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STEPANOV, G.Yu.; FITTERMMf, RoHapikavde tokbno nauk# retsenzent;
GALANOVA, M.S.t i~zh.o red.; MODELI, B.I.,
[Hydrodynamic theory of ground-effect machines] Gidro-
dinamicheskaia teoriia apparatov na vozdushnoi podushke.
Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 92 p. (MIRA 17-.2)
tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; QALANOVA,_M.S., inzh., redd:;
UVAROVA, A.F., teklm. red.
[Fuel system on diesel locomotives and motorships with
D100 and D50 enonos] Toplivnaia apparaturia. teplovoznykh i
sudovykh dvigatelei tipa D100 i. D50. Moskva, Maahgizp 1963.
203 P. (MIRA 16:5)
(Diesel locomotives-Fuel system)
(Motorships-Fuel system)
KRUGLOV, M.G.; KHAYIDV, M.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;
GALANOVA, M.S. inzh., red.1 SOKOLOVA, T.F.,
[Thermodynamics and gas dynamics of two-cycle internal
combustion engines; gas exchange processes) Termodinamika
i gazodinamika dvukhtaktnykh dvigatelei vnutrennego agora-
niia; protsessy gasoobmena. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 271 p.
(MIRA 16:9)
(Internal combustion engines)
NIKOLISKIY, Ye.N., prof., daktor tekhn.nauk; VERSHINSKIY,S.V., doktor
tekhn. nauk, retsenzent;,,VIAT 014 Uw inzh., red.
DENKINA, N.F., tekhn. red.; _TTKffAMr;"A'. Ya.,
(Railroad-car-typo shells with openings; theoretical bases
for stress investigation] Obolochki a vyrezami tipa vagon-
nykh kuzovov; teoreticheakie osnovy isaledovaniia napriashenii.
Moskva,, Mashgiz, 1963. 311 p. (MIRA 16:9)
(Elastic plates and shells) (Railroads--Cars)
STEPANOV, A.D.;KAMENETSKIY, B.G., kand. tekhn. rauk, retsenzent;
GALANOVA, M.S., inzh., red.
(Automatic power control for diesel and gas-turbine
locomotives] Avtomaticheskoe regulirovanie moshchnosti v
teplovozakh i gazoturbovozakh. moskva, Izd-vo "Mashino-
stroenie," 1964. 298 P. (MIRA 17:11)
18(2) SOV/128-59-8-lV29
AUTHOR: Khudokormov, D,N., Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Voroshilov, V.A., Engineer and Galanova, N.M. Technician
TITILE: Tellurium Modified Malleable Iron
PERIODICAL; Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 8, P 36 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Experiments have been done with malleable iron
modified with tellurium. The best results were achie-
ved when 0.004% of tellurium were added and the con-
tent of C was not greater than 2.7 - 2.9% and that of
Si 0.8 - O.S)%. Adding 0.03% aluminum before modifi-
cation with tellurium, the~modification features of
tellurium can be eliminated. It is recommended using
the tellurium modification when the thickwall cast-
ings have to be produced. There are 2 Soviet referen-
card 1/1
GALANOVA, S. S. DaM=, 11. G., and 0 nMURG, 1. P.
"Solution of Laminar Boundary La-yer Problems With Regard of
Radiation and Absorption of a Medium."
Report submitted for -the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer,
Minsk, BSSR, june 1961.
0 a -0 -0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 *- 0 0-0 0 0-0 0 a 04 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 #
to '0
100 10
0 *0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 a 010 0 0 0 eii-i Is 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 ISO 9 0 0-: 0
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t f- L A I I-L a 14 P 4 4 5 1 V U W-114-i-A -s
00 The system In Infection and
j, -00
00 U. 111. The Influence of gravidan on tht
formatills t1bodles. K. A. Frk4lc and N. V, Pal-
darit. iva loth. - t I dril(wid.
0 & at- 1937. No. 1, 24-33; el. C. A. *0 0
33, 41MIP.-Rabbits to which gravitlan had Ixenadmink-
ered ~wev used in immunizatiort W.411. The titers,,( 2g. 0:
0009 glutituns,oprecipitins and brutolysins wvte 1.5-2 times -0
tile corresponding titers for the mitroll animals. Anti.
bcdy formation was more iwensive in the expd. animals -00
than in the controls and the immunity Lasted longer. 500
i IV. The soffect al Crev6dan an the course at experiments!
infections. K. A. Friede. A. T. Kravchenko, and V. D.
Solovev. Ibid. U-51.-Gravidwt had no effect on infec.
lions of tile type of Sp. dalloni anti Sp. obermewri in mice
an;t rats. In curative-prophylactic expls. grAvidan had roe
a "eficial effect on the course (A expd. diphtheria in goo
-a guinea pig,-i. Moreover. the pathol.-smatomical chanitim
in the orgaw were Ito pronoutwed than in the controls.
The u`e of v*vW&n failed to core tetanus-ijilLctrd rats, goo
although the prophylactic use of the prelm. reduced tht-
mortality. Thrwgh Chem. ?eWr. 1939. 1, 370.
M. G. Moore
rA 0
ad 0 a 0 1 0 so 6 a
401T 'L a '0 "It; 3069 an 0121 load Itill"o
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 01. 0 0 0 0 C 0 0
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thoralmulic #Recta Of etiolroo M, =
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uesca Of Vairldan 00 the dwell
etUft eff
mi.. ,,
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rdw and %
,Ws. K. 4
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" , -- Th, tou_ of 1 ryo
-ills In rutl it not
heft-If bv It'111111
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OT44:0*90010 090*0000 0 00 00
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At .'
mfnfluence of Passive Anaphylaxis on OeU Immunity," ZhMI, 2, 75-77. 1941
Me Influence of Infectioua Allergy an Call Immunity," WEI, 4, 1941
- GALAHMn S.--y-An A.- T. MAVCV-sm
"The YRehanism of Allergy to Bacterial Kxotoxins," ZhMEI, 4-5, 1943
~ ~--. .1- 1 --- : , .., - 1. ~:.. ; ., - . ~ I
tfrrrc-iiy r:%lAor inn~unitvta. ll:,unltnt i 11cluk ("he
- r. I ~ ~ ~ -1 - L - i
ijl Mleugi--, Moscow, lG4,z
Third Factor of Ace:volr-d immunity. Lmj:,unity am-i G,~Hular Alllcr,~,y%
Treatment of surgical patients with the new antibiotic monomycin.
Antibiotiki 5 no-4:3-3-37 J3.-Ag 160. (MM 13:9)
1. Laboratoriya po klinicheskoy aprobataii novykb antibiotikov
AMN SSSR (zav~-deystvitellnyy ohlen AMN SSSR prof. I.G. Rufanov).
Combined action of colimycin with vitamins on staphylococcal
infection. Khirurgiia 36 no.6:23-2f~Je 160. (MIRA 13:12)
Dibydrostreptmycin liraaminonalicylate in surgical practice, 38 no.U:(47-72 N 160. (WRA 13t12)
1. 1z laboratorii po,klinicheakoy aprobataii novykh antibiotikoy
ANN SSSR (zav. - d#stviteltnyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. I.G.
Use of colimycin, mycerin and monomycin for treatment of surgical
diseases. Vest. AMN SSSR 16 ro.7.'56-63 161. (RIRi 14:7)
1. Laboratoriya po Iclinicheskoy a robatsii novykh antibiotikov.
GALANOVA. N.Ye., lnzh.: TMINKOV, V.D., kand.tnkhn.nauk
Improving the disconnecting ability of the MU-153-D circuit breaker.
Elek.sta. 28 no.12:41-43 D '57. (MIRA 12:3)
(Electric circuit breakers)
GAEANOVA, ?% Yo., Ji-.zh.: DOLG7'011, A-T., dc~tcr i-a!Ac
Transients during the switching of a generator to supply
power to a capacitive load. Trudy VNIIE no. 20:113-1~6
165 (IMIA 19:1)
Methods for testing switches disconnecting nonloaded lines
and transfonners. lbid.:151-171 ~'-
(Halar-ova, T.F.]
