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NAYDENOVJ A.A., inah.; GAMINHTUN, V.A., inzh.; LITVMMO,, V.,G., inzh. ~illm -00 1 Increasing the proftation of col4-bent shapes for the mnu- facture of agricultuftl machinery. Net. i gorrorud. prom no.1:3841 -Ta-F 162. (MIRA 16M 1. Zavod "Uporosbatal", Sheet-wtil work) tricultural machinery) -,AMS"-flTEYl-N,1 V,A, , --inzil... Increasing the corro5lon-resist-qnce of be it -i-Anappeq. gornorud. prom. no.2-76 Mr-Ap 162. (Metalwork)) (Protective c~mtllngs) (Rolling I-let. i OMIM 15,'11) GAMERSHT.&Y11, V.A.; TILIK, V.T. Adoption and the industrial production of coiled tinned steel sheet having a thickneso of 0.20 =a. Meto i gornorud. prom. no,4:74-76 ji-Ag 62. (MMA 15:9) 1. Zaporozhskiy staleplavilinyy z&*M. (Roning (Metilwork)) (Timing) 1:1 11 1 JT?~4 All V 1 - I t, I inzh.; LITVINFIJKO, V.G., inzh.; Prinimali uchastiye: FILOTIOV, V.A., inzh.; KSENDZUK, P.A., inzh.; SAMOYLO11'I.D., irizh.; VERBITSKIY, A.I.,, inzh.; YASOIKOV., D.I., inzh.; LEYCHENKOO M.A., kand. teklm. nauk; CHAMIN, LK., tekhnik; TOKARI, P.K., inzh.; ZAY7SEV, P.P., inzh. Ma4tAring the production of cold-rolled sheets, Met, i gormorud. prom. no.6:72-74 N-D 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Zavod "Zaporozhstall" (for Gamershteyn Litvinenko,, Filonovo Ksendzuk, Samoylov, Verbitskiy, YashnikoZ 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut chernoy metallurgii im. Bardina (for leychenko, Chamin, Tokar', Zaytsev). " i [I. qI I w I.,; - N I P., .2 - , - ~ , : i ~ I I I ! , 1; 1 ~ . ! I I I ~.' , - " NAYDENOV, A.A.; GAMERSHTEYN, V.A., inzh. , _"' - Expanding the production of cold-bent rolled ahapoa. Metallurg 8 no..lLs25--27 N '63o (MIRA 16:12) KSENZUK, F.A., inzh.; KRUDAS, A.L., inzh.; TROSHCHENKOV, N.A., inzh.; -_qQ ~,SM~YNV~A ,_inzh.; AKIMOV, E.P., lnzki.; IOFFE, M.M., inzh,; VEKLICH, M.I:, inzh.; ANTIFENKO, V.G., inzh.; TILIK, V.T., inzh.; FILONOV, V.A , inzh. [deceased]; BORISENKO, V.G., inzh. At the "Zaporoahatal'O plant. Stall 23 no.6t554, 562, 572, 575 Je 163. (MIRA 16-10) GAMERSHTEYN, V.A.; AKIWV, E.P. - . - -1 --------- :- Methods for determination of tho strengthening of cold bent profiles. Zav.lab. 29 no.5:610 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Zavod "Zaporozhstall". (Hardness) NAYDENOV, AA.~ GAIERSH,TEYN, V-I.A.; Kkl,UL.L-KIY, V.B. ... - -, Modernization of the roll stand of a bar-banding machine. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.3t66-67 Fq-Je 164. (MMA 17flO) NAYDENOV, V.Aj SHAPOVAL.. 7.1% i4tstf~Hng the productioti of cold-bent corrugated sectiors of 1.8 min. thick. VIM. i gorriortid. pr:)Tn. no.4-79 JI-Ag '164. (MIRA 18-7) 11 . .1 . ;I" , ~L- , -'. 1 - . - ~,L% X ;... Introducijig tho tochnology for ro-11i;q, cornq,.'It.~id sections of low-alloyed steel. Kul. tekh.-eko-ri. iiifori-a. Cozq. nauch.- issl. inst. nauch. i tekh. inform. 17 no.4:3-4 Ap 164. (M rrU i I7,6NJ TRISHEVSKIZ, I.-S.; GA!,ERSHTEYN, V.A.; SKOKOV, F.r.; AKUMOV, E.P. Dep6zidence of metal hardening on the conditions of shaping and the width of the Initial ingot. Sbor.trud. UNIIM no.11:208-215 165a (MIRA 18311) GAM&TSKIY, A.F. Theory of covering an ro.-dimensional Euclidean space with Identical spheres- Dokl, AN SSSR 146 w-5-.991-994 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Matematicheakiy institut im, V.A.Steklova AN SSSR* Predstavleno akademikom 1. M Vinogradovym. (Lattice theory) GAWTSKIY, A.F. Optimality of Voronoils main lattice of the first type among the first-type lattices of an arbitrary number of dimensions. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.3s482-484 J1 163. (NIRA 16:9) 1. Matematicheskiy institut im. V.A.Steklova AN SSSR. Predstavleno, akademikom, I.M.Vinogradovym. (Lattice theory) KAitCHAGINA, Ye.A.; STALIZTS, N.M.; SHITEYDI,.I,, F.A.; GA~L;Y-M, Z.S.- KRIVKO, A.N.; KOTEIAKO, K.I.; AGNAILVA, Effectiveness 9f the compound treatment of chronic dystrophic polyarthritis in miners at Sochi-Matsesta Health Resort at various seasons of the year. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. 24 no.6:503---506 N-D '.%q. (I~LIIIA 15: 1) 1. Iz sanatoriya imeni S. Ordzhonididze v Sochi (dir. D.A.Bershadakiy) nauchn rukovoditel Prof. M.M.ShIlchov). FAIITIUUTIS) ('MINERS-DISEASES AND HYGLNE) GAMXZO,.,,ff-T,.. polkovaik; GOVORU0111, A.M., inzhener-polkovalk; DUKAGREV, M. podpolkovnik, red.; SCROKIN, Y.Y.. [Officer's manual on military topography] Sprevochnik ofitsera pa voennoi topografii. Moskva, Voen.12d-vo 9-va obor. SSSR, 1957. 277 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Military topography) .pAnZQ,. M,,,Y.,,po1kovnik zapasa,- GOVORUKHIN, A.M., inzh.- polkovnik; DUKACHEV, M.P., red.; KALACHEV, S.G., tekhn. red. (Officer's handbook on military topography] Spravochnik ofitsera po, voennoi topogr!3fii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Voenizdrt, 1963. 