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UL;3R/Y_ctai i urgy - Cast Iron, Technology may 52 "Ant-'.41 tCtion Cast Iran From the unalloyed Furn9-Ce lir Chmrgp," v. s. Gudynovichy L. M. Cherkasov; Enf~i- neers, Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Inst P.. "Litey Pro-;zvod" No 5, pp 21, 22 Describes procerlure of obt4ining antifriction ca2t iren in cupola furnare vith addn of copper. Dis- possibility of substituting copper cast iron as anTdf-,-Lctjon =-etal for perlitic Cr-Ni cast iron, cf requires addn of naturally alloyed ca.,,t irons or steel scrap sufficiently 228T93 rich with Cr and Ni. Notes that, Cu has favorable effect on castability of cast iron. 228793 1. GUDYNO PH, V. S., UKMYNTSEY, G. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Founding 7. Preparing mold cores without use of straw. Lit. proiz. no. 9, 1952- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Januar7p .1953, Unclassified. Tech T,o 2, jij-, 55) St-.rvp--,, of Scic':+' Cic Mucatio-r;1- SO- Su J, e . U at Tecl-mical n-, 18(5) SOV/128-59-8-13/29 AUTHOR: Gudynovich, V.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: All-Stamped Zi~aip-iets 2ERIODICAl: liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Br 89 p 27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author shows in the two figures two all-stamped chaplets, stamped out from a steel strip. There are 2 diagrams. Card 1/1 GUDYNSKAYA, TS. Ta. Functional chnnges of the adrenal cortm~.kln obliterating endarterities Milrurgiia 34 no.10:17-20'10 '58 (MnA 11:11) 1. Iz Cospitallnoy khirtirgichenkoy klInIkit (dir. deystvitallayy chlen ANN SSSR prof. B.V. Petrovgkiy) I Nonl6vakogn ordena Lenins meditsinakogo Instituta luent 19K. SechenoTa. (AMRIOSCIZTIOSIS CMLITWLATIS Pathol. adrenal corter chnnges iRus)) (ADMAL CORTU. pathol. In arteriosclerosis obliterans (Rus)) C, u 1 "f " T~;. I 1) . X:~. Treatment of endar,LerltiL3 obliLerarm wlLh 3torrAd hor-morle's. Vest. khir. 94 no.2:43-46 F 165. ( MIRA 18: 5 ) 1. Iz gospitallnoy hirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. B.". Petrovskiy) i kafedry obsbel-ey khirurgii i travrnatolotii (7av.- prof. A.N. Shabanov) sanitarno-gigiyeniclieskogTo falmllteta 1-go Moskovskogo ordena Denina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. GUDYNSKIY, Ya. V,-,- kknd. med. nauk; MARSHAK, A. M., I-and. med. nauk i . Urologiia no.3:65-70 Use of antibacterial preparations in urolog7 16.1. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz urologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. A. P. Frumkin) TSentrallnogo instituts. usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i iz Laboratorii po klinicheskay sprobatsil novykh anti- biotikov (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMIT SSSR prof. I. G. Rufanov) Akademii meditsinakiy nauk SSSR. (UROLOGY) (ANTIBIOTICS) LYTKr,IA, V.S.1 Uce of the woflogmph for studying tho act of urination* Nave nods t"t w*2s9O-% '(A* (mm 18131) 3/1371W000100 1/219/237 A154A101 AUTHORS: Nikit.-ina.. 0. 1., 3orevaya, A..Ye., Sklyar, M. G., Gudyrina, L. L., Invanova, Nt. K., Miroshnichenko, Z. No TITALE; On the ratio of the elements in the solid and vaporous phases upon spectral analysis of iron alloys in liarious gaseous media PERIODICAI~. Referatlvnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no', 1, 1962, 5, abstract IK32 ~"Sb, tr. Lryr. n.