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KA4TSEPOLISKIT, I.S.; GAIKINA, G.V.; MYAKINCHMO, M.I.; ',YHaITSKIY, M.S. Sulfate stability of portland cement with different content of trim1cium aluninate and tetracalatum alumoferritA as influenced by clay (gliesh). Trdo lust. khtm. AN Uz.SSR no.4-1-25 '53. (Pbrtland coment) (Clay) (MIRA. 11:3) (Allmll vatal aluminates) ~ -! ~l I I I : I ! : : I ; I i 1 .11 A jt;.j~I.L.CGRADSKAYA, A.I. Activated concrete based on burned limestme. T*rv~,d~- : AN Ux.SSR no.4:63-76 151. (MIRA 11:3) (Concrote) (Lime) GALKINA, G.V.: XANTSEPOLISKIY. I.S. Hardening of the AlUMinUM ferrite postland cement intermixed with native minerals in low mngnesium s.91t solutions. Dokl.All Uz.SSR no.4:39-43 '57. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Institut khimii AN UzSSR. Predstnvleno akAd. AN U%SSR Sju. Yunumovym. (Portlnnd cement) GALKINA, G.V. Utilization of opoka of the Angren deposit. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.5:23-26 '57. (MIRA 11:5) l.Institut khimii AN UzSSR. Predstavleno akad. AN UzSSR S.Tu. Yunusovym. (Portland cement) (Ubekistan-Opolm) I I If 'I , F-I - ~ I I I~ I I . GALKINA. G.V.; KMSEPOLISKIY, I*S* - Hardening of alumimm ferrite portland cement intermixed with active minerals in a 370 solution of %S04- Dold- A' Us- SSR no~6-37-41 157. (KM 11:5) 1, Institut khimii AN UzSSR. Fredstavleno akademikom AN UwSSR S. YU. T=80TYM. (Portland cement) !~tN 'P~ 4 GAUINA, G.V., kand.khim.nauk.; LTWZHEVA, M.S., red.izd-va; BARTSEVA, V.P., [Cements based on local raw materials) TSementy n& mostnom eyrie. Tashkent, 1959. 210 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Inatitut khImII. (Cement) '~GA ~111A, TOYKOYA, L.L.. red.; SOKOLOTA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Prod-action of table S*irups] Proizvodatv'o stolovhkh patoch- nykh airopov. Moskvs. Pishchopromizdat, 1960. 56 p. (MIRA 14:5) Wraps) GAUINA, G.V. Use of ferments in the manufacture of starch productm. Sakh. prois. 34 no. 12:61-63 1) 160. (MIPA 13-12) 1. TSentrallnyy nanchno-iseledovatellskiy inetitut krakbzmllno- patochnoy promyshlennosti. (Starch products) KANTSEPOLISKIY, I.S.; GALKINA, G.,V.; MILOGRADSKAYA, A.I. , Corrosion of cements in highly concentrated magnesiim sulfate solutions. Kor. tsem. i mery bor'by s nei no.1:27-710 161. (MIRA 17:2) 1, KA.NTSEPOLISKIY, I.S.; GALKINA, G.V.; MYAKINCHENKO, M.I. SUlfate resistance of cements in low magnesia salt solutions. Kor. teem. i mery bor'by 9 nei no.1:77-87 161. (RIRA 17:2) KANTSEPOLISKIY, I.S.; G..,V.; GIEKELI, F.L. Effect of the duration of cement prehardening in water on its sulfate resistance. Kor.tsem.i mery bor'by s nei no.2:94,-108 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Portland cement) (Sulfates) GALKINA, G.V. Changea occurring in the carbohydrate composition of lWdro3,y- zates during vacobar1fleation in an appartitua with continuous action. Trudy TSNIIKPP no.5:18-37 163- (KM& 16-7) (Sugar-Inversion) (Starch) (CarboWrates) GALKINA, G.V. Obtaining highly sacchariPied pr-oducts by the method of double hydrolysis of staich. Trudy TSNI1KPF no.6:2-5-39 163. Investigating the hydrolyS4,3 ()f St,,wCj~_C, .L )r1t,1111ing 1-aw materials by means of enzymes. in the mwiufactUwo of g1ucose pz-oducts, Trudy TSNIMPF no.6:48-62 t63. (MIP%A 16:12) FEDOTOV., N.M.; _PAUINL,. G.V.- -New,type.,of-sacchariferous products from corn. Sakh. prom. 3.7- no.lOtV,~a5l- 0- 163. (MM- 16:12) .1...Sredne-Vblzhakiy--sov(Lt-aiiiodnogo-khazy-aystva (for Fedotov). 2. TSentrallr*7:nauchno-isaledovateliskiy inatitut krakhmalo- patochnoy pr6vTahlennosti (for Galkina), le.K. [Fr~ductior, and use of starch prr-ducts with a high degree of sweetness] Poluchenie t ispoll,.,ovarlie produktov vysukoi stepeni sladosti iz krakimiala. Vloskva, TSentr. in-t nauchne.- tekhn. informatsdi pishchevoi promyshl., 1964. 33 P. (M.Lu IF; 6" 68756 0 C) S/1 31/60/000/03/0110/013 AIP1,1110M Popillskiy, R. Yn., Galkina, I. P, 411015/bOG5 E of Cz:,,;tin.- Dros- Products Wifli a Content of xperinontg Fire Clay \V PER I UD I CA L. Ogneu.pory, '1960, Iii, 3, i)P 137-142 (US)R) \10 ABSTRACT-~ The ar, licability of ceramic castin- with hit,.I-i firc-clay con- P tent is investit~ated, and the results of labor,,.tory woriz. to study the peculiariticc of ceramic c,-..stin,,- of with hih fire-clay content are presented. Yu, V. Kuranov took part in the laboratory work. 11,,,oblems of dilution Prd the choice of moistnro of t1in oith hi.,,*Ii fire-clay content t-rc discuo- sed; t,-.blc I ti-I characterinticn- of Viis droc-s. Table 2 indicates the irif '!v-:rc of vacuum trcatrient an the Pro-ocrties of dross with oiE~h i" -irr-clay content. Table.. 3 -nd 4 show the influence of vibr-,tioi. on dross structure and density of castings. The3o bents were carried out by means of the device of A. Yo. Dec-r-v and P. S. Kiizznctsov. Fi,(uro 2 shows the curver, of moi-st-tire ki-Aivery of dro,;s in -Platotor 111olds for I ,P mno.-n- q'sible 9 indicates the coi:inar--tivo values of 68756 Experiments of Casting Droos Products With a High Content of Piro Clay 5/131/60/000/051/010/013 B015/3005 the properties of pvessed and cast sniiples. Finally, the au*Ov,!~: state that it is t.oo-ible to -roduct4., with 1~oit~Wr(" conteni of i.,]) to prcc-- , J~~. ac Ifell as a vil'T.- , I .-f Ov, con-iclored t',-) be convenient. -'Y--(~ or, '~"Lod it is to I~Lake . C GLII' ).L i 13'1 C t Wit'.. firO-ClUy content which cannot be a'-!!iovt"'~ --crution nypnrimients ire beinc, - I,j .. ~ - cavr co -,:)tit I;c) cll.ccl: -.i,.d do~.~?rniine nore procit3oly the characte-viotic VIF.1LIV7, Of the proceJuro vol-Led okit, ;~nd 1.0 Oe- termine the tc,2~mical itnd oconowic efficiency oil this nothod. Therc are 2 5 tiblcs, and k) referencec, L. of w3lich are Scv-iet. A-~SOCIAT10114 Khitvi.kc,-tt+hwA,-., :.I-iy ~.nnlvlfnit im. Neudeleyova (Ingtitute of ClIemic"I w U25169Z65 EWP(e)/gPA(s J-2/04t(mj/~PF(hj-2/P -2 IV9PAW! AAWN0 kktil. Ft=10/pu-4 IJP(c Jb/Wff AP5001301 ~6/6654 4,UMORr Galki~ajj .14 F,; Popillskiy' R :Ya~ IITLE,~ Sinterabilityl phasecomposition and mic*ro6tructure; (It. cer... ic~ based~lba MgO.- HgO-altotina S,OURCE: Ogneupory, no. 12s 1964s 5.56-50 U~ 4 TAGS: ux%nesitP,, alumina sintering.,,oe~dmidiphase,c ::mierbstructilre, periclase. --_:,'.'ABSTRACT: Sinterihg :qxperiments were':6arried' an:~ele(i~r. f ce with a: series bi r Al; 0 :mlin 69' detl~.ei' urna :of na ies f tom ~he MgO ~ 2. syste amine their chemical stability, heat 'resistance aild:otger qu~l~ .'