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KAPIAN, I.M. , inzh. Centralization of automotive transportatim operations. Strol. truboprovod. 6 no.8:13-11+ Ag 161. (HIU 14:-8) 1. Stroitelluo-montazhnoye upravleniye No.74 tresta ?iefteprovodmontazhp Ufa. (UFA-Transportation, Automotive) OSHCHIPKOV, F.P,; KAPLA!j,:,,,Il.m!k-,.-.: Assemblage of gUsm-metal casings for 53LX4Ts kinescopeop Sbor. mat. po elektrovak. tekh. no.28:5-8 161o (MIRA 16z8) i* agp t r an q s to r f-r ph sl at ~zpr- r- i' i ei -)ndur to r q it I 7 1 be'l -he output vcltng~- v,. dl -urrent of up to 5 mamp. High vollave !f r-til'y4ng the k'-. wrFlitude-fitabilized hiizh-rrr-,j'wn 1: rl I cl s 1 , - n I m A a P p n r n t P I ov - vn 1 t P.'a f'7 PI,. r R 7:z. 1 of the Enclos-ur-- Y Ms n 7- 1~1-' ally 31L~ 'j~ tat.. devIce Oieleta4 tr~ nrpvpnt mmn-npti I-Aur t or ir the --irl: f 'r F.P ql L 55142-65 RR: A-P5oi6402 -lorusokly goavdaretvennyT unl7r",itet, l4inrk llol-,Ir-moian State R c EC , D'. Ow CYPHER: 000 4 T n P Q _g f MAC-` WT To rAZI Fig, j L 2 X16-60 EWA h ACC NRi AP6.01.1203 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/006/0036/0036 INVENTOR: Kaplan, I. H. ORG: none TITLE: Transistorized infralow-frequency amplifie . Class 21, No. 179797 [announced by the Special Design Office of the Minsk Radio Plant (Spetsial'noye konstruktorskoye byuro Minskogo radiozavoda)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 36 TOPIC TAGS: transistorized amplifier, amplifier design, audio frequency amplifier ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a transistorized inf ralow-f requ amplifier containing a heterodyne at the input and a phase.detector at the output. To increase the sensitivity and gain, varicaps with initial zero bias are connected to the heterodyne circuit. Negative feedback is provided between the load of the phase detector and the heterodyne. Orig. art. has: I figure. (KMJ SUB CODE: 09/ 'SUBH DATEI 27Nov64/ ATD, PREM4~13,(( Card 1/1 NIKITENKO, I.T.p kszd.xelIskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SHIDLOVSKIY, Yu.M., Inzh.; KAPLIN., LIN., inzh.; GORSHKOV, A.P.9 inzh. Continuous-flow hamating of grain by combines with straw chopping. Mokh. i clek, sots. sel'skoz. 20 no.3t6-9 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ukrainskiy namohno-iseledovatellskiy institut mokhanizataii i elektrifikstaii nel'skogo khozyaystva. (Grain-Ilarvesting) (11arvesting machinery) KAPLANI-J. Effect of temperature In drying upon the quality of linen yarn. p. 263. TEXTIL. Ministerstvo lehkeho prumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 14, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI). LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960. Uncl. MPIANj J. Welding in nuclear engineering, Joderns, enorgie 4 no.8402-233 kg 158. - UPIAN. mT --.. A miversal radjologic laboratory. Jaderns energis 3 no,4:223 Ap IVO -WIAAN) jo - Non4entructive testing of materials used in mclear engineering. :adorm energie 4 no,6sl63-164 Je 158o KLPIAN, J. Now semiconducting detectors. Jaderna energie 9 no,4:131 Ap 163 -, SEDLAK, Jo; VLASAK, Mo; KAPLANp J. Training of pilots or fast planes. Activ. yerv. Sup. 5 no,3t 286-289 JI 163. I- PbYchologicky ustay v Brno, Ustay leteck~ho sdrarotnictvi v Praze. (AVIATION MICDM) (FSTCNOPHrSIOLOGr) (MCHOLOGICAL TESTS) KAPIAN, Jiri Manufacture of American computers in Japan, Automatizace 7 no. 300 Mr 164. .4, Fapl-n, 7;. "On 0~o quention Of llcalTn In In-ta, Vol. IX, 1948., p. 152-54. S01 U-3042-9 11 March 53, (Latopla 'Zhurnn] Inyl:h Statcy, ,I, . CSTROVSKIYp V.S. [09trovalkyi, V-S-1; ZHURAVSKIY, V-A- [Zirmravalkyi, V-A- li KASIMOVO Ya.M. (Kazymovt 1A.M.) 1, 11 Use of a shellac-casein finish for DOL chrome pigskins. Leb. prom. no.2:58 AP-JaI64 NIRA 17:7) TRAKIITENBERG, S.I.; SHUTER,.L.M.; STEPANCENKO, N.A. (Stepanchenko, M.A.] SHTERN, A.A.; ZHURAVSKIY, V.A. (Zhtwavsl kyi, V.A.]; KAPLAN, K.L. Preparation of the modified MBK-258 casein and its use in the treatment of chrome leathers. Ieh. prom. no.1:46-48 Ja-Mr 165. A; (MMA 18W I-- " '/- Z., ,~ / I /L - YAPIANO One hundred thirty five poods of buckwheat per hectare. Zenledells 5 no. 11194 N 057. (KMA 10ill) (Duckwheat) USSR/ Physical Chemistry - General Problems on Isotope Chemistry B-7 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 7419 Author : Braun, VoGe) Kaplanp L., Van Dyken, A.R., and Villtsbakh, 7,.fe. --- Inst : Academy of Scienccs USSR Title : Tritium as a Tool in Industrial and Chemical Research Orig Pub : 9b. Prineneniye radioaktivnykh izotopov Y prom-sti, meditsine I s. kh. ~ Syriposiun on the