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ACC NR: AIR6021347 is a non-S ale confused antecedent S noun to which the personal pronoun replacing S may be o, , 2 erroneously referred. The noun S2 may be replaced with a 3rd person.pronoun in the following cases: 1) If between S, and S2 there do not exist any one of the following relations: a) S, and S are in the same clause and are syntactically connected-, b) Sl is to the left of the first 2 word of the first principal clause -which entirely precedes the clause with S2; c) one of the initial nouns enters into homonymous locution from Nvhio the other noun is excluded. 2) If either Scr is absent or, given the presence of Scl, between each Scv and S2 there exists at least one of the relations not permissible for Sl and S,2 (cf. a, b,' c), taking 8 as 81 or, lastly, in C1 the presence of S., the following relationship exists between Bl, 62 and each "dangerous" Sot! Sc, and S2 are present in different clauses while Sl and S2 are both in the same clause and are not separated by Sa. The presented result of the verification of these rules with respect to 400 pairs of Sl and S2 show that the, rules, vhifle not always valid, produce correct results in 89% of cases. Ways of further refining.the rules are pointed out. 0. Kulagina. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE.- 05, 09 2/2 Cord 22977 I D81 1 /4 S-LI, IZ E) 8s/IL80/61/000/003/005/012 E193/El83 AUTHORS: D&rvoyd, T.I., Vigdorovich, V.N., &nd'1ord&n9k&y&,N.A. TITLE: Purification of thallium by the crystallization nethods. PERIODICAL: Izvestiy& Akademii n&uk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Met&llurgiy& i toplivo, 1961, No-3, pp. 55-62 TEXT: Growing demand for high purity thallium in the aemiconductor, atomic energy, and optical industries prompted the present author to undertake & systematic study of refining of this metal by the zone melting and crystal pulling techniques. The possibilities of these techniques were first evaluated on the basis of the analysis of the TI-rich ends of the constitution diagrams of the relevant binary alloy systems. The results of this analysis re presented in Fig.2. Metals with & relatively high solid : olubility in T1 are grouped in the left-hand side of the diagram showing their position in the periodic table of the elements; those whose solid solubility in T1 in extremely low are grouped on the right-hand side. Where possible, the distribution coefficients K were determined from the appropriate constitution diagrams and these are quoted under the symbol of the given metal; the numbered Card 1/9 22977 s/18o/61/000/003/005/012 E193/Z183 Purification of thallium by the crystallization methods arrows indicate groups of metals which (1) form with Tl systems of relatively simple type, (2) are insoluble in liquid Tl, and (3) are characterized by K > 1. It was inferred from the results of this analysis that most of the impurities likely to be present in thallium (with the exception of metals that are close neighbours of thallium in the periodic table) should be capable of being removed by the crystallization methods, the object of the 0xperimental work carried out by the present author being to check this prediction. The experiments were conducted on TI specimens with known impurity content, some of which had been preliminarily refined by the alkaline or electrolytic methods. The crystal pulling experiments were conducted in vacuum (10-4 mm. Hg); both the crucible and the crystal were rotated (in opposite directions) at 25 and 50 revs/min respectively, the rate of crystal pulling varying between 0.4 and 2 mm/min. The zone refining tests were carried out in 0-free, dry nitrogen on bars 150-180 mm long and weighing 20-30 or 150 s. . The width -of the molten zone was approximately 15 mm, the rates of zone traverse employed being Card 2/9 22977 s/i8o/61/000/003/005/012 E193/EI83 Purification of thallium by the crystallization methods 0-5, 1.0 and 2.0 so/min. Electromagnetic stirring was used in some xperiments and the distribution of impurities in the refined bars : as determined after 5, 10 and 20 passes; depending on the type of impurity, chemicalq spectrographic and radioactive tracer techniques of analysis were used. ' in the analysis of the results obtained, the behaviour of Cut Ago Znj Sn, Fo, Nit Mn, S, and Fb in discussed. Some of th typical results are reproduced graphically. Thus, in Fi;.4 the Cu concentration (C x 104 wt.