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4 -4-C-C-N-R, AP~600 5~11 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Vasill'yuv,, B. V.; Gorelov., A. P. ORG: none TITLE: Large magnetization jumps in irradiated molybdenum permalloy SOURCE; Zhurnal ekBperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktsiyu. Prilozh,?niyep Y. 4, no. lo, 1966, 413-416 1 TOPIC VZS: permalloyp mol:fbdenum containing anoyp magnetizationo annealingo ir- radiBtlbn effectp crystal lattice defect) magnetic coercive forcep magnetic hyBteresil ABSTRACT: The autkiors report the results of an investigation of the influence of neut:ron irradiation on the magnetization curve of permallcrr with composition 79% Ni, 4% mo, and 17% Fe. The sample was a bundle of wires -20 mm long and 50 JA diameter eachp placee in a beryllium oxide capillary for protection against mechanical danage. 11he samples were annealed prior to irradiatic,,. The magnetization curves (hysterebin lwps) of the samples were obtained with a vibration magnetometer provided with a device for automatically compensating the signal. All measurements were made in quasistatic fields. The experiments have shown that !rradiation of samples with fast neutrons (integral fluxes from 5 x 101'5 to 1.5 x 103-5 neut/cm2) a. a temperature clom to 30C has little.effect on their magnetic properties. A noticeable effect is pro- duced onl~f by isoebronous annealing at 150 - 200C, the coercive force increasing by approximately 2-5 times- Besides increasing the coercive force., the isochronous an- nea,ling gives rise to steps on the hysteresis loops (jumps in magnetization). The NRt number and size of the steps depended on .~he beat treatment following the irradiation. he _'i. - crease at The fact that t -jumps. 1h --9nly high temperatures and that they are complete- ly annealed-out aubseque IT-M-T~e due to the production of complexes of point de- fecta by the irradiation. It is concluded from the sizes of the steps that individ'u- al volumes inside the sarnplep of size close to the volume of a whole domain (.10-5 =3), experience sudden reversal of magnetization, similar to Barkhausen jumps. 7F6__ authors thank Academician I#X. Moin for a discusi3ion and interest in the vork. Orig. sit. has: 2 figures. SUB COM. -.0/ am DATas 31Aua66/ oRiG REF: ooV oTH mw: oo4 ATD PRESS i. . . 07 2 VA, n1. laallc'hn. of frozen fsh proJiictl] Upakovk~, i. -.ovozhenoi ryu- lWi Iroduktsii; sbornik matcrialov. E.nluga., 1962. 23 P. 17:10) 1. iiiiiichnc-i,"s.-I(,dE)viii,oa'.,kiy inst~tlit tunr i upakovkl. .r lovkw-sul., X.O., kusnets; GORMV, B.S., molotoboyvto. . - ,"' lquipment J!or making hoisting buckets. [Suggested by X.O.1ovalevskil &W. B,S.Gorelov] Rats.i izobr.predlev stroi. no.14,6:26-27 156. MU 10: 2) 1. Voronezhakijr kirpichnyy zavod. (Hoisting machinery) USIM/Microbiology - Microorlphions ratho(.,enic to Humans and F-4 AniinEfLs P Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 43364 Author : Gjfelov) B,V. Inst : Title A Study of Spore Vi5bility in Imthrax Vaccine STI Upon Storage s OriG Pub Tr. Gos. nauchno-kontroln* in-t po vetpreparatam) 1956, 6, 2611-266. Abstract Ln STI vaccine prepared on glycerine, the number of viable spores does not change after 6-12 months stora6e, but after 2 years storage is decrcaGed by 17-29%.. The number of vlabIc spores in S-TI vaccine prepared on distilled water does not change after 6 months storage, but. after I year is decreased by 15-37~- Card 1/1 41; SOV/124-57-9-10131 Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 9, p 35 (USSR) AUTHOR- .-Gorelov. D. N. T IT LE: Wing Flutter in a Gas Flow (0 flattere kryla v potoke gaza) PERIODICAL: Vestn. Leningr. un-ta, 1957, Nr 1, pp 192-196, 212 ABSTRACT: The problem of the flutter of an infinite-span wing In a two- dimensional flow is studied. The method used is that described in a paper by N. Rott (Mekhanika. Sb. perev. i obz. in. period. lit. , 1952, Vol 3) with minor alterations. it is observed that for a speci- fied value :)f the phase lag between the flexure and the torsion of the wing the fulfillment of the inequality (29) in the above-mentioned work is a prerequisite for the absence of flexural-torsional flutter. The possibility of a purely torsional wing flutter is investigated and the condition under which sucli flutter may be obtained is indicated. Zh. K. Makhortykh Card 1/1 GCRBIA)V, D,.N. 11 An oscillating airfoil in a subsonic flaw [with summary in Engliahl Vest. IiGU 12 no.13:93-101 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Airfoils) GORELOV, D.N. (Novosibirsk) Three-dimensional subsonic unsteady gas flow about the row of blades of an axial-flow turbomachine. Iz,7. AN SSSR. Wkh. i mashinastr. no.6:36-44 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) GORELOV, D.11, (Novosibirsk).. lion Imstea4y three-diUllensiona-1 flou past the blade row of the axiiLL tarbo-machine". