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Superconducting Alloys at Temperatures Above SO7156-36-1 -48/62 Absolute Zero ASSOCIATIONt Institut fizicheskikh problein Ak ademiJ nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) 5UBMITTED: July 16, 1958 Card 4/4 24(5) SOV/56-36-3-39/71 AUTHORS: Abrikosov, A. A., Gortkov, L. P., Dzyaloshinskiy, 1. Ye. TITLE: On the Application of the Methods of the Quantum Field Theory to Problems of Quantum Statistics at Finite Temperatures (0 primenenii metodov kvantovoy teorii Polya k zadacham kvp-nto- voy stati8tiki pri konechnykh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 3, pp 900-908 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper intends to formulate a variation of the thermodynamic perturbation theory which permits the full ap- plication of quantum-field theoretical methods to quantum statistics at finite temperatures. This method is in principle based on an extension of the method developed by Matsubara (Ref 4)- In the Green's functions transition to "imaginary times" is made by t4 -iTk, and from operators of second quantization in Schroedinger (Shredinger) representation transition is made to operators in "interaction representation" Y+ (~,T); these new Green's functions are expanded Card 1/2 acco;ding to the imaginary time variable in Fourier series. SOV/56-36-3-39/71 On the Application of the Methods of the quantum Field Theory to Problems of (Quantum Statistics at Finite Temperatures ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 2/2 This procedure differs from the usual one by the fact that integration with respect to frequencies is replaced by sum- mation. over discrete values of the imaginary "frequency" iW n; otherwise this method is fully equivalent to the usual diagram-technique in the momentum space at T = 0. In the following, the analytical properties of the Fourier (Furlye) components of the Green's functions are investigated and it is shown that, due to the possibility of analytical continuation, it sufficev for the treatment of various kinetic and non- steady problems to know the corresponding equilibrium Green's functions. The authors finally thank Academician L. D. Landau and L. P. Pitayevskiy for discussing the results obtained by this paper. There are 4 figures and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet. Institut f12icheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Phynical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) December 4, 1958 24 (5) AUTHOR: Gorikov, L. P. BOV/56-36-6-41/66 TITLE: The Microscopic Deduction of the Ginzburg-Landau Equations in the Superconductivity Theory (Mikroskopicheskiy vyvod uravneniy Ginzburga-Landau v teorii averkhprovodimosti), PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, vol 36, Hr 61 pp 1918 - 1923 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The behavior of superconductors in a magnetic field near the critical.temperature T (London temperature ra4ige) may easily be described by the phenomenological theory of Ginzburg and Landau (Ref 1). The author of the present paper shows that the Ginzburg-Landau equations can be deduced from the theory of su- perconductivity in the T 0-range. The investigations are based upon the equations deduced in an earlier paper (Ref 2) which contain the thermodynamic Green functions; from the latter the author passes on to Fourier components, and the expression A*('r) - gF'(-vl 1; -r, 1) goes over into,6'(-#) - TZ'-S+(r,r); In W is a function of the interaction constant and the func- Card 1/3 The Microscopic Deduction-of the Ginzburg-Landau SOV/56-36-6-41/66 Equations in the Superconductivity Theory tion P+(x,xl) for coinciding arguments; -I. without l'ield 0. Finally, an equation for the current (r) is deduoed, which, after introduction of the "wave function" 4-7 T(F)_R/4r T 0, h as th e f orm: ie! #2 _ _ , 2~y #~ (r) - - F. 9_~. -- The introduction of r sr:r7 - To e e* - 2e corresponds to the physi- the doubled electron charg eel significance of the "wave function" Y(x) as the wave func- tion of Cooper pairs. N denotes the electron density in normal metalj~ (x) is Rieman's zeta function. The phenomenological constant x is determined like in the old theory. For the crit- ical magnetic field strength He, and the penetration depth 6 0 IP2e* 2 and e* - 29 it is determined as amounting to x H 6 '~j is Ome 0 and xczro.96 6L/S respectively; 6- i (41rNe 2/mO th 0 L - LQndon penetration depth, 0 = 0.18*v/kT is the non-locality f c Card 2/3 parameter according to Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (Ref 5)- The Microscopic Deduction of the Ginzburg-Landau BOV/56-36-6-41/66 Equations in the Superconductivity Theory For tin xfwO-14 and for aluminum 0.01 is obtained. For tin the 2 formulas for dno (81r/H0) as functions of T/Taare finally givenp both according to Ginzburg, Yu. V. Sharvin (Ref 9) x%nd accord- ing to Faber (Ref 10). The author finally thanka Academician L. D. Landau for valuable advice, and V. L. Ginzburg for diB- cussions. There are 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheakikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED; February 3, 1959 Card 3/3 24 (3) 1UTHORS: Abrikosov, A. A., Gor1kov, L. P., BOV/56-37-1-29/64 Khalatnikov~ I. M. TITLE: The Analysis of Experimental Data on the Surface Impedance of Superconductors (Analiz eksperimentalinykli dannykh o poverkh- nostnom impedanse sverkhprovodnikov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 1(7), PP 187 - 191 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors