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B71ITIU, E. TECOOLOGY Periodicals: IWAUIRGIA SI CONSTRUCTTA DE MASIN-1. Vol. lo, no- 5, May 1958 IOVITIU, E. Increasing the life of service of plowshares and noldboards by means of soldering worn sections with hard alloys. P. h47 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAT) 1C., Vol. 8., No. 2,9 February 1959, Unclass. "7"3172'- ~~L T FREON MMUNNUM IMASAN, St.; BERRATH, AL.;, IOVITIU. E.; SAFTA, V. ........................ Study of the fatigue of high-grade steel manufactured in Rumania. Pt.2. Improved quality of stee. Studii tehn Timisoara 8 no.3A: 247-265 JI-D 161. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiai R.R.R. si membru &I Comitetului de redacties "Studii si cercetari$ Stiinte tehnice" (Timisoara) (for Sadasan)s IOVITIU, Eugen P,ql.satory fatigue stength of some.welded butt joinings made of OL38 and OLX52 steel shoots. Constr maa 16 no. 2:94-97 F 164. 0 ;, -IOVITIU Ea; TAOHE, Ana-A-iris Mechanical properties of laminated materiale containing arsenic. Q+iiA4 4 +a%m T4vn4mem "a A I/A -7n-9AA J1-n Al V 7 %& N -R. AP6031543 SOURCE CODE: RU/0027/65/010/002/0301/0312 AUTHOR: Iovitiu,!E. ORM none TITLEI Contribution to the study the influence of =r on the mechanical ch aracteristics of steel OLC 35 SOURCE: Stulii si cercetari de metaiurgiep v. 10, no. 2. 1965, 301-312 TOPIC.TAGS: wear resistance, copper containing alloy, creep, mechanical fatigue ABSTRACT: In a test of 15 samples of steel OLC 35 with a copper contents of between 0.1 and 1.2 percent, the author noted the favorable effects of the copper addition, Higher copper contents resulted in Improved resistance to creeping,, breakingi fatigue and rotating twisting and in increased longitudinal &~d transversal resilience as well as better wear r6sistance., Orig. arts has: 9 figures and 1 tablea [JPRS: 34pl661 SUB CODE: 110 20 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 004 Card 1/1 af 911 IOVITOIU, Noel C. Controlled drilling of a well in the layer plans. Patrol si gaze 15 no., 7042-347 J1 164. S/137/62/000/001/142/237 A052/A101 AUTHORS: Nodeshan, Sh... Bernit, Al., lovitaly, Ye- TITM Investigation of-fatigue strength of high-quality carbon-steels, produced in the Rumanian Peoplets Republic PERIODICAL: .Referativn" zhurnal, Metallurgiya, nc.~.-l, 1962, 35, abstract 11241 ("Byul.,nauchn. inform.-Rumyno-sov.~nau&m.:in-t. Ser. matem., fiz., khimii i teldm. a." no. 2, 196o,.43-52) The-fatigue'strength of'3'carbon`ste41s (OLC 35, OLC 45 and.OLC-60) TECT: containing 035, 0,.45 and 0;60 C as well as the dependence'of 6-1 on ff.'s f6r these 'b steels.'in;nor-malized -state was investigated statistically .* The tests' were carrJed out'on,cantilever samples with a reduced.,oros~-sectiontin the rftddle'--By-the-- test results the lower 6~, that Is',the maxiinum stress'at which no;;sample* was destroye&ias yeti the upper 6w that is the minimum stress at which all samples were destroyed, and the mean 6w' value that is the stress at which 50% of the samples were destroyed, were determined. This corresponds approximately to 107 cycle test duration. The 6~, values found.And corresponding values 6f other mechanical ~ropertles (V Y I WY are presented in a table. Diagrams Card,1/2 S/137/62/000/001/142/237 Investigation of fatigue strength ... A052/A1O1 show the dependence of ~, on VU as well as the results of statistical processing of the data obtained. On the basis of the analysis made the following limiting values of ~l are,gi3en for standardization purposes: 25 - M kg/mm2 for OLC 35, 27.5 - 35 kg/mm for OLC 45 and 30 - 36 kg/mm2 for OLC 60. N. Kalinkina [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 10VIOVS IV. if world should disars. Waille- i takhn mladezh 14 no.2-.2-4 F, 162. IV IMOV, Ivan I. The ustiowide competition., Nauka i tekh mladesh " no,9s 1-3 S -562, lll~ M .. . A-, , -- I-OVXOV,, Ivan . The Sth Congress of the Bulgarian Cammnist Party; time and motion. Nauka i. tekh mladezh 14 no.3.1.-2 of cover-3 !62. - M I M I M "'m -0 f m INKOVII-xv,- --- Reports of yo=g teelmicians. Nauka i tekh mladezh 15 no.61 4 Je'63, - 10 LU. Aleksey lfikbMlovich, polkovnik, kandidat istoricheskikh nauk; --fOmx%Tw".%ImrIy Antipovich, podpolkovniic, kandidat iatoricheakikh mauk; IYALIXOT, B.S., polkovnik, redaktor; SLUTS07A, Ye.N.. tekhnich-a skiy rodaktor [The str I of the Consunist Plerty in building up military cadres (19l&194T1);or'ba lammisticheskoy partil sa sosdants vowmykh kadr'ov (1918-1941 gg.), Moskva, Toen.txd-vo Kintaterstva obor. SSSR, 19~6. ilg p. (Km 9:7) YCROPA71Y, Dmitriy Antipovich. kand.istor.nouk, polkovnik;. IOVLZT,-.