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GUBANOV, A.G., dotsent ."- . -N D:;=ve=Icpm9at of segmental pulmonary resection in tuberculosis [with sultuary In French] Probl.tub. 34 no.6:31-37 N-D 156. (MIRA 10:2) 1. 12 Ukrainskago nauchno-imeledave tell skogo institute tubarkuleza Imal P.G.Tanovskogo (Air. A.S.Kenolat) (E.VRWIMTOKY, in various' diseases. taberc., segmental technic (Ras)) GUBANOV, A.,dotBent (Kiyev) --g-su"r6l"I"c7ranatomy of the vaosels at the root of the luag" by V.N. Sergeev. Reviewed by A. Gubanov. lhirurgiia, 33 no.1:1)1-133 Ja 157 (NLRA 10:4) (LUNGS--BLOCD SUPPLY) -~.GUBAX04,AA ,dots. . 11. Intersegmental connective tissue borders of the lungs. Khlrurgiia 33 no.8:48-53 Ag 157. (NnU 1114) 1. Is Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovmtel'skogo Instituta tuberkuless. im. skad. F.O. Tanowskago (dir. A.S. Kamolat). W anat. and histol. Inters entRI connective tissue borilers, surg. munt. mepectT (CONNNCTIU TISSLI. aunt. & hirtol. Intersegmental of lungs, surg. nspects) DIWKINA. R.0., orofessor: GUBANOV. A.G., Aotsent Cheracteripttes of vathol"ical clwnges of pulmonn hraches of the vae,uq nerve in tub-~)r'culogls EwLth summary in French. Probl.tub. 35 no.3:82-86 15?. (MMA 10:10) 1. 1z Ukrainskooo asuchno-i3sledovetnIlskoro InqtItut8 tul)erkuleza i.mcnI F.G.Yanovakovo (dlr. A.S.Ramolat) (TUBARCULOSIS. PUIXOHARY, pstholoey, vAgus ngrvn (Rug)) (N-SRUS. VAGUS. pathology, in tuberc., pulm. (Rug)) GUBANOV, A.G., doteent (Kiyev. 54, izl.Chkalova, d.74, k-v.7) So-called now method of bronchial olosuro in piLlmonary re- section for tuberculosis. Nov.kh1r.urkh. no.1!41-45 Ja-P '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Ukrainskiv nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut tuberkuleza. (BRONCHI-MGART) (SUTURNS) GUBANOV, A.G.t doteent Simplified methods for rosection of lung tissue. Pat.,kliu.i terap.tub. no.8t333-338 158. (NM 13:7) 1. Ix Ukrainskogo sauchno-Issledavatellskogo instituta tubarka- leza im. alad. ?.G. Tanowskogo. (LUNGS--SUR M Y) U 4 'j GUBAIJOV 11 0 dotsent (KiYuv, ul~ (;hkalova,d.74/7); 60AM141"J), G.G.; B K.K~) starsidy nauchnyy 3otj.udjjik First experience in using porolon for piczabage of tthe chest cavity in an experiment and in the clinic. Nov. khir. arkh. no-3:65-72 My- Je 160. 0-111iA 15:2) 1. Pervoye khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. - dotsent G.G.Gorovenko) i 2-ye khirurgicheskoye otdr---Ieniye (zav. - prof., H. 11". Amos ov) Ukrainsogo nauchn(Y-isslecbvatel,skogo instituts. titberkuleza imeni akademika 4 F.G.Yan6vskogo. (PIASTIGS IN b1hDICII-1h) (PLOI-SAGL (SUILERY)) (GMST--SUM,~i.;Y) GUBANOV, A. G.; LITVINOV, V. V.; SMIRNOV, A. A.; K&MELEVSKAYA, G. A. Experimental data on the use of porolon for alloplasty. Grud. khi-r. no.4:66-71 161. (MIRA 14:12) I.Iz Kiyev*ogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza imeni akademika F. G. Yanovskogo i Nauchno-isoledovateliskogo instituta meditsinslcoy klimatologii i klimatoterapii imeni I. M. Sechenova (Yalta). Adres avtorov: KM,, Yalta, ul. Dzershinskogo, d. 48. Institut imeni 1. 