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GRUBERSKI, Tadeusz; MALA-111OWSKI, Stanislaw The distillation process of quinoline bases in tar oils. Przem chem 40 no.9*521-523 S 161. 1. Zaklad Flzykochemiczny, Ingtytut Chemii Ogolmej, Warszawa. GRUEEILSKI., Tadeusz ----------- Studies on the dimethyinaphthalene fraction and the isolation of its main crystallization components. Przem chem 41 no.5:26q-271. ~~v 162. 1. Zaklad Fizykochemiczno, Instytut Chemii Ogolnej, Warszawa. GRUBERSKI., Tadeusz; JANEK, Wladyslaw Studies an liquid-solid phase equilibrium of certain components of wash oil. Prsem chem 41 no.6008-311 Je 162. 1. Zaklad Fizykochemiczny, Instytut Chemil Ogolnej, Warszawa. GRUBERSKI) T. On solid-liquid equilibria between cOal-tar constituents. I. Binary systems of exqueothene with methyl derivatives of naphthalene. II. Binary systems: naphthalene- acenaphthalene or 2.6-.. 2.3- or 2.7- dimethylmphthalenes. Bul chim PAN 9 no.11:731-740 161a 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw and Institute of General Chemiotryt Warsaw. Presented by W. Swietoslawaki. `4, jL 01 7:,didt6rvki T :AUTRORt aillbrium studieu of so e~ coal, t wr 0 T TIVLB; .-So id-Ilquid eq 1111 L~jteotlo aysteme formed lyy uoelromphthene', r4aphtji me hyl d iv' t1t of haphthaloneq C%1oul&Uaw:* conipqr3ition of ~bjnajV -tnd methyl aei T*tIvec 6f V. EvaIllation of mel-ting totaTe-ratur of dutectio biU' try, Ga. ulticomppuent taixtijrea of acenbLphthene#' with aet4lt M derivativee of naphthalone 1963: 65 absit" PBRIODIM: Refe.rativznyy zliurnal. Xhimiyak no -2B416 (Bi~ll - Acad. polon. uci. 25-28 29-32, 53-17 J~rl, sumary In Russ Ill:.:_ To clieck "5v;e,nt-qslavski-y1s rule -ahicU a as ifiat T-W tat t th a - ss-A4 "of ideal. binary e~"ecitio ml-xVurun of aomponent k -si _kq:: -Chelhi "I. n~la~vd eub#taiwea lie on 'he meltizig-~ ~~Int oqrV#' f4~7.. ball p -wexe experimentally Studiid for -binar.7, U Rr** melt -PpiM d~agra;" Of (11), and its wethyl ~derlvativqs -~w 092/007/w8 B11 11 -bet O~ 3,4e' Vr6pe rt i n a. a f t1le Bu ctio'ke 0 emu with 2 -dimethy~.. aphthal' e C"aace , SIB t M 4yli'ev to' boit of , * 3 On a.". TV V6'."'O'ssibility waa studied of Calculat'ing, the 00apod"04:.. 11"L I of - Imown 011tootiag! fr .04. -0 -A 6itidtio, positioi Vasic of the, oom, y'-:ee to li~z < tances (~Zhnimt 1956, no 18, '57450) NY, do "'Ou 06 'tbo. *4uitloo- the, t UO, 'I Ure for mixtures of 1, 11 $ "d IMT "f , o% M ji;6. %, N X and x are the Molar frs~ation af-.440' aompolkente, I've 2 .,and, Z-~6f- -for' wk e.,'Vutec+1o-, Com"zient I was taken &b i6h m is. constant for the given relAtird OU a t ti tic ixture'q~ was caloulated for the i~ernary. &nk -OuteCti-es, f- -nd M. V. The value k wao calcul&ted for thi roz, -I j: - 11 j 4 luts atib,~i `o~f I and Ill from the published equatioil T melting 'temperatures of the ideal eutectio'. Mi.1ture and. Of., tlio~ pu*rie.aomponent 1. Sinoe k for each oomponent depel~da onl~y little ob -t the coripoeiiion'. k may bq anaumed 4-, conat in first approximation, and the. Meltlhg-temparature of the euteetJoi4 Qan be calculated from its meah valife~ The.reau'l-ts of calculation for biuaxy ujstemo are in vati .of actory C~Lrd 2/3- -dA /coo . ; d- lquid B1 temjllcirt~tulr4q of thr, r-,e-' PRPG~.taft -OUtifttiag. mad one culeetic were 'Calculated.. For c"DOHM see ItzhKhim, [Abutra-CLOrla note: complet 0. .pAslati-On _qff'JBzRSK-1-j-T-'_ Binary solid-liquid equilibria of diphenyl with isomeric dimethyl- -naphthalenes, naphthalene and acenaphthene. Biul chim PAN 10 no.10: 561-568 162. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Potish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by W~ Swietqvlawski. P 014~63/042/002/001/003 / D204/D307 AWIWR: Gruberski. Tadeusz TITLE: Studies of liquid-solid equilibria In systems of, diphenyl with isomeric dimethy1naphthalenes, naph- thalene and acenaphthene PERIODICAL: PrzemysI.Chemiczny, v. 42, no. 2, 1963, 88-92 The present work, which is a continuation of an TEXT: earlier investigation (Przem.