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Threaded joi t with spiral inserts. Vest.mashinostr. 44 no.3-.35-37
Mr 164, (MIRA 17-4)
Investigation of the static strength of threaded joints with
spiral inserts. Vest. mashinostr. 44 no.8:29--31 Ag 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
AKUNOV, V.I., kand. tekbn. nauk; 10SELEVICH, K.S., Inzhe
- .' -, .. .... ...... 1. . - %. -
Wear of grinding obambars of jet mills for superfine grinding.
Kh1m. i neft. mashinostr. no.6s28-30 D 164 (MIRA 18:2)
GORELLK, A.M., kand. tekbn.nauk; 108ILXVICH, V.A., inzh.
Instrument for the field testing of soils. Transp. stroi. 10 no.9:54
S 160. (K IRA 13: 9)
I C v
2. USSR (600)
4. Reinforced condrete construction
7e Exemining-modela of preliminarily tightened reinforced
concrete beans. Stroi. pron..30 no 6t 1952
9. MoRULU List of IMzsiM AggeNgl2ng, Library of Congress,
August 1952. Unclassified.'
TROITSKIY, Taygeniy Alsksandravich; BOGDANOV. Hikolay Hikolayevich;
IOblIjVSKlT lev Urailevich; SORaKni,U.N., redaktor; IWGRA70Y,
KHMOTOP.A. , tekhnichookiy redaktor
[Rallroad.brldp open structures of piomtressed concrete] Pro-
lotas stroonlim, sholesnodorozhnykh mostoy is pradvaritelluo
uapriashennogo zholosobstora. Moskva, Goo.transp. zhel-dor. izd-
Vot 1955. 330 P. (MIft 9 -.3)
(Bridges, Concrete)
SOV/ 124-58-5-6039
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 149 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Iosilevskiy, L.I.
TITLE: Use of Wire Strain Gages for-Measurement of Stresses in the
Reinforcement of Reinforced-concrete Structures (Primene-
niye provolochnykh datchikov dlya izmereniya napryazheniy v
armature zhelezobetonnykh konstruktsiy)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1956, Nr 85/6, pp
174-197 -
ABSTRACT: A description is given of a gage which is glued on to the re-
inforcement; means for insulating the same from moisture and
mechanical damage during concrete pouring are explained. A
case of compensating strain gages that change their resistance
after pouring of the concrete is examined. In some cases, al-
though the gages lose their insulation, the static measurements
obtained are still satisfactory.
1. Strain gages--Performance N.P. Rayevskiy
2. Reinforcing steel--Stresses 3. Stress
Card 1/1 analysis
L. kandidat tokhmichaskikh nauk; YALIKO, NJ., inzhoner.
Double loop busidloo forprostressed span construction, Transp.strol.
no.12tl3-151) 156, (an 10:3)
(Prositressed. concrete) (Bridges, Concrete)'
IOGIIEVSKIYI L.I.. kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; RALIKO, M.N., inzhoner.
.i - - -141
t'- ~-1--~----*vv.W-4.44---!?-
Tapered anchor bolts with Iron rings for prestressed reinforced
construction. Bet.1 shel.-bet. no.9:330-334 3 156o (KW 9;10)
(Prestressed reinforced construction)
!!~~~~kandidat takhriichaskikh nauk; MALIKO, M.N., inzhener.
Using stressing stands for manufacturing prestressed reinforced
concreti~ span structures. Bet. i J& 157*
044 10: 3)
(Prestressed concrete)
97 -1 -4/10
AUTHOR: 10sn"Buy" L.I. I Cand.Tach.Sci. and MA&O, M.N. &igneer
TTTM: Techniques in Prestressing and Post-stressing Reinforced Concrete
(Standovays, tekhnologlya Izgotoyleniya Wedyaritellno napryazhen-
nyM zhelezobetonnyM proletafth stroanly)
PERIOMCAL: Beton i Zhelezobetonp 195Tp MD. 1.p pp. 12- 19. (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: A method of post-stressing trusses for long spans was developed by
the Prestressing for industrial mss pro-
duction pxrposes was found to be uneconoodeal. The new method
consists in casting cmerate trusses vith continuous voids in
order to be able to place the reinforcement.' This is inserted into
the voids after the concrete in allowed to mature. Then the voids
are injected with a=mt grout. The defects of this methods lie
In the complicated equipmentp waste of reinforcement In the case
of trusses of different @pup damage to the plant In the case
of TAre breakagep the necessity of large capacity cranes for man-
ipasting purposes during processing. A I;reetressing method used
in the Imboratory For Investigating and Testing Bridge Constructions
Card 113 NDstoiewtatellneya L&bor&toriyaMVJP?(ref.:1) vas carried out with
97 - 1 - 4AO
Trm: Techniques in Prestressing and Post-stressing Reinforced Concrete
(Stendoveas tekbnologlyz Ugotovleniya, ]Fedvaritel I no n&pT&zhen-
aykh zhelezabetonnykh Vroletnykh strow1y)
special equipment.. The reInforcerient consists of 32 five millimeter
Aismeter wires (fig. 1.). This reinforcement is led at the far
and over a drum and a series of hydraulic jacks are used for
stressing. ;he reinforcement roar 7348 - 55 has a break limit of
16.000 kg/cm!~. This method is also used by the Leningrad "MostostrcY"
factory and by the Wtrovsk Factory for Reinforced Concrete Products.
Mnlroved -working installations (situated partly undergrounQ for long
prestressed trusses make it possible to dispense with various
obstructive su;mr-structures (fig.6) Results of investigations on
deflections and internALl stresses are shown in diagram No. 7 and
the Ce of the quality of cament on these factors is pointed
out. Tables (8)-and.(9) give the technical and economic aspects
of theVMd? and the 1411.0 methods with regard to the waste of labour
material and tin Irt is concluded that simultaneous stressing of
all reinrorcement in necessary. Uninterrupted truss casting should
Card 2/3 be Iwovided as well as a shortening of the production cycle by
917 - 1 - 4Ao
TITLE: Techniques in Prestressing and Pbst-Stressing Reinforced Concrete
Constructions. (Stendovaya tekhnologiya izgotovleni d ritellno
napryazhennykh zhelezobetonnykh proletnykh atroenly ~a pre va
simultaneous prestressing, continuous concreting, and the exclusion
of injection processes. The advantages of prestressing over
post-stressing are pointed out and the importance of selecting the
rig#t type of anchoring In emphasized. Awther, the elimination
of non-linear reinforcement,, the simplification of the wire grouping
and stressing equipment, and the elimination of lifting the
unit during production are discussed.
There are 9 drawings and 1 table, also 2 footnotes.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
5 C2 L) '~;7
CHEZHIN, Vladimir Reksandrovich; BURKHARD. Eduard Eduqrdovich;, YF.VGRAYOVI.G.K., prof., red.;
[Constructing overpasses of prefal5ricated preatressed reinforced
concrete] Opyt postroiki puteprovoda iz predvaritellno naprinshennogo
abornogo zhelezobetona. Pod red. G.K.Evgrafova. Moskva, Gos.transp.
zhel-dorAzd-vo. 1957. 93 p. (MIRA 11:1)
1. Doystvitellnyy chlen AkAdemii stroitellstva i 2rkhitaktury SSSR
(for Yevgrafov).
(Viaducts) (Prestressed concrete construction)
IOSILIVSKIYI LeIef, kand. tekhn. neuk; X&LIKO, MoN., inzh.