14. Sechnova, korp. 12 (PLASTICS-THERAPEUTIC USE) A: (LUNGS-SURGERY) GUBANOV, ~k.G,,,--dotsent; FEWTOV, A.F, Intrapleural plombage with.porolon in accociation with pulmonary resection. Probl.tub. 39 no,344-49 161. (MIRA 140) I* Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo inati-tuta tuberku- low imeni F.G. Uzoftkogo (dire - kandemedensuk A.So Hamolat)00 (LUVGS-SUROW) (LUNGS-COLLAPBS) GUBMIOV Aleksey IzavrilovJchj UNIOVIST, M.N., red.~ YOTOTSKAYA, L.A., 2 0 teklin. reda (Partial Fulmonary resections in tuberculosis; anatomical and experimental materials] Chastichriye rezektsii legkikh pri tu- berkuleze; anatomicheskie i eksperimentallrye materialy. Kiev., Gosmedizdat USSR, 1961. 303 P. (MIRL 15:7) (TUBERCULOSIS) (LUNGS.-SURGEff) GUBAVOV, A.G.; SEVEROV, V.S.; 0SUMEVA, V.P.; FEDOTOV, A.F. Use of porolon plombage in partial reseetions of the lun s in tuberdulosis..Vest.khir. no-5:46-51 161. %RA 15--l) 1. 1z Instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - prof. W.A. Shmelev) MI SSSR i Ukrainskogo naucbno-istiledovatellskoro instltdth tuberkuleza (dir. - A.S. Mamolat). (LUNGS-SURGERY) (TUBERCULOSIS) (PLASTICS 11.1 MEDICIVE) GOROVENKO, Grigoriy Gavrilovich, doktor mad. nauk; GUBANOV, A.G.1-red.; CHUCHUPAK, V.D., takhn. red. -- (Pulmonar7 resections following ineffective collapse therapy]Re- zektsii legkilth posle neeffektivuoi kollapsoterapii. Kiev, Gos- uwUzdat USSR, 1962. 277 p. (MIRA 16:1) . (TUBERCULOSIS) (PNEUMOTHORAI) (LUNGS-SURGERY) GUBAI,'.OV, A.G.J. dotsent; NOVITSKIY, A.D. Technic of extra-musculo-periosteal plombage of the thoracic cavity. Xhirurgiia no.118348 162. (MIRA 1513-1) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledoratellakago inatituta tuberku- leza imeni akad, F.G. Tarovskogo (dir. - doteent A.S. Mmmolat) i Simeizskogo khirurgicheskogo sanatoriya OPrimorlyel (glavnyy v'rach I.T. Sokolova [deceased]). (WNGS--GOLLAPSE) BAYANDO, F.A. (Mumansk); S11VETSOV, TE40FEYEVA, ':.V.; KOVALI, V.P.; KDZW,IA, E.Z.; TRETIYAKOV, N.I. (Kaliningrad); I-LAMW11, E.Sh. (Poselok Martunip AzerSSR); BOROVYY, Ye.M.; DULAYEV, S.G. (Grodno); GERASIMOV,, B.A. (Lugansk); RELINIK, L.A. (Cherriovtsy) ; MIGALI,L,A.,- _GUBAITOVAA.G.; GOROVENKO, G.G. (Kiyev); SHAROV, B.K. (Chelyabinsk); SHOVALUVA, L.A. (Sverdlovsk) NEYMARK, I.I.; ARYAYEV, L,.N. (Odessa); KABMTOV, A.N.; KOHOVALOV, Yu.S.; ZAK, V.I. (Orenburg)paKHAYLOV, M.M.; SEZIKOY A.D. (Voronezh); SHALAYEV, M.I.; DMIN, V.I. (Saratov). Abstracts. Grudn. khir. 5 no.3:110-126 My-Je'63 (141U 17;1) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy anatomii Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo in- stituta imeni akademika I.P.Pavlova (for Shevtsov). 