-- ,AI2~~~aX-I-kbeylovichp kmnd.Istor.nmuk. polkovnik; SMMff, I.P.0 polkayniks rsi~7,11WATIRA, A.M.. [Struggle of the CFW to create millitary cadres] Boribe IM sa sosdanle voonaM kodrove lzd,2*, Ispr, 1 dope Koskys, Voen.isd-vo N-ve obor.SSSR, 1960. 241 p. 1; (UIRA 14:2) (Russlam-Armied forces) ~OVLEN~ \J.M. MM" it ter amm"46"Whft am. M. P. %IV" V~ 1, Of 0, No. 3. 11W -magi 11 (1) Imom low *also 0 M11*4111 111P.Moll Ow Iv. "d msvfys tbg ifestiod waleg to att"441W. (J) I-Astor. .44go:j thmvgb The catimaite to howu It, sad (3) ,=~ff 0 tbnmgh The luter to the Ial- tj - 14 - / C'; V L.~. ~" , "W, DOMOIMKO, Pavel Valerianovich, kAnd.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; OSIPOVICH, P.A., retsenzent; retsenzent; CHERTKOV, Kh.A., red.; SHLRNNIKOV' Z.V., red.; TSVBTKOVA, S.V., [Ways of increasing labor productivity in machine shops] Puti povyshbniia prolsvoditellnosti truda v mekhanicheskikh tsekhakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rechnot transport," 1957. 76 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Machine-shop practidt) S/123/61/000/001/015/015 AOO5/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No. 1, pp. 6-7 # 1Zh79 AUTHOR: T-Ipm Yu A TITLE: A Miniature Accelerometer PERIODICAL: "Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t!', 19590 No. 8, pp. 8o-81 TE(T: Preliminary results are presented of the development of an accelera- tion converter having the weight of a few dozens of mg; the device was developed by the kafedra, dinamiki i prochnosti mashin Leningradskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Department of dynamics and strength of machines of the Leningrad Poly- technic Institute). The converter permits the determination of accelerations in individual points of devices for testing their Vibration strength and for revealing the device components having a natural frequency lying in the operation range of the vibration.frequencies, in order to eliminate resonance phenomena. In the sensitive element of the converter, it is taken advantage of the effect of potential generation in the interspace between the conductor and the electromer. The Card 1/2 B/123/61/000/001/015/015 A005/AO01 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No. 1, pp. 6-7 f 1Zh79 AUTHOR: loviev, Yu. A. TITLE: A Miniature Accelerometer PERIODICAL: "Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-t", 1959, No. 8, pp. 80-81 TEXT: Preliminary results are presented of the development of an accelera- tion converter having the weight of a few dozens of mg; the device was developed by the kafedra dinamiki i prochnosti mashin Leningradskogo politekhnicheakogo instituta (Department of dynamics and strength of machines of the Leningrad Poly- technic Institute). The converter permits the determination of accelerations In individual points of devices for testing their Vibration strength and for revealing the device components having a natural frequency lying in the operation range of the vibration.frequencies, in order to eliminate resonance phenomena. In the sensitive element of the converter, it is taken advantage of the effect of potential generation in the interspace between the conductor and the electromer. The Card 1/2 i0v +-FERVOZVANSKIY, A.A.; SAVCHKOV, V.K.; CHELPANOV, I.B. Theory ofnarrow-band self-adjusting filters. Trudy LPI no.226tl57-159 163. (MMA 160) (Electric filters) (h) Peb tT5002-369 V R C Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, r2. RUA i prochaost' mashin (Dynamics and strength of mach-'nes), 79-90 ;t,;hility, gelf tuning "illterF requireE the cuot, Li e anp 1 irn~de -frequency c."..; -3c t--t- L i c Is u r eAiter presenting the s y s r- e rn. o,~ ~i i i:,r;s c e s c r i b Lthe behavior of a system of self-tuning filters, the authorG int:roduce the basic var- iants in the.block diagram of the filter system. Two variants of feeding signals across the ~ inputs: 6E ~thi~.-filters-'are discussed: the fundamental signal is fed acrIoss the'-f iltev... in-il~,~~-'fuftdamentAl signal is combined with the outgoing- f lulAll.* lpro em, i M ItIts ASS(CMO) ngi. All T= ,kC,',ESSI,nU,,IM.0---AT3002369,-- -, -- - -, 'KNO, WORE ~. .01 -, . ~ ~ - - ~ - -', - -- - - -:z :, I - , - --5-7;~- ~-"- ~ --el- '. ~- - - -, - --:~ 7-= . ~ - - -- : I --- / A --l: -, :,!, -, req,!e -r -,, ', .i!- i ~, - ~ - ; - a IOVL.&V, Ytiriy Alekseyevich; LURIYH, A.L. red. - ~- (Theory of -mechanical vibrations; course of lectures] Teoriia mokhanicheakikh kolebanii; kurs lektsil. Lenin~- grad, Leningr. politekhn, in-t, 1965. 