Chromatography of highly parified bwrine fibrinogen on DEAi,-
cellulose and Ca-phosphate columns. Ukr. biokhin. zhur. 36
no.3:445-453 164. (I'alu 17-10)
1. Institut biokhirai All UkrGSR, Kiyav.
4e/ 19 0 Eli D-1 333
AUTHORi Galanova, Z. S.
TITLE-.-Laminar Boundary Layer of the Flat Plate in Dissociated Air
PERIODICALs Vestnik LeningTadskogo universiteta, Seriya matematiki,
mekhaniki i astronomii, 1960, Vol-19, NO,4, PP-95-99
TEXT: The present paper was written as work for certificate under
guidance of Professor J. P. Ginzburg. The author considers a plane
hea-tinsulated plate anT-a -pl-ate with given temperature. The
equations of the laminary boundary layer-are written under con-
sideration of equilibrated dissociation in nondimensional form
according to (Ref-4), whereby the influence of the dissociation
takes effect on the dependences h(T), K(T), Pr(T), where h is L/
the heat content, T the temperature, K = Sc(O-t the viscosity.
For the considered temperature range (3000 - ~20000) it is put
K - ah + b, a and b are constants; furthermore it is taken
Pr - const. The solutions are obtained in second approximation
by successive approximation. The author gives a numerical example
for M00 = 10, 20, 30. For a = 0 one obtains the parabolic laws
Card 1/2
S/04j 6o/oi9/004/003/015
C 111~ C 333
Laminar Boundary Layer of the Flat Plate in Dissociated Air
for the thicknesses of the dynamical and thermal boundary layers
If the variability of K is considered, then for the heat-insulated
plate it is K = - 0.00190 h + 0.468, and the thicknesses of the
boundary layers S-, & increase more and more fw increasing M 00
the parabolic form vanishes. For large M the assumption K - const
causes great errors in the calculation oT the friction on the
There are 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 American.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR:- Galanova, Z. S.
TI.TLE: The radiatiG.. of gaseous volumes with arbitrarily distributed parameters
SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Ves,tnik. Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki I
astronomii, no. 1964, 71-8o
TOPIC TAGS: thermal radiation, heat balance, gaseous heat loss, radiant heat,
gas flow
ABSTRACT: The paper deals with the determination of the radiant heat flow at
a given point 0 from an area in the form of a circular truncated cone comp'Osed
of gases flowing out of a nozzle located at a distance h from a solid wall (see
Fig. I in the Enclosure). The temperature distribution, the internal pressure
and'the geometric dimensions are assumed to be known. it is accepted-that the, 1
medium inside this gaseous volume is radiating and absorbing radiant energ
while outside the volume only absorption takes place. For a point lying in the
space outside the nozzle below a plane drawn through a section of the nozzle,
this problem reduces to an integratable, form suitable for programming on a Cam-
uter. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 24 numbered formulas.
Card I
M I I 2j I ftl3i 14 F1 L311j"Millipi
SUBMITTED: 17jui63
13. - tZ-
Fig. 1.
IME fill Vill 111V 111911IMMINURIIII)IT
EW (1) /'~',WP(e) M! (M) AWT (MYAOF~ (6) /?d SMOG NN, OFRO irk i
(b)/E;dA(:L) Pc-4/Pd-1 Pe-~'IPrr . S;A/pi-41! ESD
FWL/ASD(a)-5/ASD(f) /AS~Mp)
AMESSION Mi AP4049010 43
AVMOR: Wan6va, Z. SO
:TITLEt Laminar boundM7 layer:~with:c side
oil ration of radist~on ii thou pres a
V iversitet. Ve Matikiio!~Memwki~
SOURCE s Lenjpgrad. Un atni Seri~rei
4 :1964, 86-97
MPIC TAGS. laminar boundary, layer,, radiation!, abaorfltidrk,~ breti:00s g!radisili-'~
Ot mperature profile
er'M' jy- ~tp equit m, ~24` a~utbor-pfudl~s
Under conditkofis.~ of local,:, th 0
M. " !~r,`adi6nt ~dm
Ahe-ease of a laminary botindary- layer in :thei,abse oe'oi.
- ii i* bi
JAto o,
iodo'un- t radiation and. abs rption-of the m6dium. :S -a s m 0 es. y go
:method. of integral chars,ateristics independent of ~;Aijrebtiow ~iogiljili~i mith 4#'rowl-
mate relatio
ne-between these characteristics. The'wdble~,,~,~ re&66~ frou ent
ointegrodiffereatial equations to a seiries of.partial diffe ntial,AuAtifins.1
second order. She seeks e. solution in:a series in, -a 6mail! jimramAdr,: and apparajes
'i t
;ot'Lof tibil ion; oonve6 iva!
-variablee;-then-she qualitatively. Ji% ingiefi4 I.
anooeesiVo appro. df
leat transmission via a d=tion t~chniqu~3~ jibAW
i , , T I -T I I -.
, I , I -, It' I I- I V i k , - . j.
"The laminar boundary layer with radiation."
report submitted for 2nd All-Union Couf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12
may 1964.
Sci Res Inst of Mathematics & Mechanics, Leningrad State Univ.
C, ". ~r - o v -4 , z . S .
Laminar boundary layer taking into consideration the radiation
in the absence of the pressure gradient. Vest. VILT 19 no.10,:
8&-97 164. (MIRA 17:11)
~66 ctf
L-15801 azti)M!
ACCO NR, AP6006896 SOURCE CODE: UR/0043/66/000/001/0120/0130
AUTHOR: Galanova.--Y,
ORG: none
Radiative heat transfer near the stagnation point of a blunt body
r_site Vestnik. Seriya matematikio mekhaniki i astronomiii,
SOURCE: Leningrad. Unk"
no. 1 1966, 12-0-130
TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamics, hypersonic flow, radiative heat-transfe'r, radiative
beating, shock wave, stagnation, point
ABSTRACT: Problems related to calculation of radiative he .at transfer near the stag-
nation p t rT c flW a consid
oint of a two-dimensional or axisymme - c bodV in ~Ypersoo ar
er on-convective,heat
ed~ They are, namely: 1) the-effect of radiative at trans
transfer; 2) calculation of the radiant heat flux from a certain:volume of gas to-
ward a given poirt on the body. Under certain assumptions with respect to the radia-
tion field, the problem is reduced to a form convenient for computer programming.*
A system of equations is obtained which determines the heat.:flux toward the.x4all'due
to the heat conductivity of the gas land to radiation by using the.hypothesis~of a
two-dimensional parallel layer which in this case replaces the region between the
shock wave and body and whose width is equal to the shock layer. Then, the problem
of calculating the radiant heat flux toward a certain region near the stagnation.
Card 112 Mr! 513-601.16
- ~ C .-I I 1-11)., -- L-~;;t;j -',- .
A(,C NR:
AT6006903 SOURCE CODE: UR/0001)/65/000;,1)00/0056/007'1'
'AUTHOR: Galanova, Z. So
ORG: Scientific Research Institute for Platbematic i and I-acbnnlrs c6f ~1 b
Le ni n ~~~-eU- Tn-.Cv -er E'0-1 q,*M-Iffld~
malchanlicl Leni-ngi~d-as-kog-o*gosudsrstvelll)OEO unj.vorgjl~eta)
TITLE: The laminar boundary layer taking account or rudistion
SOURCE: Teplo-i maseoperenoso to II: Teplo-1 moo pri
vzolmodeystvil tol s potoksml zb1dkostey I gazov (Eleat and mass transfer.
v. 2: Heat and mass transfer in the interBetion of bodies with liquid
and _g-as flows). Minsk, Nauke i tekhnika, 1965, 56-77
TOPIC TAGSt boundary layer theory, radiative beslu~,transfer, 1811,1nar
f I ow, u,"+ I,. &I ,
ABSTRACT: The equations of the laininar boundary layer taking into
account radiation and the absorptiori of the medium with the assumption
jaH,, -aH;, are written in the form:
ax ay.
