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"I ir NMW 5r .01 wr~-. =M, i. 10 M- -;ffa -a-VORN 01"'I""r, WN ggp, M --directions irk an The conjuga e Arch. hiccn.'Sfos. 7 (IM), 5 -86. (Polish. Russian and English summaries) The author considers a hqmola,~,=L anisolmnle elastic bud and determines the 21 'riil constants at, aittol f thi' tress-strain relation3 with respect to a recti- linear' obliqrue system of coordinates and the corre- I sponding material constants a,,, with respect to a Car- tesian , orthogonal system of coor(finates. The relations obtained in this way between ail," and a, contain also the nine cosines of the an5les that determine the orien- tation of the oblique coor inate system with respect to the orthogonal one. The author then states that, since there are six mutually independent cosines out of the nine mentioned above. it is possible by a suitable choice of the o lit ff t- - t --to make-six of the- b que coon na e sys em, material constants a,," vanish, so that the corresponding stress-strain relations will contain only 15 of them. If the structure of the body is such that it has with respect to 1he primary ortbogonal'system, of coordinates only 15 constants, then according to the above statement the nurn1wr of the independent mateiial constants in the sitc-,s-stnoin. relations can be reduced to nine. Such bodies the atit hor calls paratropic and the directions of the.corre- 51101).1i tilt, oblique systcm of coordinates are conjugate clarfic directions for a paratrolk body. T4 11. A nddi~._ 4-g NO -An a , - - . . : ~-, , :-, ~ .: , .. - . " 7 ~ - gc XIM ~h NVIVI UMTRU,11,i 67169 POL/19-8-2-6/14 AUTHOR: Smolifiski, A., Kaczkowski, Z., and hikowski, M ~ TITLE: The Influence of Plastic Deformationl on the Time De- crease of PermeaZility in Transform9r Steel\% PERIODICAL: Archiwum elektrotechniki, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 333- 339 (FOL) ABSTRACT: The paper gives the results of measurements of the influence of plastic deformations on the time de- crease of permeability in hot rolled transformer steel. Measurements were performed on samples rol- led in a mill and on samples stretched on a tensile testing machine. It was found that plastic deforms- tion have a definite influence on time decrease of permeability, which depends not only on the value of the deformations but also on their type. Measure- ments showed a drop of time decrease of permeability at large elongations while it reached maximum value at small elongations, with samples where deformation was achieved by rolling. Where plastic deformations Card 1/3 were achieved by elongation, it was found that they 67169 POL/19-8-2-8/14 The Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Time Decrease of Permeability in Transformer Steel influence time decrease of permeability in a some- what different mannero leading to periodic changes from higher to lower values than the initial value (without deformation). It was also found that in- crease in reluctance varies basically in the same way as the time decrease in permeability. It must be stressed,.however, that the increase in reluct- ance depends both on the extent of time decrease in permeability and on the value of permeability as finally established. This last value is significant- ly influenced in turn by the tensions produced by plastic deformation. Where small elongations are obtained by rolling, we have the phenomenon of in- creased permeability in the established state, con- nected with positive magnetic-striction. This pheno- menon reappears periodically where samples are de- formed by elongation (Pigs 4 and 6). Tables 1, 2 and 3 give an analysis of time dependencies involv- Card 2/3 ed, according to Rathenau. His results show that., 67169 POL/19-8-2-8/14 The Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Time Decrease of Permeability in Transformer Steel ASSOCIATION: the constants of relaxation increase and decrease similarly to the entire time decrease in permeabi- lity. On the basis of these considerations, the authors conclude that under certain conditions plas- tic deformations weaken and under other conditions promote the time decrease of permeability. This, according to the authors, is undoubtedly due to the lengthening or shortening of the paths of diffusion of impurities in the crystal lattice of the material under investigation, depending on the degree and type of deformation to which that lattice is subjected. There are 5 graphs, 3 tables and 11 references, 5 of which are Polish, 4 American and 2 German, Instytut podstawowych problem6w techniki, Polskiej akademii nauk, zaklad elektroniki (Institute of Basic Technical Problems of the Polish Academy of 3ciences,_ SUBMITTED: January 5, Card 3/3 I ~ -10/11-6/12 %b XbrO&A 0 VO. 1.0/3.10 195910 tj.T4'O -gems OT of Yr., - f tee Vob 0& O~'Pro N0946M 0. volix by as OU %ed, OTSO _'P SO& -41 'ake .-fessor ?To chevolletTI a 0 0 t4'0TL 8'1093_1119~ or propess ta~tjon te& bI e0 pxeyj-3 we- Boor ,ectA'oirks 1)00tor; ?rO OVS 1.9 j:aeerl .2rof eSsor ~A ~" W . SrA I.BO vex- "~. ,..,eer 9 31raa-aa Oge r es of 6 Gre'vate "aae4 4 0 att ot seie.00e 3e 1 '10ITS 894 PLO es- The 3.5 0 ?O-Lish Xe US O..;~ Toe _Vor 5%' i4w; Doee 00. or SeOtirZ 0t the dt-~011 repr6 ,..tuteS roag lt~ 01, 0 SDS 5~0 0'61060 ti-fic arA over 3P P j. - 1 10 SM01 83WI 8600,N titutes Csitiess tioe IJNB 10 News From Poland and Abroad pOL/22-59-lo/11-6/12 by the V Joe-president Of the Pblieh Academy Of Soiencess conferenee w&s opened . :Reports On Physical, chemical and techn6l- professor Doctor Janusz GrOszko_wsk' liowski, K S. Kudlaroki ogical research On fOrriteskYere re bys S. Szez6I ownia, Z;L W. ;hit'~cfwski, L. KO DrA lk-agifiski, A. G6,r,al. R. S L. Be- W .' J~W;~;Or-~ Z. Macie ewski and J. GraWwaki. R. suvais~lu -A. aoz*owffki_t~~ -A. =t... wert7;j by(f _=M iotion*n fervit0s were by Z. X n mametostr on It Territe &-an. Reports 0 &-j~ow&ve gr&phio wwmtione by L6A-EPJ =molifiski; on Asut Section reports were discussed Y 9 M. el In the General p. roniok on the histOrYs