2. Iz- Sochin- skogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta kurortologii i fizic- terapii Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR ( for Timofeyeva). 3. Iz khi-rurgicheskogo otdeleniya Ternopollskoy k-linicheskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy ( for Koval$). 1+. Iz kafedry topograficheskoy anatomii i operativnoy khirurgii ( zav. - prof. A* P. Sokolov). Permskogo meditsinskogo instituts. (for Kozlova). 5. Iz khirur- gicheskogo otdeleniya ( zav. - Ye. M. Dnrovyy) Rovenskoy oblast- noy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - IJkrSSR VX. Vel'sk1y) (for Borovyy). (Continued cu next card) BAYANDIN, P.A.- (continued) Card 2. 6.Xx fakul I tatskoy khir,#rgicheakoy kliniki ( dir. - prof. I.M. Popovlyan) i gospital noy terapevtichenkoy kliniki ( dir. - prof. L.S.Shvarts) le6hebnogo fakullteta Saratovskogo meditsin- skogo instituta ( for Migall). 7. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khi- rurgii zav. - prof. I.I.Neymark) Altayskogo meditsinskogo in- stituta for Neymark). 8. Tz Novosibiirskogo gorodskogo protivo- tuberkuleznogo dispansera ( for Kabanov). 9. Iz kafedry fakult- tetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. I.A.Ivanov-) Permskogo meditsinsko- go instituta ( for Shalayov). dotsent IKiyev, u1. Chkalova, d.71+, kv.7); FUFII-1~41,10V, Yu.A.; 14ARULIN., B.A. Soft elastic porous polymers as plastic material in surgery. Vest. khir. 89 no.10:65-72 0 162. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta tuberkuleza i grudnoy khirurgii-AWi akademika F.G. Yanovskogo (dir. - dotsent A.S. Mamolat). G U B.-V; OV, A . G. , d:, , s, tm. z ~ K -4 yE.,,r , u 1. F,J! - "; . 'i . ~ -1 , kv . I , 1, " Prevention of lnfet~ticn of the pleural cavity in u~' of the esophagus. Vest. khir. 91 no.11:21-25 N 163. (MIRA 17;12) " Tz otde"a plimermr (rukevoditeil -k - -- d,)tsenL A.G.Gubarmv) Ukrainskogo instituta. tuly--rk-uleza i grudnoy khirurgi-- (director - dotsent A.S. Mamola 0 . doktor med. nauk; GOLOVINA, G.T., red. (Alloplasty; methodology for the implantation of material] Alloplastika; metodika vzhivleniia materiala. Kie-vm Zdo- rov'1a, 1965. 212 p. (MIRA 18:7) KUVAYZV, V.B.3 VLASOV, M.I.; GUBANOV, I.A. larkspur Dolph:Lnim oonlumm M. Pop., a nfrg modiiinal plant. Bot. zhur. /+9 no.7%9r-1002 il 14' (MIPA 1728) 1. V.9asoyumiry nnualmo-issledovateltakly instltut lekwre,-ran- n7kb i aromatinhookikh rastenly, Mookovskays oblast'. 0 0 a 044 0 iji'o 0 0, 0 0 0000 to! Out ON 110-10, F ~ V x a a 0 v lyti-l-pul. A k I'm A .4, lop A*& po"Mul well 000 iil--Al,4-nr& lamb -00 00 , ::r pm 004, do P. H. xmk~ it ago 004 go* 00 . moo Sudan I 0 - v up s 9 8 W a 0 a 11 W" 0 0 a 0 s a 9 in to 0 O 0: 9 0 0 0 We 0.o 0 9 0 0 0 0 0- 0 0 41 0 6, 0:0: 0, a wo 0 0 a A's- --,0, O's 0 o q 0,-;o 0-- -Ok. * * * 0 * 0 0 go 66 L A I , ; & A~. A A iA 09 Ali 09 0 00 06 .1" go 00 at 00 00 1VOIS 0 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i~"- -4- " " . " OR i " , n .6 M . 1, . M . " " " . 