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S/057/63/033/001/013 /017 On the resonance excitation of waves ... B125/B186 Fig. 1 shows thO disturbance inthe to x plane, Thi full lines denote - the, shock waves. For /4> a), the'relation between the effective radii of the two potentials being such that in the essential region we have 3 .3 V a -VR . It in shown that in this case the scattering amplitude 1 2 of two particles interacting via the potential V can be expressed simply in terms of the scattering-amplitude of two particles with potential interaction energy V . The scattering amplitude can be repriesented by a Born series, obtained by solving an integral e4pa- ~.Iltion for the scattering amplitude. in solving this problem, an 1M_ ;.-portant role is played by repulsion of small distances, which en- :~j sures the possibility of stable states at'densities above a certain... critical value. The scattering amplitude with zero momenta is an- sumed small# 80 that the gan.approximation b6comes valid near the critical density. The final formulas ar"e similar to those obtained X* Huang (Phys. Reve-119, 1129j, 1960),.but the numerical coeffi- ACCESSION NR: A04042385 .1cients differ noticeably. The presence of even weak attraction is ,Ishown,to a "coalescence" of the Bose particle*, so that Ithere are no stable homogen4ous s~atea at densities below critical. ~"The author is grateful to N. N. Bogolyubov and S. V. Tyablikov '.~for a discussion and interest in the work." Orig. art. ban: 22 fornulas. ..'ASSOCIATION: Matematichookiy institut im. V. A. Steklova Akadenii -nauk SSSR (Mathematics Institute, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUMITTEDs -IftecO ZUCLs 00. SUB-CODS1 UP NR.R8F SOVs 004 or=$ P02 IORDANSKIY, S.V. Energy spectrum of a Bose gas with weak attrnation at large distances. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.1:167-174 JI 164. (KRA l-,.,9) 1. Hatematicheakiy institut imeni Steklova AN SSSR. IORDANSKIY, S. V.; KULIKOVSKIY, A. G. General condition for the stability of higher correlation functions in a plasma. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 1:35-37 My 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Predstavleno akademikom L. I. Sedovym. f r)-2 Ff -i 3ina ctrnm.-4 3 -orrelation funci- I r-, 11 --et us conzicer the T ~.q t 5 3 1-,1 v o r o f 6A,.,. Ives -t (14) p h~i n f, aijts stand fo- n,,cl, v" 4- t,p rp r cl m I -? ng nt t he t-enis ifivolving -.S-.-fwc-tions -iarising- from the coincidence-.()-fe x w i t. hhe other arguirients, and we have F, r-ge the distribut ri F, in rr~ - re - Fj, an - 4- Card 3/8 :17 1 3 3 :-J-, 9 - 65 ACCESSION HR: AP4035803 the 3econd ~,em is the sum of products of pairs of correlation the 3 tv e corresponding to all rm. s in 7, ci, eA rit o two gro!IT,5 14 h. relative o f a r zrume n t s r!T er 3 A~j J1 c tat 4- art Ir,-r,i Cl r 'Itll W11 + g, 9~f TT 4 4 + F,,.l Lg-~ d, 0. denotes the :j,ir. d in F-- 2 3 ns corresL)on W 0 33 7= &,t ", ~.,z ULLa.LUU~UUS meaning4 j-r rine mean field an system (7) coincides -,,rith syst..'M regarded, '2 c -~ ~ ~-!' , . , , .- ?'erence L Tn the f, e C'~ t c the last t rv 3 "j o n n z 3o-l ut iorls C) 3 3 t e T. AF1,035803 t ~e pro pe rt,' P. 3 C, 3- u t, ns a LN e a s0iution OF system (71. Let us suppose t-hat G, %S7 i 4 JA n ,.a -Y 3 e Let us 3t Av t-h- e r- - v --7 Lci-s Scii-ution uf e v i a tl o r, is smaii If tne inearization of system (7) (with respect to are such 4%, -hat at momant, orlv the h. 01 orcier As any InItia.L condItIona may be represented as super- 7~Sjt4on~ of Initial conditions consiAerrx-i -Prt- s Cold APt,015803 dF tn., the electromagnetic field GE, SR will be computed 'by exact formuIas i Oriz. art- has- Q u,;ti nrq IORDANSKIY,, S.T. Symposium on the problem of many bodies. Vest. Ali SSSR 34 no.12t65 D '64' (MIRL 18 ti) 0 5006522 65 "048/002/0708/0714 F A A~~-F'-'R: 'lomanskiy, S. V. r -T LE: Vortex ring formation in a superfluid liquid OuPCF. Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 48, no. 2, 19GS' TO B- '7 14 IGPIC TAGS: vortex ring, s uperfluid, thermal fluctuation vortex ring P S 7 ~;A rhe formation of vortex rings in a superfluid liquid with relative moti. ,al and super-fluid compornents Is Fokker-Planck equationol rin,g, ~~-e Io ther-ric-i- I 4nd 3 'OrMUla .11B 'J. vur*ex rLl-lg k r -&K -T V '4' 7%~ .11 R. ri r Card L 1/3 ACCESSION MR: AP5006522 ~Taking M --I h~4x- R) n ui) t" 5,.2,UY2R'kT(jx 1,046A (3)q3)' r k T 2 2 or 4..4 M n 2-1 - �-T Vim-le TLU 6-11 2mv, a 4 A aYim_1,T 4n2P.v,It' linto account, This f6raiula __PertU4 thb~- calculation of the nur.