Card 1/3
pill 11 11 11;
L 22a98-66
ju aP -a Oa
Ipu- +pv
-w T
Wu p ar,pv
ax ay
ah +pu A m. a h
Tx ay ay pr
2 aP d1l
ay) ax ."y
y!P - B);
dy CosD
l. B
1) 112))COS
Hy 7= 21r S(it, osinDdodv.
Card 2/3
H; 11
L 22.298-,-6b
ACC NR' AT6006903
!'The boundory conditions are of the form:
y=0, u=fv=O, h-h
Y=CO, h-=h.., u=a,; (16).
1'," (0) (2a)
(w) B_
iin condition 2a It is assumed that the degree of the* li-mit
lof 'bo boundary layer is equal to unity, The article proceeds jo
ytical solutions of systerns (1) and (2) for the front end of.'a
blunt body and for a, semi-infinite flat plate. Result 5 of the .:
calculations show that radiation end absorption of tbe.madium in the
given case have only an Insignificant effect on tho temperature profile
in the boundary layer and, in practice, ma.y be neglected in determin.a-
tion of the convective beat flux. Orig, art. has:, 22.formulas*~
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 09Nov65/ ORIG REF&* 0094
Card3/3 Met
185-66 __7~WT(A), ~~m W~(t)/ETI/EWP(l) IJP (c) BPI'Jp/
~L _VxGD
NRg AT6017OZ8 SOURCE CODE. UR/ooodpo576*6-67/6-o-W6-d-f4/6&6-..'
AUTHOR: Galanskiy, V. M.; Ostapenko, Yu. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Test stand for tWn-film maanetic memory matrices
SOURCE: AN UkYSSR. Kiberneticheskaya tekbnika (Cybernetic techniques). Kiev.
Naukova durnka, 1965, 19-26
TOPIC TAGS: memory core, thin film memory, magnetic thin film, test
instrumentation, matrix element
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the problem of the processing of thin-film
matrices for the operational memory devices of computers and other related equip-
ment. A method is proposed whereby these matrices are checked for four thresh-
old characteristics (writing current 11111, erasing current "I", writing current "0",
and erasing current 110"). These criteria are then employed to determine permissi-
ble current tolerances for the matrix and memory unit as a whole. The character-
istics are tested on a pulse stand under conditions simulating real conditions.
Various test techniques are considered. The pulse routine is shaped by means
of a generator, with the results of the test automatically recorded. The stand
itself, which is described in some detail, consists essentially of the generator
which provides the program required for the testing of the threshold character-
L _381
istics, a measuring unit, a broad-band amplifier, - .--cope, ai. z. .~,)matic recorder,
and a triggering generator. The pulse amplitut!e is . rmed through the use of
power transistors which are gated. Leading e('.. ..! ri.-,; time is no m, . e than 50 nsec.
This test stand has been used for work with magnetic matrices and n...-nory cell
quality control. Orig. art. has: 5 figures.
SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE- MA65/ ORIG REF: 000/1 0* A REF: 003
Card?-/Z vmb
"Development of the theory of schizophrenia since 1941n by
G.Benedetti and others. Reviewed by I.Galant. Zhur.nevrA psikh.
61 no.10:1583-1586 161. (MIRA 15:11)
I?Cn PsychQl---~s Durine ;'-,,morrha~,,ic iliephritisll
'30UR2.' "--vronatcl. i Psil&-iat.), 17, No 2, 1948
1. ~ . %., 1 : ". I , .. - - i !-. ~ -
-,! i 1~1 . " ~ 1. -I "'1* 11! ~:!-1 . . --
1. .9. " I .,_ --L"')
: i I -
'I~rrotloxic 3noaphaii-tisit
30'JqC7,;: Klin. !'--d., 26--, Tlo 61 19h3
7r.`l--,-.~--T, ..Al.
Gal2nt, i . D . - "Aycrs discpsc-," Vrachel.~. delo, 19L,9, I'llo. 2.1
coliums 103-('6
SO: U-3566 15 llarch 53, (Latopis 'Zhui-.21 Inykh St;-t-ey, No. 1,", 19L.'-?) -
Galant, I. B. - "Tick encephalitis and brain eysticercosis", Vracheb. delo, 1949, No. 4,
paragraphs 363-66.
SO: U-4329, 19 August 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949).
~'ed. Inst., Khabarosvk Encephalitis in childhood Vop. Pediat. 1-~113
(25-27) Graphs 1
Tick encephalitis is rarer in children than in adults btcause children less of teli
enter the forest area. Propb lactic measures should bQ ta%en in order to bar this
. Y
area to children. Five cases are reported, sone of -,!hich bulb-ar
and were even fatal. There are psychic clinical forms which can bccome chronic,
and end in complete dementia.
Masse - Paria (XX, 8,7,6)
SO:. LICE"UPTA I-EDICA Vol. 5 'No. 2 See. VIII Februai-y 1-952
Bekhterev's choreic epilepsy and vernal-s=mer tick ence-
phalitis. Revropat. paikhiat., Hosk7a 20 no-3:31-32 ffaY-
June 19510' (GIML 20:11)
1. Professor. 2. Of the Psychiatric Clinic (Director - Prof.
I. B. Galant), Ehabarovsk Medical Institnte.
~,, L'.-, 1. !-,.
:1, "151 Z'.lkon,o-lizr. 1 borlba s ni,;. h-hatarovsk Fn. 12A., lc"4.
2/,s l6sm. 10.000 ekz. 251- (55- S93)p
("13.;-'l - ~92
SCI: linizhnaya Letopis', 'Joll. 1, 1955
GAIANT. I.B., professor
Peculiarities of the course of tick-borne ecnephalitis in children;
ccording to materials of 1954. Pediatriia 39 no.4:39-43 Jl-Ag 056.
(HLRA 9:12)
:. Is-psikhiatricheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. I.B.Galant) Khabarov-
skogo meclitainskogo instituta (dii-.--Z--d:~t'q-e'n't'- �.I'.--Ne'C"i~i'P4yev)
(INCIPHAMM, IPMMIG. in inf. and child
Russian tick-borne encephalitis, clin. aspects)
GALANT, I.B.. prof.
I. . .
Tick-borne encephalitis and epilepsy. Vrach.delo no.l.-1317-13-19
D '58- (MIRA 12:3)
1. Kaf edra Pafthiatrii. (sav. - prof. I.B. Galvint) 1habarovskogo
meditainakogo Inatituta.
USSR/Pharnacology and Toxicolot;y. tmaleptics. V
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 19, 1958, 89864.
Author Galant, I.B.
Title On the Therapeutic Action of Schizandra Chinensis and
Gansing on Asthenic and Astheno-Depressive Conditions.
Or,.*Lr, Pub Materialy Iz izuch. zheniahenya i 11--ionnilm
VYp. 3, L., 1958, 3-98-208.
Abst.ract: As a result of the Lreatntent of 2 Groups ir_'~h 36 various
psychiatric disorders, associated with the astbeiiic Paid
astheno-depressive syndrome, with Schizandra or gensing
with corresponding doses of 1 and 2 - daily in 3 divi-
ded doses, a stimulaoting effect was not-ed upon the phy-
sical as well as the psychic condition of -the pationts
Card 1/2
uLm, I.B. (Khabarovsk)
Some features of the course of current Far Iketern tick-borne encepha-
litis. Vop.viras. 4 uo-~:571-573 8-0 '59. . (KIRA 13:2)
GAIAIIT, I.B., proj?.
