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GORENBEYNp._.Xq.Ya,--(Kiyev) iffect of the~Aature of the cations and aniong on the viscosity of elsetp6lyte aclitions in solvent:9 with low dielectriz constamts, Zhur. fiz. khimo 35 noo-11492-4500 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Uouinskaya akademiya sellske-khozyaystven6fth 4aukj, Kiyev. (Electroliyte solutions) (VA"OsIty) GOUNBEYN, Ya.Ya. Co,nstant va' ve of the product of maximwD ratod equivalent I eleAroconductivity and solvent viscosity. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.9:2156-2157 161. (14MA 14: 10) 1. Rvainslaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk. (Electrolyte solutions) 7 641 w AUTHOR: TITLE: S/185 62/UO7/008/006/008 D234YD308 Gorenbeynt Ye,Ya. Effect of the dielectric constant of the solvent on the viscosity of electrolytic solutions PERIODICAL; Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zh~jrnal. v. 7j no. 8, 1962, 887 -'891 TEXT.- Viscosity of the solutions of LiBr.A12 Br6p NaBr. A12 Br6 and AgBr.A!2'Br6 in benzene and ethyl bromide as well as of N(C2H 5)4 Br in HCOOCH CH Cl C,HC1 and CH COOH was investigated experimen- 1 3 9 2 21 3 3 tally.-Graphs of the dependence of viscosity on concentration at 250C are given. Additional graphs of the viscosity of solutions in ethyl bromide, multiplied by the ratio of viscosities of benzene and ethyl bromide, and of viscosity of the solutions of N(C2H 5)4 Br as above, multiplied by the ratio of the viscosity of the respec- soivent tive and that of -HCOOCH 30 are plotted. The latier graphs card 1/2 S/18 62/007/008/006/0-08 Effect of the dielectric constant of to. D234YD308 show an increase of viscosity with decrease of the dielectric con- stant of the solvents; in particulart the curves of reduced visco- sity of solutions of the same substance in different solvents near- ly coincide in case of small concentrations. There are 5'figures. 1 ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskaya, akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences) iCard 2/12 G(NEREYN, Compl.ex formation in the systems c6H5NO2 and AlBr3 - ('sO-C5Hfly2 7 no.11:2627-2629 N 162. (Systems (Chemistry)) (ComPlex A3.Br3 - (iso-C5H.11)2 0 - 0 -r2H5Br. fhur.neOrg.v-hi-. (MM& 15:12) cOmPOunds) !i GXRENBEYN, YO.Ya. Role of dieleltric strength of the medium in the formation of conductive~solutions. Ukr. khim. zhur. 28 no.1:59-66 162. (14IRA 16:8) 1. ILI-ademlya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, Kiyev. GORENBEYN, 7007a.; SMOLENTSEV, F.I. Relation between the dielectric constant of the salvent and the visoosity of electrolyte solutions. Part 2: Systems AgBr . A22Br~ - Cg6 and AgBr 6 A12Br6 - C2H5Br- Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no.2: 85-1 162. (MIM 15:3) 1. Ukx-ainskaya akademiya. sel'skokhozyzystveiuVkh nauk (Systems (Chemistry)) (Dielectrics) (Electrolyte solutions) , GORDIBEYN., Y.O..--Ya ...... -- Reactions of lithium halides with acetic acid in acetona. Ukr. khim. shur. 28 no.6:673-674 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Ukrainakaya akademiya velIvkokhozyayvtvennykh nauk. (Lithi= halidee) (Acetic acid) GOIIENBEYN, -Tejf~~i,.SuKmi V.V. Complex fonuition in the system AlBr3 - (G H&;14 - C Ukr. khim. 4 W,%( 05"-1- zhur. 28 no.7:799-801 162. (KM 15:12) 1. Ukrainskaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk. (Complex compounds) (Systema(Ghemiptry)) GOPENBEYN, Ye YA - SIKHAN, V.V. Complex formation of aluminum bromide with acetone in nitroban2enS. Zhur.neorg.khim. 8 no.2:360-365 F 163. (YJRA 16:5) 1. Ukrainskaya akademlya sellskokhoxyaystvennykh nauk. (Aluminum bromide) (Acetone) GORENBEYN, Ye.Ya.; F%IINSKAYA, A.A. Complex formation and composition of the precipitates formed in the systemst MJ304 - K3Fe(CN)6- H20, KI - Hg(ND3)2 - H20v and AlBr3 - C5H5N - GO& Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.6:1473-1478 Je '63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. UkrainFkava. akademiya sellskokhozoartvannykh nauk. (systeme(Chemi (complex compounds) GORFABEYN, Ye.Ya.; SUKHAN, V.V. Interaotion of AlBr3 with (C4H91 0 and with C6H5NOZ'in n-dibuttyl ether and nitrobenzene as solvents. Ukr.khim.zhur. 29" no-1143-46 163. (MRA 16:5) 1. Ukrainskaya sallskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya. (Aluminum bromide) (Butyl ether) (Nitrobenzene) GOREMBEYN, Yo.Ya.; SUKHAN, V.V.; ABARBPRC"-;.'