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85028 Ar.1109 1-24to S/094/60/000/010/002/002 E073/Z335 AUTHORSt Strakhov, K. Kachanov, I_J, and Yakoylov, V,A, TITLEt High-temperature Induction Furnace of Industrial Frequency for Brazing,?f Components PERIODICAL: Promyslh-lenpaya energetika, 1960, No. 10, pp. 15 - 16 TEXTt The authors propose & now design of on induction type furnace Qperating at the supply frequency with a permanent hermetically closed muffle and not an expendable one. The furnace formq.a coreless transformer, the primary winding of which is a-mixiltitui-k'solenoid (inductor) and the secondary winding is the'hermetic muffle made of a refractory metal. On connecting the inductor to an AC supply, currents are induced in the muffle and partly also in the components inside It which generate the required brazing heat. The temperature control is effected by means of a potentiometer on the basis of temperature values derived from thermocouples fitted inside the furnace. The furnace consists of the following basic parts: housing - 1; inductor - 2; thermal insulation - 3; hermetic muffle lid - 5 and the magnetic circuit - 6. Card 1/3 s/o94/6o/V00O1O/OO2/OO2 Z073/E335 High-temperature Induction Furnace of Industrial Frequency for Brazing of Components d The housing is made of ordinary "steel 511 and its dimensions are 1 000 x 1 000 nn. To prevent heating of the housing separation gaps are provided. The inductor is a two-layer one and has 78 turns of a 16 x 16 mm hollow aluminium conductor. The outeir layer has 5 tappings, enabling selection of the necessary thermal regime of the furnace. The dimensions of the inductor are: external diameter 823 mmi internal diameter 785 mm and height 750 mm. The thermal insulation is made of "ultra-lightweight'l material (between the internal layer and the external surface of the muffle) and f _/irebrick. The muffle is made of refractory )Maheet steel, 11 mm thick; the joints are fused by argon are welding., The cover of the furnace is of nonmagnetic steel, 14 mm thick with a pipe connection for fitting a vacuum pump, introducing a gas flux and thermocoupleS. On the inside the lid is fitted with thermal insulation. On the outside tt is water-cooled. The furnace characteristics are as follows; power 65 W; voltage 380 V; current consumption 180 A; current intensity Card 2/3 85028 s/o94/6o/ooo/oio/oo2/oo2 E073/E335 High-temnerature Induction Furnace of Industrial Frequency for Brazing of Components in the furnace 700 A; rating of the condenser bank 350 kVAr; temperature 1 200 _ 1 250 OC. This furnace has the following advantagess the power consumption is only one-quarter of that of a chamber furnace; the process is much less laborious; a great saving is obtained in expensive refractory metal for manufacturing the muffles. The annual saving in electricity amounts to 600 000 kVh. This proposal was awarded second prize in the Fifteenth All-Union Competition for Saving Energy. There is 1 figure, Card 3/3 TRETOXAMY., Iu.D.; KWHANOVj, I.N. Oothermal oolubility disgrm for the quaternary system FeSO,4.(M4)2SOr )'30 UB04.(NHI,)2~0e~ZO at 4M. ShureneorgAblu* 7'to,;7zl 11 (MIRA 16;3) (Systsw (Chemistry)) (Solubility) (sulfate$). KACHANOV,,,K.S., -inzh. ------- Work practices of the organizations of the Main Administration for the Erection of Metallurgical Plants. Mont. I "pets. rab. v stroi 25 no.11OL8 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye po montazhu metallurgicbeskikh predpriyatiy. GUINAN, L.A., prof... doktor tekhn,naukj _KC44~-qy,.J~Mt, prof., doktor fiz.- matem.nauk "Residual Stresses" by 1,A.Birger, Zav,lab, 30 no,1291523-1524 164, (MIRA 1821) K#C 11g'410 V, / 0. KAGHANOV, L. 14. Variatsiom-iye primtsipy dlia uprugo-plasticheskikh sredLn. (Prikladnaia matematika i mekhanika, 1942) v. 6, no. 2/3, p. 187-1,06, bibliograp4y) Title tr.: Variational princip1is for elastic-plastic solids. QAeOl. P 7 19h2 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955, I I i . V'. o0 00 0* of 1 rhe"Olne" UrAer c , o& PArm Conditlow P 1. itupolan.) L M. K la a 4 &09 (11111110'r anti Turbine ZdAnufacturo), Aux. 1947. it. 6-10. 11119 15 Discusses several general and particular questions COACerninx the above. Alterations of deformation and alms per unit of time were studied for In a Perivit of problems. For example. the problem of of a spherical container and cylindrical tube ere" ro t wite bin walls in milveil by a very simple method. I r j N E:-L- -~i I saw #1 - slow .0"OT 1k Islaw toll 94V 604 911111 V11111 W am# all Ir I I a ; a ; a T'"', ~7 r DU it art, IQ ali; i. P 0 0 11 :Z 0,00000 00 9 a* 0 00 40*00 Al 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 04 Co use too NIC"i ) L. ft. -E~10 , ~L.K.; WRITI.A.I., prof., red.; 1DYTStOWIT, L.G., prof,,, red,; Mu , G.Tu., red.; TOICWKj JC.Ng tokha. red. I [lbohanice of plastic: media] ww2anika pusucheskikb ared, leningrat, Ooe. isd-'" tekbal 049or6t. lit-27 1948. 