Problen of the p:Li,!kit,-id skin of thii hawi.
no.1:85 Ja-F 159. 40
(KIRA 12: 10)
GALART 1 13 Prof. (Khabarovsk)
Wrantic form of Bagedow's disease with psychosis of the amentlal
type and Basedowle coma. Probl.endok.1 gorm. 5 no-5:65-66 S-0 159.
(MMA 13:5)
1. Iz pe ikhiat riche skoy kliniki (sav. - prof. I.B. Galaut) Rhaba-
rovskogo gosudarstvennogo zeditelunk-ogo instituta.
Oll TMOIDISN eoxpl,)
(PSYCMSIS atiol.)
GALANT9 Ivan Borisovtch
(Drunkenness and 'mental' illness] Virmtvo i paikhicheskie bolemi.
Moskva, Medgizq 1960, 31 p., (MIRA 3-4:8)
Neuropsychiatric characteristics of chronic progressive tick-
bomie encephalitis. Trudy no.20:108-113 160.
(MIRA 15:10)
1. Iz paikhiatricheskoy kliniki. (zav. prof. I.B.Galant)
Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Mental changes and psychoses in influenza in Khabarovsk during
the period of the-1-957 pandemic. Trudy no.20:171-
176 160. (MIRA 15:10)
1. Iz kliniki psikhiatrii (zav. prof. I.B.Galant) Khabarovskogo
meditsinsko o instituta.
Problem in regional pathology at an out-of-town session of the
Institute of Psychitary of the R.S.F.S.R. Ministry of Health.
Vop* virus~' 5 no. 1:125-126 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:4)
Par lastern tick-borne snaephalitis of alimentary genesils.
Nedsparaz.i parasebol. 29 no.21213-215 160. (MIRA 13t12)
Summer-fall mosquito (Japanese) encephalitis. Zhur.nevr.i psikh
60 no.8:1053 '60. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Psikhiatrichaskaya kliniks. (zav. - prof. I.B.Galant) Khabarovskogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
Psychoses of influenzal etiology. Vrach. delo, no-%32-133 1P 161.
MIM 14 16)
1. Paikhiatrioheakaya 4'inika (mv, - prof, X.B.Galanik~ Khabarov-
skogo maditsinskogo inatitutA,
Problems of clinical aspects and
diseases discusiged in the First
ropathologisto and Psychiatrists
through 27, 1963. Top. virus. 8
(viRoLoGY-r,cmGmww) (GOR-90TICABLE
cirology of natural focus
A21-Union Con6wess of' Neu-
in leningrad from October 23
no,3:380-381 My-Je'63.
(MIRA 16tio)
GALANT, I.B. Miabarovsk)
True nature of febrile schizophrenia. Zhur. novr. i psikh.
63 no.2:303-305 163 (MIRA 16:11)
~ GALANT, Iv. (Miabarovsk)
Views of Venfred l3leuler on schizophrenia. Zhur.neyr.i psikh.
60 no.1:127 160. (MIU 13:6)
"1:.::T, Ye. I.
GALANT, Ye. 1.: IThe effect of certain refractories on the bubble content of high-
barium glass." State Order of Lenin O.,)tic,;l Inst imeni S. 1. Vavilov.
Moscov, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences)
Knizhnayn letopis', No 319, 1956, Moscow.
Alumino-boric anomaly of the optical properties of silicate glass*
Zhur.prikl.khim- 31 no.11:174l-i744 N '56- (MIRA 12:2)
(Glass-Optical properties)
ACC NRs AP6002802 SOURCE CODES UIV0237/60/000/00~/0026/ooa
XbiHOR: Galant, Ye. I.; Vyaz'pina, N. A.
TITLE: The problem of platinum inclusions in some glasses
SOURCE: Optiko-mckhanicheskaya promyshlonnost', no. 2, 1960, 26-28
TOPIC TAGS: optic glass, glass property,. 51zleA)-re 6?4,n -.7
PA ~9 rIA,#
i;L 4 -A S17; --),L1 0rvA? i A-,, n.-oorItf-oc> ve~,
ABSTRACT: The presence of platinum inclusions in lanthanum borosilicato glasses
batch-melted in platinum crucibles was investigated. It was found that the limit
of solubility of the inclusions depends both on the composition of the medium (sol-
vent) and on the temperature. Three series of experiments confirmed the hypothesis
that irrespective of whether or not the initial glass contains Pt inclusions, no
such inclusions are formed when the batch is heated to 12000G, while with subsequent
holding and cooling to 10000C the inclusions appear in large quantities. It is
therefore assumed that dissolved Pt is present in all glass which has been made in
Pt vessels. In the investigated glasses, increased additions of As 203Y
03 and Sb
as well as increased melting temperatures, lead to a rise in the concentration of
Pt in the glass and to the probability of ito precipitation. The precipitation of
ACC NR:AP6002802
the inclusions is reversible, taking place at temperatures ranging between 1150 and
11900C. The experiments demonstrate the necessity for rapid cooling, which assures
glass without Pt inclusions. Another possible solution to the problem is the use of
fused-quartz crucibles instead of Pt crucibles. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1
SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 29Aug5.9/ ORIG REFt 0021 OTH REF: 004
A;ivDIS I 11yorilskay., 1. 11.
TITUS 3.rd All-union Conform%.* an the State
FIRIODI"Ll Iltau* t kersaika. 1960, or 5. Vp 45-46 (03211)
card 5/8
Tm 3rd AU-9alon Coat-tocas a- In$ YI%r9QnZ St-14 me* held LA
UssmWeA at the on& of 159 1'4 Vka orgAIXIS.4 11,r the IA2%L%It
Wall. milikalow As 5231 I.; of the M6214try of
aUSSR)$ Wassayusuoys khLaiabostar* obabahessra iwzi IS. 1.
Zmadeleyeva (ALI.V&U. Chouloal 34al.ty loczat D. 1. 24cleloy.v)
wood Mularstvison" optiob9skir inatittt Imoal 3. 1. Tavilova
(stale Optical I"tIlt4 iseat a. Z. varLIOT). xCra thaa ICO
reportit an the strootuxe of sloes, in'Sostle.tiax x.thods of the
TLtrocam elate, the "OhAzLes of vitriflaatlaz -J yVmIco*!2-I~%I
and toobalcal properties of glaos.0 .4" 4611re"s. -.4
was opened by Ao&ds.jaL&A A. A. L4'.d".
At tho 5th .*sting, 9 3'.7=t$ 442,14 V!Ih
the invveligstISSA results of modims-boroa-sL114xte XI&SAfa. 1.
Aand Can' ft-3L. -Boron " Al-aborou A-1y of ttL, T-;-
-FiV.44 stli..ts class 0:1 r. r -04 the CoarjI_.SI.A '.*,a-
]x G - R"
here of Alu.i,-- n4 -. ?. ni~n , r-D,.ad
an structural change# In boron-milloate glaxFss j re. 1. Z-
and 5. P. Zhdanov reported an son*
11b9 sinalure of bomm-oLlIasts Classes and theIr V~02a ;r~d-
To. A. forisy-loshits and 1. 3. _ARLrrZjv. 1-1.4
C.A.Ities 1. the Structuro-W-fasplz Clam.0. no 15
the 6th meeting 4-21 .11b $be 4astri. p"psrij,s of &I.*
part" OLIh.Xtruotlax. d.te=L=tiQ.
asr.14 fi.14,
~Abo Son W
=4 T. 1. Od.14'ski -struetre and Pro;.,ti.a or 3"1 Ox-1.
I Mx a ;be FOXYZer-%bacry W! the Vitro."
L 11 r.r ported on th. agil.-ty &=4 %!z. decree or dia'.01.ti
f;mlou MIS. Ionic na4 m3o~ oo."sitlau of tl* gizo.
V. 1. 04.1.vakiy reported an th. rAtnr. of dis'l.atrio
Classliks and crystalline al"inamillealss, To to
me wligation of the D101.0trio yalarl"Iltz C=3 ui* G-ji-W-j in zh;;.