Application of Radioactive Isotopes in Industry, Medicine mid Agri- culture-7, Izd-vo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 94-112 Abstract : Tritium has a number of advoAitages over D and C14 as a tracer: a higher activity, case of Introduction into nolecules, low coat. Its drawback consists in the radi- oactive decomposition of tritium-tagged compounds. For purposes of aimlysis the compounds containing T are con- verted to a mixture of CH4 and H , the activity of which is mcaoured in an ionization chager. The tritium-tagged Card 1/2 - 72 - we USSRI Physical Chemistry- General Problems on Isotope Chemistry B-7 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 3) 1957.9 7419 compounds are prepared by reduction vith the hydrides of Li-B, Li-Al, and Na-B, vhich contain T. Another me- thod consists in the neutron irradiation of the respec- tive compounds in the presen e of the lithium salt. The tritium formed by the Lig(n, k)reaction enters the organic molecules. Data are presented on the activa- ting effect of various groups, maximum specific activi- ties, etc. Tritium-tag6ed mathyl groups were used in the methylation of hydrocarbons for the purpose of investiga- ting their structure. A series of data are presented on the fractionation of the T and H isotopes by partition chromatography and on the effect of the isotope composi- tion of hydrogea oij the rate of some reactions. Card 2/2 73 ANDRAMNIMV. Ui-t-. XLPIAN, L. . ...................................... ............... . . . . ..4 Use of Ap-2A 3NT InsIrments for the protection of the electric motors of refrigerating vachineso Mwltekh. 37 no-4:45-57 JI-Ag 160. (NM 13M) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery-Xeotria equipment) ~11'4 SCOATKIZA, A , inxh.; KAPW, L.. Inxh. Assemblage of small automatic froon refrigerating units with air- cooled condensers. Khol.tekh. 37 no-5155-60 5-0 16o. (KIRA 13:10) (Refrigers,tion, and refrigerating machinM) ARRAC)HNIKOV, Ye.; KAnO, L.; SOLDAMINA, A. Assemblage of Freon refrigerating plants of an up to 40oo kg-cal per bour refrigerating ospacity. Ihol, tekh. 37 no. 6:39-62 x-D ,6o. (KIRA 13M) (Refrigeration ana refrigerating waabinery) KAPIAN# Lop imishe Wings Of friOndOMP, Say. Proffoiusy no.17:19-20 S 161. (MM 3,438) 1. Proisvofttvennft otdol ordena Imnina nefteprcM I go upmvloniya 'Aamumnefto 0 , T"muy-htro2oum industry) Mopation orou") KAPZU s- L.A, - - .Now method of preventing the formation of urinary fistulas In extraperitoneal high section of the bladders Zhirurglia zo,9971 8 153. (=A 6:11) 1. Is kbirurglohmokoy klialki Novosibirskogo goandaretvesmago inatitu- ta usovershemetvovaslys, vrachey im. akad. T.M.Wph. (Bladder-41urgery) XLPLU. L idat moditsinsichik nauk. vM=uMMAvP&M late results of surgical treatment of nophritle dolorosa. Test. Wr. 76 no.lls96-99 155. (NM 9t4) 1. In kh1rargicheskay klinUd Imeal prof. T.M. JW~b& (sav.-doteent N.D. Famanam) Nowoetbirskago meUtsinskogo Instituta. (JOWTIS. doloress, surg., remote results) USsR/Engineering - ."'clding, Testing 5 Ta Fab 51 lllnv,~-sti~;,ition of delded 3tructures Gom,:~oscd of Stee1r, of Assir-ilar 6'trength," G. 11. L laklmylov, and A. Z. Solor-onnikov, L. A. Kaplan, ;:;n,~inacrs ItAvtoge:. Delo" No 2, pp 13,14 Fresents -Ia'ua obtained in 1949 for designing and testing constrs c IL combined --lloy and lo-a-carbon steels', and data previously given in article by G. 1'. Liklmylov and A. Z. Solozzonnikov in "Avtogen Delo" No 11, 1948, Performed calcns and checked by testing for 11-boxns 1.2 n. long with outer leaves of flanges m?do of ali6y steel ha;~ng elastic Unit of 3,500 and 4,500 kg/sq cm, when inner L!.ave3 were mike o,' lo,.,~-carbon rteel irith limit of 2,200 Ic,7/BCI CMO 185T21 XAFLAIqq L.A. USEM/Engineering - Welding, Structural Nov 51 Analysis "Calculation Formulas for Welded Structurea -,NA of Metals With Different Plastic Properties," 0, P, Mikbaylov, L. A. Kaplan, Engineers "Aytogen Delo" No ll,. p 6 Presents calcn formulas for welded H-besms with constructiou of residual stress diaUams. 11- lustrates simplified method of calen by example. Article is a supplement to works published by the authors in "Avtogen Delo" No 11, 1948 and No 2, 1951. 200T61. KUMISSAROVI V.N.; BURGANOVf A.D.;,KAPIAN, L.A. Duildvp welding of the drum bottoms in riveted steam boilers durin,g major overhaul. Aytom. avar. 16 no.lls86-88 N 163. (MM 17:1) 1. Uralenergoremonto SHKABARA, Mikhail Nikoloyevichi doktor goologo-sineralogicheskikh nouk; otvatetvenayy red.; ZVORTKINA, L.N., red.izd-va; BUWTO A.P.,,,; NADAINSKATA, A.A., [Drillinc and cementation fluids In drilling mine shaftel ProsWvoc'haye I tomponosbuys raitrory pri burenit stwolor whakht. Hookys, Ugletakhtsdat, 1957. 