~ Chem. 41 308 (1962); Bull. Aoaad.:. Polon. Sci., Ser. sci. chim 1 3 33' .0 9, 73 V 7 7 (1961); lOr 25, 29 ~(1962)), was aimed at a study of the binary systems diphanyl with 2V6-, 2,3-, and 2,7-dimethylnaphthalones, naphthalene and adenaph- thene to determine (a) the nature of the solubility curves and (b) any-departures from ideality. Pure materials were used. Eutectics vere found in all cases. Degree of ideality was assessed by testing he vesults for adherence to the assumptions atid the scheme of X7iqtosXaws1;i (Roczniki Chem , 23, 1, 7 (1940); Metody rozdzielania' i oczyszozania substancji* di;thods for the separation and purifica- Card 1/2. P/014,/63/042/002/001/003, D204/D307 Studies of liquid-solid tion of substances), Warsaw 1950), finding that the latter condi- Q, ions were obeyed by all the systems studied witth the exception of diphenyl- 2, 3 -dime thylnaphthalene. The latter system is therefore .,.nonideal. For the remaining 4 systems relations derived for ideal. eutectic systems were used to calculate the eutectic compositions and melting points of mixtures throughout the whole range of partial ..concentrations. There are 6 figures and 10 tables. ASSOCIATION: Zakfad Fizykochemiczny Instytutu~'Whemii Ogo'lnej w-'. Warszawie (Physicochemical Departinent of the Insti* tute of General Chemistry, Warsaw) SUDMITTED July 21, 1962 __Card 2/2 .. .... . ... EXCERPIA MEDICA Sec.4 V61.11/5 Microbiology,etc.May 1958 R 0 /3 f- -S, "~ e, Vel il-_-~4- ---- - --- - - --- --- -- 1328. TRANSIVUSSION OF THE PROPERTY OF PRODUCTION OF ANTIBODIES 13Y THE NUCLEOPROTEIN FRACTION TO NON-IMMUNIZED RECIPIENTS (Russian text) - ShtertzI Ya. and Grubeshova M. - ZH. MIKROBIOL. 1957, 4 (39-46) Graphs 9 No antibody 'production has been found in five-day-old rabbits inoculated with S. paratyphi B. However if five-day-old rabbits were treated simultaneously with nuclear or mitochondrial fractions of tissues from immunized animals, agglutin- ating antibodies were found. The ability to produce antilxAies by young animals has also been achieved by desoxyribonucleoprotein isolated from tissues of Im- munized animals, Gurevitch - Jerusalem : i I . 1 : : " I:- ! I.... I ! 1 11 i I I 1 11 11 - 1, 1 1 ! I : I ORMIC, Aleksandar A nev Spbaeractinia. Glas Frir Auz A no.11;41-46 159. (Spbaeractinia) S/1,69 .)/0001012/o69/0 D223 6,7, T~o r- r ,e vv -1 Gcof az bY r CS Gllev r Lo 61 3- rLo. ,9 611 ~ t 65, -1 ,ostrac r"s icv- 0- - 0~ i.XIC i. -Ir Z.1 )0111 %~ ctical (I a-L -Ors 4 -.)r a cr-jc jC c1 blO to ~Ac- . tvLlu the 311 xi c- r 0r.% d-ae atLLLo S -j. la,co,rc e~,JCUI i-Litro Iur IA~o I Itu OLIN I rcvl .rc ters 15 ..)CS r coa aa clir'la C, c rl 14 al) 0 as I -yJar c tcoro orl~, ive ~%Jju VXL ro UOL~ oc o i-: t rolo"fY ttirc C 0 ailki -.)Cr~-. I t'LIQ i ~o V. qtcc- , 10 irst 0 xactc , -,:c T.ihc[L bl-O a-L~~ - -al 51a * 13. ,r),Lcs 0 C,,-~Lvre ,Lcr- 0-6 ..)ter aoism , .,.Ir- - cl-tal ~)l 0 0.11 OL Oil ,;:c rez -plier3lc elA r ial J- a Cal s c Ga'Ccl CZ1, rcl 212 ",RUr-,ICI!j V. 1949 (A Eudapesti Pez.Pet. Tudo. Korelettani inst. es as Ors7akps ~pIreclcgJ;-:.i Futito Ontezet Kozlemenyo) "Effect of the Medicinal Mineral Water No. 1, of IIadiuszoI;cszlo on Yietaholism.11 Crvosi fletil-an, 1949 90/19(596-599) Abst: E-.~c. MeK 11, Vol. 111, No. 4, P. 500 F;711~ I T,.: GRUBICH W-ZSELYONKA, L. Blond sedimentatinn in pulmonary tuberculosis. Wien. med. Wschr. 100 no.29-30:505-509 12 Aug. 1950. (CLML 20:1) 1. Of the Institute for General Pathology and Bacteriology of the Peter Pazmany University In Budapest (Head--Laszlo Zeelyanka, M. D.) and of Er2aebet Sanatorium (Director--Oszkar Oigzagh. It. D.). GRUB I .;VA.RATH, Go Sweat secretion, elimination and exercise. Orv. hetil. 94 no.22:604- 607 31 MaY 1953. (ClUL 25:1) 1. Doctors. 2. Research IaboratQry (Head Physician -- Dr. Vilmos Grabich), National Institite of Physical Training and Sports Hygiene (Director Head Pbysician Dr. Sandor Balassa). GRUz,iCHy V. Forsch.-Lab., Inst. fur Korperkult. und Sportgesundh. - Wesen, BLdapest. *Gefassfunktions-Untersuchungen an Sportlern. Examination of vascular function in sz3ortsmen ACTA PHYSIOL. ACAD. SCIPIT. W113. (Budapest) 1954, 51suppl. (63-64) SOt EXCFRPTA MEDICA - Section II, Vol. 7p No. 10 GRUBIGH, Vilmon Modern exercise apparatus with a moving band for rate. liserletes orvostud. 