~er of vokey- -rings- of s upercri t icai radlus formed per unit time in volume V. The inverse value detemirea the rei3xation time to the equilibrium state with v Vn. A pronounced rate of formazion in Hell is found for v,>60 cn/sec, eJropping sharply to unobservable ;.C,!, Q~ the order of e-1000 for speeds near 40 cm/sec. The magnitude of j varies~ fast -kith temperatur-3, due to vari-aticr, in, a -~, 1 R a it , .40-K. Ihe author expvesses gratitude to H. M. Bogolyubov for discussion of and interest in the WOMS and a-so to L. P. Pitayevskiy, for valuable discussions." Orig. art. has: 34 2/3 777- -7 -N NF L AP500652 Ma tema ti cheek iy inatitut imeni A. Steklova, Akademii nauk 6 SSR 7r.,-ititute, Acadeffry, of Scic-nces SSSP,) r%oa 13 T H Ell 0 .;:7 L~qrd 30 99-66.: DtT(-I,)/EWT(m)/EWP(ti)/-t/WP(t)/EWP(b) NR: ~AP5019236 UR/0056/65/049/001/022.5/006: 1AUTHORt Iotdanek% Se'V Lotion rorceAnA rotating Bose gas ;VITLE t Mutual fr SOURCEI Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikit v, 49, no. 1, 19651 225-236 TOPIC TIAGSi th6non. fr .LetIion ex-citat-ion rtrecLrtim, vortex,phonon scattering ABSTRACT: The,auth .or obtains-for the mutnal fri6tion associated with the scatter- iqg of excitations by vortex filaments a general expression vfiich is more accurate ithan that derived in earlier work (DATI,SSSR v. 153, 74, 1963; Afift. Phys. v. 290 335i 1!1964). He also investigates the scattering of'long-wavelength excitations (phonona) !by a vortex filement within the framework of the model of a weakly nonideal Bose gas. It in shown that the, phonon-,part of the mutual friction force contains a larg6 transverse componento and-that when.the additional transverse terms are taken intoe -account the agreement with experiment in improveA f Vp roton part of the mutukl-i reet . "The. author thanks_qoz He BogolyuboAAP a discussion and Antereat in the workq and,L4.P. Pit~vo~ ions*" Orig,, art* hast I _.y.for useful dineusa e and 43. form figur Card 1/2 L 12792-66 F.VTT(I)/F-WP(m)/#WA(d)/T-VEVA(M)-2/ETC(M)/E,.NA~ 1) 1 jFk,- "I _ACC N R.- AP5026626 SOURCE CODE: Up/0056/65/049/004/1326/1331 AUTHORS: ~.Iordanskiy.,.S. V..,*. Kulikovskiy'., A* Go 14 ..... ~ 1 4 tute Aca -0 46cie i?es SS6R ORG: XatheMAt~ca Insti de 51 ma cheaki .3 my:.f n Mate ti y iristitut Akademii nauk _SSS11) TITLE: On the absolute stability of-some.plane parallel flows'at high Reynolds numbers SOURCE: Zhurnal:eksperimentallnoy iteoreticheskoy fizik,i, v.' 49 no. 4, 1965., 1-326-1331 TOPIC TAGS: Re . ynolds.numberi motioh.,stability, boundary layer'- stability, viscous flow, viscous fluid,-magnetohydrodynamics ABSTRACT: Localized disturbances in-the plane parallel flow~_of aviscous fluid are,considered and thecharacter of their instability is.investi- gated.- The localized.disturbance is represented by a Fourier integral with.respect to the wave:number k and the behavior of the individual terms of the..series is analyzed.. It:is shown that the localized dis- turbances attenuate in the.course' of:time in any finite arbitrary region of the flow in question The Reynolds numbers are assumed to be high enough so that k can be regarded as small for velocity profiles without. c~r~ 1/2 -- - - 7- ,. I . - ~ ~ _ ~j , V . 270V~ Rasskaz o novoy pollshe. (i-ya pollsk, Iromyystavka v Moskve -, Novoe vrerrja, 1949. 140. 36. S. 28-30. Laureaty Stalinskikh Premiy-novatory Naulci i Teklmiki. -Sl-n. 27405 SO: L!,TOFIS' NO. 34 I0R.DAI,ISK-IY, V. N. Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Studying the Process of Centrifugal Casting of Thick-44alled Blanks." Moscow Order of the labor Red Banner Higher Technical School imeni N.E.Bauman, 14 Apr 47. SO: Vechernyayg Moskva, Apr, 1947 (Project #17836) j\j V . IV `7.~ Vo 66956 1.210 SOV/137-59-9-19733 Translation fromt Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 9, p 106 (USSR) AUTHOR: Iordanskly, V_jL TITLE: Weldable Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys PERIODICAL: V sb.i Sovrem. splavy i ikh -tem. obrabotka, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958, PP 3o8 - 313 ABSTRACT: The author descrPes bwi a Physic , mechanical and technological pro- IN NLl perties of AF A~zftlhlloys. The modules of elasticity of t,~)OAI46V and_, I and II kind are - E 7.0 . 10~X~3 and C 2.7 x 103 kg/inm2; 2.65 g/cm3; heat resistance of the alloys is not high (up to 1500C), but their behavior is satisfactory at lower temperatures (up to -1960C). Vibration resistance is high: at 5 -10 cycles 6ij - 12.5 kg/mm~; ab (kg/mm2) C., ( ) and .9 (%) are correspondingly -. 1) at 200C : AM95V :.'-- 28 15; ;-:'- 15; AMg6T 32; 16; ;-:- 15; 2) at -193OC: AMg3 33.0.9 10.1, 43.0; AMg5V - 42.0, 16.9, 41.6 : AMg6T - 44.7, 20.7, 34.3. Cold deformation up to 40%(f AMg alloys raises 6b by 13% and by 23 - 30%, but o~ is reduced by 50 - 75%. Weldability of AMO Card 1/2 and AMg6T alloys is good, that of AMg5V is satisfactory. Best results 66956 Weldable Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys SOV/137-59-9-19733 were obtained with Ar-arc welding. The strength coefficient of butt joints is-0.9 - 1.0, that of overlap joints is 0.65. Ductility of the weld-on metal is 12 - 15%, so that the work after welding can be subjected to burnishing and slight drawing. The alloys are well deformable in hot state. The forging temperature is for AMg3 - 48o to 4500c, AM95V - 500 to 48o0c; Amg6T - 480 to 4600C. The alloys have increased proneness to scale formation, which can be eliminated by heating the metal up to 280 - 3000C. The recrystallization temperature of the loys is 280 - 2500C. AMg alloys and their weld joints are highly corrosion resistantfand preserve their mechanical properties after extended tests in aggressive media. N.G. Card 2/2 