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HER GOVSKIY, Vladimir Iosifovich; GUDIMA. Hikolay Vasillyevich; VAlffUOV,
V.A.. professor doktor, za-s-Iffffe-an" deyatell nauki i tekhniki,
retsenzent; YANMOT, A.Y., dotsent, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk,
reteenzapt; IL!ICHIT, G.Y., Inzhener, retsenzent; UDIXTAN, A.A.,
Inzhener, retsenzent; RISEMTNIKOV, F.G., iodaktor; ARXHA LISUYA.
H.S., redaktor izdatellstva; ATTOPOVICH. M.K.. tekhaicheskiy
Dickel metallurgy; a textbook for schools and co,irsee for specialists)
Ketallurgiia nikelia; uchabnoe posobie dlia Bhkol i kursov masterov.
Moskva, Oos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi
metallurgit, 1956. 355 P. (MLBA 9:10)
Conference on the problems in intensifying and improving copper-
-nickel and nickel ore mining and refining techniques. TSvet.met.
29 no.4:83-85 Ap '36. (MUkA 9:8)
(Monchegorsk--Nickel ores--Congresses)
(Monchagorsk--Copper ores--Congresses)
VD, I Al + 136-10-10/13
AUTHORS:Surovov, I.I. and Gudima, N.V.
TITLE: The Krasnoural'sk Works - The First of the Co,,per-Smelting
Industry on the Way to the Fortieth Anniversary of the Great
October Revolution (Krasno*ura:Llskiy Zavod - pervenets
inedeplavillnoy promyshlennosti na puti k sorokaletiyu
velikogo oktyabrya)
PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 19579 Nr 10, pp.63-71 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Information is given of developments at the Krasnoural,sk
works since its construction was authorized in 1928. This
works, designed to smelt local rich copper-pyrites ore (over
2% copper) now works on zinc-containixg imported ores and
the composition of these is tabulated. The different pre-
paratory treatments to which the different ores are subjected
are outlined and important work on classification carried out
by works personnel with the experimental shop and the Ural-
mekhanobr organization is mentioned. Improvements suggested
by Badurin and Toporov and by engineers Bayderin, Blekhman,
Kislyakov, Epellman and others were advantageously introduced
in 1956, and a new scheme of collective-selective flotation
with stage flotation in both cycles was introduced in 1956
(Figs.1 and 2). At present the metallurgical plant receives
Card 1/? concentrates (10-12% Cup up to 7-8% Zn, about 40% S amd
The Krasnourallsk Works - The First of the Copper-Smelting Indust:ry
on the Way to the Fortieth Anniversary of the Great October Revolu-
30-32% Fe) with gold-containing materials, copper-smelting
returns and limestone and a flow-sheet is given in the
article '(Fig-3). The reverberatory--furnace prantice (direc-
ted by A.P. Pankratov) at the works is treated in some detail,
and reference is made to a pamphlet describing the experiemce
of foreman A.A.Yarusov. Converter practice is also described.
The following are named as having participated in improvements
of practice: Surov, Sherstnev, CharMOV7 Pomekhomov, Postnikov,
Z11danov. Professors V.A*.Vanyukov, 9.P.Diyev, D.V Lisovskiy,
V.I.Smirnov and A',A-.Tseydler and their pupils hav; participat-
ed in studies of processes at the works. Long-service and
,uewer personnel are named. The achievements of the works in
its 26 years of existence are summarised, honours bestowed on
its personnel are listed and future tasks briefly considered.
There are 5 figuresp 1 table and 1 Slavic reference.
AVAILABLE; Library of Congress.
Card ?/?
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metalltirgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 87 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Gudima, N.V.
TITLE: _.,W0"T_Fundarn entals of Autoclave Processes (With Regard to
Treatment of Cupro-nickel Concentrates and lViddlings)
[Ob osnovakh avtoklavnykh protsessov (primenitel'no k pere-
rabotke medno-nikelevykh kontsentratov i potuproduktov)
PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 11-12, pp 54-57
ABSTRACT: The relationship of the rates of the heterogeneous reactions
occurring on ammonia leaching of sulfide concentrates to the
partial pressure of the 02, the NH3 concentration, the surface
of the solid phase, the stirring of the pulp, and the tempera-
ture is examined. The acid- and ammonia-media leaching re-
actions and their peculiarities" as well as the possible methods
of recovering the metal from solution, are presented. The ad-
vantages and the conditions for recovery of Ni and Co from
ammonia solutions of HZ are illustrated. The features and
advantages of the autoclave method of treating the concentrates
are listed. 1- Copper-nickel alloys--Pr(:~cessing 2- Sterilizer~~--Per-
Card I/ I forinance 2. tlickel--Recovery 3. CobalL-Recovery L.P,
GIMASIMOV, Yakov Ivanovich; KRESTOYNIKOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich;
SHAKHOV, Aleksey Sergeyevich. Prinimal uchastiye VMaRIKH,
M.S., kand.takhn.nauk. ASTAKHOV, K.Y., prof., doktor khim.
naukq reteenzent; GUDIKA. N.V., dotsent, retsenzent;
[Chemical thermodynamics in nonferrous metallurgy) Xhini-
cheskala termodinamika v tavetnoi metallurgii. Kosk-va, Goo.
nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernot i tavetnoi metallurgii,
Vol.l. [Theoretical introduction. Thermodynamic properties of
the more important gases. Thermodynamics of zinc and its more
Important compounds; a handbook] Teoratichaskoe vvedenie.
Termodinamicheakle evoistva vathneishikh gazov. Termodinamika
tainka I ego vazhnsishikh soedinenil; spravochnoe rakovodstvo.
196o. 230 P. (KIU 13:3)
(Thermodynamics) (Zinc)
In the Scientific Technological Society of Nonferrous Metallurgy.