technology and aPplica- and eniowski physical sections general reports by S- Szoz tion of farrites., in the* p 2a and'j Kruszewska* properties a monoorystale by R _2 and B. ]3urasj on ferrit j=,neutrM in mag-" rzj inelastic dispersion t' by L. Nowicki; of barium-ferrites by R. CIODtW in NJ-Zn-forri e netites _.)y K. BlinOwlskjs ril"StiOn PhenOMM& :U ~econs~truo_ ain a ze in barium ferrite by R. sroczyfiski,- and On on orltio;f~~~ julanis. In the Chemical Section (OrYstallo- tion, of magnetic scales by J. MM were read.bY W. Rutkowski, X., Skad- graphy and technology of ferrites) reports R. Xr~~iska, S. Ar6tka J - Nuiulanis and J - ftJsner 1_0= ion (A. Bra- ferrites -were discussed In two sections. -j!ne Tachno 09 0 Sect gifiski, Graduate Magineer;', in charge): technology of NJ_Zn-ferrites by R. ~` Gal problems of Mn- and Mn-Zn-ferrites by A- Bra- ~appa; chemical and technologi card 2/5 -A A-AS News From Poland and Abroad POL/22-59-10/11-6/12 fiers). The section on ferrites with rectanVLlar hysteresis loops heard the opening report by Professor Doctor Engineer A. Smolitaki. Other reports were read by: A. Bragifiski (effect of oxygen, alloying with zinc, hardening, and miorostructure on magnetic properties); R. Wadas (effect of Zn ions on the rec- tangularity of the hysteresis-loop of Mn-Mg ferrites)j A. Stawoozyk, H. Lacho- wi0Z. (3 instruments for measuring'the rectangularity of "memoryll.cores in com- puters); W. Jaworski, L. Zukaszewicz, Z. Maoiejewski (application in computers). During the conference the participants visited the Institute of Magnetic Ma- terials. In Poland, work on semiconducting ferrites started 7 years ago and their production only 3 years ago, but in a short time they have gained a very important position in all branches of industry. The conference will result in over 80 publications and a special issue (No. 20) of the Zeszyty Problemowe. Nauki Polskiej. Concurrently with the conference an exhibition of Polish-made ferrites was shown (later transferred to the Technical Museum in the Place of. Culture and Science-in Warsaw). 2. A discussion was held on June 12, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Polish Electricians Association. The opening report was read by the former chairman, M. Szymonowiez. WiesX&w FijaX- kowski was elected chairman of the meeting. An activities report was read by the searetary St. Kobus, followed by a discussion (speakers were J. Mozejko, E. Urbanowlez, Wysocki, B. Jakubowski, S. Ignatowicz, E. Walentek, J. Knysz, card 4/5 News From Poland and Abroad POL/22-59-10/11-V12 J''Podbielski, S. Dareoki, L.'Husarski, W. FiajXkowski, J. Srebrzyfiski, C. Ma- kowski, M. Zarembifiski, and M. Szymonowicz). Marian Szymonowicz was unanimously elected chairman of the Section for the coming year. The Projects Committee (headed by J. MoieJko) adopted a number of suggestions :modernization of in- dustry In the telecommunications- field, unification of pay-scale for engineers and technicians, special pay incentives for graduate engineers, scholarships for telecommunications students, setting up of a teleoomnmioations academy, higher training standards in telecommunications high schools, organization of new 6ourses, setting up of design offioes in factories, change of present pay-scale according to iddoh qualified "white collar workers" are paid less than qualified laborers. Finally a facsimile outfit was demonstrated. Card 5/5 7 ~ 77' 7: 28262 P/OOSJ60/008/004/010/010 14 D265/D303 MTHOILS: Xacnert Artur and Kapkowakij Zbigniew TITM Application of tabulated functions for calculating deflections and static magnitudes in orthotropic plate at rips and semi-strips FERIODICAL& Rozpravj inzinterskie, yo 89 not 4) 1960s 871-897 TEXTt The authors refer to the solutions of deflections for isotropic plate strips, presented An thi,foru of,tabulated.functions (Ref. 6: Rozpr# I uiyn. to 19 no* 7 (1959) p 39), and show in this paper that these- xalu- tione *can be applied.for the case-of simply supported orthotropic plate strips and semi-striFsp for which the fundamental boundary conditions are observed-at -the. transverse -edge -I- for 3 cases of concentrated loadingst con- centrated loadonly'l momenVM x and moment it in -the direction of,the,prin- cipal-iixes of elasticityo,.:Ahe equation for the deflected surface in the case of an unloaded orthotropic plate- strip is given In the form of Card I/A P/006J60/008/004/010/010 Application of tabulated... D265ID303 of Mechanical Continual Media, IPPT, PAS) SUBMITTEDt May 28, 1960 Card 3/3 XACZKM=Is Z. Effect of shear distortions and the torsion resistance upm the vibrational frequency of anisotropla plates. Bul Ac Pol tech*7: 343-349 260. (ERAI 100) 1. A~stalt fuer Nechanik.Kontinuierlicher Nedien, InBtitut fuer Grundproble" de'r_Technik,, PoInische Akademie der Wigsonschaften W.Romacki 91a ticity) (Plates) (Shear (Mechanics)) r:ion) (Vibration) M 23313 1144 P/019/60/009/004/0D4/606 Ll - zzoo A224/A126 AUTHORi Kaqzkowski, Z. TITLE: Magnetomeohanio&l.ooupling ooeffioient of Polish-made magneto- str1otive alloys of "Alfer" type PERIODICALt Archiwum filektrotoohniki, v. 9, no. 4. 1960, 722 725 TEXT: Measurement results.of magnetomeohanical coupling coefficient (k) of "Alfer" type alloys are given. The specimens of "Alfer" type alloys were work- ed out by-a team headed by Professor Doctor Korn6l Wesolowski and Doceni Doctor Bohdan Ciszewski at,' the Katedra Metaloznawstwa Politechniki Warazawskiej (Depart- ment of Metallurgy of the .Warszawa Polytechnic). Magnetic properties of these alloys are treated in a separate paper (n6f. 6; Xaczkowski Z., Hunter C.: Niekt- 6re*wlasno6ol magnetyczene polskich stop6w magnetostrykoyjnych tyru "Alfer", Arch. Elektrot., 1960). The specimens had a toroidal shape, 35 iiin external diameter, 25 mm - internal diameter, and were about 0.45 mm thiol,, T~ey were pliced In plexiglass holders of such dimensions as to assure free vibration'of the.specimen3. A magnetizing winding of 75 turns and a measuring winding of-50 turns were wound on the holders.' The