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UK"$ S*I* Axtraction of streptoiVain from solution@ by means of a liquid cationites Ned.pron. 13 no,3tl6-19 Mr 059. (NIBA 12t5) 1, Tsemoyusnyy nei hno-IneledovALtel'skir Institut antiblotikov. (SMMUNYCIN) (BLU-XKCHANGING COMPOURS) -- KAPLAN, S.I.; ISAYEVA, N.L.; TRUENIKOVA, I.N. Isolation and purification of tervVein using a 1i =d ion exchanger. Med.prom, 16 no.7:23-31 Jl 162. r 15tlO) 1. Vossoyusnyy nauchno-leslodovatelskiy institut antiblotikov. (TERRANYCIM) (105 EXCHANGE RESIM) ILA~,.j VOLKOVA, Yu,V. PbAss equilibrium in systems containing tetracyolline. Antiblotim '~ no.3:201-205 Mr 164, (IM IRA '"' ; , 1-21 ' .1, Voesoyanyy nauchno-losledovatellskAly inatitut antliblotilkwi Vosl%li, i~ A r, L. .4 " . A J , - ?. N!, t I- /17 1 XdFGHIK, B.N.; MOIAXANOV, M.F.; KAPLAN, �.JL (Kishinev) Diagnostic value of X-ray examinations in chronic appendicitis, Klin.wA. 35 mc.11t106-111 N 157. (KIM 11:2) (AMMICITIS, diag. x-ray dIsg* In chronic cases) POF o ft. *DOW, v,,;Z;;)- Most stimstall it 49, bi km 10 'S., 24 dMI Wo let). nwjj~~ o4 . .to (dad. is bwI4 ""'t it). Atob 11to I WOO ibe 14, hAw We 0 off tbt IWIT-4 of top inimlimis wasP ,U%tWv dod. jf46,,a,4ad9f let it. I., Off 1. YAPLAN - S.' M. 2. USSR (600) 1 4. Agriculture 7. Mechanization of spring care of seeded fields. Moskva, Sellkhozgiz, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Anril 1953. Unclassified. NA AFAMASIDAVA,A.L., kandebiol.nouk; BATARTUM, A.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvan- nykh nouk; BALICHUGOV, A.Y., kand.sellskokhozyaystvamykh nauk; BAlaWOVA, N.A.. agronoo; BAIA)ZOROV, A.T., kand.sellekokhozy9yetyan- qykh nauk; MAKSIMMAO. V.P., agronom; MNIXOV. V-V.; doktor sellsko- khosys,yetyeazWkh usak; BOGOMGKOV, S.T., kand.sellskokhozysystvon- nykh nauk; TOMMS. O.S.. agronom; BODROV, H.S., kand.sellskokbosy-sy- mtvemWkh nauk; BOOOSIAVSKIYO V.P., kiindotakhn.nauk; IMUPPA. I.T.. kmmi.tekhnamuke, VARM, A.R6, doktor biol,nauk; VOZBUrSUYA# A.Ye., kmnd.ssl'ekvkhosy&.vstvennykh mauk; VOINOV, F.A., imnd.seliskokhosymy- styanpykh nauk: VYSOKOS, G.P., kand.biol.nouir; GAIDIN. N.Y., inshener- mkhmalk; OMSIMOV. S.A.. kand.takho.nouk; GMSMWIN. X.F.. doktor sellekokhozymystyannykh nauk- YZIMNIV A.Y.. inthener-makhanik; GURASUVICH, S.T.. mkhanik fdacessedJ; ZHARIKOVA, L.D., kand.sellsko- khosyoystvenrWkh nauk; 7JIWUIA)V. I.S.. kand.takhn.nouk; ZIMINA. Ye.A.. agronom; BARAMOV, T.T., kand.tekbn.rAuk: PAVIOV, V.D.: ITANOV. V.K., kand. sell skokhosymystyannykh a-juk;-WIAM. S.M.. ke ad. sell skokhosymy- styeniVkh nauk: KAMIX-YARTSNV, L.V.. ""nWT`1%7Mokhozysystvenzwkh nauk; KOFMIU, V.L. doktor sellskokhozymystvennykh nauk; KOCHURGIN. A-Yee, kand.sellskokhosyoystvennykh nauk; KOZHONIXOT, A.R., kand. sell skokhosysystvennykh nauk; KUZNHTSOV, 1.11., ka nd. sell skokhMay- stvomykh usuk; IAMBIM. A.Z.. doktor biol.nauk; Lmovilygy, $.I., kand.sellskokhosymystvannykh usuk; KAYBORODA, U.N.. kand,sellsko- khosymystyemykh nauk: MAKAROVA. Gel.. ksnd.s9l'skokhozysystv9nqykb nauk; MALOMIKOV, G.A., inshener; ZHDAUOV. B.A., kand.sellskokbosymy- stvennykh nauk; NIMYLBRO. N.A., kand.sellskokhozymystvennykh nauk; NAGIUVTSBYA, N.A., kmnd.sslOvkokhozyay9tvenrqkh nauk; (Continued on next card) AYAUSOYIVA. A.L.... (continued) Ca rd 2. MIKIYOROV, ?.Y~.. k*rA.sellsirokhozy&yPtvennykh neuk; MAIIASEXY. Y.L. losoyod; MVUSHINAO A.H., agronom; PIMUINOV, N.A., kand.biol.nauki L.G.; kand.sellskokhosysystvenafth nauk; PAVLOY, V.D., kand.takhn. .7uk; FRUTSKOVA, N.O.,,kandomellskokhozyaystwennykb nauk; GURCHMO, S. agronom- PMTA. G.1., kand. sell skokhozyaystvenayim nauk; PmTfAMKO, D., agronom; RUCHKIN, V-H-, prof.; RUSHKOVSKIT, T.V., agronom; SAVITSKIY, M.S.. ksnd.s@llskokhozysystv,jnnykh cauk; BOLDIN, D.T., agronom; INSTBROVA, A.V., agronom; SOUFIKOVICH, L.B,, kand. tekhn,nauk-, SKIRNOV. 