TSvet. met. 33 no.9:80-86 S 160. (MIRA 13:10)
(MeAallurgical research) (Nonferrous metals-Metallurg7)
DITEY, Nikolay Pairlovich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk [deceasedl; GOPHAN,
Irina Petrovna, insh.; SMYNGART. G.M.. kand.takhn.nouk.
retBenzent; TAMMOV, V.I., Inxh., ratmonzent; MYCHENKO,
P.T.. inzli.. reteenzentt GUIMA, N.Y.. dotsent. red.; KAKATBTA.
-TW 9
O.Mo, redAzd-vs; ISLWTO X.--P-,4.'-tekhn. red.
(Ketallur,g of lead and zinc] Ketallurgiis evintua I tainka.
Koskva, GDs.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po, chernoi I tevetnoi
metallurgil, 1961. 406 p. (KIRA 14:1)
(Las-l-Ketallurgy) (Zinc--Ketallurgy)
>MYUKOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich, prof., doktor teklm. nauk; KUZIMIII,
Boris Aleknandrovich, dotes, kand. tekbn. nauk; CHELISECIEV,
Yevgeniy Vasillyevich, dote., kand. tekhn. nauk; GUD41~k ~Ns--
red.; KAVAYEVA, O.M.p red. izd-va; MIEWDOVA, fS.-, tekhn.
[General metallurgy) Obshchaia metallurgiia. 2. izd.,, perer. i
dop. Moskva., Gos.naucbuo-tekbn.izd-:vo lit-ry po chei-noi i
tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1962. 583 P. (MMA 15:2)
SH&IN, Ya.; GUD114A., N.V.
Readers are continuing to discuss the work of the Nroiretnyq
DlOtallY* Journal- TSvet. met. 36 no.6-'91-j;)3 Je 163 ~IIIFRA 16:7)
(Nonferrous metals-Periodicals)
GAZAiffAN, Levon Marterosovic't, SMIRNOV, ME., prof.p retsenzen,
BABADZHAN, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; GUL;lPfA,
N.V., red.
[Pyrometallurgy of copper) Pirometallurgila nedi. 2. izd.,
perer. i dop. Moskvap Metallurgila, 1965. 357 P.
(MUIA 16114)
(~ t I L'T !,, 4 , N . V .
lmw'~fl-e thp te j .~c ~~ Sul Uric
. I gy and incr(,.qsf- tYr- prrl- ct. n ' f ,
anid.,nst. 38 no.30- 1. Ox 165. (MIRA l8t6)
Gul Ivil) N.V.
All-Unlon conference of workers in the copper tndustry. TSvet.
mot. 38 no.&93-95 Ag 165. WIPA 18:9)
, 1~ 1'.-i I C': -i ;t; I; ~ -',I ;' ; Gjl)j~ A, b . V ~ , dfc ,
1,(; 1 t I# - n "'.C! I, I
[Get acquainted writh copper] Posnakomlteo' 8 medliu,
Mosk-wa. Mietallurgiia, 1965. 83 p. (MIRA JEL11"
Production of a purified enzyme preparation from Russian pancreatin
and its use for t#e "trypoinization" of tissue. Biul. eksp. biol.
i med. 4.9 no.3:120-121 Mr 160.
(MIU 14: 5)
1. Predstavlena deystviteltnym chlenom AMN SSSR V.N.Cheinigovskim.
Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Experimental study of Burnett's /FerneI7
rickettsia in cultures of human and animal tissues." Moscow,
1961. 14 pp with illustrations; (Academy of Medical Sciences
USSR); 250 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 .5up, 202)
Studying the effect of antibiotics and specific sera on the develop-
ment of viruses and rickettsia in a tissue culture by using micro-
cinematography. Report No.l: Effect of penicillin on the psittacosis
virus and Rickettsia burneti in tissue culture. Vop.virus. 7 no;3:
300-306 147;LJe 161. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I.1vanovskogo AMN SSSR,, Moskva.
Cultivation of Hela cells on nutrient media with h1drolysates of
human and equine albumins of blood serum. Vop.virus. 7 no-3-36r"-
380 IV-Je '61. (MIRA 1417)
1. Institut virusologii AMN 38SR, imeni D.I.Ivanovskogo, Moskva.
GUDIMA., O.S.; IG01111f, A.11-1, (,,Ioskva)
Clinic,!l morphologicnl and imrmnological parallels in guinea pigs
infected with and virulent strains of Rickettsia burneti. Arkh.
pat. 24 no.650-56 162. (MIRA 15;8)
.,U7~,*ORS: Kochetov, N. N. Gudima 0. S., and Milyutin, V. N.
T_`TL-Z. Intravitan observation and motion pictures of cell develop-
ment in tissue cultures
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 2, 1962, 441 - 442
T"' W/
7.7ith the aid of a phase contrast microscope, motion pictures of
HeLa cells suspended in 20 ~a horse serum + Khenks solution were taken to
study the behavior of the nucleolus during mitosis. Fragmentation and
transformations of the nucleolus, i. e., swelling with subsequent loss in
com-pactness, were observed already 6 hrs before chromosomes: became visi-
ble. Dissolution of the fragments coincided witli distinctly marked
c`iro,mosomnes. Allitosis proceeded as usual. The nucleoli in the daughter
cells were different in shape and sometimes in number. On the basis of
these changes which were constantly observed in cell cultures of Kle (KV)
and Detroit-6 strains, imminent mitosis can be predicted with certainty.
The varying duration of this process in cells of one and the same culture,
Z).-oves the inequality of cells. Mitosis does not always result in two
Card 1/2
Intravitam observatioii and motion ... B144/B1O1
daughter cells; sometimes one of them, or even both, perish in the telo-
phase. infection with intracellular parasites, such as rickettsia Burnet
and isittacosis virus, showed that only a part of the daughter cells is
infected and is thus a further proof of the inequality of cells. Trans-
Pormation of the nucleolus must be regarded as a preliminary mitotic
characteristic which is, however, hardly obligatory. Detailed studies
may help to solve the problem of the ontogeny of cells. There are
3 figures.