compare the experimental data on the measurement of the surface impedance of superconductors for different fivquen- cies with the conclusions drawn from the new theory of super- conductivity. The propeevies of superconductors in a high-fre- quency field were investigated in a previous paper of the au- thore (Ref 1) and in a paper by D. C. Mattis and J. Bardeen (Ref 2). The present paper compares the theory vrith the experi- mental data on the surfaco impedanae of supercond.uctors. The au- thors give, above all, formulas for the surface impedance in various limiting cases which are suitable for a convenient com- parison -with the experiment. The amount usually measured by ex- Card 1/3 periment, of the ratio between the impedance Z(tj) in supercon- The Analyais of Experimental Data on the Surface SOV/56-37-1-29/64 Impedance of Superconductors ductive state and the real part of the impedance in the normal state is given by the formula Z(W)/R, /2 in Pippard's limiting case. An expression for the complex function Q(w) is then written down, and an expression for the frequency dependence of the impedance follows subsequently. Now the au- thors analyze the temperature-dependence for various frequen- cies at temperatures different from zero. The following cases are investigated in detail (the quantity 2A denoting the gap, in the energy spectrum at a given temperature): (a) W,*A(O), (b)w-A(O): This very case is the most difficult one for com- paring theory with experiment, for the quantities A,(j and T are, over a large part of the temperature interval O< T< Too of the same order of magnitude. The expression for Q(cj) can only be simplified in the range of low temperatures T40,* (c)w)>A(O). In this case, only the ratio between T and A changes, and Q is always large with respect to these two quanti- ties. The formulas written down in the present paper permit a Card 2/3 detailed comparison of theory with numerous experimental data. The Analysis of Experimental Data on the Surface SOV/56-37-1-29/64 Impedance of Superconductors In the range of very high frequencies cj>>, no experimental data have become known.up to date.-The causes of disagreemeni between the experimental data and the values of impedance cal- culated by the new theory of superconductivity have not yet been clarified. There are 3 figures and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheakikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED; February 3, 1959 Card 3/3 24 (8) AUTHOR: Go SOV/56-37-3-36/62 TI91LE: The Critical Supercooling Field in the Theory of Superconalxo-.~ivity PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretiche6koy fiziki, 1959, vol 37, Nr 3 (9)v PP 833-842 (USSR) AB'STRACT: The phase transition from the normal to the ouperoonductive otato occurring at a certain value of the magnetic field strength is a transition of the first kind for a massive sample. The value of the critical field H. may be obtained on the basis of the thermodynamical theory and was calculated by Bardeen, Cooper., and Schrieffer (Ref 1). Besides the thermodynamical main field, two further critical field values, however, exist at a given temperature, viz. the so-called "superheating" field and the "supercooling" field Eel. These fields determine the range of the possible hysteresis: If the field is stronger than H but weaker than the superheating field, the metal is in a 0 metastable supercondgative phase, and if the field is weaker than H but stronger than Hc11 it is in a metastable normal e phase. For the determination of these critical field values thermodynamical considerations are not sufficient, and it is Card 1/3 necessary to return to the microscopical theory of supercon- The Critical Supercooling Field in the Theory of SOV/56-37-3-36/62 Superconductivity ductivity. By using a riethoa developed in an earlier paper (Ref 2), the author in the pre,;~?nt paper gives derivations of formulas for the determination of the amount of H.10 Der.ivations are carried nut step by step and axe discussed in detail. The following is obtained as approximation formula (variation method): H f--- (e 2 2)(0 A2 /ev), and for T = 0, 01 r/ 0 )P,)1/2 He = lAOT2mpo/irl. Then., H,j/H. = 1-77(3;tT6mc/e)(2'rm/'T~(3 0 (x) is Riemann's zeta, function., ~ (3) = 1.202). If the product of the parentheses ' jn the right side of the above equation is denoted byy. then R Ol/He = 1-77 x~ According to Ginzburg and Landau (Ref 5) Hc1/Hc = IP2x neax Tc holds; thus, the ratio varies within this entire temperature interval only by 25%. The fD11-owing considerations apply to the determination of Xo7c may be expresued as a'fuaction of the density of the free electrons n =- p~/31T2 (p Fermi momentum): 3/2/e* Card. 2/3 0-485 kTO om 40 'n5/6. The eloctron m4ss m and the 0 /56-37-3-36/62 F cix, al -oaa i!-jurt thin j I I f al 5r:~a 0 rjl " Y., as TIO f 9) and 0.'58 (Ref 10) il--:Uum 0.22 (Ref '11). Fi--,fher awad dependence -,f the Ths fcV-,o,,7L,,F is 2 'Th, /T ;v 1--aS in e St t re r~:3 cV . GinzlyL~rg for ramax-r-l'-s. .,;h aro 3oviet. SSSIR (Insttute ad~~r,~r of USSR) WO) SOT/53-61-4-T/7 AUTNOR: TTTLS: ?be Pit%h All-Untoo Cocf.rance on the Physics of Low ? .-hchonly. p. M.11. 01.1slich PERIODICAL; V p.Xhl f1.1.h..kIkb ... k. 135), Vol 67. Mr 4, pp 743-750 32) m ILRSTRAC?: This Coof.r.... I..k ;I ... fr-- 09J9bwK_27_t- !Qy?=bqrj at Tkais Is It ..a by the OtI.I..1y. tI - 5 Dep4r&aozt of Phymlc I a. 3 SR ( oi0~11BLIs aalk - zl k 4 ~ :. : * .. I ,cl.