., .!..l" Interaction of SnBr4 with AaB--3 rmd Of StC13 with AlC13 in nitrobenzene as solvent. Ukr, khim. zhur. 29 no.8:797-805 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Ukrainokaya Bel'okokhozyaystvennaya akademiya. GORENBEYN, Ye.Ya.; FOMINSKAYA, A.A. Molecular compounds of lithium halides with acetic acid. Ukr. khim. zhur. 29 no.8:874-876 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Ukrainskays, sellskokhozyaystverinaya akademiya. GORENBEVIV. YeJa.; XAVETSKIY, N.S. MetbDd of detArmining the decomposition potential of fuved salts by means-of a glass membrane. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.1:174-176 A 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya sellskokbozyaystvannykh nauk UkzCSR. G ();?, ~ V 1,1 J'(, *f h - 0,', 'j, I T I I " I . 1. ) . . ; ;: - ; A.J.. . Reactions of lithium halides wit", waLor and diethyl ether in acetone. 2hur. neorg. Ichim. no.9:2153-2158 S 164. 17:11) GORLNBEIII,J~.Ya.; RUSIN, G.G. Solutions of LiBr. Al2Br6 in terahydrc)furan. "blir. neorg. khim. 9 no.10:2463-2468 0 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Ukrainskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya. Ye.Ya.; RUSIN, G.G. J;ffect of alkali metal cations cn the viscosity of, tol%eni~ and .L xylene solutions. Ukr. khim. zhur. 30 no.6s582-589 164. (KRA 18:5) 1. IDraAnskaya sell skokho7,yavstvc-npaya akademiya. L. Ukr. khAmb z h ur. t,, tic -.!n ir .--b t;: kh-l' D-) r; o Ukra- nskaya s e 1 sko' h - - - I'MCF-N-13EY11, Ye.Ya.; RUSIN, G.G. k, Reiqtion between the dielectric constant of the solvent- and the viscosity of electrolyte solu-,ions. Pprt 3: Systems lith- i-am halides - solvent (mixture of CH3COOH and (GH3)2'0)- Ukr. khhn. zhur. 31 no.3:282-286 165. (MIRA 111:0 GCFE`tI,,Y'N,__Tq * -q,"--l FOMdNS-KAYA, A.A. Reaction of aluminum bromide with nitromethnne in chlorobenzene as n solvent. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.6:553-5%, 165. (MIRA IS-,7) 1. Ukrainskaya seltakokhozyaystvennriya akademiya. y 4 L Of of anlurm, orl tile V-, "W ILI! ha f: z 39 no. 5,, 11- ;q9 8 1, Ukrainakay!i GORENEEYH, Yq.Ya. ; RUSIN, G.G. Complax foribation of AlBr and LiBr, Al 2Br6 uith - tatrahydrofuran . 10-no.'s,458- In banzeno od nitrobonzeh. Mir. neorg. khin 461 F 165. (MA, 18i11) 1. Ukrainakaya sallskokhozyaystvennays akademiya. Submitted Apr. 8. 1964. GORESBEYN, Yuja. [Harenbeinp IU.IA.); KAVETSINH, M~S. [Kavets1kyi, III.S.) - t'! I ~ -I . Deverrdning the der:omposition voltage of molten salts in graphite crucible blocks. Nauk. pratsi VASHN 17 no.12:167- 169 6o, (MIRA 16:7) (Electrolysis) (Fused salts) WRENBURIG lnzh.; FEYGIN. I.A., inzh. Reception of ultraabortwave radlobroadcanting stations. Trudy Sekt. radlofik. t VRS TJkr. NTORO no-3:5-9 1 56. (MIRA 12:1) (Radio, Shortwave-Receivers and reception) RIOUNSIMSYN, B.I.; BUDEL', L.S.; -GOREETURG, V. P. ; SOKOLOVA I Yo. A. - --------- - -- Modeling of liriuid-liquid extraction processes in pulse colmms. Trudy VNIImeftekhim no.5:148-195 162. OURA 15:7) (Extraction (Chemistry)) BRUNSHT-HYN, B.A.; GORETIBURG, V.P.; KLIM,'N'KO, V.L..: FUKS, Ye.3h.; TSYRKIN, Ye.P. Optimalizing the production of automobile gasoline in a petroleum refinery. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.12:3-7 163. (KRA 17:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut neftekhimicheskl-kh protsessov. KOSTA,L.; GORENG,P. Rapid radiochemical separation of cesium, abstract. Glas Ifem dr Z7 no.9/lOt494 .164 1. Josef Stefen, Nuclear Institute, Ljubljana. ACC h1k, ApBOD41456 SDURCE CODE: UR)fOC0481~63361~~J,30/001/0012/0016 AMM'.1; Jgr1atirbenko,V,A,; 4uz'min, Ye.V.; -ko LL. 11. oren ORG: Institute of physics of the Siberian Section of the Academy of Sciefi tea, SSSR (Institut fiziki Sibirskogo otdolenlya Akndemii noult SSSR) ;Z !1 14 415 TITLE: Wluerlye of dampi-Ag on the -magneto-elastic vibration spectrum of 11 th- magnetic film 4Transactions of the S-e-co-n-d-Mlv-Union SymDosium on- B_ -of __M ff__ Films he2d at IrkutsK 10 July _Lo 15 Ji SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlys.Seriya lizicheskays, v.30, no. 1, 1966, 12-16 TOPIC TAGS: ferr*magnet1c film, mngnetic thin film, m2gne'fodielectrics, magneto- striction, spin wave, resonamce line, relaxation process, AESTRACT: Two of the authors have previously calto ,.Mid the discrete spectrum of the characteristic vibrations of a thin magnetic film ~e`to exchange and magnetoelastic interactions (V.11.1gnatchonko anj Ye.M.Nuz' min, Zh. eksperim. i teor. f iz., 47, 16,14 1,1964)). in the present paper tbe widths and amplitudes of the corresponding lines are cal,culated. Terms are adduced to describe the relaxation of the spin and phonon systems,.and