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ICS-S-LI 'N.Ta.; KOCHANOV, E.S.; SIMUNSMY, M.G. Objb.-tives in calculating contact corrosion,of flat and cylindrical n~eta3 sm-faces. Zashch.met. I no.4:410-419 JI-Ag 165. (KRA 18:8Y 2. Mantrailr~7 nauchnc-issledovatel'skiy institut imeni A.N.Kz72.ova,, Leningrad. - - ~ - !-L~~ , , - F1 ': !,-- IOSSELf, Yu,Ya.,; KOCRANOV, E.S.j STRUNSKIY, M.G. Calculating the distribution of a protective potential and current on a flat metal surface. Zashch. met. 1 no.5%551-558 S-0 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. TSentraltnyy mauchno4ssledovatel'skiy institut A.N.Krylova, Leningrad. = IOSSELLUIII D. G. Iosseliani D. G.i "The organization of surgical aid in the qeorgian SSR,11 (Repo t)- Trudy III Zakavkazsk, s"yezda khirurgov, Yerevan, !948 (on cover: 1949). P. 33-42 SO: U-5240, 17 Dec. 53, (LetoPiS 1zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1949). IOSSEUA141t D. G. Prof Intestines-Obstructions Treatment of volvulus of the sipoid. Khirugiiap No. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, C)ttnbpr 195A, Uncl. 2 IOSSELIIVII -G.!,._Fof. (Tbilici) I - Some considerations of congenital diaphragmatic hernias. Khirurgiia 40 no.4tllO-112 Ap 164 (MITU 18:1) XMINT-Till- WIMIK Konstantinovichl GNZZDILOVA, I., redaktor; BOMOV, A., tek-hnIcheski.r redaktor [Notes of a submariner] Zapisid podvodnika. [Moakwai rzd-vo TsK VTJMM "Nolodala gvardli&,0'19~4. 28~ p. (MLRA 8:3) (Submarine warfare) (Warld War, 1939-1945-Personal narratives) 10000000 wai I u 11 31 a u so m m v v v CPU its ILN Al a 0 a A t 11 ck wd~ 0% f SIMITIMI 11F)II4141ITS. Is..%, ,:2 ,r7Z 00 so, 00 00 00 00 00 04L 00 0 00 00 00 0. A101-41A.'".3 I,uu "AA11-111 11-0111 Jill 01111Y W,., p -lipsw il"wipAll 'IM' 1COO Ins'" ASA; 00 al OL to ilo') a4 -01 1 J- It 91, it ff to IV at Iff at w-r--r---r- f-I 0 Mi al 0 Jim Medicine- Surflin- "Anton Martynovich Zabludovskiy, D N. Fedorov~ 'G. Ya. Iosset, 3PP *vast xhirurgii" Vol IMIII, No 6 Zabludovskiy was born in Minsk in 1881. After completing studies at Moscow U, bAr became an Amtern at the University Clinic. Received doctor's degree in 193-1. He bas publinbed.some tho2D works, including several books on surgical me a Since 1928, be has directed the Chair and Clinic of Gen Surg, First Leningrad Ned Inst. He becam VOW .UM/Nedicins, Scientist* J~jn a member of M(b) In 1932 and was given the title "Honored Worker in Science".in 1947. IOSSITI G. Ya. USSR/Madicins - Scientists Medicino- - Sargery- Jan 49 $Professor A. M. Zabludovskiye 0 Docent D. 1. hdoro,#, G. Y&. Iosset. 2 pp sIMIrmrSiyam No I A. K. Zabluilovskiy has beaded the Chair and.Clinic of Gen Barg at first Lent-icred Ned Ust sine* 1928. Paring World War II, he was chief surgeon of the Ads of Bramation Hospitals of the TTeOps of the Tatar and Udmart republieb. He has performed sore than 22,000 operations, published 186 scientific works, and trained 9,000 students. PA 56/49T79 1. IOSSET, G. YA., Docent 2. USSR (600) 4. Stomach-Cancer 7. Report on the Inter-Republic Conference on Cancer and Pre-Cancerous States Of the Stomach. LenIngrad, MW 26-29, 1932. Vest. khir. 72 No. 4. 1952 9. Monthly Lists of Russl%R Accessions, Library of Congress, KaEgh_ 1953, Unclassified. j '- - ~-I) ~-7-- -11 'J.- - LAVROV, V.V.; APOIANUIL I SKAYA-L~V INA, M.S.; FEDOROV, D.N.; IP�LET G Ya.; _,_ Ya. SOSNYAKOV, B.G.; BERINCOR, Yu.V.; KOZACHINSKIY, 0.1.; GOSHKINA, A.I.; MIKLASHEVSKAYA, A.V.; ZYKOV, A.A.; LEBEISV, M.F.; 10111GUNOVA. K.S.; RYTSK, Z.A.; VWNKINA, D.Z.; TSIVIN, S.S. In memory of A.M.Zabludovskii. Khirurgiia no.12:74-75 D '53. (MIRA 7: 1) (Zabludovskii, Anton Martynovich, 1880-1953) KOLISOT, V. I.. YSDOROT, D.H.; IOSSET, G.Ya. Anton lkrtynovich Zabludovskil; first anniversary of his death. Vast. Mr. 74 no.5t94-96 Jl-Ag 154. (MLRA 7:10) (ZANXWUII. MCN MARTYN07ICH, 1880-1953) IOSSET. G.Ta., doteent (Isenirigrad)' DiaVosis and therapeutic procedures In acute cholecystitts. no.8:26-32 Ag 155 (MIA 8: 11) 1. Is kliniki obahchey khlrtLrgil (sav.