1-U., lmad.sellskokhozyaystvaWkh nauk-, SMBRYAWAAYA. P.I., kand.tikhn.nauk; TOIWUY'XV. A.T., kand. sollsko- khoz.vaystyemykh nauk; FALIKO. O.S., irnh.; YNDYUSHIN. A.V.. doktor biol.nauk; SHAWAGIN, A.I., kand.sellskokhozymystvennykh nauk; YUMOV. V.A.. kand.sellskokhosysystvannykh neuk; TAKHTXIWILID, P.A., kande eel I skolchosysys tvonnykh nauk; SE(IMOVSKIY, A.A., red.; GORIKOVA. Z.Deo [flandbook for Siberian agriculturists] Spravochnsia knign agronom Sibiri. Moskva, Goo. Isd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry. Vol.l- 1957. 964 p. (Siberia-Agriculture) (MIRA 11:2) X&PIAN, S.Xe, kRn-d, sel'skokhozyaywtvennykh nauk; POPOTA, X.I., agronon. .,-, ~ .1~1.- -- lxpoIrl.mat In spring hsz~owlug of wluter wheat. Zealedelle 6 no.5: -%-60 w 158. (Vh"t) (Ikrrow) (Kin 11W EZWZERT.SEVI A.G.p k". ekonom. nauk; GALDIN,, H.V.,- IRODOV, A.V.; WIAN, U,;KOLTS13Vp F*F.j PAVLOVP POVO(deceased); MMUKOV) V.L.) i~-~ GREBTSOV, P.P.9 red.; FZVZW, V.Lp tekbn. red, [Over-all mechanization of the growing and harvesting of corn] Kom- plekanaim. m1rhaulsatsiia vozdelyvaniia i uborki kukuruzy. By A.G. Belosertmev i dr. Moskva, GoB. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry., shurnalov plakatovo 1961. 335 P4. (MIRA 140.1) (Corn (Maize)) (Agricultural machirary) ACCESSION NR: AT4028744 S/2531/63/000/144/0076/0080 AUTHOR: Melautlyevas 10 1,; so No TITLE: Some characteristics of vind direction variability and their use in calcula- !ting atmosphere pollution by factory smokestacks I~SOURCE: Leningrad. G1. geofts. observ. I. Mr. n.-i. gidrometearol. inst. Trudy*,, ;.no. 144/40', 1963o Mika pogranichnogo sloya atmosfery* (physics of Che atmospheric boundary layer)s Dneprovskaya expeditatya GGO I UkrNIGMIO 76-80 TOPIC TAGSs air pollu4onp vied direction, Industrial pollution!, wind ABSTRACT: In this papea, the authors present an analysis of results of calculating the wind direction variability for various time intervals. The obtained results aTe used for calculating1the average concentrations of impurities (which reach the E th's surface from a high source) for different time intervals. 7he dependence 07the magnitude of impurity concentration on the. averaging period is presented. Thl time variability and vied direction, an well as the various results of the ob- servation are presented in a graph; The authors derive formulas for calculating the pollution for various time inte"als, various heights of the source and various wind directions. Orig. art. hams 7 formulas and 4 figures. 1/2 ACCESS 16N -.~Mzz " AT4028744 ASSOCIATIOX?. Lentupsakays Slefte X"fislebaskays obawwatorlys (ftlutple Ckw- physical Obsirwatory of Leagaped) SUBMITTV: 00 DAXZ ACQ: 16##r64 =CL t 00 SUN COOS: AS am; 90 W SOWs 004 =IS 000 Card 2/2 LAIMITMANp - Calculation of annual mean concentrations and the meteoro- logical basis for selecting the height of factory chimsys. TrL* lano gidrometo inst. no,15:32-36 163, (MRA 17:1) LAYKH7wp D.L.1 13ISINAl F.I.1 KAPLANO P.N. Calculation principle of meteorological conditiono in planning industrial enterprises. Tr* Ian. gidr6aeti inst. no,15:37-46 163, (MIRA17:1) KArIMP S.M. Brief characteristics of the weather