89 P. (MIRA 18-.12) fUIALONEN, K.P.; PRYANISHNIKOV, A.S ~F- Mechanized melting d translucent thermometric glass in a vertical I drawing machine. Stek. i ker. 22 no.7:33-35 Jl 165. OCRA 18:9) 1. Klinskiy termometrovyy zavod. -iT AUT.VRS: Tager, A. Ar;;_Z~ SOV /76-32-6-8/37 . TIT L E: Thermod,vnamic Investigations of Copolymer Solutions. "' (Termodinamichoskiye issledovaniya rastvorov sopolimerov . III, Saponified Polyvinyl Acetates (III. Omylennyye pol ivilli In tse taty) PMUDICAL: 1"hurnal flzicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 32, Nr 8, PP_ 1774-1778 (USR) ABSTRACT: For investigating the copolymer solutions containing groups of a different degree of polarity in their chains the above rientiored compounds were selected~ They will not be obtained by copolymerization, they-may, however, to a certain extent be regarded ad copolymers of vinyl alcohol and vinyl acetate. The saDonification was carried out according to instructions by Professor 1.M., Kotton. The calculation of the molecular w-light of the saponification products according to Gerbillskijr (Ref 3) suppliei the value 114 000, and according to another equation 141 GOO. It was observed that the products with a higher acetyl number are well soluble in acetone, while those rd 1/2 C f of a lower (9~7) number are not soluble and also do not swell. a Thermodynamic Investigations of Copolymer SOV/76-32-8-8/37 Solutions. III. Saponified Polyvinyl Acetates The heat of the interaction of the saponification products with acetone decreases according to the increase of the num- ber of hydroxyl groups. 'Determinations of the sorption iso- therinal lines wero carried out and are represented graphical- ly. From tho experimantal results obtnined may be seen that polyvinyl acetate iins ilastic chains and a dense packing. The elasticity of the chain decreases and the density of the pack- ing increases at an increase in the number of the OH grou-s. The experimental results may explain the data by V.S. Klimenkov, V.A. Kargin and A.I. Kitaygorodskiyl (Ref 10); they agree with those by V.A.. !"argin and T.Ya. Petrov (Rat 12) as w;.~ll a-;-, hy Distler an-' Pi~iulv~r 'J"'.c 1,). Thiir~:. figures, anrl Ii references.,_1LU of Vhich aro gosudarstv;arvi.,!y universitot im. A~M. Gorlkogo -'1v--)T.-11OVSk (Ural State -t!niv,.,rsity imeni A.M. Gorlkiy, Card 2/2 ,V~rl, Jovok) SUBMITTED t February- 18.9 19~7 EDZW70 -P.V.~; !FLU6, I*; LI, PA*-TUII CM Plape-tlungl A# Spherulits struoture of polymers. Part 2: Macrospherulites of p.blymers. Tysokow. soad. 2 no.2t284-280 7 l6o. (Min 13:11) 1, Moskovefty gosudaretvanny7 universitst Xhimicheakiy fakul'tat. KOZLOV,,P.V.;,IOVLBVA MalfevPLILTEs N~As Obtaining polystyron*-acrylle acid graft polymers and Investigating some of their properties. Tysokom.soed. I no.7:11M-1105 JI 159. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Moskovekly gosudairetvaurgy universitat, (styrene) (Acrylic acid) KOZLOV, P.V.; IOVLEVA. M.M.; SHMYAYXVA, L.L. W*ft Thermodynamic Juvestigation of copolymer solutions from ethylenic glycol, and terephthallo and sebatic acidn. Vrookom.soed. I no.7.' 1106-1111 ITI. 159. (KMA 12.- 11) 1. Moskovskly gonudarstvaurqy universitet. (Pblywre-Thermal properties) 67926 SOy/20-129-5-36/64. AUTHORS: Joylevag M. M. Koslov, P. V., Kargin, V. A.$ Academician TITLE: The Solubility of Grafted Copolymersion the Basis of Poly- styreneland Acrylic Acid,\ PERIODICALs Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, 1959# Vol 129, fir 5, pp 1093-1095 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Since grafted polymers often feature the th rmodynamic prop- erties of their initial components (Refs 1-;) the authors in- vestigated whether in this case actual components in the sense of Gibbts phase rule are concerned. They determined the number / of the phase@ and, the degree's of freedoms in a system oon":Lstinglf of the copolymer of polystyrene with 5 or 22% acrylic acid L+39 bensyl alcoholl4l, and methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol was added to the solutions of the copolymer of different concentrations in bensyl alcoholl and the beginning of turbidity was determined by means of a photoelectric colorimeter. Tio phases were ob- served: Solution of methyl alcohol in benzyl alcohol and oolu- tion of the copolymer in benzyl alcohol. The phase diagram (Fig 1) shows that the critical conoentrations at whioh Card 1/2 turbidity occurs$ are on a straight line and that the copolymer 67926 SOV/20-129-5-36/64 The Solubility of Grafted Copolymers on the Basis of Polystyrene and Acrylic Acid behaves like a single component. This may also be seen from a comparioon,with the usual phase diagrams of the system poly- ;tyrene - ethyl laurate - n-butyl alcohol. The authors mention P. PaDkov. There are 1 figure and 11 referencest 8 of which- are ;Jovid'T'. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov), SUBMITTED: September 19 1959 Card 2/2 IOVLENA, "''L. M., Cana Cheri Sd- (diss) ",Solubility of raft copolymes," gosc:aw, 1960, 11 pp (Sci-Res Physical Chemistry Institute im L. Ya. Karpav) (KL, 35-603 123) IOVLEVAP ,M.M., KOZIOV, P.V.; KAMIN, V.A. I , Theriodynamic studylof the interaction between graft copolymer's and the solvent. Yysokox.soed. 2 no.6.,937-941 Js 160. 4 1. Moskovekly peudarstvanEwy univermitet. (Polymers) (.1tyrene) (Acrylic acid) 5--519-so 88544 s/190/60/002/010/019/026 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Kozlovp Pe Vey I2vleva,11. 11.1 Khakimova, A. Kh., and Zezin, A. TITLE: Preparation of Some Grafted Copolymers by Ozonization PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 1575-1579 TEXT: The authors studied the grafting of monomers on ozonized polymers: 1) Polystyrene with a molecular weight of 200,000 was ozonized by a method described (Ref. 6)t and allowed to react with vinyl acetate either a) in the benzene - water interface, or b) by heating to 880C. Method a) produced a grafting of 6-7% vinyl acetate, method b) a grafting of 20% vinyl acetate on the polymer (Table). The molecular weight of the poly- vinyl acetate side chains was between 8,000 and 12,000. Fig. 1 compares the intrinsic viscosity of the copolymer with that of polystyrene. The decrease in viscosity is explained by a lower solubility of the polymer. 2) Polyethylene terephthalate was ozonized for different periods (1-5 to 6 hours), and allowed to react with acrylic acid at 800C.-The grafted Card 1/2 88544 Preparation of Some Grafted Copolymers by S/190/60/002/010/019/026 Ozonization B000054 copolymer contained 53~ of acrylic acid- 3) Polyisobutylene with a molecular weight of 331,000 was ozonized for 4.5 hours, and then heated with styrene for 3 - 4 hours at 1100C. The turbidimetric titration of the reaction mixture with methanol dissolved in toluene (Fig. 2) yielded three maxima: a) precipitation of the copolymer, b) and c) precipitation of various polystyrene fractions. A 30~6 grafting was established by bromina- tion. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 15 references: 9 Soviet, 3 US, I Belgian, and 2 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 9, 1960 Card 2/2 S/190/60/002/010/020/026 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: KOZ10VI Pe V.9 Khakimova, A. Kh., Zezin, A., and Klushina, A. TITLE: Solubility of Some Grafted Copolymers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, Pp- 1580-1585 TEXT: The authors studied the grafted copolymers from starch and poly- styrene 0 : 15), polyethylene terephthalate and polyacrylic acid,'poly- styrene andpolyacrylic acid, and the copolymers from polyisobutylene and polystyrene, as well as polystyrene and polyvinyl acetate, which have common solvents. For starch with polystyrene, and polystyrene with polyacrylic acid, the phase diagrams were taken by precipitation with methanol from benzyl alcohol solution (Fig. 1). There is only a limited solubility range (3 - 4%), and the other part of the diagram area repre- sents a heterogeneous phase. In polyethylene terephthalate wit 'h poly- acrylic acid dissolved in benzyl alcohol, and polyisobutylene with poly- styrene dissolved in cyclohexane, two phases are formed vhen cooling their Card 1/3 Solubility of Some Grafted Copolymers S11901601002101010201026 B004/BO54 solutionsi thus, phase diagrams could be taken on the basis of the equi- librium concentration of the two layers at different temperatures (Fig.2). Also here, the authors observed a wide range of heterogeneity. In poly- styrene with polyvinyl acetate, the phase diagram was also determined by precipitation with methanol from benzyl 'alcohol, and compared with that of polystyrene (Fig. 3). Also here, the solubility of the copolymer is much restricted. Thus, grafting always effected a decrease in solubility of the copolymer as compared with the components. An investigation of the integral swelling heat of polystyrene in benzene, polystyrene with poly- vinyl acetate in benzene I polystyrene with polyvinyl acetate in the mix- ture of hydrogenated monomers (ethyl benzene and ethyl acetate), and a mechanical mixture from polystyrene and polyvinyl acetate in this mixture yielded an increase in the swelling heat for the copolymers (Table). As in the previously studied copolymers from polystyrene with polyacrylio acid, grafting effects a loosening of the structure, and a variation of the energy- and entropy component of the swelling and solution of the co- polymer acting unfavorably on the solubility. The authors thank V. A. Kargin for his interest and discussion. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 9 references: 7 Soviet, 1 US, and 1 British. Card 2/3 Solubility of Some Grafted Copolymers 3/190/60/002/010/020/026 BO04/BO54 ASSOCIATION: Mookovakiy gosudiLretvennyy,universitet im,..M. V. Lomonosovs. (Koioaw State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) StBMITTED: Aine 9j 196o. !% Card 3 [3 IOVLEVA. M.M.; MIKHAYLOV, N.V.; MIKHELEVA, G.A.; SHABLYGIN, M.V.; PAPKOV, S.P. Properties of gel particles in spinning solutions. Flim. volok. no,6:41-44 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna. PPLPKG.Vp MKHAYLOV, N.V. Drop formation in the flow of viscose into an aqueous medium. Rhim. volok. no.4t4O-43 165. (14MA 18 j 8) 1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellakly institut iskusatvennogo volokna. S/858/62/000/001/011/013 D296/D307 -AUTHORS: Grebinskiy, S. 0., Iovleva, N..2..,,and Popovich, I.Y. TITLE: The influence of x rays upon the transformation of sto-,, rage subg~tances, tissue respiration, and the activity of oxidative enzymes of sprouting plant seeds SOURCE: Llvov. Universytet. Problemna lyaboratoriya radiobiolo-- hiyi BioYpgicheskoye deystvi~ye radiatsii, no. 1, 1962,'. 84-8i TEXT: In an earlier paper, the authors have shown that high doses of radiation suppress the growth, the.respiration rate and the wa-, ter adsorption of plant seeds. In the present paper the authors tried to investigate the underlying changes in the metaboli7sm of seeds. Maize seeds, peas, sunflower seeds and wheat grains were used for the experiment. The seeds were moistened and, when sprout- ,ing, were exposed to radiation at a rate of 15 r/min. After expo- sure, the seeds were grown in tap water at 250C in the dark, The --dehydrogenase activity and the,respiration rate were estimated in Card 1/2 S/858/62/000/001/011/013 The influence of.x rays D296/D307 a Warburg apparatus. The dehydrogenase activity was estimated in sections through the cotyledons of 1 thickness by the method of Markh and Pelldman (Biokhimiya, v. 2? no. 6, 1957). The oxidase activity was measured by the method of Povolotskaya (Biokhimiya,. v 20, 1956) in buffered eluates. The results showed that small doses of radiation (500r) increased the respiration together with.' the activity of the glucodehydrogenase and also to a lesser extent. the isocitric acid dehydrogenase. Larger.doses (10,000r) suppressed primarily the activity of isoditric acid''dehydrogenase and - to a., lesser degree - of glucodehydrogenase. All doses between 500 and.,' 25,000r suppressed the activity of polyphenoloxidases and particu-1- larly of ascorbin-oxidase, but the.peroxidase activity remained unchanged. Large doses inhibit the hydr6lysis of storage substan-~, ces such as protein an" d starch. In sunflower seeds, however, the hydrolysis of fat became more intensive under these circumstances. There are 4 table&.. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fiziologii rasteniy Llvovskogo universiteta- (Department o~ Plant Physiology, L1vov University) Card '2112 JOV-MAO V.N*,* KRIUGHKOV, Iol. (Gorlkly) Axperience In the preparation of plastic bridges. Stomatol iia no-3:63 mr-je 154* (NLRL 7:61 (CROO An BRIMMOff, Oplastmen bridges, prop. of) K. -- ,KUMM"M. A- Doublo OW. no.6:13-19 '55- (nu 9; U) . 1?118 (30U rep) :'.L 18655-63 Lvr(l)/EWO(k)./OD$/EEC(b)-2./YS.(w)~-2. AFFTC/ASD/ESD;.3/!M/ -4/' t)~4 Pi-_4/P6~4 AT IIJP(C)/SSD Pz Fa ACCESSION NR: AP300549T 33/008/0901/0904 S/003T/63/0 AV2HOR; loynovich, M. L. TITLE: Acceleration of a plasmoi by the flow of a plasma In a magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheekoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 8,9 1963, 9D1-904 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid-plasma interaction., plasmoid. acceleration, field fluctu&. tion, plasma density, flov density, plasmoid ionic component ABSTRACT: The interaction between a small plasmold and a plasma flow In a homogeneous magnetic field is Investigated analyticaa-ly. Maxwell's field e-quem' tions and the hydrodynamic equations at zero temperature for each type of par-. ticle are taken as the initial equations, and it is assumed that the magnetic field is oriented along the direction of flow (the ox-axis), the flow density is constant, and the density of the plasmoid changes in the direction of the flow. Interaction begins after the development of a field fluctuation,, which is treated as a traasverse electromagnetic wave