measuremefits of.the k coefficient were carried out as a func- Card 1/3 23313 P/019/60/009/004/004/006 Magnetomechanical coupling coefficient ... A224/A126 tion of the intensity of the biasing field H= for a range up to 30 Oe at the amplitude of alternating field strength 50,mOe. Figure 2 shows curves of k 7of (1~.) for alloys containing 12.42, ie.64, 12.8 and 13-1% aluminum. The al y containinS 12.64% aluminum was made in two varieties. The measurements were carried out in the range'from 0-5 to 30 Oe. In all tests, the value of the measured c6efficient k amounted to 30 Oe. In conclusion, the author states that the nAlfert' alloys can successfully compete with nickel and permalloys used for magnetostrictive transducers, because of the resistivity three times higher at si- milar magnetic properties. Moreover, the Al-Fe alloys do not contain critical raw materials. The author thanks Professor, Doctorof Engineering Adam Smolifiski, Professor Doctor Kornel Wesolowski, and Master of Engineering Roman Suwalski for their assistance. There are 3 figures and 9 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 4 non- Soviet-bloc. The reference'to the most becent English-language publication rea(U as follows: H. W. Katz: Solid state magnetic and dielectric devices, J. W1.1ey New York, 1959. February 8, 1960 Card 2/3 Magnotomoohanical coupling coefficient Figuro 2: Gurvos of k f (H..) for various alloys I OOC- to 4101 23313 P/01q,6o/bo9/bo4/bo4/ooG YA' A22 A126 23314 P/019/60/009/004/oc)5/OC6 A224/A126 AUTHONS: Kaozkowski, Z. and Hunter, Cz. TITLE: Some magnetic properties of Polish-made magnetostrictive alloys of "Alfer" type PERIODICAL: Archiwum.elektrotechniki, v. 9, no. 4, 1960,.725 - 729 TEXT: Static and dynamic magnetic properties of alfer-type magnetostrJo- tive-alloys-are given'. The.illoys, containing from 12.42"'to 13.1% aluminum, were worked out by the Katedra Metaloznawstwa Politechniki Warazawskiej (Denart- ment of Metallurgy of the Warszawa Polytechnic). The magnetostrictive properties of these alloysare similar to'those of other Al-Fe alloys described in foreign literature, and they will be described in a separate work. The specimens had a toroidal shape, 35 mm external. diameter, 25 mm internal diameter,. and were about 0.45 mm thick. Ten speoimens were placed in a plexiglass hiblder of such dimensions as to ascertain free '41bration ok the'speeimens. A magnetizing wind_. ing of 75 turns and a measuring winding of 50 turns were wound.on the holders. The static measurements were carried out with a ballistic method and the dynamic measurements with-U~e use of a differential bridge. The static magnetic proper- Card 1/3 23314 P/019/60/009/004/005/006 Some magnetic properties of Polish-made ... A224/A126 ties obtained are complied in Table 1. In conclusion, the authors..#tate that the alloys investigited can be,used for cores in ultrasonic transducers. The best suited ones are alfer alloys containing from 12.5 to 13% aluminum. These materials can also be used as maj3netic piaterials, especially at higher frequencam in all cases where the arising.magnet6striction is not harmful. The authors thank Professor Doctor K. Wesolowski and'Professor, Doctor of Engineering A. Smolifiski for assistance in this work. There are 4 figures, I table, and 4 ref- erences., 2 Soviet-bloa and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The referencesto the English- language publicatioro rea&-,as follows., Davis C. M., Ferebee S. F. : Dynamic mag- netostrictive properties of alfenol, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 28 Nr. 2, ss. 286 - go, 1956. Davis C. M., Ferebee S. F.: Effect of composition and processing on the activity of some magnetostrictive materials, Journal of Applied Physics, supl. to v. 30, Nr. 4 (April), Bs. 1135 - 1155, 1959- SUBMI=: March 4thi 196o Card 2/3 23314 P/o1q/6o/Ooq/bo4/oo5/oc6 Some magnetic properties of Polish-made ... A224/A126 Table 1: Static magnetic properties of magnetostrictive Al-Fe alloys Al conteat in % 12.42 12.6 12.6 12.8 1 13.1 Specimens A C E D B Symbol unit 1 2 3 4 5 Magnetic induc;;'... tion at 100 oe '100 kGs 15.0 14.7 13.2 13.4 15.2 Magnetic induc- tion at 30 oe B30 kGs 12.8 13.3 11.8 12.0 13.6 Remanent induc- tion B kGs 6.2 5.5 4.5 4.6 3-0 r Coercive force H Oe o.42 0.28 o.4o 0.22 0.19 c Card 3/3 26620 2/03 60/012/004/006/007 OU JID3 (121 D242YD301 AUTHOR: Kaczkowskit Zbigniew (Warsaw) TITLEt The influence of the shear forces and the rotary inertia on the vibration of an anisotropic plate PERI-ODICALt-Archiwum mechaniki stosowaneJ9 vo 12p no. 4, 19609 531 - 552 TEXT: According to S. Timoshenko (Ref. 1: Vibration problems in engineering seconded Toronto-New York-Londong 1937), for beams, the deflection of the plate is represented by the two functions w. and wTo The first expresses the deflection of the plate if normals to the middle eurface remain normal after bendingl the second expresses the deflection if the normals remain parallel to the original direction. W = WM + WT' (1.1) The usual strain equations and the equations of stress as shown Card 1/8 26620 P/033/60/012/004/006/007 The influence of the shear D242/D301 by S.G. lelfnit8kiy (Ref. 15: Anizotropnyye plastinkit Izd. 29 Moskva, 1957) are combined to give either da. d-r da OT (1-7)' +WY +!FY + V, - 0. or Tyz = 'T 0. The author justifies the difference by compari- zx son with the contradiction met in the classical theory of thin pla- tes. He says that his assumptions of two function3 for the displa- cement is near that of Henckyp the main difference being the use of w. and wT as against three functions u,- v, and w. Stating the equilibrium conditions for applied moments and torques and using the moment - deflection equations of (Ref. 15 t Op. cit.) two diff e rential equations are deducedt (Lm-Li) wm - (LN-Lr) WT~O, (2.9) (Lp-LN)wm+(LP-LT)WF=T Card 2/8 V 0 3/60/012/004/006/007 A The influence of the shear ... D242/D301 Lm - DII aii +4DIs ~7XC-Oy +2(D,2+2D") ire-To+ 04 +Djj + 4DIM jx-dtO Lr-Hsgwx,f +2114s dxdV +H44 (2.8) L!. - V9x -t + ' - J~- + SY 21 W III.