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Pi G. T.; GlJ"l':ULY'K, B. M.; Synthet-i~! dyes. Part 38' iynthev?, s r-,,ri trans4 :,i-.Ations cf 1,2-diaryl lepidinium salts. Z'lu-. OL. KiliT. 3;, Je 164. 1. Chernovitskly gosudarstvenn~fy PILYUGRI, G.T.; GUTSULYAK, B.M.; GDIIIG!j'OK, Ya.0. Syrithotic d"s. Part, 390. Condensation of lepiEnium salts with Michler ketone and auramine. Zhur. ob. khimi. 34 no*7t.U12--?./4.16 J1 t64 (MIRA 17 t8) 1. Chernoritskiy gosudarstrermyy universitet. -~-t 45~ cn ~09 Lep-I !i r" UP, Sal t5 18-4) v I c. r 5 tv t- ri rvy un.-, v er - G' G) T ~ : -T', I K 0 9 J . I ~ . EffWil; Of cobillt sn - 'he yfeld wnfi of .7;h~---,-~, Fl;-~,,!. rast. 111 nc.-J~922-926 E-0 '64. fmlw~ 1,7~170) 1. Orlovskly llns-rd'lut~ ronaln cl:, '-ne rutc, in pr,tl--:-, 0 nv'lk --- y p ~~t~3o ir.:, 0, 1:,, ht 13-lk 1" v In s!L a 0 - 312079 S/181/61/003/012/014/028 (/Orr' 1174 B104/B102 AUTHORSt Gorid1ko, N. Ya., Kuzlmenko, P. P., and Novikov, N. N~ TITLEg Mechanical properties of germanium as a function of carrier concentration PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 12, 1961, 3650 - 3656 TEXT: The variation in microhardness of the surface layer of germanium with varying concentration of free carriers has been studied, The micro- hardness was measured with afrAT-3(PMT-3) instrument at loads of 3 - 5 9- The indentations were measured with an immersion objective (2000A) in order to reduce the error in measurement. The carrier concentrations were -hanged by irradiating the germanium surface with light of varying inten- sitY. 300-w motion-picture lamps circularly arranged at a distance of 10 cin from the specimen were used for the purpose. A maximum light in- tensity of 50,000 lux was reached. It was lowered by removing some reflec- tors and lamps, Fans prevented the specimens and lamps from heating, The carrier concentration was also changed by carrier injection from point Card 1/f _?, _~7 -112079 S/ lal/61/003/012/014/028 Mechanical properties of B104/B102 contacts. For this purpose, a plate with probes was attached to the PMT-3 instrument in such a way that the probes were regularly arranged around the point where the indentor penetrated into the specimen. Preliminary experiments have shown that at a stress of 3 - 5 g the indentations are entirely in the layer (1 - 21") where the photomechanical effect occurs, The experiments have indicated that the variation in hardness of the ger- manium specimen is due to the variation in carrier concentration (Fig. 2), no matter how the carriers are introduced into the semiconductor. The variation in hardness must therefore be related to a variation in dislo- cation density or mobility, It is concluded from the results that it is the dislocation mobility that varies. After irradiation with 40 - 50,000 lux for several hours, the properties of the surface layer passed over into a new state, in which the indentations were surrounded by bright and dark rings ("aureoles") which vanished after holding at room temperature or in boiling water for several hours. The aureoles are now being exami- ned, V. N. Dobrovel~skiy is thanked for discussions. There are 5 figures., 1 table,and 5 references: 1 Soviet and 4 non--Soviet. The three referen- ces to English-language publications read as follows! G., C. Kuczinski and Card 2/j I .7 - 7 ~cl S/181/61/003/012/014/028 Mechanical propertiibs of ... B104/BI02 R. H. Hochman. Phys. Rev., 108, 946, 1957; J. Appl. Phys., 30, 267, 1959; 1,11. T. Read. Phil. Mag-9 A5P 367, 1954- ASjOCIATIONs Kiyevakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T. C. Shevchenko (Kiyev State University imenl T. G. Shevchenko) SUBMITTED: juiy 6, 1961 L4- Card 314 H - -'_ ~'h S/181/62/004/01o/oo/oO B108/B186 AUTHORS: Kuzlmenko, P. P., Novikov, N. N., and Gorid1ko, N. Ya. TITLE: The photomechanioal effect in antimony PERIODICAL: Fizika tyerdogo tela, v. 4, no. 10, 1962, 2656-2659 TEXT: Earlier studies (G. C. Kuozynski,.R. H. Hochman. J. Appl. Phys., 30, 267, 1959) revealed a photomechanical effect (reduction in micro- hardness) in germanium in the range of intrinsic absorption (2 - 40- Attempts were made to find out whether this affect occurs in other materials with similar intrinsic aboorption'bands, e. g. in Sb or Bi. To study this effect in antimony,amall socUmof high purity (99-999%) were hardness-tested at an approximately constant temperature 0f,15-16 0C using a Ttfr-3 (PMT-3) device with a diamond pyramid. The microhardness was found to decrease linearly with the intensity of light in the visible and near infrared region used for illuminating the xamples. This decrease, however, continues only to abolut"30,000 lux, and the microhardness which up to there has dropped by 45% remains constant at higher illuminances. Tests with filtered light showed that the Card 1/2 ; . i S/181/62/004/010/003/063 The photomechanical effect,lin antimony BAO8/B186 photomechanioal effect in due only to infrarea radiation, which proves some semiconducting propdrty of antimony. Thi Infrared light traqsfers electrone'to higher energy~levela thus changing the dislocation mobility and, consequently, also the mechanical properti6s of antimony. Careful examination of Cu revealdd no photomechanical e,ffect. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy univeksitet im. T. G. Shevohenko (Kiyev state Universityimeni T. G. ShevchenkoY, SUBMITTED: April 23, 1~62 (initially) June 12, 1962 (after revision) Card 2/2 KUZIMENKC, F.P.; NOVIKOV N.N. (Novykov, M.M.]; GORIDIKO, N.Ya. , [Horydlko, M.N.) -- Photomenhanical effect in titanium. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 116-120 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Shevehenkq. (Titanium) (Yetals, Effect of radiation on) UTZINENKOP P.P.,- NOVIKGV N.N. [Nov- Noridlko, M.IA.1 ykov, M.M.1; GORID'YO, N.Ya. The anomalous properties of antimony. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.7:787-792 J1 163. (MIM 16:8) 1. Kiyevskly osudarstvennyy universitet im. Shevehenko. Mtimony-Thermal properties) (Antimony-Electric properties) t I JP AP404 38f, 4 ATTIHDR t NovikQvR N. N., Gorid;kGg N. Yd,: 5 C IVUZ. Fizika, no. 4, 194:4, T, C P I CA GS : cadmium sulfide, mij,7rohardine--s; frecruency dependence, carrier deri5jty ~~J~S'-,IRACI.r: Cliange. ia plaHtlc ui..