Ph&%* 0144069-1 T-A--rxS_-Ao', T. 1. C~ 4.5
. art.& on of J. QOF~-..-rjv !~ Io-
p t Sit
tri.. ush-I.asion 9LO143. St 'L =z7tzv. a- %be a-
N. and r4Z to gone T. A. I-VI.,
.vkAO =4 Q.-LO 14Fpfr-rjs f
; !'O.t..ko on electric
0. him 1,
&Ad 41-4111,9 a
r~z rl.,:7
which .&=Led cut u.d r h . M . Fro:cx.-
TOystraptyev &I the rAfe4rs atekle. LTr L"~t z-.sovatA (c~,,ir car
01 L..tuar:i T.ahnoIo_-jq.j 7~,jjjt. utaL Lazz".1) in
-The D.V Ad#aoo me the of =A"..
Chealeal Co.p..M.M.. To A* 0. T. us-'4ria -4
IS Zo4k.os car. Lav*osIjAtzox 7~xaizx --- ti- rottL=-r..
of 61m."s of 1"' "'co"M 5'02 - 2 '03 - 3&3 LA IhI lea-
Poirst.r. rang. of from 400-1300* =4 02 the L=Zl- ... 4 or ~1414L.ns
of a a
the 01.4w.0 of %h...
at". . A he lh a tiAs reports 4.411 Cle2r., 4. $..1-
aalorl=g of Clagovo and Vas llrlu&~s or ra-
Iiffilloa end 4 reports with leehAjoal proport:.aa or sitzats. 1, A,
Ioff* and 9-. 1. Kbvos%.Ako, properties of Bono Zs=jQ'6X_-
To, -of' , - ~ I - and
T. F. 5h
--rhr - : j! z J.
"v aZ'. :r %am pro4uati- of at-.1co.-nid
T:... of I P702-Slims and we the 11.1ts f tie vi%rao,49 -
state In the mystomesTIa5. - A.2505. TI aa. .V'2 9.3. 5b,,P*j - As,3.3.
-1-1017sto and 3. T. -1 P4,1- reported a %he 9,,-
14 a number of srs%,~.
AX!2nIQVA AZI 0. P. J..~
gol 01, ty.i., %]~' r-a r.port.4 gre The .1.0.
cooftall y or A. T&:;021&,
r bit -VA41 PbtG of yj.
Ch. 16"114.4' IF T T--.*V wad T. A. jo..A.-Ijy
Irtod an the
4:1:rsin.d Ioy them Ith OILIG71=1ric 9. P. Asox..
CW4 5/8 reported an *%r.o %we rA 9rapor%jos of f-"-* 'boron .1.1
ANINt sweebus, 2. X~ 810T
TIVUS 384 A11-ftlen conference on the Vitreous 3tate-
PINIMCASs Stakla, A kozaafts, 1960, Nr 3. VP 43-46 (nSS)
ASAMUMS fte 3rd All-tralon Conference on the Vitreous State ded hold in
&MLIBSKWA at the end of 1959. It man drgaaA.44 by the XASU"t
Mail mIlLkatay AS 933R (rastituse of the C-Idti.lry of Silloated,
AN SIM), Toevoyandays kbialobAskay. atshahoct,* Lne.i D. T..
=410y"o (All-valon, Chemical Society Ideal 1). 1.
Gee" %wean" aptlah.skLy institml, tnuent. S. 1. T&Ttt*va
i i
arliaT). xo~* the= tDo
a. I.
941"Irtit 0& the Ottaotn3m Of glass. 1U104ti$Lt1cU Method. Of th.
vttvo~ mine the mechanism of vltrLtIcation &ad p2zyoLca*bwAic&1
4" teceludia.1 properties at glaso.m or$ delivered. MLS Conf.r.m..
_wma speced by Academician A. A. Lb.dav. I
_: At %be Ith *001M, 6 reports deal% vith glars..
's -,
comedwaters m9 with the solaria& of glasses &A4 ths, 1-fluez
V. T, war aamd ?. If. 7
1. To Mor. -Coloring of Classes In
0 an 11th Tholz Stracture .
C4AQWMt1OA of Boron add Al-la" In disease-. 1. P. Z~L~ze,
S. T. Borbaph reported on the change of the spect7 S,
raf e.7.=w~ -on
at cza;owlil.. awr %no* or g--4 r.ya.
S. 0. Xar&2*ty" reported an the Infloonco of the strazt=-* or 91Z.-
oe# we spectral and chemical prop."Iso or the c.r-14-..
"Imart" an the role of the a4mIxtimrs. and The
us lattice In the solaria& of qu"ta glass by em=a raliatioz.
and 2. Lt_!L . Or r
porled an the DbTwloOQbsaI.xI
Saw. 104
ail . 1. *.Its (foam glass. ear-Its
=T. reported on phyviso-abseloa% lave.11g2tio~ a'
to of
1m a state of oTmillarl" !,
ry oxi4;
-2ho Zopertacoo of the room. tZA80 in the Nb,. ::.I
card 6/8 Body mad the Cement Clinker" . T. AL. Preen v ro2curl*d 9A the 2!4slao
. _rrf42D
of- tba-favini7if 'Mal ", ash
, T*
massing dealt with physical chemistry azi xaoh&,:1q&.X p"rarti.8
of glad. . 1.1. 0. W. 3cr14m*v "a S. T.. vulrow.
mde co"r*bwast" op:rto , A. L. Appca reported an the f=1a=-sn-
04 ottnucturs.2 pariumat re Ue prQ2.r1I.0 of the
A. V. CL&dkow.
&Y. W. T-oc., -ya,rl.d am
A lstobyl
as-r-e-i-viri-of I . P;Tyarro 8123.0..
,. t~
T.. I. boaklas, reported on pecallariti.s of the .=7-slao of 024d..
Ix 121,7-81:1,y riport:d ex %b.
MW marcy of C Mmass " Th Ir Rol. She pro
of the Timeava Flux.. Z. P-j_rr11vvAr1 "Ported as Yh7slao-oh-Mr
Vrv,portlax of *luxophoophat. S1 ...... 7u. 1. Sbcldt an the
doyeads"a of the pmp.rtl*o of alkali a. the zz-
"ezltlo~ Z. N. ahobeglova reported ant 'InvesS16%lion of 1h4 Do.
-adoaod, of W.-6-pffmal Properties of Pboopb*t* Classes On tbv
Conamillon*, A. Y_X,~kkhIP4 reported a= the subject: *The Periodic
system &AJ the Optimal Confilanto of ale.&A., X. 6. A.Isn~
eat 2N*ab=iczl ?raporlles Of 01LON ribere.
ra;ort ad the m*ahmm1cal yro;PZr_1f-#mof Lnorgaosl;
n as
. In
t% as us 446 an their
Xcalovskays reported on the elastic properties :r
ext 7/8 W" a
fru;- of the oapoolllo. of' the clad.*. mate, a-band.-I
jraportom.- A~1~. Atn an reported on the =114tett or
s by Aqueous Bolatio.- Of A-14- and 1141
Italian 61as.liks 3ass
$Set of fte 0.1dam in the 0tru4tar- Of CUPS 3.613W. S. X.
p read 4
Uom to il . .. T t. an Physic-
or ". . . ,
aboalool propertied of Salliu- -1116&t-* 04-40-@i- T. I- Wbro-kir
e fil
f0iiiij on a
e sur
_P5L%Mv&k&y* raporSa
mmul f. t,
olux-eedid. glass In the acidic. neutral and b..Ia A.41-. Th. tol-
I" I" pdv~oons reported at She final meetings T. F. X.1;Orlz. an
o, Influence of. the alkAlloa earth --Ld-- *b th-74hM10-2 *UbIl'1Y
Since" 1. 6 b.*14 .1momphs"i L. To. Mazolaw am, vitrification
proportion of borato &I y. 7 _A* Xats'a'.
raa a of Would.