~Les 144i Lefractbj:Lqs~, Vario~s compositionsi~.of spinels periclase, aluadna !I ,d iifter~ magnas~te w~erdi tecte .,and different heat and.ptessure treAtmidnts had been appliedto fh6 ~poW6~s h~*xing` i 1 various grain sizes aqd. degrees of dispersion. 'Chemical r6acklons~~'!~ Ae~rae of: ~ak.- ing and recrystallization were recorded during such, trea~kmiint!! in ai. iizi;dtium ands ~.Iso: I In helium and other -gas media. A-11 such cout&s itions (excaptll~ure~ caief a 4t 1600C in the Kryptal furnace; in a vacuum magnesium oxides Pegani ~o evaporate i tit ITOOCI but spinel proved considerably less volatile and caiidd at!' s t empete :C15HP, Chemical and x-ray analygea'showed that practical 0 Q*Ai 0 ~ly I 1/2 2 3 'L 25159-65 -ACCE, ~NR: AP5001301 I've, SSION remained in samples f ired:: to 15 d cl i~ 00 or~ 1600Cs',videh in Le4tes I pl4el~ soiileltz' ound that compounds I rang and' 1~. Sj perici LI, tion, It was f ing ;% -sintered at l6weri-ittperatures And were more compact' thin 04 j)urq farms$ prOduc- Ang particularly hard solid solutions., Spinel 4 the ii Ix yn s S'. 4?-o? jyer~ c,~uqes shar _-,variations during hot working of larger shapes'j' vhi6h leads ra., tion and cracking* , This can only be avoided b~_.combini 41 1U.JaN& kifii! pra~sij:no theoized. spinal. "ChextAc 'analyses of the amp a verb CA~iiitd q4t:: at. the al lo NUTsemqnt; the x-ray structural.anal -re. performea at! O~e TWSH; and !the yses wp V11 :petrographic studies were a ried out under theA V 41f lmovska~ikls c r ra6ti~n.00 V I~Origq art. has-.. 8 figures and 3 tables*:, iinsti Itut*i kiy khimAo*- tekhno D,11 i an a 8 ''ASSOCIATION: Moskove .,Moscow cheinical eggineering -institute): M~T SIM I SUBMITTED: 00 :,-ENCL: .00 ODE, OnLEM.A04-1: H -~NO REF SOV* 016 it 2/2 Card vie present worr. is a continuarion o an.eari.ler r authors (Ogneupory 1964., u0., 12), which was c~brxcerne&.;.with, pl~ise composition,, and microstructure of, stiperi-dut' Y ceramid 4* the MgO-,VgaT29 system, whereas the. sent article deals v4b pre I. I :~ I ; ~ ,technical properties of thesame compoundsi; determining t-bei),".,juue temperatures - The , investigations were ohi6fly,, centejn--~. M:0 ogtimal sintering temperatures, 171000:~forl pe~icl6se d compounds with an intermediate composition'.. Flexuxtkl~ compx COM li-~f ra.4-cirieb. in: 3 Lh~ !:I p, ne~qs at~b Al, 2 j7 ~Pivb! And:tens~lp T .......... AOCTISSION AF5015875 strength teists of the. sjy~cimens of 11 different:cco G pound of different ttO:A1- 0 ra;bio6 (f om 1-1 to 64:1) ina: dlffe~eni I r 2 3 Of nd at 41 to 71.77a). were performed. both at room.temperature 'a hl~ :to 14.5ooc) in a setup consisting ofa.Silit~11eAter.',f4rridee di In addition, the evaporation rate of these mate'rialsuas: in~~ tnerature vacuum furnace with a~tungstcn beater, It. a ~ vacqt 110 mm Hg pit 1800 a-ad P-0000C. Def ormati-on lunder, load was At specially.d6velioped .high-teihperatu~e furmce in whi6h testd 0 at tem-oeratures ' of as Duch as ~ 2500 C - It -4as f oxindthat! com:1 lip 0 15% AlpO.;, particularly those of the Eipiriel. type .a:nRo perialase- ~markedly improve the,temperature.resistarxce~of, n-1 sn& rel i. si! eouzly -reducing the sintering poin S_pkl have lower evaroration rates than. Periclase and ~bu'p~. thell cor'; materials with Predondnance of spinel ar6 sui-Wole for ur-.-. al leven though periclasia is greatly supserior !The temperature limits of the rei-iability of pqri(!.~L~e Cel-aud in NTMAUM are restricted b y he high of t1riti, "by the and refrao-),;or~y 'Itiq~fl or tbF 'rorld mediate compounds contain.Ing.frcim 20-,to 54 .44 1.10'' V'app, no 3 Card :,2/3 L 11 s 4 1 with p! ),,~)O !~'oi!it&A (UT) 3 +e mi;,jri~ta -i v L U a ii~ ch~ lie I;tl igabled It-, a bij3h- JC of ~61irei order of; restiditted in a i "Itila ii~!~J-icirf iL to It po~,jt~blja a 1.1cr, J*,, a ,e, c")Irpolln-as h;~~md'!Klt ceralai dhigboi- 1~i CtilLurlY, 111- lit V . ~ 3. ry "Ilri- t to 11--i! or 3;1!i SOURCC 'ODEt U11/0363/66/002/0o6/1115/112. AUTHOR: Foluboyarinoa D. IN.; Popi-l'skiy, R. Ya.; P.-. Bakunov, V. S. I ORG: M94cow Chemical Enaineering Institute im. D. I. 2knq2loev (Moskovskiy khimiko- tekhno:f~gicheskiy institut) TIMS: of ceramic materials in the MgO-MgA12Q~ system -Cre-81 SOURCE& AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Noorganichoskiye materialy, v. 2y no, 6v 1966P M5- 1118 TOPIC TAGS& creep mechanismg oxide ceramic, magnesium compound, aluminum compound .Liclase-spinel, I ABSTRACT: The mechanism of creep and deformation under load in the pe system was studied. The creep rate ifas measured as a function of temperature and loads and the empirical creep law I = So-Q/RT n was found to hold,, f being the deformation rate, Q the activation energyp R the gas constant, T the temperature, and S and n em- pi~ical constants. The lowest creep rates were exhibited by spinel and periclase: whon YjgO admixtures are introduced into spinel, and spinel admixtures into YgO, the creep rate increases, and in the range of 14-63 wt. % A1203 becomes equal to or great-1- or than that of the pure components. The dependence of the deformation rate of the materials studied on the stress approximately obeys the law for viscous flow. The mechanisms of deformation under load at high temperatures and of creep at lower temper-~.- atures are similar. Orig. art. hast 5 figures and 2 tables. i SUB COIZI 11 UISUBM DATE$ 21Apr65/ ORIG REFS 0051 OrH WS 003 ,-l- ~ Geograrhical. variability in the size of eggs of Oncorhynchus gorbumba and Oncorhynchus keta as related to the problems of acclimaUzation. Trudy MCI no.9%33-40 165, (MMA .18.,12) ~,H MEINEVA, L.P. ~. (;ikMj NA, h.A. Morphome*tric chavactaris tics of young Oncorhyncims gortrasclui and Onvorhynchus keta produced In the rish hatcharles of Marmftnijk Province and Sakluilin. Trudy 141B1 no.9.67-8'1 165. (MIRA 18~12) SLUTSKER, A.; GALKINA.-K. Hygienic evaluation of local exhaust systems in the sacking of flour at flour mills. Muk.-elev. prom. 28 no.10:20-22 0 '62. (KERA 16tl) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i professionallnykh zabolevauiy Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR. (Moscow-!