PRESEIN'TED: January 12, 1962, by Yu. A. Orlov, Academician
SUBIKITTED: January 10, 1962
Card 2/2
KRAVCHENKO, Anatoliy Timofeyevich; MILYUTIN, Viktor Rikolayevich;
_GUDIMA, Oleg Semenovich; ANANIYEV, V.A., red.; PARAKHIIIA,
N.L.J. tekhn. re .
(Microcinamatography in biology; cytology, virology, ricket-
tsiology] Mikrokinos"emka v biologii; tsitologiia, virusolo-
giia, rikketsiologiia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 174 p.
(MIRA 16:6)
L-transformation of viruses and rickettsia in tissue culture.
Report No. 1t L-transformation of psittacosis virus. Vop.virus.
8 no.1:24-27 Ja-F'63. (MIRA 16:6)
Morphogenesis of the ornithosia virus. Vop. virus. 9 no.2:208-232
mr-Ap 164- (MIRA 17:12)
PODOLYAN, V.Ya.; 411 LYI 'I'll! ~ V.N.; GUDI14A, O.S.; 1PKINA, li.N.
Ultrastructure of the L-form of ormithosis virus. Vop. virus. 9
no.3:306-309 My-Je 164. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Institut virusologii imeni D.I. Ivanovskogo AWJ SSSR, Moskva.
BOLISHAKOV, M.m., inzh.,- GUDIMA, V.A., inzh.
Organizing the production of relnforced conerats part! for
machinary. Mashlnostroonte no.6?24-26 N-D 164 (MIRA 180)
IGOLKIN, Nikolay Ivanovich, inzh.; GAYDUK, Xirill Yesillyevich, inzh.;
__qUD1XA,.Vlsdimir Savvich, inzh.; KORSURSKIT, Kark Borlsovich, kand.
tekhn.nauk; NIKONOV. Pbtr Vasillyevich. inzh.; SMISITANTS. Georgiy
Alakeandrovich, inzh.; SARSATSKIKH. Prokhor Ignatlyevich, insh.:
ORNATSLIT. N.V.. prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, glavnyy red.; BTAW-
BZHESKIT, G.V., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; IVANOV, S.S., red.; UCLAKTIO-
[Kanual for road builders; mointenanoe and repair of highwayaj
Spravochnik inzhonera-dorozhniks; sodershanis i remont avtomobillnykh
dorog. Moskva, Nouchno-tokhn.isd-vo N-va avtomobillnogo transport&
L shosseinykh dorog RUSH, 1960. 326 p. (KIRA 13:9)
(.Roada--Kaintenance and repair)
AUTHORS: Bershak, V. I., Gudimgnka"._._I., Davydov, A. M.
TITLE: Molybdenum disilicide heaters for high-temperature
laboratory furnaces
PERIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 1, 1962, 115
TEXT: The new molybdenum disilicide heaters described here can be used
at higher temperatures (characteristic temperature 1700 0 C) and have a
much longer service life than silicon carbide heaters. Of the various
heating elements that were tested, the one shown in the accompanying
figure is recommended for laboratory furnaces (both for crucible and
tubular furnaces). It has the following advantage over conventional
heating elements: The bus bars and the cooling system of the contacts
are mounted on the side surface of the furnace, which is particularly
convenient if the distance between the furnace lid and the maximum-
temperature zone is to be as small as possible. The heating element
presented here was developed according to the authors' design at the
Kombinat tverdykh splavov (Combine of Hard Alloys) in Moscow. With four
Card 1/3
S/032/62/02 6/001/0 16/017
Molybdenum disilicide heaters ... B116/B108
such elements connected in parallel, the amperage is 1200 a, and the
voltage (at 16000C in the center of the furnace) is 14 v. The furnace
is fed by a 220-v mains supply using AOUA-10/0-5 (AOSK-10/0.5) auto-
transformers. A furnace with molybdenum disilicide heating elements
has been in operation at the Gintavetmet for one and a half years, and no
replacement of the heating elements has yet been necessary. Compared with
furnaces equipped with molybdenum or tungsten heating elements, this tYPO
is more simply designed and operates in any atmosphere except one
saturated with S02 vapor. [Abstracter's note: Essentially complete
translation.1 There is I figure.
ASSOCIATION: Cosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institnt
tsvetnykh metallov (State Scientific Research Instit,,i~~-
of Nonferrous Metals)
Fig. Molybdenum disilicide heating element.
Dimensions in mm.
Card 2/3
Molybdenum disilicide heaters ...
q,, 04
.- L
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Gudimenko, A.V., Kirianaki, N.V.
.'T,ITLE: A cold-cathode thyratron reversible counter
SOURCE: Lvov. Politekhnichnyy instytut. Nauchnyye zapiski.
no. 79. Voprosy elektroizmeritellnoy tekhniki. no.l.
ig6i. 254-257
TEXT: A standard neon-tube counter is described, with the tubes
modified to permit bidirectional counting. A second ignition
electrode in the form of an external tinfoil rap is used. The
-,pulse voltages required in the two senses therefore differ by a
factor of the order of 10. It is remarked that the miniature
neon thyratron MTY-90 (MTKh90) can be easily modified to have
'two internal and symmetrical ignition electrodes for such
appllcatlons. There are 2 figures.
Card 1/1
GTJDIM~~l~Q,-Fedor--Isidorovich(-Iludymonko, F.S.]p dote.; FAILTIUK, Ivan
--- Adamovich; VOLKOVA, Valentina Kleksandrovna; BALYASTA, O.Ye.,,
red.; KHOKHAEOVSKAYA, T.I.[Khokhanovslka, T.I.J, tek-bn. red.
[Collection of problems on differential equations)Zbi.rnyk za-
dach z dyferentsiallrgrkh rivnian'. Za red. F.S.Hudymeaka. Kyiv)
Vv.d-vo Kyivslkoho univ., 1962. 166 p. (141RA 15:9)
(Differential equations-Problems, exercises, ate.)