SPIRIDONOV, V.B.; SKAKOV, Yu.A.; ~ORDANSKIY,_Y.11 j_-_ Use of the mothod of thin metallic foils for studying the morphology of martensite. Zav.lab. 29 no.8:955-956 163. (IURA 16:9) (14artensite-44etallography) (Matal foils) IORDANSKFi, V. N.; SKAXOV, Yu. A.; SPIRIDONOV, V. B. I'Structural changes during aging of martensite in chromiwn-nickel steel." report submitted for 3rd European Regional Conf, Electron Microscopy) Prague) 26 AU9-3 Sep 64. L 22544-65 EWT(m)/EWA(d)/T/EWP(t)/EWP(k)/P-,WP(b) Pf A MIJDIW,4 ACCESSION NR- AP5002352 S/0126164/0181006/0929/0930 AUTHOR:S Skakov, Yu. A.; Iordanskiy, V. N. TITLE: Morphology of martensite In- Khl?N4M2D steel W~ SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metall6vedenlye. v. 18, no. 6, 1004, 929-030 TOPIC TAGS: Khl7N4M2D steel, martensite formation, steel deformation, mar- tensite morphology ABSTRACT: Th6--_rn_-o_rp1~o o&--o --~---m--a-r--t--e--n-s--it--e--o-bt-aine 7 A b I0-15%-def6rrnatidrFof steel at room temperature was investigated. The martensite consisted of 1-2 mi cron long needles with no internal twinning; the density of dislocations irs above 1011 cm-2. The hexagonal 6 -phase was not present. The strength ofA marten- site formed by deformation was similar to that of martensite obtained by cooling after tempering. Martensite by the latter method could not be really compared with martensite obtained at low temperatures due to the diffferences in carbon content. 13ut comparison of the martensites formed by cold working and by deform- card 1/ 2 ASSOCIATION- None SUBMITT TE D- MecS3 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; MM 114R REF SOV: 002 OTHER: OG2 Card 2/ 2 L 17074-65 9WT(m)/1WA(d)/EW.P(t)/F74P(b) ASD(m)-3/AFM, MJWIJDIJW :ACCESSION NR: AP4049919 9/0020 4/154/003/054410547 ~.AUTHOR: Spirldonov, V. 0.; Skakov, Yu. A.; tordanakiy, V. H. ::TITLE., Chan 9--intha..structureIand pri operties with aging of marteneite*in 99 chromium nickel steels S OURM S S SR D ok I-a-dy'vIS 9 no .3 1~64, 544-547 ra a steel,-.martensite subzero treatiment ';TOPIC. TAGS: chromium -nickdI. smil. --ata gi 8 ,~atraining, he treatment, aging,---property, structure ;!ABSTRACT: The kinetics of aging and.~the effect of aging on the f" structure of -,j Y7dT(m J A!,A (d)/T/fWP(t)/FdP(b) /M (m) -3 MJWIJD 'CESSION IM: Ap4o47511 S/0129/64/000/010/0049/0051 AUTHOR: �piridonov, B.; Skakov,, A.; Iordanskiv Y.-111. TITLE: Microstructure-of martensite in chromium-nickel steel SOUTICE. Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 10, 1964 , 49-5-1. T0111.2 TAGS: chromium nickel steeL_Khl7y4M2D.steel, austenitic mar- ten~,Al,_.c steel k~atior. hardenable ste-el, steel martensite, mar- tcn ite structure, ma~rtensite.strength A?STR.`CT: The structiure of martensite in Khl7N4M2D precipitation- h!.rutioable steel (0-09%c, 16.65JZ Cr, 4.29% Ni, 2.250a Mo, 1.3400 cu) h.,,s bten studied with a transmission electron microscope. It was found , the structure of martensite depends upon the conditions of for- Aio?.. Subzero treatment at -70C for 2 hr transformed 80-85% of ~;he into martensite consistingof a mixture of needles and la- me-los with twin crystals 100-2000 wide. In wider twins, some dis- .ocations were observed. Needles contained no twins, but a considera- ,-"e number of dislocations. High tempering at 750C for 1.5 hr and d 1/2 L 1008-65 ACCESSION 14R.*- AP-4 0 114 7 5 111 ~oseq-.ient co-oling to -rdom.tem'perature transformed practically all the austenite-into -a- c-i'cu-1-ar'-m-a rtens it ewithout twins but vith- a- sig-.; Pificant number of disloc.ation-s The tensile and yield strengths-of martensite obtained by subzero treatment were'140-150 kg/mm2 and 130 ~g/MM2. Those of martensite obtained by tempering were lower: 1 5-110 kg/mm2 and 80 kg/mm2. Individual crystals of martensite observed in residual auetenite containing stacking faults confirmed the assumption about the nucleation action of stacking faults which otherwise appear to limit the growth of martensite crystals. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: MoskovskiyAnstitut stall i splavov (Moscow Institute O'L., Steel and Alloyp) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M.14 a, n (ro IF-A (d) A-IDW-VAMM, JD ACCESSION NR: AP4049106 S/0129/64/000/011/0019/0024*. AUTHOR: Spiridortov, V. R.; SkLkov, Yu. A.: TordanskiX, V..N. TITLE: Changes with..I ~inin,the properties of martensite of chromium-nickel steeJ97 SOURCE: Metallovedeniye termicheskaya* obrabotka metallov, no. 11, 1964,~19-24 TOPIC TAGS; cbromium nickel steeli cold treatment* Straining, heat treatment, martensite, aging ABSTRACT: The dependence'of the aging effect on the structure of martensite, i.e.,, on the method of obteining martensite, in stainless, aus teni tic-f erritic, Ci-Ni steels has been investigated. In four ftmiaustanitic stainless steels containing 0,07-0.09% C,15.03-lM5% Cr, and 4.29-9.53% Ni alloyed with Al, Mo, Mo and Cu, or Mo and A-1, marteusite was formed by subzero treatment at -70C for 2 hr, by cold rolling, with a 15-17% reduction, or by cooling after tempering fcr 1.5 hr at 750C~ Changes in the mechanical properties and electrical resistivity were studied In the steels aged for up to 3 hr at temperatures ranging from 400 to 550C. Rapid and slow stages In the changes caused by aging in the pruperties of Cr-N1 steels vith a martensitic structure were observed. The two stages were particularly noticeable in steels alloyed with Cu or Al. In steels alloyed with Mo, the main change in Cmd 1/2 II- ~ I ~ ~- ~~ :~ __ 7- ---. 