-rohardresi-- undLIT the fnflwt..n~rd of f. A b ec-,r wliet-her t.~).s 0 Cri in materials having an f: I ta T) I Imil! I.:1 -rR&n i urc- -ant im, -)u, n r .7 C) i ~ t -n surfacE: lihyer. The PI.V.-: i'.' i Id r ibed . The -tEsteii sho%, that tl~e Card by approximately 40% when the surface i,eceivec- an integral illutrana- tion on the order of 40,000 iux. Chia canf%rms the prefie-ice of ,.E- ohotomechanical effect in CdS. llei;t!j of the frequency dependence ef'ect have sho-om ~t to onl,t i*r thlc- Of intrini,-ic Ed's D-1,pt:'On. Orig. art. hits: 3 f;.g,ares - ASSDCIATION: Kiyevsl~iy gosuniveirsitet imenj. T. ~i. S at- i,;'.,1 i ve ra I t Y :,.VT TT ED 0 Oanp-,3 jil '03 I E Ss, ()P SO FIN]' SOV-, 0' t j:i; DICLOSUREi 01 WWI I b;l. 44paudenca of photomeebani- .&1 41 e~ tie q~n Cbe i I I -a in in at Lon Card 3/3 N .-L J ~~,CZT3 I. ON NF: 'T 4 ' 044 9 24 LUTHOR, 'An I n, or-lkr) IP. PNcvihov 'NN - . . . .. ... - - I :, 1'. - L 10 URC I i: Firil(a t7ordogto talli, v. 6j no 19 Zdt TOPIC TAM solid state pf7idcs, 111TOCt 3-,,jper-wu-rg rango, hard- antinnny, 0*,"rjXIVJ(! 103~iUr-".-L7 lt:i-, 'Pt F,110--~ Ct i.011. -11'11VIT iAn ,O~,t,ompt tis biade to debT.Ormlyla I'liv, icln~ udj,,-~ it- -Ilp r*. har~Lcal affqct occtirs by MeRnip. o" 171: f A! '-wipar-a Lure of illuminlitod gmmlard--u.~ Firvi fir ~:t: ~:Vblcb they Otmormd liol~- anly in seml~,,owuc-ors but a,-~UQ ~UzI nbtal~4-0 mat,-O~,j S. miis~ ibe conmactad -wUh changes, ir. -the! electrojile stru.-,ture. 7$8y bons ~db t3i rWj~y eat~Wished by th(,~ir own oar2ler sxpEx:Lmonts .(M, ~1561; 3650: 117TT 9 41 19:52-9 2656; UFZ]lt St 1963~ l') r,.rd by 1.~.e vcir*-,r of other 5ovie'll roseamhar~ (V. N. Beylln, Yu.. Ell. lfaildlov, YTT, 196-, '77 ~ 1. A. Kontlorova, P.111T, 4o 1962; 1328- M. S. Ablova A R Raol', :711, 4, 142; V. V. Z-hdvao7,aj* 7 heil aaamool, t,ha 9hunc-rivaon ir"Ith a photan- IVI, 5j, 1963, 33411. ~In PRMQL~: 1~' 1/3 qF ii it L I)PI, ACCIESSION RI IY,401,49U imImed rive in diitlc~catiari rmbility, the ainchanitt-tr of thi! -xrana,~;a a-till LU,3DCPI,9II!--td .IYJ thOir laSt aXperimentv, chiangw -It, thi.) lhcndriess of' n-ty-pfl gwwaxiium &nd of t"Um4v Omples warip maturat.1 In a templin'tLtro Nulge of -60 to 2-2('C fcT Go, and of 0 to 144C for Sb, under 3-C)I(W, lux i-I 'lujivinfav.,ni, aA In the kme-rice of light. The mpasurenyents shcjwed that unt;fl. at,lrct iz rEtachad. - about 130 to U,.OC ~'Or Ge 1-krVI 4o~- Sh 'Ax, i.1-um-Im-i Led --aniples is Dideperdent of, or rmly !;J-*:,t",'--' n ki in e I) at tni dc-pordont. The pritmio".1y ir)r1i-p-dfici!trIIi. j J." ~tMdna' ~V' s9 -:1F.aes on tamperature b9comoo notIce411:111:1 onlj )m:m L i?, thaso crmlpls IJC-11~1 ;IL; L11, aq I Q-." Li'D ti Nj pa (-~Ia f! If !111 i~ rR Nit XC Lr Z10-ti M AP404492,4 vhivh OveUre at 100-11cc. in the catue of pelr11lp-'n---I--,,,~, whe!! depwlarwe OT the Illumimsted aaq3le bertmv, 'C UTT b ')rig. art. has 1 3 ftgw~& a SS I 9r ON F,*-ev0k:Ly jtOS'-dR:vStvenny-"-y Y 13FOU--!4 31 KUZIMZNKOO P.P.; NOVIKVi N.N. (Novykov, M.M.1; GORIDIKO, K.Ya. (Horidlkop M.IA.1; SALEY, V.S. lboItor the infrared polariscopY method in studying phow'O' nodbmical and electromechanical effects. Ukr. fiz. zhur, 10. n0*. n:1258-1259 N 165. 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet iminiShevcheakos; Submitted February 15,, 1965. L 2,L4!L3&,6 EVIT(I),~PWT(R)/ 'T/EWP(t) IJP (c _ID/GS/AT g~VP(w)/ ACC NR: AT6010577 M SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/,300/0096/0105 AUTHOR: KuzIm-nRa., P. P. (Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences); Novikov, N. N.*,! .Go !dIko, N. Ya. IORGi. -.Kiev State University im. T. G. Shevchenko (Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy ;Imi,irersitet) TITIZ: The photomechanical effect in__qryatals and its physical nature SOMM AN UkrSSR. Mekhanizm plasticheskoy deformatsii mtallov tMechanism of the plastic deformation of metals). Kiev, Naukova durka, 1965, 96-IOS ~TOPTC TAGS: photoeffecti semiconductor crystal, IR radiation, germnium, cadmium !sulfide, antimonyo titanium, hardness ,ABSTRACT, The authors study the photomechanical effect (a reduction in the hardness' of a material unde:r illuTaination at roolp temperature) in n- and p-Ge, dislocation- :-A .less n-Ge. CdS. antimn~_ .and titanium. L/The microhardness of the specimens was meas-' :ured as a function of illuminati-on intensity. The curves for n- and p-_ggrmaajmm__,~~ ,band dislocationless ger9mnium are all similar. The change in hardness for p- germa- :nium is approximately 1/2 that for n- germanium. The surface hareness of n- '17 'Card 1/2 .......... 24453-66 iACC UR.* AT6010577 ..gerrranium decreases~with an increase in illumination by approximately 57-60%, whil.~ :that of p- germaniunt changes by 40%. The curves show saturation at apprOXiMtely i :20,000 1". The softened layer extends to a depth of 1-2 p. The photome-e-banical effect takes place only in the infrared region of the spectrum whexe the natural .absorption region.lies. 7be surface hardness of sadmiuNulfide is reduced by ap- :proximately 40% with an increase in illuminatlion intensity. Satura,tion !approximately 40,000 lux. The photon, echanical effect in antimony reaches 45% With ,satiwation at 30,000 lux. The depth of the softened layer is approxLmateLy 3 p. .TitEmium shows an effect of 30% with saturation at 2S,000 lux.. The depth of the Softened layer is 2.6 p. The effect, takes place in the infrared neegion o:F the Spec- ;trwa in all specitiDens except cadmium sulfide. This is probably due -to the fact that , a CCEIptor levels of dislocations in CdS lie rather deep with respect to the bottom of :the conduction bmd, as distinct frota germanium. A curve for raicrahardness in n- I ;gernanium as a function of current carrier concentration shows that an inc~rease in 1current car.:,iers reduces microhardneips. It is suggested that a study should be made :of the inagnitude of the pbotomechanical effect as a function of light frequency. Orig. art. 'has: 8 figures. 'SOB CODE: W SUBM DATC: 23Jul641 ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 .-Car4a 2/2-d~q.