6 no.6:569-570 NOT 54. 1. Orssagos Testneveles-es Sportegesseag W L Inteset lutatolaboratorium. (IMCISR appar. with moving band for rate) (APPARATUS AND INSTRUMINTS exercise appar. with moving band for rats) GRUBWAI, dr. FtWeical culture for patients with pulmoaaz7 tuberculosis. Tuberk. kerdesel 7 no.6:81-84 Doe 54. 1. Az Orazagoe Testneveles- as Sportagessmagugyi Inteset lutatolaboratoriumnak kozlmenye. (TUB&CULOSIS, FUIXONMY. therapy p4s. culture methodo (Hun)) GRUBICH. Vilmos, dr.; BARATH, Gyorgy, dr.; TARADY, Arlsztid, dr. Tanctional examination of blood suppI7 of the skin. Orr. hetil. 95 n0-33:898-903 Aug 54. 1. An Orszagos Testneveles- es Sportegeszoagug3ri Inteset (igazgato- foorros: Kovart Aladar dr.) Kutatolaboratoriumanak (foorvos: Grabich Vilmos dr.) koslesenys. (SKIN, blood supply functe exaMIJ GRUBICH. Vilmo3, dr. SI)irotOnOTqetrv. Orv.hatil. 100 no.46:1654-1657 N '59. 1. Az Orazagos Testneveles- es Sportegeszsegnigj7i Intezet (igazipto foorvoe: Hajdu Ferenc dr., tudonanyos Igazgato: Ifemessiwi Hihaly dr.) kozlemanye. (SPIROKMY) ORUDIN, A. N. Engineer, "A !-fechanical 11-lethod of Profiling Side ;-:illing Cutters, It Stanki I Instrument, 10, No. 1, 1939 Report U-1505, 4 Oct. 1951 ': 7 FI'll .I , I 'I ;_ ! I I I i1., :t BET, A. Y. B. LL1._H"fSIER arid IM. S. I-r-UTSEII. ,/.uboreznyi instrument. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1946. 2 v. diagrs. Bibliograpby: v.2, .).229-(230)- (Gear-cutting tool.) DLC: (w.:v.i.) SU: Fanufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953- 8 VIVII Ati, p4w ; ~' !'f P ,." ;~ IWO!4, rml ~Ii. P 1, 1 1 lh&4 -is w Yu. L, AW 735. Gru~6,4.4v atW 1, fh 73' 0 n! S'"3 la. atzfdtddttg tyundfirAl sw'Iment,with rinfl-sha"d! ir:)(110 R1 I ~~ A I a n ), -74. 0,04, m F i3. 2 5, S 1 2~- s JS I 10 5 5. Analy,ril-z 1.4 given of flit, - problent 6f the p rj)ilrj!siWe extenAon undcr Will for,.o ofarimi4firflylinder WIL6 0 lite, X~A IRroove cut rdoilg: its -,%urW-tn Tho limblem is flqj:v Irl 11 roatlenpil symmitry, aild Mi flumWo rm am (miciialiti q flit !Ilo spo: t natka and IL tielere dinitte: specifyin4, the PM1 u.18 of 01 Til~ Inv, I derbimation.: thod N l"mi upon 0, fiflit teory. ki. At a power set6 diclMopmoitt; 11jul 0- i. asqmNl for the onijiOnmta.44 iN-placlit coordinate is A, WrIL-3,61in f6rli6ii;;1; coordinate. The. Tnethod promL~ Vlrotlgh~vu;iolw ti tions. in parfl~ular, siplimim'atifir4i 'oarufAit 'Ain %III tile 211loVe jWiie..4 t 1, of the fi(l %kith flit. _ I n hhl~q4j Ili, m Ili' In( r n U 'i tirilli at thli p[ qiVt~jy de(') I j I JV,~ lip li'llitio ml viv. to anv quTifir pniblem, i ]kvieviWis note: This pmhlem is or ronsiderable folilpologi Unroirtumitely,- an. un'; inen 113AA Ili led 1!!t I I'lent"ll illmrv 4af plasth~jty would 6~ prt,~.nt time., Tli" riministalli;C4 in which ix-Rilum i"~Jdklcd IN tile prt-Fent. allaly"W will lx, mlplri~mly wliablt~ for &,Allpi 118C ~~Jj l" dvi~rmltlc4l only flimugh d1rNt caurfrory of hi~hjil& wi SOV/ 137-57-6-10882 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 212 (USSR) AUTHOR: Grubin, A.N. TITLE: In-plane Transverse Bending of Beams of Constant Cross Section Under Conditions of Steady Creep (Ploskiy poperechnyy izgib sterzh- ney postoyannogo secheniya v usloviyakh ustanovivsheysya polzu- chesti) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch. tr. Kuybyshevsk. industr. in-t, 1956, Nr 6, book 2, pp 3-22 ABSTRACT: A method is set forth for the solution of problems of in-plane transverse bending of beams of constant cross section under condi- tions of steady creep. Equations are presented descriptive of the elastic and plastic states of the material and the conditions for the appearance of possible variations in the plane stressed state under conditions of absence of variations of external forces upon the real shifts in the body. The new method of variations suggested, which offers an effective solution of these problems, is based on finding an infinite multiplicity of functions for a-xl a- ,, and Txy, dependent upon Card 1/2 a single parameter and satisfying the differential equations for In-plane Transverse Bending