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GRZwor,musm ~ W.
"Prestressed Concrete PfoductB.11 p. 384 (Inzyniel:u I-Budownictyo. Vol. 10, No. 12,
Dec. 1953, Warszawa)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accesgions, Vol. 3, No. 6, Library of Congress, june,
1954, Lnel.
~ - rOR."IFIVISK71 1.11.
Specifications and standards for prestressed concrete in selected countries.
P. 75 (Inzynieria I Ridownictwo. Vol. 13, no. 3., Mar. 1956, Warszawa, Poland)
Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (FEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2,
February 1958
The Nationwide Building Conference. p. 251.
(OZYNIMIA I BUWWIIMO. Vol. 13, no. 6, June 1956, Warszawa, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (LUT-) LC. Vol. 0', nu. 12, ix"r-. !Z'I.
The factor of safeky of destruction and cracks in prestressed comcrete. p. ltb.
(DMNIERIA I BUD(UNICIND, Vol. 1h, No. 5, Ha)- 1957, Warszawa, Poland.)
SOs Monthly List of East 1',uropean Accessions (EEAL) Lc. Vol 6. No. 10, October 1957. Uncl.
POLAITID/Chenical Teclinology ChQuical I-Teducts all(l Vicir H-13
Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binding 1.1aterials.
Abs Jour - Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 17, 1958, 58268
Author z Grzagorzewski Wiktor
Title An L-ivestigution of the Cohesion and Fracturing of Two
Types of Concrete.
Orig Pub Inz-in i budown., 1957, 14, No 12, 405-414.
Abstract Expariments were conducted for verification of the
cohesion between fresh and hardened concrete in cases of
meking monolithic defective reinforced concrete construc-
tions . Cohesion was investigated of fresh concrete
with prestressed concrete slabs prepared from Portland
coment of "350" quality with a basalt addition.
Slabs with greater tension of cross braces showed a
cohesion with fresh concrete significantly higher than
Card 1/2
- 39 -
POLUM/Cheracal Technology - Chemical Producto and Their 11-13
Applications. Cerandes. Glass. Binding Mhterials.
Abs Jour Ref.Zhur - Khimiya, No 17, 1956, 58268
those with less tension. Also, slabs moistened with a
concrete milk before the concrete was poured showed the
best cohesion.
Card 2/2
GM&L, Edmund., mer.inz.; GRZEGOMWSy_j. Wojciech, mgr.i=.
The W 1 turning engine -for ate, tarbin0s Of med'= OutPut'
F.nergetyka przem 10 noo6:225-226 Jb a$62*
1, Mayind Turbin ftrowycht InStYtUt TOChnild GieplWjs, Lodz.
GWEGORUWKI, WoJCtech, Mgr inz-
Remarks on the modoxmization of steam turbines. Gosp Pallw 11
no.6:237-239 Je 1639
1. Zaklad Turbin Cleplnych, Instytut Techniki Cieplnej, Lodz.
GRZEGORZEWSKI, Wojciech, mgr inz.; WIECHOWSK-1, Stanislaw, mgr inz.
Mechanical bar-ring gear for steam turbines. Gosp paliv 12
no. 1: Supplement: Biul inst techn ciepl 12 no. 1* 35-40
J'a 164.
1. Zaklad Turbin Ciep:Wych, 14tytut Techniki CieplneJt Lodz.
Pneumothorax and pneumomediastiniun in lary-,go-tracheo-bronchitis
maligna following tracheotomy in young children. Wiad. lek. 18
no.14:1151-1155 15 J1 165.
1. Z Oddz. Laryng. Dzieciecej i Oddz. Chirurg.-Urazowego Miejskiego
Szpit-ala Dzieciecego Nr. 1 w Warszawie (Kierownic.v oddzialow: dr.
med. E. Mroczek i doc. dr. med. M.M. Koszla).
