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ZOLOTUKHA, N.I.; KLDIOVITSKIY, I.I.; GALIKO) G.M. No more lagging in the "Lutugin" Mine. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.1:7-9 ja 162. (MMIRA 15:2) 1. Nachallnik sbakhty Im.-Lutugina tresta Chistyakovantratsit (for Zolotukha). 2. Glavnyy inzh. shakhty im. Lutugina tresta, Chistyakovantrateit (for Ltimovitskiy). 3. Nachallnik planovogo otdela. shakhty im. Lutugina tresta Chistyakavantratsit (for Galiko). (Donets Basin--Coal m1m amd-=d P-Iabor productivity) GUSEV, V.I.; GALIKO, G.M. Work practices of the brigade of communist labor headed by Alelcoandr Kollchik. Uroll 34 no.8:19-20 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1.1fachallnik shakhty im. Lutueins Stalinskogo sovnarkhoza (for Gusev). 2.Nachallnik planovogo otdoln ahakhty im. Wtuglrui Stalinakogo novnar- khoza (for Gallko). (Kuznetsk Basin--Goal mines and mining--Iabor productivity) XOTLYAROVA, Kb.S.; RODSHTEYN, O.A.; GWYEVA, Ye.F.; SERAL, IT.D.; N. Epidemiological characteristics of poliomye-UtiB in Ienengrad during 19W. Trudy Ien.inst.apid.i mikrobiol. 17:156-168 t58, (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iz Leningradskogo instituta. spidemiologiis mikrobiologii i gigiyeny imeni Pastera (dir. M.Ya. Nikitin). (LEMM?AD-POLIW=TI3-CASXS, GMICAL WORTS, STATISTICS) GAMO, N*Vo; NUSOBOVA, L.M.; MALINIVIA, G.P. Results of the study of the safety and imunological effective- ness of simultaneous vaccinations vith live vaccines against -polioMrelitis and mimps. Trudy lan,insteepid.i mikrobial, 221 -66-93 1161. (KMA 1W) 1. Is virusologicheakoy laboratorii Imingradskogo itstituta epidemiologil, i mikrobiologii imeni ftstera i otdela virusologii Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii AM SSSR (zav, - chlen- korrespand.ent AWT WSR prof. A.A. Waorodintsev),, (]~MIM=TIS-VACCINATION) (IMM-PRUOTM INOCULATION) II , ! - A I ,. I C KI,YAMKO,l N.S.~ qg9glij. Materials for -the Stud:Y Of the developmental mechanimm of in. om,aation imm=lty- against Mumps~ Preliminary report. Trudy Un-inst-ePld-i mikrobiol. 2Zs94-108 961. (MIRA .16s2) lo Iz virusologleheakoy laboratorii (zav. - cblen-korrespondent ANB.SSSR prof. A.A. Smorodintsev) Laningradskogo instituta epi- demiologii i m~Lkrobiologil imeni Pastera. (IRMNITY) (MUMPS--PREVMTIVE 130CULATION) KMCHKO, N.S.i GAIXO.,-ILI~- -Fesietance of the M=pS virus to storage at different external temperatures. Trudy I*n.Inst.epid.i mikrobiol. 22t139-145 961. (MIRA l6v2) 1. Iw vIrusologicheskoy laborktarii Nav. - chlen-korrespondent* ZM SSSR Prof. A.A. Smorodintsev) Loningradskogo instituta. epi- dEmiologii i mikrobiologii imepi Phatera. (MUM rMS) G=O, N.V.-, KLYACHKO, N.S. lkperience in cultivatimg the chicken pox v-lrus; a preliminary -report. Trudy lan.Inst.i mikrobiol. 22-':185-197 161. (MIRA 16s2) 1. 1z virusologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent MM SWR prof. A.A. Smorodintaev) lepingradskogo instituta epi- demiologii i mikrobiologii Ae4 Pastera. (GHICMM M--MC;ROBjOL4DGY) GALKO, N. V. Study of mmps viruses in aDme tissue alltures and their malysip in a neutralization reactiono Vope Viruso 8 no-3053-357 mprJe'63. (IMU 16210) 1. Institut epidemiologii i milcrobiologii imeni Palste-ra, Lenin-,A:, grad. (MMFS VIRUS) (TISSUE CULTURE) PILAYICV,I.; GILKO,V. Committee on mass invention and innovption among workera. Sov. profsoiuzY 3 no-7:41-43 J1155. (MIRA 8:10) 1. Predeedatell savodskogo komitets Bakinskogo neftepererabaty- vayushchego zavoda. (for rilayev) 2. Starshiy inshener otdela ratsionRlizataii i Isobretatelletva (for GAlko) (Baku-Iffficiency, Industrial) KRAZANOT.19.I.; GALKOV, A.S. ------------- Ldboratory equipment for modeling the-Aintering proceos of alumin&-,, bearing charge mixtures. Trudy Vosta-Sib. fil, AN BSSR no-43:55-58 162. (MIRA 16:3) -Models) (Sintering (Aluminum oxides) : ; 11 " I - i - U-JP I S 17 ; :: :Fi I . I . Fl I.- -- -- .. ' 1: 1 r - I I : f - -. GALKOV, A.S.; iOWANOV, Ye.I., SHISHLYANNIKOVA, E.M. Distribution of water-ooluble alkalies in sinter cakes of nephpline- sodiumb-calcium charge mixtures. Trudy Vo AA.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.43: 59-62 162. ' (MMA 16:3) (Nephel-ite) (Sintering-Testing) KUZI-MINA, G.V.,- KHLYUPDUi A.F.; FIIAUNOV, SHISMJANIiINOVA, !;-14-; Priniml, uchastiye GALKOV, A.S. Nepheline roolm of the Bw7at A.S.S.R. are a possible rav material for the production of alumina. Trudy Vost.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no-43.,63-68 162. (KEEA 16:3) ' ( It ngolia-Nephelite) (Aluminum oxi N B", t-MO 44,~ KORZHENEVSKIY,, N.L.; DONTSOVA, Z.N.; KHASANOV, Kh.Kh., dots.j VASILIKOVSKIY, N.P.; SKVORTSOV,.-Tu.A., POSLAVSKAYA, O.Yu.; KOGAY, N.A., dots.; MAMEDOV, E.D.1 AKULOV, V.V.; RABUSHKIN, L.N., prof.; SHULITS, V.L., prof.; GORBUNOV, B.V.; GRANITOV, I.I.; KOSTIN, V.P.; SMIRNOV9 N.V., dots.; TSAPENKO, N.G., dots.; DEGTYARI, V.I.; CHERKOV, P.N.; MUKMINOV, F.G.; SELIYEVSKAYA, A.A.; RYABCHIKOV,, A.M.; DALIMOV, N.D., dots.; LOBACH, Kh.S.; TADZHIMOV, T.; ARICA IYEVA, & N.; ~A "'Qv r-h-V.; SHTARKLOVA, S.I.; BESSONOV9 M., red.; BAnnTxTwxwg Y, A., Tel&. red. [The Uzbek S.S.R.] Uzbekskaia SSR. Tashkent, Gos.izd-vo UzSSR, 1963. 483p. (MIRA 16:8) (Uzbekistan) GAL ".W. C--'. V. IlThe CartoFrapllic Activity of 'Yu. U. Shokallskil," Tr. Sredneaz. Un-ta, Georr. N.j Book 4', No 30, 51-651 1'1'53 Yu. M. Shokallskiy (died in 19110) rras a verj LTeat Feo~rapliei-car'uof~,ra~r)iier, honorarl academician of the AcadeR~~ of Sciences USSR, Hero of Socialist Lal,or, presidcnt of the Geograpillical Society of the Soviet Union, honorai-.