7 : -.~ ~ , -, ., ~ ~~ .%-, '_ -.I, - Z- - -_'. -. - ., _. .2 7- Acassiw- NR: _04049106;_ erties- occ- ured:Jn' thc~ "f Minut en --of - aging n: both 9t ing Is _d4te"_ prop ages ag minod by -diffusion, In' the fiis,t*a~e of aging, the diffusion consists--nnain-ly in a "drift" of dissolved atoms toward ~ dis locations under the action of the stress field, while in the second stage, a normal diffusion caused by cheudcal gradients takes place. The strengthening with aging probably occura in the initial Gtage of marLensite decomposition when the dislocations are pinned. The nature and con- eemtratircm~ (if the atructitrei defec t5 affea the kinetics of strengthening -ind weaken- ing with aging. The. structure defects of martensite formed by cold tre-aurrnnt ar more. stable than,the defects of~_martensite fonned-by straining or heat treatment, As a result, cold-treated steels-ger highermechanical properties with.aging, a .nd ar-_ less susceptible to weakening with overaging than the r3teels with a martensitic. st-ructure formed by straining or heat treatment. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIOP;,: none ISUBI-111TED 00 ENCIU _W, SUB CODE: MM OTHER: 1,001 -3143 NO MI F SOV, 007 ATD PRESS; Curd 2/2 7wT, ~/F-A % W) t) (k)/F0'0,4EWP(bViA~(0 I~f "pt- EW.(d)/UR ltiwk S 12 9S 31 004 7 !0049 _4 r,Jonov V ~B. ; Skakov, Yu. A., ud,,v of Kh2IH5T steel Electron micrcgSopic sti S,~LTRCE: Metalloveden4ye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 3, 1965, 47-49 TOP!'-' TAGIS: brittleness, steel hardening, metal mechanical Rroperty beat treat- ment, metal foil 1.5-'TRACT: The authors report the results of an electron microscopic study of M21N,51 steel foil subjected to heat treatment used for massive samples. Mechanical tests of liboratory swriples in the hardened state (quenched from 10500C, 30-mia aging, c,~.,oling in water) and after additional heating indicate that the steel has a tt-rward embrittlement in the presence of titanium (in 0-kcess of amounts for fixing ::arbon) and aluminum. Ine embrittIement 6fter tempering at about 5000C is due to separation processes. The tende-,)cy :)ward separation at dis- location-type defects is particularly noticeable at higher aging temperatures (60011C for 8 hr, cooling in air). Diffraction patterns of the same character were iCar.d 1/2 L 651pr,-~-15 .ACCESSION NR: AP5007008 obtained at 550 and 6006C; this shows that heating to 600-6500C causes solidifica- ,-)n of the segregati(ms and an accompanying increase In impact strengtth. To embrittletient of 10,21N5T steel, it is nocnss irv to the corl-!-,t 40, ~It iium., and possibly silicon. Cri x ar. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED! 00 E14CL: 00 SUB CODE: F-M OTHER: 00C -77= L.Card i 9 I~E-NF y4 TiHip W AT 1 G/.",B I J ELd J/j _,_ _.: ._E'iYT,jpjj =A_~= ACC NR. AP6028582 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/000/008/0006/0011 AUrHQR: Spiridonov, V. B.; Vlasova, T. A.; IordanskiX, V. N. 76 'ORG: none ITITLE: An electron-microscopic study of the AI-Zn- 'MZ_aUoy system. [Delivered at the ;Seminar on Advanced Technology for Heat Treatmen of Light Alloys, Leningrad, December T19631 SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheakaya obrabotka metallov, no. 0, 1966, 6-11 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy, zinc, magnesium, heat treatment, hardening, electron microscopy, phase structure, crystal lattice parameter, mechanical property, st'pess corrosion, grain boundary stability ABSTRACT: An electron-microscopic study was made of the Al-Zn-Mg alloy system. Fif- teen alloys were used having the following composition ranges: 3.25-4.90% Zn, 1.30- -4.?2% Mg, trace--0.65% Mn, trace--0.22% re, trace--0.10% Si, trace--0.12% Cr, trace-~- --0.22% Zr, trace--0.05% Cu, and trace--0.17% Ag. Foils of 0.10-0.15 = thickneSS were quenched in air or water from 4500C anck4ged at 20-2750C. The i chanism og the 41c&s were related to stress corrosiouf behavior. Electron microg of T-E- crog _qSN J7 and V921-91loys showed G-P zones 30-50 diameter after roon temperature aging. Ag- ing at 1000C for 100 hr (maximum strength condition) resulted in MgZn2 formation On 669,15172:620,187 _L 04199-67 A& NR- AP6028582 (111) matrix planes. Strain fields due to coherency were observed around the MgZn2 particles after aging at 130-1400C, while higher aging temperatures merely changed the dimensions of the MgZn2 particles. At 200-2500C, A12.Mg3Zn3 (T-phase) precipitated * 4 Lattice parameters k6d plane spacings for the precipitates and mechanical properties I for different a n&~&nditions are presented. The relation bet_w_e_e_n____-!