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URAY&Vp A.I.; --- Effect proctaced by stimUtLag the receptors of testLclem an the sugar gontent of blood, Trudy Sekt, fisiole AN Azqrbo SSR 3s78-4 160. (MIRA 13110) (T3STIGI&-IIQMRVATION)I (BLOOD SUGP) - -GAFULOY, M.S Effect of the stimilation of machanoreceptors of testicleB on the sugar content of blood in sexually nature and imature dogs. Izv*,AN Azerbe,SSR, Sere biol, i med. nauk no. 4:147-154 '60, (MIRA 14:2) (,rESTICLE-INNERVATION) (BLOOD SUGAR) GAFULOV, M.S. Role of-the interoceptors of seminal glands in the incretory function. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. 133-137 161. (TESTICLE-INNERVATION) (TISTOSTERONE) regulation of their i med. nauk no-5: (MIRA 14:8) GAYURBAYNV, 9A. Dispensary medical care for machine-troctor station workers in cotton districts. Sov.sdray. 15 no.6:21-24 N-D 156. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Is Usbakskogo nanchno-Issladovatellskago' saniternogo institute, (dir. - dotsent A.Z.Zekhtdow. nauchnyy rukovoditall - kandidat maditsinalrikh nauk L.T.Shrayber) (PUBLIC HKAINK in Russia. and. serv. i cotton-reislag districts) GAFURBAYEV~ M.K. Hygienic aspects of working centers and collective farms no. 9:11-14 S 160. conditions in the shops of service in Uzbekistan. Med. zhur. Uzb. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Uzbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sanitariiq gigiyeny i professionallnykh zabolevaniy (direktor - dotsent A.Z. Zakhidov). (UZBEKISTAN-INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) GAFURBAYKV, M. K. CandMed Soi -- "Data on the study of' labor hygiene in mechanized cotton oultivationo" Tashkent, 1961 (Min of Health UzSSR. Tashkent State Med Inst). (KL, 4-61, 207) -32%- QAFURBAYRV, M.K., naucbnyy sotrudnik =7-- - Dust and gas content of the air in working areas wider varying methods for the mechanized processing of cotton. Gig, i san. 26 no.8:102-104 Ag 161. (MRA l5S4) 1. Iz Usbekskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo oanitarnogo instituta. (AIR--FDUUTION) (COTTON GROWING-HYGIMC ASAMTS) GAFUROV, A.,T.; AYHODZHAYEV, T.T.; ABDURASHITOV, K.; 1"URISUNOV, S.; KOVALISKIY, N.I.; MULLOKANDOV, R.N.; REZNIK, G.F.; YARUbOV, 4.M. Change of certain characteriStics of cotton and kenaf under the action of ultrasound. Prim. ul'traakust. k issl. veshch. no.14: 121-12'1' '61. (MIRA 14:12/1 (Ambary hemp) (cotton) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) GAFuRov, B. F. "Training nationtil cadres in the Soviet Central Aiia Republics" report to be submLtted for the United Haticne Cvmfereace or. the Application of BaLence and Tecbmology for -the Beaef it of the Less Developed Areas - Geneva: Switzerland, 4-20 Feb 63. GAFAROVq B.G. Urgent problems in soil science bibliography-. Poovovedenia no.2:3-10-M F 1163.-----. (NIRA 160) (Bibliography-Soil scienpe) POSPELOV, P.N., akademik; SMIRNOV, V.S.; LAVRENTIYEV, M.A., akademik; GAFUROV., B.G.; KEDROV, B.M.; DUBROVSKIY, S.M., doktor istor.nauk; KONSTANTINOV, F.V. Discussion of the report. Vest. AN SSSR 33 no.8:29-39 Ag 163. 1 . (MIn 16 18) 1. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Smirno4l,, Gafurov, Xedrov, Konstantinov). (No subject heading) BERLIN,, A.A.; GRIGOROVSKAYA, V.A.; PARINI, V.P.; GkFUROV, Kh. Local activation effect in the low temperature pyrolysis of anthracene and bianthryl. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no.6:1371-1371+ Je 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.N. Kondratlyevym. I U.k-rMV, Khe G. Z9Z96. 0 pokazaniyakh k cperatsiyam na zhelchnvkh putyakh. V sb: Nauch. sessiya Akad. nauk USSR 24-28 yanv. 1949 g. Doklady Mod. stomatol. in-ta, vyp. 8. 1949. s 241-45 SO: Izvestiya Ake Nauk Iatviyskoy SM: No. 9, Sept. 1955 j w"I'Jo; V,.i I as lirc Dr 51 GAYUROV, Kballk Gafur icb -11,,,W,--~-;-!...,-", "'': .k, -1, , Diffuse suppurative peritonitis] Razlitoi gnolrVi paritonit. Tashkent, Gosizdat UZ55P., 1957. 229 p. (141RA 12:1) (PERITONITIS) OSOVETSKAYA, TSilya Moiseyevna; GAFUROV KadErrE Kha Lch- DETENGOF., _~~~vih, F.F., prof., zasl. defttelf hauki U'zbekskoy SSR; TRETIYAKOVApN.., red.; AGZAMOV, K., tekhn. red. [Occupational therapy and the cardiovascular system in mental Illneson with a chronic courselTnidoterapila i serdechno- i3osudistaia sistema pri psikhicbeskikh zabolevanliakh s khro- nicheskim techeniem. TashkentV Medgiz UzSSR, 1962. 108 p. (MIRA 16:3) (OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY) (MENTAL ILLNESS) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) 61%7~ '- AP5015597 N 10 - 17 -A;j -io-, 10 spin/j,~- which- cort-esoofidg :to: oncunpat -ed J ~e l 10;: P6 !i l~ l :~ ~ l simples.: ean6 light~m6xcited f lie l ~u6 ei fi~ id6ii c s 0 ~11 0 ~d ' 1poiocondue'tivit"y drop wire itudidi el-rdlis~i~Li~~ih ips!6~~.. ii~~i~:LnoiF4~e.'Itlia~.. if feet's ar~( duo- tq~ th Fboth ( samv:l~puki c r idf'tbasl~n. e- b4 , lati a in-t ouships chati96 he r~ng~ -.of p4rawaadat no: ro 12 5 x .10 Spin/ ASS it A tit t, ut OCI TI ust , Chemical Ph~itaii Acad -of 6Aiikas SSSO ~V SUMMEW ASF616~ A~ ~~j [2, No 1w: sov:.;: 066" 1, jo; i~,;, d I Cdrd 212 717 L 1137-66 EWr(m)/EPF,(c)/EW(JVT_,.W/M ACCESSION NR: AP5021680 YJR/0192/65/006/004/0649/tRsl 5 41. 