*fhIof Sciazzoa, USSR). ' the AXd.sly. took Cru. Ik,US R (Ac.l..y of 311 ...... Cruslaskays 532). aiW the Thilisekly gosudarsivennyy unt- -41.1t.t I.. $Sell" (Tbill.1 31.1. U.I-r311F I ... I Stall-). The Coxf."wo a. *%%ended by about 300 fr.. ThIlIal, 5 ...... Xl--k.,, Kly.,. and her .1ti.6 4. all . ' ' * f a '7 '-" -f y ,:" Fr .4% 1. A o 0 1.c It 41 b . - l 5 C ad hLoh were livided -coriing to r*ao:rch C-11i. l I,r*, or. I on thic , 1! . p:rl ... %.I and the th.-ti- 11. Reports " o.p.ri- tal of :it- 'AY To. nj 7. ?e Cant-kher (ITT) 1 l 117_~ "d 11 l former the ;j . . stru is '. to in monocry.tals of pure h CArd 3/ji %IA- %be letter ftw-eurai the 11-1=-1 c-Inductivi17 of different- ' IF sbop~ I.At.t.d cylindrical ealliuzc ... plow at 2'; 0 1 - 4 r1 ; ; kc,v _4;.~ .,. oh -1- or . r Ic - ; up*mmd=tcr In the bli;h-froruoncy field. T. L. ~Incbura &.4 J_ F. z "k" Z15) d.all with the : and G;.s c..o ad ....j: tb.r thI.Cs V. pext played by rIsscft&tjo&s in ph&$* transitions of the secorTd kAnd. W I twhI L 1 ~-ad tb~t it follows froc. the zolorn MFTI) k; r .;Y . . J: ;;.c Dftd=t ity In .1 1h. anion- tropy of asta Iathat, In rrIACIII*. the tizistanc. z.' ou;ra- ecollactc,ra I& poaslbt~ which r. with- t in & ILMitad range of tou"ra urd tar.. no'. at A:I tomfersturs. bIna %be r111-1 T. -.1 T. r. X'..1. % I) low.ttig.ted th. - Lr.n- TT-ph-n ( IF of ass;racohdoctors by me~.. of the m1cro2copic&2 %.IA3ry at That mzw~ not #-y - absolute T. 11.yk -4 L. Z. 1--i.h (P.1 1-1 SBZR~ spoke aba % ?so. the vu;raconluctiv. and normal ;ibA&44. D_ *v m Yu. A Toork-nikov ... tich..kly Iam n-I Ttc. 11~.IfAUV. Ar U- -.1k -th C"4 4/1? the of be.u;raconluctive state (Frothlich-mod.1). L-1. ?-Ioa-bel (VIO) In-oliCted the probln of excil-11... I= . -pracc--dictor. 1). 7. n Irkov (Cb'y*d1...n.yY I.% I1ut ys.J*rnykh cf lluct 41' , 'd f out ic. : R;x:.Lrch I .;.k. about . no . . i 4 a ..h- or t... e aIII"" In -te-Juctorr. The probl.. of t. of the Coulomb %ra.%I- disc .... d by Cher.' 00.~-,sien 4,% GCh'.'KCV, L. 1--. , bac Phys-kiath "-'Ci -- (diss) "i-lethodS of the qua-'.tul~l field tl*~-eory in the 'chuory of supercwiductivity-" Eoscuw, 19 pp; SC 150 (Acadeiii,( of , ionces of the USSR, inst of Physical Prob'le.,.s); copies; price not given; liEt of authors' works at (~nd of text (1'- en~ries'); (KL, 18-E-0), 14b) .1 got 04 fte ph 9'?'or~lr4 AUTHORS- TITLE.- 30)37 S/57o/6o/oooj1ol7/OO7/Ol2 E032/E114 Gor1kov, L.P., Dzyaloshinskiy, I.Ye., and r3Ta__y_e_v_sk_3Y_,__L. P. Calculations of fluctuations in quantities described by transport equations SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionoafery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln. Trudy, no.17(27). Moscow, 196o. Rasprostraneniye radiovoln i ionosfera. 203-207 TEXT: The authors discuss fluctuations in quantities which can be described by transport equations, e.g. the equations of Boltzmann, Fokker-Planck and Landau, in the case of a Coulomb interaction between the particles. The knowledge of these fluctuations is essential to the theory of scattering of electro- magnetic waves in rarefied gases and electron plasma. The method employed is analogous to that used by L.D. Landau ard Ye.M, Lifshits (Ref.23 Electrodynamics of uniform media, M., Gostekhizdat, 1957, Ref.3: ZhETF; v.32, 6A, 1957)- It consists in the introduction into the transport equation of additional random Card 1/4 030P,37 000/017/007/012 Calculations of fluctuations in S/57 /b0/ E032/E114 terms whose correlations are then determined on the basis of the general theory of fluctuations. For example, the Boltzmann equation is modified to read 8-0 + (v + y at where the collision integral J is given by W(Prp"; P'Op') f n0 (pl) (1)' no (pi) -X) (PI) OS I I - n (p') -,0 (p) - n (p) N) W) d3 p d3 p(d3p (2) 0 0 1 1 and y is the Itrandom" collision integral. The problem consists in the evaluation of the average of y(p,r,t)y(p',r',t'). It is shown that this average is in fact given by: Card 2/4 30937 Calculations of fluctuations in ... S/570/60/000/017/007/012 E032/EI14 y(p,r,t)y(p,',r',tI) = 26(r - r')6(t - t#) X f 3 3 no(PI) ~E W(P"Pil Pi.,Pl) n 0 (p d Pi d Pi n0(p) W(P"P)-; pi,pi f) n (p) d 3 pld3p + 0 2 6(p - p')n (P" w(pi,p"; p, pl)no(pl) d3pt d3 1fd3p + 0 SSS 1 1 Pi 1 n0(p)n o(p') w(pl,p'; p. p) d3 pld3 P, (9) SS 1 1 which is equivalent to the results obtained by B.B. Kadomtsev (Ref.5: ZhETF, v.32, 943, 1957). It can be shown that the introduction of the 11ran,dom" collision integral into Eq.(l) does not upset the -conservation of the number of particles, energy and momentum. Another transport equation considered is the following: 89 + (v V)N) div ji (10) Card 3/4 C)t - Calculations of wher~e is the is convenient to N + St 30937 fluctuations in ... S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/007/0l2 E032/Ellk current density in the momAntum spacs~ Here it introduce a "random" current y so that (v div (j + y) - Expressions analogous to Eq.