146 p. (HIM 11:7) (shaft staking) AIMUCHNINOV, Ye.I.1 KA? .4j, L.G. Runming-in of ompregoors during repair. P61, no93:52-56 My-Je (Comprespors-44mintenance and repair) Khol. tekh. 38 (MIRA 15:1) KAPLAN, L.G., inah.; PETRUMIN, YU.M.v inzb. Sow characteristics of the reptir of rotary compresso,ra. Khol. takh. 40 noM46-32 1~-D f63. (MIRA 17:4) ANDRACHNIKOV, YS-L; XAPLAN, L.G. Repairing temperature regulating diaphragm valves. Khol. tekh. 38 no.5163-65 S-0 161. (Valves) (MIRA 15-1) IL'Ill, Ye.V.; !-.AL'Glf;A, fevgenlya Viktor-.),rnai ARSHANSKri, Yak.:~-'r Naumovl~:h. PrInL-nal uchastiye SIJRFIIKOV, S.M.; KAPLAN, L.G.; LIKIIAREVA, N.V., kand. takhri. nauk: re setizen.; -Tl'j'M TKINP F.I.:, retsenzenL; KANTOROUCH, V.I., retsenzent; KHMIMUNOVA, Ye.M., red. [iefrigerating machinery and p1mito] Kholodlllnyo maehiny i ustanovkA. Moskvaj Pi8hchevala prov.yohlonnOvLl, 1964. 551 p. (MIRA 18ti) ,KOLAN, LeG., inzh,; FEARuKHIK., Yu8mo., inzh. ROPOir Of the hW_tLAXcban99rz of - small;-refrigerat,.ing machines. Khol. tekhe 40 na-304-51 1446 063. 16-.9)' (Refrigeration and rofrigeratine machinery-Maintenance and repair) .0 KOWp I ,j!qop insh. Halide lamps for detecting refrigerant leakage KboI* tokh. 39 no. 5259-W S-0 162. iK= 3.6t7) (Refrigeration and refrigerating amobinery-Testing) (Us detectors) -_Lt~ Leonid Gdallye ch; MUVRA, V.M., retsenzent; KURYLEV, Ye.S.p Bpels. rW-.; IIIKOLAYEVA, N.G., red. (Repair of the automatic control equipment of refrigeration plants] Remont priborov avtonatW kholodil'rWkh ustanovok. Izd-vo "Pishchevaia promyshlennont'," 1964. 46 p. (MIRA 17:7) ANDRACHNIKOV, Yefim IoBifovichj KAPLAII, Leonid Gdallyevicb; GROMV, A.S.,, tekhn. red. [Operation of refrigerating equipment in commercial enterprise8l Mcapluatatsila, kbolodillnogo oborudovaniia v torgovykh pred- priiatiiakh. Moakwas Gostorgisdat., 1962. 55 p. (KMA .15:7) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machiner7) ANDRACHNIKOV, Ye.l. il~ko ~,L-G- T,3st stand for draining freon from refrigerating units and for its regeneration. Kbol. tekh. 38 n:).4:57-58 Jl-Ag 61. (~uRA 15:1) (Freons) AMRAGHNIKOV, Ye.l.; KAPIAN, L.G. ----M~~ Quality of comeroial refrigerating equipment. Khol.tekh. 40 no-3: 40-44 My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1, Moskcrvokiy romontno-montazhnyy kombinat. (Refrigeratioh and refrigeiating machinery) KAPLAN,-Leo rdInI IX&A" PMUIMN) YuriY Mikhaylovich; .G., red. (Repair of small freon refrigerating machines] Remont ma- lykh freonovykh kholodillrqkh mashin. Moskva# Ekonomika, 1964. 103 P. (MIRA 17:5) KAPDINt L.G. ~Me4 Maintenance of refrigerating machiner- %, y with ic FGY type units. Ydiol. tekh. 42 no.4:62-67 JI-Ag 165. 18:9) 1. Reipublikanakly sp~tstaliztrovannyj trost po rnantazhu klioledillnogo i toreovok-~) A)orudov,,,rlyn '!~nllst~nrOva rgcvl-* fUS FS R ANDRACHNIKOV, D.I. Particular aspect*, of the assembling of AKYV-12 (AK2FV-30/15) refrigerating waines at retail trade and catering industry enterprises. Khol. tekh. 38 no. 1:49-53 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) 4 UPIAN, L. 1. mm~i, Deventsa of the sorthe"tera DalkMOh regione S"o goal@ aq.52: 60-67 156. (NM lo: Q (NalkWah reClea-Gooleff, Stratigraphle) 7!'M.F- Rfrtwwwal Aarictejtjttc~f oUEveverd-types of complex athordinate fj,~ Ath the prohlem of homany-mic cortnPrUng wnrf-qi n I hno- t ekbn t rho-q ka a info r ma u, i Yi w t i, rinalvRis. connecting wnT-1 0 h ~n t-n; Iven ia this aftJcle, creates the p-,sBil h I C h L 27657-65 ACCEWION-Nit- AP6000977 Indeciph'eringeentences. As Ida froML.4gorlthrag, It Is possible to establish the strlicture- of Lhese clauses on the basis of thetr dIE'erential chmctaTUtice. The author aets up a elastics of subordinate clauses, each of -which he analyzes by showing which word, or words, within the clause indicates its meaning and function within the 6entence. The ii tyqpes are as follows: (1) Objecti-ie clAtuie; (2) Definitive clause; (31 Subje-Alve clause; (4) Verbal clause; (5) Cormective clau&e; (6). Adverbial c!ause; (7),Temporal clause, ~Ztdaw ptmpas%. 11% Clamae deacrflAng tA-e action; X above tyrPes in detail. niunflinn for their valuable advice and critical comments. 