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Conference on measuring techniques in therua and flow
machines. Przegl mech 21 no.15:1+81+ 10 Ag 162.
Pe f voDljo,~
ACCESSION NRz AP3007184 P/0008/63/0001007/0166/0168
AUTHOR: W. K (Professor, Doctor$ Enginear)'t Z.IrAy
Gundlach, tj
R. Mr. EyrV
TITLEi Research problem in the field of tgSbi n
SOURCE: Technika lotnicza, no. 7, 19630 166-16B
TOPIC TAGS: turbine engine research, turbine evigine,,aircrafti.
turbine engine, turbine engine test installation, ai:rcrnft ins'tl,--~,i
tute, turbine research~
ABSTRACT: Research programs on gas flow, comhustion, heat
fer, and dynamic phenomena in small and medium turbdengines have
been planned by the katedra Cieplnych Maszyn Przeplywowych e~
partment of Thermal-Flow Machines), Lodz PoIM4 hALI.- I n 9 al
;i Test stands equipped with straight-flow tubfilar
Ora ax
bers, reversible-flow combustion chambers, fuel ject 'ie
_r_eas_ion~stages and expansion stalles, and regen'e.ra~,-`_',
tive beat exchangers will be used. At the pr-eiiant time, satislf~~~I
tory conditions exist only for research intg.p
414T ji n d
-[Cards 1/2
Im H
L 1?745-63
The facLIttLes of the Instytyt LotoLctwa (Aircraft I m m t L tji t e
industrial research utiits, an ratorles Anstt7tutions of
4igher education are inadequate for tiolving certain problems
lated to refractory materiali, high-speed bearinga, 4ind instru-
ASSOCIATION: Politechnika Lodzka (Lodz PolXtechnic Institute)
,;or /2
"I _' ~MTM IM~' ` I ~111.
GUNDLACH, Wladyslaw R., prof. dr inz.
Course of developing the meRsuring unit systems. Ciepl masz przoplyw
no.47/48:7-38 163.
m., . ;ITIl'i
I jArn'...-
10, �R ~- N ; I ;I*.- P
'-,' " ";' , . . " 1. . . '. . 7.. 1; ". , , ~ , ! : ") , 1. , I ~ " . . : I lo. ;
1 7 . . , : . " . . . I . 1 0 .
, . dF , : ~-. T~, ' ~ , I - I 1.. 1. .. 1--;- ~ -.1
ll~ Zfl~ I , I- t .
Abstracts of puhlications. ~ippl mafi.~)z pr,,le:A.,-w no.51;'52:93-
104 1 (4 -
GUNDLACII, WlAslaw, prof. dr inz.
Th~e Stat3 Council for Problems of Fuel and Pcwer Management.
Ciepl ,nasz przeplyw no.53:45-47 164,
Oorrection to W. Kordzinski's article. Techn lotn 19
no. 5:131 My 164.
~ - -, - Ii i- ! I - ~ : I j:!, :0
. . :It
~. A :..: - . !1, ~P ,
i . .". . .". .
2. u.~sa (6c)o)'
4. FislAng Boats
7. 'days to increase the speed and lower the cost of fislUng boat constructlon, ~7(1 m -
khoz. 29 no. 3, 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A P h IL L953, Uncl.
GUNDOBIN, A.A., inzhenar.
Firsov's completed diagram. Sudeatr*enie 22 Ro.2:1-4 y 156.
(Shipbuildixg)(Stability of ships) (KWA 9'-7)
GUNDOBIH, A.A., inzh.
At the Induetrial oxbIbition of the Maritime Province. Sudoetroenis 25
no.2:57-~58 F '59, (14IR& 1214)
(Ussurlisk,-Sbips-Maintanance and repair-R.Albitions)
Standardization of corrugated ship bulkheads. Standartizataiia
24 no.6:32-34 Je 160. (HIBA 13:7)
(Bulkheads (Naval architecture)--Standards)
. I' [ - ': .4. :1 ! - _-
j: i~ ~ ,~ Ii
Some methods for determining the outline of a Bhips hull from the
ship itself. Sudostroenie 26 no-9:55-56 S160. (MBA 13: 10)
(Ships--Maintenance and repair)
GUI-JiL BIN nzh.; FETAISHCOV, K.F.,inzh.; KOYMER, I.D.,inzh.
Testing of corrugated bulkheads. Sudoutroenie 26 no.10:68-70
0160. 04IRA 13:10)
(Bulkheads (Naval architecture))
GUNDOBINp A.A.p inzh,
One hundredth anniversary of Vladivostok. Sudostroenie 26
no. 1-1:81-82 N 160. (MIRA 14:1)
GUNDOBIIR, Anatoliy Addrianovicb; CHASHK.OVI, Mikhail Timofeyevich; KHAVO-
-E Euv in v - .0
YW.-,--EU-CMA, T.A.,. red.* TSALp R.K.9 tekhn.
[Impro7ing the stability of ships being re-equipped) Uluchshenie
ostoichivosti pereoboruduemykh sudov. Leningrad, Gos. soiuzroe
izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961 69 p. (MIRA 14:6)
(Stability of ohips)
GUNDOBIN, A.A.p inzh.
Fortiethiannivereary of the use of electric welding at the "Dalizavod.0
Svar. proizv. no.4:42-43 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3)
GUNDOBIN, A.A., inzh.; EYDELIKIND, L.Sh., inzh.
Plans for welded structures fov the repair of rivetr:,d !:hiris. 51jdo-
stroenie 27 no.12:52-55 D 161. (MIRA 15:1)
(Ships--Maintenance and repair)
7 ---, inzh.; KFEDER, I.D,, inzh.
Operation of pontoon dry dock gates. SudDstroenie 28 no.4:
65-66 Ap '62. (KRA 15:4)
(Sluice gates)
GUNDOBIN., A.A.-, inzh.
Icebreaker "Sibirl" in the Arctic. Sudostroenie 28 no.4:81
Ap 162. (WRA 15:4)
(Arctic regions--Ice-breaking vessels)
GUNDOBIN, A.A. inzh.
Providing for the stability of ships being modernized and re-equlppe4.
Sud6stroenie 29 no.l.-62-64 Ja '63. (MIRA 16-3)
(Stability of ships) (Ships.-Maintenance and repair)
GJ: ,~, :? -1 7 . I . i. I j~
-.. 1 1- -- "".-0 ~T -_ ~., I-
Railroad transportation in the sixth fiv8-7ea-- plan; discussion
--it.q N.A. Gundobin, Assistant "inistar of Transportation of the
U-i.'S.R. Voen.znan. 31 no.7:3 Jl 156. O-L"ut 10:0
1.1:inistr -,)ute7 soobohcheniya SSSR.
( Ra i 1 r o ad ---3 )
Speeding up the turnover of railroad care is an im,:)ortant condition
for increases In haulage. Zhel.dor.tranap. 37 no3:9-15 My '56.