___ ACC. N16 AUTHOR: Kuz Imenko P. 11~ llovikrn-ij N. .11. ; Gorid'koj N. Ya. ~erlorcri I- ORG: KiL-v State University im. T. G. Shevchenho (Myevskiy gosudarstyenny universi TITLE: Photomechanical. effect in germitniitn appecl w-ith veal,~y sollibIe ele-Imentrz SOURCE: Flzika tverdogo tela, v. f , - 1732-r(38 TOPIC TAGS: germanium, haxdening, photomechanical effect ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation war, to clarify the physical nature of the decrease in hardness of illuminated Ge, in view of the lack of information on the in- fluence of impurities on this process and the lack of systematic research on the in- fluence of impurities on the hardness f Gqjnin gen5ral. Tests were made on samples Sb ~,,' d ~~ , qontaining small concentrations of "I Ip " Ga'l/ and also on Sb o6ntair ~g Ge as an impurity. The Ge host in all tests was standard single crystaPkith cdrrier den- s,~ty not higher than 5 x 1013 cm-3. The photochemical effect was measured with the PMT-3 instrument using a procedure described elsewhere (Izv. Vuzov. Fizikaj No. 4., 10 -s It. was found that the decrease in the hardness of the il- 2?,j '64) . In all. case liviinated surface was ntrongly dependent on the amount of impurity. When the impuri- ty :~ concentration reached the solubility limit, the photomechanical effect decreased to zero. The character of tbe impurity had no influence, within the limits of errors on either the chw,acteristics of the photomechanic&l effect or the microhardness of the samples in darkness. It is therefore concluded that the governing factor in the 2 ACC NR: AP6018534- properties of Ge is the quantity and not the type of impurity. In view of the cora- plicated nature of the phenomenon., however, the authors caution that the results should be regarded onJy as prelimirary. Orig. art. has: 8 figurec and 2 tables. SUB CODE: P-01 SUEN DATE: OlNov65/ ORIG REF: OLV OTH REF: Oo4 2/ 2 /7 -/ e- A-~ "Histo--enesis of the Lininln- o-f' the '~Ialll-s of the ;,lv,,!olj..1 canc, Sc ;~ostov -'.ec -~l inst, 'ic, -ostov-on-Dr,~., io' , ~;o 8, APr 55) SO: Su.,r,.. '".o. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of -,-cientific an,,l Tecl.-mical "i3sertLticns Def ended at U-l-.S.L' !--A-,-,her E'ducanti-1--nal Irstituticiis ( 16'- . ~o, 3orikov, N.G3. , Candidate of IYedical Sciences TITLI Peculliarities of the Structure of the DoInhin's Bronchial Ramifications (-0sobennosti stroyeniya bronkhial'nykh vetvey ~iellfina) P F P 10 -2 1 CA i~;; Priroda, 1958, Nr 6, p 101-102 (USSR) A`STRACT: The author has been conducting extensive research work on the Itings and bronchi of dolphins. He found that the walls of their bronchi are Provided with ring-shaped interceptors for contraction, which alternate with spheric bulges (widenings). The narrow portions of the bronchi are controlled by powerful muscle binches, while the I-,ulges are fortified by cartilage Plates, These devices enable dolphins to store air in their lun~-s and to resist water pressure as well as the possible Penetration of water into their lungs. ;'here is I figure. ASSOCTATION: Rostovskiy melitsinskiy institut (Rostov Medical Tnstitute~ Card 1/-L 1. Fishes--Physiolo~r C.QRIKOV9 N.G. ~Rostov-na-Donu, Nizhne-3ullvarnaya ul., d.83-b,, kv.1) WMNEWWWONOM OSpecialized, human embryologyAby P.J. Gerk-e. Reviewed by N.G. Gorikov. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 36 no.4:101-103 Ap 159. (FMRYOIAr,Y, HUMAN) (MIRA 12:7) (GEM. P.J.) ',;CMl*f0VA.. L. 3. !yo.jj';(OV.k, L, of A4,,.l :in Rontov Oblant. in Educ,~tional Institutions. ) Ros',o-v-:)n-D.)n 3---itc Inst, it USSR FiZher Rostov-on-Don, 1955 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 25, le, Jun 55 For Dp,.7,:ee of Can.H-',nte in !,'eeical Sciences C-O"T',OVA L,1L -- -1- -~~ . , -1 Quality of mtdlcal disposes made tV the doctors of outpatient polyclinics of' the pediatric hospitals of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Sbor. natich, trud. Rost. gos. med. inst. no.22:109-113 163. (KRA 18:7) L 1% kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya i istorii mB3itb!ny Rostovokogo gomideirstwinnogo mdit9inskogo Instituta, (zav,, - prof. A.S.Gromov). GORIKOVA, L.B.; -MIKOLISrAYA, Yu.M. Age- ard sex-r-olated characteristics of' morbidity among children in the city *'L Rostov-on-Don. Sbor. nauch. trud. Rost. gos., ned. inst. no.22tl.20-124 f6l. (MIRA 18-7) 1. Iz kafolry organizatail zdravookhrameniva i istorii meditsiny Rostovskego gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institnta (zav, - prof. A.S. Gr omov) . A. "Ca-cerwis C-:;n'i'U-Lcns of the ;,s ~)e~)* c'e 0-)." 'anrl '---el c~ci, ,,lvcv S'a'e (Roe t ~e-o sunc; i cal -and .-,at~ioa,latomical -Icn-i~aris ('Zh?iol., !7o 4, Fe! edical imt, i.-Ivov, !P54. SO: Sum. ',To. '~311, 26 Aw~l 55 - .13urvev of .9cientific and Technical Dinsertations Dercnrlp,i at USS`~ -Higher ~E~ucatllj(~-,-~aj 7,jSt_j_ljjj-,j,l-~,,~-S (111) GORILD ".L...,ikandidat meditsinBkikh itauk- Some peculiarlties of the gastric mucoss in pernicious anemia [with summary in Buglishl. Yeaterent. i rads 32 no,2:48-50 Mr-Ap '57. (MW 10:8) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy terapil. (zav. - Drof. T.G.Glukhenlkiy; dir. kliniki * kandidst meditsinskikh uauk ~.S.Korenlkov) Llvovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (STOKAGH. in various diseanes, anemia, pernicious, -mucosal changes (Rus)) (AN&MIA, PARNICIOUS. physiolog7, stomach mucoss (Rua)) GORILOVSKkYA. A.I.,; NESVET01r, N.G. Zffect of o3ygen on the motor-evaciiatory funation of the gustrointentinal tract. Vrach.delo no.2:135-138 F '59. . (MIRA 12:6) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennil:li bolezney (zav. - dots. M.G.Hasik) Ternopollskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (ALI)WJTLRY G&ML) (OKY(EIN--FMIOLOGICAL FMCT) GORILOVSKAYA, A.I., kand.meditsinskikh 1 .1 ,:! ~, k, -~'. - ipii,: 7.. ,Z. 1, ~ Method for the recognition of delo no.8$102-103 Ag 160. naWc; GHAPLIY, O.V. diffuse fibrous osteodystrophy. Vrach. NIRA 13:9) 1. Vtoroye torapevticheakoye otdoleniye Llvovskoy oblastnoy kliniche- skoy bollnitsy. (OSTEITIS FIBROSA) 11"11 t -1 1 1 r, 1) a ts .1 -r 0 (j i 4 t ra vi-- i d X 11 nyy vralch Cs, (6111) GNATYSHAK, A. I.; GORILOVSKAYA., A. 1. "Irradiation anti surgical treatment of cancer of the bladder.* Radiology Congress,, 4arlovy V&ryj C?echoslovakia, 10-14 June 63 GOR 111117) Illy , L,M. Rupture of abdominal extrauterine pregnancy in-acute cholecystitis. Khirurgiia, Moskva 34 no.11:104 N 158. (MIR& 12:1) 1. 