11 Grig. &rt. has, I appendiix. I,- ! ~~ - , ,, . nonn -~'_-O,~rTT FT)-. olAug-63 ENC L: 00 S UT C 0"! DP N~J Eov.. 010 OTHER: 001 Al 1. M I N- L 3)40(1-19-6~ --rr k C jii;~kj -rolq miit AP5007672 (deceased); an, Le I~e ,r -,-vi- -)rraphic an&lysi3 )f Pl- 3 1 Li A as fxed tiia q 3 i i r3lations of nitrogen aad I on th!5 Enclosure Onows chroriatoi-rwrz, of partioning uf ttiz reastion prc~,i- 13 seen that tht partition-17;-, Uryier the zonditions of t-he -r, ir,-rjnt no Linear dependence wag obseurve-d I.,. dotirmiriin4, Concentratior of "ne ;i All 7 7 2 r,T--, : x, of ne rlau I -If , .r I)f~,iudar9tvanny, I r v 'K "AM LSWMM,- I MEN T7 --nj ojpj.i-jv r 4coq - C -Z -T t!' p 16) PIM ~-- 11 T-n n q ' V? jn c-jonpwd Ul U.1,S 'J 1; 213 -,.UOT 'I I I-rV,4 ST,4 UPLAS. L.L. DOTSIOPESSA, Of 9I&At PYrABIW Celle in the motor area of the oeriploral cortex In mammals. Arkh. anat., Nookwa 29 no.2:18-29 Y4M-Apr 1952. (CIML 23:2) 1. Of the Department of Histeloa (Head -- Prof. D. 1. Donsim). Leningrad State Usiversity. FhA6PW# L.Lo Mw Clo2gi-Doinaka wtNA. Arkh. anat. gist. i mbr. 32 no.4:82-83 O-D 133. (WWA 9:5) 1. In kafedry anstaimli I gistologii Leningrwiskogo univereltsta (sav.kafedray-ohlo karr. AN 880. prof. N.G. 11olomov) (HISTOU)GY, Golel-Dalneks's wthod of amm. of intraceUular stellato appmr.) EXURPTA VIDICA SEC 8 Vol 12/2 Neurology Fab 59 744. THE TERMINATION or FIBRES ARRIVING IN THE MOTOR AREA OF TIM CEREBRAL CORTEX (Russian text) - K a pi an L. L. Inst. of Ped.. Voroshilovgrad - ARKILANAT.GISTOM-EM131110C. 1956. 33/4 (38-40) Illus. 5 The mode of termination of afferent fibres in the motor cortex of the cerebral hemispheres was qtudied in rodents. ungulates and carnivorous animals as well as in humar embryos and newborn infants. The author confirms the presence of three types of fibres arriving at the motor area of the cortex. Thin vertically coursing fibres may be followed to the 2nd layer of the cortex. In the depths of the 5th layer in kittens collaterals may start from these fibres. In glianea-pigs afferent fibres were observed with varicose thickenings, and which spread out into end branches slightly above the mass of giant pyramidal cells. In puppies there are afferent fibres, whose ramifications entwine the bodies of the pyramidal cells. Thus, a portion of the fibres, apparently of diverse origin. terminates in the 5th layer of the cerebral cortex in animals having relationship with the deep pyramids. In 7-month human embryos the pryamidal cells of lower levels of the cortex are enclosed in a dense networkof fibres going In all directions. No end ramifications are observed here. Networks are observed also In the 2nd and the lot layers of the cortex. These networks are joined by fibres coming here through the whole thickness of the cortex from the white matter. A portion of these fibres reaches the first layer. where they spread out in terminal tufts. Berlin - Leningrad (S) doi'ga ij. rAkhno) - 1z KfedrY zOologii (ziv''ed4UshchiY a vornshilovgradakoeo goaudarstvennogo pedagogicheakogo Instituta/ KAPLAN, L.M. 01 insh, ROMrks 00werning the design, planning and construction of peat briquetting plants, Torf.prom. 40 nool:8-10 163. (MM 1615) (Latvia-Peat industry) (Briquets (Fuel)) KAPLAN, L.M.; SHAPIROj L.L.; BM9 A.S., inzhe# n"chn. red. (Operation aW production planning in construction and assembling organizations) Operativno-proizvodstvennoe planirovanie v stroitellno-montazbmykh organizatsiiakh. Leningrad, Stroii.zdat, 1964. 170 p. (MIRA 17:6) KIByAKov, A.V.; MWNjj!R.; TAKOVLEVj N.M. Some data on the nature of the automatic activitY of the frog heart. Fiziol.zhur. 48 no.6s?12-716 Je 162. (MIPA 15:8) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii 1-go Meditsinskago instituta. imeni a W emiks I.P.Pavlova, Leningrad. (HEART) KAPLAN, L.S., lush. gootional sh~124 for the rotor chain of hoists. Besop.truds v pros. 4 no.903 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. NefteproWnlavoys upraylentye Tuymsaneft'. (Boisting machinery-Maiutenance and repair) KAPIAN# L.S.p insh, Device for fastening the fixed and of a tackle cable. Besopstruds, v promo 4 no.12932 D 160o . (HERA 1411) (ftneys) KAPLAN, L.Ye., Inzh. 1. P New methods for organization, administraticn, and control in the construction of thermal electric power plants. Energ. atroi no.390-13 164. (14IRA 17:11) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O,w x At a a m x a A 06091"lls AND Ollevallids most 00 -00 .00 : 0 -00 0 000 91 FA*tabwm e - - "a boo is dw Eva. I a 000 do IMMAWN l & V. N. S. S. a. w ard apd &j j U o 04 . . o . Da . wiplCol Z,",. 1*^ 1, 119M.