_~'__Fo_'E ~~ar &L _ _Sr! precipitation and stress corrosion was established for these alloys. After quenching from 4500C and aging to different conditions,/the relative amount of both grain bound- ary and adjacent boundary zone precipitation0kas obtained. Zones adjacent to grain boundaries were relatively free of precipitation and widened as a function of aging temperature, corresponding to an increase in grain boundary precipitation. Particle dimensions were 1500-2500 on grain boundaries, fOOO-2000 A on adjacent zones, and 250-400 A within grains. ~d chromiumvdid not affect the size or distribu- tion of precipitates, although they improved the stress corrosion properties. The addition of 0.16-0.22% Zr resulted in a more uniform distribution and finez!,Iize of precipitate; the particle_Aize did not exceed 250 Titanium and aaaadiw~ had th6 same effect as zirconiumdy 'rho greatest structural changes were caused by copper and si .lver additioi-s--,pa_r_t-IcTe size did not exceed 150 A and the precipitate-free zone di- minished to a width of 400-500 X. Explanations based on increased vacancy concentra- tions as a result of alloying are presented. Two methods are reccmaended for decreas- ing the stress corrosion tendencies of these alloys. 1) decreasing the vacancy con- Icentration before aging by lowering the cooling rate during quenching-, or raising the 7/3 L 04199--~' i ACC NRt P6028502 I %I Y !aging temperature but necessarily adding Cr, Mn, FeAil Ti' or Zr; 2) raising the Ivacancy concentration for a more disperse and uniform structure by adding Zr, Ti, Scl, Cu, or A to increase the vacancy solubility. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 5 tables. PUB CODE: 11 )to/ SIMM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 006 3 .......................... IORD.kNSXIY, Ye. H. "The Duration of Muscular Tension and Ita Dependence on the Manner-of Irritation." Sub 13 Nov 51, Aced Mod Sci USSR. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Ybscow during 1951. SO: Sim, No. 1480, 9 MaY 5 5. SHTMNSHTEYN, Yakov Hironovich; IORDATI~,_.N.-, red.; MCLCHAROVA, T., takhn.re4. (Seaports of the Ukraine] Korakie vorota Ukrainy. Ode age' Odeaskoe obl.lzd-vo, 1958. 243 p. (KIRA 13:1) (Ukraine-Harbors) SHODKHIN,VLadimir Sholomovi6h; IORDATIY, N. red.; MOLCHANOVAj T., tekhn. red. [Economics seminar In a plant] Ekonomicheskii seminar n& zavods. Odesaa,, Odesakoe oblastnoe izd-,vo, 1958. 19 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Rukovoditell seminars. po izucheniyu konkreftcy ekonomiki us Odeaskom st.aleprovolochno-kanatnom za-yods (for Shodkhin). (Oclessa-Iron and steel iiorkers-Education, and training) (Industrial management-Study and teac") PANKRATIYEV., Ivan Matveyevich; IORDATIY, N.., red.; MOLCHANOVA, R. tekhn. red, [Hov we conduct econmic conferences] Kak my provodim ekonomiche skis konferentaii. Odessa, Odeoskoe oblastnoe izd-voj 1958. 21p. (MIPA 15:6) 1. Sakretarl Kiliyakogo raykoma Kov=inisticheakay partii Ukrair_qt predmedatell rayonnogo ekonomicheskogo soveta (for Pankratlyev). (Kiliya Distriet-Far%.Mmgement--Congresses) ~110 v I C: rl Yu n.c;;; "Al via I t u (t F 1 Rr u j t i) Bsi z!,i A!a ts To a 466 lardovioh Cultivating Plum Saplings Unintlertc!d with 1. Viru:4 Diseeses. p ljlJoprivreda, 1957, 5, NO.-Ir 59-64 X A niethod of oelecting intatc-rnal plnirt triees tohich art; not infecLerl by virus wo-saic -Js rec*rnmended to guarantee the Y~.gorila-vian nurseries with beetithy cutt-ing,s. C RD POP, Gr.; IORGA I Synthesis of o-phthalodinitrile through the cata3ytic condenvatimr of phth&3-tc anhydride with amonia in vapor phase. Studii chim Timisoara 7 no.3/41317-319 Jl-D 160. (EW 10:9/10) (Phthalonitrile) (Cata via) (Phthalic anbydride) (Ammoni!T PIIAT, L.;:IORGA, M.; MOSCOVIOI, B. Clinical aspects of mercury poisoning. Med. int.. Bucur. 10 n0.4-- 621-627 Apr 58. 1. Instltutul do IgIona muncl al boll profesionale R.P.R. (KU=ff' poisoning subacute, by mercury vapors, clin. aspects, case reports A ther.) (DDWCAP204 tbor. use nercury pots., came reports) (IMLTIFAMIL, ther, use mercury Polo., case reports) 'b- for' determination of d copper, with: soopm - jiamirlosalitylete. - Radu t0uilmCL and --yed. 1. . kr~ 2, - M 19,% .- or Co- Into M. Wt ;. t ! .:~ ilaik,'ttie.followlitg"dittietacd.lo~the'givvnordCe: 4feW ni. - amino- Of 3, SOIU, COlift, M"v3 619. CO;; 5 MI, of 4',1f Na w- Salicylatc(l); I0mI-of4,l1,Na0Wand-;& ruinsor mo~ fCW 9 -N490i and water to the After * 10 mlii~ add 0.76 m1i of I A] colorob-inined Is stdble for 30 min. rnark.: -.T.116.,brown 4 xri~iu filter. -The 01 and cun-U ren -migh'ii tht Calibrutlun ve 114S~ait inflection at at O.W21 ~ mi./ml. Co. The c "r C. Call fid-detti;-Ja the* priiictiee Fe .1-.40; Pb, Sn. V -N 1: 70. Cu ions ill t r- 1& 1 i 06, 1 AV, and I IALW. e -.flu (ere. -Ci InWa -nil. sk~add'the followitig in the K-Z4, ~O -0 6 ml , 1:,40 list. Naoll: gives, AM .8 ma-Co, -0.2i) g..'Naj0j`4nd ufter!20 m1n. j - and -0.13 .23 int. Na,80, I iark The brown ElAor i-i stuble for 31) min. WMer to t le Inter iraugh a green filter. Cti*and A, ftod e-an k reild 0 :401,:Cuj!W; ulid Ph, 8n 1: lWilunnt. Jere but Fe I hfur In LiqtAml k .4e ~V j t.. ? PONI, Margareta; ~ORGAA.; BOSTAN, Marcel Thermogravimetric and X-ray diffraction study of some 5-nitrobarbituric acid complexes. Studii chim Iasi 14 no.l: 19-32 163. 