Precast latticed spaw lakde of prestressed reinforced concrete
mubers. 2*WW NUT no'101o"O 1~8. (Km ns6)
(9;stressed concrete construction)
(2ruses) (Ikilroad bridges)
_Q~ ~L , Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
Strokov, G. I., Chief Engineer
IITLE: Manufacture of Pre-Stressed Reinforced Concrete Trusses
for X-remenchug Hydroelectric Power Station Viaduct (GES)
PERIODICAL: Beton i zhelezobeton, 1959, Nr 3, pp 103-109 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The above viaduct was constructed to carry both lorry and
railway traffic.; Fig I gives czoss-section of the viaduct
showing the shape of the pre-s-tressed reinforced concrete
trusses which effect a saving of 4000 t of steel normally
required for riveted or welded steel girders. The viaduct
has in each span six trusses of 18 or 23 m long. The con-
s t- rue tion was designed by Kremenchuggesstroy in collatora-
tion with the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers
(Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov -"heleznodorozhnogo trans-
porta, MIT). Fig 2 il'4ustrates the constructioa of the
trusses. The reinforeemeat consists of batches of 5 mm
wires which are placed in the lower zone of the beam cross-
sect'-on. The reinforcing batches at the ends of the -Crusses
Card -1/4- are fanned out by a disk, which forms the anchoraga (see
Manufaoture of Pre-Streased Reinforced Concrete Trusses for
Kremenchug Hydroelectric Power Station Viaduct (GES)
Fig 3). Fig 4 shows a MIT type of a frame stand of recten-
Sular form, which absorb"s tA'i,3 reactions of the tensioned
reInforcement used foT the beams of Eremenchug v_-Laduot.
The oircular perforat-ions through w!iir;h the tersioned.
reinforcement formerly passed were replaced by ten rectan-
lar slats arranged in fctLr row.3. with- 2 batchLes of wire
passing through eaoh slot, which proved much more satisfac-
tory tase Figs 4 and 5). Steam cuxing of -c-rus5eo is carried
out by a system of duvoting roarad the frame. Me process,of
casting i,- des%~rlbed in detail and the nonereting yard
i-ayout Ls illustrated in Figs e and 7. Until recently timber
shut-tering was used for -trusses of az~mplioated forms.. but
the I-lime requi-red to congtruct and secure this aacounted
for 50% of the total manufactur-1 -ng time. Metal shuttering
has now been designed by Engineer 1. A. Avdeyenko which
reduces t4e time of construction, simplifies the uasting
and allows repeated re-use of thq same shuttering. Further-
mcre it is possible to attach "press" vibrators to the walls
Card 2/4 of metal shuttering. Use of these together with inbernal
Manufacture of Pre-Stressed Reinforced Concrete Trusses for
1[remenchug Hydroelectric Power Station Viaduct (GES)
vibrators reduces the casting time by 2 to 2j times that, of
casting in timber-shuttering without vibration. The timely
removal of metal shuttering is very important as, even if
it is well oiled, adhesion may occur between the shuttering
and concrete. The form should be removed before the
strength of the concrete reaches 80-100 kg/cm2. Products
cast in metal shuttering should not be cured by very hot
steam as the metal corrodes considerably. If the product
.Ls made from good quality concrete, after two to three days
the-truss acquires strength of 300 to 400 kg/OM2, Which
allows tensioning of reinforcement to be transmitted to
concrete. Production on the concreting yards is carried out
in cycles using 8 forms (see graph in Table 1). The dura-
tion of the cycle Is 8 days. Work study showed that the
most difficult operation in this eight-day manufacturing
cycle is the removal of the trusses from the stands: for
this work cranes are used extensively. Table 2 gives aver-
age production time for one truss (acoording to time and
Card 3/4 motion study carried out by the standardization and research
Manufacture of Pre-Stressed Reinforced Concrete Trusses for
Ysa~eimerz-,hug Hydroelectric Power Station Viaduct (GES)
depa.rtment of Kremenchuggesstroy) . Table 3 gives comparative
average production time for one truss for various casting
yards. Trusses are selected at, random and test-loaded on
a special stand up to 10-15% higher than the calculated load.
If after three suncessive loadings neither residual deforma-
tions nor cracks appear, and the defleotion corresponds to
the calculated value, the truss is considered satisfactory.
The testing stand is illustrated in Fig 8. Further tests
are narried out on 2 trusses of 18 and 23.3 m. span to de-
termine the actual safety coefficient and crack resistance
of the construction. First, each truss is 3 times tested
to the calculated load; then it is loaded gradually until
.1racks appear, and finally the load is increased until the
truss is broken. All the tests carried out show the high
economy and technological effectiveness of this --onstruction.
There are 8 figures and 3 tables.
Af-=1_k'1r1ON: Kmmenelraggeestroy
Card 4/4
YBVGRAFOV, G.K.; IOSIIZVSKIY, L.I.,Imnd. tekhn. nauk; CHIRKOT, V.P., inzh.
Zffectiveness of using polygonal and upper prestressed reinforcownt
In bridge spans. Transp. stroi. 9 ne.4:10-16 AP 159.
(KIRA 12:6)
lePeyetvitellWy chlen Akademii stroitalletva i arkhitaktury (for
(Bridges. Concrete)
10SILEVSKILL-l-, kand-tekhn-nank, HOSAM, A.V., inzh.
Prestressed span structurep with tranavereally compressed webs.
Tranap. strol. 10 no.9t38-" S 160. (MIRA 13:9)
. ~ . .
- - - - -- - - --- - --- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - ---I
IOSIL17SKIY, L.I., kand.tekhnonauk, dotsent-I AIITIFOV, A.S., inzh.
Results of testing reinforced boundles vith KIITa anchor shoes for
I . -- .. . - - - .--- .-A '~ -- A- I.- . - -%
0 R11111-7-
IOSILEVSKIY L I. -kand. tekhn. nauk; CHIRKOV, V.P., inzh.; CHESTNOY, V.M., inzh.
Effect of anchors on strength, crack resistance, and bundle
fastening in prestressed beams, Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.11:
515-518 161, (KMA 16 t 8)
(Beams and girders) (Prestressed concrete)
IOSILEVSKII, L.L. kandstekbn,nauk
Strength and deformability of prestressed elements under early
loading. Transp.stroi. 3.1 no.4:40-" Ap 161. (MM 14:5)
(Prestressed concrete)
YBVGRAFOV j, Georgiy Konstantinovicho ptof doktor tek~=.nauk: IGSIIZ-Vgms---
Lay IzraUj3dchp-kand.tekbz.,uaukp dotkit; AWJANDROV, Anatolly
-fa-vifij"-h, kud.tekbnnauk, dotsent; 1360J*9 IffikoUy
Niko3ayevichs, kwd.+.ekbn.nauk, doteent; ME ~--Wp Gewikh
.Mikhavlovich,. insh.; CELIRKOV,, Vladilen ravlMeb,, insh.-
Prinimall uchastiye: RYBIN, V.D.0 ii&.; ARTIPOTO A.9.0 iw&
HITROFANOV, Tu.M.,, inzh.,, retnmentj KbAWSM, I*Aqq irizb,,
rW,; USMO,, L.A,p tekbaered,
rdere with atz of the reinforcement
[Prestressed bridge gi
before the concrete is placed] PredvarAbllno napriazhemWe
balocbzWe proletiVe.strobuiia, mostov o napriazheniem armatury
do betomirovaniia. Moskva., Vses.12datel'Ao-poligr.obRedinenis
Mova putei soobshchenlia,, 1962. 282 p. - (MA 15:10
I DaystvitelvVy cblen Akademii stroitellstva i arkhitektury
S;SR (for levgrafoy)OI
(Bridgess Concrete) (Prestressed concrete)
kand.tck~m.nauk; CIURKOV, V.P., inzh.
Expqr*qqtal.opans with ve--ticaUy stressed hoops. Transp.ptroi.