291 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Military topography) KUMITASHVILI, M. Z.; RAZDOLISKIY, S. M.; GAMGE -BEU, V. K.;-MIMA, A. Z. Maltilayer nom n fabrics. Izv. vyft ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekvt. prm. no.4:73-75 162. - (MIU 15110) 1. Nnuabno-issledovatoollehy inatitut taketilluoy proWshr lonnooti Grusinakoy SSR. (Sonwaven fabrics) q L :(gg CLOd tL PGATGDGJ 4dTaOGrjuBjj) -GvU9a9JGa Suvieeng L qO9zD t- 4u'laqOOM 9 Isean9id ae *(Xg*o qjvd 2uT*qOauuOO 'OlLeo SOTIB -WOUV I'M-CIT,453-UTJ ljWp-Z'Q Ga~1!40nlqs viamaTdoeTonu S-4nd-eo aq-410jo o0u-e'qO I dLq ),*I] "GInquultaT 0'6'E! "Olaosoave uT ceSuvqo %0-e ) punoj Gvm 1902o4vuiaadr, poOuinjo fc[Ti3o-poloilidaota jo ,v,,5'CL JO 92JVa9A13 UV SqTlTqJGJ 4OB411T R4Tm GTTnq u1 (ov,~5,0 qjud 2uxqoouuoo 9%LeL 9auqoTtjqg L-tusuld -O~TOnu umlllO�-eTJ Oq4 UT ~GTTMdOuv l9jnq,ULutuT %Log 6qnduo OT41 u-E 191HOeoi-Du UT S90UPTIO q,~~~LL ) PUnOj G.IG14 'dOZOq'CTa.1Gd(3 P02UVLIO AT-ITdOTl'3o'[oqdaO((l JO 0/9*t~' JO G2'G.IGAB U-0 f,4TTT4aGJ pea-ci3d -taT WIM OTTnq uI PG-EJTPOta Ll-eumms 140TT211R GtaOTAq njv q o-ej4 sqv 907 Lell dd 199 Tnf SL 01.1 ' L L 4A4TTTqjod 4ov4uj puv peaTud -ml qqTm slIng jo vozo4mijodo jo vauvqO TVOT2Ojoqdjokj jo kpllqslj *91OTGON '(GYOuu-1'aQGuI f0lumil-B OTSOTONOUkO 'VA401uPoi0a VaPo4vm l'sQTn>J-6'q -0-*~jcj-Ou-.1'10!jGA 'a',M) GjnqTnoTaSV jo OSOTIOD 'AlnOvd XJVuTaG -40A 4uOT4'3uTwOGuj -[-eTaTJT4aV We S2o'rOO9u-kf) jo xreqD -!-,Z .. 47,Dffff-) AOIJ IseanuTJ E L tjoazo UujavOunH a "qsTTOa I;OUTpUTj :),tjToedg -uOjj %909C u1 OPBUI Ojem -pQuTt"m--0 GOIdtavr' O'A'4 JO ,,vTvUs4p sjjOooooqda-vlt9 '%9-2 reo eq-0 E;Tioqn *S PUIJ 013. -E c/9-CL sguegoiZd snooovo S'euOUlOpnGga '%'O'~c TTOV -U-15nao UT 9vTqDvjvUv snoOOooqd9jqs :)IlTta 'dOJJ -~qdvqS fueldtavu JO Xq cuuOl ;UTMO TOJ Oqq UoTqVUTWUYO poqvTOsT OJOPI dTjqs aedBd oTou.C-tlqotaojq eqT, -CO., O'&-r53 '~Ou E; 9 OP *4 1; 04 0 4 -cqlnsad olquT .GdTjas aadud aTum41440mOaq puv '4001 9sDPTG04TtU'l I 4vout eqq ST (IDID) 4GO I-10-noi 'OAT41cuos _q S'OE OT44 ~q po uma qsTlsug 91JOq4 ny/ qova4sqV VTUJOJTIUD Otil :Z-PDTJTPOUI Lamu 09C-C~~ dd 199 Unf '9 OX IFLL TOA 13TsOuVvTG uT gpoqqq~j kjoqvjoqurl PUB gIrsOl 14-00 JO jo 08f, quq t14TIA Gouojjadxa TV0140vadn P, OTO'GOW."eTC T 'e3lsa'au -qgA~- f . ~ '-', Kvf) SSE, N.*cl )IID earna-c-no-ra'-1, JO f*C! ilis . L''F )-I 1~1 GAIM-ZADE, G.A., Cand Toch -ci -- (diss) "Study of the relation Zt the catalytic properties of alumosilicate catalyaors -Imo- timir y= poroas structiire." Balmy Pub House of the Acad 6ci AzSSR, 1959 20 pp (Acad 3ci AzSSR. Inst of Petrochc-Acal Processes) 1~0 copies M, 3b-59, 115) - 42 GAMIWV, A.A. SibmItaneous approximation of functions and their directional derivatives in n-dimensional Euclidean space. I%v. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. i tekh. nauk no,4:13-19 163. (MIRA 16M) d ACC M& AW)025IA9 SOU AUTHOR: Tbraa&2M 1. 1.; Garddov, A. A. W"G g nono MM4 I-11-Aad apprwdjutions of the ftr&Aam- bV ream of integni functions 'Ohis Pqmr was renco on the Thoom of the Functions of Comle "J /j in opposito ang) SOURCS: AN AzorbSSR, ImmstUa, seriy& rjsjko...te)d=jGheq)dj& I Mtenstich9skikh nauk, no* 5, 1963g 13-22 TOPIC TAGS: complex number, Integral function. approximation, mgthematic conference, pol,y(pnomotry, mathemstic space ABSTRACT: The regions of the opposite angles are designated and defined as are the set of functions, the beat mixed approxiration of the set of functions, and the mixed continuity modulus of the sot of functions. The relationship between the approxima- tion-and modulus is established in the form of an Inequality. Direct approxination theorem are proved for the sot of functions by means of integr--l functions in term of the metrice of the angle spaces. Orig. art. hast 30 formulas- fJMS1 35,884-7 SUB CODE: 22, 05 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 005 / OTH REFs 001 Card GIV,HDOV, A.A. Approx-Irmtion of functinris by Int,(;gral fun(-Lianv in a complex domain. Izv. AN Azerb.3',R.Ser.fiz.-tekh. i mat. nauk n0,4;3-10 164. (MIRA 18:3) IBI:i~~TM(',V, Mixed ap;:rl).d-%qUlcno Of fL.n('*, lcns angles 't'j3r MOLMS Of 166 no.1123-25 Ja 166o ma F,~, -(I ~LIY 1. T lis t i tu ~, ma ter-al ti-ki N Aza 1965. GAMIDDY, R.S., kandqgeol.min.nauk Mineralogy of the Agdarinskoye deposit. Trudr Azerb. ind. inst. no.18:123-134 157. (Ordubad District--Mineralogy) (MIRA 1l,-7) GAMIDOV, R.S. Oxidation zones in certain Ordubad sulfide depoflits. Trudy Azerb. ind. inst. no.19:43-47 f57. (VIRA Ilr9) (Ordubad district--Sulfides) r T ~To av3 r i GAMIDOV, R.S.. -- --------- - --- -_ -. Mineralogy of the Kovurmadar deposit. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geol.- geog. nauk no-5117-23 159 (MIRA 13:3) (Kovurmadar region (Nalchichevan A.S.S.R.)--Mineraiogy) GAHIDOV, R.S.; I-MEDOV, Kh.S. Structure of vivianite and its derivatives. Azerbkh:im.zhur. 40.42121-125 ,6o. (14IRA i4:8) (Vivianite) i.. GA)aDOV,, R.&; FLOSDOV, Kh.S. Grystalline structure of biphanyl other of ethylene glycol. Azerb.khim.zhur, no,5tl25-131 161. (MIRA 150) (Sthylarge glycol) (Ifthers) (Grystallography) GAMIDOV, R.S.; GOLOVACHhY, V.P.; MAIIEDOV, Kh.S.; aELOV, N.V... akademik Crystalline structure of hopeite Zng fl)04 12- q2O Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.,2:381-384 My 1 3. ~MIRA 16:5) (Hopeite) PEKH'ril'EV, K.M.; GAMIDOV, R.S.; IIjV-FDOV, Kh.S.; BFLOV, N.V., akademik Crystalline structure of the Bi-molybdate B1211400413. Doki. AN SSSR 162 no.3:563-564 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut khimii AN AzerbSSR. Invc,AigatinL; tho hout c~.,.uc-ty of tolu:)-lo ~.t ---onr, ncai, a bourdv-~--w CVI-Ve JrCjji~,jj~ a critical region. Dold. hn Azerlb. SSi?. 16 no. 12:1161-1164 'C-C. (A:ML', 14:2) 1. Ka~adr- gosud4rutuvennooo ni. ..,,*.-.i,id,.c,~,:. im.3.111.1drova. Preclotavleno alcademillcom M' Az,~;rSoi-l Kh.I.Ar-Irkhanov'Im. (5~oluiznt~) (Ileat calwctiy) GiU-*IIDOV KULIYEV, A.M., akademik, red.; GUSEYNOV, red.; iEMA--~ r,YAZILI,'OV,, R.A., red. (IU G.Mamadaliev, 1905-1961; a bibliography] W.G.Mamedaliev 1905 - 1961; bibliografila. Baku, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Azerbald- zhanskoi SSR, 1965. 87 P. (VIRA IS,12) 1. Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy S)SR, bakii. FLmdaventalInnyu biblioteka, DALINSI M.A..; STREBRYAKOV, B-R,;,LOBKINA,.V-V'; C-AK QVA'4;E-40 Mechanism underlying the reactions taking p~aca in the p~bmftw,-~ I-- - oxidizing amonolyBis of propylene, Azcrb.k~imahur. no.409-102''. 163. (MIRA 17:2) ABDURAGIMOVA, L.A.; Prinimala uchaatiye:G/IWDOVA, A.M. Effect of Na salts of fatty acids on the viscosity of altimately broken down clay gWpension 8tructures. Koll.zhur. 25 no.6:633-638 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut khimii AN AzerbSSR, Baku. KTL r,aL.iuv, P. s. ; GjV,LIDZiM -G.A~;- MIL I MAIN, V. 14. .- P Industrial production of "Azolate-A.!' Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 3 no.12:121-123 160. (MIRA 14:10) (Benzenesulfonic acid) B/081/62/000/004/064/087 B150/B138 AUTHORS: Gamid-ZadeL G Shullgina, Ye. M. TITLEt Optimum conditions for the catalytic cracking of keroeine and gas oil fractions of petroleums of the Kyurovdag and Siazan deposits PERIODIGALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 4, 1962, 475, abstract 0119 (Novosti neft. I gaz. tekhn. Neftepererabotka i nefte- khimiya, no. 4, 1961, 3-5) TEXT: Kerosine and gas oil fractions of petroleums of the Kyurovdag and Siazan'deposits, with an evaporation of 92~ up to 3500C, were subjected to catalytic cracking in a laboratory plant over an alumo-silicate ball 0 catalyzer at temperatures of 440, 450 and 460 C, with a vollimetrio speed of~ 0.7-0.8 hrs It was found that the optimum crack.L -ng conditions for the 0 indicated fractions of Siazan petroleum are a temperature of 440 C with !-Card- 1/2 ------ sloB-lV621000100410641087 Optimum conditions for the B150/B138 ... 1 volumetric speed 0-7-0.8 hrs- With these conditions the resultant yield of gasoline with octane number 77.8 is 30%, and 6.6~ gau, in vehich number propane-propylene is 1.61% and isobutane 2.05~. The optimum cracking conditions of a similae fraction of Kyurovdag petroleum are - temperature 0 460 C and volumetric speed also 0.7-0-8. The yield of gasoline with octane number 77.6 is in this case 30%P and of gas 10o4%, in this number propane- DroD-vlene is 2.68~6 and isobutane 2.7559. TAbotracter's notes Complete; Card 2/2 4C, 40198. 8/08 62/000/013/045/054 B156XB101 AUTHORS: Mamedov, K. A.,.Gamid-Zade, G. A.f Miltman, V. M. TITLE: Alkylation of toluene with the propane-propylene fraction of catalytic cracking gas PERIODICAL: Refetativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 13, 1962, 534, abstract 13M216 (Novosti neft. i gaz. tekhn. Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no. 10, 1961P 7-10) TEXT: Experiments on the alkylation,of coal-tar toluene, using the propane-propylenii-fraction of catalytic cracking gas in the precence of dehydrated AM 3 as catalyett were,carried out at atmolapheric pressure in a laboratory apparatus in order to detqrmine the ideal yield of the alkylate produced, and its anti-detonation properties. It'was established that the ideal conditions for formation of the required 120-1800C fraction are; temperature 750C9 toluene: propylene; A101 3 molecular ratio 1:0-5:0.035, contact period 0.64 min. Under these conditions,the yield of the fraction was: 206-3 % with respect to propylene# 10604 % with respect Card 1/2 5/08 62/000/01,"/045/054 Alkylation of toluene with the... B I 56YBI 01 to reacted toluene. The actane number of the 120-ISOOC fracl-on was 99.8, and with 3-3 g of istraethyl lead it was 105.2. 'The fraction obtained can be used as a high-octane component of Easoline, alOd 48 a raw material for petrochemical synthesis. [Abst~acterls note: Complato translation.] Card 2/2 GAMID-ZADEI, G.A.;. YEFIMVA, S.A. Selecting an optimm structure of aluminosilicate catalysts for cracking the crude of different bydrocarbon composition. Sbor. trud.Az NII NP no-4:69-80 159. (MIRA 15:5) (Cracking process) (Alwainosilicates) GAMIMADE, G.A. inareasing the resource3 of raw stocks for cittalytin cracking IV utMlzing industrInI wastes. Sbor. naueh.-tekh, inform. Azerb. inst. naunh.-tekh. Inrorm. Ser. Nefteper. I ~chim. prom. no.2&26-30 162. (141RA 18:9) zj/081/62/000/();?3/079/120 B144/P186 AUTHOR: uamid-Zade, G. A. TITLE: Production of the high-octane component of vehicle-motor gasoline PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.' Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 588, abstract 23M151 (Novosti neft. i gaz. tpkhn, Neftepererabotka i neftekhimiya, no, 5, 1962, 3 - 8) TEXT: Laboratory and industrial investigations were carried out to verify the possibility of obtaining the high-octane component of vehicle-motor gasoline from the waote-producto of the alkylation process by cracking thp polymer residue (polyalkyl benzenes). To reduce coke formation the polymer residue was cracked in a mixture with low-octane ligroin and kerosene obtained by thermal cracking, over pulverized or bead aluminum silicate catalyst. For comparison, the physico-chemical properties of gasoline obtained by catalytic cracking from different crudes are indicated together with the operating conditions and the material balance of the process. It was found that the cracking of a polymer residue mixed with ligroin Card 1/2 SIOB11621000102310791120 Production of the high-octane... B144/B186 in the ratio 1:1 using a pulverized aluminum silicate catalyst yields 49 - 51~'.' gasoline (octane number 78), 16 - 17~ gas (containing 8-5j~-* of the propane-propylene and 4.21;- of the butane-butylene fractions in relation ts the crude), and 4 - 4.61/a coke. 6 C, Under optimum conditions (temperature 4 0 weight flow rate 0.7 hr- 1) and with a bead aluminum'silica-be catalystq the yield from the same crude can reach 59;o' gasoline (octane number 78), 19;~ gas containing 66~~ of the propane-propylene fraction and 4.21,4 of the butane- butylene fraction (in relation to the crude), and 5-0 coke. The operating conditions of a typical catalytic-cracking plant are maintained in full for processing the crude mentioned. [Abstracter's note: Complete trans- lation.! Card 212 11 -1 :!,I I - I * . .11 GAI,IID-ZkDE, G.A. Catalytic cracking of heavy motor alkylate. 