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GALIPEROVICH, L.; DAVYDOV, G., assistent Evolution of fuel injectors in the 8M 43/61 engine. Mor. flot 18 no.4:16-17 Ap '58. (MIRA 12:12) l.Veduehchiy konstruktor zavoda nRusski7 Dizel" (for Gallperovich) 2.Leningradekoys vysSheye inzhenernoye morsko7e uchilishche Im. admirala Makarova (for Davydov). (Marine diesel engines) (Fuel pumps) GALIP12ROVICH, L., inzh. . r, J. " Noncooled burners In D and DP 301150 diesel no.8:35-36 Ag '59. (MI-1'. 12-:10 1. &xvod "Ibieskly dizell." (Marine diesel engines) GALIFEROVICH Leonia' Gri-o vich- DAVIDOV, G.A., kand. toldui. natd~:, ratnen- VJ. rn red. ze retsenzont; FANTRI, S.V., nauchr*-y IIIIKITDiA, H.D., red.; KOROMNKO, Yu.11., tekhn. red. [ N-el injection. systems for marine diesel engines; devign] Sistemy vypuska toplIva sudovykh dizelei; proektirovanie, konetruktsii. Lenin- grad, Gos. aoiuzt-.oe izd-vo sudostrol-t. promyshl., 1961. 221 p. (MIRA 14. 12) (Fuel Pups) (Marine diosel engines-Puel systems) GAL'FaROVICT*, 1'.G. Use of -'-'odern coilinnent aml adw-mced technoloc-Y 1:):,, the lplaminicii Fur Factory No.l.;ii. 3 no.10:21-22 0 161. (MMI 14:10) (M,.rair.e--Fur industry) LIVYY, G.V.; GALI? _!~.G.; VASILYU., N.Z.; SOPRIKO, A.Ye.; KAZARINA-) N.I.; CHURINA, V.I.; GILIMAN, B.A.; YEGOROV, K.A.; GOICHARI Ye.G. Yethod of refining the skin side of fur articles made with low grade peltry; Soviet Certificate of Inventions No.147290. Kozb.- obuv.prom.. 4 no.8:43 Ag 162. (MA 15:8) (Fur industry-Technological innovations) My straim mashi-7- LWe build machines-/. mossi-va, Def-Ciz, SO: VOnthly Listgf "'Usgian AccesSLUS, Vol. 7 N,. 2 ~Iay 10,54. G&LIPERSHTMI, L.; KH1EBNIKOV, P. Homemde loudspeaker. Znan. sila no.ll;suppl.2-IP N 154.(MLRA 8:1) (Radio--Receivers and reception) BOGATEDV, V.; GALIPERSHTM, L.; EHLEBNIEDV, P. f~ Electric motors. Znan.aila 30-ne.12:ineart:1-3 D 155. (MLRA 9:4) (Electric motors) GilLIFERSHTMI,-Leonid-Ygko-vlqy~ch;, OUBVIKOV, Petr Petrovich; ZUBKGV, M.A., otv. red.; TOKAREVAJ.1-1.$ tekhn. red. (The young physicist's laboratory) Laboratorlia iunogo Mika. Moskva, Detgiz, 1962 126 p. (MIRA 15:6) ?Physical laboratories) GALIPERSHTEYN, Leonid Yakovlovlc!q SHUSTOVA, I.B., rod.-, RAKITIN, I.I...I.-I -T- .. . . . takim. red. (New sources of energy] Novye latochniki energii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie,fl 1963. 54 p. (Ilarodnyi universitet kulltury. Botestvennonauchnyi fakulltet, no.8) (MIRA 16:10) (Power resources) BROYDR, Isaak Markovich; GALIPERSON,Ye.13., redaktor; POIDSINA,A.S.. tekhnicheskiy [Organization of financial transactions in the petroleum in- dustry] Organizateiis. raschetov v neftianoi promyshlennosti. Izd. 2-oe, ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1955. 133 P. (ML'RA 9:3) (Petroleum industry--Finance) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 288 Dunayev, Fedor Fedorovich Ekonomika i planirovaniye neftyanoy promyshlennosti SSSR (EcOnOmics and FJm- x~ing of the Petroleum Industry in the USSR) Pt. 1. Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1957. 236 p. 4,500 copies printed. Eds.: Brenta, A. D., Candidate of Economic Sciences; G&l1wrjj Ye. B. - j2t~~ Engineer-Econcodst. Ed.-in-Charge: Dubrovina, . D.; Tech. Ed:.: Trof inov, A. V. PURPOSE: The book is intended as a college text for students and faculty members. It is also meant to be used by economists in the Petroleum industry. COVERAGE: The author expWns the role pLtyed by the petroleum industry in the Soviet national economy, its develoinent and distribution, the way it is organized and how it is directed. The author also describes the methods of production. There are 18 references, all of which are Soviet. Card 1/5 Econcmics and Planning of the Petroleum Industry in the USSR (Cont.) 288 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction: 3 1. The Petroleum Industry is One of the Main Branches of Heavy Industry 3 2. Purpose and Tasks of a Course In the Economics of the Petroleum Industry The Marxist-Leninist Theory is Fundamental in the Study of the Economics of the Petroleum Industry 9 4. Coverage of Course on the Economics of the Petroleum Industry 11 Ch. I. Development of the Soviet Petroleum Industry 1. Petroleum production is a complicated branch of industry 13 2. Brief review of the development of the petroleum industry in pre- revolutionary Russia is Card 2h Econcmics and Plannin of the Petroleum Industry in the USS (cont.) 288 3- Soviet petrolein industry before the war and during the var years 24 4. The petroleum industry during the poetvar, years 49 5. The superiority of the Soviet pertoleum industry and practice in the USA 81 6. The petroleum industry during the Sixth Five-Year Plan 86 Ch. II. Teehnologics:, Advances in the Soviet Petroleum Industry 1. Objective n, -,essities and the road to technolodcal. advances 96 2. Technological advances in the Soviet petroleun indastry 101 Changes In oil wel.1 construction practices 103 Advances in petrolem production technology -- a struggle for the most ecoplete and econcimical utilization of natural resources 116 Changes in petroleum refining technology 1.23 Card 3/5 Economics and PI"ning of the Petroleum Industry in the USSR (Cont.) 288 Scoe problem related to future technological advances in the Soviet petroleum industry 14 1 . Ch.M. Distribution of the Soviet Petroleum