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress On Theoretical and Applied I.echanics, lbscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. - 5/0179/64/000/002/017i/oM ACCESSION NR: kPLo35o67 AUTI-',O,I:- '2orelo,;,,,,, D'._N, &(Novosibirsk T.riLE:* Oscillations of an elliptical cylinder in a viscous, incom-' prossible fluid SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izvestiya. Melchanika i mashinostroyeniye, no. 2,, 1964,, TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamics, viscositi, elliptical cylinder, oscillation fluid viscosity., viscosity effect., aerodynamic force ABSTRACT: The eaffect.of the -viscosity of a fluid on the aerodynamic forces acting on a body-oscillating in the fluid is considered. This article studies m,11 osoillations of an elliptical cylinder in a viscous# fluid for any harmonic law'goveraing the oscillations. This can include local defomations in the shape of the elliptical cylinder. The method of solving the problem is close to the method of Kanwal. It is shown that the affect of the viscosity of the fluid on the magnitude of the aerodyri~mic 1/2 Card ACUSSION NR: AP403067 forces depends substantially on the frequency of oscillation of the profile amplifies the effect of the viscosity of the fluid. ASSOCIATION: none rMMMED., 0214ar63 DAM ACQ :2afay64 FAICL: 00 SUB CODE: HE NO REF SOVt OOZ OTHFR: 005 64a; 6 p ESSIG,71 IAF50162 F "ACGE AUTHOR84 (Xi 1ITLE: r-aloulation 3~, il~m I ng in platea vlilmrz~tft a 'pidna: AV OUR GE -41N.-Is TOPIC 4nA'G,3 f Lms~444,; 41 J~od; j _Ur 0 0-mp JUST]RA (9 ij 'of -,an ii f i4J t tfi~ n i~, milci A~iln' th~ rIih Cdrpx-~*.t a (16 Elri iVT-:21Fr_S (k `:T/037 316 5/000/00 /002 5/003 2 L,, 7. mmmant:i ur,_-:rI a cascade o f 'I . treimn ot an incoiijprm~eibli: fivild [0kbazikfL._ -':no. -31 -196r, _25-32 tic f roe,,,. alo~adynaavic m-oment, aerafty.-i=4-c6, iaprabDible fluid around a c~-,~iovatlv ar-1-tce con-3ioting !;s3,ig11tly:=rved,--cro,fi1ps i9 stu6.ied. The blade 11L, 6mpli-hidets ftocorii 0 -6 certain harmonic -tusti iles. The meriz, uo Ons a, itIf"N LMA.W* 01, _-10QMpWt 19 nerodyn=10,ir, foress d aq Coor Y_ Be 0 pr~iA6; dix~ing, osolllation. _di_,_ates _x and y a R 1 n" th pj-"~ bf ~jj.!81 elptal to 3 mid y by the efvmtioas ad o"o . 9 we r Cos 1-4 Wt Gn: Al it VA-11 -'-I -4- q: at q cxiRohO, T' i a the thicjbies~i of the lat ti c ~N where- -:i~i the ~tj,[ b1 ttice, and 4m)k ~dj+41 tiI, 46 6dji.-6e~t~ blades~ alopg the axis of the la !an6p". potertial and 'bladi! v.- rb6tiOn :is a h ,c-Rord: ak, li~ q~a~tiorw,-~ or s ream ~chax combined in a ningdr-i! equation in rh4~ch the 08 ~.od 0, O.Od 16, i~t+ I ~iareldexittf iod. T)w fimotions sought obey tba 1,ipla c e ii I id d I 1:enuatio'li anVothe: r stti e clo iUons. Forde =d nior,,-~ni; sicpations aro developed and -whi ch cipe fW~ctioas 6r the :of uotioli of plateia -juation forms Tiera generated r-n cb4 e, ral! ~1"Atipnspf the ftnaA e,. ally amd 'i9vussed in order to .,a da.T.Lt, t" t oot of Strui:halls nux-ft)ru~ mr-d rhase h ~,-qnl tlhu~ a oL :4,aib~exiih e 20f Adjacenll bl no , Mo autborl acknox-ID"Is"a the ~Orlg. ar-~. hans. V,, f1guzoo anq 13 aquati.onv. aablia r, i '1J -4 -74~ ifi::J 7 j i!It q o" M: 2424 1 H A Arm-si,Aw jiRt A~50C~09 /0)179/6J,/WO/00i/0D3V003S AUTHOR C-orelov 1j. (No7onivArok, 0' bodle TITLE.-A -- MA of a spt-wii of. 0 in an ~dsWriuid SOURCE It All SSSR., lmskhanika: i -anshinastro,-InJ,", no, 5, 19647 311-38 TONC TAGS aerod~~Cs lWeal fluid, vortex, potentir"I flov. Fourier anaalyaiap electronic compute r PMTRA~T met'nodlv4s d6v41oped for computing tbo aa:rodynay-dc interference of . a sy4tb-pt OtC 11 bodl,7om 6qvirgi in ai~ ideal Mid in amch a manner that tho distancee I I ;- ;, '; i,, it . - -1 b~Uvms . thoji remin 1 66t ILLY Unobantedo Tt in asawned 1,hat. the flujl flov - 1~t tr rt CiOX around Isab i lboe g: no L~a rise ~6 ailing vo." wx 9hooto and Vist the lin th t carizq 3, eq tions" :j~l be i i ro s: potential band velocity along with the 1 16 midEmy conditibna, Por atudyJng 'the unsteady motion v' the! 11t, it ~,-Vbdh'WO fliatiwths:murface of the J-sth body axeOutee. a harmnAc vAionl~ vith an w4alw- h4quonay The, linoari2od D,,jwtiowj aro gJNvn by S)")+ 41 0 Y)', ti Emig-rAlow; :1:2424 wh-cire V .:4 I )t6ntial ana vploci~y al tho point kxj, yp zj on 't ur. Aw a , ' al aic . 