1z 2-go khirargicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. 11.11. Khorofahmansnko) 1-y gorodskoy bollnitsyUst'-Kamenogorska (glavnyy vrach 141. Orl6va). (Clio L3G-y3T IT IS, in progn. acuto, with runt. of abdDm. octopic pregn. (Rua)) (PRNGNANCY, compl. abdom. rupt. with ac-ate cholecyatitis (Rua)) GORILOVSKIT, L.M. , . Combined porforated gastric ulcer ard perforated ulcer of the eso- pbagus. Khirurglia 35 no.7:126-127 JI '59. (MIRA. 12:12) 1. Iz 2-go khirurgichookogo otdoleniya (zav. - N.N. Khoroshmanenko) I-y Gorodskoy bolinitay (glavnyy vrach N.I. Orlova) Usti-lamenogoraka. (PMIC ULCXR, complications) (ISOMAGUS, diseases) 7, .',1. G CiR I(AT'S K I Y Leukoplakia of the upper urimiry tract. i-rolw,'i*,,`L. no.5:3r;- 34 '64- 1. Urologicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. - kand. nled. na-ul, A.A.Buk&-.,,.ar.), 0 1w-ye 52-y Gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy i.'05' GORIWVSKIY,l L,M, Epispadlas in men. Urologiia. 29 no.3311-13 My-Ja 16,14. (141RA 18: 10) 1, Urologicheskaya klinika (zav.- doktor med, nauk I.P. Pogorelko) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vracheir, Moskva. f) IGNATIM, A.F.- G(MILOVSKIT, M.I.; KOZIN, V-k., otv9tetvenmV7 red. [Avtoma:lc~,i-al*o-n''t'r"ol'', telemechanics and radio on the railroads of the U.S.S.R.11vtomatika, tolemekhanika i radio na zhelaznykh dorogakh SSSR~ Kiev, Ob-vo po, rasprostrananiin polit. i nauchnykh znmii MS. 1957. 5Z P. (MnA 11-0 (Failroads-Communi ion systems) (Railroads--Bleotronic equipment) 32(3) SOVI 1 12~59 -5-9086 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 97 (USSR) AUTHOR: Litvinovskiy, G. 0., and Gorflovskiy, M. I. TITLE: Electrified Maia-Line Railroads PERIODICAL: Nauka i 2-,hittya, 1957, Nr 12, pp 21-24 (Original in Ukranian) ABSTRACT: There are 20, 600 km of railroads in the Ukraine with a freight turn - over as high as 153 billion ton/km per year. Electrification of these railroads would tend to increase the freight turnover and to facilitate rural electrification. Technical advantages of electric traction and electric locomotives are indicated. It is expected. that 3016 of all Ukrar-ian railroads will be electrified by 1970. Transportation data for the Ukraine is given. L. G. P. Card 1/1 LOGUNEUKO, Ivan Petrovich [Lolivynonko. -jjM,jLQv.tcb [Horilovalkyi. M.I.1; D'YAKOHOV, Y.K., red.; LISP=. F.K. [Ireenko. Y.K.j, red. (Electrification of Ukrainian railroadg] 24ektryfikstsiis zalizuts' Ukraizy. KYiv, 1958. 35 P- (Tavarystvo dlia poshyrennia politych- nykh i neukovykh snan' UkrainBIkoi RSR. Ser. 4, no.1) [In Ukrainian] (MIRA 11:6) (Uki-aine--Railroade-Blectrification) LITVINDVSKIT, G.O. [lort"novelkvi, 11.0.]; Gorilovskiy, M.t. LHorylovel- kyi, M.I.1, insh. Automation of railroad transportation, Nauka i Abyttia 9 1W.12: 21-24 D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Gizvnyy inshener Kiyevskogo gasudaretvannogo instituta nroyektirovanlys sheleanykh dorog 'Kiivdiprotranal (for 14tvinovskiy). (Railroads) (Antomation) - -, GORILOVSKIY, M.I. Ways to decrease the expenditure of electric cables. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 6 no-3:18-20 Mr '62. (MlRj~ 15:3) 1. Glavnyy inzh. proyekta Kiyevgiprotransa. (Electric railroads--Wires and wiring) GORILOVSKIY, M.I. Further decrease in the cost of reconstruction of communication systems in a.c. traction districts. Avtom., telem. i sviazl 7 no.12:13-16 D 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Glavnyy inzh. proyekta Kiyevgiprotransa. GORIN) A. At the wall newspaper showcase, Zhil,-kom, khoz. 13 no*5: 7 -14i - 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1, Reclaktor stemoy gazety doirLoupravleniya No,3 FoltavY. (No subJect headings) ill, GOTIIN, A.A. (Dnepropetrovsk) girders soor. I no.1f:39-46 with spiral axon. Stroi. makh. i rasch. '59. (MIRk 12:10) (Girders) GORINt A.A, (Dtepropetrovsk) Calculations for, barswith a spatial broken axis* Stroi,mekh.i raschasoor, 3 no*2:16;-22 161. ft (MMA 14; 5) %Jw (Struatureo~-Th6"q--bf)' -,*- GORIN, A.A., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk (Dnepropetrovsk) -;.w- I--- Designing regular plane rod contours with a polygonal axis. Issl. po te.or. sooruzh. no.l01238-252 *61. ~MIRk 14:8) (BlastIc rods and wires) GORJ N, Caloulat-i-ng ccn fJ-nu,,7uv Ix-ams u,-;. t% a s 4-T -:~L -32 socru2h. 165. -Z~,~Jj G(RINJ. A.A.; GORIN, Ye. A. Solvabij.ity of the Cauchy problem with finite initLal dara. Dig. vrav. I no. l2zl64,0-1646 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut tochnoy mekhaniki i v-ychislitallnoy tokhniki All SSSR i Hoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat imeni Lomonosava. Submitted Fehr. 17, 1965. GORINJV A A.; OSIALWIRD), D.P.; GOLENOY, L.S., in,-h, po avt;~,,atizatsjl; RVILEVP G.I.; GODROBTSOV, V.S. Isotopes in the service of miners. Ugoll Ukr. 9 no-12:14-16 D 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti direktora Donetskoy bazovoy izolopnoy laboratorii (for Gorin). 2. Nachallnik uchastka izotopav LuganBkogo montazhno-naladochnogo upravleniya (for Osmachkin). 3. Shakhtoupravleniye "Butovka" tresta Makeyev-ugoll (for Colenok). 4. Glavnyy inzh. laboratorii 'Ilzotop" pri Luganskom montazhno-naladochnom upravlenii (for Gorobtsov). GORIN, A,G, Chemical study of polysaccharides in the leaves of Plantago major L. Report Ko.lAnalysis of monosaccharide composition of the polysaccharide complex. Khim. prirod. soel. no.52 297-302 165. (MIRA 18%12) 1. KharIkovsk;iy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy khimikc- farmatsevticheskiy institut. Submitted April 13, 1965. . - PPAJ44, A. G - Chemical study of polysaccharides in Plantaro maior L. leaves. 