215 P. (NUA UM (DatormtIons (Nechwdoeb (11astic solids) April. ---- I ~-Il. A, I The 4. no. j, 37-- 4 7 ..."Lln, 7~. i - -- j~,); ~, t~ .1, ' I - nt,.irjv .1 -'t , - . ~ . k, NTI 9-,m I -- -p- '. , - EACIIAN01, L. M. Nekotorye voprosy teorii polzuehesti. Leningrad Gostekhizdat, 1949. 1611 p., Oiagrs. (Sovrememye probleny mekhanikii. Bibliograpby: p. 163-164. Title tr.: Some problems in the theory of creep of metals. Reviewed by IU. N. Rabotnov in Sovetskaia kniga, 1951, no. 1, P. 55-57. TA h6o.Y,23 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955, -TaWTTals OT 11115 type !4 estabhshed, ant] varimis examplfs are discussed including flexure and torcior ei bars and Ow ElLrmpn-ll pf,,~44rffi -*~- rile disphicernent.9 are H ~ ~-, L'If ~ i . m ms-mheai on rAF? c4 Aw -;rfie -1 1 i P ." .1 ':'.if, i , ", , ~* " .1 i, KACHANCT, L. E. 33895. 0 Prilozhyenii Tyeorii Kirkhgofa-Klyebsha K Voprosam Ustoychivosti Dyefor- matsii I Kolyevaniy Odnogo Klassa-Plastin I Obolochyek. Uchyen. Zpiski, (Lyeningr. GOB. Un-t Im. Zhdanova), Syeria Ngtyem. Hauk., VYP 179 1949p 0. 95-102. - Bibllogrr 6 Nam. SO: Letopis' Zhuriiallnykh Statey, Vol. 46, Yloskva, 1949. UCHAM lkll-~' ~. Applying the lirchhaff-liabseh theory-to problems on the stability, deformation and vibration of a specific class of plates and shells, uchesapo4nouns =0114t95-102 1490 (KE.RA 10: 3) , (XIastic plates guA shells) iiia";C bw jr, stl,aill, T-:~hear Stress, G and 1,--chavlour of inmijv, z, 1~ prffulally to discuss C~V,~. S .11 v,~~;, ', trll, crcm-5~ectlonal q&rqu, exh-J-4t,; light de~ ~lk;r-l: Lilde if, particular, re-milts are oblairle(j It," ca-la A lybell tht~a, Is a local notch of Speci'd 511411w. si UCHANDV-fL.'-X&' "Investigations in the Theory of Plasticity.* Sub 26 Apr 51j, Inst of Mechanics., Acad Sci USSR. Dissertations presented for science and enginer*ing degream in Moscow during 1"1. 908 SUN, No, 4wp 9 mmy 55, 0 ne )(Ar-WMOV, L.M. I".", %labililit. n( Insor **qwrtw. a.f firn.fins 11--- F.1"Le Until. M. Ilmlim." NAI.I.I.W4.1 11,161.1,111(a i %irtimillikil, %. Il. x1m.-Apr.-Im.1', p. 11r, :twi '11w flignav of IIIIAII vlolic 1,1.14tc 1, '-1 1,~ cAvule the al%nv. Rt,qllf~ attv 1.1bill.d.A 'I'd tharl'.& KACIWiOVf,L. M. plane form of PYOnd e loading. M d.N ,auk s%R 76-1 (1931). Pr1k', Alat, h1ch, 15, 762. (RUS144'an) It if, thAnt-t-0, 011t th"'t 'hr delmialion.t is not mrictly npp:' jile 10 11lip Ow lulding is "ComPlex" ixf--auw the 51tum conilments d, .i not i 'nrreMw proportionntrIv tri A pi'l"T ply.ino-t'r I kc rhf tor ?I1, o -1 a 0 a 44 is 0 a N it 4 11 I 2 a bArms" oil 1111 IAT 19 V"&A OL it 6 1 11 1, 1-4 1 . ~4, ~ - - L 6 L a I . It 4, A . ll ANk A cl 00 J141A K !!!�jR"jAAL, 0- , "It) Wpla" 4,&,SM ton bo s" ** "" f " -00 y 1 A k*mi-)- 1"Wi Aha. Nalik &Ujt P ( ~41116 (-V -4-) ". S. IW -M, Asir. 1161. Audim flivro k4mliwo bK"m Um CMqAm .00 tom (arlit"ttQ'I -A"gjw in" t1w )jL41 Pmug, (anamsLow W KhjAmcs 1whitial" 90 its irWk, samigoi Ilaw, sigh Oil. &WWO, (0-olualiulm id j'q"jw.,Jw, Oki 11401i,slin Ill.iM,44 ,%. 400 limit% a** Will' 4h For "A01j.1l, 4.(Ilw 6,41"Mkm.. I(Its'. 00 1, l%*UI4qk Its%- SIVI-41, th"S g`g-'n"hN&MkO-. IW-jkW4j JU I-&k-Uhjj, !moo it*& itims;tdo-jury n~jjm 1 .400 moo 00 It abliskLuff'KIA Wills'luat CLOWK&M-k koeg It 0 *a 940 * Iat v lo 0see of 0,000 too d%4' & 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 00,9 0 0 DOWN, L. M. Strains and Stresses Stability of arches beyond the limit of elasticity. Vest. Len. un 7 No. 12, 1952. An analysis of this stability on the basis of plasticity tb*orY in which Tpang's nodulus is replaced b7 Karmen's mo&lw,, as was recommended in the case of plastically-strained arch" by A. N. Dinnik, I'Stabi3ity of Arches., I (Ustoychivost, Arolk..) State Tech. Press, 1946. States that this is immanalogous to** case of laagitadinal bending of straight compres"d beam. 253M0 ~9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953, Unclassified 9 SIM/Th"Iell 21"tIdIty I Feb 53 _"itabiliiy ofElAsitic-Plastic f4ullilirium of a Com- pressed and Twisted Wall.," L. M. Kachanov Dq SSBR, Vol 88,, No 4.. pp 627-630 Studies stability of a circular %ml.1 compressed'and Weted beyond the limit of 'eltnticity* The prob.-! lia as applied to an ideally elastic vall was dis- cussed in previous articles (see dreenhill.''Proc.- Inst. Mech. Ing..Lofidon j '(1883);_ E. L. Nikolai, ibid. 6 30 (1926) and others)'. Presented by Acad V. 1. ;;&ov. Received 20 Oct 52. 