(K12A 9:8)
1. Zamestitell Minietra putey soobahcheniya.
GUNDOBINP N.A., red.; GUBAMWA, N.T., red.; VXal2TA. G.P., telft. red.
-[~ranii~ortation and.economic councils] Transport i sovnarkhoz7.
Moskva, Goa. tranap. zhql-dor. idz-vo, 1958. 294 p. (MIRA 11:9)
1 (Transportation)
'.1e, , --*
1 11
Advance work methods for all railroad dispatchers. Zhel. dor.
transp. 40 no.1:8-11 Ja 158. (KMA 11: 1)
1.Zameatitell ministra putey soobshchaniy,&.
(Railroads--Train dispatching)
Improve the creative activity of engineers and technical workers.
Zhel. dor, transp. 40 no.8:3-8 Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9)
1.Zameatitell ministra putey soobahchaniya, predsodatell Nauchno-
takhnicheakogo soveta Hinisteratva putey soobahchenlya.
(Railroad engineering)
Urgent program for speeding up technical progress in railroad
transportation. Zhel.dor.tranap. 42 no*8:3-9 Ag 160.
(MIRA 13:8)
1. Zamestitelf ministra putey soobehchaniya.
Toward nev beigbts of technological pragftvs in transporta-
tion. Zbel. dor. tranep. 45 no.1:3-9 A 163.
(MIRA 16:4)
1. Pervyy samestitell ministra putey soobohcheuiya.
Antibiotic treatment for diseases in children caused by yeastlike
fun,gi.-Pediatriia 39 no-3:49-52 Ky-Je 156. (MLRA 9:9)
1. Iz Leningradskoy detskoy bollnitay imeni N.K.Krupskoy (glav-nyy
vrach.A-I.Chezhina. nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. N.A.Shalkov)
(FUNGUS DISFASES, etiole and pathogent
antibiotics, in child.)
(ANTIBIOTICS. inj. eff.
fungus die. in child)
PETROV, A.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; TULUPOV, L.P., kand. tekhri.
nauk; KRYUKOV, N.D., knnd. tekhn.nau~J...,gutiDRP-k&,,,Y.,N,,, inzh.;
VASILIYEV, G.S., kand. teNLI11. 11HUAj U
tekhn. nauk; MOROZOVA, K.N., inzh.; ROZE, V.A., inzh.; LEVSHIN,
G.L., inzh.; BERNGARD, K.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.;
N.D., inzh.; MUKHAMEDOV. G.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; MIROSHNICHENKO,
A.P., inzh.; ANDRIANOV, V.P., inzh.; BUTS, V.D., inzh.; KAZIMOV,
A.A., inzh.; KIREYEV, O.P., inzh.; DYU'rl)R, S.L., kand. tekhn,
nauk; USTINSXIY, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIKHAYLOV, S.M., Jnzh.;
NESTEROV, Ye.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsensent; LIVaHITS, V.N.,
inzh., retsenzent; PREDE, V.Yu., inzh., red.; VOROTNIKOVA, L F.,
tekhn. red.
(Control of transportation processes using electronic digital
computers] Upravlenie perevosochnym protsessom s primeneniem
elektronnykh tsifrovykh vychislitelInykh mashin. Pod obshebei
red. A.P.Petrova. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 207 p.
WRA 16:M
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Petrov).
(Railroads--Management) (Electronic digital computers)
ACCESSION NR: AP50019874 UR/0115/65: 0 Ot. /0.035/0036 1
AUTHOR. Fornin. Yu. Ya. i Gundorin, B K..
TITLE: Measuring the rapidl -changing temperature of fual~~,:rhigh-prassurm
SOURCE-.: lzrneritellnaya tekhnika, no. 7., 1965,~135-36
TOPIC TAGS: diesel engine, diesel fuel
'ABSTRACT., The measurement of the- temperature of. the fu.4-1 in ~i'didsel -crigine
fuel injector is described. The constant temperature cGm*iiient'iAi4ts.measured by
a copper-constantan O.,03-0.06-mm thermocouple having a gherriiid. inertia 61' 15 i-'
20 msec, and the variable component, by a 0.015-mm tungsten rq!6[stance
thermometer with a thermal inertia of 4-6 maec. An osclllograx~wohowa tho
entire injection process: lifting the injector ne edle, fuel or tllau-l.~
temperatures. The resistance thermometer roading was o0hind'fliM ol the
prescure by only 1-2 msec. Orig. art. has:' 3 figures.
Card 1/2
-V p
1114ovoc~;ine in the trea-baent of glaucom~a." 5ccond' l,'.")scow State I,iledical
Inst imeni I. V. St,lin. hoscow, 1,)5 J i he De
(Disstrt; tiols for t gre
Of Cardid~Ale ill I*dical 'Scic.-ice)
So: Knishaya letopis', "'.o. 16, 1956
Injury of the eye caused by fuzz from a live caterpillar. Yest.oft.
69 no.5:39-40 8-0 156. (MI2A 9:12)
1. Iz Glazuoy kliniki (dir. - prof. N.A.Pletneva) 11 Moskovskogo
me(iitsinakogo instituta
(271. wounds and injuries
caused by contact with fuzz of living caterpillar)
Nethod of photocoagulation In ophthalmological practice; survey of
foreigm literature. Vent.oft. 72 no.5-53-57 B-0 159. (MIRA 13:3)
1. Nookovskaya, glaxnaya klinicheekaya bollnitse, (nauchnyy ruko-roditell-
zaeluzhennyy doyatell nanki prof. N.L. Krasnow).
(In DISRASIS, eurgery)
Intermedin in the treatment of complicated myopia and pigmentary
degeneration of the retina. Vest.-oft. 73 no. 4:37-38 JI-Ag 160.
(MIRA 14:1)
Gonioscopy in diseases of the vascular tract. Oft. zhur. 16 no.3:
179-181 161. (KIRA 14:5)
1. Iz Moskovskoy glaznoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (nauchnyy rukavoditall
zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. M.L.Krasnov).
SKEPITAN., N.A., vrach; MKOKS, T.S., vrach; SIDELINIKOVA, T.Ta.,, kand.
med.nauk; GUNDOROVA, R.A.,; KRISTMAN, V.I., kand.
med.nauk; tUSMMVK-,W-.S'.,; MARSHAK,M.S.,, prof.
How to keep well.. Zdorovle 8 no.12:28-29 D f62. (MIRA 16t1)
Study of the crystalline lens in infrared light. Uzh.zap.
GNII glaz. bol. nq.8:40-43,63. (MIRA 1-S:9)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellokiy institut, glaznykh
bolezney imeni Gellmgolitsa.
I Contemporary methods of treating traumatic cataracts. Uch.