Tn(hwtry 1. The geographical distribution of productive strenob is of the utmost importance 135 2. The fundamentals of prospecting and Production 140 3. Prospecting and petroleum pr~ductlon during the prewar five-year plans and during the postwar yews 149 4. The distribution of refineries 160 Ch. IV. The Organization and Managment of the Soviet Petroleum Industry 1. The theory of szoncuic mnagement and the princlple of socialist production Managment 1T5 2. Th6 management at the Soviet Petroleum industry 3.81 Card 4/~ Economics and Planning of the Petrolem Industry in the USSR (Cont.) 288 Ch. V. The Princdpbs of Socialist Petrolem Production Planning. The Prin- ciples and Methods of Drawing Up -the Production Pftgram 1. The characteristic pattern of socialist planning 194 2. The first step to be taken in planning is to Analyze the condition of the petrolem industry 198 3- Planning the production of Fetroleum 209 4. Planning geological prospecting operations 216 5. Planning operational and exploratory drilling 221 6. Planning the production of petrolem products 223 7i The final stage in the production program 227 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 KELLIM, Alokaandr ileksandrovich; GALIMMUR, Ye.B., red.; YFURSHOV. 0.R., vedushchiV red.; POLOSIM, A.S., [Soviet petroleim and gas iniustry in the postwar years; a brief survey of 1946-19561 Neftianais i fazovaia prou7shlennostv SSSR v ooslevoennye gody; kratkii obzor za 1946-1956 gg. Koskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. L gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1958- 55 P. (Petroleum industry) (WRA 11:4) (Gas, Rntuxal) PONOMAREV, Konstantin Petrovicb,laureat Stalingkoy premii; SHTEYNER, Samuil IovolevicbI-GAL'PERSON. Ye.B., red.; GUREVICH, T&.D.,;POTsO8IJFA, A.S., rHistnry of the petroleum industry in the Kuban] Ocberki istorii neftianoi promysblennocti Xubani. Moskva. Cros, naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-topl4vnoi lit-ry. 1958. 97 P. (MIRL 12:1) (Kuban--Petroleum inaustr7) 11(0) B sov/93-58-lo-i6/19 AUTHOR: Gallperson, Ye... and Thinashpollskiy, L. TITIE: From the State of a "Petroleum Cemetery" to a Highly Developed Pet- roleum Industry (Ot "neftyanogo 'dadbishcha" do vysokorazvitoy neftyanoy industrii) PERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khozyaystvo, 1958, Nr lo, pp 68-69 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review of S.M. Lisichkin's book '10cherki razvitiya neftedoby- vayushchey promyshlennosti SSSR" (Outlines of the Development of the Petroleum Production Industry in the USSR), published by the PJT SSSR in 1958. This book is a continuation of the author's study of the Ibissian petroleum industry prior to the October Revolution. The author traces the development of the Soviet petroleum industry from 1920, when according to S.M. Kirov it was as dead as a "cemetery", to the present stage of development. Card 1/1 GALIPEMIT. Ye.B. Development of the petroleum and gas industries in the Volga Valley., Nef t. khoz. 37 n0-1:18-22 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) I.Gosplan RS1PSR. (Volga Valley-Petroleum industry) (Volga Valley-fts, Natural) RTUMIN, Georgiy Mi)chaylovich; GALIPIUMN, Te.B., red.; GANINA, L.V.,, [Means of lowering the costf; of petroleum refining as exemplified by Azerbaijan] Rezervy oni.,sheniia aebeatoimosti v nefteperarabottm; na primere Azerbaidzhana. 11oskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960, 35 P, (MIRA 13:9) (Petroleum-Refining) LIVOV, Mikhail Sergeyevich; MLER, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich: FAUMSHU. I.M., red.; GALIFIRSONg.Te.B., spetsred.; GZRASIMOVA, Ye.S., [Petroleum and gas Industries of the U.S.S.R. in the seven-year plan] Neftianaia I gazovaia promyshlennost' SSSR v semilatke. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1960. 84 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Petroleum industry) (Gas, Natural) I r P" P, 11 :! If- !.~ : 1 1 1 1 ;! I . -;:T:~ '.1-1 GALIPERSON. Ya. "Possibiliiies of drilling.techniques" by V.F. Shw tov. E.M. Shtaingauz, M.N. Samikhov, Reviewed by S. Gallperson. Neft. khoz. 38 no.1:70-72 Ja '60. . (MM& 13:7) (Oil well dAlling) (Shimtov' V.T.) (Shtsingauz, N.M.) (Samikhav: N.M.) BOfWDKIV, Valentin losifovich; GALL-1-PERSON.Y. Ye.B., red.; T1TSKAYA, B.F., ved, red.; YAKOVLEVA, Z.I., tekhn, red, (Organization and planning of work in petroleum refining] Organizatsiia i planirovanie raboty neftepererabatyvaiushche- go predpriiatiia. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat) 1963. 285 p. (MM 17:1) G- A L S LUICHUN, 3.m., ZHIOACR, K.F., BDFMSDV, ?.A., GAMPM I-&, 19)HIAGN, I.D.p Present day states am sain amiepwout tnu& or the all Indutry In We MR Report to be! mboltiled for Wo Slxtb V&rU Pairelow ComovNep hudftrfh 16-26 Jws 63 . 1,7111, y : I _:i ill-DUICTi, 1-Y." G", - ~'. , .. . p - k i fr= the bl3tcnj c;f the pc-,rolelm praa;~. !,4-ft. khriz, 42 no.9/1031-141-3 of Oover S-k! "I-- l'14TM. !'I ;1L BEGISHEV, F. A. ; _MIITGALTFM, 11. S~. - POLUAII. I. G. ; GORYU.-NOV, A. I. Preliminary results of experiplental studies carried out in the Bavly field. Geol.nefti J gaza 3 no.6;34-39 Je '59. (MIRk 12:8) 1. Neftyanoye upravloniye Tatrakogo noveta naradnogn khozyaystva. (Tatar A.S.S.R-4il fields--Productlon methods) ABDULLIN, R.A."MAMROWIt- Sh., red.; VLADIMIRTSXV, V.P., red.; ZAYNULLIN, I.Kh.. (Using spring dowwwro in oil fields of the Tatar A.S.S.R.] Imetaiushchii skrebok no neftepromyslakh Tstarii. Kazanl, Tatarskoe knizhnoo izd-vo, 1959. 