O %
add 1. t.-Nols.y.y on Ibe r:::
Vogel add Rootgor spoke as guests from Ustern 0*rnavy.
So.d*.Jcl= S. 1. Below. S. A. rizar&mr.4skly.
end 1. R. Beier also spoke at the final soail.g.
owed 8/8
AUTHORS: Kefeli,.A.,74., Galant,.-Ye;-I~, Vlasova, N. I.-
TITLE: Spectrophotometric Method of Estimating the Coordination of
Boron and Aluminum in Some Types of Glass
PERIODICALt Zhurnal nearganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5v No.,8,
PP-. '. 1766-1773
TEXT: The authors investigated the spectral absorption of aluminoboro-
silicate glasses which were colored with C02+ compounds in the presen *ce
of chlorine. The authors applied the 11haloid effect" (Ref. 5, Fig. 1).
They proved that the coordination of boron and aluminum in glass can be
estimated from the changes in spectral absorption. Two systems were
investigated: K2 0 - B20 3 - S102 and K20 - B20 3 - A120 3 - Si02. Their com-
positions may be seen from a table on p. 1769. The spectral absorption of
these types was measured with an(~-4 (SF-4) spectrophotometer in the
spectral region 400-700 mp. Fig. 2 shows the change of the optical density
as a function of A120 3 contained in these types. It follows from this that
Card 1/3
Spectrophotometric Method of Estimating the S/078/60/005/008/028/031/XX
Coordination of Boron and Aluminum in Some B023/BO66
Types of Glass
the haloid effect increases with increasing A1205 content. The maximum
effect appears in a glass with a constant content of A1203 and K2 0 content,
that is, atq = 0 (q- K20B-0Al203) . The authors thus confirm the general
2 3
view of the role of aluminum in aluminoborosilicate glass. They found that
in glass containing much boron and less alkali oxide (R20 (0.2-0-3),
boron is present in ternary and quaternary coordination. The spectrophoto-
metric method also allows to estimate other structural changes, such as
the coordination of A13+ ions and the interaction between tr1gonal,
octahedral, and tetrahedral elements of the glass structure. There are
4 figures, 1 table, and 5 references: 3 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 British.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut (State Optical
Card 2/3
Spectrophotometric Method of Estimating the
Coordination of Boron and Aluminum in Some
Types of Glass
SUBMITTED: January 30, 1958
Card 3/3
"000/006/035 /C--
4 - D,/ U ~ / - I " -, 0."
2, 11 Ll 2, C) E) -4
AU--PhORS- !,Tla_z~~va, N.7', 'Galant, Ye.!,, Kefeli, A A~
T 1A. 11 S - Absorptlon speotrum of Co2+ icns a-c P-- 1nd~1na!.,,r of Zcoriinaticra of
boron and aluminum In =-Ilic-ate glaiiiez
PERIODICAL? Referat.lvryy zhurnal. Fizika, no, 6, 1961, 224, abstra~"- 6D27~, (V sh.
"Steklocbrazzi, sosto-janiye", Mc.~,'~.--4_L_eningrad, AN SSSR, 196o, 368-
372, DiScusz 377 - 379)
MT,~ The authors investiga-led absort'lion ape-.~,ra of boron-s ill cate, and
alumino-silicate glasses colored bi Co2~. In presence-of chlorine, It. was found
out chat. Co2+ is present in these glasses In the form of coordination groups ICA],
[Co%] and [C " the ra-doz between which are caused by different coordination
sta-tes of B and Al in the glass strac-,ure, 1-t is shown that the spectrnpho-tometric
methl +of quantl~atlve determination of ea"lillbria be?,ween the coordination forms
of Cc makes it pcss-lbie to determIne different coordina.,-Jon groups of B and Al
in glasses,
FAb~tract,er's note,, Compi,~te -_.r_-islat!on_ Veynberg
Card 1./1
S Cl 5*b
1 T-7-12 L)
~102~ '1/141/002/023/027
101 B110
Galant, Ye. I.
Study of the structure of gallium in silicate and borosilicate
glasses on the basis of the variation of their optical
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 2, 1961, 417 - 419
TEXT: The author studied the optical and chemical properties of gallium
silicate and gallium borosilicate glasses in order to clarify the
presumable variation of the coordination number of Ga, as had alroady been
done by thq author for aluminum (ZhPKI1, 31, no. 10, 1741 ('1958)). Two
series of.' -lasses were melted in cooperation with A. A. Vakulova:
(87 - x)SiO 2'13 Na2O-xGa20 3 (1) and (70 - x)Si02*17 B2 03* 13 Na2O-xGa203 (11).
It was easy to melt the glasses of series II at 1420 -to 1ABOOC, whereas the
glasses of series I proved poorly meltable at 1500 0C, and*the melts were
very viscous. The optical properties of series 11 were investigated with a
Card 14,
�tudy of the structure of gallium... B101/BI10
goniometer, those of series I up to 9% of Ga 203 with ant4PO-25 (IRP-25)
refractometer, and those of the other glasses with an immersion device.
The density of the glasses was determined hydrostatically, nnd their
tendency to crystallization was examined by visual observation of samples
kept at 500 - 9300C for 3 hr. Fig. 1 shows the increaseAn D* 104 of t-he
refractive index, the increase (6n, - nc).10 5 of the inean dispersion, and
the increaseAd-10 3 of the (tensity of glassoi.. I and II with increasing
Ga 203 content. jIn D was found to be lower with Ga 2 034 11 a20, while it was
higher in alkali-free glasses or in glasses ,';itli Ga 203> Na,O. This is dui
to the variation of the coordination number of Ga. In alkali-free glasses
or in glasses poor in alkalis, Ga 2031 like Al 2 0-,., forms the cationic grcup
LRO 611 while the tetrahedrons [Ga(Al)041 are forined if there is an alkali
excess. For IGaO 61 the following is assumed: nD = 1-87; n? nC = 0.024,
while the follo%ing is valid for GaO : r, 1.76; n n 0.010.
41 D F - C
Card 2/t 1
Siudy of the structure of gallium... ~'101/Biio
course of n D and d in series II also indicates Lhe similarity of Ga and Al,
which may be seen from the fact that, in comparison with boron, these
elements form tetrahedrons more readily with oxygen introduced by alkali
oxides and other oxides. Thus, Ga 0 with B 0 R 0 forms GaO tetra-
2 3 2 3 2 1 41
hedrons, with IBO 41 passing over to[ BO,]. Hence, the variation of the glass
properties on addition of Ga 203 is based on two factors: a) on the addition
of Ga 2037 and b) on the transition from IBO 41 to IBO 31' If the addition of
Ga 0 raises the refractive index by +34-104, the conversion of 1% of B 20
2 3[ 3
from BO into BO lowers the refractive index bv -26-104
41 1 31 ; hence, a lower
increase of n D is observed than in the case of gallium silicate glasses.
Borosilicate glasses with Ga 203'> 17ya showed an innre~ased tendency toward
crystallization and opalescence. Therefore, Ga 203-,B203 can be considered
to be the limit of formation of stable glass. Ga has the coordination /Y
number 4. With Ga 203> B2030 1GaO 6] groups are fo.ined which constitute a
Card 3/0,
S/ 0 2 0
Study of the structure of gallium... BlOIXB110 I
liquid phase immiscible with the silicate melt. There are 2 figures and
7 references; 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two i-eferences to English-
language publications read as follows: P. L. Baynton, H.. Rawson, J. E.
Stanworth, Nature, j29, no. 4556, 434 (1957); F. P. Glasser, J. Phys. Chem.,
63, no. 12, 2085 (195~')-
PRESENTED: April 25, 1961, by N. V. Belov, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 19, 1961
Fig. 1. Variations of the properties of gla3se)_- v;ith the composition
13 Na 20-(87 - x)si02* xGa203 (1) and 13 Na 20-17 B 203* (70 - x)si02' xGa203(11)
with increasing Ga 20 3 content.
