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ABS. JOUR, 21 1959p 7640
T 11"LIK,
ABSTRACT than 1,5 wl/liter et-t alcohol strengths of 30-50%
vas achieved after 3-4--hr treatment in the column.
For Communication 11 see RZhKhim, 1959, No 20,
G. Oehayka
CARD: 218
BULGARIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H
and Their Applications.. Fermentation
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Khtmiya, No 6, 1959, 21203
i0,V,ajq6Y 'A.
Author ; Rankoff, G., Popoff, A., JoVtscheff )A
Inst : AS Bulgaria.
Title : The Determination of Methyl Alcohol in a
Mixture of Ethyl Alcohol and Water in the
Presence of Other Volatile Substances.
Orig Pub : Dokl, Bol, AN, 1005G9 119 No 11 49-52
Abstract z It was established that the method for
determining small quantities of CH OH (1)
in mixtures of' C2H50H (H) with wa
mainly in vodkas, In the presence of signi-
ficant quantities of CH3CHO of volatile
Card 1/2
BULGARIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H
and Their Applications. Fermentation
Abs Jour Ref Zhur"KhimlYa, No 6, 19597 21203
compound ethers and higher alcohols by
means of the oxidation of I in CH 0 and
the determination of the latter witA Schieffts
reagent of chromotropic acid (see, Ref Zhur-
Khimiyaj 1957 6477), do not give accurate
and reproducitle results. To obtain correct
results for the sample analyzed, it is neces--
sary to first dilute II with an aqueous so-
lution completoly free of L Tho method for
obtaining such II and tho method for prepa-
ration of the sample for analysis are des-
cribed. -- Ya. Kantor
Card 2/2
How to work to train -the subdivisions beat and how to report the competition and the-
progress of the excellent performances.
AR14EISKI PREMM, (Ministerstvo na narodnata otbrana)
Sofiia,, Bulgaria
Vol. 5, no. 6, 1958
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC,, Vol. 9,, No. 2.
.Feb. 196o
IOTCHIT, D., Nacholnik na OAU, Burg".
Sociallatto reorganization of pharsac7 in Bulgaria, organization
of work in socIallsed ph&rvacles and important tanks ahead of
pharmacr workers. Parmatsila. Sofia 4 n0-3:3-6 My-June 54.
In Dal W I&, organis.)
IOTcMff , D.
Problem of opening of -pharmactes during holidays and night@.
larmatelia, Softs; 4 no.AslO July-Aug 54.-
Opening during holidays & nights)
FL, Liu aaQ5 ;IM
Activities of the Contact Commission. Yarmatstia, Softs, 4 no.6:3
19 Naebalulk na OAU - Burgas.
in Bulgaria)
Standardization of prescriptions. Farmataila, Sofia 5 no.2:lo-n
MRr-Apr 55.
1. Nachalnik na GLU v Dargus.
In Pulgarla,standard.)
No degree listed
Burgas Okrug Pharmaceutical Enterprise (Okrug aptichno
pre#priyatniya, Burgas).
Sofia, Farmatsiy No 5, 1962, Sept-Oct, pp 1-9.
'IStatus of Pharmacy and the Quality of Drug Services
to the Public"
BUWMIA/Discases of Farm Animls - Diseases Caused by R.
Bacteria and ru~zi.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biolij No 6, 1958, 26290
Autfior niyev, T., Yoveh 0) Arsov, R., Girginov, G.
!~ ~ev,
Inst fligher Institute of Veterinary and Medical Sciences.
Title Verification of Some of the Essential Positions of
Larae Horned Cattle*
Orig Pub Nauchn. tr. Vissh. veterinarnomed. in-t, 1956, 4, 191-2n
Abstract Comparative evaluation has been carried out of the site
and the method of injecting tuberculin -when ex=biing
cattle for tuberculosis. It was shown that when tubercu-
lin is administered simultaneously into the neck and
shoul0er blade areas, the sick aninnIs' reaction is more
pronounced when it is administered into the neck area.
Card 1/2
BULGARIA/Disonsoo of Parm Animals - Diseases Caused by R.
Bacteria and Funf;i.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 26290
Az compared with a single injectinn twofold injections
of tuberculin with an interval of hours produce more
clear-cut results.
Card 2/2
BULCWwnftiseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Bacteria
aad- Fungi
Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 1958, 21621.
Author Illyev T., XmW-hp-V ov, R.) Girginovj G.
Inst :.Hi6ber Veterinary Medical Institute.
Title Study of Gangrenous Mastitis Epizootiology in Sheep
'and' Wets in 'Bul6ria~
Orig Pub.,Ne;uchn-.,ztr-,Vissh veterinarnomed. in-t, 1956i-4,
Abstract* NoOddays gangr.e.nous vastitis In sheepand gcats Is,
spread all over the country. To a great extent the
disease is caused by some predisposing factors (such
as unsanitary keeping conclitions,.udder trauma, incor-
rect milkinx methoda, incoraDleta milking), The disease
Card, 1/2
ILEW, T. [niev., T,I,, Prof.; AMOW, R. [Arsovp R.3
[Yovobevs, F..j ; WM"OW, G. [Girginov., G.]
Infectivity investigation of pasteuren-vois, Acta voter Hung
13 no.1291-93 063-A
1. Lehratuhl fur Epizootologie, der Tierarz lichen Hochschulej,
Safi& (Varstm3d-z Prof. T. niew [Iliev., T.)
ILIEwj, T [Ilievp T.]I,Profo; ARSOW, R, [Arsovp R. ; GIRGINOW, G.