67 ~ I ~ .~ 1-1 AUTHOR: Gaftirov, Kh. M.; Mulikov,, V. F.; Gachkovskiy, V. F. Parini,. V. 'M A, L. A. 046 E M611 Lj, A~At ITLE.- Offect *.6f local p tic ceo ers on the optical and phot T c qr~m gne t oeleciric pro- perties of anthrac6ne SOURCE: Zhurnal strilturno'y khimit, v. 6. no. 4, 1965:, 649-651 TOPIC TAGS: anthracene, paramagnetism, pyrolysis, optic property, photo- electric property ABSTRACT: Soluble prnducts of the pyrolysis. of anthracene at 450C were sub- -jected to thin layer chromatography on aluminum oxide'and th e fraction with a, mean molecular weight of approximately 1000 was separated out. The intensity of the signal in the temperature interval from - 15C to 25C obeyed. Curie's law.. The width of the sy;rtmetrical electron paramagnetic resonance.line was about 6 oersteds. The elemental composition of the polinner fraction was: C = 92. 9816; H=5.0616. The anthracene was purified by zone -.rnelting and was blended with the polymer fraction by mixing benzene solutions of both components. After holdinj for two days, the solution was chilled and the benzene was eliminated In va,cuui.n. Card 1/ 2 kI U If a =13 i if MID Imcgid L 1137-66 ACCESSION NH; APS021680 The samples were then evacuated for 8 hours at a vacuum of. 10-6 mm Hg. The electron spectra of the- samples, taken in chloroform, were a superposition: of the spectra of anthracene and the fraction with paramagnetic centers. Measure- ments of the fluorescence spectra and of the time characteristics of the:decay of the photocurrent indicate that both of these quimtlties;ar~e extremely sensitive to very small aniounts of paramagnetic centers. The symbatic change of the y ields of fluorescence and photocurrent with a changd. in the concentration of paramag- netic centers permits the assumption that these centers affect these chdracter-' istics by the same mechanism. O.rig. art. has: 3 figures ASSOCIATION: Institut khtmicheskoy fiziki AIN SSSR Unstltut6 of ChemicalI Physics,AN ~ENCL:'010 SUB CODW 00t SUBMTTED: 15Feb65 NR REP SOT; 020 OTHER: 001 F, _14 C&w IGAFUROV, Kh.M.; MbLIKOV, V.F.; GJAGHKOVSKIY, 1;.F.; FARIIIII, %%P.; BERIAN, A.A -; BLYUMUTELM, L.A. FXfoct of local parfunagnetic centeri3 on the oplical and photo- olectric properties of anthracene. Zhur. strukt. kbim. 6 no. 4t 649-651 J1-Ag *65 WIRA 1931) 1. Imstitut khimicliesk-oy fiziki A' SSSR. Suhnitted February 15, 1965. 4 L 242957~66 EWT(l)/E~-YT(M)/EWP(J)/T. IJP(c) RM ACC NRs AP6009797 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/002/Oj3l/O332 F i PJj;1ini,, :V4-P Deceased M AUTHOR: Berlins A. A.; Gafurov, Kh* ORG: Institute of Cbemical Pbysies' Academy of SAenStj.,,SSSR (Institut kbimicbeekoy MM -Akademil nauk SSSR) TITLE: The effect of paramagnetic particles on the cVystallization: _qted system temperature of materials witb a conjug SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya.. Seriya kbimi6beskays : no. 2, 196& 331-332 ...TOPIC TAGS: anthracene., pbenahtbrene, system, crystallization, supercooling, paramagnetism, optic property, .pbotoelectrie property, obemical,purity ,..:ABSTRACT: The effect of parsmagnVic Pertic 01, crystal-ization and otber properties of antbraoendjand-pbenantbr ',as studied. Samples of the -W- -complex of racene containing paramagnetic oarticle concentrations o.f.1010 - 101'1'spin/gm were prepared by~t.bermal ;treatMent of the compound, Tbere is little dependence of crystallization. temperature on paramagnetic particle concentration in t1be 1010 spin/gm range, There is general correlation between obanges in the ~UDCr 547.67p_-~51~~.65: .LC -ard 1/2 L 24295-66 ACC NRt . AP6009797 crystallization temperature,, optical and pbotoelectric~properties of antbracene and paramagnetic particle concentrations* IBut.tbe degree;of 0apercooling of melts of materials baving con-jugat6d systems does not indicate the degree of.purity of the melt . Origo art s, base. 1 figuiree SUB 'CODE: 07 2CV SUBM: D TEt: 8-Tun65/ Al -.1 ORIG-Wt~~ 06 OTH REF: 001 0 1 N-1., I., 1 : r rd 2 j L i 1:eV4--bb I (M Eil PI ACC NR, AP6014412 SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/004/0746/0747 AUTHOR: Berlin. A. A.;.Gafurov., Kh. M.; Mayorov,--N. S.i Parini V P -P- (deceasedT :77n~ . - -,- . I - ORG: Institute or Chemical Phygicg. Academv of Sclgme~SS~R (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Effect of local ac tivation in zone melting of polynuclear aroma hydrocarbons SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 4, 1966, 746-7- TOPIC TAGS: polynuclear hydrocarbon, anthracene, chemical purity, paramagnetic material, zone melting ABSTRACT: The possibility of using zone melting to completely purify condensed aromatic hydrocarbons of aramagnetic particles (PP) was investigated. Synthetic anthracen till contained 104- 100 PP per grav after zone melting and PP were founFirin samples which had no detectable PP before zone melting. Similar observations were made with-pyrenelland e.s tsT 1 fluorene. Apparently PP are formed in the zone melting process its 1.f, hence zone melting will not free polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons of i PP. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 1 figure. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 16Aug65/ ORIG REF: 005 Card UDC: 538.113 Conotrictiens in a pl.-me with tf-c u*d rA' a rule lic Tzv. AN Uz- SSR*, and :i or-ic,c Ser. fiz,-mat.nauk no.5810-34 161. 14:10) 1. Ila-,.-,-.anganskiy pedap,,ogicheakiy ' istitut. (Geometry, Non- XmtlideanN - GAFURCVY M.N. Geometrical constructions in the Lobachevskii plane. Izv. AN Uz.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 9 no.51l2-17 165. (KIRA 18:11) 1. AndizhoLnskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. Sulmitted January Z7v 1965. SAGALOVICH, B. M.; MELKUMOIIA, G. G. ;_ GAWY,-R--A._ Absorptive capacity of the tonsils in inflammation. Vest. otorin. no.3:23--27 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. 1z patofiziologichoskoy laboratorii (zav. - kandidat medi- tainskil:h nauk B. M. Sagalovich) Goaudarstvennogo nauclwo- issledovatel'skogo instituta bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa Mini- sterstva zdravookhmneniya RSFSR Wir. - prof. N. A. Bobrovskiy), Moskva. (TONSIIS-DISEASES) GAFUROV, R. A. Absor-ptivet capacity of the tonsils normally, and in various forms of inflammation. Zdrav. Tadzh. 9 no.2:47-49 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz otdela patofiziologii (zav. - kand. med. nauk B. M. Sagalo- vich) Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-isaledovatel'skogo instituta ikha, gorla i nosa (direktor - profestjor N. A. Bobrovskiy) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (TONSIM-INFLAHMATION) (ABSORPTION(PHYSIOLOGY) SAGALOVICH, B.M..; INELKUMOVA, G.G.; GAFUROV, R.A. Significance of streptacocci In the fmmation of tbj bar,ler function in inflammation. Zhur. mikrobiol., evid. I immun. 41 no.9146-49 S 164. (MIRA l8t4) 1. Gosixdarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitilt ukha, gorla i nom Minister-stva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. SAGALOVICTI, B.M.; MELFUNOVA, G.G.; GAFUROV, IW- Changes in the barrier function of the inf'iamma--ion foc-,~o following sensitization and local cooling. Biul.eksr.bioi.i mec. 58 no.10:27-30 0 164. (MIRA 2.8; 22) 1. Patofiziologichesk,,ya laboratoriya (7,av. - p:-of. B,!.!. Sagalovich) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta ukha, gorla i nosa (dir. - prof, N,A.Bobrovskiy) .Minister6tva zdraxookh- raneniya ELSM, Moskva. Submitted July 23, 1963. PUTIYEV, Yu.P.; TAISHRIIATOV, Yu.; GAFUROV. T.~ USMANOV, Kh.U. Interaction of cellulose with some hydroxyl-containing compounds studied by infrared spectroscopy. Uzb.khim.zhur. 7 no.ls28-33 163. (KIRA 1634) 1. Institut khimii polimerov AN UzSSR. (Cellulose) (Hydroxy compounds) (Spectrum, Infrared) USMANOT, P.%; GAFUROV, T.; DUSTMUKMMEDOV, Mi. Crosa-linkiAgr of a cellulose macromoiecule as a method for modification of its properties. Uzb.khim.zhur., 6 no.6:31- 36 162. (MIRA 102) 1. Institut Ichimii polimerov AN UuM -Ccenulose) (cotton) ADYLOV, A.; TASHPUIATOV, Yu.i GAFUROV, T.; USMANOV, I(h.U. Tnteraction b)tween cellulose and methylolthiourea. Uzo.khim.zhur. 8 no.ls87-90 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. NIITsF Gos*olana SSSR. GAFUROV, T. , Cand them Sci -- (diss) tiChernical method for senarating down and the phys~ico-chemical characteristics of dow-n.1t Tashkent, Pub House of Acad Sci UZSSR, 1958, 15 pp with grarhs (Acad Sci UzSSR. Inst of Chemistry of Vegetable Substances) 175 conies (KL, 50-~8, 120) - 16 - USMANOV, Kh.U.; GAYUROV, T.G. Chemical analysis and the prospects for the utilization b7 national economy of cellulose waste products. Uzb. khim. zhur. no-3:43-4 158,, (MIRA 11:9) 1.1natitut khimii rastitellnvkh veshchestv AN UzSSR. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN UzSSR (for Gafurov) (Waste products) (Cellulose) USWOV, Kh.U.; WUI~ I vj,~~ so Chemical method for delinting qotton by means of wetting agents. Uzb.khim.2hu:r. no.5:39-43 158. (HIRA 12:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UsSSR (for Usmanov). 2. Institut khinit rastitelInykh veshchestv All UsSM. .. (Cottonseed) USPANOV, 1h.U.; OAITHOV, T.G. Physical and chemical characteristics of cotton linters removed by chemical means. DoklAN Uz.= no.9:19-22 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UzSSR (for Usmanov). 2. Institnt khimii rastitellnykh vesbehestv AN UzSM* (Linters) gAFUROVY-T,.G.; TJSMANGV~ Kh.U.; IGAMBERDYYEV, I.I.; DUSMUKHAMOV., Kh.; ZAUROVP RMIM IWarting crease-resistance to cotton fabrics treated with unsaturated &Idehyde. Uzb. khin. zhur. 7 no.2.