'bod- j ia.tbo:potentiml for mboady la oi is ~the t mayw,za arm ~'Aol 'pa r po is the normal c=poneato of this 'a ady 3 7 0~,~ 4'jl; f ~v i~ the a4UWde of Aho =*Jml component of the, r e16 -3 .tty: ~or '0 W uat an Ij are ana:~72;,94 and the folloving ayater n 0 d * ' tidbe-~., a 4 6 OZ 4v -the-obaraoter-iW JLZI~Uca- b r MI. --7 t~ 1 It A Prom th me ~4ti~O t~ 0 iitn o:t the norodymmi-a 'I'literfaronea in camied >61rd 2Z - 7- -j- 24,14 ION i: tin unFeid-for-_ Lt, -be SO uti 6f4ii0h i , blorw A if pro eflul-twi-Of-a apeo ic cal6antim- r th : all roe of a biplane are presented, The author -G-- _h In vla- -lza on Fhd 1161i ar 4md, SUB MD8 OF i 4 A ii L 14 tW ~74 J A :0 .~TlTlzn-.- C ail -Are:" 'ot a, Gs! #ro 0 q TO ,J,nco ar- a hoi J1 ~;:'RSTRA e fl c f lUmpre-SPILble.: A'ei ligh 14~ a, profile a i~'a'l el~TA ~a I*V~amljli~u wi ollin -b~`qt;;46i th cc A4~ - I imomix 4:~ 'n~ d a R~l 14: 0 .,~6iieiilat: alld ba, ,moment" 1~9. i litter uned El. 130 I , .1; of, mcada~ar 'tho']. in 1:41A 'portray karld T li` -M, 2 ---- ------ - H 9 V! A ii lita tile thiclaiest -of -the w &S:'.) All A'. -tb ti d6ein Jb "eo: imlbng~- - ki- a-Yie-of-- the, lattice, b-A.'s:--th C. el. q. 187 a I'a lf~-b r& 6r. on's, r- a' trawn 1-~otekitlal and 'bLide vibrati ne, j, 0 ati obe, --the OW. 6m9; ,,a -0.U. AA I~m I he -.!s; ip -4n J: or 0--am& r t c, !eq"t m:=I ot d iomer. quations f~.xe din e1op Iii ani:xxio't th4!! I pf;*~fitoticai of pla-tes, geome- ric p rumn t era, and tAv id ~w * ~-truoha P, atiblio ~~f uie firml ectwLtion form", lifere Itellol'a uj:: digit e:'displaye graphir&~Ily and discussed in o:-dor -bh~ ornNtl-e~~--b A the effect -of Strucluil 1:3 n w Ob er sild pbase f tbo deo~wi a O't' ilt'l a! I er~' bf-40% at :bladmo Tho mi I;hora tnclmmo-ffl~)dip t ~"tlo II Of blyu 0 r* g Wr 'a 11113 1 :1 pres tin eq7'jrA nr nota I REF 30.1 i~ I MffRi M2 OD8 -2 -4. SOURCE CODE- UR/0373/65/VOO/005/0157/0159 iUI%O'R: )RG: none rITLE- On'the effect 'Pf flow boundaries.of an incompressible fluia on unsteady aerodynandt: propert,.tes'~,of avrofile 3OURCE: AN SSSR. L'Mistiyia. Melkhanika, no. 5, 1965, 157-159 MPIC TkGS: 4erodynaudca, aerodynamic force, aerodynamic moment, fluid flow, In- compressible flow A%TRACT:~- The effect of boundaries of an incompressible fluid flow en the unsteady aerodynamic properties O'r.a slender, slightly cambered profile subject to small-am- plitude hamonia oscillations is,determined in linear formulation. A specific case where one bounderj is a solid wall emd the other a free fluid surface in investigated on the basis of the tbeo7. ~of nets. Expressions for the aerodynamic force and moment exerted on the initial net profA,e are given in terms of aerodynamic coefficients of the boundsr~, effect. The result.,ci of calculations carried out on the basis of avail- able data are given in graphs and discussed. They show that the ef ffect of flor bound- aries becomes very strong at ~b/H , 5 (where b is the chord and His t1w distance between ~pofi t~i.'8t-ro"u-h'a'l'-'-n'-u-'m-'b-e-r*i-i~iie the'm=i- aum effect is'.6bserved in the Tlaw with free boundaries, particularly-at small k. art. has: 4 figures and 4 formulas.- Card V4 \N1 EWT('-! )/E,1.-;?(M) ACC NN A1106010843 SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66iG00/001/0069/0074 AVrHOR: Gorolov, D. N. (Novosibirsk) OM : none TITIX: On the oscillations of the lattice of profiles in near sonic gas flow SOURCE: Ali SSSR. Izvestiya. Makhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 1, 1966., 69-74 TOPIC TAGS; nerr sonla fimp profile flow, supersonic flow 1 19,93 P'Low - 09Aqo0VAj0qM(C_ orooeep- ABSTRACT: The problem of the 'dependence of the aerodynamic dropertiW of a set of pro- files on their thickness is considered in the case of.near sonic Yas "low. The profiled are assumed to be thin and to have small curvature. The gas flow in the vicin-..t)r of the forward section of the profile is supersonic potential flow. Nonlinear