propagating in the direction of the flow. In the first approximation of the electric- and magnetic-field d 1/2 L 18655-63 ACCESSION NR: AP300549T potentials, it is also assumed that the velocities of the electronic component ~of the flow and the ionic component of the plasmoid am directed along the (7z) axis and depend on x. In this case plasma density does not change (to the second approximation). The accelerating pressure calculated for a delta-shaped plasmoid shows that a coherent force, growing with time, acts on a rarefied plasmoid from the direction of the dense flow; thus such a plasmoid can be ef- fectively accelerated by a dense flow. "The author expresses his gratitude to V. I. Veksler for.proposing Us topic." Orig. art. has t 27,formulas. ASSOCIATION: none STAMITILED: OlAug62 iDATE Acqe, o6sep63 ENCL: 00. SUB CODE: PH NO W Saw: 003, Card 2/2 10-MINHO-HOL, Acceleration of a p3asma by a higb-frequency fie2d. Zhur. tek& fia. 33 no,9:1116-1120 'S 163. 1 (MIRA 16: 11) ACCESSION NRs AP4043035 P/0046/64/009/02-/0101/0105, AUTHORv Tovnovich, He. 1, (Iov'n'ovich,- K. U.-Evesev V S.' (Yjvs4yeV V. S.) TIELE: On Interaction constants In Ii- capture. SOURCES Nukleon1k.89 Ve 90, U00:2-39 1964. 101-105, TOPIC TAGSt asymmetry coaffieidnts angular distribution, neutrons mu-meson capture ABSTRACTI An atteknpt is' made to obtain improved values for the a a y metry coefficient a in the angular distribution of neutrons of the 41rect process due t opolarized u- dapture'by nuclei and improved interaction constants used in'caleplating p- capture rates* In this, case, a r of neu at a very high threshold acent measurament,111-of 0 1 Imum tron-re I tration In p- capture in Ca4 a discussed;, the max value opfj.i Le close to -1 with �15% accuracy, At the high energ*; threshold oVapproximately 20'Mev.,(maximum asymmetry)- 0' i4''---'-: AtC'ESSION NRt AP4043035 The previously given set of four constants used for measurinR low thresholds cannot produce agreement between the theoretical and :J"~ experimental values of the Ii- capture rates A Ajje3 + H3 Az. AC12 U12110 H, This requires consideration of one more constant, the scalar gS whoset appearance may mean theexi;twe of local anomalous scalar muon-I nucleon interaction, H re t m-p�(q2%* where mt is the muon.. S c mass in the case of V apture'an; tAe electron Ta5s me for - 0 d cay 2) FS(q is the indueed-scalar form factor, ind q is present in th most general expression for the vzctor matrix element.! The EollowLn%-:-%-. formula Is given for determinin ai- g g"" A At 3.7g V 0 w t a and' are tha vactorg pseudove r0, ~h r a BV.' ~V BA 9P .9M C., d .:r ACCESSM HAt AP4043035 induced psoudoscalaro &nd,',wa&k_m&*gn'etLc constentso respe*ctiv ~Yl v/215ps where~v is the neutrino mo;mOntu" and VA is the pr:ton masel- The set of constants p Gr g (2 -.1 permits reaching agreement between all fundamental experimental' data in u- captureo excIpt the.radi.ative V- capefire rate. . No weak e*lec-, i: trical Mstlant g. V) appears in (2)1 it apparently can be comb4ned,.ti.. with gA "In conclusion, the authors wish to expreap their thonkV to V. Do Berestetaky, L. Do Blokhtntsev, So So Cershtein, H, It Dolinaki, to Yus Kobzarevo L,.I#'LapLdus, L, V, Okun't.l. Ya. i and It So Shapiro for valuable advice and discussions. 06 -Roganov~ Vo.So. Chernagorava' V. As, Chang Run-. [1) Evaeyevo V, S -E-1372 Dubnal 19631 Atomnaya energiyao. ihwa, Szymchaks M& Preprint !v. 14,"1963,,502. ASSOCIATION1 Laboratory.'Of~11.1g~~,-Ertergy--Physitegi3oint-.tnatitute or Nuclear Researchif Dubna 3 /4 .71 i -ACCESSION N11: AP4040311 8/0057/64/034/006/1073/]L078 -t 1:'AIMIOR: lovnavicho U-16. TITLE: Radiation from charges and dipoles accelerated In 2 waveguldo SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnicheakoy fisiki, V.34, no.6, 1964, 1073-1078 .,TOPIC TAGSs radiationg change accelerationg waverguidep linear accelerator# radiative'change# radiative dipolep radiative energy loss ABSTRACTi The author calculates the radiation from a charged particle, an electric dipole, and a magnetic dipole moving arbitrarily &Ion(; the axis of a linear waveguto of circular cross section. The calculations should be of Interest In connection with the behavior of linear accelerators. The field within the waveguide In expan*- ed In a series of traveling waveso and Maxwell's equations are written In term of the wave amplitudes. These are solved for a point charge moving arbitrarily on them" J. axis, and the force exerted by the field on the charge in calculated. The divergent. j mass term and term depending on the initial conditions are dropped. The resulting .expresslon reduces for a waveguide of Infinite radius to the known expression for ~ the radiation reaction on an accelerated point charge in f roe a pace. The power ra-. diated Is calculated from the radiation reaction, and the whole calculation In re-wil VACCESSION NR: AP4040311 peated for an electric dipole and a magnetic dipoles The radiation loot In the Wave, Iride is found to be lose then In free space bypapproximtely,,the factor af/c, mile 1. ~qUPY;PH,-H.L. Radiation from charges and dipoles accelerated in a wave guide. Zhur. tekh..fiz. 34 no.6slO73-1078 Je 164. 