24%*7 tOYT USSR/Theory -of elasticity Card 1/1 Author j Mchanov.. L. It. Title t Problem of deformation of a plastic laye r Periodical i Dokl. A11 SSSHj 96, Ed* 2, 249 - 252, May, 1954 Abstract t Report is,devoted to an axially symmetrical problem of deformation Actually there are two problems involveds of a: plastic layer, , ~1) problem of thestressed state in a plastic seam,and the develop- mant of a method determining the resistance of pliable metals to brt;ak- ing alway by means of elongation tests of a thin layer of the tested- metal fused,with,ablid parts. Consideration must be j;iven to the. composite boundaTy conditiotis:causing displquement on the surface of the contact. I Actual' -test procedure,is described. Five references; USSR 19500 Institution i too**.* Submitted Pre.5ented by Academician V. 1. Smtrnov, larch 15, 1954 Fcbruary 23, 1954 W USSR/Mechanics - Elasticity and Plasticity FD-2489 Card 1/1 Pub 85-16/19 Author : Kachanov.,-L. M. Title : On complex loading Periodical : Prikl. Mat. i Mekh., 19, 371-375, May-June 1955 Abstract : The author compares the two types of fundamental dependencies used in the theory of plasticity. They are 1) equations of the theory of elastic-plastic deformations which establish a connection between components of deformation and components of stress and 2) equations of the theory of plastic flow, which connect infinitely -small in- crements of these components. The author presents some qualitative indications that results obtained from the tvo different theories will coincide closely in most cases. Institution: -- Submitted : November 24) 1954 NMIQ IXLIDXU, G.1.0 redaktor; XURASHOVA, N.Ta., q SOMMImem=r redanor 0 [Principles of the thfory of plasticity] Omnovy tooril plastlebaosti. I(oWm, Go@, Isd-wo tekbnIko-teorste lit-rye 1956, 324 P..' (KMA 10;2) (Plasticity) W - - -1-1 ---l ;-, -1-V"---l- p, I ;. . ~,l a I u7i at CTItma of bid 0111(y aff),mg i sh llm-t ir, *,-e VIAM"a-tIc -"x- if git, Mv U piv z NAMMR I - J -- - - - -, - . . . . - I I . KA MWOV, L. - M. Physicisto L. M. '- Kschonov, Ye. 1. Edel'shteyn, G. V. Vinogradov, G. 11. Yuznetsov, M. P. Volarovich, and A. V. Stepanov and geologists F. I. Vollfson, V. A. Aprodov, N. 1. Borodayevskiy, and Yu. S. Shikhin -- on the problems of modeling tectonic phenomena. paper presented at the First All-Union Conference on Tectonophysics, Moscow, 29 Jon 5 Feb 1957. )'z'z a, AUTBOR S D.D. TITIN: Conferetas ozL Sustained Static Strength of Turbir* Components WorkIQ at Mirb Temperatures (Soveslozhenlye, p0 l' 41 o 1ta acy staticbtskoy prochnosti detaley tuxbo""In, rabotayushchlkh pri vysokoy temperature) PMMVZCAL: Isvestiya Akadea.11. Sauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tol,'-!ch*sk1kJo Wauk. 1958, Mr 4. py 149 - 1~0 (USSR) ABWnCTs no Commaission an the strength or oas Turloinet from the Mastit t kb iki N SSS i h I a " an nst tute of mec A anics ct the R ( Ac.5c.92811) (Chairman - Yu.N. Rabotmov) and the Strength Section of the laningrad Technical Committee on T-Lrbin* Smastruction (Chairman - T.K. laumov) hold a conference during Movesb*r 20-22, 1957 an the austaitwd static strength of curbing components working at high temperst-4rt. saw/24-58--4-33/39 Conference an Sustained Static Strength Of Turbine Components .Working at Righ Temperatures G.A. fuly~ek v (TsNIITNAM) described tb* results Of am -fU-#-n-r &=a I Lnvostieatlon of or lit boiler statel tr.. conditions. 12 all a?'3~.IT', under _X.X_LLU (T1KT1 Iz. Polsuncy) gave a paper an .1"atiga%ior. or Deformation and Sustained Strength of Tubw:1 containimg results on the study of creep under complex stress conditions. A.S. GMbIz (7yeaboyo T2yenno-corskoye uchilist':he I=. 'we-r-JEln-azago Jewel School !A. rzeritinsk:4) "ad a paper on *Calculation of the *Ti-r-troo* Roots of Slawlem, of G. T.--bL... in the Creep Deformation ReeJoc* _LJL_JULGh2r_,7_(Loni.neradniciy gosudarstvangyy universt%9t Tanlilgrad-5VAte varsity and TSE71 I=. polzuzov) dealt with creel; unjer initial plastic deformation. sitL a view to calculat Lag-Me- deformation state of components =sd* from specL&I hast-resistant steels. 0_q4jjr'T_ (Ju0scow state UrAv:rsity. Institut mektan"l S. JL X'_96SR - Institute of Mechanics 9 the Ac.S,_.VS3R) dow-rIbed P the results or tzoorstLeol. and InvOstifat"ns la wwte&4,7 creep under complex stress conditions. He r"arked that tt.ore now exists a theory,egr4eing catis- factorilly with experimental data, which permits t" ca,lculati-on of the stress and deformation state In turbine _di.ks &W Oj a at hiEb temperatures. In addition be has dealgas Hnstructed apparatus for investigstimg a-is- tala*d strength and creep of heat resisting alloys umeer complex stress conditions and a number of valuable resuIts have been obtained with this apparatus. ". Alokcov (TaKTI ic. Pol&uAov) discussed tt~e choice of ;be niTurf of loading of components workine at hift temperature AL.