equations for the velocity potential we derAved and the general solution is obtained for the case An example of In-phase and out-of-phase cases of cs- of small amplitude oscillatLons. cillating lattice of profiles is investigated aiid the dimensionless coefficients ot aerodynamic foT4:es -are obtained and graphed. It is established that profile thicknesc -dies not have a great effect on aerodynamic forces in the case of a isingle profile. However, a set of profiles IDtoracting aerodynamically exerts a stm. ng effect on thesc. f6rces. Orig. wt.' has. 7 -eigures, 29 fot-lulas- SUB CODE: .20 ~S= DATE-~ 10kar64/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH RM oos taird If-I - "0 Go,.-,Dlov, D. N. (Novosibirsk) Au. nona T 1-2:2: A?I,-to grid in sup-~ r,~pnic.. uns toady ntato fl o w SOURCE": AN SSSR. L-.vostiya. Xoldianika z1vidk-sti i gaza, no. 4, 19056, 50-58 ,U,,c TJJGS: unsilea"-,V flow, suporsonic fID-w "~5-lc": -0 , -ats tho suDorsonic pot-~-ntinl flow of a gas plz;t a grid i,-,0 artic-1 .-rL ;1itfatly curvod profiles (platozi) vibratir- at snall amplitudes to a ic-Own Im., Wit:11 a constan -vis, botwoon the vforations of ac= t 1~1 j slij L, neir,'.-.boring Pro-Mos. Lat /i bo tho angle of ',:ho grid; 2c tho chord of the profilas; 1', tho dist-ance botwocin tho -arofilos salon- trio front of ti'le -rid. Ono profile is 'od as tho initial n 3.3-oc t U, . roAMG. Profiles locatod above Uno initial one are and those bolow tlho initial one by -1. F~rom -Uno ini. tial pi-ofilo, a syptorm of coordinatos -,q , is sot up with its origin at the point 7,10,~ ax's 1z; directed aUg'-Uno chord oZ tho profile, and th a N axis 1-po dicu'uir to it. An anulo-ous system of coordinates,L -r is sot up for ouch i pro.filo of the -rid Q lp 2&**)e Zio coordinates j and j are connectod Card L oq',,~6-_67 ACC NRz AT6030109 wil~:h and ~ by tho relationships jhsiii F,, 11 - j/1 Cos P ~The potential velocity of flow past I-lie grid 1) t), in the case of harmonic ,vi:brations olk the profiles with an angular velocity -V' satisfies the equation (AP - I I q)EE -- (p,, -I- 2ikr'12(pz - k2A-12(p = 0(1.2) (JI r = v / a. 1. = VC / 11) a is Vhe speed of sound in unperturbed flow and under corresponding boundary con L~- -C', U '1~~ons wh4 h expross ',,he conditions undor which tho gas does no' flow -Uhrough the --ofiles of the -rid, the absenco of turbulent flow outside the ~:ach cone, and the con ' ty o' -t:ho nrossuro in 'he transition through the vertical vake behind the r,.^ o f i I e . On t "a JL Sthoorotical basis, the article yrosont's the rosults of calculations o-, ~1_ J. V- U L L U c. i:oi-olynam-c 'orcos ani noraon~s actdn- on tho vfora-tin'i- Profilas in an ao,rodynamic ti;be wit1h. solid -walls and in afroo Jot. C~,ig. art. has; 46 formulas and SUB CC)D*-:,: 20/ SUBZ DATE: !OJan66/ oRiG w: oo2/ oui REF.- oo5 Co. (1 2 /2 OCILELOV I-Al, PecuLiaritie of primary debridemtn of the intestines in experimertal COMpDu-A in'uries 4 5 [with auzmary in Hnglish]. Vest.khIr. 79 no.8: 103-1W Ag '57- (MIRk 10:10) 1. b kafedzy obahchey kh'.rurgii No.2 (nach. - prof. H.S.Lisitayn) Voyenno-meditsimakoy ordene Lonina akademii im. S.R.Kirova. Adres avtorat Leningrad, Fontanka, d.106, klinike obahchey kbirurgii Ho$2. (INVISTIMS, wounds and injuries exper. gunshot wds., off. of x-rays 8- debridement on heeling) (BMIMTGSN RAYS. eff on exper. gunshot wds. of intoBtines in guinea pigs) 17(10,12,14) SOT"177-58-7-11/28 AUTHOR: Gorelov,-F.,-I...Major of the Medical Corps TITLE: Application of the Morphine-Ether Narcosis in Pri- mary Sul7gical Treatment of Bullet Wounds of the Abdominal Cavity in Various Stages of Acute Radia- tion Siokness PERIODICAL: Voyenno-,.meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 7, PP 53-55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the application of the mor- p1me-ether narcosis in treating bullet wounds of the abdominal cavity in acute radiation sickness. According to data of G.F. Nikolayev and V.I. Titov, collect~!d during V,W 11, 79,3% of the operations in cases of penetrating wounds of the abdomen were carried out under narcosis, thereof 75.4% were com- pleted i;.nder ether narcosis. V.I. Filatov stated that thE ether and ether-chlorolorm narcosis have Card 113 a negative effect on animals with combined injuries. SOV/177-58-7-11/28 Application of the Morphine-Ether Treatment of Bullet Wounds of the Stages of