--prof. T.I.Kolonov) I Leningradakego seditsinskego Instituta liment akad. I.P. Paylava. (CHOUCTSTITIS, diag. & tber.) IOSSM. -G.Ta.i doteent (leningrad, Lesnoy pr., d.34/36, kv. 10) Analysis of mortality in acute appendicitis [with summary in,lnglish. p.160] Yest.khir. 77 no.8:107-113 Ag 156. MR& 9:10) U -1z imfedry abshchey khirurgil (zav. - prof. A.N.Yilatov) 1-go laningradskogo seditainakogo Ina 'tituta Im, I.P.Pavlova. (APPWICITIS,.stattst. Sortality in acute appendicitis) ILOSSET G Ya f - PIVOVAROVAI A.G., zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR r0 1&nsk) aitepsho COuses of mortality following strumectomy. Probl*endok*i gorm*- 7 no-4t62-69 161. 411RA 14:8) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheokay kliniki (sav. - prof. Mae Iosset) Blagoveshobenskogo meditain8kogo instituta ifta baze Amurskoy oblastnoy bollnitay (glavnyy vracb M.V. Kosheleva). (THYROID GLAND-SURGERY) SHEVCHENKO' N.F., otv. red.; BAHAYEVA, Ye.K., red.; BELOUSOV, Ye.K., red.; VINNIK, S.A.p prof., red.; GERSHEVICH, S.A., red.; IOSSET, G.Ya., prof., red.; KATYUKHRI, N.Ya.p red.; K18ELEVA-',-k.-8., red.j MENSHCHIKOVA, L.I., red.; liADGERIYEV,11.K., dota.,red.j- OBUKHOV, P.F., red.; RUTENDURG, D.M., red.; FA)DII? M.A., dots., red.; OVEGRMA, L.S., red. [Public health in Amur Province; collection of articles] Zdravookhranenie Amurskoi oblastij- sbornik statei. Blago- veshchensk, Amurskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 236 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Amur (Province) Otdel zdravookhraneniva.It2. Zaveduyu- shchiy Gospitallnoy khirurgicheskc~ klinikoy B Lagoveshchen- skogo meditsinskogo instituta, Amurskaya oblastt (for Iosset). 3. Blagoveshchenskiy meditsinakiy institut, Amurskaya oblast' (for Obukhov). 4. zaveduyushchiy Klinikoy obshchey khirurgii Blagoveshchenskogo meditsinskog*insti- tuta, Amurakaya oblasts (for Nadgeriyev). 5. Zaveduyushchiy Kafedroy otorinolaringologii Blagoveshchenskogo maditsin- skogo instituta, Amurskaya oblast' (for Vinnik). 6. Zave- duyushchiy Kafedroy sudebnoy meditsiny Blagoveshchenskago meditsinskogo institutao Amurskaya oblast' (for Fayn). RUBINSHTEYN, A.M.; YO HT,, (Iost., F.1; SLIKIM,, A.A. X-ray diffracti6n and magnetochemical studies of Ni-Al 0 cata- lysts for sirmiltaneous hydrogenation and dealkylation of cresols. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.2:248-257 F 164. (MA 17:3) 1e Institut oi,ganicbeskoy khimii im* N.D.Zelinskego AN SSSR i In- stitut teoreticheskikh osnov khimichekoy tekhniki Akademii nauk Chekhoslovatskoy Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki, Fraga. ZOST, Z.1.,- master.. Device for tightening the stiffening ring on pipes. Rate. I izobr. predl. v stroi. no.92:28-29 154. (1&M 8-6) (pipe. St"l) The price in hard currency for particular Imilding objects. P. 424 (Industria Constructiilor Si A Materialelor De Constmictii . Vol. (7) no. 7, 1956. Bucuresti, Rumenia) 1-bnthly Index of Ea, st European Accessions (EEA.Al) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 C, RIMIA/Virology - Bacterial Viruses (Phages). Abs Jour~" : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 66924 Author : Sechter, I., Bercovici, C., Iosub, C.., Smilovici, M., Corbers lust Acaderay RER. Title Typing of Typhoid Fever Bacteria of the Unclassified Group of Vi- Strains. Co=zunication 1. A Determination of a Now Type of Bacteriophage Type of D-Group, Orig Pub Studii 61 cereetari stiint. Acad. RER Fil Iasi, Med. 1956, 7, No 1, 221-225- y, T. ; JjMA n A I ount r- Gatoc-.-ory Fat-hUgellic JOr Ilan and Animal Abe. Jour Ref War - Hol., ho.L9, 1953, 31)148 Author Ibercovici, L.' z'ecitter, I., lorsub, G.; Curber, .5. Inatitut., t Titlo :Strains of Shilrella, flexneri of Vour Ty-jes Isolated j n klolduva Orlr~ Pub. :Nicrobiol., Nrnzitol., ai Spidarliol., 1957, V01#30 Wba'u-ract :at) abstract 'llealeaga, "it.; ;~wiilovici, A. Card: -45- IOSUBP C., dr.; BIRCOTCI, C., dr.; SECIITM, L, dr.; IOSUB, R., dr. Schedule for selection of pathogenic germs from mass coprocultures according to the biochemical profile. ?4icrobiologla (Bucur) 3 no-5t4U-417 S-0158. IOSUB,, C. The phenomenon of semi-resiotanee in phage typing of S. typhi. III. Evolution and causes of the phenomenon, Arch, roum, path, exp, microbiol. 21 no.2s283-288 162. 