- raphical societies in -the world. Ile member of a3xiost all large geor I created a niunber of the north plates of the hypsometric map of the European part of the USSR on a scale of 1:1,,500,000 and also a number of maps of the north Arctic Ocean. (RZIiGeol, No 3, 1954) SO: W-31187, 8 '11ar 55 GALIKOV, Gh.V. " .. ~ - Zri~~Iation work in Central Asia.. Izv, Uzb. fil. Gwg. ob-va 2: 123-133 156. (JU3A iltO (Tmrke stan-Triangulat ion) GALIXOV. Ch.V. Organl7ation of the topographicnI work of the Department of Militnry Topogrnphy in Turkestan, 1867-1914. Izv.Uzb.fil.geog.ob-va no.3:51-56 157. (MM 11:4) (TurkestAn--Militnry topogrnphy) GAPKOV, Ch.V. r~-- ~.- --, Siirveying and map making bv the Depprtment of Mliiierry Topog--,fph7 in Turice.9tan. Izv.Uzb.fiI.geog.ob-vn no.3:57-91,, 157. (MIRA 11:10 (Turkestan--Topogr,s7phicnl surveying) (Turkestnn-Maps, Military) :t I I' BABUSHKIN, L.N., prof.,; PALMOV, Ch.Vpj~red.; LOBACH, U.S.., red; SMIRNOV, N.V., red.; TSAFEKKO, N.G.J. red. [Kashka-Darya Province] Kuhka-Darlinskaia oblastf.' Tashkent, Iad-vo SAGU) Vol.2. [Economic-geography Ekonomiko-geograficheakaia kharakteristika. 1959. 242 pe 4ashkente Universitet, Trudy Sredneaziatskogo gosudarstvennogo, universiteta., no.156). (MMA 24:5) (Kaak&,Darya Provinee-Economic geography) CAL111"Ovi C',i.V.f no, t S IT Pp (1--iii of -!iciior "'o, 195L T3 in V.I. Leni 12-5 ccrd~-,: SHULIT33, V.L., prof.,; BABUSHKIN, L.N., prof., red.; POSLAVSMI 0.74.1 dotsent, red.; starshiy prepodavatell, red. (Kashka Darya Province) Ka-shkadmi final-nia oblasti. Tashkent.. Izd-vo SAGU. Vol.l. [i;itur*] Prirodae 1959, 279 p. (Tashkent. Universitet. Trudy Sredneaziatekogo gosudarstyennogo univerviteta, no.155). (MIRA 146) (Kashka Darya Province-Phy9ical geography) LEVASHOVA, L.P.; GALIKOV, Ch.V. Some considerations in preparing Narrow-field agricultural maps for a province. Izv.Uzv.fil.Geog.ob-va 4:63-67 16o. (MIRA 13:7) (Kashka Darya Frovince-Agriculture-Maps) ACC NM DOURCE COM tVi/Ohl3/6i/ooojaoe/oi INVENTOR; Galkovi N. I. ORG: None TITLE: A lock for fastening removable aircraft fuselage e ents. Class 62, xo. l9o786 !CE: Izobreteniya, proWshlenrWye obraztey, tovaroM anaki, no. 2, 196T, 156 C TAGSt auxiliary aircraft equipment, mechanical f"Uner, aircraft maintownce ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate Introduces a loclCkor fastening removable air- craft fuselage components. The device consists of a;frme and a spring loaded sleeve with a lug which fits into a giroove in the frose andjfixes the lock in a given posi- tion. The design provides for increased locking reliability. Two holes are cut through the frame at an angle'approaching 90*. A locking cylinder in mounted in one of these holes vith a groove which permits passage of a connectingLrod in the "Open" position. This rod has a groove into vhich the body of the lockiUg cylinder fits In the "closed" position. The cylinder is rotated by a vrench Inserted into & socket-on the end. 1/2 EMCs Q9.13511V IL, jimiRmIli V] I jwa;~Iu H i! u; ult dir if v 141 -,RI 1:1 "1 ul I jlj~ olgiar. 1. Acc Nra AP7005663 On GALKOV. Jnzh. I ~-T- . Tailrace conditions at the Kremenchug Hydroelectric Power Station on the Dnieper. Rech.transp. 21 no.11:37-38 11 162. (~LUIA 15ill) (Dnieper lUver-Regulation) GALKOVp V.; SITNIKOVt V. Work of a plant production and labor organization laboratory. Biul. nauch. inform.: trud i zar, Plata 3 no-b 11,45-49 *60,, (MIRA 14:1) (Stalingrad-Metallurgical plants-Production standards) aALKOV. Valentin AleksanArovich- XUXLIN. P.V.. redaktor: ZIBNVA. K.D... .7- tbkj~jjdbj,6 fe"'i [Drive for stool; party work In the Stalingrad metallurgical plant mKrasnyt Oktimbrl*j Bor'ba me etal*; Is opyto partiinot reboty m Stalingrodskon meta llurgichankm zavode 'Imanyl Oktiabr'.O [Stalingrad] Stalingradskoe kutzhaos Izd-vo, 1956. 78 p. (MLRA 10:7) (Stalingrad-Notallurgleal plants) (Communist Party of the Soviet Union-Farty wor1c) 130 - 6 - 18/27 AUTHORS:Galkov, V,A. (Head of operational research laboratory and Z-1fn_1EK_0v_,_7_.L. (Head of the rolling group of the laboratory). TITLE: Procedures and working methods of gas de-seamers Ye. F. Abrosimov and D. P. Semikhatov. (Priemy i metody raboty gazovyrubshchikov Ye.F'.Abrosimova i D.P.Semikhatova). PERIODICAL: "Metallurg" (Metallurgist), 1957, No'.6, pP~.35-36,(USSR). ABSTRACT: Flame'de-seaming has been used at the "Krasnyi Oktyabro works since 1948. The rate of working of two workers, Abrosimov and Semikhatovp is 15-20% greater than that of the other workers and the ways invkLich this higher produc- tivity has been achieved are described in this article. Among the special features of the wo:rk of these two men are control of oscillation frequency of the torch and its inclination; the use of maximal oxygen flow rate and rat- ional torch movement over the workv the use of optimal techniques for each type of flow and well-trained assist- ants also contribute. ASSOCIATION: "Krasnyi Oktyabr" works. (Zavod "Krasnyy Oktyabri") AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 L 7745-66 L -wT(1)1EwA(h) j~ ACC NR& APS025887 SOURCE ODDE: IYR/0057/65/035/010/1767/1770 AUTHOR: Galkov, V,Ao; Snedkov, B,A. _Mmv ORGI:~ Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Nookovskiy en'ergetechaskiy TITLE: Cond tions for obtaining electron.bunches of ninimum length from a klystron- type buncher,with the influence of space charge taken intoaccount SOURCEt Zhurnal