-71-75 163. (KM 16:8) 1. Institut khimii polimerov kN UzSSR. (Grease-resistant fabrics) FUTMV, Yu.P.; TASHPULATOV, Yu.T.; GAFUROV, T.G.; USMANOV, Kh.U. Cellulose modification studied by infrared spectroscopy, Vysokom.soed. 6 no.8:1415-14.19 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Institut khimii polimerov AN Uzbekskoy SSR. GAFUROV, V. G. 35872 Inzhenerno-geologicheskiye usloviya rayona severnogo tashkentak-ogo kanala. Trudy in-ta geologii (akad. nauk uzbek. ssr), vYp- 3, 1949, c. 86-93- Rezyume na uzbek yaz. SO LETOPIS' Zhuraallnykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 GAMOV, V.G. ... I Geomorphological and 11thological diViSiDn of the reaevtly irrigated part of the Golodnaya Steppe. Izv. All Uz. SSR. Ser. gool. no.4:89-103 '57. (min 11:9) (Golodneys, Steppe--Ph7sical geograplq) MAVLYANOV, G.A.,; KRYLOV, U.M., doktor goologo-mineral.nauk, red.; KMSARIN, N.A., doktor goologo-mineral.neuk, red,;_q 9 V.Gp kand.geologo-mineral.nauk. red.; SLT-ADKU, 1.1., kand.geoloj6-w mineral.nauk, red.; SALIDZHANOV, S.B., kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; KHASANOV, A.S., insh., red.; TUKASMSKATA, E.S., red.; MILINIKOV. A., [Materials on the reclamation of Golodnays Steppe] Materiely k osvoeniiu Golodnoi stapi. Tashkent, Gos.izd-vo Uzbekskoi Sm. 1959. 184 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Alcademlya nauk Usbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut goologii. (Golodrwya Steppe--Reclamation of land) n-jl if: KAVLYANOV, G.A.,; KRYLOV, M.M., doktor geologo-mineral.nauk. red.; KMESIRIN, N.A., doktor goologo-mineral.nauk, red.; DMITRIYEV, V.L., kand.geologo-mineral.nauk, red.; GLIMS, V.A., inzh., red.; VORONOV, F.I., kand.goologo-mineral.nauk, red.; TULYMANOV, Kh.T., inzh., red.; GAFUROV, Y.G.,_kand.pologo-mineral.nauk, red.; BEDER, B.A., kand.goologo-mineral.asuk, red.; MUSANOV, A.S., inzh., red.; KANSUROV. A.R., red.izd-va; GIMET.AVSEAYA, A.B., red.izd-va; GORIKOVAU, Z.P.. [Transactions of the Second Hydrogeological Conference of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, lpr~2-9, 1958] Trudy Vtorogo Uzbekistanskogo gidrogeologi- cheskogo soveshchaniia. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Uzbekskoi SSR. 1959. 339 P. (MIRA 13-9) 1. Uzbekistanskoye gidrogeologichostoys soveshchaniye, 2nd. Tashkent, 1958. (Soviet Central Asia--Water, Undergrounci--Congresses) GA-I7,JRGV,,-V-.G.. Eng-ineering geological conditicns along.the line of the South G-I diaya-Steppe Canal and ils control zone. Mat. po proizv. sil. J:zb. no.15:51-61 160. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Uzoekskiy gidrogeologicheskiy trest. (South Golodnaya-Steppe Canal region-Engineering geology) ,GAFUROV, V.G. - - ___ Engineering geology zonation of the Golodnays Steppe'for irrigation purloses. Uzb. geol. zhur. no.2:42-57 161. N4RA .14:5) 1. Institut gidrogeologii I inzhenernoy geolo U AN VzSSR. (Golodnaya Steppe-Engineering geolo~f 1-~s. Iii: 111 i~i d M, F - IzItil w7t MAVLYM.'OV,1.A., akademik, prof., otv. red.; K:,-,NEo'1dUNN, N.A., prof., zam. otv. red.; LMIGE, O.K. , prof., red.; TULY-AGANOV., Kh.T., inzh.-gidr., red.; ASRa,,AqOV, S.A., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; GAFUROV, V.G., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; ~IIRZAYr-,VT"S.-S71.;""kahd*-"-- geol.-miner. nauk, red.; SULTANKHODZHAYEV, A.N., red:; KHODZHIBAYEV., N.N., kand. geol.-miner. natk,, red.; KHASANOV, A.S., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red. [Effect of irrigation on the secondary salinization of soils, the chemical composition, and regime of ground waters; Tashkent International Hydrogeological Symposium, AuOist 6-12, 1962] Vliianie orosheniia na vtorichnoe za- solenie, khimicheskii sostav i rezhim podzemnykh vod; Tashkentskii mezhdunarodnyi gidrogeologicheskii sinpozium 6-12 avgusta 1962 goda. Mloskva, Nauka., 1964. 297 p. (MIRA 18:1) 1. International Symposium on the Influence of Irrigation on Secondary Salinization, Chemical Composition, and Ground Water Regime, Tashkent, 1962. 2. AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Mavlvanov). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN Uzbekskoy SSR (f0 r Kenesarin). 44~87-66 r.WT(vi)#CC/T XJP(C) ACC NRt AP502465111 SOUP= COUSt WV00"/G5/029/W9/l7G1A7G4 AUMOR: Kashkagwr, L.L.; 64farov L Tos-; 1V~Wej&-0-LV'x.; 0 r1a Tadrtdk-jitate University Is. V,LJA&in-(TsdzMkskIy gasuderstvannyy unlyerst- tet); PhysIcotec Acal, institute..AcedeaZ of.- wxaW-4-Tadzh5SR 01miko-tekhnicheekly Akademil nauk Tad~~WSR) TITLE: Investigation of the polarization of s at'a.860 motors above e& level /Report, -Comic Ray Phx!ics hold at ApatitZ 24,-31 z A igmu 8 -t -19-" SOURCE: AN SSSR. Itvestiya. Seriya fixicheakaya, v. 29, no. 9, ;1965, 1761-1764 TOPIC TAGS-- secondary comic ray, muon, particle polarization ABSTRACT: The polarization of cosmic ray,muonx was investitated:at 3860 a above.