1. Filiala Iasi a Academiei R.P.R., Institutul de chimie "P.Ponin, sectia de chimia combinatiilor coordinative. IDRICNANU, T.;.kqRQA,-ka MHAN, v. Mineralogical research on some Sarmatian clays in the Moldavian Plateau.' Pt. 2.. Studii chim Iasi 14 no.12103-111 163o 1. Universitatea "Al. L Guza" Laboratorul de Mineralogie. MDDRTA.NU. Florin;..jORGA, Nikolae, Yfins7 (Rum7niya) Photometric determination of cobalt as cobaltinitrite [with i summnry In English]. Zhur. anal. kbin. 13 no.5t617-618 S-0 158. (MILk 11:10) (Cobalt) (Colorimetry) ~n-yiqs- "An-SoTfhi-~' rqr~modby, in S orm ~1 4inc In the sol:itlons: 'Seignette Salt + ~ Will, + we, '7'-" i'Matin (A). and M OH + 111:U3 + gelatin (B). _A~qjj!;scu Cr 'ulu,, M B i a", and 4 A;,W a =Corgj. Acad. rg. popd"e ointise, ja gt 1959).-Til im. 0. 1-1 a De Ford-Ilanii: e COM.1, equation (C,4,46, IM) forNt stepwlieformatio4of 0 . - ~!l V~17 - stability, ru that;,when the. plexes is d4m It Is khoiR X med. coasts. differed by a power of 10 linear scoents lip o n 2~pes of the linear, Re the curve Eq~.(log C.), The rtmal ~tl i allowed for the caicn. of the 6~qdinatlqa ino .10 #0 V. ek figreement, with the conclusions of Adarnovkh and Novikay-r Ot 21e). The reversible nitare of Zu r hkil (C A. 50 7 00tion in besie'; i and the diYuslon-curreat-4in reducing -A solus, of and B, respq vreie'&W -he chartle iDn the 'z~ 'Zn !on belng.reduced at the, drop in* tMe VM.$ ele iThe Eq. values were established or-y sconco$;.~.J,thi7, of ex - comp exin gait. - -- ealax.-Co6dinatic Th iid t of the Zft coru~leze% th A and'S vros'detel.~' rreiponding- to the lei lZn(NHi)41 T and'A"-. for A,, corresponding tntritle complex lZP(Ni1.)'14--'- The; ve Indicates th4t the presence of Ute taitrote [on in am.'; I cal volvis. favors the formatInn of the h1ther'win.' rnon a. plexes. The normal oxIdn.oridn. of Zn(II) 117 a ~4ied cirtruit at 20' was detd;.E1O -IM1 in ZnT vlilt; 4ostability const. of the catuDift Nlli)j t VC vas detd.: ICI*,- 3.08. X MIA. in a"ord with the value -M at 2, COM-' en b/ Lefebvre; 3.63 X 10 J*; also for the K1v R, A~47-i x jZn(Nlli~j t at 2#?, IN FISEL, Simon; IOROA# Nicolas Complex salts of the higher fatty acids (VIII): chromatographic study of the lauric acids of Co 2 , Ai 2- and Cu 2. Studii chemie Iasi 10 noe2t183-194 159. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Academia Republicii Populare Romineq Filiala Iasi; Institutul de ChWe "Petru. Poni." Universitatea "Alex* Is Cuza" Iasi, Catedra de Chimie anorganica. (Wts) (Zinc) (Cobalt) (Nickel) (Copper) (Fatty acids) (Chromatography) (Laurie acid) (Cadmium) (Mercury) (cations) . I TIQIU, Margareta -;.; OG. .,TAN, Ma-,cel;j01?G:'; lli~rjlr~e- G-1117 luillan 3uLlt, cornilexo,,; with 5-nitrobarbiturP: ttc,14~. lRev rhi--t;cj "Louna 9 I no.10:57f-584 0 164. ou-ij. liit~,UlLutx of (if tiik, !L'v!j,,jr~,,jjj Brw)(!!,, 41 A Alcea Gri,rof-a Ghica Voda. PONI, Margareta P.; BOSTAN, Marcel; IORGA, Nicolae; GABE, lulian complex salts of the 5-nitrobarbituric acid. Pt.2. Studii cerc chim 13 no.10:619-628 0 164. 1. "Petru Poni" Institute of Chemistry, Rumanian Academy, Iasi Branch, 41 A Aleea Grigore Chica Voda. 6 BULGARIA/Fsm Anirnle. Horres Q-2 Abr Jour s Rof Zhur - Biol., No 11, 1958, No 49972 Author : Popov, V.j Peliyov, Khaj Iorgov I. Inst : Hini-etry of Agriculture Title : Subctituting r Pert of Concentretod Foods and Hey by Corn Silogo in the Diet of Colts. Orig Pub : Nauchn. tr. 11-vo zoned i gorita, Sr. zhinotnovodstvo i vat. dole, 1957, 2, No 1p 1:14 Abstract : In the diet of 1j-2 yopr old colts of the draft brood, 1 kg of conccntroto and 2 kg of hey were subrtitutod by 10-12 kc- of corn Eilage. Also, in the dictof weaned foals, o.4-o.8 k- of octs and I kg of hey wore substituted by 5-7 kg of silage. The rorulting weight geine wore higher than the might geins in control aninels. Card 1/1 IORGOVO Ve ZORGU, G. OMectrompg4a tbecry* by LA, Stratton. Revieved by G, Iorp, Mectrotobzd6a 21 no.4t150 Ap f63. IORGU, Nikulao Cand Tech Soi -- (dies) "Experimental studies in the field -i~ LWXI~406 onorete." Mos, 1959. 18 pp of , of n6metal reinforowent for a including cover (Min of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education USSR. -Mon Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineering Inst im. V. V. Kuybyshev), 200 copies (KL, 49-69, 140) -41- IORGULLSOa,A-- Determining the radon atmospheric concentration through the wasurment, of catabatic solids by filtration tests. Studii cerc fiz 11 nol: 232-235 6o. (EUI 10:1) (Radon) (Radioactive fallout) (Filters and filtration) OWESCU M.; IOR *#OAA ,,"WQW ~~w d Organism irradiation due to atmospheric fallout. Studii cere fiz 14 no.6:769-773 163. 1. Institutul de fizica atomica, Bucuresti. IORGULESCU) Florin, conf. ing. (Bucuresti); DIACON., Alexandru, conf. Considerations on the use of the Rumanian water power resources during the 1961-1980 period. Energetics. Rum 10 no. 11:457-463 N 162. 1. Director tehnic al Inatitutului de studii si proiectarii energetice (for Ioegulescu). 2. Inginer specialist 16L Institutul de studii si proiectari energetice (for Diacon). BUTkSGU,E. dr..- TORGULESCUI,.K, dr.; GALOTA, St., dr.; TATAFJJ, dr.; CIOBANUqi~,~.- ~.