[Girginov., G. iaiTSCHKW. 1. [YOTchev, F..]
Lwastigatiom of the pormonent separation of ftstourella,
In poultry., Acta. voter Hung 13 noolt95-102 163a,
lo Lshrstuhl fur Episootologio der Tierarstlichan Hochachul*j,
SofiP. (Torstandt ftof. To inew tiliev, T.J.
IIJEW) T. (Ilievp T.]; ARSOW, R. [Arsov, R.1; JOWTSCHEII, E.(Iovchev, B.]
GIRGINOW, G. (Girginov., G.)
Role of Bwine in the opizootic disease of chicken cholera.
Acta voter Hung 13 no.2:205-2408 163.
1. Lehrstuhl fur Epizootologie (VorBtand:Prof.T. Iliew
[Ilievp T.1) der Tierarztlichen Hochschule, Sofia.
ILIEW, T. CI:Liev,,, T.]; GIRGINOWs, G. [Girginov, G.1; ARSOW, R. [Arsov,R.];
Jammu, E. liovehervp E*1
Role of mice and rate in the epizooty of chicken cholera.
Acta veter Hung 13 no.31t 219-223 163.
bili+a, of home Ae, 2254M.
A _mwawv
L lebrst;aa fur Spiiooiologie (rorstand: Prof. T.Iliev) der
Tierarztlichen Hochschule, Sofia.
ILIEW) T. [Iliev, T.]; ARSOW, R. [Arsov, R.]; DIMOW 1w. [Dimov IV.
GIRGINOW YW, E. (Iavchev, E.1
VG. [Girginov, G); JOWTSCH
Domestic mammals (swine., cattle sheep) as permanent
Pasteurella carriers and hidden sources for pasteurellosis
of the poultry. Acta veter Hung 13 no.2:196-203 163.
1. Lehrstuhl fur Epizootologie (Vorstand: Prof. T. Iliew (Iliev, T
der Tierarztlichen Hochschule, Sofia.
studios on the mechanism and factors of imunity in
trichinellosis. 1xv khelzint lab BAN 91ll7-123 164-
Work experience of our tractor brigade. Makhe mille hoop@ n
no,5:25 IV 160. (~ff RA 3-4:3)
1, Starshiy traktoriot kolkhoza im. Leninap Artsizakogo rayonav
Odoookoy oblasti.
(Artois District-Faris Uftbanization)
IOVCHEV, I., akad.-
Ing in 1961, and directions for the
State of geologic survey
fulfilment of the Plan for 1962. Min delo 17 no.1:&.17 A 162.
1. Rachalnik na UpravleOieto na geolozhkite prcuchvaniia I
okhranta na zemrite nedri i chler na Rekaktaionrata kolegiia,
"Minno delo i metalurgiia:
"Problems of-studying hydrothermal deposits" by F.J. Vollfhcin.
Reviewed by 1. lovchev, Gr. Nikolaev., and R. Dokov..Spis Bidg
geol druzh 25 no.2.-209-23.1 16,~.
IomuT, 1.
10 Successes tLnd forthcomirr.- tanka of our geoloric research.
p - 75.
Vol. 10, (1. e. 11) No. 4, JILIWA11c., 1956.
Sofiia, Bulgaria
So- .9ast'Auro-pean Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 1957
jovchev, toveho On.-Engineer., Geo3f)gist
Polezni izkopayemi., eh. 2.9 tom 1 (Ore Deposits,' Pt. 2,, Vol 1). Sofia, Darz'havno
izd-vo "Nauld i izkas4voj," 1958.' 511 P. 1.,562 copies printed.
Ed.: Sht. Zhelev, Engineer; Tech,__Rd.: Yem. Rashkor.
PL2POSE: This textbook is intended..,for students of geology. It may also serve
as a handbook for mining engineers and economic geologists.
dowma- This work constitutes the second part of the first volume of a
aerie; of texts on the mineral resources of Bulgaria. In this work the
author treats the nonmetallic minerals (pegmatitesj, feldspars., mica.,
precioup and semi-precious stones, asbestos,, etc.). Ore classification.,
main deposAs, exploitation possibilities, and related problems are dis-
cussed. The geochemical characteristics of the various ores are described.
Comparisons are made between Bulgarian deposits and those of other countries.
No personalities are mentioned, There are 101 references: 64 Soviet,._32
Bulgarian.# 4 German, and 1 Englisb.
Card 1/26
Useful minerals. illuset maps (part fold.),, bibl., diagre., graphop tables
Monthly Lijt of Ert E Ac Wns Index (VAI), The Library of
Congreass olvm 9 NO* 0, ru
IOVCHEV, Is Smo, akade
Some now data on the proopects of finding petroleum in Northern
Bulgaria. Min delo 17 no*5:3-5 My 162.
1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia.,*Minno delo i wtaiurgiiaT.4
IAKIMOV, TA, prof.; TODCRIEV, N.,, inzh.; IOVCHEV.* M. inzh.
Pollution of atmosphere with'sulfurous anhydride in the
cleaning of flue glass with dust catchers* Klektroener-
giia, 3-4 no.9:1 2-5 S163.
BIDdIng properties of the light ashes of some Bulgarian
thermoelectrie plants,, and possibilities or their use in
industries. Godishnik mash elekt 10 no-3:131-138 161
The all Union. - awforence on water processing and water condi-
tions of AhaAaftetrial, boiler installations and thermoelec-
tric power P2=ta of the U.S.S.R. Blectroenergiia 14 no-39
31 *063
1. Katedra Thploenergatika na HSI.
Magnatic.treatment.of-idrinking water for the boiler
installations. Godishnik mah elekt 10 no.3:117-130
161 (puU,062),
IOVCHEV, Milko P., insh.