~ses level at Pamir. Mons Incident at zenith angles less than:200 were filtered through 110 g/cYA2 of leki (limiting muon energy 0.25 BeV) or 1100 ~ 8~=2 of earth and lead (limiting muca energy 2.5 BeV) and decay positrons f rom muons broqth't to rest in, a 45 g/cm2 lead absorber were counted separately in the upper and lcw4r~hemisphereq. Fosi- trans were countod for 4 Msec, starting 1.7 psee after the prese=D of a stopped muou was indicated by a triple coIncidencefeaticoincidence. BacUrourAs recorded:iritflout the absorber and with the absorber but with the delay Increased'frin 1.7 to 20 Wjec were equal. The efficiency of the poettrou counters was VAQ IUltored;vith a 7-74Y sou"o Card 7-7 ey ACC NR: "502405 and the upper And lower trays were lztsrchxftSd from tIAV to tjR MUMber of UPW&rd-90:Lng to the number of downward 9Z 11bo ..going 4ee&i poxj~,.Ons wa t be 1.20 t o 0.06 fcor the lower ene The muon polarixoition p Was cal.,rgat mums MW 1-33 -t 0-12 for the high, nigy U,,n.. 0 - 0-91 19 8 f4vtor dependent ed with the formal& P 3 (C + 1) . where the lower &W bfther cAer9Y UUO an the positron counter geas'etry- The polarizations of us were found to be 0.30 :t 0 08 and 0.47 � 0.14, BPOctivOlY. Th",POUrIzation fowA for the lower energy muons ~ igi in 8st19fxOt*z7 agreement with those found by other In"stigators at sea level but the Polarization 9 the values fOuAd-** sea level by otberlin- fowW for the higher energy muous #xCeed ban th6 experimestal'orrar vestigztoru for jituons of similar energies by acnewhat more j It JLB suggested that thJLs discrepancy may be due to the presence Iof 0 larger fr"tio& Of NuOns of K-sononic Origia at the hi gher altitude. Orig.:,&rt. 'hams 2 fo Mivaas'o 2 figures, and I table. OLS ODDE: OV SUBM 1*79: 00/- Ogjq jXyj 00g/ OU JWVOOT cmd GAFUROV II.G.; YUNUSOV, V. - 9 - . ) Landslide phenomena in the Chirchik Valley. Uzb. eol, zhur. 8 no.6t62-64 164. fMMA Mill) .1. Institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologi:~ Gosudarstvennogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR. 5105816210001CrYOWM A0611A101 A14-T MRS Kahskarov, L. L., Ivanenko, V. M., Cherdyntsev, V. V., MozlWeva. ~-ozhln ~N_ Khomenko, 0. S., Gafurov, V. 0. TITIZ: Non-conaervation of parity In nuclear fission by cosmic rayji,-mesons PERIOMCAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizi)ta~ no, 3x 1962v 50, abstract 3B415 ("Sb. nauchn. rabot Kafedry apti)d i Wedy eksperim. fii. Kazakhak. un-t.", 1960. no. 2..43 - 57) T=: A device for measuring the spatially &symmetric departure of neutrons omitted when slow coamio rayu%mosona am captured by atomIc nuclei is described. Provisional results are presented. [Abutraoter's notes Complete translation] Car(I 1/1 ACC NRt AP7011832 SOURCE COM UR/0360/66/000/004/0074/0078 AUTHOR: Axerbayev, 1. N.; Sarbay*v, T. G.; Gefurow, Yo. K.; Basalitskaya, V. S.; Poletayev, E. Vo ORGs none TITLEt Dialkyl esters of alpho-phenoxyacetoxyalkenylphosphonic acids SOURCE: AN MzSSR.-Izvestiye. Serlys khiulcheskikh neuk, no. 6, 1966, 74-78 TOPIC TAGSt aldehydii, phosphonic acid, eater SUB CODE: 07 ABSTRACT: The autbors studled condensation of dimOthYl-, aiethYl-v divropyl- and dibutylphosphites vith unqaturated aldehydes. Dialkyl esters of pbenoxyacetoxyallyl- WA crotylpboophonic acids. an syntbosized. Orige art. hast -4 fozuulas. cims 40,3!71 Cmd UM 547,27/37s542*.9i -- - "2') enr :2 -) - elop L Ty Fly t'd a r E 11s ;13 0 R E i a T I E 4 v li; V An v 4 01 F flR iR F Ek Op'n r 5 r r m g qb j; gin ,gig IL2 NOVIKOV, I.A.; BARRO9 M.I.; GAFUROVA, N.S. EXfect of the presence of optical sensitizers on the resolving power of photographic emulsions. Trudy NIKFI no,46:65-75 162. (MIRA 1818) L 34121-66 jllrrwr W1 ijp(c) CC NRt AR60:17255 SOURCE CODE: ui?/OO58/65/ooo/ol2/Do66/Do86 AUTHOR: NovikRv Gafurovaj N. S._ TITLE: Sensitization of photogr!~khic emulsion with gold in the prear-F of sodium sulfite J1. SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 12D711 REF SOURCE: Tr. _Y�gq_!~ n.-i. kinorotoin-ta) VYP- 52p 19651 48-5o TOPIC TAGS: sensitivity increase, photographic emulsion, sodium compound, gold com- pound ABSTRACT: The! authors in-estigated the influence of the presence of Na2303 In AgBr(I) emulsion (2 X 10-4 _' 2 x 10-2 mole/kg of emulsion) on Its sensitization with gold rhodanide. In the presence of a small amount of the latter (0.75 ml of solu- tion, obtained by pouring together equal volumes of 0.08% HAuCl4 and 2% KCNS per kg of emulsion) sm increase in the sulfite concentration increased the fog, and at suf- ficiently large sulfite concentrations the increment of sensitivity due to the Au- sensitization decreased, until it completely vanished at the largest sulfite con- centrations. Introduction of 3 ml of the same rhodanide per kg of emulsion enabled moderate concentrations of sulfite to produce a gain in sensitivity without an In- - crease in fog, but larger concentrations led to the same result as when a smaller amount of rhodanide was introduced. The results show that the published data on the favorable influence of sulfite on Au-nensitization and the explanations offered for this influence are not common to all emulsions. A. Kartuzhanskiy. (Translation of abstract] SU11 CODE: 0 Card 1/1 A=41_u, 171 - SERGEM., Leonid Ivanovich; SERGEMA, Kla-vrdlya Alakeseyevna; MELINIKOV, Valeriy Nonstantinovich; SUKHORUKOV, K.T., doktor biol. nauk,prof., otv. red.; GiUMOVA, T&I.S red.; VALEYEV, G.G., tekhn. red. (Morphological and p)Wsiological periodicity and winter hardiness of woody plants] Morfo-fiziologicheskaia periodichnost' i 2120stoikostl drevesrWkh rastenii, Ufa, Akad. nauk SSSR. Bashkirskii filial, In-t bi6lo 1, 1961. 