-T. B*ranj*n MIAX) lave a paper *OA CoAstructiona. la-ETUR-Sr-Su eta Load Static Streneth" which described results ebtainst an low-yo-er turbine equi =frt. Thet.papar-of X.T11r_gjjAA2j%k1j dealt with tEO bearing, eapscl%y of tdz ne rotors. many participants recarked on tLe increasing road for extenalvo co-OrAlIcation of work L4 tLe fisi-3 of strec;;th CardV7 Of gas 'tuxb-Inas. *AUTIfOR; -Kachanov. L*M* and Hemehinskiy, A.L. 122 On a method of determining the fracture strength. (Ob odnom sposobe oprodeleniya soproVivleniya otryvu) PPRIODICAL: "Fizika Metallow i MetFillovedenie (Phy$ic s of - Metala Metallurgy3, 1957~ To__~i !V,70-, ;(1099 PP. 151-160 (UOSOS*Ro) ABSTROT: Existing methods of testing the fracture strength of ductile metals particularly of low carbon steel,, have a, Z a E number of disa v tages. Inearlier work ( av. Lab., 19529 vol.xviiij 1381), one of the authors described results' of fracture testr carried out with cylindrical specimens of high strength.steel containing a thin transverse layer of a steel to be investigated;~ the strength figures were obtained on the assumption that the load distribution was uniform. It was later found that this was not the case, and in this paper fo=ulae are derived which enable one to calculate. the -real ratio -of these stresses. It'was found dilatometricall that . carbon steel had e linear contraction of 0.228% on cooling down - t i t h d d h 2 i i k l l t um-n ar one rom s ee from + o -190 G. Wh la c c e 0 containing 0-3% 0 contracted.under the same conditions by 0-236/q. This slight difference of 3-5% in the thermal expan- sion of the two steals affect appreciably the results of the investigations. The authors carried out experiments with specimens which were manufactured by forge welding of a packet consisting of two sheets of chromium-nickel steel with an AUTHOR:Kachanov, L. M. (Leningrad). 24-5-4/25 TITLE: On plastic bending of curved thin walled tubes. (0 plasticheskom izgibe krivykh tonkostennykh trub). PERIODICAL: "Izveati-va Akademii Nauk. Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc.j Technical Sciences Section, 1957, No.5, pp. 42-47 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Bending of curved thin walled tubes is accompanied by flattening of their profile and as a result of that,their flexibility increases sharply. A theoretical analysis of this phenozenon was first carried out by Karman in 1911 and a number of authors have dealt with the problem in more recent years. In earlier work of the author (6) attempts were made to analyse bending of curved thin walled tubes in the case of plastic deformations whereby the solution is constructed on the basis of the principle of minimum total energy; the difficulties caused by the non-linearity of the problem were overcome on the basis of the assumption that the relation between the intensities CWq1/3 of stresses and strains T and r can be approximated by 3, ~-reby A the parabola T 2A, r - 4A2r whe A i> 09 2> 0 are constants. Thus, dT/dr>o, so that this On plastic bending of curved thin walled tubes. (Gont.) I approximation allows relatively small deviat?O1112irigm the linear law. It was found that during plastic deformations the flexibility of the tube increases only slightly. In this paper the solution is based on a different variational principle, the principle of mi additional work; it is in this case possible to arrive at a solution of the problem for cases when I'- BTmj whereby B is a constant and m is an odd number larger than zero; flexibility values for other magnitudes of m can be obtained by interpolation. This approximation enables establishment of the fact that the flexibility of the tube increases sharply with increasing m. The given results indicate that the flexibility coefficient b increases sharply on transition into the region of plastic deformations. This is attributed to the fact that 4Aattening causes reduction of the longitudinal deforms, tion and a reduction in the stress 00 For balancing a given bending moment, the required increase in a is larger in the plastic range of deformations than in the elastic one. The obtained solution can be directly Card 2/3 applied to the case of bending of a curved tube under conditions of steady state creep. The limit carrying capacity of such tubes is also considered. I On plastic bending of curved thin walled tub (Cont.) 9!~-~~ There are four figures, 7 references, 4 0, WIR-0*5h are Slavic. SUBMMTZD: March 1. 