Magnetic processing og water as 4 method of preventing,
sedimentation in the Olectric power engineering and industries.
Tekhnika Bulg 12 no. 9: 3-1-12l 28 163.
1. Mashinno-olektrotekhnicheski institut.
107CIEV p m
if I inzh.
Electrodialysis. Hauka i tekh m-ladezh 16 no,6t25-27, 37 164
DZHIVANOVj Krum inzh,, kandidat na takhnichookite naukii I.OVGHEV, flikola
The power balance of the hammering mechanisms. Tekstilm prom
1 10 no-5:13-15 161.
IOVCHEV, flikola, inzh,
Automation of the warp regulator of the Ikntra 2 weaving loom,
Tekstilna prom 12 no.3sl2_14 063.
1. St. konstruktor pri NZ, Gabrovo.
IOVCHEV, Nikolai
A fauna discovex7 hitherto unknown in Bulgaria. Prir. i zna-
nie 16 no,4t2O-21 APM3.
IOVCHEV, Nikolai
Wanderers from the blue continent. Prir i manie 17
no. 1: 6-9 J& 164.
"Introducing the mechanization system in the railroad-car Industry, an
important condition for Increesing labor productivity."
TRAMPORTNV' DELO, Sofia, Bulgaria, Vol Ily no. 4, 1959
Monthly 3. 1st of East Europe Accessions (EEAJ), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Sept 59
I01TCFEV, R.; ITRY011FIfl, Y.
"Fasic principles in the distribution of the thex7nal springs in Bulgaria."
1AIN"(1 DETIO, Sofila, Bulgaria; Vol. 14, No. 1, Jan,/Fbb., 1959
Monthly list of East Euroyean Accessions Index (EFAT), Library of Congress,
Vol. q, No. August 1959
..- --' - It ~-L-
. StandstiU in rationalization activities at the Stara Zagora
railroad junction. Ratsionalizataiia 14 no.7tIlf,15 164
IOVCHEV, V. S. 0,1%dern achievements on the basic aspects of maxil-
lary-facial restorative surgery in Leningrad." Leningrad
State Order of Lenin Inat for the Advanced Training of
Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov* Leningrads 1956.
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in #ciences)
So: Knizhnaya Letopis',, No. 18, 1956
Repair of a large defect of the hard and soft palate by mearA7,
Of & f UAtOT flap. -Act& Chir. PlASt. 1 no. 2:86-89 1959.
1, Institute of ReconstructiTe Surgery, Prosthetics and Rehabil-
Itatlon, Sofla(Bulgaria); director; Ja, 1hol0TiChq N.D.0 Cand.
Sol. Med.
(CIO? PAIATS surg.
Plastic repair of rhomboid skin defects. Xhirmrgiia, Sofia 12
no-7:600-607 '59.
1. Institut po protesirane, vusatanovitelm khirurgita i tmdo-
ustroistvo. Direktor: U. Kholevich.
Surgical treatment of jaw fractures. _Trudy Len.gos.nauch.-isel.inst.
travm.i ortop. no.8:42-55 161. (MIRA 15:9)
Iz nauchno-isaledovatellskogo stomatologicbeskogo instituta
Cor4ition of the fogs in Gorna Or7akhovitsa and their forecastIn
Xhidro i metsorolog no.2s?2-77 ,6o. (EEAI 10MO
RAROV, Varvarij IOVCHEVA,, Vera
A way or recovering crops from eliminated parcels in rield
experiments conducted by the standard methods Selokostop nauka
2 no*8:915-927 163
IOTCOX, A.T.9 Insh.
Buildiag imu4omit homms as peat solls, Blul, tokh. lnform~
n0j: (DiDA 1198)
(all mahanics) (hat $0i1&)
Settlements and deforeations of large-panel buildings built
on soils containing plant residues. 09n., ;und.1 nekh.grun.
2 no.1:14-16 160. (MIRA 13:5)
(Youndations) (Strains and stresses)
MVCHUK, A.T. (Leningrad)
Method for estimating the deflection of structures.
Onn.,.fund. i makh. grun. 2 n0-5: '18-19 160. (MIRA 13:9)
IOVCHUR A T., aosistent
forms of bst&!W' f 'bdildingsqn-highly, compressible soil - found&-
tiona. Sbor, nauoh. trud. LISI no,'37WO-138 162. (MIRA 1613)
.(flexure.) (Stru*turos, Theory 6t)
- ~L
- - ,
-~I, -i~~ . . - . - .- -- - . - , --
: ~~l ~Df ai--l-L:.-Ij~-m:- Iti ~L~L rl~-iflltL-, -- : _ ;z ~ , ,
~ ~ n- . I . 7 -.- . - --- -..
2. USSR (600)
4. Science
Battle of opinions and freedom to criticize the law of the devilopment of Soviet
science. Sverdiovsk, Sverdgiz, 1952.
Monthly 9f Russion Accessiow.Library of Congress,, February;1953.UncUssified.
V17 j
AUTHOR: Nalinina) A. V. 3.0-1.2-291415
TITLE*. Development cftba- History of Russian Social 111hought (Razrabotka istorii
russkoy obshchestvennoy qfsli).
Scientific Conference in the Section for EcononT, Philosophy,$ and
Jurisprudence (Nauchnoye sove-shchanye v otdelenili ekonomichelskikh~ fi-
losofskikh i pravovykh nauk).