11fifteper. i neftekhim. no. 11:11-13 163. (iMIRA 17-5) 1. Bakinskiy universitet. GAt4TD-ZAD,S, G.A. Polymers as raw materials for catalytic cracking, Nefteper. I, tie.tLeKnIaLauu.-)-~, . .. ~ I ~. j 1. Azzerbaydz1hanskiy gosudtirstvEmnyy universitet imeni Ki-rova. GAMIESHK Data on ths iurdy6datm? in infants. Report Vo.12Aerobic microflora of the intestines in children not contracting dysentery. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immm. 40 no,ltl47-151163. (KMA 16:10) 1. 1z Chitinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. SO V/1 37-59- 11-~06 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mutallurgiya, 059, Nr 1, j) 3i (USSR) AUTHORS: Belash, F. N., Gamilov, M. A. TITLE: Flotation of Magnetite and Hematite From Olenegorsk Ferl-OLIS Quartzites (Flotatsiya rriagnetita i gernalita iz Olenegorskikh zhelezistykii kvartsitov) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Obogashcheniye polezn. iskopayei-nykii. Nr I. Moscow, Metalturgizdat , 1958, pp 8 1 -112 ABSTRACT: G ravitational-concent ration tailings contain up to L 1- 14% Fe - By means of flotation, a concentrate containing 62% Fe may be obtained while the Fe content in the tailings maV be reduced to 4-5%. The extraction of the Fe at the plant may be increased to 85-91% by means of flotation of Fe minerals contained in jigging tailings al)d ill the overflow of the dewatering classifiers. Basic flotation is carried out in a neutral medium, whereas the purification of the froth prod- ucts is conducted in a weakly acidic mediLITY1. The following flotation reagents are employed- SodiLIM oleate or distilled tallol in quantities of 150-200 g/ton; 100 g/ton of H2S04 are used for purposes of addi- Card . !2 tional refining. Under shop conditions the process of basic flotation I Cl I -; FlotaLion of lLvia:,;icLiLi2 a!-,~,iiatiL I" ro- requires 6 minutes, that of control flotation -1 IllinUtCS. Four -,;ta,,.s, --aC-i of a dtiration of three minutes, are employed in the refininu of concentrato. Nt Card 2/2 - !l: ~ :: 11" ; . .: i -;, '-;~"! -." 11 IIT; ~j 0 1 11 ] w 1 1 ! 1 1 1 :V '; ! f! 11 ~ v BELASH, FA, prof., doktor tekh-a. nauk; GilMILOV, M.A. Flotation of perovskite in weak-ly a,211.dic media. Sbor. nauch. trud. KGRI no.131l56-i68 162. (MIRA 16:8) (Perovskits) (Flotation) CI 14) f i)V; " K IV ... ..... . .... Improving the quality pd.,tbO -,ofAron KrIvoy Rog ore dri-essing com Thes. f7*.V.VY8,IICVWb.ZiLV~; gor.zhur. 8 no.11;49,-!.9 165. (Mt-RA 19fl) gornoruninyy Rekomendcr~ann hafedroy ekonorrilki. Subm.itted Ma7z!h '3, 1965. GAMILOVSKIY, L., inatruktor-aviamodelist 1-g9 klassa g. Klvpecla. Trainiug in "rating guideline controlled plans models. Xryl.rod, 4 ne.7: 15 JI 153. (HLR& 6:7) (Airplanes--Models) GAMILOVSKIY, L.,-instruktor-aviamodelist (g.Leninsk-KuznetskJ_y) Airplane mcdel "Kuzbas3." Kryl.rod. 13 no,2:25 F 162. (14 IRA 15, . 1) (Airplanes--Models) GAMIROVI- V.I.,, inzh.; MUTIKEOVSKIY, V.G., inzh.; !1Yd-1AM)V, S.I., karld. -Cekhn.nauki SOKOLOV.. P.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; TA111,114SKIYY I.V., kand.-tekhn.nauk Use of aluminum alloys in the construction of freight cars. Zhel. dor.transp. 45 no.10:47 0 163. (MIRA 16M) GAMIROV, V.I., inzh. Effect of the side roll of gondola cars on the strength of the pin connected joint. Vast. TSNII 1APS 24 no.2:35-38 165. OGRA 18:5) GAMIY, V.A.; ZINIKOVSKIY, YU.F. Cathode follower with small output resistance. ftadiotekhnikA 20 no.10950-51 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Daystvitellrkyye chleny Nauchno-takhnicheakogo obahchostva radiotekhniki i slektrosvyazi. MAF U AZ"HV* ;,.' , T.; I: F A~~ I, i ..-, Goa of el6r,.r~-j -.'-n c-1-1, irtg nnril!nt~ri-- fxVvi'llonse Trud 'vlj(-b. tami-tr. AN Uc,., (MIA 170.3 .1 - . .GAMIITASI[VILI. L.G.; KANDELAKI, N.P.; MARUASHVILI, T.I.; ORMA.SHVILI,, 6._G~~,Jk_M_RATiSHVILI, G.L.; XVAVILASHVILI, A.M. Solution of some problems-by new methods, using electric models with d.c. amplifiers. Trudy Vych.tsentra AN Gruz.SSR 2019-334 162. (MM 16s1) (Electromechanical analogies) (Electronic calculating machines) EAUKHCHISVILI, H.S.; GAKKULIDZX. Al., redaktor; DZILAPARINN, N.. takhaicheskLy redaktor --- - " -i' [SUmbo's "Geograpby"; informstion about Georgia] Geogrefiis St-rabona; evedaniia o Gruzii. [Tbilisi] Izd-vo Akad.cauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 1957. 301 P. [Parallel texts In Georgian *ad Greek] (KLRA 10:7) (Georgia) (Strabo ca 63 B.C. - ca 24 A.D.) r7 C) N8 Cf*RIN& BANARANT8 -810 &"3-o~'42 -J'J' -6,1' 8U. j.%.42 b u do.. 195o. L.A.3c- 6.3-A-30-,46 5-4'a" A- 281 b3., ,q 6.035- ~-J- W-C-6 4U6 ,..Lo. 1951, 2.6. 0. 2, 6..o 2- 1936. r-P ... A- A.... I H.c. r 1 M. B-A-P- nerms- K&zSAbC M- P-A-0- S.A.- .-- 3.-A.4 rPj~ 3ag, 1951. 2,6. S- - 2. 2. 193& 887. jA.4-3. V.ko.e 6.1- UW 1937. 6.6 A.I. ~C-6.4, &-q.3~0.4 Lv.~4 089. j3la4c-ia V-3.. &..O~ ?*- r-f-C14 1571. 11 .6 00. IOMA4 ba~" bD.,t-VOA. -C. (-jF. 114, 0. 29. 1946). bob-Zt-A. 8-64. V jAA S,.. fj. 1-2. L..Njo. 3w, 20.6. 1954.6.V. 1 (2), 299 &1., 33 UA,. 64. 2 ap.c .... M . . . . A C 300-493. 13 j.. 63e, e. C0160- -P~A-Ill I.