tekhn1cheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 10, 1965, 1767-1770 TOPIC TAGS: kIntronieleotron distribution, space chargo., energy scattering ABSTRACT: The operating conditions of a klystron buncher,under:which the,buinches have minimum length, maximum electron content, and minimum energy scatter are d1scus.sed- with space charge effects taken into account. The requireuents'on the bunches are to some extent contradictory, and trading must be undertaken. Phase.diagrams:forthe electron energy and other parameters were calculated for a number of specific condi- tions; these are presented and discussed. The phase diagrams calculated for the ener- gy distribution at the end of the drift space for different values of the-bunching parameter are in good agreement with similar curves obtained bv,8.E.Webber:(IRH Trans- act.El. Dev., ED-6, No.4, 1959). The optimum bunching parameter was found to be 2.0 for bunches that are not very short and contain more than,40 76 of the Injected: partie ales. This Is in agreement with the values 1.9 to 2.19 found experimentally by S.E. Webber (IRS Transact. 11 Doi., RD-5i No.2, 1958), By porlomins calaulatiomB,ximilar card I A T A. I. GALKOV, 1. STAVISZLY, Yu Y - , A. n w~ S"i L. T_-". "Effective Cross-Section Measurements of Fast Neutron Radiation Capture." paper to be presented at NO Un Intl. I Conf. on the peaceful usu cff At,-Anic Energy, Geneva, I - 13 SePt 58. -k/l UTA ""Imp w vMnswa) 4*Tq. J. ...Joj.j it Va. 1W.TRVI L 41 '80 0; 0: 9-0 ~J; Jc fam"olml "Y"% I ,r 2"q .1 r0oup 7 - I it f/ Ri di %me l dd.. .0i --1 0 --1- 2:z2 V.-4. 0".404.1w I([ ,*"10","lul I ":j 000 Uol%nqljl.lp T.;2vd. Ir.. "Olsove .: .. %1 30 .4x In am% .josist, = .0, J je. ,rq U-1y .1, M2 U31. 3.-Aq. uT .1 vjq, - Iola 1. Ll'o .1 .;3osdvX.v .44, pu. 40`4 a-- "TO oltew. .92 joj pg. ~%_d. .41 V, ;. Mol%oaa 9.040 qL d X4 I A. 0-11A P.y -W -(a ;am) islTuail.6 Jo; On .,Vx r A Jj-; -j%A TIZ-0tisidste JOJ 'A6#3.U217 'T '#.t J*~";OJj ;C .1)TIT"advis .41 4.... 0. art via j.2odsoz ...."2ear. -Vz -(I Joy) . t, as .%-'S ul Potts" d.~9--,na q% j, ~uxtaw a o9t. ". 21 g.z .% 1--a oz :Z.v .74PM .6qz,-jQIz.; q% ITC, gia L I, at,- '(J'.) glerl ;,,Ca ,Za -(;-a) 6,,%J 46; u7 -Oq- -1- -21-- -VS u-74- 30 'svoj%-v -III JQ Strict 1,*jAj.. To *j- ," o,.z a V% *w* 62 P.."Ab uuo c,ujl *TV% I'lox 2-0 Of OL Ja j*2owvTV . q.T. -41 -1 no -rl- -no no Van PT*TUI ?xemll" 4.6doo ~t* 21ZImq T.~- Tmr Zq X d:r 44 to... 47u. 2P.Touez -d j12.2's" T.r4 1; -net Aj3*y AX as .4v 4.. on, 6~;6"LO;VtTr"Crj.~~%C`t r-oTToJ 5 o ,_do ZVI J~q As v- _I-N ja an q, ;, no, nz73..Tvl eI. MY vp q p""" A.U 0;0,1 'dd q zp *IOA Yq6t lllqCj%.,Cq an "J-24"4 -'tTz;j Id ,, woso.-I J. wat.tva 872 J, .,.u6 AVI "A 'It '-v-'JRV .1VOTIOIL170 131J.14 SOT"89-1 -:-7. 15 AUTIORS. A. I., Abram... A. Audrey '.1,.';. Golubvv, V. I.. ~all&o. A: D: : 4.02 ~N-Hnbo I - I~l D. , M. V Rat: aoO al Y:01.uv u: L.*.,." Usech.-. L. X.. F.timav, 2 1.. Shares. TITLEa Investigations of t he physics of Reactor, vi%h fast V-trons.ll 71~ (Isslodavenlys pa fLalke reaktaraw he bystrykh neytramAn) (conti~d from obstruct 6/15) i-MUMICIL. ktanamy. ...rgly., 1958, Val. 5, Fr 5. pp. 2ad-295 (USSR) ABSTRICT; Th. res.ti,ity and the kinetics of the reactor -ore m*A-red. It could be sho.n that in the center of the actlv* zone the at t of the 5 NoT :eutram is higher by PvI3~~ than that of 250 no, nou tron's ~ Th off.:tlve yj Id :f the delayed A*Qt"na to the reactor vith a orwal" shi:ld xceedx that of a reactor 't' p;r shield by 1.4 timoas its amount. .',%"o I ; The act plutonium some is %be some as in reactor UFF-1. In the as. I of the roootor a water-urnoWs, channel ~s provld.d, Cori I/# MiGh i:68*prated from the plutonium sea* by a urmalum layer of 8 ow thickness. Th* ursal."-water lattice con.tats of YItAdxtcsI':lugs of oormal' cranium , hit" h,v* ",_ , :- .' a co ning al.,.:.. Th. rat% bt:. r's 55. Th: lattice spacing 14 40 ce tied oat wits, the water-Qrsiol,m latti of ;ttb'th:,p%zm, "ani" 1.7.r showed, ka. "Ion factor Ia reduced from 2,45 t 0,10 to 7 1 0. 2 2; Is the case of a fiz*4 paver output of zh* aazivs zone the weloGity sit h *blob the total quaiatity Of PlUtonl~01 k39 &ad mrsaim 235 Is fares" increased by Th. locis ith wh PIUL"JUS I produced tnora,- ty 118I.4I1w Its MADQUAl. 4 'k: came, of a fixed power output of the activo zono %no total Power output of the reactor Is Increased by 2.~: 1-- -tj aboufft. 1131 r .1 .. I..arlboal "re 1. &.tail I. Q n. IS. 1'. wainal pa..r cut 1 20 ts. %he -.I-. .~tp't -.. 200 .1. In the a t1v.aon :1.fl%e reactor FP-2. *hicft cinsLats Card 2/f of plutonium room. mercury is used as a coolant, inina ta~oa ~p -17% of the total cluaw of the acsivw z0flf- The r.g,lating (jut, "ay. "do rl,r of shield) are madw fr- Th. - 'r. I c.a os,. laid a at of Thin "i ehi.14 1. -r- r-4*4 by opp.r a, 15 t. the pre."c: of samury in tn.1 =,,v. 1-4. or th a& or ram t neutrons, is tne spactrax. Th."Izu costs 1 0 ra a" .2. Theoretically the kinetic equation for thl:.r-oZor,:.. .I .Qlal*4 by 0 toad do np., I of %no critics. case rria4 cot .1% :rr riot 4)6%and ds*w to .. "a of mass of M. rg.IAtIn:cr Q. Th fr-- .,. .-t,." . f".4 t t to C.Xrl. "'oll 01 he 1 0 Is,." are an,,. be &1a. aas 0.24 t On 4)~ - f4uros, I table. and 15 ref.roatow. 9 of ..,:.b Card PHAS I BOOK 9XPLOITATrOll 3W/2583 International Conference on the Peaceful uses of Atomic Ingergy. M4, Geneva. 1958- bokl"Y movetakikh uohonykh; yadernyy* reaktory I yadernoya *nor- 7~ listiks. ("portm of Soviet Scientists; Nuclear llea~_tcrs and 0 Nuclear Power) Moscow, Atomizdst, 1959. 