1957. AVAIIABLZ: Card 3/ 3 AUTHORS: Kats, Sh. N. and Xachanov, L. M. (Leningrad) 24-11-22/31 TITILE: On plastic deformation in the case of complicated loading. (0 plasticheskoy deformateii pri slozhnom, nagruzhenii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1957, No.llj PP. 172-173 ZUSSR) ABSTRACT: The results of various authors, for instance, of Heal B. (Ref-5) relating to "Lhe determination of the torsion resistance of an initlally bent rod prove indirectly the usefulness of the plastic flow theory. Therefore, the authors considered it of interestoto accumulate various experimental data on this problem and here results are described of torsion experiments on tubes which were first plastically deformed by internal pressure. Inside a special set-up a vertically disposed tube was fixed which was stressed by internal hydraulic press-are, The measurement of the pressure was accurate to a degree 0.35%. The change in the tube diameter under the effect of internal pressure was recorded in six points along the.q iircumference of the tube-with an indicator having scale ions of I It. The torsion was effected by loads appli!"Np~rms of 1 m length. Seven Card 1/2 tubes were investigated, all o5r-'-which were produced from 24. -1 -.1 -22/31 On plastic deformation in the case of complicated loading. Steel 20 which was first annealed to obtain given mechanical properties. The experimentally determined curves show that in presence of a plastic deformation in the tube, caused by internal pressure, the initial shear modulus will equal the elastic shear modulus as follows from the theory of plastic flow; thereby, the degree of plastic deformation caused by the internal pressure does not manifest itself greatly on the values of the shear modulus and torsion. The coefficient of proportionality between the torque and the twist angle is strongly dependent on the magnitude of accumulated deformation; these conclusions of the theory of elastic- plastic deformations contradict the above mentioned experimental data. There are one figure and 5 references, one of which is Slavic. SUBMITTED: May 22, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Central Boiler-Turbine Institute. (Tsentrallnyy Kotloturbinnyy InBtitUt). AVAITA Library of Congress. Card 2/a XACHANOV. L.M. (Leningrad) 1C Ilastic and plastic equilibrium of a wedge under conditions of flat tension. Prikl.mate I makh, 21 no,3t4l3-418 Ny-Je 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Wedges) (Elasticity) AUTHOR: ,*,',,(Leninf6rad) SOV/24-58-8-5/37 TITLE: Oil the Rupture Time in Creep Conditions (0 vremeni razrusheniya v u5loviyuk-h polzuchesti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya ~kademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Teldmicheskikh Nauk) 1958, Nr 8, pp 26-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently Hoff (Ref.1) defined tho rupture time of a bar in tension as the time at which the cross-sectional area of the bar vanished as a result of unbounded quasi- viscous flow. Kats (Ref.2) has studied by the saiaie method the strenSth of thick-walled pipes under an internal pressure. The rupture time of a rotatin,-, disc ,.jith a hole bas been calculated by Rosenbloom (Ref.3). In this Ejnpei- the author describes an attempt at defininL; the i~upture time takinB account of embrittlemexit. The effect of stresu concentration has been evaluated bv means of the analysis described. If at a Given temperature the material can undergo considerable deformation, the stress distribution is noticeably evened out and hence the effect of a stress concentration on the strength of the material is weakened. Conversely, for small deformations Card 1/2 the sensitivity of the material to stress concentration On the Rupture Time in Creep Conditions SOV/24-53-3-5/37 is increased. It is also pcssible to make a comparatively simple approach to the definition of the rupture tine and the conclusioLs generally agree with the observations. In some cases (for instance, inside an a,~gressive medium) a preferential formation of cracks emanating from the surface of the body was observed; for such cases the time to failure can be determined according to the method described in the paper provided it is supplemented by an equation which determines the speed of failure along, the norma-2 to the surface. The author expresses his thanks to I. G. Sobolev and Ya. B. Fridman for their useful advice. There are 2 fibures and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet, 2 English and 1 German. SUELUTTED: April 5, 1958 1. Metals--Mechanical properties 2. Metals--Failure 3. Metals--Cra'ep 4. Metals--Stresses Ocird 21/2 AUTHOR: Kachnnovt L. M. (Leningrad) SOV/179-59-3-13/45 TITLE: Approximate Solution of Steady Creep Problems (Priblizhennoye reaheniye zadach ustanovivsheysya polzuchesti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika I mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 84-95 (USSR), ABSTRAM The paper-is a continuation of earlier work (Refs I and 5). It is a3sumed that in steady creep the shear strain and shear stress are.connected by the power relationship H, - Be The strain components are related to the stress components by the equations (Ref 1), = 1 (or - '0) = 2& * 0 . 