(9) are then derived. An account of the general theory of fluctuations on which these calculations are based is given in "Statistical Physicst' by L.D. Landau and Ye.M. Lifshits (Ref.4: izd. 3 M., Gostekhizdat, 1951). The method .:an be used for fluctuations in the equations for fermi and bose gase,a. A.A. Abrikosov and I.M. Khalatn_4kov,(Ref.7: ZhETF, v-34, 198, 1958) have used it to study light scattering in liquid He% k-'knowledgments are expressed to L.,D. Landau and Ye.M. Lifshits for discussions. S.M. Rytov and B.B. Kadomtsev are mentioned in c~onnection with their contributions to the theory of fluctuations. Thsrs are 7 Soviet-bloc references. card 4/4 S/030/60/000/009/012/016 B021/BO56 AUTHORt Gorikov, L. P., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Ic es TITLEs Problems of the Physics of-Low Temperaturesl\ - 30 PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 19 0,po. 9, pp. 110 - 112 TEXT: From June 23 to 28, 1960, the 7th All-Union Conference on Low Temperature Physicq took place at Kharlkov. The opening address was delivered by P. L. Kagitsa, who said that the physics of low temperat-ares had developed into a large field of science. Since 1938, when P.L.Kapitea discovered the phenomenon of He II super-fluidity and 1941 when L. D. Landau explained thiB phenomenon, He II has been the object of numerous experimental and theoretical iLvestigations. Furthermore, the following lectures are mentionedt E. L. kndronikashvili, R. A. Bablifte, V/ u. G._,&maladz , B. G. MatigZan, K. B. Mesoye , and D. S. Tsakadze spoke about the further research of vortex prcperties; Y1. P. Peshkov - results obtained by experiments with critical velocities in _apjL~ag es, M. Khalatnikov - analysis of the phenomenon of the "Kapitsa-temperature Card 1/2 Problems of the Physics of Low Temperatures S/030/60/000/009/012/016 B021/BO56 origin"; k. YBog21LtIbov - the problem of au2erconductivit BelluglLy and A. A. Galkin - the discovery of the anisotropy of the absorption coefficien of longitudinal sound in tin..A,- i~L k L_ ~~_jj results obtained by measuring thermal conductivity; A,. A. Abrikosov and L. P. GorIkov - the influence exerted by the so-call~~d--"~a-z~a-m-a:-gn-eTnl- T~-P`uriiies on superconductivity; B. G. Lazarev, Ye, Ye. Semenenko, A. 1,, Sudovtsov, Ye. I. Nikulin, N. M. RLe , and A,. P. Smirnov - the Lnov possibility of the existence of superconductive metal modifications in form of foils; I. M. Lifshits - problems of the physics of metals5 N. Yo. Alekseyevakiy, Yu. P. Gaydukov, I. M. Lifshits, and V. G. PescLa~ki - th e, anisotropy of the energy spectrum of tin; M~ S, Khaykin - the so.."lled cyclotron resonance in tin, which had been fEV-b7i-eT4i`Z`ay predicted by,~. Ya. Azbel I already several years ago, E. A. Kanerp A. A. Galkin A. P. Korolyuk, N. B. Brandt, and the further development in this field,. A report was given on problems of magnetism by A. I. Astror, I. Ye. Dzyaloshinski , and R, T. Minaya. 100 reports were submitted to the conference. Card 2/2 83199 S/056/60/039/002/036/044 4-.77#o B006/BO70 ,&TJTHORSt Abrikosov, A.A , GorIkov. L. P. TITLEs The Problem of Kni&ht ShiftYin Superconductors PERIODICAL3 Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, !960, Vol. 39, No. 2(8), pp, 480 - 483 TEXT: A number of scientists have interested themselves in the theory of Knight shift in semiconductors (displacement of the nuclear resonancp frequency as compared with that of dielectrics). The purpose of the pres- ent paper was to explain the experimental data, The Knight shift is due to the paramagnetism of the conduction electrons- Since the electron wave function is anomalously large in the neighbourhood of tho nucleus, the magnetization of the electrons causes a change in the magnetic field acting upon the nucleus; the deviation of the effective field from the external one is given by AH - (BR/3N at)l'(OW~H, where 1f(0)12 is the probability density of the electron at the position of the nucleus, N at Card 1/3 83199 The Problem of Knight Shift in Superconductors S/056/60/039/002/036/04A B006/BO70 is the number of atoms per unit volume, ;Cis the electronic susceptibil- ityj and H is the external field. The authors first discuss the results and methods of other related works, and show that a homogeneous field can exist only in such semiconductors whose dimensions are very small compared to the depth of penetration, F, of the static field, (The ex- perimental work was done with an emulsion of a semiconductor), A con- sideration of massive semiconductor in a homogeneous field (e.g. Ref, 1) corresponds to no practical situations. Also, the results obtained by other authors (Refs. 3,4) relating to the effect of impurities are criticized and the errors indicated. The authors of the present work have elaborated in earlier publications a method for the theoretical investigation of semiconductors with impurities,. Here an expression for the spin magnetic moment of the electron system in a homogeneous magnetic field is first written down and transformed. The impurities aye taken into account in a manner completely analogous to Refs. 7 and 8. The ex- periments show, in particular, that for T - 0 the susceptibility T vanishes and therefore ther.~ can be no Knight shift,, (The authors of Refs. 3,4 found the opposit:.- result; also experimentally;( was not found to be zero for T - 0).. In V-1is connection, the authors also comment on Card 2/3 83199 The Problem of Knight Shift in Superconductors S/056/60/039/002/036/044 B006/BO70 the interpretation of the experiment of Reif (Ref. 5). For low tempera- tiires, the field was no more homogeneous, as is also indicated by the large width of the resonance line. A discussion is also given of the characteristics of transition from the supraconducting to normal state for particles which are smaller than the depth of penetration of the field. The authors finally thank Academician L, D, Landau for discussions There are 9 references: 3 Soviet and 6 US. ASSOCIATIONs I-nstitut fizicheskikh Droblem Akademii nauk SSSR ~~it~ute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR SUBMITTEDs March 23~ 1960 Card 3/3 ". X_~ 8 S/05Y60 0039/006/052/063 B006 B063 AUTHORS Abrikosov, A. A., Gor'kQ -v,..-L.