situation during the period of expedition work. Trudy GGO no.144:9-10 163. (mnu 17:6) p--. BOLnYREVA, N.A.; KAPLAN, S.N. Calculation of the atmospheric poliu6,va n the area of a planned state regional electric power station. Trudy LGnegldromet.inst. no-183135-150 163. (KIRA 2812) IAPFAN. G.Te.; CHNIAO, i.Ye.; ICOZWVA, N.M., red.; XHURAYLK, A.B.. -Te-VM,red, (Farm mahenisation and electrification; recomanded literature] Mokhanizatslis i elektrifiketalia sel'skogo khosiaistva; reko- mendatelinyl ukazatell literstury. Moskva. 1960. 112 p. (MM 14:2) 1e Moscow, Publichnsyn bibliotake. (Bibliography-Farm mechanization) (Bibliography-Blectricity in agriculture) XAPITANGTA T A - KAPLAN, S.Te.; BOCHTM, A.M., red.; AIVONOVA, N.M., ___' - '* 0 Qo;h:-'tenX-.~. * '~ [Agricultural specialists wast have practical books; Index of literature] Edgm - v pomoshch' spetsialistu sallskogD khosialstys nn proinvodstva; ukasatell literatury. Koakwa, Sellkhosgis, 1961, 139 p. (KERA 14:4) 1. Moscow. TGentrallneys nauchnsys sel'skokhosyeystvanneys biblioteks, (Bibliography--Agriculture) KAPLAN, S.Tej - ROSSOSHOSKAYA, V.A., red.; Ab7O1;GVA, - 0 JOLOSINA, H.J., eR # tikhne red# (Recent developments In agricultural research and practice; an annotated bibliograpb71 Nov v seltakokhosiaistvennoi nauke I praktike; annotiroyanrqi ukazatell literatury. Moskva,, Sell- khozgiz, 1961. 95 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Bibliogra,pby-Agriculturs) Keplan, S. Yu, Eng. Electric Liner Crossing an oporoting lin" with a new electric tr&nsmisvion line under construction. Rab.energ. 2 no. 9. 1952. Monthly Litt 2L Russion Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclserified. rAPLAN, S.Tu., Inspecting 0 '53. lnzh*ner. transformers without removing the core. ftergetik 3 no.5:3-4 (MZU 6:10) (Blectric transformers) ASOV9 -7- 5 01 -.5-15/27 AUTHOR: Yu., Engineer TITLZ,; The Call Signal "~:ation Chart in the Apartment of a Person at a Substation (Skhema vyzyvnoy signa-11- zatsii na krartire personala pri podstantsiO- PERIODICALt EnerGetik, 1950., Nr 5, pp 2G-27 (USSR) IBSTILIXT: This article describes the siGnalization scheme, used by a number of unidentified subBtations, for calling uheir personnel from 44,.heir homes.'. evaluated as good and reliable. Thore is I circuit diagram and 1 set ^' dia(-;rams. Card 1/1 L h529--63 EWP(J)/3PF(c)/t0T(1)/'A"(=)/BDS AFFTC/ASD/APC;C/SSD ACCMSION 11Rs AP3004535 65 AUTHMs Kapl an 9Bi~ LI Badap A, P&I Broydo, Toe Gej Spirina, 1. P. % ~ a W - -0'.WOOWMW~ TITLEs Effect i5f brWWAtjN from a betatron with 25 mev energy and ultra- violet rays on mineral oils SCMCEt Xhimiya I tokhnologiya topliv I masel, no, 0, 1963, 57-61 TOPIC TACSt bremestrablung, betatron, ultraviolet ray., lubricating oil, mi-neral oilt betatron irradiation, ABSTRAM Auth-ors , studted_ some physico-chemicalArocea sea which ta!&e-place-in mineral lubricating andVelectria Insulating cileVunder the influence-of-electro- magnetic radiation# who average exrecTive radiation of the betatron was 965 _mev* The effect -of -retardation of the betutron Irradiation on turbine k-bricantrjwhich -were concentrated th polymers was studied by applying a' maximum energy o" 25 mev of a dose of 101-10T and ultraviolet radiation* It was fo%.,nd that vher', the irradiation is performed In a closed system with an inadequate supply of air, the oxidizing numbere-of concentrated oils were decreased. The'r viscosity did A. not change however. The lowering of intensity in the abcorption