0 Report No. 2. Pectic acid. Khim. prirod. soed. no.6:369'-372 '65. (mall."I 19: 1) 1. Klia:rlkovgkiy naucimo-issledovatellskiy kliiir,.iko-fariiatsevti-clie:,kiy institut. Submitted June 9, 1965. GORIN, A.I. lush. Preventing the creeping of mine excavations. Shakht.stroi. no.9t29-31 S '57- (MIRA 10:10) (China-Mining engineering) Ile, GORIN, A. I. Cnnd Med Sci -- "Sanitary-hygienic measures ter controling the spreadift of dysentery in canalized and noncanalized mioroseotions." Mos, 1961 (Acad Med Soi 0 USSR). (KL, 4-61, 208) -333- KOZLOV, Yu. P.; GORIN) A. 1. Effect of vinyl pyrrolidone on the biological functions of ga=a- irradiated yeast cells. Radiobiologiia 2 no.3:383-386 162. (Mm 15:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosude-rstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova, biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet. (PYRROLIDINONE) (GAMMA RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (YFMT) S/205/62/002/004/002/014 1016/1215 AIJTHOR: Kozlov,' 1. u.?,, GrorinA.I.,_, and Barnatski7,F. TITLE: Effect of some monomers on the biofunctions of irradiated yeast calls PERIODICAL: Radlobiologlya,v.2,. no*4, 1962, 539-542 m,-zXT- This study is the continuation of previous ones* Saco ~8 ro- myces vini (strain were irradiated with ar-~flr-co -400 (1~7--7:'-C,)GO-400) app"Atus at t, dose rRte of 1250r/min. The total dose was 12.5-75ou. Tho zurvival rate after irraOliation and tpeqt- mb ment with monomers wa3 determined by the nu er of colonies. The monomers were vinylpyrollidone (VP) acrylonitrile (AII) and acryl- amide (AA). The concentrations of the aqueous solutions of the' f ' and 1" respectively, and had no effect on monomers were 2c" , 1% ~he divisions of the yeast"calls, but they resulted in optimal concentrations for increasing the survival rate of the L-radiated cells. -A marked protective affect of these monomers against Card 1/2 Effect of some monomers.... S/905/62/002/004-/002.1/014 1015/1215 irradiation was found when ox-ygen vas present in the culture medium# The possible mechanism of this phenomenon is discussed. There are 4 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: October 7, 1961 Card 2/2 . ......... ACCESSION NR: AP4041037 S/0120/64/000/003/0142/0145 AUTHOR: Babushkin, A. A.; Gorin, A. I. TITLE: Auxiliaries to the IKS-14 spectrophotometer for investigating the spectra of very thin films SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 3, 1964, 142-145 iTOPIC TAGS: spectrophotometer, IKS-14 spectrophotometer, infrared spectrum, photometric wedge ABSTRACT: Auxiliary devices to the,Z-beam IKS-14 spectrophotometer necessary for recording the infrared: spectra of monomolecular films are briefly described. A multipass bell com rises two pairs of flat mirrors, each pair p reflecting the beam I I times; thus, the light passe a the test film ZZ times. The standard 4-tooth "comb!' (photometric wedges) was replaced with a single wedge which increased the sensitivity to low optical densities fourfolds An experiment la~rj 1/2 ACCESSION NR:'AP4041037 corroborated the fact that the linear relation between the wedge travel and the transmission remained intact. A potentiometer bridge of 0.03% resolution was provided for extending the recorder scale. Records of Nl% and Ca stearate spectra illustrate the gain in sensitivity. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ;I.ASSOCIATION: Institut fixicheakoy khimii AN SSSR (institute of Physical Chemistry, AN SSSR) SUBhUTTED: O8jul63 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: G? NO REF SOV., 000 OTHER: 003 ard-,-?~- KOZLOV, Yu.P.;.GORI*Lll, A.I. Effect of the inhibitors of free-radical pro_-f!sse3 on irradiated yeast cells. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no. 2:91-93 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy biofiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstverinogo universiteta im. I-I.V.Lomonosova. . -I I . BAWSHKIN, A.A. (Mbskva); IMY10-0 , L.IM. (Mosk-.,a~; I Interpretation of the infrared absorption spectru of formaldehyde in aqueous solution. 7hur. fiz. khim. ~S no.10:2'361-23(6 0 164. (MIRAL 18:2) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. 31194-66_.__.EV1~1_(A)/EWT(m)__ RM ------- ~ - - --- .. ~ I ACC NR. ao'=568 SWRCE CODE: UR/O216/66/OOO/OO2/O19?/O2JP AUTHOR: T~2eytlin P.-I.; SpkitkOV,28!*K~I~D. I.,- Grorin. A. I.: Ivannik, B. P.; L Kulikova L. G.; ILi!chkina L Mar ynov. F,. ..; Ryabche I.+ Upajmvskayap ORG: Institute of ExDerimental- UZR,-Moscow (Institut eksperimentaltnoy biolo i TITLE: Analysis of.racLiation injury t Llar and qeouribonucloo rote at the moloct supramolecular levels SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheakaya, no. 2, 1966, 197-210 TOPIC TAGS: radiation injury, protein, DNA, x ray irradiation, hydrogen bondingo molecular structure ABSTRACT: X-irra~Uation does not give rise to covalent crosslinks within the DNA macromolecu3 e, i.e. , it does not prevent the separation of DNA I strands or interfere with its replication. The authors' studies on opUih rotation of DNA and DNP and.melting curves indicate that irradiation causes latont damage to the system of hydrogen bonds. The formation of single broaks in the polynuclootide skeleton may result in rotation around the .remaining single bond at the site of the break. This may produce local change in the c6nfiguration of the DNA macromolecule, resulting in steric hindrance between the DNA and corres onding protein molecule. Irradiation with doses below 103 rad causes breaks only in a small .number of DNA molecules. This does not alter the physicochemical properties of the DNA or DNF as a whole, although it undoubtedly has some biological Card 1/2 - UDC.*- --577,391 L 31194-66 Caffect. Thus, there it; no reason to believe that the effects of low^ ~irradiation doses. as manifested in structural rearrangemefits of chromosomes,- are related to changes in the DNA macromolecules. The results of studies on, 'the physicomechanicall proportion of supramolecular oriented DUP structures :present in a-medium with.physiological -ionic strength indicate thalk-I.these formations are highly sensitive to radiation. Orig. art. has: 10 figures. (JPRS) SUB CODE: 07, 06, 20 / SUBM DATE: 18Dec65 ORIG RU : 013 / OTH REF: 013 Card 2/2 00, , I C --. ~Vll " kl\l~ -~, F\ GORIII I A.M. ~VWKWMR Making spring rings. Hashinostroitell no.6:38 Je '57. (nRA 10:7) (Sheet-metal work) - GOR21,i:!