIRA 17:111 GURIN, Fedor Vasillyevich, kand. tekbn, nauk; OSTROVSXAY4, II.V., red.--,--- L~:- -- [Feed mechanisms for lathes, drilling and broaching machines; materials on plant practice] Zagruzochnye ustroistva,k tokarnymv sverlillrWm i protiazhnym stankam; materialy zavodskogo opyU. Moskva, Gos. nauchn.-issl. in-t nauchh. i tekhn. informatsii, 1964. 30 p. (Mekhani- zatsiia i avton-.atizatsiia tekhnologicheskikh protsessov, no.4) (MIRA 17:12) -411f GURIN, Fedor Vasillyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; UIAIIIYEV, Nikolay E.A.., ved. red. [overhead freight-carrying and freight-pushing conveyors used in the machinery industry] Podvesnye gruzonesushehie i gruzotolkaiushchie konveiery v mashinostroenii. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-issl. in-t nauchn. i tekhn. infomatsiiv 1964. 37 P. (Mekhanizatsiia i avtomatizatsiia tekhnolo- gicheskikh protsessov; materialy zavodskogo opyta, -no.10) (NIRA 180) MASLOV, D.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.;..GURIN,_F.V.,~ kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KUZNETSOV, A.M., inzh.; VASILIYEV, A.M.,, inzh.; LYKOVV A.G., inzh,, retsensent; PINSKER, A.L., inzh,, red.; LESNICHENKO, I.I., red.; HWEL'p B.I., tekhn. red. (Technology in the motor-vehiole and avtotraktorostroeniia.(By]D.P.MAelov 432 pa (Motor vehicles-Design and construction) (Tractors-Desip and construction) tractor industry]Tekhoologiia i dr. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. (MIRA 16:2) AUTHOR: Gurin, I. A., Chief of Cutting Laboratory 130-8-15/20 TITLE: Improving t~e OT)eration of Tube ThreadinE; Dies (Uluchsheniye raboty trubonareznykh patronov) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1957, 110-8, PP. 35 - 36 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The author gives a brief account of thread-cutting on tubes for the oil industry. The high-quality thread is produced with a special die (types TH4K, TH6K, TH8K, TH13K and TH16K) in a special machine tool in a single operation. Dies produced by the MIZ Works were found to clog frequently and were improved by providing openings rour.d the circumference (Fig.2). An improvement in the arrangement for preventir16 excessive pene- tration of the coolant inside the tube was also effected (Fig.4). These measures enabled the capacity of a group of six mchines to be increased by 150-160 tons per month. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Works im. K Liblcnekht (Zavod iiuerii K. Libknekhta) AVAILABLE: Library of Uongress Uard 1/1 AUTHOR: Gurin, I.A. 130-12-19/24 (Narezka TITLE: Thread Cutting on Tubes with Round Tap,)inC- Dies rez1by na trubakh kruglymi plashkami) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1957, No.12, P.31 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The author outlines his investigation of the quality of round thread-tapping dies as used for threading the ends of tubes (6-13 inches in diameter) for the oil industry. Type TH8K and TH13K chucks are used. In the investigation, annual figures for the number of ends threaded by one set of dies were used, and these are tabulated by the art-hor for 1949-1955. The table gives comparative data for 8 and 10-12 inch tubing, including die cost per end threaded. The table shows that 1955 die-set life was three times the 1949 life for 8 and twice the 1949 life for 10-12 inch tubes, the corresponding factors for the number of ends threaded between die-sharpening being G.? and 5,2. Soviet-made dies are said to have proved superior to imported ones. The author mentions some defects of die design. ASSOCIATION: The imeni K. Libknekht Works ~Zavod imeni K.Libknekhta) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 'J-J. ~rin';7-,ral ';-~rvas Di,c-"--.nt Frau T';-_,3--r 751 DefaridcCl !J"U, HiF`-:)r L'ticationall Inst-'i--lit4o:l9 (I"') GRIIMRG, Ya.M.. doteent; GURIN, I.L. rnfarcts perforating the ventricular septum. Irlin. mod. 32 no.10: 77-79 0 '54. (HLRA 8:1) 1. Iz fakul9tetskoy terapevticheskoy k-liniki (zav. prof. N.Ye. Xavetskiy) i kafedry patologicheakoy anatomii (zav. prof. N.F. Shlyapnikov) Kuybyshavskogo meditainskogo instituta. (MYOCARDIAL IN1FARGT, complications, interventric. septum rupt.) (HEART, interventric. septum rupte in ikyooardial infarct) UWE / Human and Animal Morphology (Normal and Pathological). S Hiatochemisti-yr Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No. 2910 Author : Gurin I. LA' Inst --.Xu-yby;hov �-ociety of Anatomicopathologists with Section of Pathophysiologists Title : A Histochemical Study of Sulfhydr,71ic Substances in Atherosclerosis and Hypertenaion Orig Pub : Sb. nauchn. rabot