13 lio-0i54-57 s, 163, (MIRA 16tl2)
IOSILEVSKIYP L.I., kand. takhn. nauk-
Rigidity of prestressed structures with reduced pinching
of booms. Tranap. stroi. 14 no.3339-43 Mr 164. (MIRA 17t6)
IOSIIAM L kand, teklm. mauk; TERMTEV., G.M.,, insh.;
Arecait reinforced concrete-cx~mns girdern with partial
pr9stressinst. Gidr. stroi. 33 no*2:18,22 F 163,
(MIRA 16:4)
(Votkinsk Horcelectric Power Station-Boam and
(Fivatressed concrete)
IOSILEVSKIY L.I , kand.tekhn.nauk; CHIRKOV,V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk
.1 - - ~t - ,, ,
Resistance to torsion in unribbed spans. Transp.stroi. '
24 no.1209-42 D 164. (KIRA 19i1)
KOLOKOLOV, N.K., doktor tekhn. naak, prof.; LOSILEVSKIY, L.I.,
kand. tekhn. nauk
Calculation of junction of plate with wall in prestressed
spans. Transp. strol. 15 no.3:41-43 Mr 165. (MM 18: U)
'OUIL-ismy, VA L
J -
7- abagJ62/013/006/019/027--
AUTHORS e Go T. and M. 1.
TITUI Maschmays, konforentelys. lWakovsksgo inshenorma-fisiakeekage
Institute (Scientific Conference of the Moscow Engineering
Physics Institote) 1962
PZRIO~ICAL, At,mmsya onorglyaq T.. 159 me. 6' 1j62, 603 606 j.
TENT a The annual conference took place is may 196 with more than 400
delegates participating. A review Is given of theso lectures that are
assumed to be of Interest for the readers of Atcansys, onerglys. They are
followings A. 1. Loypunakly, future of fast roactoral A. A. Vasillyov,
:&sign of accelerator* for superhigb onergloWl 1. Va. Poseranobuk,
nalytliltyp unitarity, mad asymptotic behavior of strong Intoractione at-4.
1, high anorgleal A. Js MIgds1j phenomenological thoory,for the many-body "7"
probleal Yu. 'D. Fiverskly. , deceleration of modium-emorgy antiprotom in
f th
e M
M. Kogan,ja. A. loallev o
eory o
V. I~ ly!:;Uov. theory or-TISTUTTO-a-loasse In mookoftogeneous sodium$
-f conductivity of-suberitical. plasmaj.
Tn. B. Ijazov# A.,A.*Rukh~dssg.h
L - gait 1A
AUTHORS: Kagan, Yu~i losilevskiy. Ya. A.
TITLEi The M6aabauereffecVfor an impurity nucleus in a crysial. I
PERIODICAL# Zhurnal'ekepe'rimental.Inoy i teoretiaheakoy fiziki, v- 420
1,11062'.259 272
TEXT: Up to-how the'. M'dissbauer-effect in a solid has bden investigatea fcc;
',,regular-lattices only.' -The.,. present paper considers a crystal with'low
'i mpurity o* n'ir 'tion hat-an. impurity a
c noe a U tom Pan be assumed isolatd.
Thd'pz;obab'ility:-of the* Mdesbauer effect on :such an imp4rity atom.:,at, a:.
iattic,6 'site is' calculated. :. Changes in mass and force constants:a're tdc6n
.inbO-,accoiint.*,The,~robability is-obt Iiiined as the Product- of the'piobibil~;~
i o th -of
t 6& f, e absence -excitation in the continuous and discrete spectra;
e pectivelys:
W W'Ir"; I (24Y
W, vip I _kvj_j?j (2-5)
W2 (in] 1 C1114 IND IF,
Card 1/5
..The Mo'asbauer effedt.for an B102/BiOB
[n). 'ia~ the-, 4totality of.population:number'd relevant to the.discrets.
spectrum, u -is the displacement 'of the -Atom, I'the',wave veo t6r. of the'.
Y-luantum.: The vibrations of the, impurityatom are considered for.a
one atom per'linit bell and-expressions for. W and.W are
1 2
obt,aineds '(3
*20) - tNh e22
jt (COP) +
I f
-V) (V
(M'-M' M, -:MASS I of; lmpliA t t, .-.;'maIas 'of baii'c: t
y wom, a OM I
2 2
k /2m, -_X _k"/k;.-"j, '7,'uni4i,':veCtot* ..-Fo-r' d ie die te fr e4u'end i es H.4_
(ii equilibAu .M value) 4-,a~~: i6w.-eempeiatiires: (T/Q
.2 P U 1)
'-is"':thd r,ec61l enei& of 'the' impuritj nucleus. '%At can be .seen that with
,decreasing mass of the radiating atom (C -41) the exponent increases as
-Card 3/5
I ~ -01
i .
. .I
I i
S/05 62/042/001/039/048
The M8ssbauer effect for an ... B102YB108
if y = 0. 1. M. Lifshits (ZhETF, 17, 1017, 1076, 1947) is mentioned.
There are 11 referencest 4 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four most
recent references to English-language publications read as follows:
D. A. Shirley et al. Phys.'Rev. 123, 816, 1961; E. W. Montroll, R. B.
Potts. Phys. Rev., 1-00, 525, 1955; E. W. Montroll. Proc.of the Third
Berkeley Symposium on Mathemat. Statistics and Probability, Univ.
California Press, 3, 1956, p. 209; A. A. Maradudin, P. Mazur,
E. W. Montroll, G. H. Weiss. Rev. Mod. Phys., 30, 175, 1958; H. J.
Lipkin. Ainn.Physics, 91, 332, 1960.
ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy energii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Atomic Energy of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: August 10, 1961
Card 5/5
S/056 63/044/dOl 1049/07
B1 02YBI 86
AUTHORS: a -:10silevikiy
xgiho Yt; ya.,A - -
TITLE: The- Irdesbatior.'ef ect, impurity-nuoleus' In a orysia
-Zhuriml'-ekwp6rim4ntal1noy i.-teoretiaheakoi' isikii
f 44's
no'. 6 302
TEXT: In article' :25
91 1962)..the authort developed 'a method
I (ZhETP," '49 0 .. ,
for describing the Wo'esbauer. effeot for an, 'impurity atom.; .For -the oase":1-1.1..~
: to
_____o-f-a monatomic. 'cubic lattioe the,41obability of this effect w9ai,:ob nod
explicitly f or, any mass-,ratio of.the.atomst' This metho used. f0"
-resonance absor iption (emission) of gamma- -qu nta-by any-impurity
.nuclei'accompanied by changes in state of the macros atom .i*' -Particular
o_quantUML paid to singl transitions so ae'to obtain -information,`-`
on*the spectrum of the im~ujrity &tom.and the interielation'betwein min l'
9 0-
quantum transition probibility-and the crystals' vibrational-spectr~mo The j:
localized vibrations indUcid by -the. impurity emitters as well, an -the
possibility of deteriihing the frequenoy distribution fun6t'ioni-..!p i
Card 1/2
56/63/04-4/oi/049 7.'*
13102/ 186
T6 *4eb&u~?q:.9f foci for-&: B
aibitrary regular', lattice ire in4eatigated. General -are, 1~
dbacribin _g the,;elaetio and~ineliet ic processes,'i n. arbitr*ry -hamonl. a
n -`x
interactio of'.the-partiole system.on gamma decay.,~,,Tho 4uisicon'tinubuO
and discrete 'spectra ver,~ the, whole temperature range. ii*~~ 66isiaii"
.-temperature,Weinden'dei of We': probabilities of the X.Ussba"r -Of
bij ~Ai
of t.he 'eingl'e.-~quan'tum,.ex.citatio-n.. irl'the oaae. of reoonan.ce.. a morp on are ,
--of the', role., played by degentriaoyo
analyzed. faiking'sioebunt
he -re ultb. obtaine& for'a r
ter ~of: t paper-the 6
ancti6noentral ctions of the. neireit.-neidhb6,rs,'
when "the central intera
taken: into' account ~'aro, 00'M 'h xperimental, dat TIAN'.1W.:
pared wit e
t:impukit~ nuclei in Fe-and Ni, cubic lattices. There'are -1:11
.SUBMITTED:, uly, 3 1. 1,96
04 d 2/2.