GUDDWKO IG -.- -.-
Gheaking the quality of grain in e1qvators. Nuk.-elev. prom. 22 no.8:
30 Ag ~56. (KLIU 10: 8 )
(Grain storage)
flavorosaiyak Grain Blevator on the 40th anniversary of the Great
October Revolution. Mak.-eler. mom. 23 no.10:4-_5 0. 157JUM 11-:1)
1. Direktor Novorosslyskogo, elevatom .
(Novosibirsk-Grain elevators)
- I - e~~ - , " -1, -
Meter for recording the operating time of mechanisms. Mu~h.-elev.
prom. 24 no.4:-27 AP '58. (KM 110)
1, EDvorossiyokiy portavyy elevator.
(Blevators) (Gauges)
GUDIMMO, K., polkovnik.
a on special and taotical training. Toem. avlax. 16 no.5:23-
25 vq 158. (Military education) (MIRA 110)
GORNII'~, Georgr~ v Y:,, K(,'
01'(1a Adollfovnu; YII-EYEV,, Ga.11na Dm,!tr'yt;vna,
uchastlye: GAVRILOVA, 13.F., jnzh.-khLmik; K.:U'4M:_EVA, A.11.1 inzh.-
khijaik; LOGVINA, L.A.,irtzh.-khimik; USLONTSI-EVA, L.A., Jnzh.-
I~Jgh WICH, Ye.s.,
inzh.; NAZARr
khiiidk; G~ID
311'KVARUK, R.N.J. inzh.; ORLOVA, L.A.t inzh.; BASHMAW-11ii, '.G.,
.ti.; ME1 INIK, A.F., r-3d.
irIzIl.-goolog; BUI&SER, Ye.S.0 otv. rfj
[Geochemistry am,; analytic chemistry of rare-earth elements.
Pt.I. Accessony rare-ea-th minerals and e1nments of 'the c~riun
subgroup in the Ukrainian CryFtaiiirie Shieial Gaokhimi'a i ana-
liticheskaia k-himila redkozem,:IPnykh Riew, kmu~.wja
dunka. Pt.l. Pk'Use-oscn-wre rfjJROzC-MeII3YI, fill (1,4!raly
-serievoi podigruppy ukrainskovo kristalliche:;koir ta .
1964. !U p. (Akademi ia r~tiJ. IIfr)R. Tnstybvt t nauk.
Tnidy. Seriift pi-ktrograCii, miner-a-loe
1. Chieri-korrespond_-nt A i.Mz-S:A. (for
I--- I . .
Types of curves of the statistical distribution of chemical
elements in rocks and methods for calculating their para-
meters. Geakhimiia no.11:1325-1334 N 165.
(14IRA 19: ~1)
1. Kiyevskiy universitet im. T.G. Shevchenko~ Submitted
December 30, 1965.
3 2545
AU PHURS: GUdimenko, S.S. and Strekalov# G.N., Engineer
TITIA, The mechanization and automation of welding at the plants.
of the Moscow Regional Sovnarkhoz
PERIODICALz Mekhanizat5iya i avtoniatizatsiya proizvodstva, no. i,
1962, 14-16
T&XT: The Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva (Soviet of the National Ecot)om.v)
of the 'Moscow economic administrative region has formulated specific
tasks for increasing the output of welded structures, including those
made by mechanized and automatic methods. The volume during 1959-1965
should be at least the double of 1958, whereas the level of mechanized
welding must be increased from 23.5 to 58%. Four new shops for manufac-
turing electrodes and welding structures, 3 head welding laboratorie6,
4 automatic lines and 16 complex mechanized sectors were brought iKAto
operation. Thenew processes include automatic and senti-automatic welding
with magnetic flux and protective atmosphere,, electro-slag welding with
Card 1/4
S/fT8/6 2/000/001/002/005
The mechanization and o&. D221/D301
ribb;~n electrodes for hydraulic turbine blades, mechanized cutting with
-istance welding etc.. The change
the use of acezylene 6ubstitute*, rec
of equ i Imik, till jx~rmillted an increaRe in the volume (if %viTolded structiires
from I.OY)00 it) 1958 to 124,000 t in 1960, and those produced by auto-!,c nicatis from 1-1,000 t to 38,000 t. The 6pecific volume of Wanks
used -~n fi,~ So,!rnarkhot went. up from 34'/6 in 1950 to 40/% in 1960. At. E-Iek-
tros#aIIslciy zavod ty-azlieloge mashinostroveniye (Elektrost.;.Ask Heavy
Uigineering Piant) components weighing 55 # and the frame of 50
(KWH50) cold -olling mill for tubes (150 t) was also welded. Con-
t rur-ti oi~ of three model welding plants is organized in Cooperation with
the liISI-JUIt ei.ektt-ouvarki im. YE.U. Patoi)a Ovelding Irist~Ok'Ite Im. Ye.
0. Paton). The Podollskiy mashAostroitellivy zavod im. Ot-cizhonikadze
(Podol6lc Enginct--ing Plant of Ordzhonikidze) was the firet in USSR to
autoinatic wiLlding of collectors for high duty boilers. Th!I
Ts,~nt!'allnoye i iekfkaologiche6kove byiiro
Sovnarklioza (Central Project, Design and Technological Offxct of the.,
Sovnarkhoz) provided the designs for modA-1 wrlding phuits for?hv
C"jrd 2/ -1
The mechanization and D221/D301
planned program of 1965. This comprises the complete sets for automatic
assembly and welding of spherical bottoms, including the manipulator
C M -5000 (SH-SWO), and the welding tractor, AAC -looo ws-iooo).
