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GAWNEEN, Tu.M., kand.tekhn.nauk A useful book ("Municiapl railways and roads" by V.G.Sosianets. Reviewed by IU.M.Galonen). Gor.khoz.Mosk. 32 no.8:39-40 Ag '58. (mim 11:9) (Street railways--Construction) (Traffic engineering) (Sosianeta. V.G.) jr 8(0) SOV/105-59-5-25/29 AUTHORS: -- Basurmanov, K* As# Engineery Galonen, Yu. IL, Candidate of ~ eZor, Doctor of J Technical Sciences, Yefremov, - F ~ro Technical Sciences, Ivanov, 1. T., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: V. G. Sosyante PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 5, p 92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A short curriculum vitae on the oocasiou of his TOth birthday. Born on November 2T9 1886 in Tiflis. Enterecl.the MoskcLvskiy tramvay (Moscow Streetcar Service) in..1908, studied al.ths- same time and finished his studies at the Polytechnia-Inatitute in 1916. He worked in the Moscow Streetcar service until 1930 11kere he finally became chief engineer. From 1931-37 ed in the system of the Narodnyy komissariat.kommunallmago Aozyaystva RSFSR.(People's Commissariat-for Munialpal-Economy. of the RSFSR) and in the Vessoyuznyy sovet koamunallnogo khozyaystva pri TsIK SSSR (All-Union.Savet of the Municipal Economy at the TsIK of the USSR)- From 1937.he has been coa- ducting the Sector of Municipal Transport at the Akademiya kommunalln6go khozyaystva im. Pamfilova. (Academy of Municipal Card 1/3 Economy imeni Pamfilov). Besides, he is working as a pedagogue. V. G. Soeyants SOV/105-59-5-25/29 He started his activity as a pedagogue in 1929 at the Institat narodnogo khozyaystva im. Plakhanova (Iutitute.of Political Economy imeni Plekhanov) where.-he..orgapized.and.gave--lecturea on municipal electric transportation-Later-on he also.worked at the Moskovskiy energaticheakiy inatitut-(Moscom Power En- gineering Institute) and other institutes* He published a num- ber of scientific papers, text bookst and mnnuq18._In 1923 he organized the lot All4knoian. Streetcar Conferanco. He -was a member of the Presidim of the Postoyannoye..byuro vaeaoy-uznykh tramvaynykh all ezdov (Permanent Office of the All-Union.Stree.t- car Congresses~j of the Vbesoyuznoye-nauchnoye*inzhavierno- tekhnicheakoys obahchestvo gorodskogo transports. (All-Uniom Scientific Technical Society of Municipal Transpc:7tation). Since 1954 he has been Deputy President of the Central Executive Committeo of the Nauchno-tekhaicheakoye obhhahestvo samitarnoy.. tekhniki i gorodskogo khozyayatva.(Sciantific-technical...Society of Sanitary Engineering and Municipal Economy.). At the.same time, he is Deputy President of the Section of Transportation of the Moskovskoye gorodskoye o-tdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo obahch ate. va po rasprostraneniyu poli-tichaskikh.1.nauchnfth- 7.nAniy. .(Moscow Municipal Department of the All-Union Society for the Propaga- tion of Political and Scientific Education), as well as a member Card 2/3 of the Commission for.the Reorganization of Municipal Trans- V. G. Sosyants SOV/105-59-5-25/29 portation at the Mosgorispolkom, of the Tekhnicheskiy sovet Ministerstva kommunallnogo khozyaystva RSPSR (Technical Council of the Ministry of Municipal Economy of the RSFSR), of the Uchenyy sovet Akademii kommunal.tnogo khozyaystva (Scientific Council of the Academy of Municipal Economy) and of the TekhnicILeskiy sovet Mosgorispolkom (Technical Council of the Mosgorispolkom). lie beara the Badge of Honor and various medals. There is I figure. Card 3/3 8(6), 12(4) SOV/105-59-5-27/29 AUTHORS'. Galons-IJU."., Candidate of Technical Sciences, _7UTWa-y17ch, I. A., Engineer TITLE: I. S. Yefremov. Mechanical Equipment of Trolley Busesk:(I. S. Yefremov. Mekhanicheskoye oborudovaniye trolleybusov),., 2nd Edition, Revised and Completed- 351 Pages, Price 9 Rubles 10 Ko-ecks. Publishing House of the Ministry of Municipal P Economy of the RSFSR, 1956 (Izd. 2-ol ispravlennoye is dopol- nennoye- 351 str. to. 9 rubs 10 ko Izd-vo hlinisteretva kom- munallnogo khozyaystva RSFSR, 19565: 1. S. Yefremov. Electrical Equipment of Trolley Buses (I. S. Yef-remov. Elektricheskoye oborudovaniye trolleybusov)~ 2nd.Edition, Revised and-Completad. 396 Pages, Price.10 Rubles 60 Kopecks-Publishing-House of the Midstxy of-Municipal Ecbnomy of the RSFSR, 1956 jzd. 2-ep ispravlennoye i.dopolnennoye-.396 str.9ts. 10 rub.. 60 kop. Izd-vo Ministerstva kommunallnogo khozyaystva RSFSR, 1958) PERIODICAL: Elektriche~tvo, 1959, lir 5, pP 93-94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a book review. Both these.booka are textbooks of elec- tromechhnics andIcan. be w-orks by engineers arAtechnicians of.the trolley-bus transport companies. Both the books are c4rly and fluently written and bring many data. Card 1/2 A short survey of .the contents of individual chapters is givens BOV/105-59-5-27/29 I. S. Yefremov. Mechanical Equipment of Trolley Bases. 2nd Editiont Revised and Completed. 351 Pages, Price 9 Rubles 10 Kopecks. Publishing House of the MinJetry of Municipal Economy of the RSFSR, 1956. 1. S. Yefremov. Elec- trical Equipment of Trolley Buses. 2nd Edition, Revised and Completed. 396 Pages, Price '10 Rubles 60 Kopecks. Publishing House of the Ministry of Municipal Economy of the RSFSR, 1958 and some shortcomings are pointed out. It is recommended for the next edition to deal with the problem of using single- phase current and semiconductor rectifiers in trolley buses, and to bring the constructional data and descriptions of the electrical equipment in the new types of trolley buses. Card 2/2 GAIONW, Yu., kand-tekhn.nauk "Blectric equipment of refrigerating compressor plants" by D,S, Chukaev, V. S. Shcherbakov. Reviewed by W.Galonen. 1DWl.tekh. 37 no.4 t67-68J1-Ag 160. (MM 13:11) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery--Zlectric equipment) (Chukaev, D.S.) (Shcherbakov, V.S.) GALOMEN, Yu., kand.tekhn.nauk Now book on municipal public transportation. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 10 no.4:34 060. Oam 13:6) (Local transit) (Road construction) GAIDnN, Yu,M., Lzand.tekhn.nauk Xectric power supply, electrical equipment, and automatic control. Makhostroi, 17 no*5:30-31 XF 160. (MIU 13:7) - (Automatic control) 01100tric driving) Mectric pover plants) GALCNEN, Tu., kand.tekhn.nauk "Design, maintenance, and repair of street rallvLay rolling stoce by K-S.Chertok. Reviewed by W.Galonen. Zhil.~kom. khoz. 10 no.11: 33 16o. (MIRA 13: 11) (Streetcars) (Chertok, M.S.) ~~my2ovicbp kand.tekhmnauk; ISLANKINA, T.F., red.; ATROSHCHENW-9 -L-.Y-e-.,-, [Urban passenger transportation] Gorodskoi paBsazhirWdi transport. Moskyap Ind-vo 42maniev" 1962. 47 p. (Voevoiusnoo obahchestvo po rasprostraneniiu po2iticheskikh i naucbzWkh znanii. Ser.l+,, Tekbnikag n0,,11) (MIU 34:7) (Local transit) GAILIM Yu.M. kand.tekhn.nauk Conference on streetcar and trolley bus transportation s tems Elektrichestvo no./+:89-90 Ap 161. (I.IIRA 14: Br 0 1. Akademiya ko=nmallnogo khozyaystva.. (Streetcars-.Congresses) (Mrol-ley, buses--Congresses) GALONEN, YU.N. Using new types of public transportation in c#ies. Sbor.nauch, rab.AKKH no.13sl74-191 162. (MMA 16:4) (Local transit) G A LO NEN kand, tekhn. nauk Moving sidowalks. Nov.tekh. zhil.-kom.khoz.:Gor,dor.