-J. in-t metallov", 1961, no. 7, 301 - S21) TEXT's An inir-~,s~iaation was made into t1je effect of the oxidizing ability 9f 4 medium on the r&tlo of the elements of an alloy in a vaporous phase as com- pared with the solid phasA by spectral analysis in a spark and an are.of the ternary Fe.alloys: Ve-Cr-YLn '. Fe-Cr-Al, Fe-Cr-Ni *and Fe--~3r-W. It was found that the resulta of de'erminatlor, o~ the elemqnts in a spark discharge scarcely depend on the oxidizing ability of ..h- madium. in ali gaseous -media the graduation curves are common and re,.~-iltnear over thq entirs range oL selected concentra- tions. Analysis ef the alloyl ~n a spark in an oxidizir4L medium reirealed that the relati-V'e conC=ntra7;i0--n of tIP~e eleMazfts in .the varcrous phase does not differ from that in the solid ;Yaast: of thi-alloy. The supply speed cf the elements in Card 1/2 On tha ratAo of th~:.... 5/137/62/00')/001/219/237 A154/Aic)i the discnarge zone in spark aaaIAy:?..s depand-3 on khe oxidizing ability of the medium, In the giv3;, gaseouS mi.:4diumt Lt i6 governed ty the physicochemical pro- Parties of'the zolld a!.-Loy p'-i'lases and does not depend on the volatility of their oxid5s. Upon wnalyslz in, an -Arc dlscnarg..~ in 11arlous gas.~ous media shIfts of the grad-aa:tton ouve~ whl,~h i.~, (ixplalnad by the role (if the oxidizing proces- ses urAer the eff~-4ct :,f -~hz- 3paek dl--A~~narge. L. Vorob'yeva ;Abstrac't;er's noteg trasisl&tionj L Card 2/2 SJ/185/62/007/005/007/0113 D407/D-)Ol AUT-HOE'S 1",i-kitinat 0. 1. P~~dyrina, L.L., Horyeva, A.B., and Ivanova, N.K. T,-PTj I: of sunniementarir-electrode material on the co- I)oslzion of the vapor phase in the spectral analysis Of ferrous metals U,:,-ayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 5, 1962, 523 - 528 r2-- Yr., lfli--e composit-ion of iron alloys in the vapor phase and the in- uensity o--:' the an-allytic lines were studied as a o -L -vhe -,,.a- of the supplementar electrode. The investigation had 2 ob- y viects: a) Dete.-Min--tion of the conposition of the vapor Phase by t',Ie -:Ori t - 6 - -4 na'"on o!' o ne ric method of analysis of' conzle-nsates. o) Deterni. L'.1. c J-,Ie intensity by the =.ethod of I-Inear absorption. The ternary a!- ioys 2e-Cr-Ni and Te-Cr-1.7 were investigated, as well as commercial a!--,oys. --1-he supplementary electrode was made of rods of tU,',,.e same ma- ,erial as t-'--e investigated alloy, or of copper, carbon and aluminunr- Tt vias estabiished that ihe material of the suDDlementary electrode Card 1/3 S/185/62/007/005/007/0413 Effect of supplementary-electrode ... D407/D301 affects the rate of entry of the elements into the vapor phase and 4 discharge thereby alf'-;fectin- the absoiute ._-.tens4~~.r of the-s-oec-ural -lines. The ra'e of entry increases JLf the supp e~.. va:7y electrodes are replaced in the following order: Carbon, co~~-;er, self-electrode. The curves Cr-line intensity versus concentrat-Jon undel-go a -oaralle! shift, on replacing the electrodes,, whereas the corresponding curves for '11i ana 73 are shifted at an angle. The ra-Ue 01~, entry of the elements is related to the physical and chemicel, iro- 'oert-_'es of t1le alloy and of the electrode. The temperature of tuh-e discharo-e cloud changes as follows (depending on the type of supple- ze.ntary electrode): T T L I-T T The intenzi- carbon s e L" c opp e r alum. , ty of the s-.ectral lines of Ni char.Tes in a Greater measure than 4--at o--:' Cr, if the electrodes are replaced. The ratio of the concen- ~ '4jn of +he alloy-ing element to that of iron in the vapor phase, 6 r a t -1 L ~ L - Ij r-"i'.ains practically unchanged (as compared to the solid D_~ase) if carbon and self-electrodes are used,!and varies somewhat if cor-,per The graduation hurves under-.o a parallel shi-ft eiectrodes are use 1:f'this ratio charges. In conclusion6 In order to determine the con- centration of elements in the investigated alloys, spark analysis Card 2/3 S / l a 516 2 / G G 7/%-~ 0 5 / G 0 7i 34 r ... D407/D-01 ohoki)d be co-duc~ed, an,~ !-*nes ~aw aosj--p-ion source s,,ou Id be used. There are 4 .-gures a-lid 2 Soviez-bloc references. .~SSOCIATIOIN: Ukrayinslkyy naulcovo-doslidnyy instytut metaliv (Ukrai- nian Scientific Research Instituiltle of LT etals) Kharkiv I kA S U 3:, ~ I T TJanuary 4, 1962 Card 3/i N I ~ i"'INA ; 0'* Y. ~ G!"REN"A ~ I A Ye, ; GUCYRiNA I L. i . )1;e~-.Lrum ar-alyc's of ferrous metA)s on a DFS-a-, qumntome7,er 1 11 . T fM wtLh au-~cmatic recording. Sbor,"rud. UN.1 no.lD405-408 165. (MIRA 28.111) MANZHULA, N.G.; SAVELIY_FV, I.P.; GT_TDYRIN Yu _* N~~j~ SAMSOMOV, G. N. Testing the IK-52sh cutter-loader with the M-87 support. Ugoll 40 no.2:39-43 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Shakhtoupravleniye No.1 "Znmqa kommunizma" tresta Krasnoluchugoll kcmbinata Donbassantratsit (for Manzhula). 2. Luganskiy sektor Gosudarst- vennogo proyektno-konstruktorskogo i eksperimentallnogo instituta ugollrogo mashinostroyeniya (for Savellyev, Gudyrin). 3. Gosudarstvennyy proyektno- konstruktorskiy i eksperimentallnyy institut ugollnogo mashinostroyeniya (for Samsonov). KERKULOV, N.Ya.; SAVEL'YEV, I.P.; GUD!IRIN, YU.N. Economic efficiency of narrow-cut coal mining. Biul.tekh.--ck~-n. inform.Gos.nauch.-issi.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 1.8 no.11-63-.65 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) I _- GUM, A., Inshener. Improving sectional gate valves. Nast. ug.l. .5 no.4:21-22 Ap 156. (Coal-handling machinery) (MUU 9-7) BABICM, N.S.. gornyy inzhaner; GUDZ', A.G. MMM-~, "Progressive methods of shaft sinking* by N.Y. Shilov,, X.B. Udalkin. Reviewed by N.S. Babichev. A.G. Guds'. Gor. zhur. n0.7:78-79 -T1 157. (NLVIA 10:81 1. Kafedre, provedeniya gornykh vyrabotok Doutskogo industriallnogo inNtituts. (Shaft sinking) (Shilov, II.T.) (Udalkin. N.B.) ORLOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich: PCN%UMXO, Aleksay Kuslmicb;_GUDZ',_ Aleksandr Grigorlyevich- FZTROT Anatol1y Maiseyevich; rj_ TIIM--K--(F,-V-a-silFy~onitantinovieb; SMAK, A.7a., otv. red.; VAYNBERG, D.A., red.; PLETENITSKIY, V.Yu.., taktm. red. (Handbook of examples and problems on mining engineering] Sbornik primerov i. zadach po provedeniiu gorrqkh vyrabotok. Kharlkov, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo gos. univ. im. A.M.Gorlkogov 1961 352 p. (MIRA 15:2) !Blasting) (Mining engineering) G"IJDZ 1 9 A.G. p gornyy inzh . Portable casing for the concreting of bunton sockets. Ugoll Ukr- 5 no.2:33 161. (Mine timbering) (MIRA 14:3) ORLOV, V.V., kand.tekhn.n,auk; GUDZI,-A.G., gornyy insh. . Determining