,zap. GNII glaz.bol. no.8:113-118163. (14IRA 16:9)
1, Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut glaz-
nyi* bolezrley imeni Gellmgolltsa.
Use of various means of removing the crystalline lens in
the intracapsular extraction of a cataract. Uch. zap.
GNII glaz.bol. no.8:129-127163. (MIRA 16:9)
1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut glaz-
nykh bolezney imeni. Gellragolltsa.
; I I J(
GUIqDOROVA, R.A., nauk (Moiukva)
Surgical treatment of retinal detachment. Med. seBtra 22 no.8:
39-43 Ag63 jFMOA-DISEASES) (M-4URGERY) (MIRA 16s10)
, ::~! - !'I -', i.,- :1
;--L -1~
GUNDOROVAI R.A., kand. mod. nauk
Surgical treatment of traumatic retinal detachment. Vest.
oft. 76 no-3:11-17 My-Je 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut glaznykh bolezney
imeni Gellmgolltsa (dir. A.V. Roelavtsev).
GUNDOROVAN R,A,, kand. med. nauk; GA-SYMICY, V.G., anpir-ant
Analysis of the outcome of mechanJoal eye injuries due to
foreign bodies for a period of 8 years. Azerb. mod. zbur.
42 no.8:55-62 Ag 165. (MIRA 181ll)
1. It gosudarstvennago nauchno-issledovatellakogo inatituta
laznykh bolezney imeni Gellmgolltsa (dir. - A.V. 11oslavtsev)
rukovoditell - starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, kand. med. nauk
Ye.S. Vaynshtey-n).
Pit c
- ~,--
Organization and principles of drilling operations in fields
of the Allmetlyevsk Petroleum Industry Drillin Trust. Neft.
khoz. 39 no.3:16-23 Mr t6l. IMIRA 16-.7)
(Altmetlyevsk region(Tatar A.S.S.R.)-Oil well drilling)
1-c..en. za:~jski (~-),,skiy -:~S. 1-n--
.er lisz~ o- -i-er
,fo. 11, DO p. 27-39, - 0. 3 -39
.7 1zhurnal Invkh Star4,y, ..o. 12, 1-
S0: L1261 10 Aoril 53, (Letopis
Session in Memory of Academician K. IM. Ber.
The author reports on the session of the Tomsk Department (ot-
delenlye) of the Yoscow Socity of Naturalists and Tomsk Div-jsjon (otdel)
of the Geographical Society of the USS'19 which was devoted to the 75th
anniversary of the death of Karl MakAmovich Ber, who was an outstanding
geographer, zoologist, and anthropologist. (RZhGeol, No. 4, 1055) Y=.
Ppnr7rafil Sibirl, No. 3, 1953, 324.
SO: Sum. No. 744, 8 Dec 55 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific
Abstracts (17)
. ~,~ T =I
, -.1 ..1.
"The Ide of 'Jestern Siberia." Cand Biol Sci) Ta--sllr Stat~! U i;!,,,Ti-J V. V. Kikrbyslhev,
Toms, 1955. (KL, 110 17, Apr 55)
SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Tecimical Dissertations Defended
at USSR Higher Educational Institutions k
Hybrids of lauciscus idus and the Siberian roach from Iake Chany.
Zam. po faune i flore Sib. no.18:25-26 '55. (NIRA 11:1)
1. Iaboratortya ikhtiologii i gidrobiologii Tomakogo gosudaretvennogo
universiteta imant V.T. ruybyshevu.
(Chany, lake--Fishes)
The technique of el imating stocks of migratory fishes and the
degree of their-etioitation under river condttions. Trudy
sov. Ikht. hom. no.13:457-465 161. (MA 14:8)
1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy,universitet imeni V.V. Kuybysheva.
(Obl River-Fisheries)
z F? r
Bi-ol ogy of the wh.' te f i sh " pravd, rk: -1 ! -j 7, ":-, I keJ t 2 rl
Lake Telet3koye and I.he Blya Rilre-,-, .17.7. ~-'ib, old, AN SSSR
nojMl-119 162~ (M'PA 17-.7")
I Tcmskty gosudarstvf~nnyy anivi?rsite,
Possibilities of utilizing the lakes of tile Gornyy Altai for
fishing. Izv. Alt. otd. Geog. ob-va- SSSR no.5:203-206 165.
(1,12,A 18:12)
1. Toyiskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
" - ; I!!, -; I
lake Teletskoye as a unique body of water of the Altai and
an object deserving protection. Izv. Alt. otd. Geog. ob-va
SSSR no.5:216-217 165. (MERA 19:12)
1. Tomsk-Ly gosudarstvemiyy universitut.
Solubility in furfurole of aromatic hydrocarbons isolated
from the oil fractions of the Kotur-Tepe petroleum. Izv.vys.
ucheb,zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.2:59-65 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimioheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti
imeni akademika I.M. Gubkina.
(Hydrocarbons) (Puraldeb7de)
(Kotur-Tepe region--Petroleum-Refining)
AUTHORS: V ~Jll ... metkin, N.S., TOV/20-121-6-22/4151
4opch~iXev, ~A. , Me ber, Academy of Sciences, USSR
TITLE: Dipole Moments of the Hexalkyl Derivatives of Disiloxane
(Dipollnyye momenty geksalkilproizvodnykh disiloksans)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 121, Vr 6, PP 1031 - 1033
ABSTRACT: In the present paper the values)f the dipole moments of the
4 derivatives referred to in ti.e title: a) hexa-methyl-disilo-
xane b) hexa-ethyl-disiloxane 'a) hexa-propyl-disiloxane and
d) hexa-butyl-disiloxane are quoted. They were produced by hydro-
lysis of the corresponding tri-alkyl-haloid-(ethoxy)-silanes
(Ref 1). Only the dipole moment for a) was known (Refs 2,3). The
others-have been determined here for the first time. Result!] and
references are given in table 1. A comparison of these results
shows a very high precision of the used apparatus. This equipment
worked according to the pulsation. method. Its stabilization con-
sisted of'piezoquartz with a frequency of 7,95 105 cycle's. The
Card 1/3 dipole moments were computed by the formula:
_'8 If-
",w. 0,012613 . 10 Por T (1)
.4 :.1
Dipole Moments of' the Hexalkyl Derivativeo of .0 '21'45
according t6 the method by Hederstrand (Gederstrand, Ref 7)-
I.j-- means. the dipole moment, Por an orientational polarization,
and T the absolute temperature. The orientational polarization is
associated with-the general polarization of the dissolved com-
pound P, and with the deformation polarization P D.0 (supposed be-
ing identical with the molar refraction) by the ratio
P = P - P (2)
or 00 Doc
Table 2 shows the constants of the pure solvent for the deter-
mination of P.1 and P Do- * Table 3 contains the determination of
dielectric permeability (,_E), density (d), and refractive index
(nD) of the iubstances in question, dissolved in n-hexane, for
va,ious concentrations of the dissolved compounds. They are ex-
pressed in mol-portions (molarity) (C2 (molyarnyye doli Pi.).