-mosto khoz, I transp, no. 2t116-129 163, (MIM 1715) GALOIE14, Yu.., kand. takha, nauk I "Modern designs of streetcar track" Irj V.P. Sosiants. Raviewed by IIJ. GiLlonen. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 13 no.5:29 My 163. MIRA 1618) (Street railways) (Sosiants, V,G*) i kand. tekhn. nauk; IVANOV, S,,%',,, f&a. - - ~ 1. - [Trains over the City; monorail railways] Poezda nad goro- dom; monorellsovye dorogi. Moskva) IZd-Vo "Znanis," 1965. 31 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. IV Seriia: Tekhnika, no.8) (MIRk 18:4) USSR/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of llriorgan~c Substances Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Knimiya, No 1, 1957,. 1264 Author: SventitsX-Ly, N. S., Sukhaenko, K. A., Galt:,n~%v_-2--P.. 0. B.? Alpatov, M. S., and Taganov, K. 1. Institution: None Title: Spectral Determination of Nitrogen, Hydxogen~ and Oxygen in Titanium and Its Alloys original Periodical: Zavod. laboratoriya, 1956, W! 22, No 0", 668-673, Abstract; The determination of N) 01, and H in Ti all-),is and of F Ln Ti is described. The determinations were. made with a type MP-51 spec- trograph (with a camera of f = 270 mm for N and 0 and a tYPe UF 85 camera of f = 1,300 mm for H); -type III spectroscopic plates were used for N and 0 and type 250 Goverment Standar~ panchormatic film was used for H. Several methods of excitation were zlested, including low-voltage condenser sparks and aingle-galse bigh- and lov-voltage condenser discharges. The fJ..-sL metbe-A gave the best results with N, Card 1/2 USSR/Analytical Chemi'styy - AnalyBis of incargani~_ S-e,,3tanr_,e,3, 0-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - KIdmiya, No 1, 1957, L?6" -1 e 41 Z- aT- Abstract: while the last method was found most. d H. N and 0 were detsrmined i ar, atmoiphere of hekh,rj 1*00 and wil Eg., re-- spectively), while H was determined in air. Fr~,r starrjj_rdt~ ca~;t.Sam- ples of Ti werle used the N cckntentv of hai been chemically, and the 0 and H content - by hot Pxtra~-,.'_on. The fol- lowing slit widths were used: 0.015 mm for N, 0.02 mm for 0, and 0.07 mm for H. An exposure of one second was ix.:,,ed fca7 N with the following pairs: NII 399k, 995 A and M 3889, 954 A and TiI 3998, 640 A. In analysis for 0 the relative intensity of the lines 011 4705, 32 and 011 4596, .13 A and of the backgrcund was dete2mik)ed. In the case of H the darkening of the line H 6563 A was The error in the determination of 14 is t25%,* -1-f 0, t'230-40% kas i;lia energy of the discharge is increased, thsaa intemiity at '' the 0-lines at first increases and then begins to drop off)j and for H, t8.8% for heat treated samples and �15.5% for samples which have not been heat treated. For the determination of H in powdered Ti briquetted electrodes are used. Standard briquetteB are preparei from titanium hydride and Cu powder. The error is �10-13%. Card 2/2 SUdRITSKIY, N.S.; SUIMNKO, K.A.; FAL'KOVA, O.B.; GkLONOV, P.P.; TAGANOV, K.I.; ALPATOT, M.S. Spectrum analysis of titanium, molybdeniLm, and their alloys for nitrogen. hydrogen, and o3qgen. Fi2.sbor. no.4:225-231 158. 1 (HIPIA 12:5) 1. Vsesoyusnyy ordena Lenina nauchno-lasledovatellskiy institut aviatsio W kh materiqlov. (Gases in metals) (Spectrum analysis) C/% VA** -it 40, 202%1... t.jj'-,j Zq p..Tv% q0 -I~ Mug-TV Iltu -.UTI 41 -1 2-TrI.O.. "J.'473 7.21mv.03 07 -4% A.; 441TT ;am Rj pul'a ..... . 3vsw;..d.g T-1pu.d.vTT a. at;% P..04- .-Mea.lul -UTT -odt vull...U, 31-10 ... vo* =T". Too -i %T z-qs s-"Tj . q I.-FiggatTv Pprrd It V--d-d q3 I.Ijv %*T.. 03 punej p';0.00 JC ..Mv-dog 0 93 ..Mrvo.4 . 30 "TZAR .1 0.9j". 2.q3_; ;0 satoz aq-4 ul -slazz AtIl ;0 1 ::12"1.110 al U. q , M.1.0, 11; 0qT z "14=.. A" J. tl%T. Uol-toagooo OT tv. an zn"T.4.mad Pau. qz um d--. a 7 UT" "s. 2404 --c! U7 jej..d. I I-; a*& U.7f.0 .,41 aq~ FUTA~a .14-1--" 1." RI &-,TAT q3 z~ z-t;Cj q% -sFaaqosjp q% Xq a.; J.- .-,z 1,PavT..jq ...;j ;. so." Iq Too 22l.nI.; at[. . UT Pat -'J.4 ..Jr.~XTZ OQ.qj Vol; P.21.=-.1 .40. P-mv, It, .1vade f1t Pan ."Z,Vojd S.. P'Z 30 su.%Uoo q .Talto sue.1lad So a0 *%I.W oooO.A 'a- a- -01WT -1 till' 2u.%UoC -P.Cxo .;,. OuTs -Z go cq Iql..Od 41 %T PC uptorl IT w4usc 41 -T=:%Dp P.Jsj a TAIT- P:. ;v ucj~=SCODUO- $R% qojR. ;a 90--v ul- 2jxo CACTI ;a ztwd *;-I) -ctj- -or p C. ZITVID.d.. vu R% CC ZU-0.4 UT .... u laotpoi3wl 0142 =Ts.19[v -dtd .4~ uo.;%U.a (nSo) Q~JL - 9LL,,,.4d '6 'It '1C IOA '656, 'Alj'g "C" ..... A51 RIT3101M R, 11",R 112,10169 M U..r tq ..Tuv3T,; T.-1vqv&z U; --stao J. U.11.11.-T-a Z741, STIONSOT -w.%ap.T7 "I 'A PC c, ALPATOV, M.S.;-GALQUOV. P*P.; S=&O, K.A.; FALIKOVA, O.B.', Arinimali uchas-biye: MRA-U-19'-L.D.; HOISHYNYA. K.A.; TISHIN, I.G. Determination of the oVgen and nitrogen content in aoll(i specimens of molybdenum and chromium by the spectrum analysis method. Trudy Xbm.,anal. 1&im. 12:288-297 060, (MIRA 13:8) k lybdenuirr-Analysis) (Chromium-AnalysiB) bw (Spectrum analysis) 507 ',`P, -2 3-9-`2 /::7 24M ' I ' / / 1; P 'k Bq 71. V. AiTHORS: Sukhenko, K. A., Galonov h~va, I TITLE: The Determination of Nitrogen in Steels of Various Compositions 0 - PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii naak- SSSR. Seriya fizic!,eskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 9, pp 1123 - 1126 (usnl, ABSTRACT: In the present paper tile development of a .iethod of deter- mining nitrogen in steel is dealt with. The experiments were carried oat on standards, the production of which is outlined in the following stages; Selection of the material for the 0 standarda, production of the alloya, exact chermical determina- tion of the composition, and -investigation of their homogeneity. To stainless steel nitrogen was added in form of nitrogen- enriched ferrochrome. The nitro,7en content amounted to 0.02 - 0.2~,. The chemical investigations -Aere carried out a" the Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut chernov metallurgii (Central Scientific Research Institute for Perr-ous Metallurgy) and at the Institut metaliurgii AN SSSR ( Institute of Metallurgy of the AS USSR). Table 1 shows the calculated and the chemically determined nit--ol-len contents of the stardards, and table 2 shows the gencral results of cheraical analyses of Card 1/2 the standards. Homogeneity was determined by means of spectral- The Determination of Nitrogen in StE--e1S of Various SOV/48-23-9-32/57 CoMpOS i 4- j0 -S analytical methods. In the chamber helium was used as a neutral medium. The dia-gram of figure 1 showis the cali- bration line for nitrogen determination in steel. A lo,.,i- voltage spark generator and a pulsed-14scharge 6enerator -were used as light sources. The sche:ne of a corabint~d generator is shown by figure 2. In Lhis C-JrCUit -Millia".11-e eleCtrGlytiO condensers and paper condense-ra, are Li,sed, and semiconductor- sErve as rectifiers. In the spectral analysis of nitrogen in steels the influence of "third" elements was found. All experi- ments carried out on samples with about 1% A! yielded too high values. An increase in chromium with -, simultaneous decrease in nickel causes a steeper slope of thc calibfat-ion curve. There are 2 figures and 4 tables. Card 2/2 t fit air I Fil '15 :3 LIE F. e ,X,ALWav_f_P_,P,.,,_SUKRMO, K.A.; SVENTITSKIY, N.S.; ISAY3V, N.G.; TISHIN, I.G.;%, BARASHEVA, T.V. Determination of nitrogen in steel and of hydrogen in commericial titanium and its alloys. Trudy kom.anal.khim. 10:190-195 '60. (MIRA 13:8) (Tjtptu1w*---Ana1ysis) (Aydrogen--Analysis) (Nitrogen--Analysis) I (Steel~Analysis) Z_ 1VOK PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/618i Ural'skoye soveshchanlye PD spektroskopli. 