of Beams (cont.) SOV/ 137-57-6- 10882 equilibrium, the integral conditions for equilibrium, and also the contour conch- tions. The method of finding the functions, for (r (T Y' andT,y, consisting of the k x' fact that a function in the form a- ~Mxy /Ik is selected for cr, X , is fundamentally new. Here Ik is the generalized moment of inertia, k is an arbitrary parameter, and MX is the bending moment in the given cross section. The method proposed is explained in terms of examples for the bending of a cantilever beam of constant cross section under conditions of concentrated and unifoi-mly distributed loads. L.G. Card Z/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 981 Chelyabinskiy Politekhnicheskiy institut. Raschet na prochnost, elementov konstruktsiy (Analysis of Strength of Structural Elements) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 130 P. (Series: Its Sbornik statey, VYP, 11) 5,000 copies printed. Reviewers: Grubins A.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Gonchar, V.N., Kempner, M.L_.-,Wu-tTx_-ja~tBev, A,F,, Romaliap B.L., Skornyakov, V.B., Candidates of Technical Sciences, and Bybin, S.A., Engineer; Ed.: Gokhfelld., D.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: Sarafamikova, G.A.; Executive Ed. (Ural-Siberian Branch, Mashgi7,-)- Kravtsov, V.S. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers, technicians and . scientific workers. COVE-RAGE: The articles in this collection were written by scientific workers of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute in connection with personnel of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The articles deal C ard 1/ 6 Analysis of Strength of Structural Elements 981 with the strength and plasticity of structural elements and machine parts. The author states that these articles are based on practical problems of great interest to Soviet industry. They are not, how- ever, exhaustive scientific studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Gokhfelld, D.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Grimenko, N.I., Engineer, Chernyshev, VA., Engineer. 1nvPqt1,--,,ation of Static Stresses in the Frame of a High-povier Tractor The authors consider the model of a frame as a statically indeter- minate system. They think that this investigation may be useful for the determination of stresses In real frames In operating conditions. There are 6 Soviet references Card 2/6 Analysis of Strength of Structural Elements 981 Karpachev, N.F., Engineer. Investigation of a Laminated Torsion Bar 20 Laminated torsion bars are widely used in the construction of heavy tractors and in other fields of industry. The author develops a theory for their analysis and gives some data of the experimental verification of his theory. There are 3 Soviet references. Gokhfelld., D.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Elastic-Plastic State of a Disc Due to Non-uniform Heat Distribution (Effect) 48 The author describes a particular case, of high temperature effect of the gas turbine rotor disc on the perophery of which a plastic region can De formed. The approximate method for determining stresses and deformations of the elasto-plastic rotor disc of a complex profile is presented. There are 6 Soviet references. Card 3/6 Analysis of Strength of Structural Elements 981 Visyashchev, V.S., Engineer. Investigation of the Distribution of Forces and Stresses in a~Fir-tree"Type Attachment of an Aircraft Turbine Blade in the Elastic State of the Material 59 In the described method of analysis of the "fir-tree" type turbine blade attachment, the author assumes that: 1) the blade is under tensile stresses due to Dentrifugal forces, 2) stresses in the attachment of the root of the blade and the corresponding portions of the disc are distributed along the height In sections, and in the limits of each section the cross-sectional dimensions and the temperatures are averaged, 3) The centrifugal forces distributed in the attachment are replaced by statically equivalent concentrated forces applied at the centroids of the analysed sections, 4) no other stresses need be taken under