0 x 2 X P-x (1.2) BT M-1 Card 1/2 xy xy Txy Approximate solution of Steady Creep Problems SOV/179-59-3-13/45 where A B m+1 (1-3) +1 T and a 1/3 y + UZ). An approximate method of solving creep problems based on these equations is proposed and applied to a hollow sphere under the action of internal pressure; the pure bending of a bar of rectangular cross-section; the torsion of a bar of rectangular cross-section, and the axially symmetric bending of a plate. The results are illustrated graphically (Figs 5-10) and numerically. There are 10 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet and 1 English. SUBMITTEDt February 27, 1959 Card 2/2 XACHANOV, L.K. (Leningrad) -----v-a;;ati,-n-&1--ne,th*ds for the solution of plasticity probls:. PAU. mt. i mkh. 23 no.3:616-617 MY-Je '59. (KIRA 12:5) (Plasticity) all al "Sill SHURMLOY, S.P.. OtT.Pede I GUTW, S.D., red.; KAGNANOV, L.X., red.; KRASNOV, T.M., red.;.-MAISNOTA. T.D., red.g PRIGCROVSKIT, N.I., red.; PROSIKO, TXv red.; IWAXOT, X.S., red.; ZMISHTEYN. Te.l., 'red.; SODEMMU, T#J., red.; TOMAGIS, S.D., (Polarization Optloal method top stream analysis; proceedings of the conference of FebroW XI-229 190] Pollarisatsionuo-optiebeekil ustod Issledov"Lis, amplashesill $miy Wonferentell 13-21 fevralia 19,% gods* Lmingrado 154-V* ZOILLIV90AIWov 19609 450 pe (MIRA 13W (Strains and stresses) (Ootls4 masuresents) Pan I D= MMIDMTION SOV/4494 Ka Teoriye. polzuchesti (Theory of breep) Moscow, Flzmatgiz, 1960. 455 p. 6,500 copies printed. Ed.: G.I. Felldman; Tech. Ye. A. Terma1wra. PURPOSE:. Tfiis book is intended for technical person 1, engineers and designers concerned with metallic creep. -:,'OVMGE: The author gives an account of the basic theory of creep of xet4ls. He ;Xamines creep according to tho caRparatively simple scheme of qmai-viscous flow. Considerable space is alloted to the wofting out of simple* approxiiiate'solutioas of problems which'.. according to 6he author, we of Immediate practical interest. Along with the solutions the author gives gra*s,, ejamples, andinstractionB for applying the methods of calculationp Recognition is given to V.19. Rozenblym, A.N. Grubin, and G.V. Ivanoi for help in compiling the book. There am 159 refer- ences: 85 Soviet, 68 Englishp 5 German, and 1 French. Gard-Ift- KACUNOV, L.M. (IemingTad) Rupture time under creep conditions. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk.xekh.1 mashinostr. uo.5M-92 3-0 160, (MIRA 13:9) (creep of materials) S/179/6o/ooo/oo6/022/036 8081/R135 AUTHOR: !~.anov, L.M.., (Leningrad) TITLE: Creep of a Thin Layer Compressed by Rigid Plates PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdoleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, ig6o, No. 6, pp. i38-i4o TEXT: The paper in a continuation of previous work (Ref.2). The well known Prandtl solution (see e.g. Ref.1) of the problem of the flow of an ideally plastic layer compressed by rough, rigid plates forms the basis of a number of methods for the approximate calculation of the compression of a plastic layer. The present note derives a solution of the creep problem for a thin layer compressed by rigid rough plates at sufficiently high pressures. Under plane deformation conditions the deformation velocity 4z = 0 and the flow occurs in the xy plane; the layer occupies the region x > 0, (yj 0 hol.ds. If ~..the condition just given holds, the system (4) may always be brought to the dc 1 2'T normal form :a - - - [B ( t )?A'- + ,dT (1-192,.*'.) (7), where dt & k= 1, 2,A 2Ck 14T*3.Ckdt Aik is the*algebraic complement of the corresponding element of the deter- minant A. If the solution of the variation equation O'is set up in the iorm (3), tAe values"C-1, a 0'. (1 is 1,2,.o.) correspond to the exact solution,:and here 0, 0 &C > 0 (9) holds. 'be 1 T_ ~ 'Z ciao i i i1j=j 92,,.. For'.e ij -crij,ilthe additional deviation from A,, according to considera- Card 3/4 MOO S/040/61/025/001/021/022 Solving the problem of... B125/B204 tions made by R. khill&bstraoterls notei probably Hill attains the absolute minimum,'and a solution given here is unique. Finally, the behavior of tohe functions ok(t)'in the case of high values of t are con- sidered. -The additional spread of the body is limited,. and also the stresses in a sufficiently large volume are limited. Alsi the functions 0 may be assumed to be limited. The equation in int9gral form k(t) reads Aik[B(t ) JA1 + ~gr I)-' d.i - 1 dt (10). . 