--P,- TITLE: Theory of Superconductive k1loys With Parazagnetic Impurities PERIODICAL: Zhurr,al eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 39, No. 6(12), pp. 1781-1796 TEXT: Experiments on the effect of paramagnetic impurities upon the critical temperature of superconductors have shown that an admixture of such elements leads to a decrease of To? whereas an admixture of ferro- J magnetic elements (e.g., to titanium - Ref. 4) results in an increase af Tc. A study of this phenomenon has been made on the basis of a microscopic\J111- theory of superconductivity. The mechanism of superconductivity is related to the formation of bound electron pairs in the singlet state. Exchange interaction between electrons and spinning impurity atoms leads to non- conservation of the electron spin, which indicates the formation of Cooper pairs. Thus, the spin of the impurity atoms is likely to complicate Card 1/4 88460 Theory of Superconductive Alloys 3/056/60/039/006/052/063 With Paramagnetic Impurities B006/,063 the occurrence of superconductivity and causes a decrease in TC. This assumption was confirmed by a theoretical study described here. It is assumed that the interaction of an electron with an impurity ato% is described by an expression in which the exchange term 'UM = u1(') r -.> A S is the momentum of the impurity atom, and a r SU) is contained; + U2()( is the electron spin matrix. The Hamiltonian describing the interaction between electrons and impurity atoms is assumed to be given by +1%1) _ (j+jA(--11 _ - )y) Hint V a v r ra (.99cond-quantization representation). First, the dependence of the transition temperature T0 on the impurity concentration is described. Following a previous paper, the superconductor is described by two Green functions. When the impurity concentration is small (Q>l, i.e., T. /T co(< 1 , then T2 = (6/jj)ln(nT Ir /2Y). At a certain critical concentration of the c S c0 a Card 2/4 88460' Theory of Superoonduotive Illoys S/056J60/039/006/052/063 With Paramagnetic Impurities B006/BO63 paramagnetic impuritieV, which is detormined by the condition -r a or = 2r/nT cc thereis no superconductivity any longer throughout the tempera- ture range. The cri'tibal path is given by 1 8 or = VT s or -10-4 cm. In addition, the thermodynamio and electromagne tic properties of alloys within the range of critical concentration have been studied, i.e. at T 2:~T 8 a or It is noted that ihe expr;ssion for the ratio between the specific heats of the superbonduotive and the normal phase contains no exponential term a~ Ma meaus,that there is not gap in the spectrum of these super- .conductors and, consequently, no absorption threshold for electron magnetic radiation at T - 0. Finally, the dependence of the spectrum gap at T 0 on the imj?urity concOntration is described. The gap disappears at a concentration that is somewhat lower than the critical one (ni ~2e_~'An ''r--0,'91 n ), and the spectrum remains oo*n',,inu'ous at higher or .- , . or c orAcentrationa-. L. D. Landau is thanked for discussions. N.N. Bogolyubov, V,L*,Ginzburg, A. B. Migdal, V. M. Galitskiy, and A.~ 1. Shallnikov arei mentioned. There are 4 figures and 17 references; 9 Soviet and 8 US. Gard 3/4 88460 Theory of Superconductive Alloys S/056/60/039/006/052/063 With Paramagnetic Impurities B006/B063 ASSOOIATION:. Inatitut fizicheikikla problem Akademii.nauk SSSR (Institute -of Physical Problems, Ac4damy.of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: ~5; 19060. Card 4/4 S/030/61/000/009/009/013 B105/1101 AVTEORi Gor1kov, L. P., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics TITU s Problono of the thoory of solido and of quantum statistics PERIODICAM Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vestnik, no. 9, 1961, 121-122 A TEM A well-attended joint symposium on the theory of solids and new statistical methods was held by the Odeaskiy universitet (Odessa University) and the Institut fizicheskikh problem im. S. 1. Vavilova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems imeni S. I. Vavilbv of the Academy of Sciences USSR) in Odessa from May 21 to 30, 1961. The present state of the semiconductor theory, general problems of quantum statistics, and the theory of metals and semiconductors were discussed. A. A. Abrikosov and L. P. Gorlkov (Moscow) reviewed past achievements, and G. X. Eliaehberg (Leningrad) discussed general statistical problems. In additiong the latter lectured on the derivation of the kinetic equation for excitation in the Fermi liquid (theory of the liquid isotope He3 at low temperatures). 1). N. Zubarev (Moscow) spoke of generaliz4ng the notion of statistical operator in quantum statistics to cover the case of Card 1/2 S10301611000100910091013 Problems of the theory of solids and ... B105/BlOl nonequilibrium processes. The following reports are mentioredt I. M. Lifshits (Xharlkov) on arguments backing the statement that the so-called Fermi liquid effects are not important in studies of the energy spectrum of electrons in mets.191 L. D. Landau on the essential role played in a number of cases by excitation interactions in the theory of.Fermi liquidsl V. G. Bkobov (Leningrad) on ultrasonic attenuation in the magnetic field of metals in the presence of impuritiesi V. G. Vaks, A. I. Larkin, and V. M. Galitskiy (Moscow) on so-called collective excitations in super- conductors. V. L. Pokrovskiy (Novosibirsk) on the theory of super- conductivity in an anisotropic metal; L. Y. Keldysh (Moscow) reviewed the principal problems and latest findings in the iheory of semiconduotoral Fs. I, Hashba (Kiyev) on hia findingo Oonoorning