0 ~ 0 v v P A I I M 0 I.L W Is k InAug"CO of OW me skew" lbftm d 910CW"v.=- A. Gulmomy. J Mfg? IV. S. S. RJ Clettlon brain falls on the OWIA"t a . .k=.h'-U"- imais a vusful: chiuse. the dculitY of Winch t-IRWO in-~- vtfwly with the curd. of the material. This surface charce act% on the virctron titam ca"us its blofidtRiall ut "t- ruwlt'g. The authar cak-s. this effect (1) (of a mitinuous 'Wonicomiuct.w. and (21) for a metallic ck-cl.3d. co-red ill, a I hill W1116-olullwl ing lilyrt. l4va"blam ('jankm 0 a 0 W -a W W W 0 At W a, I ti !-00 =0 a =00 see t:*9 'Ag woo too 1 1A it, ?71 0 IT it a a "A 1 0 13 1 91" ; 4 on 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 0A 0 go 0 00 000906 0 go so * 6 0 6 - 00000040 0 00000 0 0000f 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 06 *~ I ) I A 9 6 y 1 9 to if 1: J) M 1) M 11 W It M n 4 a if a M It I I It 11 Al 9 lot a Mgt allre., Momax!* .A 4 -A-x - r.-Q-A. 4 -r-M -*-Cc W -L-IL ~ It. A - t .9 4 , to 'oor .to tr - ---- - ~ C.; I,% 00 A .00 00 MulUple Compton Offect of I-quitnill. Cuballill -00 00 1hys. Tmh. huNt., Avad. Sci. U-SSR-l- J; PrPft. (, Tk 00 eeret. Pkvs. (U.S'S.R.) 15, Xpo- Multiple Conilittin elfrctscan in Inincipir fie -jbwrNcfl it, lilt- Wik-n -00 .0 doud chwittxr. CAIcn. i,ficowl, that in P(Owtice '(till 0 fe Iruk, vallilot 1W 44ow""I low 2 fr3-41'. I I I 'File -00 00 A. ,dVoike cli., --iiiVit foot i"ttictitio'll hv th. Out'jil.on 01t. I ' -00 . - P Ii ekill 'Illail. J'~,) rise Omtplmi rifi,, 1 1. .111ft-f 00 4r Wif"I 11Y 11M 11111 At ho'A, I t 11, 11,%, ~' illid 1111 -00 0 0 -r: 11419 I-o"11114114111 :41 11111ficr 4 It"tKil'- I-101 low-- --` I "14-44j; :i see file phut,m It, Thc avi, tilt: 00 'd *ucce-Ovu go j -00 q foor ph4itt"I uIctKir, irmll 1) 4105 111 q. v ~ 14) "ill III.r.v F1.1 1300 If. witit initial Ilhotust cucrKy if Idl m.r.y. (file itt-t favorable cac), I. - 15, au-1 at I "till, u I;Iycr III 101 cm. thick would he required. 'Fite Iruiltahility (of few i:,i,uJIijs1c Cosuploo rffct:ts dvervacs xvith inctra-ing Ill. II The Iff.pillili(y 1.1 aliplivatwo to, il'tr"filly,104 I, M111ri coo -~-7--- 4111 do O.V 131 0111t) 01i ;o, to to 0 a a a a a a it it i - - - Ain L s a W 0 M 6 1 it a 9 0 fa 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 do 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 00000000000004 000000000000 0: 11. to m- kw, 4- 77 1z ii-st the-.- -94- d lkundiu It 14141111h ww .;~ ; zhur'n, ill; . ~ .-SO2 a f.; ke,;I t ii qve s . ~ . ~ - 6' - - , - , , r - .40 -IPW .; ~' - -. 16 cam j~ ~-g rat.;- lnjq!~': q t lAot th em he'Cona lit WO beco" prod Ap COMPAI W~ n MCI d 64 ."Or Vi l U W. W-0 -for, IJ tf WAWA 0 1o 1* , ' o " too font, 0.1tol 0 ' $ I A' M V u a a a a a a L . J ! I! . I 00 A a s MW aids WHO M A A MD , l e III viow 14 -Ws. ilm fr. k- the ltv. tud ft f h boo o see %v o t e w. k* m (i l l s 0 .On - uu, &.I v-"i I~ gi Fan * of dwru# wav" M Deblv's nwtw (C.A. ?. - s that lbe wt-st~ ali y 0, c amm l This " to am' m I" e . 