-Y OZOV dii- LP-K+ V, + Li pri and q in the normal, arbitrary and time variable load# is the Card 3/8 .2662o P/033/60/012/004/006/007 The Influence of:the shear, D242/D301 mano per unit area of th6,plate9 n 0 In' I n are the corresponding x y z load component of the ahearforoeag DIk M %k h3/12 (B,k are the constants in dx B12. E x + B 12 & y + 1116 Yxy Ote" h is the plate thicknesel 11 ik Bik 5/6 h (it k - 4P 5) and K in the coefficient of the Winklorian foundation, The substitution used is WK = N - Y~t WT - (LM - LAO' (2*10) where [(LM - Lj)(Lp - LT)+(LN - LT)(Lr - LN)J!P= qs (2.11) The function ~ can satisfy -three of the boundary conditions dWA OWM W*"U;ip dn . ~"P an ~fraf (2.12) in-To, "in "Mot MR0 --* So. Card 4/8 26620 /006/007 P/03 60/012/004 The influence of the shear... D242YD301 on each edge. Confining further considerations to the case of har- monic vibration with angular frequency w, the differential equation f or 1. is (LM Vj) (KI) - Lj)+ (LN - LT) (1;1) - LN) ;F, (2.15) where K jxw2 Ij ?W2 r2v2 (2.16) and q,(xp yp t) ff(x, y) sin (wt + 4). This equation for 17 is dee- med too difficult to discuss in its general form and it is assumed that the material of the plate is orthotropic, that there is no load n xy t that the plate is rectangular (sides a x b), and that the edge conditions are ib Of 0, iin 0. (3.2) d8 The amplitude of the load and the function are expanded in a Card 5/8 2662-o P/033/60/012/004/006/007 The influence of the shear D242/D301 double fourrier series with coefficients . Putting smn = 0 the eigen frequency IfA=+ B. (3-14) is obtained. For load nx, n greater than the critical, the expres- sion under the root is realYand positive. Under the*action of the critical loads the free vibration of the plate is zero, hence the critical values of nXt ny are found from (3-15) JV(4Sm+Sr+K)6�r-:~k -(Sr-K)I. For a square plate side length ap for which nX ny K 0, and m n 1 it is shown that Card 6/8, Q, .1 26620 P/033 60/012/004/006/007 The influence of the shear D242YD301 X, D W MV (5-7) - == ~r 1/ W (A'- JIA" - B X B#). (5.8) I'.$ A7+ 1/9;=1-4 where A'- (17 - 5 P) + 30 (1 - B'- 240 (1 (5.6) A curve of w against h/a is drawn which show that the best approxi- mation to wjzTj is that by the function w,,,. It follows that the re- jection of the influence of the rotary inertial the distortions due to shear being taken into consideration, does not cause any significant error and considerably facilitates computation. There are 3 figures and 18 references: b Soviet-bloc and 12 non-Soviet- bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-language publica- tions read as follows: J. Mossakowskil Rowania teorii Reissnera. dla Card 7/8 V-11z~'i 26620 P/033/60/012/004/006/007 The influence of the shear sea D242/D301 plyt ortotropowych (Equations of Reisener's theory of.orthotropic plates), Ksiega Jubileuszowa 1. Wierzbickiegol PWN Warszawa 1959, 145 - 155; T.R. Kano# R.D* Mindlint High frequency extensional vi- brations of plates, J. appl. Mech., 23, 1956p 277-283; D.C* Gazizp- R.D. Mindlinp Influence of width on velocities of long waves on pla- tes, J. appl. Mech., 24P 1957P 541-546; Z. Kaczkowski, Orthotropic rectangular thin plates with arbitrary boundary conditions, Arch. Mech. stos-, 4P 10, 1958P.525 - 549. 1 ASSOCIATION: Department of Mechanics of continuous Media, IBTP Polish Academy of Sciences SUBMITTED: April 26p 1960 Card 8/8 KACZKO,WSKI, Zbigniew Magneto-mechanical phenomena in magnetostrictive materials. Przegl elektroniki 2 no.3:256-278 JI 161. 1. Zaklad Elektronikig Instytut Podatavowych Problemow Techniki, Polska kkademin.Rauk, Warszawa, Rf M, KAGZKt.lwsxis Zbigniew Magnetostriotive ferritoo used Ln olootromachanical f32-ters. Przogl elektroniki 2 ilo.5/6:397-407 161. 1. Zaklad Blaktroniki Insty-tutu Podstawowyoh Problemow Techniki Folskiej Akademii Nauk. Kkc7zuwsxi, Zbigniew; IIAMOWSKI, JanUsz; WOLSKI, Andrzej Magnetostrictive eleaticity meters. lkzegl elektroniki 2 no.5/6: 414-415 '61. 1; Iristytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki Polskioj Akademii Hauk i Kaiedra'Podstaw Telakomunikaoji Folitechniki Warszawskiej. KACZKU.4SKI, Zbigniew SURNAME., Given Names C0Wltl7: POLAND Academic Degrees: / not given Affiliation: not given Source: Warsaw, RozT)ravy ElektrotechnigM. Vo3.,V3:I, No 2. 1961, pp V~5-275 Datu Magnetostrictive Rqaations and their Coefficidnts" XMIOR: T1TLE: 11M.'.1t)DICAL; P/053/62/000/009/003/003 D271/D308 Kac_-koN1fl1-.i, Lbignicii Tlyr-tercain o`1: constants of mag- iietoutrictive ferrite, type El 111rzc[;lqd alchtronikit no, 9, 1962, 550-564 VZVE: Results are reported of ~n`cxtensivc experimental study of nagnetostrictive constants of ferrite El developed in Pol- cmd. This is a Ni-Co-Un ferrite with- a fairly high rao4netostrictive coupling coefficient. .1lie de-pendence of magnetostrictive constants on ma6netizing field was-studicel on toroidal samplea, at 200C. As san?les imre heated whnn clibjected to strong fields, mcasurements werc made in function of field strangth and. temperature, i-rith v&i- ous initial tcm,)eratures, and final results were then computed. Def- ivdtions,.formulas and units arc tabulated for all measured constants, in the rationalized MM and CGS'-I.', systems. drapho -are shown for: virginal'curve and hysterecis loop of dynm-Ac- permeability, with constant strain and stress, hy6tcresis loops,of resonant and anti- Card 1/2 ~Te TIP KACZKOWSKI, Zbigniew Remarks on the designing of solenoids. Przegl elektroniki 9 no.l: 12-25 Ja 162., 1. Zaklad Blektroniki nTT PAR. I NACZKOVSKI, Zbigniew A method for simultaneous measuring of the static magnetic and - tostrictive properties. Przegl elektroniki 3 no.7s 409-418 JI 162. 1. Zaklad Elektroniki, Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia Mauk, Warszawa. KACZKOWSKII Zbigniev Fqateresis of magnetcue.chanie'al coefficients of magmetostrictive El ferrites, Przegj e3Aktroniki 3 no,9:550-564 S 162, le Instytut Podstavowych Problwmow Technikis Polska Akademia Nauk,, Warszawa. KACZKOWSKI, Zbigniew,- ZYBURTOWICZ., Mkoljal Jr. Solving of plane grid work with bent bars. Archiw inz lad 8 no.3:283-310 162s 1. Katedra Moobaniki Budowlip Politeohnikas Warszawa. XACZ.KOWSKI, Z. Effect of heat treatment on the Q-factor of Ni-span C type alloys. Bul Ac Fol tech 10 no.l:[511-[551 .162. 