~Rur milla-Ventilation) AID P - 2163 Subject USSR/medicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 5/22 Author : Galkina, K. A., Scientific Worker Title : Efficiency of dust removal during wet drilling in the Donetz Basin coal mines Periodical : Gig. i san., 4, 20-23, Ap 1955 Abstract : Describes investigations of the amount of dust in the air made in two places of the "Gidroshakhta" of the "Ordzhonikidze-.Vgoll" trust where drilling operations were being conducted. Discusses the advantages of wet drilling from the hygienic point of view, especially when the wetting agent OP-7 is used. one Russian ref. in footnote, 1951. Institution : Donetz Institute of Industrial Physiology Submitted : MY 10, 1954 SHUMILOV,V.V. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; TARASENXO,V.I.; GALKINA K.A. STARUSHENXO,A.S.; SHAPTAIA,A.A. - ~!, ~ Uperience of dry dust catching In working with the ShBK-l cut- ter-loader. Ugol' 30 n0-5:46-47 YX '55. WRA 8:6) 1. Mladshiy nauchuyy sotrudnik Donskogo nauchno-lesledovatell- skogo ugollnogo instituta (for Taramenko) 2. Zaveduyushchaya laboratoriyey gigiyeni trud& (for Galkina) 3. Kladshiy nauchuyy sotrudnik Instituts. Fiziologii truda (for Starushenko) 4. Klad- shiy nauchWy sotrudnik Instituta Fiziologii truda (for Shaptala) (Donets Basin--Coal mining machinery) (Mine dust) GAIMA, K. A.: Master Med Sci. (diss) -- "Some problems of improving the health ft conditions of work for cuttors in coal mims of tile Donbass . Moscow, 1959. 9 pp (Inst of T-abor Ilygiene and Occupational Diseases of the Acad ~Jsd Sci TjSSSR), 200 copies (KL, 140 15, 1959, 3-19) ~'i T "Pneurnoconiosis in workers er.Ec.,~ed in work in coal rrines, ard means of its proplylaxLs." report submitted at the 13th till-Union Congress of lLygienists, Eplde.-~ioicgists and TnfbCtLonists, 1959. ..GAMINA, K.A.,; TKACHEV, V.V., gornyy inzhener;'fossov, P.A.; VARFOLOMEYEV., G.S., SLUTSKER, A.S. Effectiveness of settling dust with mist sprayers-during blasting operations. Bor'ba a oil. 142-146 162, (MIU 1635) 1. Institut gigiyeny truda i professioaallnykh zabolevaniy AMN SSSR, Nine dusts-Prevention) (Blasting) aA, 1K INA) K . i . 1949. "Fever Reactions in Cases of Acute Atrophy of the Liver," Klin. Med., 27, No.6. 1st Therapeutic Clinic. Moscow Oblast' Sci.Res.Clinical Inst. 1. MELIYANV) At is) IJAI-KVA~ K, 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Liver - Diseases . 7. Early cirrhosis of the liver in Botkin's disease. Klin. ined. 30 no. 8, 1529 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. TUI ~'VA, 1, 1 Y ',-XI~ I,r Flu."ILEV-1, red.; Li 'Lil:saction-, and mato .1 a isL- -ciellLiliC -,, co ccnfel*enccas 1.~Ublished ~Ibn-,ad in 19t-.1; "n. in0ex", MaT,erialy nauchn~jl;-.Ii i sove.;i1chanli, e za r mbezhor.-i v I(i~~,2, 9o,411; C,rad, 1-13 I. Akaderd-fa na, uIc KOVALEV, ll.; GAUINA, L. Need for physicochemical specificaticns for culinary products, Obohchefltv.pit. no.lt27-28 J& 162, (KRA 1514) (Food industry-Standards) ZHEREBTSOVAP P.; KURVATOV, Nq GALKINA, L. Centra.'Uzed manufacture of tomato and sour-crean sauces. Obahchestv.pit. no.l:X-29 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Leningradskiy inatitut sovetakoy torgovli imeni F.Engellsa. (sauces) 3 (9), 17 (4) AUTHOR: Galkina, L. A. BOV/20-126-2-49/64 TITLE: Degeneration Phenomena in Gametes of the Pacific Herring (Yavleniya degenerataii polovykh kletok u tikhookeanskoy seltdi) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 2, pp 404-405 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The degeneration (in the fat), named in the title, is very rare in maritime species of fish (on the contrary to fresh water spawning fish) The author observed degeneration phenomena in various zones of the Far-east, after the end of the main spawning. Fish exhibiting these phenomena constituted 10 % at most. They were but not visually apparent and only an embryological analysis of the artificially-extracted fertilized spawn showed their impotence of normal fertilization and development (Fig 1). This degeneration is not only restricted to individual fishes, to those herrings which have spawned late, but to whole herring banks: Mid-June, 1957, in the Gulf of Gizhizinskaya Guba ' Sea of Okhotsk. ),. Here, bigger fish (29-30 am long) were effected. On the 7th day of observation (which coincided with the last day when the Card 1/3 fish were near the coast), it was difficult to distinguish Degeneration Phenomena in Gametes of the Pacific SOV/20-126-2-49/64 Herring the outline of the eggs: in the case of individual fish, eggs and sperms, formed a liquified mass with a trombus of hardened gametes, hard by the sexual opening. In the came of the males, the sperms. resembled that of dead fish after 2-3 days. Apparently, such a degeneration as named in the title, and in such proportions, hardly occurs with maritime fish. One may assume that such a degeneration can only occur in the case of fish with relatively restricted spawning- grounds. With Pacific herring, this can lead to an over- ripeness of the sexual products as a result of casual factors such as storms, sudden changes in temperature, noJing of the spawning-grounds etc (Ref 3). It is difficult to 3ay, if the decomposing sexual products endanger the cells of new generatiom this may yet be the case. If so, then it is possible that those fish with gametes effected with resorption, will not take part in the next year's spawning. Perhaps this factor explains the falling-off in the numbers of herring approaching 1hepoast for the purpose of breeding. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/3 Degeneration Phenomena in Gametes of the Pacific SOV/20-126-2-49/64 Herring ASSOCIATION: Murmanakiy morskoy biologicheskiy institut Kallskogo filiala. im. S. M. Kirova. Akademii nauk SSSR (Murman Maritime- biological Institute of the Kola Branch imeni S. M. Kirov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: February 5, 1959, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: January 29p 1959 Card 3/3 AUT9ORS: Tager, A. A., Galkina, L, A, SOV/156-58-2-39/48 TITLE: The Thermodync.mic Investigation of the Solution Process of Polystyrene in Methyl-Ethyl Ketone and Ethylacetate (Termo- dinamicheskoye issledovaniye protsessa rastvoreniya polistirola v metiletilketone i etilatsetate) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 2, PP. 357 - 360 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The experimental results concerning the solution of poly- styrene in benzene (Ref 1) and ethyl-benzene (Ref 2) give evidence of laws which differ basically from those concerning the elastic polymers. The most important difference is the modification of the entropy of the solvent. The penetration of the benzene- or ethyl-benzene molecules into the range of the polystyrene macromolecule is accompanied by an abrupt decrease of the entropy. In contrast to this the increase of the solvent entropy is characteristic of the dissolution of the elastic polymers which are in an elastic state (the mixture entropy is high). An attem-t to explain P the causes to which this law is due was interesting: it is Card 1/3 either the nature of the polymer or that of the solvent. The Thermodynamic Investigation of the Solution SOV/156-58-2-39/48 Process of Polystyrene in Methyl-.Ethyl Ketone and Ethylacetate Therefore the investigation mentioned in the title was carried out. The two mentioned liquids dissolve polystyrene (molecular weight 142000) to a different extent: it is well soluble in methyl-ethyl ketone, whereas ethyl-acetate causes only a swelling of polystyrene. Sorption isothermal lines (fig 1) of both liquids by polystyrene were determined by means of earlier described methods (Ref 1) and the heat of solvation was determined. Figure 1 shows that methyl-ethyl- ketone is sorbed by polystyrene in greater quantities than ethyl-acetate. On the strength of these results the authors draw the following conclusions: the character of the observed laws does not depend on the nature of the low-molecular liquid. They are determined only by the nature of the poly- styrene. An abrupt decrease of the entropy of -the low- molecular liauid which takes place in the case of penetration of the latter into the polystyrene phase may be explained by a loose packing of the polystyrene macromolecules and by the formation of orientated adsorption layers of the low- Card 2/3 molecular liquid in the micropores of this polymeric sorbent. The Thermodynamic Investigation of the Solution BOV/156-58-2-39/48 Process of Polystyrene in Methyl-Ethyl Ketone and Ethylacetate There are 4 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii Urallskogo gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta im.A.?A.Gorlkogo ( Chair of Physical Chemistry of the Ural State University imeni A.M.Gor'kiy) SUBLfITTED: November 27, 1957 Card 3/3 G rALKINA, L. A., Cand Biol Sci - (diss) 11~3pawning and the ';arly Jtages of Jevelo ent - pr[I of Herring in the Northern Regions of the jea of Okhotsk." Leningrad, 1960, 1p, pp, (Academy of Sci USSR; Zoological Institute) 210 copies, free (KL, 21-60, 121) - GALKINA, LAi-- Characteristict of the reproduction and early developmental !:tages of herring in northern regions of the Sea of Okhotsk. Probl. Sev. no.4:108-120 161. MRA 15:1) (Okhotsk, Sea of--Herring) GALKINA, L.A. Fertilization and development of the roe of the White Sea herring (Clupea harengus Pallati n. maria-albi Berg (var. M) in waters of different salinity. Dokl. AN SSSR U3 no.2:479- 482 Mr 1620 (MIFA 15 :3) 1. Murmanski7 morskoy biologicheakiy institut Kollskogo filinIA AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.Pavlovskim. (WHITE SEA-4MRRING) (SkUNITY) (FERT]rLIZATION(BIOLOGY)) _~ALKINA, L.A. Inexpediency of the "dry" method for fertilizing the eggs of sea fishes. Vop. ikht. 3 no.3:563 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Mumanakiy morskoy biologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Dallniye Zelentsy. (Fish-Gulture) (Fertilization (Kology)) GALKINA, L.A.; POZDNYAKOVA, L.Ye.; TSEYEB, T.Ya. (deceased] Kanda Bay and its inhabitants. Okeanologiia 3 no.5:898-906 163. (KRA 16: 11) 1. Murmanskiy morskoy biologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. SOV/96-50.1-3-11/21 AUTHORS: Varavitskiy, I.B., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Kostrikin, Yu.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Galkina L. G. Enp:ineer and rai!WoN .,- Engineer TITIE: The Preparation of Distillate in an Installation with Direct-Flow Gas Evaporator (Prigotovleniye distillyata v ustanovke s pryamotochnym gazovym isparitelem) PERIODICAL:Teploenergetika, 19592 Nr 39 PP 49-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By the use of gas evaporators it is possible to obtain distillate in an amount-up to 8-10% of the steam raising capacity of the boiler. In addition, the flue gas temperature is reduced, the size of the convective parts of the furnace is smaller and corrosion of the heating surfaces is reduced. Gas evaporators can operate either on a direct-flow circuit or with natural circulation. All-the equipment used in the gas evaporators is proved and reliable. In October, 1954 a gas evaporator was added to a boiler of 160-200 tons/hour output. A small heat-exchanger coil was installed at the end of the Card 1/4 existing convective part of the furmce beyond the air SOV/0 96-50-3-11/21 The Preparation of Distillate in an Installatio.%, with Di-rect-Flow Gas Evaporator heater. It was intended to operate during the winter period as an economiser and during the summer period as a gas evaporator. A general schematic diagram of the equipment is given in Fig.1 and a s1mtch of the horizontal separator in Fig.2. Since the gas evaporator operates at low pressure, steam is only contaminated by dropwise carry-over of salts. An expression is given for the ratio of the qt1antity of salt in the distillate to that at the inlet to the separators. In conducting the tests, in order to accelerate and simplify the analyses of water salt content, solutions of phosphates and chlorides were specially added to the water reaching the evaporator.. The results of 16 tests are given in Table l.. The thermal efficiency and general characteristics of the gas evaporator were determined from long-term operating experience, The main conditions for producing distillate of the necessary quality during the tests are given in Fig.3. It appears that at humidities of up to 45%, almost all of the moisture reaching the separator is Card 2/4 removed. At- higher humidities the efficiency of removal SOV/96-59-3-11/21 