wurtzltu-typlo semi- coiductors; G. S. Pikus (Leningrad) on the effoct of deformations on the electronic spectrum in samiconductoral A. 1. Larkin and V. G~ Vaks on the theory of superconductivity as utilized to set up a model of elementary particles; A. A. Vedenov (Moscow) and R. SaRdeyev (Novosibirsk) on the mechanism of energy transfer in plasma from a particle beam to plasma oscillations. The latter researchers succeeded in setting up a kinetic equation covering this process. Card 2/2 GOR'KCV, L.P.; GALITSKIY, V.M. . Superfluidity in a Fermi system in the presence of pairs with nonzero angular momentum. Zhur. eksp. i tepr. fiz. 40 no.4:1124-112? Ap '61. (MIRA 14!7) 1. Institut fizicheskikh problem AN SSSR- (Superfluidity) (Fermi surfaces) GORIKOV, L.P.; MELIK-RUDEUDAROV, T.K. Theox7 of Me ouperfluidity of an imparfect Femi gan. Zhur. ekap. i toor. fiz. 40 no.5-0452-33458 My 161. (KM 14:7) 1. Inatitut fizicheakikh problem AN SSSR. (Qu~ntim Veld theory) (Electron gas) S/056/61/041/005/025/038 a100 //,v/, 3 B102/B136 AUTHORS: Bychkov, Yu. A., Gorikov, L. P. TITLE: Quantum oscillations of the tbermodynamic quantities of a metal in a magnetic field according to the Fermi fluid model PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesk,~y fiziki, v. 41, no. 501), ig6i, 1592-1605 TEXT: L. D. Landau's theory of the Fermi fluid (ZhETF, 50, 1058, 1956; ibid. 25-9 97, 1958) is applied to investigate the de Haas-van Alphen effect for the electrons in a metal. ' The Fermi fluid is assumed to be isotropic and the long-range part of the Coulomb interaction to be screened. To determine the energy spectrum of the electrons, the authors start from an investigation of the properties of the Green functions of electrons in a magnetic field: G (r, r'; t - t') b,p I < T t) qi'A I'))>. The field operators yc,(x) and ~,*(xl) include field dependence. In the Card 1/7 S/056/61/041/005/025/038 Quantum oscillations of the... B102/B138 following, the Fourier components G(r, r7.1; E) of (1) through the time difference _(.~-t')_._9,3~~t_q~onsidered in thfa Dyson equation B+ P --LA) 2] G (r, I (r, r'; P) G (r', r'; P,) d3r' 2m C A r'). (6) p ia/ar, 11 -chemical potential of the electrons in the magnetic field, (r' P'; &) is the so-call ed self-energy part, caused by particle interaction in the Fermi fluid. The vector potential is defined by AM - f-HY,0,01. For small F_ and 11=0 the function (;O(P'*', t) has a pole near the Fermi surface: GO(FE, - a/(t_-v(p-p.) + 16(E )). The spectrum of the Fermi fluid is def ined by & - v(p-po), i. e. from the eigenvalues of the operator which. stands within the brackets of (6). The electron interaction Hamiltonian. in secondary-quantization representation is given by e OHy Hyip (r) d3r, (7) 1 2.c P 2MC, 1 A = _ia/ax . The authors show that the^ electron energy spectrum in the Px magnetic field can be determined from (5) with regular quasiclassical Card 2/7 26,710 5/056/61/041/005/025/038 quantum oscillations of the... B102/B138 qijantization, as proposed by I. M. Lifthits and A. M. Kosevich (ZhETF, 29, 760, 1955). Where the electrons are near the Fermi surface as in the - de Haas-van Alphen effect G (P, P'; V) 4l,. (P) q~ (P') 6 (0. - P'X) (P, - P;) G~ (PI, F), ri (p, P-) = a /(P- + 2-ni* - (n + '/2) p2 / 2m* A O(e)), (15) is found, with 4)1"-eH/~*'c; the constants a, e and po contain terms which 3/2 are functions of H The singularity near the Fermi surface is determined by GO(P-0,90 a g(-,E). The Green function in E-V(P-Po 16 (,.-y + P coordinate representation is given by G (r, r'; e) = eXD f- 1 (elf 12C) (X - X') (Y + YT Y L-ellp"OLn hze ip,(z-z') dp, (~Acj P2)~z+ 4/2m'-(n +11.),o* -r~, /2m' + i8(r) exp 1 (effl2c) (x x') (y + y')) 6 (R, (17) Card 3/7 S/056/61/041/005/025/038 Quantum oscillations of the ... B102/B138 where L nW is a Laguerre polynomial. The formulas derived are then applied to study the influence of the Fermi-fluid effeeta upon the oscillation of the thermodynamic quantities of a metal in a magnetic field. The variation of the particle densit K with the chemical potential p is first investigated for In Fourier representa-- tion d(o G., (r, 1; a)) G, (1, r; (o) A ~'dwd(#'~ dJs,,Ps~d-s,&s,,P1G,,, (r, sj; w) G., (s4, r; W) x (2n? ~ X Fa,a,, cea. (S1, 6); S2 P (l)", SS, (J)'; S4 0)) Gp., (1, sg; (sa, (o') which can be trans-f ON 2 2g2 a + (pl, p.-) GO (PI, (0) GO (P2, w) d'pj (29) For H 0 a po dp~ (29') a~L P.. -D m* diL Card 4/7 2010 S/056/61/041/005/025/038 Quantum oscillations of the... B102/B136 and 01V I jfW (!LP;!), q-L' A Ni- 4,2 djL 2 W P)) hold. For the oscillating part of the thermodynamic potentialQ ~4jn*2 W* M. %W. 3 )f cos (2,nr is found, which agrees in full with the formula found by Lii6hits and Kosevich. Finally the influence of electron spin on the oscillations, i.e. of the interaction between the magnetic field and magnetic moment of the spin, is studied. It is found that 2 a IV if j; ~ (I, L\ _L , _~ ,) 4 d1t 2 W 20, 2 W* 21* and for the oscillating part of the thermodynamic potential 2,n'2 ca'k', 3 A+~ff [Z 3 A IC( 1), ) + 21 (34) Card 5/7 267 ILO S/056/61/041/005/025/038 Quantum oscillations of the ... B102/BI36 for the oscillating part of the magnetic moment CO MOCII M, Cos(-Ltr sin ar CP; 2a, A3 H r1h where eA/M*'c, c VT and J/P* - 4n2V3PP*Y. The results show that the Lifshits-Kosevich procedure can be followed in order to determine oscillation periods. Deviation from the usual formulas occurs for the oscillation amplitudes and is due to the variation in the effective magneton excitation caused by electron interaction. Without