PERIODICAL: Vestnik ANSSSi, 1-957, Vol. 27, Nr 12, pp. 98-101 (USSR).
ABSTRACT&. The conference, which occupied itself with the scientific irmestigation
of the history of Russian Social thinking in the 18th and 19th centu-
ries., was attended bz- seteutiste f the depart-anent of the institu-
tes for economy, philosophy, jurisprudence and history of the AN USSR.
Other participants were; scientists of y;oscmv riniversity, of the
AN of the Central. Commit-tee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,
and of other institutions. A. I. Pashkov lact-Lired on rThe Friinciiles
of the Periodization of the Histozry of Russian Social Thoughtn. M. T.
Iov V
_12yah--uk spoke about N-Some (questions of llethcd in the Pistory of Rusai-
an Social Thought in the l8th and 19th cent-cry and their representatiork
in Soviet scientific literature between 19 '54 and 1950"-. A. F. Yaslin,
S. F. Kecheklyan, V. S. Pokxovskiy, L. 11. Ko-an and othere Tino had voi-
Card 113 ced their opinion as regards these.lectures.sutressed the fact that the
DevelOPMent cir ftHL,-tory of Russian Social Th4u&kt- 3o-12-29/45
Scientific Cor-;-,zence in th: Section for Economy, Philoo-ophy, and Ji:risprudences
periodica.1 "Problems of History" (as e. g. in the criticism by A. Kazav
rin and pp-rtly also in that by S. Pok-.ovskiy and S. Paparigopulo) crim
ticized the works dealing with the History of Russian So!:-.ial Thought
in a biased manner. In this periodical the attempt was made to disre-
gard all that had besn achieved by Soviet scientists in tb,:-- field du-
ring the past-lo to 2.5 years. In the course of the discussion a number
of contested.ideas was dealt with. During the debate the periodical
"Problems of Philosophy:' wa3 criticized, because it did not publish
criticJsm of books dealing with the history of Russian Social thought.
Also axticles ou the history of the social thinking cf other nationa
of the Soviet Statte were not published by this periodical* Also metbodo.-
logical questionat of the history of Russian philosophy are ignored by,
it. L. N. Kogan criticized the unclear definitli,~n of the subject to be
irnrestigated. Lzi the works, dealing with the history of Russian philoso-
phy. Several of the lecturers were also subjected to a just criticism
as e. g. V. G., Baa-kakov and Yul. F. Karyakin. T~e participants in 1-.1,R
conference expressed the-vash that thematic disrussions be, held at,,the
AN USSR during the mct 1 1/2 - 2 years. The follxffing themes were
auggested. The hist--ory of the MArxixt idea. in Fussia durLng Soviet ru=
Card 2/3 1--) comon ideas and specific feat,--es of social tboupt in Western
Development (f U History of Russian Social Thought. 3o-12-29/45
Scientific Conference in the section' for Economy, Philosophy, and Jurisp-Mdencee
and Eastern countries in the 19th and 2oth centurier, and
national characteristics of the social ideamwrg the varlolw, peoples, Of
the USSR, etc. The conference expressed the wish that a new-scientific
periodical dealing with the history of social thought in Russiaj and
thematical reference works dealing with the same subject be published.
VAILOLE; Library of Congress.
1. History--USSR 2. Phiiosopby~usm
Card 3/3
:= '7-Z
AUTHORS: jQymhuk4_IA_L 9 1 Corresponding Member of 30-58-4-9/44
the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Senin, N. G., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
TITLE: Cooperation of Chinese and Soviet Philosophy-Historians
(Sotrudnichestvo kitayakikh i sovetskikh istorikov
PERIODICAL: Yestnik Akadenii Nauk SSSRO 1958, Nr 4#
PP- 58-65 (USSR)
A13STRACT: In the last years Soviet and Chinese scientifist
established close contact in philosophy. An exchange of
scientific literature and research experience was
introduoed.,There is also given mutual help in the
education of the supply of scientific personal. In order
to investigate the centuriea-old Chinese philosophical
history the efforts of the scientists of the Institute
for Philosophy of the Academy of Soiences,of the USSR and
of the recently founded Institute for Philosophy"6f the
Academy of Sciences of the KNR are united and coordinated.
A group of Chinese scientists consisting of the professors
Card 1/4 Fyn Din (head of the delegation), Zhen' Tszi-yuy, Khe Lin
Cooperation of Chinese and Soviet Philosophy-Historians 30-58-4-9/44
and the Second Director of the Institute for Philosophy
of the Academy of Sciences of the KNR Chzhan Yun visited
the Soviet Union and established contacts with the
specialists for philosophy of the Academy of Sciences
of the USSR, the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian
SSRO the Moscow, Leningrad and Kiyev universities. The
Soviet Historians of Chinese philosophy (Yen Kin-sun and
N. G.,Senin)q ~ieited China. Chinese and Soviet philosophy
historians together prepared in the years 1954-1957 for the
already published two volumes of the history of philosophy
parts on the history of eastern philosophy of the slave-
holder- a'nd feudal societies, as well as on the-period of
the decadence of the feudal connections in the eastern
countries (UP to about 1870). The Institute for Philosophy
of-the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in the year 1957
together with a group of Chinese scientistsq who had ccme
to the USSR, held a scientific meeting on problems of the
eastern history of philosophy where they dealt with the
reports by Zhen'Tozi-yuy, M. T. lovehuk, N. G. Senin.