The Preparation of Distillate in an Installation with Dire ct--Flow (~as Evaporator L Even is less and a single separator does not suffice. the use of two film separators in series, although a considerable improvement, does not give distillate o.'L' %the required quality. Distillate quality as a function of various operating corAitions is plotted in Fig..4 and 5. To study the operation of the separator during possible periods of intermittent salt carry-over, thermo-couples were installed on the coils. Thereby pulsation and the uniformity of distribution of water on the coils we:re rei,3istered. The corresponding test results are given in Fig.6. An outline drawing of the calorifier with multi-stage separation appears In Fig.7 and. the maln characteristics of the equipment. are stated. Operating experience showed a high therm 1 efficiency; the tubes did not become contaminated or damaged, except occasionally when they were abraded by ash. There were no special difficulties in erection or repair and the installation was particularly reliable in operation. Although in Card 3/4 some cases the tubes operated below the dew point, external SOV/96-59-3-11/21 ~he Perparation of Distillate in an Installation with Direct-Flow U Gas Evaporator .corrosion was not observed. After 13,000 hours operation one coil was cut out of the calorifier and no inte--nal deposits were found. On the basis of this operating and test data extensive introduction of gas evaporators is recommended. Their field of application should be deteimined and design and operating instructions worked out. There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoruzznyy teplotekhnicheski~ institut - Sverdlovenergo (All-Union Thermo-Pvchnical Institute - Sverdle-urenergo) Card 4/4 0 'OV/96-59-9-19/22 AUTHORS: Varavitskiy I B , (Candidate of Technical ScloncoD) and G L.6. ~Egineer) ,~,l.kina,_. TITLE: Full-scale Tests on a Coil-type Calorifier PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika. 19599 Nr 9, pp 89-91 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Ar. article bv Varavitskiy and others published in Elektricheek-te Stantsii Nr 3 ~ 1954, described an arrange- ment of tail-end heating surfaces developed by the All- Union Thermo-Technical Institute. In applying this circuit a small coil-type calorifier was developed and installed in a boiler with a steam output of 160/200 tons per houx in 1955. An outline drawing of the calorifi *er is given in Fig 1. During the tests the heat-transfer (-oefficient of the calorifier was determined; the assumptions made and the experimental conditions are described. The coefficients were determined from the experimental data obtalned during measurements from the air side. Corresponding measurements were also made from the steam side. The methods of measurement and of working out the experimental data are explained. The Card 1/2 heat-'ransfer test results are plotted in Fig 2 and the 'L test data are tabulated. A relationship is given SOV196-59-9-19122 Full-scale Tests on a Coil-type Calorifier between the Nusselt and Reynolds criteria for this calorifier. It was found that the level of water in Card 2/2 the calorifier had little influence on the test results. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy teplotekhnichoskiy institut (All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute) T r A ACC NRI AR6022386 (/V) SOURCE CODE: UR/0397/65/boo/b24/055/oo56 UTHOR% Lankevicb, M. M,; Pursbev, F. I.; Mayebuk, Yu. F.; Galkina, a Go ITLE: Polyvinyl alcohol -- a new drug base for antibiotics OURCE: Refs zb, Farmakologiya. Toksikologiye, Abs. 24-54-431 Y SOURCE: Sb. Materialy Neucbn. konforentaiip poevyashob -lativu Js Goa* no-is in-ta glazn. bolezney, 1963- Cbeboksery, )PIC TAGS: polyvinyl alcobolp tetracycline, erythromycin, antibiotic ABSTRACT: In preparing antibiotic solutions with a polyvinyl alcohol base, antibiotics were added on the basis of 10,000 units/Ml to a 1:0% polyvinyl alcohol solution. It was established that antibiotic activity in a polyvinyl alcohol solution lasted 2 to 4 times longer than in aqueous solutions. Polyvinyl alcohol solutions did not cause irritationE of eye tissues. Following the administration of tetracycline hydrochloride (aqueous solution and polyvinyl alcohol solution) in experiments on 4~ rabbits, a-bigber content of the antibiotic was found in the conjunctival sac with a polyvinyl alcohol solution than with an aqueous solution or antibiotic in the form of an ointment. Similar ACC NR: AR6022386 results were established in determining tetracycline hydrochloride levels In conjunctival cavity lavages and conjunctival cell scrapings; and, also with the use of other antibiotic solutions (erythromycin ascorbate and erythromycin). Treatment (1% solution of tetracyline hydrochloride embedded 2 to 3 times daily) of 104 trachoma pbLtients (adults and children) produced good results, Mean number of bad da-Ys' was 57.1%. Treatment (1% polyvinyl alcohol solution of erythromycin w4s imbedded once daily) for 6 mos. prevented any recurrence of trachoma cases during a one year observation period* N. So. ZTranslation of abstrac!7'* CODE: 06 GkLKINA., L.I. Taxonomy of marmots (genua M&rmota). Trudy Bio. inst. Sib. otd. AN .SSSR no.8:135-156 162. (MR& 15.12) (Siberiep-Marmots) -'TAL',. -'."A, L.L. ~i lid Cl-.eni Sci (ci:- S) "The on. 1%,E. ~ *)I! ~J' 1-,~I-Yllllunl !-'rm -irlf-- ll~r:L.',. -.- ~'Jr ~:.s - -'L tior.." Tashl-eiit, 1960, ~.10 pp (11'eritral hsian Fol, -iristitute. I Uentral jisiz~n 6ci-i-,es Institute of juolog~- anu -Ineral ;lLesources) (K-L, _71,-60, 120) GALKINAP L.L.; , A.L. Determination of beryllium by liquid-liquid extraction. Uzb. kbim. zhur. no. 2:53-65 16o. (MIRA 14:1) I* Sredneaziatskiy politekhaicheskiy institut. tBeryllius-4nalysis) GALKINA, L.L.; MARKMAN, A.L. Flurometric determination of small amounts of Leryllium. Izv.wjs. ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 6 no.5:735-738 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Tashkentskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, kafedra analiticheskoy khimii. 