From the data of table 2-and 3, the constants for the determina-
tion of the dipole moments according to the Hederstrand method
are calculated (Table 4). This evaluation of the dipole moments
Card 213 proves the Si-O-bcnd being a distinctly polar one. This is due
'i, ".1 .1 .1 . -1 . I T ; t . I - - - 7 _ .......
Dipole Moments of the Hexalkyl Derivatives of SGIV120-121-6-22/45
to the significant difference of the electronegativity of Si
and 0. There are 4 tables and 7 references.
SUBMITTEDi MaY 13, 1958
Card 3/3
A.V. Topchiyev, G.~I. ~anchenkov, N.S. lametkin, A.A. Utui1yrev and Iu Ch'ang-li,
"Temperature Dependence of the Viscosity anI Fiensity or Certain Silicon-
Organic, Compounds.
Report presented at tho Second All-Union Conference on the Ghemistry and
Practical Application of 6ilicon-Organic Gompounds held in Leningra,l frart
25-27 September 195F.
Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, pp 23F,-2-140 (USSR)
4w ,
. SOV/20-129-6-3516~
A,,, Nametkin, IT.. 3.,, 11nnclicinkov G~
Kc--a-d -om i ca n
TITLE: The ielprtric Conotants nd the Dipole 'Moments of Some Or:-ano-
silicon iCompounds
PERIODICAL: Dollady Akademii nauk SSSR, 41959, Vol 129. 'Tr t'~, pp 1325-1327
ABSTRACT: "he authors determined the dieleciric con--tants of '5 organo-
silicon compounds at a frequency of cis he,:aallkyl
derivatives of disilane methane, disilane ethane, disiloxane
and linear polyethyl siloxanes. The valueo determined at
25+0,050 are given in table 1~ (Abstracter's noted T'his t--'hle-
has erroneously been printed under the healinj "divole moz,,ientr,"
instead of "dielectric constants"). 7.'ithin tl%e series of her-a-
alkyl derivatives of disilane me"hane anJ1 ~JA4-zilane 2thane Tne
dielectric constant in each series increases from t-e hexameQ,,yl-
to the hexabutylene derivitives, the I-reatest chanje o.-C-,Irring
in transition from the haxamethyl- to the hexaethyl !eri-V,-1t1VA--
The dielectric con3tanto of the hexnalkyl derivative.- of -31i-
siloxane vary anomaloli3ly with an increfise ill tile %lol-ec"!lar
weight of the compounds. From the derisities Lienticned in talble
2, refraction indices and dielectric conz;tants cf the compollnJs
Card 1/2 with different concentrations dissolved in n-hexane, the di-pole
68 168
:)UV/'. 20- 12)--6, 551/6)
The Dielectric Constants and the Di-oole ~Ioments of Some Orgallosilicon C.M...
moments were calculated accordin,,;, to
(Table 3)- Hitnerto, only the data of
disiloxane had been known. The values
these two compounds agree with the datt,
The nearly equal vziiueq of the divo-le
of d:,silane r:iethane and digilane Plihone
influenced by the length of the chain
kyl molecules. In diniloxane derivatvies
creases with an increase in th-e molecular
radicals, whereas in the linear pulyeth,,-1
(C H ) sioF(c 1i ) sio] Si(C 11 ) * th~
2 5/
2 5 3 2 5 2
G. ifedestranl (.Ref 4)
hexcamethyl- and hexa-Bthyl
found bly -he olthors for
jiubli.,diod in literature,
momen-its for the derivatives
show that '.hey axe not
and the nati-ire off the al-
the dipole in~oment de-
reit~nt *f the alkyl
di.pole mom,---nts ircroase
with an increase in molecular weight and follow the empirical
equation: ~t = 0.63 -,r,-+ ~ (;L = dipole raoment, n - number of
oxygen atoms). There are 3, table-3 and 7 refere-ne-Io, 2 of iwnich
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti
1. 11. Gubkina (t~Rscow Institute for the Petroleum-cheracal - ------
and- Gas- Industry- I ~ M . Gubki r.)
SUBMITTED: August 10, 1959
Card 2/2
D 2 06 7,/:) -~ 0 _--
T,_~ Oj s To-ochiyev, V. , Panche.,-_kov, G.
arne t 7K in, Y, . 3and EX. Ch I anc-I in's
TT'L--: Dc.)ende~-Ice of t' a viscos4ty and 'enL~`uy of so:-,e cllsses
o s i c :)n c om- Lo~
pounds on tem,,),~ra-re,
ion betv,,een the interact-ion encr,,,:.0s of 1, e c U I c S o f
t'-ese con-ipounds and tLcir o,61-acture
.~himiya i pral': t iche s;%:oy e primeneniye
soyedineniy; trudy konferentsii, no. 6: Doklady,
sii, reshen~ye. II Vses. konfer. po khimii J_ pr~al:-Lo. prim.
kremneorg. soyed. , Lon. 1958. Lonin~,rad, Izd-vo, IiT P,
0 U
i90-1, 239-240
T'EX T discussion relating to a -Minov detail of the above
(t-1-is publication, no. 3, P. 80), in which Ya. I. Vabel,
took part. One of the authors stated that viscosity of' mi:.-tures of
polysiloxane liquids had not been calculated, and tl-.-,--t viscosi-~lies
at. temperatures below OOC had not been measured.
Card 1/2
S/66 1/6", /000/006/057/081
Dependence of -2e viscosity ... D2667/D302
nefte' r~
_-1.330CI"'TI, ON: T yjL; + - -~- U~ -h-imicheskogo sin-,eza .'!,,a.;emJ'J*' nauk
v U _L v r~ _.
SSS"l' 'JOS' I
va (Tn!3-itute of 'Petrochemical Synthesis,
Acade...Jr of Sciences, USS."R, "loscow)
s/63,/61/100/000/0' -2/015
-D424/D501 Valnet1tin9
Gundyre -yev,
6--algr Topaj~j
exandroval . ti.
ii.s. I yanchenkov, organoBilIGO'n compounas
Surface tenoioorncofaOses ich es-
er an . 3-
0 numb ,,,,iyorg che
TIT LF, obla5ti fj7ilf _K111MIfteYhim-
ledolraniYa v nteZ ' L , 10 n
-155 niy. ~i statey. -Inst. 962,
S~Ornii( -
'iciit'naoyedIne . jZ&_VO SSSHO
J'jye Voystva. 14.0ov,
Jkjj 555'R.