Kuybyshevsk, o-va patologoanatomov s sektsiyey patafiziol. Kuybyshev, 1957, 112-118 Abstract : Thiolic substances were studied histochemicaUy in the crgans of 27 persons, 37 to 84 years of age, who died of hy- -csis of various pertension aTA atherosclo types. The author concludes on the mosaicity In the distribution of sulfhydrylic substances among the various organs, their structural units and among Card 1/2 Ztetoc a~ncz Abe hor,2~ st-- trol4l Pho2ooy X0 1., 19 and Patho2ogica2;. -59, VO.Z2 OJO t .ke 920 the h- a t6 -nts -let of the h., G Zj,4r4 b2ooc, -1 O~ ~st ~Oliar 4 t 8-,Id cyt oc-~Qt~lca~z~y Clete Tile obsOzv Oct 'o 'to c0 ~y IJ4, pogza 2"Gae , 8hcv t tIon that th he Of thi .0 vh~ch a q4al2t.tt4t 021C rv Ire &4b,94. 68.9 Ch vaz2ces azee Of o" 20 GERMANOV, V.A.; IGURIN, PIKSANOV, O.N. Case of eosinophilia in a patient with reticulosis. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 5 no. 10:55-57 160. (MIRA 14:1) (RETICULU -ENDOTBELML SYSTEM-DISKASES) (EOSINOPsdL4S) - GURIN, 1..L.; ANIKANDROV, B.V. -.- ..... . Endothelioma of the thyroid gland. Probl. enklok. i vorm. 11 no.4r57-59 J1-Ag 165. (MIRA 18-,!L',' 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatoTnii (zav.- prof. N.F. Shlyapnikov) i kafedra faku'--Itetskoy khirurgil (zav.- prof, G.L. Ratneri Kuybyshevskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. GURIN., I.S. Device for storing and dispensing rubber goods. Apt. delo .12 no.6:59-60 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:2) GURIN, Jozsef, dr.; LENART, Gyorgy, dr. -- Evaluation of the Mayo opmtion in cases of hallux valps. Magy. sebesz. 16 no.6091-39~5 D 163. Iq A Budapesti. Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Orthopaediai Klinikajanak kozlemanys Igazgato., Glauber Andor dr. egyat. tanar. (FOOT DISEASES) (HALLUX) (ARTHROPLASTY) (POSTOPERATM COMPLICATIONS) HUNGARY kSZODI, Karoly, Dr, HORVATH, Ferenc. Dr, GUAIN,,AoAqet.,_PV, Medical Uni- versity of Budapest, OrEh6paedic Clinic (d-irictor: GIAUBER, Andor, Dr, professor) (Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Egyetem, Orthopaed Klinika). "Chronic Ostewyelitis Cases Resembling the X-Ray Morphology of a Twor." Budapest, Magyar Radiolmia,Vol XVIII, No 2, Apr 66, pages 86-93. Abstract: [Authors' English summary modified] 'rhe ostemyelitic patient material of the Clinic is analyzed. Diagnostic difficulties are, in general, encountered*in cam of the myelogenous group of chronic osteo. Velitis. Seven cases are described which resembled in part osteogenous or medullogenous sarcoma and in part a cyst. The pathamechanis" of the periosteal reaction and spicule fcrnation, so IAportant In bone tumor diagnostics, as w6ll as of the moth-hols structure of bow Is discussed. The decisive importance of a histological exudniation In these cases is stressed. 7 Eastern Suropmn, 12 Watern referinces, 1/1 GURIN, L.P. Shaping.the occlusal ourfacee of teeth In removable proothesea made of quick-hardening plastics. Stomatologlia 38 no.3:68- 70 MYJe '59. (KIRL 12:8) 1. Iz kafedry ortopedicheekoy stomatologii (zav. - dotsent K.R.Marey) Khar1kovskogo meditsinBkogo stomatologichaskogo instituta (dir. -- dotsent G.S.Vorouyanskly), eksperimental'- noy laboratorii (zav. V.D.Bazuglyy, nauchnyy konsul'tant - dotsent A-E-Rofe) Rhar'kovskogo zavoda zubovrachabnykh materialov (dir. Ye.G.Aronov). (DENTAL PROSTHESIS) GURIN, L.P. (Miarskov) Increase of the masticatory effectiveness of removable partial lamellar prostheses. Probl.stom. 6t297-303 162. (MM 1613) (DENTAL PROSTHES) (MASTIGATION) K -1, MOROZOVA, Ye.m., dotsent; SLUTSKAYA, M.M., dotsent; GRIN L.F dotsent; ALKHAZOV, I.I., assistent Organization and development of the Stomatological Pacu~ty of the Stavropol Medical Institute. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inat. 12:430-431 163. (MIRA 17t9) GURINP L.P. doteent Formation of occlusion surfaces of the teeth in removable bridges made from ACT-j,-A plastics,. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos, med. inst. l2t4J,4-446 163. " (MIRA 170) 1,,Kafedra ortopedicheskoy stomatologii (zav. dotsent L.P. Gurin) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainokogo instituta. 7T ]CA i a -!.T, k,j On 'he permutability -11" "I'll trims- 1 he ajcl-t- umisolci-3 d 'iVl!11 ;U'~, jr- fi-d Iq I il.,j ill,' 'it. tt, Ii 1v, I Z, w! r,. x.), t- 21-Czi+D. tD,=w,, whItre X. B. C, It) GI; s t rid Wjtt~ SllL[d')je 1SHUMPOIA15 , III,, 1-1~mg :lAll:-k:[l it 'lilt ty a E F B4,:Ienbani . notl VI'll ishinQ of lit dr-nn's all pr ZJ:4 for set ~x.- v- v.Alues 1 b f i i - Sat Y ng , y So vrc A Vol No . 