.9 D201/ ~,308
A.UTHOR: Grzejszczak, Jurzy
TITI_Ja~: An instrunivritt. for checking the accuracy of servome-
PEHIODIC.L-L: Referativiiyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 11, 1962, 57-58, abstract 11-2-114t8 (Poi. pat.,
cl. 42b, 26/03, no. 43145,*Nay 20, 1960)
TEXT: A patent Zor an instrument which makes it possible to mea-
sure directly the error of servoraeclianisms for which the displace-
ment 'ollows the tan law. The method proposed is considurably
8impler than checking the error when follotring an actual object
and consists in the simulation of the movemEnt of a radio tracking
station aerial during the drocess of tracking an object moving
along a linear trujectory. The object is simulated by a cursor,
r,.ioved in the desired direction by means of a screw, rotated by a
controlled e,~eed motor. A aelayn connected to the cursor gearing
,--rotates a reference selsyn in accordance with a given function.
Card 1/2
An instrument for D2 01 /D3 08
The error signal is app-liod -to the input of an automatic follow-up
systern and to an an,.;ular urror indicator. ~ tachimt:ter is uuud to
:,,-o,ad thu velocity. '2he inotriunont mak-es it Posi3ible to control the
flight paramvters and in conjunction with a noii3e generator, to
simulate the deviatiorw in Lhe motion of an object. 2 fii ures
,arszawskie Za'-,Zady Hadiowe T
A -1.) ~ Abotracter's note: ompl~t'e
tran~;lation. J
Card 2/2
Polish Optical Works at the 28th POznan International Fair. D. 243-
'-ECHA?TIK. Warszawa, -lay 1959.
Poland. Vol. 32, no. 5, 1
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EHAI) T,~, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960.
GRZh',LAK, Zenon.. inz.
New designs of milling machines. Mechanik 36 no.6.
265-268 Je 163.
1. Zalklady 1 14ELja, Pruszkow.
GRZELAK, It,_ inz.
~- --~YMWI
Loading and lifting installations. Bud okretowe Warszawa 6 no.11:351
1. Polski Rejestr Statkow.
(Loading and unloading) (Cranes, derricks, ate.)
GRZELAK, Z., inzh.,, GACIAG, J., inz.
Now types of knot typo mil.Ung awhines. Mechanik 35 no-5:24,
251 My 162.
1. Zaklody Prs*Vslow 1. Maja.
~ I -." w
GMETAK, Zygmuixt, inz.
- -- , -1 ----- -
Parameters for workJxg with coupled boom. bid okretowe Warszawa
7 no.6t2OO-203 is 162.
I, ftlek:L RoJestr Statkow., Gdain k.
Influenza virus In monkey kidney tissue culture Investigated with
the aid of the hemadsorption reaction. Ned.doew.mikrob. 12 no.3:
241-249 160.
1. Z Zakladu Wirusologit PM Kierownik: prof. dr 1.PrzesvWck1
Antigenic analysis and biological properties of scme strains of influenza
B virus isolated during the period of 1940-1952- Mod. doew. mikrobiol.
14 no-4:339-343 162.
1. Z 7-klndu Wirusologii PZH w Warazawie.
~,' ~:-: , "!.. Pa. 1.1;
!q I I V1, T; I 'N' -.111, 1 1;W- I I I I, I I i: V : ;I 1--l , , A I I I , ~z . - ~ ;' i .; % -
Antibodies against the subtype A2 of human influenza viruses in horse
sera in Poland., Med. dosw. mikrobiol. 14 no-4:355-364 '62.
1. Z Katedry Fikrobiologii Wydz. Wet. SGGW, Zakladu Wirusologii 1. W.
i Zskladu Wirusologii PZH w Warszawie.
Mechanisms of the fomylation pnd hydroxymotllylation reactlui-i..
Postepy. biochem. 8 no-4:453-473 162.
ZILIJEiSKA, Z.M.; GM--EU1XO1v1SK&) 13,
Lipids distribution of oocytes and nurse calls of Acantholyda.
nemoralis pronymphae as affected by folic acid.. folinic acid,
and aminoptorin. Folia morphol U zw*3:363-369 1621.