1 (MIRA 17:9) NIKOVSKIY, E. P., IOVSHITS, V. I. Solvents Behavior of glass electrode in nonaqueous and mixed solvents. New effect of glass electrode. uch. zap. Len.un., no. 150, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November _1956, Uncl. 2 U S S R% Asymmetr Iglass tjrjjL2&;L. -K Won F Ifil X~14 Re~era~ 14:4, rj?vA,r.-e of an avnimOrk, 11-tv-61 wi a glami. C-1cctmto waq am lylf!~ti 1- 6h., m, i,, whell iftltpfr~,j In jl,-~ I - diff'-T illut'r Wcam' f 01V diflen-n- la fifill alILike. fit'Itt forl.wd. .4 of (tic field oil lli-,tb sill, , ~.( I!, assymimaric pottritiAl. P i, el&fmlc modet.; -midr cra-za gl-.,- IOTSHITS, V.I. Asymmetric potential of a glass electredse Uchosap.Lenouse 169:68-71 '53- (KUU 9-.6) (Blectrodes, Glass) V 5 H 17-5) V. --Z Category: USSR / Mysical Chemistry Thermodynamics. 7hermocbenistry. Wlibrium. Physico- chemical analysis. Phase transitions. B-8 Abe jour: Rererat zhur-admiya, No 9, 1957, 29859 Author Iovehits V. I. Inst not iven Title Substantiation of the Concept of Ifttropy as a FtInction Of State Orig Pub: Zh. fiz. khiniip 1956, 30# No 10, 2361-23" Abstract: A method is proposed of expounding the concept of entropy, in teaching, vhich is more general than those found in most textbooks of chemical thermodynamics. Card 1/1 -4- IOTSHITS, V.I., (g.leningred) 49T=zt~- - For literary Ian~ In chemical publications (*Periodic law' by D.I.Mendeleev, Reviewed by V.I. Iovehits). Khis. v shkole 12 . no.2;80 Mr-Ap 1579' (XIM 10:3) (Pleriodic law) &APP.-w Zal*ski Su. ZI -w, -As)mttu-trw~ F~Aolm~ 'm :be IIIJIL: t~a! pn--j (1-l"I HO t~ (:xk: tartrical Ima-eatial is higher fit NtiOlf soln. than iti B31011 h. IOVSHITS, V.I. Cryoscopic method for determining the saturation of culture media fluids with antibiotics. Antibiotiki 6 no.2:119-120 F 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-iBeledovatelle4y institut, antibiotiko'7. (ANTIBIOTICS) (BACTERIOLOGY-CULTURES AND CULTURE MEDIA) , -71--,~~.,-.. 1, . ~- - -- .171-- - ^ v (I lz~ f -s e -1 - - - ~* -- - -:-, - I . 1 11 IOVSKAYA ~ N. 1-1. Gvosdover, S. D. and rqys~M, N. M. - "On a universal circuit for observing the magnetic resonance of atomic nuclei.n kP- 435) SO: ZHURNJU EKSPERMENTAMOI I TEOW ICIIESKOI FIZIKI 1953 Vol. 25 No. 4 (10) 10VU) M.. ~Olyciondensation reactions with,organic-aluminic catalysts. Rev chimak Min petr.ll+ no.7:385-390 J1 163.' RUM+A/PhYsiCal Chemistry - Kinoties.Combustion. B-9 I Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs'Jour Ref zhur - Khimiya., No 8, 1958, 24254 Author Vicalescu, I.V.,_joM Mirces, Inst Title Catalytic Reactions of Alkyl Metal Halides. Communication I. Polymerization of Cyclohexene. Orig Pub : An. Univ. "C.J. Parhon". Ser. stiint- natur-, 1957, No 15, 97-101 Abstract : It is shown that halogenides of aluminum alkyl can act as catalysts in the polymerization of cyclohexene. The follo- wing catalysts were synthesized: benzyl aluminum chloride and bromide, butyl aluminum chloride, dichlorethanol alumi- rrim and dibromocyclohexane aluminum. With these compounds which are partially soluble in cyclohc.-zene higher yield were obtained t4= with Aia 3. Benzyl aluminum chloride Card 1/2 RUM~NIA/Physical Chemistry - Kineticsi Combustion. B-9 Explosions. Topochemistey. Catalysis. Abs-Jour Rof Zhur - Khimlya, No 8) 1958, 24254 and bromide were found to have the higbest activity. "The reaction product obtained corresponds to the pentamer of cyclohexene. Card 2/2 .N, 3"0 B/081/62/000/014/038/039 B162/B101 JAUTHORS: Iovul; Mirceap Dinu, Veronica TITLE. Catalytic reactions in the presence of metal alkyl halideso Report V. Polycondensation of benzyl chloride' PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1962, 710 - 711, abstract 14R62 (An. Univ. 11C.I. Parhon". Ser. stiint. natur.11. v. 9, no. 26, 196o, 189 - 194) TEXT:j1 Poly ondensaeion of benzyl in the presence of.benzyl chlor de zi o is shown to be possible, and to result in the formation of t hav H CH When this reaction is polymir ~ng a structure (_C` 6 4 2 -)n' carriea out~in bulk a compact mass is formed. In the