0114 tbM I q wonl*m NA tbr metwe thm hawr it, N*m Wift amwm. of Op b*6 000* 10 a 00 In*, amptImilq - of lbagwifts toia" Mmlik,01 imith 111161 d0o, bWkmd by F, SW tWhoww (Vve~lins dwo-A lsv l ago fie tt itif pAbw twomm pw it-Ai lbr NOT N. I goo 60 ago 0 40 0 l No 5 La oafattoACAL xOssawis %i u aw o '01 1A & 1 8 ~l is it -1 v 10 9 0 d, 00600 0v- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: lo" 0 'o A T j70 0.4y'! 004 00, .4 Goa 00 .a so's go Rt~ W - - - IF - AF-1 durandelow d dw SWOW 411111" d j-t - ftslmiwng CRUMPICS the Agreement 11 ligXXI ' par. , b;dl;. Va. 1. FftvW awd A. C.WRwwv..-- ; amw PhM ic w A. N* Thm - - P 4.1firfe. TANW41. hyr. (U.SS.R.) M. 404KIPMPW wbm iN M dudrd 6 a d 1 w . c *1 RIM n ,..' sm 1 TORgurro YS Id sild, "irfam wow" In a plate and thift to& boft I f 0 11 t i mm ft o na * on *4 %I&6. by Way of cornpatat f f rov, the hwqwocy %pe"funi o as gone of *Isom conipming The bwy. doe Uffinvo dw &A two al Will" L * by Ar cWKW b ,:AOW*. 'he hA b 42' I ASP I dud #inn . &7j A or %WpOrmflow ee. , qj - -40j" -:eon - Mc. - v. - Mg~/ * - al links al In% d " . if it a C m vv , ~ V., - hot 'i y at owaft. Val do Ni %M III ' ' : "*Wiwi= or auldinstim. 0 Ik ad. vnt, It asgin to be cut at voklik 4100 cheched agAnt expil. qlam ham tw unsilism Ow Rio ;r ; a Ill, M Na. As. ft. A, Xv. OR. CaHft CmUsIML IRS to see H*dtt *we. fror the *"dod $unt and C^ Ow tkff.'~ , b i ., ! n t Ind ellon4on term plays The link ~ ivibutes Im tbw ho to 4-ldr it c d m . on ma a e ew rw effive of tbr entropy term Is I 'waft .1- t b t b h M h i b see me u ere n t e a q* , deldr we mwkvUy Wow rise the suptL doe; thk is-` e m tb I i s m a it it ~Iws*wmf --sk. but row -it Ovin" in Wft dw-- 12" 111"IM too no" -* I 0 :AT : Ill; j, ; 0 Ill All I *4 W 0 0 00 go go go go - -PSOCC1441 AND "Optorits .41. Th"ry of tho Itydroges bond. A. U.S.S. R.) 16, OM"- thtmiftlical Cak'M.. Iml,%ni tat dats 'If Kafir asid W,wk-v (ri. C I M 2,5320) Atld tlhetq. ale ltiv"l (,w th" If f..S.J~ " i;1 1411~ 4fitfirliPAII141 44 %-AFf?,,%yW fidil, 'Ilk, N. 1twilit 11wilalm,ml jrirss than fiwisjM k swl illanar llol k 1mvilrerst. rhe if attun lwtwtvfl'., t) 1% Isol I.M14W w 1-th I.Y vq-41014tv, fail , att".1 1.) imis. wilh a lim"Al valvil" Im"Id milli N&VIA the w,4-14 ."0 I,v vlevin.161k, 41twav. thr It al'"ll I, Itilit d~', 0 A4,1411, 01411 its thetithrr. Tbe high C*kvl1vvf1v,4 44"'If"Ilt 1144111ing 2 11140111% alit0tuted to life abliriltv o# &fly Ibis risalvIC4 the ntcwnt in the If bridgr fit apprcach mch tither mom viviarly. Atilit J. Milh-t -we p I 41r14tk~At LITIO&TUR WISINCOMIN 0 dw - ----- -S&ftawo $wilow tis. a.. dsc At ot;-,ij -4i; q a, I ; I - ; -1,1-r a 4 1 ill -,Y-~,-i-7Q 0 a a I w $1 4-11 9 0 Ill 0 19 0 a a a 0 4111, 040 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * *go 0 0 1,* 411*111*too 041100 00 0 000 1 0 0 0 0 06 ill 0 0 a 0 Too %9 "So too Irek 1947' Waves, Surface Wave Propogation tic Capillary Gravitational Surface Waves, A..Gubanav, Leningrad Pbysicotach Ihst, Aopa Sci Usn' 8 Pp "2hur Eksper i Tecret Fiz" Vol XVII, No 2 Deduces equation for velocity of propagation of vwes on surface of elastic-viscous body. In the limiting case of -11 frequencies this equation gives velocity of enillar7 graTitational waves on liquid surface. For high frequencies, as another limiting ease, It gives velocity of Rayleigh WMITOG 5710 /Phys (Contd) Feb 1947 at surface of solid body. Uses method of successIVO approxinatians to study cases coming close to Abovo two limits. Guwtv, V_M)~ktbnmstloes Applied Feb 107 lkve propagation *Dipping of a Cylinder into an Elastic-viscous w Medium, A. Gubanov, 10 pp OMur Tekh Fiz" Vol XVII., NO 2 Solution of Frenkelts equation of propagation of a d1sturbance by the method of operators (lAplacian tmnef ornatione). 11T17 Ac 3 =.f VA 'a Ift A. 1. 04AMM, "Vikeds" of bod bow#@ in an 01mag qw~ J, *A. Mr. (ZA. OAA. Fin.). 1447. v(4 17, ". 6, pp. &M-Aw Thr nutbww wA&IW a amduump ov%Ram jorwmimitilt Imoth ob'k we Imod by tho sm"aw we low to J. rn-11W I-Kir-11. jsvov -0 vp al at ( 11) vIG, p be* the vionwity ntW 1, the P"r nw.fuhm, OrA 16 adw syu*sb how khrir to*mwy alviftnuhre. 1"w kw&%Awy smwkkwA ~ *4 ~ w do" 6jr a vkwvow "I. N sawaime 9 - To sf*iwo. am ftabw im " ID ojhv opyroal wAkow: (t) ndd bMMWWd OR CAW d& bY 64 OWAM66 PkW, thr of bre by a ftW pbm; (2) G&W I - I by m owl"Mim Z : (3) by omowbk ey me Gwd, ofte swomiew, Ho tho &wb~ wwd~fm ba"d as MA wm~ wkwhmKlld. kw wd to wwy *A tbowy, tw. it 0& b w4wpw, to ewdow SW G. J. V. Wr&~, USA e, $1 1#01 4 V 7! A hii- lochames of elutb-viac-aag4lasl Gubama;~ k 1 are, ird~iiriedllt A,-. tiJA~i4 !.I atj4 I ng-a . 4 ~ , , oneraHzed "I'leil iwafj; t~~ u 116ii S, 04 * , -o o b K i t bi iiin'(1) Caw MR, 2urin'al Tehn 34-42 (1949). Fiz 19 10K SSSR -4 ,- ii I SIQ (l wri lpl:~ i 0 1 toz l4 t fi?i vkol- III - dcr~rl laUlo . . . , . . (a) Ma k~telllii li, li&Nir~jo if. d$ ' 61T4 if ter;i-, 5"A G opic deforntat)k 10 rhu. beha%rior of homogenLous ifiot, -!Wi (b)~ Xel vin'~ bot kaft.r' ndj ilf . . I n6us- In pinil M Al anical is discussed in terms af lunij)(A-Paran~leter Illec Frunkel %q bbdy (if q Wof tu~ 4 ' d' Ct in 13,11 U I A wieh . dek The n arallel. .110 i(xiels are compowd of ries and V a G); (d . s 1. Ii1d 110 Pre ug ) FrClikel .1 ~ombinatioi -jws6i~s I " ction!' elc~~ conibinations of springs, dashpots, alid dry (ti -with ;in q) (a plis(iii: otlk ~Wth Ir& ' nJ6~ ~no v . Ments which are introduced to account for.the yielld iioW in--, 1141 f2q, and, dr 111.1154ic behavior. Linear, relations betWeen the SUM* 'And ' In diioss' n-of Weli- 4 iibi d s areimunied.for all of thes s tra in deviator tt is shown that und' er this assuitiptiod mation mcchaitigns har opl"91 qqq..p V I., O~; , Ing , . a linear'relatia the most general modeFleads to n Of, 6e.typii: lii4 and ijIMwdii1q:icDlld# is.. 0 I : - A t; der i i tibnik i ~ ,/,104- .whC'ie Aj-Cti+-Tid/dt+pjd (1) LN1S-SO 47AiR .: ri odifie to iyt -ft ~ d 4 y I :li in.