%) in the zone refined bar of TI is plotted against the distance (in of the bar length, 1) from the starting end. The four curves relate to bars, examined after 10 (curves I and 3) and 20 (curves 2 and 4) peones and refined at the zone traverse rates of 1.0 (curves 1 and 2) or 0.5 (curves 3 and 4) mo/min, the initial Cu content being shown by the broken line - - - -. Fig.6 shows the distribution of sulphur in a bar obtained by the crystal pulling technique (pulling rate 0.3 mm/min); here, the S concentration (C x 103 wt.%) in plotted against the distance from the starting end, measured as the ratio, g, of the weight of the analysed to the Card 3/ 9 22977 s/.18o/61/000/003/003/012 E193/9183 Purification of th&llium by the crystallization methods total length of the bar. Curves 1, 2 and 3 relate to bars obtained after the molten metal had been held at the temperature for 6, 7 - nd 11 hours respectively. Finallyl the effect of electromagnetic : tirring is illustrated in Fig.8, showing the distribution of Cu - in a zone-refined bar. Hera, log C is plotted against the distance (% 1) from the starting end of the bar, obtained with (curves 1 and 2) or without (curves 3 and 4) the application of stirring, at the zone traverse rates of 0.5 (curvem 1 and 3) and 1.0 (curves 2 and 4) mm/min. The initial Cu concentration is shown by the broken line. It was concluded that in many cases the zone refining and/or crystal pulling experiments yielded results better than-th"o - predicted from the theoretical considerations. This improvement in the segregation coefficient was attributed to the effect of secondary factors. Thus, for instance, the removal of Cd, Hgo' and S was assisted by volatilization, that of Cu and Sn by oxydati6n. Iron which is insoluble in TI cannot be separated by the methods studied, and filtration has to be used in this case. This in quite an effective method, as has been shown by the results of Card 4/ 9 22977 s/18o/61/000/003/005/012 9193/2183 Purification of thallIum by the crystallIzatIon methods xperiments in which the thallium samples, containing 1.8 x 10-4 : nd > 1o-3 % Fe, were filtered through porous graphit*t after whith the Fe concentration was reduced to less than 5 x 3LO-5 and 10- %. The concentration of lead in thallium cannot be reduced by the zone refining techniques, and this metal has to be removed by other (alkaline, electrolytic) methods. The effectiveness of zone refining of thallium is greatly increased by the application of electromagnetic stirring. A.A. Illinskaya, I.N. Blokh, N.P. Men'shova, V.G. Goryushina, N.A. Notkina, Ye.Ya. Biryukova, V.A. Nazaranko, B.S. TaivIna, N.K. Davidovich and L.I. Gostova are mentioned for their contributions. There are 8 figures and 13 referencest 10 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The English language references read as followst Ref.6: K.D. Alexopoulos. Act& crystallogr., 1955, V.8, part 4, p.235 Ref.8s M. Hansen, LT Anderko. Constitution of binary alloys. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, N.Y. - Toronto - London,1958. Card 5/ 9 22977 s/18o/61/000/003/003/012 Purification of thallium by the .... E193/EI83 Ref.9: J.L. Haughton, A. Prince. The constitutional diagrams of alloys: a bibliography. The Institute of Metals, London, 1956. ASSOCIATIONs Giredmet/In-t tsvetnykh metallov in. Kalinina (Giradmet/Inatituto of Non-ferrous Metals imeni Kalinin) SUBMITTEDs October 8, 1960 Card 6/9 ,/62/035/010/004/017 3/080 D204/D307 AUTHORS: Vigdorovich, V.N., Darvoyd, T.I., Iordanskaya, N.A. and I'amayev, YU.C. T stu4y of- the distribution -of Ag admixtures in the crystallization methods of the purification of thallium, Zhurnal prikladnoy Ichimil*, v. 35, no. 10, 1962, 2165-2170 The above subject was investigated in continuation of earlier worh concerned with the study of phenomena associated a L ith the purification of TI from various metallic admixtures by crystallization methods, to determine the effectiveness of puririca- tion in- relation to. the initial concentration of the impurity and to the rate of purification, the amounts of ag being varied* between 0.25 and 5 x 10-6'k. The '21 crystals were extracted from the melt, containdd in a graphite crucible, under a pr'essuv.,. of 10-4 mm Hg, and were 100 - 200 mm long aud 8 - 10 mia in diameter. The rates of Card 1/2 ;;/080/62/035/010/004/012 of the distribution ... D204/D307 extraction, f, were mode 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 