7aT P. (Series: Its: TrUdy. Val. 2) grlr&ta *11p inserted. 6,000 coples printed. 4WWrA1 Bdo.t N.A. Dollothal, Corresponding limber, USSM Academy of Soleness, A.K. Krawinp Doctor of Physical and Mathmatictl Sciences, - A.I. Loypunakly, Members Ukrainian SSR Academy of Selenc~*# I.I. NovIkov# Corrosponding Member, MR Academy Or Sciences, and V.S. Pwroov, Doctor of "Leal and Nath*matical Science*; Md. s A.P. AISMIYOVI ?*ch. 2d.t Ye. I. llazol-. PURF0311a This book Is Intended for scientists and engineers engaged In reactor designing, an well as for prof*ssaro and Student* Or himber technical schools where reactor design Is taught. COTURAMS This lot" Soso" wimp or a oft-wel"we 0*110.1sm- 'Us" Or-litO410 insigY. * The six w6lumes contain the reports pro- bent*d by Soviet scientists at the Second Utornational conrerance 00 PVILOGful US02 Of Atomic itntray, hold from September I to 13, 190 In Geneva. Volume 2 consists of three parts. The first is devoted to atomic power plants under construction in this Soviet Union; the second to experimental and research reactors, Me ex. Verl"ats carried out an them, and the worSc to Improve the=; And the third, which to predominantly theoretical, to Problems of =clear reactor Physics and construction enginsertag. Tu. 1. Woryol-a is the science editor of this volume. Sao SOV/2081 for titles of All Volumes Of the met- llsftrwncOm Appear At the or ~Pho. articles. PART 11. JUPgMINgVTAL A= ==ARM "Z2 2 A ' 1-1. Bon4arenko 5, a. 215 n 0 Act 11-actor Ultz sn'a P"AlOns01 UP ~ 0 6 Report Mo. 25.2 232 GOnchArOv, V-V. and at al. Some Now and Rebuilt Thermal Ross,,, wsw tcr- Me Ort No. 2185) . N3 Brokhovich, B.v., am 4pgz ZrAlnjuk- Dismantling an Experimental ii~~ Isotope Uclng Reactor AzIter Four Year& or Operation tPxpart go. 2297) 319 79 blypv, 7.R. orymrev. V.S. V_i=2nZ0V.' A= z and ~ j ~ !a t : :. p for Oet"Lni-g fLig Intensity Ueutm~ Flu&0W (Report NO. 2142) 334, PANr III. PHYSICS AND KNOnaCKRING Op R&ACTOR Dnr= Loypun&kly, A T_.~ A X-AbrAzax, V!~X. Andray.., Ba-72--l! kov, 0 k F Uk I x t I L . . U n r sa~, .m. Usachav, Wen2trot-2 Woaictors 377 Natural Uranium ftwtor lReport Mo. 296 396 To. -S, Antsirez*ov, v.p. jcatk",_'L.V. gggaissarcw, 01-Yu-__V-' Mik01'sk-lY, A.W.*Wovjkoj,' v s 0wWhjdn (doter-ater p r. And &Xpsrimsnts the 2145) uranium Water Lattice ort 00 (Re . p 411 renko, V.A. Self-regulation In 4 Vater-water Po r Reactor 534 199 ALEN T del 4 Ii I '3 lid fill I!, I I; I I I - s lit S. !j 131 -till ;ji ei a I la AUTHOA: 81-744 S/Q89/60/006/05/03/008 BOO6/BO56 Smirnov-Averin, A. P. Galkov. V. I., Sovastlyanov, Yu. G., Krot. N. N.. Ivanov. ~. I., She~r_n_k-er, I. G., S.tabenova, L. A., Kirl~anov, B. S., Kozlov, A. G. TITLE: Investigation of a Used Fuel Element of the First Nuclear -Ar-�Iation If PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 446 - 447 TEXT: In the present paper the authors give a report on investigations of the isotope composition, the burnup and the state of the shells of used fuel elements of the Pervaya atomnaya elektrostantsiya (First Nuclear Po- wer Station) of the Soviet Union. The fuel elements investigated had been in operation for 1160 days. Carrying out of the remote investigations is briefly described. A thin oxide film was found on the outer shells, but no damage was observed. The outer diameter was measured by meano of a re- mote micrometer at various places, and certain deformations were found. Averaged over the entire length of the element an increase of the diame- ter from 14.11 + 0.02 to 14.20 + 0.02 mm was found. An investigation Card 113 81744 Investigation of a Used Fuel Element of S/089/60/008/05/03/008 the First Nuclear Power Station Boo6/Bo56 of the inner shell showed that it had a brown deposit (about 1p. thick), which was identified as an incrustation (and not as a corrosion product of steel). The burnup was determined according to the Csl37_activity, which was separated chromatographically by the sample from the element; this isotope was es.pecially well suited because of its long half-life. Fig. 1 shows the course of burnup along the element (from bottom to top). The mean burnup amo"nted to 12.5%. In the case of samples which were taken at a distance of 95 cm. from the lower end of the element (range of maximum burnup), the burnup was determined mass-spectrometrically. The uranium content in these samples was 4-32%, which corresponds to a burn- up of 16.1%. Fig. 2 shows the distribution of the entire a-, P-, and r-activitieB along the element (from bottom to top). The transuranium- isotope content was determined according to the alpha spectra and the number of spontaneous fissions. Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the Isotopes Pu 24o , PU239, and Pu 238 , and AM24 'along the fuel element. The Pu 238,239,240,241 and Am 241 gontent 16 given in a Table (Ze54*10 -4 , loZO, 0.102, 1.27-10-2 , 1.86-1o-3) and is compared with several theoretical Card 2/3 Y 81744 Investigation of a Used Fuel Element of s/o89/6o/oWWWoo8 the First Nuclear Power Station B006/B056 data. The authors finally thank G. M. Kukavadze and R. N. Ivanov for the mass-spectroscopic analysis of the irradiated uranium, an V. N. Sharapov for calculating the isotope composition. