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L I KOGAN, Vladimir Il ich; G LITI+S!l or Mi y oyic~j ZHABOTINSKIY, Ye.Ye., redaktor; TUMARA'". t' I ii Me stri roe WBr 1. ., e [Collection of problems on quantum mechanical Sbornik zadach po kvantovoi nekbanike. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-r7. .1956. 415 P. (KLRA 10:4) (Quantum theory-Problems, exercises. etc.) GALITSKIY, V. M. and MIGDAL, A. B. "Dielectric Constant of a High Tempe .Fature Magnetized Plasma and the Evaluation of the Radiant Heat Conductivity." (Work - 1951); pp. 16i-iT.1.1 lf'.Phe Physics of Plasmas; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol. I. 1958, Iniblished by INs.t. Atomic EnerL-y, Acad. Scl. USSR. resp. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work V. I. Kogan. Available in Library. AUTBORS: Galitskiy, V. M., Migdal, A. B. 56-1-22/56 ,"ITLEa An Application of quantum Field Theory Methods to the Many- -Body Problem (Primeneniye metodov kvantovoy teorii polya k zadache mnogikh tel). PERIODICALi Zhurnal Eksparimentallnoy i Teoretioheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 1, Pp. 139-150 (USSR). ABSTRACTs In the present paper show3, that the energy and the damping of the quasi-particles depends on the poles of the dissipation function of a ps~rticle. The author here investigates a homo- geneous unbounded system, wherein the momentum operator com- mutes with the Hamiltonian. In all Fermi-systems there ob- viously exist excitations analoguous to those in an ideal Fermi gas. It is convenient to study the properties of the excitations by means of the methods of the quantum theory of fields, by introducing the kernels of the system into the in- vestigations. Apart from the kernels of the particles it is also possible to introduce the functions of the dissipation of the interaction between the particles, e.g. the kernel of the phonon represents this dissipation function in the problem Card l/ 3 of electrons in a metal being in interaction with the lattice. An Application of Quantum Field Theory Methods to the Idany- 56-1-22/c/6 -Body Problem. The kernel of the phonon determines the energy and the damping of the excitations of the lattice. At first the kernel C(pp) is written down for one partiolep and then -the author passes over to a Fourier representation. Subsequently, the properties of the kernel in the complex plane are,.in.. vestigated, and the-interrelation of the kernel of one particle with the spectrum of the excitations is determined. The be- haviour of the kernel at great positive times is also studied. The energy and the damping of the excitations are determined in the lower half plane by means of the real and imaginary part of the poles of the analytical propagation of G(per). The kernel for one particle also permits the determination of other oharachteristics of the system, e.g. t',e distribut- ion of the particles on the different momenta. Fir the pur- pose of studying the energy spectrum and the beh-viour of the system in weak external fields, it is necessary to inveBti- gate the kernel for two particles. This kernel for two pLrt- icles is written down here explicitly, it is suited, for ex- ample, for studying the excited states of a system of N part- icles containing one particle and one hole The case of Card 2/3 forces of short range and the behaviour of a system in an An Application of Quantum Field Theory Methods to the Many- 56-1-22/56 -Body Problem. arbitrary weak electromagnetic field are investigated. There are 3 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Slavio. ASSOCIATIONs IMbecov Ing1werbag wA FAWalcal lutiturte (Moskovskiy in- zhenerno-fizicheskiy institut). SUBMITTEDt July 12, 1957 (initially) and October 24, 1957 (after revision). AVAIL&BLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHORs Galitskiy, Y. M. 56-1-23156 TITLE: The Energy Spectrum of a Nonideal Fermi Gas (Energetichonkly spektr neideallnogo Permi-gaza)o