3d, Sverdlovsk, 1960. MaterIaly (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 197 P. Errata slip Inserred. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Institut fIzIk1 metallov Akademil nauk SSSR. Komissiya po spektroakopli; and Urallskly dom tekhniki VSNTO. Eds. (Title page): 0. P. SkornyakDV, A. B. Shayevich, and S. G. Bogomolov; Ed.: Oennadly PavlovllXh SkDrnYakov; Ed. of Publish- Ing House: M. L. Kryzhova; Te:cW d .: N. T. Mallkova. PURPOSE: The book, a collectio of articles, Is intended for staff members of spectral inalysiXaboratories In Industry and scien- tific research organizations, as well as for students of related disciplines and for technologists utilizing analytical results. COVERAM, The collection presents theoretical and practical prob- lems of the applIcation of atomic and molecular spectral analy- sis In controllinx the nhemical composition of'varlous materials In ferrous and ncnft:-rous metallurgy, ~ geology, chemical indus- try, and medicine. The authors express their thanks to G. V. Chentsova for help In preparing the materials for the press. References follow the Individual a rtiel ea. ~Materlale of-the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) COVMAOZz The collection presents theoretical and practical prob-f lema of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy-t ale In controlling the chemical composition of various mAterial in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology, chemical Indus- try, and medicine. The authors express their thank* to 0. V. Chentsova for help In preparing the materials for the press. References follow the Individual articles. TABU OF CONTEMs Foreword 3 PART I Aheratkov, Yu. A., and L. V. Makalmovskly. Investigation of the dependence of the total Intensity of speatral. lines on the oonoontratlan of elements In an are-dlse"* Plasma Card 2/15 Materials of the Third ural Conference (cont.) SovI6181 Kuranov, A. A., and N. P. Rukoha. Spectral determination of Impurities in platinum 91, Sin1kov, N. A. Examination of some variants of calculating unknown impurity concentrations by the "additives" method 93; Fishman, 1. S., and F. K. Sattarova. Chemical-spectral determination of carbides and intermetallic compounds In nickel alloys 99i Sukhenko, K. A.,V. S. Grigorlyeva, 1. S. Lindstrem, N. S. Svenzitakly, and F. f. QAIQngy, Methodology for spectral determination Jbf oxygen In titanium and its alloys 101 Popov, B. V. Use of spectral analysis at the Ural Automo- bile Plant 102 Shlepkova, Z4 1. Determination of phosphorus in copper alloys with the GT-7 5tylometer 104 . 1.2 1,P AUTHORS: Sukhenko, K. K. A,, Metelina, TITLE: The analysis meter 34o6i 3/701/61/000/000/002/005 B124/B138 A., Filatov, F. I., Galonov. P. P., Moiseyeva., L. D. of aluminum alloys with a multichannel quanto- SOURCEi Fotoelektricheskiye metody spektrallnogo analiza; sbornlik statey. Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961, P. 44 - 65 TEXT: 100 mm long wires 7 mm in diameter, and cast electrodes and diskq 50 mm in diameter and 40 - 50 mm thick, made of A11r, (AMg) and duraluminUm were analyzed with a 65-channel quantometer supplied by the firm ARL in the USA. The sDectroscopic assembly consists of four constituent parts: (1) spectrometer with diffraction grating, slits, photomultipliere. and stand! (2) amDlifying and recording device and timing relay; (3) adjustable high- accuracy light source, and (4) fre4uency and voltage stabilizer, A 1,5 m concave-ruled diffraction grating (960 lines/mm) is attached to the exit slot. The spectral range is 1500 and 7700 K Optical and electric dia- grams are shown in Fig. 6. Hemispherical or truncated-cone graphite and I Card 1PO 3ho6i S/7041/61/000/000/002/005 The analysis of aluminum ... B124/B138 carbon electrodes are recommended, An air-conditioner supplied by Sulsar (Switzerland) is recommended for maintaining a constant temperature of 21 + O~ -)OC and humidity of 45 � 2,55~ Analytical lines and operating con- ditions for the analysis of specially prepared standards of steel and All, Mgq Ni,, and Ti alloys are given in Table 1. Attenuators are selected -11 dependence on the concentration ranges of each element contained in the alloy (Table 4, The reproducibility of results obtained for ANIg and dur aluminum is shown in Tables 5 and 6, Analysis of 6 - ',' elemerts take.- 2 3 minutes, with the automatic device, The accuracy (except copper) is l 2%. and is somewhat higher when wire samples are used. There are 15 fig.- ures and 6 tables, Card 2/10 -114061 3/'701/61/000/000/002/005 The analysis of aluminum ... B124/BI38 Fig. 6. Optical and electric diarr,im of the appar;ttu~, uep(tld- ("k) V01- tage and frequency stabilizer; (B) Low-voLtij,:c exciting, circtti,t; (C) mains; (D) Voltage stabilization '1120 v + 1"", 50 cPs W High-voltage spark; (F) Rotary chopper; (G) Sptrk stand; (11) St--- tionary electro(',; (J) Rowland'3 circle; (K) Photomultiplier (L) inlat slit; kM) exit alit.9; (N) visible roeion of the spo~cttuq (0) Sample; (P) diffraction rratinn (4) ultraviolet region of tbc. spectrum; (H) Spectrometer; (S) Amplifying and recording device; (T) Sensitivity control; (U) Channels; (V) Calibration dial; (".'i) recorder; M Electrometer; (Y) Interrators; (Z) Relay.. Card 3/10 The analysis of alumiq tim ... Fig. 6 G&-a 4/10 34o6.-L '3/701/61/000/000/0")21/005 B 12,1 /131 i8 (9 Own Ommams v uwTpxqe"so Clems nP260ps. Offffl"MACM0 34061 S/701/61/000/000/002/005 The analysis of aluminum ... B124/B138 ,Table 1. Operating program of the ARL quantometer . Legendt (A) Ele- ments; (B) Spectral lines; (C) Panel to. for exit slits; (0) Con- centration ranges, in 7o, for the anaiysis of different alloys and steels; (E) Alloy steels; (F) low-voltage spark; (G) trace ele- ments in steels; (H) titanium steels'; (I) high-voltare spark; (J) nickel alloys; (K) aluminum alloys; (L) magnesium alloys; (M) Number of intel-rator; (N) Number of photomultiplier; (0) Num- ber of channel; (P) Reference line; (R) Screen; (3) Undispersed light; (T) There are 23 inteUrators in all, 38 DhOtOMUltipliers, 85 measurinr channels; (U) Notes. 1. A, B, C, D, E, and F indi- cate the group of the alloys. 2. Screens are necessary to pro- tect the photomultipliers against strong flux of li.-ht. Card 5/10 The analysis of aluminum- J-.-IH Table 1. caycl 61/10 j"Ot, 1 8/701/61/000/000/002/005 B12A/Bl3a t R A Mi !IL I Nil ils The analysis of aluminum ... 6/701/61/000/000/002/005 B124/B138 Table 4. Selection of the attenuators. Lerenrt: (A) Number of attenuator; '(B) Element-v (C) Position of attenuator; (D) AiAg-; Duralu- rdn; (F) Copper; (G) Beryllium; (11) Magnesium; (J) Iron; (K) Sili- con; (L) Manganese; (M) Zincl (N) Titaniurm; (P) Alum-inum. Ho.mep MemaaTopa P-6) 3AelleHT Ir) rioioweii,teaTTeiioatopa'~--'- 1-71)-)AMr 44 MeAb '1 12 I I EePHAAMA f 10 8 MarHmA 4 10 30 4 ~)Mmvvo K u1i"A 12 13 12 13 39 26 apraiie UH11K H L; 15 17 8 - 42 TnTam 25 - 29 Amom"11HA Q) to to Card 7/10 3/701/61/000/000/002/005 The analysis of aluminum ... B121f,/BI36 Table 5. Reproducibility of analytical re-ults for Jvilg-type 'aluminum alloys and duralumin (hi.