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 2 references: 1 Soviet and 1 American. SUBMITTED: January 28, 1960 VY Card 3/3 I S/08 qg4j~ 011/005/012/01-1 B102/B1O,j AUTHORS: Smirnov-Averin, A. P., Galkov, V I., Sheynker, I. G., Meshcheryakov, V. P., Stabenova, L. A., Kirlyanov, B. S. TITLE: Determination of burnup in spent fuel elements PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 11, no. 5, 1961, 454 - 456 TEXT: The burnup of spent fuel elements was determined by determining the Cs134 accumulated as a result of an (n,y) reaction with the stable isotope Cs133, and Cs137. The activity of the mixture Cs134 + CS137 was measured by scintillation gamma and beta spectrometers and it y-p co- incidence circuit. The apparatus gamma spectrum of the mixture had two photopeaks, the first was caused by the gamma radiation of CsI34 137 (-fY= 0.80 Mev), the second by a superposition of the photopeaks of Cs (E = 0.66 Mev) and Cs134 O.c'9 Mev). The internal conversion 137 coefficient was determined from the beta spectnim of Cs to be 0.119 Card 1/2 29547 S/ 1/011/005/012/017 08Y6 .Determination of burnup... B102 B104 B in accordance with the tabulated value. 0-y coincidences of the isotope mixture were only due to Cs134 radiation. From intennity aiid coinoiden'ce_l counting rate measurements the relative Cs137 content in the mixture was determined. The distribution of both the single isotopes and the mixture along the fuel rod had broad maxima in the middle of the rod. The burnup distribution was calculated from the Cs137 content. Tt was found to be in good agreement with masS-SDectroinetric measurements~ The burnup may also be determined from the content of the Tc99 fission fragment ('21.2-105 yeavs) which is produced in a yield of (,;.0Z)j. This isotope, which i,-, the only long-lived one of this element '. is extracted by methy'l ethyl ketone after dissolving the material and centrifuging the precipitate, For final purification the cationite KY-2 (KU-2) is used. Activity is determined with a 4n counter. The burnup determined from Tc99 was 6774, from the cesium mixture W-9 and from mass-spectrometric measurements 66.2'/". There are 5 figures and 2 references: I Soviet and I non-Soviet. The latter reads as follows: Progress in Nuclear Energy, Ser. HI, Process Chemistry, V. I, Appendix III, London, 1956, SUB!'ITTED., Ser)tomber 13, '1960 ' -d 272 Car 26366 8/089/61/011/002/002/015 B102/B201 AUTHORS: Smirnov-Averin, A. P-* Galkovt V. I.p Ivanov, V. I., Aleshcheryakov, V. P.) sge-ynker, I. G., Stabenova, L. A., Krot, N. N., Kozlov, A. G. TITLE: Study of a used fuel rod from the First Nuclear Power Station PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 11, no. 2, 1961, 122-125 TEXT: This is the second part of a paper, the first having been published in "Atomnaya energiya" v. 8, no. 5, 1960, 446. Results of studies of used fuel rods from the Pervaya atomnaya elektrostantsiya (First Nuclear Power Station) are presented. The element jackets displayed no changes apart from some oxide stains. A comparison between the diameters of a new fuel rod with one after 104 and another after 445 effective burning hours showed that while the diameter had not increased at the upper and lowerrod ends, it had grown by less than 0.2 mm in the middle. In order to measure the Votal a-, P-, and y-activity, the used fuel rod was divided lengthwise into 10 sections, and each of these parts was dissolved in nitric acid. The a-activity was determined by a Aa.-49 (Da-49) standard device and an ionization chamber, the Card 1/3 26366 S/065,/61/011/002/002/015 Study of a used fuel rod from the ... B102/B201 O-activity by a O-counter, the y-activity by an ionization chamber as compared to a radium standard. The activity of the inner and outer tubes bounding the fuel element was also measured; these tubes were made of stainless steel. In the middle, the activity of the outer tube was 3C~O higher than that of the inner tube. This effect can be explained by the change of the neutron spectrum along the diameter of the fuel element. The burn-up in the used fuel elements was determined on the strength of the absolute activity of cesium which was separated by an ion exchanger. The results of a radiometric determination of the burn-up were compared with mass-spectrometric results, and agreement was found to be good. The mean burn-up of the entire element was found to be equal to 53~- Finally, the isotopic composition of transuranic elements was also determined in the used-up fuel. The first part cf the present paper has supplied the results of a radiometric determination of the isotopic composition in case of a 12.5F/~o burn-up of the element. The results of a mass-spectrometric analysis are now given. The substance under investigation was to the emitter (tungsten foil, 40 g) in the form of an aqueous nitrate solution. k thermal ion source served for the purpose. Results are presented in Pig. 5. They were used to calculate the mean values of isotopic composition. The Card 2/3 26366 S/089J61/011/002/002/~15 Study-of a used fuel rod from the B1021B201 239 _ 4-'101 PU'40 - ,following was found (in kg'/ton of uranium): Pu 1.531 241 _ 0.64; PU 242 _ 242 2-73-10- 3. ''Pu 0.?0; Cm There are 5 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. .SUBMITTED: September 13, 1960 -Fig- 5: Isotopic composition 7 of transurani6 elements along the fuel element: .1 6 Legend: 'Ordinate: ,isotopic concentration in ,kg/ton of U; abscissa: 4 length in cm; bottom; .(2) top.' -7 ... 7F - -----I 1_%1kaL too A; 2 0. 