5int. 296 to su'pply
219 - designe of
tigatj.ojj,,,a5 dependence
. 'j of the teinpera-
The irLves. & rjel nas On the rLosili.-
little-Stu 'eicon Compo" 0 r 59 0r95 the
.2s.kT' in the f organOs j iDou.Aaary & OV er vere
inf or "eLtI.0 a vas measuTe
at n
tension s es Measure
jurface tens ion S SuF
E f e t cla. va .. The d6 'by den
~he Surface f er 11 0 jilte"r
of 12 dLI , 10 . ter as propose
tur P comp ounds at scolft
con 20 to 5()0G' bubble vi
,0 f rolu . an air
rLA116. dL Out In
Car& 1/5
Surface tension ... D424/D307
(J.Chem.Soc., 121, 857 (1922) ) /Abstractor's note: reference
corrected improved by '~uale and Smart (J.Amer.Chem.6oc., 66,
935 (191VI), and further improved by the present authors. The
constant of the viscometer was determined with benzene and
checked with n-heptane and water. The following classes of com-
pounds were investigated: hexaalkyldisilylmethanes, -ethanes,
and propanes, hexaalkyldisiloxanes, phenyl-, 4-methylphenyl-
and 3,4-dimethylphenyltrialkylsilanes, diphenyl-, bin-4-methyl-
phenyl-, and bis-3.4-dimethylphenyldialkylsilanes, and linear
and cyclic polyethoxysiloxanes. In all cases the surface tensions
were found to obey the linear relation
6t . a - bt
where 6t is the surface tension in dynes/cm at tOC, and a and
are constants for a given compound. The surface tensions of
hexaalkyldisiloxanes are 2-3 dyne/cm less than those of the cor-
responding hexaalkyldisilylmethanes or -ethanes. The transition
Card 2/3
Surface tension ... D 24/D307
from liexamethyldisilylmethane to the correspondine, disilylethane
and disily1propane derivatives is accompanied by a reiplar increase
in -'t. Lengthening the polyethylsiloxane chain by successive di-
othyluiloxy units is also accompanied by a regular increase in G-t.
In addition, the following pairs of analogoiis compounds were
investigated; diethylsilane-n-pentane, dipropylsilnne-n-heptane,
dibutylailane-n-nonane, phenylmethylailane-athylbenzene, and*phenyl-
dimethylsilane-iso-propylbenzene. The surface tensions of the alkyl-
silanes were close to those of the corresponding hydrocarbons,
while the surface tensions of the alkylarylsilanes were 1.5-2 dyne/cm
higher than those of the corresponding hydrocarbons. There are 5
Card 3/3
D 24/D307
AUTHORSs Gar, Nametkin, N.,S.,
.Panchenkoir, G.M. and Topchiyev, A.V.
TITLE: Refractometric investig~itions of some
organosilicon compounds
SOURCEt Issledovaniya v oblasti kremniyorganiches-
kikh soyedineniy; sintez i fiziko-khimiches-
kiye svoystva. Sbornik statey. Inst. neftek-
him. sint. AN SSSR. Moscow. Izd-vo AN SSSR,
1962, 226 - 234
TEXT: The refractive indices at 200C for the C and F
lines of hydrogen (for the first time) and for the D line of
sodium have been measured for 46 compounds of the following classes:
the hexaalkyl derivatives of disilylmethane, disilylethane, and
disilylpropane, and of disiloxane, aryltrialkylsilanes, diaryl-
dialkylsilanes, and linear and cyclic polyethoxysilanes, From the
results, the individual, mean and specific dispersions, and the
Card 1/3
Refractometric investigations ... D424/D3O7
molecular refraction for the D line, have been calculated. As
a rule, in any one class of alkylarylailanes those in which the
alkyl group is ethyl have the highest refractive index. The re-
fractive indices of dia lky ldiaryls i lanes are about 0-05 units
higher than those of the aryltrialkylsilanes with the same alkyl
and aryl groups. In the case of the phenyltrialkylsilaties, the
introduction of a methyl group into the 4- position of the phenyl
ring and then a second methyl group into the 3- Position increases
the refractive index, while the situation is reversed in the case
of the aryltrialkylsilanes. The specific dispersions of aryltri-
alkylsilanes are 15 - 20 %, lower than those of the corresponding
diaryldialkylsilanes. The refractive indices of the hexaalkyl
derivatives of disilylmethane, disilylethane, and disiloxane
increase with a rise in the molecular weight, those of the di-
siloxanes beine less than those of the corresponding members of
the other classes. On passing from hexamethyldisilylmethane to
the corresponding ethane and propane derivatives, the refractive
index increases by 0.0025 units per CH2 group added, while the
specific dispersion is decreased. The change in the specific
Card 2/3
liefractometric investications D424/D307
dispersion of the hexaalkyldisiloxanes is anomalous, the ethyl
compound having the lowest value. The refractive indices of
polyethylsiloxanes increase by 0.007 per diethylailoxy group
and are much higher than those of the corresponding polymethyl
compounds. Dialkylsilanes have much higher refractive indices
and specific dispersions than the corresponding hydrocarbons.
The molecular refractions of all the compounds investigated
were calculated by Sauer's method (J.A'Mer.Chem.Soc., '06, 691
(1946) ) from established group and bond values and the results
were found to be in good agreement with those calculated from
the experimental data. There are-3 tables.
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Gundyrev, A.A., Nametkin, N.S.., Panchenkov,
-iyev, A. V.
TITUS Dielectric constants and dipole moments of
I some organosilicon couipounds
SOURCES Iseledovaniya v oblasti kremniyorgani-'
cheskikh soyedineniy; sintez i fiziko-
khimicheskiye svoystva. Sbornik statey.
Inst. neftekhim. sint. AN SSSR. Moscow.
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 235 - 242
TEXT - The dielectric constants of !6 organosilicon
compounds of the following types have been investigated: hexa-
alkyl derivatives of disilylmethane, disilylethane, and disilox-
ane, and polyethyl8iloxanes, most of them for the first time.
The dielectric constants were measured at 250 in n-hexane at
a frequency of 7-95 x 105 cps by the method of beats, with an
accuracy of 0.02 %. The apparatus was calibrated with benzene
Card 1/2
Dielectric constants D424/D307
arid checked on toluene and n-hexane. The value of the dielectric
constants given in the lite-rature for a few of the compounds
(measured in other solvents) agreed well with those obtained in
the present work. In the hexaalkyldisilylmethanes and -ethanes,
the dielectric constant increases with the molecular weight,
while in the hexaalkylsiloxanes the ethyl compound has the highest
constant. From the figures for the dielectric constant, the den-
sity, and the refractive index in dilute L-hexane solution, the
dipole moments of all the above compounds were calculated by Hede-
strand's method Mphys. Chem., 2, 429 (1929) ). All the hexa-
alkyl derivatives of disily1methane and disilylethane have practi-
cally the same dipole moment of about 0-57 D. In the case of the
hexaalkyldisiloxanes, the methyl compound has the highest dipole
moment of those investigated. The dipole moments of the polyetk'l-
ailoxanes increase regularly as the moleoular weight increases,
in accordance with the relation
,k L - 0 . 6 3 /n__+_1
where n+1 is the number of oxy,3en atoms in the molecule of the
polyethylailoxane. There are 5 tables.