0~4-6~ fE p(0/kW10) 'i M(m)) W t 23 M ...::'ACCESSION NR: AP50011 8 S/02911 ~4 4004*36 3 iodii 041l. AUTHOR: Markman, A. L.; qalkina, L., L. GrushetO~ a:' PLY r TITLE: Extraction of, the rare earth:relements usind ~ky i6l~;;ici& ?77 SOURCE*, Uzbekskiy, khimicheskiy zhurnal, no. 4' 1964,, 38,4 'hl:orb(6rr& extrtkctant TOPIC TAGS: rare earth element extraction butyric!ji~id I Trilon B sulfosalicylic acid. T!' ABSTRACT. The conditions-use4earli4r (Galkini~ 'i'M kinan, k khim. zh. i:No. 2j 5 adiiion of b'eir e 3 OPP)) for: he. extr r6 fo~,64 to ibei optimum for the extraction of the rare: earth ~elemento. 1. .4AIr~.;~itcowpl~.te eAract-. ion of the rare earth elements was e* ffected Iii on. a~ Mytic acAd-ichloro-1 form mixture from the NaCl-s.aturate d aque.ous phase's 11 he kw-l-gm6 of 6ittai.-tionI was independent of the rare earth concentration. he e(# 04 Trilon J31 an of . I , I ari ear6i eie 3 sulfosalicylic acid complexing agents on ~he oxtrac 0 t ;~r Ment.0 t d: he was studied.: With Trilon B the rare earth elemen a ;in t a4meouis mziatskiy,Nauchno'issledo atell th the elmift. III cl 4 ~Cl iti. the earlb from gii -1. )9V imd At. iq rare et ;gent f4rm'ed a �e a]: satijratec by~ji 'Aur a"ted'i .,lmd~~ts.of raj ~ngl+ 6tep extj ACC NRt Ap6owiM SOURCE CODES UR10186166100810031033810360, AUTHORI Galkina., L. L, ORG: none TITLE: Separation of rare earth elements from thorium. scandium and uraidum by ex- traction with n-butyric-ac-0 SOURCES Radiukhimiya, v. Bt no. 3v 1966t 358-360 TOPIC TAGS& thorium# scandiump uranium, butyric acid,, rare earth olemontp chemical soparation MOTRACTS In order to determine whether rare earth elements can be separated from Th, Scl and U9 the distribution of all these elements between a concentrated aqueous solu- tion of ammonium nitrate and n-butyric acid was studied. The rare earths, Th, So and U were found to be extracted by n-butyric acid with high distribution coefficients, and the letter depend strongly on the pH; Thp So and U are extracted at substantially lower pH's than the rare earths (see Fig. I)* This considerable difference in pH val- ues made it possible to separate Th, Se and U from the rare earths. Th and U are sep-- aratod by a single extraction with n-butyric acid at pH 2.0-2.3, and scandimm is sepa- rated by double extraction at pH 2.15-2.35. Orig. art. has$ I figure and 2 tables. 0--4 UDGI 543.21 (546.65+546.841+546.631+546.791) 542s6i ACC NRt 71g. i. Extraction of rare earths, thorlum# scandium and uranium with butyric acid. I - rare earths; 2 - scandium; 3 - thorium; 4 - uranium SUD COM 07/ SUBM DATEs 09out63/ ORIG MWs W log. f -1 .... ... ACC NR, AP7011822 SOURCE CODEi UR10075/66/02VOW105811063 AUTHOR: Galkina, L. L.; Glazunova, L. A. ORG: Central Asiatic Scientific Research Institute of Geology and Minerals, Tashkent (Sredneaziatskly nauchno-issl*dovatellskiy Institut geologii i mineralonogo syroya) TITLE: Extractive method for separating rare earth elements for their subsequent determination SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimll, v. 21, no. 9, 1966, 1058-1063 TOPIC TAGS: rare earth metal, metal extracting SUB CODE: 11 A13STRACT: Results 'are precented of investigations of conditions ie4uired for ex- traction of rare earth elements with butyric acid, and also on the use of this extractive method for separation of rare earth elements from other elements. The experiments were conducted with solutions containing the elements of the cerium group (40 % , 25 % 4203., 25 % Nd203-' 10 % Fr203) , elements of the Ce903 'yttrium group (50 % V2051 20 % Yb;203' 10 % H02031 and 5 % each of Gd ~03 , DY2031 , and LU203), with solutions of elements from both groups, and also with so- Er203 ACC NR, AP7011822 lutions of several rare earth elements. In all cases, complete extraction was achieved when optimal conditions were met. In addition to speed (15-20 minutes), this method is precise since only one ex- traction is used. This fact the proposal of a method of concentrating small ,(n.10-2 - n-jo-3 Q amounts of rare earth elements from ores. This method vas verified with silicate ores. Orige art# h4sS I figure and 4 tables. OPHSt 40036:17 GALKINA, L.M*_,, -. . Device for lifting the weights eqjializine the top carriage on roving machines. Gbmtekh.apyt. [MW] no.16:3P,39 '56. (Spinning machinery) (MrRA 11:11) S/18YO'2/000/002/004/013 B125 B102 AUTHORS: -Kerimov, B. K., Popov, Yu. A., Loskutov, Yu. M., Galkina, L. P. 7-meson decay electrons TITLE; Polarization prope rties of ja, PERIODICA-L: 41"oscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. F-;zika, astronomiya, no. 2, 19062, 29-35 TEXT: The polarization properties of electrons from the eT_ + y + Y, decay of a longitudinally polarized charged muon at rest were investigated with two variants of weak four-fermion V-A interactions. In the Lee-Yang version of the interaction Hamiltonian, the transverse polarization of electrons polarized 4n the plane perpendicular to that of decay is sensitive to a possible non-conservation of time parity; in the Feynman-Gell-Ilann version, however, there is no polarization. If the state of polarization of decay electrons is described by L 9 the T e Se Se ~ se probability of electron production is given by Card 1/6 S/1 88/62/000/002/0()4/013 Polarization properties of ... B125/B102 dke dW= + (g+lg-' + ":4) 2 W" (2-..)Ich'24 se (8) with +i(glg.�I-g_lg4) 1 W2 2 W., 0 T Sek) I (q3 - 3k2 --~- 2Seqk,) (3 Se COS 6) + 2 9- 7 seq)), (cm. + 8k, (ke Wa (1 71) (q2 - kI) koe -sinO, K, IV/. 0. in the Feynman-Gell-YLann version, and with Card 2/6 Polarization properties of ... S/188/62/000/002/004/013 D125/B102 W., (I + sp,y,) j (q2 - 3k') (3 - s, cos 6) + 8k2j + 1 9 + 2 (1 + S, cos 6) qk, + s,-rl) + -,,, koe (k, - q2) (3 - s, cos G)l Ke 9 IV3 = � 2sin 0 -~-'e (q" - k1) ill (2P,kq + k2 + q2)' K, IV, = 2 sin 0A) (k&~ - k2 in the Lee-Yang version. G. GA + G+Gv, T, (GI G, + G+G,,), A V A V (G+ G,j - GOv), (G +Gv - ~G+ GA), T12 V A k q ki), -,K,,, k' cos (skO), ' Ke C r Ke Ee The squarW_`o~_t_he_modulus_of_the constant g yields the probability of the Se -0.0 electron being in the Ly state (s + 1 S,k is the spin vector Ise e Card 3/6 S/168/62/000/002/004/013 Polarization properties of ... B125/B102 of a muon at rest. The transverse polarizations P 3 and P 2 of electrons polarized in the decay plane (fp=O) and perpendicularly thereto ((f-7,r/2), respectively, are given by P . V1 +71 IN ~W is the 5,2 3,2/(Wl -1). WO . 