7S, Card, 2S so 100 12S 157 LU68 S/089/62/013/006/016/027 B102/B186 LUTHORSi Kirlyanov, B. S., Smirnov-Averin, A. P., Galkov, V. I.' TITLEt Accumulation of technetium in thermal reactors PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya., V. 15, no. 6, 19621 595 - 597 TEXTs Technetium, predominantly used as inhibitor in semiconductor engineering, was separated in conaiderable.amounts from the fuel elements of the Pervaya atomnaya elektrostantsiya (First Atomic Power Plant) where 235 239 241 it has accumulated from fission of U , Pu , and Pu. . Its production from Mo99 by P- decay is negligible (,~ 1%). 'The concentration of To 99 in the-fuel elements of this plant is calculated' considering U 235 and Pu 239,241 fission as well as the storage effect. The calculated curve is compared with the measured values in Fig., 1. There are 2 figures. SUBUITTEDi March 17, 1962 32009 8/08 62/012/001/012/019 B102YJ3138 AUTHORS: ..Galkov, V. I., Ivanov, V. I., Smirenkin, G. N., Smirnov-Averin, A. P. TITLE: Investigation of the uranium rod assembly of the 6P-5 (BR-5) reactor PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 1, 1962, 56-57 TEXT: Some characteristics and parameters of a uranium-rod assembly exposed to a 5-10 21 neutron flux in a BR-5 reactor have been determined. The BR-5 reactor uses plutonium as fuel and uranium as reflecting material; the reflector consists of 3 cm natural uranium + 30 cm nickel. The middle of the assembly studied was 12.6 cm off the reactor center. The distributions of the absolute number of fission events in the uranium VA/ and of the capture events in U238 were determined for the len th of the assembly (28 cm), the first from the absolute activity of G519;j and the second from the Pu-concentration in the uranium, i.e. its specific a activity. From the Pu separated from the assembly, the Pu240 content Card 1/2 32009 S/089/62/012/001/012/019 Investigation of the uranium rod... B102/B138 (, 0.1 %) was determined by comparing the intensities of sponl.aneous fissions in sample and standard. Correction - 5 %) was made, for the spontaneous fissions of PU238. From the pu24~ content in pli,.tonium and the Pu 239 content in uranium, the mean ratio of the capture crosi sections of Pu 239 and U238 was calculated. With 1~81 t O~15 it was not far from 1.93, the value calculated by multi-group theory (18 groups). From the mean cro'ss sections of 0.23 b (U 238, capture) and 2.18 b (Pu 239 fiesion) the mean capture cross section for Pla 239 (a c = 0. 415 t 0. 035 b) and a = crclcff can be determined (a = 0.19 1 0.02). a is the ratio of the mean cross sections of radiative capture and fission. The a-values determined in dependence on energy-agree with those found by V. X. Andreyev (Atomnaya energiya, _4,, vyp, 2, 185 (1958))c The authors thank A., I. Leypunskiy, 0. D. Kazachkovskiy and 1. 1. Bondarenko for their interest, and M. K. Golubeva, V. I. Moiseyev, A. S. Tishin, and Yu. hl~ Turchin for assistance. There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references,. SUBMITTED~ August 16, 1961 Card 2/2 SOLOVIYEV, A.N.; GALKOVA, L.A. Estimting standard deviations of textile materials by the variation range. Izv.vys.ucheb.zavo;tekh.tekst.prom. no.4:29-34 160. (MIU 13:9) 1. Moskovskiy tekstillny7 institut (yarn--Testiug3 L 32639-66, EVIT(l) G1 ACC NRi AP601692-0 ' (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0006/66/000/005/0056/0057 AUTHOR: Gallkova, Ye. ORG: none TITLE: Topographic generalizations of sandy plains on maps to the scale of 11110 000 or ltlOO 000 SOURCE: Geodeziya i kartografiya, no. 5, 1966, 56-57 TOPIC TAGS: cartography, topography, geomorphology ABSTRACT: In representing t V 2p2gLaAylof sandy deserts on maps of the scale 1:50 000 or 1:100 000, the nature of the surface (ridges, hilli,--d~'p-r'essions) that is clearly associated with wind activity, the differences in relative heights of sandy topo- graphic forms, and the nature of bedrock topography beneath the superimposed sandy features must be taken into consideration. Representations of sandy ridges should emphasize the elongated character and'should eliminate random protuberances (athwart the trend), short cross ridges, perhaps combine short ridges along the trend into a major ridge. If hills and depressions are equally developed, more depressions shouU be eliminated than hills. Features too small to have a length of 3 M on the map should be omitted. Small hills and depressions should not be combined into larger form. Simplification must come by removing small uncharacteristic features. The 1/2 UDCt 528.932.(252.33):528. L 32639-66 ACC NRz AP6016920 shapes of barchan dunes must be preserved if possible, but smal.1 dunes along the trend should be combined if the spacing between them is less then 3 M. Complex contours should be simplified to emphasize the principal trend, eliminating incon- sequential trends. It is sometimes necessary to use auxiliary contours when aandy topographic forms are inadequately outlined by the principal contours. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: none 2/2 S/138/62/000/011/007/008 A051/A126 AUTHORS: Levitin, I.A., Galkovich, A.A. TITLE: The utilization of new reclaimed-rubber,types in the tire industry PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 11, 1962, 49 - 51 TEM In 1961, the Moscow Tire Plant made a study or the properties of two experimental batches of reclaimed rubber. The results of the study are sub- mitted. The first batch was produced by the thermo-mechanical method from tread rubber, based on SKS-30AM rubber (TMR); and the second batch by the dispersion method from SKS-30ARYL-15 tread rubber (DR). The properties were compared to those of serial tread and casing reclaimed rubbers, produced by the water-neu- tral method (VRP and VRK). The GOST 3350-54 standard nix was used to test the experimental batches. All three types of mixes, TMR, DR, and VH, are equal'in their strength of adhesion to cord. The new tread mixes have a somewhat lower ,elastic recovery, especially the DRs. Tendency to scorching is the same in all three types. The DR mixes have a lower relative elongation, crack growth re- sistance'and strength of adhesion to the breaker than the VRs. It is concluded Card 1/2 S/138/62/ooo/oll/ow/oW The utilization of new reclaimed-rubber types .... A051/A126 that the TMR mixes are superior to the serial type, both in technology and phy- sico-mechanical properties. The improved Indices of the now reolaimed rubber Lypoo Increases their use In the tire industry without lowering the quality of the mixes. The new reclaimed rubber is recommended for use in industry. There are 4 tables. J, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy shinnyy zavod (Moscow Tire Plant) Card 2/2 L: 17101~,63 EVP(J)/ .(!I ~mT.W/BDS AOTOO CO/007/0041/44 -ACCESSM Y1R. AP3004259 S/Oi38AVO A11THORS, Levitin, 1. A.; GAkovichl.A. A ~tTLE~: Eftect of sulfur content in P41- ~;on tho props _70 type carbon black Iprotector compounds S()URCE#. Kauchuk i rezina,:no.. 7, A963: 41-44 !TOPIC TAGS: free sulfur, bound sulfur, protdotor-typq vulc~ni zed rubber, protector -co mund bl, ABSTRACT: Tests vere~conducted with tvo somples'of furnace carbon' arbd rck, Prep jby XIISRP (Scientifia Reseprch lntitute -of the Tire Indmixy). ~Sirele I cokailied i ;I of bo-umd sulfur and 0.131, free sulfur,,dample 2 contal-ned 0*5Y #bi qA co n sulfur a n ~d O.M, free sulfur. These carbon blackA-ere ineorro'rated *n;to compound's basecl io~ natural aswell as on synth tic,butadi~ne-styrene rubber ~~41 he p1Vsical_oher&cal operties.of these, as well as of their. -vulcanizntes, were es#nnted. Copounds ipr :Containing sample I carbon black had a somewhat lower plasiAciiy,ldgbor plrstlo' resilience, and a trend to subvulcarization. Thoy vere ql~o characterized by a' !sbmeWVt greater rodulus, lesser relativa elongation, aDd sm~,,Ilor ~ resistance a 'ex ension t of cracks. Another series of tests were conducted using carbon black j, I'M i.sf it( !at 710143- 3SSICK NR: AP3004259 'ur and 1. W, .1103~from the' Omsk PUnt, conUinirig from 0.14 to 0-45%:660 a~lt, )l sulfur and samples from the Barnaull plant with from'O~Jl t6 0.40%- free' Sulfur 1.27% total sulfur. When -the amount of free sulfur in.tho samples of cerbon GALKOVICH, B.G.; LEVANDOVSKIY, A.P. Work experience gained in the compilation of an atlas of medieval history. 152. (MIRA 10:12) (Geography. Medieval-Maps) GALKOVSKAYA. G.A. I-, " Productive possibilities of plankton rotifets. Much, dokl. vys. aIbkoly; biQl. naijki -no.3j7-10 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy zoologii b49pozvonochnykh Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Im. V.1.1,enina. (Rotifera) GALKOVSKAYA, G.A. Feeds for plankton Rotifera. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.3:202-205 Mr 163. (NIRA 16:6) 1. Beloruaskiy gosudaratvennyy univer3itat imani V.I.Lenina. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR T.N.Godnevym. (Rotifera) vi- GALKOVSKLYA, G.A. Utilization of food for growth and the conditions for maxiwm production of the rotifer Brachinue ca3,yciflorus PaDao. Zool. shur. 42 no.4:506-532 163, (NDA .160) 1e Bielorussian State University, Minsk, (Rotifera) GALKO-VSMA,.-Irina Yevgen.'yqvna;.MIKHAYLOV, V.A., red.; TELYASHOV, R.Kh., red.izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekhn. red. (Ultrasonic cleaning method for watch parts used in the Petrodvorets Watch Factory] Ulltrazvukovaia promyvka de- talei na Petrodvortsovom chasovom zavode. Leningrad, 1963. 13 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi pro- pagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Elektrotekhnolo- gicheskie protsessy i ustroistva, no.5) (MM 17: 2) GALKOVSKAYA. K. F. "Genetic anaVsIs of two wild populations of drosophila melanopster," (p. 143) by R. L. Berg, E. B. Brissenden, i. r. Aleksandy-iskaya and K. F. G'-L.U,,o3r;ilCAva. W; Jo=nal o~ Genera! Blolopry (Zhurnal Obschei Biologii) Volune 11 No. 1, 1941. GALX()VSKNYA, USSR/Medicine Heredity, Mechanism Apr 1948 Medicine Heredity "Phanocopies of Mutations, Unlike Natural Selection," Yu. K. Olanov) K. F. Galkovskaya, A. D. Pushnitsyna, Can X-Ray, Radiological and Cancer Inst, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk 880" Vo 1 LX, No 3 Analysis of data collected on. vide distribution and frequently observed mutations showed phenotypic analogies but there van lack of similarity even in individual-populations. Submitted by Aced I. I. Shmalgauzen 10 Oct 194T. GALKOVSKATA, K-r- Ametional restoration of denervated extremity, in axolotl following roentgen irradlation. Doklady AkFkd. nauk SSSR 81 no.5:945-948 11 Doc 51. (CI14L 21:5) 1. Presented by Academician N.M. Anichkov 9 October 1951. 2. Central Roentgenological, Radiological. and Cancer Institute, Leningrad. GALKOVSKAYA, Kj. Stimulating effect of roentgen rays on regeneration of peripheral nerves. Doklady Almd. nauk SSSR 87 no. 4:677-679 1 ])@a 1952. (GIML 23--5) 1. Preeented by Academician 1. 