26 p. (MIRA 14;2) (Tatar A.S.S.R.--Oll wells--Cleaning) ~,- W 2": f;-] 11 1! - ; P - ., , . I ; 1 1 1, , . " GALONSKIY, P.P.; KOVALENKO, K.I.; KUVY_KIN, S.I.- MINGAREYEV -,iq6h A MURAVLE14KO,V.I.; OBNOSOV, A.D.) SHASHIR-1 _:_-".-zft~~--A.T. F I Volga-Ural region is one of the largest petroleum bases of the country. Neft. khoz, 42 no-9/10:56-64 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:12) GAL - PERT, A. P. Design and construction of specialized forge IhODO'Aaccording to I.P. Pbspelov's article). Tus(.--htam. prolxv. 2 no.9:42-41 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Pospeloy, T.P.) (Yorge shops) GALPERYN, Zbigniew (Warsaw) Third National Review of LociLl Spatial Planning. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 27 (i.e. 37] no.3:134-139 Mr 165. mallim tar doloraiiPWs' tha. IN~Mjxlll Vh fit 111111 amgry~ mmhod 14 -Arvxibod fin IM. have to bo ult;temaxied t3 prow.- wilethtle- I~r is a HOL, fir frartional (ii~ORIAGWL h COMIX;a~tiwl ur" vvty an i!xcesl of thime conipeamiza wlilch, whnn trape. prwuc-2 muo lopid bailin; alld rowictl'atiatt tLmPtUture increase4 Man the otberik. Mnary, teraarl'and ~Yibo atudlvd by a simila; metliad. J Poland/Physical Chemistry Thermodynamice. Thermochemistry. Equilibrium. Physico- che~ical Analysis. Phase Transitions, B-8 AbWt Journal: Referat Zhur - IQLimiya, No ly 1957, 339 Author: Zemborak, K., and Gallskaya, A. Institution: Polish Academy of Sciences Title: A Method for Determining the Composition of Four-Component Azeotropes and the Location of the Heteroazeotropic Line Original Periodical: Byul. Pollskoy AN, Sec 3, 1955, Vol 3, No 7, 379-383 Abstract: On the basis of the system benzol (I)-cyclohexane (II)-ethanol (III)- water (IV) a method has been developed for investigating 4-component azeotropes; the method is based on the ebulliametric determination of the location of the heteroazeotrope line when the ratio of the con- centrations of the 2 components which most closely resemble each other in their physicochemical properties is known. In the case of the sys- tem I-II-III-IV., I and II are a pair of such components. The follow- ing composition has been found for the azeotropes II-III-IV (in Card 1/2 Poland/Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics. Thermochemistry. Equilibrium. PhYsicO- chemical Analysis. Phase Transitions,, B-8 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya,, No 1, 1957, 339 Abstract: weight percent): 75.5 11, 11.? 20.4 1) 19.2 1111, and tropes are 62.6 �O-050 and 19.7 11-1, 4.8 IV, and I-II-III-IV: 54.3 6.1 IV. The boiling points of the-2 azeo- 62.14� 0.050. Card 2/2 iq th 4l" ~ ~ howA"dotra pie o 7 mo 1 A W Rovid IAN (U 1 Antis 9"fordl. t : . L 52;- - F nd~ . ZIBBORAK.K.; GAJsSKA-1RA.JEWSU.A, Ternary positive homoaz,sotropes formed by benzene, cyclohexane and alcohols of the allphatIc series. Bul Ac Pol chim 6 no.12:763-769 158, (MAI 9;6) 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Varsaw University. Institute of Pbysical Chemistry. 'Polish AcadewW of Sciences. Presented by W.Swietoslawski. (Azootropes) (Benzene) (Cyclohexane) (Alcohols) (Aliphatic compounds) GALSKA-KRAJEIKSKA A.; Z1E%1FAK. K. Quaternary positive-negative azeotrope. P. 555 ROCZNIKI CHRal. (Polska Akadevda Nauk) Warszawa, Poland, 4o!. 33, no. 2. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAI) LC, Vol. b, No. 92 September 1959. Uncl. SWIETOSLAWSKIq W.; ZIEBORAK, K.:; GALSKA-KRAJEWSKA, A. On the series of quaternary positive azeotropes. The lower and upper limit of the azeotropic range of the series. Bul Ac Pol chim 7 no.1:43-49 159. (EM 9:7) 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Department of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw University. Presented by W.Swietoslawski. (Azeotropes) ZIEBORAK, K.; .9GA~4L~S-KRAJEWSKA*_A t___ Quaternary positive-negative szeotrope. Bul Ac Pol chim 7 no.4: 253-258 159. (EEAI 9; 7) 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Warsaw University. Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by W.Swietoslawski. (Azootropes) GALSKA-KRAJEWS&k, A. Quaternar7 positive -negative system of acetic acid pyridine- nonane -p-lylene. Bul chim PAN 9 no.6:455-459 161. 1. Departnient of Fbysical Chemistry, University, Warsaw and Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented by W. Swieto3lawaki. s/oel/62/000/024/012/073 BII.7/BI44 AITTEORSt I-Gal C k. a-* r'*rW'*LlkA., Zilborak, K., 11. Galska-Yxajewska, A.9 !2.~ - Ift_. ral-clEa--Krajewska, A, . TITLE: Rectification in quaternary positive-negative azootrope mixtures a P-ERIODICAL: Roferativnyy zhurnal. -KhimAya, no. 24, 1962, 80) abstract 24B627 (Bull. Aced. polon. 6ci. S~T. sci. chim., v. 10, no. 1, 1962, 35-43, 4549; 51-56 r ng. ; summary in Russ-J) V T-EXT: The coursp, of rectification was. studied in a quaternar-,, system comprizin,- pyridine, acetic acid, n-nonane and -ethyl benzene, by -fractional analysis. The substances mentioned form a 'positive-ne-ative azeotrope containing 17 ~ by weilght acid, 27 0 by weiCht pyridine, 38 % by w6iE;i-,t nonane, and 18 i, by weight ethyl branzene. Certain anomalies were noted in the -rectification of 4 mixtur-~s of di.i.7-ferent compositions, conducted in a column with an efficiency of 20 thc-or-~~tical plates. The-e anomalies 'mere a decrease of the condensation temperature during distillation and the formation of a fraction of variable compostion. The reaults obtained are Card 112 j Rectification in... S/081/62/000/024/012/073 B110144 inter-ore'ed r-raphically us.Jnz~az;tt-;rJc dia-ram *-o--- t-_rahedrz!