up/min, the crucible being revolved at 25 rpm and the extracting wire at 50 rpm in the opposite direction. The netallic roos were zone -crystallized, un- der O~-free, dry "2, ind the distributions of Ag along the rods were etermincd after 5 passes, chemically (for < 10-376 Ag) and by an isotope method (for >,, 10-3"4 L.A. Radushkevich and I.V. Vlasovaya assisted in these determinations. Effective distribution coef'-_P'icients, k, (defined by h = C/Co (I - g)k-1, where Co is the initial. concentration of ~,g and G is that at a distance g from the point at which crystallization front was started) calculated from data obtained 1)y these 2 methods, were in fair agreement. The re- sults arc discussed, showing that k decreased with decreasing Co, and was lower for hiaher values of f. The effect of f on k also became greater with decreasing Go. In practice, complete purifica- of TI from, '9 aduii-xtures, by extracting a crystal from the melt a~d zone-purification, is only effective when C. is low, 10 Ag); the efficiency of the process may be increased by low- erin(.- the rate of crystallization, e.g. to 0.5 nun/min. There are 4 figures and I table. SUBUITTED: k)ril 247 1961 Card 2/2 I . ~,01!!An ~YA Changes in the extra- and intramural nervous system in cardiospasm. Kazo medc zhur. no* 2g49t-51 Mr-Ap 161. (KIRA 14:4) 1. Klinika obahchey khirurgii (zav, - prof. A.A. Polyantsev) Stalingradokogo meditainskogo instituta, i khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - A.I. Gusev). (CARDIOSPASM) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) Functional disorder of the vague nerveB in cardiospasm. Yest. kbir, no.2:24-29 162. (MIRA 15:2) .1. Is klini4 obehcbey-khirm-gil (Sav. - prof. A. A. Polyantsev) valgagradekogo meditsinskago institute I oblaotnoy klinicheskoy bollnitay. Adres, avtora: Volgograd, Angarskays, ul., oblastnaya bollnitsa. klinilm ot!xt~ha.khirur&,ii. (CANDIOSPASM) '(TAGUS NERV&-;D'ISn51t IORDAKSKIY, N.N. Scm functional -characteristics-of a crocodile skull. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly;.biol. nauki no.3t42-46 163. (MM 16:9) 1. Rekowndovana kafedroy zoologii pozvonochnykh Moskovskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosova. - (Crocodiles) (Skull) IOPMANLUA, N.N.; SXMRAYAKOV, I.G. Korp6 g'e"u'asis of a vital form of brushwood exemplified by the warty spindle tree Nvonymus verrucoss, Soop. Bot.stmr. 39 no.5: 76s-773 S-0 154. (MM 7:11) 1. Zventgorodakaya biostauteiya Mookovskogo gosudaretvannogo untv*reitsta. (Spindle tree) IORWSK&U, N.N. ,%P- Phroatophytes of the Chernyys Zeall mA some aspects of their ecology. BIul.XOIP.9td.g*ol.31 no.3:117-118 Yq-Je 136. (CheraM Zemill-Botany) (MM 9-.12) Is A IORDLNSXIkU. IT.N- root systems in the Cherny7e Zemli [with.. summary in Inglish]. Biul. MOM Ad. biol. 63 no.1:79-87 is-7 158. (KM 110) (CMMffU MWj--VAM, MWWROUND) USSR/Ilharmeology. Twdcology. Chomtherapeutic Prepax-ation3. C A) Antibiotics Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 11., 1958, No 52086 Author --IQXLa~na~N Y~e.) Matynkina A.A., Khachaturova T.I. Inst Uzbek Tuberculosis Institute Title Me Imediate Therapeutic Effect of the Preparotion Larusan Crig Pub Sb. tr. Uzb. n--.'L. tuberk. in-t, 1957, 3, 70-75 'ibstro ct Larusan (I) was administered to 54 patients (adults) with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (the majority with fibro-cavenious processes) in doses of 0.2 g, 3 tines daily. It was demonstrated that I lowered toxemia,, and in many cases led to improvement of the local process. Toxic side-effects (giddiness., headaches,, excitement, precordial pains) were observed in 4 patients treated with 1. As comparod with phthivazid, I was less effective. -- V.I. Yellnik. Card IORDANSKAYA, N.Ye.- MATEMIAI.O.A., KHACHATUROVA, T.I. -------- Immediate therapeutic %ffect from the drug, larusan. Sbor. trud. Uz. nauch.-issl. tub. inst. 3s82-86 157. (MM 14:50 (ISONIGOTINIC ACID) (TUBERCULOSIS) IORDANSKAU, N. Ye. Immediate results of antibacterial therapy combined with novocaine block in paImpahr tuberculosis Atients. Sbor. trud. U7.- uk=h-- i0al. tub idVi 3L105-110 1574 (MIP.4 .1.r.: 5) (TUBFJLCUIMIS) (NOVOCAINE) XX JORDANSKAYA, N.Ye-j, Cand Ved Sci - (diss) "Novocain blockp* in symptomatiO therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis." Tashkentj 1959, 16 pp (14in of Health UzSSR. Tashkent State Led Inst) 250 copies (KL, 33-59, 121) - 63 - NESMEYANOV` F. Efft!nt of var-.t-j,,jF, dose,,j of pyrogena', c5r. thf. fornaTJ cin of a bra!yi sear. Biul. elsp. biol. I med. 56 no.9;llr,-119 S 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Tz InstituLa vysshey riervnoy doyat-ollnosti. 