1. Department of Biochemistry, Nencki Institute of Experiinental
Biology, Warsaw. Head of Department: Prof. Dr W. Niemierio,
Physiological and biochemical properties of folic acid analogues.
Postepy biochem. 9 no.3011-327 163,
The Dovelopment of the Polytrophic Ovaries in Acantholyda
nemoralib Thome. (Hymenopters), Folia histochem. cytochem,
(Krakow) 3 no.205-100 165.
1. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Department of
Biochemiatryp Warszawa.
Cytophysiological Investigations on Follicular Vesicles
of Carausiun morosue, The micromorphology and localization
of nucleio acids polyeacoharideo and lipids. Folia histo-
chem. cytochem. Nrakow) 3 no*2tll9-136 165.
le Departiftent of Biochemintryp Menoki Institute of Experi-
mental Biology, Warszawa.
, I!' '! I- . : - i '. ~, I t~.' f i" pj,~ I I ~t I ~-, , --t; 11: jj~~ I r., - 1; "1 ~~ ~j - I I - ; I :!1,- 1, 11' Ul
Ttexiczanowlez K. -Plit A Gizettyk, "14, 8;vYrk0wIcx I
WaJder J.' A New C%jal
4% 71 Main Irgrq Et
N kuntalif dm s~tt
zy acv. z alltalho ui oty owego! 11 Cm 11
Cheful N 1, 19
55 pp
A new catalyst in tPt?lefsI'con'sjjtF6g!b 6 -otpi, cg,
r 62 3j COD41
the,~~tbesls Of flc4aui~ fi~~
ailianol has lb~
n iri
tit IndustrIP1.5c"I data obbi0tilAnA
expe A
420OC; 2)1 the'740W~:ra e"bf, Thai Oatal~.A,
Yno); per L, tire a cd r! in;
averago conversion Of ethwu)t- to 4tp_jone~ it, 7~ 84i4"I)i.mielt-W Th6j:1,
organiga Idn negessary, to .4 av ~pvnd ijdtj (h t 1e,
t t
a Intl
-Ang utions 13 underldiscuss art..-:.
Distri 419
"A loft
W of
Co AS. Adilllstbii was pre .1
as ustd for, thai conversion of 0 0
obtained by the Ftn., with AmOl
OLCA: and &I/'
qptd. u0. wert- "rot
id in an'
pellets. This catalyst was test
!I'lescribed In. detall.' As mcdon chamber DA electri
heated p pe 60 mi
plied as vapor ara. I f 200* The re3
!j..t.,e.1fiO,AMO~0 o=6HO.03%)l
iandthagaseaviashedwl HIO. Thefeedwsu
1(20ra by vbIj)/l. catalyst/hx.i temp. of the
440 .* Although the best results (up to, 95
;obtained using 20% EtOH soln,, It Is aytivanti
iSO% solo. due to an Imease of the tunt. of
Aoue. The regeneration 61 the catalyst wai
every 500 hri. by passio
g thrmsh It % m14
1j.A. catalyst/hr.)
;Men air alone during I hr, ~ ItesutIg nit a
solo. R. Tremi 'A
kowles, Z. Kohn a tr.