_1_ zhape_ By analo~;y with the cincept of the r,~lion of rectificatlon in te.rnar~, system, the concept of a rectification.ispace is introduced, ineanin- thF_t Part of the tetrahedron that limits the re-lon cf 'he mixtuz-es yieldin-, on C, t5 rectification, qualitatively.equal fractions and residues. in the system studied, 15 spaces of rectification were detected. qhe -formation of 'he Iraction of variable comnosition is ccv-11acted with the fact tha-v the line representing the composilions of the distillate passes over the ed6e surface. In positive-neEative quaternary nyztams with two positive-negative ternary azootropes a saddle-shapod line appe:L-rs at tho intorface of the compositiov-14 coruiecting the points of compositon of these'azeotropes. On the boiling point-isobar correspondin6 to this line a minimum is found in the point of the quaternary azeotrope. r'bstracte:v's notei Complete translation.7 Card 2/2 ZIEBORAH, The quaternary positive-negative no.I:U9-327 162. ent of Physical Chemis of . Phyalml C budstry, B1.7KC, IS, Irc 7Y 11. L. [ 'R-zOst a vr::kI G.--.L'SKf,.YA-;IRAYEJSKAY A, A. A. ................ Thf,modynamic, anallysis f the r,,,siilt:-: cf ebull-liometric 9tudies. Zhur.fiz.khim. 39 no.7.-"-,57-a560 J3. 165. (ICTRA 18-8) 1, Institut fizichesUy kid.rdi. akademli nauk, Varshava. GALZXA-i',.RAJE1V3KA Anna, mgr.; WIELOPOLSKIO Alaksander, doc.dr. 1. Uopartment of Phyaleal Chemi3tryv "niversity of .1varsaw (Katedra Chemtl Pitjoznej Uniwersytetu, ',iar3%av1a) (for Galska-Krojewska); 2. Institute of Organic Chemistrys Polish Academy of Sclences (Instytut Chemil Organiowej Polskiej Akademii 3auk), Warsaw (for Wlelopol3ki)e 1."arsaw, Chertia a~ialitjcmna, No 5, September-October 1965, pp 84?-853- "Ebulliometric method for determining the molecular weight of benzolearboxyl-Lie acid.9.11 "--4P0) -An wbkh ptmits blIM&IF" H. suvrx. 1. Gallsov, 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Humidity 7. Conference on the oroblem of the moisture c,;-cle in the atmosphere. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6, 1952. 9. Yonthl-v List af_ Russian Accessio a.. Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. KABANOV, N.Ya.; GORBUNOV, Ye.K., inzh., retsenzent; KORBOV, M.M., inzh., retsenzent;_GAI2MV,_AP., inzh., red.; SEMENOVA, M.M., red. izd-va; DDIKINA, N.F., tekhn. red. [Establishment of norms and organization of.-work for auxiliary workers in machinery enterprises) Normirovanie i organizataiia truda vapomogatelInykh rabochikh na ma- shinostroitellnykh predpriiatiiakh. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 149 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Machinery industry--Management) GALITSOV, A.P. In membrv of IA.I.761'dman. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. nol6:148-149 N-D 160, (MIRA 13:10) (Felldman, 14kov Illich, 1910-1960) D26 ~D307; TJTHORS - Gal 1-tsov a nd Cheplygin FITLE. Second-conferencd,,on,the problem of 'climatb 'trans- formation, Leningrad, June 11-13, -1.962 PERIODICAL Ref erativnyy, zhuraal,. Geof izilca n6 3 19 6 55;i 70, ract 3B abst, 404 (I!3v. AN SSSR. Ser.;geogr., 1962: no. 5, 184-187) TEXT: A conf erence was bield in Le ra* nF", r ad 0 n~ June 111-13! 19621 devoted to clinatic change, organized by~ the' iGlavnaya: gtzof Izi- s ay h icat', Observa- c he k a observatorilra im._ A.I. VoyeYkova:, 04,ai~t Geop Y:3 tory im. ik.l. Voyeylu)v), Institut'prikiaanoy Ofi'ziki (Institute 9e of kpplicd Geophysics) and Institut geografii. ill S,1JS1R (IrLstitute'~ of Geography of -the AS USSR).- The followingsubjecta*~Were discussed: acti;re influence on clouds and pri-cipitation,.methods of protecting plants fr:)m autimmal . f rost, . climate * rovement by act2.nY on :the; IMP C.7 snow cover, climate -ahanges durint; action on: the ic6 of the ::Northern ,Arctic Ocean, possibility of influ ncin mo ic "movements' e g at soher imd Card V2 GA LSTYAN A,.A. Study of the duration of heart tones in healthy children. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Blol. nauki 18 no.2:93-100 F 165. (MIRA 18:5) C. - GALSTUKHOVA, 11. B. Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) " Synthesis of the hexahydrdw (3,4 1 3.4)- 4111~14_ furofuran system--the basic rdm* of natural resinols." Moo, 1957. 12 pp 22 cm. (Min of Hek~th USSR. All-Union Sci lies Chem-Pharm inst im S. Ordzhonikidze VN b I). INV (KL, 24-57. 116) _12- t GALSTUKHOVA. N.B.. ai3pirant ~. 4athesis of the hexshVdro-(3,4:3',4Q-furofuzvn system, the main nucleus of natural resinols. Ked.prou. 11 no.1:33-38 JA 157- (MW 10:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nsuchno-iseledovatellskly khiuiko-farmats*vtiche&kiy institut iment S.Ordzhoalkidze. (FMGrURAM) (FASINOLS) :7 n e - Y 41 3 25 9 dil UrWi , 11243 gave '14 .0-48" (' , Slow healin hydr9furOP. al I aq- 14, at moin Aft OH 'd Vw ill fornis. 4L with HN6 ; it COW of n C ww called 7 m is 14e 11AC$6 IV) 4"! n I sit' m Z t" A w i! SHCHUKIM, MAI.; GAISTUMOVA, N.B. -" 1, -, - .W..