Card 2/2
D424/D511 .,,,,,Chel'XO'4
Gunalrev 9 _. evi A.,V
Or6ano action
some licLull-L Of inter
,qiscosity the Cn hese OMPOUndB
compounds anules of t c1les-
of the Molec raniyorgan' . ches-
sti Itre ko-1011MI whim.
iya, 0 as t'ez i rizi
V bl " inst. nefte
ledovarl neUl Sj_n statey, 19621
ISS di lzd.VO Ali SSS
h Boye stva. 140 ScO1W..
'Kiye 6roy S,5SR.
Sint. Al~ nera-1
205 - 216 tablish'ng ge the den
. et of es. truc ture , been
Ob3e to t e r S as 'nave inter-
14 ith the compoun t 150
erties c0 850c, a
ii n
cal Prop anosi to 4 out &130 bet-
f 10
phyal of 4-5 Ore rom ie
their sities ran e Carr
re-lat"Ln and. ViBCO t em Ibeinf; com ndo are%
he temperat 0 The
,ities . over t for thr tervalS
veasurea ents 200
Vals t easurem OC (at
-600 and. 0
Viscosity of some ... D424/D307
hexaalkyl derivatives of disilylmethane, -ethane, and propane,
and of disiloxane, trialkyl derivatives of phenyl-, 4-methyl-
phanyl-, and 5,4-dimethylphenylsilanes, and dialkyl derivatives
of diphenyl-, bis-4-methylphenyl-, and biti-J,4-dimethylphenyl-
silanes. The densities, measured in a weight dilatometer to an
accuracy of 0.0001 g/ml, were found to obey the linear relation
d + bT
where dT is the density at absolute temperature T, and a and b
are constants. The viscosities,-rt , measured in a modified Ostwald
vincometer to an accuracy of 0.00001 poise, were found to agree
well with Panchenkovla formula
-9 - Ad 4/15T112eco/RT e -Flo/RT
where 80 is the energy of bond formation between molecules, per mole,
Card 2/3
Viscosity of some ... D424/D307
R the universal gas constant, and A a magnitude which can be
considered constant over a relatively narrow range of temperature.
The formula was used to calculate :,. Replacing an alkyl radical
in aryltrialkylsilanes by an aryl radical leads -to a considerable
increase in ),, and C: 0 . T - dependence of' 'I of the hexaalkyl
derivatives of disiloxane is I 'ower than that of the corresponding
derivatives of disilylmethane and diailylethane. In the hexaalkyl
derivatives of disily1methane and disilylethane, the increase in
~_:o as the main chain is increased by one CH2 group averages 295
Cal/raole, as compared with 209 cal/mole for the n-alkanes. The
intermolecular bond energies for the polymethyls.Lloxanes and the
polyethylailoxanes increase with a rise in the molecular weight,
those for the former being higher than.thdse for the latter.
There are 10 figures and 4 tables.
Card 513
AUTHORS: Kolemikov, Nametkin,
N.S., Panchenkov, G.M. and Topchiyev, A.V.
TITLE: Behavior of some organosilicon compounds in
the region of the solidification temperature
SOURCES Issledovanl;ya v oblasti kremniyorganiche-s-
kikh soyedineniyj sintez i fiziko-khimicheakiye
svoystva. Sbornik statey. Inst. neftekhim. sint.
Ali SSSR. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 245-253
TEXT: The solidification behavior of 31.organosilicon
compounds has been investigated in order to determine their true
melting points and purity, and the conditions under which glasses
are formed. The compounds were of the following typest hexaalkyl
derivatives of disilylmethane, -ethane, and -propane, and of
disiloxane, phenyl-, 4-methylphenyl-, and 3, 4-dimethylphenyl-
trialkylsilanes, diphenyl-, bis-4-methylphenyl-, and bis-3,4-
-dimethylphenyldialkylsilane8, linear and cyclic polyethylsiloxanes,
Card 113
behavior of some ... D424/D307
dialkylsilanes, and an aryldialkylsilane. The main feature of the
apparatus used is that the sample was contained in a double-walled
glass vessel immersed in liquid nitrogen, the rate of cooling being
controlled by the degree of evacuation of the space between the walls.
-any of the compounds underwent pronounced supercooling and others
aid not crystallize but formed glasses. Where a glass was not formed,
the m.p. of the material as such and the true m.p. of its main con-
stituent were determined graphically by Rossini's method (J. Res.
liat. Bureau Standards, 52, 197 (1944) ). In the series of phenyl-
trialkylsilanes, the methyl and propyl compounds supercool only
slightly and then crystallize spontaneously, while the ethyl com-
pound crystallizes only after the deeply supercooled liquid is
seeded, and the butyl compound forms a glass. Somewhat similar
behavior is found with other series of compounds, the following
also forming glasses on cooling: 3,4-dimethylpheryltripropyl- and
-tributylsilanes, dilihenyldiethyl- and'-dibutylsilanes, bis-4-
methylphorty1dimethyl- and -dipropylsi lanes, bis-3,4-dimethyldiethyl-
silane, hexapropyldisilylmethane and -ethane, and the polyethyl-
siloxanes containing 5, 6, 7 and 8 oxygen atoms. The viscosities
Card 2/3
hchhvior of some ... D424/D307
of the compounds are also given, together with the intermolecular
bond eneri,7ies calculated from the temperature dependence of the
viscosities by PachenIkov's formula (Zh. fiz. khim. 24, 1930 (1950)).
These show that, in general, compounds with intermolecular bond
energies less than about 4000 cal/mole crystaillize on cooliD6,-,
while compounds with a greater 'intermolecular bond energy form
glasses. There are 6 figures and 1 table.
Card 3/3
L lo58,?_63 FPPF Pr-h RM/I)r,'r
ACCESSION NRt AP3001471 S/0152/63/000/004/0043/0046
AUTHORt Skidanova, N. I.; Gundyrev, A. A.; Chernoxh-akov, N. 1.
TITLEt Solubility of argmatio hydrocarb a (found in oil fractions of Koturtepin
petroleum) in furfurol and its dependence on the strueturo or the,$1-oampounda
,SOURCEI IVUZ. Neft' i gaz, no. 4, 1993, 43-48
TOPIC TAGS: Intermolecular bonds, bond energy, solubility ot aromatic hydro-
carbons, furfurol, aromatic hydrocarbons
1ABSTRACTs The viscosities and densities of olosely-distilled,aromatio hydro-.
carbons and their mixtures were measured in the temperaturs interral between 60
and 1OOC, and the intermolecular bond onergy was measured on the basis of thsoe,
values. It was shown that, with an increase of molecular "ight of the fraot!Lon,
the bond energy decreases on account of the increased number of hydrogen atcmi%
in the side chains, and the number or cycles in the aromatio hydrooftrbon mole,-,ules
are simultaneously decreased. The bond energies were caloulwted for the solutions
of various concentrations of one of the alosely-diatilled fractions in furfur3l.