The Soviet philosophy historians Ya. B. RadullZatulovskiyj
Card 2/4 Yan-Khin-shun and I. Ya. Shchipanov took part in this
Cooperation of Chinese and Soviet Philosophy-Historians 30-5B-4-9/44
conference. As to publish an encyclopedia "Classic Chinese
Philosphy" in Chinese and Russian language there was formed
a Chinese-Soviet editorial commission presided by Pani
Tozy-nya, Director of the Institute for Philosophy of the
Academy of Sciences of the KNR. Of great help therefore
are the works of the President of the Academy of Sciences
of the KNR Go No-zhol as well as those by the Chinese
scientists Khou Vay-lu, Lyuy Chzhen-yu, Yan Yun-go and
others. There are also mentioned the works by the Soviet
Members of the Academy I..P. Minayev, F. I. Shcherbatskiyj
S. F. Olfdenburgt B. k, Turayev, I. Iru. Krachkovskiyq
V. M. Alekseyev, A. P. Barannikov, the-Corresponding
Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Ye. E. Bertel's
and others. In the lost 10-15 years in the Soviet Union
works about eastern history of philosophy were published
by N. I. Konrad, A. 0. Makovel'skiy, Ya. B. Radull-
Zatulovski.v, A. A. Petrovt Yu. P. Frantsv Yan Xhin-shun,
N. P, Anikeyev, in which the opinion Is condemned that
only European countries,may be regards as native places
of philosophy. Since the beginning of the year 1957 a
Card 3/4 latge scientific discussion about arose in Peking the
Cooperation of Chinese and Soviet Philosophy-Historians 30-'5&-4-9/44
the questions in dispute on which Zhen' Tezi-yuy reported
at the meeting of the Institute for Philosophy of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR and which are described
in detail. In Summer 1957 in Peking a second discussion of
these problems took place. The Soviet and Chinese scientists
have to meet.with the problem of composing a history of the
eastern philosophy of the second half of the nineteenthq
as well as of,the first half od the twentieth century.
Never~theless 'to point out the historical evolution of the
development of Marxist philosophy in China after the
Octobe.r revolution and its struggle &gains+ idealism is
called a much more important task.
~':Izteneftwl - aeoperaticn--China 2. Intellectual
i;Opsiation-4M 3. Philosophy-4hins,
Card 4/4
Card 1/3
Iovchuk ,M. T.11 Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences,
On the Results of the XII International Philosophical Congress
(K itogam, XII mezhdunarodnogo filosofskogo kongressa)
Vestnik kkademii tauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 2$ pp 63-69 (USSR)
This Congress took place in Venice and Padua from September 12
until September 18, 1958-and had been oonvened by the Inter-
national Federation of Phifosophical Associations. In this
Congress,an official delegation of the Academy of Sciences,
USSR took part under the direction of Academician M. B. Mitin
as well as.wlarge group of Soviet soientists who stayed as
tourists in Italy, altogether 28 personso It was the first
time that philosophers of the Socialist countries of eastern.-
Europe took part in this Congress. M. B. Mitin (USSR) spoke /about
the problem "Man and Nature". M. E. Omellyanovskiy reported..,on-
the conception of reality in modern physics. The Marxists
C1. Luporini (Italy), A~,Polikarpov (Bulgaria), 1. Garig
(German Democratic Republic) and the American progressive
philosopher D* SommerNlUeeriticized the positivistic opinion
expressed by F. Frank (USA). A. F. Shishkin (USSR) delivered
the Results of the XII International Philosophical Congress
a report on the question of moral values, K. Gulian (Rumania)
spoke about the dialectic analysis of ethical values,
L. Svoboda (Czechoslovakia) dealt in his report with the
sense of cultures The same problems were dealt with by:
I, Dubskis K. Kosik (Czechoslovakia), M. Klein, G. Mende
(German Democratic Republic) as well as the Soviet scientists
V. S. Molodtsov, Kh. N. Momdzhyan, Ts. A. Stepanyan,
Yu. Ke Melivillo To criticism of idealistic views in logic
the reDor' by
- . ~ Be-M. Kedrov was devoted which is entitled
"Determinationof Scientific Terms by Law" as well as the
speeches by the professors:-P. V. Kopnin, G. A. Kursanov,
M, M. Rozentall, S. 1. TBeret;21i, and Docent G. A. Brutyan.
The Polish scientists T. Rotarbinski (President of the Polish
Academy of Sciences) and A. Sahe_ff (D:Lrector of the Philosophi-
cal Institute) -and B. Fogarasi (Vice-president of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences) and A. Zhozh (member, Academy
of Ssie!_aea P21R) spoke on problern,3 of logict Further,
M. A. Djnnik reported on the topic I'Vanini and the Paduan
Aristotelian School" and the author of the present paper on
Card 2/3 the Ideal community and the traditions of progressive
On the Results of the XII International Philosophical Congress
philosophical theses of the eastern and western peoples in
the 19th and 20th century. Finallyl the author expresses his
opinion that the participation of the Marxist philosopher
in the work of the Congress was of great importance as it led
to a more intimate contact with foreign philosophers. He
regards it to be necessary that the Institut filosofii
Akademii nauk BBBR (Philosophical Institute of the Acadomy
of Sciences, USSR) and the scientific publishing houses
translate the best papers by progressive foreign philosophers
into Russian and the best Russian papers into the languages
of the individual countries.