The Kolomenskiy teplostroitellnyy zavod im. Kuybysheva (Kolomensk Diesel-
locomotive works im. Kuybyshev) introduced a model part of a welding plant
of cupronickel refrigerators with fully mechanized operations. The
operation of the AC W -2 (ASSh-2) semi-automatic cutter is facilitated
by the use of an air turbine as a drive. The EZTM has worked out the
electro-slag welding of turbine blades weighing up to 70 t. The Pavshins-
kiy mekhanicheskiy zavod (Payshinsk Mechanical Plant) developed semi-aj
matic welding of the magnetic flux type. Its workers, Liberman, Lakshin
and Treshchalin introduced automatic mixing, transport and dosification
of the electrode charge. The welding department of TsPKTH worked on uni-
fication of the electrodes and reduced the number of their types from 84
to 35. This allowed an increase in their output. The Voskresenskiy
khiskombinat (Voskresensk Chemical Plant) is working on introducing plasma
cutting, and Dmitrovskiy ekskavatornyy zavod (Dmitrovsk Excavator Factory)
on a coating technique under a layer of ceramic fluxes. The Kryukovskiy
Card 3/4
The meclianizntion and ... U221/0301
ventilyatornyy zavod (Kryukov Ventilator Works) lias worked of) replaltn'r
,ned ai the
rivets by weldingg A line for carriage manufacture is desig
,y mashinostroitellnyy zavod (Demikhovsk Engineering lant).
Demi khovsk i
The auLliors point out the shortcomings in the develOFmenl Of welchr-17
manufacture, particularly the insufficient supply or instanatior.
carbon dioxide, aelding wire, gmi Shells, homes, Cables ('(C-, ~111't i!iwle-
quate revis6m ol, is i'l !nLj.OilE!d.
Card 4/4
Influence of radioactive chrome phosphate on a transplanted Brown-
Pearce tumor. Vracb. delo no.4:66-70 AP 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Ki-yevakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy rentgono-radiologicheakiy
-i onkologicheskiy institut (nauchnyy rukavoditell - akademik AN
SSSR prof. R.YeXavetmkiy).
GjJDjj,1,LEVK0VjC11 Kj. [Hudym-Levkovych, K.A.]
--- ---
Brown-P,earce tumor. :?iziol. zhur. fUk;. ] 8 no.2:243-247 Mr-Ap '62.
(MIRA 15:5)
1. Ukrainian Research Institute for Experimental and Clialcal
Oncology, Kiev.
Effect of radioactive chromium phos hate on the metastasis of the
GUDD.'.UV, Anatoliy Ivanovich; YARTSEV, N., red.
(Seven days in a taxi; reportage] Seml dnei v taksi;
reportazh. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1964. 190 P.
WIRA 17:6)
1. Zhurnalist-korrei3pondent "Ekonomicheskuy gazety"
(for Gudbnov).
Rquoi'al of a perMungliona"th a 15-Lyear-old girl. Yest.khlr.76
nn'.8:124-126 S 055. (MLRA 8:11)
1. Is khtrurgicheskogo otdoloniya (say.--B.S.Gadimov) Novosibirskay
doroshnoy bollattay. Novosibirsk, u1. Ousk"a. d.89. kv-36
abdon. In 15-year-old girl. surg.)
(ABDOMIN, neoplasms.
paragangliona, in 15-year-old girl, surg.)
Apparatus for compressing blood vessels of the lower extremities
in Intravenous and intra-osseous anesthesia. Ortop.travm. I protez.
17 no.6:132 N-D 156. (MLRA 10:2)
1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgil Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo
instituto (direktor - professor I.L.Bregadze) I Novosibirskoy
shelesnodoroshnoy bolinitay (glavnyy vrach - A.N.Vishnevskaya.
6- L, f )-i -A-) -~ 11; '~
~Omi~o-d intra-wasoun anesthesia. Sov.mod. 21 4upplo-,,ieut;26 157.
(MIRA 11:2)
1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgil liovosibirskogo maditsinskogo
inotituta i bovoolbirskoy zheleznodorozhnoy bol'nit5y.
GUDIMOV, B. S., Carld Med Sci (dies) -- "A combined method of intraosteal
anesthesia vith infection prophylaxis during operations on the extremities".
Novosibirsk, 1958. 19 pp (Novosibirsk State Med Inst, Hospital Surgical
Clinic) (KL., No 15p 1960~ 139)
GUDIMOV, B.S. (Novosibirsk)
Methods of prevention of anaphylactic shook following intraosseve
administration of antigen. Fat.ftziol.i eksp.terap 5 no.1:65
Ja-F 161. W-RA 1416)
1. Iz kafedry gospitallngy khirurgii (zav. prof. I.L.''Bregadze)
i kafedry patologicheskor fiziologii (tav. r-dotsent G.L.Lriban')
Novosibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Snar,ial aFpe(,.ts of shock An exnerbaental liver resect
Ek~iper. khir. i anest. no.1:62-64 165~ UMIRA 1,8;11'1
L. Kaf-3dra gospitallnoy khiru-rgii (2av. - prof. Sregadze,)
1 kul`edra pal,ologicheskoy fiziologli. (zav, - dotsent G.L.
L3nAb-.n) muditsinskogo inst,itut4t,
a 9 a 1) 0 u m 0 a IF 0 a
a cp
90 a -,
Of w
00 a
0* a
a 34 a 1* v a ?v a 44 41
I,. 4w,
Xb6wJI*W,AW.MW. N& Ii
tow "L d lpomw
9w 6
A so
do - lg.**, L
he 4 &
the ~b~ w do JUbldium. facmirm
=P-ill,: "PIZ W. R. umn
p '00
bso* 09
0. 1 L & 211FALLMOSKAL LITIN611we "~fCAIr"
-11, "T 4:1 wasFOR &still 4w a-- &S,
w fm A 1 0 ado 0 VIVINS694 34
0 ~164181
Grishin, N. A., Voyut,3kiy, 5. 5., audimov, Y. M. 2o-4-28/51
Note on the Mechanism of Organic Glass Fusion (0 mekhanizme
svarivaniya organioheskikh ptekol).
PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr It, pp. 629-632 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: The experimental data given in the present paper confirm the opis
nion, that the fusion of glass may be traced back to a diffusion
of chain-like molecules or of their parts from one sample to the
other. The experiments were conducted with industrial organic glass
(polymethytic metacrylate piasdclrAd, ', or non-plasticized with 6"/6
Dibutylphtelate). Two rectangular slabs'of organic glass with smooth-
ly milled front faces were mounted between two plates of heat isola-
ting material, and the front faces, which are intended for fusion,
are pressed against each other. The contacting domains were heated
by means of narrow electric resistance heaters. The welding appara-
tus permits the variation of the pressure stress within a compara=
tively wide interval. After reaching a certain temperature the slabs
were held at this temperature and were kept in the welding appara-
tus during the cooling process, In some cases the welded samples
obtained by this method were subjected to an extra heat treatment
Card 113 to remove the remaining internal stresses in the glass and to de-
Note on the Mechanism of Organic Glass Fusion. 2o_41_~20/51
crease the deformation in the welding domain. The welded samples
were then tested in a direction normal. to the contact surface
until a rupture took place. The rupture of the welded samples as
a rule occurred in the plane of the initial contact. No irregula-
rities of stress distribution could be observed in polarized light
in the plane of the welding seam, when the sampleswere stressed
before the rupture, A diagram illustrates the dependence of the
"autohesion" strength of samples of plwticized polymethylic meta-
crytate on the pressure at various welding temperatures* The gene-
ral character of these curves is s-imilar-to that of the analoguous
curves for pol-yisobutylene. The "autohesion" increases with an in-
creasing pressure and tends towards a fixed limit. A further dia-
gram illustrates the strength of samples as a function of the wels
ding time at various temperatures and finally the dependence o.L' the
gutoahes-lan strength on the welding temperature is illustrated.
The details of the experiments and of the curves are discussed
shortly. The polymethylic metacrylate is in a highly elastic state
at a temperature between 15o and i8ot and, at lBoPC passes into
a visceous states which permits a shifting of the macromolecules
with respect to each other.
Card 2/3 There are 3 figures and 11 references, 8 of which are Slavic.
Note on the Mechanism of Organic Glass Fusion. 2o-J4-28/51
ASSOCIATIOW All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Aviation Materials
(Vsesoyuzn,yy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut aviatsionnykh
PRESENTED.' April 18, 1957, by V. A. Kargin, Academician.
SUBMITTED: April lo, 1-957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congresse
Card 313
7 (0), 5 (11,3). 15 (7)
AUTHORS: Gudimov, M. hl., Kargin, V. A., Academician, SOV/20-126-4-.22/6-;
M. V.
TITLE; Orientation of Massive Polymeric Materials
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 4) PP 715 - 718
ABSTRACT: Massive polymeric materials of linear structure: blocks,
plates, etc. on the basis of polymethyl methacrylate, poly-
styrene, and the like, are often insufficiently solid, and
particularly insufficiently plastic. This makes their use in
technology difficult, sometimes even impossible. For this rea-
son, it was usual for a long time to solve now technical prob,-
lems, especially in machine building, by synthesizing new
polymers offering the properties required. On the other hand,
it had long been known that threads and films of polymers, in
the production of which attention was paid to an orientation
of macromolecules, offer both a higher strength and better
plastic indices (Refs 1-7). This modification method makes it
possible to produce new materials with given properties with-
out having to change their chemical composition and the pre-
Card vious production technology. This can be achieved by an alter-
Orientation of Massive Polymeric Materials SOV/20-1;13-4-22/1
ation of the orientation degree and by special additions which~
for instance, ensure a scarce Two promising produc-
tion methods for oriented massive polymers were developed: the
methods of radial stretching and of compression. Several ma-
chines were developed for the prod-action of special matezial,
9.g. for the glazing of airplane cabins (Fig 1). The production
process according to both methods is described. Table 1 shows
the physicomechanical irdices of oriented polymethyl metha.-
crylate produced according to the two above methods. It showfi
that these properties, at the same degree of previous stretch-
ing or compression, are practically equal or, application of
the two methods. This degree depends on the properties of the
oriented material demanded. Figure 2 shows the dependence of
the deformation modulus, strength limit, elongation by stretch-
ing ate. on the orientation degree. It appears fron, the ex-
perimental data that an increase in the degree of stratohing
beyond 50-7(y/o does practically not bring about any quality Lm-
provement (except for the specific resilience) of the oriented
polymer. Figure 3 compares the dependence of the said indices
Card 2/3 of an oriented and of a non-oriented polymer on the tijat tem-
Orientation of Massive Polymeric Materials SOT/20-128-4-22/6n,
perature. It appears that several of these indices lie mu--h
higher in the former polymer than in the latter. The authors
finally discuss the results obtained. There are 4 figures,
1 table, and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut aviatsionnykh
materialov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Air-
craft Material)
SUBMITTED: June 25, 1959
Card 3/3
25527 A161/A130
AUTHORS: Perov, B. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Kargin, V. A.,
Academician; Gudimov, M. M., Candidate of Chemical Sciences
TITLE: Production of oriented polymethyl metacrylate and manufacture of
articles from it
PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 1, 1960, 70-75
TEXT: The information presents the results of investigations and experi-
ments which have been undertaken in view of lack of process and equipment data In
special literature, including foreign sources. Methods studied in the subject
experiments were: 1) double blister settling method; 2) two-dimensional
stretching of sheets; 3) calendering; 4) pressing. Two-dimensional multi-
axial stretching and pressing proved technically best and cheapest. Several
machines have been developed. Their work principle is stretching of a sheet in
12 radial directions. Sheets up to 2 m In diameter and 15 mm thickness can be
obtained, which a stretching degree 50 1 60%. The major machine element is
the pulling unit consisting of a bevel gear couple, one of the gears moving on
thread on a screw, i.e., the gear works as a nut, and moves the screw with a grip
Card 1/3
25527 S11221601000100110161018
Production of oriented polymethyl ... A161/A130
attached to it. The machine has 12 such units; one of them is connected to a
worm gear reducer and drives the entire system. The stretching effort is deter-
mined by calculation, for producing tension stress of 10 kg/cm . The same
principle Is used in machines for producing square sheets, Pre-stretching was
determined with the formula '(h In
pr hfl it W
k n
where hinit and hfin is the Initial and the final sheet thickness in mm. The
formula has been derived by simple mathematical transformations of an equation
expressing the constancy of volume before and after stretching. The empirically
determined relation between the linear stretching L (measured with a nonius on
one of the grips) and the stretching degree (found with Formula 1) Is:
~_ or
where D is the blank diameter. The orientation method by compression has been
developed as well, for producing sheets, for Instance, of 750 x 750 mm size and
25 mm thickness. In both methods the temperature of material must exceed its
Card 2/3
25527 3/12:~/6o/ooo/boi/016/08
Production of oriented polymethyl ... A16013o
softening point by 15-IOC. Heating to a higher temperature spoils the proper-
ties, and a lower temperature cannot be used because of an abrupt load increase
on the machine drive and micro-cracks on the material. The strength of poly-
methyl acrylate increased with increasing stretching degree to 50-7Q,% consider
ably, and after this limit the growth of mechanical properties was only slow,
except for impact resistance (O(k) increasing evenly to the stretching degree
F_ - 120 4 130%. The static strength of parts from oriented material proved
double comparing with parts from nonoriented; oriented glass did not split from
sharp nail hammered into it (nonoriented split after penetration of the nail to
1/3 of depth)6 Oriented glass withstood bending tests in all temperatures except
of below -60 C. Other advantages of oriented glass are; surface crack resist-
ance dozens of times higher than of nonoriented; lower thermal expansion. Parts
from oriented glass are produced with bending and fixing in frames and subsequent
heat treatment to fix the shape. Cylindrical parts are formed in the same way.