~MA letter to the editor. Zhur.ob.khim. 27 no.10:2908 0 '57. (KIM 11: 4) (Nitration) (Furan) U AUTHOR: GALSTUKIIOVA,N.B. 2o-6-25/59 T.'.fTLE: _Yhe.$Yathe~is of the Hexahydro-(3,4 : 31,41)-Furofuran System, in the Kernel of Natural Resinols. (Sintez geksagidro- (3,4 : 31,41)-furofuraytovoy sistemy - onnovnogo yadra prirodnykh reninoloyq Russian) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 6, pp 1276-1279 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The heterocyclically condensed system of the hex&hydro-(3,4t3',4')- furofuran is the basis of a certain group of natural substances, the socalled phenol refiinols or lignans. The same group com- prises: pinoresinol, eudesmine, syringaresinol, and sesamine. This series of compounds is of a certain interest from the point of view of the biological effect; sesamine in particular has bacteriostatic activity against pathogenous bacteria, especially against M co- bacterium tuberculosis the development of which it impedes. Further- mote, sesaminO considerably increases the insect-exterminating ~thrine. It was interesting to clear the possibility effect of pyre of a synthetical production of the kernel of the resinols M - 2,51-diphenyle-hexahydro-(3,4:31,41)-furofuran (R 1 - A2 . R 3-), since in nature only the aromatic derivatives of the hexahydro- Card 1/2 furofurans with substituents in the benzene kernel occur, from which GAISTUKHOVA, N.B.; SHCHUKINA, MA. Synthesis of etaxide, a new antituberculosis drug. Med. prom. .14 rio.8:15-18 Ag '60. (MIR& 13t8) ,~, 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy khimiko-farmatsevUeheakiy institut im. S. Ordzhorvididze. (CARBOILIDE) .,GAISTUKHOVA, N.Bl. SHCHUKINA, M.N. SyntheAs of thioreau derivatives. Part 1: Aryltbiocarbamyl- piperazines. Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.4:1090-1092 Ap ,61. (14IRA 14:4) 1. Vuesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut imeni So Ordzhonikidze. (pipera2ine) GALSTUKHOVA, N.B.; BERZINA, I.M.; SHCHUKINA, M.N. Synthesis of thiourea derivatives. Part 2: 4-Alkoxythiocarbanil-ide-41-carboxylic acids and their salts. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7-2317-2321 Jl '63. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy k~dmiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut. (Carbanilide) !.%,. .. ~,;AL,";T;-7KIIOV 'i N. ;: "ProtivotuberIruieznye preparaty v,;ada tiokarbannilida." report submitted for 35th Intl Cong, Industrial Cherai:itry, Warsaw, Sep 64. Khmiko-far-natserticheskiv institut im S. Ordzilonik-Idae. GALSIUKHOVA, N.B.; SHCHUKINA, M.N. Synthesis of thiourea derivatives. Part 3: Piperazinylthiccar- banilides and arylthiocarbamylpiperazines. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no. 3:989-992 Mr 164. (MIRA 17-6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy khlmiko-faimmtsevticheskiy Institut imeni S.Ordzhonikid2;e. GALSWAN, A.P chempion Vsesoyuzno.-r spartakiady-po tekhnicheskim vidam sporta; GORBACHEV, G., master sporta, rekordamen strany; FETRUKHIN, V., maister aportap dhompion Vsesoy-uznoy spartakiady po tel&.nichoskim vidam sporta, rekordsmen strany; GIBNER, B. Account of the motorboat engine industry. Za rul. 20 no.5:6 My 1622. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen Prezidiumn Federatsii vodno-mo-tornogo sporta (for Gibner). (Motorboat ongl-es' C&J4-A 0-6d Vy charactensffc-i-t-nd-Write of -'Iffi Yed -e,le-c-tro-;-q- A. A. OQM).-Teits were nulde in futna tOmullite refractories contz. (a) vot over 5.43% fluxes and (b) 0.48%, Stability of (a) was 20-30% higher and the corrosion mart! uniform. B. Z. Kamich GALSTYAN, A.A. Bloodless method for determining the rate of blood flow in children. Pediatriia no.12:Z7-31 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz Instituta eksrrimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR dir. _ prof. Ye.K. Meshalkin) i kafedry pedia- trii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. G.R. Sporanskiy,' nauchnyy rukovoditell - dolctor med.nauk R.L. Cwhirg) TSentrall- nogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (BLOOD-CIRCULAII ON) (BLDOD-OXYGEN CONTENT) GALSTYAN, A.A. Determination of the time correlationsduring systole phases in children. Pediatriia no.7:49-55 162. (MIRA 15 -.12 1. Iz kafedry pediatrii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. G.N. Speranskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenotvo- vaniya vrachey (rektor M.D. Kovrigina) i Yerevanskogo meditaim- skogo instituta (rektor - prof. S.N. Cklstyan), nauchn-yy ruko- v0ditel, - Prof. R.L. Gamburg). (HEART BEAT) (CARDIOLOGY) GALSTYAN, AoA, Study of temporary correlations between the nystoles during the active phase of rheumatism in children with heart defects. Zhur. eksp. i klin. med. 3 no.3:4,1-50 163. (MM 17.:L) 1. Kafedra pediatrii tsentrallnogo Instituta usovershonstvo- vaniya vrachey i Yerevanskiy meditsinskiy institut. Ga ! 'Illy' - I , , -, 1~4, 1 -111 , " . .t . ; ~ ! i . K *f *~ i~ :~ ,1 , c . Rate of the -increase ip. the heart in childvan. Izv. AN AT-I. I-%',,',-, 1b.101. llaiJd IS 86 ii 165, 1. Yerevarif-,kiy rneditsincki.y institut, kaf-Irv-, puldiati-ii. GAISTYAN , A,R. , - - Hydrogeochemistry of the Shorzha chromite, deposit. Izv. AN Arm. SSR~ Gcol.i geog. nauki 15 no.2-35--42 162. (141RA 15:5) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN Armyanslcoy SSR. (Shorzha region (1krmania)-Chromite) Ef feet of ' the wiion and vAtion composition of wat~--rs orv pa-gsage of chroviium ores in aqueous solution. Izv. k%,' Pauki o zam. 17 no.2:63-67 '64. (M-1 RA 17- 8) I. institut geologicheskikh nauk 21 A--r-SSR. --- 14ii~m it ill i I-... I . I ;- I, :%1i _7 I'- I- -I - - ~1- v - -.