-, MPNIAS, M., dr.; CANCICVIG., $., or, Clinical aspects of,poieoning with inoectleldes and fungicides and our therapeutic experiences. Microblologia (Bucur) 9 no.5: 453-456 S-0 164 1. Lucrare efectuata In Spitalul nr-3, Graiova. RUMANIA BUTTESCUt E., Drt -IORGULESCU,_M,, Drp TATARUr N-v Dr, CIOBANUP 1-9 Dr, and CALOTA, St-e-fania-, Dr_.-Vo-rk--~erformed at the Hospital NO 3 (Spitalul Nr 3), Craiova. "Clinical and Epidemiological Considerations in 45 Cases of Uterine Tetanus." Bucharest, Microbiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol 11, 140 3P may-Jun 6rv pp 269-272. Abstract [Authors, English summary modified): After a review.of the datg7in Rumanian and world literature regarding uterine tetanust the authors discuss 45 cases of the infection seen at the Department for Infectious Diseases of the Craiova Hospital* Attention is called,to the great diversity of forms which may occur and to the severity~of the disease, which showed a death rate of 84.6 percent. Whiletimely serum therapy and curettage gave the highest recovery rate of the treatments tried, the authors stress that the only effective prophylaxis consists of specific prophylactic measures coupled with a general rise of educational and sanitary,standardso Includes 10 r6ferenceag.of which 2 Rumanian, 2 English- language and 6 French-language* -- Manuscript submitted 1 October 1964. 1/1 MEMM BUTTESCU, B., Dr, JO i+AG- Dr, and TATARU, N., Dr. Work al performed at Hosp al k6 3 (4italul Nr 3), Craiova. "Staphylococcal Scarlet Fever." Bucharesto 14icrobiologia, Parazitologia, Epidemiologia, Vol S. No 5, Sep-Oct 63, PP 433-436. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified]: A report on four cases of the disease treated at the Craiova Hospital for Con- tagious Diseases. Clinical aspects are described, as are the positive laboratory tests that confirmed the diagnoses. It is pointed out that staphylococcal infections are on the increase. Includes 2 Bnglish-language and 3 Rumanian references. BUTTESCU,,E., dr.; ICRGUIMCU,,M., dr.; TATARU,N., dr. Staphylococcal scarlatina. Microbiologi~ (Bacur) 8 no.5:1+33436 S--Ot63. 1. Luorare efectuata in Spitalul nr.3, Craiova. IORGULESCU, P. Sterility in animals. p. 71. NATURA. Bucuresti. Vol. 7, no. 3. May/June 19,55. SOURCE: East European Accessions Ust (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5. No. 7. July 1956. PRN IORGULESCU, P., dr. (Bucure3ti) Eggs of Artemis, salina, a now biological reagent. Ilatura Biologie 16 no.3:93-94 Ijy-Je 164. A third type of twins? Ibid..94 BALLY, D.; BENES, L.; ILIESCU, N.; IORGULESCU OLTEANUP I. Characteristics of a universal X-ray tube. Studii cerc.fiz.12 no.2t461-467 161. 1. Inatitutul de fizica atomics Bucuresti. (X-ray tubes) BALLY, D,; BENES, L,; ILIESCUO N.; IORGULESCU, St. The absorptIon spectrum i of the elements such as zinc, arsenic, selenium zirconium,, and molybdenum, irradiated with neutrons. Studii cere fix 13 rio.3s"3-448 162. LInstitutul do fisica. atomica, Buouresti. L.j ILIESQU, N.; jgRMMQU,,,S t. I X-ray spectrometer with'a 2m arm, Studii cerc fii 14 no.1:73- 78 .163. 1e Institutul de fizica atomic& Bucuresti, iC)RGULESCIJ,, Th., and others Geologic and micro-paleontologic considerations on sorne salt deTosits of Rmmnia. P 127 R'EITISTA MINMOR. (14Lnisterul YAnelor, Ministerur Industriei Petrolului s-I Chiriei, Directia. Exploatarilor Ydniere si Asociatia Stinitifica. a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucurestil Rwania. Vol. 10, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly List of 'East European Accessions (FUI) W. Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959. 11nel. IORISH, A.L. 25194 lorish, A.L. lealedovanie ZWvazneniya Atmosfernogo Vodukha Odnogo Iz Raynnov Laningrada, Trudy Leningr. San,-Gigleno Hed. In-tfL. T. 1. 11 1949 a. 49-62 30; Let6plal No. '33, 1949 AID P - 3645 Subject USSR/Medicine Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 9/18 Author : Iorish, A. L.,, Nand. Med. Sci. Title : Some data on eye contamination in the streets Periodical : Gig. i. Ban., 10, 40, 0 1955 Abstract : Deals with air conditions in the vicinity of electric power plants or railroads, and recommends the installation in the streets of cinder-catching devices to prevent cases of eye contamination by coal, cinder or dust particles. Table. Institution : Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene Submitted : Ap 19, 1955 -I07RYSH, A. -V?O~ ~- ft4~ Rnterprise funds for ameliorating workers' living conditions and improving production. SeT.profoolusy 4 no.1:57-58 A 156. (MIU 9:4) (Industrial management) . - M ICRISH, A.L. of sessures for alr purif lestion In the Isulegrad area. 2rudy 1"NI 26:86-90 056. (on io: 6) 1. Kefedre kommiallsay glglyexy laningrsdskbgo soultano- gig'"alchmskago awditsinabiego instituta. Zav. kefedray - prof. I!PMI.Aggeyev. (AIR PIOLIMION re"ation and eontrol. In IORISH, A.1i Ocular traum suffered on the streets as an Index of air pollution. Trudy AWKI 26:9"6 056. (Km lq--6.) 