~UTHOR.S t Kagan, Y u
TITLEs fieutron scattering from crystals with impurity nuclei and.-the
problem of reconstruction of the vibrational spectrum
PERIODMALs Zhurnal eksperizentallnoy i' teoretioheskoy fiziki, 44,
-no.- 4t 1963, 1375 1395
_~TEXTs Heutron~scattering from,orystale containing isolated impurity nu leil
in a low concentration (so that ine'oherent scattering is also due to the
presence.of distorted-regiona,distributee.-at.random around the impurities)
is theoretically analyzed. ~ The latter effect makes it possible to obt ain
information both-on-the characteristics of the-impurity site and~on'the
ed. isi
~-vibrational spectrum of the basic ideal lattice. The crystal cons-ider
y symmetry; the impurities are
!,assumed to be monatomic but,.of ~arbitrar
i~ located in :lattice- a ites, -interstitial impurities should have no signific-
~:-ance. The mass -ratio -betw~een. -impurity and basic atoms may be arbitrarys. j
~~:The cross sect'ons for ooherent,and incoherent scattering correspond
-quantum excitations in th It is investigated--
single e system are calculated.
how the contribution of incoherent scattering from impurities and the
Card 1/2
- Anonalous.behavior of the heat capacity of cr7stala vith heavy
impulty atomao Zhur,,.eksp* i tem, fis, 45 =93:819-wl 3 1639
(MnA 16:10)
(Crystals-Therm~a properties) .., -
ACCESSION NRs AP4042582 S/0056/64/046/006/2165/2102~
AUTHORss rosilevskiy, Ya'.. A.; Kagan, Yu.
TITLE: impurity atoms' optical oscillation'-modess
The Mossbauer effect. Infrared absorption
I SOURCE: Zh. eksper. L teore flizoo v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 2165-2182
t' TOPIC TAGSs Mossbauer offect,.force constant, anisotropy, 'Lr ab-.
sorption, impurity center# energy gap
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work on thd theory of
the Mossbauer effect for isolated impurity atoms in a crystall (ZhETF
v. 42, 2591 962 and v..44, 284, 1963). The theory is*extended here
to include crystals with an-arbitrary number of atoms per.unit cell
A detailed analysis *-a made of the oscillation of an impurity atom
which is substituted for an' arbitrary-atom in a unit cell of a com-
plex anisotropic cryqtal'."'The basic analysis in made for an impuri 7.
atom of arbitrary mass,--with 'the 'Variation of the force -constants ac-,'
counted for by porturbation"the6ry. The,,speciral density of the'
square of the displacement of the'Ampurity atom is analyzed in detail,,`
in particular in the preeence',of local and quasilocal levels"in the
perturbed frequency spectrum.' it is pointed out that the assumption
that the force constinto'can be treated by p*erturbation theoiy is
cbnfirmed by recent experimental-data (V. A. Bryukhanov .e~t al., ZhETP
v. 45, 1372, 1963 an&v. 46,.825,,1964)'e The results of this analy-
sis are used to determine'and:analyze the Kossbauer imr;
purity nuclpus for,the.entire'temperature range. The probability
of infrared.absorption byisolatedJupurity atoms-in also ditermided.,.
Orig. art..hass 71.formulas.~ -
ENCLt `00
'[SUB'CODMis .OP' 08
....... ...
g,, I evrk-iy, ~a. A.
ble reduction of the dynarnic proble--a --e d-f--omIc 'af tice 0'
C -Daih i CFroblem for the monoatomic lattice
~'i7iltn tverdoga tela, Y. 7, no. 3, 1965, Pj- -892
Fiv'o : Hamiltonian, S-ry-S-L!jj J.~c~icse Ionic crystal, .-atriK diagonalization,
lattice, monop-tomic lattice
motivation for 'his research is +IP fact thii~ Ihe diagon9jization
mpt I- r0 f " ~Ie (I i at a-.-I c lat t i c e A-0-al I t'f! I is both a f matn-
,rl', effective interatornic forces depend Only OTI LnC p
ca-t,ona,, wil-I uut on the typu, of atom lattics cite. 11. -1 s sho-crri thit t1hi s nsmEmptl on
rf,t only tvi appreciable simplification of the rbrmmic pr,)blen itself, eik',
to th,~ -olut ion of a ~in --nnsl c!Urv-,, of fl-Lre-- equn--
PTTOS JO O'~nqll Sul)
T~7 f~ JTpo;% -10-t^
S-LzPm' )Tdmqs
9 uc Ip LI F, Ti r, ;JIG.1 T -p
-,ZT-LOS v IOJ "o') ul UaA [2 0M) Uuoj'.~IlTob
0069DO~jv :u
L 29960-6 EWT(1)
ACC VR: Ar6o12521 SOURCE CODE: UP/OIBI/66/008/004/1314/131T
AUTHOR: losilevskiyp Yao A.
ORG: 1~-s-t-it-uTe--o-f 'Solii'-Staie PhysicallAN SSSRp Moscow (Institut fiziki tverdogo
tela AN BSSR)
TIM: "Temperature" splitting of the Mossbafier line in complex crystalline con-
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 4,*1966, i314-131T
TOPIC TWS : Mossbauer spectrum, spectral line, line splitting, temperature de-
-pendence, Orem,
ABSTRACT: The author calls attention to some characteristic singularities of the
,structure of the Mossbauer line in complex compounds, connected with the tempera-
ture dependence of the line structure. These characteristics can be observed
st be borne in mind when interpreting the results of the Mossbauer effect in
such compounds. The singularities consist in the fact that if the Mosebauer atoms
,occupy in the system a discrete series of nonequivalent positions, then the Moss-
,bauer line should experience, in addition to 1'chemical!' splitting, also "t
ture" splitting due to the differences in the oscillations of the individual active'
Card .1/2
L 2996"6
ACC NR: Ap6o3.2521
at, oms and their rms velocities. The number of components due to temperature split-
,ting should be equal to the number of nonequivalent positions. Both types of a
,ting are of comparable magnitude and in general are of the same order as quadrupole
splitting. By way of an example the author presents calculations for a crystalline
:absorber in which the y-active atoms can occupy two nonequivalent positions. The
,'temperature splitting becomes more noticeable with decreasing temperature. The
!arguments presented can be extended to include more than two nonequivalent positions,.
:and also when the atomic positions are not strictly discrete but the atoms bunch
:about certain characteristic mean positions with a practically continuous statis-
'tical weight. Orig. art* has: 10 formulase
;SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEt 3ONov65/,,: ORIO MWI 003/ OTH mw: oo4
'Card 2/2
L b5428-66 T 1_0~'c
SOURCE CODE., /0030/66/016/002/0633/0649
AUTHOR: losilevskit, Ya. A.
ORG: Institute of Solid-State Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR, Moscow
TITLE: Mossbauer effect in some polyatomic/Crystals
SOURCE: Physica status solidi, v. 16, no. 2, 1966, 633-649
TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, polyatomic crystal, impurity atom, thermal
ABSTRACT: Expressions are obtained for the probability of the Mossbauer effect
and the thermal shift in the energy of a y -photon for binary crystalline com-,:.;-
pounds ABr-l. These compounds include crystals of the NaCl:-or CsCl-type
structures, crystals of completely ordered alloys (AuCu3, AlFe3, etc.), and
monatomic crystals with isolated Impurity atoms. It to assumed that the force
constants depend only on the diffekences of the position vectors of the atoms. The
treatment includes the two cases in which nucleus B is resonant. The case in
which atom A (mass Mo) and atom B (mass M) differ considerably in mass is
L - I.: ",;, 4, '3 - 6 6-
ACC NR: AP6027756
analyzed in greater detail. For NIO/M I, the fraction e-Zo of
recoilless emissions (or absorptions) of Y-rays by atom A and the thermal shift
a.e. are independent of N[O/M for given interatomic forces. Values of these
quantities are hence determined by the appropriate limiting expressions
(Af, - comt, X --a, oo or M --P 0). . Thus'the finite Mossbauer effect foe an atom
surrounded by light atoms is independent of the mass of the matter. In addition,
there exists a limit to the gain in the probability of the Mosabauer effect and in
the thermal shift for an atom which can be obtained by surrounding it with
increasingly heavier atoms. It is also shown that the probability of the effect and
the thermal shift for the atoms A, for the given interactions, are essentailly
independent of r (the relative concentration). The quasi-classical expansions of
Zj and am, , for the J-th atom in a unit cell are obtained for more complicated
compounds of the type ~ AP,' Ar. - - - AV f,. + .i+'. - -ri-r) bythemethod
ofmoments.". (Author* sabstractj JKS]
SUB CODE: 20/ SUM DATE:. 23May66/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 002/
cm 2/2
-04 67-67 ZiTWLT .---[P(c)
AU; NMI AP6024460 SWIM COLE: UR/0181/66/008/007/2025/2038
AUrHOR:,, Iosilevskiv, Ya.-A.