taking account of spin susceptibility an expression for Mosc may be found from the usual representation of the electron system as a quasi-particle gas. This conclusion agrees with that of Luttinger. L. P. Pitayevskiy (ZhETF, 211 1794, 1959) and A. A. Abrikosov and 1. M. Khalatnikov (UFN, 66, 177, 1958) are mentioned, Academician L. D. Landau is thanked for discussions. There are 4 figures and 11 references: 8 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The latter read as follows: J. M. Luttinger. Phys. Rev. 121, 1251, 1961; E. Sondheimer, A. Wilson. Proc. Roy. Soc., A210, 173, 1951; Higher transcendental functions, I., N.Y., 1953, p. 24. Card 6/7 26710 S/056/61'/041/005/025/038 Quantum oscillations of the::~ B102/B138 ASSOCIAT ION ~ Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Phyeical Problems of the Acalemy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED, May 31, 1961 0 >~ Card 7/7 27876 S/020/61/140/001/012/024 1A 7) B100109 q-*) ~ O'd MO I/ //,t ", " AUTHORi Gortkov, L. P. TITLEt The forces acting on a small particle in an acoustic field in an ideal liquid PER I (jD1 CAL iAkndoiniya nnuk B33H* DOklady, V. 140p lio. 1, 1901, 60-91 MIT i The author ouggostb a method for calculating the average forces acting on a particle in any acoustic field in an ideal liquid. The di- mensions of the particle are small as compared with the wavelength of the acoustic fields It is shown that it is sufficient to solve the linear scattf~ring problem. As a small particle in the theoretical investigation the authors considered a compressible gas-filled sphere, which could be moved by the forcus of the acountic field. For the velocity potential of a wave scattered by the sphere, the expre3sion _f - RD 3pr pj, d i v (Vn (7) Card 1/4 27876 3/020/61/140/001/012/024 The J'orces acting on a smalloot B100109 is obtained, R is the radius of the sphere; SO is the density of the gas of the spherel is the density of the liquidt Y. is the density of the compressed spherel -> is the vblocity of the incident wave; f 1 - c._~/J~; vTI 0 f2 - 2(~o -y)/(25,0 +9). The first term in (7) expresses the "ejection" of mass owing to the compression of the gas in the incident.wave. By means of this formulat thgfollowing equation is obtained for the potential U(r-') of the forces F acting on V2 3 17.11 U 2nR p jg~jo- A 12 (12) where a is the velocity of sound, 12 and v2 are averaged values of p7r n pressure and velocity at the point where the particle is located. This formula holds for a plane traveling wave. The formula Card 2/4 27876 S/020/61/140/001/012/024 The forces acting on a small**. B104/BlOg ,'J (r) QR' 0 __Ul 2 11 Wig hiLenhity ept the radiatiun Ejource, holds for spherical Vlave'9. This indicates that e. g. for f 2-> 0, f1 5 312 f2the particles are attracted by or repulsed from the radiation center, as depending on their distance from the center* is the condition for the applicability of the results obtained here% -The author thanks Academician L. D. Landau for a discussion tind valuablo advice. Thero aro 3 roferonceat 1 Soviet Und 2 non-0oviet. The refer(inoo to English-language publications reads as follows: L. V. King, Proc. Roy. Soc., AjAj, 212 (1954). ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem im. S. 1. Vavilova Akadomii nauk SSSR (Institute of Phyaical Problems imeni S. I. Vavilov of the Academy of Scienceii USSH) Card 3/4 I ,U~~-ISKOV: -4.1eksey Alekseyevich-, GORIKOIT Lev Petrov* h DZYAWSHINSEIY~ Igor' Telchiyellyevich- L.Yu.;' tel-hn. red. ["Quantum field theory methods in statistical physics] Metody kvantovol teorii polia v statisticheskol fizike. Moskva.. Fizmat- giz, 1962. 443 P. (IMA 15:7) (Quantum field theory) 9/056/62/042/002/043/055 B108/B138 AUTHORS: Gorlkov~p L. P.,,Pitayevskiy,.L. P. TITLE. Transit*ion of liquid Hd into the superfluid state PER16DICAL: "Zburnal eksprimentallnoy i teoretichaskoy fiziki, v. 42, no. 2, 19621 600-605 3 3 TEXT: The Cooper effect in He j i.e. transition of He to the superfluid state, is investigated.- Theoretically, this effect is due to pairing of excitationd1whic.h.attiact each other.when they are in a state with a suffici6ntly~-la.tge Iorbit~l'.angular momentum (1>1). The transition tempera- tur& founa iia T' =(2/n)_yia6 3m*pAo (21 + 1) AM 21 (14) + )2/3 2 2/312 (m02 iA 2 2 (I =tf((2-n mm 0 1 ON/811) c/m c ) - N number of atoms pez- uni volume, m - maeB of'He3 atom, M% - effective mass of excitation, Card 113 3 Transition of liquid He into S/056/62/042/002/043/'O,-,") B108/B138 compressibility of liquid 11d, C-2 - compressibility of ideal Fermi 0 gas with mass m and density N. In fact, pairing of the excitations,takes place at not too great 1 (probably at I . 2), i.e., at temperatures much higher than calculated from the asymptotic formula (14). However, an estimation with the aid of formula (14) (which is applicable only for o-4 large values 1), of using I = 2, yields T 00'0 2 * I OK. On the basis of W..hf,r estimations it is concluded that T0 probably lies between B-10-3 and -40K.- E. E. Shnoll and N. D. Vvedenska, collaborators of the -.-Lenr!.ticheskiy insti-tut (Institute of Mathematics), are thanked for cal- c-%1a.1_!onB, S. P. Kapitsa and Academician L. D. Landau for discussions and '"MiAs. Mention is-made of N. N. Bogolyubov et al. (Novyy metod v teorii svr-.r1chprovodimosti (A new method in the theory of superconductivity, Izd. AN SSSR, 1958). There are 2 figures wid 7 references: 4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language publications -read as follovs- 'V. I. Emery, k. IA. Sessler. Phys. Rev., 119, 43, 1960; K. A. Bruecner, 1. L. Cammel. Phys. Rev., _LO2, 1040, 1958, 1 A. C. Anderson et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 6, 331, 196A%. Card 2/3 3/05 6/62/04 2/~;,D2/04;5/055 Transition of liquid He into !