consideration. There are 3 Soviet references. Card 4/6 Analysis of Strength of Structural Elements 981 Visyashchev, V.S., Engineer, Strength Analysis of a0Fir-tree'/ Attachment of Aircraft Turbine'Blafte in Creep Conditions 80 The author states that the strength of the fir-tree type attachment of a turbine blade is basically determined by creep conditions. His analysis is based on the general flow theory of plasticity and creep in the presence of experimental relation- ships between the intensity of the speed, shear deformation, and the intensity of shearing stresses. There are 4 Soviet - references. Popov, N.P., Engineer. Influence of the Surface Finish on the Fatigue Strength of Springq 103 The author gives characteristics of springs whose surfaces were treated by shot peening, galvanic zink plating, nitriding, and varnishing, and compares them with untreated springs. There are 2 Soviet references. Card 5/6 Analysis of Strength of Structural Elements 981 Vydrin, V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences. On the Theory of Energy in Plastic Deformation In Connection With the Plasticity Equation ill The author states that the plasticity equation, expressed in terms of the principal stresses and based on the theory of constancy of the potential energy (theory of Mises, Huber, Hencky) is not adequate for solution of problems related to plastic deformations. He finds it expedient to solve the problem of relationship between principal stresses by use of the theory of plastic strain energy, which)according to the author, was formulated by the Soviet 80ientist, A.F.Golovin. Illustrative example (problem) is presented. There are 6 Soviet references. Vydrin, V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Connection between Displacements and Stresses in Plastic Deformations 127 The author examines the case of the mathematical theory of plasticity where the connection between stresses and strains In plastic deformations is given in the form of the equality of corresponding coefficients. There are 3 Soviet teferences AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Is/whi Card 6/6 1-13-59 AUThOR. TITIS; ITICT, D.D. 50V/21-56--33/59 COmforecoO cz Su~talred Static Stremetb of Turbine COVIPmcents V--V~ at lilgh Temperatures (Soveshz-laniye 0 7 C?rk dlit Vac tatichookoy prochioasti dot ley turtozsshin, rabotayush-r-ILb pri vy4okoy te=peratur:) MIODICA.L- lzv*stiya L"deall. Pauk SSSR, Otdolloniye Te'kLn*cheaX-.1Lh Sauk, 1956, b.- 4. pp ~49 - 150 (US51f) ABSTRACT. The Cozlmiss-'~L on tZ4;, 5trAft~ f GTur1cines from the S. 1;..itu. Institut sit I ': .' a c1 the Ac.Se.USSR) (Chairman - Yu.11. Rabotmov) and the Strength Section of t~zq Urutgrad Te-Laical Cozz it tee on Turbine OwAtruct-2.1 n. (Chairman - V.K. Nauzov) hold a conference during Movez~tr 20 .22, 1957 or the outtal ned static atr*ngtb of -%Lrbini -omponen-.& worklmC &Z higL te.-pcrst--Lrt. SCV/24-c~8-4-53/39 Ccr.forence on Sustained Static Strength of Turbine Components Working at High Tec:peral~res G.A. TujZfi'&_9v (TaNLITWh) deacribed the results of an ~3rptr _, I~.eatigAtipa of creep in tt~ boiler steel 13a BN qT(1Y&1-- n1er complex Stress condtIcr.&. _KJL_Z&SA (T3KT-' ---. Fol tuaov) i-v- A Pa;-r On ~Invostig&zior. ~! Dtformatlim &ad Sustalned Stre=~Ett of Tubes- ccntai-'=4 results on the study of creep rv:er complex stress co::Aitlons. A.X. Gr~ubir, (77~~Move Vjyvano-z-orstoye uctilsr.:he In. -WITME-sed-go - ad javal fh-l im. read a paper or. 'Calculation of tke 'Fir-tr.a" Ro~tz of blades of Gas !,L:t;ines In the Creep Deformation Rvi~l:c' .J.M.. lalhir- (ZA=mer&d6iCiy go2w;aratvonLyY unive.-GItet lar,14ru~ ~Stat, -=4!vorolty and TaFT11 .4. lolzt;tor) deult Olt', or* ey u=-U= -.zitial plastc deforza,-"'O, %JL:. a v;.G~ to ., frcs ..!ulstin? =to deformation state of c~rponentz zaie social Leat-ron.-Atesit steals. U.N. Ralzotzz-t (Vorcow State Un1vtralty, InUtItut. jfX SUR - of Nvchanics of the Ac.S,:.US.;a) tho results Of t-'co.-OtIC.1 and ox-~Cr.--ezt4l Invc4-.'.E4tI3c* unstood., --rov;: -~nclvr complex stress carditioza. fie r Z:xarice 1 Mere We exist& . theory, o6reelmis Latta- 'tcrlly experiz.0tal, data, 0--ict. ;.