1. Travail de l'Inatitut d'Hygione at de Santa Publique de Roumaniep Filiale do Iassy Directours Prof. Dr. D. Cornelson. (SALMONELIA'PHAMS) (SALMONE= TYPHOSA) (BACTERIOPHAGE TYPING) NESTORMCO, N.; BERCOVICI, C.j I U~P C.; TUPA, Alexandra; BESLEAGA, Virginia On a now specimen of Vi bacteriophage of S. typhi. Arch. ram. path. exp. microbiol. 21 nci.2057-359 '62. 1. Centre National de Baoteriophages References -- Laboratolre des Phages enteriques. (SAIXOMMU TYPHOSA) (SALMONULA PHAGES) POPOVICI, Marcella; NESTORESCO, N.; SZEGLI, Lucia; FILIPESCO, S.; BERCOVICI, C.; .IOSUB, C.; BESLEAGA, Virginia Research wiWa'view to extending the set of phages used in phage typing of S. typhim, ium. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol* 21 no.2059-368 '62. 1. Institut "Dr. I. Cantacuzinow -.Bacarest (for Po vi r ail Nestoresco, Szeglip Filipenco). 2. Institut, (PHygiene - ;aLas for Bereovici, Ionub. Besleaga). (iAIXONZIJA TrPHIMURIUM) (SALMOnLLA PHAGES) (BACTERIOPHAGE TYPING) BERCOVICI, G.; IOSUB, C.; BESLEAGA,-Virginia,- POPAI S. Considerations on the problem of clase4ication of dysenteric bacilli. Phage typing as a criterion of classification of dysenteric bacilli* Arch, roum, path* exp. mictobiol. 21 no.2: 373-380 162. 1. Travail de X"Institut d'Hygiene at de Santo Publique de Roumanie, filiale de Fas Directeur; Prof. Dr, D. A. dornelson. (S' TrrLiA) (BACVMOPHkGE TYPING) BERCOVICI, C.. dr.; BESLEAGA, Virginia, dr.; IOSUB.-C., dr.; POPA, S., dr.; FREM, S., dr.; OVANESCU, A., dr.; MTARzi-f- .' dr. Contribution to the problem of the germ carrier state in dysentery and its importance in epidemiology. I. Microbiologis. (Bucur) 9 no.2: 137-143 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Institutul de igiena Republica Populare Romina Filiala Iasi. POPAY S.Y dr.; POPA, Suzana,, dr.; BERCOVICI, C., dr.; BESLEAGA, Virginia, dr.; . 10SU C., dr.; FREUND, S., dr. -L]3_, ~ _ " Cintribution to the problem of the duration of the germ carrier state In dysentery and its importance In epidemiology. IL Carrier state in so-called healthy persons. Microbiologia (Bucur) 9 no.2: 145-150 Mr-Ap 164. ACC NR, SOURCE CODE: RU/0023/65/010/001/0027/0()32'- AP6065726 AUTHOR: Bercovici, C.-Berkovich, K~ (Doctor); Besleagat Virrqinia- sh V'. (Dr.)- Iosub, C.-I'Losubs K. (Doctorh0anap Go-Oanep Ke (Doctorl; ~opasl-S. (Doiw) ORG: Distitute of YZiene and--Labor Safety,jasii-Bacau (Institutul do Igiena, ProteCffa MUnC3.1, -TITTZ; Contributions to tho-atudy~of the.-incidence or dysenteric etiology in acute-.. digestive disorders "OURCF MiCrobiologia, parazitologla,, epidemiologia, v. 10, no. 1, 1965, 27-32 TOPIC TAGS: 'digestive,system disease, bacteria, gastroenterology,, bacLerla disease ABSTRACT: ig In 117 subject wita acute d estive,,disorders, the 'auTM5rSL' jastablished dysen- teric etiology in 44 percent of:,the cases by isolation of the dysenteric bacillus from the. -:-Because of the many simi- ;larities between dysentery and various digestive disorders with. polymorphous diarrhoeic eyndromesp the authors suggest that such disorders should be.comprised-in t-he category of d sente so that 'true dysenteric cases will not be missed when taking prophy1aotic'LMeaAur08*L Orig*' art hass 2 tables. SUB*CODE: 06. SUBM DATE: 31Jun63 CRIG REF: 010 OTH REF: W3 .S0V R" t 63,6-935-~02:616. 4a-008-314414 ~Cqrd 1A, 1031,15, D. To-lay anf! in the futurc. p. 27. f-.PJPILE 1-1,111LUE!, I-IticurcsLi., Vol. 1., no. -), Apr. 1955. SO; li:onthly Li:-~t of East 13hiropean Accezuion5, (&~AQ, LIC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. -- m." IOSUB, D. A dream. p. 27. Aripile Patriei. Bucuresti. Vol. 1, No. 8, Aug. 1955. SOURCE: East EuroFean Accesssions List (EEAL), LG- Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1956. IOSUB, D. IOSUB) D. Aeronautic activities in the region of Oradea* p. 9. 1 Vol. 1, no. 11, Nov. 1955 APJFILE PATFIEI TECHNOLOGY I Bucuresti, Rumania So: Eastern European Accession Vol, 5 No. It April 1956 IOSUB$, D. IOSUB, D. Young instructor. P. 14, Vol. 1, no. 12, Dec. 1955 ARIFILE PAMIE1. Bucureati, Rurmnia. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) 11brary of Congress Vol. 5, No. 6, 1956 June iOSUB, D. A young welder. p. 8., Vol. 2, no. 2, Feb. 1956 ARIPILE PARMI Bucuresti, Rumania Source: East Buropean Accession List. Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 8, August 1956 IOSUB D. Against the storm! p. 7. ARIPILE PATRIEL. (Asociatia Voluntara pentru Spr:Ljinirea Apararii Patriei) Bucuresti. Vol. 2, no. 3, flar. 1956. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 10SUB, D., NA parachutist at 13 y"." p. 10 (AVIATIA SPORTIVA, Vol. 3, No. 9, Sept. 1954) Bucuresti, Rumania. SO: Konthlr list of East 3mropsm Accessions, )IML. LGt Vole 49 No* I Jan. 19550 U401. - - - IOSUB-- -D-- - - :Xotor of the M. G-5 model airplane." p. 11 (AVIATIA SPORTIVA, Vol. 3, No. 9, SePt. 1954) Bucuresti, Rumania. SO: Monthly list of last Aarop*an Accessions, (INAL. LO. Vol. 4. So. I Jan. 1955. Uncl. IOSJB~v D. "future parachute jumpers." p. 8, (AVIATIA SMiTIVA, Vol- 5, NO. 7, JU3,1f Wcuroi;U, ittunania) SO: Monthly List of Za,-,t European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. It, 1140. 1 Jan. 1.955, Uncl. JOSUBI-D. A debt which cannot be forgotten. p.11. (ARIPIIZ PATRIEL, Vol. 6, No. 1.. Jan. -1955)- Sol montbly List of East Europe&n Accessions, (EUL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncle IWUB' D. IOSUBI D. Seeing again* p. 24 Vol. 4, no. 9, Sept. 1955 ARIFILE PATRIEL TECHNOLOGY BUCURESTI SO: MONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS, (EEAL) LG, VOL. 4, no. 9, SePt. 1955, Uncl. TOSUB, D. Today and in the Future. Aripile Patriei (The Wings of the Fatherland), #4:27:Apr 55 IOSITB, D. Meeting Again. Aripile Patriei (The Wings of the Fatherland), #5:24:May 55 _~OSITgJD!, I In an aeronautic circle. p,12. (ARIPILE PATRIEL, Bucuresti, Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. 1955) SO: Monthly List of East Europow Accessionsp (EUL), LZ, Vol. 4,, No. 6, JmG 1955, Unal. ~ m IOSUBj, D. Glider Pilots from the City of Steel. kri~ile Patriei (The Wings of the Fatherland), #7-11:jul 55 IOSUB, C., dr.-, BkRCOV.CI, C., dr.; SECIITM, I., dr.; IOSUB, R., dr. Schedule for selection of pathogenic germs from mass coprocultures according to the biochemical profile. 14icrobiologla (Bucur) 3 no-5:411-4,17 8-0'58, RUMANIA/Human and Animal Physiology - Circulation. v-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, l958, 8652 Author Veniamin Runcan) Viorics Enescu and Constadtin Iota Inst Title A Study of Vasomotor Disturbances in Patients with Various Clinical Forms of FAmmatism and in Different Stages of the Disease. I. Plethismogmphic and Oscillographic Examina- tions Using Heat and Pain Stimulators. Orig Pub Bul stiint. Acad. RPIR. See. mod., 1956, 8, No 3., 697-717 Abstract No abstract. Comunicare nrezentata re academician N. Gh. Dipu in sedinta Institutului de teraneutical al Academiei RPR din 13 iulie 1955. Mrd 1/1 T Pi C, HUNGAN, V.; GEORGISCU, Banal metabolism and the specific dynamic action of piotaim in chronic rheumatic affections. Rumanian M. Rev. 2 no.1:22-27 Jalk-1kr 58. (BASAL METABOLISM, in various dis. rheum., chronic, relation to specific dynamic action of 'proteins) (ROMATUM, metab. basal metab. & specific dynamic action of proteins) ORMUM, metab. rheum., relation of specific dynamic notion to basal metab.) LUPU, N.'Gh. , Academician; RUNUN, V,,, IOTA, 0, Investigations of the prodwtibn of conditioned reflexes vith cold stimuli daring chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Probl. reumat., Bucur. no.5:29-26 1938. U Investigations of the prodnotion of conditioned reflexes with cold stimuli during chronic eVolutive polyarthritle. UMMITIS. HMMTOID, physiology conditioned reflexes caused by cold stimuli) . CONDITIONID vasomotor reactions to cold stimuli in rheum. arthritis) ((;OLD, off. vasomotor reactions to cold stimuli in rheum. arthritis) (13IOOD VASSBIS. Ur various die vasomotor reactiong to cold stimuli in rhow. arthritis) IOTAI Cq POPESCUS D. Cutaneous thermometry as, a means of studying hypertensive illnesse P. 985. CCMMCARM* Bucurestiq Rwnaniae Vole 8j. no. 9v Sept. 1958 Monthly list of European Accesidons (EFAI) LCjj Volo 8j, no* 8.9 Aug* 1959 Unclo EXCEMMA MUM-. See 15 Vol 13/6 Ckietjt, L13. June 60 1446. THE EFFECT ON PULMONARY PESPIRATION OF SMOKING 3 CIGAR- ETTES CONSECUTWELY - Cercet1ri privind t-fectul fumatului consecutiv a 3ligarete asupra respiratiet pulmonare - Iota C. . 