1 Department of Electronics, Institute of Fundamental Technical i;oblems Polish Academy.of Sciences, Warsav, and Forschungsinatitut fiir Metailische Sposialwarkstoffe, Dresdent Deutsche Akademle der Wissenschaften. Presented by J.Groszkowski,* 0 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODIOAL 37086 P/019/62/011/001/004/010 D265/D302 Kaczkowski, Ze Temperature relations of mechanical resonance fre- quency and mechanical quality factor for some magnetic alloys of 'Polish manufacture Archiwum, elektrotechnikit v, Ili no.,lt 1962, 153-169 TEXT: Results are presented of investigations carried out on samp- les of permalloy, elinvars and Ni $pan 0 magnetic alloys prepared at the Instytut metali nielelaznych (In*Btitute of Non-Ferrous Me- tals) at Gliwice on their suitability for application as resonators in electro-mechanical filters. Measurements of the damping coeffi- cient 9) and the resonance frequency (fr) in the range of 600 c/s to 25 kc/s were carried out in the Special Metallic Materials Re- V~_ search Institute of the German Academy of Sciences at Dresden. La- boratory equipment known under the name of Elastomat type 1012 made by the Dr. Pdreter Institute Reutlingen was employed where the samp- les under test in the form.of thin strips were placed between the Card 1/3 __Pard 2/3 by :P/019/62/011/001/004/010 Temperature relations of mechanical D265/D302 graphs. It was found that the Q-factor depended on alloying consti- tuents of the samples and their heat treatment. The temperature co- efficient of resonance frequency was found to have attained twice the zero value after approprdate heat treatment. The maximum mecha- nical quality factor value amounted up to 39000 in vacuum and 220 '00 in air. There are 18.*figures, 2 tables and 16 references: 14 Soviet- bloc and 2 non-Boviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: C.M. Van der Burgtg Eleotronio Tech- nology, 1960, v. 37P no. 9, PP. 330-341;. C.M. Van der Burgt, Phi- lips Research Reportag v. 12t 29 pp, 97-122t 1957. ASSOCIATION: ZakXad magnetyk6w, IPPT-PAN (Institute of Magnetic Engineers - IPPT-PAS) SUBMITTED: May 11, 1961 Card 3/3 KACZKOWBU,--Z-.- .............. Hysteresis loops for magnetomechanical coupling coefficient of certain magnetostrictive ferrites. Archiw elektrotech 11 no.23373-378 162. 1. Zaklad Magnetykow,_Instytut Podstsvowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. XACZKOWSKI Z. Temperature relations of the coefficient of magnetomechanical coupling for the E 128 ferrite. Arehiw elektrotech .11 no.2.- 379-381 162. 1. Zaklad Magnetykow;~ Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia ""auk, Warszawa. 42091 11/019/62/011/003/008/008 2 7_ 0 0 D289/1)308 MTHOR: Kactlcowski Z. TITLL: A sim?lified measuring set for determining mechani- cal rcnonance frequency and.magnetomechanic coupling coegficient k of magnetostrictive naterials 11:MLIUDICAL: A'Irchitnim e 1 elft rote chniki, V. 11, no. 3, 1962, 635-639 T=f: toroidal specimen has the following resonant fre- quency, V/7 f r 21it, 7 C/S (1) I where r is the mean radius of speciment E the Young's 11odulus,. the density. The ratio of magnetic energy to mechanical is given .by 2 Pe, -,a v h ISH (2) 6B where )u, are reversible permeabilities at constant mechanical Card 1/~2 P/019/62/011/003/000/008 A simplified measuring set pressures and,at-constant'deformation respectively; are H ,Young's moduli at constant B and constant H respectively. A simplIe aneasuring set for d6ternination of k is described. The-measuring set consists of a high stability ultrasonic generator, wave meter, voltmeter, milliximeter, resistor and the specimen. 'the specimen has a bias magnetisation by d.c. from an accumulator through resis- tor and choke. The accuracy obtained with the instrument was 1-57" for an average specimen. The anti-resonance frequency without com- pensation is smaller than the trud frequency by 176 for ,u = 50, or by 2.53' for ~L = 20 and up to 57o' for u a 10. The measurement of the resonance curve may b,-, limited totwo points Ur and the anti- ' the j resonance frequency ~a); the accuracy is then'2-5%. The use of set without a choke introduces an additional error of the order of 0.1-576 for frequency and up to YA for k: it is not suitable for determination of Q. There are 4 figures. ,i6o"OOLMON: Zakyad magnetyk6w, IP13T PAN (Department of Magnetics IP2T ?AS) SUBEIT'.CM: 2ebruary 15, 1962 Card 2/2 KACZKOWSKI,_7b~gnjOV Vibration of a beam under a moving load. Proceed vibr,probl 4 no. 4:357v373 163. 1. Technical University, Warsaw. System for the determination of the k coefficient of. magnetome-~mical coupling a~d the resonance frequency of magnotootiictive samples. Przqgl slaktroniki 4 no. 5/6; 267-276 MY-Je 1639 1. Zaklad Magnetykow, Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Tachniki, Polska Akadep4a Nauk.. Warszawa. Q~,N- A.0 KACZKOWBKI Z The influence of the polarizing field on the value of magnotomeohanioal coupling coefficient at remanence in magnetostrictive ferrite R.I. Bal Ac Pol tech 11 no.It 41-4.4 163. 1. Department of %Vetiess Institute of Fimdamental Technical Problemov Polish Academy of Sciences., Warsaw. Presented by A.Smolivski. .KACZKOWSK1.-.1Z..'-., .- ~ Dependence of the mechanical resonance frequency on magnetic polarization and temperature in Ni-ferrite with tin ard Co admixtures. Bul Ac Pol tech 11 no.8:443-"8 10. 1. Department of Magnetics. Institute of Fundamental Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by A.K. Smolinski. V.,18.q2j~-63 EwT(1)/jWS/=)-2/ZS(s)-2~ AMC/ASDAJP(C)/SSD K-4 P/0053/63/000/094/0225/0227 '40CESSION Nlk: AP3003182 61 tAUTHOR: KacxkowskL. ZbLgniew The affect of the polarizing field on the value of the wagnotouschanLeal Will I coupling coeffLais at at rexon once in magnatostrictive, ferrite 91. 