~Zmlta t:~e c&lculatio= -.f tL.. stress are defor=-zz zta-.e ;n turin--=. disks and ro-5e I hlLt tec;-.etureo. In addi.4-- he bas do* iga; !~?.:nstr'uc to's appare,twa for Ifiventif.61.1tt: M-26- talzed atrezzt:. sz'i creep of Leat reslatIrw, alloys ur.4c. complex streja cca.14%,lonu and a number of valuable results have tje& obtained witi, tl..'s A.Y. aoko:o-* 4 1=1T1 I.-. kolz~--) of %be nirj:, ~: loalinx! ef co-:;Onczts -rAlmr, at tiit tomperatureg. S rensen (=sIAW F..vo a p.p-r "0t. Coa.tr4z-.-~na- Zpja`-Vood 5i"tic Str.nrtt* ~Llch d.Sj:rji'C Mtora cbta-tt-. an 10--po-or t,,ftne T,:uP!,t,,s,, of X.S. K&11jwv'kIy dealt th; L;.,rlrr capaci y of r;to:,s. Many Partiziparts roLbreod on tLe increasing coal f~r 'extensive .0--;.rtization of s.)rk iL tLe f;.Id of ctren.:Lh Caxd5/7 of IPA Turti,.=J5. ~A' I I- 11-i ITI? I !!! - t- :; -I ~' , , I -.-- - --- ANDOZHSKIY. Yeevolod Dmitriyevicl~;-_dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; BELYANIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich, inzh.-, VRYTS, Vladimir Lvovich, inzh.; GINZBURG, Tevgeniy Grigortyevich. inzh.: YRFIMOVICH. Aleksey 111arionovicj2, inzh.; KUVMO,,Igorl Somenovich, inzh.; SUNNIKOV. Vladimir Kikhaylgyich, doktor tekhn.nauk; ?RAN=!, lzraill 19kh- nanovich, kand.tikhn.nsuk; G=IN,-A.N.,,.prof'..- doktor tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; KOLCHIN, N.L. prof.. doktor tekhn.nai*, red.; GOLO- VANOV, N.F., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; SIMONOVSKIY. N.Z.. red.izd-va; PCLISKAYA. R.G.. (Gear and worm drives: some problems in theory, design, and manufacture] Zubehatye i cherviachnye peredschi; nekotorye vopromy, teorii. rascheta i proizvodetva. Pod red. N.I.Kolchina. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekh.n.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 219 p. (Gearing) (MIRA 12:6) s u=.q w" sow 17 39M "TP M-4 8,nwrd "Du ::Z: . n nwlA -Tr" - J. J. lj4;r" (--0 pzr;.c 'I 'T '61 Tm- J. 1-7 ...n. . ;= I V --ISTV- (P-ft. 1 -14 ..,.q n-%a it- j. Ng P. -p-n "-ZP "IV-- a (PrITU) Mftft -ar"j T%ft- - J. 7M Amm . rmn -0 A drmw_ WM P A~M oft jo toftr~Aa I( - x 't to "-ft (."wx tv."" Is -a , i mn-M Tu -a t on-nq J. "~ WnT.-I I .(--My -swr"I'se.-D *, . . "- " M . rifto m J V T A r cpftr-z) pm.-z T-T~lftn -n-fto.1 -4 -Mo _ T." J. m Pa- I .,W ---M) 0' -n J, 1-2 1. "1 J. -T-M --V"0 -d -114~1: 1-u - vlat I -% -T~ 16 lm -T".d -T-av v onm-fs.n. J. nq"t . V M'"d -tqr--dm- P au rt -14 -TT" -(-"Gl l rnTRTV W3 Rlu -n~ qj f ;W-ddy P.. ~T.rTTY ;D9. :: ~; ! I , i -1 ~.. ... ., : f!~l 11 ;1;: i it q I LITTIN, Faydor L'vovichj,--GRUIl",_P., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SPERANSUY, N.Y., red.; XRWCHKOT-A, V.11., (Theory of gears] Teoriis zubehatykh zatseplenii. Koekva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1960. 444 P. (MIRA 14:3) (Gearing) , 11"! - , I I !: f ! - -~ ! LITVINJ, F.L., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk.Prinimal uchastiye BERIIATSKIY, I.P.; GRUBINI AA, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; VASIL-YEVA, V.P.,,-red.izd-va; PETERSON, M.M., tekhn. red. (New types of cylindrical worm skikh cherviachnykh peredach. goars]Novye vidy tailindricho- Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 102 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Gearing, Worm) s/114/62/000/003/002/005 Y I/ E,081/E435 AUTHOR: Qgubin, A.-N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor TITLE: Stress-concentration in tension under conditions of plane and axially symmetric creep deformation PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, ~10-3, 1962, 18-21 TEXT: An analysis has been made of the stress distribution as a function of time in the notched specimens shown in Fig.1 subjected to a tension P with particular reference to stress concentration in gas and steam turbine parts at high temperatures. A plane problem (Fig.1) and an axially symmetric problem (Fig.2) are considered. The plane problem is analysed in terms of a rectangular coordinate system x,y,z and the axially symmetric problem in terms of a cylindrical coordinate system z,r,Q. It is assumed