130nacht A .. and Racoveanu C. - PROBL.TER. (Bucurciti) 11,450, 913 (03-87) Tables 2 The author measured the minute ventilation at rest, the Oz uptake and the C02 out- put In 60 subjects (20 non-smokers, 10 smokers from 0 to 10 yr., 10 smokers from 11 to 20 yr., 10 smokers from 31 to 30 yr. and 10 stmokers fr9m 31 to 50 yr. before and after smoking 3 cigarettes consecutively. They found that the alterations of the pulmonary function are dependent upon the duration and the rate of smoking and sy t e reau t of a summation phenomenon. Nasta - Bucharest VELIW, Dona; S IMM, Bleana; IOTA, 0. G. Changes of the respiratory parenchyma. after electric etimulatIon of the cervical vague nerve, Probl-D t6r.0 3umv. 10 no.1:57-62 1959. (LUNG6, -pbyslology eff. of eleatric stimulation of cervical vague nerve on* rest. parenclwm) (NXKM, VAGUB,.~hyslologr PAPAZIAN, R.; IOTA, C*G,, Characteristics of vascular reactivity of the skin connected with age in nor'motensive and hypertensive subjects. Probl. ter., Bucur. 10 no.1:79-83 19590 (HYMME1011, physiolog7 vssc. reactivity of skin to mechanical & pharmcodynamic stimulation.eff. of age) .(AGING, eff. on vasc. reactivity of skin to mechanical & pharmacodynamic Stimalation in normotensive & hypertensive subjects) (3,00D VEWRIG, physiology eff.* of age on vasc. reactivity of skin to mechanica.3. & pharmacodynamic stimuli in normot6naf*e & hypertensive subjects) IUM,N.Gh.,acad.; PAPAZIAN,R.; 40TkLq_.G. _. Considerations on the role of recurrent Infections In the patho& genesis of 14pertensive disease. Probl. ter.,Bacur. 10 no.2:7-12 '59. (HEMOMMION etiology) (INFWTIOB complications) IOTA,C.G.; COUSTMINASOU.P. I-- ~~ Calculator for deterairAtlon of the otandArd values In functlonal exploratIon of the respIratory system. Probl. teroBacur. 10 i2o,): 113-116 l5q. (FMPIRATI(S functIon tests) PAPAZIAN,Ripsimia; IOTA,C.G.;.POPXSCU,Doina Investigations concerning resistance to treatment with reserpine in arterial bypertension. Probl. ter., 'Bucur. 10 no.4:63-74 160. (HYPIMTOSICK therapy) (MBOUT4 therapy) LUPU, N. Gh., acad.; DINISCHIOTU, G. T.; FAUN, R.; POPFSCU,, I. Gr.; POTESCU, L.; ZAMFIRESCU-GHEORGHIUj Marcela; OLARU, Cornelia; IOTA,_C. G.: MOSCOVICIP B.; MOLNER, C.; URSEA, N.; LOWE, Judith; WEINER, S.; In co- laborare cu AVACHIAN., A.; BICLESAN, I.; DUMITRESCU, I. Investigations of allergy to ricin, Stud, cercet. med. interno 2 no.5:639-652 161. (RICINUS toxicology) (ALLERGY etiology) STEINBACHO X.; DOBIMM-EWCU, Viorica; CHITESCU, Elena; MARCUS, N.; IOTA, C. G. ----------- Treatment of arterial Ivpertension with beparin. Stud. cercet, mod. intern. 2 no.5i671-679, 161. (HrPERTENSION therapy) (WARIN theraPY) PAPAZIAN, R., dr.; IOTA, Go Gh0jF dr. - 77- lAvestigatiOnN on the clinical importance of the stud3r of cutansou circulation. Mod. intern,',- Buour 13 no.1:105-110 Ja 161. 1, Incrarw efectuata. in Institutul. do nedicina, intqrna al Academlei R.P.R. si M.S.P.S. (director: uad, N. Gh. Lupu) BrPERTENSION.phpiology) (BLOOD CIRCULATION) BODY TWENATURS) (SKIN pbysioloff) POPESCU, lullu; RACOVEANU, Carme,n'; IOTA, C.G. Chronic respiratory insufficiency with normal lungs. Stud. cercet. med.,intern. 2 no.2:10-183 161. 1 (I M-PIR&TION) (DIAPHRAGM diseases).,. (SPINE disease's) (CENTRAL 11ERVOUS SISTal diseases) . (OBESITY complications) (ANFIUA complications) q. I PAPAZIAN, Ripsimia; VASILIU, I.; IOTA, C.G. Study of regional skin reactivity to pharmacodynamic agento during chronic he titis.. Stud. cereet. med. intern. 2 no.3:401-406 161. 1T rNFATITIS physiology) (SKIN pharmacology) (EPINEPHRINE pharmacology) (HISTAILINE nharmcology~ (LIVER EXTROTS Pharmacology) (ISQTONIC SAUTIOWS ph"Cology) EWAN IOTA, C.G.; RUNCAN., V.; GHIT~ZCU, Elena; SUTEANU, St.; BiUiEST, I. The neruovegetative syndrome in chronic hepatitis. L Preliminary investigations. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 2 no.2:203-217 J61. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS complications) (AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM diseases) PAPAZIAN, Hipsimia; -IO-T-AL-C--j- Importance of investigations of vasomotor asymetries in clinical medicine. Stud. cercet. med. Litern. 