Acute Radiation Sickness Card 2/3 Narcosis in Primary Sur-ical Abdominal Cavity in V~Lrious B.Al. Khromov thinks the inhaling ether narcosis is applicable in the first and second period of acute forms of the radiation sickness. I.Ya. Tikhonin, I.S. Kaslya:iov, N.T. Vaganova and.L.I. Kute-pova con- cluded that the latent period is the most favorable one for operations under morphine-ether narcosis on the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and in combined injuries. A.N. Berkutov ase~ertained that serious operations in combined injuries are to be carried out under ether narcosi, The possibility of applying ether narcosis has been confirmed in pa- tients sufferin- from combined -iiijuries due to atom bombs in Japan Sers, 1953). The author studied the effect of the morphine-ether narcosis in the period of first rea,.,tion, in the allmax period and the re- covering period. The experim,~nts have shown that the primary treatment of bullet wounds of the abdomen may SOV/177-58-7-11/2-8 Application of' the Morphine-Ether Narcosis in Primary Surgical Treatment of Bullet Wounds of the Abdominal Cavity in Various 6tages of Acute Radiation Sickness be carried out under morphine-ether narcosis in various periods of acute radiation sickness. The most favorable results of the morphine-ether nar- cosis were obtained during the first reaction and the postoperative period. The application of the morphine-ether narcosis in wounded and surgically treated animals during the climax period of acute radiation sickness gave frequent complications due to disturbances of the "protective compensatory mechanisms of the highest sections of the central nervous system" (I.T. Kurtsin, 1957). There is 1 table. Card 3/3 PITYOV, N.V~- GORELOV, F.I..YAKUBOVSKIY, F.I. Surgical treatment. of the focal form of Jymphogranulomatosis of the luu;;rs &nd rkdi"Unum. Grud.khir. 5 no..1:87-92 J&-F'6). (141RA 16:7) 1. Iz kliaLki gospitallnoy khirurgii (Pachallnik-prof. I.S. Kolesnikuu) Voyenno-meditsinakoy ordena Lenim &kademii imeni Kirma, (CAMER) (ECDGKINIS DDSWE) (MEDIAST INUR-CANCE R) KOLESNIKOV, I.S., yrof.; GORELOV, F.I., kand. med. nauk Surgical treatment of chronic empyemas and bronchial fistulae following pneumonectomy. Vest. khir. 94 no.2:55-60 F 165. (MM 18:5) 1. 1z gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nac'. 11nik - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Len~na akademii imeni Kirova. (JORE'llovy F.I., kand. med. naul-, Displacement of the stomach and a part of the duodenum into the poul;erior mediastinum through the ecopliageal oriFlca in tP~v diaphragm. Vest. khir. no.10:118-120 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. "N gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nachallnik - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-medi.sinskoy ordena, Lenina akademii jinexi Kirova. Q - --. 49HRA140HENKO) M. Praotice In using ,roap wage systems* Sots.trud 8 no.307-78 Mr 163. (MlM 16 13) (Kramtorsk-Wageo-MAchinery industry workers) L Atantrif 2/V1 1960 1. n CODCU BOCIIIK; MUMIUMICKOR OPACIIII nCIT1111a A q.,~O CADO 3 a -ePTallJf)O ita Tem~ cAlareptiam no t axil-~Cmjf YUPODa ACIIIIIIi,-OA) JUCL A, VCHWO ~1.0.7 bu ViO.U ~O.IbuhfX A300fliqa 60,101010 xety Ka it aaenaclijaru- ni`PCVW~ ICULUXIS a ~IIGUCU"C= 07 COL70.9js.VA ObICIZIEZI WPO)wll I)VATCAMOCTIO. TepaT~elITWIO.JUlll Sfb~M aMPCTrellllOrO ClIa lla.XDAIITC'i 13 6onhwoft 3armamoc-Tit OT COCT01111115i DUMell IICPBIIOA ACHTC111,11OCT11 60.11,1114X. ilVIC1111C MPAIMIMC11TO3111AM CfIO,-,l Owhilms 313b")ITIOrl 60.1emwo )KCAYAKO 11 A13CIlWlll,-MlnCPCT110fl KiIIIJKli IIC IICK,'IIO'IaCT, a npeAnuarae-c npoxwAemie npausiTort cllmmw Ailmlepallml, a r1pil Ileoftoallmom It CPUCTD. Candidate of Ndic*l Sciences Dissertations approved by, the Higher Attestation Comission in ,larmary and February of 1961. TOIAP- arkh. no.6-.117-121 161 GORELOV G. A. Intomittent sleep therapy for patients vith peptic U-1cer. Voen.-med. shur. no.12:48-51 D 161. (MIRA 15:7) (FEPTIC ULCER) (SLEEP-THERAPEUTIC USE) C,ORE.LOV.,- G.A. Mqdification of the methodology of determining intestinal phosphase, Lab. delo 10 no.3':151-153 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Klinika, voyenno-polevoy terapil Voyenno-m--ditsinskoy ordena Le- nina akademii im. S.M.Kirova, Leningrad. VINKMAN, H.K.; GINTSINGER, A.B.; POSPELOV, A.G. J: POLETAYEVA, O.K.; FEDYAN ,YEGOROVA, L.I.; ROMANENKO, M.F.; I INA, Ye.S.; ASTASHKIN, V.A.; CHERHYSHEVA) S.V.; ROMANENKO, Ye.V.; ASKARINA, N.A.; BOYARINOV, A.S.; NADLER, Yu.S.; qORELOV,.G.F. Scheme of the stratigraphy of Lower Cambrian and the lower part of Middle Cambrian sediments in the Altui-Sayan fold area. Trudy SKIGGIMS no.2023-34 1612. (MIRA 16:10) I - III f I; 1111 if III -.1i I I ACCESSION NB-. AR4042225 S/0124164/00V'1006113042/13043 SOURCE: Bef. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 613259 AUTHOR: Gorelov, G. M.; Freydin, A. SO, TITLE: Certain results of experimental investigation of a diffusar with back- water of flow at the outlet CITED SOURCE: Tr. Kuyby*slievsk. aviats. In-t, vy*p. 15, ch. 2, 1963, 145- .150 TOPIC TAGS: diffuser, diffuser flow TRANSLATION! In a symmetric channel with sudden expansion (in a Borda mouth- piece) flow turned out to be asymmetric. Asymmetric vortexes formJng at channel walls have a varying magnitude, cause distortion of the axis flow and are not carried downstream. Hydrodynamic losses on the section from the inlet to full spreading iout, of the flow at a cortain distance from the section, where sudden expansion occura, are detercdned by the knawn Borda-Carnot ~,,)rmula. In diffu9ers with large anglee of expansion the axie of flow is also diatortadj, but the vortwme 6C,ard 1.112 F- :ACCESSION NR: AR4042225 aring at one or another vall are carried downstream. In Connection with this*, appe hydrodynamic losses in diffusers with large angles of expansion are greater than in channels with sudden expansion, rAnce on separation and on vortex formation there is expended additional energy. With placement in the channel on the section after the sudden expansion of a res.~stance in the f orm of a grid or bundle of .pipes, flow -a stabilized, the axis of flow and field of velocities are equalized. An analogous phenomenon is observed in diffusers. Experiments ehored that jhydrodynamic losses in channels with a sudden expansion and a resistancep determined;- !on the section from the inlet to the resistance, do not depend on the distance to 'the resistance. These losses turned out to be equal to losses in a Borda mouth- i lipiece. In a diffuser, after which there is established a resistance, losses at many angles of expansion of the channel do not exceed losses appcaring in channels with sudden expansion. SUB CODE: PR, 'ME ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 ott, Svo-dnvy tom. Abs. IOA251 i"'(1 Anyv transp _ydi :A M- n v at its exit- T M6 z ~So 6 e Initwital I lsts of m mi I cone with a reflux p r f.0 CMRM)-:,v,ouACE. Tr. Kid~byshevsjt. avintg. In-t, .;,,,-:- -.5, 2, 1.9G3. 51 - i 5 0 TJOPIII~VAGS~: DnHa rA.6luthplece. wideni-Ir tl~a,Mrc:t, v:~.dening d-Iffi.,sor, !Iow axis Ciis- ,-I tortion, turbulancd pattern, hydrodynan-vic loss, -DIX b--.rrier I L I.. T4X,`-I,ISK-A-.TTIOPI %e flv~'v! iin ali tLbiuptly wild~-t~nknlg syl- inie'-ric channe! Fjordo. mouflipiece.) p to-, to beap~ ii~etrh, f(~vni:~ng nc!a,- chl-nn(~! -Lry Irn y1m. 4iHpi t . - . . - - iiydro,- 2- itln d doribt- drM dvi-vnWald Wit lie ljovv. in.' kb -;imd the 0' COmpleto, (113ff,~Sio d Imlib lorseb n of the lat:~Jc from thn, poInt o~ expan.Jon, ix a determined go fitIOT.1 Me lca6w~ rda- ot xo Wa. Distortion of Ple 1-101-v :,l..,ds also occur- in diffU86~8 wl~iy. a (ap. of rmsion, but turbitileric(,S (,enaratirig at oric nr annother 1wiall !e~rgt d vi 14acPww. Conse-qurantly, thp hvdrody,,.,P-mi~ losses in dlffmsors- to im N11 MIR ....... iji7F. t1 A i ct� L/ sioN ~P. ! .: :~ i-. H V J i ce ! IditI6-qixI i ergy los"Inthe foTmatior, c)f j;u-r,b7,jj.,Djjces and fl ov; separation. The z tn f--( ieli flovi, s[z1bilizes aad the flom, a.,,ds and veloccitv "~nh~s 0 wber, mrasured bew,een lmrvLer and intake, aro o, u-e Ais~ancc- tlie "r-tses equalled those in a Borda 1 d ~) ~,,hj 7! -il ~x---re, no higher, st tii (JX,)an(,'Lllg cnannel. V. Snu,~ g~;I SIJP- CC)DE. PR, 314 E ENCI 00 can /ETC(m)-6 4W iL 27.S74-66 EWT (d)/I!WT (I )LEPF (nj-2 ACC NRs AT6DO3077, UR/3181/63/01DO/015/0127/0133 AU THOR; O-LI_OV_L RC7,nik v.Ye.,t Preyjin,_A,S, OR13: bev Aviation Institute, KuLtX~bev (Kuybysbevskiy aviatEionnyy instiA11W Xxtybys TITU: On thedesign of thermal characteristics of heat exchange agpEatus SOURCE.