PERIODICAM Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy I Teoretioheskoy Fizikij 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 1, pp. 151-162 (USSR). ABSTRACTz The present paper determines the energy speotrum and the energy of the ground state of a nonideal Fermi gas with a positive potential of interaction betwoen the particles* At first the one-particle Green function of the system is written down, A formula is also given for the 3-matrix. In the d*velopuent of the 3-matrix according to the powers of the Interaction 9 the mean, values of the T-product of thelp-operstors occurs These T-products can be represented in the form of a sum of the normal products and the different groups of operators, Very important for the further is the absence of a retardation in the interaction. The second section gives an evaluation of the gra-he and discusses the gas approximation,.Then the effective potential of the interaction , the energy spectrum of the system, and the energy of the ground state are calculated, Card 112 where the course of the calculation is followed step by steps The Energy Spectrum of a Nonideal Fermi Gas. 56-1-23/56 First an expression for the compact part of the self-energy I is written down. Then the self-energy io calculated in second approximation. The eriergy-speotrum of the system is determined by the poles of the analytic continuation of the Green function. Expressions for the energy and the atten- uation of the quasip~rticles are written down. Especially the excitations with high momenta, are investigated. The expression found here for the imaginary part Im I makes possible the determination of the chemical potential only in first &yproxi- mation. The occupation numbers of the quasipartioles agree with the occupation numbers of tho non-interacting particles. Finally the graphs which were left out are estimated and the higher approximation is shortly discussed. There are 6 figures, and 7 references, 5 of which are Slavic, ASSOCIATION: Vb4cm 2091maring ad P1W510".MWU*sb (Moskovskiy inshonerno- -fizicheskiy institut). SUBMITTEDs July 12, 1957 AVAILLBLEs Library of Congreas Card 2/2 AU12HOR: Galitskiy, V. M. 56--34-.4--40/60 TITLE: Sound Excitations i~,Fermi Systems (Zv-ukcvyye vozbuzhdeniya v Fermi-sistemakh) PERIODICAL: Zharrial eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki. 1958, 7 1 Vol- 114~ Nr 4, PP- 10" - '1013 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First the author gives a short report on references dealing with the same subject. In Fermi. systems with attraction sound excitations with small momenta are possible. These excitatiQns are best investigated by the method of the Green functiGn. The second excitations can be regarded as bound sta+as of two elementary exoitations with a total momentum different from zero. Therefc-re a method proposed by Gell--Mann and F. Low (L,;,-.) -,an be ueed for oalculatl=3, Aroording to this method the equation for the bound states is obtained by elimination nf the inhomageneity in the equation for the Gre(n function of the two excitations. In order to take into account the structural change caused by t-he production of the Bose c--.)ndensate of the bound pairs the original Ramiltonian Cax*-,' with a dirqv-.~ interaotion among particles must be transformed Scurid Excitations in Fermi System6 56~-34-4 .0116r, by using a method de-Tsloped by- Bogolyubov (Ref 4). H=Eo + H Q+H',, Ho E(p)(a+ a + a+ a = (,/2) r 2". 2 2' 0 Po P1 -~); E:(P) p p ; Pi 0 is then 9'4talfied, where p denotes the Perni limit moment-amt A- Ue"'/Q the quantity 9f the energy slit, and H1 the Hamiltonian of the interac-titin among excitations. In this case the zero.