-h-voltar,e spark u~,ed as the source of light). Legend: (A) Analytical lines, ~; (B) mean tarithmetical error, in 7;, of 2-0 to 40 determinations; (C) Ait.C, wire; (.D) AI.IF:, cast bars; ~E) AM',, disks; (F) biirtlumin,hars, wire; (G) -,~Lirnlum- in, diABI (H) Concentration ,- -u--s Jetermined for both alloys; '(J) Reference line; (K) Nnt-. c.-!rbon stationary electrode is hemispherical. Ca-r(L kilo The analysis of aluminum ... Table 5. 3/701/61/000/000/002/005 B124/B136 Upcmv It ullct:K.'m t Uttifta it 16 uA 20-1 onpeite.,ten"A l o, n e p CNIN! AhIr 'AyP ~ ., , o VillyTaO . Mr, 11py 1011H"' ltyp'l' PORO.10- I YtHit 'P MiTue UCK11 ARYTaR nenTpUtRA o 06011M ma npoaoaOK3 j clMaDam Card 9/10 Cu 3274 +1,2 �2,5 j:2,7 �3,6 �5.0 0,07-6,9 Mg 2790 �2,5 43,5 �2,0 :k2,0 �1,5 0,08-7.5 Fe 2599 �0.73 �3.6 :E2.0 -+0.9 11.8 0.10-1.6 S1 2516 �1,2 � 2.2 . +2,6 �1,5 4:1,5 0,06-1.9 ,%1n 2933 �2,5 �4,2 :EI,O �2,0 �2,0 0,20-1,9 Be 31.30 1,0 0,001-0,008 Al 256a Aunim cppinuenns p it ue qa it n ~ nocTomimun 9aeKTPOA-yrojih. 3a7oqeIjHWjj no IfiopMe- ni),,iycq)epm. rilysis of aluminum ... S/701/61/000/000/002/005 B124/B13B 6. Rcproducibility of the analytical lines of the duralumin-type aluminum alloy (low-voltage spark used as the source of light). Lee,cr~i. (A) Analytical lines, R; (B) Mean arithmetic error, in of 60 determinations; (C) Duralumin, disks; (D) Range of concen-~- trdtlons detert-nined; (E) Reference line. AjwtIITjjqCCKjje- JOSIMI-in apit4ime-rviRecxas omst6ma a % H3 60 onpeAezemil (A) AYP'JIIONIHH, AHCKK npeAejiu OUPCAUReUlUX, lo) MitteMpatmA Cu 3274 �1,6 Mg MI :J2.65 0.5-2,0 Fe 2599 J3,3 .0,4-2,0 Mn 2933 �2,8 0,2-~-I, 1 A[ 2568 AIIIIHSi CpaBHemmn 10/10 3/701/61/oco/"000/004/005 B120138 AUTHORS: Siakhenko, K. A., Filatov, F. I., Moiseyeva, K. A., Galonov, P. P. IMetelina, L. 'D. TITLEs Determination of boron in nickel alloys SOURCE: Fotoelektrich,-skiye metody spektrallnogo analiza; 3bornik sta- tcy, Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961, p. 82 - a6 TEXT: The medium-dispersion quartz spectrograph WF-26 (ISP-28) and the 4iffraction-prating spectro6raph 13 (DFS-13) and the ARL quantometer (USA) were used to determine the boron-content of three types of nickel alloys. Operating conditions are Eiven in Table 1. Optimum results were obtained with low-voltage spark; the mean arithmetical error for a sample containinr 0.020 Ir B was +6%. T. M. Faytellson and T. Ye. Sharovatova are mentioned. There are I fiLy-ures and 2 tables. Table-1. Conditions for tht multi6hiinnel quantodieter.determination of bor- on in a nickel alloy. Legendt (A) Low-voltage spark; (B) Arc with spark gapi (C) ... microfarads; (D) ... microhenryl (E) Card 1/2 3/701/61/000/000/004/005 Detcrmination of boron B124/BI38 V; (F) ... ohms;,(G) U irn Analytical distance;- J) Sample- 11+11; carbon auxiliaty electrode, hemispherical; Sample carbon,aux.illary electrode, hemispherical. (A) HII.IK0130.1bTlIag, IICKPI, (C) C=10 .11KO; 't:--w U=250 e; U.,=1000 a; R-5 (fVAna.univiecioul nPonelkyrOIC d=3,0 xx (J) 06p33ell .+*: nOACT38HOfl aAeKT- POA C. JOTOIlKa no ~op~te noayc~epu C-IICRPq8bIM PeAlthlowl (Co C-60, 0; L=360.NACZN; U= "=300 R=45 1=4 a. AuaAHTIMCKII;; nP011CM&YTOK d = -3,0 0()Ea3ell .-'; nOACT.InII()rI BleKT- 'POA . 3aTOIlKa au 4)opme jioayc~epw M 7 Cu-I 2/2 GALONSKIY, B.P. Petroleum and gas industries in the U.S.,S.R. aooroaching the forty sixth anniversary of the Great October Rrvolutton. Neft. khoz. 41 no. llil-,5 N 163. (MIRA 170) ARIYAN V.A.; qA~O ~2 j MV .11~ y Lf~j~ P.P. ; LAIMLS I U,.k. P,N' . ; INLU I, T ~, V Progress in the exploitation of oil wells. Nmft,, khoz, 40 no,,.12:39-" D -162o (MIRA :L6%-7) (Petroleum production) GALON.SK- , Pavel Petrovich; PERSONA, Te.G., redaktor; POLOSINA, A.S., to Wril-ch-e-sYly-F ad a kt or. [The fight against paraffin in oil iroduction: theory and practical Bor'ba a paraftnom pri dobyche nefti; toortia I praktiks. Moskva, Gos.,nauchno-tekhn.Izd-vo neftianol I gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1955. 148 p. (HLRA 8:9) (Parafflna) (Petrole=) 15-57-7-10345 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 7, p 250 (USSR~ AUTHORS: Pavlichenko, A. A., Bazlov, M. N., Galonskiy. IL F TITLE: Results of Heat Application (Vystupleniya v preniyakh) PERIODICAL: V sb: Metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov. Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1955, pp 8048 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 fiSKIY, P,,.- P., Dep. 14in. of Pet. Ind. USZ-1. "Utilization of Atomic Power Ifor Peaceful Purposes and the Goals of the Soviet Petroleum Industry in this Field,' Utlization S?f kdjQjxqt;Lye_jgo~o-Des & &%nathQns in the Petroleum Industry (Symposium), Min. Petroleum Industry USSR, 1957 Results of the Joint Session of the Technical Council of 11in. of t1he I Petroleumt Industry USSR and Soviet Sci. and Technical Association, M)scow, 14-19 ~hr 1956. if p 13 edF,,'-' n~ -, ','LVTWKOV. I M. , re,.i~ v,'tor: KA'L-ANTJ,7' V, LWA-v -to.: md- :- L tor: LIRV, redaktor; G.I., MUE,hV'Y.e;V. V.M., -edaktor-, MUSTAFINOY. A.D.. redaktor-, rednktor; TROIV, i.L.. redaktor; !?INIP;V, R.D., reda-.It,,~r; ~AHAN Yu.K., veduc-hchty redaktcr; PCILOSIMA. b-6-, tekhnichecki- [-6%mlcitetion of oil fields; oraceedings of an AII-Uui~,r -01ference of wo~kcrs in oil extraction hold at Fuybyshey in 1115-~! CY)yt rnzra- botki neftianvkh mestoror-hionii; traky Vseactusnogo :)r,tr,'t%ov )c dobyche nofti, v itunin 19156 r. Moskys, Goo. asu chno-tak-hn. 12d-ro nef'.1 1,C)i )Jt-x~v, 1957. 553 P. soveshe~mnfie p:: lt:hvn!~I nrfti. Kuvbyehev, *--rierm engineerl-mg) USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Productus and Their 1-8 Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor and Jet Fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 2512 Author Galonskiy, P.P. Inst Title Results of the International Conference at Geneva on the Peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy and the Problems of USSR Petroleum Industry in This Domain. Orig Pub Sb.: Primeneniye radioaktivn. izotopov i izluchen-iy v neft. prom-sti. M., Gostoptekhizdat, 1957, 3-8 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 F. kand. tekhn. nauk; AVAIIESOVI K.p red.; BAKI M, K., tek]3n, red# (Development of-the em=7 of the Kurkmen S.S.R.-during the seven-year period, 1959-1965],Uzvitie narodnogo khoziaistva SM v semiletiip 1959-1965 gg. Ashkhabad, Ob-vo po rasprostraneniiu polit. i nauchrqkh znanii Turkmenskoi SSRY 1959. 51 P. (MA 15:8) (Turkmenistan--Economic policy) GALDNSM, P.P., kand.tekhn.nauk For technical prol*6so in oil production. Bezop.truda v prom* 7 no.1:3-6 Ja 163, (MIRA 16:2) 1. Chlen Gooadaretvennago komiteta Soysta Ninistrov SSSR po toplivnoy promyshlennostis (Petroleum dpginsering-Technological innovatioAS) KOVALENKO, K.I.; KUVYKIN, S.I.; HINGAREYEV, H on.; MURAVLEIIKO, V I.; OBNOSOV, A.D.; SHASHIN, V.D.; SPYA-RV;, A. Volga-Urul region is one of the largest petroleum bases of the country. Neft. khoz. 42 no.9/10:56-64 S-0 164. (~aRA 17:12) , 1 ; 1 .1 " , u: ;,!" :1 .71 ft I I - - . , I : I ! ; I , I . : ~ , I ALIDZHANOV,, ANNALTATEV A.A.; GALONSUN 11' , " , ; W;Z)X~JfFN , 7 .,1, A ~ 1 9 0 DENTSEVICH p V.V. Oil and gas produ-.tion in Centrall Asia. Neft. khoz. 42 no.9/10.69-74 S-0 164. (MIRA .17?12) ~ " " I- I , , _19 , I': * - I ; , i ! 