bands correBpon- braff-o-ne of -the groura-M and 4H. were observed in the infrared 1,17529-63 spectra of thc oil Irradiated by the betatron.. However# after irradiation with the ultraviglat light# the Intensity of thebs bands inemased. - When the irrad- iation is performed in an open vessel with k transfo=er oil using a doie of 10 r, the oxidizing number of the oil Increases and the olectric inculating prop- i erties are ficreasodo. Is a result of the irrudiationg Beta-active isotopes Fe53 and Nia appear in the oile. Orig, art* has$ 3 'tables and 5 figures. ASSMIATIM none WIC kC4 f 3 Lt CO Sm CODE t PH CH -NO $071 012 CMRt 003 rd -2/Z AUTHORS: Kaplan, S. Z., Grad, N. 9,, ZvontBova, A. L SOV179-28-12-28141 TITLE: N-Alkylated and N-Aralkylated Morpholine Derivatives (N-Alkilirovannyye i N-aralkilirovannyye proizvodnyye morfolina) f AIODICALt Zhurnal obahchey kbimii, 1958, Vol 28, Nr 12, PP 3285-3289 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the N-substituted derivatives of morpholine were synthesized by the reaction of morpholine with the corresponding alkyl and aralkyl halides to investigate their effect on lubri- cating oils. The reports on this reaction are incomplete and the yields are not mentioned at all. For this reason, the best con- ditions were selected for the synthesis of but7l morpholine and its derivatives. Under the conditions described in the experimental port the following derivativqs of mcrpholine were oynthesizeds Ethyl-(II), propyl-(III) n.-butyl-(IV) n.-haxyl-(V), sec-n.-oatyl- ' -(VI), n.-octadeoyl-(1711~, benzyl-(V IIIJ,Ct-naphthyl methyl mor- pholine (IX), and 9,10-bio-(morpholinomethyl)-anthracene (X). Compounds (VI) and (X) (scheme). Some phyaico-chanical ,:,zr,zt=ta unknoun.before wero determined for the morpholin* deri- vativea synthesized. Data and yields are given in table 1; they offer a picture of the modification processes of boiling-points, Card 1/2 densities, refractive indices and viscosities in the homologous N-Alkylated and N-Aralkylated Morpholine Derivatives SUBMITTED: SOV/79-28-12-28/41 series of N-alkylated and N-aralkylated morpholine derivatives. In-oome derivatives these faotora were determined potentiometrical- ly (Table 2). The comparison of the constants obtained makes the idea possible that with-lengthening the aliphatic radical, which displaces the hydrogen-at the nitrogen of the morpholine nucleus, the boiling-points of the derivatives increase, the densities de- creassi the refractive indices and viscosity values increase. The introduction of the aromatic-nuclei increases boiling-points, densition, refractive 4z4icee and viscosities (The hifher the num- ber of nuolei, the higher the values of the constants).- There are 2 tables and 26 references, 10 of which are Soviet. November 11, 1957 Card 2/2 GUSWSKIT# T.No; ZUPZAN, 892!j ALITW. B.S. Chane In the properties of thickened oils during hosting. Milo, I tokh.tople I mool 4 nool:53-59 J& '59a (KIRA 12: 1) (Imbrication and lubrimnts) ZLPW, S.Z.; IMUMN, B&A. Affect of Iron naphthenate on the thermal destruction of polywre In thickened oilme M%Im.i tokh.topl.i nasel 4 no.2-.34-37 7 '59- - (MIFA 12:2) (Mineml oils) (Depolywrization) (Naphthenic acids) 7(0), 15(8) SOY/32-25-2-44/7e AUTHORS- Kaplan, S..Z.