'bo dt A 0 k-1,2 ... k glok 0 System (9) is best-numerically or graphically solved by means of the Euler method. The method discussed may easily be applied to relaxation problems, mixed problems, to non-uniformly heated bodies, to case3 with lacking similarity of creep curves, and to elastic-plastic deformations. There are 4 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: Odtober 8, 1960 Card 4/4 XACHANOV, L.M. Note to L.K.Kachanov's article "Creep of a thin layer compressed by rigid plates*" Izv*AN SSSR.Otd*tekh.naukeMekh.i nashinostr. uo,2: 172 Mr-Ap 161. (MM 14:4) (Cr"p of altdrials) NACHANCV-,--L.M. Leningrad) r' the growth of cracks. Prikl. mat. i mekh. 25 Kinetics o1, no-3-.498-502 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14-.7) (Strength of materials) Izample of the solution of the problem of elastoplastic torsion by means of the variational method. Isal.po uprugA plant. no.ltl57-161 161, WMAL 1512) (Torsion) !;F DIKOVICH, Igor' Loonidovieb;,KAGRAUQY,-L.Xo-prof.0 doktor fiz.- mat, nauk,, retaenzent; FILIZI, A.P.j, prof.,, doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; NOVUREM, Mol rod,; KUSKOVAI A*Iop red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Dynamics of elastoplastio beams] Di rugmilca uprago-plastiche- skM balok. Leningrad,, Sudprongiz, 1962. 291 p. (Beams and girders) (KIRA 15:10) h2101 S/179/62/000/005/003/012 E031/F-135 AUTHOR: Kachanov, L.M. (Leningrad) TITLE: On the stressed state of a plastic filling PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Uvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanik& I mashinostroyeniyes no-5, 1962, 63-67 TEXT: The problem of the tension 9f. an axisymmetric filling was studied in earlier work'of the author. In this paper the flow of a plastic filling in conditions of plane deformation under tension (and compression) and the problem of str'engthening are considered. The filling is assumed to be'thin and joining two sufficiently rigid parts which have approximately the same moduli of elasticity as the filler, but considerably higher yield point values. If a moderate force is applied per unit length perpendicular to the sandwich construction, all the joints will suffer elastic deformation. It is assumed that the surfaces of contact between the filling ahd the outer layers remain plane. An approximate solution is sought for the stress on the surface of the filling. An expression is derived relating the mean stress p Card 1/3 S/179/62/000/005/003/012 On the stressed state of a plastic ... E031/E135 to the parameter C VII (6 2 v'(b) where v is the displacement'in the axial direction and 6 is the ratio of the thickness of the filling to its width. For C 0, corresponding to the onset of plastic flow, p = 2k (k yield point). For small C the tangential stress distribution is nearly linear. As C tends to infinity the tangential stress tends to the constant value k. This corresponds to the boundary conditions of the layer for which the Prandtl solutions were obtained. For C --~ oD the derived formulae yield the well known Prandtl equations. The normal stress component has a maximum value on the axis of the filling. The relation between this maximum value and p is depicted graphically. To examine the effect of strengthening the material it is assumed that for tangential stresses T _< k the material is elastic but that for T > k a linear strengthening applies, i.e. for T-< k, T = GT' and for T ',>_,k, T = A + Br, where r in the intensity of the shear deivrmation and Q is the shear modulu*. The resulting Card 2/3 On the stressed state of a plastic.. S/179/62/000/005/003/012 E031/E135 changes in the various expressions previously derived are considered. As B tends to G, C tends to zero. An C tends to C' = (G/B - 1) 65, p/2k tends to infinity. With mtrengthening there is no limiting loadj the quantity p/2k being bounded only by the strength. There are 5 figures. SUBMITTEDi June 20, 1962 Card 3/3 lu 0 U PHASE I BOOK EXPLADITA71ON IQOV/6201 Voesoyuznyy s"yezd po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. IskMoscow, 1060. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo s"yezda po, teoreticheakoy i prikladnoy mekhanike, 27 yanvarya -- 3 fevralya 1960 g. Obzornyye doklady (Transactions of the All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 27'January to 3 February 1960. Summary Reports). Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR. 1962. 