- T.-M. 1955, 3.6. -p- ...... a Ky. KtP-~---Alo. A...A r.or 1871. 11 -- (Tp- Try. 6. 2g. roeooi. r~.-"c- rPodwe dm~ 3946). ---- P- KTP~ WMAY r~p. 1CMd- 1 2 3sm. 1440, 20-6. ,- . 1954. , 3*%. 1956, 3.6. 1 70 ---------- DLmrm%lm rer 4"m 4C A cmausu Osalegi-L mom- Def at Tbilis-i -StaLe u. GAMKRELIDZZ, A.I. A specific feature of Vakidzhvari pegmt1te velnn. Soob. All Grus. SSR 20 no-1151-55 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:6) l.Goriyokly pedagogicheskiy institut im. W. Baratashvili. Predstavleno akademikon G.S. Dcoteenidse. (Vakidzhvari-Pegmtitev) GAMMIDZE, A.I. .Wluence of Vakidzhavar pegmatite veins on surro=ling rocks. Trudy Tbil,,GU 72:229~-,233 159, (M3RA 15:5) (Georgia-Pegmatite) GAITMUDZE, E.P. Folda in volcanic lavaB of the northeastern alopn of the Xechut Range. Soob.AI4 Grus.SSR 223 no-5:541-546 W 159. (MIRL 12: 11) 1. Akademiya nauk Gru""inukoy SSR. GeologichosIdy institut, Tbilisi. (Kochut Range--Lava) GAMKRELIDZE. I.P Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy in the northern wing of the Rachim- Lechkhumi syncline. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 28 no.2:187-194 F '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. AN GruzSSR, Geologicheskiy institut, Ibilisi. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Dzhanelidze. (Rachim Range--Geblopy, Stratigraphic) (Lechkhumi Range--Geology, Stratigraphic) GAMKRELIDZE. L.V. Soil formation on the red erosion surface [with sumnary in Inglish] Foahvovedenie no.5,.-48-53 Hy 157. (KLRA :10:9) 1. Inetitut vinogradarstva I vinodellya Akadenii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR. (Soil formation) GAMKFLIMIDZE, -N.G. Carbohydrate metabolism in patients vith thyrootoxicosis as related to treatment vith radioactive iodine. Soob.AN Gruz.SSR 23 no*5:619-626 N '59. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Thillsekty gosudaretvennyy maditains)dy institut. Predstavleno akademikDm K.D.*istTV1. CARDMEnWATZ KMBOLISM) (TMOID GLUCD--DISBASES) GAnRFLIDZE, N.G. (Tbilisi - Moscow) Local limit theorem for lattice di6tributior of v;,ndom variables, Teor. veroiat. I ee prim. 9 no.4033-736 164. (MIRA 1T~121` 1. 45446-66 EWT(1) ACC NR, AP6021955 IJP(c) GG souRcE conr--: UR/0052/66/011/001/0129/0140 AUTHOR: Pamkrelid,ze, N. G. (Tblisi, Moscow) ORG: Institute of Mathematics im. V. A. Steklov, Academy of Sciences,SSSR (Matematicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Speed of convergence in the local limit theorem for lattice distributions 13 SOURCE: Teoriya veroyatnostey i yeye prinieneniya, v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 129-140 TOPIC TAGS: convergence, random variable, lattice distribution ABSTRACT:'The article deals with the speed of convergence in the local limit theorem for 1~ttice dis t.-ribut ions. Numerical calculations are carried out for an example of random variables taking on values of 3, 0, and 7 with a 1/3 probability each. The results show that the behavior of the probabilities Pn(k) is much less regular than one might have expected. Their smoothing, which should follow the local limit theorem, occurs when n is very large. An estimate is given of the number of summands necessary for achieving the prescribed accuracy of the normal approximat, 1/2 L 10,0-66 ACC NRt AP6021955 tion Pn(k). The gl~thor thanks Yuriy Vasil' yevich Prokhorov for supervising the study. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and143 formulas. [Based on author' s abstra,,+' NT SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: 12Nov65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 001/ 2/2 G4MgMML P. _ D ,S. GAHUUUJME, F. D. - "On the stratigraptq of the lower Paleogenic deposits of the Afthar-Trialet fold-formation system,* A commemorative coUection of transactions dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Inatitute, (Gruz. po3itekhn. in-t im. Kirova, No 17), Tbilisi, 1948, P. 316-28. (In- Georgian, resume in Russian),- Bibliog; 14 items SO: U-5240, 17, Dec.,53. (Imtopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1949)o GAMIMMAW DZHAMIDZI, A.I., redaIrtor; TODUA, A.R., tekhniche- E. J6,ZQ6* skiy redaktor. [Geological structure of the Adihar-Trialet fold system) Geologichs- skoe stroente Adzharotrialetskol skladchatol sistemy. Tiflis, Iod-vo Akademii nauk Gruzinskot SSR, 1949. 508 P. (Akademiia nauk Gruzin- skol SSR, Institut geologli i mineralogli. Nonografti, no.2) (MLIA 9:7) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen AN GSM (for Dzhanelidxe) (Trialet Bange--Yolde (Geology) (Adshar-Imerettan Range--Yolds (Geology) (Caucasus--Geology, Stratigraphic) I v " !", I t : . - i . F !! ;! t - ;-T-14"TH :J111". -'-1 11 1 ! I I I . I I I I . I ;'. - : , I I i 1. GMATYMID72K. P. D. 2. ITSSR (600) 4. Kvaysa Region - Geology, Structural 7. New 4sta on the tectonics of Kirsysa Dic-trict. Soob AN Gm,z SSF N". ? 1950 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _. A-pril .1953, Uncl. .,: " "~ -,-4--- ~ ,. .- . XAGHAROVA, I.V., otyetstvennyy redaktor; GAKKRELPZE, P.D.. redaktor sw*pm%wft.~ [Collection of papers] Sborntir trudov. Tbilist, 1951. 495 P. (KUU 10:9) 1. Akademlya nauk Gruinakoy M. Tiflis. Institut Seologil mineralegil (Georgia-Geolaff) 1 15-57-3-3796 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 188 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gamkrelidze, P. D. TITLE: New Data on the Geological Structure of the A *khalkalaki Upland and the Soathern Slope of the Trialetskiy Range (Novyye dannyye o geologicheskom stroyenli Akhalkalak- skogo nagorlya i yuzhnogo sklona Trialetskogo khrebta) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. politekhn. in-tao 1954, Nr 32, pp 17-28 ABSTRACT: The author presents a stratigraphic section of the southern slope of the Trialetskiy Range. It contains the following series.. 