1 neyrofl--;~iologll AN SSSR. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenori SSSR La- bedinskim. Card 1/1 cine _____FbysTology___.__. Pub. 33-6/28 Author : Shatenshteyn, D. I.; Iordanskaya, Ye. N. Title : Towards the physiology of the motor analysor of man Periodical : Fiziol. zhur. 41, 35-42, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract : Investigated the functional state of the central terminal of the motor analysor in man and the development of states of excita- tion and inhibition in it during work. Ergograms. Nine refer- ences, all USSR (6 since 194o) Institution Laboratory of Physiology of Labor of the Institute of Hygiene of Labor and Occupational Diseases of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Submitted December 24, 1953 IORDINSKAYA, Ye *WOO-Size of a conditioned motor reflex In man as a function oi intensity of conditioned auditory stimuli Lwith summary in English]. Zhur. vys.nerw.delat. 8 no.1:28-35 Ja-F '58. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Institut biofiniki AN SSSR, Noakvn. (RULBI CONDITIOM, off. of Intensity of sound stimuli on level of motor reflex (Rus) BRAZOVSKATAp F.AO; NESMMOVA# T.N. Sear formation in the central nerms. system- under -the Annualp a of pyrogenal. Biul.~ekAp. biol. i mod. 50 no. 1-1:121-123 N 160. 10 Iz fiziologichookoy laboratorii Akademii nauk SSSRp Moskva, (PBMNS) (SPINAL CORD) (GICA7RICF.S) NESMEYANOVA, T.N.1 BRAZOVSKAYA, F.A.; IORDANSKAYA- Ye N- Came of partial ragenemtion of nerve conductors in sectioned spinal cord in dogs. Fiziol.zhur. 4,6 no.2;202-209 F 160. (KMkl4--5) 1. From the Physiological Laboratory, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Mosca.r. I (NERVOUS SYSTEM-DEGENER&TION AND REGENERATION) BRAZOVSKAYAO F. A.; NESWRIOVAt T. N.; IORDANSKAYA, Ye, N,-(Moskva) Wect of pyrogenal on the formation of the cicatrix after sectioning of the spinal cord. vop. neirokhirurgii no.3:6-9 162* (MIRA 15:7) 1. Fiziologicheskaya laboratoriya Akademii nauk SSSR. (SPINAL CORD-ZURGERY) (CICATRICES) (PYROGENAL) IORDANSKIY,A.., red. toma; AITIOSITCMIKO, L.y takhn. red. ce 19631 Nauka i cheloveahestvo, Mloskv:~ "Manie," 1963 122 p;j) iMIU: 17 IORDMISKIT, A. B. Radioautographic study of chromosome reproduction in Vicia faba. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.ltl92-195 S-0 164 (MIRA- 17t8) 1. Institut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khWeheskoy blologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N& Belozerskim. ICUANSk 'YP 7 -s i.tologgiia ,3 (MIRA J-8:8) It-..s ti tuta ogii, Al"'! Z"Is-,~'R~ BWDANOV, Yu.F.; IORDANSKIY,p A.B.; GINDILISp V.M. Problem of multistrand chromosome model. Genetika no.5:82-100 N 165. (MIRA 1991) 1. Institut molakulyarnoy biologii AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted August 25, 1965. IORUNSKIY, A.B. Autoradiographic analysis of sister interchromatid exchanges in the third division following exposAre to H3-thymidine, TSitologiia 7 no.5:673-675 S-0 165. (MIPA 18:12) 1. Laboratoriya obshchey i kosmichaskoy kariologii Instituta. radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimichaskoy biologii AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted March 19, 1965. IORDANSKIY, A.D., red. vypuska; ATHOSHCHENKO, L., takhn. red. (Science and mankind] Nauka i chelovechestvo, 1962. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanle," 1962. 404 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Science--Yearbooks) - - - - - 97 0 0 0 0 W 0 6 0 0 U U 4 a j 1 1 of it it 11 4 it is IN ( L - 'A 0 A 0 t a - t . t pet-cofill Aw porplel-ol .1', Of so so 009 0 4 A, N. to InIis"it. RISIM. Ut " 00 i llttw Vwx IlL I 00 00 a okki , bewlatJobeele 41 AcIl. as* ago 00 go .00 ffj,~ C.4" us* It' It v I -i -ir" r v, goo 0 tv to to to I Ile v go 0o00 01; see 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 009 0000606 goo* go A %40 0000 64 0.0 0 * 0 00 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 01, 0. 