467 p. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: AkademiyanaukSSSR.. WatsionalInyy komitet SSSR po teoreticheskoy i prikladnoy mekhanike. EditorialBoard: L. 1. Sedov. Chairman; V. V. Sokolovaidy, Deputy'Chairroanj 0. S. Shapiro, Scientific Secritary; 0. Yu. Dzhanelidze. S. V. INAunin, L G. Loytoyanaldy, A. 1. Lurlye, 0. K. Mikhaylov, G. 1. Petrov, and V. V. Kumyantsev; Reap. Ed.: L. 1. Sedov; Ed. of Publishing House: A~ G. ChaWrev. Tech. Ed.: R. A. Zamarayevs. Card 1/ 6 Triinsactions of the All-Union Congress (Cont.) SOV/6201 PURPOSE. This book is Intended for scientific and engineering personnel who are interested In recent work in theoretical and applied mechanics, COVERAGE: The articles Included in these transactions are arranged by general subject matter under the following heads: general and applied me. chanics (5 papers), fluid mechanics (10 papers), and the mechanics of rigid bodies (8 papers). Besides the organizational personnel of the congress, no personalities are mentioned. Six of the papers in the present colleation have no references; the remaining 17 contain approximately 1400 references in Russian. Ukrainian. English. German, Czechoslovak, Rumanian, French. Italian, and Dutch. TABLE OF CONTENTS: SEC71ON 1. GENERAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS Artobolevoidy. 1. 1. Basic Problems of Modern Machine Dynamics 5 Bogolyubov, N. N.. and Yu. A. Mitropollskly. inalytic Msthdda of the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations 25 Card 2/ 6 Transactions of the All-Union Congress (Cont.) SOV/6201 eXachanov, L. M. )On Some Variational Principles and Methods in t1W Theo ry-bt-Plas ticity 358 Kupradze, V. D. The Singular Integral Equation Method in the Spatial Theory of Elasticity 374 Rabotnov, Yu. N. Creep 384 Florin, V. A. Present State and Future Problems in the Mechanics of Soils 396 Sherman, D. 1. Two- and Three -Dimensional Problems In the Static Theory of Elasticity 405 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress SUBJECT: Physics Card 6/6 IS/dmp/mas 2-13-62 KAGHA,NUVI L.H. (Leningrad) 19 Stressed state of a p3mtic interlayer, lzv.AN SSSR. OUL- Ukh.nauk.Wkho i masUnontr. no.5;636-67 3-0 162o WRA 15:10) (Deformtiona (Mechanics)) GRIGORYAN., S.S.; GRIB, A.A.; ZVOLINSKIY, N.V.; LCHANOV,_,LM,- FE TROSHEN., G.I. E.I.Shemiakin's afticle ORtpansion of a gas cavity on a Doncompressible elastoplastio medium; study of the action of an explosion on the ground* and N.B.Medvedeva and B.I.Shemiakin's article 634.rain vaves caused by underground explosion in-rocks. Isv.AX SSSR.Otd.tokh.n*. Nbkh.i mashinostr. no.5.,173-177 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Explosions) (Sheniakin., E.I.) Obdvedva., N.S.) w 17, 11 ~ -I- I Naebanovp L* X, (Prc~ -------------- Analytical Methods of Creep Designp Especially Within the Nonlinear Range, THIRD SYWOSIUM ON NAVAL STNICTURAL MECHANICS INTERNATIONAL COMHENCE ON EUVATED TEMR&TURE MECHANICS NKW TORKs Ns Ya nrat Days January 23#1963 IACHANOV. L.M. (Loningrad) Shear and emproBsioa of a thin plaetic layer. Isy. AN SM &A. tokh. nauk. Mekh. i mobinostr, no,2tl72-173 " 163. (MM l6t6) XACHANOV, L.H. Kinetic theory of the increase of cracks. Isol. po uprug. J plast, no.2:66-73 163. (KRA 16s8) (Deformations (Machanics)) W310, Ni~J MACHt-NOV, L,M. (Leningrad) Creep of' a thin layer aubjected to compression and bending. Izv. AN SSSR. Makh. i mashinostr. no.4:86-91 J1-Ag '63. (MIRA 1714) I~r KACHANCVsL.Y,. (Leningrad) ---- "Variational methods In the theory of plasticity" report presented at thg 2nd All-Union Congress on 1heoretical and Applied Mechanics, Mcscows 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. ACCESSION NR: AT4034319 9/2753/64/000/003/0052/0061 AUTHO)t: Kachanov,' L. N.- TITLE: Bending of an' ilastic-plistle lamina. SOURCE: Leningrad. Unive.raitet. Hateitatiko-makhanichaskiy iakul'tat. -61 Issledavantya po-uprugoati i.plastichaosti, no. 3 1964, 52 TOPIC TAGS; laming, elastic lamina.',. pUstic lamina, lamina banding, :6en4i 09 stress planar deformation, leviina' r, fastining ABPTRACT: The author calls atten'tion to,the fact that the stream state of! in stic f i la aminas, used in the-fastening of rigid parts, is distinguished'by a p number of specifie.features'of great practical importance. After noting in pasiting that the problem-of the elongation (compression)'of the thin lamina has beeit studied elsewhere', the author,t#kes up.the question ofi-'bonding (n,the present article. Specifically,.--he donsiders-the'problem of the bending of a'. i soft plastic lamina under condiiions.of~plsnarstrain (deformtion). it is' assumed that the Umini is thin; 'that is,61=4 t