9~- ri SOURCE:.. Prxeglad *IektrodikL, o. 4, 1963, 225-227. !TOPIC TAGS: unpatonschanical coupling coefficient, magnstostrictive ferrite 31 'ABSTRAM: In order to analyze the effect of the polarizing field on the val~tua of Ithe magnetomechanLeal coupling coefficient at remanence k~, measurements were made I on a toroidal sample of magnatoatrictive ferrite El with a resonance f requency of about 100 kilocycles per second at a room temperature of 20 + 'or -0.2C when the 1amplitude was H a 2 m0a. The metho4 used was previously described by Z. Kaczkowski; (Upros'actony uklad pomiarowy do wyznacxania czestolLwosci razonansu machanicznego L wepolasynnika sprazenia magnotomachanLcznego k materLalow magnetostrykeyjnych, Archiwum ElaktrotachnW, vol. 11, no. 3, 635-639, 1962). The results are eumma- rized in Figures 1,2, and 3 of Enclosure 1,2 and 3. it is concluded that satura- tion above 30-40 Oe does not cause a true increase in the value of the Magnetome- sha.nical coefficient, or in the broadening of its hysteresis loops.. English Card L~ 18931-63 'ACCZSSICK RR:- AP3003182 !text of this comunicatLon was Biuletyn Wydaislu IV PAN (Bulletin of ;Division,xv of PANO, No 2, 1963. '"The author wiAesi to'thank Prof. Dr. Eng. C l.janusx Grosxkowski and Prot, Dr. &S. Adam Spolinaki for reviewing this work and for their valuable suggestion*." Orig. art.,' has:3 figures. A-Q-qwTATrOW: -Zaklad Slaktroniki IPPT PAN (InstitOte of Electronics pm~ , IPPT SUBM 00 DATE ACQ: 12Jul63 ENCL. 03 SUB CODE:n 09 NO REF SOV: 00 OTRER: 004; -Card, SMOLINSKI, A.; KACZKOWSKI, Z.; SMIALKOWSKI, Influence of the tuning and tracing rate on the recording fidelity of filtor characteristics taken up by a Neuman type recording device, Archiw elektrotech 12 no. 4: 772-779 161, 1. Zaklad Magnetykow, Inetytut Podstewowych Problemow Technikip Polska Akadomia Nauk' Warszawa, i Katedra MagniV7kow.i Dielektrykow,, Politechnika, Warszaw4,-*' P/Mo/a/Molom/ow/010 I ACCESSION NR: AP4022670 1 AUTHOR:- Kaozkowskig ZbUniew TITM: Relationship tetween mechanical resonance frequenerg magnetic polarimtio~ and- temperature in Nit-ferrite vith Xn and Go impurities SOURCEI Przeg2ad olektrordkit D0629 1964p 96-101 m- lariza TOPIC TAGS: ferromagTatism, magnetostriction, nickel ferrite, agnetio p0 tion, mechaawal resonance frequency, resonance frequencyg magneto3trictive ferrit ABSTRACT: Games are given for the relationship between mechanical resonance frequency, temperature kin a range from -70 to +1509C) and magnetic field strength '(up to 50 oersteds) for a nickel ferrite with cobalt and manganese admi;xturesq i Thezv is a shU% In the resonance frequency minitua in the higher temperature z range with an ir4rease in the strength of thepolarizing field. "The author sincere thanks to Dr. of Engineering A. Smoliawki arA Dr. of Engineering expresses R. Wada-a for revision of WA vork and valuable advice." Oriv art. has: 4 figv"a, "S=Mt Zak2ad MomVim M?PT PAN (Departmnt of VAgnetics, 1Pn PAN) KAGUMISKI, Z. A multilayer laboratory solenoid. Archiw elektrotech 13 no.l-. 171-173 '64. 1. Department of Magnetics,, Institute of Basic Technical Problevs, Polish Academy of Sciences, Varsaw. KACZKOWSKI, Zbigniew Dependence of the elasticity modulUB on the magnetic polarization anti temperature (A E effect) in Ni ferrites with admixtures of menganese and cobalt. Przegl elektroniki 5 no.8:391-405 Ag 164. 1. Department of Magnetica) Institute of Basic Technical Problemsp Polish Academy of S-iences, Warsaw. 0111% M7 - . . " i7bR----5 -ilcieTli LU ~4- - ---- -- ---- -- -- . - - . - -*-P---I= ~ -2~ VTIT~ ~~. a .- I - I --- . - - -1 --- -A -4 3 -- ~- . I - ~ . I I . - . I ", I , 1 ' '~ .1; , ~; ilPt " .1- .111 d bi o'hpr magnetized.sam , _.~ ~ 1--r. _--r :-!Pfar rin eS Lnt' VDII zim 1 -.1111- - AA V, 012 U,- I U ~ U I "-" - ... --. -- - Al't.ft zz t ~ X Im Vnf.L Nv vnt-% Vn Mu ALL. NKs AP6011814- SOtMCE CODE: PO/0019/66/015/001/0003/0026 AUr'HOR: Kaczkowski Z J7 ORG:,_ Department of Magneticss, IPPT,PAN (zaklad Magnetykow,IPPT PAN) TITLE:. Extrema of magnetomeohanical coefficients of nickel with Co and Mn admixtures SOURCE: Archiwum elektrotechniki,, v. 150 no. 1...1966.. 3-28 TOPIC TAGS: magnetomechanic coefficients, nickel ferrites, piezomagnetic, coefficient. --.'ABSTRACT: This work deals with the magnetomechanical coefficients k,,.d, h, g. and e. which were determined on the basis of relations be- tween coefficients appearing,in sets.of magnetoBtriction equations for an Ni-Co-Mn ferrite over Ia temperature range of -70C to + 150c; the constant field strength reached 50 Oe, and the amplitude of the alternating field reached 2m ~Oe. The authors states that the next paper will contain a discussion on the remaining piezomagnetic co- efficients, which, together with the above mentioned magnetomeohanical coefficients, will represent a full set of coefficients for the mag- netostrietion equations'. The magnetomechanical coefficients have been determined by methods and measuring diagrams-described in earlier paperi Card 1/2 --L4 ACC NRt,,. Ap6o11814 (Kaczkowski, Z.: Oisieriezis magnitomechaniezeakich paramietrow magnitostrikajonnogo ferrita El, Akusticzeskij Zurnal, t.. 9, w. 1, ..37-46, 1963; Uklad do,wyznaczania wspolazynnika sprzezenia magneto- machanicznego k i, czestotliwosci rezonaneowej w zakresis od -70 do + 1500C, Prz. Elektron., r. 4, nr 5-6, 267-276v 1963; Uproszezony uklad pomiarowy do vryznaczania.czestotliwosci rezonansu mechanicznego i wapolozynnika sprzezenia magnetomechanioznego k materialow magneto- strykcyjnych, Arch. Elektrot., t. XI, z. 2. 635-639P 1962.) I The ferrites examined were characterized by their high value or mag- .netomechanical coupling in remanence (Kr> 0.3w at t = 20C). The phenomenon of the temperature extremes shifting with the reversal of polarization has been revealed, and the appearance of the several extremal points has been observed in the characteristics d, h, g, and e as a consequence of changes in their magnetic and mechanical prope&.ies. A full set of piezomagnetio coefficients has been de- fined experimentally for the first time by determining the primary curves at room and other temperatures ranging from -70 to + 150C. The author expresses his gratitude to Prof. Dr. Leazek Filipazynski Prof.,Dr..Maciel Naleez, and Prof. Dr. Adam Smolinaki for~~ ~valu%le omments.. Orig art. has: ~3 figuresp 37 formulas, and 2 tables. FBased on autho~,G,abstractj [AM] SUB CODE: 12.0 20/ SUBM DATE:. 