linearized equations are written for the magnetization and the elastic displacement under the influence of a high frequency external field in a thin uniaxi2l ferromagmetic diolectric film which is isotropic with regard to its elastic, and =2gaet otricti,ve properties. It is stated that this equation can be derived by the method 1/2 L ACC NRs APBOD4456 employed in the earlier paper. The dispersion equat. an Tor plane waves prop2gating perpendicular to the plane of the film is written. For right-hand polarized waves this.equation describeA slightly modified elastic waves; these solutions are not further discussed. For left-hand pol2rized waves the dispersion equztion describes nagnetoelastic vibrations, The roots of the dispersion equation coriTsponding to magnetoelastic vibrations are discussed at some length. The spectrLm is =Bde discrete by im;~oslmg the boundary conditions that the ellastic stresses vanish and the spins are pinned at the boundary, and CXPreSSiOnS are derived for the widths and amplitudes of the resontmee lines. Orig. art. has; 29 formulas and 2 figures. SUB DODE: 2D SUBM DATZ: 00 ORIG. aE.F*. ~002 OM REF: ODD USSR / Physical' Crem, Z istry Surface Phenomena, Adsorption, B -13 Chromatography, Ion Interchange. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Khim., No.i, 1958, No. 613. Author : P.K. Migall, T.V. Gorenko. Inst : Kishinev University. Title t Study of Dynamic Adsorption of Alcohols from Solutions. Orig Pub t Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-ta, 1957, 27, 111 - 118. Abstract : Adsorption of isobutyl M and isoamyl (II) alcohols from toluene solutions on active aluminum oxide was studied under static and dynamic conditions. The solution composi- tion was determined by the refractometrio method. The sta- tic sorbent activity for I reaches 5.8 . 10-4 and that for II reaches 6.3 . 10-4 mole per g. Shilov's equation is ap- plicable to the dynamic adsorption, as well as to the vapor adsorption; the filter work factor is inversely prODortio- Cardt 1/2 4 USSR / Physical Chemistry - Surface Phenomena, Adsorption, B-13 Chromatogrpahy, Ion Interchange. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Khim., No.1, 1958, No, 613. Abstract : nal to the initial solution concentration. GORICNKO. T.Y. Frontal analysis of alcohols, Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.: pishch. takh. no.4.-155-160 '59. (MINA 13:2) 1. Cbernovi~skiy gosudaretvannyy universitet. Kafedru fizichankoy khImii. (Chromatographic analysis) (Alcohol) GORENICO, T. V. , Cand. ClIer, Sci -- tior, of Filcohols by a i:,ethod of 1? pp with charts; (f,lj.r)istry of' tion Ukrainian SE-R, Ch~.,rrovtsy try); 200 copies; -price not given; (dis~-3) "Rescarch in-co dynamde adsorp- fror.,tal. C~ier~-;ol.?ts-, iliijier arid I'.ecci-ld,:ry i-Aluco- - 1 0., ~;_ - _L . ~ State Univ, Chair of' PhySical Cheii-iL- (KL, 27-60, 149) CIORENKO, T. V.; NAUMOVA, L. N. Fort-Ation of the curves of yield in elution analysis. Izv- vys.ucheb-zav.; pishch.takh-no. 2:14&152 164. (MIRA 17:5) 2. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, kafedra fiticheskoy Ithimii. 23866 Li AUTHOR: Gorenko, V. G. S/'128/61/000/004/003/003 A054/A133 TITLE: Defects arising during the centrifugal casting of non-ferrous alloys PERIODICALt Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 110. 4, 1961, 37 - 38 TEXT. In order to discover the causes of pit and blister formation in centrifugal castings the temperature distribution was studied in 3 zones of the ingot mold; 1) between the nearer end of the mold and the nearer end of the tract covered by the metal flow; 2) the ring on which the metal is poured; 3) between the rear end of this ring and the rear surface of the mold. It was found that the formation of pits and blisters depends on the crystallization temperature ran~;e. In pure metals and alloys with a short crystallization interval (binary brass alloys as DK 80-3.0 /LK 80-31/9 aluminum-bTonze, etc.) there are no pits and blisters, because these metals show a low density at the beginning of the crystallization and this promotes the removal of gases. In allo s, however, with a long crystallization inter- val (6P. 04 10 _1 /Br. 04 10-17, 6p. O~C 6-8-3 /Br. 0TsS 6-8-3/, Br. NsS Card 1/3 23866 S/128/61/000/004/0'03/003 Defects arising during the centrifugal ... A054/A133 5-5-5, Br. ONS 4-4-17) pits and blisters form profusely. Pits of small size are mainly found in the 11 and III zone, with a maximum depth of 1.5 - 2.0 mm. Medium sized pits are formed either on account