2 no.6:?81-?92 161. (GEREBROVASGUIAII DISORPM diagnosis) (CARDIOVASCUIAII DISEASES diagnosi;j (BRAIN NEOPLASM diagnosis) -(VASOMOTO11 SYSTal physioilo y (PLETIfEMOGRAPHY) (OSCILLOMTRY5 JELEA, Al., dr.; VULPESCU, S. , dr.; IOTA, C.Gh. , dr.; ILI'.*, E. , dr.; HUTA, M. dr.; DIAGONU, Justin,, dr. Contribution to the study of the morphofunctional correlations in bronchial astbma. Mad. intern. 3:281-283 Mr 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica medicala a Institutului de medicina intorna al Academiei R.P.k., a Ministerului Sanatatii si Prevederilor Sociale (director: acad. N. Gh. Lupu). (ASTMA pathology) (RMPIRATION physiology) (BRONCHI radiography) 10TA, C.G.; PJIPAZIAN~ Ripaimia Regional oscillographic characteristics in diseases of the lower extremities. Stud. cercet. mad. intern. 3 no.2:243-238 162. (VASCULAR D RIPHERAL diagnosis) (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM physiO1097) (OSCILLOMITRY) RACOVEANUP Carmen; RUNCANO V. ILIE, E.; OLINESCU, R. Respiratory changes in chronic hepatitis and post-hepatitis cirrhosis. Spiro-gasometric investigations.; Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 3 no.4: 473-4U 162. (HEPATITIS) (LIVER CIRRHOSIS) (RESPIRATORY DISEASES) (SPIROMETRY) (BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS) GEORGESCU, Miron; DOBHEANU-ENESCU, Viorica; TEODORINI, Sands; POPESCU, G.; IOTA v C. G. 10pertensive regulatory disorders produced in conditions of mental and physical overatimulation. L Mechanisms of hypertensive regulatory disorders appearing'in performing athletes. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no.4:505-513 162. (EURTION) (SPORTS) (EMOTIONS) (HYPERTENSION) (AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION) GEORGESCU., Hiron; DOBREANU-ENESCU, Viorica; TEORDORINI, Sanda; POPESCU, G.; IOTA, C. G. Fqpertensive regu3atory disorders in conditions of mental and physical overstimulation. ' II. Therapeutio results obtained in this type of regulatory disorder vith guanethidine (ismelin, Giba). Stud. cercet. med. -intern. 3 no.4015-523 162. (EOMRTION) (SPORTS) (AUTONOMIC DYSM4CTION) I(HYPERTENSION) (GUANETHIDINE) IOTA C STOICA, Gh.; CIOBANU, V. Critical observations on the investigation of histoaminopexic capacity of the blood in chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Stud. cercet. mad. intern. 3 no.5s617-422 162. (ARTMUTIS,.RHEUMATOID) (HISTAMINE) (BLOOD) JELEA, AL; IOTA) C.G.; RACOVEANU, Camen; ILIE, E.; NUTA, M. Method of spirographic diagnosis of tracheobronchial dyskinesia of the hypotonic type. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no-5:661-668 162. (TRACHEA) (BRONCHIAL DISFMES) (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) IOTA) C.G~_; GIOBAITU, V.; PAPAZIAN, Ripsimia; SIGIIETEA, Elena; STROIESCU, I. Investigations concerning several neuromuscular and peripheral vascular disorders in chronic evolutive polyarthritis. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 3 no.6.-729-739 162. ~ (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) (VASGULAR DISEASES) (VASOMOTOR SYSTEM). (MYONEURAL JUNCTION) (AUTONOMIC DYSFUNGTILN) (HYPOTENSION) LUPUt N.Gh.; FOPESCU, I.Gr.,,- IOTA, C.G.; PAUN, R.; URSEA, N. The apecific provocation test in bronchial asthma. Rev. sci. med. .7 no.i/205-58 162. LUPU,, N.Gh...- aced.; POPESCU, I.Gr., dr.,- IOTA, C.G., dr.; PAUN, R., dr.; URSEA, N. , dr. Contribution to the study of a diagnostic provocation test in bronchial asthma. Mod. intern. 1/+'no.6:649-652'je 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata irf Institutul de mecidina interna (director., acad. N. Gh. LUPU). (ASTffU) POPESCU, Iuliu; RACOVEANU, Cirmen; MARIXESCU, G.; JELEA, Al.; IOTA, G.G. Chronic alveolar bypoventilation caused by neuromuscular deficiency. Stud. cereet. mod. intern. 4 no.1:41-55 163. (NEUROLOGY) (MUSCULAR DISEASES) (POLYMRITIS) (MYASTHENIA) (MUSCULAR ATROPHY) (AMYOTROPHIC IATEM SCIMWIS) (POLIOMYELITIS) (MIET-ITIS) (RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY) LUPU, N.Gh., acad..;,IPOPESOU, I.Gr.; IOTA, C.G.; FAUNp R.; URSEA, Ni Contribution to the study of the speeific a3lergen provocation test in respiratory &Uergy. Stud. cercet. mod. intern. 