It was found that the lowest bond energy is present in compounds iThich are closely
related to the compounds with the worst mutual solubility. It won 9.1so shown
Card 1/2
-- 10589-61
that the value b, which is a constant for a given fraction, dependson the
structure of mixed hydrocarbons and it is always higher than the ~ralue of b for
the original fractions of binary mixtures of aromatic hydroonrbons. The study
of solubility of close aromatic hydrocarbon fractions in furfurol can,be useful
in establishing the structure of hydrocarbons present in these fractions. Orig.
art. hast 3 tables and 2 graphs.
ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy institut,neftekhimicheakoy i gasovoy prany*shlennoati
im. akad. I. M. Gubkina (Moscow Institute for the Petrochemical mad Gas Indu:gtry~
SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOVs 003 OTHM.- 001
Card 2/2
Solubility in furfural of aromatic hydrocurbonij 3~!parated fror:-
oily fractions from the petroleum of the Koturtepe fleld. Truay
MTNKHiGP no-44:235-241 163. (MIRA 18:5)
GUNDYR.IN.--E~-~r-Afenaslyevich; KLEYIWH, M.Ya., red.; KMISTOVA, G.A..
[Our province in 40 years] Nasha oblast' za 40 let. Stalingrad#
Stalingradskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1957. 65 P. (MI]RA 13:8)
(Stalingrad Province--Bconomic conditions)
GUNDTRIN, Petr Afanaslyevich
[Stalingrad economic region and prospects for its
Stalingradskii okonomichaskii raion i perspektivy
Stalingrad, Stalingradekoe knizhnoo izd-vo, 1958.
ago raivitiia.
107 P.
(KIRA 13:3)
(Stalingrad Province--Industries)
i72. q-1 .... A- J..-A M.- .'A...
1 ....... P.,-- Im. " .2, .. ou_ n. H. A. - 180 To
"^'A I""' 'A- AH CCCP ..... AH
1141. $9, 8 . 125) T6A-, r".. ccpi.
: 7W
(Coo6w. A" rpyA. ccp, 1945, %qj. 19S6. 25.1. 43 w
1* 6, 10). 776. '41.6.AX- H.B. C-- b-t-
3.,,. 1941, 30-6. o.... 06 1941.
77,,* q-A...... ryp.. AA- -- ... B . 1941. 96 1. Q~
CANAPO.... B--Al4- T.--- Uu. 1941, 30.6. A,
A---. .1p..., 19154. 90 776. W.Ayp. P-~T- C--
3.ql. 19M, 25.1. 1. 06 A --I A"..
774. 4p~ ....... Ap- r-p- ...pU.. 1954. lb
..... a si-O . 194L.
..... , H'..'.P.-A ... p ... - c. ..
3.m. 1
777. B,403.IZ. b-Ab. 3.3- 780. j -j A L.. S. -60b 6-44S.U A'.
trou do. LD-4-3E-CmA 237e-3z- a-. 43- -b-, b b ev"31., Lm-vah- A-..
a-j3c=._ .3c!~.3-bb llzt- Ltj. e-!.* G.C.U. 50 b3. objz.. C. Kc-
L-b A04-e.L-yb (1933- 1945 V,. 0. 2, 1936; (5. S. 1939).
VZ.). 1951. 95, Ul W.. 12 6A. e.,LW t943, I&C
z_Lj,, IM, 30.6. KypA.... H.c..p r..p~..- 76
E; lp", BOA% reopr,a n&PAO- v-Am&,msCYT0-A"*9""-BJyBA
_'HI-A0-- --- -S- . T6..-.. 50... T6... - (Tp. TrY,
.Y0-1 . ..... N -P..A U- CQA' 7- 21 1936; T' a, 1939),
..-.I B-- (1933-1945 3.W. 1943, 16.4.
I"1. .1, , Ul ... 12 A.A. 701-e.6e.dD T-3" 6'J"r-
3.q,. 1953. 3D.b. %.t. 43. p3j.1-% 3c 1 13 we
770. 836M,. C.A..U. I.I.t, jj: fk4.%~Ut. L_ S-J._4..u
127 &3. 601, (UA. ax~
3-ft6Lr- 6~.~~ 1952.
4.,r.6U. 1936-1941 Te:_ . u6A
8~"Lo- Ub"3- 1942.111, 03 S3. e-4.W IM, 27-10.
19". 12. 6. r-.A.' A-A H- ..... w 153,4
4 -,pft. o6pa.-.- AmB,
. ... .......
rp.A--'-- A.-. - X._~
.T6...,. .. As-- 1936- 127 ... _AA. (r". ~. .-v. rpy& Ccf,~,
1941 -A... 1942. 111. 93 c. 3.W. 1953, 27.10.
aila. 1944. 12.6. ML lkao..
779. J-164.6.. "3b".- 3"l- 40
vbdz ~lt" Wj-b-6-314
NO. 79. t-M-- Ubon- 1053. 72&j~
e.-U3. 1940. 23.6. 'e., 'Do ub,". 3m. -660.~- 71
K.PAzAt:m MwTP0*&. 01.c- e~W* 3954- 2-3- M.F
o.&A_ 3-I.A-a rpy-.. ig4o 4-... M ..... A ... -Ar-
.., Td., K * up"..p._
~40. 1900, 23.6. P..-_ _T . . ..
r 634
&Sam 4c
ca"I" pbY61004ftwommumm,
D e- f . a 't
" 'L ~,~ L U
TjDlili~~I' ~~ ,
LEVC qg NO I' ft.,
The best in the profession. Put' i put.khoz. 6 no.12:4-9, 11,
16-17 162. (MIRA 16-1)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika Petrozavodskoy distantsii puti
Oktyabrlskdy dorogi (for Tikkoyev). 2. Nachallnik Solvychegodskoy
distantsii Severnoy dorogi (for-Serdyuk). 3. Nachallnik
Shchorsskoy distantsii puti Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for Saputo).
4.,Nachal'-fiik Kotovskoy distantsii putt, Odesskoy dorogi (for
Gorishniy). 5. Nachallnik Sverdlovsk-Passazhirskoy distantsii
puti Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for Voroblyev). 6. Rachallnik
Ligovskoy distantsii puti Moskovskoy dorogi (for Xarin).
7. Zamestitell nachallnika Sharlinskoy distantsii Severnoy dorogi
(for Levchenko).
Efficiency of field geophysical and geochemical studies in
the productive sediments of the Zapadnyy Tebak field.