1. Zmfedra kommumallacy g1glyezy Lonlegradekago saniterno-giglyeal- chaskogo maditsimakago Institute. Zov. kefodroy'- prof. F.K.Aigeyeve (All P0LXUTI!xj Causlas eye 12J. (202)) (I=, wounds aid Injuries. caused by air pollution ('40)) IORISH, Aleksandr YOVRGWIYevich,-. KATWAN, Yakov Abramovich; PTITSU., S.A., red.; ZHITNIKOVA, 093e, tekbn* red* (Ptinciples of the manufacturing technology of electric vacuum devices] Osnovy tekbnologii, proizvodstva, elektrova- ,kuumrqkh priborov, Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo,, 1961. 51~ P. (KCRA 15:2 (Electron tubes) S/0109/64/0091002/0300/0307 ACCISSION NR: AP4017600 AUTHOR: Dubova, T. ~A.; Iorish, A Ye.;'Krapiulkova. M.'V.; trov-,T.-IT.-I'Tord no~- V.; Chudnovskiy, F. A.. Moyzhes, B. Ya.; Pe MEM al conductivity and thermo-end of a barium-strantium oxide In'll TITLE: Electric a magnetic field 'SOURCE: Radiotakhnika i alektronikai'v. 9,'no. 2, 1964, 300-307 TOPIC TAGS: electrical conductivity, thermo emf, oxide coated cathode-, i barium strontium oxide, barium strontium oxide thermo emf, barium strontium 1, A, oxide conductivity ABSTRACT: 'Measurements were'taken of factory specimens of Ba -Sr oxide 100-200-microns thick, placed between two cylindrical nickel baaes (see %agnetic field.' One of the tubes was Enclosure 1) and subjected to a transverse n equipped with a ring aiode and served to measure.the thermo-emission fro Card ACCESSION NR: AP4017600 side surface of the oxide. The effect of temperature and the magnetic field an the -resistivity and thermo-emi of the B.a-Sr oxikle was investigated. Estiffated from experimental results, the free-path length of an electron in the cathode pores is 4- 30 microns and the electron mobility is from 3. 5 x 10 4 to. 2 x'10S cm/v sec for the various specimens. The thermodynamic'work function, electron concentration, and conductivity are also estimated. It is inferred that the pores in the oxide cathode must be open'and intercommunicating and, there- fore, that under total thermionic -current conditions, the electrons must be emitted by the entire, near -surface layer of the oxide; ihis fact may, In part, explain the abnormally high Schottky effect in oxide cathodeo. Orig. art. has., 7 figures, 13 formulas, -and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 30Dec6Z DATE ACQ:,.'.l8Mar64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE. GE NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 003 213 Cord ACCESSION NR: AP4043079 S/0109/64/009/00811447/1457 Moyzhes, B. Ya.; Sorokin, 0. V. t,AUtHOR; Chudnovskiy, F. A. TITLE: Temperature distribution in i"cathode oxide coating SOURCE: Radiotakhnika, i alaktronika, V. 9, not 8, 1964, 1447-1457 TOPIC TAGS: oxido cathode, electron tube, electron tube cathode, cathode, (Ba5r)C03 cathode (BaSr Ca) Co ABSTRACT: The theoretical and experimental investigation of the temperature i diBtributiori inan oxidc-coated cathode is reported. The theoretical part differs from the well-known work of H. C. Hamaker (Philips Res. Repts., 1947, Z, 55- 67, 103-111, 11 Z- 125) in that the temperature drop in the oxide is not assumed Small, and an allowance is made for the Joule heat in the oxide, for the refractive index of the oxide, and for the radiation reflected by the anode. The experimen- tal part includes measuring the thermal conductivity (10--'-3x 10-' w/cm- degree) of oxide-coating grains at temperatures ranging from room temperature' ;.Card 1/2 ACCESSION Nit: AP4043679 down to liquid-nitrogen temperature. It is e~s'timated that the temperature of the oxide may be 'higher than that of the cathode base by hundreds of degrees when heavy emission currents are involved; a still higher difference is possible under pulsed operating conditions of the tube. The anode reflection has an essential effect on the temperature distribution. Not spots on the cathode due to low thermal conductivity at heavy emission or due to an insufficient rate of 1heat removal from an underheated cathode may result in sparking; a formul'a giving a criterion of the cathode thermal instability is offered. The heat radiation capacity of a Ni-base oxide cathode was measured; the radiation dipsipation factor, which corresponds" to a photon free-path length of 30-50 mi'crons at 800- 900C, is estimated.. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 31 formulas, and Z tables. A ASSOCIATION: -none ENCL. SUBMITTED: 15Jun63 00 SUB CODE: EC NO REP SOV: 005 OTHER: Oll :card 2/z TORISHO L. S* "Some Facts About the Condition of the Blood Circulation in Hypertonic Disease." Sub 26 Mar 51, Second Moscow State Medical Inst imeni L V. Stalin. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees In Moscow during 1951, SO: Sum. No. 4801 9 May 55. 1. TOGELISONt Le 10; 2. USSR (600) 4. Heart-Infarction 7. Regional diagnosis of myocardial infarcts frm electrocardiographic d46ta; first communication. Vop. pat. serd. sos. si.9t,, 2 no. 1 19531 Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AprJ2 -1953, uncl. SHTANCHAYNT, S.Ts., ponoshchnik apidemiologa (Kokehetav) "Therapeutic qualities of honey and boo venoilsO N.P.-lorlsh. Re- viewed by S.To.Shtanchasy. Yelld.t akushe 11065:62-63-M-775. (ICRISH, N.P.) kKm 8:7) (VOOK) IO,~MSH, Na= Petrovich (Upeftl beverage] Polemrqi napitok. Tbilisi., Sabchota Sakartvelo, 1958. 20 p. (MIRA 14ill) (MANY MEDICAL)