ORG: Instituteof Solid State Physics, AN SSSR,, Moscow (Institut fiziki tverdogo tela
TITLE: Dynamics of certain ideal polyatomic crystals
SOURCE: Fizika tverKbgo tela, v. 8,, no. 7, 1966, 2025-2038
TOPIC TAGS: civstal lattice vibratim, vibration spectrum, crystal structure ordered
alloy, crystal impurity A/
ABSTRACT: The problem considered is that of expressing the norral vibrations and the
spectrum of a given complex crystal lattice in terms of an ideal monoatomic lattioe
whose spectrum is known or can be directly modeled. The author considers a fairly
broad class of monoatomic crystal lattice from which the dynamic problem is meaningful
in such a formulation, namely binary crystal compounds of the type ABr-1, afffd present's
it~ solution. It is shown that a unified approach can be used to solve the problem
for crystals with different structures, such diatomic crystals of the type NaC1 and
CsCl, crystals of the type.of fully ordered alloys WCU3, AlFe3), and lattices Wit))
isqlated impurity atoms. The limiting case of a monoatomic lattice from which the 33~-
puKties can be isolated is considered as part of the analysis. Orig. art. has: 73
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23NovGS/ O1UG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001
L 08174-67 EWT(l)
ACC NR, Wr662488i-
-Sb0kCd6_d_-. _upl(55~616616~4
AUTHOR: -Tosilevakivi Ya. At- 30
ORG: Institute of Sol Id State Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR natitut fiziki
tverdogo tela Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITLE: Contribution to the dynamics of polyatomic 6rystals and crystals with defects,
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki) v. 51, no. 1, 1966, 201-219
TOPIC TAGS: crystal defect.9 mixed crystalp crystal lattice vibrationt vibration Spec-
trum, Mossbauer effect
ABSTRACT: this is a continuation of earlier work by the author (r-TT Y. 8, 2025, 1966)
where the dynamic problem was considered for binary crystalline compounds of the type
ABr-.% with r atoms per unit cell, constructed by periodic filling with atoms A and B
the same Bravais lattice.y The present article extends the earlier result to solve the
problem of vibration of a/crystal lattice containing very simple extended defects such
as arbitrarily oriented change, and also flat clusters of impurity atoms. By using de-
fects of simple structure, it is possible to analyze the entire spectrum of the fre--
quencies within the framework of the microscopic dynamics of the lattice, without re-..
sorting to elasticity~tbeory approximation. The complete spectrum of the system and'
the spectrum of the oscillations of individual atoms is expressed in terms of suitably
defined spectral functions for the initial "standard" lattice, with the aid of func-
tionals of the same type, which determine the spectral properties of the crystal with
Card .1/2
ACC-RR-,Ap6o3~566 SOU11CE C65i-.--ij~IOIBV66loo8loOV30'321~04-2'
AUTHOR: Iosilevskiy,
ORG: Institute of Solid State Physics, AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut fiziki tyerdogo te3A
TITLE: Concerning the Mossbauer effect in two-component crystals
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, ve 8, no* 10, 1966, 3032-3042
TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, phonon scattering, crystal lattice structure.. line
shift.. temperature dayandencep aryatal 3Attioe defeat,, tranaition Drobability
ABSTRACT: Using a previously obtained solution of the corresponding dynamic problem
(17T v. 8, 2025, 1966; zhETF v. 51, 2ol, 1966) the author considers the probability
of the 'Mossbauer eff eat and of single-phonon processes. and also the "temperature" line
shift in binary crystals of the type AB.-l (r - number of atoms per unit cell), con-
structed by filling sites of the same Bravais lattice with the ato'ns A and B. Such
crystals include ideal crystals with r atoms per unit cell, or else single-atom lat-
tices with defects in the form of isolated substitution impurities., linear chains, and
plain accumulation of such impurities. A single set of general expressions is ob-
tained for the transition probability and for the temperature line shifts for all
types of compounds. In the case when atom A is 7-active.. the for=las turn out under
certain conditions to be practicalky independent of r and coincide with those pre-
viously obtained for isolated impurity atoms. In the case when the atom B is 't-activej
Card 1/2
the results obtained describe the influence of the small concentretion of impurities
on the Mossbauer effect on the atoms of the host.- The dependence of the results on
The probability of observing
the ratio of the masses of the atoms is discussed6
single-phonon processes is estimated. Orig. art. has: 42 formulas.
ISUB CODE: 20/ sm Dm: 04APr66/ ORIG PW: Ou/ oTH REF: 004
I Card 2/2
ACC NR:. AP7005349 SOMCE CODE: UR/0181/67/009/001/0215/o226**-
AUMIOR: losilevfi,~~Jy Ya. A.
ORG: Institute of Solid State 11~,W cs.. AN SSSR, Chernogolovka (Institute 4-"iziki
tverdogo tela AN SSSR)
TITLE: concerning the dynamics of.dihomic crystals and of the simplest layered
SOMICE: Fizika tverdogb te* lall v'. ~9,' no. 1, 1967, 215-226
TOPIC.TAGS: ideal crystal,~crystal structure, layered structure,, phonon spectrum,
crystal impurity
Lth two
ABSTRACT: The dynamics of alternating ideal type AB wJ
atoms Per unit cell'is analyzed with the aid.of a method developed in earlidr papers
(7,-k v. 6, 2o25, '1c,)66 and elsewhere). Particular attention is paid to layered'struc-
tures such as AuCu and CuPt alloys. An onalysis is presented of the differences be-
,tween their phonon spectrum and the phonon spectrum of "body tpye" structures (such
as NaCl or CsCl). The main equations of the earlier papers are rewritten to take
account of these differences. Also'considered is the general layered structure of
arbitrary syrLmetry of type ABr-
.1 (each r-th plane consisting of atoms A), which
1becomes equivalent to a crystal with isolated impurity plAj~es in the limit as r be-
comes infinite. In the,'caso when the masses of the atoms A and B differ greatly)
individual light atoms A (in the case of "body" structuries) or planar clusters of such
Card V2
ACC NR: AP7005349
atoms (in the case of layered structures) are "screened" by the heavy atoms B in such
a way that their vibrations hardly differ from localized vibrations of the correspond-:
ing isolated impurity obje6t (individual atoms or planes). in a lattice made up.of
atoms B. Orig. art. has:- 47 formulas*
SUB CODE: 20/ mw DATz: 22jun66/ oRiG Rw: oo6
i0simt S., inzh.
Semiautomatic carbon-dioxide-ahieleded arc welding and
building-up. Avt. transp. 43 no.10:29-31 0 165. (MIRA 18:10)
RUKUM/MOrPholoGY'of Man and Animals - Pathologic Anatomy,, s-6
Abs Jour : Ref Zliur - Biol., No 61 19561 26532
Autbor : Lobol, S., Josipeacuv z.*, Butr=ry, cd'
Inst : - ~
Title : Dicaphalic Monster.