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0l 16 4 e ? ~ qMlt O OPROCISMS AND pec"ITIAS NAOgg 40 so 31, with 0 is "Matsonw of 110.1160 with a , -d dwk# as nwlim ge 00%0 . we 0 two MnATIM CLAIWWAll" sepal* "it 04V vallil w 4mv tit a is IV W', 1, a AVLATT 0 0 1 v al 9 0 1 o-0-# Z * 0 * 9 a 0 0 0,0 0-0 0 0 a 0 ~ 0 0 so 0:0,0 e & 0,9 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 0 4 0 Ws 0 0 0 0:6 IOMAINSKIYj A. et al. "Colorphatograpliu on Triple-&-aulsion Light-sensitive Maters". Goskinoizdatj, State Publishing House of Cinematographic Literature, M., 1949. - -- - -- DAMMT, A. 6t al IN Color Photolpropbv on Tbree-lAyer Photosensitive Materials. Goskinoizdat (1949) I IORDANSKIY, A. N. and .',Ht'1TZOV, V. S. "Color in the 'ine-mall Q , (tzvet v kino), published by the State Publishing House for Cinematography, Moscow, 1950. SO: D-52286, 9 July 1954. 0 n proce5s. oasecL'-IU-.I)RrT.. on vorm oy iL. ie. -rMrfLy- 6shits~~ and,~G.-`:i~ 'Ariuzdv~,:, liwcrwrid f6i -eawls'ions ed: Wpr&ctici'--.iiw"yleia of diestleflis i -no jWM alarm im saw arviaer"NOR. f llkll.Klinal. Irooplatkal); (Rums. rd.. 3V-40) cl. C.A. 49. toy the Chchaw ratio (U).ADh/ADAs. what Dhaod D,.Aic i'Wre"loodias oWical do. of I (at X_) and of As imaile- 'rite Dik (t-0--ox". relation was detil. fiw a Puride I '111), hullw4l I" ilob%uncr 411141 exallill, ill P; artitill Will, ,11 h -WO l"O.Ond was at I&A.1 1-4 Ikwi4o.10301. 'I"- clu. -* lit, i)&w rhC Abmw 6M& curve .4 form"Ibytievtkiinninilwaslaq - a same. Several unsealiltiml. stand"d emutsiarls. varyina; in nican CrAln 4se (IV) (3.Vll# tn~. I"clialing sound will spimcleal,and one non-'slip). were umvil, After conit. expomm. a v"Lible olcyc"mirul thm(O.6-3.4 min.) with -tan-lird devAnir save 14 film which ill;&* cut Ill 11411. 111 In line Kill wa. Mrochvil with dil, 11.10i to give Dsa; As In the othrr h Of wall removed with KaFc(CN)o and NA.SjOli to give D.. For Dsw - AD*A which reartabled the lot illumination Pl. Did curve., fnX11 the HMO pnrtkm with MAXIMAI U, AD., wAs found for AD4, - 0.4. SIONS H - 6.4-4.2 for a IV radius of 0.404).31. The abs. mol. ratio r - where AQ - q'.AD*w. alul AC --f'.ADAa W Is the Photo. metric equiv. as g. atcatts All cus. for each emubion tygle). wa&&O.24f)-O,2W,unafFecttdby1V`. and Ins with theory. V77, McC..I, S t :~hotoara . ry: biest,uff Yield in Color Development,.'.'S-~A. Bon'-' gard, A. N. lordanskiy, V-S. Chelltsov "Dok Ak Nauk SWR" Vol. LMIV, No 1, pp 81-84 The relationship between the amts bf silver.and dye-: stuff f ormed during color development with dyestuff components of various classes was studied. As typi- cal components, the following were chosen: for yel- low derivE of anilide of an aroylacetic acid; pur- ple' a compd of the pyrazalone series; blue a deriv, Of 1,2-hydroxy-naphthalene carbonic acid contg a Pulfonic acid group in the 4-position. The relationship, between the optical density of the dye'_ stuff and its surface concn in,the photographic layer was detd,and found to be a linear function. In order. to det the yield of dyestuff , which was found to be const throughout the development pro"! cess, the relationship between the optical density of the depth of color and the surface concu, of metal-, lic silver, foi~med during'the development process Was, experimentally established., Presented by Alced. A., 1. TerenIn 1 HeLi 52.. ft N U t d a Color ~ ONO ,_ I lard '. of ' 0-1 K199).-Th a phw th'! Ww dotd. ratber thuu the wRs exPresscd as z (found far gcl~WD the ratio a optkw d. of the dy4 - th, wave Corr& ondb4 to msx.,gf W,,ptlefi) lellsth (If T dJ V PPoa ing ~ AS hunge, - a uetft Of cvU Aftang ampoaft cmus, - of d " -Qn4 sa ;h it ct of dblermt was in 1"OoM ingue0ft of de." were studied; th wl blomse or 4 cow. of 4wut3=t a tile 4 h thei , t At for the Ag InmSe., d ks; Pen e4 on the propertle, IORDANSM et al. and CHELZOV, V. S. a A. N. I "On the Inter-Relation of the Optical Density of Silver and Dyeotuff in Color Development," a paper given at the International Conference on Scientific Photography, Cologne, 24-ZT Sep 1956 E-3072367 I - L. ICnMSKIT.A,N, Influence of the structure of multilayer color photographic matertals on their "solving power and on the shai~ness of the image, Zhur.usuch. i priklJot.1-kin. I no.U52-55 J&-F 156. (KM 96,10) l.voessrusmy nouehno-Isslodevatel'okly kine-fateinatitut. (Wer cinamtegraphy) ------------------- 771,534.554 771.3545 5 A 6 Zh. nauch. priklad. Fotogr. r r -34. [[a RU ia I -A method is descri n i. , W hi f two c images o photo in for calculating the diffetem in qp si "Of grap itical"dc s fierencc between the t%- i objects (ADAJb), [where ADA-115'ts e lc, u densities M t D, And DI). Results are given for the calculation or the quantity