-, Makriding Yu. 7., Guzeyskiy, V. N. TITLE: An Apparatus for the Determination of the Depolarization Henistance of Polymers (Pribor dlyn opredeleniya depoli- merizatsionno- ustoychivonti polinorov) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Yr 2, p 219 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Additions of polyisobutylene, vinipol etc dissolved in lubricating oils decompose when heated, thus changing the viscosity of the oil. An apparatus has been designed which makes it possible to test simultaneously 8 oil samples containing such additives. The denign is a modification of the standard appqratus by Pinkevich (GOST 5162-49) for the determination of the corrosiveness of oils. Each of the eight test tubes (Fig) containing an oil sample has a spherical cooler and,a glass agitator (Fig). The latter is driven by the mechanism of the apparatus. The samples are heated up to a maximum temperature of 2200 by an oil bath. The samples are taken by means of a pipet. The reliability of the appara- Card 1/2 tus described was proven by an experimental operation over An Apparatus for the Determination of the Depolarization SOV/.T!,?-25-2-44/78 Reiial,ance of Polymers a period of 400 hours. The limit of error for two ~.arallel determinations amounts to maximally i 2%. There are I figure and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 641) ALMIORS- TITLE: Ll 1109 Kaplan, S.Z,, Senekin, B.A. 83980 S10801601103310091101311021 A003/AO01 On the Effect of Oxidation Inhibitors on the Properties of Con- densed Oils,~ PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prlkladnoy khimli, 1960, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 2128-2138 TEM The des)ruction of the following polymers: polylsobutylene 11-20 (F-20), 66-2 (VB-2) ppolymethadrylate and vinipol was studied In condena-e=oils with and without addition of inhibitors at a temperature of 2000C. The following substances were used as oxidation inhibitors! 2,6.di-tertiary-butyl-4-methyl- phenol (ionol), phenyl~OU-naphthylamine and n-tertiary-butylphenolsulfide. The VX'. inhibitors were added to 22(A )-22(L) turbine oil. The condensed oil was heated to 600C, the additives iere introduced in the amount of 1% and.mixed for 30 min. The heating was carried out in a modified Pinkevich's apparatus used for the determination of corrosion properties of oils (Ref. 20). Samples were taken at certain time intervals to determine the viffcosity and the acid number. It was shown that the viscosity of condensed oils"without additives drops more quickly during mixing than without mixing. Ionol retards the v1scoeity drop in oil with Card 1/2 83980 S/1080/60/103,3/t'091401 3/021 A0031AOOI On the Effect c-f Oxidation Inhibitors an the Properties of CorAensed Oils pol isobutylevelwithout mixing, but Is without effect in the case of mixing. At 2000C iono.: is also oxidized. n-tertiary-butylphenolaulfide retaxda the destruction of polyisobutylene with and without mixing. It has the same effect on oil condensed with jLolymethacrylate I Phenyl-o~-napht!hylamlne delays the destruction of polyisobutylene with and without mixing. The determination of the acid numbers showed that in the case of ionol addition the increase is the lowest and with phenyl-o~-naphthylamine It Is the highest. There are 2 tables, 1 figure and 20 referencest 19 Soviet and 1 French. SUBM February 27, 1960 Card 2/2 6 ~(o 0 AUTHORS. Kaplan. S.Z.. TITLE. The Influence Destruction of Polymers 84982 s/o65/6O/00O/O07/oo6/oo8/xx E194/E484 D'yakov, V.K. and Chuprik. N.I. of Lead and Copper Naphthenates on the ralin Lubricants Thickened With 1\ PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1960, No.7, pp-38-42 TEXT. Engine oils in service are in contact -with metals and acquire a content of soluble metal salts, moreover they may come in contact with lead salts from gasoline, Previous investigations have shown that metal salts can accelerate oil oxidation and promote destruction of polymers used to thicken oil thus impairing the quality of the lubricant, Thus in the presence of naphthenate of trivalent iron at 150*C, destruction is observed of p.Rlymethacrylate~, polyisobutylene~and vinvvol.