- B108/B!38 ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUM"ITTED: September 15. 1961 11-K Card ~i/3 ~j "to S/096/62/042/004/027/037 B108/B102 AUTHCRS: Abrikosov, A TITLE: Spin-orbit interaction and the Knight shift in superconductors PERIODIUL. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 42, no. 4, 1962, 1088 - 1096 TEXT: it is shown that consideration of spin-orbit interaction may provide a quantitative explanation of the frequency shift of nuclear magnetic resonance in superconductors at absolute zero. This Knight shift is proportional to the paramagnetic susceptibility of the conduction electrons. -in a polycrystalline small superconductor the electrons undergo scattering from the grain boundaries. Owing to spin-orbit interaction, scattering changes the paramagnetic susceptibility of the superconductorp thereby leading to the Knight shift. Formulas of the type co %S 2/3vl Card 1/2 S/056/6')/042/004/027/037 Spin-orbit interaction ... B!08/BI02 are obtained for the paramagnetic susceptibilities.4t, is theenergy gap in the spectrum of the pure supercoraduc-Lor at a given temperature. Theory and experimental data are in good agreement. There are 6 figures and 12 references: 3 Soviet and 9 non-Soviet. The four,most recent English- lariguage references read as follows: R. A. Ferrell. Phys. Rev. Lett., 262, 1959; P. W. Anderson. Phys. Rev. Lett., ~, 325, 1959; J. Bardeen, J. R. Schrieffer. Progress in Low Temp. Phya., 2, Amstordain, 1961; G. :J. Androes, 1.11. 1). Knight. Phys. Rev., 121, 779, 1961. . ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziche3kikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Research on Problems of Physics of the Academy of S6ienoes USSR) SUBMITTED: November 4, 1961 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Abrikosov, TITLE, The nature PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy no. 6(12), h 240 8/05 62/043/006/045/067 B187Y3102 A. A., Gor1kov, L. P. of impurity ferromagnetiam i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43, 1962, 223072233 TEXT: The ferromagnetism discovered by Matthias et al. (Phys. Rev. 115, 1597, 1959; Phys. Rev. Lett. 1, 44, 92, 1958) in nonmagnetic metals doped with paramagnetic atoms was first explained by the exchange interaction between the impurity atoms and the conduction electrons. This concept was refuted, however, in a paper by Yosida (Phys. Rev. 106, 893, 1957) who argued that such an interaction cannot caus *e a'uniform polarization of the electron spin. The latter is assumed to occur only in the neighborhood of the impurity atoms and to decrease rapidly with the distance from the atom concerned; but this concept is not correct as the decrease does not take place rapidly. The contribution of all impurity atoms to polarization has therefore to be taken into account. The electron density with different qpin. orientation as a function of the number of randomly distributed Card 1/2 3/056/62/043/006/045/067 The.nature of impurity... B187/B102 impurity atoms is calculated on the basis of this concept and with the aid of a formula of Yosida. It is shown that spin polarization of the impurity atoms causes uniform electron polaiiZation. Furthermore, the thermodynamic propertien of thin Enodal are fiti)died, ft*tj Coilo 10,e-judbrld fV011, Ilj!J JhLurhal Wid frOO ollorglen Wtiiv oylitem. It is found to be proportional to the impurity concentration. For temperatures above the Curie temperature a formula is given for the paramagnetic susceptibility. ASSOCIATIO'N; Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 3, 1962 Care 2/2 %"0 S/020/62/144/002/005/028 B100102 GorIkov, L. P., and Pitayevskiy, L. P. ------------ TITLE: Formation of a shock wave on reflection of a weak discontinuity from sonic line PERIODICAL: Al:ademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 2, 1962, 293 - 296 TI~7q': Iho formation of a shock wave was studied under the condit'ion -,,.,here a weak discontinuity is reflected from a 14ne, alon6 which the -flow, velocitv couals the local velocity of sound 'sonic line). Herein is assumed that 'he jump of the :irst derivatives of the'velocity of 'he we&'- discontinuity on the coordinates is negative. Tn 'his case, the I - U - - 6 discontinuity reflected from 'he sonic line has the form of a shock wave rihose intensity is exponentially small near the point, of reflection. If "'-e velocity derivatives are positive, they give rise to weak logarithmic singularities such as have been studied by L. D. Landau et al. (D,,N, 96, 725 (11954)). There are.2 figures. Card 1/2 S/020/62/144/002/005/028 Formation of a shock.... B100102 PRE'SENTED: December 15, 1961, by L. D. Landau, Alcademician SUBYITTED: December 6, 1961 4 Card 2/2 -18031-63 -FJWTW/nC6r)./zD8 ACCESSION M : %~'P3-0007'14 S/i3258/631003/002/0246/0250 171 'kov L. (Moscow) MR; Gor TI:1 U.: Nonllniii4 oscil it i ons of gas column SOURCE: InzhenL:rny*y zhurnal, v. 3, no. 2, 1963, 246-2jO TOPIC TAIGS: : rD.,;6nanC0;, shocIt wave, Oscillation, nonlinear eAffect ABSTIIA-CI-: A sizziple anialysis has been presented to solve che probLen. of nonlinear oscil Iztion of a pas aol=m in a tube with One e3ld closed by a soLid plug and the other by an osclillatinig piston. The amplitude of the sinuso-idialLy oscillat-ing T)i.':tO'r, is UmiLi-,S by the assimption Auj