1.0 PIMP= mwwrmmffm~-, ~,- ACC NR; AP6033938 SOURCE CODE: UR/0280/66/000/004/0045/0055 AUTHOR: Likhterov, Ya. M. (Moscow); Gurin, L. S. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Probability of segment overlap in a system of random segments SOURCE: tuN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 4, 1966, 45-55 ~TOPIC TAGS: probability, detection probability, Poisson distribution, set theory, at- mospheric cloud, cloud cover ABSTRACT: The probability of overlapping a nonrandom line segment by a s-ystem olF, ran- .dc~m segments is considered. The solution of this problem is applied to the calculations ,oJ;': the probability of object detection in clouds. The problems of overlapping may be- I :different in terms of the properties of the random segments system, the meaning of the overlapping" concept, and the propertties of overlapping. The paper deals with one such problem. The origins of the se&-nents form, a Poisson set of poizts, the lengt-a of Whic'n area in agreement with a given arbitrary distribution. The properties ofF overlap-. ping are de."Med by the probability -chat the conditions constituting overlapping are C> Ifulfilled. The mathematical techniques developed for the solution of this problem al- 1low for generalization toward other definitions and other properties of the overlap- The visual observation of above-ground and above-water objects remains, despA. Card 1 /9 ACC NR-. AP6033938 ava-4-11.bility of various technical aids, one of the main means for detect-' .0-.1 and re- ~cogn.Ltion. The observation is always accompanied by the pre-seace of one or alo*zhe-. ~disturbance. With respect to the majority of factors causing disturbances in techni- aids, the visual observation is disturbance-proof. There exist, however, factors :which generate disturbances ofvisual observation. Such factors are fog, cloud cover, and various types of camoflage. The solution of the problem of overlapping is aDDli- ,ed to the construction of a mathematical model of visual object observation v~-ider con- ~ditions of cloud cover. More precisely, a model which is desigi!ed for computation of 'detection probability of an aircraft in the presence of clouds. It is assumed that in !the absence of clouds the probability of such detection equals one. Orig. art. has: ACC NRt AP6028535 SOURCE CODE: UR/0280/66/000/003/0038/0045 AUTHOR: Gurin, L. S. (Moscow)' ORG: none TITLE: Random search in the presence of noise SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 3, 1966, 38-45 TOPIC TAGS: random process, optimal control, random noise sig'nal, circuit design ABSTI;4kCT: In this article an analysis is made of one of the possible approaches to the solution of a problem involving the location of the global extremum of a function in a noise environment in the specific formulation of this problem as presented by. D. B. Yudin (P. Izv. AN SSSR, Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, 1966, No. 1). A method, originally proposed by 1. Matyash (Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1965, vol. XXVI, No. 2), is generalized to apply to a noip situation. A method is advanced for the optimiza-_l tion of multi-extremal functions\%*th superposed additive noise. Only the convergence! of the process is studied. Further investigation is recommended with respect to the I optimal (in one sense or another) organization of this process, as well as the possibla-- use of self-instruction techniqueB for this purpose. Orig. art..has: 32 formulas. SUB CODE: 09,17/ SUBM DATE: 2lMar66/ ORIG REF: 002 Card 1/1 6 16(1) AUTHOR: Gurin, L.S. (Moscoll) SOV/39-47-2-5/6 TITLE: On the Question Concerning the Interchangeability of Averaging and Reduction (K voprosu o perestanovochnosti osredneniya i privedeniya) PERIODICLL: Matematicheskiy sbornik,1959,Vol 47,Nr 2, pp 237-254 (USSR) ABSTRACT:. Let a random variable.-- with a certain,generally unknown law of distribution and a monotonely increasing function f(x) be given. The approximative value of the mathematical ex- pectation of f(k g), where k is given, is to be determined from the known mathematical expectation of f(V3). Let f(x) be defined on [O,aj , a> 1, f(O) = 0 , f(l) = 1 furthermore let x i (i 1,2,..,n) be points of [0,11 and n t i nonnegative numbers, L ti = 1 . The mean value 3E is de- izi fined by n f (5E) ti f(xi Let Card 1/2 c- On the question Concerning the Interchangeability OOV/39-47-2-5/6 of Averaging and Reduction Af I k sup If(k i) - n t i f(kxi)l i0i Theorems zXf vanishes for all k only if f(X) - x n , where k n is an arbitrary positive number. Theorem: If f(x) is continuously differentiable on fo,al and if there exist constants c and 9 with the property xf - (x)- ci,