of lAb, expts. were confirmed. The s
used were 8 min. diam., " min. high. 71
Opes contg. the catalyst was 380,4200;- -!,T)m
-of the catalyat.was accomplished every X
'420'). The yltld was 71~.-M%, exceeding fro
to use
it I I ; . :~ ;
AUTHORSs Treezozanowicz, Edward, Graelczyk, Staniskaw
TITLEs Method of isomeriaation and carboxylization of carboxylic
acids in the presence of zinc cadmium catalyzers
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2 1963, 408, abstract
2N59 (Pol. patent 44701, Aug. 2, iq6i~
TEXTt Aromatic carboxylic acids are isomerized or carboxylized in the
presence of catalyzers (CT) from alloys of Zn-Cd or composite oxides of CT,
obtained from these alloys by being heated in air. This method makes it
posmible to lower the temperature of the process and to increase the yield
of the product. The CT are prepared by alloying Zn and Cd in the form of
metals or their compounds. The alloy ie cooled and ground down. It is
more advantageous to use composite CT, obtaineg from calcining the granules
(diam. 4 - 5 mm) of Zn-Cd alloy in air at N 500 C. The regeneration of CT is
carried out by calcining in an oxidizing atmosphere. For instance, 242 g
of o-(KOOC)2C6 HV containing 5% of Zn-Cd alloy in powder form, in which
there is ~jO% of Cd, is heated for 2 hours at 4000C under CO 2 pressure of
Card 1/2
Method of isomerization and ... B162/BI02
5 atmospheres. From the reaction product, 124 9 (75A) of n-(HOOC)2C6H4 (I)
is liberated. 12.1 g of the alloy Zn-Cd, in powder formq containing 35% of
Cd, is calainated for 3 hours in air at 5500C, mixed with 242 9 of
and heated for 2 hours at 4000C under CO pressure of 5
n-.(KOOC)2C6H4 2
atmospheres. The product contains 131 g of I. The yield of I is 7* BY
carboxylization of C H COOK with the same CT, I is obtained with a yield of
6 5
,j75%- [Abstracter's notes Complete translation.)
Card 212
-(K-807 J I
W a r 3
Poland/Ch&jnical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of
Solid Mineral Fuels, 1-12
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62553
Author: Grzelewski, L., Ciborowski, S.
Institution: None
Title: Determination of Benzene, Toluene and Xylenes in Mixtures Thereof
Periodical: Oznaczanie benzenu, toluenu i kaylenow v ich mieszaninie, Przem-
chem., 1955, 11, No 7, 375-380; Polishj Russian and English resume's
Abstract: A rapid (duration 35 minutes) and simple method has been worked out
for the determination of the amounts of benzene (I), toluene (II)
and xylenes (III) in mixtures by means of a single fractionation.
A graph has been plotted for computing the percentage content of the
components. The method is applicable to mixtures of I with 0-18%
II and III. Accuracy of the method is �0.4%.
Card 1/1
14 '0
11 4m.3
v o. -.A vi
Ad o
al;iAl! IPA
3a- j a
j.. I i q
*.3-- jAil- S., 0
Al I
I Is
A i , I *I
gig I
S :-o .1
J all
P')LJLND/Ph,ytiical Chemistry. Kinetics. Combustion. Dqilosions.
Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 19580 426P-8.
Author : Grzelewski L., Ciborowski St.
Inst :-------
Title :Static Method of Studying the Activity of Catalysts.
Orig Pub; Przem. chem., 1957, 13, No 8, 449-451.
Abstract: The paper describes a static manometric nethod of
comparative determination of the activity of cata-
lysts, applicable in those instances when one ir
all sabstrates and products are liquid, and the cata-
lytic process occurs in the gaseous phase. Due to
the simplicity of the equipment the process can be
carried out on a small, laboratory, scale. An example
Is given of the application of this rethod in testing
Card 1/2
-Distro 4934MWO
catalyst Activit 6iwa
admiAms on eatallat AC076 alkyladon of benzene
with methanol. _~V71 ewski, Marian F55=PVn-
-And Edward Tremn--nowtel tinsu. K; -"a 942-1. Varr-flu
OW). ' Umm. SUSWEX5 2. T1
112avy).-A catalyst (1). contg!'PIT, 04, ~!Rn =U.;.5
ZuO 8.6. &W bentoulti 3% was stsed forvapor-phase alk
flois of benxeds (U) with MeOl
I we* prep& by trea
`ihkid in the above ratio,With:
k6druhr.&O.andibm tef.
H&POj dry, and trushint (grain Wre
851 tog at
soot formation
'5-1 min.). 'To avoid Z% H, was jiddedl
joU-MeOHmixt.of2:1moI. ratio. Contact times weri2f)
bi 25 min. VA (2),, WO& (21 or Ti()~ (1-490 added tol
J, Increa3ed Its activi ffectively. (240 decrenittl'
It strongly, FftO3 i I~and Crj(h (4% with respect t
bad no effect., UO and bentonite were also found iolm-
prove the 2c"ty of 1. U. The Influence of Ignition: 6n.
catalyst activity. Tentative regeneration. Ibid. 230-45
English suniTary).-I. and 1 +.2% TlOt were regentraud
y 10-hr. Ignition at 800%, at Gtrman catalyst (III) mjtg.