ADN1011 for a number of objects typ"i of a summer landscape in relation to "forest plantations of dcciduous species in the summer period". It is shown to bc impossible to distinguish clearly all the objccts inidied in the sunlrnt;r landscape by photographing them with the aid of any nionoclironiAtic radiation within the range 400-840mfz. It is ihown that one group of oblevi) d)(iws the best image in relation to the foliage on photog!aphing witii the kid ~ icd radiation, while the other group requires the aid of infra-red radiation. It is shown that, for separate objects referred to the group in which the be,~t trnagc in relaton to the foliage appears on photo-graphing, Mill tile aid (11 iritra-rcd radiatioU'an T T7 0 m 1, leads increase in the wavelcrigth corrcspondin~ to wore than 79 in, to deterioration in.titcir appearance. 1-he principle of spectrozon if photography and the formulation of its basic requirements are discussed. S.C.G. Translation of Atithor's Ilbstrart. I 11~ - USSR/chemical Tec~ology - Chemical Products and Their 1-6 Application. Photographic Materials. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 1, 1958, 2425 Author : Rozentall, L.V., Iordanskiy, A.N. Inst ------ Title Black Antihalo Counterlayer of Color Motion Picture Films. Orig Pub Tekhnika kino i televideniya, 1957, No 7, 63-72 Abstract Description of the properties of a black antihalo counter- layer consisting of a dispersion of finely dispersed car- bon black having high colloidal stability, in cellulose acetophthalate. It is reported that deposition of such a counterlayer on the backing results in a sharp increase of the resolving power of the film without lowering its photographic, physical and mechanical characteristics. Card 1/1 AUTHORs Iordans.~.iy, A.B. SOV 77-3-4-7/23 TITLEs Spectrozonal Photography (Spektrozonaltnaya fotografiya); IIoChromatic and Achromatic Density Detail as a Guide to the Mutual Exposure of Spelctrozonal Images (Khromaticheakaya i akhro- maticheskaya detali potemneniya - mere. vzaimnogo vyyavleniya spe-trozonalfnykh izobrazheniy) PERIODICALs Zhurnal nauohnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, 19589 vol 39 fir 4. pp 275-278 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses the way a change in the spectral brightness factors of a pair of objects is reflected in a change in the op- tical density difference of their photographic images for both achromatic and chromatic film. He proposes the use of chromatic and achromatic density detail as a gage to the difference-in the two-color spectral images of the objects and works out a mathema- tical method for calculating the values of the density detail# making use of the spectral brightness factors of the objects being photographed for two monochromatic radiations and two spectral Card 1/2 zones. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. MIN SOV 77-3-4-7/23 Spectrozonal Photography; II Chromatic, and Achromatic Density Detail as a Guide to the Mutual Exposure of Spebtrozonal Images ASSOCIATIONs Veesoyuzny y nauchno-isaledovatellskiy kinofotoinstitut (All- Union Researob Institute for Photography and Cinematography) SUBUITTEDt June 14, 1957 1. Photographic film--Performance 2. Photographic film--Properties 3. Mathematics--Applications Card 2/2 GEICLITSOV, V.S., kand.khim.nauk; BONGARD, S.A., kand-khim-nauk; IORDAUSUr, A.M., kand.takhn.nauk , pi. The proof of this assertion is analogous to the corresponding proof of ordinary gas dynamics. The Hugoniot function is then given and discussed. dS 2 does not change its sign along the Hugoniot curve if certain conditions (which are given by the author) are satisfied. The entropy S2 and the Hugoniot potential have their maximum in the same points. There are 3 references, 3 of which are Soviet. PRESENTED: March 29, 1958, by M. A. Lavrentlyevo Academidan SUBMITTED: March 27, 1958 Card 2/*2 .5k -V V, -05 Ist Eli S P H W.1 J xC.N1 Ila au all *a f ~v 10 (2) AUTHOR: SOV120-125-6-9161 -'TITLE: On the Asymptotic Form of the Axially SymmetricEkpanding Wave in a Heavy Fluid (Ob asimptotike osesimmetrichno5 raskhodyash.cheysya volny v tyazheloy zhidkosti) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr.6, pp 1211-1214 (U3SR) ABSTRACTt The present paper deals with the asymptotic form of an outgoing wave at large distances from the symmetry axis on the assumption of axial symmetry. The depth of the fluid is assumed to be finite, and the motion of the fluid as being a potential motion. For the velocity potential it holds that a-!I + 0, where the z-axis is perpendicular in an upward az2 direction. The boundary conditions on the bottom, which is assumed to be plane, is 2A - 0 with z .',0. On the free surface az the following conditions must be satisfied: 2 + .1 3 + gt - F(t) (Bernoulli-equation) and Card 113 dt 2 2 On the Asymptotic Form of the Axially Symmetric SOV/20-125-6-9/61 Expanding Wave in a Heavy Fluid + 7~ .7y (kinematic condition). Here 7- denotes the at 02 gradient in the x,y-plane. The required equations are developed by expansion of tf with respect to powers-of z.