Card 3/3
#.1hep kand.filowf.pauk; XOGAN9
kand,filosofenmuk; A$MKOq Lop redej CTI I T.p mladehiy
red*-; ULMVAq Lop tekboarede
IDevelopment of the culturml and toobnological level of the
Soviet working class] Pod'em kullturno-tekbuichookogo uroysia
sovetokogo raboobego klasso. Nookyap Izd-yo motmial'to-ekame
lit-"t 19610 550 P. (KMA 34W
lo Cbleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for lovabuk Krushkovp hmAsuskiy)e
(Labor and laboring classeal
ml -- -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - --- - -- -
Cand Geol-Min Sci - (diss) "Acidulous Zlislovodskiy27 mineral
waters." Dnepropetrovsk, 1961. 18 pp; (Ministry of Higber and
Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR, Dnepropetrovsk
Order of Labor Red Banner Mining InBt imeni Artem); 150 copies;
price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 202)
,,,IOVDALISKIY. A.A.. atarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Geology of the source of the Kislovodsk mineral waters according
to new da+.a,,, 3:414-430
,6o. _-. (Min 15; 10)
BrArophysic4l char&cteristics of soils In eastern distrieps of
Polasye. Sauk.,sap.Kiev.un. 13 w.6:173-185 154. (MLRA 9:10)
(POISSYS-4011 201sturs)
IOVE 00 X.R.]
Soll erosion In Kanev Distrietp Cherkamay ProvInce and bow to
control it. Geog.zbIr. no.1:217-230 '56. (MIRA 12:6)
(Kanev District--Zrosiou)
USSR/Soil Science - Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils. j
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., No 22, 1958, looo16
Author ; lovenko, Maw.0
Inst : Kiev University
Title : Aqueous Physicsl Characteristics of the Southern
UkSSR's Soils and Their Irri.,Ation.
OriC Pub : Nauk, zap*.&' Kiyvslk xui-t, 1956, 15, No 4, 135-145
Abstract : Briefly are set forth-the investi(ption results of the
aqti.eous physicaj-properties of the southern chernozems
(pasbin(; over into ordinary, slightly humus and soli-
netz), dark-chestnut heavy-loamy and gravel-dusty;
chestnut averagely and heavily solonetz and chernozem
soils on sands. There are submitted data of determina-
tions of the volumetric and specific wei(#ts, the maxi-
mum hydroscopicity, the water permeability, the field
Card 1/2
USSR/Sail Science Mysical and Chemical Properties of Soils.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Diol., No 22, 1958, loool6
moisture capacjt~ and the witherinC; raoisture.
E=rplary calculations of assiLdlable and unassimi-
lable moistures and calculations of tentative irri-
Cation standards are presented. F.I. Shcherbak
Card 2/2
4( C,
AUTHOR: Iovenko, N. G.
TITLE: Change in Soil Moisture under Effect of Graderless Plowing (Izmeneniye
vlazhnosti pochvy pod vliyaniyem bezotvallnoy vspashki)
PERIODICAL: Meteorologia i. Gidrologiya, 1957, Nr 1, pp 41 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT- The Ukrainian Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute in 1955
investigated the effect of a new soil treating systen on the accumulation
of moisture in a meter and one-half deep layer of black ard other types of
soil, An analysis of results obtained from various agricultural localities
and experimental stations showed that, during graderless plowing, the
moisture content in the soil layer was higher than during ordinary plowing.
The difference constitutes about 20 - 40 mm. The only exception in this
case was the Kiev Agrometeorological station where such an ircreaae in
moisture contert was not established. Data regarding the spring and summer
seasons are not available.
* or I'moldboardlees" -,Editor
Card 1/1
USSR/Soil Sciences& Physical and Chemiced Properties of Soils J-1
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bioleb No 10., 1958., No 43774
Author :,jovenko N9G,
Inst Not Given
Title lui Attempt to Determine the Specific Water Extraction Yield
from Soils
Orig Pub Poclivovedeniye., 1957: No 3s llo-il6
Abstract To conputd the spaces between drainage installations on the
irrigated soils of MuSani in Transcausasia experiments were
made to determine their specific water yield. It was estab-
lished in tests with soil monoliths immersed in water according
to the method of GeDs Erkin that structural soils with lidit
mechanical composition had thelargest specific water yUld.,
and structureless heavy compacted loamy soils had the least*
In monoliths of heavy loam soil taken. 1.5 m. above the water
level there was practically no water yield, The mean values
of specific vater yield for light loam soil with a water level
at 100., 150 and 200 cme varied from OsO84 to OellO., and for
Card 1/2
USSR/Soil Sciences.-Physical. and Chemical Properties of Soils J-1
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,, No 10, 1958., No 43774
heavy loams from 09072 to 0499. Linked to the considerable
degree of heterogeneity in the North Mugana medium loam soil
profile, the specific water values in the 0 to 250 cme hori-
zons varied from 0.07 to 0-15 or 7 to 15% of the volume of the
soil. The heavy loam soils of Southern Nbgana had values
varying within the limits of 0.01-0.005 or 1-0.5$, i.e.,
some 10-12 times lease In reclaiming these soils washing out
should be combined with methods of increasing the specific
water yielding capacity (rendering the soil friable to a con-
siderable depth,, close shallow covered drainage). S.A.