PA 4517a. sn& polsohed by carbon deposit (40%). was
togeneratet! over Mitts. by passing In air, 80 1,/hr., at WO
Ond SW*. Underthe c6hdiflous te activity of I and Iri~
Was completely. restored after 20 and 100 into., resp., th*t
Of M 061Y paitialilyl apparently C was not tho~onl
, powan.
,"ard. and. umpressivet'strength of I and-M& refun- '
above -J,
emted Wow Ignition u twOW"' d rtiduccd~~,),
formation proccews
Activltk ft to racrysth. ahTdIt
A. Su frai4i'
G?,ZELEWSKI, Leszek; KhAWGZIK, I adziej; TZIGh--"~T, Aild -j
N rzi,
I ~ - --- - ----
Determination of the specific surface of catalysts and oar-riers
by adsorption form solutions. Frzem chem 40 no.12:684-687 D 161.
1. Zaklad Syntezy Kontaktowej, Instytut Chemii Ogolnej, Warszawa.
GR7,--,,'LTN-rl T.
A few remarks on water management 1n Czestochowa District. p. 72.
GOSPODARKA WOINA. (Naczelna Organizacia Techniczna) Waresawa, Poland.
Vol. 19, no. 2, "eb. 1959.
Monthly list of 1~ast F-aropean Accessions Index (UAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6.
June 1959
Wakazniki. (4d. 1.)
Warszawa, Poland., Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1956. 91 P
Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG. Vol. f., no. 7, JulY 1959
POIdJTD/Acous tics - Ultrasonics J-4
,'.bs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mika., No 4., 1959, No 6581
Author :Filipczynski L.., Grzenkowicz I.
Inst :Institute for Bd-a ~cc~hnca ~ blems, Poland
Title :Ultrasonic Concrete Tester BI-2
Orig Pub !Proc. II conf. ultranson., 1956. Warszawa., FWN, 1957., 251-252
Abstract ;The instrument is intended for the determination of elastic
constants of concrete and to estimate its strenath without
destruction of the tested specimens or construction elements.
The desirable reading accuracy is attained through the use
of a delay circuit, which makes it possible to Orcaden any
part of the sweep over the entire screen of the oscilloscope.
Me measurement accuracy is + 0.5 microsecond, In rin intervni
from 0 to 2000 microseconds. Provision is made for marking
the range of measurement (50 to 1,000 kcs) at intervals of
10 and 100 microsecond duration. The lower frequencies are
used for measurements with larger elements, and thehigher
frequeneies are used for small laboratory specimens. The
Card 1/2
POL:11D/l,coustics - Ultrasonics
J',bs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizikaj No 4.. 1959, No 6581
ultrasonic converters used are plates mde of barium titanate
measuring 120 x 60 mm with a resonant frequency of 30 kcs,
Rochelle salt plates measuring 20 x 20 mm at the same fre-
quency, and round plates 50 mm in diameter with a resonant
frequency of 500 kcs rade of barium titanate. -- M.V. T6alyuk
Card : 2/2
GRZENKOWICZ. Inoceqv,-Mgr inz.
Oscilloscopic instruments for distance measurements. Wiad
elaktrotechn 28 no.5sl44-145 Yq 161.
1 ~ A
GRZFZIK, Jwi-, PLUTA, Elzbleta
Evaluation of the effect of acoustic stimuli on-the rat
central nervous system by means of the swimming test in
the labyrinth. Acta physiol. Pol. 16 no.30'79-387 My-Je 1 65.
1. Pracounia Fizyki i Ultradziekow Iristytu,tu Medycyny Pracy
w Przemysle We lowym i Hutniczym w Zabrzu (Kiero,6niik: dr.
med J. GrzesZ.