-~,- !i4w Ai 4 ' ~% - , 7 :spectively. ain deviators, ri; S and S are the stress and str ut-t4 time 61ier.3i S oil 0, Ifive ni- of , .- jl, ~tna.ihe a ri. j n 0 alu -of S itt-theyield point. For ptirposes o is th v e tornis. vio jienck~,44 ikia leld li~jj ' .sit ition1s'assit !iA kir - c onlyzterrris th ug the second order the.preseadis urision ro h j the 46f 1%. : z do J IA It0jr S Hathe 101 A:i Ourcel: lratical..Uview$ :, A L w A ill~bawvg L L _~Vh* 11110~1_ .d #k I Sdc_vt3*ms~I Akad. MWk:SSSR. Zu It zu -A zu Vne j4q A 8V,ng,thcd&W ' laut b0dies; tress .8 Afid4ttAlh. in "tained-: by t e: ad or-; aw the OmM nt paw pm"Its aopl"tiofi. of- is ~40 itudy of, pure Aeor. -0 -tavce~d. thk b values arel (d)- dls*ob~infmi. Sem t ap I '- i;x straw-pr displacement or ourl- a constan t ~w., hpx sin,wl b A v ere plAcAM - (or the diaplgl~~it)' and A ailid (4 - a r-c constan , I fourth Is produced.byVa sudAcivaldhealonbf the - , Woet U111 !ared I t MO s w ji log M vid, i a e d i o Is r velocit , s. s. Th Ma 'Y t lorlu Im it :"4 tl"C'ex taw '10 1 or ' bociles di lmd 4 th ~rfkwid iscri n e paper to Solu tieh R~ the i~i~w 4 advised t6taki the i , liso ifs: revi ce., at" with resm _oas, if o-iie 0 IM109MUng axidlOk"'A -0 1 ro' U"W Y*400 i0p... 14 . Ch pal the' matical. geviews I mme. Jan 169 Soma, High-FTequenoy Sovzd, Focusing "Calculations for Yoousing Ultrasound," A Gubano,7, Leningrad Mysicoteeb Inst, Acad Soi USSR, 4 Pp "Zhur Tekh Piz" Vol XIX) No 1 The desideratum in ultrasonics is maxi- intODA- ity. Since intensity in linited*by Qhe surface of sound generator, GlAImmay considers Grscitzmcher,14 experiment with a spherical sovnd gnerator which vi 11 pe=Lt foausing.. to obt4in. greater intowit.T at & di~tA=O fr= th* 690W&t4W. ftUAM OdTa~ theadretical 00"Ptatlaft of awk ftmuss as& lagati- r1ge factme Influmoing:valus, of' int"Dift cation I-Ming focusing. lob anftd Of INS "WANWONCUM TWO "'M' " *'d lgut - Z TO, ). ZhaM The contact of a pair of an e ic (11 a bok Wall- A rect 9 conductol (U). *-8- A, a And the resistan-M Me. tail I PpI -is caft'ideelow greater I SUM -R I resistances of the WdkM:1 sewnicand.-tors - ba tko tMosmitting I air., lon. 16,kh V t~IWfiuX to Wro. Rv in cift" directi(XIS 10 kW Towns tiMij; With V bKI Sing 'a the trass~ 9910110 Ankting direction, R. talk rawly to ZR. -b- in the I= it wonstly StAo dpermars but M-A UNIT ~ marking dirve, may b, pw 116 solid A&", W at oil. Thrw phenoonIO rectine" where rectificatkm polmiw take. pince actiantly at th, ""Amy of 2 wnsic-ductall go different typ-. raillo" Inliprogicand--mb-oftV. Tbv%uWl~ than on a ow scheme of the cnntet sb*" 1111"t as of electrons or holea cwnes ke bouladary of 2 9=111ciors 6 dillicult. 