-. By using the condition which holds for the bottom, - I Yo(x' Y, t) _ L 2 1 4,&&y + is 2 0 + 'r4 z 0 obtained by means of the Laplace equation. This representation for if is correct if the characteristic length L in the xpy-plane is much greater thane , which is assumed in this case. The author then introduces dimensionless variables and obtains an approximated equation for q. He then endeavors to find the waves which satisfy the conditions given here and the form of which is asymptotically stable at t --+ oo. On this occasion, the waves In the channel q j(x, t) are first investigated. In first approximation ;here exist waves of arbitrary shape ~j = f(x-t). The author then puts f(x-t ) +Y21 where q2 is a high-order small quantity. In Y2 a secular term Card 2/3 On the Asymptotic Form of the Axially Symmetric BOV/20-125-6-9/61 Eqwding Wave in a Heavy Fluid occurs, which increases infinitely with increasing x + t. Thus, the terms of higher order may, after a sufficiently long time, completely change the shape of the original current wave. In conclusion, an asymptotic representation for the velocity of the fluid in a wave is written down. In a similar manner it is possible to investigate the asymptotic form of waves in a fluid of variable depth if-this depth varies sufficiently slowly. There are 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs. Matematicheskiy institut im. V. A. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR.(Mathematics Institute imeni V. A. Steklov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESEINTELj December 31, 1958, by M. A. Lavrentlyev, Academician SUBMITTEDs December 27, 1958 .Card 3/3 16(1) AUTHOR: Iordanekiy S.V. SOV/20-127-3-7/71 TITLEj A Solution of the Cauchy Problem for the Kinetic Equation of Electron Plasma PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,'Vol 127,Nr 3m 509-512 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to Landau Z-Ref 1 7 the kinetic equation for an electron plasma without collisions (the magnetic field is equal to zero) can be-written in the form ~n + v ~n _ e E(x,t) ?n . 0 t x T x where E is determined from 00 (2) 4 n(vtx,t)dv - N x 0 J here e and m are charge and mass of the electron, N 0 the density of the positive ions assumed to be constant. For (1) - (2).the author poses the Cauchy problem Card 1/3 A Solution of the Cauchy Problem for the Kinetic SOV20-127-3-7/71 Equation of Electron Plasma n(t.0 f(XVv) I lim E = 0 X-4 -00 where f(x,v)> 0 is a continuous function. Theorem: The solution of (1) - (2) with these conditions exists for every continuous f(x,v) which satisfies the con- ditions 10 II f(x,v)dv N0~ dx - 0 -00 lf(x,v) R(v)j < K(v)kf(x) (0 < 11(v) < K(v)) where 00 N(v) - lim, f(x,v) (NO ~ N (v) d) X4 � 00 -00 '-P(x) is bounded and K(v) decreases monotonely with in- creasing Iv I so that Card 2/3 'A S"olution of the Cauchy Problem for the Kinetic SOV/20-127-3-7/71 Equation of Electron Plasma 2 00 v K (v) dv e- oo ~ ?(x)dx,\ek?l)y N, n, and V.are also thickness 6 and an constant inside. ,h4!'_.ion layers. With' an ion layer o j' electrode spacing 1, the -p~rab;,~m consists in examining the small perturba- tions of the steady solutions oT'*j1--),.., pne obtains N-N +?Tl V-V +VIP 0 .0 1'i'n~!arized, and for the 0T. n =. n0+n' V=vl,' and yo T' System. interiw~ of the ion layers one, finds the system ON 4- jx-.