presence of a sol- vent t e polycondensate appears in the form of granules, the molecUlar weight~of polymer diminishes and it is less soluble.' Adding TiCl 4 slightly increases the activity of the catalyzer. Report IV, see RZhKhii, no. 15s 1960t 61368. LAbstracterte notes Complete translation.1 Card J1 IOYLVA i 1. A. - - - - Pbysical Chemistry Dissertation: Research In Adsorption at Various Temperatures.0 Cand Pby-s- Math Sci, Moscov State U. Moscov, 1953. (ReforativW Zhurnal-Khtmiva, Moscov, No 3, 79b 54) SO: SUH 213, 20 Sept 1954 BZRIffG, B.P.; IOYMA. K.A.; DUBIHIN, M.N., akademik. Vapor adsorption on the surface of mercury. Dokl.AK &WR 93 no.1:85-88 X '53. (KLHA 6:10) 1. Akademiya nank SSSR (for Dabinin). 2. Institut fisicheakoy khimil Akademii nauk SSSR I Roskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. H.T.Lomonosova (for Bering and loyleva). (Mercury) (Adsorption) PONIKINA, N.; IOYLE VA, K.~., dotsent, nauchnyy rukovoditell 11 Adsorption of dyes from aqueous solutions by lignin. Sbor. nauch. rab. stud. Petrozav. gos. un. no.6:78-84 162. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra obshchey fiziki Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. STEPANOVA, 0.; XOSTENKOp N,,j I A., dotsent, nauchnyy rukovoditell Adsorptive proportion of ferric oxide gals# Sbora nauch. rab, atud, Petrow. goo. uns ho.6t85-96 W. (MMA 17111) 1. Kafedra obshchey fiziki Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 0 9 PTA, m- VITOLI, R.K.; IOYLEVA, K.A.; STEPANOVA, G.A.; LAFIDES, !.L. Adsorption properties of charcoalfrom coniferous and deciduous species growing in Kaielia. Trudy Kar. fil. AN SSSR no-38:13-20 163. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudarutvennyy universitet (for Vitoll, Ioyleva, Stepanova). 2. Institut lesa Karellskogo filiala. AN SSSR (for Lapides). IOYLEvti,,K..A...;,._~OSTf,'NKOp N.I.; LAPIDES, I.L.; KOMSHILOV, PI.F. Studying the adsorption of water vapor by pine lignin. Trudy Far. fil, AV SSSPI no.38:21-25 163. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Petrozavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (ror Ioyleva, Kostenko). 2. Institut lesa. Karellskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Lapides, Kamshilov). F Oki I K I Jill T,*,YU..IIA K.A GA,-!I'-' li ~ Yhl . !.,,e i~' 1: is , 11, . L. I! Studying the adsorption of dyes by pine lignin. Trudy Yar. fil. AN SSSR no-38:26-30 163. (M!Fl 18:3) 1. Petrnzavodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Ponlkina, loyleva, Garrlin',. 2. Institut lesa Korellskogo filiala All SSSR (for lapides, Komshilov). 3;oyRI8H, il. P. ,p - - - -- - - r-M - 2 5/49T 5 Xy 22005 IOYRISH; N, P ?chelin' yad kdk v.,i-.hnoye terapevtichesl-.oye sredstvc. yy Vracheb.,delo,, 1949p-No.-7-j, stb,-641-42., SO: Letopist Zhurnalfnykh Statey, No. 29, Moskva, 1049. IOYRISH, N.P. 35460. Pchelovody o ledheboykh swo7 tvakh FahelUwgo yada. (obsor pleem). Paholoyodstvg 1949, No. llo a. 56-57. latoplal Zhm-nalgaykh Statey, Vol. 48,, Mookwa, 1949 1 . m JOYRISH. N.P kand. med. nauki ALEMANDROVA, I.M., red.; KARTSEVA, IL. tekhn. red. [Medicinal propertieS of honey] Lechebnye svoistva meda. Moskva, 1952. 71 p. (MIRA 16:7) (HONEY-THERAPE"IC USE) Honey - Therapautic Use Givethe children honey, Pchelovodervo, no. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 19513 Uncl. IOYRISH, N.P,., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; ZHIMOV, G.I., redaktor; WSM'IsON., takhnicheskiy redaktor. [Healing properties of honey and bee venom) Lechabuye svolstva undis i pchellnogo lad&. 2. lsd.. dop, i perer. Moskva, Go*. ind- vo med. lit-ry' 1954. 165 p. (KM ~-- 9) (Honey-Wwrapautic use) (Vano*--Therapautte use) (Beebi) IdRISH,N.P., kandidat meditainskikh nauk PI ~ la ~-- - A sun breed. Nauka i zhisn' 22 no.8:25-26 Ae'55. (MIAA 8:10) (Bees) 10YRISH. N.P (Medicinal properttes of honor and bee venom] lachaboye evoistva meda I pchellnogo lada. 3. Ind., dop. I parer. Moskva, Nedgis,, 1956, 199 P, (KM 9:10) (HQlW-TMMAMMl* USS) (VUQK--TMMAMIC u8s) f j2MLUU_jtR.,j~undidat medlcbnikhuauk; TRCF11KOVA, O.H.,reAsktor; KALASHNIKOVA, 0.X.,ft0Ehn16heik1y re_"ktor _Ewoaksr~pl crystals;-vitamins] Chudesui kry vitaniny. Irriv, Doish., uchb~vo-ps4sgcg. *yd-vo'0R&di*us'4* 1056. 81 p. ("LIU ",,.4) (VITAMINS) - - Sawn-PA-tr I- IAMU-TULKINA. B.P., rodaktor; BILICHIKOVA, Tu.S,, takhniches y ktor [PriecAs of health] Druslia sdorov'1m. MoOkTa. Go@* Isd-To mods lit-ry. 1956. 98 p. -- - (KWA 10:3) (VITAMINS) (BWANT, MOICAL) JUR139, 13 P NwMet meditainakikh nauk. Mends of health. Noulm I zbIsn' 23 no.6:46-48 Je '56. (nu 9: 9) (Venom--Therapeutic use) (Bees) (Honey--Therapeutic use)