14r Y b1z
Putlind of the theory of too rel4billty of eleciranic equipneiit.
Przegl alsilrotikbm 37 no-*.
GRZESUK, Kazimierzp_. d'r.-inz., 4 KOLCDZIEJSKI, Jerzy; n4,r inz.
Possibilities of a nonparametric evaluation of -the reliability
of elements of electronic equipment. Przegl elektrotechn 38
no.8:317-325 Ag 162.
GRZESIAK, Kazimierz
Development of and trends of studies on the reliabilizy
theory of electronic equipment. Przegl elektroniki 4
no. IC/11:557-562 O-N 263.
1. Communication Equipment Research Center, Warsaw.
GRZESIAK, Kazimierz,, dr inz.; FIRKOWIC7, Szymon, dr inz.
Re7jjL'jility evaluation by using time space transformation.
Prz,gl elektroniki 4 no. 10/11:563 O-N 163.
Statistical methods for testing the homogeneity and
repetitiveness in mass production. Ibid.:569-586.
1. Osrodek Badawczy Sprzetu lacnosci, Warszawa
(for Grzesiak).
2. Przemyslowy Instytut Elektroniki, Warszava (for
ACCESSION NRs AP4015M P/oo53/63/oooAo-/oe,64/o%8
AVMORs Orsesiske KniaLerst Wimuiewldv Kl~nx
TMRs On a method for of the time of wellmin=7 ageing
for rafto e2sumatis
90MCBs hw#IM e2ektronlide no, 10-Ue 19639 %4-%B
TOPIC TAG$ S StStUtICS _W VOUddUir, ftDlr4 e '40LUIW control@- radlo elemat'
determination, pr4R21mbmiz7 c4elft t1wq radiA e2sment, prellmi=7 agoiM
ABSTRACTs In'"r to *'Uminste 4ofoctive raft* partaq batches of then are
bjected to "roe oond:Ltlws iddah are -mqp - ated durift the normal work Of the
e3anents, TM six of this artiols, Is determdnation of the optima t1w for
MIch preliniury againg. Fwadas for. thJA U*UW time am given accoz*Ag to
two orfterMs to greatest wamp We of the elements &A the 2owst expected
20" so P%tut avMV 2ift 44 X-k 02amoU *m k 4 No
ub qPd a tims 1% In gben by the fan=U
A=LWIOV ns AP4019M
where -( is the - time of aping. The expected loss Is lamest if the tim at
Moing is taken as BcuqpU6~ am given with s3qm Lonstal data*
OrIge art. bas 1 26 twmlm I Ublm W 4 oxm%4"
I now
SUNUM3 00, DM ACPs Oftbo a=$ 00
m 0=8 33 90 my XNI M 0=2 OW
ACCESSION NR: AP400926 1 P/0012/63/012/004/0703/0724
AUTHOR: 0 rzesiak Firkowicz,, S.
TITIEt Reliability evaluation based on time space transformation
SOURCE: . Archiwum elektrotechnikip v. 12,, no. 4., 1963,9. 703-724
TOPIC TAGS: system reliability evaluation., time space# time space transforma-
tion, distribution functions longevity distribution functions Rayleigh distribu-
tion, Weibull distribution
ABSTRACT: Reliability evaluation is usually based on information concerning
the longevity distribution of the elements cowdtuting the ~device under considera-
tion., i.e. the form of the distribution function and its parameters* This creates
the nebessity of devising a method which would permit a relatively simple and
fast preliminary verification of thehypothesis used for the form of the distribu-
tion function of element longevityas well as for a preliminary rough esti-
mate of the parameters of this function, based on experimental ;findings. Authors
attempted to solve this problem by means of a unique representation- of an actual
Card 113
longevity distribution by an exponential distribution in an imaginary time space
'r - y(t), which permits a representation of the given distribution funct-Lon
F(t; 0 and the iandom variable T (object's life) in another form of
distribution funlon G( -r ; 6X) with random variable -r,, the requisite condition
of this type of distribution function being