1* -1 total electron-decay probability, and P I - (IF,, I_W_ Wao is t he 2 2 2'= 1 longitudinal electron polarization. The relation lfp~ +P +P is 1 2 5 valid for a completely polarized electron beam. If the beam is partly formed by unpolarized electrons, the fraction Po of the unpolarized state 1_ VF2!+ 1 2 +P!+ is g1ven by Po . +P! . The polarization of the decay electrons 1 2 3 is closely related to the ratio between the constants G A and G.. As a phase shift (t A = Gv e-i~ ) exists between constants with equal moduluo, i - coo L~v 1, - 0, and 12 - sin -~ . If 8 - 7T (Q A ' -0 V) (V-A interaction), the Feynman-Gell-laann and the Lee-Yang versions are equivalent. If ~ /Tcy the following is found: In the Lee-Yang version, part of the high-energy Card 4/6 1 $/!88/62/000/002/004/013 Polarization properties of ... B1250102 electrons (K e>> k 0.) are polarized transversely to the plane perpendicular to that of decay. The existence of transversely polarized high-energy electrons characterizes the degree of violation of the time parity W 2 in (10). In the Lee-Yang version, 2k2 (22) P'= I ",'l V_j(.3-2x)cos a+ (2x- I) co-, 012-1,-sin-'Osin2k W, for K e;~~ koe9 and in the Feynman-Gell-Mann version, PO = 0- if GA and G V are not equivalent regarding their modulus, and if k oe//X8- OP the Lee-Yang version contains transversely polarized electrons both in the decay plane and in the plane perpendicular there-to, while the Peynmon-, Gell-11i'lann version has none. If % -* 1, the fraction of unpolarized electrons is zero in the Feynman-Gell-Mann version, but tends toward (1-111) in the Lee-Yang version. The lifetime r of the muor. at rest in -6 -6 versions (2) and (3) is ((4-3/(1-cos8)j0.02)-10 and (2.15�0.02)-10 sec, Card 5/6 5/188/62/000/002/004/013 Polarization properties of B125/B102 respectivaly. If 0' - ir, ris the same in both versions. P 2 is very,' sensitive to phase shifts. It is noted that the investigation of transverse polarization is an appropriate means for choosing, the interaction Hamiltonian. A. A. Sokolov is thanked for discussions and advice. The English-langua.-e reference is: Sokolov A. A. Nucl. Phys., 9, 420, 1959. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra statisticheskoy fiziki i mekhaniki (Department of Statistical Physics and Mechanics) SUBMITTED: May 5, ~961 Card 6/6 GALKINA, 14. "TwG hundred and timnty Tatar recipeP by IU.A.Akbm--.tzianov (Chien TSentral2nogo ku-II-narno.go soveta pri Ydnisterstve torg-.)vli RsFt3R. mastei-povarl. Revlewed by M.G&Ildna. Obshcheat.pit. no-303 ~vfr 162. (IMA 1.5.;4) 1. Nqf,-Iial'nA.k otdola obshchestvonnogo pitaniyu llir0iiterstva torgovil, Tatarskoy ASSR. (Gcokery,, Tatar) (Lkhmetzianov, M.A.) GALKINAA M.,M-., 25926 Galkina M. M. Iz opyta raboty bolinitsy vosetanovitellnoy khirurgi ~.-V-Lb: Problemy vonstanovit. lechenlya invalkdov Otechestv. voyny. Aatrakhan', 1948, 9. 12-19. SO: Letopial Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscow, 1948 GALKW M.Ya. 1.S. Belostotokii. the organizer of health protection in the Ursln during the first years of Soviet regime. Zdrev.Ros.Pe(ier. I no.9: 32-37 S '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. 1z kafedry organizateii zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny U.o.zav. A.G.Vershinins) McLotovskogo maclitsinskogo institute. ,(311LOSTOTSKI1. IVAN STIPANOVICH. 1882- GALKINA. H.Ya., aspirant . ...... ~- Aleksandr Dmitrievich Blank; leading physician of prerevolationary times in the Urals. Sov.xdrav. 16 no .5:46-49 NY 157. (MW 10:7) 1. Is kafedry organizateii zdravookhroneniya i istorit neditsiny (1*0,28'04 Ag.Vershinina) Kolotovskogo seditsinakogo instituta. (IIA , ALUUNDR DNITRIBTICH) GALKENA, N.A. Treatment of pseudarthrosis. Vop. tz-a-.r,,. i '63. ( MMJ R-k.28:2) '. Glavnyy travmatolog Sakhalinskcy oblasti. 5. 46oo 750 S 0 V/30 - 3 2 - 10 - 2 0/5 1 AUTHORS: Oa.lkina, N. I., Popova, G. M., Kondratihov, D. L., Burshteyn, R. 10i. TITLE: Baked Electrodes Depolarized by Air PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy Ichimii, 1959, Vol 32, Mr 10, pp 2247- 2252 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Carbon electrodes for electric cells should Dossess a highly porous structure to assure efficient depolariza- tion by air. It was recommended (Burshteyn, R. M-i., Veselovskaya, I. Ye., Collection of' Studies on Alkaline Cells with Air Depolarization--Sbornilc statey po shcheloch- nym elementam vozdushnoy dep.)',-yarizatsii,--G-Dsenergizdat, 1947, P 57) that such electrodes be made with binding agent5 which are converted on bakIng I-W~o activated caL- bon~ as Uiey show a higliet, electrical conduct-ivity, high porosity, and mechanical strength, and are cheaper than electrodes made with binders requirinr organ-.1c, siolvents. The present study dealu with the manul'acturing and the Card .1/3 effects of' the electrode structure on their electrochemical Baked Electrodes Depolarized by Air T5 6 7 3011/aG-32-10-20/--l characteristics. Commercial cat-bon, type 8/60 1 wa s found to be 31.11table for the manufacture of baked electrodes due to its highly porous-, flne s truc Iture; samples prepared at 9000 with TI', ch,_n'vit 1- and activated in CO2 at 900-9500 gave 5 milliamp/cm scl at 1.2 v in reference to zinc electrode. Other ii,ivestig, .,ations wert', made with eloctrodes made of a mixture of 5&/1)' 13AU ac- tivated birch carbon and 50,06 lamp blaelf, with molasses, pitch, or tar, binders. After baking and activation, the percentage of charring was determined, as this constant" characterized the adsorption capacity of' the electrode. It was established that molas3es Gave a hig ,her porosity than tar or pitch. The electrochemical activity in- creased with the degree of charring. The rate of' oxygen reduction on the electrode and the activity c1V the ell-~c- trode were in linear relation up to a charring of' 3(y;)'. The highest electrochemical activity was shown by electrodes with the most fine porous structure. A linear relation was observed also between the voltafe and the current density in the range up to Card 2/3 amp/cm sq. The investigation of' the woricinE life at Baked Electrodes Depolarized by Air ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 756(1 SOV/80-32-10-20/51 1.2 v In reference to zinc electrode showed that the electrode with finer pores (the degree of charring being equal) worked longer and showed a higher