- Xuybyshov~p Aviatriionnyy institut. Trudy, no 15, pt.2, 1963. Doklady kust.Dvoy nauchno-telchnichestay konferertzsii po voprosam mekhaniki zhidkosti 1% gaza (Reports of the joint scientific-technical conference on problems of the mechanics of liquid and gas), 127-133 TOPIC TAGS: thermodynamics. heat caT-rierv beat transfer, beat exchanger ABSTRAM The withor observes that the introduction of a heat exchanger lato a sys- tem comprising several aggregates requires a design optimization involving the parame ter$ of both thermal carriers at the normal as well as at the intermediate rcgimel~. He presents a rational solution for this choice of design parameters, base& upon an app3:oximate expression for the mean logarithmic temperdture difference between therms exchange carriers, Q.,i 4? av = 8. [(X 1)/2 2W 1],/3 (1) which was found to give the best approximation to the analytic&-1y inconvinient pre- L, 27V4-66 ACC NRs AT16003077 cise relationship, described by a transcendental equation. In (1), 8S in the smallest difference of tempe,yatuAs between the themal carriers, Ol - the largent difference, and x. = el/es - the ratio parameter. Design formulas developed on the above basin are presented and illustrated in several heat transfer cases. The non-dimensional formulas d d eveloped permit a conparatively easy determination of the required thermal characte- ,.istlcs of heat exchangers. Orig. art. bast 5 figures, 17 formulas. 5UB CODEI 13020/ SUBM DATE; NC)ne/ ORIG R--.Fi 005/ Crill REPt 001 MIM NMI" L 14655-66 &YT(I)/EWP(m)/Eflr(m)/EI'IA(d)/FCZ-,(k)/E'~IA(l) JYD AGG NR: AT600-3079 SOME CODE: UR/.3:LBI/63,"ODO/015/0145/015o AUTHMS: Gore Frqoin,, A. S. ORG: Kuybyshev Aviation Institute (Kuybyshevqkiy aviatsionnyy institut); Joint of the hechani~p of Liquid arxi Gas. ,t VustQvaya -niU-cE0---56 ironferefitsi~apo voprosam E-MMMUFFJOTURUS-61 ,I TITISt Some results of an experimental investigation of a diffuser with a bac%- water a. flow exist SOURCEz XWbyahevil AviatsionW institut. Trudyj, no. 15,, pt. 2., 1963, Doklady kustcrvoy nauchno-tekhnichoBkoy konferentsii po voprosam me L.-haniki --hidkosti i gaza (Reports of the Joint scientific-technicall co a-erencs on problenLs of the mechanics of liquid gas), 145-150 TOPIC TAGSt incoVre.ssible flow., diffuser, uniforz flow., experimbntal methty! ARSTRZT: The hydraulle characteristics of a rectangular diffuser witb large wtpansion angles are investipted experimentally. The experiments were performed with and without the presence of a backwater in the expansion region vised for the .Card 1/2 L 1,4655-" ACO )IRt AT6003079 .2- a The ' r1ow is assumed to be incoTuress f orm flow air purpose * generating a uW (Mach no VO,,I) with a Repnolds niamber of OOD. It 5-1-irst' shown that 'without the 1~ackwater the downstream flow after the sudden 1800 expansion ici quite nonumiforn, The bydraulic lose coe:rfioient is given by SR 0 Vhere b is the width of the chmxmel inlet and B-the width of the outlet, In the presence of a backwiter In the forM Of a tube lattice this coefficient is found to remain independent of the backwater posit:Lon doin to a distance of 150 mm to the diffuser. This ip, not neoessarIly the case for sh;~llaw angle diffwers., and the following eVression is dtarived. to eWess the ratio of bj-draulic lose in the diffuser to that of a Bud don Mcpansion as a function of the diffuser angle g 2 to This result :Wen With hast 5 figures and 2 ap"S very experiments. Orige art. foratulme~ SUB GODUs 20j, 13 SUBM DAT81 rkone/ ORIG RU z 002 Carcl,2/2 STEPANOVp A.A.-~-GORRWV, G.V..9 red.; MARKOVA, S.M., red.; KAYDALOVA, M.D., tekhn. red. --:-- (Khabarovsk; short,guidel Khabarovsk; sputnik turista. Khabarovsk, Khabarovskoe kaizhxioe-izd-vo, 1960. 62 p. (MIRA .14:8) (Khabarmik-Ouidebooks) GORELOV) I, (g. Ussuriysk) Lxhibition of grocerieB. Sov.torg. 35 no.2:33 F 162. )5:1) (Ussuriyok-Grocery trade) GORELOV I Exhibitions of food concentrates. Sov. torg. 35 no.5:46 Yv 162. (KRA 15:5) 1, Zamestitell uprav4ayushchego Primcrskoy kontory Posbak-alei, g. Ussuriysk. 'Maritime Territory--Grocery trade) , li-a.nd, mvd, Q!~EKLOI, med, nauk TF,Tff:S'ii"IlTNKOi 1. - -1 1 . ~ Review tf nxmcgraph fundamentals of the prevention ajid therapy of dyshorm:n&-, Probl. and0k, i gorm. 10 no.6:117-1:19 N-D 164~ (WRA 18.7) w jiA a A j? W Q~r L_ ov. .41 9: e1 04 90 is U.. 1Y U a 11 a 7 a a a h v a S-4 it v 33 Id 30 v is -0 a 41 41 43 4d a it 40 1-1-M Utz a A- 1_1_JL_ k 9 A A- -1 :' -0..' t!vm Cheops la the mintral content of the blood untiet conditions of reduced atmosphetic treasure 1. 