221 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Bashkiria-Woody plants~ (Bashkiria-Plazts--Frost resistance) USENKO, V.F.~: GAFUROVA, T.I., red. [Methods for processing the data of a study of oil wells on 'inflow under conditions of a mixed flow] Metody obra- bot1d dannykh issledovaniia neftiwWkh skvazhin na pritok V U131OViiakh smeshannogo potoka. Ufa,, 1964 23 P. iMIRA .17.-11) 1. Ufa. Neftyanoy naucbno-issledovatellskiy inst,Jtut. GkGA,-!EK3 1. Some technical and eccnomic problems cennected with the production of military air- planes. p. 718. WOJSKC'v!Y PRZEC"D U01.1,M. (Dowofttwo Wojsk Lot-niewych) 14jarzzawa, Poland. Vol- 31, 'TO- 10, Oct- 1958- Monthly List of East European accession (KFAi), i,c. voi. B, No. 9 September, 1959. Uncl- The cost of constr-ict-Ling an airplane. p.. !rT!..'IC?,Y. (Dowod,:.ti-,,o 'Hoirik Lotrimnyd) Wirszava, PoLind. Vol. 12, no. 1, Jan. 191~0. I..on-Chly li,-,t of Fast 'European iccessdons I) Lr') Vol. l!) -IV. .7, Jll:~!- I'P.") Uncl. GAGAEK) Ill. Structure of the -oroduction process of a --Li.lit,,,.ry airplane. P. 39. ',-rjSVO.',-IY PRZ'-';'GljLD 1;OTTICZY. (Dowodztwo ~,-Tbjsl- Lotnicznych) I-Jarszaim, Poland. Vol. 12 no/ 3, I'ar. 19r') 'ast vni-opean Access-ons (MLI) V 1. cntl, I y!is Uof 0 7, July 1959. Uncl. GP j"',- PJ.'r forces in nodern war clerations 3 M-ZI-GLAD LUPLIHICZY. (DowodztT,,,o Wodsif LotnicztWch') Warsza-va, Poland, Vol. 12, Tio. ei, May. 1959 .,-c?nth:L r L-L~t of Enst D-:ropean Accessiors (M-AI) T" Vo2. 5, no. Aurl-t, 1051) '-In c I . 35057 P/044/62/000/003/001/001 D004/DlOl AUTHOR: "aajek Cz., Master, Lt. Col., Navigator TITLE* Overcoming tactical antiaircraft defense by bombers PERIODICAL: Wojskowy przeglqd lotniczy, no. 3, 1962, 14-22 TEXT: The article is an abridged version of a paper which won the second prize in a contest held by Wojskowy Przeglild Lotniczy. A clue is given of how tactical bombers can outmaneuver AA defense. The theory- of evasive maneuver is divided into two elements: maneuver within the range of radar control and maneu- verwithin the range of AA defense fire. The objective of the maneuver within the range of radar control is to force the ground crew to corrective calculation by alterations of the course. The following formula is given for calculation of the course alteration angle: tgN = 2r0 ,d R Card 1/3 Overcoming tactical .... P/044/62/000/00-3/001/001 DOO4/DIOl R - difference between the maximum radar control range Rp and the horizontal radius of effectiNefire range r at specified altitude. A maneuver within the range of fire has to help an aiorcraft (or formation) avoid a missile or its blast area. The theory is based on the hypothetical assumption of the defense crew that the target moves uniformly during the flight of the missile. The C.Qurseal- teration angle formula is: t9 Rr or Rr M_ tm = t - - P.-t-M) p V tgoc Rr -- radius of the missile blast area; V -- speed of the aircraft; t,,.-- maneuv-e.r rate or periods between respective course alterations; t -_ time of missile fligit to the given altitude. The same formula can be used for pmaneuvering in the verti- cal plane with a correction for aircraft speed. When the length L of AA fire to be traversed is known, the number of alterations n of the course can be calculated by the following formula: Card -2/3 Ovey%--oming tactir!a-" L V tm P/044/62/00Q/003/001/001 D004/DI.01 In of .9 aine-a-vi-r zombining a change in horizontal dire~~tion uith 9 change in speed as a cownterm-!,asure against missiles with proximity fases,, the fiaal speed of the Aircraft is c-41culated by the formula 2R p tm yjc ---- final speed5 V - initial speed; the positive or neptive sign indicates either wi inc-rea-ie o'pdecrease in speed. Conclusion. aircraft crews should r tabulste beforehand data for outmaneuve ring AA defense as a matter If routine alertness. Iher e are rwo f igures. Card 3/3 GAGALA. Marian (Itarozawa) Coombs test. Przegl.lok. Krakow 11 no-5:129-132 155. 1. Z II Zalcladu Chorob Wownstrsnych Izotytutu Doskamlenta i Specjaltsiu.-Ji Kadr Lakarskich. lierownik: prof. 4r V. Hartwig. (IRrMMBLASTOSIS, MAL, diagnosis Coombs test) Marian Use of carlmtamide (bucarban) in average cases of diabetes complicated by pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruzlica 28 no.9:689-695 s o6o. I ~ 1. Z 2. Zalcladu Chorob Wewnetrznych Studium Doskonalenia Lekarty A.M. w Warszawie Kierownik: doe. dr med. E.Ruryllo. Z Oddzialow: 1. Wewnetri,.no-Cukrzycowego Ordynators dr med. L.Sadlowska 1 2. Wewnetrzno.