-A nAwtim in ~ ~ see 00 1" *ad - Inc '" in t4-d m6sr but tl~ SIWO~M ju! l -9 in I hr c4wa. of bile ti Goo 00,3 al chow in Ow rate of bile fivewa 0. Monte 1,jit"wist wt" o1wrired. Goo Soo 000 goo 00 wow '00 voo --- ------ - WOO selavi "to dkv off 411,1111 0.9 Sol TTAA I 1 0 OW 0 0 6 1 a I u 0 AV 10 At .91 1,, In ,I a rnj IS - j " A V I _ I a 4 3 4 0 0 410 0 000009000 000000 6099006000060060000000g 0 0 0 *10 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 6g K-VL,W, L. YE. USSR/YAdicine - Blood Transfusion Jun 48 Medicine - SeroUierapy and flemoUierapy "Possible Use of Blood Obtained From Live Animals (Blood Serum of Large-Horned Cattle as a Substitute for Blood)," N. G. Belentkiyj Dr Biol Sci, L. Ye. Kaplan, Cand Biol Sci, F. A. Gubarev, Cand Biol Sci, 3-1 pp I'Dok v-s Ak Sel]dhoz Nauk" No 6 14onspecific serum from cattle blood is a sAtisfactory plasma substitute. Pivduced good results even Incases where test animals had lost up to 70% of their blood. Large intravenous doses cause no undesirable reaction. Repeated injections of nonspecific serum produced no after effects. Submitted 3 May 48. PA 33/49174 KAPLAN, L. Ye. "Utilization of the Blood of Farm Animals. Part VIL Biological Frurerties of the Blood Obtained from Cattle Previously Sub-,,acted to Bloodletting While Alive", DokI Vaisoyu-May Ordena Lanina Akadekiii jell skokhozyryetvannykh Nauk imani V. I. Lenina, Vol. 15, No. 4, PP 14-19. SO: Id--17864,, 24 Apr 1951 1. Kaplan, L. Ye. Sokolov&, A. To 2. 'USSR 600 4. Reflexes; Mood 7. Reflex mechanism for varying properties of blood in fam animals. Sov. Zootekh. 7 no. 5, 1952 Dotsentj Moskovakiy KhWko-Tekhnologicheakiy Inatitut Hyasnoy Promyshlennosti 9. ForwthlZ List 9f ftegian Agoegsiopg. Library of Congress, July 1952. UNCLASSTFTED. USSR/General. Biology Individual Development B-4 'Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., NO 3., 1958., No 9522 Author K N Z.o Felldshteyn, M.A. Inst Not Given Title :Effect of Parenteral Protein Introduction on Healing of Wounds Orig Pub :Dokl. VASKhNILj, 1956M so 92 14-2D Abstract :A study was conducted on the affect of N.G. Belealky medicinal serum (MS) on the healing of skin-muscular wounds. Wounds of an area 25 cm2 were localized within the region of 9-11th ribs of 48 rabbits. The wounds fully healed on the 35-10th day In animals to wharwere administered MS intravenously 3 times (1-5 days after being wounded) in doses of 5 ml/kg. When the MS dose was decreased to 0.5 al/kg the heallng oc- cured on the 50-60th day. The healing of wounds in anizals to whom 3 Intravenous blood transfusions of isogenous blood in doses of 5 m1/kg were also administered occurred in 55-60 Card 1/2 j3.4 USSWGeners, Biology _ Individual Development Abs Jour Rgf Zhur - BiOlvs No 3: 1958., NO 9522 control wAmals died in 75$ Of the cases. Microbio- days. shown that the logical examination of wound exudations has n,croflore of the group under experimentation were less virulent than those of the controL HistolOgLcaUy it was found that in the group under exprimntstiOn granulated tigguss aged ear1i*r bY cONP&riGOn with the control. Aside verified on 8 horses. frm rabbits, the action of MS was -12 ribs on Ihe animals were wounded in the region of the lo en are& of 81 c22. MS waa sdainigtered to AMIMS18 under exper- imntation 1-5 days after having been wounded., in dOsss Of The differences in wound bee.3.1119 were ob- 5 ml/kg wOight' (at served in the second phase Of the "generative Proce" the 16-18th day). Complete heaUng Of wounds in netAd after 70-76 days; in the under experimOntatiOn wasViscosity index and speed of blood control after 95 days- restored to coagulation in aniNaN under experiment were day norml on the 5-10th day.- in the control on the 20-30th The author _~zda aWnistretion of ms for treatment Of re, woum defect& in asimalg* Card 2/2 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathalo- T gical). Neuromuscular Physiology Abs, Jour: Ref Z6ur-Blologiya, No 219 19589 97818 Author Kaplan, L. Ye. Inst Moscow Technological Institute of the Neat and Hilk Products Industries Title Changes of Chronazy of Muscles of Long-Horn Cattle Depending on the Amount of Blood Withdrawn' Orig Pub: Te, Hosk. tekhnol. in-t myasn. i molochn. prom-sti 19-58, vyp 7, 28-31 Abstract: The size of the rheobase of the motor point of the zygomatic muscle is smallest in cows and largest in oxen. The diapason of the rheobase oscillation is smallest in bulls. Withdrawal of 5 percent of Card 1/2 KAPLAN, L.Ye., inah. Hyperbolic reinforced concrete cooling towers for thermal electric power plants, Energ. strol. no.4209-86 164- (MIRA 18:3) KAPW. L.Z.; STRDMK, K.T., Insh9ner. Use of concrete pavemats for city street construction. Gor.khox.Nosk. 23 no.3:30-34 NY051. (MLRA 6:11) (pavemats, ) USPENSKIY, V,11.; glav. red.; 11F.