'wy sma -*"/br (where a - cWfOnic Only a IBM of the cond. as distance between the b0 of dectrons can Palo team aw"I" Feaction of bow CAO pass I to In y an Insignifi-MA fivo u to 1. Itecombination 01 dectrona end hoks t TOM boutuiary is ONO very slightly Peobubl-- Ulth the MRS. vultagIs appliAd 10 1. okctrons and holes rather Accumulate at The boundary. producing Slutle charM 0 which esusa culving of tb~ soars under &IS SPI'lial voltar., in I. is < And the sonesculvV downwardl~'Ahewc%s in Uv > 1). &m1 the son" qmfvo upwat%116. Alto III the Abe"" a ~act realki diffelcure V.. With the lxw. voltage Applied to 't the *Gwts am reversed. awl Thavoww% core Wk the orpo,- adiriction Im vaWtawntolthebDitivilwyregfinin carriers of Q;rw~t Cka the passage of cuffent. In wro the apiwarn. cl'c~ In the absemn of current). the ck pot 161 o4.11 1 live abov* p"of It I" the twanproAtthsIt dkvc~ tion I V > 0). And below pe in the blocking direction ( 11' < 0). CAms. band an these Kbeamareavackfura uArMin- voiving a gap (ad*wbod Layer) between I and IM. Zeroth :Pproin. giva ft rtUtion betwom V and the coocas. a, ad wrofebectronsmW bolesin land E4rvsp. Firwaffrom. then givft the relation between the current i and at and ft and bram. with the nil of the Ist approan.. the relative bet-vens'and 1', Ve. Owcurrtnt-vultapnim. Ofthall ble nowbanients for thop~o1theelectrous t' angh be cents". PUBW of dectro" into the cooduction Now It and of holes Into The filled so" of I save no satiolotory nt. arevear"t wkh the data lot C%0041,(h~ Use was nLuIv of rorwasibination at the b*wW4ry, with WuMon of capture of eliectrons from I on local kvvls of 13 with subse. qwnt recotabination with haks of U, and ptwre of baits CM from NIS on local levels of I and subsequent riecovabiniatim with electrons, of 1. An tuct upression for dw cow t the contact is derived. Wading all thim coutribw ions. Although the contact potential dWween V. Is MR p(inary rActor. It does play a definite rok. At 1'. < 0. to pmlorninant. and i is proportional wJlh mix" commoluedor A. (UsAmermid Ph". Tech, NO - W. 'k rewtoo. Fit. al. griteral irmesto of rqua- tious is ml up for a wrouktorklueltis, In whk-b horth types of kattiorrio of Curre"I"Clectrommoss and bolvs. are jorrviot olnoul- t*n"m4y. TUC twis% an divers fmw. that of DAvydQV 'Zilossr. irkh. Fir. 7, 2212(107): J)om"v A&W. Naith V.S.S.R.3111.7will(m). Amm"mot the WON elimile mond ftor Motor curving produced by it as the hisommulAry; alto, the life of an orkmovin or " ii not taken to be comm.. but to cleowood an the comorn. The roossralfid diffeftwoe from the caor of a mortmikowlsk-tor wills our thoillor kind of c-Arvirr cimstiotit in rise div.,ge Oct of the flooll 44 each Mail of earTimm's 04mlairly Isof horind at", slid therefore thor.fillomion equotions bring not (of rise loot but 61 the 2M tordwrt. PsIratiomoo al the chrus. rquil. lortmem file Arrtftom* Al differ"t enrogry level. Air fel4oomi by e4kowlions A the woorl" of ek