1!1 1 - I I . KALAMMOV, V.A.; ORUDZHEV, S.A. - GALONSKIY,,. ~~P.; KRYIDV, A.P.; MAKSIMOVY M.I.; TREBINt F. Accomplishments of Soviet petroleum workers in the development of oil fields. Neft. khoz. 42 no.9/10: 89-99 S-0 164. (NIRA 17:1* P: 0 L. ~:R. O;x1os and W. Osttowski (MI001 Wd.,; C66%, Lgi: 4-POAM. la, clasjc~ 11, 2pt 01-40954), A R~~ 4874.-T)i elelntrophornk~svjin.~ of i~iatc t~jjll. plexm al)d the don, (A 16 uronicackh wereappik-d t6 th~- anallysis eir oil 4 s ccltarMft.:~ -Color Wa4 d0vloj)tdj4ith Partridi L y spraying the strip ot liaper: Vvith 8% Her, 0~Adl li:,:~,tin 1 mt~! diol 106'. Refosiisreuct with berm,10 njipre*~a!Wyc to a l 14l_'J.' All sugars wisrak 4'miwr i Loh towurd the Xathoft, and dortyliglifiLdiamiSO iii -,Ird 31WC,- IXAROS6 Mid h4~xijses inikra(L- filbici ilulcIIJ4 tharr, at" mobiliji ~qf~ tz.044 W- 7 if OWEN C~t "LM 1", 77, r I Ly t A. jw, oc! I V vnfr3. "L n INA st KRASZNAI, Ivan, dr.; GALOS~,_Uzalla,-dr. Our experience with a new spasmolytic: NO-SPA. Om. he+Al. 104 no.4: 164-167 27 A 163. 1, Budapest Fovaros IIII. ker. Tanacs VB. Robert Karoly krt-i Korhaz, 1. Belosztaly. (MUSCLE RELAXANTS) (QUINOLINES) (VASCULAR DISEASES) (ULCER) (CHOLELITHIASIS) (KIDNEY CALCULI) OLAA, Imrp: ANTAL, Janoo; GAIDS, Gizeila Chilriges In f3y,.It(-ml,,- and rotinal hyportonoion In hvpr~:-,,enwilvc patients lnfluerc~d by hypotensive agents, Kloerl. o-iostud. 16 no.4!439-1,43 Ag '64. 1, 'Ndapesti Orvostudomanyl E'gryetem tleurologial Kitrilkaja o0 llo~ I E, Ully-u. Roh, I )r?. Karoly krt.-l ko-ha 1 'Yoryust YC "I"'S U 1. Anal3~tical calculation of limit carryin.-~ capacity of isotropic bars subject to torsion. Bul Ar. Pol tech 12 no. 2:79-88 164 1, W*erit '- )-l- Technical I'lechanics, Techn-ical Univeroity, 9 I resented by U. ~,lszak. GALOS, Marian; ZYCZKOWSKI, Michal (Krakow) Analytical method of computing the limit load carrying capacity of bars subject to torsion. Rozpr inz PAN 12 no.2:267-296 164. 1. Technical University, Krakow. C~ I., c Jty an-soLrc)Tr~~, tech 12 nc,5:30'L-3 Krakow. V~ lk !15~:Wj 1, 111 111 IrPt 11 ~I 11 i1 V, ! , I I I , I il I :!~ I . GALOS-BICZOVIA, B., Ostrowski, W., Krawczyk, A. Zonal electrophoresis in the presence of adsorbents. p. 649. (ACTA BIOCHIIUCA POLONICA. Vol- 3, no. 4, 1956, Wexszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) W. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. GIMSHIN, A. Water-3uppl.v pipes on roofe were.of a great help. Pozh.delo 6 no.2:17 P '60. (MIRA 13:5) (Fire extinction--iatnr supply) (~rf)LOSWI\j/j, E V, 24(3)t 18(6) SOV/56=35-5-53/56 AUTHORS: Vollkenshteyn, If. V., Turch;_nskaya, I,% GaLoshina, E. v. TITLE: On the-Particular Features of the'Ma,-netization of Disordered Alloy Hi MIn at Low Temperatures (Ob ~o;obennostlyakh namagnichgniya neuporyadochennogo splav"a Ni-11n. pri nizkikh tomperaturakh) 3 PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheslr-oy fiziki, 10,56, Vol 35, Nr 5, PP 1312-1313 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is known that the alloy Hi-hin near the atoichiometric com- T)osition Ni 3Mn be-longs to the class of self-ordering alloys with a sharply marked dependence of physical properties on the degree of order in the arrangement of atoms. The occurrence of strong ferromag-netism at the'maximiim degree of the remote order is particularly noteworthy. Thus, the saturation magneti- zation Is of the alloy exceeds that of pure nickel by 50'1'o'- According to the exj~erimental-results obtained by the authors, the alloy Ni3Mn becomes ferromagnetic already at the tempera- b 4 ture of liquid nitrogen, in which case it holds 'hat I = 1350 Oe The Curie (Kyuri)-tomperature 9 was determined from th'e data Card 1/3 obtained by the precise measurement of the temperature SOV/56-35-5-53/56 On the Particular Features of.the vagnetization of Disordered Alloy. ITi Ln ai Low Temperatures 1 3 dependence of the electric resistance, and in this way 0 - 110 01" was found. An exact investigation of the magnetization curveo at various temperatures up to the temperature of liquid helium shows that the character of magnetization has some particular features. Firstly, the curves Plotted at 20.ij and 4.20K a ter cooling of the sample from room temperature take a course that is much lower than that of the curves plotted in the case of repeated magnetization after previous demagnetization (by comButation from maximum field strength to zero at 20.4 and 4.2 K). This may perhaps be explained by the high energy of magnetic anisotropy. Secondly, the gr8at differsnce between the magnetization curves plotted at 20-4 K and 4.2 K is remarkable. At field strengths of up to 18,000 Oersted the lat- ter take a course that is much lower than that of the former and do not attain saturation. At 77.80K coercive force amounts to 140 Oersted, and at 20.40K it is 1,000 Oersted. Such a great increase indicates a high degree of temperature de- pendence of the constants of magnetic anisotropy. More accurate Card 2/3 conclusions as to the nature of the magnetic properties of 0 SO'/ 56-35--5-:53/56 On the Particular Features:o-f the Magnetization of Disordered-Alloy Ni 3lin at Low Temperatures thd'alloy Ni3Mn in the disordered state-can be drawn only after-further accurate measurements will have been carried out. There are 2 figures and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki utetallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for the Physics of 1.1,letals of the .%cademy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: August 8, 1958 Card 3/3 21(0) SOT/53-6T-4-7/T &ZT30I.- Chemise" 1. T:TLII: Tht ?Lfth III-ftioa Conflerool. on th, physics Of I. I retires, (5-yo loosor-nole Ombchaaiyo PO fisZko i.kikh PeRIODIC&L, V.p.bbl flatch-kikh wouk, 1)59, Val 67, 0, 4. VP 743-750 (nsx) AWS?XAC?. This Confor::coolock place rrou October 27 to November I at "A 1.1JII.rg-12,1 by 11* 014 I..Iy. the 'it Ikh o4u., A.. cook,3.( of Physi.o- math-licAl of the I.altay of U33H). 1110 Akadogira nick gvjziztky 23R (Academy of 3cio.c.m. orit In the T1,111, ly go ,yy . 1- ,:k I.:,. b I. or I y '... I Stalin). Z0 Cc of."We too atton,i.d by about 300 specialist. from Thil Ime 12 , I,,, , Orlk,,, It,*,, " "' a A-bo.- of y*Uft Ch!.. a,1:10 I.'Ib'o"' .A a 0 pr ;.. b ., 5 1. ::r. a.,,, r- ad which were livided according to research flilio. Ai 1; borovik-waganor (Irp) d a report an 1.1.1tig.- ft he O-Iod Out Of the anisotropy of the own k f rro .Post" In son.cryst.1 44-ples of the an life rromagn*t Ia MACO,(the effect of ani.alro y rr.,Itct.d by the 1910.1 theory developed byrD -hi.skil). In -he course "'. ataUP-Loc, I. A. Allkbann at v (rrp) spoke about moutrana- graphical investigations be ca~,rj.d out of the magnetic strucluxe of Unco 3 and FOCC, -I I-,- P. L- 94pt .. air .... d the Laporf thol based upon r: d by goals arria4out by IA it, a IF?) Of aCnatil aalso- trOP7 Of the antiforromagnotic CuS047anj C0904-mcnoc"att,1g. Cmrd 7/ti TO. A. -uro (IFU All SSSR, Sverdlovsk) 2poko about his theoro- ',cth: fulcopt-bility, -g-V 01 *h':4'p..Ifl- h:-lft:ft10fl1a r fr firroa-guotic. -4 ... Ik f.rr:.. q a. I f "' . 