- -, - G ',- *, ~ ~,a~ ~ . . , .1. -, lm_-~~,~-, . '. .1 "Diagnosis of Dysentery by Danvis-Pedtechenskiy raethcd," Zhu. N= (8) 51, 1947. Inst. Epidemiol. & Microbiol. and/or Dept. Epidemiol., Med. Inst., Yerei-an. i HOW lmilligilliti5imil Distribution of nitrates in The .-Aton plant. A. ~iak. GAst)-an (Armen. ~ Sd. Rtw-Alth Ina. Tech, CuIrRVI., Taro. Alid, S.R. Bi-91. C.1W*khP., Nauti 7. N o; i 3, 85-OC(in Russimi: i6:~, in Artneniaji)(IqW,~ln 6t: JILLHU grUWjI in ji;trate-fertitized heavy chty.-411 henit.,Me im amxari in the plant in greatt-~,t zimounti in leaf, rains. and items; generative organs we devoid of nitrates. 113 very growth the photosynthetic activity wid. the jivi- dtbV4lrO9tnWSC 10iVidCl Ule IOW, 1111d the K~Ili~21 Content r'f 1111rates is rflativel~ Ugh: in later stngvs the bio~ -activ4y of the plunt ii niuOi highrr and the nitr 'i ront-n. decline3 markedly, then riser, again at tambiatlim'or rniLturatiou of the plant. The nitrate and IriO conte4t:5 are higher in the tipper parts of the plant. The best'tiiim for addii. of nitrate fertilizer is bdore planting and durit .ilr G. Af. Kosolav fv a 4 it t i i i " - - [-.- A -- - -- , . . U- , i .- ." I -:I . -I 1606. Raspre!deleniyn Azota I Fos Fori V Khlopchatnike. Yere Van, 19C,4. iLs- S III 20sm. (Akad. Nauk Arm. 66R. OTC-NIE Biol. Nau1c). 450 LYZ. 3. TS' (54-51517) SO: Knizhna)ra Letopis', Vol. 1, 1955 GALSTYA1.7 A. Sl- "Determination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Cottor Plant:;." Cand Agr Sci, Department of Blolo,,ical Sciences, Acad Sci Aimenian SSR, 30 Doe 54. (h, 19 Dec C,4) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Deferided tit USSR I'ligher Mucatiorial Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 7 4 Ls J 'A 1A!r1hYd-_rQgc_n*a'O`cs' of 'itui c0 ant Akad J U J . , khn. X44f, -77,-!D(la~ RimsJou, ~Armcn . OMIA)~-Diirlng. t1m 6otykdou !eat stage rini cig4k at shows the Mixing bad - all atlier dchydro e~ n that of cittle ule enas s li6 _ e . , m g aearl ~ty io=Alc witbout It dollwL yevident; theactiO fly a lactor of a,,at this stake; addn. of douorv,~S*l~ OU Idehyde or EtOll, rals era' -a thi~actlvity by "'Acid. i TinchydrogenavS main activii -during fillit 14uiiieb", " b h i il A Le- ut ow um. act v S y dtaW~ actizOllo%wring. , 131tTmic end of w4mflon a relative a4cumukilicni 01 ~ piant is ohs:,,~ed. , iji j ~jt GALSTYAN4 lesha Shmavonovich; DAMAN, G.S., profeasor, otvetetv~nW ""T"r-Wa -1# reaaktor; OVAKIMYAM, A.A., redaktor izdatellstva: KAPLANYAN, N.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (The distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus in the cotton plant) Raspredelente azota i fonfora v khlopchatnike. Irevan, Izd-vo Akademii nauk Armianskoi SSR, 1955. 103 P. (MLRA 9:9) (Cotton) (Nitrogen) (Phosphorus) All 41 4 ~Conteat of nitrates in tattoo plant in dlA to=66lon Willi _,&Uin at the fruit structuresi A. 6h. Gds ~ Voki'ady, Xatik Arviycit. S.S.R. Rusgian), cf. C.A. 48, 115581s.~-Almost no nitnites uie', detectable in the main letif stems of the cattan pinjils gTowli without added fertilizer or those supplied with N lurder We ploughed area, during the period of fruit Inanition. it gradual introductforl of fertilizer gives better pLik develop-,, ment. Plants which contain apprecLible amtsi ot oitratt!~ in the stems tire less prone to shedding of the'friit (seed)~, pods. During the period,of massive pod shedding ther--!~ tak-cs place a de-Jint of photosynthetic activity andw il~ nctivit, of peroxidase, in comparison with the activity Icul during! th be nning of the flotm A'Wams](IY nauchno-issledovateiekiy insitut tekkinicheskikh Itur. Predstavleno G. S. DaVtyanom. kul GALSTYAN'.Ahg0amkVvw.~ Owwww"PIM"; Terrsentative activity of some soil typos of Armeni&. Report uo.2. Pgkl..AN Arm..SSR no.1:33-36 '57. (KLU 10:4) 1. lab oirstoriya agro'khiall. AtL&20 n*vk A-zarmskor SSR. Prodstav- ien6A,S, Ibvtyanom. (Arueul&--Sall biolocy) "_11 i USSR/Soil Science - Fiysicai ni.d C,.e-,.--ical Pr,)pe~:ties )f SO j! j Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bi-.)l., 11-1 1, 1959, 1369 Author I.~st AS Armeniai,. SSR Title Influeice of Catalase Activity in the Soil Orig Pub Dokl. AN AmSSR, 1957, 251 NO 5, 261-265 Abstract It is shown that catalase activity in the soil decreases with the placement if or(ymic and mAneral fertilizers. This is associated with an increase of nitrate, phospha- te, and chloride anions in the soil. Cations do. not ex- hibit any blockinG action. Catalase activity camot serve as an indicator of biologic activity in the soil. -- G.N. Nesterova Card 1/1 GALSTYAN, A.Sh.; ASTVATSATRYAN. B.N. Studying the biological activity of gravelly eamidesert soils in the Armenian piedmont. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. i selkhos. nauki 11 no.9:89-98 3 '58. (MIRA 11:12) I.Inboratoriya agrokhimii AN Armyansko7 SSR. (Armenia--Soil biology) (Enz7mes) USSR/Soil Scieuce - Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil i Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., Nj 1, 1959, 1370 Author : Galstyan, A.Sh. Inst AS Armenian SSR Title Enzymatic Activity of Some Types of Armenian Soil Ori6 Pub Dokl. All ArLOSR, 1958, 26, No 1, 29-32 Abstract Leached and motuitain black earth soils were characteri- zed by the highest enzymatic activity (7.8 - 5.3 mg of N), and the least activity was shown by light chestiiat and cultivated irrigated soils (0-50 - 0.53 rug of N to 1 g of dry soil). Urease activity was lowered along the soil profile, and it was not observed ir deep hori- zons. The application of mineral fertilizers with rmi-iu- re increased urease activity 2 -3 fold. The greatest activity was observed in the rhizoophere of alfalfa, Card 1/2 1 - 24 - GALSTYAN, A.Sh. Determining the comparative activitr of Peroxidase and poly-penoloxidase in soils. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 26 no-5:285-288 058. (MIRA 11:7) 1.Iaborat*oriya agrokhtmii AN ArmSSR. Predstavleno G.S. Davtyanom. (Peroxidaeo) (Phenolase) (Soils-Analysie) GALLSTUL11. JL.Sh. - . Activity of B-glucosidase in'soils. IZ'7.jdT Arm.SSR-Biol. naWd 12 no.4:75-79 Ap '59. (141R& 12:9) 1. Laboratoriya agrokhimil Akademii nailk ArtqS.')R. (GLUCOSIDA.~R) (ARMENIA-SOIL BIOLOGY)) GALSTTAN, A.Sh.; TSTUPA, G.P. Some problems In studying the activity of amidases in soils. Ivy. AN Arm.SSR. Siol.nauki 12 no.10:83-87 0 159. (MIRA 130) 1. Laboratorlya agrokhImil Akademli nauk Ariganskoy SSR. (SOIL BIOLOGY) (ASPARAGINASN) (URIUSI) GALSTVW, A.Sh. Determining the respiration of soil. Dokl.Akad.Bel'khoz. 24 no.2:19-21 '59. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Iaboratoriya agrokhtmii AN ArmSSR. Predstavlena akademikom A# I.I.Samoylovym [deceased]. (Soils-4nalysis) 30),300) AUTHOR: Galst7an, A. Sh. 30Y/20-127-5-46/55 TITLE- On the Activity of Soil Enzymes and the Intensity of Soil Respiration PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Ur 5, pp 1099-1102 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The views concerning the investigation of the.biological activity of the soil by the determination of enzymes are disagreeing at present. Some research workers say that the mentioned ~Lctivity represents an index of the biological activity and fertility (Refs 1,2), others disagree, however, with this opinion (Refs 3,4). The latter drew their conclusion on the strength of data according to which no direct aorrelat- ion exists between the activity of the enzymes and the intensity of the soil respiration. It is unclear whether a direct cor- relation exists between the activity of the hydrolases (which catalyze hydrolytic reactions) and the CO production. Since 2 the respiration is regarded as a process of activation and transfer of hydrogen in the enzyme chain tow-!rds the oxygen Card 1/3 activatod in corresponding systems the respiration intensity On the Activity of Soil Enzymes and the Intensity of SOY/20-127-5-46/qe Soil Respiration is bound to correlate with the activity of oxydases, not with that of the hydrolases. The activity of the oxidizing soil enzymes is scarcely investigated although they play an important role (Ref 5). Samples were taken from the arable layer of different soil types in Armeniya. Figiire 1 shows a device for the determination of the soil respiration. Table 1 gives the results. These data show that no direct correlation exists between the hydrolase activity and the respiration intensity in different soil types. The latter is only cor- related with the activity of the oxyaases and the catalase. It is difficult to determine the total biological activity of the soil on the strength of the determination results of the activity of individual enzymes, since the effect of indi- vidual enzymes is characterized by an absolute specifity. The enzymes give, however, demonstrative indices of the direction of the biochemical processes in the soil. The activity of enzymes and the respiration intensity are not equal in different soil types. This is due to the fact that each soil type differs from other ones in consequence of its genesis, composition, Card 2/3 environmental conditions, and plant cover as well as by the On the Activity of Soil Enzymes and the Intensity of SOV/20-127-5-46/58 Soil Respiration content of the absolute quantity of microorganisms as well as by their occurrence. The enzymes may serve as additional characteristics of the biological soil activity and fertility. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Laboratorip agrokhimii Akademii nauk ArmSSR (Laboratorv of Agrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR) PRESENTED:- March 25, 1959, by I. V. Tyurin, Academician SUBMITTED:- August 21, 1958 Card 3/3 17(4),30(l) AUTHOR.3: Calstyan, A. Sh., 'vakyan, A. G. SOV/20-126-6-60/67 TITLE: Changes in the Physiological Activity of the Tomato Root Under the Influence of Mintage (izmeneniye fiziologicheskoy aktivno-. sti korney pomidora pod vliyaniyom chekanki) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 6, PP 1365-1367 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Plant productivity is, inter alia, increased by mintage. Many papers have been written on this question (Ref i). The subject mentioned in the title was, however, not discussed. The authors studied the subject by means of the "middle-late" type Anaite with different mineral fertilization. Before planting the following amounts (in g) per kg of soil were distributed