of air trapped in the II and III zone or by the effect of moisture evaporation. This must be put down to the paint coating of the ingot mold which has not had time to dry fully. Large-sized and deep pits are usually found in the II and III zone when the metal is poured into a cold mold not yet rotating at full speed. Blisters as a rule have two distinct shapes and are due to two causes. Some of them form as a continuation of enlarged pits, in which the entrapped air is under high pressure, causing microfractures in the pit through which more air penetrates. Another type of blister is formed when some elements of the alloy have a lower rimming temperature than the temperature at which the metal is tapped from the furnace. When, however, the metal is poured into the mold at tapping temperature, pits are found in the centrifugal casting. Various pit and blister shapes and their evolution mechanism are shown in illustrations. To prevent the formation of pits and blisters, metals, in which such defects are likely to occur must be poured into molds pre-heated to a maximum of 1200C. When pouring alloys, in which high-melt- Card 2/3 23866 S/128/61/000/004/003/003 Defects 6,rising during the centrifugal ... A054/A133 ing oxide inclusions are formed (aluminum-bronze), the mold has to be heat- ed to a higher temperature. Small-sized pits can be prevented by eliminat- ing the burning-out of the ingot mold surface, by painting it carefully and drying the coating thoroughly. Flawless castings in hot molds can be ob- tained only by pouring the greatest possible amount of metal in one second, (for instance in case of 6p. 0(P 10-1 /Br. OF 10-1/ bronze: 22 - 28 kg/sec) and at a low temperature of the metal. Small, shallow pits can usually be removed by machining. Large pits and blisters can be brazed. In the Boll- shevik Plant (Kiyev), the total rejects of centrifugal casting amount to 1.8 - 2.3c/o, whereas rejects due to pits and blisters is 0.6 - 1.00/6', of which 0.2 - 0.% can still be corrected by gas brazing. There are 4 figures. Card 3/3 VASHChT.NKOs H.1.1 GMUKOO IV. G. i Exothermic mixture for the heating of riser heads on steel castinge. IAt. proizv, no.7-.2-5 J1 163. (MM 17-3) GORENKO, V.G., PRONITI, Yu.A.; HjURKTVICH, A.P. Determining the linear speed of metal pouring. Lit. proizv. no.8:34 Ag 163. (MIFA 16:10) GORENKO, V.G.; PRONIN, ILI.A. (Pronin, Yu.A.); WMEVICH, A.P. Determining linear speed of metal nouring. Ratsionalizat'siia 13 no. 12:18 163. GORENIKOVP M.P. Chisel attachment for cutting out mortise quarters in chair frames. Der.prom. U no.12:22-23 D 62. (MIRA 16-.1) (Chairs) (Woodworking machinery) GORENIKUY M.P. Bent chairs made from birch wood and soft hardwood species. Der. prom. 12 no.1:17-18 Ja 163. OURA 16:5) (Chairs) GCRENIKOV, KP. Apparatus for gluing the frame of a round extension table. Dar. prom. 12 no.3t2l-22 Mr 163. (KIRA 160) (Tables) (Carpentry-Toold) GOI?ENIKOV,.M.P. Technology of oki finishing at the Novovyatsk Woodworking Combine No. 1. Der. prom. 12 no.12:18-19 D 163. (MIRA 1-1:3) GOEMOV, P. -, Improve the training of voluntar7 firemen. vik.-elav.prom. 22 no.10-24 o 156. (K6U 9:12) 1. Nachallnik inspektaii Vnutrenney okhrany Yaroslavskogo tre- eta Roaglaymuki. (Fire extint*tion-Study and teaching) GCIRENKOV, P. ....Pm lam. Membrane-type breaker for stationary conveyers. Hak.-alev. prom. 23 no.3:25 Mr 157. (MIJU 10: 5) 1. Sbcberbakovsimya mellnites. No. 12. (Conveying macbiner7--Slactric driving) GORE!MDV, P. Pxpenolve and bad. Pozh.dolo 6 no&12:32 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) A 1. StarshiV Inspektor otdela okhrany Taroslavskogo oblastnogo upravleniya khleboproduktov. (Fire departments-Equipment and supplies) GOPWNKOV P,-. Fire prevention cOncerns everybody in an enterprise. lluk..-elev. prom. 27 no.6:26-27 Je, 161. (MlilA 14-6) 1. Starshiy inspektor Yamala7skogo oblastnogo upravleniya kh:Leboproduktov. (Grain mills) (Fire prevention) '. GORKNKM, Z.A. pttifi" .1 ,ijtobl-i M" Increasing productivity of the tomato section. Kona. i ov. prom. 13 no.11:8' N 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Naohallnik tomatnogo teekha Odeaskogo konservnogo kombinata. (Odessa Province--Tomatoes-Proservation) GORENSHTEYN, A. %6~_ - - - - ~. Semisu3pended front-end ZhSF-1,8 combined reaper and binder. Trakt. i sel'khozmash- 31 no.12:25-26 D 161. (14IRA 15:1) 1. Pribaltiyskaya mashinoispytatellnaya stantsiya. (Harvesting machinery) VARF.14TSOV, Vladimir Samenovich; GOM3HTNYN,'Azar Borisovich; PRSOBRAZHENSKI7, Valentin