1) A Middle und Upper Cretaceous voloanic series at leust 300 m thick, which is predomi- nantly amygdaloidal tuff-braccia, with layers of lime- stone in the upper part. 2) An Upper Cretaceous car- bonste aeries approximately 150 m thick, containing limantonan; thin-bedded argillaceous limestones, and Card 1/3 marls. It exhibits rapid chunges in facles, the lower lb-57-3-Z796 NOW D04 Pn bhO 0901991P41 4tMQture Of thO MhLilkhlalci (Cont') 1IMPOWnPA glvlng Wr4y 0 volognto formlitions. lQ006PAMUS balls, burgenpia F4 AN KAPW TP chitracteriptio at' th14" limmotanos. gg a And NQPenq flypqh, 90 tq UO m tMek, whicti con- gigtg Qf 990011,019 R14dAtPneq,'q4nPt-A p4ndaWnpol and rarp oon- P-1QM~Pgt~q, 4) A th1qk A@ 4~11PQ UV M14010 -99PenQ vQ1oEm1c; PQQkP, V911ing Intp three 4nit-P P0, 500, And 0000 m thlgk, The lpwqr* Ivnit-10 t4fvAqqP49j thP Middle 19 4 t4fr,,-brQQP1A; And t4~ 4PPqr 4nit 19 Age-Ili t4fV4qqQqPj UndAtPlipp At the bAge or Wip ont-Ir-P ~n~-P .69lit4p NUMM41itu 0 1. 41 tPPM44 RIE)b4lU� TA P~q4 -YM., __Aceo4a And Pa deVMV P glid jig 41pt4np ni~f 67 a, ~-P the 4PP015 NO All the 00V6 14erieP 4rP QVerl4in With 4119414P opppvqrmtt~ ~,y vgrla4p continental volo4nia fomitionglo4mong walph tO folIpwtne Are 414tinsuiaheds 4) tha lower ?I 04no X1901bi jerleol b) the 4pper Pilooone Tsslko-Akh41ka1ak1 Perlopi P1 the tApper, Fltqaene ands In artlylower Quaternary 441-134maArokispi-sorleal and d) the Ku4mik beaultic flow . The K144tibi moriame in tto lower parts oonaisto of dolerItemp bap4ltms and the pyroolaotic eq4ivalento of theme; in the upper part it IP 4ndepite and andeatte-dacite, Ovorlying the4e vol- Card 2/5 -New Data on the Geological Structure of' the Akhalkalaki (Cont. canics there occur lacustrine conglomerates, sandstones, and clays, alternating with layers of dolerites, busalts, and ande- sites, which lie unconformably on the lavas of the Kisatibi series. These rocks are called the Tsalka series, and they contain teeth of Elephas (Archidiscodon) 2lanifrons Fale and Caut. and teeth OTT_ guus stenonis Coechi (Akchagyl). The Akhal- kalaki series is composed chiefly of dolerites and basalts, which form the Akhalkalaki plateau. To the north of the plateau, basalt flows are crumpled into folds oriented in an approxi- mately easterly direction. Stratigraphic ally the lavas of the Akhalkslaki series correspond to the deposits of the Tsalka series. The author has therefore combined them into one, the Tsalka-Akhalkalaki series. Younger upper Pliocene deposits are andesite-dacite lavas and tuff-breccias of the Abul-Samsarsk4a series, which occur in the Kechutskiy and Abul-Samsarskiy Ranges. Finally, flows of doleritic lava occur in the Kura Valley, overlying alluvium on the 100 meter terrace of the Kura River. Card 3/3 D. P. T. . I i GPI(R-JUM LE, , Profe5sor, SHIKEELIBE=-, E. "On the Tectonic Structure of Azerbaydzhan and Georgia." Report presented'at the Interdepartmental Conference on the Problems of the Metallogeny of the Caucasus, Tbilisi 8-13 may 1957. swn 1582 - I - -.- - - --- --- - 1 .1 11, BOGDANOV, A.A.; GAMKMIDZZ,.P.D.; GORSKIT, I.I.; ZARIDZE, G.M.; KRASHENINNIKOV. G.F.; NURATOV, M.V.; RADKEVICH, Te.A.; SOBOIJCV, V.S.; UIAIN, V.Te.; SHATALOV, Te.T. Visiting Czechoslovakian geologists. Vest.Mosk.ux.Ser.biol., pochv., geol., geog. 12 ne.2:3-27 157. (MIRA 10-10) (Czechoslovakia--Goolog)r) 14,4,1 ret_ 1, 0 Z i AUTHOR: Tvalcheridze, G.A. TITLEt Conference on Xetallogeny of the Caucasus (Soveshchaniye po metallogenii Kavkaza) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Bauk SSSR, 5eriya Geologicheakaya, 1958, # 3v pp 124-127 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An inter-departmental conference on metallogeny of the Caucasus, with representatives of geological organizations of the Transcaucasian republics, of Northern Caucasuo, Moscow and Leningrad participating, was held by the Caucasian lastitute of Raw Materials (KINS) in May 1957. Lt was convened in con- nection 'with the work being done by a commission headed by Academician N.S. Shatakiy on the problem of "The Regulayity of the Distribution of Valuable Minerals", as well ah the com- pilation of a metallogenic map of the Caucasus of the scale 11500,000. 0.D. Levitskiy, Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and V.G. Grushevoy, Doctor of Geological- Mineralogical Sciences (VSEGEI), took part in the discussion. Three lectures were given on tectonics of the Caucasus: 1. by P.D. Gamkrelidze, the Member-Correspondent of the Academy-o-r-B-cle-n-c-e-s--o-f-the Georgian SSR, on the tectonic Card 1/4 structure of Georgia; 2. by E.Sh. Shikhalibeyli, Candidate Conference on Metallogeny of the Caucasus of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences (Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan SSR) on the geological structure of Azer- baydzhan, and 3. by A.T. Aslanyan, Candidate of Geological- Xineralogical Sciences (Geological Administration of the Armeni- an SSR) - on the tectonic structure and metallo'geny of Armenia. G.D. Afanaslyev, Member-Correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor G.M. Zaridze (Georgian Polytechnical Institute); and Academician Sh.A. Azizbekov (Academy of Scien- ces of the Azarbaydzhan SSR); presented data on the'maginatic rocks of different parts of the Caucasus. Lectures