that ax -~' 13Z > Oy (plane problem) CX > Cz > CY Card- 1/1 Y s/ii4/62/000/003/002/005 Stress concentration in tension EoBl/E435 Oz 00 > Or (axially symmetric ez F-0 > Er problem) where a represents normal stress and e linear strain. For simple extension, the creep law is taken as E, = lqlwam + Ux (4) x Y where E is the elasticity modulus m - a constant depending on the material and temperature and ~Il(t) - some function of time. Following H. Neuber (Ref.2: Kerbspannungslehre, Berlin, Springer- Verl., 1958), equations are established for the strains in the smallest section of the specimens. The equilibrium equations and the boundary conditions for the stresses are stated. An approximate solution for the maximm axial stress is obtained on the basis of these equations and a graph is given (Fig.3) showing the. change in the maximum axial stress (00maxi Wdmax with time t, hours, for the following conditions (definitions as shown in Card 2/ 5 1 11 11 1 11 !)III II- ..1 S/114/62/000/003/002/005 Stress concentration in tension ... E081/E435 Fig.1): Plane problem: P = 3600 kg, a = 4 inin, ro = 0.5 mm, b = 30 mm, E = 1.75 x 104 kg/mm2, m =-2; for a service life of 5000 hours the maximum equivalent stress is approximately 42 kg/mm2. Axially symmetric problem: P = 753.6 ifith the remaining values (except b) as for the plane problem; for a service life of about 10000 hours the maximum equivalent stress is approximately 31, lcg/"In'2. There are 3 figures, I table and 8 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English language publications read as follows:. Ref-3: Wahl A., Journ. Appl. Mech., v.23, 2, 1956; Ref-7: Fried M.L. and Sachs G. Am. Soc. for testing materials, 1948. Special technical publication, no.87. Card 3/5 h1895 S/74o/62/000/009/002/002 -V /,I, E191/EI33 AUTHUR t Grubin, A.N. TITLE: Stress analysis for static endurance strength of the firtree root joint of gas turbine blades SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedeniya. Froblemy prochnosti-v mashinostroyenii. no.9,.1962. 97-129. TEXT: The str~ess analysis is applied to the plane strain problem of.a firtree root. The load, originating in the centrifugal pull of the blade, is assumed 'evenly distributed over the line of contact of each tooth, an assumption claimed to be substantiated experimentally. Since the precise stress distribution in a firtree shape is complex, the stems and the teeth must be considered separately both in the blade and the disc. .t~ system of resultant force components is defined which fits this approach. The stress distribittion in the tooth fillet region remains.unknown. At first, after running up the turbine, the elements of the joint suffer elastic doformation or, sometimes, elasto-plastic deformation. The former case is assumed in the Card 1/ 5 Stress analysis for static S/740/b2/000/009/002/002 E191/E135 present paper. It is further assumed that during non-steady-state creep the direct stress never exceeds the static yield stress. An ela8to-plastic initial phase, the appearance of stresses exceeding the yield point, and stress concentration in the tooth fillets have all been considered in published literature. The basic stress and strain distribtition of the teeth in the initial elastic phame are analysed, starting from the differeritlal equation of elastic equilibrium for plane problems and dividing the tooth into its loaded and unloaded lengths. The stress components are found for each section after applying Castigliano's principle. An approximate method for computing the deflection is given. The stresses in elements of the blade root and disc projection steins are obtained, using simplified assumptions regarding the centrifugal force and the stresses transferred from the teeth. Each element extends over the radial length of one X tooth. The stresses are obtained at first in the initial elastic phase of deformation. The deformations are computed from the stresses. Up to this point the stressed state has been analysed for arbitrary tooth loads. The unknown tooth loads are now Card 2/5 Stresii analysis for static ... S/74o/62/000/009/002/002 E 19 1/E IL35 computed