Orientation of heat-resistant organic glass decreases its inherent brittleness.
N. D. Sobolev is mentioned having participated in the work. There are 9 figures
and 1 table.
Card 3/3
Perov, Boris Vitallyevich, and Matvey Matveyevich Gudimov
Orientirovannoys organichookoys steklo (Oriented Organic Glass)
Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961. 49 p. Errata slip inserted- 3,850 copies printed.
Reviewers Yu. S. Lazurkin, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics; Ed. of Publishing
Houses L. E. Sheynfayn; Tech. Ed.t V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.t A. S. Zaymov-
skayal Engineer.
PURPOSE# This booklet is intended for engineers and technicians in aero-
nautical,, chemical,, automobile and other industries. It may also be useful
to students in chemical and technological schools of higher education and
in takhnikums.
COVERAGE* The authors describe a now hardening treatment of transparent plastics
which produces an oriented material by extending heated plastic sheets in the
plans of the shoot. Techniques used in manufacturing oriented plastics,
proportion of such material, methods for manufacturing plastic articles, and
problem of iiidustrial applications of oriented transparent plastics are
discussed. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references.
0 S/191/62/000/009/008/012
AUTHORS: Trusova, K. I., Gudimov, M. M.
TITLE: Aging of polymethyl methacrylate glass under the effect of
atmosphere and loads
PERIODICALt Pla3ticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1962; 43 - 44
TEXT: Polymethyl methacrylate samples were loaded to a maximu'm at
temperatures below the softening point. The stretching load did not
,exceed 100 ke"CM . Layers of 0.2 mm thickness were planed off and
dissolved in chloroform, and the viscosity was measured. Resultsi (1)
Under the effect of load, destruction set in. It caused a reduction of
viscosity in the surface layers by 60-74 and in the inner layers by
30-401~ as compared with the viscosity of the initial polymer. (2) Sli ht
destruction by heating began even during the moldin.w of the plastic. 3)
The contant of polymer was not changed by continuous loading. (4) Impact
strength, tensile strength, and breaking elongation after continuous load
were not below standard. Only the outer layers showed a tendency towards
reduction of the tensile strength end breaking elongation. There are
Card 112
AGing of polymethyl methacrylate ... B101/B144
3 fiEures. The English-language reference ist S. E. Yustein, ASTM r .
Bulletin, no. 196, 29-39 (1954). ill, ~
Card 2/2
, O.A~
Optical propertles of organic glass. Plant. massy no.2~69-70 t65.
(KRA 18s?)
SOSHKOP A.1 . -P TYNNTI, A. N. ; U D i,~!OV, t4.M.
FAir-ab.111ty and fracttire mechanisin or polymoLhyl metharrylaUl
under the effect of working media. Fiz.-khlm. mekh. irat. I
no.5:507-511 165. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Fiziko-mekhanicheskly Institut AN Uk-rSSP., Pvov. Submittod
April 20, 1965.
Dies for cold upsetting of squares. Mashinostroitel' no.9:19
16o. (MIRA 13:9)
(Dies (Metalworking))
The account is put in order, Voen.-znan. 41 no.12:18-19
D 165. (ME RA 18 t 12)
1. Nachallnik shtaba grazhdanskoy oborony Kuznetskogo
metallurgicheskogo kombinata.
GUDIRIV. Ye.A.. inzh.
Operation of OK-30 and OK-35 turbines with decreased
vacuums Ilekosta- 31 no.5:81-82 Vf 160.
(MIRA 1328)
(Ste= turbine@) (Blectric power plants)
Epidemiological characteristics of neuroviral diseases of the
Coxsackie and ECHO types, Vrach. delo no. 3:104-107 Mr 161.
(MIRA 14:4)
Readers' conferences. The Zaporozhlye Province Section of
the All-Union Society of Hygienists and Sanitary Physicians.
Gig. i sun. 26 no.9;101-102 S 161. (MIRk 15-3)
~ - -- -,' .
W-wiatsba-W . -
quantitative determination of oxygen in air. Khim. v shkole 13
no.1:48-50 J&-F 058. (ilak 10! 12)
Naantitative-Study and teaching)
GFXF, E.M,; GUDIMOVICH, X.F. [translator]; MATRENITSKIY, T.T., referent
Sampling device for small diameter boreholes. Biul.nauch.-tekh.
inCorm.VIMS no.ls63-64 160. (MA 15:5)
1. Otdel nauchno-tokhnicheakoy informataii Vooooyuznogo nauchno-
isaledovatellskogo instituta, minerallnoqo syriya.