TlWlr~~na~ovich; CHURAWY, Nikolay Dmitriyevich-, KOIMSHKIN, V.I., redaktor; IPRIDKIR, A.M., tekhnicheakiy redAktor. [Milled peat] Frezernyi torf. Moskva, GoB.anerg.izd-vo. 1955. Z?2 p. (Peat) (mum 9:4) GORIU[SHTEYN, Aj~e.,starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik kx~VW'. .., r. ..I. ,Bunker-type pneumntic machine for the winning of milled pent. Torf.prom. 35 n0.2:30 158. ()(IRA 11:5) 1. VessoyustWy nnuchno-iseledovatellakiy institut torfyanoy promyshlonnosti. (Peat m&cbiuez7) GORMISHTRYN, AtB.,_, kand.tekbn.nauk IIPF-l pneumatic combine for winning milled peat. Torf.prom. 36 no.11 25-27 159. (MIRA 12:3) I. VnesoyusWy nalicbno-iBsIodovatellskiy institut torfyanoy proqrsh- leunosti. (Peat macbinery) N.D.; KOLOTUSHM', V.I., red.; L&ZAM,A.V.J, .dAs.0~--u=bW red.; LARI01OV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. [New machinery for the winning of milled peat] 14ovye mashiny dlia dobychi torfa frezernym sposobom. Moslnra, Gos onerg. izd-vo, 1961. 135 P. (Peat machinery) (1111A 15:3) GORENMEYN, A.B., kand. tekJin. nauk; KASHCHEN-KO, L.S. Efficiency of air separation from milled peat in cyclone- bunker separators. Trudy VNIITP no.18:17-24 161. (MIRA 17:1) -GORENSHTEYN, A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk Experience in the operation of pneumatic "BPF-2" peat winning and loading machine units~during the 1961 season. Torf.prom. 39 no.2:1-4 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. VaesoyuzW nauchno-issledovatellski"y institut torfyanoy promyshlennosti. (Peat machinery) G07TTSHMEYN, A. B.; C'USTYAKO", V. 1. OWirming of milled and sod peat." Report aubmitted for the 2nd InternatJonal Peat Congress, Leningrad, 15-22 Aiag 63. M:~-'TSHT-M!, Azar Borisovich, kand. tekhr. nLLJ.; 11,'.- %*'~'eksandr Petro, ich inzh.; MUDSKIY, Nikolay J.'ikolayevL- nzh.; i h, i CIMMIOV, Nikolay Dmitriyevich., inzli.; red. [Ilandbook for using the BPF pneumatic cutter-loaders~ 7u- kovodstvo po ekspluatatsit pnevimticheskikh korbainov BIT. [By] A.B.Gorenshtein i dr. Moakva, lzd-vu "Energiia," 1964. 183 P. (MIRA 17:8) V 1, GORINShTKYN, A.M., tnzh. KRN--ZK cult ivator-scarif ier. Trakt.i sel'khozmash. 30 no.10: n-i;-> 0 6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Pribaltiyakaya mashinoiapytatellnava stantsiya. (Gultivators) GOR'_E--IShTI,;YN, 'R. 9. . GORVISETEYN, P. V. "The use of the multi-stage reticular designs for the steel ho-osing of a cupola.11 LeninFrad Order of Lenin Inst of Railroad Tran~:znort Rnfjneers imeni Academician V. N. 01,raztsov. Leningrad, 1956. SO: Knizhnaya letopis No 21 1956. Moscow IYANOV, Nikolay Filippovich;.QMNS I., retsehgent; BYKHXUAL'D, A.V., kandidat okonomicheskikh nauk, dotoent, redijktor; TMKIN, A.Y., redaktor izdatellstva; POPOVA, S.H., tekhnicheekiy redektor [operational planning; planning machine inspection every ton days at machine building plant@ producing in lots] Operativnoe planiro- vents; podskednoo, wehluokomplektnoe plantrovante na mashinap- stroltellnykh savadakh seritnogo proizvodetva. Koakva, Goa. asuchno- takhn. isd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 105 P. (KLRA 10:3) (machinery industr3l' KOH=,, Fetr Petrovich; BIWERVICH, Hatallya Ivanovna; SATILI, B.A., profeesor, doktor tokhnicheakikh nauk; GCSBNSBrBTH, B.I., In2hener, reteensent; MITT, G.Ta., dotsent. redaktor; DOaOLTUBCVA,'I.Yu.. redaktor Izdatel'stva; KATVBYEVA, U.N., tekhnicheskly redaktor [Planning operations and production in machine building plants; opranization b7 work schedules) Operattyno-proizvodstvennoe plaziro- vents na mashinostroitallnom savode; organizatelia raboty po grafika. Pod red. I.A.Satelia. Moskva, 4o9. nauchno-tekha. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1956. 191 p. (VJBA 9:12) (2fficlency, Industrial) (Machinery industry) B.I., reteenzent; KUZEETSOV, ANDREYEV, Tevgoniy bmitriyevich;_AAW B.R,, reteenzent; TWIN, A.V., red.; SALTANSKIT, A.L., red,izd-va; UVAROVA, Aj., (Operational and production planning in machinery plants with piece and small-scale production; organization by work schedules] Operativno-proit,wodetvannoo planirovanis us mashinostroitelinon savods edinichnogo I nelkoseriinogo proisvodstva; rabota po, grafiku. Isd. 20, dope Koakva, Goo. nauchno-tekhnhizd-vo mashino- stroit. lit,-~ 76 1958. Z18 P. (KIU 12:2) (NmehineTy industry) -sKly ?'JiYLOVA, E-', A I ~-f)V A.?. 'KEYNI, im,,h- karid. ekon. nauk., .,-nzent. SCXHUSHY, A.R.P in'A. , red. -z, n c [1-,robjems on the organ izat ior, ajj~j industry enterprises-I Sbornik nirovaniiu ina9hinostroitc-dii-Vkh pr-Jiid-a,~_4.