Card 4/V 11
Coordination numbers of magnesium in glass. Dokl,AjI S55R 137
no.6-.l/,24-1426 Ap 161. MRA 34:4)
1, Predstavleno akademikom N.V.Belovym,
(Magnesium) (Glass)
..Ea(q)jBD3/EWT,(!M)--. AFFT,C WH
SIN -~0163? I ~0/005/1 fob/ IP3
AUTHCR: oaantjo Ye. L
TITLE*. Some properties and structural elements of gle~s:'and c~mtals of similar
~SOMCE: AN.SSSR, Doklady* V,-150,. no, 5j, 1963, 1100-1103
TOPIC TAGS: plWsical propexV Lticom~onent~
glws.,. er7stdl, glass,.struc
elements, structural characteristic multi. component gla.~sstj;~at~re
:ABSTRACT: The absence of reliable, direct methods of stmdying: the structures zof
inorganic glass makes useful a comparative study of properties'~of various ~substances,
~of similar chemical composition in vitreous, crystalline.:and liquid States. When
studying multicomponent glws and crystals to determine, the inhuence of lt~le~
properties of components,, the computed values of the pr9pertiep: of a c=~~onent in
stal (using an aiditive formula) can be employed with sufficient,
glass or cry
success for practical calculations. They can also be used for; comparative study
~in cases when glass or crystias undergo deep structural co:mer~ions., similar to the
change of coordination =-dber of cation, vhich are responsible for shexp,cJ s of
values for a series of propeities of a substance. Based on data~ collectc& on -Une
.yerbies of 31 compounds., I;he important analogy, bet-7ee the' tructure ofglabs
'jc= n s
GALANT, Ye. 1.
"Optical properties and elements of glass structure."
report submitted for 4th All-Union Conf on Structure of Glass, Leningrad,
16-21 mar 64.
-tWP(e)AK(MV1*P(b) TIH
ACC MR, AT6M83 SOURCE CODE: UR/OOW/651000/00010147/0150
AUTHOR: Galimt, ye. 1.
ORG: None
TITLE: Optical properties and structural elements of titAnia-Wilica-filasses
e yuznoye soveshchanfte po stekloobraznomu so6tovanjW. 4th. Lent's d,
1964. Stekloobraznoye sostoyaniye (Vitreous state); trudy soveshebaniya. 1.6ningrad,
Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 147-150
TOPIC TAGS: glass, titanium dioxide, coordination chemistry, glass property,
silicate glass
ABSTMCT: In an attempt to find out whether the coordination number of titanium
changes in titania-silica glasses, the author studied the.chanIgrein the optical
properties and dens ity as a function of composition. The indeXrof refraction,~
average dispersion, and density of Na20-SiO2 glasses were measured while SiO2 was
gradually replaced by T102 up to 40 mole %, the NA20 content being constant (13, 17,
25, and 30 mole %). These properties were.found to change line .arly-with T102 con-
centration. To answer the question of the change in the coordination number of
titanium, the author analyzed the role of alkali and alkaline earth oxides 'in the
formation of titania-silica glasses, and comes to the conclusion that titanium:re-
tains the coordination number 6 in glass. Orig. art. has: 4 figures.
.PUB CODE: J1 / SUBM DATE: 22May65./ ORIG REP: 006 / OTH ~REF: 005
Card i 1i
--m-11"Ill~i WIt'i
L 2483,6 .0,
-BOURC8 -CODEf -M/04i3/66
,AUV pnr /OW/003/007VO6721
AUTHORSt Veynbergf V. B.; Estrinq_P. I.; Galantf Ye. I.; Afbnlkin#::A. L.
ORG: none
TITLEt. Method for fusing
Liber~ckets. Class 429 No-, 178521
SOURCE3 Izdbreteni~af promyshlennyye obraztay# tovarr4ye miaki, no 3, 1966,12
TOPIC TAGSt fiberglaost light scattering glass VVL 4.A~
ABSTRACTs This Author Certificate presents a method for rue fiber paokete-by
compressing the packet (situated in a softened glass sheath)lin vacuum. To ob
light-transmitting packets of high resolution and large dimensionst,the.external.
pressure on the packets is produced "by compressed air via a heated glass sheath
softened by application of heat. To obtain phocone ofaxial.oymmetry, the circular
uniform pressure is realized by means of a gas, while those regions where -the speci-
meu is not to be compressed are protected by high-melting glass rings,,
SO CODE t II/' SON DMI 2400t64
~ _rd_Ij_ -1 .7
ACC NR, AP6036693--- SOURCE CODE: bW0_i~j_j6616661OiVoo3o1oo3J'
AUTHOR: Galantj, Ye. I. (Candidate of Sciences); Korichevap I. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: On the compatibility of glasses in optic fibers
SOURCE: Optiko-mekhanicheskaya promyshlennost', no. 11, 1966, 30-34
TOPIC TAGS: fiber opt 'ics) glass fiber, glass property, light transmission
ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that when two types of glass are fused together in a
glass fiber they affect each other, unlike two neighboring glass parts In a standard
optical instrument, the authors consider experimental data on the influence of heat
treatment on the properties of optic fibers. The study consisted of determining the
variation of the light transmission and the crystallizing ability of light pipes as
a function of the temperature and time ofthe experiments. Single conductor light
pipes of 1 - 1.2 mm in diameter and 200 mm long, at a glass diameter 0.8 - 1.0 mm and
a sheath thickness 0.1 mm were tested. Multi-lead light pipes of the same diameter,
with each individual lead 5 p thick and sheathed with glass of 1 It thickness were
also'tested. The light pipes were prepared by several methods and subjected to dif-
ferent heat treatments. The preparation of the light pipes is briefly described. The
transmission was measured with apparatus based on a universal monochromator (UM-2),
using a photometric sphere with a selenium photocell. The results have established
that when two types of glass are fused together, one glass can stimulate the crystal-
uDc: 666.189.2: 535.8.1
ACC NR: Ar6036693
lization of the other, causing the fiber to become opalescent and crystallize,. and
thus greatly deteriorate the optical properties of the fiber element. This phenomen
is called noncompatibility of tvo glasses and must be taken into account when choosi
the type of glass for the manufacture of optical fibers and parts. It in concluded
that compatible glasses must be used to prepare fiber elements subjected to multiple
heating cycles and maintaining high values of light transmission.. resolutionj, and
frequency-contrast characteristics. The compatibility of various types of Soviet
glass brands is briefly discussed. Methods of estimting the co"tibility of
glasses are proposed. Orig. ar~. has: 3 tables.
am CODE: 241 SUM DATE: WrBey65,'
ACC NRo Ap7oo2724 SOURCE CODE: UR/0237/66/000/012/0044/0050
AUTHOR: Galant, Ye._I. (Candidate of sciences); Vlasova, N. I.; Vyazmina, N. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: Effect of coloring additives on the light absorption of lanthanum g'lasr.'
SOURCE: Optiko-melchanicheskaya proaWshlennost', no. 12, 1966, 44-50
TOPIC TAGS: glass property,, light absorption, optic glass, optic density, color ad-
ABSTRACT: In order to find ways of reducing the absorption of type STK and TBF, the authors measured the specific-absorption spectral curves of
lanthanum glass colored with oxides of 2+1
Nd3+, Pr3+J, Cr3+, Cre+, CU2+, Fe3+, Ni2+,* Co
Mn3+, and Ce", to determine which of these additives are responsible for the high
absorption of such glasses. The test method used was that described by V. V. Vargin
and T. I. Veynberg (Steklo i keramika (Glass and Ceramics], 1958, no. 5, p- 25),
using a modified SF-4 spectrophotometer. The specific absorption curves were ob-
tained by determining the difference between the optical density of the spectral
curves of the glasses with the specially introduced dye and without it. 7he results
have shown thit the specific spectral absorption increases on going from silicate
to lanthanum-boron-silicate glasses, with larger degree of alkalinity. The calcula-
tions yielded the specific light-absorption coefficients due to each of the coloring
oxides. The coefficiw* of light absorption in glass colored with 0.001% of coloring,,
2 UDC: 666.11-016-2: 535.34
ACC NR, Ap7oo2724
agent ranges from 0.001 to 13.4% and increases in the sequence Ce" - Fe3+ - Pr3+
- Nd3+ , CrO+ _ Og2+ _ Ni2* _ Qr3+ - )&%P+ _ C02+. LUdta of maximum concentrations
were established for the rav materials used to mavuftcture the lanthanum. glass.