-th approximation of the Green functioa can be regarded as sufficient. The interaction Hamiltonian R' in f irst apprcximation contains only one graph f or the inter-- aotion betw~aen the excitations. The system of equations for the Gr-:en funotions resulting from the elimination of the inhomogGneity is wT.Itten down explicitly and the result ob- tained can allso be applied to a system of charged particles. The author thanks B. T. Geylikman, L. D. Landauv A. B. Mig- dal and I. Ya. Pomernachuk for their valuable advice and interesting dianussi~,na. There are 1 figure and 9 referenoes, 7 of wh'03h are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskowski~ inzhqnerno-fiz'Lcheskiv institut (VjQ0Qc_)v ef 11hvuIcs and Engina-:iring- I L ., . L Cardl:2;4 -,-. '-'. "Collective Excitations in Fermi Systems at Zero Temperatures." report presented at the Intl. Conference on Many-Body Problems, Utrecht, 13-18 june ig6o. ,GA1ITSKTY V.M. Fairing with other than zero moments. Zhur. ekBp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.4:1157-1159 0 160. (MM 13:12) 1. Moskovskiy inzhonerno-fizicheekly institut. (Particles (Nuclear physics)) GOR'K91, L.P.; 2~ ~ITSKIY,- V.~. Superfluidity in a Fermi system in the presence of pairs with nonzero angular momentum. Zhur. eksp. i te9r. fiz. 40 no.4:1124-1127 Ap 161. (MUU 14-7) 1. Institut fizicheskikh problem AN SSSR- (Superfluidity) (Fermi surfaces) 26717 S/056/61/041/005/032/030 13 1 L 2/B 1 - NL, 0 1- 18 AMHORS.- Vaksy V. G., Galitskiy, V. M., Larl:in, A. I. TITLE. Collective excitations in a superconductor FE'aIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v- 41, no. 501), 1961, 1655 - 1668 TEXT: 1.Zuzqntum-fiold theory methods are applied to determine the spectrum of' collective excitations in a sunerconductor. The collective excitations are investi-ated by means of the Green functions for zero temperatures. The excitations are treatEd as bound states of quasiparticle-s so that their soectrum can be determine(! from the pole of the two-?article Green function. The calculation of this function is based on the formal similar- ity of th,. probleni to a one-dimensional relativistic one; The gap width p1n,ys tht., role of' tho mass and the proximity of the particle eriergy to that on the Fermi surface - that of the spatial momentum. For Ion,--wave excitations the limiting frequencies and the dispersion of the oscill-q- tions are determined for any momentum 1. First th,~ relativistic formalism is developed for the theory of superconductivity using P. L. Gor1kov's Card 1/8 S 26717 32/030 /056/61/041 '/005/0 Collective excitations in. -Bl02/BI38 three types of Green functions (ZhETF, 34, 735, 1958). The real phase constant A is given byA = -i D(p-p I ) 6 d4p,; 1 _igo d2 D P12 2 2 -1-1. +A ~ p + nn n n I/pl; D is 90 =' Q ~ D (nn dn'An, D (p -p I D (4-*- -" = ;/p, -* - = p Dhonon Green function. The Bethe-Salpeter equation for the two-particle Green functions whose poles determine the excitation specta-Um is writtc-n in weak coupling approximation. (p+_~_ T3)1.,(T30(p_ k T [(0 2.) 7)).V + + (C'0 (-~ P + '* Tb),,,. (146 (- PNN I , 2) T)).,,] X X 44p'[D(p-p')I(,,.(pl,k)--!D(k)TI.SpT-I((p,,k)j, 2. (25) with 01 01 to = 1 0), T$ (o 0 (6) T3 1 0 T4 T, = (0 C=(OCU-00U Card 2/8 Collective excitations in ... 267 S/0576671/041/OOD-/032/038 B1 B102 Bl")B is found -.,,hich can be solved only for certain rel:itions the energies k0 = w and the momentum k of the excitution dete-riAning the r -, c t r um (A) (1, First the case k 0 is treated. Here the eenorul 8 pL ormul as Im (L + P'f)tt,.,K,,. + 2A )A -i- fjj,n,N3 . + -L (q3n,,,Frl Kim -28.opD(k) "' fmoI(-M'# .2& M, in zg" (f + !L~)tl""Kzm + q,(q"-q3hI MIgn, F 2& q3 -43 2 1(3 pD (k) +28.0 f + 5:!9 )IOD q (q3I)ujrnKj5gnj - q4 0 3" 3 gt, JK K4 2A A .. I _ 92 + qs qsf 'K3 + 26.opD (k) q., NO Gard 3/8 ,9671 S ~61/041/005/032/038 Collectivu excitations ill ... B 102/B 138 With 7. =--knu, q,,= io), q2 q32 + qj', p2 q2/4W, f (P) are sin (31) change into -- ----- 90 ff.' + f (g. - 2pD (6), 0)) X030 = 0. TA-2 2A (321 90 1(-0 fi(050 - (I + gj - 21pD (o). 0)) K030 = 0. 2A and for frequencies with 1 / 0 into 10 IM = 91 (L + -2!-f) K11. + g, f101.' 4A' 2A (33). 101. = g, fK51M - glfKsim ..2A 2(g _g )-l