on the metallogeny of different parts of the Cau- casus were given bys G.A. Tvalchrelidze, Candidate of Geo- logical -Mineralogical Scienceb (KISS), I.G. Magaklyan and S.S. Mkrtchyan, Academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, A.E. Bendeliani, Professor of the Georgian Polytechnical Institute, M.A. Kashkay, Academician of the 4ca- demy of Sciences of the Azerbaydzhan b6R; and L.P. Kharch~-Y Candidate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences (KIMS) Lectures on separate questions of metallogeny of the Cau- casus were given by& Professor G.D. Azhgirey (MGU) - on results of works of a Caucasian expedition of the MGU; Professor Card 2/4 V.I. Smirnov (MG,D) critilized the basic hypothesis of G. Shney- Conference on Metallogeny of tile Gaucasus 1.1 -5 8-3-15/ 14 derkhen on regenerated deposits; Candidate of Qlaologi2al- Mineralogical Sciences I.A. Shirvanzado (Academy of Sciancoa of the Azerbaydzhan SSSH) and E.T. Bayramalibeyli (kztsvet- metrazvedka) reported on iron ore-bearing deposits of the Cauoasual Doctor of Geological-Mineralogioul Sciences A.D. FaJandadze '.KIMS), reported on problems of mercury and on deposits of cinnabar on the southern slopes of the Great Caucasus; Can- didate of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, F.S. Saakyan (VIMS) presented a classification of the sheet-like polymetal- lic deposits of the Caucasus; Candidate of Geological-Minera- logical Sciences G.I. Kerimov reported on deposits of pyrites in Azerbaydzhan; Academician S.S. Mkrtchyan of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR lecture& on the results of research in the Alaverd mining region. After discussions on all these subjects, the conference re- commended the continuation of work on all unsolved problems pertaining to the stratigraphy, paleogeography, tectonics, magmatic cycles and metallogeny of the Caucasus; an improvement in the technique of determining the age of rocks and~ores; a compilation of the schemes of structural division in the geo- logical development and the magmatic cycles of the Caucasus; Card 3/ 4 the working out of the first variant of a metallogenic map of ' Conference on Metallogeny of the Caucasus the scale I : 1,000,000 and its use in VSEGEI for the compila- tion of a map of the whole Soviet Union on the scale I : 2,500,uOO; that the Caucasian geologic organizations be given the responsibility of preparing large scale metallogenic maps of separate mining regions. A commission of 13 members was elected to direct this work. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 GAMOIALID-al, P.D.,; GVAKHARIYA, G.V., red.; M"OTSEHIME, G.S., r '-d.; WIDZM. G.M., rod.; Y-ACIUMAYA, I.V., red.; RIJBINSWEIM, e A M.M., red.; TSAGARELI, A.L., red.; CHMINE, G.F., rod.: CHI- IDZE, S.S., red. [Collection of papers in honor of Alakoandr IllarLonovich I)zhanelidzel Sbornik trudov; Akgdemiku Akademli nmik Grtizinskoi SM Aleksandru Illarionovichu Dzhanelidze k somidenintiletiiu so dnia rozhdeniis i pintidesiatiletiiu nauchno-pedagogichaskoi i obahchostvennoi doiatelinosti. Tbilisi. 1959. 490 p. (HIRA 12:12) l.-Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Geololgicheskiy institut. (Geology-Collections) (Dzhanelidze, Aleksnndr Illarionovich) PAFMGOLITS, Konstantin Nikolayevicl2i Prinizali uchastijpt GAMMILIME, YMMOVA, G.M.; MIXLUKHO-MAKLAY. I.T.; RQDZrAftb'9_'d!X'~,' :-S-AFROKOVA, IaN,i ARAMTAK, B.A.,; SHTIM. B.A., red.izd-va; HINABYAN, N.A., takha.rea. [Outline geology of the Caucasus) Geologicheskii ochork Lavkaza. Soot. P.D.Gankralidze i dr. Erevan. Izd-vo Akad.nauk Armlimskoi SSR. 1959. 505 P. (MIRA 120) (Caucasus--Geology) KAKHAD=. 1.R., prof. [deceased]; TSAGARELI, A.L., prof.; NUTSUBIDZE. K.Sh., kand.nauk; ZESAMVILI, V.I., kand.nauk; GANKRIUME, P.D., red.; BATIASHVILI, E.V., red.izd-va; TODqA_,_A._k._,' telthred. (Konographal Mono--rafii. Tbilisi. No.9. (Geology of the coal- bearing band in t~e Baksen-Urup interfluvel Geologicheskoe stroenie polosy uglanoanykh otlozhenii mazhdu basseinami rr. Bakes- na i Uraps. 1960. 139 P. OGRA 13:12) 1. Akademiyu ruiuk GruzinBkoy SSR, Tiflis. Geologichaskiy institut. (Baksan Valley--Coal geology) (Unip Valley--Coal geology) GAMKRFI,IDZE, P.D., akademik Now data on the tectonics of the central part of the Greater Caucasus t' i the boundaries of Svanetiya). Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 31 no. 3s605-612 8 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN GriizSSR. GAMKRELIDZE, P.D., akademik-, ADAMiYA, Sh.A.; CH[KHRADZE, G.A.; DZHAVAKHISWIILI, Sh.l. New data on the stratigraphy of Pro-Jurassic sediments in Svanetlyci. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.21424-426 N 163. (HIRA 16:12) 1. Geologicheskiy Institut AN GruzSSR. 2. AN GruzSSR (for Gamkrelidze). I I I I . I SIDORENKOY A.V., glav. red.; GAMIGIELBZE~ P.D.~ rod.; DZOTSENIDZF, G.S., red.; I.V., red.; RUBINSHTEO, M.M., red.;TSAGARELI, A.L., red.; CHELIDZE, G.F., red. [Geology of the U.S.S.R.) Geologiia SSSR. Glav. red. A.V. Sidorenko. Moskva; Nedrn. Vol.10. Pt.l. 1964. 654 P. (MIRA 17:12) Vu I~AIFI'I'v L'. 0 tll*'V "C~l v ry v . 1.1 f [111malvall and ri I '01~7e TW Y, 331 ,Sj. gaojogj.~ r cr li~ oj f al '~,T, E L akadeinix, r- ob 1e m.; o f g(,-::; L) 3 r li t. -1 gor!- t;l Xit-11; k I Me*Lside. r-elba , it -,64. 31 0: Fl. T I'a vrA --e mHOO rdpui' f6jil ' to ct s I Omei of Ak I Nau t P, (N.S.) 90, 710-M (10 1 (Russanj` Thei (911owing t . rexu is stalto'h 1A Ail algebrAh, manifold in complex projcctiv~ tx.,%j~ w _WDO be two fixud i u )~ipi' ii :0 entita t intersection A1*nP_*f by Jp rt? ~ ! I jtA7.