from one equation of static equilibrium and as many equations of compatibility of deformations as are required for the number of unknown tooth loads. These equations are reduced to a system of linear algebraic equations in the initial elastic phase. If the solution for one or more of the tooth loads becomes negative, a clearance appears between the corresponding teeth. These negative loads are then assumed to vanish and the equation in the linear system corresponding to the serial number of the negative load is eliminated. A new solution is thus obtained. A zero load is still possible among the loads of the final solution. Practical analysis has shown that, with a precise tooth pitch and some difference in the thermal expansion coefficient, the load becomes unevenly distributed amofig the teeth, the upper teeth-being the most highly loaded. The loads are then computed for the state of steady creep defined an the condition of equal Vate of deformation at all points. The load and stress distribution remain constant with time. It is assumed that all clearances have been eliminated already in the elastic phase of deformation. A power law in assumed between the equivalent pure shear stress and the rat* of equivalent pure shear strains Card 3/5 Stress analysis for static S/74o/62/000/009/002/002 E191/E135 The factor of pro port iona lity is related to the factor in a similar law for normal stress and the rate of normal strain as derived from tensile tosts. The exponents are the same. The rates of strain of the teeth are found by an approximate method using the Castigliano theorem. This is followed by strain analysis in the blade root and dige projection stems. once again, the tooth loads are found as solutions of a system of linear algebraic equations. If a temperature gradient exists over the length of the firtree joint, the constant of proportionality in the above power law decreases and the exponent increases. The upper teeth become less loaded, whilat the static endurance strength increases for the lower teeth so that the overall safety factor improves. The load distribution between the teeth under steady creep conditions is independent of the distribution when the turbine starts working. Sometimes the period of unsteady creep is long enough to justify a separate analysis. The absence of clearance in the joint is assumed. For simple tension, the rate of strain is the sum of a creep component (which follows the power law but with a factor variable with time and independent of Card 4/5 Stress analysis for static S/74o/62/000/009/002/002 E191/EI35 the stress) and an elastic component (proportional to the rate of change of stress). Due to this breakdown, the stress and strain distribution throughout the joint can be found by making use of the elastic and steady creep methods-of analysis. There are 9 f igures. Card 5/5 ACCESSION NR: AR4041545 S/0137/64/000/004/1039/IO39 SOURCE: Ref. zh, Metallurgiya, Abs. 41235 AUTHOR: Grubin, A. N. 'nTLE: Influences of concentration of stresses on longevity of brittle heat-- resistant alloys CITED SOURCE: Sb. Polzuchest' dlifelln. prochnost'. Novosibirsk, Sib. otd. AN SSSR, 1963, 75-87. TOPIC TAGS: , stress concentration, brittle alloy, heat resistant alloy, creep strain TRANSLATION: An attempt is made to approximately solve the problem of the. state of strain of stretched notched test pieces in the initial elasto-plastic stage of strain and in the subsequent stage of creep strain, and estimate longevity of such test pieces. In accordance with Neuber's scheme there is determined Card l/ 2 ACCESSION NR: AR4041545 separately the coefficient of concentration of stresses in test pieces with deep and shallow notches which then gives the possibility of calculating by Neuber's interpolation formula the coefficient of concentration of stresses in a real piece. The problem is solved for hyperbolic profile of the deep notch and elliptic profile of the shallow one. The rectilinear profile with curvature at the base of the notch applied in practice Is easily recalculated ob the two shown shapes of profiles. The solution is valid only for small strains (