Orig Pub : Obstetr. si ginecolo., 1956, 4, No 2, 16o-162.
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
XMIL, A., dr.1 GHEW3M, I., dr.; VREJOIU.9 Gba, dr.; IOSIPW==G2UU A dr.
_,np t
Remperitenem of non-trausatic hepatic origin, Ned. intern,, Bw=
13 no.2:281-291 P 161.
11 Incrare efectuata in Clinica a III-a medicala si Iaborstorul do
anatasio Vatologloa. Spitalul "Colteak*,, Bucureati.,
Mminopum emplicationt)
Llm CIRRHOSIS complicationo)
CIORAPCIU, So, dre; MMIL, A., dr.; POPESCU., Pl. dr, TOSIFES~
MANOLESCUp No# tehnician-
Clinical and anaLtomopathological aspects of rupture of the
heart caused by Mveardial infarct. Med. intern. 15 no.6:
717-727 Je 163.
1. Lucrare efectuats. in Clinics, medicala a Spitalului lColtea",
"Anatonoclinical considerations on 2 canes of tumors of the
chromaffin tissue. Stud. cercet. endocr. 15 no.3:253-256 164.
Vertebral degenerative rheumatism in heavy industry. Med. intern.
14 no.7:813-817 J1 162.
ing..; IOSIMGU., I.p ing.
Experimentation in i new metbod for testing reinforced con-
aretes. Rev ~oonstr_mi:iat consirI5 no.9s498-500 S163.
iCSIP&;-,U,N.; FACA09W,L.
Be~zvior and resistance of concrete in shear-ing nnd tension processes. p. 119
-11STRUCT11LOR 31 A MATERIALELCR DE -CD"3TRU(',TII. (Asociatia StUntifica
a Inginerilor si Technicienilor.din Roninia si Ministerul Constructiilor si
al 1-~aterialelor de Constructii) Ducuresti, Rumania. Vol. 11, no. 3, Mar. 1959.
Mionthly List of East European Accessions (EEA~J) Lf,, Vol. 8, no. 9, lept. 1959
TITLE: Photoelastic studies R'n a correct testing -procedure in
pure shear of materiailis
PERIODICAL; Studii qi cerceta"ri de,mecaniA aplicatti, no. 2,
1962, 475 - 495,
TEXT: The purpose of the studies was to find a new method of t
ing various structural materials for pure shear. It is shown that
Nyhen a linearly varying bending:,load is applied to a sample the
point of zero moment beingsituated half way across the length of
the specimen a simple shearing-for6e is obtained at this inflection
point. Photoelastic study shows that the sample should have two
right angle notches on opposite sides with depths equal to-a quarter
of'the height of the sample. In this case maximum values of tangen-
tial stresses and a uniform distribution ofshearing forces will ap-
pear in the maximum -cross section between the notches if certain
precautions depending on the material are taken. Several practical
methods of testing-building materials, based ori these studiesp have
Photoelastic studies oir a correct D272/D308
been patented in favour of Ministerul Transporturilor 91 Tele commu-,
nicajiilor (Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications) and. V/
Ministerul Economiei Forestiere (Ministry of Forestry) of Rumania.
There are 33 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institutul de cercetari 'In.construclii Vi economia
construc~iilor (INCERC), Bucureqti kInstitute for
Construct-ion Research and Construction Economics)
Card 2/2
rIOSIPLSGU 0 N. --~-
"Photoolastomtry and *xWles of its use" by M. Milbauer and
-M, Perla, Reviewed by N.Iosiposou. Studii care mac apl 13
no.3009-810 164
Deternination and experimentation of a now prooseding in testing
pteele subjected to pme'dbe-Wr, Studil cero mee apl 14 no,2-.419-
439 163.
le Institutul pentru carcetarl. in constructIA 91 economia
constructiilor (INCERC).
Using welding Instead of rlvets-la making tbree-sided rectangular
devicso for InflevIng air. rBW*Sted by: Z.T. Joel-povich]. Itatso
"'L".--" -1. - .
I Isebr, prodL v stroi,.noa4205-38 ~560
ventilation) (214atric welding)
redaktor; SARKISUNO A.M., redaktor: SKIRNMIY.
KODO.' Manor; TIPLITSKIY. U.S. redaktor; XMROTA. V.K., re&*tor;
GWMVIGHO M.K,.. tekhnicheskly redaktor.
[Phles for the operation of electric installations in rural arose]
Pravila takhnicheskol'skepluatateii selskikh elektroustanavok.
Kgekm, Gov. isd-ro sellkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 183 p. (KUU 10:4)
I*" Basals. (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glvanoye upraylenlys sel'skikh slektro-
(Blectric-power plants) (Blectricity In agrimlture)
[Basic rules pertaining to the volume of remote control to be
Installed in rural electric power stations and substations]
Oanovnyapolozhenlia po obm*mu telemkhanizataii mallskikh
elaktricheakikh stantall I podstantaii. Koskya, Otdel tekhn.
Informateli, 1958o 1.6 p. (KIRA 13:4)
1. Noscov. Yessoynsnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut elektri-
Motaii sallskogo khosyaystva. 2. Tsenoyuznyy muchno-Issledo-
vatellakly Inatitut elaktiifikstaii sellskogo khosyaystya (TIESKh)
(for Vairnov# Bystritskly, Sul'). 3. Ministeratyo sellskogo kho-
ayaystya WM (for losipyan). 4. Koskovskly Institut mokhanizataii
I slaktrifiketall sellskogo khoxyayetva Im. T.K.Holotoys (KINISO
(for Sorgoventsev).
(Blectric power distribution)
SIRGOTANTSET, T.T., kand.takhn.nauk; YURASOV, T.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk;
ALMUR, Sh.M., kand.tekbn.nauk; ANIRIANOT, T.N., doktor takhn.
nank; ASTAIMBY, X.N., kand.takhn.nauk; BUDZKO. LA.,~akademlk:
BYSTRITSKIT, D.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; TRYALIS. B.S.. kand.takhn.
nauk; GIRSMMG" T.T,, insho; GCRMMOY, Te.M., Insh.; GRI-
CHffZIYO B.Ta.g Insh.; ZAZMDi, A.G.9 doktor takhn.nouk;
ZLATKOVSKIT, A.P., kamd.tekhn.nauk-,4QSUMU.,S.G.. Insh.;
ITSKOTICK. A.M., dotsent; KAUFMAN, B.M., insh.; VjTKO K N..
Insh.; KORSMMOT, A.P., inzh.; LEVIN, M.S., kand.tekhn.nauk;
IODANOT, V.I., dotsent; LITTIOMO, A.F., insh.; MWUCffkT,,
G.Y.. insh.-, PIRKHATKA, P.Ta., kand.tekhn.nauk; PROUNIKOVA,
M.I., 1mnd.tekhn.n&vk; SCERNOT, B.V.. kand.tekhn.nauk; FATTU-
0, S.G., insh.; 1HOMM, T.T., iuzh.; =HATS. Te.L.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; IBIN. L.Te.. doktor tekhn.nauk: ENTIN. I.A..
kand.tekhn.nauk; SILIN, V.S., red.; SKELTANSKIT, V.A., red.;
[Handbook pertaining to the production and distribution of
electricity In agricultural Spravochnik po prolsvodetyu I
x*sprodeldnliu elektricheekoi energii v sellakom khosiaistva,
Koskva, Gos.isd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 900 p. (MIRA 13:2)
l.Tsesoyusnaya akademi seliskokhozyavetvennykh nauk Imni
T.I.Lenina, (for BudikoT9.