-Cukrzycowego Ordynator: lek. med. M.Gagala Panstwowego Sanatorium Przeciwgruzliczego im. F.Dzierzynskiego w Otwocku (CARBUTAMIDE ther) (DWETES MELLITUS compl) (TUBERCULOSIS FULMONARY compl) GAGAIA, Marian; IMIARTOWSKI, Bohdan Experience with chloroprapamide (diabiftese) In averago cases of diabetes complicated by active purlmonar7 tuberculosis. Polold tygod.lek. 15 no.50:1919-1922 12 D 16o. 1. Z II ZaIdadu Chorob Wevnetrznych Studium DoEtkonalenia Lekarzy A.M; w Wartmavie; kierownik: doc.dr med. E.Ruzyllo i a I I-Oddsialu Wewnetrzno.-Cukrzycovego Panstwovego SAnatorium Przeciwgrusliezego im. Feliksix Dziersynskiego w Otwockul. ordynator: let. K.Gagala. (TUM40ULOSIS FULKORART compl). ICANTID'IABSTICS ther) GAGANIDZE, MATalla Iosifovich (Several problems of tbo economic officioncy or new machinery] [Nekotorye.voprosy ekonomicheskai effektivnosti novoi tekhrdki. Tbilisi, Gos.izd-vo nSabehota Sakartvelo"] 1963. 49 P. (in Georgian) (MIRA 17:5) POTAPF24-KO.9 B.T. (Gar3kiy); MA.TiTOVSKIY, V.A. (Gortkiy).; KRAS-1-OV, V.Ya. (Gorlkiy); I G~~GAROV) N. I. (Gor 'kiy) Assembly of a river water intake structure in large units. Vod. i san. tekh. no.11:37-39 N 161. (MIRA 15:6) (Gorkiy-Tiater-supply engineering) GAGANOV, N.I.S. inzho; KRASNOV,, V.ya.; NAUMOV, G.A,; FOTAPENKO) B.T. large hollow shore protection units in running water. Gidr.stroi. 31 no*500-31 My 161. (MIRA .14:6) (Shore protection) (Precast conct construction) NAUMOV) G.A.,, inzh.; POTAPENKO, B.T. (deceased); GAGANOV, N.I.; KRASOV, V,Ya. p,-." ''. :: Assembly-of large hollow shore protection units on slips. Gidr. stroi. 34 no.11:6-9 N '63. (NIRA 17:3) 38190. GAGANOV, P. G. Opyt vyvedeniya otechestvennykh sortov mnogoletaikh floksov. Byulletanl Glav. botan. sada, vyp. 4. 1949t s. 54-57 GAGANOV pave J-azjrjL- SINITSYNA, N.S., red.; BYKOVA, M.G., red.; .51mg =NUrLn.LrvA,W. Qtkhn. red. (Perennial phloxeal Flokay mnogoletnie. Izd.2 perer. Mo- skva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 205 p. iMIIRA 16:8) (Phlox) GAGANOVA, L. Treatment of thyrotaxicosia with radioactive iodirle, 1131, Vestis latv ak no.6:123.-128 161. 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyokoy SSR, Institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheslzoy meditsiny. (GRAVESI DISEASE) (IODINF,-ISOTOPES) GAGANOVA, Valentina, Geroy Sotsialistichookogo Truda --.- 1--1---"-:--- Utr-i-iiot 'have any laggards beside us! Rabotnitsa 37 no.8-.1-2 Ag 159., (MIRA 13:1) l.Brigadtir Vyehnevolotokogo khlopchatobumashmo kombinata. (Vyohni Volochek-Textile workerof '.. p ~--GAGANOVA, Valentia, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda. There should be no laggards next to you. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no.1:12--15 Ja 161. (KL9A 14-- 1) (Vyshni Volochek-Textile industry) (S7 ocialist competition) MALICHMO, M.; IMBITSKIT, Te.; KIZRTAKOVA, A.; RATHIKOVA, A.; TEMGA, Telona (g.Uxbr.orod, Zakarpotokoy oblAsti,'I;GAIIANOVA. VajolItIM Ivanovr"% Q. Vyshniy Volochek, Kalininskoy, Following the example of Valentina Gaganova. Prom.koop. 13 no.12:26-27 D '59. (HIRA 13:4) 1.Nachallnik otdala, orgmassovoy ralioty I. kadrov gorprommovets., Kiyev (for Nalichenko). 2. Starshiy instruktor otdela orguassavoy rabotir I kadrov krayWomoveta, Irrasnodar (for Verbitakiri. 3.Preitsedatell pravleniya arteli *22-ya godovshchina Oktvabrya,l Stalingrad (for Kitryakova). 4. Predsedatell pravlaniya artell "Indpi3shiv," Belgorod (for Ratnikova). 5. Brigadir mebal'shchikov ushgo-rodsko3r artelt "Peremoga" (for Telign). (Socialist competition) GAGANOVA, V.I., brikadir pryadillshchits, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, -_----delegat XXIT ffibyezda Kommunisticbeskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza; ROZHNEVA, M.I., delegat XXII s"yezda Kommunisticheskoy partii Soyetskogo Soyuza; VECHEROVA,.Ifu.M., tkaehikha, Geroy Sotiialisti- cheskogo Truda, delegat XXII s"yezda Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovet,.skogo Soyuza Reports of the delegates to the 22d Congress of the CPSU. Tekst, prom. 22 no-1:5-12 Ja '62. (MIRA 15.2) 1. Vyshnevol t ki: khlopchatobumazhnyy kombinat (for Gaganova). 2. PomoshchnTksmaystera Kupavinskoy tonkosukonnoy fabriki (for Rozhneva). 3. Savinskaya fabrika "Solidarnost'" (for Yedherova). (Textile industry) (Oommunist Party of the Soviet Union--Congresses) MOCHALOVA, T.P.;.GAGANOVA,.V.1., planochnitsa, Geroy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda; KOSAIREVA, A.L., tkachikha, deputat, Verkhovnogo Soveta RSFSR; LAZARENKO, Ye.S., tkachikha, deputat Verkhovnogc Soveta BSSR As told by the participants of the All-Union Conference on Industries and Construction and of the All-Union Conference of the Foremost Workers of Communist Labor. Tekst.prom. 23 no.8:4-11 Ag 163. (MMA 16:9) 1. Sekretarl partiynoy o~ganizatsii Ivanovskogo melanzhevogo kombirata, (for Mochalova). 2. Vyshnevolotskiy khlopchatobumazhnyy kombinat (for Gaganova). 3. Fabrika "Shuyakly proletarly" (for Kosareva). 