1. and 12-11~~--ko MYTI) -P.k. bo.t the e2;etrl Me In magnetic fields In a aide tom- at %istance of Iran P- Uf: CO with fimult-ous plotting of the aCetj..1!0n OUX's,W P,40r-, G.Ioshi. NI p ."r?"IfflKsM IW. A OK T. of "Now 3-11 affect of polyeryst.111n. nickel "a 111 31- -S Ia. temporal=.,. Ia. 1. Kon4.rokly, , Gcfaxn and chb~4, ~UGV) gave a rtror T. 2OA::,q 7i-ul-v SIFRITy m-sur .... to on njoklal "th t ,"a a Oy:b. c o;,p:r at Jai tonporatur::;.T. r. S ... d: C~GU) 3--!!. ~t b4 P40trus of the ;are WtIcrc."n:74f 7b l In terbium itrato at liquid hydrogen. U. ,!~,gsncT :Rd V. W. Tmuk.ralk (Kh,I)d h the ki..'ITc fUFA .1 10. t.=P r 11. nd with c.lculatiin Lkhiy4E:r ' T. Barlyakhtar and S. almkir (I[hFTI) csi~rlod out theort fical-T-Eve. -.test Lon rd "he r.lexation of the moment in forrodialoc tries I __nM1Ov (1711 All SSSR) h::,l Ih,!_ja 'Ine.rI, 1.1,rl..d *lastja (ultrasonic) us'. of a cY Of,0)cycles when pa throuth A forromagn.tic substance in the direction of thing mocalt,. rlaid, is subjected I* a I,rn Iamh Ion Jan. of the order of 10- _A red I../ :or 1. gaganow P.Inted out that Ia this connection yet snol~!;- may be observed, namely the resonance absorption 2mr:1-0nica If the lawo'ength I. equal to the rail us of the Larmor a' !,11,:r tho,oloctr3c. Z. -VarLe to . I- lot,- 00 Zc 4 10 TTS 879CM S/126/60/010/003/009/009/XX E032/E314 AUTHORS2 Volkenshteyn, N.V. and.~i~ TITLE~ The Temperature Dependence of the Residual Electrical Resistivity of Ordered Alloys PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniy, 196o, Vol. lo, No. 3. PP. 494 - 495 TEXT. The electrical resistivity of crystalline materials can frequently be used as a sensitive indicator of changes taking place in a solid specimen. 1his is due to the fact that crystal-lattice imperfections affect the behaviour of conduction electrons,and from this point of view the formation of short-range order should affect the character of the temperature dependence of electrical resistivity. The present authors have investigated the resistivity of Ni 3Mn and Cu 3Pd alloys as a function of the annealing temperature. The specimens were in the form of wires, Potentiometer leads were spot-welded onto them and were made of the same material, The distance between the two points was I cm. The specimens (x Card 1/4 677C1 S/126/60/010/003/009/009/XX E032/E314 The Temperature Dependence of the Residual Electrical Resistivity of Ordered Alloys were heated in evacuated ampules for between one and several hours. The resistivity was measured by the nf)TIA-1 (PPTN-1) potentiometer at two temperaturesv namely, room temperature and liquid-nitrogen temperature, It was found that lower temperatures were not necessary because the resistivity at liquid-nitrogen temperatures is close to the residual resistivity. The resistivities were measured to an accuracy of 0101%, Figs. 1 and 2 show (~~7-800'293"K a.s functions of the quenching temperature. The presence of a minimum in the resistivity, which is clearly seen in these experimentai results, can be explained by the existence of fluctuations in composition and order near the ordering temperature,or Lhe existence of short- ran(re order which i.n. thes(, a I I ovq t (,nds to tricren,,44- tho Card 2/11 S/126/60/010/003/009/009/XX E032/E314 The Temperature Dependence of the Residual Electrical Resistivity of orderi~dz Alloys resistivity (Krivoglaz and Rybak - Ref. 8 and Katsnellson Ref. 9). There are 2 figures and 9 references: 6 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR) S/126/60/010/oO3/ooq/Ooq/XX E032/E314 The'Temperature Dependence of the Residual Electrical Resistivity of Orderck.0 Alloys Fi,g.1 Fii~.2 Fm4 IN ZWK 0 L Old .500 600 700 800 T 500 Too Ot Pjic. 2, SUBMITTED: MaY.30, 196o Card 4/4 L 12U0-63 EWP(cjp)/EWT(m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD JD/HW-z S/185/63/008/00~/002/009 AUTHOR: Volkenshteyn, N. V., Galoshina,-E Turchinskaja,~M. I.,F '~dor~v, G..V. and Tsiovkiniy If TITLE: Effect of orderin &,electrical magnetic, galv'anouiiagnetic and, thermal propertiesof NiOn alloys 'PERIODICAL: Ukrains1kyy Fizychnyy",Zhurnal, v. 8, no. 3, ~1 .. 963, 30 6-312. TEXT: The article investigated,the electrical condueltivi~y, magneti:zatioh, Hall affect and heat capacity of,alloys near the stoichiomatric compositiow N13Mn over a wide range of temperatures down to 1.50 K bothl:in disordered and in~ states with varying,degrees of long .-range order. The data )qhich~ware obtained show that the disordered state and the initial stages of ord.ering winere short range order appears are very complex for NY= alloy. The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity was investigated near the Curie point., Magnetization. measurements were made on single crystals. The Hall emf for ordered state of,this alloy as a function of induction has normal character for, gnet'ic ferromA materials. The,article contains 7 figures and a 6 item bibliogra' phy. ASSOCIATION: Institut Fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute'of'Metal Physics of'.the: Academy of Sciences of the USS72., Sverdlovsk) Card 1/1 VOLKENSHTEYN, N.V.; GALOSHINAI E.V. Temperature dependence of paramagne~lc susceptibility electric condixctip~ty and the Hall effect-in metal scandium. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.2.-298-301 Ag 163. (KrRA i6:8) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (Scandi'imi-Magnetic properties) (Electric conductivity) (Hall effect) L 15039-w65 ka(~j)IgpP( )/&kt)/&T(b) PiI-4 PY Wtlss ~~3 W i) 9 WiC11.1m ACCESSION NR: AT4048697 S/0 00,'1000107'9/0685 000/64j0 AUTHOR: V_olloq shteyn, N. V.;2Fe 0v, Go, V..; ciad lmi'% !Y.01P~tsovq V~; 1re, 71 ;a1v TITLE: Temperature dependence of the electrical ano I Pr ruv earth metals SOURCE, We soveshchaniXe 4vqm vedkikh m4all 64 Vop po spk it , I... rosy*~ teorii i primeneniva. redkozemelfny*kh metallov,(*ii!5fe~*5"'*jn--0-' th d.- 'P~ eqq~ !rar, earth metals); znai;orialy*, soveshchaniya. : Moscow Izd-vo XaU14, 194i 79-~85 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, rue ear'th electrical i rar6 oarth galva'tto- j effrl magnetic property-, rare earth ma' ~, ~ ~'W :I bDM gnetic property, Hall tare efirth ic, truclure, A13S 'Ihet electrical resistance TRACT: vindMill, b6ct are bxc4lentIndicators of jhe' characteristics of the electronic structure of s6lid bodies' ~Thq, presdat p~r desdiibds simultaneous measurements of the: electrical, r6sista'n'be and'ib~! ifaWq'A~ct for a. ia~rge group of highly purgiMfiedgare earth metals. 7t6 Wectricai rekkano~! of rwodywikm~ UorbWm iv~g europium, gadolinium.1-Garbium, dysprosiumi holmitim, erbhixq~ixad~. measured by a common potentiometer. in a metal crypsta~ at te~)Per4iies bet;%-,vijh rooin and 4.2K. TLe eltectrical resist~mce differed significantly Irbrii4haV6f the usual=:'etaI6, with low resistanim. The temperahwe relationWflps could be ~~4~d to Aivide the ra Ire Card 1/3 M mom I'f~ 1.41i L 15039a-65 ACCE S81ON NR,-'AT4648697: earth n, into r6up ~6htains ~eod -.Uilum rbluoi Which otals four groups. ' The first g. y 440 Y-fta do not show, a Una ar relationship in the above-manualled tM olko., 11 Wlie rv;d. 'NO Pelf"., I ~ i~ i second group includes. dysprosium holmium~ and~6rbiumi~:,v~bl~-~lohoiVil))~eak~indid'oLiims and low resistance maxima when passing from the par;uiidgn6Uq4;jnW~ ~ii dnd-fbr~omagnet- ic condition. TWi third group contains gadolinium and: teibiu4i j! iYWI, ihow. a sshfi.