~ - Pneumatic walking conveyers used for moving flasks. Mashinostroitell no.9:10-11 3 157. (MIaA 10:9) (Conveying machinery) AUTHOR: Gorin, A.M. 117-58-6-7/36 TITLE; A Conveyer With Bydraulic Drive (Konveyer s gidravlicheskim privodom) PERIODICALs Mashinostroitelf, 1958, Nr 69 PP 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the Gorlkovskiy zavod frezernykh stankov (Gorlkiy Milling Machine Plant) a small car conveyer has been put into operation in the assembly of milling machines. The varicus parts needed for assembly are fastened on the care which are moved by traction chains. The number of cars depends on the technolo- gical process and the number of parts needed. The conveyer is shown in figure 1. The hydraulic drive of the conveyer is represented in figure 2. Industrial oil type 20 is used in the drive, delivered by a pump with a productivity of 12 1/min, The pump is driven by an electromotor of 0.8 kw and 980 rpm. The speed of the conveyer is 30-40 mm/min. The hydraulic drive is used for assembly conveyers and washing machines. There are 2 figures AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Conveyors-Hydraulic drive 25( 30-7/117- 5 ~-7-22/21 8 A. AUTHORS: Gavrilyuk, A. M. , and_Qpri~i 1". TITLE: Electrostatic Painting of Parts , 7~r Dp (USSR) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1959 1 - , ABSTRACT: The article presents detailod enGineering in-forma- pecial painting line 'or large-size machine tion on a s I parts, designed and used at the Gor~kovskiy zavod frezernykh stankov (Gorlkjy ,,-.illing 1.1achine, Plant). It is the first of its in the USSR. It consists of a painting and a drying chamber connected by an overhead suspension conveyer. In the painting cham- ber, the parts are movod between electrode Fratings. The parts are under posi'u-ive electric charge, and the paint sprayed by tl-le six pneum_,tic sprayers at the output end of the chamber coats the pearts with an even thin layer. To distribute the paint on the entire part w the parts are rotated at 6 rpm ahen they pass by the sprayers. The paint is fed from three Card 113 pressure tan1:s with different colors of paint, and SOV/117-55;-7-22/28 Electrostatic Painting of Llachine Parts the sprayers work in pairs, one pair for each color. The resetting of the spraying system for different shapes, or for different color, requires a few min- utes; the height and the incline angle uf the SDray nozzles is easily adjustable on the posts with an incline scale (Figure 2). The drying chamber contains 160 SDeCia; drying lamps for heating the parts to 110 to 120 C, placed on 16 Rovable shields permitting displacements within a 45 angle. The work of the ventilation system, the kenotron (recti- fier), the sprayers, and the presence and the voltage of an electric field in the chamber is monitored by signal lamps on the coIntrol board. There is a spe- cial control, on the i;tuiio boai-d, for preventing the occurrence of sparks in the painting chamber. The equipment is grounded, and the installation need not to be stopped for char-in- Darts on the conveyer or 0 0 - any resettings. The access doors to the chambers Card 213 automatically bloclic hi-h voltECe .-ihen opened. The LD Electrostatic Painting of Machine Parts remaining electric charge is also automatically re- moved from the electrode gratings. The method is recommended for mass as well as small-lot and piece production of machines. It is mentioned that the Gorlkovskiy avtozavod (Gorlkiy Automobile Plant) was the first in the USSR to employ the met-hod of paint- ing in an electrostatic field. The article includes the technical characteristics of 'Uhe installation and two illustrations. There are 2 diagrams. Card 3/3 GORIN, A.M., inzh. New Induatrial equipment. Mashinostroitell no.4:32-33 AP 160. (xim 13:6) (Gorkiy--Machine-tool industz7-Technological innovationa) GORIN A M - =IL-nf-011, Mpchani2ation of the assembly work at the Gorkiy Millimg- Machine Plant. Mashinostroitell no.6-112-13 Je 161. (nu l4:6) (Gorkiy-Machine-tool industry) KLIHIN,, Automatic fuel~-consumption meter. kit.prom. 29 no.1:29-30 Ja 163. (MMA 16:1) 1. Ullyanovskiy avtozavod. (Automobiles Fuel consumption-Measurement) I ' J fi e - r s7 ybridB of r)L , " I -. ~ Gorln, 1 nyki'--i St,--tey, 'lo. 20, so: U-411 1-7 J~aly 53, (Letopis' Z1711r,-1,9, GORIN, A.F., profaqw. How hybrids are obtained. Ap 156. (MI-RA 9:9) (Hybridization, Vegetable) USSR/Cultivatr-,d Illants. ul:mcxal Probloms. Abs Jour Rof Zhu,2-Biol., Ko 152 195'--)~ 6u'-'059 Authoxi, A, P, Inst --'Oseov Auricultural V :Ui~-ni X. A. T-n-irya- z0v Titl~i Achi-~vcalonts of thu '-ichu--,,j.n '3iological Science ir, Pi-Ad Crop S(Acction. Ori-L, Pnb Dokl. -I:oslr-. s.-Ilzi7i. ahad. ilm. -1:. A. Ti--~,J.ryazeva, 1956, No 24, 76-92 Lbstract No abstract. Card 2 GORIN, A.P. 1~10 I--, LHanual of practical work i Rukovodstvo k praktichookim sernovykh kulltur. Moskva, 260 p, (Grain) Oductionl grain breading and seed pr - zanistiiam po Belektsii i semenovodstvil Goo. isd-vo sellkhot. lit-u. 1957- NMA 11.5) GORIN, A.P., prof.,doktor sel'skokhozyayotvennykh nnuk.; PRMZEM. G-V- Results obtained In the scientific work of the lisitsyn Plant Breading and Genetics Station of the Tlmiriazev Agricultural AcadeeW [with summary in English]. Izv. TMA no-5:13-28 158- (HIRA 11:11) 1. Direktor Selektsionno-gonatichookoy stanteii Kosbvskoy ordena Lenins. sallskokhosyaystvannoy akademit im. K.A. TimJryazeva (for Priyezzhev). (Plant breeding) GORIN, A.P.,-doktor se1'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, prof. Ufect of meteorological conditions on rxtural hybridization in spring wheat. Izv. TSKhA no.2:20-25 161. (MM, 14: 8) (Wheat) (Hybridization, Vegetable) GORDI, A.P., prof.; DUNIN, H.S.; XONOVALOV, Yu.B.; I':IiTOFAIIOVA, K.S.; FOLD'OVA, I.D.; S&SOLIOV, I.I.P.; SELAVIII, I.! K.; UKOLOVI A.A.; YURTSEVl V.14'.; GRACWVA, V.S., red:;,IOW~ (Manual on field work in the breeding and ceed production of field crops] Rukovodstvo k prakticheskim zaniatiim po -ambektsii i senenovodstvu polevykh kulltur. [BY] A.P.Gorin i dr. Noskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 574 p. (MIRA 16;12) 1. Kollektiv prepodavateley kafedry genetilci, selektsii i semenovodstva polevykh kulltur 141oskovskoy sell skolchozyay- stvorinoy akadenii im. K.A.Tixairyazeva (for Gorin, Konovalov, Nitrofanoval Samsonov) Selavri, Ukolov, Yurtsev). 2. Kafedra Fitopatologii Moskovskoy sell skokJaozyayrt,,Yennoy akp-demii im. K.A.Timiryazeva (for Dunin'). 