[Lyj G.A. Briamikii J. dr. v',oJtva., /06 p. kN11"A GORENSHTTRY-11, B.V., imthener. Gombined solution for pArabolic bins with low spans. Biul.stroi. te~di,13 no,10;18-19 0 '36v (KERA 10: 1) 1. Lonprometroyproyekt. (Bins) (Steel, Structural) r n-,-. r I-IIDLILI"' ' I , , U~ V, GO TSyH. 0;i-v' i0h'.; 'GORANSHTLEYN. B.V.. inzh.; PITLYUK, D.A., inzh.; W&OV, L.F., !Uhtweight wall and floor panels. Biul. terh. inform. 4 no.3-9-10 Hr 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Concrete blocks) (Liehtweight concrete) GUIENSHTEM, B.V..k-49nd. tekhn. nauk " . Calculating multilayer reinforced concrete construction elementsm Stroi. prom. 36 no. 7:34-37 Jl 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Precast concrete) CORRISHTMI, B.V. (LeninL7ad) Designing revolving shells with prestressed bearing rings. Stroi. mekhoi rasch.soor. 2 no.4:43-44 '60. WILL 13: 7) (Elastic plates and shells) PAIMOV, A.P., doktor tekhn. nauk; GORENSHTEYNI B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; VINOGRADOV, G.G., inzh.;79P!RIbOfTOU, L.Ye., inzh.; BERMUMN, A.G., inzh. Results of using cylindrical shells. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no.11:489-495 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Uningradskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (for Favlov). KUAGHKO, A.L., inzh.; ODIhOV, 'M.I., inzh.; GLUK110V~SKIY, K.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, inzh., red.; GVOZD---,V, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.j. GQRENSHTEYV, B.Y,,v kand. tekhn. naWc, red.; KOSTYUKOVSK!-T-,1n:-k-4nd. tekhn. nauk, red.; Y.HYLOV, N.A..doktor ,ekhn. nauk, red.; hTREh, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LEEVIESKIY, L.G., inzh., red.; LOBANOV, N.D., inzh., red.; MOROZOV, A.F., inzh., red.; ONIASHVILI, O.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; SAKIEWSKIY, K.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; FILDq., A.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; YEFD,'OV, A.D., inzh., nauchn. red. (Three-dimensiona' structural elements in the U.S.S.R.; materials of the All-Union Conference on Precast Reinforced Concrete Three-Dimensional Elements held in November 13-17, 1962 in Leningrad] Frostranstvennye kon- struktsii v SSSR; po materialam pervogo Vsesoiuznogo so- veshchaniia po sbornym zhelezobetonnym prostranstvennym konstruktsiiam, sostoiavshegosia 13-17 noiabria 1962 g. v Leningrade. Leningrad, Stroiizdat, 1964. 461 p. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo stroitellnoy indu- strii SSSR. Leningradskoye otdeleniye. LF,;1,1 I "OK]y , 1.1,' e,~ karid. tekhn. nauk; GIDI~!ISIITEY~~ , L4.V. IS tekh-n. rjauk; Vll,'GGftALEl(-;V, G,.G~. inzh. np.uc'.,in, rW-, [Reinforced concrete three-dimensionnI roofs for buildIniTs] Zbelezobetonriye prostranstvennye pakrytlia zdani,,, L,:.nin, grad, Stroilzdat, 1965, 473 P. (~ ~ I f"'A LQ j I ) G,DFSIIISH' ; EYI.1 B V - BEIQ-~UHZI: , A. G. ; D03IS14.17 S, '-'. L. , inzh. , red, L [Experimental construction of an industrial building with a cylindrical shell type of roof] Eksperimentall.- noe stroitel'stvo proizvodstvennogo zdaniia s pokry- tiem v vide tsilindricheskikh obolochek. ],.oskva, Stroiizdnt., 1964. 15 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Vachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela. tresta No.-'6 Glavzapstroya (fa- Bokmurzin). 2. Glavnyy konstruktor otdela. Gosudarstvannogo proyektnogo instituta I'Len- pro=troyproyekt" (for Gorenshteyn). GOnNSHUSYR, D.H. Protection of distilled water from impurities. Apt.delo 2 no.2:72 Xr-Ap 15:1. (MIU 6:5) (Water, Distilled) GOIRENSHTEY11, D.Ya. Seyliouv craniocerebral trrAj,-Z combiried WiTh -irl'uries of t'-Ia trunk and the extremities. alrudy . t,. j,,pj. Sklif. 8: 127-132 163. (.1,HPLA 18: 6) 1. instdtut Bkoroy pomoshcmi ';!oz3kva. I 0 - /66--- --- --I At.%. NK% AMI'MU SO'URCE CODE: - UR/0413/66/ ob/610 90/0091 INVENTOR: Gorenshteyn, 1. A. ORG: None TITLE: Pressure indicator with a frequency output signal. Class 42, No. 181848 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 10, 1966, 90-91 TOPIC TAGS: pressure measuring instrument, resonator, electronic equipment ABSTRACT: 17iia Aul;horln Certificate introduces a prcsoure indicator with a frequency output signal. The inBtrurnent contains a thin-walled pressure-BeriGitive cylindrical resonator which holds a system for excitation of oscillations. The overall size of the resonator is reduced by making the syntem for excitation of oscillations in the form of a rectilinear ferrite core located along the axis of the cylinder with a con- stant nagnetization -winding and an excitation winding connected in one of the arms pf a bridge circuit with input and output amplifiers connected in the diagonals. 