(Ores-sampling and estimation)
EDVARDS, Dzh.A.; GUDIMOVICH. N.F. (translator]; I'AAMMISHKIY, T.T., referent
Sulfur mine in the open sea. Blul,nauch.-tekh,inform.VIM
no.1:64-65 160. (MR& 15:5)
1. Otdel nauchno-tekhmlcheakoy informateii, Vsesoyuz~ago nauchno-
isoledovateliskogo inatituta minerallnogo eyrlya.
(VA)3dCO, Gulf of-Sulfur mines and mining)
P. V.
1 .. ~MTITI!T~Tf) n ,
11. U1,11 (6n
r -o)
4. Triggerfish
7. Triggerfish (Balistes). Ryb. khoz., 29, No. 2, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified.
3 P. .,
1. Guor'It"VICT' '% &
2. U733R (6co)
4. Black Sea - Triggerfish
7. Triggerfish in the Black Sea. Priroda 42, no. 3, 1953.
9. 'Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified.
Annnal food consumption by tunny in the Black So&. Pr1roda 46 M3;I27-
128 Mr '57. (ML" 10:3
(Black Se&,..-TunA fiahJ
Bream of lake Imnati. Vop. ikht. I noj.-,Q5-43S 161. (IIIRA 14:11)
1. Gruzinskaya nauchwya rybokhozyaystvewaYa stantsiya.
(Imnati, Lak"Bream)
GITDT' -r-,'T--* ir -. I- I
. -- - . -- -- y .1 , , , . 4
n- 1. ~ , I
nr.r. C', I . 01-ICXsProanic 27 nc.- ', 10 :6-!
(11%7ei -hters) (:-PM 14-11)
(:Iefilger-ation on shirr,)
-- GUDIKOVICH, V.P., inzh.
Volgoles-type timber carrier., Sudostroenie 27 no.11:1-4 N 161.
(MIM 15:1)
Lifesaving tiigybnate. Sudostroenie 28 no.5.13-17 MY 162. (MIRA 15:7)
- '' I , I I !, Ili I ~ ! ! ~ ~, . : f ~ I . 11 u; : I I ! I I I : I . I I ~ I I I
PUDIMOVIGH.-V.P., inzh.; MIGACHEV, I.N., inzh.
Now dry cargo ships. Sudostroenie 28 no.7:1-13 J1 162.
(Freighters) (Naval architecture)
Accumulation of coarsely and finely dispersed solutions of
radioactive chromium phosphate in tissues and tumors under
conditions of intravenous administration. Uch.zap. KRROI 7:
145-149,61. (MIRI 16:8)
- .. - ~ --- Co;~dllctine, practical work In groups at tho geographical train-
ing area. Geog.v shkolo 22 no.4:62-63 ii-Ag 159.
(141RA 12:11)
1. Kirovskiy gonudaretvamW pedagogicheskiy institut.
(Kirov Province--Geography--Study and teaching)
TSETLINY V.M.; DENISOV, V.F.; TSEDILIN, S.A.; Prinimali uchastiye:
SASINP V.1.19 mflMshiy nauchM sotrudnik; GUXN#,_B.S.p manter;
DRACH9VA, T.V., laborantka; MIKOV,, V.T., laborant;
SLOMOVSKIY, A.A., laborant
Investigating Va effect of various factors an the process of
nonferrous metal dust coagulation in a sound field. Sbor.
nauch. trud. Gintevetwta no.19:595-6M 162.
(KIRA 16:7)
(Nonferrow metain-Metallurgy) (Aerosols)
(Sound waves-Industrial applications)
liose r~,'-trr
n o
SOV/137-59- I -I Z40
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. MetallUrgiva. lQ59, Nr 1160 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Gudin, F. N.
TITLE: Work Harder to Develop New G rades of Steel ('UsIlit raboty po
izyskaniyu novykh marok stalil
PERIODICAL: V sb.. Materialy Soveshchaniya glavn metallurgov z-do%,
in-tov avtomb . p-om- sti . Nr 3. Moscow - 05~t: pp 47- 49
ABSTRACT: A brief communication on work performed at the Central l,aboratory
of the Moscow Small- autornobi le Plant in 11)56.
T, F
Card I/ I
NR: AP5016466
. A
tekhnicheskiy inatitUt '
- lrtstitut~ vg
04ovosibirsk J
4. 1
p ~:-.9NCIL" OQ
1U C0DE:D c
~O"REV SO i 002
V. ~AT D P SS 140
1/2 it
Tw. V.
(~ It I D i IN, ) .-
Dissertation: "Dimensicnal Precision Polishing,
Cand Chem Scl, Kazan' Cheirdcotechnological Inst,
Khimiya, Moscow, No 4) Feb 54)
of Galvanized Wire by FleCtrOlY3i3."
Kazan', 1953. (Rererativnyy Zhurnal--
SO: SUM 243, 19 Oct 54
Porosity of alectropiatino fintabea by electrolytic polishing.
Trud7 MTI no.17:42-45 152 [publ. 1531. (MIRA 12:11)
(Electroplating) (Electrolytic polishing) (Porosity)
. I ~ r. ! . ., i ' .' , . : ~- I I I
i 7 " I : I ; I I I it I ; 1 , I I I I : ! I f I z
Dispersibilitir of electroly-ten In alectrolyt-ic metal polishing.
Trudy KMI no-17:46-57 '52 [publ. '531. (MIRA '12:11)
(Alectroly-tic polishing)
"!TDIN, N.V. (Kazanl
.1 1.....- , -wrs
I -:Z--
Methods of studying the electric field in electrolyzers. Tm~:7 MGM
no.21:91-105 156. (MIRE 12:11)
GUDINY N.V.p kand. khim. nauk; BELTAKOVA, L.A., inzh,;
-SUMIK , M.S., inzh.
Zinc and cadmium plating In electrolytes bilsed on ethanolamine
complexes of metals. Mashinostroenie no.3!66-67 My-Je 363.
(MIRA 1697)
I* Kazanskly khimiko-tekhnologicheskly inatitut.
(Zinc plating) (Cadmium plating)
11 v- ! : ~j I ; I - . , . , , -
i:1 ! : I I I ; I