-ARUTMNYANT31 G.O., zam. glav. i-fid.; A177--',.ABA.'YAN,. Ya.A., red.; .XC4KUD, D.I., red.; red.; NALYSHEVK0, O.A., red.; red.; DONDAIRI-24KO. P.I.p red.1 NELYUBIN, K.P.. red.; OAKPOV, V.1%, rarl.; NGREBOV, S.N., red.; SLIVAK, I.M., kand. tekhn, rlnuk, :,Pd.; SINUJISLAVSKIY, A.I., red.; G.M., red.; X)LOP,01KO, I..A., red. ingluciocIrc Ities of cJtiea,- an aid to Tramport, ! oborudovanie go- rodov, v paowAi,h) prnt-,l-,tirov,,'-,0dku. Kiev., Budivellrqk., 1964. 100 p. (VIIRA 18:5) y Institi.A proyektirovaniya gorodov. 2. Gon-sLray '^)&! (for Kaplan, irekhov). 3. Gosstroy USSR (for Fogrebo-ir). 4. Klyevnkiv Imhen-, -t-i telyrrvr institut (for Slivak). 5. K*cvskiyr(;omidarstvenWy,,4zstitut p,ocky.ektirovaniju Sorodov (for Usyjenplly, Ter-Arutywqants., 14alyahenkop Mozentsev., bondarunko). 6. Lenlnrradskiy Gosudar- otvanrrjy institut proyAtJrovandya gorodov (for Ilelyubin). ?. TS(--ntrp-13nyy I prryektnyy inati- tut po gradoztroitel!atvu, Moskva (for ~;(,lofmmko).A.Kiyevskoye ,upravleniye po prcirlektirovanlyu zhiliahchno-grazhdanskogo i komr.unallnogo strcit3l'stva (for Slu'.skiy). XAP b,Zus~ovloh. iasb~aor; NATMSXIT, PA., inshoser, rodaktor; N PXRSON. X,N., tokbalchookiy rodaktor. (PlIs drivinO S"dwe ra'b*ty. L arkbitsk"g 1956, 191 pe (ftling (Clvll Nofkva, Go~.lsd-ve 1114-17 pe strols. (MM 9:6) oWlseering) 1 0 BURGP naucbrqy red.; lAvb Zummsvich K" 0 , imsh.; FRID L.14.9 tekbn. red* iid. isd-'Va; MMO ation of the couBtruction area] 112,1,ilwrnsia pod- Eugineering PrePsr logtva. Moskvap GoBe izd-'TO lit-ry Po gotovka torritorii otroits (mM 14:7) irialamp 1961s 154 Pe atroitet arkbit. i stroit. WU 8) (WtiMing eits _--- N.1" (Sevastopol, ); IRININ. Tu. (Moscow). Notes of participants In the 6th All-Union competition of short-wave oper. ators, members of the All-Union Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy. JkdIo no,6.,21-22 Je 153, (KLRA 6:6) (Fadio, Short-wave--Competitions) 107-57-3-16/64 AUTHOR: Kaplan, W TITLE: Operating on 10- and 14-Meter Bands (0 rabote v diapazonakh 10 1 14 metrov) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 3, p 14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The collective radio station UC2XAB of the Gomel' radio club has worked many continents and countries on 10- and 14-meter bands recently. Communications were established with Mirnyy settlement, Viet-Nam, Laos, Korea, the Antarctic Australian expedition, and Wake Island. There have been very few Soviet radio amateurs using 10- and 14-meter bands so far -- only a few hams of the-3rd, 4th and Sth districts, and also UA6AJ, UD6AL. UA9KAS, and UAOGF. One of the main reasons for the scant utilization of these bands by Soviet amateurs is the fact that the work ;n these bands to inadequately en- - couraged at various contests. The rules and conditions of various radio con- tests have been such that high results can be achieved with 20- and 40-meter bands alone. The author believes that an additional number of points for work- ing In three or more bands would enliven the 10- and 14-meter bands. Since mid -September, good reception in the 10-meter band has been noted. Western Card I /Z Operating on 10- and 14-Meter Bands 107-57-3-16/64 Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Central and South Africa. South and North America, an well as the Far East can be worked easily. In the 14-mater band, all continents have been heard well all year round. Card Z/Z SOV/107-58-10-17/55 AUTHORt Kaplan, M., Master of Amateur Radio Sport (UC2-2201) TITLEs The Kirghiz Short-Wave Operators Are Letting Us Down (Kirgiz- skiye korotkovolnoviki podvodyat nas) FERIODICAht Radio, 1958, Hr 10j P 15 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The author complains that the number of amateur short-wave stations in the Kirghiz 33R has remained at three for the last ten years. Only one - the Frunze Radio-Club Station - is actually working, and extremely b4dly at that. Card 1/1 06256 6(4) SOV/107-59-6-20/50 AUTHORS: Suzdalev, V. (UC2KAB), Kaplan, M., Dannikov, V., Radio Operators TITLE: The Main Thing is Constant Training PERIODIC,~L: Radio, 1959, Nr 69 P 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe their activities at the group radio station UC2KA%B which has been operating at the Gomelskaya oblast9 Radio Club of DOSAAF since 1948. They explain briefly the preparations made for competitions and the training given to operators. The principal tubes in the equipment were replaced by new ones. The operators ob- serve the passage of signals in the different ranges. These observations are used for setting up call schedules. Further, the authors