1/2 UDC; 531;787.9;534.632 ACC NR& AP6017990 M CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 30mar65 1-tresonator 2-core 3--winding Card PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION s ov/6 2 82 Goren hte 1,_I. A., I. A. Shullman, and A. S. Safaryan Inertsial 'naya navigateiya (Inertial Navigation). Moscow, "Sovetskoye radio". i~62. 248 p. Errata slip inserted. 9000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): 0. 0. Fridlender, Professor; Ed.: I. M. Volkova; Tech. Ed.; V. V. Belyayeva. PURPOSE; This book is intended for designers and personnel in the air force, rocketry, and the navy. It can also be used by students in-academies and institutes specializing in navigation instrument building. COVERAGE: The book describes the construction, operating procedurep and adjustment of inertial navigation systems. The following elements of inertial systems are described: gyroscopes, acceler- ometers, moment-data and angle-data transmitters, and computers. The notate of the art" and prospects in the production of these Instruments are reviewed. There are no references. GMESTEYN' I. V. Fob 49 Electron Theory ?.%gnetlc Fields, Gases "The Kinetics of Diamapmetism In Free Electrons," I. V. Gorensteyn, Leningrad Polytech Inet, 4 pp 'Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XIK, No 2 investigates statically wistable magnetic move- mento induced by an alternating magnetic field In a free electronic gas Included vithin a potential barrier. Submitted 3 kig 48. -~2/49T83 YA 32/49T83 1,4 1 'in d7 r of tic', MT.,lct,.,lic~! Scienc-7) 77 So: EMMA" 312-1-55 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhuxmal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 1, p. 6 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gorenshteyn, I. V. TITLEt Capacitance Calculation of Symmetrical Lines (Raschet yemkostl simmetrich- nykh:liniy) PERIODICAL: Inform.-tekhn. abornik M-vo elektrotekhn. prom-sti SSSR, 1956, 4(88)0 PP. 3-4 ABSTRACT; An estimate is made of the error of approximate formnilas for the capacitance of a two-vire line J& 36 2 eL ;q. d, for various values of a/d. Card 1/1 AUTHOR: 386 Gorong; Candidate of Tecluiical Sciences , V.I., Engineer and Merzheyevskiy, A.I., Candidate of' Technical Sciences. TITI": Delay cables. (Kabeli zaderzhkd.) PERIODICAL: I'Vestnik Elektropr2ig -shlennosti" (Journal of the Electrical , IETU-sti-J) 1957, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 21 - 24 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In pulse radio technique artificial lines are being replaced' by delay cables. These are uniform co-axial cables with a spiral inteinal. conductor. They have a high inductance and a somewhat higher capacitance than normal cables. The construction of delay cables is described. The inner ivire is wound on an insulatinE, core usually of pol-yethylene. M.ien I,-nrfe delays are required a magnetic-dielectric core may be used. There are two main types of delay cable, those with th~ layer Lusulation and an external wire which does not form a closed circuit for annular currents and those with thick layer insulation and closed circuit external wire. The tij-n layer insulation is usually wound from one or two tapes of polyethylene, fluoro plastic or styroflex some hundredths or tenths of a millimetre thick. Thick layer insulation usually consists of a solid polyethylene applied by extrusion. The principal data on two types of cable manufactured in the U.S.S.R. are tabulatel The influence of cable design on the electrical charact ari sties is examined. MaGmetic dielectric cores are Tnai-ly used in connection zith colour television at Delay cables (Cont. 386 a frequency not greater than 5 - 6 Mc/s. Measurement procedure is described. Unlike a power cable a delay cable is usually an independent and not an auxiliary circuit element. Therefole, the procedure for measuring its characteristics is particularly important. Circuits are given for measurement of delay time, attenuation factor and wave resistance and for the measurement of damping. -L -n,) literature references. L~ f4gureS' GOM[SWPUYN, I.Y. Bilfect of nernena on the quality factor of long ona-layer coile. Radiotnklinika 14 no.2:70-74 P '59- (MIRA 12:1) (Induction coils) KURDMIOVA, T,11.3 GORENSHTEYN, L.I. 