rock pressure on the supports of horizontal workinfso -UPU 14:4 Ugol''Ukr. 5 no.4%1-5 Ap '61a 0 k 1. Done%skiy politekhnicheakiy inktitut., (Rock pressure) (Mine timbering) GUDZ I ,-, A.G.,__L,2,rnyy inzbener Stage with template for shaft lining. Ugoll Ukr. _'I no-11:34-35 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Mine timbering) (Coal mines and mining--Equipment and supplies) GUDZ'J, A.G. .. inzh. Suggestions for increasing operation safety of mine hUsts. Bezop.truda v prom. 6 no.4:25-26 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Mine hoisting--Safety appliancea) GUDZI, A.G., gornyy inzh. Readers' response to S.M.Ontrovskii and E.V.Petrenko's article "Multiple rope hoists vith guide ropes are indispensable in the mines of the central area of Donets Basin." Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.5: 44 W #62. (MIRA 15 t U) (Mines hoisting) (Ontrovskii, S.M.) (Petranko, E.V.) GUDZI, A.G., gornyy inzh. Dismountable system for the preliminary hanging of rail guides. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.9:36 S 162. (AURA 15:9) (Mine timbering) ORLOV, Vasiliy Vaoil 'yevich; 'YOGWR, Aleksandr. VikhrmYlovf ;!" ; BABIGHEV, Nikolay Semenovich; PETROV, knatoliy Molseyevich; POECIALiENKO, Aleksey Kuzlmich; GUDZI, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich, POYIIOVSKIY, N.M., zasl. de~atell nauki-f-tekhniki RSFSR, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, re'klsenzent;CHERNEGOVA, E.N.., ved. red. [Mine workings and their support] ProvedeniE i gornykh vyrabotok. (By] V.V.Orlov i dr. kllaz-kva, Nedra, 19(-5- 496 P. (~tjtjA j8:7) LISSR / Cultivated Plants. Cereal Crops. M-3 Aba Jour :Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 13, 1958) No- 56559 Author :Kravchuk,, L. I.; Vol'tovallmY 0. B.; qudzl, Go A.; .Dubinina, I. Ae; Chekmax-lova, L. No Inot ICherkask. Pedagogicai- ljwtitute Title 0. Preliminary Data on High Yielding Izittorvarietiee of Hybrids of Corn, 10rodUcod at the Agroblological Station of the Pedagogical Inhitute Orig Pub :Nauk. Zap. Cherkas 'k. derzh. pod. ini-t, 1957, 11, 301-311 Abstract :No abstract given Card 1/1 -AIM~W- -,A%06026312 SOURCE CODE: UFt/On3/66/000/005/0029/0031 M. __ -AUTHOR: Genbom, B. B. (Cind-idate.of technical sciences); Koby-lyanskiy, V. N.; A. M.; Gudz- G S - Ryat~ov, A. Gdona, E. F.; Starinskiy, A. D.; Atoyan, K. M., (C _=%Lcal sciencev* litte ~of 6) 0v Bus ORG: Llvov'Polytechnical Inatitute4(Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut), Llvov Bus ' 1,3 Plant (L'vovskiy avtobusn-y- __za_vWr y TITLE:' Experimental investigation of the power capacity~of brake mechanisms f SOURCE: Avtomobillnaya prmWahlennost', no. 5, 1966, 29-311 TOPIC TAGS: vehicle braking system, test stand, vehicle~.compdnent A13STRACT; The authors describe a combination stand delrelope&at the Llvov Polytech- nical Institute to be used for both inertial and constant braking tests. A diagram of the installation is shown in the accompanying figure. The principal elements of the stand are:.100 kw electric motor 1; clutch and gearbox 2 mounted on the clutch bracket; flywheel 3 with a moment of inertia of 16 kg-oed2; brake mechanisim 4.with the drum mounted on the flywheel shaft while the disc and,shoes are mounted an the. clutch shaft 5 which is coaxial with the flywheel shaft., The