-+', ii li,l~ c ni for which thereexims a P-L-; a iningi qml Q, tht dimension of whose intpriectialf Wit I 1 ~1! n' I" 111t spate to atz isi ~:tj form it Then the Cherxicycle rit-of dimemion 2(1:1. Mathematical Roviews i~) OfA. 4 i~ikvivcn b)r -7P May 1954 + I f ~O_POIOBY A this, For j .11~!CiajiZeiiL to a kirinxihii fi r ;t1le X011) tp(4~+ 11 ( 14 (0 ' here Ind (It,') is the Class Of the inte ril la, P-11H l'that ti it is state e fa don r". ' Alp"Ind ' i ; b , l mm 4 Kundert [Proc. N;1t. Acati, SciX. SAI ~"'3" 893 en 3 l -81IS (1952) titevi Rev. R, 681] to In mor,.4ince lits 141 t;, lt-111svitt- 0>0 0( thanhow. (01-Intilit. 11 A 11 Fl, C e IV The proof is not jivvn, but in, r~ hir i`tl P9. a point of P, P 4: k4ulnphCe 9C 11.,~ Arc 1141 n , ever 3 lies Ill a Ged A The liontologyxil, P d t~ 1k In terms of 0e hamok~k of the Grattan on nim ta (following Ehreiilliami) ,, tllei~. sion, and vanishing horattlogy in 'all adii every s C ph let 9P be tile comjjl~x ~ llwkil l ~ "Jino, ablal "d by removing dw polar P-1 of ii front Ps,~One ~onori over P"kiii;b - tA; il-tk- i fiber-. bundle- T- MI. Pllf,) y J! Ing _ -g~.j over the point: (t, P) of P** the spl, an affine P. The.imbedding of jr, into P~ i r, C C tiles ain of A14 into Pftj, by sending a into the jx0r:(n, tarigent i2lie to AP at z). The bundle iii(luced lt~ f and T isihe~iztb6iit I b6ndle of W; the Cherit classes of T dmi-miric thct~016.. r those of.A111. 'rho determination ofitlie.Chern SFICSIO111 t Is given in outline , the ided I I sto construct explicitly cek~ f"hilp systems of vector fields in T (or r6,jhc~ in the part correspondinr. to any given cycle of Paijj and t 6,conmitt: i their cycles of singularities, 11. Salliekai j. call Nr: AF ilo8825 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont. ) j4c)scc,,,r, Jun-Jul '56, rh-udy '56, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatel'3tvo MI SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 pp Section of Mathematical Problems in Physics 217-227 Reports by the following personalities are included: Belkina, M. G. (Moscow). Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction on Ellipsoid of Revolution and Disks. 217 Boltyanskiy, V. G. (Moscow), Fontryagin, L. S. (Moscow). On Equilibrium Stability of the Relay System of Ordinary Differential Equation. 217-218 Boltyanskiy, V. G. (Moscow), Gamkrelidze, R. V. (Moscow), Pontryagin, L. S. (Moscow). -0-n tile Theory or Optimum Processes. 218 Bonch-Bruyevich, V. L. (Moscow). on a Problem Relating to the Quantum Theory of Many Bodies. 218 Vladimirov, V. S. (Moscow). On an Integral Differential Equation. 218-219 Card 73/180 Z- I-, ~, /'1 44-1-267 TRANSLATION FROM: Referativn zhurnal, Matematika, 1957, Kr .1, p 39 (USSR7 AUTHOR: Gamkrelidze, R.V. TITIE: Characteristic Clad-s-es of Complex Algebraic Manifolds (Kharalcteriaticheakiye klasay komplekanyich algebraicheskikh mnogoobraziy) PERIODICAL: Tr- 3-90 Wes. matem. s"yezda, 2.Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, P, 53 ABSTRACT: The results of V.I. Burdinoy(j1.--,zh. ,19-55,~606) and the author (R.Z.1u^t., 1954, 206~ *are- presented.. Card 1/1 SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Topology CARD 1/1 PG - 761 AUTHOR GAMKRELIDZE R,V. TITLE Chern Is cy~Ie-sof the complex algebraic manifolds. PERIODICAL Izvestija Akad.Nauk 20j_ 685-706 (1956) reviewed 5/1957 The present paper is a detailed representation of the results which have been announced in Doklady Akad.Nauk 2-0.- 719-722 (1953). SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Differeatial equations CARD 1/3 FG - 707 AUTHOR BOLTJANSKIJ V.G., GAMMELIME R.V., PONTRJABIN L.S. TITLIC On the theory of optimal processes. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad.Nauk 110 7-10 (1956) reviewed 4/1957 ' The problem of the quality of control being actual in the theory of automatic control is represented in general form and is considered. i Lot be given the system i . fi(xly ... ,n, 1,...,Ur) - fi(X'UY~ where x (.1'...,Xn) is the image point in the n-d&mensional phase space and u - (ulf ... 0u r) is the"controlling vector". If u(t) is pieoewise smooth and continuous and if it belongs to a fixed closed rogion-F-L of the variables ulp ... ur, where Ift has a pi*o*wis* smooth (n-l)-dimensional boundary, then u(t) is called permissible. 1 n Formulation of the problem: In the phase space x x two points ~o and are given. A permissible control vector u(t) is to be chosen in such a way that the point of the phase space comes from the position ~o to the positions in minimal time. Assuming the existence of a solution and if u(t) is the optimal vector and x(t) the corresponding optimal path, then to the somewhat deviating vector u(t)+-Su(A) there corresponds the path x+ Ex. In linear approximation we have Doklady Akad.Nauk 110, 7-10 (1956) CARD 2/3 PG - 707 M 8-1 r~f' b-&-, r~fi= Sup X(t 0 (is, 1 , X -~ -XrA '~ up 0 if lko'(00 in the fundamental matrix of the solution of a homogeneous system which corresponds to (1) and is the corresponding inverse i matrix, then the optimal control u(t) must satisfy the following useessary conditions: f i fOL IN x 0 t0ic- t -I,-* aui where to and t, correspond to the points So and V Purthermore it is stated that if the quadratic form Irc ~u i ~uk 5 ui Suk in the point. (x(t 0)'u(t 0)'to) is negative definite, then the corresponding u(t) and x(t) are locally optimal. The following maximum principle is coujootured by the authors4 for fixed z and V lot R(x,-s~,u) Yot fOc (x,u) have a maximum 9( a, -T) in u if u changes in5.