briefly describe the equipment of their station. The transmitter was built in 1954 and works on 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 Me. It contains, amone others, tubes 6S5, 6P61 G-8011 GK-71. A ground plane Card 1/2 06 25 6 SOV/107-59-6-20/50 The Main Thing Is Constant Training antenna is used. Different types of receivers are used, among them a "Chayka". "KVM" and an all-wave super- heterodyne. Presently, the operators are collecting their first experience in the 144-146 Mc range. Card 212 SIGAL, I.Ta.j KAPIAN, M.A.; MARKOVSKIY, A.V. Use of jet and radiation,-type hearth burners in heating boilem Gas.prom, 6 noo2:19-23 161. (MMA 144) (Gas bumers) (Boilers) RAPIAN9 M.A. Changes in the' 'culture ind life of the Nanaitgly in Nawyakly District as the result of socialist reforms* Izv. Voes. geoge X-4 161. - (MIRA 14 ob-va 93 no.2sl36-US V :4) .(NamaYakiy District-Golft) KAPLAN., M. A.; MAKS114)VA) 1. 1. "Prlntalpy I metody ekspeditaionno-sobiratel'okoy raboty (opyt Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya etnografii narodov SSSR)." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnoiogical Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. UPLANp M.A.1 KVASOVA# A.B.1 MYSTS, N.P.1 PABINOVICHO M.I. Use of hearth burners in heating furnaces. Gas.prom. 6 no.5slg-20 MY 161. (Gas burners) (KMA 34S 5) XAPtAup M. B. 1162. STAIIDARprATI~It_OF STM A;;D T.ATU, WIFLIIIG DzIjLnq~!T- I~nvlaii, H. B.w (MePt. ta. o-, m-1. VnI. 2h,p 13-16). -mr-rd-IMM swplir~- eqUIj-.Ient fLr : 01firs ;;1th ti;-) raa,,~e -:vajorntlcm 11r,vIdv5 for Oceditij- of w,.r,ltz for pti-judic;-1 clitrilml cfjcc~ at various ; u I lit:;. .1 i,cnoml awi circulaticr. 61LI-Ta! IndIvit1n: theze points WW tictall Ilz.;-raiic c,r cq.;lrrxnt cm vc -)n, ra I c r L t I n j. t -- r cz c, f t I -. c z t w t d a r4 r- qu Ic r. t : 7 L. n t I e:.-. c - (I E.E.A. RUSINKOVSKIY, Yuriy Favloyloh, inshe; AFIAN,,.Mu&iy-Abr&movich,-inzb,; OZHDGINO, V.Ya., insh., rstsonzezll~-TSYDA, L.A., inzh., red. isd-va; SHOSTAO O.M.0 tekhn. rdw, , (Automatic control of ps-fired bdlqr room ]Avtomatisateiia p- sifitairovaWkh kotelinykh. Kiff,, Gostskhizdat USSR, 1963. 115 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Boilers) (Automatic control) KAPIAN, W.B. J., m 1 -1 ..I low designs for throttle units used in flowsoters. Ism.tokh. no.it46-49 J&-F 156. (KJK 9:5) (Flausisters) Upw, N.D., Whener. --F 0- . FlaaPd Joints for orifICO P10.08 of flowasters. Blek.ot&. 27 ao-5: 17-20 Ny 136. (Flowmters) (NM 9:8) BTIHOVSKIT, D.G., inshener; , 1APUR, N.I., tashoner. UMMMW Saturable reactors In welding transform*$ With 9091conductor rect1fle". Blektrichostvo no.10:74-76 0 156. (MM 9: U) 1. Tessoyassyy manchno-Inaledevatel'skly Institut slektreavarechaw oboradaranlys. (Electric reactors) (Electric tranotermirs) (Electric current rectifle") SKIY. D.G., inshener; KAPIAN. M.I.. inzhener. Problems in planning and Iss welding converters with selenium rectifiers. Tent. elektroprou. 27 no.lOs25-28 0 156. (=A lotg) 1, Zavod "Bloktrik.6 (Blectrie,eurrent converters) SUBJEM USSR/welding AUTHORSs Bykhovokly, D.G., Ing., and Kaplan, V.I., Ing. TITLE: Now Welding Rectif ter Systems fNovyo ekhemy avarochnykh vypry"iteley). PERIODICALt "Svarochnoys Prolsvodetvo", 1957, Xr. 1, PP 1-4 (USSR) ABSTRACTs A now selenium reattfiorCX-100/w with automatic Volta#* decrease at Idle run, was developed by TWIIISO (BHMN)CO) (probably - All Union Scientific Research Institute for Zlectro Welding Iquipment) - as the first experimental appara- tus - In the Zbdaaov Works at IZNORA (Ishorokly Zavod Imeni A.A. Zhdanova). It In stated that this pystem Is suitable for future man production. The authors have also designed a combined rectifier - system consisting of two separate rectifiers of different power and different Idle run voltage, of which the first Is called "ignition rectifier" and the other "basic rectifier*. This combined rectifier system considerably decreases consumption of material Including selealung and Increase@ efficiency 10 card 1/2 15 percent. TITLEt Now Welding Rectifier Patterns (Navy* ekhemy evarochnykb Typry"Iteler). 135-1-2114 The rectifier CnC -100/m is considered advantageous for welding In low-powor range (up to 100A), and the combined two-rectifier-, Ofsten for welding In high-power range (300- 500A and higher , The article contains 7 Alagrasim, I photograph. There are so references* INSTITUTIOle VVIII930 PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTSDo AVAILABM At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 KAPIAN, K.r., owDsome B-Zev TOTPIK' B.S. AutowALtjo wAahtn* for wAking cylindrical, springs. Stan,t tnotr, 31 no,406-37 AP 160o (min 13 -.6) (machine tools) DOMOVSKIJj, V.V. [Dobrovskiy, V.V.]; IPAMV, P.M.; KAPLAN, m.?.1 nNsKii, G.B. [Finaiy,, Gob.] Large hydroaltenators in the Soviet Union* El teeb obsor 52 no.2s58-63 F 163. 