(No V 4~ VON) 0, Of X. av, 'dV1 OY (3) OF + Vol wx -M ji 02T1 -4weff Card 175 AN -2 0 S/057/61/031/005/0 6/020 E!lectron oscillatiNns ... B104/B205 M 1 Por the" interior 01'.'the p*lasma, an analogous system is obtained in the sa way. Then.sol.vihg these'linearized systems,it is necessary to account fo the altered bounda3iy c'onditions h V18-0 JX 14LO CA 140 -+_ dX18+0 If YX &_O dX2 dX dX2. It is, shorn that'the problem concerning the btability of the steady- qolu- tign results in the determinatiori of Oigenvalues X at which solutionsto the above-mentioned linearized systems exist in the form e f(x). These solutions satisfy the boui3dary conditions -1- 41ren*CA 16,0 Ox (5) dtA I Nl =N'l Vj"=V"j ' 1&+0 NO &+01 Card 4/8- /031 '00';'00" '020 5/057/6-1 Electron oscillations..,. B1.044B205 -+- 4reno(a (6) Nr =.Nl V, V, -T, '(saAaMblft ITOTeHuHaA aAexTPOAOB), and (7) sAeKTPOAe A).1 N'10= V 10= 0 (siAar.HMA nygor Ha If the. deuired functions which.,are multiplied by e are indioated by tA Dame lOtters but without'primes, the following systems of ordinary differential equations will be obtained for both regions' WN dv W -#--No dx=0, dv XV-4-VOL-j-~�'-P--O (8) dr m dx div 41teN dx2 (0 < x < x < d 5/8 n Car kj V S/057 /611/03-1/005/006/026 Electron oscAllations ... B104YB205 Then, it'is possible to derive the corresponding relations for-the other desired quantities, N, V,,and ~j with the aid of which the eigenvalues are found from the boundary cbndi,tions,for.the present problem. Thi 3 J's as a rule, a very cumbersome procedure. For N =0 the eigenvalue7s are...,. given by X='&66/1 (t6): 4--iQ is an eigenvalue of infinitely For N /0 there are two typ s of eigenvalues. The multiple degeneracy.' e 0 first type corresponds to plasma oscillations, and for N 0. 21, i s 0 given by (16)i The second'type corresponds to internal plasma oscilla- 2 tions,and'for N 0' _x tends toward the square of the plasma 0 frequencies. The most "interesting oscillations occur if W2 (17). tends to a copsvant -valu eif oi 0.. The existence qf plasma boundaries. does not'alter th principal,results obtained in hydrodynamic approxima. 4%, Card 7/8 t 006/020 i S/057/61/03 1[6657 'El;ctron o bns ... B100205 scillati tion for the ins ,taAlity of .steady states in an unbounded plasma in the presence of an ele,,tron beam.' The further results obtained here are in qmalitative agreemint wiih those obtained by Looney et al. A quantitativel nomparison is,not possible sinoe'the electron density in the biam was mvqh higher than in the plasma. Yu. L. Klimotovich is thanked for a 'discussion of several interesting problems. There are 3 figuresand 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION; Matematioheakiy institut im. V. A. Steklova hloskva '(Institute of Mathematics imeni V. A, Steklov, Moscow) ~.UBIVITTED July 20, 196o Card 8/8 IORDANSKTY- S.V. Fxcitati n of sometoacoustic waves in'* conductiAg t2uide Dokl. AN SSSk 246 no.3:557-560 S 162. (MM 15:10) 1. Matemat.ichookiy inotitut im. V.A.Steklova AN SSSR. Predstayleno akademikom L.I.,Sedovya. (ftnotohydrodynamics) Ji)i 7~)i B/057/63/033/001/013 /017 B125/B186 AUTHORs lordanskiy S. V. TITLEs On the resonance excitation of waves in an infinitely conduct- ing liquid PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikil v. 3~, ng. It 1963t 105 114 V T~XTs The characteristic longitudinal waves close to resonance in an in- finitely well conducting liquid are studied in magnetohydrodynamic approxi- mation. This problem is closely analogous to that treated in gas dyT.6i`L--z ilam it Bed how,. -. -Ph5rs,.lPiufd% 1, no. 3. 205, 1956). H"H" 'H are the components of the magnetic,field strength;.v x Vy Vz tKe c9mponAents of the velocity vector; P the density of the liquid; 'P) *the square of 02 (S p 10 a the sonic velocity, T40 rillness of the.externa_~ exciting field makes it, possible tb.write H n H , f - p + p', with IHOI> h CI 0 0 Po etc. The right-hand sides of the magnotohydrodynami6,equatio'ns are considered after separation of the linear part-of the perturbation. The solution of Card 1/4 5/057/63/033/001/013/017 On the resonance excitation of waves b125/BI86 the 8eparated'linear equations consistsof slow and a fast acoustic wave. with velocities M2 Hosto 0 =k, Ul'. I [Vol 4 VnPO 'CFO %(190 h- / . (1.3) and n Alfven wave with velocity u H 5 is 14rcp Each of these three wave 3 ox 0 characterized by arbitrary fundtionsilt , A*, A*3. '-The boundary conditions 1 2 i jLA-j=0 (x=o; A'~pA7,-=scoswj (X=O), (X=I, x=0 k 1-4).qan cause a deviation of the spectrum from the integral multiple of.any of -the fundamental fre quencies. Close to the resonance the next higher corrections need consi-; deration,. for which JAil>;~ E and IAiI'* IAj I , 4i and A. j being invariants. The perturbation traverses the distance 21 in the timely, derived by. dr ' L :L 4. ~g -i- aL+ -*- PL- uj -o- aL- PL 210 261 a (I to _4_ 2xr dX.- LIM 2 -!7 -7.) CardL2/4 0