Razved. i okhr. nedr 28 no.10:20-26 0 162. (MIRA 15:11)
1. Ukhtinskoye geologicheakoye upravloniye.
(Ukhta region-Petroleum geology)
ACCESSION NR: AP4018368 S/0120/641000/0011007610081
AUTHOR: Boos, E. G.. Pavlova, N. P.; Volkova, 0. 1.; Guneakova,
Zaytsev, X. G.; Kholmetskaya, A. V.
TITLE: Methods of measuring ionization losses of relativistic particles in a
nuclear emulsion
SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1964, 76-81
TOPIC TAGS: ionization loss, relativistic particle, relativistic particle
j ionization loss, nuclea'r emulsion, Ilford G-5 emulsion, emulsion development,
emulsion development Irregularity
I ABSTRACT: Irregularities of development of Ilford G-5 nuclear emulsion were
studied; methods of eliminating them are sugge'sted. A stack of 40 G-5 films,
600-rnicron thick, lZxZO cm was irradiated (in CERN) by a 91.8-Gev/s-rnean-
ir4pulse proton beam. To find the irregularity of development of the emulsion
fil.~rns, the density of blobs on the relativistic -particle tracks was investigated
both in the plane parallel to the emulsion and'in depth. The effects of the micro-
Itara 1/2
f3cope Iield-of -view illumination, expprimenters' characteristics, and the track
measuTemento were studied. It was proven
immersion angle upon the accuracy o~
that a desirable accuracy (21o or bettor) in de~ermlning ionization losses with
immersion angles up to 100 is attainable. Th~ technique of "joining" tracks in
adjacent emulsion layers is discussed,. "The authors wish to thank Zh. S.
Takibavev and 1. Ya. Chasnikov for a useful discussloa of this project, and the
worker's of the High-Ener gy- Particle LaboratIory, A. A. Alpy*sbayeva, Ts. Ya.
Kagasova, D. I. Yermilova, F. N. Trushlyakov, T. T. Temiraliyev and G. A.
Grigor'yeva, for their help in carrying out this project. 11 Orig. art. has:
3 figures and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut )radernoy fiziki AN KazSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Card' -.7.12
I--- - - ";,. LAVRXIIOVA, V.A.
Letter to the editors. Stomatologila 38 no-3:72 Ny-Je '59.
(MIRA 12:8)
G'q, 1"
L,j:!!-ret-r r~d- n c I,eta
't, urf -v i, ii: f01
(BAS 6Ao4PRML= i Aspsm)
RMfiANIA / Chemical Technology. Processing of Natural H-23
Gases and Petroleum.. Motor and Rocket Fuel,
Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23t 1958, 79125.
Author : --Gunesch, H. Stadtmul ler, R.
Inst : Not g ven.
Title : Chromatographic Separ ation and Determination of
Acetylene Derivative Obtained During the Crack-
ing of ~'Alethane in an Electrio Are.
Orig Pub: Rev. chim., 1958, 9, No 1, 35-38.
Abstract: A method is described for the qualitative and
quantitative analysis of the acetylene deriva-
tives based on the ch romatographic principles
of separation. As an example an analysis of a
mixture consisting of methyl-, vinyl-, and ethyl-
acetylene as well as that of diacetylene is
Card 1/1
Determination of the crotonic aldehyde from monomer vinyl
acetate and its effect on the emulsion polymerization process.
Rev chimie Min petr 14 no.1:36-39 Ja 163.
1. Laboratorul, central al Uzinelor chimice-Risnov.
Plasticization of polyvinyl acetate d ispc:rs ions -A',L dibutyl-
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I-iliq!!; 1KIIIINTIMM UHHU 11111 WON 1 IM4 4MOV411 I W1 it 4" 1111 IN5119:11 - V - I
WET _NR-A P6020W3 SOURCE CODE: RU/0003/65/016/009/0424/
AUTHOR: Gunesch, H.; ~r sch
22d___, J.
ORG: Qh~~~~~(Uzinele Chimice)
TITLE: Concerning the protective-colloid~~ower of polyvinyl alcoholl
SOURCE: Revista*de chimie, v. 16, no. 9, 1965, 424-427
.'iOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl alcohol, colloid chemistry
Tile authors suggest
"two methods to determine the-protecting-colloid ability of poly-
vinyl alcohol, and present experimental results showing that this
"protecting ability in the polymerization of vinyl acetate can
only ti.defined in terms of the specific composition and poly-
merization conditions of a particular reaction. Orig. art. has: 2 figures .and
~9.tables- [Based :)n authors' Eng. abstract] [JPRS1
SUB-CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: '001 / OTH REF: 005
-SGV REF: 001
-Card 1/1 UDC: 678.744.',:2.01:541.183.611:678-744-442
"Tussock Moth and the Fight Against It." p. 188, Sofiya, Vol. 1.0. no. 4, Apr. 1934.
SO: Zast Paropean. Accessions List, Vol. 3, Ro. 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress
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lli jz katedrata po propedevtika na vutreBhnite bolesti pri VYI -
Sofiia Zavezhdanhch: prof. Iv. Ionkov.
(LUNGS, cysts
-Polycystosis, case report)
'Rational!ze and simplify production preparations in machinery
manufac+-- Sots. trait no. 7:47-56 Tl '58. (MIRA 12:8)
(Machinery industry)
;, I' ~; : . ~ "
~ !:- !" I;i -
PAVLOVA, A.I.; Inzh.-okon. retsenzent; rEPLOV, G.V.,
doktor ekon. nauk,-red.; SALYANSKIY,A.A., red.izd-va
(Planning by individual orders in machinery manufacturing]
Planirovanie po individuallnym zakazam v mashinootroenii.
Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 70 p. (MIRA 16:10)
(Machinery industry)
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Introducirg mechhnical processing of product-ion documentatit.n.!ihinastr. 43 no-8:85-87 Ag 163. 04IRA 16:())
(Documentation) (Office equipment and supplies)
The Krivehe cave in gypsum. Geog. zbir~ no.7%131-137 '6.1,
(MIRA 17-12)
-1, , I , -, ;
GUNGL, Ferenc
Labor wages and income distribution on coLlective farms.
Fecsi musz pzemle 8 no.2-.12-17 Ap.-Je 763.
1. Pecsi Zarasi. Partbizottsag.
I -!:~t 1 .-s
1. - , . s) - - -~conotnic-,- eo:-i-sul 1e cl Bracter
-,ITT,~GA")ASiTl in. and Geo,.i, Sci (dlq ~ - 1-1
of K!lan,~ayskly -rayon, 1_7on~olian P-ople's R~,plzllic"- -Yoscow, !'I J)p
I - 1, -
(1,',Osco,,; S'qt- 'i Irl ~!. V. Lomonosoli), 1~0 copi-s (11'r,, Vo IL, 128)