- ~ It was accordingly of interest to study the influence oi lead and copper naphthenate on the destruction of polymers in thickened oils and the present work was Larried out with this object. Studies were made of the influence of naphthenates of copper and lead on the destruction of polymethaerylate, vinypol and polyisobutylene in turbine oil grade 22A (22L) in atmospheres of oxygen, nitrogen and air at 150*C- 84982 s/o65/60/000/007/00 /oo8/xx E194/E484 The Influence of Lead and Copper Naphthenates on the Destruction of Polymers in Lubricants Thickened With Polymers It was found that in oxygen and in air the lead compounds cause destruction of polymers but this does not o-,.cur in nitrogen. Of the polymers studied, polymethacrylate was most subject to destruction by lead naphthenates. Copper compounds have le94 influence on the destruction of polymers and in the rase of -vinypol they even somewhat retard reduc-tion of oil viscosity. In accordancb with previous observations if no metallic naphthenates are added at 150"C for three hours there is practically no destruction of polymethacrylate and polyisobutylene even in oxygen, However, under those conditions there is dentru-tion of vinypol particularly in oxygen, to a lesser extent in air but not in nitrogen. The test procedure is described, molecular weights of the additives are given,, All the tests were made with 5% solutions of polymers in turbine oil grade 22L. Curves of polymer destruction assessed by loss of viscosity are given in Figs.1,2.3 and further data on viscosity change in Table 2. In addition to the results already quoted, it is mentioned that addition of lead and copper compounds usually promotes the development of neutralization value. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 6 references 4 S5vl-t I KAPLAN, S,.Z.; ZVONTSOVAO A,S. Derivitives of morpholine. Part I.- Interaction of morpholine with lp1pl-tris-(chloromethyl) propane and vith pentaerythrital trichlorohydrin. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7:2239-2~J~ -T1 161. (HIRA 14:7) (Morpholine) GRADO m.m.,, KAPLAN, S.Z.; MSLAKHs M*M*; REMI ye.Ko; FIMKOVSKIYp D*M, Synthesis of ethers of triatomic amino alcohols. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.41866-869 AO '62. (MIRA 15:4) (Ithers) (Mycerol) KAPLAN, S.Z.1 ZVONTSOVA) A.S.1 RUIMOVSKIY# D.M.; KETSLAKH; M#M. &------- Syntheois of "striolm triamine [1,,I,,I-trio (amincmethyl)- opanel. Zhur.obokbim. 32 no.10:3197-3198 0 162. (MIRA 15:3.IT (propane) (Triamine) AN S.Z ; GALASHINAs AsPs; Prinim" uchwtlyo: CHUAM, N.I.; 2WONTSOVApA.S. !U=m Oxidisability of thichened oils and the effect on it of the deriTatives of impholins. Nw.prikl.khia. 33 no.3-ls2526-2533 N 162. (KM 15:12) (Lubrication and lubricanto) (Oaddation) (Morpboline) KAnAN. S.z,; ZVONTSOVA, A*S* --------- ~! Derivatives of morpholinse Part 2s Interaction of morpholins with 3 3-bim(chloroaktb7l) czac7alobutwm and 2.2-bia(chloro- metbViltrimethylene, g4vol. Zhar.ob.khime 33 no.10:3412-34.14 0 163, (HMA 16 in) r0j" _6