Card 2/2
ussR/Soil Science - Cultivation, Improvements, Erosion.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 22, 1958, 100104
Author : Iovenko
Inst ! Ukrainian Scientific Research HYdrOmeteorological
Title : The Effect of a New System Of Soil Cultivation on Tts
Agricultural Hydrological Regime.
orig pub : Tr. Ukr. n.-i. gidrometeorol. in-ta, 1957, VYP- 8, 16-30
Abstract There are submitted observations of the effect of deep
plowing, without a moldboard, of the experimental plots
of black fallow on chernozem and ehestnut soils upon
the moisture accumUatioil in soil. Contaminated, sandy
and sandy-loam soils are not substantially improved by
this method of cul#vatiOn- Additional observations
'luate the results of the remaining
are required to eva
Card 1/2
USSR/Soil Science - Cultivation, Improvement, Erosion.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 22, 1958, loolo4
experimeats in connection with abundant rainf4lls
precipitate4 in 19554 "- SiA. Nikitin
Card 2/2
Moisture conditions of soils as related to now cultivation
practices. Trudy UkrNIGKI no.14.146-CC '58. (MIRA 120)
(Plowing) (Sail moisture
Agroolimtic features 'of the Ukrainian forest steppe and the
effectiveness of fallow@ in the rotation of crops. Trudy UkrIIGNI
no.16:3-15 '59 10krains--yallowing) (MIU, 13:6)
Results of studies on hydrometeorological conditions of soils and the
atmospheric layer near the ground with regard to the new tillage
system. Trudy UkrNIGNI no.16:63-60 159. (HIM 13 -.6)
(Ukraiie-Goil moisture)
A.M., nauchnyy sotradnik;
BRAIN , Z.A., red.; 11RATNIKA, K.I.,
(Hydro-physical properties and water balance of soils in the
U.S.S.R.] Todno-fisichaskie svoistva i vodnyi rezhim pochr
USM. Pod red. A.K.Kekakha, ~6eningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-yo,
1960. 351 P. (MIRA 14:1)
1. Ukrainskiy usuchno-isoledovatellakly gidrometeorologicheskiy
inatitut (for Kskukh)o
(soil moisture)
Hydrophysical properties of the soils in the Kamanka-Dneprovskaya
irrigation area. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.37:3-14 '63. (MBU 17:3)
Determination of the humidity of wilting accoiding to data of soil
texture. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.144:40-45 164- (MIRA 17M)
STOIANOVP Emil, d-r; IOVEV, Liuben, inzh.
A device for oxygen therapy and absorption of secretion and
fluid. Ratsionalizateiia 14 no.12s20-21 164.
STOIAH)V, Sti d-r; KAPUILOV, St. d-r; IOVW.. S. d-r.
Tuberculous apididyaltis md orcht-opididymitin.
Soft& 11-12:819--826 1955o
1. Institut z& klinichns I obahchostvena meditsins, (dir.:akad.
Tsvetan'Kristanov) pri BAII. D-r St.Stoiawv, st.n.sutrudnik
pri BAN. d-r St. Kapnilov. ml.n. autrudnik pri IIKVI, i d-r.
S. loyev, ml.n.outrudnik pri NIM .
epididymitis & orchi-epididymitts)
lxperience of the Scientific and Research Institute for Skin and Veneral
Diseases in the treatment of skin diseases with bionWein. Suvrem. mod.,
Sofia 8 no-8:3-12 1957o
1' Iz nauchnoissledovatelakila kashno-venerologichen institut Soflift
;;xektor: Prof. P. Popkhristov.
(SKIN DISMSM.' ther.
skin dis.)
"Qgw'~~IVANCV' P.
On a case of severe form of er7thema exsudativ= multiform, Sts-
vans-Johnson syndrome, oo"licated by cavernous -pulmonary tubercu-
losis. Suvreazed. 30fia 2 U0,105-100 16o.
(Niiifik MWIFCM Compl.)
Neurotropic treatment in dermatology. Dermato vener Sofia 1
1. Iz Nauchno-izsledovatelskiia kozhno-venerologichen
i-t (direktor prof . P. Fop~hristov)
2. Chlen na Itedaitsionnata kole'giia, e.
"D rtatologiia i
venerologiiall (for Popkhristov).
i --- .-
Some functional changas In pyoderma. Dermato vener Sofia 3 no.2;
9&101 164.
1. Scientific Research Institute of Skin and Venemal Diseases,
Sofia (Director: Prof. P. Popkhristov).
Obtaining double potassium sulfate and calcium fertilizer frCM
indigenc-as potassium ore. Bul St si Tehn Tin 7*.61-69 162.
ACCESSION NR- AP4034713 S/0064/64/ooo/oA/0244/oM
AUTHOR-' .lo 4;.Torocheohnikov., N. S.; Lyudkbvskaya, M, A.
vi,,,; Klevke, Ve A.;
TITLE: Production of urea based on carbon monoxide
WURCE: Khimicheakaya promy*shlennost'. no. 4) 1964, 244-248
production., process, carbon monoxide., sulfur., solubility..