(Rural electrification)
Accelerate the development and manufacture of electrical
equipment for use-in rural areas. Vest. elektroprom, 33
no.9:U-17 S 162.' (MMA 15;10)
L. Starshiy ekspert Veesoyu=o.go ob"yedineniya Soveta Ministrov
SSSR po prodazhe.sellskokhozMstvennoy tekhniki.. zapasnykh
chasteyp mineralInykh udobreniy i drugikh materialino-tekbnicheakikh
aredstv, organizataii remonta i ispoltzovaniya mashin v kolkhozakh
i sovkhozakb.
(Blectric apparatus and appliances)
(Ritral, electrification-Eduipment and supplies)
Experimental procedure for crediting trade organizations on the
basis of turnover. DenA kred. 21 no.1:61-66 Ja 163.
(KMA 16t2)
1. Rachallnik otdelkAreditovanlya torgovIi i zagotovpk
Leni4radskq obladthoy kontory Gosbanka.
(Leningrad Province-Retail trade-finance)
Axperiences with diagnosis of congenital cardiovascular defects* lbirurgila,
Sofia 11 no.5-6:515-517 1958.
1. Iz Xhirurgichmta i Detakate. klinika pri ISUL
Polarographic detemination of iron and manganese in soils
and sediments, Dari seama sed 481369-375 66/61 (pubi.162]
C. Blood
: Human and Animal PhysiolOgY,
; Ref Zhur - i3iol. , No. 2, 1959, No. Td98
r loseliarii;u.
Listittit. :"Th_e_Wati.6~n_j%l Institute of Blood Trvnsfusionh-'j~'_"',
Tit1r; : Ghanges in Globin and Hematin in Perniciuu-~
Ih_ib. : Sb. tr. N.-i. in-t perelivaniya krovi. GruZSSR,
1957, 5, 143--147
A bo t rC t : A study was made using 20 patients with perni-
cious anemia of changes in hematin by the Sahli
method and in giobin by the 6imakov methca. A
decrease wus noted in the globin. level and a
less pronounced decrease in the hematin 1-.~vel.
A tendency 'toward normalization of the globin
was noted fullvwing treLtMent; in 6 patients
the globin level bia-came nearly normal. in A
patients, however, fall normalization d.Ld ciot
occur. In the majority of ctses, th~~ hematLri
level became norML1 or was bt the lower limits
Card: of norma.L. A. D. Zhuchkova
:ACCESSION HRt AP4027597 8/0040/64/028/002/0373/0374'
4UTHOR: Ioslovicht I V1 (Moscow) .....
i: TITLE 1 1 oblem of optimal rocket trajectories
'OSOURCEs Prikladnaya : mate4tiks, i mekh IanIika, vs 28, not. 2p 19649 373-374
iv~tE,','TOPIC TAGSt rocket traj~6t ryl.optimal rocket trajectory, optimum flight time I
~'-'-~~*~~'~~ABSTPACT: Ebctromal problq of an ideally controlled rocket in a constant gravita-
tiorL4 field are considerl' The solution of the problem concerning maximal flight-.4,,:'
tWe 'At - tf- t in a horizontal plane for a given final mass mf is derived from
thetkelctremal equations of G. Ta~~r (Ob optimallny'*kh trayektoriyakh rakety*.
iAH, --1961, V. XXV, . zio,. 6) -. This solution was given earlier by Yu. A. Gorelov (0
idvukk klasoakh ploskikh ekstremallny*kh dvizheniy rakety* v pustote. PMR, 19609 V.-
-,---.-,;,`XXrV' no* 2). The optimal
'condition is G/m - constant, where 6 - -m. The case
where the thrust is used only to maintain a constant altitude an a certain part of
.the trajectory is investigated. Flight in the vertical plane is also discussed.
The optimizing method of Pontryagin is used to obtain a max tf for a given Mf
I There is an infinite set of optimal conditions. It is not necessary to imp
II/Im a stants Orig., arts how t I figure ana 12 equaticas.
~.C rd. 1X-1... -L,
_-L 20 0-6-6 _EWT(d)/FSS-2/EEG(k)-2ZMWT(1) UP(g) BG
_TCC_W&'_A P 6 0 19 5 8 7 SOURCE CODE:' UR/0293/66/004/003/0344/0350
AUTHOR: Borshchevikiy, M. Z. I ~oslovich, 1. V.
ORG: none
optimum stabilization problems of axially-symmetric satel-.'
SOURCE: Kosmichaskiye issledovaniye. v. 4, no. 3, 1966, 344-350
TOPIC TAGS: altitude control, satellite stabilization, optimum stabili,
zation, optimum control
ABSTRACT: The problem of stabilizing the rotational motion of an
axially symmetric body around its centroid by means of three reaction
jots with minimum fuel expenditure and an arbitrary time of stabiliza-
tion is analyzed under certain simplifying assumptions. Assuming
that the x-axis is the axis of symmetry of a body, the Euler equations
of motion are reduced to a normal form
==.Dxz +-biu2.,
'Dzy + b3U3,
Card 11/3 UDCs 531, IL
L 32030-M
ACC NRo AP6019587
where D is a coefficient expressed in terms of the principaIR moments of
inertia; the coefficients 11, 12, 13 are expressed in terlis.of-the
moment arms of the corresponding moments, c the conitan t Velocity
is the fuel
and the principal moments of inertia; and lull, Ju2 , JuJet
expenditure rate per second for the corresponding jet engine. Assuming
that the fuel expenditurerate per second is bounded, the optimum
stabilization problem is reduced to determining such piece-wise continu-
ous functions ul(t), u2(t), u3(t) (the control functions) which minimize
the performance functional
1-5 flull+ iuzl+ lu3l)d4,. (2)
which represents the expenditure of fuel in time T. The following two
approaches are used in soll~ing the problem: a) the lower bound of the
functional I is determined and the phase trajectory is established on
which the- valu6 of.-I coincides~ with-the upper bound, that is, the trajec..;
tory is optimum; b) the sufficient opftmality conditions of V.' F. Krotov.
(Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v, 23, no. 12, 1962, 1571; and ve 24,
no, 5, 1963, 581), Using the second approach,the problem is reduced
to determining a certain function 0 from partial differential equations*.
Thd optimality conditions forthe control functions ul, U2. U3 &re
Card 2 3
ACCESSION NR: AP4043494 S/0293/64/002/004/0567/0569
AUTHOR: loslovich I. V.
TITLE: Maximal speed of braldng of the rotation of an axially symmetrical satellite
SOURCE: Kosmichesklye tosledovantya, v. 2, no. 4, 1964, 567-669
TOPIC TAGS: artificial earth satellite, artificial satellite rotational braldng, axially
symmetrical artificial satellite, earth satellite orientation earth satellite rotation
ABSTRACT: In certain cases, the rotation of a satellite around its center of mass Is
undesirable and can be stopped by means of a control system. The problem of the
optimal speed of accomplishment of this process and the elaboration of an appropriate
control system was formulated earlier (E. B. Lee, ARS. J., 32, No. 6, 981 1962).
It was found that for an axially symmetrical satellite there are a number of peculiarities
associated with the nonuniqueness of solutions of the variation problem. In this paper,
the'author demonstrates that the equations of the variation problem are Integrable In
sectors of constancy of control, and presents certain facts characterizing the layerin
of phase space by the surfaces formed by trajectories. Orig. art. has: 17 formulas.
Card 1/2
ACC NR. AP6028333 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/6('D/004/004/0545/0551
AUTHOR: Ioslovich I. V.
OIRG: none
TITLE: Optimal stabiliz ,ation of _axislly symmetric satellite by means of a. system
of n.jets-
v '-n 11c
SOURCE:~ Kosmicheskiye'-issle-dov'an iy*a 4. 1966 545-551
TOPIC TIAGS: a ate1lite stability, '4iliftal control, satellite Optimal stabilization,
jet roll. s tabili zat16n,
ABSTRAM: -The problem of teiiin~ifigthe;- -optimal mode of operationatn-(n z~-t2) jets
used-for controlling rotaticnal'mAiod'of'an e-vdally symmetric satellite around.its
center of mass,is investigated.- The'. motion of a satellite around.the center-,
of .mass is desc Iribed by tbe-E~le ,rtequations and the performance functional-is-
taken in the form
whe e U. is the fuel expenditure ih-the--i-tli-jet in one second. The pair of vector
functions (x, y, z) and (ui, ..., u.) belonging to class D are defined and the
C- ar-d-, 2--/,,2, .. ..............