These should not exceed 3 x W-2 of Cso 2 x 10-3 of pe, 1 x 10-4 of Nd or Pro
1 x 10-5 of Cro Cuo Nio and 1 x W-0 of. Co and Mn. It in indicated that the test'
results should be used in conjunction with chemicalo spectrochemicalp and spectro-
photometric anOys'" to determim the composition of coloring Impurities in glasses.
Orig. art. has: 4 tigures and 5 tables.
5M CM: 11,9 2D/ SM DM: =~*65/ OW MW; 0(*
Card 2/ 2
An outstanding trade-union steward. Munk& 4 no.12.-32-34 D 154.
1. Koszegi Agyterlto szakszervezeti bAalx$ja.
voi. no. juna 1953,
o r
SO: 1~ont*ll--!, U~,Jt of
Jud-aing the economical operations of trucking enterprises. 0. Y~0-
(Kozlekedesi Koz1ony., Vol. 13, no. 20, I-lay 195". Budapest, Hi.,n~ary)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC,Vol. 6, no. 91 Sept. 1957. Uncl.
JA-pipticatiocul of cam e"x he LO in, 0 a &P eses.
V PiPut-ti.--of Anic th
3: L & r, and
temp. (3-4 hrs.
at 100).,,. its RtOH Sala. was pre0d~ bY Cooling with an kt-
salt uaii. _sepamt~`inlns. of NaBlIa and LICI in EtOIJ, mix-
ins the two solos, and filtering off the N&Cl. Tbissola. y!as
found suitable for reducing ind aid including
barohydH es such as Mg-
F r n id ketones. New cow.. lefts WK.,
IlMt (from MgIfes and diborape in abs. ether) and Ca- 1
were also prepd. in a sluxilar maner. They were
ouad suitable for the selective redm6tion of various cowpds.,
both org.wd Inotg. They 'are dhesp and relAtively easy to
prepare. N& methozyborohydride (cf. Brown, t) 4L. C-4.
47, 374U) im found suitable: for the selective reduction of
aldehydes? ketonest and " chlorides. G.
Distrz 4B4J/4R3d/4E2C(j)
Proposals for the further developwnt of Truck Tariff.
Kozleked kozl IS no.35:61+7-649 2 S 162.
"A 'Few S~ac-e ro'
7atovr- ce, o Ln n.-~,
SO: ~'.'crtlly or East Eiirorran Accesslors, (7'.11), 1c,
"Shop Arbitration Boards." P. 101,
(CM-UK, Vol. 7, No. 4, Apr. 1954, Katowice, Poland.)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessiouis. (EIIAL), LC, Vol. 3,
No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl.
"For a turn In the r7ield o-,7 industrial safety.11
Chei,,dk, f,4fowice, Vol. 7, "o I') J,~ "-),/ r. P"',
1) Ny I., ~),,
SO: Fastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1954, Lib. of' Congress
(IA1X!T,,,:, H.
Once more about the Celwiskoz; in answer to articles in the daili press.
P. 169. (CIIEXqK) (Warszada, Poland) Vol. 10, no. 6, Atne 1957
SO: I-Ionthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958
2. USSR (600)
4. Geology and GeograpIV
7. Engineering GeoloQr, N. V. Kolonenskiy (ec-Ii-tor). (Part 1, Soil Science,
- 'I, State Geoloc-ical Press, 1951). Reviewed by V. D. Galantionov,
Sov. Kniga, 'No. 2, 1952.
9. UP Renort. U-3081, 16 Jan 1953, Unclassified.
GALANTSEVJP V.P. (Ralantsev, V.P.3
Adaptation of the cardiovascular system of nutria to a
semiaquatic way of life. Dop. AN URSR no.3:387-389 164.
(MIRA 17:5)
1. Institut zoologii AN UkrSSR i Imningradskiy sel'sko-
khozyaystvannyy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR
V.G. Kaslyawtko [Kaslianemko, V.H.].
GALANTSEV, Yu., slesar'.
-1 ,
Device for dismounting ttire beads and
35 no.1:33 Ja 157.
tubeless tires. Avt.transP.
(MLRA 10:3)
_Q,Ll~~NTSEIY,, IN.L.; S7RGEY_TV;',_, V.D., Icand. Miko-matem. riauk, nauchny_~- rt;kc)-
voditell raboty; I-21VOTCHIK01.7, , assisLent, na7uchwyy rukovoditell
X-ray diffraction methods of investigation of lead oxide. Vch.
zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 239:57-64 164.
(14-M 18: 3)
L 14135-M MJT(l)/'M1T(m)/_VWP(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD/U-M
ACC NR! AP6000871 SOURC CODE.- UR/018-1/65/007/Ql2/3646/3648
AUTHORS: Galantseva,'M. L.; Izyozcbikov, V. A.
ORG: LeninSrad State Pe M2&icaj
.(Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicbeskiy i~*;tituq
TITLE: Some features of1tbe kinetics of nonequilibrium conductivity
of lead oxide
:SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. no. 12, 1965, 3646-3648
TOPIC TAGS: lead oxide, eleetrieconductivity, Activation energy,
X ray irradiation, photoconductivity, photochemistry
-ABSTRACT: The authors report and interpret several phenomena opbserwd
.in the investigation of nonequilibrium kinetic processes in lead oxJde
and induced by x-rays and visible light. These :phenomena are'don-'
nected with the high concentration of the capture and,adhesion.centers..
and their influence on recombination processes. Highconcentration
of volume and surface centers with activation energy 0.05--0.05 ev
were produced by mechanical and heat treatment of the samples. The
Card 1/2
L 14135-66
ACC NR: AP6000871
al x-rk conductivit'
:effects treated were transverse and longitudin
:Where it was observed that. the high absorption of:x-rays by lead
oxide, and the accompanying sharp gradient of carrier,concentration,
~causes the photoconductivity to increase rapidly and deeay exppnen-
.tially. Many samples subjected to prolonged and *p'erl6dic irradiation:
~exhibit an S-shaped decay of nonequilibrium conductivity. This~pointp'
,.to an important role played by capture centers produced.upon ab~orp_
tion of a definite x-ray dose and causing secondary recombination.
Some samples exhibit dips inthe photoconductivity curve when the
:Photoconductivity is excited by square-wave pulses of,visible light'
'duration -. 4 x 10- see, T 340K). The dip is replaced by a bump
.after 10 -15 seconds of int.!rmittent illumination, and the relaxa'-.
ition process assumes the usual form afterone minute qf:illuminaltion.~..
effect is attributed to secondary ionic processes. vrbicb results
~from photochemical reactions. Authors thank A. I,. Regelf for-i,nter-
est in the work, discussion, and valuable remarks!,: Orig. art.~has*.'
.2 figures.
.~SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE.* 23June65/ ORIG REP: 013/ OTRREP:'007
Card 2/2.,
-G-,i--*.N-M!,lAf M.;,.; !ZTJ;-,~CHI%C~V, V.A.
lome characteristles of the kinetics of the non equil i. Irrium
conductivity of lead mcide. Piz. tvar. tela "I no. 12,.3646-3648
D 165 (MTRA Lg-.-L)
1. leningradskiy gosudarstvt-rmyy pedagogicheskiv institut imen:~