3. Kafedra statistild Xoskovskoy sellskokhozygystvennoy akademii im. K.A.Tird.17azeva (for Politova). (Field crops) (Seed production) GORINV A.P.; MITROFANOVA, K.S. Successes of Soviet plant breeding. Biol. v shkole no.4t82-88 JI-Ag 163. (~aRA 16: 9) 1. Moskovskaya sellskokhozyaystyennaya akademiya imeni K.A.Timiryazova. (Plant breeding) GOR114 P. A.T-. , lirm". , doktor sel I ,ikukhc7,, zutuk I foiindation for the breeding of Ilichurin biclog7 as the SCient4fiC farm crops. Izv. TSMiA no.3;9-22 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra genetiki, selektsii i serjenovodsLva polevykh kulltur Moskovskoy seliskokhazyaystvennoy akademii imeni Timiryazeva. I . .11 - - r ar. ~, GORB,,r, A.P., ),-.rof. jc".,rr 1-1~oukj 1"", :.L:" Sexual differences In generative organs apd Ulne reac;Aon of a plant to self -pullinavion. Tzv. TSKHA nc,.6'.,Ir)2-:Ll6 ~64 (1.~Iiv,. 1. Kafedra geretiki i selel~tti-i rasteniy Mc-skovskoy ordena Lenina sel'sho-khozy-aystvennoy -.k-ademii hrieni K.A.Timir-yazeva. 1z 212-0b 28195 S/194/61/000/005/010/078 D201/0303 AUTHORS: Gorin A.V., Grosman, V.A., Drapchinskiy, L.V., --Wa-~evskiy' B.N., Romanov, L,.P., Storozhenko, E.P., Fedorov, Yu.P., Shavrin, G.M. and Shamov, V.P., TITLE~ A mobile radiometric emergency laboratory using semiconductor devices PERIODICAL: Rekerativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1961, 31-32, abstract 5 A235 (Dokl. nauchn. konferentsii in-ta radiats. gigiyeny po itogarn rab- oty za 1959, g., L., 1960, 18-19) TUCT; A description is given of a complete mobile laboratory, mounted on the automobile YA3 -450 A (UAZ-450 A) and which is to be used for detecting radioactive isotope contamination of certain areas or of separate objects. The laboratory equipment consists of the following: 1) 5au~omatic recorder of the level of r -back- ground from 10 to 10 microcurie/hr ((v.Pr-r1rC-5)(IRG-PGS-5)); 2) 2 Card 1/2 28195 S/194/61/,jOO/005/010/078 A mobile radiometric emergency... D201/D303 calculating machines ((vPr-Vn-l00)(IRG-PP-100)); 3) supplies 200- 2000 V; 4) head screening (thickness 40 mm) for counters C7C-5 (STS- 5) in cassettes or for the end-counter~ 5) rate counter i4prIvin-1 (IRG-.IP-1) with counting rate up to 10 pulses/min; 6) beta-gamma portable scintillating radiometer with ~1-25 (FEU-25) J4Pr-jjP-2 (IRG-PR-2). Power for the whole installation is supplied by the automobile battery. Power comsumption - 15 watt. The laboratory personnel consists of three operators and driver. Z-Abstracter's notet Complete translation-7 Card 2/2 15-1957-12-17055 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 51 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gorint B. A *~2--!-~ TITLE: Formation of Brachyanticlinal Folds of the Apsheron- Kobystan Region (0 mekhanizme formirovaniya brakhian- tiklinaltnykh skladok Apsherono-Kobystanskoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Azerb. un-ta, 1955, Nr 7, pp 31-35 ABSTRACT: Bibliographical entry Card 1/1 3(5) i.iPHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2302 Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut geologii poleznykh Iskopaye- mykh Problema migratsii nefti i formirovaniya neftyanykh i gazovykh sko- pleniy; materialy LOvovgkoy diskussii 8-12 maya 1957 g. (Problem of Oil Migration and the Formation of Oil and Gas Accumulations; Materials of the Discussion Held in L'vov, May 8-12, 1957) Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1959. 422 p. 1,100 copies printed. Eds.: V. B. Porfirlyev, Academician of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences, and 1. 0. Brod, Professor; Exec. Ed.: P. R. Yershov; Tech. Ed.: A.S. Polosina; Editorial Board: 1.0. Brod, Professor, X.R. Ladyzhenskiy, and V.B. Porfirtyev, Academician of the Ukrain- ian Academy of Sciences. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for a wide range of geologists and research workers interested in oil problems. COVERAGE: Articles contained in this book deal with the problems of migration and accumulation of oil and gas. These problems were Card 1/3D Problem of oil Migration (cont.) SOV/2302 discussed in May 1957 at L'vov State University im. I. Franko at a meeting organized jointly by the Institute of Geology and Miner- al Resources, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Department of Geology and Oil Exploration of the L'vov Polytechnic Institute, and the Lvov Geological Society. Theories on the origin of pe- troleum deposits and the conditions surrounding their occurrence are treated. There are 327 references: 232 Soviet, 86 English, 5 Frencht and 4 German. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Opening Address by the President of the Organization Committee of the Conference V.B. Porfir*yev 5 REPORTS Brodp 1.0. [MGU and Institut nefti].On the Origin of Oil and Gas Accumulations in the Light of the Theory of Sour,_-~e Beds 7 Dvali, M.F. (VNIGRI, Leningrad]. Factors and Processes in Primary Card 2/'10 Problem of Oil Migration (Cont.) SOV/2302 2r~ Migration Abramovich, M.A. Sh.F. Mekhtiyev, B.A. Gorin, G.A. Akhmedovj and S.G. Salayev. Formation of Oil-bearing Deposits in the Tertiary System of Azerbaydzhan 41 Sokolov, V.A. (Institut nefti].The Possibility of the Formation and Migration of Oil in Late Sedimentary Deposits 59 Snarskiy, A.N. [Politekhnicheskiy Institut, Llvov].Problems in Oil Migration and the Formation of Petroliferous Deposits 63 Kartsev, A.A. [Moskovskiy InstItut im. I.M. Gubkina] GeochemIcal Criteria in the Study of the Formation of Oil Deposits 79 Balukhovskiy, N.F. [Institutgeologicheskikh nauk~ AN UkrSSRI Formation of Gas and Oil Deposits in the Eastern PLrt of the Donets Downways 86 Shardanov, A.N. and I.M. Zhivitsa. Conditions for the Formation Card 3/10 Problem of Oil Migration (Cont.) Sov/2302 of Petroliferous Beds in the Tertiary Deposits of the Southern Fringe of the Azovo-Kubanskiy Downways 98 Avrov, V.Ya. [VNIGRI) Basic Regularities in the Formation of Oil Deposits in the Prikaspiyskaya Salt Dome Region Linetskiy, V.P. [IGPI, AN UkrSSR) Anomalous Formation Pressure as a Time Criterion in thv Formation of Oil Deposits 121 Kudryavtsev, N.A. (VNIGRI, Leningrad] Mechanics of the Formation of Oil and Gas Deposits 136 Kropotkin, P.N. and K.A. Shakhvarstova [Geologicheskiy Institut] Solid Bitumens, Oil, and Hot Gases in Ultrabasic Intrusions, Traps and Volcanic Necks 151 Porfir'yev, V.B. [InBtitut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh AN. UkrSSR1 The Tim6 Problem in the Formation of Oil Deposits 165 DISCUSSIONS Card 4/10 Problem of Oil Migration (Cont.) SOV/2302 Mekhtiyev, Sh.F. [Institut geologii im. I.M. Gubkina, Azerbaydzanj The Source Bed Characteristic of the Lower Part Deposits in the Productive Series (Middle Pliocene) of Azerbaydzhan. 