stand is equipped for fw' measuring the braking moment and the moment on the release sha,~t, the temperatures of the the brake linings and drum, the rotational velocity of the drum, the pres,su,re in - brake chamber and rod travel. Provision is made for programmed control otbrake opi- eration. The device may be used for studying the effect of a variety of factors OA'-,,. the power capacity of braking mechanisms. Orig. art. has- 4 figures, 3 tables. Card 1/2 UDC; 62911111013100115 L 01088-67 ACC NRss ~R_026312 ty 40 f* XI 40 Is 614 20 7 7 tM V rE =7 11-balance-type electric motor; 2--gearbox vith clutch; 3--flywheel; 4-brake Mechants .5-- rake shaft; 6--release shaft- 7 support bearings; 8--brake chamber; 9--'panel for con- - 'i2llin clutch and gear ratio; !OINKH-57 veighing device? 11-main receiyer;j12- 1'~Jer, 13--working receiver; 14--hydraulic glinder; 15-olutch dl onnectio. )blinder -1 valve;. 17--pneumo)Wdraulic cylinder; MA-13H electric vaI-feYl9--~-EKR-8 Olectro-, ~pneumntic valve; 20--contact brc tac-bogenerat 1~22-pi ine; 23 electropneumatic valve; 24--pressure gauge; 25-rod travel gauge-, 26--thtrol panel., SUB CODE: 13/ -SUBM,DATE: None/ ORIG REF: .002 Card 212 -IrIr' 3/16-3/62/000/007/001/149 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Gudz, I. N. TITLE: Secular change in elevations and nection with the movement of the I PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, stract W (Nauchn. zap. L vovsk Ser. geod., no. 8, 1961, 2;-53) shorelines in con- earth's poles no. 7, 1962, 3, ab-- politekhn. in-ta, TEXT: The investigation's basis was the principle developed by N. K. Migall that as a result of denudation processes taking place on its surface, the earth's rigid part may compkete a turn with respect to its existing figure during geologic time which, in its -turn, will induce marine transgressions and regressions. Accord- ing to the determinations of N. K. Migal', in the Paleogene epoch ,,,'the palegoid's north pole was displaced for the angular distance 9 = 20161 with respect to the present north pole. The influence of this shift on the position of the world oceanlo shoreline is cla- rified In the work. Utilizing the present data H for ground sur- Card 1/2 S/169/62/000/007/001/149 Secular change in ... D228/D307 face points, tile author derived values for tile heights (or depths) Ill. of goints on the earth's physical surface for five cases when: 91 = 2 16', S2 = 104818, 93 = 102116, 94 = 005414, q5 = 002717 (a formula is given for determining the values of h'). Calculations of Ill were made for a aeries of points, situated every 50 of latitude and longitude (the density of points was increased at'sites of the probable position of the old shoreline). Pive world maps, showing the distribution of the land and the sea in relation to the mag- nitudes of S, were compiled. The maps testify that polar.movements can cause substantial changes in the disposition of the shorelines of oceans and seas. Considerable correspondence i6 revealed be- tween the map of the land and sea distribution,with 2= 21)161, ane the paleogeographic map of the Paleogene period, when a lar part of the continents was subjected to a marine transgression. FAb- stracter's note: Complete tranalation._7 ("ard 2/2 C-L7DZI 'T. lull - 5 17 0 L 1 - 0 -A i Oll 7 . co, 'I N GUDZI, P.j