1. Blaktromila, Leningrad. L 5352:�~ EWT(l1/EWA(h)... ACC NR: AP5023655 SOURCE CODE: UR/0119/65/000/008/0016/0018'--"';: AUTHOR% Kaplan,_K. ht!~qvskiyj-l. A. (Engr.); Fedorov, V. G. (Engr.) C~? ORG: none TITIS : Electronic pulse recorders SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 8, 1965, 16-18 ,TOPIC TAGSs recorder, pulse recorder ABSTRACT: Pulse recorders are considered which are based on the electronic pulse relay; in the latter, an additional winding of an electromagnetic relay forms a part of a positive feedback circuit, while the main relay winding is connected to the collector circuit of a P-25 transistor. Such a device permits recording even a very short electric pulses (1 j"sec) with slow (10 msec) electromechanical relays, and without any intermediate signal transducer. Application of the above electornic- relay principle to a pulse counter and a light-pulBe recorder is briefly des=lbod., Orig. art. hn~-,: 4 figures, I formula and I table* SUB CODE: EC/ SUBM DAM 00/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 000 Card 1/1 oed 006 mob % 471. dw Woo am Aw- SO & 6 , , t wt Aff I x0c, _1 d 1 " "' -,! : j 1 A . d 6, . : % .4 0. : 11 Ift fAs 41 ~ m 6. in com Ob A w , C bt 7 - a No& at aw x wi in , , e 46 Ibm Am A .r- f n goo o o 0ii-MINAW :,. 7 7 m H b i . 80 A aft %W a Fhr S - 11A ire; b g 000 o m " A so a ~ disk. . W 1~bma rft m O 0 age d. '"aM 6 J 900, + Or. N. Tbm - 1.1,1 Al woo goo goo* Nos aseim *,Moskva tPow ""Of to"" as# 609 VOW it d i kk iliephl IBM& A 4 3t l e 0 0 0 0 0 1~ 0 0 0 00 ACOLL-9m, 0 0-91-0-0 1-0 0 O .... ....... + zwvjj~(Sb8rj.MUrs + LtntQ~[Sli (11). nail NIO'Bri 4- Bri) Plitt + Drjjpt (IM werv tpcvi~urcd oil variwq conevis. and temps. by nicansof an Illumutedupp. co; of 2 tiectryAltce"Ll. vemcl% calumc(rd fly rt I wid U the Cell buying the greatct 01,1ce. tre higher am.(., other things bcinjr tqual. itla. eltdrolytes at h1j1w concris., the rmoinAluit,i moi. -w! , and the greatet differem betweto calcd. and rbiaved YOU" of *.W.I. win M%ussed. tion In M and the invenifm of sign of thi. C-11t.f. et 141. rev., to that ot I and U were swribcd to the frmitittirm of' Br clectrades. W. LuwcbtT L, jt P'C1. X% PL BT + + 31'A + TL USSR/Corrosion Protectios rrom Corrosion. Abe Jour : Not Zkkur - Kkiadpp 110 9~ 1957~ 6858 Author : Gratsianskiy, X.N., Kaplan, X.L. Inst I Title : Investiption of Corrosion Resistance of Solid Solutions of Metals 1. the System In is Pb- Orig Pub : Zh. fis. khimii, 1956, 30, No 3, 651-659 Abstract : Determinations vere xsdo of rote of corrosion v, steady- state potential I and the microbardness of solid solu- tions of the In-Pb system, in the range 0 - 100 at .$. Corrosive media used: 1% Wot(l), 1% citric acid (TI), at temperatures of 16 and 500. Limits of corrosion re- sistance of solid In-Pb solutions, were found only at the lower temperature of the e3qperiments. In solution of I such a limit vas at 50 at .%, in solution of n -- at 25 at.% In. The position of these limits coincides with the inflection point of I versus composition curves. Card 1/2 KLPLA,N M.M. Direct reaults of combined antibacterial and immunological treat- ment in ooteoartioular tuberculosio in children. Sbor. trud. Us. ftuo.h.-isal. tub. inst. 308-" 157. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Ordinator 4,-y kostuotuberkuleznoy bolinitey. (BONES-TUBEWULOSIS) ENDRIYUS,, S.Kh. (Andrewes C H I BERM, Y-M-jBurnet, F.M.]j EIMERS, Dsh.F.; GAO# S.; KHFMT ,'GX; 4t;~LLNM ~M~HDANOV' V.M. Taxonomy or viruses causLng infection in vertebrates: present stage of knmledge and unexplained problems. Vop. virus. 6 no.5:610-615 S-0 161, (R" 15:1) 1. Natsicnallnyy inatitut moditsinBkikh issledovaniy,, London; Institut Uoltera i Eliny Khon, Mel'burnj D*tWmya bolinitsam Boston; Karolinakiy inatitut,, Stokgol-11m; Naucbno-issledovatel'skiy institut sdravookhraneniya, Nly"Yorki Vaemimays. organizatoiya adravookhraneniyaj, Zheneva i Inatitut virusologii imni D.I. Ivanovskogo, Moskva. (VIIWSM) KAPIAN, M. M. Surgloal treatment of tuberculosis of the lumbar segment of the spine. Probl.tub. no.748-51 162. (MM 15s12) 1. Is detskogo koetno-tubarkuleznogo sanatoriya imeni N.K. - Krupokoy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Usbekskoy SSR (glavnyy vrach Kh.I.Yusupova). (SPINE--TU13ERCULOSIS)