260at64/: ORIG REF: 015/ OTH REF:029, _CaM 2,/2 L 36209-66 EWP(e)/9WP(t)/ETI IJPW JD ACC NRj AP6018029 SOURCE CODE: PO/0019/65/014/003/0689/0692 Y U'. Kaczkowski, Z. le institute of Magnetic Materials IPPT PAN (Zaklad Magnetykow IPPT.PAN,)-. Some parameters of ferrite and Pemall2y recording heads 3: Archivum elektrotechniki, v. 14, no. X965, 689-692 PIC TAGS: magnetic recording, Permalloy, magnetic permeability, frequency charac- ~ristic, magnetic coercive force STRACT: Magnetic and electrical data are given for various types of ferrite record- ~g heads with Permalloy contact faces and gaps of 3 and 5 u. These data are compared .th those for a conventional Permalloy head with an 8 p gap. Primary magnetization Lrves are given as well as the remanence and coercivity as functions of the maximum Lturating field strength. Relationships are also given for the frequency response of =eability (head inductance), the tangent of the dielectric loss angle and the figure . merit for the head. It is found that the static parameters of ferrite and Permalloy zds are approximately identical in spite of the higher permeability of Permalloy. Lis is probably due to the stresses resulting from mechanical treatment of the gnetic head. Dielectric loses are considerably lover in ferrite heads with Permalloy Lcing than in conventional Permalloy beads. The figure of merit is more than twice as .gh for heads with facings than for conventional heads. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, formulas. -SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: 25Nov64/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 000 L 36210, ~ACCNR. R: Kaczhowski, Z. Institute of Magnetic Materials, IPPT PAN (Zaklad Mangetykov IPPT P"),_ Frequency and amplitude characteristics for the inductance of ferrite and I~M recording heads EWP(tl/-&TI IJP(c) JD SOURCE CODE: PO/0019/65/oi4/003/o692/0695 Archivum elektrotechniki, v. 14, no. 3, 1965, 692-695 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic recording, Permalloy, ferrite, frequency cbaracteristic ABSTRACT: The author studies inductance as a function of the intensity of the magnetizing field in ferrite recording heads with Permalloy facings and gaps of 3 and 5 P (UGF3 and UGF5) as well as in Permalloy heads with an 8 1~ gap at frequencies of 80, 200, 1000, 5000 and 15000 cps. The current through the entire coil was measured for the lowest frequency, while the characteristics vere'determined for only the lover hill of the winding on all other frequencies. The readings were taken in fields of up to 10- oersteds at a temperature of 20'3C. It was found the ferrite cores show constant perme ability which is reduced slightly by the application of metal facings. Higher induc- tance is observed at the ends of the band which is due to the proximity of electric resonance rather than to an increase in permeability. -Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBK DATE: 12Feb65/ ORIG REF: 002 MR REF: 000 :Bcl jr %k, ("t-iror ~kw AW-1.1- -M, a:um,ntuo- , 'i after r, 1'. '4 mmvcreture of be vomppriiu,rj~ j;'t- 0. per cent Similar ii.-ndes of rpst-iron annemed ~1 a .),A,cec reveal an v%,crage ellorigiallon of 195:% TInt - as~-:r~n tn -z' w-so added c-intatned an averarge a! 17, S! Thil ,,ourts for the Increment In length Caal-;r~n ~_rttatnlc ,-n,njum Is highly -Istant to fire; the film of oxideF on i" thM and adheM Well ta Lbe MqjVrjFjj ()n the Cther 11311d. ',*,I 121'r of ferric oxides formed an the 3urfave of cast lr~ ~ntwntng hr-ninza) .,,s thick; It crackotLandbroke away from the m2tcrial. Cent-imn ~Itl, a high chromium content "It. for work in tt!mpuaturej below 90,-f be used as a M-e-m4ting material, while cost-Iran coritalnlnX Edumi ,~n can be ust-d for work In lemperatur-es of up to 11500C, Aluroinio- u leits expensive thax~ cht"mfum. Moreover. since the gcIfic r,-,L~ N, cost-Iran epritizining 236e. ailumAnjum amounts to rough!v 5.9 ii ~ m3~ -right vf variou,t vn2tings mvd~ fmm %wh !rvn it, .nrk in 1,j:, tv Appy-tAN, t~br. If M cent aluminium Is non-magnetic E., 1653. KACZNIAIICZYK A. and I"ORWIT Z. Zakl*. Mikrobiol., Lek. A. M., Krak6w. *KlebsiclFa_Tr-MeUM-n-dcri w bicgunkach niemowl~t. K I e b s i e I I h -p n c u in o - niae in infantile diarrhoeas PEDIAT.POL. 1955, 30/3 (255- 270) Tables 5 From faeces and nasopharyngeal secretions of 66 cases, 186 mucous strains were isolated and out of them 117 were marked from the serological and biochemical point of view as KI.pneumoniae. Seventy-four strains were virulent for white mice and presented kinship to digestive tract. The appearance of the virulant ba- cilli was met in the most serious clinical course and the highest death rate and pathological changes in the dead infants. A higher death rate. was noted in infants up to the 3rd month of life than in infants over 3 months old. The administration of antibiotics (streptomycin, chloramphenicoli chlortetracycline) proved to be non-efficacious. From authors' summary (XX, 7,4) P/044/62/000/001/002/002 DOOl/DlOl AUTHOR: Kaczmarezyk, A., Master of Engineering TITLE- New solutions in gyro instruments PERIODICAL: Wojskowy przeglqd lotniczy, no. 1, 1962, 28-42 TEXT:- The purpose of the article was to inform readers about the latest development in gyro instruments. Progress in aviation and rocket engineering calls for better navigation instruments. One line of development are better bearings and suspensions for conventio- nal gyroscopesq another line concerns entirely new principles ih gyroscope engineering. New principles make use of cryogenics, nuclear and molecular spin and other phenomena. The author describeq, in broad outlines the following types of gyro instruments: differen- tial and integral floating gyroscopesq floating gyroscopes with three degrees of freedomq gas bearing gyroscopes, magnetic suspen- sion gyroscopes, cryogenic gyroscopes, vibration gyroscopes ("gyro- trons"), electronic gyroscopes and molecular gyroscopes, The latter Card 1/2 P/044/62/000/001/002/002 New solutions in gyro .... DOOl/DlO1 type of instrument is still in the developmental and research stage. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 15 references: 12 Soviet-bloc and 3.,non-Soviet-bloc. Lnstracter's note; Six of the twelve Soviet- bloc references are based on Western sources]. The references to the English language publications read as follows: Aerospace Engineering nr. 1, 1959, "Achieving extremely Accurate Nonfloated Gyros" - A, Lane, M. Klemens, E. Zeigler; Air Force nr. 10, 1960 "New Honeywell Gas Bearing Gyro Greatly Improves Reliability Performance" an advertising note. Card 2/2 N STRZEMINSKII Unuesp mgr ins.!, JWGkM_A&QZjyjj Adaml mgr inz, Mechanization of the production of tamping for filling blast holes. Wieko gorn 14 no.4j3.1514" ALp 163. 1 BARRM K1, Stan iolav;,UCZMARCZYK, Aalcja Influence of denta-1 splints used in jaw fracturen on the tissue of the periodontium. Mao. stomat. 3.8 no* 1291431-1433 D 1 65. 1, Z KlinW Chirargii, Stomatologicmej AM w Krakowle, Werawniks doo. dr. T. Pavela) i z Zakladu Dentyetyki 7Achovavczej AM w Kmkovie (Kisrownikt, doe. dr. J. Ubdniecki), XACZHARCZYKO And ej 2 mipr, ins. I ----------- Methas of masuring mws flow. Pomiary 8 no. 5tZ30-239 My, 162. 1 1, Instytut YAchamild Precysyjraj., Warssmra. KACZ R.CZYK NL KUDIA, Toodor; WARONSKI, Wlodaimiers Efrect or gynooologiail surgery on the alkaline reserve level of the blood, Ginek, pol, 34 no-305,14-356 163. 1. Z I !*niki Pbloxnietwa i Chorob Kobiecych SL AM v Zabrau Kierowniks,prafo drued. 11o Starsowski'deceased'a GYMMA)GY) (SURGERY, OITMTIVI) Arm-wz zQummmum) BLOM CHWICAL ANALYSTOI 6 yT1.1:1-.'ll.Jd;. YK .4 Jtl-2.q I -L'i'l Og Mt- t : O"I's 3 Cj f 1-4 1 e- - ilo?.r-r elektrotecl 10 no.]/2: !!"i-12 5 it.41 t D. -spariat. L4J - -Y 1.0 m ,f P",eat -onia Insty-omortq. Techn3oa-l University,, We~-.q a W . KA02MOZYK, JerlW network for the indtation of an axially symmetric electric field. Przag1.91ektroniki 3 no.6:330-334 So '62. 1, Natedra Radiotechnikip Politechnika, Warszawa, JELDNEKI Zbigniew; KAMIARCZYKI Jers . . -11- 7- Directional luminous intensity standards as used to test radiation detectors. Przegl elektroniki 4 no. 5/6: 338-342 My4e 163. 1. Katedra Radiotechniki, Politechnika, Warszawa. KACZMARCZYK, J. A nev approach,to the theory of resistance-network analogs for invest'.1ation of -axially symmetric fields. Bul Ac Pol Tech 12-no.9:691-694 164. 1. Department of Electronic Instruments of the Warsaw Technical University. Submitted July 10p 19640' KACZMARCZIK, J. Attempt to prooent analytically the dependence of tungaten emis- eivity an temorature and wavelength, Aroldw elektroteoh 12 no.2:357- 362 163o 1, Katedra Radiotbohnik 4,0 Politachnikas Warazavao ZWIERZ, Jan; KACZMARCZYK, Marian Atypical localization of the outlet of the cammon bile duct In the duodenal papi.Uia,, Pol. prsegl. chir. 34 no.7013-715 162. 1. Z Oddziala Chirargiesnej Szpitala Pow. im. Biernackiego v Opocznie Ordynator: dr J. Zvierz, (COMMON BILE DUCT) GOIZCKIp Josef; MZMMZM[p Stanislav Action of the horizontal forces caused by the movement of the crab upon the steel structure of-an industrial workshop. probl"W pro hut ' syn 10 '#9t257-261 s 162. .j mm no 1. Abidemia: 'Gornicio-Hut2cea, Krakow. KACMMZYK, S.1 OSTAFIN, S. Therapy by mans of occupation and the capacity of adaptation of schizophrenics. Neurol neurochir psych 3.2 no-5043-749 S-0 162, 1. Pahstwowy Sapital i Osrodek Remoojalizaji dla Nerwowo i ftychimle Chorychl Branics. Dyrektoh Mackowisk. KAGZMARCZYK, S.; OSTAFINs S. Occupational therapy and the adaptive capacity of schisophrenice. Neurol. neuroobir. pfjyohiat. pol. 12 no.5t743-749 162. 1. Z Pahstwowego Szpitala i Osrodka Resoejalizacji dla Nerwowo i Psychiamie Choryoh w Branicaoh Dyrektor: Z. hokoviak. (SCHIZOPHRMIC PSYCHOLOGY) (OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY) GOLECKI, Josef, doo. dr inzbjjft~ ~Stan~islawj mgr ins. Horizontal forces originating from the motion of t1ke crane and their effect on the A461 structure of a factor~p halle Ins i bud 19 no.12:465-/+67 2 162. 1, Katedra Hassyn Hutnicsychj, Zaklad Stalowych Konpqtrukaji Urzadzen i Massyn,, Akademia Gorniezo-Hutnicza, Xraktwo -7. r-ZT- GOLECKII Josef, dr inz.; KAGZKARCZYK, Stanislaw, mgr inz. Effects of vertical forces released by the movement of the traveling crane on the steel structure of metallurgical plants. Huts, Lenins, Prace no.12:88-96 162. Y,!t7Y-IiRC:Y7--, T. Alumni of the aero clubs are flying jets. p. 4. SKR2.YDIATA PCISKA. (Ligo Lotnicza) warszava, Pciand. Vol. 11, no. 32j Aug. 1955. Montbly List of rast European accession (EY11), LC. Vol. 8, N6. 5 Septemberp 1959. Uncl. HAixU'I'%L-KOWALL;ZIK P Barboxii- KACR4";K, Antonj Studies on preventing c"tho'growing of horns on calves. Roonaki. wyd szkola rol Pognan 17t135-144 163, lo Depmrtment of Specific Animal Breeding, College of Agriculture, Poznan* I IT. KAntord (voanan) -itud!aa on blood corpusclio antigena In domestic mimale. Vbzgchsviat na.1.1s257-259 11163. GELBER_. Jerzy,* KAcZMAREK Danuta; MAJ, Janina; NOWOTKO, Urazula Blood coagulation disorders in infectious hepatitis in children. Prezegl. epidem. 16 no.2:159-166.162. 1. Z I Mmiki Pediatrycznej PAM v Szesecinie Kierownik: doe. dr. J. Starkiewiczova i a Oddsialu Dzieciecego Woj. Upitalk Zakaznego v Szczecinis Dyrektor: dr M. Habela. (IEPATITIS IVECTIOUS blood) (BLOOD COAGULATION) KACZMAM. Equatioffs for the reduced distribution,functions of a miAiwe of particlea, Acta phyoioa,Pol 23 no.4:439-442 Ap 163. I.-Institute of Basio Technical Problemsj, Polish Academy of �oiences, Wareavs u1, SompolowskieJ 3. NRIN gl~ IKM ACC NR. AP60:3,17 87 SOURCE CODE: PO/0045166/030/002/0267/0275 AUTHOR:.. I