194 Kozlenko, S.P. and K. A. Mashkovich. [VNIGNI Branch, Saratov] The Age of Oil and Gas Traps as a Criterion for Forecasting Their Oil- bearing Capacity 202 Elinson, M.M. [MGRI, Moscow] Distribution of Heavy Hydrocarbons Under Various Geological Conditions 208 Vyalov, O.S. On the Question of Oil in the Antarctic Region 210 Veber, V.V. [VNIGNI, Moscow] Formation of Oil Deposits and Facies of Sedimentation 211 Vydrin, D.I. [Krasnodarnefternzvedk~] New Data on the Geology of the Oil-and Gas-bearing Possibilities in the Western Caucasus and Predkavkazlye 217 %jard 5/10 Problem of Oil Migration (Cont.) SOV/2302 Moseyev, V.Ye. [Gornyy okrug, Llvov) Information on the Oil- bearing Possibilities of China 228 Agabekov, M.G. [Institut geologii im. Gubkina, Baku] The Ways of Oil Migration and the Formation of Deposits in the Productive Series of the Prikurinskaya (Kura) Lowland and the Bakinskiy (Baku) Archipelago 233 Geller, Ye.M. [Lower Volga Branch of VNIGNI, Saratov] The Pro- blem of the Diffusive Dispersion of Gas Deposits 241 Sokolov, V.A. The Diffusive Dispersion of Ga3 Deposits ( a reply to Ye.M. Geller's report) 251 Dolenko) G.N. [Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh, Llvov] Conditions of Oil Deposit Formations in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains 257 Krayushkin. V.A. (Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh, Llvov) Basic Principles of Oil and Gas Accumulation in a Chain of Connected Traps 267 Card 6/1o Problem of Oil Migration (Cont.) SOV/2302 Kopystyanskiy, R.S. [Institut geologil poleznykh iskopayemykh, L'vov] The Significance of Fissuring in the Formation of Oil Deposits 277 Kityk, V.I. [Institut geologii poleznykh iskopayemykh, L'vov1 Conditions of Oil and Gas Deposit Formation in the Dneprovsko- Donetskaya Depression 283 Sinichka, A.M. [Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut] Formation of Oil and Gas Deposits in the Dneprovsko-Donetskaya Depression 294 Gabillyan A.M. [Institut geologii, Tashkent) The Problem of the Formation of Oil and Gas Deposits Illustrated by the Deposits In Eastern Central Asia 296 Potapov., I.I. [State Univorsity., Rostov] Conclusions on the For- mation of Oil Deposits in the Apsheronskaya Region 302 Smekhov, Ye.M. [IMIGRI, Leningradj The Significance of Ruptures in the Formation of Oil Deposits on Sakhalin and Latest Information Card 7/10 Problem of Oil Migration (Cont.) SOV/2302 on Fissured Reservoirs 306 Andreyev, P.F. [VNIGRI, Leningrad] Migration Processes in the Subcapillary Channels of'Mobile Products Formed From the Dispersed Organic Matter in Sediments 311 Uspenskiy, P.F. [VNIGRI, Leningrad] The Ways of Oil Transformation in Deposits 318 Bogomolov, A.I. [VNIGHI, Leningrad) The Problem of Oil Composition Changes Depending on the Age of the Enclosing Rocks 322 Radchenkq, O.A. (Laboratoriya uglya] The Initial Stage of Oil Migration 326 Grinberg, I.V. [Institut geologii poleznykh uskopayemykh, Llvov) Problems in Genetic Relationship Between the Organic Kerogen and Natural Oil 329 Dolitskiy, B.A. [Institut nefti, Moscow) Problems of Oil Deposit Formation in the Devonian of the Russian Platform 343 Card 8/10 Problem of Oil Migration (Cont.) SOV/2302 Krotova,, V.A. [VNIGRI, Leningrad] hydrogeological Factors in the Formation and Dtstruct16n of the Uralo-Povolzhlye Oil Deposit5 350 Karasik, T.G. [TsNIL Ukhtinskogo neftekombinata] Conditions of Oil Occurence in the Timano-Pechorskaya Province 354 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS V.B. Porfirlyev 359 N.B. Vassoyevich 364 Sh. F.\,Mekhtiyev 369 S.A. Koba~evskiy 371 N.Yu. Uspen\alkAya 373 N.A. Yeremenio 377 Card 9/10 Problem of Oil Migration (cont.) SOV/2302 ~.I. Kornelyuk 379 M Dvali 383 A.N. Snarskiy 387 V.F. Linetskiy 395 N.A. Dudryavtsev 401 V-B. Porfirlyev 411 1.0. Brod 415 Resolution ofthe Meeting 420 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress MM/bg Card 10/10 9-23-59 PT 6 6 4 iiilichii vliyarily izme~reniye tigia AnCie -I. t It1le Presence of influenoing EfTpot;'.3) Gosenergoizd~it, 1959. 55 P. r:1 0 L) iye- , T1 4 SO' M-1111~ 01-1e.1 La-111.1 'M oopie5 printed. V Ed . f. Ya. 'L-'akobijoyi; FAIi. : (j. 'Irc, PURPOSE: This Nx.,A(let, I,,,, intended for erjgint-~,~ers and technicians eM'Dlayed In lahoratorlezzi of electric- po-wev 21-la"Llions and substations. COVERAGE: The authors diocuss problems of measuring the dielectric -Ios.,:7-angle bangent. In ir~;ulation In the presence of electric ') -Ing, 'lie influence current and magneUic fleld3. Methods of mearur .'111d various me~,hodp, of mea:iuring tan taRim, Into account error,.; from the electric field, are J,Iem-ir, of elijAmating errors In the application of t.he method of phase 0 adjustment and also fornulas for reduced tani" are nresented. Card 1/3 Measurement ~)f Dleiectrit, The problem of th effect of the magnetic fiold on the accuracy of tan I measurements is discussed and -.,iiethods of measurement in the presence of' and ma,gretic -,'--',,eids are given. No ptei,sonalities are mentioned. There are 5 references, all Soviet'. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Ch. I. Effect o-L" the Electric Pield 1. Statement of the problem '17 Influence current C3 Meai;uring the influence current 1.1 4. Errors oau3ed by ellectria-field e~'fects 15 5. Analysis of error fonnnulas 19 6. F . with errors Consequences of measuring tan 2~ 7. Methodt~ of reducing error 5 Method of phase matchingr 2 9. Errors in ineasurincr twi iviing the pha, method 10. Method of c;,,,CcesSive -~ipproximation,-, in rig tan 3) 2 Card 2/3 Np-,-,1.:,,urement; of' f.)-!e1ect;ri(.-. " !-, * . I Q Ov/'? 8 6 1 U. Elimination oL' error In method and calculatLng -,',-,Illiula for reduced t,--m 36 Ch. II. Effect of the MagnetIc Yield 110 1-5. Statement of the T,)voblem 40 13. General considerations, 41 Ill. Action of the influencing field on a bridrre 42 ~ridlre equation under the inflitence 15. h of . ag '.1 m, netic field )111 16. Criterion for permissible degree of C, influence 45 17. Permissible degree of influence in two readings 49 Ch. III. Methods of Measuring Tani" in the Presence of C-1 Influen,iing Factors 53 Bibliography 56 kVkILABLE-: Library of Congress JP/Jmr Card 3/3 1-23-6o