1. C-r- 1: KI m CKI 161 S Z? , - I (lo 1, lov. J. PhYSIA. (U. 8, . R.) 1q: 'f").-Prolongrd cxlxmrv (up to 24 fit%.) of rahlso% ot oil clogs to reduced T,.xr4n-s m(Trolicluding to allitildr. ,I 7WIL-141(h) tit. an of human subjects to Prr-utr% corrv- -oil in& t NXIII tit. Altitudes caused no ~psvcifk, chatilr tit 0 = N'4.K,Ca.Chwph,"phaIr. -000 ills to caused a marked im-tvase it, K. Ca wid plimphAte in thc C1 ate within ill, 114 wo lal I:i life. Atimw1%,.kplJ)Je of retiq jig III-decreaw ill witliout faillor itit" qc,,,oa Q, ... 4.'I oo alirrainat Ili i1w ,It The tr 1111 '11im"er of '.Ablsik~ 1, o"I owl"1-1 hi, its, Im"I is "f goo COMM CLA At Is it A, -,;-Is IW * a a 01 of tt of 11 Ilk 0 0 * 0 * 0 9 6 0 0 ~910160 1*9 '* a iloo* I V it at go see so* well C.-, ties 144.1 40-11. 31 sr io- ~i 0 0 0 0 0 0 GORMOV, I. I. '05+1 Method of performing the Wck te9t. Lab.delo no.1:31-32 Ja-F. 1 el 15, (HLRA 8:8) (LIVM AWTION TESTS, Wak test) GORELOV, I.I. Problems of clinical chemistry at tile Eighth International Cancer Research Congress. Vop, mod. khim. 9 no-5:547-549 S.-o 163. (MIRA 17:1) ACC 111R, Ap?ool342 AUTHOR: FTidkin,, SOURCE CODE: LWo,,06/66/oo4/on/W2~~04~4 V. M.; Gorelavp 1. M.; Grekav, A. A.; Lyakhavitskayal V. A.; Rod-Lin, ORG: Institute of C~rystallograpby,, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut kristallografii Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Phasc boundary in ferroelectric SbSI as the analog of an electric domain In a semiconductor SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreti#.-heskoy fitiki, Pis'm v redaktaiyu. Prilozheniye, v. 4j no. 11, 1966, 461-464 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor single crystalp antimony compoundp ferroelectricity, domain bov,idary, phaze boundary ABSTRACT; This is a continuation of earlier work (Dokl. AN SSSR v. :L69, no. 41 83D, 1966) where a new optic method of observing the phase transition in single-crystal SbS1 was reported. The methvd was ured in the present work to trace the motion of the phase boundaries in SbSI crystals grown from the gas phase in the form of needles (1 x 0.1 x T mm). The needle axis was the c axis of the crystal. The observation Vas nade in tranamiited 33.gbt through parallel pineacoid (10D) faces in a direction per- pendicular to the c axis. The tents showed that a constant electric field applied to the crystal causes the interphase boundary to move toward the cathode at a rate 10'3 cmloec. Under cattan wgwimeirtal'condit ions (in the presence of a temperature gra- 2 ACC NR3 AP7001342 dient in the absence of an external field), undamped oscillations of the interphase boundary were observed, accompanied by electric oscillations in the external circuit of the crystal. It is shown that the observed displacements are connected with motion of ferroelectric regions in the crystal, analogous to the motion of electric domains in a semiconductor. While this analo_vy does not fully determine the cor,~rete mechan- ism or the direction of motion of the interphase boundary, it does provide an axplana- tion for both the motion itself and its oscillations. It is a"c shown that the period of the oscillations agrees with the value that would follow from the Maxwell time constant for SbSI. Okigs art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 20/ a= BM: 096ep661 ORIG REF: OC4/ OTH PM: OC4 GORELOVp I.N. (Leningrad) Studies on the psychology of teaching foreing languages' by B.V. Beliaev. Reviewed by I.F. Gorelov. Vop.psikhol. 7 no-1:149-154, Ja-F 161. JMIRA 14:3) (Language and languages-Study and teaching) (Beliaevt B.V.) GORELOV, I. N. ?A 30/0760 H V*8R Oct 48 . j *11, 0! "i *'~ I Turbogenerators -,"Modificition ofa-Turbine Overspeed Trip Gear to T-vat- a Ornance Withwz Increasing the Revolutions to Nore t6n the N=Ml Number," 1. N. Gorelov, Engr, G. Rrikizchikov, Engr, P. T. Semenov, I p ;~!41ek O~oants" Vol X31, 'No 10 .*erspood tests of tui-bogenerators are dangerous oper- *ti~mb4' Describes how-Shatura. Power Station modified :.:,trip gear to enable Its efficiency to be tested at iacnwl turbine speed. Inbludes sketch. v)Acyr6o GALIPERIN, I.I.,kand.tekhn.nauk; GCREIOV.I.V..inzh.; PANFILOV, V.,P..,inzh.-, IIRIKAZCHIKDV, G.F.,inzh. Speed and acceleration control of a turbine unit. 1919k.sta.29 no-3'~13-19 Hr 158. (MIRA 11:5) (Governors (Machinery)) (Turbines)