~.p brbak when passing from the paramagnetic:to the anti-ferrpniagneIU6 6nditloii, With a li&ar; Europitim ha s -a sp relationship in the paramagnetic field -Wal, ~Iac~-j~a~6ong the r~are ow fjie'~p6int of P'a;,-qsiV3 earth metals. ~ It~: shows a sharp drop ih:electrkal io kstwicb ~6~1 -ama~grnetic intp the anti-ferromagneti . c Tbe detalled behavio'r; cl ~. 6ndition: of from the pai 'jDu-r- opium --r- hvis-further-inyestigd-3on _:U~e ~ rare ib6td-s equ Analysis of -the- cury;oiii for; illJ~ electileal resistance, at:6quiv enttexr'~ i~ filoiel~~ jian! shows that the siecific C 196ct Was!mdasured ~vifh; for metals in.the'first group of the perfadi ta,ble The lialL ~ hol at4 'Iyspr a DC potentiomeler in a cryostat for europi osiul~i the IUM :authors being th6 first to measure the Hall eicict, of europtuiii ~iiid hdInijum. Teinlo)eraixre variations did not change the Hall effect. On the basis of the ,-4 1~1tests!; ;id: lica~Gns by PUV C. J. Kevan,:S. i' Lepold and G. S. Anderson, -it can be wenioi4 allIth rare ea~rth a tljjght!l metals may be divided into group (Up W g8dolinium) a ~#*yll grouo,~ in bDth of which the conductivity depends on.the,electronic bonding. Tl.~I PA-3iJurther de!scribes 2/3 L~t rd VOLMSHTEYN2 14.V~) GLLGSHINA; E.V. Saperconduotlylty V--Sc &U-iys. Zhar. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.3i 812-8113 S g64. (MIRA 17M) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN S&SR. VOLKENSHTEYN, N.V.; GALOSBINA, E.V. Hall effect and the paramagnetic susceptibility of Ivifnium. Fiz.met. i metalloved. 18 no,5:784-786 N 164. (MIRA 19:4) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. mt-, fa lcr~~- -d VOLKEITSHTEM, N.V.g Wl effect in transition metals with a sm-all! number c-f d-electrone. Piz. met. i mett-lioved. 20 nc.S-.4.75-4-78 6 165, klmlp-4 1. Thatitut fizild metaUo,,r AN SSER. 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 4) 0 g go 0 fee 41 0 a 0 0 * 9 0 0 0of* -s-*:4 0 0 0 6 0 0 f 09 a 0 0 0 a I 14 s A I A 9 la 11 1) 11 14 1$ It It It It X 1 11 72 a MaftVx It Jo It 1) U bd Aisva0J6 41u41 a at* A A Lf, L -1 -f. H-I-L-L a A P QA 1 VV t-& 1-1- AA .0 'X 90 EZ.4j- k~ at- jiAi $1 .-0 1- 00 - 00 00 .00 00 NACYAR TUTILTDCHNIKA -00 00 hUNGARIAN TERTILFS .00 0 VOL. IV -1951 00 : 9 No. 2, Feb. .a** a i t 00 p j r I coo ptil too po 60 160 J'; 00 *4 AS- iLA OTAILUrfKAL LITIRAILO CLAI%IFK.TIC- U W, ilt I's N~ or n n it eg 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 else ~Sdo 060 4: -Od a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 ID 0 a 0 0 0 0 t3,~qfa tsi~!~4 I i'-`- 1 uz MAIIH-~Hj 7- -7 (till njl~;%Tiatl Uogyar- fillerg r rhit detetulillation (Inergy jJ()iimS1 linportant in r/bwcr~ccoiiomy!h4swb t bj )k of norms which CM nil ~ futwIvinta i'l, a great wilabor silw-Wvq N jar;'tory far. prartfal twe. 1,10 eMblitaN '6 il simple method f 41. "r f l4f classified accordinf tO. ullitrW61ght atill.onferiid a3 Mal of colamni in a abW- All sicarni c64ilimi4g-o k ate posted in the-left~hand calukah joil%ithir wIL6 ttlti ~31 11 convimption pe~, kil datermined'by irldWidizal i44 metsurervilents bt, Allot: do6rini, the steam 'Const arlotion elf the. by multiplicition hrld1lien by, additibri an i1qdck !W tained for each 63mrvirxlit)~, At tho pre'* pcist4alcmWW the val au~npt tiorthii , uc of the monthly steam carv io ed bk* the average - iddexas: the 16116i vinig,11 COU'Put 'ih fIct-li must bo'used Onr corrections. one 8s a qtlaj factorforwhich thoformuli VillIff-Ailike x tho quantity produced Ynontlily, Simplo ctirlee tables may be-compitrt-0-by 1:1114 t ja mola. The Ww~i al v- 0, the season ficior and lims ~wii empkic, aluL ption indezvs may bc~dutfrmiqeij by a~ Mr'il~r UsIng other CorrKtionwto ~J k r Ty A to ILIN m rn 911p ling ob- 1i of '.'lilt 11 ~i I J I it~n i!~ i~ U! io !r I wt GALOSI, E. ------ Detrimental electrostatic phenomena and their elimination in the finishing technolo&7 by high-voltage ion accelerators. p. 419. MAGYAR TECTILTECHNIKA. (Textilipari Muszaki es Tudomanyo5 Egyesulat) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 10, no. 11/12, Dec. 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (KEAI), LC, Vol. 8, Mo. 8, August 1959. Uncla. GAIMI, - E I ; BENCZE, K. The Leipzig Fair seen by the eyes of a finisher. p. 258. MAGYAR TEXTILTECHNIKA. (Textilipari ~Iuszake es Tudomanyus Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 11, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. EGYED, Ferencne, dr.; _ G-ALQSIJUzmar- Water supply of textile finishing plants. Magy textil 13 no.5:208-213 my 161. 1. "I%gyar Textiltechnika" szorkeszto bizottsagi tagja(for Galoal) FERENCZY, St., Ing.; MITROFANOVICI, V.; HARANGOZO, Nicolae;_GALOSI, Tiberiu;-TEODORMOU, S., dr.; MIHAIACHE, Stefan; I.; -OMIMOUP N.; CASSABALIAJI, S. Reducing the cost price In the chemical industry. Problems econ 16 no.lOsl53-160 0 063. 1. Director, IRt*prinderea "Solventulw, Timisoara (for Ferenczy). 2. Ing. sef adjunct, Intreprinderea "Solventul", Timisoara (for Mitrofanovici). 3. Director, Fabrics. de lacuri si vopsele din Timisoara (for Harangozo). 4. Director, Fabrica chimica Timisotirs, (for Galosi). 5. Director, Intr6prinderea Industrials de Stat "Tableta". Bcuresti (for Teodorescu). 6. Contabil sef ' (for Intreprinderea Industrials de Stat "Tabletaff, Bucuresti Mihalache). 7. Director, Fabrica de medicamente OBiofarm". (for Herstig). 8. Director, Uzina de superfostati si acid sulfuric Navodari (for Gradinaru). 9. Sef serviciv, plan, Uzina de superfosfati si acid sulfuric Navodari (for Cassabalian). GALOTZr, J. Phase-shift control for short-circuit testj. P. 388 Vol. 31, no. 6, june 1955 PRMLAD EIEKTR07ECHNICOff waregava We Monthly Idst of East European Accessions (REAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 2 Feb. 1956 S/032J61/027/008/005/020 B107/B206 AUTHORSi Blanter, M. Ye., Koryagin, K. P., Martizhyn, 0. V,, and Galov, A. G. TITLE- A method for the determination of the hardenatility of a steel with reduced hardenability PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no- 8, 196% 9118..C)80 TEXTt A method for determining the hardenability of !cw-_arncn ateels (0.1-0.2 % C) was elaborated. The two types used were C'rar,43Stall 3) and Cram-15*(Stal' 15). The specimens were not of the usual L shape. but had the snape of a truncated cone (90 mm high, lower diame+er 2~.- mm, upper diameter 5 mm). After quenching from 9000C in 8-1:5 ~ NaOH, the specimens were out in half along the axis and polisheds and the Vickers hardness was then determined along the axis. Its variation along -the axis is approximately given by the equations H V - 376 - 5.7x + 0.039x2 (for steel 15) and HV - 380 - 3,7x + O.02x 2 (for steel 3), respectiiely., 14V is the Vickers hardness, and x is the distance from the upper end of the truncated Card 1/3 S/032/61/027/008/005/020 A method for... B'107/B206 cone. Cylinders with a diameter of B-20 mm and a height-to-diameter ratio of 4 were out from the same steels. After quenching, the cylinders were out perpendicular to the axis, and the radial ahange of the Vickers hardness was investigated. It follows the equation H - A + Bx2' x la the distance V 1, 1 from the cylinder center; A and B are coefficients (see Table), From the relations mentioned it is possible to calculate the Talues of x and X 1for which the rate of cooling is equal. It is thus possible to calculate the hardness of a cylinder by determining the hardness on a conical speoimen. The relation holds for any steel, since the criterion of equal hardness virtually corresponds to the same rate of cooling. A. nomograph was drawn for the relation (Fig.). An example is caloulated to Illustrate the mode of operation. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy mashinostroiteltnyy institut (All-Union Machinery Correspondence Institute) Card 2/3 \j :6111 USSR Microbio -3 ~-ngy. Soil Microbiology F Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 1957, 573 Author R. S. Galovatcheva Inst Title On the Problem of the Role of Clostridium. Pasteurianum in the Nutrition of Plant Roots Orig Pub Izv. AN EST SSR, 1955, No 2, 273-280 Abstract Bacterization of the seeds vrith Clostridium pasteuria-num increased the yield of oats by 15-0,% in an acid podzol soil in a vegetation experiment. The increase in the yield was 6.1% when shale ash was added to the same soil, while the increase in the yield from the peat moss carbonic soil was 10.9%. Card 1/2 USSR/Microbiology. Soil Microbiology F-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 1957, 573 Abstract The greatest yield was~roduced by the combined introduction of Clostridium, pasteurianum. and phosphorus bacteria into acid soil which, in the author's opinionkbears witness to the existence of symbiotic relationS between these microorganisms. In a field experiment on barley the inauculation of the seeds with Clostridium. pastirianum increased the yield by 11.40% as compared with non- bacterized control. Clostridium. pastirianum introduced with the seeds, developed with intensity in the rhizo- sphera of the plants, reaching a quantity of 1,000,000 per one/g of land. Card 2/2 I al 13 RE li!v at i ", '. o om - - I . f2 ~'g 10 V. I al .27 in 662 53 a S; AUTHOR: Gal V.V. 2CY104 S 08 1//61/000/016/007/040 B110101 TITLE- The problem of the role of some factors in the growing of single crystals from the melt PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 16, 1961, 39, abstract 166256 (Sb"Vopr. metallurgii i poluprovodnikov". M., AN SSSR, 1959, 23-28) TEXT: The processes taking place during the crystallization from the melt have been studied. Practical conclusions were drarn therefrom in order to obtain a homogeneous single crystal by Chokhrallskiy's method. The role of the temperature gradient at the interface of two phases (crystal - melt), of the concentration of the impurity, of the pulling rate, and of the conditions of mixing are discussed. The minimum value of the temperature gradient must be chosen such that the formation of a solid phase at some distance from the crystallization front is impossible. The decrease of the pulling rate makes it possible to lower the value of the temperature gradient) since the amount of crystallization heat Card 112 j 28304 S/081/61/000/016/007/040 The problem of the role of some ... B118/B101 evolving per unit time decreases while the impurity in the melt is distri- buted more uniformly. At low impurity concentrations, it is convenient to keep the temperature of the melt constant while the crystal is being pulled, whereas at high impurity concentrations it is necessary to regu- late the temperature of the melt according to a program. To grow a crystal of constant cross section at a constant temperature of the melt and at a constant pulling rate, it is necessary to ensure a constant tem- perature at the interface of the two phases. The velocity (frequency) of vibrations of the crystallization front relative to the surface of the melt must be a minimum. The accuracy of temperature regulation of the melt must be characterized by the maximum rate of variation of the temperature of the melt with time. The position of the crystallization front can be stabilized by increasing the temperature gradient at the interface of the two phases. The design of a device developed on the basis of practical conclusions is presented. The growing of InSb single crystals with the aid of the device is described. CAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 SIROTANOV1C. Xsenija; rAJID111-ROCEN, Addition of mercaptans to unsaturated aldehydes. Pt. 1. Glas Hem dr 206 no.8/10:509-518 160/161. 1. Faculty of Scierces, Institute of Chemistry., Beograd. on lon C, i lj c Cc lid 678. Thi) pr[41,~,o ot exploUntion 61 I fiv- tjqnmnftlilid~ Csrciom~, I P METrikoduction ffi-Id sr~presonw flit) hkluv4~ lli'olf pad (if ~i the Icriz, iltrkwturo. TI-v flild I; o fa '120 ~wuik- : 'he Uo~ t k i th d th f 1 i rolo o n 500- 6 ifloo Ill 6,gnifilto or gt op j icq cupoi, Ofig ~Wck!t -m cf. "I to noded bv Upp!, : utrergih TIW-1 fsrfE. Ipj mt!'jn"I HArmatil Oil lop 01 thu ltsyem. Ciade,barin,4. lap.:,., tw dowL)."Id is, flit, iluod i~lvlltji fich 44 Iq 11to vmr-rvt~; in. tb~ Oiijf~,;,Twl t, I I rnatzrd to Ni 13'S,010 tump- Up w I A jh4; Ifield 240,001) tcai- 17iia orudo i.4 vory vivoui, 17" grivi will tb~~ bvid i-4 highiv ca.4"nalli. Lzo!..)n lip hi 100 o~ noli. prtiall- m lia z r, 3 C., , jCpt 4g A c o !., I I I- f: v I t I, zt t Aln c t i ,. I ! " i I . - I ~ cr., r -if _ :- , ! , of I b-3 C) 1! m i I ~;tw 1 ~l i;j,-l 6; 1; 11 re r-.1 w q fo vno tb~m, !Cf) Ti, tqol !,boa. airsy ~~I. Sipilli - ln~hii lift 1tt*.,t,-;!YJo i'l, iljpi,l, ."!ti Ill, per 1~1.,Ivvd III OW flit-it. E~Io t%-3 tIL. 110) iA,c tr-an., .......... WIN ii: 4PI 1d i'1 *M, M 5 11 of 11maiia Mug 4 1;w fl 0 . , q :"Isauited 1~;j lilw. kjwLg!i,g ti~Adiii~~ dotwim"d tifkjrl~i( ji '~ m Ili OEM ml ht flava teldod 54 161111 in O z = t , g y , - -Of I W antl 11 ullort "lm UM) ha; 04mphkally iii;44 of If* tm; h. Itovo ri%T), i UA trillutaq of. rol-1ke davt~~,opl;aa granite vicro wrict M,.tII6 depth oUjSL4.j;i1. A ~M[6'13 fOTM UPOI~ the ~MlkitO 4TO dCPCAitfd o i of. 4hj%Q-;,, , I widstotw; Mitt ~~.on lkillivrk", . Thom.iWifil6tlil nLV Will, and slaty, WAuninbuil "m 16'frorn. 752 to 68,i xn over the N a basin dcvelopnianli In favlex of', iiMimarlts Of lillo tylikall Sill, ~iith~ to tho mi ~114 vi~) lomu horizoll lieptlicf3to-430M. 4~ , bits horiktizi V~L, principal gwijharizou vvisaw. djacoVemd at, 340-360 M. :lWf; AT T i tlkk~wfi wFw2-C-13 mi fma it contaiod dify 0111y., -Tho:: jirodugtioij of ~nrb"i bjgxk in ji; alfiall or, illmr the twulanift tit of R%j avjc!~,, &a(l fuj liglij ilig l n i f i1 f s, l r4 wey caw :o g f i N j vi II ~A h lot : ii ibeAl"I f i ~ d i I 1i W T ) l m " il"ay o l n t " filsl t oni ~f4 ilk, " 1xit y o ti. ry ' C ind dd f4i6timui fit 4U&OW~ anc ly of romut, t9im i0 ji i c disau"Dd, J USSR/Nuclear Physics Elementary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, W5 Author : Galovin B M Dzhelepov, V.P. Inst : TAG ;tM-e_o_rN'uclear Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR Title : An InvestigELtion of the Elastic Scattering of 590 Mev Neutrons by Neutrons. Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki., 1956, 31, No 2, 194-201 Abstract : The differential scattering cross section for the elastic scattering of neutrons ~y neutrons has been determined using a neutron telescope. Mie effective energy of the neutrons was 590 Mev. A striking anitropy of the (n-n)- scattering has been established: ~S. (300V 6 (900) = 2-3- It has been found that the diW~rential nn (n-n)-scattering cross section in the investigated angu- lar region (300.::5.,0!S 900) is equal to the proton-pro- ton cross section at the same energy within experimental error. This fact, together with the results of our Card 1/2