methanol, sulfur methanol system, urea methanol system, heat of solutiony reaction
ABSTRACT: To obtain data for the production of urea from CO, N113and S in methan-
ol solvent, the solubility of sulfur and of urea in methanol was determinedy and
the effects of*tdmperature and pressure on the-reaction were investigated. Sulfur
is only slightly soluble in methanol, -- 0.5 (9~/100 em at 90C, still leris soluble
in methanol + H20, and only slightly more soluble in methanol 4 H2S or methanol
NH (2;gn/1OO9m'methano1 + 11.0 NH at 150C). The solubility of sulfur in meth-
anal containing NHJ -t H2S is sufficlently great (fig. 1, lines 4.5) to warrant
using these methanoft mixtures as solvents for,the urea-forming reaction* The
ACCESSioN NR: Ap4o34713
solubility of urea in methanol is shown in fig. 2. The heats of solution ofurea
in methanol (542o cal/mol) and of sulfur in methanol and in the various methanoll
H S- 4 NH mixtures were calculated. The effect of temperature on urea yield was
Nudied In a se'~iea of laboratory runs, reaction timep I hour; S:NH dO a
1:1.28:,1-36. The reaction mechanism proposed'~by R. A. Franz, F. AppLgsth (J. Orge
C11em.Y.261 No-'9., 33o4 (1961)) was substantiated. The rapid pressure drop in the
first 10 m1nutqp of reaction was attributed-t~ 'solution of CO and.formation of urea
and ammonium hydrosulfide; after reaction was established, the slight pressure rise
was attributed to H2B formation. The yield of urea increased as temperature
increased from,90 to 120C, then progressivelydecreased at higher temperatures due,
to isocyanuric acid decompositiono Orig. arts, has:.-.g figures, 1 table and 6
SUB CODE: no REF SOV 008! OTHER; 010
qard 12
T.- -
Fig. 1. Solubility of sulfur in methanol JA
containing --0#ia and bydrogen sulfide:
1--11-5% "H3 0-83% H SP
2--11.5% NH3 2-5% H
3-- % NH3 2-55% H2?
- L NH~ H S-
4-_2 5~ ji 3-5 Z8
5- 3
1, 802-65 EWT (m) /KF7(c ) I,-;,dP(j PC-h/Pr-4/Pb-h P P L/RA -W1 RY
ACCESSION NR! AP4043154 S/0064164/000/00910025/0027
i,T-ITHOR* 10-i A - Torocheshnikov, ti. S ; Lvudkovakova, K. A.;
T I TLE Preparation of ir -81 Afron carbon monoxide
SOURCEt Kh1micheskaya promy*shlennostl, no. 8, 1964, 25-27
TOPIC TAGS: urea, urea preparaCion, ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfurl
rcl.-Pn sulfide, methanol
ABSTRACT: The atithors have described in a previous study (Khim.
p r o Ln,no 4, 1964, 244) equipment and a procedure for the preparation
a f rom a m. ont a . carbon monoxide , an d qul f u r i n me tharto I a t
2 ;zrd at uD to 2' atm. They qh-7wed that Lhtg :ir,~cess is of
interest for the production of urv,3 on an ln~ui~rlal scale.
demls with the effects of the. zomponent rat ~o, reaction
1 4 L, daddition of hydrogen sulfide to the reaction mixture on the
e c f urea under various conditLons. 'fort experiment5 were conduct-
h a 1411 /S/CO ratio of 1. 4/l/j. 36. 7,t w-as shown d-%at: I ) The role
Of 1'2S Is reduced te facilitating the diasolution of S in methanol.
Card 1/2
L 5L,021-65
H2S should not be used when urea is produced batchwise. H2S must be
used when urea is prepared by a continuous process in which the
reaction mixture is prepared outside Lhe synthesis column in order
prevent tb" deposition of S in the apparatisses and tubinp, 2 ) The
7 1 c- 1 d 9 a re ob t aine d when amr-or, i a L s us e d i n 60- 70Z
The methanol concentratton. of the reaction ni rture can
to 5Z deoending on other reaction condlcion3. 4) A
ziRxe of 25-30 =in is adequate. 23) 1r. on., of the a--peri-
menta the urea yield increased from 922 to 94-32 with an increase of
the temperacure from 100 to 120'. Orig. art. hagt 5 figures and
h S C 1 1 13 11 KKhTI im. Headelayeval GLAP
SUBMITTED: 00 ATD PRFS.';. 3101 9N'CLi 00
G C NO REF S(IVs 001 0 T ~i R: 001
Card 22
Production of urea, on the base of'carbon monoxide. Khim. prom.
40 no.8*.585-587 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Moskovskiy ordena lanina khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut
imeni D.I.Mendeleyeva i Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy
i proyektnyy institut azotnoy promvshlennosti i produktov
organicheskogo sinteza.
KHASHEGANU. Mikhail [Hasegarrup Mihail).. prof.j- GIKA) 0.[Chica.G.];
, A.[Holan, A.b. MMBOAN, S.[Simboan, S.),- 140KAW, K.
Mocarm,, K.1; MUNTYANU, T.[Munteanup T.1; ALEKSANDRU, D.
Alexandru LUV WAU _~14 ]; DWA140, N.
1) IOVE~t SKU M [I vi M122,
Djamo., 11 1 KO.G~~ ~,.e.V.Otranb a or]; KORW110V , Yu.F.
translat;r I;LEONOT, V.M.[trans'lator); MOUAROVO N.D.
translator ; ZHM4US4KIYp M.M.,, red.; TOPORKOV, G.N., red.;
YANKOVICH, O.Yue., dolictor, red.; BEMA, M.A., teklm. red.
(The economic geography of the Rumanian People's Republic]
Ekonomicheskaia geografiia Rurvrnskoi Narodnoi Respubliki.
Kniga napisana kollektivom avtorov pod rukovodstvom Ili-
khaila Khasheganu. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1961.
551 p. Translated from the Rumanian. (MIRA 15:4)
(Rumania-Economic geograpbV)
JOVINOY,__~.,,A.; Bcrezzovski*; Borkevich) G.-S.-
"Ifigh-speed Lathe carrier center"
Stanki i Instr #5,, MaY 51;
MT __T ~F
Periodical: STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINFIFICE. Vol. 3j no- 3/4, 1956.
Determination of a laboratory method for wearing tests of steel used
for the construction of,agrotechnical machinery for soil-workirg tools.
pI 87.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 3,
March 1959, Unclass.