'I Interaption of haloanthraquinones with primary aromatic amines. Part 2. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7t2347-2349 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovateltskiy institut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasiteley. (Anthraquinones) (Amines) HURDYINOVA, T.N.; GORENSBTEYN, L.I. Rearrangement of 1-bromoaminoanthraquinonest Zhur. org, khim* 1 no.7:1325-1328 i'l 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy in5titut organicheskikh poluproduktov i krasitelay. 3 L 921 D20 XD3,05 1,:7 AUTHORS: Golubev, L.A., Gore,,jRht2vn, a.-.d PetrUkhin, 7~'.T. TIT3,2: A method of fast eXzact multi-plic,-.45ion oi, binary nunb(:= in a ditrital computer L> P-"RIODIV"AL: Priborostroyeniye, no. 3, 1962, 7 - 9 TEXT: The authors consider an exact multiz)-.1ication method-,' v;hiell obtains 2n-digit products with (n + I)-diCit adalers ana reJist The method is bas-ed on an adder with a r-inli-, carry and a multi-ol- cardre[.,ister with ,-, rinrr shift. Since in the process ofL' T.- u I t i i 0 Z tion the least significant di.r-it of the multiplier does not af-fect the consecutive sums of partial products, when the first sj-- o1' L tl, CL- ak ,)artial products is lormed, V e i gri t which wil -,ot '- e *oart ir. .C. L) the (2n, .A.urther coding will be the 2n-th di-it of the produc-. and I - k + 1)-th product digit in the forzirzine of the k-th sun.,, v.-here '- an inteCer between 1 and n. This least. siln'-nifi, cant digit is formec! C, at the ad~,er at the beginnin.r, of the addit-lon D-oocesc. As a-fesuitl n free digits are formed in the adder whic1a, are used in each mult- Card 1/2 S11 I - 62/CUC,/,--,,-,3/CC;G2/C09 D201 D,30~ A method of fast exact ... YO plicat-Jon cycle for receivine a carry for-ming a r:,,ore siLnif'Jcant aigit of -Lhe next sum of partial products. T.his ,::",kes it, possible to obtain an n- digit -U-'.--ou-. a-oT,roxi--ation or w'th lmduct w44 an approximation io the (n + -th digit of the product. There are 2 figures. card 2/2 GOLIUBEV, L.A.; GORENSHTEYN, L.M. :I I - -;z :I!; j-"!_ '- Method of accelerated division of binary numbers using a digital computer. Priborostroenia no.9slO-ll 3 163. OGRA 16:9) (Electronic digital computers) G(.)'TNSHTl',YN il-' -all n to central!zed factf~r7 MaW,79-elt- 17 n,:.6:.t? Je 5 7 (Factory management) JQ - e) ,'-r,O.RENSHTEYN, L.P. (LIv") Wages for assembly-lino work based on the output of the final operation. Shvein.prom. no.4-.18 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 14:3) - (Lvov-4lothing industry) (Piecework) 1. GORENSHTEYN, M. 1). , En~X- 2. USSR (600) 4. Serbinovskiy, G. V. 7. Remarks to TA. S. Iokhvidov's and G. V. Serbinovskiy's article "On schemes for urbem electric power networks in relation to multiple story building construction." Blektrichestvo No. 12, 1952 9. Monthly-List of Russian Accensions, Library of Congress, ~~h 1953, Undrkesified. GOROSUM, M.D.. inzhener; KaRANJAN, V.A., inzherier; GUEZZER, M.D., inzhener, Rules concerning electrotechnical installations. Blektrichestvo n0-8;73-76 Ag '53. (MLak 6:81' 1. Novosibirskenergo (for Gorenahteyn). 2. Uralelektromontazh (for Karammi). 1. UzbekskoTe otdelenlye Voesoyuznogo nauchnogo inzheneriio-tekhniche9kogo obshchestva energetilrov (for Gleyzer). (Electric engineering) GORINSHTBYII, H.D., inshener. %V11- !1; !~ ",::~.;' 1 ~ H.; I f. Damage to ateel parts of a large capacity transformer. Blek.sta. 24 no.ll:: 57-58 1; '53. OMRA 6:11) (Bleotrio traneformere-Rapairing) GOARNSHYM, N.D., Inshenor. , ~ - I -~!- -., T., -:,:::..,.~: -: - , 1 Damaged steel of a transformer. Bnergetik 2 no.6.-24-25 Je '54. (Blectric transformers-Repairing) (HLR& 7:7) GOREWHTYM M.P,.-; LUYJ.SHOV, B.S., kand.tekhn.nauk ---- Conference on half-wave tuned electric power transmiosion lines, Blektricheo'.vo no.8:85-88 Ag 161. (14IRA 14: 10) 1. Predsedatell Novosibirskogo pravleni7a Mauchno-tekhnicheakogo obebah6i3tva energeticheskoy promyshlenncati (for Gorenshteyn). (Electric power distribution) GORENSHTEYN, M.D..; ZUTMIS, L.Sh. Discussing I.T. Dashchenko and V.I. Marshevskii's article "Construction of low voltage electric networks in areas of individual housing construction." Prom.energ. 16 no.7:29-30 J1 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Novosibirskiy sovnarkhoz (for Gorenshteyn). 2. Ob1proyekt, g. Ternopol' (for Zimells). (Electric networks) (DaBhehemkoi, I.T.) (MVshevBkii, V.I.) GORENSHTEYNP M.D., inzh. 1, .1 Dacrease in the width of clearings for overhead power transmission lines. Blek. sta. 35 no.2:94-95 F 164. (MUU 17: 6)