11. Anichkov 2 October 1952. GAIKOVSKAYA, K.F. Zffect of roentgen irradiation of the spinal cord on regeneration " Doklady Akad. nauk 5558 E17 no. 5: of peripheral nerves in axolotlee 865-868 11 Doc 1952. ((;W.L 23:5) 1. Presented by Academician N, I, Anichkov 2 October 1952. ATAW ANDROV, S.N.; GALx0vPKATI~ K F - ZILIBMG. YU.G. Comparison of the billogical action of roantgau irradiation and that of irradiation with radioactive cobalt. Ked.ral. 1 no.2:80-87 Mr-AP 156. (KLRA 9-9) 1. Iz laboratorii eksperimeatallnoy morfologii (zav. - prof* G.B. Strelin) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo rentgeno-radiologichookogo insti- tuta (diro-profe K.N.Fobedinskiy) MinisterStVa 2dravookhraneniya SSSR. (COMAIM, radioactive, eff. on blood picture, comparison with x-rays (Bus)) (ROENTGAN RATS, effects, on blood picture, comparison with radiocobalt (Rus)) (33LOOD. affect of radiations on, radiocobalt & x-rays, comparison (Rue)) STRELIN, G.S.; KASHCHNNHO, L.A.; SWJIDT, N.K.; *_MOVqELxL_L- F PUMITITS1161, A.D.; ZILIBERG,ITu. G. Bffect of the dope of radiation from radioactive cobalt 0060) on the reaction of the organism in total body.irradiations. Vop.radiobiol. 2:30-43 157. (KMA 12:6) 1. Satrudniki Nentrnllnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo rentgano- radiologicheakogo inatitnta Kinisterstva sdravookhraneniya SSSR. (CGRA --ISOTOPNS) (HADIATIOII--DOSA(M) Iq ypj "On the Relationship i of'! Go wijisl Resistance and Padiores istance in Aninals'" by S. X. Aleksandrov and K. F. Galkovskaya, labora- tory of Experimental Therapy and Experimental Morphology, Sci- entific Research Roentgeno-Radiological Institute, Ministry of Health USSR, Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, Vol 28, No 1, Jan/Feb 57, PP 47-52 C S " 'V"~ V"." I . I _~Zj A detailed comparison of the radioresistance of mice of two different strains (S and A) to identical X-irradiation was made. This was done to clarify 51he nature of the natural protective mechanisms which provide the biological resistance of organisms to the action of ionizing radiation., Mice of the S57 strain have been found to be more resistant to the action of a variety of harmful agents, surgical trauma, etc. The greater radioresistance of the S57 mice was due to their high general resistance and was deyerident chiefly on the activity of the adrenal system. Extirpation of the adrenals in mice of both st :rains .; brought about a leveling of &zW difference In their resistance to radiation. (U) AlYMARDROV, S.N.; GALWVSKATA-, X.F.; WITEM, O.G.; PEMOV, V.A. ]Biological dfect Of extornal, beta radiations. Med.rad..3 no.4:. 6-8 J1-Ag 158- (MA 12: 3) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellsbogo rentgeno-radiologi- cheskogo instituts, Ministerstva sdravookhraneniya SSSR. (STROBTrUM, radioactive aff. in white mice: external applicatio'n (]Rue)) OLENOV, Yu.14.; 9~LKOVSUYA, K.F.; PLISMITSYNA, A.D. Characteristics of the action of ionizing radiation on irAividual development. TSitologita 1 no-3:293-305 MY-Je ,59. (MIRA 12:10) 1. Institut taitologil All SSSR, Leningrad. (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL RPYECT) (DROSWHITA) ALIKSANDROV, S.N.; GALKOVSEAYA, K.F. ,~,, On changes 1-~ the radioresistance of the irradiated organism. Med. rad. 4 no.11:15-19 N '59. (MMA 13:2) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo nauchno-leeledowatel'skogo instituta seditainskoy radiologli Kinisteretva adravookhrauenlys. SSSR eksperimentallao- rakovogo otdola (saveduyushchiy S.N. Alskmandrov) i laboratorit eks- perimentallnoy morfologli (saveduymbehty - prof. G.S. Strelin). (R&DIATION IFFMS experimental) ALEKBANDROVi S.N.; GALKOVSKAYA9 K.F.; LOZINA-LOZINSKIY, L.K. Beat resistance of the isolated tissues and bodv of lake frogs fuund in hot spring waters at Zheleznovodek. TSitologiia 2 no-4:442-447 ji-Ag 160, (MIPA 13:9) 1. Otdel otdalennoy luchevoy patologii TSentrallnogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta meditainskoy radiologii i Labora- toriya kletochnykh adaptatsiy Instituta taitologii AN SSSR# Leningrad. (HFAAT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (TISSUES) ALEKSAHDROV, S. N.,- _GALY.OV'SK YA K~ 11! ~A~ Sexual differences in radiosensitivity. Radiobiologiia 2 no.33 401-405 '62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut maditainelcoy radiologii, laningrad. (GAMMA RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFMT) (SEE(DIOLOGY)) 3/020/62/146/005/010/011 B144/Bla6 AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, S. N., Galkovskaya, K. F. TITLE: Frequency of lymphosarcoma formation in miae exposea to single and multiple irradiations PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. -Doklady, v- 146, no. 5, 1962,.1189-1192 6o TEXT; Mlale and female mice were rhole-body*irradiated with Co in groups from 129 to 1035, either with a single dose of 800 r or with 4 doses of 200 r each at intervals of 7 or 30 days. The frequency of tumor formation wa s calculated from 2 formulas: 1) K 2 . A/(If - NJ); 2) X ' A- (N - Nj)C, where A is the number of individuals afflicted with 3 M/ lymphosarooma (LS) of the thymus, N is the number of mice ir:radiated,'Ni is the number of mice dying from irradiation effects within the latent period of LS formation, -L m is the mean duration of the latent period, and C 16 the mean life in the cancerogenic period. No LS were found in the controls. The sex of the irradiated mice had a distinct influence on the Card 1/3 S/020/62/146/005/010/011 Frequency of lymphosarcoma... B144/B186 LS formation frequency. The male-to-female K 2 ratio is 3:1 after single irradiation, 1:3 after 4*/200 r with 7-day intervals In maleEi';-K2 as well as K3decreased with increasing irradiation intervals; in females, they increased with 4)