current density. Sample series prepared from carbon mixtures above but with a tar binder, and with charring of 10,9, gave a voltage of 1-16 v under a load of 1 am~ which corresponded to a current density of 20 milliamp/cm . The above ex- per:Unents proved that baked electrodes of fine porous structure and containing activated carbon can be used successfully in electric cells with air depolarization. There are 9 figures; 2 tables; and 5 references, 1 U.S., 4 Soviet. The American reference io; Ritter, H. L., Drake, L. C., Ind. Eng. Ch., Anal. Ed., 17, 787 (1945). Institute of-Electrochemistry, Academy of S~-,iences, USSR (Institut elektrokhimil AN SSSR) july 18, 1958 Card 3/3 9 sliftJ611000100810011005 E02l/El8O AUTHORS: Fialkov, A.S., Kazakova, O.B., Galkina, N.I., and Temkin, I.V. TITLE: The influence of surface-active materials on the properties of carb graphite materials no 3 f- R I FERIODICALi Tavetnyye metally, 196 , No.8, pp. 41-46 TEXT: In the f�r-st experiments carbon-black with a specific surface area of 15-17 m2/g, pH of 8.47 and specific resistance of 1440 ohm MM2/m was used. A 30 g sample was treated with a 1% aqueous solution of the surface active material. The moisture was then removed and the adsorption of pitch by the sample from a solution of pitch in benzol was determined. The results were as follows: Surface active material pitch adsorbed Untreated-carbon black OF7-10 (0)P-10) emulsifier on-7 (OF-7) emulsifier on-4 (OP-4) emulsifier Card Aerosol 103 -1/ 7 Sulphanol (Nekal) Alkoman 65 58 57 53 53 51 C;n 25935 The influence of surface-active ... S/l36/6i/ooo/oo8/ooi/oo5 E021/EI80 The influence of adding surface active material on the properties of pitch is shown in Table 1. The pitch was coked in a closed porcelain vessel with a gradual heating to 950 OC, followed by holding for 8 hours. The physico-mechanical properties of coke obtained from pitch with different additions of surface active material are shown in Table 2. Fig.1 shows the pore distribution of coke. LAbstractor's note: meaning of AV/,Nr not explained). Curve I is for coke from untreated pitch- curve 2 for coke from pitch treated with 0.5% olele acid; curve 3 with 3% oleic acid. it can be seen that the surface-active material results in a structure with finer pores and the quantity of coarse pores decreases. Semi-fabricated components of lamp-black and high temperature pitch were tested and.the effect of additions of oleic acid (abscissa %) on the physico-mechanical properties in shown in Fig.3. Curve I is the bending strength in kg/c=2 (left- hand ordinate); curve 2 in the specific electrical resistance in ohm mm2/m (middle ordinate); curve 3 in the hardness in kg/m=2. Thus the shielding actiLon of surface active materials on the urface of carbon powders is demonstrated. Additions of surface- ctive material to pitch result in a finer pored structure of the : Card 2/ 7 .25935 The influence of surface -active s/i~6/61/000/008/001/005,1 E021/EIBO coke made frow it, because of a decrease in surface-tension and viscosity of the pitch. 'Additions of surface-active material t6 carbon-graph:Lte mixtures improve the ph)(sico-inechanical properties of the carbon-graphite materials. There are 3 figures, 4 tables and 6 Soviet references. eli ,kiw -4S. i"I'M x IV Fig-3 AV IS 40 A7 joy a Card 3/7 A2ZWWCPW PWlfAVWW AWCAMW W ,O&wy,w w4q;xy. ACC NF1 AP7011841 SOURCE CODEi UR/0075/66/0211010/1165/1171 AUTHOR3 Nikitinat N. G.; Galkina, N. K. SenyaYin, M. H. ORG: institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry I=. V. 1. VernadskiyANSSSR, Moscow (Institut geokhimti I analiticheskoy khimit ta SSSR) TITLE: Selection of conditions for ton exchange concentration and determination of traea Impurities In analysis of high-purlty materials SOURCE: Zhurnal analiticheskoy khInlip Y. 21, no. 10, 1966, 1165-1171 TOPIC TAGSt ton exchange resin, ton concentration, chemical composition, water SUB CODE. 07 ABSTRACT: The authors examined some of the characteristics of concentration used for analysis of high-purity chemicals. Consideration is given to the factors which affect the degree of absolute concentration,, i.e. the volumetric ratio of the initial and final solutions. The volume of the Golution to be analyzed (initial) depends on the quantity (weight) of impurity vhich must be present for subsequent determination. The volume should be a minimum to reduce the duration of the con- centration stage. The volume of regenerating solution at 104 regeneration (final) Card 1/ 2 ACC NR: AP7011841 is Independent of the degree of treatment of the ion excbenger layer and depends only on its quantity. These -principles are illustrated by determining traces of chlorine in highly pure water* A method is developed on the basis of this example for determining micro quantities of chlorine and sodium Ions in water and for se- lecting optimum conditions of ion exchange concentration of impurities from pure solutions. Conditions are stiAied for composite ion exchange concehtration of impurities using JKU-2 and Y.B-4 Ion-exchange resins with'aubsequent spectral de- termination of the impurities. Optimm conditions are found for Ion exchange con-, centration of impurities from saline solutions vitb separate precipitation of the componeits, a.-A a method is developed ror determining traces of radioactive sub- stances In river and tap ~mtere Orig,, &ft. hast I figure, 3 formulas and 9 tables. CJ'PJtSt 40,35~7 Card ~ 212 3 26-,~i S/137/61/000/011/123/123 60 A060/AIOI AU---HORS _,jalkjn&,-N--K-,-~enyavin, M. M. " -'U - I Chromatographic separation of mixtures of alkali metals FF-RT3DICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961,15, abstract 11K88 (V sb. "Redk. shchelochn. elementy". Novosibirsk. Sib. otd. AN SSR, 1960, 87-96) M(P. A study was carried out of transforming a -n chloride into an iodide by means of an Lon exchange process, using cationite HY -2 (KU-2) in the H form and anionite m m r - i (MMG- 1) . The conditions are worked out for obtaining pure al s 'ts of alkali metals. which may be utilized for their analytic separation. 11 separate Cs from Na, one washes the column with 0.3 N. acid at a rate of 1 ml/ rX, min-cm2 ; to separate Cs from Ca one uses 0.4 N. acid at a rate of 3 ml/min-cm2' and the weight of the separated mixture should constitute