14,Dst rapid zte-pelaration of tbe rotation of an LLxsyrqm,,,ri(-- satellite.
Kosin. 12 no.4,-,567-569 JI-Ag 164. (1-1111A 17:9)
I/EwNfift-2 lip(c) TT
AUTHOR: Ioslovich, I. V.
ORG: none
TIME: Optimal stabilization or axially symmetric satellite by means of a system
of n j eta
SOURCE:- Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 4, no. 4, 1966, 545-551
-TOPIC TAGG: satellite stability, optimal control, satellite opb* i1-&tAb14i*&4Lw,
ABSTRACT: The problem of determining the optimal mode of operationcfn(n t 2) jets
used for controlling rotational motion of an axially symmetric satellite around its
Oround the center
center of mass 113 investigated. The motion of a satellite,
of r-gs is described by the Euler 6quations and the performance functional is
tqken in'the form
at dt.
4here Ui in the fuel expenditure in the i-th jet in one second. The pair of vector
functions (z, y, z) and (ui,...., un) belonging to class D are defined and the
-Card - 1/2 - imc. 62Q.1Q_l_
L 4~865_66
ACC NRs AP6028333
following variational problem is formulated: for an arbitrary initial point xo, yo,,
zo it is required to choose from class D a sequence of pairs of vector functions_
(X y, z), (ui..', un) in which the performance functional (1) tends toward its
lower bound. To'solve this problem. the Hamilton-Jacobi.-Bellman approach in the'form
presented by V..F. Krotorv (Avtomatika itelemekhanika, v. 23, no. 12, 1962, 1571 and
v. 24, no. 5, 1963, 581) is utilized. By introducing an arbitrary continuous
function 4(x, y, z, t) which has continuous first derivatives almost everywhere
and using the sufficient optimality condition, the solution of the optimal control,
problem is reduced to solving a partial differential equation. The set of functions-
4(x, y, z, t) is obtained and the question as to the &main of phase space in
Vaich the sequence of modes of operation minimizing the functional can be constructed
on the basis of these functions is analyzed. It is shobn that the entire phase space
is decomposed into a certain number of cones and every cone corresponds to some
definite jets which daup the angular velocity of the satellite in such a way that
the phase point alvays remains in the corresponding cone. It is pointed out that
for any initial conditions, the optimal stabilization of the satellite can be achi~
by no more than two jets and their optimal mode of operation is, as a rule, -slidine
Orig. art. bas: 30 formulas. ILK]
SUB 00~i b LIN DATE: OlMar66/ ORIG REF: 003
Card 212 _A~~
BASNIN., R.V., inzhener-kapitan 1-go ranga; IOS kapitan 1"go
range, zapasa
Tiaining of students of naval sohools. Mor. abor. 48 no.5&
72-77 My 165. (MIRA i8s6)
NOVIK01, V.; MATVEYEV, Yu.M.; RljZ4111SKIY, M.B.; BATIST, A.I.; IOS,'ELI,,-,G,.,;
A.I.; KARDONOV, B.A.; BURDIN, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MOLGACHEV,
New developments In research. Stall 25 no.8:842-845 S 165.
(MIRA 18:9)
~/V -T- 7) // V 71 E 02 5 /E 4- 8 4
AUTHOR.: Iossell--Yu.Ya., Engineer (Leningrad)
TITLE: Potential coefficients in a system of discs lying in
a single plane
PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, no-3, 1962, 67-69
TENCT: A system of n coplanar discs of known radii and
distances'between centres is consIdered and the potential
coofficients are determined by the method of wean potentials,
that is uniform charge distribution over the surface of ihe discs,
is assumed. The potential of one disc in the absence of the
others is first calculated And the mutual potential coefficient
obtained by calculating the mean value of this over the surface of
another disc. The error due to use of the mean potentials method
is estimated by calculating the self potential coefficient by the
same method and determining the limits between which the unknown LX
true value must lie, front the considerations 'that the maximum
value is.obtained in the absence of the other discs and the
minimum value when the whole plane apart from an annulus
surroundinS the given disc is occupied by metal. The maximum
Card 1/2,
L 020--u-6T - owit(ml/ff"Ip(t
JRUeKLW YAkavlevich; Kochanov, Eduard Step~~ich; Strunskiy, Mikhail
Problems of designing and modeling electrochemical corrosion protectian for ships
(Voprosy raBcheta i modelirovaniya elektrokhimicheakoy anti-korrootionh6y sashchity
sudov) Leningrad) Izd-vo "Sudoetroyenlye", 65. 0271 p. illus.; biblio. lj600
copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineeringp corrosion protection, electroplating, sea
water corrosion
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book in devoted to problems of'applying modern methods of:*_1
calculation and modeling the ttationary electric field to the design of electro-
chemical corrosion protection systems for ships. It discusses results of the appli-
cation of these methods in determining the parameters of cathodic protection for
ship's hull plating, pipelines and tanks, and other standard ship systems. The book
is intended primarily for workers in the shipbuilding industryp specializing-in cor-
rosion protection of ships* It may serve as an aid to specialists in the field of
electrochemical corrosion of metalat as well as to engineers and scientific personnel
engaged in practical applications of the theory of the electromagnetic field.
TAME OF CONTENTS (abridged):
Card 112
W- ESD-3. RH---
A W040 S/0076/63/037/0'
_9Z5el Ya.j Ahchiglovskly, K. B. (,
TITLE i . -Analysis. of', mult!t-elootrode%alvanic. systems. by means
of equivalent,el
ecirical circuits
SOURCEt Zhurnal fiz..khimii, v. 37, no. 8,' 1963,1689-1693
TOPIC.TAGS: corrosion,multi-electrode galvania.system,*
equivalent eleetrical.syptem,.double.electrical layer,
electrolyte-metal juncture
ABSTRACT: Authors analyzed a'multi-electrode galvanic.systft in
order to learn something about its corrosion--',
The current path ina galvanic system proceeds through the
electrolyte and metal, and the function of both links of the path
is the,source of e.m.f. since the charged double electrical layer
also originates here. The difference between potentials of.the
electrolyte and metal is equal to the difference of the electrode
potential of the metal and some function of current representing
kL 18322-63
the~polarization. Hence,, the double electrical'Layer'cah be.
i V
represented by the source of e.m.f., ~he direction and'magnitude
of which is determined by the electrode otential of the"metal
having an electronic resistance R, - (111)f(I). It is possibleto
represent the elemental segment of the galvanic system in Figure 1
of the enclosure by the equivalent electrical circuit shown in
Figure 2 of the enclosure. Any galvanic system can be repreaented
through an equivalent electrical circuit by replacing the actual 1
cells with centralized e.m.f. sources and also-by linear and non-
linear resistances. The.method of connection of the cells depends
upon current distribution in the real system.. The introduction of'
an equivalent circuit makes-it possible to'inVestiiate a mult~-
electrode system on its model. Orig.. art. has: 6 figures.
DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 ENCL:'~ 02
M-odelJng of the electric field of linearly polarizing electrodes.
Zav.lab. 30 no.3011-312 164. (KIRA 17:4)
jpg~41 '-- yu.Ya,, kand.tekhn.nauk (Leningrad); KOCIIANOV, E.S., kand.tekhn.
nauk (Leningrad)
Calculation of the electric field of rectangular and band pro-
tectors. Elektrichestvo no.11:38-44 N 164.
(MIRA 18:2)