4. Minskiy tonkosukonnyy kombinat (for Lazarenko). (Textile industry-Labor productivity) (C=nunist Party of the Soviet Union--Party work) GAGANOVA, Tej-,O IVAROYAo N.M. itnical course of tuberculosis in potinets with streptoWein- senstitive ond resistantelcobacterium tuberculosis; clinicnl and bacteriological part-Ilel with suismary In French]. Probl.tub. 36 no.4:21-26 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. 1z Leningradgkl-,.~go nanchno-issledowntelInkogo Instituts. tubarkulexa, Hinisterat,re %davookhrananiya RSFSR (dlr. - nrof. P.G. lornev, nauchnyy rukovoditell - Drof. A.D. Semenov). (TURM-CUTLOSIS. ?U1-Y-.01TARY, ther, -treptonycin, eff. or resist. & sensitive stralm on clim. course (Ger)) GAGANOVA, Je.P., dotsent Experimental study of higher nervous activity in children with primary tuberculosis. K izuch.roli nerv.sist.v patip im=.i lech.tub. no.2:103-111 161. MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz detskogo otdeleniya (zav. - Ye.P.Gaganova) Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tubarkulaza i kafedry legachnogo tuberkuleza (zav. - prof. A.D.Semenov) Gosudarstvennogo inatituta dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (TUBERCULOSIS) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) GAURINs A. ;rofessor. Militant atheist, academician A.A. lkrkov. Nauka, I shlsnl 22 U005:40 my 155 OMBA 8:6) (Varkov: Andrei Andreevich, 1856-1922) A. SAFCHOV, S., inzhener Lreviewerj; GAGARIN, &., Lrevieverj. A valuable manual (OHandbook on production of by-products in imat packing combines.' S.G.Llbersisn.-T.P.Petrovskll. Reviewed by S.Sa- fonov, A. Gagariu).Klas. Ind. SSSR. 25 no.3:64 854. (MIRA 7:7) 1, Leningradskly mysisokombluat (for Safonoy & Gagarin) (Meat Industry-By-produats) (Liberman, SA.) (Petrovmkil,V.P.) _WUARIN, A, ; KTIMVE 1110Y, I.; TARARUKUDI. A., red.; PAVLoVA, S., .1 (Toward new frontiers for state and collective farms in the vicinity of Moscow] K novym rabezham sovkhozov i kolkhozov Pod- mookovIia. Moskva, Mosk.rabochil. 1960. 82 p. (MIRA 13:9) (Koscow Province-Agriculture) V.i."., inzh.; LATL~, in-ii., SUIDI"U"." Developing wi experiaental 1,CX)O ton hydraulic pre,--- 1"or the pressing of 300 refractory produoLs. Tru.-J.-7, Inst. ogntlup. no.34-14.1-163 163. (!-',Ill;,A 17: 10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut ognouporov (for Sh-makina). 2. Trost "Ogni;upornerud" (for Gusev). -1 ,GAGARIN, A.P. ~41--,~Ii---Il - - Vaisman's essence of A.N.Severtsovls "theory" of phyloembryogenesis. Vest. Mosk.un. 8 no.6:55-70 Je 153. (MMA 6'-10) 1. Wedra filosofii Instituta poVyaheniya kvalifikataii prepodaveteley marksizaa-leninizma pri HOU. (Flkvlogeny ) GAGAqI--,~, A. S. Mloy opyt ekonimit (Dept Bolothaya). 6868. Gavarin, A. A. Novostbirsk, Tekbn. otd. dorogi i DorNITO, 1954. 8s. 20SM. (lips SSSR. 0 Tomskaya zh. D. Obmen opytom. Inform. -- Teklui. Pis'mo. No. 20-67) 300 ekz. B. ts. -- Avt. Ukazan na 3-Y S. -- (54-15659zll) 621.133.1-0183t SO: Knizhnaya letopis' No. 6, 1955 OKUNEV, A.I.; SHUGOLI, L.S.; NAGIRNYAK, F.I.; FRIDMANP S.E.;..gAGARIN, E.~. Oallective and selective magnetic separation of cinder from the iinc industry., TSvet. met. 36 no.100-35 Ja 163. (MIRA 1615) (Magnetic separation of ores) (Zinc industry--By-products) GAGAIRIN, Grigoriy Dmitriyevich ---- -[Rai~sing lupine in the U.S.S.R.]Kullt-ura liupina v SSSR, Munich, In.-t po izucheniiu SSSR, 1960. 43 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Lupine) A U T MX' "I 'arilll L. TITII~: _71. A. R7.he shot ars'-zaly. FERIOIC."dj: llotodlur~,, 1952J , 140.3, P-35. ABSTRAC"O: This i!~ z~. OhetChl, Of t1le -.-he vcrl:,'-' in tho IL I " - cai-liest Bessc.-ucr ond oT)en-heartli slic)-no il: Coullt:cy -.ind oil- -,-tetuello-rl-phic Library of ConGress. Card 1/1 GAGARIN) H. Trado-wdon reMaeutative. Oklxr.truda i sots.$.trakb. 4 no.7t25- 21) n 161. (KM 14:7) 1, Predstavitell profsoyusov i kosdami-i po naamchaniyu ponaii g. Salavat,, BashkirskoyASSR. (Salavat-Pensions) GAGARIN H Ii. kand.tekhn.nauk; XIRLIEV, 1'.D,,, inzh. Fire resistance of aluminum alloy bull structures. Sudontroenie 29 43-" Mr 163. (WRA 16 4) (Ships-Fires and fireprevention) (Shipbuilding materials) GAGARIN, P. --- -;--_ -1 - "-, (hitstanding skilled vorker. Motallurg no.12:27-29 D 156 (MiRk 10:1) (Blast furnaces) GVAYt P.I., dots. otvets:tverjgV sa v7pusk [Anal7zing and designing precast foundation beams for walls of industrial buildings] Raschet i Izoektirovanis sbornykh,fundamentnykh beack pod steny procqahlennykh zdanii. Denpropetrovakg 1959- 31 p- (Ihoproeptrovsk. Inzhenerno-stroitelinyi institut. Nauchnoe soobehcheniev no.54). (KEU 13:12) 1e Zamestitell direktora po naucbnoy 6basti Dnepropetravokogo inzhonerno-stroito2lnogo instituta (for qvay). (Girders)- (Yourdatioiw) ., _E~4 i inovich; U.'lIER.;,. , 2L~J~l L' " - I v,- ~jj.) rf-d. [Metallurgdat, innovator; a aketchl Metallui-g-riovator; oclierk-. Cheliabinsk, Cheliabinskoti knizhnoe izd-vo, 1961. 14 p. (MIRA 17:8) Bi :~6 Bctafiichet:kly lra-ldtut 4,!.c4ni V.1, R---muct-in (-.1i, Len:n-rard. i,Orh 1,4 rl T'i-ovincta of