in the flower pot: 1) Control plant - without fertilization; 2) N 0.5, P 3.52 K 0.5; 3) N 1, P 7, X 1; 4) N 1.5v P 10.5, K 1-5; 5) N 29 P 149 K 2. The mintage was carried out when the first fruits appeared (July 21). The growing points of all fruit-bearing shoots were removed. Samples for the analysis were taken from the roots of 3 plants of each variant. Root respiration was determined according to reference 2, ferment Card 1/3 activity by the usual methods (Ref 3). Investigations showed Changes in the Physiological Activity of the Tomato SOV/20-126-6-60/67 Root Under the Influence of Mintage that mintage has a strong effect on the root system (Fig The physiological activity of the root hairs increases to a .particularly high degree. This held for the respiration intensi- ty of the upper horizon of the root system in particular, but also for the peroxidase (Table 1). The activity of the inver- tase also increased due to mintage, especially, however, in the deep-lying roots. The activity of both invertase and per- oxidase was much higher in roots of the third order (hairs) than in those of the first and second orders. The production of CO2 by the root system is inversely proportional to the crop yield in differently fertilized variants (Fig 2). Increased and decreased standards of fertilization improve the respiration intensity of the roots which also applies to the unfertilized variant. The crop yield was highest with variant 3 where plants had enjoyed favourable conditions of nutrition. Their roots have the relatively highest intensity of respiration which is due to the fact that these plants growing on the best possible soil variant 0 : 7 : 1) ripened earlier and were closer to the end of their life at the time Card 2/3 of the determination of the respiration intenaity. Mintage Changes in the Physiological Activity of the Tomato SOV/20-126-6-60/67 Root Under the Influence of Mintage increased the crop yield in all variants. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoria agrokhimii Akademii nauk ArmSSR (Laboratory of Agrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Armyanskaya SSR) PRESENTED: March 6, 19599 by A. L. Kursanov, Academician SUBMITTED: November 10, 1958 Card 3/3 --.C"TY&N, A.Sh.; VARDANYANj T.T. Studies on the biological activity of peat. Irr. IN im. SSR, Biol. nauki 13 no.2:77-83 F 160. (MLRA 13:1) 1. Iaboratoriya agrokbimii Akademii nauk ArmSSR. (ARMIL-PEAT) GALSTYANs A,Sh, Studying the enzymatic activity of the exposed botton nolls of Lake Bevan. In. AN Arm, 83R,, Biol. nauki 13 no. 7:55-60 il l6o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. I4watoriya agrokhi,,i, Akademii nauk Armyanskov SSR, REGION-SOIL MbiLGY GALSTYAN, A.Sh. Activity of enzymes In Solonchak soils. Dokl.AN AM,SSR 30 no.1:61-63 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Laboratoriya agrokhimi Akademii nauk AraVanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom. AN Armyanalmy SSR G,S.Dhvtyaaom, (Bnzyzws) (Solonchak soils) GAISTYANY A.Sh. Weeds in fields reduce the biological activity of soi-Is. Ilav. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 14 no.5:69-74 My 161. NIRA 14:7) 1. Laboratoriya agrokhimii AN Armyanskoy SSR. (WEEDS) (SOIL BIOLOGY) GALSTYANO A.Sh. Carbohydiase activity in the soil. Dokl AN AF14 SSR 32 no.2:101-104 161. WIRA 34:3) 1. Laboratoriya agrokhimii Akademli nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavleno, akademikom AN ArmSSR G.S. Davtyanom. (Carbohydrase) (Soil unemistry) 2GA~U,L ~A-!Nc A~1,,,, I` nn,,,qnT,1ch, Laboratory ol to ,or -nian g~ 1~rocne srry, caaeaj oi Sciences Arme SSR, Yerevan - "Fermentation and re3piration as indices of biological activity and soil fertility" (Section B, Symposium V) GERSFENIZON, Ser&qy ., Institute of.Zoology, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Kiev - "Role of ecological and physiological factors in outbreaks of nuclear polyhedrosen In insects" (Section B, Symposium III) J~SIRN,J~~y~.I- lli~~,~layevich, Head, Departwnt of Microbiology, Instit~-te.of A-dvaincied Training of Physicians, LeninE;rad - "Coccidiodocycosis- like disease in Russia" (Section E, Symposium XIII) KNwIIL'NIKOV, Nikolay Aleksandrorich, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences USSli-l-, koscow - "Antagonistic microbes and their roles i't the control of plant diseases" (Section B, Oymposium VI) ZIMMIOV, ViWtor Mikh&XLcLvicb, Institute of Virolo.--, imeni D. I. Ivanovsky, Acadeq;y of Xedical Science USSR, Moscov - (Chairman, Section E,- Sympobium X11) x,;lort te bc s,.`-tt~d for the EIL;hth Internationul Con,;rvsL fo.- ~:ontremi, C=rda, 19-25 AuLuat 62 GALSTYANI A.Sh.; SARKISIAN, S.A.; BAKHALBASHYAN, Dzh.A. Changes in the biological activity of reclaimed semidesert rocky soils. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 15 no.6:29-37 Je 162. (MRA 15:6) 1. Institut zemledeliya i Institute pochvovedeniya i agrokhimii Ministerstva sel'skogo khospystva Amywwkoy SSR. (ARMENIA-ZOIL BIMOGY) GALSTYAN, A.Sh. Methods for determining dehydrase activity in the soil. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 35 no-41181-184 '62. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut pochvoiredeniya i agrokhimii f4inistarstva proizvodstva i zagotovok sel'skokhozyaystvennykh produktov ArmSSR. Predstavlano aka- demikom AN Armyanslcoy SSR G.S.Dav-tyanom.