4 no.2:155-160 163. (F&SPIPATORY ALLEHGX) (SKIN TESTS) IoTk,,-"G PAPAZIAN,, Ripsimia; ILIZ, E.; URSEA, N.; POPESCU, T.; RUNCAN, V. The neurovegetative syndrome in chronic hepatitis and poat-~ titia cirrhosis. III. Investigations of the adap$atiozi of the peripheral circulation during some tests of general reheating and cooling 9f the body. Stud. cereet. med. intern. 4 no.2:169-176 163. (AUTONOMIC DYSFUNCTION) (WATITIS) (LIM CIRRHOSIS) (BODY TWERATURE REGULATION) (BLOOD CIRCULATION) IOTA, C.G.; GEORGESCU., Miron; DOIJIM-M-ENESCU, Vorica; POFZSCUj Gh.; Sanda Byliertensive disorder in conditions of physical and mental strain. III, Research on the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system in performing athletes with hypertensive disorders. Stud. cereet. med. intern. 4 no.1:83-92 '64j. (HYPERTENSION) ' (AUTONaRIC DYSFUNCTION) (STRESS) (MERTION) (SPORT MEDICINE) I IOTA, C-Gl- Volutest I.H. 62. Stud. corcet. mad. intern. 4 no.2:205-207 963. (RESPIRATORY FUNCTIO~ TESTS) (EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) FOPESGU, I Or ; PAUNN R.; MOLNER,, G.; OLARU,. Cornelia; IOTA C-q,_L_, UP.Silf W Specific byposensitizing tTeatzoqnt in.asthma gaused by ricinue appearing in cultivators of the castor-oil plant. Stud. cercet. mad. intern. 4 no-4:539-547 163. (RICINUS) (ASTHKA) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) I JELEA, Al..j, dr.; BUJAR, H., dr.; IOTA,, C.Gh., dr.; ILIE, E., dr.; VAISIER, Al., int, Contributions to the study of the relations between functional and radiological examinations, with double exposures, in bronchial asthma. I. Med. intern, 15 no.3:349-353 Mr 163. 1. Luorare-efe4tuata in Institutul do modicina interns, al Academisi R.P.R. si M.S.P.S. (directors' acad. N.Gh. Lupu). (ASTHMA) (THORACIC RADIOGRAPHY) MESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) 4 PAUSIS R, s MIDI PWMWO -I ar.8 L401 _~OTAS 0.001 UDI JMM~pj no 6p 15 Mer 63j p9 W~-=. "up-t,).&to IUMDD of Maipootto In Allergic 4*i5o=ooft (3) PAPAZIAN, Ripsimia, dr.; IOTA, ~tGh., doctor in stiinte medicale, dro The state of the nervous and vascular systems in rheimatic disease. Mod. intern..15 no.7t769-775 J3. 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Inatitutul do medicina interna al Academiei R.P.Ro ei al Ministerului Sanatatii si Provederilor Sociale (director: acad. N Ch. Lupu). (RHEUMATISM) iARTHRITIS~ RHEUMATOID) (NEUROLOGIC MANDUTATIONS) (ARTERITIS) (CAPILLARY PMIEABILITY) PAPAZIAN) Ripsimia,, dr.; IOTA,,C.G.dr.; ILIEyEa., dr. Nervous and circulatory disorders during the evolution of chronic hepatitio.and post-hepatitiff eirrhosis.*Their signifi- cance and current possibilities of physi4ogical investigation. Med. intern. 16 nooltl9-26 J&164- 1, Lucrare efeotuata In Institutul de Medicina Intema al Aced. R.F.R. si M.S.F.S. (director: Acad. N.Gh.Lupu). - ~ , -_ l-,~....-.-"--.:-~,~:,!.::-":-~,,~~~~,~.~'-'-r-7~,~,-;ai!:Li~~4~M POFESCU, I.Gr.; PAUN, R.4 MDLNFR, C.; OLARU, Corneliai GHFORGHIU, T.; p IOTAP G.G. Contribution to the study of tobacco allergy. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 5 no.4$379-387 164. FAUNPR.; P()PFZCU, I.Gro; WE'ORGHTUIT.; OIA Hu )TA ., Cornolla; N j G.; MOMIR, C. In oulaborare --n W. ANj Aurelia.. Ing. Research on occupatIonal allergy Jn the personnel of a vorlcul- 4 vure stations SLuds cercet, med. Interns 5 no.52501-51-11 164 . :: - '-'. Ii-l~~~zi7li:F&I~-~~---,Rl=~~-,~~~,,~~-1-~~~~-~.~~ ---- 11-1-111, --- - 1. DOERI'ANU-FNESCU, Viorica; TEODORINI, Sanda; HARNAGEti, P.; VULPFSCU, Sonia, IOTA C,- WINERY C, z I Value of electrocardiograms In the diagnosis of chronic cor pulmonale secondary to chronic bronchitis and obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 5 no.4: 397-418 164. .-apsa; V.; PAJ-A-~,`, 2 -, 77-i L? L~L,~ C U or, lpb VU STROESCU I I I L -1 . Son la Contributionn to the study of respiratCory function in collagen diseases. Stud. cercet. .-nod. intern. 5 no.0":0'67-682 6 4. PAPAZIAN, Ripsimiae. IOTA, C.G.; RICONTE, It. Method of adaptation of the blood circulation in the cephalic region in cerebral arterial hypotension and hypertension. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 5 no.4t423-430 164. IOTAUTAS. K.p. rJotautas, K.] Fxperience in the production of slate from sand.cement. Stroi. mat. 10 no.1:21-22 Ja'64. (MM 17.s5) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Upravleniya stroitellnykh materialov Soveta, narodnogo khozyaystva Litovskoy SSR. M ZALMAN, M.W.; ELIAS, A.; BRADIN, Z.L.; PELLE, A.; GHIMIS, L.; TAVIE, A.Y tehnician Serological studies of mumps vaccination. Stud. cercet. infra- microbiol. 16 no.2:129-133 165. RLVIANIA FRABIN3LO N*j ZALMANO M.0 Pvof-j_EVjUU"A- Tinia"re, NAL0*149 No, 3. July-September, 2963g pp "Hodiflastlofts An Ow ftVwntogeneals of Staphilococaus Aurous Under the Influonae of Phyalco-Chemical F"torsm IOTOW, B.M.- SHMS, T.T. Nev equipment for coal mining vithout blasting. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 n'o.9:25-26 S 160. (MIU 13:9) 1. Zamestitell glavnogo inxhenera shakhty no.1-2 tresta Makeyevugoll (for'Iotenko). 2. Rukovoditell grappy'otdola prokhodcheskikh mashin Dongiprouglemasha (for Shvets). (Coal mining machinery--Technological innovations) GAYTAR, K.T., insh.; B~.Tinzh. Simultaneous detonation of blast holes in coal and rock. Ugoll Ukr. 3 n0-7:33-34 Jl '59- (miRA i2:n) I.Shakhts. 16.1/2 treaft Makereyugoll. (Wining engineering) XOTWKO, N. inshener. PrActICS of local roofing materials In Ukraine. Strol.mat, 3 uo*3:18-19 Nr 157, (NLU 10: 4) (Ulc~xlne-4toofing) IMENKO, N. Now products made of local raw materials. Stroi. mat. 4 no.2:3-4 (MIRA 11A) laa,=Otnell nachallnilm Upravisaya Stroitelletva i prorphlennosti stroymaterialov 11yevskago Sovnarkhosa. reilon-~4ulidivg materials) IMUEDI -.~~organixing the production of wood chip blocka using wood wastes Stroismate 4 UO*10:27-29 0 158* (MIRA 3.1:11) 1, ladballnik Upralenlya stroltellmIth materialov Klyevskogo lovnerkhosa, (Wood..Compressed) (Wood waste) Z -A %Ca-t(,r-!.0ry : Fam Animals & Poultry. Q-4 Aba. Jour : PWJ61, 9 No. 4, 1959, No. 16740' Au' hor 10tinSILU4 M* Institut., Tit', of The Fat -,oung Fans- and Cockerels. Or 1r_; Pub. Zhjvot.&mldqtvo -4 veto delo) 19577 11; No 12) ;p6-29 Abstract The eomerivt!A3 doxprisOd 4 grOUPS Of folrLf aach gioup cons Ist;;Ing of 20 7oung henn md cockerelm of tile Leghorn breed, )aatched 6000-A- dine to aox, age, vid live waighto The fowl's average li-va weight siviunted to I,a-1015 g* AIL fowl were p"acled Into cages measuring 85 x 74 x 50 cNY2. The Mrst gro-ap was the con- trol group, The fowl of the 2md group (experl- mental) Ataited 15 g oaah of cooked potAtoes supplementary to the rs-,tlon, the fowl of the 3rd group obtained 20 g each of cut.; mangel- 01 a eA 1/3 Q-4 AMA ,,.tc.Sory C 1409 16746 1959. I ) No. 47 our I,, 5t i'U1.1 t. orV, pub D of the 4th 9TOUP l/ east th. 0, h Y V pared Wit fo t gain ot 3 .9 kq a ra-I-Aon WILS Pro] 1 :re,3, 1 of 7.1 kcr for tile rjxaar~, a VC19 "! I t lie exp .01 ":g wing btain or tile lot EYOU ad f 3ra 4 h ~ l - WIN , o for t d of 6.3 k6 e Litial o,sp&ted t0 U tbe 2M 7 WiVidual I o'aP - 4tjI &T (I for the eight gaul TDr the the W 112s 12, "%17 di t - for V eigh I UAAO(l e3rrSSj~trj MPS amo d expeaditure re eat FL'16 ndlnglY to" 9 a gw and 123 P corre-, EMOUIlt IM of veight 0111 2/3, CoUltry. A b jot) r No. 4 3 19591 Iln- 10674-6 AU t h t It U't Q-4 IOTIOWO N. I BOOKOV, K. Andative Period fIOUOwk W Oxtr&Pl$ural Pnswl0n*3,vBid- Saw- med. 22 no* loi53-58 161. 1. Is Durshj tubmanatorim Nolarow" - Velingrad (Glav. lekar B. Fankov). (PNEMONOLYSIS) WT(U)1Vr(c)1W(j)A lix Acmulm Ims APS022002 Pis , AVMRs botgvs. 0. K idooss"d), utvf"GMTAJ"-s Fob- L. N & .......... At Rivklm, To. G. Cbe ZZ; zor cum n. TWIC 7m, symbetio =*Ww. phs"I AMSTPACT I We katMrS 00qltlsft* lstm*smm a =*Ad fo~ P061696 evoew har4SW4 by mby&L&w of weetwoud diGarbmus mib- uractod wift a pbomal IN as &UMUM WWM- - loolve iwdLth tmmm stabluty by VOW 4jmtJwjvhwu"bmjpb4wL or OMMIS w 3WISMOU as tm. are prefte" Pb~Wl. AMCIATX=s MoshMOMY Ji Me A""z4b Intits" of LIMILes) 4,4-~ VAN0701 straw IMb, 00 m 0=1 IOTKOVSK14, A. A. Supply of materials and the marketing of thft~products of industrial enterprises Leningrad Gospolitizdat, 1941,,94 p. (Biblioteka po ekonomike promyshlennogo predpriiatiia) 0-42309) HF5437-16